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Africa Before Slavery
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Central African Republic GenWeb
Owolabi, Olukunlep P. Ruling Emancipated Slaves and Indigenous Subjects: The Divergent Legacies of Forced Settlement and Colonial Occupation in the Global South. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. 351p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 909 Ow5ru/
Akyeampong, Emmanuel K. and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Dictionary of African Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 6 vols. Bibliographies. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 929.19 D56ak Vols. 1-6/
Anderson, Richard and Henry B. Lovejoy, eds. Liberated Africans and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1807-1896. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2020.465p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 960 L615/
Apter, David E. Ghana in Transition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1972. 434p. Appendix. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 966.7 Ap8gi/
Ball, Erica L, Tatiana Seijas and Terri L. Snyder. As If She Were Free: A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 501p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 929.19 Am35b/
Beachey, R. W. A Collection of Documents on the Slave Trade of Eastern Africa. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1976. 140p. Index. Illustrations. /GC 973.068 B353c/
Bennett, Herman L. . African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic. Philadelphia, :PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. 226p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 975 B439af/
Beyan, Amos J. African American Settlements in West Africa: John Brown Russwurm and the American Civilizing Efforts. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 168p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966.6 B468af/
Buthelezi, Canaan Jabulani. A Critical Analysis on Bantu School Boards, 1954-1978: Local Administration of Black Education in South Africa. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 2000. 224p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. Photographs. /GC 968 B97ca/
Byfield, Judith A., LaRay Denzer, and Anthea Morrison, eds. Gendering the African Diaspora: Women, Culture, and Historical Change in the Caribbean and Nigerian Hinterland. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2010. 329p. Index. Notes. /GC 972.9 G285/
Carney, Judith A. Black Rice: The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in the Americas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001. 240p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 C217b/
Carretta, Vincent and Ty M. Reese, eds. The Life and Letters of Philip Quaque: The First African Anglican Missionary. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2010. 219p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Race in the Atlantic World Series. /GC 966.7 Q25c/
Clark, Emily, Ibrahima Thioub, and Cecile Vidal. New Orleans, Louisiana & Saint-Louis, Senegal: Minor Cities in the Atlantic World, 1659-2000s. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2019. 253p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 976.302 N43sa/
Clissold, Stephen. The Barbary Slaves. New York: Marboro Books Corp., 1977. 181p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 961 C619b/
Cohen, William B. . The French Encounter with Africans: White Response to Blacks, 1530-1880. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1980. 360p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 966 C66fr/
Dorsey, Joseph C. Slave Traffic in the Age of Abolition: Puerto Rico, West Africa, and the Non-Hispanic Caribbean, 1815-1859. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2003. 311p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Tables. /GC 972.9 D738sl/
Dworkin, Ira. Congo Love Song: African American Culture and the Crisis of the Colonial State. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2017. 439p. Appendix. Bibliographs. Illustrations. Index. Notes. The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture. /GC 967.24 D97c/
Fage, J. D. An Atlas of African History. New York: Africana Publishing Company, 1978. 2nd ed. Illustrations. /GC 960 G231at/
Fairhead, James et al, eds. African-American Exploration in West Africa: Four Nineteenth-Century Diaries. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2003. 488p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Af8331/
Falola, Toyin and Amanda Warnock, eds. Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007. 426p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. /GC 973.068 En193f/
Falola, Toyin and Daniel Jean-Jacques, eds. Africa: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Society. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2016. Vols. 1-3. Bibliographies. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 960 Af833fa V. 1-3/
Falola, Toyin and Matt D. Childs, eds. The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2004. 455p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966 Y82f/
Fauvelle, Francois-Xavier. The Golden Rhinoceros: Histories of the African Middle Ages. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. 264p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 960 F27g/
