Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/03/1866 | 7 | EVERSOLE, Elizabeth* | 35 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Duncannon area (d Dec 11, 1865 age 35y, 10m, 7d); converted ca 15 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 7 chren, 2 step-chren remain | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | KURZ, Judah* | 61 | KURZ, Peter | PA | PA: Alleghany [sic] City (d Dec 11, 1866 age 61y, 7m, 10d) memb Evan. Assn. many yrs; husb, 6 chren remain | ||
01/03/1866 | 7 | KURZ, Peter | -----, Judah* | |||||
01/03/1866 | 7 | WAYN, Henrietta M.* | 35 | WAYN, Wm. | PA | PA: Berks Co.: --rnville (d Dec 3, 1865 age 35y, 1m, 18d); md ca 18 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 6 chren dead; typhoid fever. Minister: B. F. BOHNER | ||
01/03/1866 | 7 | WAYN, Wm. | -----, Henrietta M.* | |||||
01/03/1866 | 7 | WOLF, Jan [?], Jr.* [male] | 25 | PA | PA: Butler Co.: Harmony (d Dec 11, 1865 age 25y, 1m, 24d); pars, sisters, bros remain; typhoid fever a few days | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | FYE, Sarah A.* | 12 | IL | IL: Woodford Co.: El Passo [sic] area (d Dec 9, 1865 age 12y, 7m, 5d); dau of David & Mary; dysentery | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | STANTZ, David* | 10 | OH | OH: Williams Co. (d Sep 26, 1865 age 10y, 4m, 14d); son of Henry & Susanna | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | RIFE, Clarinda* | 39 | RIFE, Wm. | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Dec 19, 1865 age 39y, 3m, 18d); husb, 2 little daus remain; died unexpectedly after a few hrs from effects of cramp colic | ||
01/03/1866 | 7 | RIFE, Wm. | -----, Clarinda* | |||||
01/03/1866 | 7 | GREEN, Thomas W.* | 52 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Columbia (d Dec 3, 1865 age 52y, 1m, 23d) | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | MOYER, Harriet* | 7mos | PA | PA: Union Co. (d Dec 19, 1865 age 7m, 22d); dau of Daniel & Catharine | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | WIEST, Sarah Ellen | 1 | -- | --: Minister: FELGER, J.; d Nov 17, 1865 age 1y, 17d); child of Jonas & Catharine; croup / lung fever. Minister: J. FELGER of OH Conf. at this time | |||
01/03/1866 | 7 | FELGER, J. (Rev.) | officiated at funeral of Sarah Ellen WIEST, Jan 3, 1866 p 7 | |||||
01/10/1866 | 14 | BLESH, Elizabeth* | 62 | PA | SWITZERLAND (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: German Settlement (d Dec 18, 1865 age 62y, 5m, 14d); to AMER ca 30 yrs ago; 7 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead; palsy a few days | ||
01/10/1866 | 14 | WILSON, Lucius Asbury* | 19 | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Spring Mountain area (d Nov 27, 1865 age 19y, 9m); son of John T. & Mariah; memb Evan. Assn. 2 yrs; 18 mos prev enlisted in 51st O.V.I.; mustered out several wks before he died; pars, bros, sisters remain; intermittent fever | |||
01/10/1866 | 14 | SHAFER, Mary* | 32 | SHAFER, Benjamin | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Montgomery Ferry (d Dec 11, 1865 age 32y, 8m, 6d); chronic diarrhea | ||
01/10/1866 | 14 | SHAFER, Benjamin | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/10/1866 | 14 | SHUPP, Maria* | 28 | SHUPP, Samuel | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Turkey Valley (d Dec 16, 1865 age 28y, 1m, 10d); an infant son a few hrs old remains | ||
01/10/1866 | 14 | SHUPP, Samuel | -----, Maria* | |||||
01/10/1866 | 14 | OCHS, Henry* | 24 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Cranberry Pt. (enlisted Oct 8, 1861); d Jul 13, 1865 age 24y, 3m, 24d; son of Jacob & Judith; prisoner ca 13m at Andersonville Prison; ret home last winter, broken by exposure / hardships; chronic diarrhea | |||
01/10/1866 | 14 | MACKLIN, Susanna* | 51 | MACKLIN, David | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (res prev) | OH: Henry Co. (d Dec 24, 1865 age 51y, 9m, 6d); memb U. B. Ch.; 4 chren, aged pars remain; husb dead; lung fever 6 days | |
01/10/1866 | 14 | MACKLIN, David | -----, Susanna* | |||||
01/10/1866 | 14 | HARMAN, Jacob* | 68 | OH | OH: Fulton Co.: Delta (d Dec 25, 1865 age 68y, 9m, 16d); converted 1828, joined Evan. Assn.; had attended quarterly meeting day before, & again the next day, being Christmas; ate dinner, d an hr later | |||
01/10/1866 | 14 | RATHVON, John (Dr.)* | 65 | PA | PA: Millersburg (d Dec 25, 1865 age 65y, 2m, 5d); widow, chren remain; intending to take gifts to grchren, went to railroad water house; in fog, stepped toward platform, fell as train was passing; killed instantly | |||
