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- Biographies
- Charles Byron Burley, Company C, 141st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Civil War Odyssey of David Pickens Hannah
- Colonel Sion S. Bass, 1827-1862
- Elijah Lomax Howard: Greene County, Illinois Farmer and Civil War Patriot
- Forgotten Freedom Fighters: Indiana Blacks in Massachusetts Regiments
- Francis Cordrey, 126th Ohio Infantry
- Francis Marion Sisson, Jacob Gould, Orin Gould in the American Civil War
- Frederick Emory: Promise Unfulfilled
- John Washington Leighty, Company I, 92nd Regiment Ohio Volunteers Infantry
- Knees in the Civil War
- Personal Reminiscences of the War of 1861-5; in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison
- Report of the Unveiling and Dedication of Indiana Monument at Andersonville, Georgia (National Cemetery) Thursday, November 26, 1908
- Ripley, General Roswell Sabin, CSA
- Sergeant Isaac McFaddin (1834-1863)
- Soldiers' and Citizens' Album of Biographical Record
- Wabash County [Indiana] in the Civil War, 1861-1865
- With Diplomas of Patriotism: African American Civil War Veterans in Ohio
- Woman's Work in the Civil War: A Record of Heroism, Patriotism and Patience
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- Burials
- Allen County, Indiana Roll of Honor, 1882
- Cedar Hill Cemetery, GAR Section, Newark, Licking County, Ohio
- Confederate Circle, Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee
- Federal Stewardship of Confederate Dead
- Indigent Soldiers and Sailors, Allegan County, Michigan
- Louisiana Soldiers Killed in the 1st and 2nd Battle of Manassas, Buried in Manassas Cemetery, Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia
- Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio, Memorial to Unknown USCT Soldiers
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- Diaries
- Andrus, Henry, 95th Illinois Infantry, September 1864 - August 1865
- Best, Robert E., 36th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Diary
- Civil War Diary of Corporal Benjamin F. Helms, Company I of the 59th Indiana Regiment, From January 18, 1862 to January 5, 1865
- Fuller, Nathan, 44h Indiana Infantry, Diary, 1862-January 1863
- McDonald, Colonel I. B., Diary, January 1 - December 12, 1863
- Newton, Joseph B., 14th Ohio Infantry [?]
- Perkins, George, 6th New York Light Artillery, Diary
- Sawtell, Zephaniah, Diary, May 10, 1861 - December 30, 1862
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- Individuals
- Akay, Henry, 26th Michigan Infantry
- Albee, Eleazer, 50th New York Engineers
- Albright, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Aldrich, Aden T., 34th New York Infantry
- Aldrich, Garner, 141st New York Infantry
- Aldrich, Mijaman T., 14th New York Infantry
- Aldrich, Truman, 141st New York Infantry
- Alford, Elijah, 116th US Colored Infantry
- Allyn, Isaac, 25th Indiana Infantry
- Alspaugh, Reuben, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Andreas, Aaron, 16th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Andreas, Elias, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Andrews, Moses, 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Anthony, Jacob, 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Archer, John, 32nd Ohio Infantry
- Artis/Artist, Horace, 31st US Colored Infantry
- Austin, Nelson, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Babb, Henry, 13th Ohio Cavalry
- Babb, James, 13th Ohio Cavalry
- Bailey, Charles Wesley, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
- Baker, Amos H., 36th Indiana Infantry
- Baldwin, Eli, 4th Delaware Infantry
- Ballenger, Valentine, 7th Indiana Infantry
- Ballinger, Abner G., 4th Kentucky Infantry
- Ballinger, Andrew J., 33rd Indiana Infantry
- Ballinger, Joseph, 132nd Indiana Infantry
- Bancroft, Asa P., 207th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Bane, James, 5th Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry
- Bane, Zephaniah, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Barkalow, George D., 134th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Barkalow, George W., 148th Indiana Infantry
- Barkalow, James, 134th Ohio Infantry
- Barks, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Barnhardt, Eli, 20th North Carolina Infantry
- Barton, Alfred, 10th Indiana Cavalry
- Beaber, Samuel E., 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Bean, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Bean, Peter E., 138th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Beaver, Gideon, 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Beaver, Joseph B., 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Beck, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Beebe, Marcus Martin, 4th Michigan Cavalry
- Bennett, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Bernard, George, 79th Ohio Infantry
- Bigelow, James, 8th and 11th Connecticut Infantry
- Biggerstaff, Isaac, 64th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Bird, Daniel, 23rd Indiana Infantry
- Bird, Daniel E., 42nd Indiana Infantry
- Bird, Thomas, 27th US Colored Infantry
- Bird, Wesley, 36th Indiana Infantry