Fields-Black, Edda L. Deep Roots: Rice Farmers in West Africa and the African Diaspora. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2008. 277p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 F465d/
Frank, Barbara E. . Griot Potters of the Folona: The History of an African Ceramic Tradition. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2021. 506p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 960 F85g/
French, Howard W. Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War. New York: Liveright Publishing Corp., 2021. 500p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 960 F88bo/
Futrell, Samantha. They Came Up Out of the Water: Evangelicalism and Ethiopian Baptists in the Southern Lowcountry and Jamaica, 1737-1806. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University, 2013. 118p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 929.102 B22fu/
Gaines, Kevin K. American Africans in Ghana. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2006. 342p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture. /GC 966.7 G12am/
Giliomee, Hermann. The Afrikaners: Biography of a People. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2003. 698p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 968 G396af/
Gomez, Michael A. African Dominion: A New History of Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018. 505p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 966 G58a/
Grace, John. Domestic Slavery in West Africa, With Particular Reference to the Sierra Leone Protectorate, 1896-1927. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1975. 294p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 966.4 G753do/
Green, Toby. A Fistful of Shells: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. 612p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966 G82f/
Greene, Sandra E. West African Narratives of Slavery: Texts from Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Ghana. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2011. 280p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966.7 G83w/
Grotpeter, John J. Historical Dictionary of Namibia. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1994. 724p. Appendices. Bibliography. African Historical Dictionaries, No. 57. /GC 968.81 G91hi/
Hicks, Mary E. Captive Cosmopolitans: Black Mariners and the World of South Atlantic Slavery. Williamsburg, VA: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, 2024. 411p. Appendices. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 981 H52c/
Holmes, Linda Janet. Safe in a Midwife's Hands: Birthing Traditions from Africa to the American South. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2023. 193p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 973.068 H734s/
Ipsen, Pernille. Daughters of the Trade: Atlantic Slavers and Interracial Marriage on the Gold Coast. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. 269p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 966.7 Ip6da/
Jacobovici, Simcha and Sean Kingsley. Enslaved: The Sunken History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. New York: Pegasus Books, 2022. 332p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 973.068 J151e/
Knight, Frederick C. Black Elders: The Meaning of Age in America Slavery and Freedom. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2024. 241p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Early American Studies Series. /GC 973.068 K743b/
Lawrence, Benjamin N . Amistad's Orphans: An Atlantic Story of Children, Slavery, and Smuggling. . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 204p. 358p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 L431am/
Lo, Mbaye and Carl W. Ernst. I Cannot Write My Life: Islam, Arabic, and Slavery in Omar Ibn Said's America. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2023. 218p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Indices. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 L78ic/
Lowther, Kevin G. The African American Odyssey of John Kizell: A South Carolina Slave Returns to Fight the Slave Trade in His African Homeland. Columbia, SC: The University of South Carolina Press, 2011. 301p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 975.7 L95af/
Meriwether, James H. Proudly We Can Be Africans: Black Americans and Africa, 1935-1961. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2002. 336p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. The John Hope Franklin Series in African American History and Culture. /GC 973.068 M54p/
Middleton, John, ed. New Encyclopedia of Africa. Detroit, MI: Gale Cengage Learning, 2008. Vols. 1-5. Bibliographies. Illustrations. Photographs. /GC 960 N42mi v. 1-5/
Noble, Vanessa. Doctors Divided: Gender, Race and Class Anomalies in the Production of Black Medical Doctors in Apartheid South Africa, 1948 to 1994. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan, 2005. 360p. Appendices. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 968 D93do/
Page, Willie F. and R. Hunt Davis, Jr., eds. Encyclopedia of African History and Culture. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2005. Vols. 1-5. Illustrations. Indices. Photographs. /GC 960 Af833da V. 1-5/
