Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/02/1873 | 3 | DOMER, J. M. (Rev.)* | 41 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Barkeyville (d Nov 15, 1872 age 41y, 11m, 1d); "Church of God" minister; asst ed of the Church Advocate; preached 15 yrs; wife, 2 sons, 1 dau, 3 sis, 4 bros remain; 2 bros ministers in Pittsburg Conf., Evan. Assn.; one in M. E. Church | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | HORLACHER, David* | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ringtown Station. Resolution of Sunday School of Christ Ch., Ringtown Station, East PA Conf. re death of HORLACHER | ||||
01/02/1873 | 3 | RATHFON, Mary A.* | 31 | EAGLE | RATHFON, G. W. | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Dec 6, 1872 age 31y, 8m, 9d); husb, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; consumption 14 mos | |
01/02/1873 | 3 | EAGLE, Mary A.* | 31 | RATHFON, G. W. | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Dec 6, 1872 age 31y, 8m, 9d); husb, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; consumption 14 mos | ||
01/02/1873 | 3 | RATHFON, G. W. | EAGLE, Mary A.* | |||||
01/02/1873 | 3 | BUCK, Edmund (Mrs.)* | 64 | CANADA | CANADA: Oxford circuit: Evan. Assn. member; d Oct 23, 1872 age 64y, 10m, 21d; husb, 7 chren remain | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | SMITH, Sarah Lovice* | 20 | IA | IA: Quincy area (d Dec 11, 1872); from Rewanee, IL, a few mos ago to regain health; remaining are her father in IL, 3 sis in IA; funeral in Baptist Ch. by Rev. A. Y. CUPP | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | DINGES, Frances Victoria* | 17 | OH | OH: Greensburg area (res of pars); d Dec 1, 1873 age 17y, 4m, 9d; pars, 2 sis remain; quick consumption. Minister: M. H. SHANNON of Summit Co., OH, at this time | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | SNIVELY, C.* [female] | 84 | WEBER | PA | BAVARIA: Rhine district (b) | PA: Ashland (d Dec 2, 1872 age 84y, 3m, 13d); to AMER 1833 to Clarion Co., PA; 1 dau, 3 bros remain; husb, 2 daus dead; dropsy | |
01/02/1873 | 3 | WEBER, C.* | 84 | SNIVELY, ----- | PA | BAVARIA: Rhine district (b) | PA: Ashland (d Dec 2, 1872 age 84y, 3m, 13d); to AMER 1833 to Clarion Co., PA; 1 dau, 3 bros remain; husb, 2 daus dead; dropsy | |
01/02/1873 | 3 | WONDERLING, John* | 20 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co. (d Dec 1, 1872 age 20y, 21d); converted 3 yrs ago under Rev. E. BEATY | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | EXAMPLE, Shall We Gather at the River? | See WONDERLING, John Jan 2, 1873 p 3 | |||||
01/02/1873 | 3 | DUFFY, John* | 72 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Mt. Rock area (d Dec 9, 1872 age 72y, 9m, 6d at res of son); 1 son, 3 daus remain; wife d 9 mos ago | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | GRAY, Salomy* | 71 | GRAY, Adam | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (d Dec 13, 1872); 1 son, 4 daus remain; husb dead | ||
01/02/1873 | 3 | GRAY, Adam | -----, Salomy* | |||||
01/02/1873 | 3 | MILLER, Jemima C.* | 21 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Charleston (d [no date] age 21y, 8m, 24d); consumption 2 yrs | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | SCHNEIDER, Sarah* | 67 | BILLMAN | SCHNEIDER, George | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Plainfield (d Dec 14, 1872); husb, 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead; consumption |
01/02/1873 | 3 | BILLMAN, Sarah* | 67 | SCHNEIDER, George | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Plainfield (d Dec 14, 1872); husb, 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead; consumption | |
01/02/1873 | 3 | SCHNEIDER, George | BILLMAN, Sarah* | |||||
01/02/1873 | 3 | HOOVER, Emma E.* | 25 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Dec 8, 1872 age 25y, 11m, 4d); husb, 2 sm chren remain | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | WEISER, William J.* | 27 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Susquehanna Tp. (d Dec 8, 1872 age 27y, 8m, 11d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 4 yrs ago; spinal disease | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | MOSSTOLLER, -----* [male] | 69 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Staystown [sic] area (d Nov 20, 1872 age 69y, 8m, 17d); aged widow, 1 son remain | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | WEIST, Jacob* | 88 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Nov 24, 1872 age 88y, 11m, 9d) memb prev Lutheran Ch., supported Evan. Assn. last 20 yrs; 8 chren, 96 grchren, 129 gt-grchren remain; 4 chren dead | |||
01/02/1873 | 3 | BLESH, Christian* | 69 | PA | SWITZERLAND (b) | PA: Clinton Co: German Settlement (d Dec 6, 1872 age 69y, 8m, 21d); to AMER 1834 | ||
01/09/1873 | 11 | BRICKLEY, John (Rev.)* | 77 | SHEPLER, Margaret | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b Jul 9, 1795) | PA: Indiana Co.: Marrion [sic] (d Nov 15, 1872 age 77y, 4m, 6d at home of dau); md 1819 in Bucks Co., PA; aged widow remains | |
01/09/1873 | 11 | SHEPLER, Margaret | BRICKLEY, John (Rev.)* | |||||
01/09/1873 | 11 | BRICKLEY, Margaret | BRICKLEY, John (Rev.)* | |||||
01/09/1873 | 11 | POLAND, Margaret* | 22 | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d Nov 29, [1872]; pars, 3 sis, 4 bros remain; consumption | |||
01/09/1873 | 11 | NELSON, Wm.* | 78 | PA | PA: Elliottsburg area (d [no date] age 78y, 3m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. 25+ yrs; widow, one dau, being the wife of Rev. S. W. SEIBERT, remain [obit sent in in Nov., but did not reach the editor then] | |||
01/09/1873 | 11 | RINGLE, Caroline* | 26 | SCHUSTER | RINGLE, Reuben | OH | OH: Bettsville area (d Dec 19, 1872 age 26y, 1m, 3d); age 15 was res w/ pars nr Buffalo, NY, when converted; husb, 3-yr-old son, 2 bros remain; consumption | |
01/09/1873 | 11 | SCHUSTER, Caroline* | 26 | RINGLE, Reuben | OH | OH: Bettsville area (d Dec 19, 1872 age 26y, 1m, 3d); age 15 was res w/ pars nr Buffalo, NY, when converted; husb, 3-yr-old son, 2 bros remain; consumption | ||
01/09/1873 | 11 | RINGLE, Reuben | SCHUSTER, Caroline* | |||||
01/09/1873 | 11 | WILSON, Isabella* | 64 | WILSON, James, Esq. | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise area (d Dec 17, 1872); converted 22 yrs ago at grove-meeting in Paradise; husb, 6 chren, mother remain | ||
01/09/1873 | 11 | WILSON, James, Esq. | -----, Isabella* | |||||
01/09/1873 | 11 | YOST, John William* | 19 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Dec 25, 1872 age 19y, 5m, 7d); son of John L. & Susan; bur at Womelsdorf, PA, the former res of his father, also the res of grfa YOST | |||
01/09/1873 | 11 | PAGE, Louisa C.* [& infant twin dau Caroline] | 26 | PAGE, W. E. | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Dec 17, 1872 age 26y, 11m, 26d); infant dau d 4 days after her | ||
01/09/1873 | 11 | PAGE, W. E. | -----, Louisa C.* | |||||
01/09/1873 | 11 | WALTZ, Mary* | 49 | KLINGEMAN | IN | PA: York (b) | IN: East Germantown area (d Dec 11, 1872 age 49y, 3m, 10d); w/ pars to E. Germantown ca 35 yrs ago; husb, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |
01/09/1873 | 11 | KLINGEMAN, Mary* | 49 | WALTZ, ----- | IN | PA: York (b) | IN: East Germantown area (d Dec 11, 1872 age 49y, 3m, 10d); w/ pars to E. Germantown ca 35 yrs ago; husb, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |
01/09/1873 | 11 | GIBNEY, -----* [female] | -- | PA | PA: York Co.: Castle Fin area (d Dec 1, 1872); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
01/09/1873 | 11 | GARNER, Samuel* | 76 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Lemont area (d Dec 19, 1872 age 76y, 11m, 19d); converted ca 31 yrs ago | |||
01/16/1873 | 19 | YERGER, Hetty* | 55 | IN | PA: Union Co.: Hartleton (b Dec 13, 1817) | IN: Wanatha area (d Dec 20, 1872); husb, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy / asthma requiring her to sleep in rocking chair | ||
01/16/1873 | 19 | DORNACH, Louisa Catharine* | 17 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Jefferson (d Dec 27, 1872 age 17y, 11d); dau of Frederic & Frederica; pars, 2 bros remain; inflammation of lungs | |||
01/16/1873 | 19 | KELLER, Elizabeth* | 49 | PA | PA: Port Trevorton (d Dec 29, 1872 age 49y, 1d); embraced religion ca 7 yrs ago; husb, 3 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
01/16/1873 | 19 | GOOD, Daniel* | 52 | -----, Catharine | OH | OH: Darke Co.: Union City area (d Dec 11, 1872 age 52y, 7m, 6d); wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
01/16/1873 | 19 | GOOD, Catherine | GOOD, Daniel* | |||||
01/16/1873 | 19 | AUBLE, Daniel* | 69 | OH | PA: Union Co. (res prev) | OH: Medina Co.: Wadsworth area (d Dec 23, 1872 age 69y, 1m, 7d); widow, 3 chren remain | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | COBB, Peter* | 63 | PA | PA: York Co. (d Nov 24, 1872 age 63y, 2m, 12d); class-leader of Bowers Ch. Class for 15 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; stomach tumor | |||
01/23/1873 | 27 | HOY, Elizabeth* | 69 | HOY, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Center Co.: Brush Valley (d Jan 1, 1873 age 69y, 7m, 22d); embraced religion 16 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain; breast cancer | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | HOY, Jeremiah | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/23/1873 | 27 | GARNER, Daniel* | 37 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Lemont area (d Dec 30, 1872 age 37y, 2m, 27d); in good health at father Samuel's funeral [Dec 22], but he contracted typhoid Tues., & d in a week; wife, 3 chren remain | |||
01/23/1873 | 27 | GARNER, Samuel* | PA | PA: Center Co.: Lemont area (bur Sun., Dec 22, 1872); his death mentioned in obit of his son, Daniel GARNER, Jan 23, 1873 p 27 [see obit of Daniel GARNER, Jan 23, 1872 p 27] | ||||
