DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/07/18753CRALEY, Susan*57PAPA: York Co.: Manchester area (d Dec 8, 1874 age 57y, 5m, 19d); husb, 8 chren remain; pleurisy
01/07/18753BRAUCHLER, -----* [female]78PAPA: Indiana Co.: Grant Tp. (d [no date] age 78y, 4m, 26d at home of Peter BEER); 11 chren remain
01/07/18753MULLEN, Martha A.*26IAIA: Story Co. (d Nov 23, 1874); dau of Susanna
01/07/18753CARVER, Rosa*18OHOH: Bath S. S. memb; d Nov 26, 1874; dau of Conrad & Sarah; age 18y, 5d; pars, siblings remain. Minister: D. H. WONDER of Bristol Circuit at this time
01/07/18753MOORES, -----* [female]69PAPA: Clearfield Co.: Cherry Tree area (d Dec 11, 1874); home on bank of Susquehanna River, 1 mi below the famous Cherry Tree; 30 yrs ago husb drowned in river; shortly after, oldest son killed by stick of timber; one son d Civil War; chren remain; cancer
01/07/18753McGUIRE, David*54ININ: Hamilton Co.: Buena Vista area (d Dec 11, 1874 age 54y, 6m, 3d); wife, several bros, sisters remain; stomach trouble. Western Christian Advocate please copy.
01/07/18753MYERS, Daniel*54OHOH: Wayne Co.: West Salem (d Dec 19, 1874 age 54y, 29d); in mercantile business 29+ yrs; he a husb & father; palsy of the spine. Minister: John STULL
01/07/18753FULKERSON, Alexander*43PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty area (d Dec 22, 1874 age 43y, 4m, 6d); widow, 5 chren remain
01/07/18753AMBROSE, Isaiah T.*17PAPA: Westmoreland Co. (d [no date] age 17y, 9m, 21d); son of James A. & Sarah; pars, brothers, a sis remain; sick for 8 wks
01/07/18753RUFFCORN, Catherine*82OHOH: Ashland Co.: Polk area (d Dec 22, 1871 age 82y, 2m, 3d at Father GLESSNOR'S); husb d 3 mos, 16ds previously; membs M. E. Ch. many yrs; services in Polk by D. H. ROSENBERG
01/07/18753BRICKLEY, Mary*61BRICKLEY, George (Rev.)PAPA: York (d Dec 7, 1874); had 6 chren; nervous fever
01/07/18753BRICKLEY, George (Rev.)-----, Mary*
01/07/18753GEPHART, Mary M.*ca45SWARTZGEPHART, J. P. (Justice)PAPA: Bellefonte (d Dec 14, 1874); dau of George & Sarah; husb, son, 2 daus remain; consumption of bowels
01/07/18753SWARTZ, Mary M.*ca45GEPHART, J. P. (Justice)PAPA: Bellefonte (d Dec 14, 1874); dau of George & Sarah; husb, son, 2 daus remain; consumption of bowels
01/07/18753GEPHART, J. P. (Justice)SWARTZ, Mary M.*
01/07/18753LONGSDORF, W. B.*33PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Mahanoy (d Dec 22, 1874 age 33y, 9m, 5d); wife, 4 chren remain; bur on Christmas
01/07/18753RIVIR, Mary*56RIVIR, ChristianININ: Noble Co.: Green Tp. (d Dec 23, 1874 age 56y, 6d); res prev PA; md 38 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain; breast cancer / dropsy 4 mos
01/07/18753RIVIR, Christian-----, Mary*
01/07/18753MARK, David77PAPA: Clinton Co.: Sugar Valley (d Jun 28, 1874 age 77y, 4m, 25d); blessed w/ a liberal share of this world's goods; gave $800 towards building of St. Mark Ch., Sugar Valley [note month of death]
01/07/18753THOMAS, Catherine*81STERNPAPA: Dauphin Co.: Londondery Tp. (d Dec 20, 1874 age 81y, 9m, 27d); converted ca 65 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.
01/07/18753STERN, Catherine*81THOMAS, -----PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Londondery Tp. (d Dec 20, 1874 age 81y, 9m, 27d); converted ca 65 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.
