Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/10/1861 | , | PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY UNTIL NOV 6, 1861, THEN WEEKLY | ||||||
01/10/1861 | 8 | SMITH, Maria* | 21 | -- | --: Paradise Valley (d Dec 13, 1860 age 21y, 11m, 22d); consumption. Minister: FISHER, George B. | |||
01/10/1861 | 8 | WISMER, E.* [female] | 62 | CW | CW: York Co.: Markham Tp. (d Nov 12, 1860 age 62y, 10m, 8d); breast cancer | |||
01/10/1861 | 8 | SOLT, Mary* | 48 | SOLT, Jacob | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Dec 20, 1860 age 48y, 5d); memb Evan. Assn. 11 yrs; md 27+ yrs; lung fever | ||
01/10/1861 | 8 | SOLT, Jacob | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/10/1861 | 8 | HAAS, Melvina* | 17 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co (d Dec 22 age 17y, 1m, 23d); dau of Jacob & Rebecca; converted 6 yrs ago; putrid sore throat ca 4 wks | |||
01/10/1861 | 8 | PLANK, Adam* | 35 | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Idaville area (d Dec 17th age 35y, 10m, 4d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 2 yrs; widow, pars remain; kidney disease contracted from a sprain | |||
01/24/1861 | 16 | GUTHART, Lydia M.* | 52 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jan 3rd age 52y, 7m, 12d); converted 30 yrs ago; memb Evan. Assn. 30 yrs; consumption | |||
01/24/1861 | 16 | CLAY, Margaret* | 38 | GLEIM | CLAY, George | OH | OH: Williams Co. (d Dec 29, 1860 age 38y, 11m, 6d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 4 wks | |
01/24/1861 | 16 | GLEIM, Margaret* | 38 | CLAY, George | OH | OH: Williams Co. (d Dec 29, 1860 age 38y, 11m, 6d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 4 wks | ||
01/24/1861 | 16 | CLAY, George | GLEIM, Margaret* | |||||
01/24/1861 | 16 | WAGNER, John* | 57 | WI | WI: Green Co. (d Dec 31, 1860 age 57y, 10m, 24d); formerly of Centre Co., PA; converted ca 18 yrs ago; wife, 9 chren remain; typhoid fever | |||
01/24/1861 | 16 | DAGUE, George* | 74 | OH | OH: Franklin Co.: New Albany area (d Jan 4, 1861 age 74y, 11m, 16d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 39 yrs; died while visiting a friend in the country; widow, 3 chren remain; heart disease | |||
01/24/1861 | 16 | YOUTZ, H. | 74 | OH | Name on "Letter List" as having paid $1 for the Mess. " É the $1 received and the Mess. sent." [Believe this to be Henry Youtz of Stark/Summit Co. areas, OH] [not an obit] | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | RINKER, Leah* | 23 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Jackson (d Jan 19, 1861 age 23y, 2m); dau of Joseph; in delicate health some yrs | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | MEKELVEY, Sarah* | 57 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Buffalo (d Jan 27, 1861 age 57y, 3m, 27d); several chren, bros, sisters remain; consumption. "Her last hours were hours of peace." | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | HAGEMAN, Henry* | 23 | IL | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IL: McDonough Co. (d Oct 31, 1860 age 23y, 1m, 3d); son of Jesse & Elizabeth; comverted ca 6 yrs ago, joined Ev. Assn.; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain. Minister: James SELLS | ||
02/07/1861 | 24 | KUNEY, Oscar E.* | 16 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Jan 9, 1861 age 16y, 25d); son of Joseph & Christina; typhoid fever 11 days; vivid description of his last hrs | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | KECK, John* | 31 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Strassburg [sic] area (d Oct 18, 1860 age 31y, 5m, 18d); son of Michael & Margaret; widow, an infant child remain; typhoid fever 5 wks | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | KECK, John (Mrs.)* | 33 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Strassburg [sic] area (d Nov 10, 1860 age 33y, 8m, 4d) | |||