01/23/1873 | 27 | PHYSGER, Colina* | 30 | OLIGER | OH | OH: Bryan (d Dec 27, 1872 age 30y, 2m, 10d); memb Brunersburg class at death; funeral at house of pars; services at Brunersburgh M. E. Ch.; husb, several chren, pars, bro, sister remain; consumption 1+ yr | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | OLIGER, Colina* | 30 | PHYSGER, ----- | OH | OH: Bryan (d Dec 27, 1872 age 30y, 2m, 10d); memb Brunersburg class at death; funeral at house of pars; services at Brunersburgh M. E. Ch.; husb, several chren, pars, bro, sister remain; consumption 1+ yr | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | ARMSTRONG, Mary Ann* | 63 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Somerset town area (d Dec 16, 1872 age 63y, 1m, 5d); memb M. E. Ch.; husb, 4 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |||
01/23/1873 | 27 | BABB, Mary Ann* | 19 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jan 5, 1873 age 19y, 9m). "She was the third daughter of the family for whom I had to perform the burial services, as also for the mother, in less than three years." Consumption. Minister: J. C. BLIEM | |||
01/23/1873 | 27 | STALL, Mary Matilda* | 36 | STALL, William | MI | MI: Monroe Co. (d Jan 1, 1873 age 36y, 11m); husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead. Minister: J. BOROUGHF | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | STALL, William | -----, Mary Matilda* | |||||
01/23/1873 | 27 | BOROUGHF, J. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of Mary Matilda STALL, Jan 23, 1873 p 27 | |||||
01/23/1873 | 27 | EMERT, Josiah* | 45 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Loral Hill area (d Jan 1, 1873 age 45y, 11m, 23d); widow, 1 son remain; 5 chren dead; funeral in the Lichty Church | |||
01/23/1873 | 27 | TUMMEL, Dietrich* | 70 | IL | GERMANY: Hanover: Nenndorf (b Mar 3, 1802) | IL: La Salle Co.: Northfield (d [no date]); widow, 7 chren remain | ||
01/23/1873 | 27 | SITZLER, S. Anna* | 34 | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Brokensword (d Jan 11, 1873 age 34y, 3m, 28d) | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | McINTYRE, James (Rev.)* | 54 | CALHOUN, Mary | OH | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b Jul 18, 1818) | OH: Crawford Co. (d Jan 14, 1873) pars Roman Catholic, "drove him from the house" when he converted; md Jun 21, 1849; licensed 1865; learned German so he could read & understand it readily; wife, 1 child remain | |
01/30/1873 | 35 | CALHOUN, Mary | McINTYRE, James (Rev.)* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | McINTYRE, Mary | McINTYRE, James (Rev.)* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | BINGAMAN, Rosana* | 61 | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d Dec 21, 1872 age 61y, 9m, 17d); husb, 3 sons, 4 daus remain; ate supper, at bedtime held usual family worship, retired, d ca an hr later; apoplexy | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | BROWN, George* | 70 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Salona (d Dec 9, 1872 age 70y, 5m, 12d at res of son); memb Evan. Assn. 44+ yrs; 7 chren remain; wife dead | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | KUNKEL, Jacob* | 62 | MO | PA: York Co. (b) | MO: Holt Co.: Nichols' Grove (d Dec 5, 1872 age 62y, 8m, 19d); he the 3d in a fam of 12 chren, the oldest of 7 bros, 5 of whom att burial; age 14 converted in OH; to MO 1848; 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | TRESTEL, John* | 13 | PA | PA: Reading (d Jan 12, 1873 age 13y, 4m, 8d); pars remain. "Placing his own hands on the [Bible], he told his parents they had to do better, and prepare to die happy." | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | RISSMAN, John* | 83 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Millheim (d Jan 4, 1873 age 83 [88?] y, 11m, 22d); memb Evan. Assn. 39+ yrs; wife #3 plus a number of his sons & daus remain; he bur Hamburg graveyard beside wife #1 [md 3 times, wives not named here] | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | KLINE, Mary* | 53 | STAMBACH | KLINE, D. H. | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Troxelville area (d [no date] age 53y, 4m, 6d); dau of Rev. STAMBACH & sis of Rev. E. STAMBACH; husb, 5 chren remain; sick 5 mos | |
01/30/1873 | 35 | STAMBACH, Mary* | 53 | KLINE, D. H. | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Troxelville area (d [no date] age 53y, 4m, 6d); dau of Rev. STAMBACH & sis of Rev. E> STAMBACH; husb, 5 chren remain; sick 5 mos | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | KLINE, D. H. | STAMBACH, Mary* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | BROWN, Ph.* | 73 | OH | PA (res prev) | OH: Ashland Co.: Polk (d Dec 23, 1872 at res of son); one of 1st settlers in Perry Tp.; res Lafayette [Red Haw] ca 36 yrs; number of sons & daus remain [Ash. Co. Cem. Bk.: wife Elizabeth d Aug 20, 1871 age 68y, 4m, 7d] | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | PAINTER, David* | 34 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Latasburg [sic] (d Dec 22, 1872 age 34y, 1m, 5d); wife, 2 little sons, pars, brothers, sister remain. "He contracted his sickness [consumption] while engaged as a soldier in defence of our government." | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | BRELING, Sarah* | ca37 | OH | OH: Fulton Co.: Lena (d Jan 10, 1873); husb, 4 sm chren remain; consumption | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | KIME, Mary* | 20 | KIME, Daniel | OH | OH: West Salem area (d Jan 16, 1873 age 20y, 5m, 2d); converted ca 2 yrs ago; husb, 2 chren remain | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | KIME, Daniel | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | ESHENBACH, Sarah* | 27 | MILLER | ESHENBACH, John S. | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Jackson (d [no date] age 27y, 10m, 3d); dau of Rev. George & Elizabeth; husb, father, 1 bro, 4 sis remain | |
01/30/1873 | 35 | MILLER, Sarah* | 27 | ESHENBACH, John S. | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Jackson (d [no date] age 27y, 10m, 3d); dau of Rev. George & Elizabeth; husb, father, 1 bro, 4 sis remain | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | ESHENBACH, John S. | MILLER, Sarah* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | TROEMNER, Alice A.* | 26 | HACKMAN | TROEMNER, Louis | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d Jan 9, 1873 age 26y, 30d); husb, 1 little child, pars remain; "fatness of the heart" | |
01/30/1873 | 35 | HACKMAN, Alice A.* | 26 | TROEMNER, Louis | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d Jan 9, 1873 age 26y, 30d); husb, 1 little child, pars remain; "fatness of the heart" | ||
01/30/1873 | 35 | TROEMNER, Louis | HACKMAN, Alice A.* | |||||
01/30/1873 | 35 | NAGEL, John* | 26 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Millcreek Tp. (d Jan 13, 1873 age 26y, 8m, 2d); son of George & Juliann; ca 7 mos ago had foot crushed when fell under the cars, then took severe cold; intense suffering for 7 wks | |||
01/30/1873 | 35 | FOSTER, Caroline* | 37 | OH | OH: Fulton Co.: Pettisville (d Dec 20, 1872); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption | |||
02/06/1873 | 43 | KOENIG, Christina Catharine* | 32 | KOENIG, Wm. | OH | OH: Cleveland (d Jan 21, 1873 age 32y, 1m, 21d); husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain; 1 child dead; consumption | ||
02/06/1873 | 43 | KOENIG, Wm. | -----, Christina Catharine* | |||||
02/06/1873 | 43 | FISHER, Catharine* | 24 | SHOWERS | PA | PA: Center Co.: Boiling Springs area (d Jan 14, 1873 age 24y, 11m, 4d); husb, 1 child, pars remain | ||
02/06/1873 | 43 | SHOWERS, Catharine* | 24 | FISHER, ----- | PA | PA: Center Co.: Boiling Springs area (d Jan 14, 1873 age 24y, 11m, 4d); husb, 1 child, pars remain | ||
02/06/1873 | 43 | NAILOR, Nancy* | 85 | NAILOR, George (Rev.) | IL | PA: Montgomery Co. (b) | IL: Pt. Byron (d Dec 18, 1872 at res of dau, Mary M. HUGHES); prev memb. Evan. Assn.; after death of husb, moved to IL w/ dau, joined M. E. Ch.; 7 chren remain | |
02/06/1873 | 43 | NAILOR, George (Rev.) | -----, Nancy* | |||||
02/06/1873 | 43 | CAMPBELL, John* | 66 | OH | OH: Van Wert area (d Jan 13, 1873 age 66y, 2m, 24d); embraced religion 48 yrs ago in Lancaster Co., PA; remaining are a number of chren "scattered around at different places"; wife d ca 18 mos ago; he d suddenly of heart disease | |||
02/06/1873 | 43 | EICHELBERGER, M.* [male] | 53 | IL | IL: Kane Co.: Aurora (d Jan 23, 1873 age 53y, 10m, 6d); wife, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead; lung fever 8 days | |||
02/06/1873 | 43 | MINER, Hattie E.* | 28 | NY | NY: Livingston Co.: town of Springwater (d Dec 31, 1872); consumption. After distributing her things to friends, she waved her hand, said good-by w/ a smile, and she was gone. | |||
02/06/1873 | 43 | CORMANEY, Rosana* [& dau] | 42 | CORMANEY, Wm. | IN | IN: Roanoke area (d Sep 28, 1872 age 42y, 2m, 8d); husb, 4 chren remain; little dau age 9 died 34 days before her. "Thus 5 children have preceded her, which have all died in their infancy." | ||
02/06/1873 | 43 | CORMANEY, Wm. | -----, Rosana* [& dau] | |||||
02/06/1873 | 43 | ASHOFF, Emma Marella* | 42 | ASHOFF, Henry | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Royalton (d Jan 4, 1873 age 42y, 7m); husb, 7 chren, pars, siblings remain; spinal fever | ||
02/06/1873 | 43 | ASHOFF, Henry | -----, Emma Marella* | |||||
02/13/1873 | 51 | LOTTER, George* | 29 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d Jan 30, 1873); wife, pars, brother, sisters remain; consumption | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | POWELL, Samuel* | 65 | -- | --: d Jan 2, 1873; memb M. E. Ch. since age 28. Submitted by "A Friend." | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | KREAMER, Daniel Newton* | 11 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Millheim (d Jan 21, 1873 age 11y, 3m, 2d); son of Jonathan & Susannah; cerebro spinal meningitis | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | WANN, Jacob* | 32 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: Circleville area (d Jan 23, 1873 age 32y, 8m, 23d); wife, 4 chren, 3 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | LONG, Peter* | 59 | MI | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d Jan 18, 1873 age 59y, 1m, 6d); wife, 3 sons, 3 daus, 6 bros remain | ||
