DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/10/18618SMITH, Maria*21----: Paradise Valley (d Dec 13, 1860 age 21y, 11m, 22d); consumption. Minister: FISHER, George B.
01/10/18618WISMER, E.* [female]62CWCW: York Co.: Markham Tp. (d Nov 12, 1860 age 62y, 10m, 8d); breast cancer
01/10/18618SOLT, Mary*48SOLT, JacobILIL: Stephenson Co. (d Dec 20, 1860 age 48y, 5d); memb Evan. Assn. 11 yrs; md 27+ yrs; lung fever
01/10/18618SOLT, Jacob-----, Mary*
01/10/18618HAAS, Melvina*17OHOH: Pickaway Co (d Dec 22 age 17y, 1m, 23d); dau of Jacob & Rebecca; converted 6 yrs ago; putrid sore throat ca 4 wks
01/10/18618PLANK, Adam*35PAPA: Adams Co.: Idaville area (d Dec 17th age 35y, 10m, 4d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 2 yrs; widow, pars remain; kidney disease contracted from a sprain
01/24/186116GUTHART, Lydia M.*52PAPA: Lebanon (d Jan 3rd age 52y, 7m, 12d); converted 30 yrs ago; memb Evan. Assn. 30 yrs; consumption
01/24/186116CLAY, Margaret*38GLEIMCLAY, GeorgeOHOH: Williams Co. (d Dec 29, 1860 age 38y, 11m, 6d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 4 wks
01/24/186116GLEIM, Margaret*38CLAY, GeorgeOHOH: Williams Co. (d Dec 29, 1860 age 38y, 11m, 6d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 4 wks
01/24/186116CLAY, GeorgeGLEIM, Margaret*
01/24/186116WAGNER, John*57WIWI: Green Co. (d Dec 31, 1860 age 57y, 10m, 24d); formerly of Centre Co., PA; converted ca 18 yrs ago; wife, 9 chren remain; typhoid fever
01/24/186116DAGUE, George*74OHOH: Franklin Co.: New Albany area (d Jan 4, 1861 age 74y, 11m, 16d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 39 yrs; died while visiting a friend in the country; widow, 3 chren remain; heart disease
01/24/186116YOUTZ, H.74OHName on "Letter List" as having paid $1 for the Mess. " É the $1 received and the Mess. sent." [Believe this to be Henry Youtz of Stark/Summit Co. areas, OH] [not an obit]
02/07/186124RINKER, Leah*23PAPA: Monroe Co.: Jackson (d Jan 19, 1861 age 23y, 2m); dau of Joseph; in delicate health some yrs
02/07/186124MEKELVEY, Sarah*57PAPA: Perry Co.: Buffalo (d Jan 27, 1861 age 57y, 3m, 27d); several chren, bros, sisters remain; consumption. "Her last hours were hours of peace."
02/07/186124HAGEMAN, Henry*23ILOH: Wayne Co. (b)IL: McDonough Co. (d Oct 31, 1860 age 23y, 1m, 3d); son of Jesse & Elizabeth; comverted ca 6 yrs ago, joined Ev. Assn.; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain. Minister: James SELLS
02/07/186124KUNEY, Oscar E.*16NYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Jan 9, 1861 age 16y, 25d); son of Joseph & Christina; typhoid fever 11 days; vivid description of his last hrs
02/07/186124KECK, John*31OHOH: Stark Co.: Strassburg [sic] area (d Oct 18, 1860 age 31y, 5m, 18d); son of Michael & Margaret; widow, an infant child remain; typhoid fever 5 wks
02/07/186124KECK, John (Mrs.)*33OHOH: Stark Co.: Strassburg [sic] area (d Nov 10, 1860 age 33y, 8m, 4d)
02/07/186124SEACHRIST, Elizabeth*64SEACHRIST, JohnPAPA: York Co.: Loganville (d Jan 13, 1861 age 64y, 11m, 13d); converted ca 40 yrs ago, reconverted ca 25 yrs ago; aged husb, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/07/186124SEACHRIST, John-----, Elizabeth*
02/21/186132HAMMER, Martha A.*33BECKHAMMER, William A.PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Jan 31st); dau of Dr. J., Principal of Litiz [sic] Academy for Boys; remaining are husb, 5 chren [ages 2 wks to 10 yrs], & parents [very detailed obit]
02/21/186132BECK, Martha A.*33HAMMER, William A.PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Jan 31st); dau of Dr. J., Principal of Litiz [sic] Academy for Boys; remaining are husb, 5 chren [ages 2 wks to 10 yrs], & parents [very detailed obit]
