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Charles Byron Burley, Company C, 141st Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Civil War Odyssey of David Pickens Hannah
Colonel Sion S. Bass, 1827-1862
Elijah Lomax Howard: Greene County, Illinois Farmer and Civil War Patriot
Forgotten Freedom Fighters: Indiana Blacks in Massachusetts Regiments
Francis Cordrey, 126th Ohio Infantry
Francis Marion Sisson, Jacob Gould, Orin Gould in the American Civil War
Frederick Emory: Promise Unfulfilled
John Washington Leighty, Company I, 92nd Regiment Ohio Volunteers Infantry
Knees in the Civil War
Personal Reminiscences of the War of 1861-5; in camp--en bivouac--on the march--on picket--on the skirmish line--on the battlefield--and in prison
Report of the Unveiling and Dedication of Indiana Monument at Andersonville, Georgia (National Cemetery) Thursday, November 26, 1908
Ripley, General Roswell Sabin, CSA
Sergeant Isaac McFaddin (1834-1863)
Soldiers' and Citizens' Album of Biographical Record
Wabash County [Indiana] in the Civil War, 1861-1865
With Diplomas of Patriotism: African American Civil War Veterans in Ohio
Woman's Work in the Civil War: A Record of Heroism, Patriotism and Patience
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Allen County, Indiana Roll of Honor, 1882
Cedar Hill Cemetery, GAR Section, Newark, Licking County, Ohio
Confederate Circle, Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee
Federal Stewardship of Confederate Dead
Indigent Soldiers and Sailors, Allegan County, Michigan
Louisiana Soldiers Killed in the 1st and 2nd Battle of Manassas, Buried in Manassas Cemetery, Warrenton, Fauquier County, Virginia
Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio, Memorial to Unknown USCT Soldiers
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Andrus, Henry, 95th Illinois Infantry, September 1864 - August 1865
Best, Robert E., 36th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Diary
Civil War Diary of Corporal Benjamin F. Helms, Company I of the 59th Indiana Regiment, From January 18, 1862 to January 5, 1865
Fuller, Nathan, 44h Indiana Infantry, Diary, 1862-January 1863
McDonald, Colonel I. B., Diary, January 1 - December 12, 1863
Newton, Joseph B., 14th Ohio Infantry [?]
Perkins, George, 6th New York Light Artillery, Diary
Sawtell, Zephaniah, Diary, May 10, 1861 - December 30, 1862
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Akay, Henry, 26th Michigan Infantry
Albee, Eleazer, 50th New York Engineers
Albright, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Aldrich, Aden T., 34th New York Infantry
Aldrich, Garner, 141st New York Infantry
Aldrich, Mijaman T., 14th New York Infantry
Aldrich, Truman, 141st New York Infantry
Alford, Elijah, 116th US Colored Infantry
Allyn, Isaac, 25th Indiana Infantry
Alspaugh, Reuben, 100th Indiana Infantry
Andreas, Aaron, 16th Pennsylvania Infantry
Andreas, Elias, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
Andrews, Moses, 120th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Anthony, Jacob, 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry
Archer, John, 32nd Ohio Infantry
Artis/Artist, Horace, 31st US Colored Infantry
Austin, Nelson, 100th Indiana Infantry
Babb, Henry, 13th Ohio Cavalry
Babb, James, 13th Ohio Cavalry
Bailey, Charles Wesley, 5th Wisconsin Infantry
Baker, Amos H., 36th Indiana Infantry
Baldwin, Eli, 4th Delaware Infantry
Ballenger, Valentine, 7th Indiana Infantry
Ballinger, Abner G., 4th Kentucky Infantry
Ballinger, Andrew J., 33rd Indiana Infantry
Ballinger, Joseph, 132nd Indiana Infantry
Bancroft, Asa P., 207th Pennsylvania Infantry
Bane, James, 5th Pennsylvania Provisional Cavalry
Bane, Zephaniah, 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Barkalow, George D., 134th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Barkalow, George W., 148th Indiana Infantry
Barkalow, James, 134th Ohio Infantry
Barks, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Barnhardt, Eli, 20th North Carolina Infantry
Barton, Alfred, 10th Indiana Cavalry
Beaber, Samuel E., 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Bean, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Bean, Peter E., 138th Pennsylvania Infantry
Beaver, Gideon, 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry
Beaver, Joseph B., 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Beck, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Beebe, Marcus Martin, 4th Michigan Cavalry
Bennett, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
Bernard, George, 79th Ohio Infantry
Bigelow, James, 8th and 11th Connecticut Infantry
Biggerstaff, Isaac, 64th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Bird, Daniel, 23rd Indiana Infantry