- Bishop, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Blackston, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Blackwelder, William M., 42nd North Carolina Infantry
- Booker, Robert, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Bookmiller, Jacob, 132nd and 194th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Bookmiller, John, 157th and 194th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Bowen, James, 7th Indiana Cavalry
- Boyd, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Bradley, Enoch Elijah, 25th Indiana Infantry
- Bradley, Maggie, Allen County, Indiana
- Bradley, Thomas Jefferson, 60th Indiana Infantry
- Bradley, William, 65th Indiana Infantry
- Brady, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Brady, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Brauneller, Augustus, 87th Indiana Infantry
- Brower, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Brown, John M., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Brown, Theodore, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Brown, William, 36th New York Infantry
- Bunton, William, 148th Indiana Infantry
- Burk, George, 43rd Indiana Infantry
- Butler, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Butterfield, Joseph, 39th Ohio Infantry
- Calvert, John, 53rd Indiana Infantry
- Case, Hiriam, 99th Indiana Infantry
- Chaffee, Ezra, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Chappell, Shedrach, 48th Illinois Infantry
- Clare, George, 59th Ohio Infantry
- Clark, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Clark, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Clark, John M., 46th Indiana Infantry (Pension)
- Clark, John M., 46th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
- Clark, William B., 46th & 35th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
- Clark, William B., 46th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
- Clason, Marshall, 121st Ohio Infantry
- Cleland, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Coil, William, 31st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Collins, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Conrad, Jeremiah, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Constant, Newton, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
- Constant, William, 66th Ohio Infantry
- Cook, Jared, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Coomer, Justus, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Coon, Cyrus Franklin, 14th Michigan Infantry
- Coon, Daniel H., 34th New York Infantry
- Coon, James G., 34th New York Infantry
- Coon, Julius S., 141st New York Infantry
- Copeland, Benjamin Franklin, 11th Indiana Infantry
- Copeland, James T., 11th Indiana Infantry and 9th Indiana Cavalry
- Cramer, Frederick, 12th Indiana Cavalry
- Cranson, Frederick, 22nd New York Cavalry
- Cranson, George W., 91st New York Infantry
- Cranson, James, 170th New York Infantry
- Cranson, James W., 1st U.S. Artillery
- Cranson, John, Illinois Light Artillery
- Cranson, John B., 29th Indiana Infantry
- Cranson, Milford, 52nd Massachusetts Infantry
- Cranson, Myron B., 19th New York Infantry and 3rd New York Light Artillery
- Cranson, Samuel, 3rd Michigan Infantry
- Cranson, Sylvester, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
- Cranson, William, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
- Criteser, Samuel, 134th Indiana Infantry
- Critser, Lewis, 150th Indiana Infantry
- Crocker, Harley, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Crowl, George W., 34th New York Infantry and 64th New York Infantry
- Crowl, Willard H., 50th New York Engineers
- Culley, Spenser, 80th Indiana Infantry
- Cullifer, William R., 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery
- Cummings, Daniel, 107th New York Infantry
- Darrah, Jacob, 6th West Virginia Infantry
- Darrah, James, 12th West Virginia Infantry
- Darrah, William, 6th West Virginia Infantry
- Davis, Caleb, 150th Indiana Infantry
- Davis, James A., 87th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
- Davis, James A., 87th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
- Davis, Tillman, 87th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
- Davis, Tillman, 87th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
- Davis, Van, 40th Illinois Infantry
- Dawson, Joseph, 19th Iowa Infantry
- Deady, Jeremiah, 82nd Ohio Infantry
- Decker, William, 78th and 115th Indiana Infantry
- DeGarmo, George, 16th Kentucky Infantry
- Dohoney, Samuel H., 7th Indiana Cavalry
- Donham, Jacob, 34th Ohio Infantry
- Downen, David R., 25th Indiana Infantry
- Downey, James, 65th Indiana Infantry
- Downey, William, 120th Indiana Infantry
- Drake, Elmer, 11th Ohio Cavalry
- Drake, James, 27th Ohio Infantry
- Durnel, Booker, 113th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Eaton, John, 129th Indiana Infantry
- Edmonds, Ellis, 23rd Iowa Infantry
- Edmonds, Robert, 23rd Iowa Infantry
- Edmonds, Wilkenson, 23rd Iowa Infantry
- Eisenhart/Eisenhard, William, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry and 20th Veterans Reserve Corps
