Allen County Obituary Index, 1837-2025
This obituary index covers obituaries recorded in Fort Wayne, Indiana newspapers between 1837 and January 22, 2025. There are more than 783,000 records in this database. The index is in two parts and represents two totally different works.
The first part of the index covers 1837 to 1899. More...
The second part of the index covers some 1900 dates through January 22, 2025. More...
Researchers can find microfilm of all of the Fort Wayne newspapers in the Allen County Public Library's Genealogy Center.
This database may be searched in the following ways:
- Fuzzy: will search for that string of characters. Searching for Smith would find Smith, Smithson, Arrowsmith, etc.
- Exact: will search only for that exact text. Searching for Smith will find only Smith.
- Soundex: will search for the Soundex equivalent. Searching for Smith will find Smith, Smythe, Schmidt, etc.