Coroner's Inquests, Hendricks County, Indiana
This index lists deceased persons whose death required a Coroner Inquest. The packets were part of a collection given to the Guilford Township Historical Collection of the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library.
If you would like copies of the inquests (Record Storage Box 108) , or would like more information, please contact The Indiana Room directly: Indiana Room, Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library; 1120 Stafford Road; Plainfield, IN 46168.
Surname | First Name | Date of Death | Cause |
Alley | William R. | April 18, 1850 | accidental gunshot |
Barnes | William | October 24, 1891 | suicide--gunshot to forehead |
Barrett | Michael | December 18, 1896 | buggy hit by train at a railroad crossing |
Baughman | Josephus | May 20, 1855 | accidental gunshot wound to chest |
Berry | John | March 17, 1854 | (orphan) mischance and accidental gunshot |
Blanvelt | James | July 12, 1899 | suicide--ingesting of carbolic acid |
Booker | F. | January 3, 1887 | unknown |
Bourne | James, Jr. | September 24, 1897 | suicide--shot by a revolver |
Brady | Thomas F. | June 27, 1885 | fell from train--was run over by 31 train cars |
Bunten | Elmer E. | March 14, 1901 | apoplexy |
Burns | John | September 8, 1899 | valvular heart disease |
Campbell | John | December 7, 1904 | heart failure |
Campbell | Missouri | December 18, 1873 | arsenic poisoning administered by husband (she was 7 months pregnant) |
Campbell | Robert S. | January 2, 1898 | suicide by hanging |
Cantley | Herman | August 16, 1889 | age 16; smothered in a wheat grain bin |
Cassady | Milton | April 17, 1902 | heart failure |
Cates | Charles | December 15, 1900 | run over by a master wheel of a steam engine |
Chapman | James | May 9, 1898 | railroad accident |
Cline | George W. | August 11, 1890 | heart failure |
Constable | Margaret | April 8, 1854 | suicide by drowning |
Cook | Nathan | October 12, 1899 | explosion of a boiler at a saw mill |
Cord | John W. | April 3, 1855 | gunshot by unknown person |
Corliss | Michael | August 15, 1890 | suicide by hanging |
Cunningham | Millie | July 22, 1899 | unknown source of violence |
Curtis | George | March 11, 1891 | railroad accident |
Darnall | Oscar | October 4, 1893 | suicide by gunshot |
Davis | John A. | September 2, 1895 | died in a well that had damps in it |
Dewey | Joseph S. | August 4, 1890 | suicide by gunshot |
Dodson | George | March 29, 1904 | killed by blows from a large iron bar |
Dodson | Hattie | September 19, 1886 | died after having an abortion |
Doolittle | Charles | September 21, 1895 | heart failure |
Dupee | Thadeus | May 30, 1898 | suicide by hanging |
Elmore | John R. | December 24, 1885 | suicide by drowning |
Emsminger | Mell C. | November 11, 1901 | railroad accident |
Farley | William | December 24, 1902 | accidental shooting |
Ferguson | Patsy | September 21, 1850 | suicide by cutting throat with razor |
Ford | Patrick | May 14, 1891 | natural causes |
Foster | Samuel | October 23, 1895 | railroad accident |
Fox | Leonard | July 3, 1896 | suicide by hanging |
Fringer | Harry | June 29, 1888 | railroad accident |
Gibbs | Theador | October 10, 1888 | killed (gun shot) by Enos Scott |
Givens | George R. | July 30, 1895 | enlargement of the heart |
Greenlee | Sarah M. | June 2, 1896 | struck by train while walking on the track |
Grinsted | Rodney | May 21, 1857 | tree fell on him while plowing a field |
Hadley | Horace | June 9, 1902 | committed suicide--drank carbolic acid |
Hadley | Zeno | February 17, 1881 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Harding | H. L. | December 1, 1896 | committed suicide by shooting himself |
Harrison | Rachel | September 4, 1891 | natural causes |
Hawkins | James | July 7, 1889 | drowned |
Herdrich | Michael | May 2, 1901 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Herrod | John | April 13, 1883 | over exertion/heart disease |
Higginbotham | Balser K. | October 19, 1891 | natural causes |
Hitchcock | Benjamin W. | July 11, 1905 | accidentally shot by Glyndon Hitchcock |
Holey | Frank | April 6, 1903 | falling under a moving train (accident) |
Humbarger | Martha | March 1, 1893 | natural causes (heart disease) |
Jester | Rachel | February 18, 1866 | committed suicide by hanging |
Jordan | George E. | November 2, 1903 | committed suicide by overdose of morphine |
Jordan | Sarah | June 6, 1884 | committed suicide by hanging |
Kennedy | William | May 21, 1888 | committed suicide by shooting himself |
King | Curtis | November 16, 1888 | apoplexy |