01/17/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
01/24/1866 | 30 | RUNDIO, Mary M.* | 78 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Jan 1, 1866 age 78y, 3m, 11d); w/ husb converted ca 30 yrs ago; her house a regular preaching place some yrs ago & held protracted mtgs there; att church on Christmas; several chren remain; husb dead | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | SAYLER, George W.* | 21 | IL | IL: Lee Co. (d Nov 27, 1865 age 21y, 7m, 22d); pars, bros, sisters remain; typhoid fever | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | EMERT, Elizabeth* | 1 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: (d Dec 6, 1865 age 1y, 11m, 23d); dau of Michael & Rosana; croup | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | DRAKE, Elizabeth Esther* | 1 | OH | OH: Dayton (d Jan 3, 1866 age 1y, 10m, 7d); dau of Frederick & Sarah | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | KAMP, Cassamaria* | 1 | IL | IL: Woodford Co. (d Oct 19, 1865 age 1y, 5d); dau of G. L. & S. | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | WOLFE, Christiann E.* | 83 | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: South Sterling (d Jan 2, 1866 age 83y, 1m, 9d); converted 26 yrs ago; 8 chren remain; bur Jan 4th at church graveyard in Hopedale; dropsy | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | SHUPP, Rebecca* | 25 | SHUPP, Noah | OH | OH: Crawford Co. (d Jan 4, 1865 age 25y, 2m, 7d); converted ca 5 yrs ago; husb, 1 child remain; consumption 6 mos | ||
01/24/1866 | 30 | SHUPP, Noah | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
01/24/1866 | 30 | OVER, Sarah Catharine* | 22 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Brideport (d Dec 16, 1865 age 22y, 1m, 24d); dau of Benjamin & Elizabeth; pars, a bro, sisters remain; consumption ca 3 yrs | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | WOOLISON, Lizzie* | 25 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown (d Dec 21, 1865 age 25y, 6m, 19d); father, sisters, bros remain; consumption 6 mos | |||
01/24/1866 | 30 | SHAFFER, George Ellsworth* | 1 | OH | OH: Stark Co. (d Sep 2, 1865 age 1y, 10d); son of Samuel & Catharine; cholera infantum | |||
01/31/1866 | 38 | CONDERMAN, Isaac* | 37 | NY | NY: Steuben Co.: Fremont (d Dec 27, 1865 age 37y, 9m, 6d); converted 8 yrs ago; widow, little son, aged pars remain; consumption | |||
01/31/1866 | 38 | MILLER, Julianna* | 24 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d [no date] age 24y, 11m, 15d); dau of William & Elizabeth; father, bros, sisters remain; consumption | |||
01/31/1866 | 38 | BOUDER, Rebecca* | 71 | WALTER | IA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IA: Buchanan Co.: Brandon area (d Dec 31, 1865 age 71y, 9m, 15d); converted age 11; consumption | |
01/31/1866 | 38 | WALTER, Rebecca* | 71 | BOUDER, ----- | ||||
01/31/1866 | 38 | DORN, Andrew* | 46 | NY | NY: Oneida Co.: Ava (d Dec 28, 1865 age 46y, 3m, 18d); converted 21 yrs ago; church class-leader; wife, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever 12 days | |||
01/31/1866 | 38 | BYERS, E.* [female] | 66 | IL | PA (b) | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Jan 9, 1866 at res son John); a Christian 45 yrs; 4 sons (2 of whom are ministers) & 3 daus remain; husb d 8 yrs ago; bur beside him at Dover, IL | ||
01/31/1866 | 38 | CLASSER, Frederick (Rev.)* | 66 | NY | NY: Alleghany [sic] Co. (d Dec 30, 1865 age 66y, 5m); was a traveling minister several yrs, then a local preacher; widow, 8 chren remain; palsy 8 yrs, d from heart disease | |||
02/07/1866 | 47 | BAKER, Christian* | 69 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Belleville [sic] area (d Jan 7, 1866 age 69y, 8m, 9d); a liberal supporter of the Gospel; widow, a number of chren remain. Minister; E. B. CROUSE | |||
02/07/1866 | 47 | BLEILER, Hannah* | 61 | PA | PA: Northampton Tp. [no co. stated] (d Dec 21, 1865 age 61y, 5m, 3d); husb, son remain; consumption. Minister: E. BUTZ | |||
02/07/1866 | 47 | CRESSLER, Hannah R.* | 82 | CRESSLER, Henry | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springfield (d Dec 2, 1865 age 82y, 4m, 29d); converted ca 7 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; dropsy / apoplexy | ||
02/07/1866 | 47 | CRESSLER, Henry | -----, Hannah R.* | |||||
