Samuel Miner Cemetery, Whitley County, Indiana
The Samuel Miner Cemetery of Whitley County, Indiana is a private cemetery located on the northwest corner of Old Trail Rd. and CR 300 E. The land is now farmed, but there is a roadside plaque. The old cemetery can be found by the following legal description: S6 T31N R10E.
The data was compiled and generously contributed by Jim Cox and Penny L. Baughman North. It is used here with permission.
Surname | First Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Notes |
Miner | Elizabeth (Betsey) | 3-19-1795 | 3-11-1859 | w/o Samuel |
Miner | Minerva | no dates | ||
Miner | Samuel | 11-21-1793 | 6-6-1862 |
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