Bird, Daniel E., 42nd Indiana Infantry
Bird, Thomas, 27th US Colored Infantry
Bird, Wesley, 36th Indiana Infantry
Bishop, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
Blackston, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Blackwelder, William M., 42nd North Carolina Infantry
Booker, Robert, 100th Indiana Infantry
Bookmiller, Jacob, 132nd and 194th Pennsylvania Infantry
Bookmiller, John, 157th and 194th Pennsylvania Infantry
Bowen, James, 7th Indiana Cavalry
Boyd, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Bradley, Enoch Elijah, 25th Indiana Infantry
Bradley, Maggie, Allen County, Indiana
Bradley, Thomas Jefferson, 60th Indiana Infantry
Bradley, William, 65th Indiana Infantry
Brady, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
Brady, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Brauneller, Augustus, 87th Indiana Infantry
Brower, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Brown, John M., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Brown, Theodore, 100th Indiana Infantry
Brown, William, 36th New York Infantry
Bunton, William, 148th Indiana Infantry
Burk, George, 43rd Indiana Infantry
Butler, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
Butterfield, Joseph, 39th Ohio Infantry
Calvert, John, 53rd Indiana Infantry
Case, Hiriam, 99th Indiana Infantry
Chaffee, Ezra, 100th Indiana Infantry
Chappell, Shedrach, 48th Illinois Infantry
Clare, George, 59th Ohio Infantry
Clark, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
Clark, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Clark, John M., 46th Indiana Infantry (Pension)
Clark, John M., 46th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
Clark, William B., 46th & 35th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
Clark, William B., 46th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
Clason, Marshall, 121st Ohio Infantry
Cleland, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Coil, William, 31st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Collins, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Conrad, Jeremiah, 100th Indiana Infantry
Constant, Newton, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
Constant, William, 66th Ohio Infantry
Cook, Jared, 100th Indiana Infantry
Coomer, Justus, 100th Indiana Infantry
Coon, Cyrus Franklin, 14th Michigan Infantry
Coon, Daniel H., 34th New York Infantry
Coon, James G., 34th New York Infantry
Coon, Julius S., 141st New York Infantry
Copeland, Benjamin Franklin, 11th Indiana Infantry
Copeland, James T., 11th Indiana Infantry and 9th Indiana Cavalry
Cramer, Frederick, 12th Indiana Cavalry
Cranson, Frederick, 22nd New York Cavalry
Cranson, George W., 91st New York Infantry
Cranson, James, 170th New York Infantry
Cranson, James W., 1st U.S. Artillery
Cranson, John, Illinois Light Artillery
Cranson, John B., 29th Indiana Infantry
Cranson, Milford, 52nd Massachusetts Infantry
Cranson, Myron B., 19th New York Infantry and 3rd New York Light Artillery
Cranson, Samuel, 3rd Michigan Infantry
Cranson, Sylvester, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery
Cranson, William, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Criteser, Samuel, 134th Indiana Infantry
Critser, Lewis, 150th Indiana Infantry
Crocker, Harley, 100th Indiana Infantry
Crowl, George W., 34th New York Infantry and 64th New York Infantry
Crowl, Willard H., 50th New York Engineers
Culley, Spenser, 80th Indiana Infantry
Cullifer, William R., 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery
Cummings, Daniel, 107th New York Infantry
Darrah, Jacob, 6th West Virginia Infantry
Darrah, James, 12th West Virginia Infantry
Darrah, William, 6th West Virginia Infantry
Davis, Caleb, 150th Indiana Infantry
Davis, James A., 87th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
Davis, James A., 87th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
Davis, Tillman, 87th Indiana Infantry (Pension Record)
Davis, Tillman, 87th Indiana Infantry (Service Record)
Davis, Van, 40th Illinois Infantry
Dawson, Joseph, 19th Iowa Infantry
Deady, Jeremiah, 82nd Ohio Infantry
Decker, William, 78th and 115th Indiana Infantry
DeGarmo, George, 16th Kentucky Infantry
Dohoney, Samuel H., 7th Indiana Cavalry
Donham, Jacob, 34th Ohio Infantry
Downen, David R., 25th Indiana Infantry
Downey, James, 65th Indiana Infantry
Downey, William, 120th Indiana Infantry
Drake, Elmer, 11th Ohio Cavalry
Drake, James, 27th Ohio Infantry
Durnel, Booker, 113th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Eaton, John, 129th Indiana Infantry
Edmonds, Ellis, 23rd Iowa Infantry
Edmonds, Robert, 23rd Iowa Infantry
Edmonds, Wilkenson, 23rd Iowa Infantry
Eisenhart/Eisenhard, William, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry and 20th Veterans Reserve Corps