02/13/1873 | 51 | KECK, Daniel* | 87 | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: West Salem Tp. (d Jan 26, 1873 age 87y, 8m, 16d); cared for by his widowed dau, Mrs. DALY; fought in War of 1812; one of 1st membs of Evan. Ch. at this place; poor health for some yrs, rather helpless last several mos | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | EXAMPLE, War of 1812 | see KECK, Daniel, Feb 13, 1873 p 51 | |||||
02/13/1873 | 51 | BUCH, Sarah* | 25 | NY | Niagara Co.: Pendleton (d Jan 9, 1873 age 25y, 10m, 4d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; diphtheria | |||
02/13/1873 | 51 | BUZZARD, Barbara* | 74 | IA | IA: Louisa Co.: Spring Run area (d Jan 25, 1873 age 74y, 3m, 2d); converted ca 50 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 3 chren dead; two of her sons & 1 grson are ministers: Rev. J., Pres. Elder; Rev. Aaron; Rev. Elias UTT (grson) | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | BAKER, Jacob* | 76 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Feb 1, 1873 age 76y, 9m, 17d); his church connection was not mentioned at his funeral; this obit was trying to rectify that fact; aged wife, 8 chren remain. Submitted by "A Friend." | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | KAAG, Barbara* | 68 | KAAG, John Geo. (Rev.) | OH | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Duerrmenz (b) | OH: Tiffin (d Jan 31, 1873 age 68y, 8m, 20d); to AMER 1832; joined U. B. Ch. 1838 & remained so until death; 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead; an almost-sudden death: lung congestion | |
02/20/1873 | 59 | KAAG, John Geo. (Rev.) | -----, Barbara* | |||||
02/20/1873 | 59 | RITTER, Solomon* | 30 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Millheim (d Jan 31, 1873); formerly of Union Co., PA; wife, 1 child remain; nephew of Revs. S. & A. WOLF; quick consumption | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | BECHTEL, David* | 37 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Berrien Springs area (d Jan 29-30, 1873 age 37y, 11m, 8d); mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; retired late evening, died in the night apparently in his sleep (nicely covered up); heart disease | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | FORNEY, Peter* | 89 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg area (d Jan 23, 1873 age 89y, 3m, 25d); bequeathed $1,000 to Berrysburg Ch.; dropsy of chest | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | BLYLER, Amelia E.* | 22 | ROHRBACH | BLYLER, H. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield (d Feb 8, 1873 age 22y, 2d); dau of M. ROHRBACH; husb, pars remain; ill one wk | |
02/20/1873 | 59 | ROHRBACH, Amelia E.* | 22 | BLYLER, H. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield (d Feb 8, 1873 age 22y, 2d); dau of M. ROHRBACH; husb, pars remain; ill one wk | ||
02/20/1873 | 59 | BLYLER, H. | ROHRBACH, Amelia E.* | |||||
02/20/1873 | 59 | BISH, Mary* | 79 | OH | OH: Bettsville area (d Feb 5, 1873 age 79y, 6m, 4d); 9 chren remain | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | HISE, Joseph* | 51 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: Circleville area (d Feb 4, 1873 age 51y, 9m, 14d) ; wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; 2 sons dead; colic for 1 day | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | WERT, Marg. E.* | 12 | IN | IN: Wabash City (d Jan 31, 1873 age 12y, 8m, 17d); only dau of J. F. & Rebecca; was at church 4 days before she died; inflammation of bowels | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | RUSSEL, Charlotte Bell* | 13 | WV | WV: Sleepy Creek (d Jan 11, 1873 age 13y, 1m, 27d); pars, 4 sis, 1 bro remain; sick a few days | |||
02/20/1873 | 59 | CAPPES, Fredericka* | 66 | PA | WURTEMBERG: Neuenberg (res prev) | PA: Philadelphia (d Jan 24, 1873 age 66y, 9m, 18d); to AMER 1834; converted to God 1835; 4 chren, 1 bro remain | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | DASCH, Annie B.* | 26 | MD | MD: Baltimore (d Feb 13, 1873); one of 1st to join Baltimore Evan. Assn. English mission; consumption 1 yr | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | KUHNS, Solomon* | 75 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: McDonnelsville [sic] area (d Jan 24, 1873 age 75y, 21d); prayed to live until new church built & dedicated free of debt, his wish granted; aged widow, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; stroke | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | KILLIAN, Hezekiah* | 35 | KILLIAN, Louise | OH | PA (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: nr Bristol (d [no date] age 35y, 5m, 20d) killed by accident on Cleveland, Mt. Vernon & Delaware railroad; mayor of Bristol; widow, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
02/27/1873 | 67 | -----, Louise | KILLIAN, Hezekiah* | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | HEISLER, -----* [female] | 89 | PA | PA: Snydersville area (d Jan 20, 1873 age 89y, 6m, 9d); converted ca 16 yrs ago when grdau Margaret, ae 12, was praying for her salvation; 4 chren remain | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | SNYDER, Abraham (Rev.)* | 55 | PA | PA: York Co.: Logansville (d Feb 8, 1873); served as local preacher 15 yrs; widow, 7 chren remain; died in less than 5 min while having pleasant conversation with Rev. J. C. FARNSWORTH & others | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | WILLAMAN, Lydia* | 69 | WILLAMAN, Jacob (Rev.) | OH | OH: Stark Co.: West Lebanon area (d Feb 7, 1873 age 69y, 10m, 11d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 40 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 8 chren dead; typhoid fever 6 wks | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | WILLAMAN, Jacob (Rev.) | -----, Lydia* | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | FRITCHMAN, J.* [male] | 38 | PA | PA: Freemansburg (d Jan 27, 1873 age 39y less 2d); converted age 15 yrs; wife, dau remain; only son is dead; typhoid fever | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | SCHREIBER, John* | 57 | NY | NY: Fulton Circuit: Bleecker (d Feb 5, 1873 age 57y, 3m, 4d); joined Evan. Assn. 1854; wife #2 & 2 chren remain; wife #1 & 2 chren dead; suppressio urinalis 10 days [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | HOLLOCKER, -----* [female] | 81 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Adamsburg area (d Feb 1, 1873 age 81y, 5m, 13d); joined Evan. Assn., denied a home w/ her pars. "She walked at times sixty miles to attend camp-meeting." Husb dead | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | EXAMPLE, walked 60 miles to camp meeting | see Widow HOLLOCKER, Feb 27, 1873 p 67 | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | RINEHART, George* | 63 | IA | IA: Jasper Co.: Prairie City area (d Feb 2, 1873 age 63y, 8m, 18d); mentions his sister Catherine | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | RICHARDS, Samuel* | 66 | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IA: Benton Co.: Belle Plaine (d Jan 23, 1873 age 66y, 3m, 17d); to IA ca 20 yrs ago; wife, chren remain | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | MANWILLER, Solomon* | 22 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d Feb 6, 1873); widow, child remain; remains bur Union Cem., Friedensburg, Berks Co., PA; typhoid fever; see also Amanda KIEFFER, his 1st cousin d 6 hrs later of same disease | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | KIEFFER, Amanda* | 22 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d Feb 7, 1873 age 22y); d of typhoid fever 6 hrs after her 1st cousin, Solomon MANWILLER [see also his obit]; husb recovering from typhoid; children also remain | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | CLINE, John* | 65 | PA | PA: York Co.: Lewisburg area (d Feb 7, 1873 age 65y, 1m); joined Evan. Assn. 30 yrs ago; wife #2 & 5 chren remain [md twice , wives not named here] | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | SHELLER, John* | 57 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: West Independence area (d [no date] age 57y, 8m, 17d); widow, 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | DIEHR, Christina* | 80 | DIEHR, Michael | PA | GERMANY (res prev) | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Dec 12, 1872 age 80y, 2m, 24d); w/ husb to AMER from GERMANY 1817 to Blockhouse Settlement; were there 40+ yrs; 7 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead | |
02/27/1873 | 67 | DIEHR, Michael | -----, Christina* | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | BERNHART, Benjamin* | 60 | OH | OH: Darke Co.: Allen Tp. (d Jan 23, 1873 age 60y, 14d); widow, 7 chren remain; lung fever 7 days | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | THURSBY, William* | 85 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d Jan 21, 1873 age 86y less 4d); converted 53 yrs ago; md 54 yrs; widow, 4 chren remain; 1 child dead | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | YOUNG, Elizabeth* | 70 | YOUNG, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Feb 6, 1873 age 70y, 5m, 5d); had 13 chren, 7 now living. "Five of her sons are in the ministry of the Gospel--one died some years since, one is local, and three in the active work." Bur Salladayburg [sic] | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | YOUNG, John (Rev.) | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | GOETTER, Susurah [sic]* | 19 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Freemansburg (d Jan 27, 1873 age 19y, 2m, 27d); dau of Samuel & Lavina; consumption 11 mos | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | FRIEDLE, John Jacob* | 88 | PA | GERMANY: Bavaria: Sunbach (b) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Salladayburg [sic] area (d Jan 7, 1873 age 88y, 8m, 7d); 5 chren remain | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | GEORGE, Morton* | 20 | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Dilltown (d); young widow, pars, siblings remain; reconciled to God on the day of his death | |||
