Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/12/1860 | 4 | SEYBERT, John (Bishop)* | -- | OH | OH: Seneca Co. (d Wed., the 4th inst. at home of Isaac Parker nr Bellevue; was ill and could go no farther) | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | PISEL, Hesekiah [sic]* | ca 33 | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, Saml. W.; d Dec 4, 1859; converted ca 3 yrs ago; widow, 2 chren remain; pulmonary consumption | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | UNGER, John* | 68 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Dec 12, 1859); converted ca 30 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; class-leader; consumption | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | WATTS, Elizabeth* | 69 | WATTS, Samuel | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Dec 17, 1859 age 69y, 1m, 3d); had 10 chren, 2 of whom are dead; she had typhoid fever 5+ wks | ||
01/12/1860 | 8 | WATTS, Samuel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/12/1860 | 8 | PIKE, Allen D. (Rev.)* | 31 | IA | IA: Buchanan Co. (d [no date] age 31y, 4m, 4d); converted 8 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain; conjestive [sic] fever | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | FRY, John (Mrs.)* | PA | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Brush Valley (d Oct 16 last, age 70y, 5m); memb Evan. Assn. 33 yrs; went to bed after prayer, found dead in the morning | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | SNYDER, Adam* | 63 | OH | OH: Seneca Co. (d May 17, 1859) [notice the date of death] | |||
01/12/1860 | 8 | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | 74 | SNYDER, Adam | MI | MI: Branch Co. (d Sep 1, 1859) [obit heading is SNYDER, Adam] | ||
01/12/1860 | 8 | STEINER, Francis* | 49 | MI | MI: Berrien Co. (d Dec 12, 1859 age ca 49y, 6m); converted 12 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; prev memb Moravian Ch. & res short distance from Nazareth, PA; wife, grown son remain; dropsy of heart + dyspepsia | |||
01/12/1860 | 12 | SEIBERT, John (Bishop)* | OH | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim area (b Jul 7, 1791) | OH: Seneca Co. (d); lengthy biography sans vital statistics | |||
01/26/1860 | 16 | BRENEISEN, Eliza* | 16 | OH | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d Dec 1, 1859 age 16y, 8m, 12d); father, mother, grmother all died since last Sep 8th; 5 of Eliza's siblings "are forced to separate, and make their homes among strangers"; all the dead had typhoid fever | |||
01/26/1860 | 16 | SPANGLER, Reuben I.* | 30 | IL | IL: Rock Grove (d Oct 9, 1859 age 30y, 11m, 5d); memb M. E. Ch.; widow, 3 sm chren remain; consumption 15 mos | |||
01/26/1860 | 16 | DUBLER, Lydia* | 46 | IN | IN: Whitly [sic] Co.: Thorn Creek Tp. (d Dec 11, 1859 age 46y, 8m, 10d); lung fever | |||
01/26/1860 | 16 | LAPE, -----* [male] | 22 | -- | --: he of Somerset Co., PA; d Dec 29, 1859 age 22y, 3m, 25d at home of uncle, Ab. LAPE, where but a month ago his aunt had died; scarlet fever 12 days | |||
01/26/1860 | 16 | YOUTZ, Henry | Sent $1.00 for Vol. 13 of Evan. Msng. [not an obituary] | |||||
02/09/1860 | 24 | GILDERSLEEVE, Rollin D.* | 3 | OH | OH: Ross Co.: Hallsville (d Nov 23, 1859 age 3y, 9m, 11d); son of Dr. W. C. & Martha E.; both membs Ev. Assn.; Martha is the dau of Rev. J. DREISBACH | |||
02/09/1860 | 24 | DREISBACH, Martha | wife of Dr. W. C. GILDERSLEEVE, see Rollin D. GILDERSLEEVE obit, Feb 9, 1860 p 24 | |||||
02/09/1860 | 24 | DANNER, Wilson* | 8 | -- | --: d Dec 16, 1859 age 2 days less than 9 yrs; son of Felix B.; dropsical affection + scarlet fever 4 wks. Submitted by "A Friend." | |||