Erb, Joseph, 47th Indiana Infantry
Evans, Alfred H., 174th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Evans, Alfred, 130th Indiana Infantry
Evans, David, 116th Indiana Infantry
Evans, David, Kansas Volunteers
Evans, George W., 79th Indiana Infantry
Evans, George W., 84th Indiana Infantry
Evans, James J., 130th Indiana Infantry
Evans, James, 54th Indiana Infantry
Evans, John P., 10th Indiana Infantry
Evans, Joseph M., 10th Indiana Infantry
Evans, Stephen D., 137th Ohio Infantry
Evans, Zophar, 130th Indiana Infantry
Farber, Jarrett, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
Fauntleroy, Edmund, 8th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery
Fifer, Benjamin, 89th Indiana Infantry
Fifer, John C., 90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Fifield, George, 1st Michigan Cavalry
Findley, Cyrus, 100th Indiana Infantry
Finney, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Finney, Isaiah, 100th Indiana Infantry
Flint, Joseph Swain, 141st New York Infantry
Fobes, Edward, 100th Indiana Infantry
Folck, John, 6th Iowa Cavalry
Fritz, Jonas, 176th Pennsylvania Infantry
Frizzell, Henry F., 6th Missouri Infantry
Fry, John, 188th Pennsylvania Infantry
Fuller, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Funk, Boone, 70th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Gage, Jesse, 9th New York Heavy Artillery
Gale, William, 9th Iowa Infantry
Games, Robert E., 74th Ohio Infantry
Games, Thomas B., 26th Indiana Infantry
Gillett, Francis, 100th Indiana Infantry
Glenn, James A., Confederate Soldier, 6th Mississippi Cavalry
Gossett, Newton, 12th Ohio Infantry
Greeley, Benjamin, 35th Massachusetts Infantry
Green, Alpheus, 84th Indiana Infantry
Green, John, U.S. Army
Greenman, Charles, 4th New York Heavy Artillery and 32nd New York Infantry
Greenman, Lewis, 121st New York Infantry and 110th Veterans Reserve Corps
Greenman, Richard, 49th New York Infantry, 15th New York Cavalry, and 2nd New York Provisional Cavalry
Greenman, Walter, 131st New York Infantry
Greenman, William, 15th New York Cavalry
Gurley, Laban, 25th Indiana Infantry
Guthridge, William, 134th Ohio Infantry
Guy, Isham Nelson, 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
Guy, Mary J., Widow, 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
Hall, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hammers, James, 77th Illinois Infantry
Hammers, William, 77th Illinois Infantry
Hancock, Alexander D., 60th Indiana Infantry
Hand, Charles, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hand, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hanes, George C., 176th Ohio Infantry
Harding, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Harding, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Harding, Mathias, 100th Indiana Infantry
Harmon, James, 12th Ohio Infantry
Haskins, Aris, 137th New York Infantry
Haybaugh, Andrew J., 1st Arkansas Cavalry
Hazelbaker, Andrew J., 9th Indiana Infantry
Heistand, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hemingway, George Smith, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Hemingway, James A., 12th Michigan Infantry
Hemingway, Joseph Flint, 1st Michigan Light Artillery
Henninger, Andrew, 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Henninger, Eli, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
Henninger, Isaac, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
Henninger, John S., 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
Henninger, Joseph, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
Herman, Thomas J., 32nd Iowa Infantry
Hibbs, Stephen A., 7th Iowa Infantry
Hime, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hinkle, William, 44th Indiana, 26th Pennsylvania, and 152nd Pennsylvania
Holbert, Jeremiah, 18th Illinois Infantry
Holbert, Joel C., 18th Illinois Infantry
Holbert, John, 2nd Tennessee Infantry
Horn, Stephen, 96th Pennsylvania Infantry
Horn, Washington, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Horton, John, 42nd Ohio Infantry
Hotelling, Charles, 123rd Ohio Infantry
Howard, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hulbert, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
Hull, Aaron, 119th U.S. Colored Troops
Hunt, Washington, 195th Ohio Infantry
Hunt, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Huttenstine, Daniel, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Johnson, Aaron B., 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Johnson, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
Johnson, Henry C., 118th Indiana Infantry and 7th Indiana Cavalry
Johnson, Josiah, 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry
Johnson, Merritt, 117th U.S. Colored Troops