02/21/186132HAMMER, William A.BECK, Martha A.*
02/21/186132HAUSER, John*70ININ: St. Joseph Co. (d Feb 5 age 70y, 10m, 25d at res of son); converted ca 20 yrs ago; wife, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead [CORR.: left 8 chren; wife, 3 chren dead] [CORRECTED Mar 21, 1861 p 48]
03/07/186137BLANK, George Adam (Rev.)*WEILER, CatharineWIPA: Berks Co. (b Jan 1, 1822)WI: Waukesha (d Feb 5, 1861 age 39y, 1m, 5d); md Apr 13, 1848 in town of Greenfield, Milwaukee Co., WI; pastorates in OH, IN, WI; widow, 3 chren remain; dau Sarah d lately; typhoid fever [obit nearly 2 cols long]
03/07/186137WEILER, CatharineBLANK, George Adam (Rev.)*
03/07/186137BLANK, CatharineBLANK, George Adam (Rev.)*
03/07/186140HEISS, Wm.*79PAPA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d Feb 1, 1861 age 79y, 7m, 2d); memb Ev. Assn. 27 yrs; wife, 11 chren, 48 grchren remain; stomach cancer
03/07/186140SNYDER, Sarah Ann*15OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Feb 10 age 15y, 26d); dau of Jacob & Phebe; memb Evan. Assn. ca 2 yrs; inflammation of bowels
03/07/186140RAPP, John*34ILIL: Lee Co.: Perkins Grove (d Feb 5th age 34y, 3m, 19d); widow, 5 chren remain. "He is a son of Adam Rapp, from near Stuttgart, Wuertemberg, and one of the first Germans in this section of country, and a worthy member of the Ev. Association...."
03/07/186140GRIFFITH, Caroline*19PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Feb 12th age 19y, 11m, 4d); dau of John & Catharine. Minister: E. B. MILLER
03/07/186140SEICHLY, -----* [female]10----: Minister; KANAGY, J.; funeral Jan. 20th, age 10y, 22d; 2 sisters also afflicted; scarlet fever
03/07/186140SEICHLY, -----* [female]------: Minister: KANAGY, J.; she died as her deceased sister was being carried from the house; another sister also afflicted
03/07/186140FERNER, Barbarette*21ERNST, JosiahILIL: Mattamory [sic] (d Feb 4th age 21y, 3m, 3d); dau of George & Catharine FERNER
03/07/186140ERNST, Barbarette*21ERNST, JosiahILIL: Mattamory [sic] (d Feb 4th age 21y, 3m, 3d); dau of George & Catharine FERNER [obit heading is FERNER]
03/07/186140ERNST, JosiahFERNER, Barbarette*
03/07/186140DENNIS, Catharine*--OHOH: Morrow Co. (d [no date]); dropsy. Minister: J. G. BAUGHMAN
03/07/186140STEINER, Eliz.*69PAPA: Berks Co.: Wommelsdorf (d Jan 7th age 69y, 10m, 15d); converted ca 34 yrs ago, soon after joined Evan. Assn.; 10 chren remain; severe attacks of palsy
03/07/186140WERKER, Catharine*52OHOH: Ashland Co. (d Feb 5th age 52y, 1m, 9d); husb remains; consumption. Minister Jos. EBERT [Feel this surname is misspelled.--ABudd]
03/21/186148DILLMAN, Michael*63ILPA: Centre Co.: Potter Tp. (b)IL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Feb 20, 1861 age 63y, 4m); converted age 17, soon w/ pars to Stark (now Summit) Co., OH; to IL 1849; 6 sons, 4 daus remain; left $200 to erect a college at Plainfield; injured stepping into a sleigh
03/21/186148RICKER, John G.*68MIMI: Senawee [sic] Co.: Blissfield (d Jan 31st age 68y, 3m, 3d)
03/21/186148ELLIOT, James*80MIMI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d Feb 16th age 80y, 1m, 2d)
03/21/186148KRAPF, Gottlieb*82MIMI: Blissfield (d Feb 10th age 82y, 7m, 3d)
03/21/186148GOUGH, Sarah Elizabeth*17OHOH: Pickaway Co. (d Nov 25, 1860 age 17y, 9m, 13d); converted 2 yrs ago; consumption
03/21/186148HUMMEL, John*17PAPA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Feb 6th age 17y, 6m, 9d); typhoid fever 5 days
03/21/186148SNYDER, Anna Belle*8PAPA: Somerset Co.: Milford (d Feb 6 age 8y, 3m, 28d); dau of Solomon & Mary; putrid sore throat
03/21/186148SNYDER, Sarah Jane*13PAPA: Somerset Co.: Milford (d Feb 12 age 13y, 4m, 20d); dau of Solomon & Mary; putrid sore throat. "Sarah Jane sought and found the Lord."