02/09/1860 | 24 | MOTZ, Franklin* | 23 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Woodward (d [no date] age 23y, 2m, 23d at res of bro-in-law; memb of a volunteer co., bur w/ military honors; typhus fever | |||
02/09/1860 | 24 | BECK, Nancy* | 43 | IN | IN: Dekalb Co.: Franklin Tp. (d [no date] age 43y, 9m); memb Evan. Assn. 11-12 yrs | |||
02/09/1860 | 24 | WEIRICH, Sarah* | 3 | OH | OH: Williams Co. (d Jan 2, 1860 age nearly 4 yrs); only dau of her pars [obit heading is BECK] | |||
02/23/1860 | 32 | NIEDERHOUSER, Jacob* | 70 | OH | SWITZERLAND (b) | OH: Seneca Co. (d Jan 22, 1860 age 70y, 3m); to AMER 1860 [sic] to Summit Co., OH, where became a widower 18 yrs ago; sometime after this to Seneca Co.; son, 10 grchren remain; gravel | ||
02/23/1860 | 32 | WIRICH, Susan* | 24 | WIRICH, Henry | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d Jan 6, 1860 age 24y, 10m, 17d); converted ca 1 yr ago; husb, 9-day-old son remain; "written farewell documents were found before she was interred" | ||
02/23/1860 | 32 | WIRICH, Henry | -----, Susan* | |||||
02/23/1860 | 32 | DUM, Mary Ann* | 39 | DUM, William | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Centre Tp. (d Feb 1 age 39y, 7m, 26d); converted ca 6 yrs ago; husb, 1 child remain | ||
02/23/1860 | 32 | DUM, William | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
02/23/1860 | 32 | HIGH, Elisabeth* | 69 | HIGH, John | PA | PA: Union Co. (d [no date] age 69y, 9m, 10d); husb dead; dropsy in her chest | ||
02/23/1860 | 32 | HIGH, John | -----, Elisabeth* | |||||
02/23/1860 | 32 | BURKHOLDER, Elizabeth* | 45 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Jan 30th age 45y, 10m, 10d) | |||
03/08/1860 | 36 | SEYBERT, John (Bishop)* | info re | |||||
03/08/1860 | 40 | LEIB, Elizabeth* | 54 | LEIB, John P. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d Jan 28th age 54y, 6m); converted 1824; husb, 3 chren (Ellen, Lizzie, Charles), 1 grson (Clarence), son-in-law, bros, sisters remain; 3 chren dead; kidney affection + dropsy | ||
03/08/1860 | 40 | LEIB, John P. (Rev.) | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/08/1860 | 40 | HARROFF, Sarah Ann* | 44 | -- | --: Minister; CROWTHER, S. F.; d Dec 27, 1859 age 44y, 10m, 18d); converted ca 20 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; ovarian dropsy [CROWTHER of Inland, Summit Co., OH, at this time, see p 56] | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | SHADLE, Jacob* | 41 | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (d [no date] age 41y, 3m); converted ca 7 yrs ago; memb Evan. Assn.; wife, chren remain; dyspepsia several yrs | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | FELLER, Samantha* | 17 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Nov 17, 1859 age 17y, 5m); dau of Daniel & Mary; putrid sore throat. Funeral by Rev. W. WONDER of Evan. Assn. | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | FELLER, Elmira* | 10 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Nov 16, 1859 age 10y, 8m, 26d); dau of Daniel & Mary; putrid sore throat. Funeral by Rev. John POWELL of the United Brethren Ch. | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | FELLER, Margaret Lucinda* | 8 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Nov 18, 1859 age 8y, 6m, 26d); dau of Daniel & Mary; putrid sore throat. Funeral by Rev. John POWELL, United Brethren Ch. | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | FELLER, Daniel Sylvester* | 6 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Nov 29, 1859 age 6y, 19d); son of Daniel & Mary; putrid sore throat. Funeral by Rev. John Powell, United Brethren Ch. | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | FELLER, Andrew Calvin* | 4 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Nov 29, 1859 age 4y, 9m, 26d); son of Daniel & Mary; putrid sore throad. Funeral by Rev. John POWELL, United Brethren Ch. | |||