Johnson, Simon P., 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Jones, James, 164th Ohio Infantry
Jones, Lafayette, 22nd Illinois Infantry
Julian, Ira, 11th Indiana Cavalry
Kain, William, 153rd Ohio Infantry
Keller, Peter, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Keller, Samuel, 176th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kellogg, John Abel, 3rd and 5th Michigan Infantry
Kellogg, Martin, 30th Illinois Infantry
Kelly, Allen, 18th Indiana Infantry
Kenworthy, Martin, 79th Indiana Infantry
Kenworthy, Milas, 21st Indiana Infantry and 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery
Kern, John C., 54th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kern, John M., Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Kern, Jeremiah, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kingsley, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Kistler, Michael M., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Klase, Daniel, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kleckner, Elias Henry, 129th Pennsylvania Infantry
Kleckner, Lewis, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Klotz, Alfred, 128th Pennsylvania Infantry
Klotz, Benjamin, 202nd Pennsylvania Infantry
Klotz, Jonathan, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
Klotz, Josiah, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
Klotz, Moses, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry
Krinn, Daniel, 151st Ohio Infantry
Krinn, Daniel, 151st Ohio Infantry (pension)
Kuntz, Francis, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
Lamberson, Harvey/Harry, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery and 30th Pennsylvania Militia Infantry
Lampy, Christopher, 35th Iowa Infantry
Lathrop, William Hopkins, 39th Ohio and 111th USCI
Lazenby, Robert, 100th Indiana Infantry
Legg, Peter, 100th Indiana Infantry
Legg, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
Leib, Daniel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Lepper, John II, 7th Michigan Cavalry
Lightner, William, 10th Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry
Linville, Ellis, 45th Ohio Infantry
Lockard, Samuel, 35th Indiana Infantry
Longenburger, Nathan, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Longsworth, John, 32nd Ohio Infantry
Lovengier, Andrew, 46th Indiana Infantry
Lovingier, John, 3rd Missouri Cavalry
Maddux, John N., 101st Indiana Infantry
Mann, Abel, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Mann, Isaac, 75th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Mathewson, Amasa L., 1st Rhode Island Cavalry
Mathewson, Charles E. A., 5th Rhode Island Artillery
Mathewson, Chauney B., 21st New York Infantry
Mathewson, George, 10th Minnesota Infantry
Mathewson, Gilbert B., 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery
Mathewson, Harley P., Surgeon, U.S. Volunteers
Mathewson, James, 4th Ohio Light Artillery
Mathewson, James M., 154th New York Infantry
Mathewson, John, 114th New York Infantry
Mathewson, Josiah L., 56th Massachusetts Infantry
Mathewson, William R. T., 2nd Rhode Island Infantry
Matter, John H., 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
Matterson, Edward H., 10th Minnesota Infantry
Matterson, Hendrick R., 152nd New York Infantry
Matterson, Philander, 186th New York Infantry
Matteson, Alfred S., 10th Missouri Infantry
Matteson, Algenon S., 24th New York Infantry
Matteson, Allen, 121st New York Infantry
Matteson, Amos H., 111th Pennsylvania Infantry
Matteson, Andrew, 184th New York Infantry
Matteson, Andrew J., 4th Wisconsin Infantry
Matteson, Archibald E., 178th Ohio Infantry
Matteson, Benjamin F., 121st New York Infantry
Matteson, Benjamin J., 59th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Calvin L., 184th New York Infantry
Matteson, Charles, 189th New York Infantry
Matteson, David A., 36th Wisconsin Infantry
Matteson, Dennis M., 58th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Edwin A., 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
Matteson, Fayette A., 189th New York Infantry
Matteson, Frederick W., 1st Illinois Sharp Shooters
Matteson, George H., 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry
Matteson, George M., 8th Wisconsin Light Artillery
Matteson, George W., 76th New York Infantry
Matteson, George W., 74th New York Infantry
Matteson, Guy C., 147th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Hallett, 121st New York Infantry
Matteson, Herbert, 67th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Jacob, Rhode Island Infantry
Matteson, James, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
Matteson, James A., 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery
Matteson, Jesse, 189th New York Infantry
Matteson, John P., 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
Matteson, John W., 29th Ohio Infantry
Matteson, Laban B., 4th Michigan Infantry
Matteson, Lafayette, 5th Iowa Cavalry
Matteson, Leroy W., 10th New York Cavalry
Matteson, Lewis J., 12th Rhode Island Infantry
Matteson, Luther, 2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry
Matteson, Marcellus, 111th New York Infantry and 4th New York Heavy Artillery
Matteson, Norman S., 16th Michigan Infantry
Matteson, Oscar, 1st California Infantry
Matteson, Rhodes E., 4th Rhode Island Infantry
Matteson, Robert F., 2nd Rhode Island Infantry
Matteson, Spicer W., 137th New York Infantry
Matteson, Stephen W., 36th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Theodore B., 148th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Thomas P., 36th Illinois Infantry
Matteson, Wakeman P., 1st Ohio Light Artillery
Matteson, William, 1st Wisconsin Light Artillery
Matteson, William H., 8th New York Heavy Artillery
Matteson, William H., 116th New York Infantry
Matteson, William L., 2nd Minnesota Cavalry
Matteson, William O., 57th Pennsylvania Infantry
Matthewson, Edmond T., 10th Vermont Infantry
Mattison, Andrew J., 126th New York Infantry
McConnel, John, 34th Indiana Volunteers
McCown, George, 44th and 152nd Illinois Infantry
McFadden, Harrison, 42nd Ohio Infantry
McGowan, John A., 5th Missouri Cavalry
McKee, James, 73rd Ohio Infantry
KcKinnon, Samuel, 57th Ohio Infantry
McNabb, James M., 29th Indiana Infantry
McNeilage, Daniel, 45th Illinois Infantry
McVay, Robert, 55th Illinois Infantry and 23rd Veteran Reserve Corps
Medkser, Enoch, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
Medkser, Jacob, 79th Indiana Infantry
Medsker, John, 10th Indiana Infantry and 58th Indiana Infantry
Metcalf, Reuben, 7th Kentucky Infantry (Union)
Metzger, Moses, 209th Pennsylvania Infantry
Michael, Andrew, 23rd Kentucky Infantry
Michael, John, 201st Pennsylvania Infantry
Michael, Josiah, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Michael, Levi, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Michael, Levi H., 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Michael, William, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Middleswart, James, 193rd Ohio Infantry
Middleton, John, 66th Ohio Infantry
Miller, Alonza, 100th Indiana Infantry
Miller, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Miller, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Milnes, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Moody, George, 19th Massachusetts Infantry
Moody, George H., 46th Massachusetts Infantry
Morrow, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Mullendore, Jacob, 2nd Indiana Cavalry
Murray, George, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
Newhard, Edmund R., 54th Pennsylvania Infantry
Nichols, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
Nuss, Aaron, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Nuss, Charles, 188th Pennsylvania Infantry and 3rd Pennsylania Heavy Artillery
Nuss, Gideon, 178th Pennsylvania Infantry
Nuss, Henry, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery
O'Neill, Alexander, Mississippi Marine Brigade
O'Neill, Andrew Foster, 9th Kentucky Cavalry
O'Neill, Thomas, 161st Ohio Infantry
Old Sam, Loomis 1st Battery
Olinger, Anthony, 100th Indiana Infantry
Oliver, Thomas, 100th Indiana Infantry
Owen, George W., 75th Indiana Infantry
Palmer, Leonidas, 6th Kansas Cavalry
Palmer, Perry, 30th Illinois Infantry
Parkes, Richard, 37th Kentucky Infantry
Payton, William W., 19th and 20th Indiana Infantry
Peter, Eli, 154th Indiana Infantry and 15th Ohio Infantry
Phillips, Hector, 100th Indiana Infantry
Phillips, Jack, 12th U.S. Colored Troops
Phillips, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Phillips, Solomon, 100th Indiana Infantry
Phipps, Isaiah, 24th Indiana Infantry
Piatt, Benjamin, 67th Indiana Infantry
Pickels, Joseph, 100th Indiana Infantry
Pickett, Cyrus, 143rd Indiana Infantry
Pickett, Jerome R., 6th Ohio Cavalry
Pidgeon, Charles B., 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Pierce, Benjamin, 8th Minnesota Infantry
Pierce, Harrison, 85th Indiana Infantry
Pierce, James P., 51st Illinois Infantry
Plum, Henry, 100th Indiana Infantry
Pontius, Jacob, 100th Indiana Infantry
Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Pension Record
Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Service Record
Powell, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Pratt, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Price, Alexander, 60th Ohio Infantry
Price, William H., 1st Ohio Cavalry
Provin, Samuel Lathrup, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pyatt, Andrew J., 15th Iowa Infantry
