Fort Wayne Fire Department Newspaper Clippings, 1920-2008
This collection comprises of an index to and images of newspaper clippings about the Fort Wayne (Indiana) Fire Department, 1920-2008. The original newspaper clippings were collected over a number of years by Donald Allen Weber, a retired Fort Wayne firefighter. Donald also compiled the extensive index to the clippings, which includes many places, organizations, and events in addition to names.
Families of Fort Wayne firefighters who donated large collections of clippings include the families of Clifford Martin Butler, Howard J. "Howdy" Esterline, Edgar R. "Chick" Fenton, Paul W. Green, Sr., Melvin D. Hoke, Robert A. Kiles, and George Anthony Weber.
The data here is reproduced in five physical volumes in the Genealogy Center collection under the call number GC 977.202 F77firn.
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This database may be searched in the following ways:
- Fuzzy: will search for that string of characters. Searching for Smith would find Smith, Smithson, Arrowsmith, etc.
- Exact: will search only for that exact text. Searching for Smith will find only Smith.
- Soundex: will search for the Soundex equivalent. Searching for Smith will find Smith, Smythe, Schmidt, etc.