Pakenham, Thomas. The Scramble for Africa: White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876-1912. New York: Avon Books, 1991. 738p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 960.3 P17sc/
Palmer, Colin. Human Cargoes: The British Slave Trade to Spanish America, 1700-1739. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1981. 183p. Appendices. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Blacks in the New World Series. /GC 973.068 P182hu/
Rae, Noel. The Great Stain: Witnessing American Slavery. New York: The Overlook Press, 2018. 591p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 R12gr/
Redkey, Edwin S. Black Exodus: Black Nationalist and Back-to-Africa Movements, 1890-1910. . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1969. 319p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 R248bL/
Rees, Sian. Sweet Water and Bitter: The Ships that Stopped the Slave Trade. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire Press, 2011. 340p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 973.068 R259sw/
Rich, Jeremy. Missing Links: The African and American Worlds of R. L. Garner, Private Collector. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2012. 220p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. Race in the Atlantic World, 1700-1900 Series. /GC 973 R37m/
Richardson, David, ed. Bristol, Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Slave Trade to America. Bristol, England: Bristol Record Society, 1987, 1996. 157p. Index. Volume 2: The Years of Ascendancy, 1730-1745; Volume 4: The Final years, 1770-1807. Contains many lists of ships. /GC 942.4102 B861p V. 39 & V. 47/
Rossi, Benedetta. Reconfiguring Slavery: West African Trajectories. Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, 2009. 237p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 966 R24r/
Schoeman, Karel. Portrait of a Slave Society: The Cape of Good Hope, 1717-1795. Pretoria, South Africa: Protea Book House, 2012. 1339p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. /GC 968.7 Sch62po/
Segal, Ronald. Islam's Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001. 273p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 960 Se3i/
Shumway, Rebecca. The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2011. 232p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Sh92fa/
Snow, Dean. The Extraordinary Journey of David Ingram: An Elizabethan Sailor in Native North America. . New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. 318p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 970 Sn61e/
Sparks, Randy J. Where the Negroes Are Masters: An African Port in the Era of the Slave Trade. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014. 309p. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 966.7 Sp26w/
St. Clair, William. The Door of No Return: The History of Cape Coast Castle and the Atlantic Slave Trade. New York: BlueBridge, 2006. 282p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. /GC 966.7 Sa226d/
Staller, Jared. Converging on Cannibals: Terrors of Slaving in Atlantic Africa, 1509-1670. . Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2019. 256p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 960 St18c/
Stevenson, Judith S. This Thing is Not Finished: Memory and the Commodification of Justice in Munsieville Township, South Africa, 1980-2003. Los Angeles, CA: University of California, 2006. 335p. Appendices. Bibliography. Illustrations. Notes. /GC 968 St48m/
Tabor, Nick. Africatown: America's Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2023. 372p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 976.1 T11a/
U.S. Africa Command Public Affairs Office. United States Africa Command, The First Years. Stuttgart, Germany: Headquarters United States Africa Command, 2011. 126p. Photographs. /GC 960 Un314af/
Ulzen, T. P. Manus. Java Hill: An African Journey--A Nation's Evolution through Ten Generations of a Family Linking Four Continents. S.l.: Xlibris Corporation, 2013. 190p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Photographs. /GC 929.2 UL9ja/
van der Walt, J. C. Zululand True Stories, 1780 to 1978: Child Slavery in South Africa, 1837-1877. Richards Bay, South Africa: J. C. van der Walt, 2011. 360p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. Photographs. /GC 968.4 V2828zu/
Wills, Mary. Envoys of Abolition: British Naval Officers and the Campaign Against the Slave Trade in West Africa. Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, 2019. 241p. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 942 W68en/
Wilson-Fall, Wendy. Memories of Madagascar and Slavery in the Black Atlantic. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2015. 224p. Appendix. Bibliography. Illustrations. Index. Notes. /GC 969.1 W69m/
Young, Jason R. Rituals of Resistance: African Atlantic Religion in Kongo and the Lowcountry South in the Era of Slavery. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2007. 258p. Bibliography. Index. Notes. Illustrations. Photographs. /GC 973.068 Y841ri/
Young, Jason Randolph. Rituals of Resistance: The Making of an African-Atlantic Religious Complex in Kongo and Along the Sea Islands of the Slave Trade. Riverside, CA: University of California, 2002. 285p. Bibliography. Notes. /GC 973.068 Y841rit/