Pyatt, James W., 9th Indiana Infantry
Pyatt, James William, 10th Indiana Infantry
Pyatt, John H., 15th Indiana Infantry
Ralston, Robert, 99th Indiana Infantry
Ralston, William H. (alias of David S. Smith), 110th Pennsylvania Infantry and 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
Rasler, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Rathwell, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Ream, Thomas, 95th Ohio Infantry
Reed, Amos, 100th Indiana Infantry
Reynolds, Joseph, 84th Indiana Infantry
Rhodes, Paul, 100th Indiana Infantry
Richardson, Beniah T., 2nd Indiana Cavalry
Richmond, Benjamin, 100th Indiana Infantry
Rider, Elias, 34th New York Infantry
Rider, Truman, 9th Michigan Cavalry
Robb, Edwin, 91st Indiana Infantry
Robertson, Allen, 20th Indiana Light Artillery
Robertson, Charles, 154th Indiana Infantry
Robertson, Joseph, 67th Indiana Infantry
Robinson, John, 19th Kentucky Infantry
Robson, Richard, 1st Indiana Cavalry
Rose, John, 74th Ohio Infantry
Rose, Samuel, 22nd Iowa Infantry
Rowan, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
Rowe, John B., 12th Indiana Cavalry
Rowe, Lewis, 100th Indiana Infantry
Roys, Joel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Ruch, William H., 84th Pennsylvania Infantry
Ruff, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Rumbel, Amos, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Rumbel, Daniel A., 2nd and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Rumbel, Jacob H., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Rumbel, Rudolph, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Rumble, Daniel, 44th Indiana Infantry
Rumble, Isaac, 44th Indiana Infantry
Rumble, Jacob, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Rumble, John, 143rd Indiana Infantry
Rumble, John, 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Rumble, John E., 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Rumpel, William, 123rd Ohio Infantry
Rumple, Eli C., 4th North Carolina Infantry
Rumple, James F., 42nd North Carolina Infantry
Rumple, John, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
Rumple, John W., 115th Indiana Infantry
Rumple, Robert A., 29th North Carolina Infantry
Ryan, Patrick, 91st Indiana Infantry
Ryason, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Saxon, William L., 13th Indiana Light Artillery
Schaeffer, George W., 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Segar, John G., 36th Indiana Infantry
Seger, Gerret, 73rd Indiana Infantry
Seltzer, Benjamin, 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry
Semmel, David, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry
Shaffer, Edwin, 150th Pennsylvania Infantry
Shappell, Henry, 15th U.S. Infantry
Sharp, William, 100th Indiana Infantry
Sheets, Sylvester, 151st Indiana Infantry
Shelley, Isaac, 17th Indiana Light Artillery
Shelley, William, 99th Indiana Infantry
Shelly, Daniel, 117th Indiana Infantry
Shelly, Samuel, 117th Indiana Infantry and 43rd Indiana Infantry
Sherry, John W., 2nd Indiana Cavalry
Sherry, William H., 134th and 147th Indiana Infantry
Sherry, William P., 36th Indiana Infantry
Shetterly, Andrew, 8th Indiana Cavalry
Shetterly, Edwin B., 3rd Iowa Infantry
Shetterly, Henry, 74th Indiana Infantry
Shetterly, Oscar E., 164th Ohio Infantry
Short, Edmund W., 6th U.S. Cavalry
Shorter, John Freeman, 55th Massachusetts Infantry
Shrack, William M., 84th Indiana Infantry
Sigler, Jacob, 6th West Virginia Infantry
Sigler, John, 5th and 6th Indiana Cavalry and 90th Indiana Infantry
Singley, Jacob, 18th Pennsylvania Cavalry and 168th Pennsylvania Infantry
Singley, John A., 8th Iowa Cavalry
Singley, Samuel, 49th Pennsylvania Infantry
Slaughter, Moses, 13th U.S. Colored Infantry
Smith, David S. (alias William H. Ralston), 110th Pennsylvania Infantry and 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
Smith, Enoch W., 89th Ohio Infantry
Smith, George W., 79th Ohio Infantry
Spangler, George, 100th Indiana Infantry
Spencer, John Carlton, 21st Michigan Infantry
Squire, Miles, 100th Indiana Infantry
Stark, Thomas L., 22nd Indiana Infantry
Starr, Hulbert, 100th Indiana Infantry
Stephens, Hugh A., 36th Indiana Infantry
Sturgis, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Swartz, Joseph Godfrey, Miller's Company, Rockbridge Co. Virginia Reserves
Swing, Randolph, 12th Ohio Cavalry
Taft, Ethan W., 207th Pennsylania Infantry
Taft, James B., 107th New York Infantry
Taylor, Daniel, 4th West Virginia Cavalry
Teets, Alexander, 5th Indiana Cavalry
Temple, Andrew, 34th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Temple, George, 89th Ohio Infantry
Tharp, James, 8th Kansas Infantry
Thompson, George, 26th Indiana Infantry
Thorne, Albert, 100th Indiana Infantry