01/07/18753HERRING, Sarah*61OHOH: Girard area (d Dec 22, 1874 age 61y, 9m, 9d); bur Dec 24 in graveyard in Churchhill; 1 bro, 2 sis remain [these locations in Trumbull Co., OH]
01/14/187511AKINS, Sarah*59OHOH: Mahoning Co.: West Austintown (d Dec 1, 1874); md 42 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; consumption 2+ yrs
01/14/187511OVERHOLSER, Amos*44PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Dec 27, 1874 age 44y, 10m, 18d); son of John & Rebbeca; widow, 7 chren, pars remain; liver complain / dyspepsia 1 yr
01/14/187511REAMER, Annie*26BOOTHBYONTONT: Altona (d Dec 9, 1874 on 26th birthday); husb, motherless child remain. "One-half of Bro. B's [Boothby] family is now gone."
01/14/187511BOOTHBY, Annie*26REAMER, -----ONTONT: Altona (d Dec 9, 1874 on 26th birthday); husb, motherless child remain. "One-half of Bro. B's [Boothby] family is now gone."
01/14/187511WENGERT, Joseph*72OHOH: Sandusky Co. (d Dec 18, 1874 age 72y, 2m, 4d); widow, 3 chren remain; cardiac dropsy
01/14/187511ROULS, Charles*52ININ: Hamilton Co.: Cicero area (d Dec 21, 1874); wife, 7 sm chren remain; lung fever for 2 wks
01/14/187511STINEMAN, Lewis*65IAGERMANY: Hessen Darmstadt: Reichenberg nr Bensheim (b)IA: Louisa Co: Grand View area (d 18 Dec 1874 age 65y 10m); to AMER 1848; wife, 7 chrn remain; "wife of his youth", 1 child dead. "Rain or sunshine he was regularly at the house of the Lord on Sabbath, though he had about three miles to walk." [md twice,
01/14/187511TRUMM, Rhoda Gertrude*21BECKERTRUMM, ChristianONTONT: Monck Co.: Wellandport (d Dec 28, 1874); dau of John L. & Margaret; husb, pars, siblings remain; d at parental home where they had gone for Christmas, she caught cold, d several days later
01/14/187511BECKER, Rhoda Gertrude*21TRUMM, ChristianONTONT: Monck Co.: Wellandport (d Dec 28, 1874); dau of John L. & Margaret; husb, pars, siblings remain; d at parental home where they had gone for Christmas, she caught cold, d several days later
01/14/187511TRUMM, ChristianBECKER, Rhoda Gertrude*
01/21/187519WALTZ, Mary Ann*29MIMI: Three Rivers area (d Jan 4, 1875 age 29y, 2m)
01/21/187519HELMS, James, Sr.*58PAPA: Pottsville (d Dec 23, 1874 age 58y, 11m, 11d); widow, 3 chren remain
01/21/187519KOCH, Benjamin*63ILIL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d [no date]); wife, 3 sons remain; enlargement of heart
01/21/187519SHAFFER, Henry*75OHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co.: Ashland [3 mi east] (d Jan 7, 1875 age 75y, 9m, 29d); to Ashland ca 35 yrs ago; wife #3, 4 chren remain; paralysis. Minister: J. S. FELGER [md 3 times, wives not named here]
01/21/187519FELGER, J. S. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of Henry SHAFFER, Ashland, Jan 21, 1875 p 19
01/21/187519DICK, Peter*82OHMD: Baltimore Co. (b)OH: Sandusky Co.: Gibsonberg area (d Dec 26, 1874 age 82y, 9m, 21d); memb Evan. Assn. 50+ yrs. "He was a good man; faithful in the discharge of duty, punctual in attending the house of God, often walking a long distance to be present."
