Indiana Orphans
This database, informally titled "Indiana Orphans," includes individuals who were raised by someone with a different surname than their own. These include children who were adopted from orphanages, raised by a relative with a different surname, lived in the house of someone to whom their relationship is not known, or any number of other situations. Some of these individuals were not literally orphans - defined as a person whose parents both were deceased. In one case, the child lived with his mother but his surname was changed to match that of her subsequent husband, his step-father. The information has been culled from a variety of sources, but primarily from published county histories and genealogical society newsletters. Additions will be uploaded periodically.
This database may be searched in the following ways:
- Fuzzy: will search for that string of characters. Searching for Smith would find Smith, Smithson, Arrowsmith, etc.
- Exact: will search only for that exact text. Searching for Smith will find only Smith.
- Soundex: will search for the Soundex equivalent. Searching for Smith will find Smith, Smythe, Schmidt, etc.