03/08/1860 | 40 | MILLER, Mary* | 41 | MILLER, Isaac | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Womelsdorf (d Jan 26, 1860 age 41y, 3m); md 25+ yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 sons, 2 daus dead; liver complaint then dropsy; bed-ridden 21 wks | ||
03/08/1860 | 40 | MILLER, Isaac | -----, Mary* | |||||
03/08/1860 | 40 | SEYBERT, John (Bishop)* | OH | OH: Cuyahoga Co. Jan 30, 1860: anyone having accts to settle or personal property belonging to John SEYBERT are requested to inform the executor, Joseph LONG, Franklin Square, Columbiana Co., OH. Seybert late of Cuyahoga Co., OH. estate notice | ||||
03/22/1860 | 48 | DENNIS, Margaret* | 65 | DENNIS, Michael | -- | --: Minister: STULL, J.; d Feb 27th, 1860 age 65y, 6m, 25d; being a very corpulent woman she desired a quick death, since protracted illness would cause her chren much trouble; husb, 6 chren remain, one of whom is George; 3 chren dead [Summit Co., OH?] | ||
03/22/1860 | 48 | DENNIS, Michael | -----, Margaret* | |||||
04/05/1860 | 56 | STOVER, Jacob* | 51 | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Bellevernon (d Feb 24, 1860); joined Evan. Assn. 1839; had 8 chren, 2 of whom are dead | |||
04/05/1860 | 56 | BOWMAN, Matilda* | 25 | -- | --: Philadelphia (d Mar 10th age 25y, 19d); pulmonary consumption 5 mos. Minister: Fr. KRECKER | |||
04/05/1860 | 56 | MEYER, H.* [male] | 80 | NY | NY: Allegheny [sic] Co.: Grove (d Mar 16th age 80y, 1m, 16d); converted ca 50 yrs ago, memb Evan. Assn. the last 45 yrs; 7 chren, 36 grchren, 15 gt-grchren remain; dropsy | |||
04/05/1860 | 56 | WILL, Benjamin* | 17 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Petersburg [now Mifflin] d Mar 8, 1860 age 17y, 10m, 20d); converted ca 1 yr ago; exhorted friends to meet him in glory; bur the 10th. Minister: H. T. STRAUCH | |||
04/05/1860 | 56 | MILLER, Eliza* | 25 | BELL | MILLER, J. (Rev.) | IA | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | IA: Jasper Co.: Greencastle (d Mar 5th age 22 days less than 26 yrs); dau of Samuel & Mary; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bur Cedar Co., IA, where pars reside; they expected a visit from dau & chren; funeral instead; severe cold, then consumption |
04/05/1860 | 56 | BELL, Eliza* | 25 | MILLER, J. (Rev.) | IA | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | IA: Jasper Co.: Greencastle (d Mar 5th age 22 days less than 26 yrs); dau of Samuel & Mary; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bur Cedar Co., IA, where pars reside; they expected a visit from dau & chren; funeral instead; severe cold, then consumption | |
04/05/1860 | 56 | MILLER, J. (Rev.) | BELL, Eliza* | |||||
04/19/1860 | 64 | GILBERT, Henry* | 72 | OH | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d Jan 21, 1860 age 72y, 2m, 14d); converted 42 yrs ago; memb Evan. Assn.; a pattern of piety; widow, 7 chren remain; bur at Milton; broke leg 4 mos ago, bedfast ever since + consumption | |||
04/19/1860 | 64 | RUMEL, Jacob* | 23 | IN | PA (b) | IN: Wayne Co. (d Mar 31, 1860 age 23y, 11m, 17d); to IN 1849; converted 2 mos before death; "white swelling" for 3 yrs | ||
04/19/1860 | 64 | KIME, Jonathan* | 26 | OH | OH: Wayne Co. (d Mar 24, 1860 age 26y, 7m, 3d); converted 5 yrs ago; wife, 2 chren remain; consumption ca 3 yrs. Minister: J. HALDEMAN | |||
04/19/1860 | 64 | WEIKEL, -----* | -- | ZEHNER | WEIKEL, Jacob (Rev.) Presiding Elder | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Oakland (d Mar 14th); husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Oakland Ch. burying-ground. Husb been away 4 wks, was notified that his wife had d & was bur; he too far away to attend funeral; dropsy several yrs [CORR Jun 14 p 96] | |