- Erb, Joseph, 47th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, Alfred H., 174th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Evans, Alfred, 130th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, David, 116th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, David, Kansas Volunteers
- Evans, George W., 79th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, George W., 84th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, James J., 130th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, James, 54th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, John P., 10th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, Joseph M., 10th Indiana Infantry
- Evans, Stephen D., 137th Ohio Infantry
- Evans, Zophar, 130th Indiana Infantry
- Farber, Jarrett, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Fauntleroy, Edmund, 8th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery
- Fifer, Benjamin, 89th Indiana Infantry
- Fifer, John C., 90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Fifield, George, 1st Michigan Cavalry
- Findley, Cyrus, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Finney, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Finney, Isaiah, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Flint, Joseph Swain, 141st New York Infantry
- Fobes, Edward, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Folck, John, 6th Iowa Cavalry
- Fritz, Jonas, 176th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Frizzell, Henry F., 6th Missouri Infantry
- Fry, John, 188th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Fuller, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Funk, Boone, 70th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Gage, Jesse, 9th New York Heavy Artillery
- Gale, William, 9th Iowa Infantry
- Games, Robert E., 74th Ohio Infantry
- Games, Thomas B., 26th Indiana Infantry
- Gillett, Francis, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Glenn, James A., Confederate Soldier, 6th Mississippi Cavalry
- Gossett, Newton, 12th Ohio Infantry
- Greeley, Benjamin, 35th Massachusetts Infantry
- Green, Alpheus, 84th Indiana Infantry
- Green, John, U.S. Army
- Greenman, Charles, 4th New York Heavy Artillery and 32nd New York Infantry
- Greenman, Lewis, 121st New York Infantry and 110th Veterans Reserve Corps
- Greenman, Richard, 49th New York Infantry, 15th New York Cavalry, and 2nd New York Provisional Cavalry
- Greenman, Walter, 131st New York Infantry
- Greenman, William, 15th New York Cavalry
- Gurley, Laban, 25th Indiana Infantry
- Guthridge, William, 134th Ohio Infantry
- Guy, Isham Nelson, 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
- Guy, Mary J., Widow, 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
- Hall, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hammers, James, 77th Illinois Infantry
- Hammers, William, 77th Illinois Infantry
- Hancock, Alexander D., 60th Indiana Infantry
- Hand, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hand, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hanes, George C., 176th Ohio Infantry
- Harding, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Harding, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Harding, Mathias, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Harmon, James, 12th Ohio Infantry
- Haskins, Aris, 137th New York Infantry
- Haybaugh, Andrew J., 1st Arkansas Cavalry
- Hazelbaker, Andrew J., 9th Indiana Infantry
- Heistand, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hemingway, George Smith, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
- Hemingway, James A., 12th Michigan Infantry
- Hemingway, Joseph Flint, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
- Henninger, Andrew, 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Henninger, Eli, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Henninger, Isaac, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Henninger, John S., 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Henninger, Joseph, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Herman, Thomas J., 32nd Iowa Infantry
- Hibbs, Stephen A., 7th Iowa Infantry
- Hime, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hinkle, William, 44th Indiana, 26th Pennsylvania, and 152nd Pennsylvania
- Holbert, Jeremiah, 18th Illinois Infantry
- Holbert, Joel C., 18th Illinois Infantry
- Holbert, John, 2nd Tennessee Infantry
- Horn, Stephen, 96th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Horn, Washington, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Horton, John, 42nd Ohio Infantry
- Hotelling, Charles, 123rd Ohio Infantry
- Howard, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hulbert, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Hull, Aaron, 119th U.S. Colored Troops
- Hunt, Washington, 195th Ohio Infantry
- Hunt, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Huttenstine, Daniel, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Johnson, Aaron B., 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Johnson, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Johnson, Henry C., 118th Indiana Infantry and 7th Indiana Cavalry