02/27/1873 | 67 | CURRY, Hannah* | 26 | CURRY, Joseph | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Eureka area (d Feb 8, 1873 age 26y, 2m, 13d); husb, pars, siblings remain | ||
02/27/1873 | 67 | CURRY, Joseph | -----, Hannah* | |||||
02/27/1873 | 67 | STENTZ, John* | 63 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Bucks Valley (d Feb 3, 1873 age 63y, 4m, 18d); 3 sis, 1 bro remain | |||
03/06/1873 | 75 | HENNEY, Peter* | 82 | STRAYER, Christina | OH | OH: Wayne Co. (d Feb 13, 1873 age 82y, 6m, 13d while visiting dau, Mrs John. HINES); sett Congress Tp., Wayne Co. 1815; md 1817; to Henry Co., IL, 40 yrs later; 7 chren remain; bur Henry Co., IL; wife d 3 yrs ago | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | STRAYER, Christina | HENNEY, Peter* | |||||
03/06/1873 | 75 | HENNEY, Christina | HENNEY, Peter* | |||||
03/06/1873 | 75 | UNGER, George L.* | 62 | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Rossburg (b) | NY: Buffalo area (d Feb 5, 1873 age 62y, 5m); md 1836; 30 yrs ago joined church at Collins, NY; widow, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead; stomach cancer; bur Collins, his old home | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | CONDERMAN, Jacob* | 78 | NY | NY: Steuben Co.: Fremont (d); converted at Howard [now named Tremont]; class-leader many yrs; wife, 1 son, 1 dau, 2 bros, 6 sis remain; bleeding at the lungs, then dropsy | |||
03/06/1873 | 75 | SAYLOR, Annie Maria* | -- | SAYLOR, W. M. | PA | PA: Reading (d Feb 16, 1873); dau-in-law of Rev. J. M. SAYLOR of East PA Conf.; md 4 mos; husb, pars, siblings remain; consumption | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | SAYLOR, W. M. | -----, Annie Maria* | |||||
03/06/1873 | 75 | SPOTTS, Susanna* | 85 | ZINN | SPOTTS, Lewis | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d [no date] age 85y, 3m, 27d); md 16* yrs; 11 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead *Correction: Mar 20, p. 91: md 46 yrs, not 16 | |
03/06/1873 | 75 | ZINN, Susanna* | 85 | SPOTTS, Lewis | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d [no date] age 85y, 3m, 27d); md 16* yrs; 11 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead *Correction: Mar 20, p. 91: md 46 yrs, not 16 | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | SPOTTS, Lewis | ZINN, Susanna* | |||||
03/06/1873 | 75 | DILLMAN, Joel* | -- | IL | OH: Stark (now Summit) Co. (b Apr 26, 1873 [sic] | IL Plainfield (d Feb 14, 1873); oldest son of Michael; embraced religion age 15; wife, 5 chren remain; 4 chren dead. Submitted by "A Friend." | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | McCLELLAN, Sarah Jane* | 19 | WAMBAUGH | PA | PA: Altoona (d Feb 17, 1873 age 19y, 3m, 5d); dau of Levi & Catharine; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | WAMBAUGH, Sarah Jane* | 19 | McCLELLAN, ----- | PA | PA: Altoona (d Feb 17, 1873 age 19y, 3m, 5d); dau of Levi & Catharine; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | ||
03/06/1873 | 75 | YOUNG, John (Rev.)* | 76 | PA | PA: memb of Central PA Conf. (d Feb 14, 1873 age 76y, 4m, 9d); served Lord 45 yrs, 16 of which in the itinerancy; one week & 3 1/2 hrs elapsed between his death & that of his companion. Minister: I. M. PINES | |||
03/06/1873 | 75 | DECKER, Mary (Miss)* | 45 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Bucks Valley area (d Feb 13, 1873); 1 sis, 2 bros remain; dropsy | |||
03/06/1873 | 75 | WOOLF, Daniel* | -- | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Lancaster area (d Feb 5, 1873); youngest son of John & Maria | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | GOCKLEY, Elizabeth* | 78 | BECKER | GOCKLEY, Jacob | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Millbach (d Feb 26, 1873 age 78y, 6m, 23d); Jacob ALBRIGHT d at their house; bur in same cem as Rev. ALBRIGHT; her funeral preached by J. K. SEYFRIT & John BREIDENSTEIN; inflammation of lungs; husb dead | |
03/13/1873 | 83 | BECKER, Elizabeth* | 78 | GOCKLEY, Jacob | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Millbach (d Feb 26, 1873 age 78y, 6m, 23d); Jacob ALBRIGHT d at their house; bur in same cem as Rev. ALBRIGHT; her funeral preached by J. K. SEYFRIT & John BREIDENSTEIN; inflammation of lungs; husb dead | ||
03/13/1873 | 83 | COCKLEY, Jacob | BECKER, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/13/1873 | 83 | COCHRAN, Ezra* | 62 | OH | OH: Franklin Co.: Gahanna (d Feb 21, 1873 age 62y, 6m, 8d); class leader; 4 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | HASHBERGER, J. K.* | 59 | IA | IA: Jackson Co.: Baldwin (d Feb 20, 1873 age 59y, 1m, 20d);; wife, 3 sons remain; heart disease. Had gone to Maquoketa on business, was returning on the cars, stopped 2 mi from home apparently well, then gave signs he was struggling & died | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | TETER, James* | 20 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Jan 29, 1873); 2nd young man taken from this family within 1 yr; consumption 2 yrs | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | HOY, Hannah* | 62 | HOY, David | OH | OH: Henry Co.: Harrison Tp. (d Feb 20, 1873 age 62y, 6d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 42 yrs ago; 6 chren remain, among them is Rev. S., presiding elder, OH Conf.; 4 chren dead; stomach cancer [status of husb not given] | ||
03/13/1873 | 83 | HOY, David | -----, Hannah* | |||||
03/13/1873 | 83 | SWARTZ, Mary* | 58 | OH | OH: Fairfield Circuit: "Bright" class [church] memb (d Feb 25, 1873 age 58y, 8m, 29d); 5 sons, 4 daus remain; husb, 2 daus dead; lung disease | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | APT, Margaret Ann* | 23 | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (d Jan 28, 1873 age 23y, 8m, 21d); md 6 mos; husb, pars, siblings remain; measles | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | HERSECKER, Lydia* | 38 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Bald Mount (d Feb 20, 1873 age 38y, 3m, 17d); joined Evan. Assn. 10 yrs ago; husb, 2 chren remain | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | HARRIS, Caroline* | 34 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d Feb 26, 1873 age 34y, 3m, 18d); husb, 3 chren remain | |||
03/13/1873 | 83 | BUMGARDNER, Jane* | 21 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Pittston (d Feb 25, 1873 age 21y, 6m, 3d); many friends & relations remain | |||
03/20/1873 | 91 | OVERHOLTS, Joseph* | 79 | IN | IN: Huntington (d Feb 11, 1873 age 79y, 7m, 22d); converted 39 yrs ago Tuscarawas Co., OH; home a place of public worship for 31 yrs; to IN 1865; right leg amputated 6 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead | |||
03/20/1873 | 91 | ELICK, Mary* | 23 | WEIS | OH | OH: Paulding Co. (d Mar 5, 1873 age 23y, 1m, 12d); joined Evan. Assn. 8 yrs ago; husb, 3 infant chren remain; typhoid fever [NOTE: "infant" may include a child age 2-3 yrs] | ||
03/20/1873 | 91 | WEIS, Mary* | 23 | ELICK, ----- | OH | OH: Paulding Co. (d Mar 5, 1873 age 23y, 1m, 12d); joined Evan. Assn. 8 yrs ago; husb, 3 infant chren remain; typhoid fever [NOTE: "infant" may include a child age 2-3 yrs] | ||
03/20/1873 | 91 | STEINMAN, -----* [female] | 64 | MO | MO: Denver area (d Mar 4, 1873 age 64y, 9m, 9d); converted Feb 16, 1860 in IA; husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy | |||
03/20/1873 | 91 | LEIB, Elizabeth* | 33 | RAFESNYDER | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Greentown area (d Mar 3, 1873 age 33y, 6m, 25d); dau of Daniel & Mary; husb, a two-wk-old child remain | ||
03/20/1873 | 91 | RAFESNYDER, Elizabeth* | 33 | LEIB, ----- | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Greentown area (d Mar 3, 1873 age 33y, 6m, 25d); dau of Daniel & Mary; husb, a two-wk-old child remain | ||
03/20/1873 | 91 | DRUCK, Elizabeth* | 20 | WI | WI: Green Co.: Twin Grove area (d Jan 7, 1873 age 20y, 16d); dau of John & Sarah; pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | YOUNG, John (Rev.)* | 76 | PA | PA: Union Co. (b Oct 5, 1796) | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Feb 14, 1873 age 76y, 4m, 9d); entered itinerancy 1831, 5 sons became ministers: 3 still in the itinerancy, one in a local capacity, and one, who is now dead; his wife d Feb 6, 1873 | ||
03/27/1873 | 99 | YOUNG, Elizabeth* | 70 | YOUNG, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: Eastern PA (b Sep 1, 1802) | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Feb 6, 1873 age 70y, 5m, 5d); joined church ca 1826; had 13 chren, 7 of whom remain | |
03/27/1873 | 99 | SAYLOR, William Franklin* | 42 | IL | IL: Joliet (resolution by Episcopal Ch., Joliet). He d Feb 17, 1873 age 42y, 9m; son of Rev. Jacob & Priscilla; 1st of family to die | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | YOUNG, Adam* | 47 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield (d Mar 10, 1873 age 47y, 2m, 19d); wife, 9 chren, aged father remain; spotted fever 4 days | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | MYERS, Newton Henry* | 17 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota area (d Jan 1, 1873 age 17y, 11m, 4d); son of Daniel & Matilda; went hunting w/ friends New Year's Day; another's rifle discharged, hitting Myers; he d ca 40 min later | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | HANNAS, Lewis* | 33 | IN | IN: Noble Co. (d Feb 28, 1873 age 33y, 4m, 2d); he not a member of Evan. Assn., but wife was; shortly before his death, his wife donated a large lot to the Evan. Assn. on which to build a church; wife remains; all chren dead; consumption. | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | REINOEHL, William W.* | 32 | IN | IN: Dekalb Co. (d Feb 20, 1873 age 32y, 3m, 13d); son of Jacob & Sarah; memb New School Luth Ch.; prisoner 13 mos in Camp Fort Texas, Civil War; internal cancer | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | STACKHOUSE, Philip* | 56 | MI | MI: Calhoun Co.: Ceresco area (d Mar 11, 1873 age 56y, 10m, 13d); converted 16 yrs ago in Northampton Co., PA; spinal fever 7 days | |||