Thrapp, Abraham, 24th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Thrapp, Bennet, 130th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Thrapp, Elias, 155th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Thrapp, James, 63rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Thrapp, Simeon, 4th U.S. Artillery
Tippett, James, 100th Indiana Infantry
Todd, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Tooker, Orrin C., 15th United States Regular Army Infantry
Topper, John, 144th Indiana Infantry
Tracy, Grigsby, 75th Indiana Infantry
Treace, Jacob, 32nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Treece, Isaac, 9th Michigan Infantry
Treece, Joab, 31st Illinois Infantry
Treece, John, 38th Indiana Infantry
Tucker, Granville, 100th Indiana Infantry
VanHorn, Jacob, 26th Iowa Infantry
Walrod, Job, 26th Iowa Infantry
Watts, John, 87th Indiana Infantry
Watts, William, 73rd Indiana Infantry
Weaver, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Weaver, Phillip, 100th Indiana Infantry
Weaver, Samuel, 100th Indiana Infantry
Webb, Madison, 44th Missouri Infantry
Weir, Andrew N., 6th Indiana Cavalry
West, Albert, 48th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
West, Andrew J., 43rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
West, Andrew, 59th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
West, Fairfax, 13th Ohio Cavalry
West, George, 63rd Indiana Infantry
West, Henry, 36th Ohio Infantry
West, Hugh, 4th & 6th Iowa Infantry
West, Isaac, 56th Illinois Infantry
West, Isaiah, 40th Indiana Infantry
West, James C., 148th Ohio Infantry
West, John, 79th Ohio Infantry
West, Leslie, 148th Ohio Infantry
West, Perry, 150th Indiana Infantry
West, Reason, 79th Ohio Infantry
West, Russell, 162nd Ohio Infantry
West, Thomas, 148th Ohio Infantry
West, William H., 71st Indiana Infantry
West, William W., 148th Ohio Infantry
Whitlock, John, 100th Indiana Infantry
Whitney, Edward, 100th Indiana Infantry
Wilcox, Clark L., 11th Indiana Battery
Williams, Jonathan, 67th Pennsylvania Infantry
Williams, Samuel, 4th and 12th New Jersey Infantry
Williams, Townsend, 23rd Pennsylvania Infantry
Willis, William, 84th Illinois Infantry and 7th Illinois Cavalry
Wilson, Elijah, 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Wolford, Aaron, 100th Indiana Infantry
Woodruff, David, 100th Indiana Infantry
Wright, Abraham, 9th Iowa Cavalry
Young, Alonzo, 100th Indiana Infantry
Young, John Townsend, 152nd Indiana Infantry
Zimmerman, Albert, 48th Pennsylvania Infantry
Zimmerman, Anton, 12th Indiana Infantry
Zimmerman, Jacob, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Zimmerman, Jacob, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Zimmerman, Joseph, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Zimmerman, Joseph, 139th Pennsylvania Infantry
Zimmerman, William B., 2nd and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Zook, Joseph, 100th Indiana Infantry
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Best, Robert E., 36th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Letters
Cramer, George. "The Civil War Letters of George Cramer" (11th Pennsylvania Infantry)
Kendrick, William G., His Letters Home from the Civil War
Letters Written by William Beaird, Jr. (1833-1914) Concerning His Louisiana Confederate Pension Application
Owen, Thomas. "Dear Friends at Home..." The Letters and Diary of Thomas James Owen Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineer Regiment, During the Civil War
Parker, William B., 2nd Michigan Infantry, Letters
Potts, John C., 95th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Letters
Silvis, John, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry
Wonsey, Alvin, 27th Michigan Infantry, Letters
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Other Documents
52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry, Company A, Pensioners
Allen County, Indiana Soldiers Receiving Pensions, October 1883
Bugle Call, Exhibits of War Relics, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1886
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Pension Records
Pensioners Roll, 1883, St. John Parish, Louisiana
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154th Indiana Infantry, Reunion, Frankfort, Indiana 1911
160th Indiana Infantry, Company B
Civil War Soldiers of Allen County: Images from the Mark Weldon Collection
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Post-war Activities and Lineage Societies
30th Indiana Regiment Veterans Association
88th and 142nd Indiana Re-Union, New Haven, Ind., August 29, 1907
88th Indiana Volunteers, 1901
Abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Encampment, Department of New York, G.A.R.