- Johnson, Josiah, 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Johnson, Merritt, 117th U.S. Colored Troops
- Johnson, Simon P., 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
- Jones, James, 164th Ohio Infantry
- Jones, Lafayette, 22nd Illinois Infantry
- Julian, Ira, 11th Indiana Cavalry
- Kain, William, 153rd Ohio Infantry
- Keller, Peter, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Keller, Samuel, 176th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Kellogg, John Abel, 3rd and 5th Michigan Infantry
- Kellogg, Martin, 30th Illinois Infantry
- Kelly, Allen, 18th Indiana Infantry
- Kenworthy, Martin, 79th Indiana Infantry
- Kenworthy, Milas, 21st Indiana Infantry and 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery
- Kern, John C., 54th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Kern, John M., Pennsylvania Light Artillery
- Kern, Jeremiah, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Kingsley, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Kistler, Michael M., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klase, Daniel, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Kleckner, Elias Henry, 129th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Kleckner, Lewis, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klotz, Alfred, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klotz, Benjamin, 202nd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klotz, Jonathan, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klotz, Josiah, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Klotz, Moses, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Krinn, Daniel, 151st Ohio Infantry
- Krinn, Daniel, 151st Ohio Infantry (pension)
- Kuntz, Francis, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Lamberson, Harvey/Harry, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery and 30th Pennsylvania Militia Infantry
- Lampy, Christopher, 35th Iowa Infantry
- Lathrop, William Hopkins, 39th Ohio and 111th USCI
- Lazenby, Robert, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Legg, Peter, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Legg, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Leib, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Lepper, John II, 7th Michigan Cavalry
- Lightner, William, 10th Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry
- Linville, Ellis, 45th Ohio Infantry
- Lockard, Samuel, 35th Indiana Infantry
- Longenburger, Nathan, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Longsworth, John, 32nd Ohio Infantry
- Lovengier, Andrew, 46th Indiana Infantry
- Lovingier, John, 3rd Missouri Cavalry
- Maddux, John N., 101st Indiana Infantry
- Mann, Abel, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Mann, Isaac, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Mathewson, Amasa L., 1st Rhode Island Cavalry
- Mathewson, Charles E. A., 5th Rhode Island Artillery
- Mathewson, Chauney B., 21st New York Infantry
- Mathewson, George, 10th Minnesota Infantry
- Mathewson, Gilbert B., 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
- Mathewson, Harley P., Surgeon, U.S. Volunteers
- Mathewson, James, 4th Ohio Light Artillery
- Mathewson, James M., 154th New York Infantry
- Mathewson, John, 114th New York Infantry
- Mathewson, Josiah L., 56th Massachusetts Infantry
- Mathewson, William R. T., 2nd Rhode Island Infantry
- Matter, John H., 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Matterson, Edward H., 10th Minnesota Infantry
- Matterson, Hendrick R., 152nd New York Infantry
- Matterson, Philander, 186th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Alfred S., 10th Missouri Infantry
- Matteson, Algenon S., 24th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Allen, 121st New York Infantry
- Matteson, Amos H., 111th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Matteson, Andrew, 184th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Andrew J., 4th Wisconsin Infantry
- Matteson, Archibald E., 178th Ohio Infantry
- Matteson, Benjamin F., 121st New York Infantry
- Matteson, Benjamin J., 59th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Calvin L., 184th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Charles, 189th New York Infantry
- Matteson, David A., 36th Wisconsin Infantry
- Matteson, Dennis M., 58th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Edwin A., 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
- Matteson, Fayette A., 189th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Frederick W., 1st Illinois Sharp Shooters
- Matteson, George H., 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry
- Matteson, George M., 8th Wisconsin Light Artillery
- Matteson, George W., 76th New York Infantry
- Matteson, George W., 74th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Guy C., 147th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Hallett, 121st New York Infantry
- Matteson, Herbert, 67th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Jacob, Rhode Island Infantry
- Matteson, James, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
- Matteson, James A., 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