03/27/1873 | 99 | GLAUNER, Esther* [& infant] | 38 | ALBRIGHT | OH | OH: Marion Co. (d Jan 31, 1875 [sic] age 38y, 3m, 14d). "She leaves a sorrowing husband, 5 children, (the infant followed her a few days after) parents" remain. | ||
03/27/1873 | 99 | ALBRIGHT, Esther* | 38 | GLAUNER, ----- | OH | OH: Marion Co. (d Jan 31, 1875 [sic] age 38y, 3m, 14d). "She leaves a sorrowing husband, 5 children, (the infant followed her a few days after) parents" remain. | ||
03/27/1873 | 99 | BARNES, John Wesely [sic]* | 22 | -- | --: Boonesboro (d Mar 10, 1873 age 22y, 4m, 29d); d after an illness of 5 wks from injuries received & inflammation of bowels. "This is the third time death has entered this family in a few months." Minister: H. HOLDRIDGE | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | KRIMMEL, Tillie* | 25 | KLINE | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pine Grove (d Mar 14, 1873 age 25y, 11m, 19d); dau of John & Caroline of Norristown, PA; joined M. E. Ch., later the Evan. Assn. to please her pars; husb, 2 sm chren, aged mother remain; erysipelas. Christian Advocate, please copy | ||
04/03/1873 | 107 | KLINE, Tillie* | 25 | KRIMMEL, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pine Grove (d Mar 14, 1873 age 25y, 11m, 19d); dau of John & Caroline of Norristown, PA; joined M. E. Ch., later the Evan. Assn. to please her pars; husb, 2 sm chren, aged mother remain; erysipelas. Christian Advocate, please copy | ||
04/03/1873 | 107 | HEIL, Henry* | 59 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d Feb 20, 1873 age 59y, 4m, 13d); always ready to aid & support the interests of our beloved Zion; wife, 6 chren remain | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | HANKEY, Lewis (Rev.)* | 88 | LESSEN[?], Catharine | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Copley Tp. (d Mar 1873 age 88y, 1m, 24d at home of son Samuel); to AMER 1804; md 1810; md for 55 yrs; had "four sons and four daughters, three of whom, and his wife, preceded him to the spirit land." A local preacher many yrs. | ||
04/03/1873 | 107 | LESSEN[?], Catharine | HANKEY, Lewis (Rev.)* | |||||
04/03/1873 | 107 | HANKEY, Catharine | HANKEY, Lewis (Rev.)* | |||||
04/03/1873 | 107 | GRIFFITH, Stephen* | 86 | IL | IL: Vermilion Co.: Danville (d Mar 14, 1873); gave $100,000 to benevolent causes | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | GETZ, Charles K.* | 17 | PA | PA: Reading (d Mar 1, 1873 age 17y, 7m); converted ca 3 mos ago; pars, a number of bros, 1 sis remain; hemorrhages of the lungs | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | PENLAND, Catharine* | 55 | PENLAND, William (Rev.) | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Royalton (d Mar 17, 1873 age 55y, 11m, 21d); memb M. E. Ch.; husb, 7 chren remain; 7 chren dead; spinal fever 10 days | ||
04/03/1873 | 107 | PENLAND, William (Rev.) | -----, Catharine* | |||||
04/03/1873 | 107 | REUBENDALL, Sarah* | 19 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Williams Tp. (d Mar 17, 1873 age 19y, 6m, 9d); typhoid fever | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | McCLISH, Hattie* | 30 | OH | OH: Putnam Co. (d Feb 26, 1873); memb M. E. Ch.; husb, 3 chren remain | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | STINE, Sarah M.* | -- | PA | PA: Millheim (d Mar 14, 1873); dau of Davis & Eliza; lung congestion | |||
04/03/1873 | 107 | MORRIS, Edwin* | 11 | PA | PA: Millheim (d Mar 15, 1873 age 11y, 1m, 27d); "son of Bro. Henry and sister WeiserÉ." [Is Weiser his mother's maiden name?] | |||
04/10/1873 | 115 | HARTMAN, Lucinda* | 20 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Louisville area (d Mar 22, 1873 age 20y, 5m, 2d); husb, a babe, pars, siblings remain | |||
04/10/1873 | 115 | FOLGATE, -----* [female] | ca77 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d Mar 25, 1873); converted 44 yrs ago; 10 chren remain; 1 child dead; husb d ca 16 yrs ago; she bur Zion's Church Cem. | |||
04/10/1873 | 115 | HARTER, Mary* | 53 | WOLF | HARTER, Samuel N. | IA | IA: Audubon Co.: Oakfield area (d Mar 20, 1873 age 53y, 10m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. 38 yrs; husb, 1 son, 4 daus remain; 1 dau dead | |
04/10/1873 | 115 | WOLF, Mary* | 53 | HARTER, Samuel N. | IA | IA: Audubon Co.: Oakfield area (d Mar 20, 1873 age 53y, 10m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. 38 yrs; husb, 1 son, 4 daus remain; 1 dau dead | ||
04/10/1873 | 115 | HARTER, Samuel N. | WOLF, Mary* | |||||
04/10/1873 | 115 | FISHBAUGH, Flora* | 18 | OH | OH: Tiffin (d Mar 25, 1873 age 18y, 9m, 2d); eldest dau of John & Catharine; pars remain; typhoid fever-like sickness for 5 wks | |||
04/10/1873 | 115 | BROWNEWELL, Elizabeth* | 68 | PETERS | BROWNEWELL, Henry | OH | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Jefferson (d Mar 10, 1873 age 68y, 8m, 10d); md 1824; husb remains; old age / pneumonia. Minister: J. FELGER |
04/10/1873 | 115 | PETERS, Elizabeth* | 68 | BROWNEWELL, Henry | OH | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Jefferson (d Mar 10, 1873 age 68y, 8m, 10d); md 1824; husb remains; old age / pneumonia. Minister: J. FELGER | |
04/10/1873 | 115 | BROWNEWELL, Henry | PETERS, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/10/1873 | 115 | DeLONG, Henry* | 16 | PA | PA: Saint Clair (d Mar 27, 1873 age 16y, 11m, 10d); mother, siblings remain; he a bro of Rev. A. A. of East PA Conf. | |||
04/10/1873 | 115 | SCHEAFER, Anna* | 77 | SCHEAFER, Jacob | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (d Mar 15, 1873 age 77y, 4m, 7d); md 52 yrs; husb, 2 daus remain; old age | ||
04/10/1873 | 115 | SCHEAFER, Jacob | -----, Anna* | |||||
04/10/1873 | 115 | STUBER, Mary* | 65 | STUBER, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d Mar 20, 1873 age 65y, 10m, 13d); joined Evan. Assn. 30 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren remain | ||
04/10/1873 | 115 | STUBER, George | -----, Mary* | |||||
04/17/1873 | 123 | THOMAS, Caroline* | 24 | ZIMMERMAN | THOMAS, Jacob | IL | PA: Doylestown (b) | IL: Altamont area (d Apr 1, 1873 age 24y, 2m, 15d); dau of Jacob; husb, 3 chren, pars siblings remain |
04/17/1873 | 123 | ZIMMERMAN, Caroline* | 24 | THOMAS, Jacob | IL | PA: Doylestown (b) | IL: Altamont area (d Apr 1, 1873 age 24y, 2m, 15d); dau of Jacob; husb, 3 chren, pars siblings remain | |
04/17/1873 | 123 | THOMAS, Jacob | ZIMMERMAN, Caroline* | |||||
04/17/1873 | 123 | KRELL, Lewis Henry* | 13 | IA | IA: Madison (d Mar 31, 1873 age 13y, 10m, 7d); family remains; lung disease | |||
04/17/1873 | 123 | MARKLE, Ellen* | 22 | PA | PA: Armstrong (d Mar 31, 1873 age 22y, 5m, 9d); a friend of the Evan. Assn., though not a memb; md 8 mos; husb remains; she a sis-in-law of Rev. W. HOUPT of North Lima | |||
04/17/1873 | 123 | RYMER, Susanna* | 78 | RYMER, Jacob | OH | OH: Circleville area (d Apr 2, 1873); memb M. E. Ch. ca 34 yrs; joined Evan. Assn. 1-2 yrs ago; husb remains | ||
04/17/1873 | 123 | RYMER, Jacob | -----, Susanna* | |||||
04/17/1873 | 123 | SPANGLER, Jacob (Mrs.)* | 54 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Center Hall area (d Apr 5, 1873 age 54y, 15d); husb, 6 chren remain; erysipelas in the face 10 days | |||
04/17/1873 | 123 | HARTUNG, Mary Louisa* | 33 | ELIAS | NE | PA: Beaver Co. (born, raised, converted) | NE: Cuming Co.: West Point (d Mar 31, 1873 age 34y less 7 ds); husb, 5 chren remain; heart disease | |
04/17/1873 | 123 | ELIAS, Mary Louisa* | 33 | HARTUNG, ----- | NE | PA: Beaver Co. (born, raised, converted) | NE: Cuming Co.: West Point (d Mar 31, 1873 age 34y less 7 ds); husb, 5 chren remain; heart disease | |
04/17/1873 | 123 | ALLEN, Samuel* | 73 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: New Kingston area (d Mar 9, 1873 age 73y, 6m); memb Evan. Assn. 50+ yrs | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | COBOUGH, -----* [male] | 85 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Somerset area (d Mar 27, 1873 age 85y, 1m, 27d); Evan. Assn. memb 42 yrs; 1 son, 1 dau remain | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | GEPHART, Ellen* | 58 | GEPHART, Leonard | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Apr 1, 1873 age 58y, 11m, 15d); converted age 18; husb, 9 chren remain | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | GEPHART, Leonard | -----, Ellen* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | BENNETT, Sarah* | 63 | BENNETT, Jacob | IL | IL: Kane Co.: Lodi (d Nov 22, 1872 age 63y, 5m, 4d); husb, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead; lung disease 15 yrs. "Lancaster Co., Ohio and York Co., Pa, papers please copy." [notice death date] | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | BENNETT, Jacob | -----, Sarah* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | EXAMPLE, late pub date 5 mos after death; clues to bplace/res | see Sarah BENNETT, Apr 24, 1873 p 131 | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | FISHER, John* | 75 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: West Perry Tp. (d Apr 5, 1873 age 75y, 7m, 19d); wife, 5 sons, 4 daus remain; stroke of palsy 18 mos earlier | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | SWOGER, Samuel* | 57 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d Apr 6, 1873 age 57y, 5d); widow, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead; died in church on Sun. evening | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | SHIRK, Margaret* | 57 | SHIRK, Samuel | PA | PA: Union Co.: West Buffalo Tp. (d Mar 24, 1873) memb Luth. Ch.; husb, 2 sons, 4 daus remain; dropsy of the heart | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | SHIRK, Samuel | -----, Margaret* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | HATZLER, David* | 29 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville (d Apr 7, 1873 age 29y, 11m, 7d); wife, father, siblings remain; converted ca 3 yrs ago, "but like many others do, made shipwreck of faith"; however, made father promise to meet him in heaven | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | KOCHEL, Louisa* | 39 | KOCHEL, Jacob | PA | PA: Adamstown (d Mar 22, 1873 age 39y, 6m, 12d); 7 chren remain; husb dead; typhoid fever / dropsy 3 mos | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | KOCHEL, Jacob | -----, Louisa* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | LUTZ, John H.