Kress | Frederick | July 20, 1898 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Larsh | Johnathan | June 2, 1854 | committed suicide by cutting throat |
Leak | Eathen | November 17, 1887 | committed suicide by shooting himself |
Long | James | March 23, 1892 | fell into fire and burned to death (accident) |
Margaret Wood | Mary | August 4, 1870 | committed suicide by hanging herself |
McCloud | Rebecca | January 17, 1901 | heart failure |
McCloud | William | May 22, 1883 | accidental shot of gun by his hand |
McGowen | John | October 1, 1870 | struck by a train |
McIntosh | John | August 29, 1882 | struck by a train |
Merritt | George | July 5, 1853 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Miksel | John | January 27, 1869 | accident while working at woolen factory |
Money | Benjamin C. | February 19, 1891 | accidental shot of gun in his own hand |
Moore | Edgar | March 29, 1896 | killed while trying to climb on a train |
Norton | John W. | January 28, 1895 | killed in train wreck (Coatesville) |
Orr | infant | April 11, 1855 | killed by drowning by mother Nancy Orr |
Overfield | John | December 17, 1905 | boom pole broke, fell and crushed head |
Phillips | David | November 9, 1896 | unknown cause |
Raideken | Philip | February 7, 1903 | heart failure |
Ramsey | Alexander | January 21, 1891 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Roberts | Milton | October 12, 1899 | explosion of the boiler at the sawmill |
Robertson | Albert | December 1, 1883 | accidentally run over by a train car |
Russell | Joseph D. | May 9, 1882 | thrown off of and run over by train car |
Rust | Quartus E. | August 20, 1894 | buggy accident while intoxicated |
Scott | James | October 1, 1845 | fell from his horse |
Scott | Priscilla | October 24, 1898 | hit by a train car while crossing track |
Shoemaker | Forest Dane | February 24, 1896 | run over by passenger train |
Sidenstriker | Allen | September 11, 1884 | hit by engine of train |
Small | David | December 6, 1883 | natural causes |
Smith | Elijah | March 23, 1894 | hit by engine of train |
Smith | James L. | January 4, 1888 | hit by train while walking on track |
Smith | Thomas | August 17, 1891 | suffocated in a wheat grain elevator |
Stockdell | Charles | December 15, 1891 | committed suicide by overdose (opium) |
Stutesman | Claude | November 5, 1898 | killed by train while walking on bridge |
Surber | David | September 4, 1892 | committed suicide by gunshot |
Sutherland | Conrad | March 12, 1899 | accidentally shot by Chester Cunningham |
Swangger | Edward | December 22, 1876 | killed by knife in fight with House of Refuge inmates |
Talbott | Mahala J. | January 8, 1885 | heart disease |
Taylor | Margaret | March 4, 1859 | committed suicide by slitting throat |
Tharp | Oscar | January 1, 1894 | accidentally shot himself |
Tomlinson | Bedford M. | January 23, 1897 | struck by a railroad locomotive |
Toney | William | October 13, 1893 | hit by train while walking on track |
Tower | Sarah | January 28, 1895 | killed in train wreck (Coatesville) |
unknown female infant | June 4, 1899 | unknown causes | |
unknown female infant | May 29, 1864 | came to death by violence | |
unknown male | June 20, 1903 | run over by train | |
unknown male | May 16, 1892 | run over train while sitting on tracks | |
unknown male | April 24, 1898 | killed by gunshot by unknown person | |
unknown man | December 3, 1899 | hit by train | |
Veach | Thomas | January 29, 1866 | tree fell on him |
Waren | John | December 19, 1887 | fell while stepping from coal car to flat car while train was moving |
Watson | D. W. | May 29, 1889 | accidentally falling from a train |
Weisman | Henry | May 10, 1889 | committed suicide by shooting himself |
Wesner | Samuel | May 22, 1893 | shot/murdered by J. Coley Brown |
West | Sidney | November 27, 1881 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
West | Xury | April 16, 1894 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
White | A. L. | September 26, 1895 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Wilcox | Sarah Jane | June 24, 1885 | hit by train while on trestle bridge |
Williams | John | July 17, 1870 | committed suicide by hanging himself |
Williams | Levi | July 13, 1848 | natural causes |
Winestock | Samuel | November 8, 1899 | heart failure |
Wood | Joseph | April 23, 1901 | committed suicide by shooting himself |
Worrell | Enoch | November 5, 1850 | accident at sawmill |
Worrells | infant | September 19, 1850 | mother Sarah Worrells left child under log in inclimate weather and hungry |
Young | Vorhees | August 5, 1889 | accidentally shot himself |
Number of items that your search found: 124