- Matteson, Jesse, 189th New York Infantry
- Matteson, John P., 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
- Matteson, John W., 29th Ohio Infantry
- Matteson, Laban B., 4th Michigan Infantry
- Matteson, Lafayette, 5th Iowa Cavalry
- Matteson, Leroy W., 10th New York Cavalry
- Matteson, Lewis J., 12th Rhode Island Infantry
- Matteson, Luther, 2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Matteson, Marcellus, 111th New York Infantry and 4th New York Heavy Artillery
- Matteson, Norman S., 16th Michigan Infantry
- Matteson, Oscar, 1st California Infantry
- Matteson, Rhodes E., 4th Rhode Island Infantry
- Matteson, Robert F., 2nd Rhode Island Infantry
- Matteson, Spicer W., 137th New York Infantry
- Matteson, Stephen W., 36th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Theodore B., 148th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Thomas P., 36th Illinois Infantry
- Matteson, Wakeman P., 1st Ohio Light Artillery
- Matteson, William, 1st Wisconsin Light Artillery
- Matteson, William H., 8th New York Heavy Artillery
- Matteson, William H., 116th New York Infantry
- Matteson, William L., 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
- Matteson, William O., 57th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Matthewson, Edmond T., 10th Vermont Infantry
- Mattison, Andrew J., 126th New York Infantry
- McConnel, John, 34th Indiana Volunteers
- McCown, George, 44th and 152nd Illinois Infantry
- McFadden, Harrison, 42nd Ohio Infantry
- McGowan, John A., 5th Missouri Cavalry
- McKee, James, 73rd Ohio Infantry
- KcKinnon, Samuel, 57th Ohio Infantry
- McNabb, James M., 29th Indiana Infantry
- McNeilage, Daniel, 45th Illinois Infantry
- McVay, Robert, 55th Illinois Infantry and 23rd Veteran Reserve Corps
- Medkser, Enoch, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
- Medkser, Jacob, 79th Indiana Infantry
- Medsker, John, 10th Indiana Infantry and 58th Indiana Infantry
- Metcalf, Reuben, 7th Kentucky Infantry (Union)
- Metzger, Moses, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Michael, Andrew, 23rd Kentucky Infantry
- Michael, John, 201st Pennsylvania Infantry
- Michael, Josiah, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Michael, Levi, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Michael, Levi H., 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Michael, William, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Middleswart, James, 193rd Ohio Infantry
- Middleton, John, 66th Ohio Infantry
- Miller, Alonza, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Miller, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Miller, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Milnes, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Moody, George, 19th Massachusetts Infantry
- Moody, George H., 46th Massachusetts Infantry
- Morrow, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Mullendore, Jacob, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
- Murray, George, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Newhard, Edmund R., 54th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Nichols, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Nuss, Aaron, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Nuss, Charles, 188th Pennsylvania Infantry and 3rd Pennsylania Heavy Artillery
- Nuss, Gideon, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Nuss, Henry, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
- O'Neill, Alexander, Mississippi Marine Brigade
- O'Neill, Andrew Foster, 9th Kentucky Cavalry
- O'Neill, Thomas, 161st Ohio Infantry
- Old Sam, Loomis 1st Battery
- Olinger, Anthony, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Oliver, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Owen, George W., 75th Indiana Infantry
- Palmer, Leonidas, 6th Kansas Cavalry
- Palmer, Perry, 30th Illinois Infantry
- Parkes, Richard, 37th Kentucky Infantry
- Payton, William W., 19th and 20th Indiana Infantry
- Peter, Eli, 154th Indiana Infantry and 15th Ohio Infantry
- Phillips, Hector, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Phillips, Jack, 12th U.S. Colored Troops
- Phillips, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Phillips, Solomon, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Phipps, Isaiah, 24th Indiana Infantry
- Piatt, Benjamin, 67th Indiana Infantry
- Pickels, Joseph, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Pickett, Cyrus, 143rd Indiana Infantry
- Pickett, Jerome R., 6th Ohio Cavalry
- Pidgeon, Charles B., 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Pierce, Benjamin, 8th Minnesota Infantry
- Pierce, Harrison, 85th Indiana Infantry
- Pierce, James P., 51st Illinois Infantry
- Plum, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Pontius, Jacob, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Pension Record
- Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Service Record
- Powell, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Pratt, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Price, Alexander, 60th Ohio Infantry
- Price, William H., 1st Ohio Cavalry