02/07/1861 | 24 | SEACHRIST, Elizabeth* | 64 | SEACHRIST, John | PA | PA: York Co.: Loganville (d Jan 13, 1861 age 64y, 11m, 13d); converted ca 40 yrs ago, reconverted ca 25 yrs ago; aged husb, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
02/07/1861 | 24 | SEACHRIST, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
02/21/1861 | 32 | HAMMER, Martha A.* | 33 | BECK | HAMMER, William A. | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Jan 31st); dau of Dr. J., Principal of Litiz [sic] Academy for Boys; remaining are husb, 5 chren [ages 2 wks to 10 yrs], & parents [very detailed obit] | |
02/21/1861 | 32 | BECK, Martha A.* | 33 | HAMMER, William A. | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Jan 31st); dau of Dr. J., Principal of Litiz [sic] Academy for Boys; remaining are husb, 5 chren [ages 2 wks to 10 yrs], & parents [very detailed obit] | ||
02/21/1861 | 32 | HAMMER, William A. | BECK, Martha A.* | |||||
02/21/1861 | 32 | HAUSER, John* | 70 | IN | IN: St. Joseph Co. (d Feb 5 age 70y, 10m, 25d at res of son); converted ca 20 yrs ago; wife, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead [CORR.: left 8 chren; wife, 3 chren dead] [CORRECTED Mar 21, 1861 p 48] | |||
03/07/1861 | 37 | BLANK, George Adam (Rev.)* | WEILER, Catharine | WI | PA: Berks Co. (b Jan 1, 1822) | WI: Waukesha (d Feb 5, 1861 age 39y, 1m, 5d); md Apr 13, 1848 in town of Greenfield, Milwaukee Co., WI; pastorates in OH, IN, WI; widow, 3 chren remain; dau Sarah d lately; typhoid fever [obit nearly 2 cols long] | ||
03/07/1861 | 37 | WEILER, Catharine | BLANK, George Adam (Rev.)* | |||||
03/07/1861 | 37 | BLANK, Catharine | BLANK, George Adam (Rev.)* | |||||
03/07/1861 | 40 | HEISS, Wm.* | 79 | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d Feb 1, 1861 age 79y, 7m, 2d); memb Ev. Assn. 27 yrs; wife, 11 chren, 48 grchren remain; stomach cancer | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | SNYDER, Sarah Ann* | 15 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Feb 10 age 15y, 26d); dau of Jacob & Phebe; memb Evan. Assn. ca 2 yrs; inflammation of bowels | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | RAPP, John* | 34 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: Perkins Grove (d Feb 5th age 34y, 3m, 19d); widow, 5 chren remain. "He is a son of Adam Rapp, from near Stuttgart, Wuertemberg, and one of the first Germans in this section of country, and a worthy member of the Ev. Association...." | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | GRIFFITH, Caroline* | 19 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Feb 12th age 19y, 11m, 4d); dau of John & Catharine. Minister: E. B. MILLER | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | SEICHLY, -----* [female] | 10 | -- | --: Minister; KANAGY, J.; funeral Jan. 20th, age 10y, 22d; 2 sisters also afflicted; scarlet fever | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | SEICHLY, -----* [female] | -- | -- | --: Minister: KANAGY, J.; she died as her deceased sister was being carried from the house; another sister also afflicted | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | FERNER, Barbarette* | 21 | ERNST, Josiah | IL | IL: Mattamory [sic] (d Feb 4th age 21y, 3m, 3d); dau of George & Catharine FERNER | ||
03/07/1861 | 40 | ERNST, Barbarette* | 21 | ERNST, Josiah | IL | IL: Mattamory [sic] (d Feb 4th age 21y, 3m, 3d); dau of George & Catharine FERNER [obit heading is FERNER] | ||
03/07/1861 | 40 | ERNST, Josiah | FERNER, Barbarette* | |||||
03/07/1861 | 40 | DENNIS, Catharine* | -- | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d [no date]); dropsy. Minister: J. G. BAUGHMAN | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | STEINER, Eliz.* | 69 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Wommelsdorf (d Jan 7th age 69y, 10m, 15d); converted ca 34 yrs ago, soon after joined Evan. Assn.; 10 chren remain; severe attacks of palsy | |||