02/07/1866 | 47 | STULL, Jacob* | 68 | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d [no date] age 68y, 7m, 20d); aged widow, 9 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. John; stomach cancer w/ roots grown into the liver; stomach-liver perfectly matted together; sufferings were inexpressible 2 yrs | |||
02/14/1866 | 54 | MAUCK, Jacob* | 74 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co. (d Jan 26, 1866 age 74y & some mos); converted ca 12 yrs ago; widow, 13 chren remain; dropsy ca 1 yr | |||
02/14/1866 | 54 | MYERS, Dorothy* | 80 | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Bucks Co.: Tyler's Port area (d Jan 21, 1866 age 80y, 3m, 1d). " É judging from what appeared at the funeral, she had but few relatives in this country. I am told that she went down to the grave sorrowing, but died in peace." | ||
02/14/1866 | 54 | DREIBELBIS, Sarah* | 67 | DREIBELBIS, Samuel | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Maidencreek Tp. (b) | PA: Venango Co. (res). Died Dec 9. 1865. Born Berks Co., Pa., "was married and removed to Venango Co. in 1836." Aged husb, several chren remain; dropsy. Minister: C. W. DAVIS | |
02/14/1866 | 54 | DREIBELBIS, Samuel | -----, Sarah* | |||||
02/14/1866 | 54 | FENSLER, John* | 66 | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d Jan 13, 1866 age 66y, 9m, 29d); memb ch of North Emanuel; wife, 1 dau remain of a family of 6, the rest having died; ate breakfast, chopped wood, came in to rest & warm self, arose to make fire, fell to floor & d in 2 min; palsy | |||
02/14/1866 | 54 | BUTTON, James* | 20 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d [no date] age 20y, 8m); converted a few wks before death; leaves many friends; typhus fever | |||
02/14/1866 | 54 | SHELLER, Levi* | 18 | -- | --: Minister: KING, Wm.; d Dec 9, 1865 age 18y, 5m, 27d; converted 1864; much beloved / highly esteemed; pars, sisters, bros remain; typhoid fever 9 days | |||
02/14/1866 | 54 | WEINBERG, John* | 72 | MI | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | MI: St. Jo. Co.: Flowerfield Tp. (d Nov 20, 1865 age 72y, 11m less one day); first man to entertained our preachers in Park Tp., St. Jo. Co.; wife #2 & 9 chren remain; dropsy ca 15 mos [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
02/14/1866 | 54 | BAKER, Suran [sic]* | 37 | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co. (d Jan 21, 1866 age 37y, 9m, 10d); husb, 7 chren remain, one child being but a few days old | |||
02/21/1866 | 62 | AHOLTZ, Henry* | 28 | IL | PA: York Co. (b Nov 2, 1839) | IL: Springfield (d Jan 18, 1866 age 28y, 2m, 16d); w/ pars to Lafayette, IN, & where bur; in 2nd IL Cav; hon discharged Jan 8, 1866; was caring for sick friend; assassinated [one man arrested]; pars, 1 sis, 4 bros remain; 1 bro d in country's service | ||
02/21/1866 | 62 | KEHLER, Hannah* | 46 | KEHLER, Isaac | PA | PA: Liberty area (d Feb 1, 1866 age 46y, 2m, 12d); memb Evan Assn. 4 yrs; husb, chren remain; stomach cancer | ||
02/21/1866 | 62 | KEHLER, Isaac | -----, Hannah* | |||||
02/21/1866 | 62 | McNELLY, Susan* | -- | -- | --: Hasenburg (d Jan 14, 1866 [no age stated]); converted ca 25 yrs ago; cancer. Minister: J. N. METZGER | |||
02/21/1866 | 62 | GORN, Susan* | 50 | GORN, Abraham | IN | IN: Marshall Co. (d Jan 9, 1866 age 50y, 4m, 9d); converted ca 26 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; 4 chren dead; weakness + fever; lost speech a few days before she died | ||
02/21/1866 | 62 | GORN, Abraham | -----, Susan* | |||||
02/21/1866 | 62 | MILLER, Elias* | ca30 | IL | IL: Fayette Co.: Vandalia (d Nov 30, 1865); memb Evan. Assn. ca 10 yrs; widow, 5 chren remain; diarrhea 3+ mos | |||
02/21/1866 | 62 | WEISE, Lucinda* | 29 | WIRTH | WEISE, John | -- | --: Sugar Valley (d Feb 2, 1866); dau of Henry; memb Luth. Ch.; husb memb of Evan. Assn.; funeral by Rev. MOYER of U. B. Ch.; obit submitted by P. WAGNER | |
02/21/1866 | 62 | WIRTH, Lucinda* | 29 | WEISE, John | -- | --: Sugar Valley (d Feb 2, 1866); dau of Henry; memb Luth. Ch.; husb memb of Evan. Assn.; funeral by Rev. MOYER of U. B. Ch.; obit submitted by P. WAGNER | ||
02/21/1866 | 62 | WEISE, John | WIRTH, Lucinda* | |||||
02/21/1866 | 62 | LUDWICK, Conrad* | ca82 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Austintown (d Oct 25, 1865); one of 1st membs of Evan. Assn. at Austintown; converted ca 35 yrs ago; widow, 3 chren remain; rheumatism | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | NEWLAND, Emily* | 35 | OH | OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence area (d Feb 12, 1866 age 35y, 7m; bur Independence; consumption a number of yrs | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | MORR, Margaret* | 33 | MORR, J. P. | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: West Salem area (d Feb 12, 1866 age 33y, 2m, 18d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 14 yrs; husb, 1 child remain; complication of diseases. Minister: H. LONGBRAKE | ||