- Provin, Samuel Lathrup, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Pyatt, Andrew J., 15th Iowa Infantry
- Pyatt, James W., 9th Indiana Infantry
- Pyatt, James William, 10th Indiana Infantry
- Pyatt, John H., 15th Indiana Infantry
- Ralston, Robert, 99th Indiana Infantry
- Ralston, William H. (alias of David S. Smith), 110th Pennsylvania Infantry and 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
- Rasler, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Rathwell, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Ream, Thomas, 95th Ohio Infantry
- Reed, Amos, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Reynolds, Joseph, 84th Indiana Infantry
- Rhodes, Paul, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Richardson, Beniah T., 2nd Indiana Cavalry
- Richmond, Benjamin, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Rider, Elias, 34th New York Infantry
- Rider, Truman, 9th Michigan Cavalry
- Robb, Edwin, 91st Indiana Infantry
- Robertson, Allen, 20th Indiana Light Artillery
- Robertson, Charles, 154th Indiana Infantry
- Robertson, Joseph, 67th Indiana Infantry
- Robinson, John, 19th Kentucky Infantry
- Robson, Richard, 1st Indiana Cavalry
- Rose, John, 74th Ohio Infantry
- Rose, Samuel, 22nd Iowa Infantry
- Rowan, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Rowe, John B., 12th Indiana Cavalry
- Rowe, Lewis, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Roys, Joel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Ruch, William H., 84th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Ruff, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Rumbel, Amos, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Rumbel, Daniel A., 2nd and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Rumbel, Jacob H., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Rumbel, Rudolph, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Rumble, Daniel, 44th Indiana Infantry
- Rumble, Isaac, 44th Indiana Infantry
- Rumble, Jacob, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Rumble, John, 143rd Indiana Infantry
- Rumble, John, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Rumble, John E., 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Rumpel, William, 123rd Ohio Infantry
- Rumple, Eli C., 4th North Carolina Infantry
- Rumple, James F., 42nd North Carolina Infantry
- Rumple, John, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
- Rumple, John W., 115th Indiana Infantry
- Rumple, Robert A., 29th North Carolina Infantry
- Ryan, Patrick, 91st Indiana Infantry
- Ryason, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Saxon, William L., 13th Indiana Light Artillery
- Schaeffer, George W., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Segar, John G., 36th Indiana Infantry
- Seger, Gerret, 73rd Indiana Infantry
- Seltzer, Benjamin, 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Semmel, David, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Shaffer, Edwin, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Shappell, Henry, 15th U.S. Infantry
- Sharp, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Sheets, Sylvester, 151st Indiana Infantry
- Shelley, Isaac, 17th Indiana Light Artillery
- Shelley, William, 99th Indiana Infantry
- Shelly, Daniel, 117th Indiana Infantry
- Shelly, Samuel, 117th Indiana Infantry and 43rd Indiana Infantry
- Sherry, John W., 2nd Indiana Cavalry
- Sherry, William H., 134th and 147th Indiana Infantry
- Sherry, William P., 36th Indiana Infantry
- Shetterly, Andrew, 8th Indiana Cavalry
- Shetterly, Edwin B., 3rd Iowa Infantry
- Shetterly, Henry, 74th Indiana Infantry
- Shetterly, Oscar E., 164th Ohio Infantry
- Short, Edmund W., 6th U.S. Cavalry
- Shorter, John Freeman, 55th Massachusetts Infantry
- Shrack, William M., 84th Indiana Infantry
- Sigler, Jacob, 6th West Virginia Infantry
- Sigler, John, 5th and 6th Indiana Cavalry and 90th Indiana Infantry
- Singley, Jacob, 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry and 168th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Singley, John A., 8th Iowa Cavalry
- Singley, Samuel, 49th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Slaughter, Moses, 13th U.S. Colored Infantry
- Smith, David S. (alias William H. Ralston), 110th Pennsylvania Infantry and 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
- Smith, Enoch W., 89th Ohio Infantry
- Smith, George W., 79th Ohio Infantry
- Spangler, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Spencer, John Carlton, 21st Michigan Infantry
- Squire, Miles, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Stark, Thomas L., 22nd Indiana Infantry
- Starr, Hulbert, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Stephens, Hugh A., 36th Indiana Infantry
- Sturgis, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Swartz, Joseph Godfrey, Miller's Company, Rockbridge Co. Virginia Reserves
- Swing, Randolph, 12th Ohio Cavalry
- Taft, Ethan W., 207th Pennsylania Infantry
- Taft, James B., 107th New York Infantry
- Taylor, Daniel, 4th West Virginia Cavalry
- Teets, Alexander, 5th Indiana Cavalry
- Temple, Andrew, 34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Temple, George, 89th Ohio Infantry