03/07/1861 | 40 | WERKER, Catharine* | 52 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d Feb 5th age 52y, 1m, 9d); husb remains; consumption. Minister Jos. EBERT [Feel this surname is misspelled.--ABudd] | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | DILLMAN, Michael* | 63 | IL | PA: Centre Co.: Potter Tp. (b) | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Feb 20, 1861 age 63y, 4m); converted age 17, soon w/ pars to Stark (now Summit) Co., OH; to IL 1849; 6 sons, 4 daus remain; left $200 to erect a college at Plainfield; injured stepping into a sleigh | ||
03/21/1861 | 48 | RICKER, John G.* | 68 | MI | MI: Senawee [sic] Co.: Blissfield (d Jan 31st age 68y, 3m, 3d) | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | ELLIOT, James* | 80 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d Feb 16th age 80y, 1m, 2d) | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | KRAPF, Gottlieb* | 82 | MI | MI: Blissfield (d Feb 10th age 82y, 7m, 3d) | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | GOUGH, Sarah Elizabeth* | 17 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co. (d Nov 25, 1860 age 17y, 9m, 13d); converted 2 yrs ago; consumption | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | HUMMEL, John* | 17 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Feb 6th age 17y, 6m, 9d); typhoid fever 5 days | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | SNYDER, Anna Belle* | 8 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Milford (d Feb 6 age 8y, 3m, 28d); dau of Solomon & Mary; putrid sore throat | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | SNYDER, Sarah Jane* | 13 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Milford (d Feb 12 age 13y, 4m, 20d); dau of Solomon & Mary; putrid sore throat. "Sarah Jane sought and found the Lord." | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | DEIBERT, Elizabeth* | 57 | DEIBERT, Daniel | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Feb 25 age 57y, 7m, 17d); converted 30 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 9 chren remain; dropsy 6 mos | ||
03/21/1861 | 48 | DEIBERT, Daniel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/21/1861 | 48 | WINDBIGLER, Margaret* | 23 | WINDBIGLER, Wm., Jr. | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Troy Tp. (d Feb 9 aged 23y, 6m); husb, 4 chren, sister remain; ate dinner, felt fatigued, laid down, asked for camphor, died in a few minutes | ||
03/21/1861 | 48 | WINDBIGLER, Wm., Jr. | -----, Margaret* | |||||
03/21/1861 | 48 | READER, Ann Eliza* | 17 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Feb 14 age 17, 7m, 17d); dau of David & Elizabeth; converted 2+ yrs ago; consumption | |||
03/21/1861 | 48 | PONTIUS, Catharine Eliza* | 10 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Feb 18 age 10y, 4m, 2d); dau of John & Christina; congestion of lungs | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | DRESSLER, Jacob* | 65 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Susquehanna Tp. (d Mar 3rd age 65y, 2m, 24d); widow, 13 chren remain; bur nr his dwelling on ground he bequeathed to the Ev. Assn. | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | GLIME, Jacob, Jr. | 23 | OH | OH: Williams Co. (d Mar 8th age 23y, 4m, 22d at res of father); converted ca 1 yr ago, a pattern of piety; typhoid fever | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | HOFFMAN, Elmira* | 20 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d Mar 17th age 20y, 10m, 17d); dau of Jonas & Rebecca; converted 4 yrs ago; consumption since last Sep | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | BERG, Jacob* | 46 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Lake Tp. (d Mar 12th age 46y, 1m, 12d); converted/joined Evan. Assn. 27+ yrs ago; 16 yrs church exhorter; wife, 5 chren remain; dropsy | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | RAMBERGER, Susan* | 63 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg area (d [no date] age 63y, 1m, 28d); converted ca 26 yrs ago at a campmeeting; husb, 9 chren remain; affection of the liver | |||