* | 18 | PA | PA: Mauch Chunk (d Mar 29, 1873 age 18y, 6m, 5d) an obedient son; head disease 1 week [says head not heart disease] | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | STEM, -----* [female] | 65 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Lafayette circuit (d Apr 1, 1873 age 65y, 6m, 22d); memb Morr class; husb, 8 chren remain. [Bur Trinity Cem., Perry Tp.: Susannah STEM, wife of Solomon: Ashland Co. Cem. Book, p. 233 | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | STEPPER, Margaret* | 78 | STEPPER, Michael | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Wilmot (d Apr 6, 1873 age 78y, 8m); memb Evan. Assn. 18 yrs; husb, 1 son remain | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | STEPPER, Michael | -----, Margaret* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | ZINN, Eve* | 76 | ZINN, Jacob | PA | PA: Manchester (d Apr 9, 1873 age 76y, 1m, 18d); husb, a number of chren remain | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | ZINN, Jacob | -----, Eve* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | COX, Mary Jane* | 22 | COX, David A. | PA | PA: Montour Co.: White Hall area (d Mar 22, 1873 age 22y, 7m, 2d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
04/24/1873 | 131 | COX, David A. | -----, Mary Jane* | |||||
04/24/1873 | 131 | LEININGER, John* | 68 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d Mar 16, 1873 age 68y, 7m, 14d); widow, 8 chren remain; dropsy | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | GERLACH, David* | 76 | IL | IL: Kane Co.: Pierceville (d [no date] age 76y, 10m, 12d); converted ca 40 yrs ago & joined Evan. Assn. | |||
04/24/1873 | 131 | SCHAFFER, Michael* | 80 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (b) | OH: Wyandot Co.: Upper Sandusky (d Apr 10, 1873 age 80y, 8m, 16d); 5 chren remain | ||
05/01/1873 | 139 | SPATZ, -----* [male] | 78 | HEBERLING, Mary | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville area (d Apr 6, 1873 age 78y, 8m); md 1817; md ca 55 yrs; trustee in old church ca 23 yrs, gave liberally to new church; 6 chren remain, one son is Rev. Rudolph of MI Conf.; wife, 3 daus, 1 son dead | ||
05/01/1873 | 139 | HEBERLING, Mary | SPATZ, -----* | |||||
05/01/1873 | 139 | SPATZ, Mary | SPATZ, -----* | |||||
05/01/1873 | 139 | GRUMLAUF, Paul* | 41 | IL | IL: Naperville area (d Apr 20, 1873 age 41y, 6m, 23 [or 25] d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; wife bereft of right use of her mind, could not be permitted to attend funeral | |||
05/01/1873 | 139 | BEIDLEMAN, Bertha* | child | IL: Naperville (mentions her being buried the Tuesday before Paul GRUMLAUF) [see obit for GRUMLAUF, Paul] | ||||
05/01/1873 | 139 | RAHM, Salome* | 74 | RAHM, John | IL | IL: Naperville (d Apr 17, 1873 age 74y, 19d); to AMER 1832 to Warren Co., PA; to Naperville 1837; no church / preaching there at that time, but w/ others began a class [church]; md 49 yrs; husb, 4 daus remain | ||
05/01/1873 | 139 | RAHM, John | -----, Salome* | |||||
05/01/1873 | 139 | DUNMYER, Jacob Albright* | 23 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Adamsburg area (d Apr 5, 1873 age 23y, 3m at res of father); son of Rev. L. R. & Mary of Cambria Co.; converted 5-6 yrs ago in Clarion Co., PA; pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain | |||
05/01/1873 | 139 | ORWIG, Catharine* | 59 | ORWIG, J. W. (Dr.) | PA | PA: Milton (d Apr 8, 1873 age 59y, 3m, 19d); chren survive; husb d nearly 2 yrs ago | ||
05/01/1873 | 139 | ORWIG, J. W. (Dr.) | -----, Catharine* | |||||
05/01/1873 | 139 | TROUT, Henry R.* | 32 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d Apr 1, 1873 age 32y, 4m, 27d); wife, 3 chren remain; bur Mohnsville, Berks Co., PA, "from which place he had come two years ago." | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | HORNBERGER, George* | 66 | PA | PA: Cove Iron Works (at work there, took sick in night, d ca 10 AM next day [Mar 27] in his 67th yr); res Marysville, Perry Co., PA, where remains were taken | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | HORNBERGER, Nancy Ann* | 36 | SELLER | HORNBERGER, George | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Marysville (res); d Mar 28, 1873 age 36y, 4m, 9d); she sick one wk; husb d the preceding day; bur side-by-side in Chestnut Grove Cem. | |
05/08/1873 | 147 | SELLER, Nancy Ann* | 36 | HORNBERGER, George | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Marysville (res); d Mar 28, 1873 age 36y, 4m, 9d); she sick one wk; husb d the preceding day; bur side-by-side in Chestnut Grove Cem. | ||
05/08/1873 | 147 | HORNBERGER, George | SELLER, Nancy Ann* | |||||
05/08/1873 | 147 | STEEL, Caroline* | 18 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Apr 23, 1873 age 18y, 1m, 6d); dau of John & Mary STEEL; pars, siblings remain; measles / spinal meningitis. "There were five of the family sick yet on the day of the funeral." | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | RAUENZAHN, Mary Alice* | 10 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d [no date] age 10y, 9m, 29d); dau of Reuben & Angeline; pars remain; typhus fever 8 wks | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | ASH, David* | 83 | IN | IN: DeKalb Co.: Waterloo area (d Apr 25, 1873 age 83y, 2m, 17d); converted ca 40 yrs ago in Somerset Co., PA; to IN 1843; 4 sons, 3 daus remain; wife, 4 chren dead | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | THURSBY, Lydia* | 81 | THURSBY, William | OH | OH: Summit Co. (d Apr 23, 1873 age 81y, 3m, 12d) joined Evan. Assn. ca 45 yrs ago; w/ husb to Summit Co. ca 30 yrs ago; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 child dead; husb d 3 mos earlier; bur Greensburg Cam. | ||
05/08/1873 | 147 | THURSBY, William | -----, Lydia* | |||||
05/08/1873 | 147 | ESHELMAN, Emma* | 14 | IN | IN: Lagrange Co. (d Apr 20, 1873 age 14y, 4m, 3d); dau of Joseph & Mary; 5 bros, 4 sis remain; 3 bros dead; consumption | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | HEIST, Joseph K.* | 60 | PA | PA: Allentown (d Apr 21, 1873 age 60y, 5m, 3d); converted 12 yrs ago; widow, 2 daus remain; liver / lung disease | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | GLICK, Aaron* | 66 | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d Apr 9, 1873 age 66y, 16d); joined Evan. Assn. 28 yrs ago; wife, 5 chren remain | |||
05/08/1873 | 147 | WAGNOR [sic], George* | 82 | OH | OH: Summit Co. (d Apr 23, 1873 age 82y, 5m, 1d); leaves a large circle of friends; lung fever 3 days | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | ZOLL, Susana* | 81 | HOY | ZOLL, Joseph | PA | PA: Orwigsburg area (d Apr 27, 1873 age 81y, 3m, 19d); she & husb first entertained Bishop SEYBERT in 1823; husb age 90y & 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
05/15/1873 | 155 | HOY, Susana* | 81 | ZOLL, Joseph | PA | PA: Orwigsburg area (d Apr 27, 1873 age 81y, 3m, 19d); she & husb first entertained Bishop SEYBERT in 1823; husb age 90y & 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
05/15/1873 | 155 | ZOLL, Joseph | HOY, Susana* | |||||
05/15/1873 | 155 | LAYTON, Andrew* | 81 | IA | NJ (b) | IA: Red Oak area (d Apr 17, 1873 age 81y, 10m); from NJ to OH, thence to IA in an early day; wife d 2 yrs ago | ||
05/15/1873 | 155 | JENKINS, Cassie E.* | 31 | EBERSOL | JENKINS, J. B. | IL | IL: Aurora (d May 2, 1873 age 31y, 7m, 12d); dau of David & Matilda; husb, 2 little chren remain | |
05/15/1873 | 155 | EBERSOL, Cassie E.* | 31 | JENKINS, J. B. | IL | IL: Aurora (d May 2, 1873 age 31y, 7m, 12d); dau of David & Matilda; husb, 2 little chren remain | ||
05/15/1873 | 155 | JENKINS, J. B. | EBERSOL, Cassie E.* | |||||
05/15/1873 | 155 | FAUL, Andrew P.* | 21 | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Middle Valley (d [no date] age 21y, 1m, 14d); son of Michael & Anna E.; pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | DECKER, Elizabeth* | 68 | PA | PA: Loganville (d Apr 30, 1873 age 68y, 2m, 18d); converted ca 23 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; 9 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead; dropsy of the heart | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | CUMMINS, Sarah* | 22 | IA | IA: Petersburg area (d Apr 17, 1873); professed religion last 8 yrs. Minister: A. Y. CUPP, of IA at this time | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | PERKINS, Charles Fremont* | 15 | IA | IA: Madison Co. (d Apr 5, 1873 age 15y, 9m, 7d); son of Erastus G. & Rosette A.; an affectionate son & much-loved bro | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | LEISER, Annie C.* | 22 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Apr 20, 1873 age 22y, 8d); memb M. E. Ch. nr Philadelphia, PA, but did not unite with any church here; husb, 2 chren remain | |||
05/15/1873 | 155 | RUMMELL, Mollie* | 18 | BURLINGAME | RUMMELL, John | IA | IA: Warren Co. (d Apr 5, 1873 age 18y, 11m, 5d); dau of S. L. & P. T.; a dutiful dau, a kind sister; puerperal fever | |
05/15/1873 | 155 | BURLINGAME, Mollie* | 18 | RUMMELL, John | IA | IA: Warren Co. (d Apr 5, 1873 age 18y, 11m, 5d); dau of S. L. & P. T.; a dutiful dau, a kind sister; puerperal fever | ||
05/15/1873 | 155 | RUMMELL, John | BURLINGAME, Mollie* | |||||
05/15/1873 | 155 | BASTIAN, Mary* | 74 | PA | PA: New Columbia (d Apr 16, 1873 age 74y, 9m, 7d) | |||
05/22/1873 | 163 | LIGHT, David (Rev.)* | 68 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Apr 25, 1873 age 68y, 7m, 7d); licensed to preach 1848; his style was plain & to the point; wife, 4 chren remain | |||