- Tharp, James, 8th Kansas Infantry
- Thompson, George, 26th Indiana Infantry
- Thorne, Albert, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Thrapp, Abraham, 24th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Thrapp, Bennet, 130th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
- Thrapp, Elias, 155th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Thrapp, James, 63rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry
- Thrapp, Simeon, 4th U.S. Artillery
- Tippett, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Todd, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Tooker, Orrin C., 15th United States Regular Army Infantry
- Topper, John, 144th Indiana Infantry
- Tracy, Grigsby, 75th Indiana Infantry
- Treace, Jacob, 32nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Treece, Isaac, 9th Michigan Infantry
- Treece, Joab, 31st Illinois Infantry
- Treece, John, 38th Indiana Infantry
- Tucker, Granville, 100th Indiana Infantry
- VanHorn, Jacob, 26th Iowa Infantry
- Walrod, Job, 26th Iowa Infantry
- Watts, John, 87th Indiana Infantry
- Watts, William, 73rd Indiana Infantry
- Weaver, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Weaver, Phillip, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Weaver, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Webb, Madison, 44th Missouri Infantry
- Weir, Andrew N., 6th Indiana Cavalry
- West, Albert, 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- West, Andrew J., 43rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- West, Andrew, 59th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- West, Fairfax, 13th Ohio Cavalry
- West, George, 63rd Indiana Infantry
- West, Henry, 36th Ohio Infantry
- West, Hugh, 4th & 6th Iowa Infantry
- West, Isaac, 56th Illinois Infantry
- West, Isaiah, 40th Indiana Infantry
- West, James C., 148th Ohio Infantry
- West, John, 79th Ohio Infantry
- West, Leslie, 148th Ohio Infantry
- West, Perry, 150th Indiana Infantry
- West, Reason, 79th Ohio Infantry
- West, Russell, 162nd Ohio Infantry
- West, Thomas, 148th Ohio Infantry
- West, William H., 71st Indiana Infantry
- West, William W., 148th Ohio Infantry
- Whitlock, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Whitney, Edward, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Wilcox, Clark L., 11th Indiana Battery
- Williams, Jonathan, 67th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Williams, Samuel, 4th and 12th New Jersey Infantry
- Williams, Townsend, 23rd Pennsylvania Infantry
- Willis, William, 84th Illinois Infantry and 7th Illinois Cavalry
- Wilson, Elijah, 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Wolford, Aaron, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Woodruff, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Wright, Abraham, 9th Iowa Cavalry
- Young, Alonzo, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Young, John Townsend, 152nd Indiana Infantry
- Zimmerman, Albert, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Zimmerman, Anton, 12th Indiana Infantry
- Zimmerman, Jacob, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Zimmerman, Jacob, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Zimmerman, Joseph, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Zimmerman, Joseph, 139th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Zimmerman, William B., 2nd and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
- Zook, Joseph, 100th Indiana Infantry
- Return to top
- Letters
- Best, Robert E., 36th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Letters
- Cramer, George. "The Civil War Letters of George Cramer" (11th Pennsylvania Infantry)
- Kendrick, William G., His Letters Home from the Civil War
- Letters Written by William Beaird, Jr. (1833-1914) Concerning His Louisiana Confederate Pension Application
- Owen, Thomas. "Dear Friends at Home..." The Letters and Diary of
Thomas James Owen Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineer Regiment, During the Civil War
- Parker, William B., 2nd Michigan Infantry, Letters
- Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Letters
- Silvis, John, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
- Wonsey, Alvin, 27th Michigan Infantry, Letters
- Return to top
- Other Documents
- 52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry, Company A, Pensioners
- Allen County, Indiana Soldiers Receiving Pensions, October 1883
- Bugle Call, Exhibits of War Relics, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1886
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- Pension Records
- Pensioners Roll, 1883, St. John Parish, Louisiana
- Return to top
- Photographs
- 154th Indiana Infantry, Reunion, Frankfort, Indiana 1911
- 160th Indiana Infantry, Company B
- Civil War Soldiers of Allen County: Images from the Mark Weldon Collection
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- Post-war Activities and Lineage Societies
- 30th Indiana Regiment Veterans Association
- 88th and 142nd Indiana Re-Union, New Haven, Ind., August 29, 1907
- 88th Indiana Volunteers, 1901
- Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Encampment, Department of New York, G.A.R.