03/21/186148DEIBERT, Elizabeth*57DEIBERT, DanielPAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Feb 25 age 57y, 7m, 17d); converted 30 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 9 chren remain; dropsy 6 mos
03/21/186148DEIBERT, Daniel-----, Elizabeth*
03/21/186148WINDBIGLER, Margaret*23WINDBIGLER, Wm., Jr.OHOH: Morrow Co.: Troy Tp. (d Feb 9 aged 23y, 6m); husb, 4 chren, sister remain; ate dinner, felt fatigued, laid down, asked for camphor, died in a few minutes
03/21/186148WINDBIGLER, Wm., Jr.-----, Margaret*
03/21/186148READER, Ann Eliza*17NYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Feb 14 age 17, 7m, 17d); dau of David & Elizabeth; converted 2+ yrs ago; consumption
03/21/186148PONTIUS, Catharine Eliza*10NYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Feb 18 age 10y, 4m, 2d); dau of John & Christina; congestion of lungs
04/04/186156DRESSLER, Jacob*65PAPA: Juniata Co.: Susquehanna Tp. (d Mar 3rd age 65y, 2m, 24d); widow, 13 chren remain; bur nr his dwelling on ground he bequeathed to the Ev. Assn.
04/04/186156GLIME, Jacob, Jr.23OHOH: Williams Co. (d Mar 8th age 23y, 4m, 22d at res of father); converted ca 1 yr ago, a pattern of piety; typhoid fever
04/04/186156HOFFMAN, Elmira*20PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d Mar 17th age 20y, 10m, 17d); dau of Jonas & Rebecca; converted 4 yrs ago; consumption since last Sep
04/04/186156BERG, Jacob*46OHOH: Wood Co.: Lake Tp. (d Mar 12th age 46y, 1m, 12d); converted/joined Evan. Assn. 27+ yrs ago; 16 yrs church exhorter; wife, 5 chren remain; dropsy
04/04/186156RAMBERGER, Susan*63PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg area (d [no date] age 63y, 1m, 28d); converted ca 26 yrs ago at a campmeeting; husb, 9 chren remain; affection of the liver
04/04/186156HESS, Anna*49ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d in Mar age 49y, 5m, 23d; bur the 7th); converted 1836 in Buffalo Valley, Union Co., PA; md to Bro. Hess 16 yrs, some of which she spent with him on the Gospel field; husb, 3 chren remain; consumption many yrs
04/18/186164TEA, Elizabeth*39MILLERTEA, WellingtonPAPA: New Berlin (d 2nd inst.); dau of George; to this place when Evan. Printing Estab. moved here; husb, 4 chren remain; mentions her bro, Henry MILLER; inflammation of lungs
04/18/186164MILLER, Elizabeth*39TEA, WellingtonPAPA: New Berlin (d 2nd inst.); dau of George; to this place when Evan. Printing Estab. moved here; husb, 4 chren remain; mentions her bro, Henry MILLER; inflammation of lungs
04/18/186164TEA, WellingtonMILLER, Elizabeth*
04/18/186164HIPPENSTEEL, Marg.*87PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d Mar 18th at res of son James); converted 16 yrs ago; had 11 chren (some of whom are dead), 84 grchren, 73 gt-grchren
04/18/186164KOCH, Moses*22OHOH: Wyandot Co. (d Mar 25 age 22y, 11m, 10d); son of Benj. & Mary; converted at Adrian a few wks ago; typhoid pneumonia
04/18/186164M'CORMIC, Mary*28ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Freeport (d Mar 26 at res of father); bur Tues the 27, funeral discourse Sun A.M., the 31st; consumption ca 4 mos
04/18/186164WAGNER, Emma Elizabeth*1OHOH: Hancock Co.: (d Mar 29 age 1y, 11m, 15d); dau of Adam & Leah; measels [sic]
04/18/186164HUMMEL, Edward*26ILIL: Stevenson Co. (d Mar 18th); converted in Somerset Co., PA; enlargement of heart
04/18/186164REIGLE, Maria*ca 81REIGLE, JacobNYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Apr 24, 1860); converted ca 50 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn., one of 1st membs in NY state; house open to the itinerant preachers; infirmities of old age
04/18/186164REIGLE, Jacob-----, Maria*
04/18/186164PROSE, Elizabeth*76PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (d Apr 3d age 76y, 2m, 24d); converted 35 yrs ago, soon after joined Evan. Assn.; 5 chren remain
04/18/186164SEDAM, Emily Ann*15ILIL: Stevenson [sic] Co. (d Mar 25th age 15y, 2m, 8d); putrid sore throat
04/18/186164FALK, Susan*20OHOH: Hancock Co.: Union Tp. (d Mar 12 age 20y, 4m, 28d); pars, 7 bros & sisters remain; bilious pleurisy ca 6 days
04/18/186164MEHNERT, Aug.*59ILSAXONY: Nauhausen (b)IL: Marshall Co.: Henry (d Mar 26th age 59y, 9m, 6d); converted before coming to AMER in 1836; to IL 1848; bilious & intermitting fever 10 days
05/02/186172WAGGONER, Maria*47WAGGONER, BenjaminNYNY: Jefferson Co.: Theresa (d Feb 11 age 47y, 3m, 22d); member Evan. Assn. ca 18 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain. Obit submitted by John WAGGONER
05/02/186172WAGGONER, Benjamin-----, Maria*
05/02/186172JENKINS, -----* [male]78NYNY: Jefferson Co.: Pamelia (d Oct 30, 1860 age 78y, 9m); joined Evan. Assn. ca 18 yrs ago; palsy ca 4 wks "He was a warm friend of the ChurchÉ."