05/22/1873 | 163 | DAVIS, Samuel* | 67 | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Springfield area (d Apr 27, 1873); converted under Rev. BUCKS; family lost a kind husb & affectionate father | |||
05/22/1873 | 163 | FLOWERS, Mary* | 73 | PA | PA: Manheim (d Apr 28, 1873 age 73y, 5m, 28d); converted 22 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; dropsy / heart disease | |||
05/22/1873 | 163 | KREIN, Louisa* | 57 | SPRENGER | MD | MD: Baltimore Co.: Whiteground (d Apr 8, 1873 age 57y, 4m, 3d); early memb of Evan. Assn. at this place; a number of chren remain | ||
05/22/1873 | 163 | SPRENGER, Louisa* | 57 | KREIN, ----- | MD | MD: Baltimore Co.: Whiteground (d Apr 8, 1873 age 57y, 4m, 3d); early memb of Evan. Assn. at this place; a number of chren remain | ||
05/22/1873 | 163 | SHUTT, Ari Anne* | 27 | OH | OH: Summit Co. (b) | OH: Summit Co. (res); d May 2, 1873 age 27y, 1m, 10d); dau of Wm. & Catharine SHUTT; embraced religion ca 10 yrs ago; "father, step-mother, step-brother and sister" remain. Minister: I. A. ROHLAND of Inland, Summit Co. at this time | ||
05/22/1873 | 163 | BARNET, Frederick* | 70 | OH | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d May 6, 1873); wife, chren remain | ||
05/22/1873 | 163 | SEITSINGER, Michael* | 52 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Apr 26, 1873 age 52y, 28d; wife, 3 chren remain; liver complaint | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | TROEMNER, Henry* | 63 | RETTER, Christiania (wife #1; md 1837; she d Jun 4, 1849) | PA | CURHESSE: dist. Marburg: Ellichausen (b Sep 26, 1809) | PA: Philadelphia (res); d Apr 24, 1873 age 63y, 6m, 29d); 6 yrs in army; to AMER 1835; was wagonmaker in Philadelphia; had a govt contract worth $60,000 at death; had wealth & high standing; had 9 sons, 4 daus, "of whom 5 went before him to eternity" | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | TROEMNER, Henry* | 63 | RETTER, Catharine (wife #2; md Apr 12, 1850, a sister of wife #1) | PA | CURHESSE: dist. Marburg: Ellichausen (b Sep 26, 1809) | PA: Philadelphia (res); d Apr 24, 1873 age 63y, 6m, 29d); 6 yrs in army; to AMER 1835; was wagonmaker in Philadelphia; had a govt contract worth $60,000 at death; had wealth & high standing; had 9 sons, 4 daus, "of whom 5 went before him to eternity" | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | RETTER, Christiania | TROEMNER, Henry* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | TROEMNER, Christiania | TROEMNER, Henry* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | RETTER, Catharine | TROEMNER, Henry* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | TROEMNER, Catharine | TROEMNER, Henry* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | HEIMBACH, Peter* | 75 | MI | MI: Eckfort nr Marshall (d May 2, 1873 age 75y, 1m, 13d); w/ fam from Columbia Co., PA, to MI 7 yrs ago; widow, 9 chren, 69 grchren remain. Minister: M. J. MILLER | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | BELOMY, Eliza* | 27 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: McDonaldsville area (d May 13, 1873 age 27y, 1m, 5d); memb Baptist Ch; husb memb Evan. Assn.; husb, 2 sm chren remain; consumption | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | ROTH, Mary* | 13 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: Benton area (d May 16, 1873 age 13y, 10m, 8d); dau of Peter & Susan; pars, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; measles / lung fever | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | COLLIER, Mary* | 55 | HEPLER | COLLIER, Joseph | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo [sic] (b) | PA: Dauphin Co.: Halifax area (d Dec 1, 1872 age 55y, 5m, 16d); dau of Henry; Mary was the oldest dau; husb, only son sick at same time w/ small pox; she sickly 8 yrs, but d suddenly of small pox [note death date] |
05/29/1873 | 171 | HEPLER, Mary* | 55 | COLLIER, Joseph | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo [sic] (b) | PA: Dauphin Co.: Halifax area (d Dec 1, 1872 age 55y, 5m, 16d); dau of Henry; Mary was the oldest dau; husb, only son sick at same time w/ small pox; she sickly 8 yrs, but d suddenly of small pox [note death date] | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | COLLIER, Joseph | HEPLER, Mary* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | SAYLOR, Ann Eliza* | 42 | FAGER | SAYLOR, Morgan F. | IL | IL: Joliet (d May 10, 1873 age 42y, 8m); blew out the lamp when ready to retire, it exploded, wrapping her in flames; husb, 4 chren remain; bur Naperville, IL | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | FAGER, Ann Eliza* | 42 | SAYLOR, Morgan F. | IL | IL: Joliet (d May 10, 1873 age 42y, 8m); blew out the lamp when ready to retire, it exploded, wrapping her in flames; husb, 4 chren remain; bur Naperville, IL | ||
05/29/1873 | 171 | SAYLOR, Morgan F. | FAGER, Ann Eliza* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | REIGWIN, Ursula P.* | 32 | MINIRLY | REIGWIN, Amos I. | IL | IL: Lee Co. (d May 10, 1873 age 32y, 2m, 4d); dau of W. F. & P. G.; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | MINIRLY, Ursula P.* | 32 | REIGWIN, Amos I. | IL | IL: Lee Co. (d May 10, 1873 age 32y, 2m, 4d); dau of W. F. & P. G.; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | ||
05/29/1873 | 171 | REIGWIN, Amos I. | MINIRLY, Ursula P.* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | LING, Christopher* | 70 | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Pleasantville area (d May 8, 1873); a number of chren remains | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | HOFFMAN, Lovina* | 44 | MATTER | HOFFMAN, George | MN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | MN: St. Paul (d May 1, 1873); embraced religion 23 yrs ago, "and moved to St. Paul, Minn., six years since"; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever. "At this writing three of the children are sick with the same disease." |
05/29/1873 | 171 | MATTER, Lovina* | 44 | HOFFMAN, George | MN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | MN: St. Paul (d May 1, 1873); embraced religion 23 yrs ago, "and moved to St. Paul, Minn., six years since"; husb, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever. "At this writing three of the children are sick with the same disease." | |
05/29/1873 | 171 | HOFFMAN, George | MATTER, Lovina* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | GAMBER, Henry* | ca75 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Fishingcreek Valley (d May 1, 1873); memb Evan. Luth. Ch. ca 44 yrs; all 9 of his chren are living | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | DRAKE, Benjamin* | 52 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Light Street (d May 10, 1873); wife, 6 chren remain; consumption | |||
05/29/1873 | 171 | BIXENSTEIN, Frederick* | 68 | PA | WURTTEMBERG: Neuenburg (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d [no date] age 68y, 9m, 4d); to AMER 1830; converted Sep 1835 Lewistown, PA under Bishop SEIBERT; wife remains | ||
05/29/1873 | 171 | WEAVER, Mary M.* | 31 | WEAVER, John S. | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Marysville (d [no date] age 31y, 7m, 7d); joined Evan. Assn. Sep 3, 1865; bur Marysville Chestnut Grove Cem. | ||
05/29/1873 | 171 | WEAVER, John S. | -----, Mary M.* | |||||
05/29/1873 | 171 | ROW, John* | 75 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Oakdale area (d Mar 29, 1873 age 75y, 1m, 5d); widow, 14 chren remain; heart disease | |||
06/05/1873 | 179 | CLEMENS, Elisabeth A. (Mrs.)* | -- | OH | OH: Cleveland: "In Memoriam" | |||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SWENGEL, Mary B.* | 27 | SWENGEL, U. F. (Rev.) | PA | PA: York (d May 20, 1873 age 27y, 6m, 24d); husb, infant son, mother, siblings remain; nervous prostration 5 mos | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SWENGEL, U. F. (Rev.) | -----, Mary B.* | |||||
06/05/1873 | 179 | WALBORN, Frank P.* | 19 | PA | PA: Myerstown (d May 5, 1873 age 19y, 8m) son of Edward & Elisabeth; att Muhlenberg College, Allentown; preparing for ministry; pars, 3 sis remain; typhoid fever 10 wks | |||
06/05/1873 | 179 | DEPOY, Nancy S.* | 61 | CHAMBERS | DEPOY, J. | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Polo area (d Mar 19, 1873 age 61y, -m, 10d); when a sm girl res VA; w/ pars to Ross Co., OH, where md; to IA ca 23 yrs ago; blind for last 10 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain | |
06/05/1873 | 179 | CHAMBERS, Nancy S.* | 61 | DEPOY, J. | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Polo area (d Mar 19, 1873 age 61y, -m, 10d); when a sm girl res VA; w/ pars to Ross Co., OH, where md; to IA ca 23 yrs ago; blind for last 10 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | DEPOY, J. | CHAMBERS, Nancy S.* | |||||
06/05/1873 | 179 | McCAMMENT, Catherine* | 36 | GRIM | IA | IA: Jones Co.: Lisbon area (d May 16, 1873 age 36y, 4m, 9d); dau of Abraham & Mary; on May 13, clothes caught fire when boiling soap; in some places she burned to the bone, face & eyes were spared; husb, 3 sm chren remain | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | GRIM, Catherine* | 36 | McCAMMENT, ----- | IA | IA: Jones Co.: Lisbon area (d May 16, 1873 age 36y, 4m, 9d); dau of Abraham & Mary; on May 13, clothes caught fire when boiling soap; in some places she burned to the bone, face & eyes were spared; husb, 3 sm chren remain | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SPETH, Anna* | 71 | STEINER | SPETH, Daniel | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol (d Apr [no date] age 71y, 4m, 27); memb Evan. Assn. 40 yrs ago she & husb held camp meetings on their land; md 50 yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; old age. Minister: Elias STOEVER | |
06/05/1873 | 179 | STEINER, Anna* | 71 | SPETH, Daniel | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol (d Apr [no date] age 71y, 4m, 27); memb Evan. Assn. 40 yrs ago she & husb held camp meetings on their land; md 50 yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; old age. Minister: Elias STOEVER | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SPETH, Daniel | STEINER, Anna* | |||||