01/21/187519TRUMBAUER, Elizabeth*28ILIL: Ogle Co.: Palo (d Jan 3, 1875 age 28y, 8m, 26d); dau of Rev. J.; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; typhus fever 9 ds
01/21/187519SMITH, J. M.*17ININ: Fulton Co.: Akron area (d Jan 5, 1875 age 17y, 1m, 23d); pars, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; inflammation
01/21/187519JOHNSON, D. B. (Rev.)*64OHNY: Ontario Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d Jan 8, 1875 age 64y, 7m); to Bath 1832; memb prev Prot. Meth. Ch., 14 yrs ago joined Evan. Assn.; after working hard at the anvil all week, he walked 2 mi to teach his Bible class [local preacher]; widow, 7 chren remain
01/29/187527HESSER, Frederick* [Coroner]57PAPA: Orwigsburg Evan. Cem. (bur); bludgeoned in coal-breaker engine-house; d Dec 18, 1874 age 57y, 3m, 23d; wife, 4 chren remain. "He held the office of coroner, and was therefore a very important witness before in the trials of several murder cases."
01/29/187527FLYTE, Martha Jane*20STREPEFLYTE, EmanuelPAPA: Monroe Co. (d Sep 3, 1874 age 29y, 9m, 19d); husb, 2 chren, pars remain; funeral at Broadheadsville Ch.; consumption
01/29/187527STREPE, Martha Jane*20FLYTE, EmanuelPAPA: Monroe Co. (d Sep 3, 1874 age29y, 9m, 19d); husb, 2 chren, pars remain; funeral at Broadheadsville Ch.; consumption
01/29/187527FLYTE, EmanuelSTREPE, Martha Jane*
01/29/187527WEAVER, Eva*58WEAVER, ThomasPAPA: Clarion Co.: Ashland Tp. (d Jan 2, 1875); husb, 3 daus, 1 son remain; ill last 2 yrs
01/29/187527WEAVER, Thomas-----, Eva*
01/29/187527RIGLE, David*59PAPA: Venango Co.: Cranberry Tp. (d [no date] age 59y, 6m, 6d); joined Evan. Assn. 24 yrs ago; moved East, then ret to Venango Co.; wife, an adopted child remain; he could not speak last 2 wks before death
01/29/187527SMITH, Mary Catharine*14PAPA: Hazleton (d Jan 11, 1875 age 14y, 3m, 26d); dau of John & Sarah A.; dropsy / heart disease for 8 yrs
01/29/187527KUHNS, George*62PAPA: Westmoeland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d Dec 22, 1874 age 63 lacking 5 days); joined Evan. Assn. 31 yrs ago; widow, 11 sons, 3 daus remain [obit heading is KUNHS]
01/29/187527HOLDER, George F.*43PAPA: Berks Co.: Pleasantville area (d Dec 31, 1874 age 43y, 2m, 10d); son of Jacob B. & Hannah; converted 7 yrs ago; apoplexy
02/04/187535SHAFER, Reuben*21OHOH: Henry Co. (d Oct 16, 1874 age 21y, 7m, 10d); son of Rev. Jacob & Caroline; bro of Mary SHAFER DAILY
02/04/187535DAILY, Mary*25SHAFERDAILY, Solomon G.OHOH: Henry Co. (d Jan 23, 1875 age 25y, 4m, 9d); dau of Rev. Jacob & Caroline; sis of Reuben SHAFER
02/04/187535SHAFER, Mary*25DAILY, Solomon G.OHOH: Henry Co. (d Jan 23, 1875 age 25y, 4m, 9d); dau of Rev. Jacob & Caroline; sis of Reuben SHAFER
02/04/187535DAILY, Solomon G.SHAFER, Mary*
02/04/187535HAUCK, William*55PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Airy (d Jan 17, 1875 age 55y, 6m, 11d); wife, 7 chren remain; cramps. "Some of the children are on the way to glory."
02/04/187535KEELER, John*82PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Fegleysville area (d Jan 7, 1875 age 82y, 5m, 15d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; consumption
02/04/187535SHELP, Louisa*74ILIL: Carroll Co.: Elk Home (d Dec 26, 1874). " É passed triumphantly into the society of the blessed, of which her husband was a member for a number of years."
02/04/187535ROBERTS, Susan*83ROBERTS, JohnPAPA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d Jan 5, 1875 age 83y, 2m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. 32 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead. One of the living sons is unconverted, "as also her husband who is old and grayheadedÉ."