05/02/186172HERRING, Rachel*42----: Minister: RISINGER, G. W.; d Feb 24th age 42y, 2m, 2d; converted age 15; had no enemies; willed $200 to missionary soc. of the church; pleurisy then consumption / could not speak above a whisper
05/02/186172SHELLY, Elizabeth*53OHOH: Wayne Co.: Plain Tp. (d Apr 3rd age 53y, 11m, 16d); converted 1848, joined Evan. Ch. 1857; husb, 10 chren remain; disease was palsical. Minister: Elias SICHLEY
05/02/186172SHOFFNER, Susannah*13PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 14 age 13y, 2m, 14d); dau of Jacob & Susannah; putrid sore throat
05/02/186172SHOFFNER, David*21PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 22d age 21y, 3m); son of Jacob & Susannah; converted 3 yrs ago; putrid sore throat
05/02/186172SHOFFNER, Jacob H.*5PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 24 age 5y, 4m, 24d); son of Jacob & Susannah; putrid sore throat
05/02/186172WIREMAN, Mary*82WIREMAN, NickolasPAPA: Adams Co. (d Apr 3d age 82y, 9m, 17d); amiable disposition, gentle demeanor; Christian deportment, esteemed by all who knew her; converted ca 44 yrs ago; 8 chren, 46 grchren, 20 gt-grchren remain; husb dead
05/02/186172WIREMAN, Nickolas-----, Mary*
05/02/186172BYERS, Anna*73ININ: Elkhart Co. (d [no date] age 73y, 10m); she lived & died in the faith; her house was a home for the itinerant preacher
05/02/186172HALSEY, Caroline B.*40BUCHWALTERHALSEY, Samuel W., son of Rev. Herman of Niagara Co., NYOHOH: Ross Co.: Hallsville (d Feb 8th age 40y, 14d at res of pars); dau of John & Susannah; converted Dec 26, 1842; md Nov 25, 1845; member N. S. Presbyterian Ch.; 3 daus remain; husb d Aug 25, 1851
05/02/186172BUCHWALTER, Caroline B.*40HALSEY, Samuel W., son of Rev. Herman of Niagara Co., NYOHOH: Ross Co.: Hallsville (d Feb 8th age 40y, 14d at res of pars); dau of John & Susannah; converted Dec 26, 1842; md Nov 25, 1845; member N. S. Presbyterian Ch.; 3 daus remain; husb d Aug 25, 1851
05/02/186172HALSEY, Samuel W.BUCHWALTER, Caroline B.*son of Rev. Herman
05/02/186172FALK, Susannah*20OHOH: Hancock Co.: Union Tp. (d Mar 12 age 20y, 4m, 28d); dau of Gideon & Hannah FALK; pars, bros, sisters remain; bilious pleurisy 6 days
05/16/186180KLEPFER, Mary Ann*15PAPA: Clarion Co.: Red Bank Tp. (d Mar 17 age 15y, 9m, 17d); mentions calling her bros to her bedside; putrid sore throat
05/16/186180WALKEY, Maria*53ILPA: Clinton Co. (res prev)IL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (d Feb 17 age 53y, 10m, 25d); converted ca 23 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; stroke of palsy 5 yrs earlier
05/16/186180FALK, Elizabeth*20PAPA: Mercer Co.: West Salem (d Apr 6 age 20y, 2d at res of father); dau of Jos. & Catharine; converted age 15, joined the church; typhoid fever / rheumatism for 12 days
05/16/186180WAGGONLENDER, Frederick*16----: Minister: KRAFT, Geo.; d Apr 2d; son of L.; one side of cave fell in last spring; this day he entered to remove the contents, when other side collapsed, crushing him; lived some minutes, was dead when the weight was pried up
05/16/186180GOOD, John*44OHOH: Seneca Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Apr 17 age 44y, 3m, 3d); converted age 20; member Evan. Assn. 23 yrs; wife, 9 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 3 wks
05/16/186180ALBRIGHT, Peter*62VAPA: York Co. (b)VA: Berkley Co. (d Feb 28th age 62y, 11m, 27d); converted York Co., PA; age 20 joined Evan. Assn.; his house has been the home of the itinerant; growing cancer in face
05/30/186188MOYER, Geo.*37ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d May 5 age 37y, 11m, 5d); wife #2 & 5 chren remain; wife #1 died 2 yrs ago [md twice, wives not named here]