02/28/1866 | 70 | MORR, J. P. | -----, Margaret* | |||||
02/28/1866 | 70 | WAGNER, Solomon* | 57 | IA | PA: Dauphin Co. (converted 1842) | IA: Louisa Co.: Grandview (d Feb 11, 1866 age 57y, 1m, 17d); widow, 7 chren remain; lung fever | ||
02/28/1866 | 70 | SEIBERT, Henry D.* | -- | PA | PA: Col. Co.: Evansville (d Feb 7 [7th inst], 1866); prominent memb of Columbia circuit; suicide by hanging w/ halter strap in his own stable; afflicted family remains | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | SHAFER, Mary Ann* | 39 | SHAFER, Jacob | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Jan 11, 1866 age 39y, 4m, 11d); converted 20 yrs ago; funeral at Zion church. Minister: E. B. CROUSE | ||
02/28/1866 | 70 | SHAFER, Jacob | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
02/28/1866 | 70 | SWARTZ, George* | 58 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Feb 15, 1866 age 58y, 7m, 16d); formerly of Fairfield Co., OH; converted ca 40 yrs ago; widow, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 sons dead; congestion of lungs a few days. Minister: D. H. WONDER | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | SHAFER, Charlotte* | 5 | -- | --: d Jan 24, 1866 age 5y, 25d; dau of Samuel & Catharine; spotted fever 14 hrs | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | KEENER, Jacob* | 20 | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d Feb 7, 1866 age 20y, 4m, 6d); served 4 yrs in US military service; consumption | |||
02/28/1866 | 70 | RANCK, Catharine* | ca67 | RANCK, Jno. M. | -- | --: Minister: HARRIS, M. W.; d Feb 12, 1866); husb, 1 son remain | ||
02/28/1866 | 70 | RANCK, Jno. M. | -----, Catharine* | |||||
02/28/1866 | 70 | WEIKEL, Daniel Oscar* | 6 | -- | --: Minister: HARRIS, M. W.; d Feb 1, 1866 age 6y, 3m, 6d); son of Elisha & Sarah | |||
03/07/1866 | 78 | ROLAND, John* | 67 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d Jan 31, 1866 age 67y, 30d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 32 yrs ago; widow, 3 chren remain; bur Lewisburg Cem.; consumption | |||
03/07/1866 | 78 | CHARPIE, Mary Ellis* | 16 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d Feb 21, 1866 age 16y, 1d); dau of Emanuel & Catharine; pars, 2 bros, 3 little sisters remain; typhoid pneumonia ca 18 days | |||
03/07/1866 | 78 | BENDER, Weidler* | 20 | PA | PA: Lawrence Co. (d Feb 19, 1866 age 20y, 6m, 7d); son of Kinzer D.; typhoid fever | |||
03/07/1866 | 78 | BARR, Catharine* | 72 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Feb 20, 1866); memb Evan. Assn. ca 50 yrs; spoke only in a whisper until dying, then cried out, "Glory to God" three times; palsy / typhoid fever. Minister: C. IDLEMAN | |||
03/07/1866 | 78 | ECKERT, John A.* | 17 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Feb 22, 1866); son of Rev. Daniel; joined Evan. Assn. 2 yrs ago; sick a few days, most of that time more or less bereft of his reason; sinking chills. Minister: C. IDLEMAN | |||
03/14/1866 | 86 | UMBENHOWER, Lewis H.* | 29 | IN | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol (converted 9 yrs ago) | IN: Elkhart Co.: Harrison Tp. (d Feb 25, 1866 age 29y, 5m, 7d); son of John & Elizabeth; wife, 1 child, pars, grpars remain; typhus fever 8 days | ||
03/14/1866 | 86 | KRISSINGER, Anna* | 36 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d Feb 4, 1866 age 36y, 8m, 19d); bur the 6th ult. Minister: P. GRAHAM | |||
03/14/1866 | 86 | BOYER, Emma Alice* | 2 | -- | --: d Feb 16, 1866 age 2y, 3m, 22d); dau of Mike and Elizabeth; malignant scarlet fever. Minister: D. H. WONDER, of Hancock Co., OH, at this time | |||
03/14/1866 | 86 | MILLER, George P.* | 1 | -- | --: d Feb 13, 1866 age 1y, 11m, 25d); son of Philip & Elvina); malignant scarlet fever. Minister: D. H. WONDER, of Hancock Co., OH, at this time | |||
03/21/1866 | 94 | KECK, Michael* | 66 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Feb 28, 1866 age 66y, 8m, 29d); converted ca 25 yrs ago; class-leader / exhorter many yrs "almost without interruption"; widow, 6 chren remain; consumption ca 1 yr | |||
03/21/1866 | 94 | COLUM, Emily* | 21 | COLUM, Jacob | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Newton Tp. (d Feb 24, 1866); joined Evan. Assn. ca 4 yrs ago; husb remains | ||