04/04/1861 | 56 | HESS, Anna* | 49 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d in Mar age 49y, 5m, 23d; bur the 7th); converted 1836 in Buffalo Valley, Union Co., PA; md to Bro. Hess 16 yrs, some of which she spent with him on the Gospel field; husb, 3 chren remain; consumption many yrs | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | TEA, Elizabeth* | 39 | MILLER | TEA, Wellington | PA | PA: New Berlin (d 2nd inst.); dau of George; to this place when Evan. Printing Estab. moved here; husb, 4 chren remain; mentions her bro, Henry MILLER; inflammation of lungs | |
04/18/1861 | 64 | MILLER, Elizabeth* | 39 | TEA, Wellington | PA | PA: New Berlin (d 2nd inst.); dau of George; to this place when Evan. Printing Estab. moved here; husb, 4 chren remain; mentions her bro, Henry MILLER; inflammation of lungs | ||
04/18/1861 | 64 | TEA, Wellington | MILLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/18/1861 | 64 | HIPPENSTEEL, Marg.* | 87 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d Mar 18th at res of son James); converted 16 yrs ago; had 11 chren (some of whom are dead), 84 grchren, 73 gt-grchren | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | KOCH, Moses* | 22 | OH | OH: Wyandot Co. (d Mar 25 age 22y, 11m, 10d); son of Benj. & Mary; converted at Adrian a few wks ago; typhoid pneumonia | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | M'CORMIC, Mary* | 28 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Freeport (d Mar 26 at res of father); bur Tues the 27, funeral discourse Sun A.M., the 31st; consumption ca 4 mos | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | WAGNER, Emma Elizabeth* | 1 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: (d Mar 29 age 1y, 11m, 15d); dau of Adam & Leah; measels [sic] | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | HUMMEL, Edward* | 26 | IL | IL: Stevenson Co. (d Mar 18th); converted in Somerset Co., PA; enlargement of heart | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | REIGLE, Maria* | ca 81 | REIGLE, Jacob | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Apr 24, 1860); converted ca 50 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn., one of 1st membs in NY state; house open to the itinerant preachers; infirmities of old age | ||
04/18/1861 | 64 | REIGLE, Jacob | -----, Maria* | |||||
04/18/1861 | 64 | PROSE, Elizabeth* | 76 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (d Apr 3d age 76y, 2m, 24d); converted 35 yrs ago, soon after joined Evan. Assn.; 5 chren remain | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | SEDAM, Emily Ann* | 15 | IL | IL: Stevenson [sic] Co. (d Mar 25th age 15y, 2m, 8d); putrid sore throat | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | FALK, Susan* | 20 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Union Tp. (d Mar 12 age 20y, 4m, 28d); pars, 7 bros & sisters remain; bilious pleurisy ca 6 days | |||
04/18/1861 | 64 | MEHNERT, Aug.* | 59 | IL | SAXONY: Nauhausen (b) | IL: Marshall Co.: Henry (d Mar 26th age 59y, 9m, 6d); converted before coming to AMER in 1836; to IL 1848; bilious & intermitting fever 10 days | ||
05/02/1861 | 72 | WAGGONER, Maria* | 47 | WAGGONER, Benjamin | NY | NY: Jefferson Co.: Theresa (d Feb 11 age 47y, 3m, 22d); member Evan. Assn. ca 18 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain. Obit submitted by John WAGGONER | ||
05/02/1861 | 72 | WAGGONER, Benjamin | -----, Maria* | |||||