02/04/187535ROBERTS, John-----, Susan*
02/04/187535GLECKLER, Jane E.*28BLACKGLECKLER, Christian G.PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Nov 16, 1874 age 28y, 7m, 9d); dau of Jeremiah BLACK (deceased); husb, 1 child, mother, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption
02/04/187535BLACK, Jane E.*28GLECKLER, Christian G.PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Nov 16, 1874 age 28y, 7m, 9d); dau of Jeremiah BLACK (deceased); husb, 1 child, mother, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption
02/04/187535GLECKLER, Christian G.BLACK, Jane E.*
02/04/187535YOUNG, Rebecca*29?PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Williamsport area (d Jan 14, 1875 age 29[?]y, 3m, 1d); pars, brother, sisters remain; consumption
02/04/187535STULL, George*55OHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Dec 4, 1874 age 55y, 8m, 3d); stomach cancer for many yrs; says d of typhoid fever
02/04/187535STULL, Henry*27OHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Dec 10, 1874 age 27y, 6m, 21); son of George & Fanny; typhoid fever
02/04/187535STULL, Amos*24ENK, EmmyOHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Dec 19, 1874 age 24y, 6m, 1d); son of George & Fanny; took the fever ca 15 ds after mge, d 32 days later; typhoid fever
02/04/187535ENK, EmmySTULL, Amos*
02/04/187535STULL, Emmy*23ENKSTULL, AmosOHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Nov 27, 1874 age 23y, 25d); typhoid fever
02/04/187535STULL, Catharine*17OHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Nov 20, 1874 age 17y, 11m, 4d); typhoid fever
02/04/187535STULL, Olive*12OHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Dec 11, 1874 age 12y, 2m); typhoid fever
02/04/187535STULL, Mariah*16OHOH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corner area (d Jan 11, 1875 age 16y, 10d)
02/04/187535PUTMAN, Martha*11NYNY: Mohawk (d Jan 3, 1875); dau of Stephen & Amanda; pars, 6 sis, 4 bros remain; diphtheritic rheumatism; sis of Lena PUTMAN
02/04/187535PUTMAN, Lena*23NYNY: Fulton circuit (d Jan 9, 1875); converted at revival at Stone Arabia; sis of Martha PUTMAN
02/04/187535AURAND, Catharine*72AURAND, JacobPAPA: Snyder Co.: Kreamer area (d Jan 22, 1875 age 72y, 2m, 20d); her house an Evan. preaching place for 20 yrs; md nearly 50 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead; mother of Rev. Simon of Central PA Conf.
02/04/187535AURAND, Jacob-----, Catharine*
02/11/187543ZINK, Mary*57ZINK, CharlesPAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty area (d Jan 19, 1875 age 57y, 2m, 21d)
02/11/187543ZINK, Charles-----, Mary*
02/11/187543BECK, Catharine*26BECK, J.PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Jackson Tp.: Liberty area (d Jan 24, 1875 age 26y, 7m, 28d); husb, 3 chren, 5 bros, 2 sis remain
02/11/187543BECK, J.-----, Catharine*
02/11/187543OVERHOLSER, J.*81PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Jan 24, 1875 age 81y, 10m, 26d); wife, 5 chren remain
02/11/187543SWEARER, Peter*74AMAS, E.INPA: Philadelphia (b)IN: Huntington area (d Jan 20, 1875); raised by a man named SMUCKER nr Reading [possibly PA]; md 49+ yrs; widow, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead; stroke
02/11/187543AMAS, E.SWEARER, Peter*
02/11/187543SWEARER, E.SWEARER, Peter*
02/11/187543FISHER, George*65METZGER, ElizabethPAPA: Lycoming Co.: Jersey Shore area (d Jan 28, 1875 age 65y, 4m, 13d); age 17 to AMER; md ca 44 yrs; widow, 10 chren remain; pneumonia; to know him was to love him