03/21/1866 | 94 | COLUM, Jacob | -----, Emily* | |||||
03/28/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
04/04/1866 | 110 | AHOLTZ, John* | 19 | IN | PA: York Co. (b) | IN: Lafayette area (d Mar 2, 1866 age 19y, 8m, 13d); son of Geo. S. & Sarah; Sunday 24th he & bro in church, next Sunday bur together; older bro d few wks before; congestion of brain | ||
04/04/1866 | 110 | AHOLTZ, Edmund* | 18 | IN | PA: York Co. (b) | IN: Lafayette area (d Mar 3, 1866 age 18y, 12d); son of Geo. S. & Sarah; Sunday 24th he & bro in church, next Sunday bur together; older bro d few wks before; congestion of brain | ||
04/04/1866 | 110 | ALBERT, Levi* | 31 | IN | IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Feb 18, 1866 age 31y, 2m, 8d); converted 6 wks earlier; widow, 2 chren, pars, 6 bros remain; bronchitis / dropsy of chest | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | GEHR, Laura E.* | 11 | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Summit Tp. (d Mar 22, 1866 age 11y, 9m, 25d); called together everyone in the house & bade them farewell; mother, bro Hiram dead; diabetes terminated w/ gangrene | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | HARPER, Thomas* | 72 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Wiconisco (d Feb 24, 1866 age 72y, 11m, 1d); embraced religion ca 24 yrs ago; widow, 7 chren remain; palpitation of heart | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | ZAHNER, Wm.* | 69 | PA | PA: Bradford Co. (d Mar 12, 1866 age 69y, 1m, 8d); converted 48 yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain; 5 chren dead; stroke of palsy | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | CONVER, John A.* | 45 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Richland Tp. (d Feb 15, 1866 age 45y, 7m,8d); memb Evan. Assn. 10 yrs; wife, 7 chren remain; typhoid fever, bed-ridden 5 wks | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | STARR, Catharine A.* | 15 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Ashland Tp. (d Jan 29, 1866 age 15y, 26d); dau of D. & T.; complication of diseases | |||
04/04/1866 | 110 | WEAVER, S. A.* [female] | 42 | WEAVER, Joseph (Rev.) | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Rockland Tp. (d Jan 25, 1866 age 42y, 3m, 24d); memb Evan. Assn. 27 yrs; husb, 8 chren remain; Jan 26 "buried, near Father Weaver's"; breast cancer, to NY for tumor removal, ret home, better for a time, then spread through system | ||
04/04/1866 | 110 | WEAVER, Joseph (Rev.) | -----, S. A.* | |||||
04/11/1866 | 118 | WIANT, Josiah* | 36 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co. (d Mar 21, 1866 age 36y, 10m, 9d); converted ca 15 yrs ago; widow, 1 child remain; lung fever ca 8 days | |||
04/11/1866 | 118 | HAUGHEY, George Washington* | 20 | IN | IN: Dekalb Co.: Waterloo city (d Feb 3, 1866 age 20y, 4m, 5d); son of Robert & Hannah; memb of 60th Regt OVI; converted 3 yrs ago; pars, 4 bros, 5 sis remain; heart disease | |||
04/11/1866 | 118 | WENDELL, Jacob (Mrs.)* | 26 | PAUL | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris area (d Mar 23, 1866 age 26y, 3d); dau of Abram & Sarah; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; yellow jaundice / confinement | ||
04/11/1866 | 118 | PAUL, -----* | 26 | WENDELL, Jacob | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris area (d Mar 23, 1866 age 26y, 3d); dau of Abram & Sarah; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; yellow jaundice / confinement | ||
04/11/1866 | 118 | BORDNER, Lawson* | 11 | -- | --: Minister: STRASBURGER, Wm.; d Mar 8, 1866 age 11y, 3m, 20d; an only son of George & Lovina; att protracted meeting 2 evenings before he died; lung disease | |||
04/11/1866 | 118 | GREENLEE, John S.* | 23 | OH | OH: Wayne Co. (b Mar 2, 1843) | OH: Wayne Co. (d Mar 26, 1866 age 23y, 24d); son of John & Susan; 2 sis converted at Hope Ch. on Big Prairie circuit 6 wks earlier; he sent for Rev. SICHLEY so he could join church; wife, 1 child remain; consumption | ||
04/18/1866 | 126 | WOLF, Hannah* | 61 | WOLF, Simon (Rev.) | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d Apr 6, 1866); converted 30+ yrs ago; joined Evan. Assn.; husb remains; bur cem at Lewisburg | ||
04/18/1866 | 126 | WOLF, Simon (Rev.) | -----, Hannah* | |||||
04/18/1866 | 126 | WHITSON, George* | 32 | IA | IA: Jackson Co.: Mt. Algor area (d Mar 8, 1866 age 32y, 3m, 4d); pars, 1 bro, 2 sisters remain; consumption several mos | |||