06/05/1873 | 179 | FERSON, Lettie* | 20 | CLARK | IA | OH: Morrow Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: Windham area (d May 18, 1873 age 20y, 5m, 27d); husb, father, an only sis, 2 bros remain | |
06/05/1873 | 179 | CLARK, Lettie* | 20 | FERSON, ----- | IA | OH: Morrow Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: Windham area (d May 18, 1873 age 20y, 5m, 27d); husb, father, an only sis, 2 bros remain | |
06/05/1873 | 179 | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | 75 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Mar 20, 1873 age 75y, 2m, 25d); embraced religion 1840 & joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 9 chren remain | |||
06/05/1873 | 179 | BACKER, Vilo* | 56 | NY | NY: Dansville (d May 18, 1873 at home of dau); he res Fremont Center area, Steuben Co., NY; had arrived at her house that day, exited buggy, walked a few steps, collapsed; died at 5 P.M.; wife, 6 chren remain | |||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SMITH, Martha Delilah* | 41 | SMITH, Robert | PA | PA (d May 19, 1873 age 41y, 5m, 18d); md Jun 17, 1853; md for 19y, 10m, 4d); converted ca 15 yrs ago; husb, 9 chren remain. Minister: M. H. SHANNON of Clearfield dist., PA, at this time | ||
06/05/1873 | 179 | SMITH, Robert | -----, Martha Delilah* | |||||
06/05/1873 | 179 | MONGOMERY, C.* [female] | 23 | IA | IA: Keokuk Co.: Harper area (d [no date] age 23y, 7m, 22d); husb, mother, 2 sis, 7 bros remain; consumption | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | PRIEST, Joseph* | 46 | IA | IA: Polk Co.: Peoria area (d May 25, 1873 age 46y, 19d); joined Evan. Assn. 3 yrs ago; wife, 6 chren remain; taught his S.S. class, ate dinner, laid down to rest, arose again, fell a corpse on the floor; heart disease | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | DUNDRE, Hannah Elizabeth* | 20 | IL | IL: Chicago (d May 15, 1873 age 20y, 4m, 13d); joined Evan. Assn. 2 yrs ago; mother, 2 sis, 4 bros remain; consumption | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | BERTOLET, Ezra B.* | 32 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Oley (d May 15, 1873 age 32y, 2m, 14d); w/ others was felling trees in his father's woods, struck on forehead w/ a limb, killed instantly; converted 3 yrs ago; wife, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | MOSER, Mary Ann* | 17 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg [2 1/2 mi west] (d May 3, 1873 age 17y, 11m, 3d); dau of Samuel & Catharine | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | SHOLLY, Simon* | 69 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Union (d May 9, 1873 age 69y, 2m, 20d); his family remains; sudden death from heart disease | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | REED, Eliza S. (Miss)* | 76 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Hartleton [2 mi northeast] (d [no date] age 76y, 9m, 15d at res of Jacob RUDY); converted age 12 when res farther east in the state; to this area 40-45 yrs ago; never md, but leaves numerous relatives | |||
06/12/1873 | 187 | WOLF, David* | 50 | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Sterling (d May 16, 1873 age 50y, 9m, 8d); one of wealthiest citizens in neighborhood; S.S. supt; wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; 1 son dead; labored all day, ate supper, walked to his closet, fell dying to the floor | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | WEATHERWAX, Adam* | 80 | OH | NY (b) | OH: Coshocton Co.: Helmick area (d May 11, 1873 age 80y, 8m, 4d) converted 56 yrs ago; to this area 36 yrs ago when it a wilderness; wife, 1 son, 1 dau remain | ||
06/19/1873 | 195 | KISSINGER, Elizabeth* | 76 | DUNDORE | OH | PA: Burks [sic] Co. (b) | OH: Fairfield Co.: Amanda area (d May 29, 1873 age 76y, 19d); 4 chren remain; two husbs, 3 chren dead; bur Trinity burial ground [md twice, husbs not named here] | |
06/19/1873 | 195 | DUNDORE, Elizabeth* | 76 | KISSINGER, ----- | OH | PA: Burks [sic] Co. (b) | OH: Fairfield Co.: Amanda area (d May 29, 1873 age 76y, 19d); 4 chren remain; two husbs, 3 chren dead; bur Trinity burial ground | |
06/19/1873 | 195 | BERTZEL, Hanna S.* | 32 | MERTZ | BERTZEL, Uria L. | PA | PA: Allentown (d May 28, 1873 age 32y, 1m, 19d); dau of Rev. D.; husb, 5 chren, pars, siblings remain; inflammation of bowels a few days | |
06/19/1873 | 195 | MERTZ, Hanna S.* | 32 | BERTZEL, Uria L. | PA | PA: Allentown (d May 28, 1873 age 32y, 1m, 19d); dau of Rev. D.; husb, 5 chren, pars, siblings remain; inflammation of bowels a few days | ||
06/19/1873 | 195 | BERTZEL, Uria L. | MERTZ, Hanna S.* | |||||
06/19/1873 | 195 | RIEGERT, Mary* | 61 | PA | PA: Dauphin area (d May 24, 1873 age 61y, 3m, 23d); 4 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | HOOVER, Ellen* | 31 | HOOVER, George | PA | PA: Rockville (d May 27, 1873 age 31y, 6m, 5d); not a memb of our ch. Ministers: J. A. FEGER in English; B. WADE of MI Conf. in German | ||
06/19/1873 | 195 | HOOVER, George | -----, Ellen* | |||||
06/19/1873 | 195 | RUMMEL, Levi* | 27 | PA | PA (d ca 3 wks ago age 27y, 8m, 14d); wife d some time before; 2 little chren remain. Minister: M. H. SHANNON of Clearfield dist. at this time | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | EGABROAD, Mary* | 75 | IA | IA: Medina Co. (d Jun 2, 1873 age 75y, 3m, 2d at res of son-in-law, --- POPE); joined M. E. Ch. ca 34 yrs ago; number of sons & daus remain | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | STINGEL, Margaret A.* | 40 | IA | IA: Louisa Co.: Grandview area (d May 21, 1873 age 40y, 5m, 6d); husb, chren remain; consumption | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | ROOS, Jacob Eberhart* | 33 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | PA: Erie (d Jun 3, 1873 age 33y, 18d); son of Jacob Frederick; w/ others was going for lumber, at rail crossing, horses ran off at sound of whistle, causing him to fall, striking his head on a rail; widow, child remain | ||
06/19/1873 | 195 | BEERY, Daniel* | 75 | OH | OH: Lancaster area (d Apr 17, 1873 age 75y, 12d); memb Tabor Ch. many yrs; wife, son, dau remain; bur Tabor Cem. | |||
06/19/1873 | 195 | MOELLER, Anna Martha* | 21 | PA | PA: Erie (d Jun 2, 1873 age 21y, 5m, 15d); dau of Adam & Elizabeth; church memb ca 4 yrs; consumption 5 mos | |||
06/26/1873 | 203 | SIDERS, Elizabeth* | 78 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Little Mahanoy (d Jun 6, 1873 age 78y, 2m, 27d); stomach imflammation | |||
06/26/1873 | 203 | SWEELY, Joseph* | 51 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Loyal Sockville (d Jun 5, 1873 age 51y, 6m, 20d); embraced religion 5 mos & joined Evan. Assn. | |||
06/26/1873 | 203 | PETERS, John M.* | 52 | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Bendersville area (d Jun 12, 1873 age 52y, 13 [or 18] d); large family remains; consumption | |||
06/26/1873 | 203 | LAUBACH, Mary* | 18 | LAUBACH, Albert | PA | PA: Easton (d May 21, 1873); memb Easton English [Evan.] mission; taught S.S.; md not quite 1 yr; husb, pars remain | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | LAUBACH, Albert | -----, Mary* | |||||
06/26/1873 | 203 | STAUFFER, Maggie T.* | 22 | STAUFFER, Henry | IL | IL: Naperville (d Jun 10, 1873 age 22y, 7m, 16d); husb, 10-day-old infant, pars, siblings remain | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | STAUFFER, Henry | -----, Maggie T.* | |||||
06/26/1873 | 203 | SHAFFER, Mariah* | 26 | SHAFFER, Henry | IL | IL: Naperville (d Jun 12, 1873 age 26y, 9m, 26d); one child d a few mos ago; consumption 6 mos | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | SHAFFER, Henry | -----, Mariah* | |||||
06/26/1873 | 203 | GOOD, John* | 76 | -----, Rebecca | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jun 11, 1873 at 10 P.M., age 76y, 11m, 21d); md 56y, 3m, 9d; his wife d the same day; no chren; bur Lebanon Cem.; apoplexy | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | GOOD, Rebecca* | 76 | GOOD, John | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jun 11, 1873 at 6 A.M., age 76y, 7m, 24d); md 56y, 3m, 9d; her husb d the same day; no chren; bur Lebanon Cem.; old age | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | PIERCE, James* | 34 | IA | NJ: Monmouth (b) | IA: Blairstown area (d Mar 25, 1873 age 34y, 11m, 28d) | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | PIERCE, Ellen* | 2 | IA | IN: Pulaski Co. (b) | IA: Blairstown area (d Mar 29, 1873 age 2y, 11m, 4d) | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | DITZLER, John Wesley* | 1 | IA | IA: Blairstown (d Jun 7, 1873 age 1y, 11m); son of John & Catharine; measles / lung fever | |||
06/26/1873 | 203 | HAAG, Michael* | 54 | -- | WUERTEMBERG: Eberbach (b) | --: Minister: MOTT, R.; d Jun 12, 1873 age 54y, 2m; widow, 3 chren remain | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | RINEHART, Eve* | 88 | BAILY | OH | OH: Marion Co.: Woodberry (d Jun 9, 1873 age 88y, 9m, 2d); memb Evan. Assn. upwards of 60 yrs; 8 chren remain | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | BAILY, Eve* | 88 | RINEHART, ----- | OH | OH: Marion Co.: Woodberry (d Jun 9, 1873 age 88y, 9m, 2d); memb Evan. Assn. upwards of 60 yrs; 8 chren remain | ||
06/26/1873 | 203 | HALLER, Elizabeth* | 66 | HALLER, John | NY | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Lengfeld (b) | NY: Jefferson Co.: Redwood (d [no date] age 66y, 5m, 20d); she & husb to AMER 1832; 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb d nearly 3 yrs ago; jaundice which assumed the character of consumption 16 wks | |
06/26/1873 | 203 | HALLER, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
06/26/1873 | 203 | HIRB, Wm. G.* | 34 | PA | PA: Johnstown (d Jun 7, 1873 age 34y, 2m, 10d); exhorter at time of death; had suffered an accident in the coal mines on May 19; wife, 3 chren remain |
Number of items that your search found: 399