- Admiral Foote Post, No. 17, Department of Connecticut, Grand Army of the Republic, New Haven
- B.J. Crosswait Post G.A.R. No. 150 and W.R.C. No. 37, Department of Indiana
- Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic
- Fortville, Hancock County, Indiana Grand Army of the Republic, Post #228
- History of the Indiana State Soldiers' Home at Lafayette, Indiana
- Indiana Department Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary, Annual Get-Together Meeting, 1945
- Journal of the Annual Convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, Department of Michigan, Auxiliary to Grand Army of the Republic, 1925
- Major Henry Post 230, Grand Army of the Republic, Pendleton, Indiana
- Major May Post 244, Grand Army of the Republic, Anderson, Indiana
- Post-Bellum Campaigns of the Blue and Gray, 1881-1882
- Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Encampment of the Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic
- Roster of Elisha L. Hayward Post, No. 542, Dept. of New York, G.A.R.
- Roster of Lawton-Wayne Post No. 271 of the Dept. of Ind. G.A.R., Fort Wayne, Ind.
- Roster of the Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, 1894
- Roster of the Survivors of the 74th Indiana Volunteers
- S.U.V. Memorial, Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Women's Relief Corps Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Indiana, Scrapbook, 1971
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- Unit Histories and Rosters
- 100th Indiana Infantry, Company C
- 52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry
- Bragg's Rifles
- Brown Paper Rams and Horse Marines: The History of the United States Ram Fleet and the Mississippi Marine Brigade in the American Civil War
- The Civil War Cavalry from St. Joseph County: 12th Indiana - 127th Regiment
- Dedication of the Monument at Andersonville, Georgia, October 23, 1907: In Memory of the Men of Connecticut Who Suffered in Southern Military Prisons, 1861-1865
- The Forty-third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers: An Historic Sketch of Its Career and Services
- History of the 121st New York State Infantry
- History of the 160th Regt. O.V.I.: Read at the Thirteenth Annual Reunion, Held at Rehoboth, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1903
- History of the 88th Regt. Ind. Vol. Inf., in Poetry
- History of the Eighty-First Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Great War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865
- History of the Seventy-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War of eighteen sixty-one in the United States
- Malone's Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry: Confederate States Army
- Military History of the Third Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac
- Militia, 1865-1869, Anderson County, Kentucky
- New History of the 99th Indiana Infantry
- Records of Indiana Rangers in the Civil War, Montpelier, Indiana Men
- Register of the Members of the "Artillery Corps, Washington Grays" of the City of Philadelphia Who Served in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
- Roster of the 60th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
- Roster of the Eighth Regiment Conn. Vols. 1861-1865
- Roster of the Surviving Members of the Eighty-eighth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Corrected to August 1st, 1889
- U.S. Colored Troops, Anderson County, Kentucky
- The War for the Union, 1861-1865. A Record of Its Defenders, Living and Dead, from Steuben County, Indiana; and History of Veteran Organizations and Kindred Associations
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- Battles and War
- Account of the Battle of Mansfield
- Battle of Pleasant Hill
- Constant Defender: The Story of Fort Moultrie
- Indiana at Chickamauga, 1863-1900. Report of Indiana Commissioners, Chickamauga National Military Park
- Indiana at Shiloh: Report of the Commission
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