04/18/1866 | 126 | SHADLE, David* | 26 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Columbia (d Apr 6, 1866 age 26y, 1m, 2d) | |||
04/18/1866 | 126 | DIEFFENBACHER, Sarah* | 68 | DIEFFENBACHER, Wm. | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Mar 10, 1866 age 68y, 6m, 26d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 31 yrs; husb, 10 chren remain | ||
04/18/1866 | 126 | DIEFFENBACHER, Wm. | -----, Sarah* | |||||
04/18/1866 | 126 | KOONEY, Rebecca* | 66 | KOONEY, Daniel | IL | PA: Perry Co. (res prev) | IL: Oswego area (d Mar 23, 1866 age 66y, 6m, 7d); md 43 yrs; husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy | |
04/18/1866 | 126 | KOONEY, Daniel | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
04/18/1866 | 126 | WALBORN, Christian* | 14 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg area (d Apr 3, 1866 age 14y, 11m, 21d); embraced religion last winter; told his mother he was "going home"; shouted "Glory!" when leaving this world | |||
04/18/1866 | 126 | MERGENTHALER, Elizabeth M.* | 74 | MERGENTHALER, Jacob | PA | WITTENBERG (res prev) | PA: York Co. (d Mar 8, 1866 age 74y, 9m, 28d); to AMER 1819; converted ca 35 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; blind last 4 yrs, had others read the Botschafter to her; husb, 5 chren remain; old age + bronchitis | |
04/18/1866 | 126 | MERGENTHALER, Jacob | -----, Elizabeth M.* | |||||
04/25/1866 | 134 | TATE, Sarah* | 46 | REBER | TATE, J. | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (d Mar 27, 1866 age 46y, 10m, 45[sic]d); husb, 4 chren remain [page is dated Apr 28, should be Apr 25] | |
04/25/1866 | 134 | REBER, Sarah* | 46 | TATE, J. | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (d Mar 27, 1866 age 46y, 10m, 45[sic]d); husb, 4 chren remain [page is dated Apr 28, should be Apr 25] | ||
04/25/1866 | 134 | TATE, J. | REBER, Sarah* | |||||
04/25/1866 | 134 | OESTRICHER, John (Mrs.)* | 63 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Harmony Church area (d Apr 7, 1866 age 63y, 4m, 19d); to AMER some yrs ago; husb, 1 dau remain [page is dated Apr 28, should be Apr 25] | |||
04/25/1866 | 134 | RUDOLPH, Elmira A.* | 27 | PA | PA: Adams Co. (d Apr 10, 1866 age 27y, 10m, 27d); husb, 2 chren, mother remain [page is dated Apr 28, should be Apr 25] | |||
04/25/1866 | 134 | HENNEY, Jacob* | 44 | IA | OH: Summit Co. (res prev) | IA: Jasper Co.: Newton area (d Mar 14, 1866 age 44y, 4m, 15d); wife, 7 chren remain; killed by irate tenant, Justus KELLOGG, who was found guilty of murder in 1st degree; hit over head w/ an old gun, expired in 4 hrs [corr pg no. is 25] | ||
04/25/1866 | 134 | DEWEES, Anna Catharine* | 75 | DEWEES, William (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Airy (d Mar 13, 1866 age 75y, 4m, 16d); converted 1843; had 14 chren & 5 grchren, of which only one: a grdau, remains; husb, 2 daus-in-law also remain [page is dated Apr 28, should be Apr 25] | ||
04/25/1866 | 134 | DEWEES, William (Rev.) | -----, Anna Catharine* | |||||
05/02/1866 | 142 | MARSH, Tilley Henrietta* | 1 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Lake Tp. (d Apr 14, 1866 age 1y, 6m, 3wks, 1day); dau of Luke & Sarah; fell into a well | |||
05/02/1866 | 142 | KING, Margaret* | 62 | PA | PA: Tioga Co. (d Apr 14, 1866 age 62y, 7m, 29d); chren remain; dropsy | |||
05/02/1866 | 143 | SILL, John C.* | 47 | -- | --: Minister: HUNTER, Geo.; d Apr 12, 1866 age 47y, 4m, 29d; wife, 1 child remain | |||
05/02/1866 | 143 | GILBERT, Barbara* | 52 | GILBERT, Geo. | IN | IN: Noble Co.: Washington Tp. (d Jan 11, 1866 age 52y, 8m, 9d); embraced religion ca 32 yrs ago; husb, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever ca 3 mos | ||
05/02/1866 | 143 | GILBERT, Geo. | -----, Barbara* | |||||
05/02/1866 | 143 | PINES, Susan M.* | 23 | MENCH | PINES, I. M. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (b Jun 7, 1862 [sic]) | PA: Sullivan Co.: Dushore (d Mar 30, 1866 age 23y, 9m, 23d); youngest dau of Jos. & Nancy; husb, a dear little boy, pars, bro, sister remain [obit heading is MENCH] |
05/02/1866 | 143 | MENCH, Susan M.* | 23 | PINES, I. M. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (b Jun 7, 1862 [sic]) | PA: Sullivan Co.: Dushore (d Mar 30, 1866 age 23y, 9m, 23d); youngest dau of Jos. & Nancy; husb, a dear little boy, pars, bro, sister remain | |
05/02/1866 | 143 | PINES, I. M. (Rev.) | MENCH, Susan M.* | [obit heading is MENCH] | ||||