05/02/1861 | 72 | JENKINS, -----* [male] | 78 | NY | NY: Jefferson Co.: Pamelia (d Oct 30, 1860 age 78y, 9m); joined Evan. Assn. ca 18 yrs ago; palsy ca 4 wks "He was a warm friend of the ChurchÉ." | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | HERRING, Rachel* | 42 | -- | --: Minister: RISINGER, G. W.; d Feb 24th age 42y, 2m, 2d; converted age 15; had no enemies; willed $200 to missionary soc. of the church; pleurisy then consumption / could not speak above a whisper | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | SHELLY, Elizabeth* | 53 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Plain Tp. (d Apr 3rd age 53y, 11m, 16d); converted 1848, joined Evan. Ch. 1857; husb, 10 chren remain; disease was palsical. Minister: Elias SICHLEY | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | SHOFFNER, Susannah* | 13 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 14 age 13y, 2m, 14d); dau of Jacob & Susannah; putrid sore throat | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | SHOFFNER, David* | 21 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 22d age 21y, 3m); son of Jacob & Susannah; converted 3 yrs ago; putrid sore throat | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | SHOFFNER, Jacob H.* | 5 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d Mar 24 age 5y, 4m, 24d); son of Jacob & Susannah; putrid sore throat | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | WIREMAN, Mary* | 82 | WIREMAN, Nickolas | PA | PA: Adams Co. (d Apr 3d age 82y, 9m, 17d); amiable disposition, gentle demeanor; Christian deportment, esteemed by all who knew her; converted ca 44 yrs ago; 8 chren, 46 grchren, 20 gt-grchren remain; husb dead | ||
05/02/1861 | 72 | WIREMAN, Nickolas | -----, Mary* | |||||
05/02/1861 | 72 | BYERS, Anna* | 73 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co. (d [no date] age 73y, 10m); she lived & died in the faith; her house was a home for the itinerant preacher | |||
05/02/1861 | 72 | HALSEY, Caroline B.* | 40 | BUCHWALTER | HALSEY, Samuel W., son of Rev. Herman of Niagara Co., NY | OH | OH: Ross Co.: Hallsville (d Feb 8th age 40y, 14d at res of pars); dau of John & Susannah; converted Dec 26, 1842; md Nov 25, 1845; member N. S. Presbyterian Ch.; 3 daus remain; husb d Aug 25, 1851 | |
05/02/1861 | 72 | BUCHWALTER, Caroline B.* | 40 | HALSEY, Samuel W., son of Rev. Herman of Niagara Co., NY | OH | OH: Ross Co.: Hallsville (d Feb 8th age 40y, 14d at res of pars); dau of John & Susannah; converted Dec 26, 1842; md Nov 25, 1845; member N. S. Presbyterian Ch.; 3 daus remain; husb d Aug 25, 1851 | ||
05/02/1861 | 72 | HALSEY, Samuel W. | BUCHWALTER, Caroline B.* | son of Rev. Herman | ||||
05/02/1861 | 72 | FALK, Susannah* | 20 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Union Tp. (d Mar 12 age 20y, 4m, 28d); dau of Gideon & Hannah FALK; pars, bros, sisters remain; bilious pleurisy 6 days | |||
05/16/1861 | 80 | KLEPFER, Mary Ann* | 15 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Red Bank Tp. (d Mar 17 age 15y, 9m, 17d); mentions calling her bros to her bedside; putrid sore throat | |||
05/16/1861 | 80 | WALKEY, Maria* | 53 | IL | PA: Clinton Co. (res prev) | IL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (d Feb 17 age 53y, 10m, 25d); converted ca 23 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; stroke of palsy 5 yrs earlier | ||
05/16/1861 | 80 | FALK, Elizabeth* | 20 | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: West Salem (d Apr 6 age 20y, 2d at res of father); dau of Jos. & Catharine; converted age 15, joined the church; typhoid fever / rheumatism for 12 days | |||
05/16/1861 | 80 | WAGGONLENDER, Frederick* | 16 | -- | --: Minister: KRAFT, Geo.; d Apr 2d; son of L.; one side of cave fell in last spring; this day he entered to remove the contents, when other side collapsed, crushing him; lived some minutes, was dead when the weight was pried up | |||
05/16/1861 | 80 | GOOD, John* | 44 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Apr 17 age 44y, 3m, 3d); converted age 20; member Evan. Assn. 23 yrs; wife, 9 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 3 wks | |||
05/16/1861 | 80 | ALBRIGHT, Peter* | 62 | VA | PA: York Co. (b) | VA: Berkley Co. (d Feb 28th age 62y, 11m, 27d); converted York Co., PA; age 20 joined Evan. Assn.; his house has been the home of the itinerant; growing cancer in face | ||
05/30/1861 | 88 | MOYER, Geo.* | 37 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d May 5 age 37y, 11m, 5d); wife #2 & 5 chren remain; wife #1 died 2 yrs ago [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