Admiral Foote Post, No. 17, Department of Connecticut, Grand Army of the Republic, New Haven
B.J. Crosswait Post G.A.R. No. 150 and W.R.C. No. 37, Department of Indiana
Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic
Fortville, Hancock County, Indiana Grand Army of the Republic, Post #228
History of the Indiana State Soldiers' Home at Lafayette, Indiana
Indiana Department Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary, Annual Get-Together Meeting, 1945
Journal of the Annual Convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, Department of Michigan, Auxiliary to Grand Army of the Republic, 1925
Major Henry Post 230, Grand Army of the Republic, Pendleton, Indiana
Major May Post 244, Grand Army of the Republic, Anderson, Indiana
Post-Bellum Campaigns of the Blue and Gray, 1881-1882
Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Encampment of the Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic
Roster of Elisha L. Hayward Post, No. 542, Dept. of New York, G.A.R.
Roster of Lawton-Wayne Post No. 271 of the Dept. of Ind. G.A.R., Fort Wayne, Ind.
Roster of the Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, 1894
Roster of the Survivors of the 74th Indiana Volunteers
S.U.V. Memorial, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Women's Relief Corps Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Indiana, Scrapbook, 1971
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Unit Histories and Rosters
100th Indiana Infantry, Company C
52nd Kentucky Mounted Infantry
Bragg's Rifles
Brown Paper Rams and Horse Marines: The History of the United States Ram Fleet and the Mississippi Marine Brigade in the American Civil War
The Civil War Cavalry from St. Joseph County: 12th Indiana - 127th Regiment
Dedication of the Monument at Andersonville, Georgia, October 23, 1907: In Memory of the Men of Connecticut Who Suffered in Southern Military Prisons, 1861-1865
The Forty-third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers: An Historic Sketch of Its Career and Services
History of the 121st New York State Infantry
History of the 160th Regt. O.V.I.: Read at the Thirteenth Annual Reunion, Held at Rehoboth, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1903
History of the 88th Regt. Ind. Vol. Inf., in Poetry
History of the Eighty-First Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Great War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865
History of the Seventy-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War of eighteen sixty-one in the United States
Malone's Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry: Confederate States Army
Military History of the Third Division, Ninth Corps, Army of the Potomac
Militia, 1865-1869, Anderson County, Kentucky
New History of the 99th Indiana Infantry
Records of Indiana Rangers in the Civil War, Montpelier, Indiana Men
Register of the Members of the "Artillery Corps, Washington Grays" of the City of Philadelphia Who Served in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
Roster of the 60th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Roster of the Eighth Regiment Conn. Vols. 1861-1865
Roster of the Surviving Members of the Eighty-eighth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Corrected to August 1st, 1889
U.S. Colored Troops, Anderson County, Kentucky
The War for the Union, 1861-1865. A Record of Its Defenders, Living and Dead, from Steuben County, Indiana; and History of Veteran Organizations and Kindred Associations
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Battles and War
Account of the Battle of Mansfield
Battle of Pleasant Hill
Constant Defender: The Story of Fort Moultrie
Indiana at Chickamauga, 1863-1900. Report of Indiana Commissioners, Chickamauga National Military Park
Indiana at Shiloh: Report of the Commission
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