05/02/1866 | 143 | GOOD, J. C. M.* | 21 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Chicago (d Apr 17, 1866); son of Carl & Mary; went from his home in Naperville to Chicago, where he got worse & d in a few days; pars, bros, sisters remain; pulmonary consumption | ||
05/09/1866 | 150 | SCHOBER, Margaret* | 37 | OBERHOLTZER | SCHOBER, Reuben | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brecknock Tp. (d Apr 14, 1866 age 37y, 8m, 30d); dau of John; converted 15 yrs ago; husb, 2 little sons remain; consumption / hemorrhage of lungs | |
05/09/1866 | 150 | OBERHOLTZER, Margaret* | 37 | SCHOBER, Reuben | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brecknock Tp. (d Apr 14, 1866 age 37y, 8m, 30d); dau of John; converted 15 yrs ago; husb, 2 little sons remain; consumption / hemorrhage of lungs | ||
05/09/1866 | 150 | SCHOBER, Reuben | OBERHOLTZER, Margaret* | |||||
05/09/1866 | 150 | STAUFFER, Mary* | 80 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Irwin Tp. (d Mar 27, 1866 age 80y, 2m, 4d); embraced religion ca 30 yrs ago. "Many are left to mourn her departureÉ." Husb dead; catarrh in the head which prostrated her many yrs | |||
05/09/1866 | 150 | WOODS, Emery* | 1 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Patchensville area (d Apr 13, 1866 age 1y, 6m, 2d); son of James & Mary Amanda; croup | |||
05/09/1866 | 150 | LINDER, John T.* | 2 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d Apr 2, 1866 age 2y, 8m, 26d); son of John T. & Elizabeth; dropsy of the head | |||
05/16/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
05/23/1866 | 166 | COVER, Benjamin F.* | 35 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Apr 30, 1866 age 35y, 10m, 16d); converted 15 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch.; last yr joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 3 chren, 5 bros, 2 sis remain [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | |||
05/23/1866 | 166 | MUSSELMAN, Lorenz* | 25 | IL | IL: Naperville (d [no date] age 25y, 6m); son of Rev. Elias & Cath.; bless those who mourn the loss of a son & brother; small pox [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | |||
05/23/1866 | 166 | LUTZ, Sarah* | 79 | LUTZ, J. | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d [no date]); held meeting at her house the previous Sabbath; husb, 6 chren remain, one of whom is a preacher; 2 chren dead. U.B. minister preached in English; H. COVER, in German; old age [pg dated May 16, shd be May 23] | ||
05/23/1866 | 166 | LUTZ, J. | -----, Sarah* | |||||
05/23/1866 | 166 | MILLER, Barbara* | 68 | PA | WUERTEMBERG (b) | PA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d Apr 23, 1866 age 68y, 3m, 16d); to AMER 1831; embraced religion 28 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; 8 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead; chronic diarrhoea [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | ||
05/23/1866 | 166 | ERFURT, Henry* | 26 | NY | NY: New York City (d Apr 14, 1866 age 26y, 6m, 5d); converted 6 yrs ago; a son, mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | |||
05/23/1866 | 166 | TROUP, Benjamin* | 69 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co. (d Apr 23, 1866 age 69y, 3m, 24d); converted ca 26 yrs ago; wife remains; carried 2 feeble lambs to the fold, dropt down, and in a few moments was a corpse; wife remains. Minister: E. BEATY [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | |||
05/23/1866 | 166 | MARSH, Tilly Henrietta* | 1 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Lake Tp. (d Apr 19, 1866 age 1y, 6m, 22d); dau of Luke & Sarah; fell into a well [page is dated May 16, should be May 23] | |||
05/30/1866 | 174 | SHAFER, Nickolas* | ca74 | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester Tp. (d May 12, 1866); converted in U. B. Ch., joined Evan. Assn. ca 21 yrs ago; had preaching in his house a great many yrs; widow, 4 chren remain; chill fever & old age | |||
05/30/1866 | 174 | RHOADS, Allen Newton* | 3 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d May 17, 1866 age 3y, 3m, 4d); son of Rev. S. G. & Mary Anna; d from wound inflicted by a minnie rifle ball, discharged in the streets of Philadelphia by an unknown person | |||
05/30/1866 | 174 | HESPENHIDE, Mary Jane* | 2 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Hickory Tp. (d May 11, 1866 age 2y, 10m, 6d) | |||
06/06/1866 | 182 | SHUMAKER, Nathaniel* | -- | PA | PA: York Co.: York Tp. (d May 15, 1866); lung disease ca 3 yrs | |||