05/30/1861 | 88 | CAULER, Catharine* | 32 | -- | --: Philadelphia (d May 11th); member Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain; ill 3 days. Minister: T. SEBOLDT | |||
05/30/1861 | 88 | BARD, Emma Aurelia* | 5 | IL | IL: Dupage Co.: Naperville (d May 13 age 5y, 7m, 17d); dau of R. W. & Rebecca S.; putrid sore throat 5 days | |||
05/30/1861 | 88 | POWELL, Eliza J.* | 24 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay area (d May 2 age 24y, 3m, 3d); dau of Henry & Catharine POWELL; embraced religion when young, memb Evan. Assn.; 5 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption [unclear if pars are living] | |||
05/30/1861 | 88 | MORSE, Julia A. (Mrs.)* | 40 | MORSE, W. W. | OH | OH: Wood Co. (d Apr 12 age 40y, 3m, 18d); md age 16; memb Evan. Assn. ca 3 yrs; husb, 2 sons converted [unclear if there are other chren] | ||
05/30/1861 | 88 | MORSE, W. W. | -----, Julia A.* | |||||
06/13/1861 | 96 | CONEY, Elizabeth* | 57 | CONEY, John D. | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette Tp. (d May 24 age 57y, 7m, 14d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption 4 yrs | ||
06/13/1861 | 96 | CONEY, John D. | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
06/13/1861 | 96 | HIMMEL, Sarah* | 20 | RIEGEL | HIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.) | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (b) | IA: Dubuque (d May 24 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Rev. T.; 2 wishes: all her bros be converted & her only child reared in the nurture / admonition of the Lord; consumption |
06/13/1861 | 96 | RIEGEL, Sarah* | 20 | HIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.) | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (b) | IA: Dubuque (d May 24 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Rev. T.; 2 wishes: all her bros be converted & her only child reared in the nurture / admonition of the Lord; consumption | |
06/13/1861 | 96 | HIMMEL, Jacob (Rev.) | RIEGEL, Sarah* | |||||
06/13/1861 | 96 | MILLER, -----* [male] | 74 | PA | EUROPE: Wuerzburgh (b) | PA: Somerset Co.: Alleghany Tp. (d Mar 1st); to AMER 1813; converted 1833; joined Evan. Assn. 1834 under H. BUCKS; class-leader 16 yrs; wife, 6 chren remaining, one of whom is Rev. B. L., who submitted the obit [given name omitted] | ||
06/13/1861 | 96 | BURNEY, Homer* | 29 | OH | OH: Carey (d Jan 27th); baptized nr end of life; "antecedents were Universalism" [NOTE: date of death, delay in publication] | |||
06/13/1861 | 96 | HILL, Sarah* | 48 | HILL, James | OH | OH: Carey (d Dec 27, 1860 age 48y, 10m, 15d); emjoyed religion ca 19 yrs; memb Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; lingering consumption | ||
06/13/1861 | 96 | HILL, James | -----, Sarah* [NOTE: date of death, delay in publication] | |||||
06/27/1861 | 104 | KNOPP, Christian* | 80 | IN | IN: Adam's [sic] Co. (d Jun 6 age 80y, 8m, 16d); 83-yr-old bro remains + numerous relatives | |||
06/27/1861 | 104 | ZIMMERMAN, Eunice (Miss)* | 20 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol area (d Jun 18, age 20y, 6m, 10d); memb Evan. Assn. nearly 3 yrs; consumption. Minister: H. LONGBRAKE | |||
06/27/1861 | 104 | MATTER, Sarah Ann* | 8 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 26 age 8y, 1m, 3; ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever | |||
06/27/1861 | 104 | MATTER, Mary Elizabeth* | 4 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 28 age 4y, 7m, 3d; ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever | |||
06/27/1861 | 104 | MATTER, Wm. Franklin* | 6 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 31 age 6y, 5m, 26d); ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever | |||
06/27/1861 | 104 | MATTER, John Wesley* | 2 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d May 31 age 2y, 11m, 7d); ch of Isaac & Susannah; scarlet fever |
Number of items that your search found: 117