04/19/1860 | 64 | ZEHNER, -----* [CORR Jun 14 p 96] | -- | WEIKEL, Jacob (Rev.) Presiding Elder | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Oakland (d Mar 14th); husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Oakland Ch. burying-ground. Husb been away 4 wks, was notified that his wife had d & was bur; he too far away to attend funeral; dropsy several yrs | ||
04/19/1860 | 64 | WEIKEL, Jacob (Rev.) | ZEHNER, -----* [CORR Jun 14 p 96] | Presiding Elder | ||||
04/19/1860 | 64 | UNGER, Catharine* | 43 | UNGER, Benjamin | PA | PA: Dauphin Co. (d Mar 27th age 43y, 4m, 2d); converted ca 8 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren, 5 step-chren remain; inflammation of lungs | ||
04/19/1860 | 64 | UNGER, Benjamin | -----, Catharine* | |||||
04/19/1860 | 64 | BLUMBACK, Catharine* | 57 | BLUMBACK, Isaac | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Mar 25th age 57y, 9m, 12d); memb Evan. Assn. 28 yrs; husb, 8 chren remain; afflicted nearly 28 yrs, cripple for last 17, almost helpless final 8 yrs | ||
04/19/1860 | 64 | BLUMBACK, Isaac | -----, Catharine* | |||||
04/19/1860 | 64 | LAPE, Mary* | 37 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Point Tp. (d Nov 18th last age 37y, 18d); memb Evan. Assn. 20 yrs; husb, many friends remain | |||
04/19/1860 | 64 | MIESSIE, Joseph Albert* | 3 | -- | --: Minister: HOY, S.; d Jan 17, 1860 age 3y, 3m, 10d | |||
04/19/1860 | 64 | MIESSIE, Monroe* | 7 | -- | --: Minister: HOY, S.; d Feb 25, 1860 age 7y, 8m, 26d; son of David & Sarah | |||
05/03/1860 | 72 | HANDEL, Jacob* | 67 | IL | WIRTEMBERG: Dedingen (b) | IL: Joe Davis [sic] Co.: Rushcreek Tp. (d Apr 11th); prev memb Lutheran Ch.; to AMER 1832 to eastern PA 1 yr, then to Western Settlement where died; converted 1846; many friends, no enemies, in good circumstances | ||
05/03/1860 | 72 | GIEL, Samuel* | 42 | OH | OH: Hocking Co. (d Apr 14th); converted ca 10 yrs ago; widow, 6 chren remain; consumption | |||
05/03/1860 | 72 | BOYL, Ann Eliza* | 33 | BOYL, Andrew | MD | MD: Harford Co. (d Mar 21, 1860 age 33y, 2m); converted Aug 1845; remaining are husb, 7 chren, the youngest of whom is age 2 mos | ||
05/03/1860 | 72 | BOYL, Andrew | -----, Ann Eliza* | |||||
05/17/1860 | 80 | FALK, Mary Ann* | 26 | -- | --: Minister: CROASMAN, James; d Apr 14, 1860 age 26y, 4d; converted age 12 | |||
05/17/1860 | 80 | NAILOR, Anna Barbara* | 39 | STEERICK | NAILOR, George | IN | IN: Allen Co. (d Apr 28, 1860 age 39y, 1m, 24d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; converted ca 20 yrs ago in PA; husb, 9 chren remain | |
05/17/1860 | 80 | STEERICK, Anna Barbara* | 39 | NAILOR, George | IN | IN: Allen Co. (d Apr 28, 1860 age 39y, 1m, 24d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; converted ca 20 yrs ago in PA; husb, 9 chren remain | ||
05/17/1860 | 80 | NAILOR, George | STEERICK, Anna Barbara* | |||||
05/17/1860 | 80 | TRANSUE, Elizabeth* | 59 | TRANSUE, Abraham | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley (d Apr 10th age 59y, 8m); converted ca 28 yrs ago, 2 yrs later joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain; 2 chren dead; stroke of palsy [obit rather lengthy for the times] | ||
05/17/1860 | 80 | TRANSUE, Abraham | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/31/1860 | 88 | STRICKLER, Mary* | 17 | IA | IA: Buchanan Co.: Brandon (d May 12, 1860); dau of John; d suddenly of a severe cold | |||
05/31/1860 | 88 | WEAVER, Magdalena* | 18 | PA | PA: Venango Co. (d Mar 3, 1860 age 18y, 8m, 14d); dau of Rev. Jos. & Sarah; inflammation of stomach & bowels for 6 wks | |||