06/06/1866 | 182 | STOCHER, Mary C.* | 1 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Lower Mound [sic] Bether [sic] (d May 22, 1866 age 1y, 11m; breast fever | |||
06/06/1866 | 182 | SWARTZ, Lorinda* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: GOOD, J.; d May 7, 1866 age 1y, 8m, 17d); dau of Lewis & Priscilla | |||
06/06/1866 | 182 | SNYDER, Angeline* | 27 | SNYDER, Peter | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d May 19, 1866 age 27y, 6m, 9d); husb, 5 chren remain; | ||
06/06/1866 | 182 | SNYDER, Peter | -----, Angeline* | |||||
06/06/1866 | 182 | FOWLER, Mary* | 66 | FOWLER, Asahel | PA | PA: Columbia Co. (d May 15, 1866 age 66y, 28d); mother-in-law of Rev. D. W. MILLER; heart disease | ||
06/06/1866 | 182 | FOWLER, Asahel | -----, Mary* | |||||
06/06/1866 | 182 | BROTZMAN, Simon* | 38 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d May 19, 1866 age 38y, 2m, 15d); converted 1853, joined Evan. Assn.; his house a pleasant home for preachers; widow, 5 chren, mother remain; liver complaint | |||
06/13/1866 | 190 | SNYDER, Jacob* | 66 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Adrian (d May 3, 1866 age 66y, 6m, 7d); converted ca 26 yrs ago, soon after joined Evan. Assn.; one of 1st to join society in Tiffin; class-leader / exhorter; wife, 10 chren remain | |||
06/13/1866 | 190 | HOLLISTER, Fanton [sic]* | 63 | IL | NY (b) | IL: Lee Co. (d May 28, 1866 age 63y, 7m, 13d); embraced religion 5 yrs ago; wife, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; w/ span of horses went to get roller from neighbor, horses ran away, pitched him under roller, d 2.5 hrs later | ||
06/13/1866 | 190 | HESS, Susanna* | 82 | HESS, Jeremiah | PA | PA: York Co. (d May 20, 1866 age 82y, 9m, 24d); converted ca 40 yrs ago, memb Evan. Assn. 20 yrs; att church on Whit suntide, d that evening; in York her house was 1st in which Evan. Assn. met; md 54 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead | ||
06/13/1866 | 190 | HESS, Jeremiah | -----, Susanna* | |||||
06/13/1866 | 190 | STRAYER, Emaline* | 12 | PA | PA: York area (d May 10, 1866 age 12y, 2m, 14d); dau of widow Elizabeth STRAYER | |||
06/20/1866 | 198 | SPANGLER, Margaretta* | 23 | PA | PA: Centre Co. (d [no date] age 23y, 6m, 19d); youngest dau of Samuel & Margaretta; had bros & sisters promise to meet her in heaven; bur the 21st [no month stated] in Zion grave yard; scrofulous consumption 1 yr | |||
06/20/1866 | 198 | COCKLIN, Peter* | 59 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Plain Tp.: Jefferson (d May 30, 1866 age 59y, 10m, 15d); embraced religion ca 20 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain; lung fever. Funeral by Rev. J. DICK; obit submitted by F. R. TOTHEROH | |||
06/20/1866 | 198 | BATES, John* | 34 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Ross Tp. (d May 7, 1866 age 34y, 4m, 7d); served the Lord faithfully 6 yrs; widow, 3 chren remain; consumption | |||
06/20/1866 | 198 | BECK, Mary Elisabeth* | 1 | C. W. | C. W. [CANADA WEST?; possibly ONTARIO]: York Co. (d May 28, 1866 age 1y, 9m, 24d); dau of John | |||
06/27/1866 | 206 | HENNY, Catharine* | 71 | HENNY, George (husb #2; had 1 dau, who cared for her last 5 mos) | IA | PA (b) | IA: Laporte City (d Jun 13, 1866 age 74y, 10m, 1d at home of dau); memb Evan. Assn. 33+ yrs; 6 chren remain; 6 died, some in infancy, others as adults; stomach cancer 5 mos | |
06/27/1866 | 206 | -----, Catharine* | 71 | CLAY, David (husb #1; had 11 chren) | IA | PA (b) | IA: Laporte City (d Jun 13, 1866 age 74y, 10m, 1d at home of dau); memb Evan. Assn. 33+ yrs; 6 chren remain; 6 died, some in infancy, others as adults; stomach cancer 5 mos | |
06/27/1866 | 206 | CLAY, Catharine* | 71 | HENNY, George (husb #2; had 1 dau, who cared for her last 5 mos) | IA | PA (b) | IA: Laporte City (d Jun 13, 1866 age 74y, 10m, 1d at home of dau); memb Evan. Assn. 33+ yrs; 6 chren remain; 6 died, some in infancy, others as adults; stomach cancer 5 mos | |
06/27/1866 | 206 | HENNY, George | CLAY, Catharine* | |||||
06/27/1866 | 206 | CLAY, David | -----, Catharine* | |||||
06/27/1866 | 206 | STAMM, Julia Ann* | 30 | STAMM, John | IN | IN: Pulaski Co.: Winamac area (d May 5, 1866 age 30y, 4m, 5d); converted 1854; husb, 4 chren remain | ||
06/27/1866 | 206 | STAMM, John | -----, Julia Ann* | |||||
06/27/1866 | 206 | GLASSER, Mary* | 28 | GLASSER, Abr. | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Jun 13, 1866 age 28y, 3m, 2d); consumption | ||
06/27/1866 | 206 | GLASSER, Abr. | -----, Mary* |
Number of items that your search found: 183