05/30/186188CAULER, Catharine*32----: Philadelphia (d May 11th); member Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain; ill 3 days. Minister: T. SEBOLDT
05/30/186188BARD, Emma Aurelia*5ILIL: Dupage Co.: Naperville (d May 13 age 5y, 7m, 17d); dau of R. W. & Rebecca S.; putrid sore throat 5 days
05/30/186188POWELL, Eliza J.*24OHOH: Hancock Co.: Findlay area (d May 2 age 24y, 3m, 3d); dau of Henry & Catharine POWELL; embraced religion when young, memb Evan. Assn.; 5 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption [unclear if pars are living]
05/30/186188MORSE, Julia A. (Mrs.)*40MORSE, W. W.OHOH: Wood Co. (d Apr 12 age 40y, 3m, 18d); md age 16; memb Evan. Assn. ca 3 yrs; husb, 2 sons converted [unclear if there are other chren]
05/30/186188MORSE, W. W.-----, Julia A.*
06/13/186196CONEY, Elizabeth*57CONEY, John D.NYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette Tp. (d May 24 age 57y, 7m, 14d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption 4 yrs
06/13/186196CONEY, John D.-----, Elizabeth*
06/13/186196HIMMEL, Sarah*20RIEGELHIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.)IAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (b)IA: Dubuque (d May 24 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Rev. T.; 2 wishes: all her bros be converted & her only child reared in the nurture / admonition of the Lord; consumption
06/13/186196RIEGEL, Sarah*20HIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.)IAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (b)IA: Dubuque (d May 24 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Rev. T.; 2 wishes: all her bros be converted & her only child reared in the nurture / admonition of the Lord; consumption
06/13/186196HIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.)RIEGEL, Sarah*
06/13/186196MILLER, -----* [male]74PAEUROPE: Wuerzburgh (b)PA: Somerset Co.: Alleghany Tp. (d Mar 1st); to AMER 1813; converted 1833; joined Evan. Assn. 1834 under H. BUCKS; class-leader 16 yrs; wife, 6 chren remaining, one of whom is Rev. B. L., who submitted the obit [given name omitted]
06/13/186196BURNEY, Homer*29OHOH: Carey (d Jan 27th); baptized nr end of life; "antecedents were Universalism" [NOTE: date of death, delay in publication]
06/13/186196HILL, Sarah*48HILL, JamesOHOH: Carey (d Dec 27, 1860 age 48y, 10m, 15d); emjoyed religion ca 19 yrs; memb Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; lingering consumption
06/13/186196HILL, James-----, Sarah* [NOTE: date of death, delay in publication]
06/27/1861104KNOPP, Christian*80ININ: Adam's [sic] Co. (d Jun 6 age 80y, 8m, 16d); 83-yr-old bro remains + numerous relatives
06/27/1861104ZIMMERMAN, Eunice (Miss)*20OHOH: Wayne Co.: Bristol area (d Jun 18, age 20y, 6m, 10d); memb Evan. Assn. nearly 3 yrs; consumption. Minister: H. LONGBRAKE
06/27/1861104MATTER, Sarah Ann*8PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 26 age 8y, 1m, 3; ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever
06/27/1861104MATTER, Mary Elizabeth*4PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 28 age 4y, 7m, 3d; ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever
06/27/1861104MATTER, Wm. Franklin*6PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 31 age 6y, 5m, 26d); ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever
06/27/1861104MATTER, John Wesley*2PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 31 age 2y, 11m, 7d); ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever

Number of items that your search found: 117