05/31/1860 | 88 | DUTT, David* | 48 | PA | PA: Venango Co. (d Apr 16, 1860); converted 10 yrs ago; class leader in the church; md upwards of 24 yrs; wife, 10 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |||
06/14/1860 | 96 | WEIKEL, Margaret* | 47 | Age at death was 47y, 3m, 12d; see original obit published Apr 19th [CORR Jun 14 p 96 states given name & age] | ||||
06/14/1860 | 96 | HEINSELMAN, Geo.* | 59 | -- | --: name of submitter not given; d May 4, 1860 age 2 days short of 60 yrs; converted ca 18 yrs ago; widow, 11 chren remain; pneumonia | |||
06/14/1860 | 96 | SCHREFFLER, Daniel [Rev.]* | 66 | DAUBERMAN, Cath. E. | IL | IL: Plainfield (d May 3d age 66y, 6m); converted age 17; md May 1814; exhorter's license dated Apr 7, 1815; ca 18 yrs ago to Plainfield from Canton, PA; wife, 5 chren remain; inflammation of small intestines 5 days | ||
06/14/1860 | 96 | DAUBERMAN, Cath. E. | SCHREFFLER, Daniel [Rev.]* | |||||
06/14/1860 | 96 | SCHREFFLER, Cath. E. | SCHREFFLER, Daniel [Rev.]* | |||||
06/14/1860 | 96 | RAYMER, Martin* | 44 | CW | CANADA WEST: York Co.: Markham tp. (d May 11, 1860); converted 15 yrs ago; exhorter nearly 6 yrs; widow, 11 chren remain; consumption ca 2 yrs | |||
06/14/1860 | 96 | KOBLEN, Catharine* | 25 | DEISHER | IL | PA: Berks Co. (res prev) | IL: Wabash Co. (d Apr 11th); dau of Peter; to Lancaster IL in Feb; bros & sisters remain; status of father unclear; rapid consumption | |
06/14/1860 | 96 | DEISHER, Catharine* | 25 | KOBLEN, ----- | IL | PA: Berks Co. (res prev) | IL: Wabash Co. (d Apr 11th); dau of Peter; to Lancaster IL in Feb; bros & sisters remain; status of father unclear; rapid consumption | |
06/28/1860 | 104 | NICOLAI, Julianna* | 34 | NICOLAI, John (Rev.) | IN | PA: Somerset Co. (b Jun 30, 1825) | IN: South Bend (d Jun 3, 1860); converted in 1846; md ca 1847; 4 yrs later w/ husb to Evan. Mission in Germany; remaining are husb, 5 chren, the youngest being age 19 mos; typhoid fever. Poem to her memory by Lizzie Ruth page 103 | |
06/28/1860 | 104 | NICOLAI, John (Rev.) | -----, Julianna* | |||||
06/28/1860 | 104 | BARRY, John* | 41 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Beaver Valley (d May 28, 1860 age 41y, 2m, 12d); wife, 3 chren remain; | |||
06/28/1860 | 104 | LUTZ, Elizabeth* | 69 | LUTZ, Abraham | PA | PA: Germantown (d May 29th age 69y, 3m, 2d); joined Evan. Assn. 15 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain; phneumonia [sic] | ||
06/28/1860 | 104 | LUTZ, Abraham | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
06/28/1860 | 104 | HOLLAND, Rebecca* | 37 | THOMAS | HOLLAND, Thomas | PA | PA: York (d May 23d age 37y, 3m, 6d); dau of Benjamin & Catharine; dropsy | |
06/28/1860 | 104 | THOMAS, Rebecca* | 37 | HOLLAND, Thomas | PA | PA: York (d May 23d age 37y, 3m, 6d); dau of Benjamin & Catharine; dropsy | ||
06/28/1860 | 104 | HOLLAND, Thomas | THOMAS, Rebecca* | |||||
06/28/1860 | 104 | KECK, Margaret* | 58 | KECK, Michael | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Beaver Tp. (d Jun 13, 1860 age 58y, 5m, 15d); memb Evan. Assn. 18+ yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; acute gastritis 2+ mos | ||
06/28/1860 | 104 | KECK, Michael | -----, Margaret* | |||||
06/28/1860 | 104 | GARRETT, Sophia* | 31 | OH | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | OH: Richland Co. (d Jun 11th age 31y, 5m, 4d); dau of Samuel & Catharine GARRETT; pars, 1 sis remain; illness not fully known | ||
06/28/1860 | 104 | YOST, Elizabeth* | 83 | VA | VA: Morgan Co.: Sleepy Creek: church nr Ambros (bur); d May 10 age 83y, 3m, 2d; converted ca 44 yrs ago; 7 chren remain; consumption. Minister: E. BEATY |
Number of items that your search found: 98