02/11/187543METZGER, ElizabethFISHER, George*
02/11/187543FISHER, ElizabethFISHER, George*
02/11/187543HENCH, Mary Ellen*27DAMHENCH, John B.PAPA: Perry Co.: Eillottsburg [sic] (d Jan 26, 1875 age 27y, 2m, 20d); husb, little boy, pars remain; inflammation of stomach / bowels
02/11/187543DAM, Mary Ellen*27HENCH, John B.PAPA: Perry Co.: Eillottsburg [sic] (d Jan 26, 1875 age 27y, 2m, 20d); husb, little boy, pars remain; inflammation of stomach / bowels
02/11/187543HENCH, John B.DAM, Mary Ellen*
02/11/187543SEBOLD, Caroline*45TICEMANSEBOLD, DanielPAGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)PA: Union Co.: New Berlin area (d Dec 23, 1874 age 45y, 5m, 3d); dau of Lewis; age 11 w/ pars to AMER; husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; consumption for 2 yrs
02/11/187543TICEMAN, Caroline*45SEBOLD, DanielPAGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)PA: Union Co.: New Berlin area (d Dec 23, 1874 age 45y, 5m, 3d); dau of Lewis; age 11 w/ pars to AMER; husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; consumption for 2 yrs
02/11/187543SEBOLD, DanielTICEMAN, Caroline*
02/11/187543TRASTER, Frederick*ca62INGERMANY (b)IN: Noble Co.: Wayne Tp. (d Jan 15, 1875); in early life to Massillon area, OH; then to Noble Co.; 11 chren remain
02/11/187543SHAFFER, Margaretta*84SHAFFER, Wm.ININ: Steuben Co.: Fremont (d Jan 14, 1875 age 84y, 7m, 18d); formerly of Dauphin Co., PA; 5 sons, 4 daus remain; husb dead; bur Fremont Cem.
02/11/187543SHAFFER, Wm.-----, Margaretta*
02/11/187543ARMSTRONG, -----* [female]74OHOH: Richland Co.: Bellville area (d Jan 5, 1875 age 74y, 4m, 13d); memb prev Presbyterian Ch; 6 chren remain
02/11/187543IATHO, Johanna*87ILGERMANY (b)IL: Lake Co.: Deerfield area (d age 87y, 11m, 21 at home of son Frederick); 2 sons remain
02/11/187543CARPENTER, Sarah Elizabeth*21OHOH: Defiance area (d Jan 25, 1875 age 21y, 8m, 29d)
02/11/187543BURGNER, Sarah*52BURGNER, P.OHOH: Flat Rock area (d Jan 25, 1875 age 52y, 4m, 22 d); bur Bellevue, OH; liver complaint
02/11/187543BURGNER, P.----, Sarah*
02/11/187543ERB, Peter*36OHOH: Seneca Co.: Bettsville area (d Jan 27, 1875 age 36y, 9m, 15d); son of the sainted Rev. John ERB; exhorter of Liberty Class, Sandusky circuit; spinal disease / typhoid fever 4 wks
02/11/187543ZENER, George*18PAPA: Indiana Co.: Marchand area (d Jan 25, 1875 age 18y, 11m, 2d); pars, bros, sisters remain. He "was a wild and lively youth; yet loved by nearly all who knew himÉ. His death left the most solemn impression on the community I ever witnessed."
02/11/187543EMERICK, Eve*85PAPA: Indiana Co.: Richmond area (d Jan 21, 1875 age 85y, 6m, 14d); remaining are an almost-blind aged husband, 4 chren
02/18/187551HARPSTER, Charles Edward*16OHOH: Flat Rock (d Jan 24, 1875 age 16y, 4m, 16d); mother remains
02/18/187551DEITRICH, Mary*64OHOH: Canton (d Feb 1, 1895 age 64y, 10m, 25d); 1 dau, aged mother age 93 yrs remain; dropsy of the heart
02/18/187551YEAKEL, Catharine Elizabeth*64YEAKEL, BenjaminPAPA: Allentown (d Jan 20, 1875 age 64y, 2m, 16d); converted ca 47 yrs ago on Milford circuit, East PA; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead; inflammation of stomach
02/18/187551YEAKEL, Benjamin-----, Catharine Elizabeth*
02/18/187551SPINNER, Elizabeth*77PAPA: Allentown (d Jan 19, 1875); never md; res w/ sis & bro, also single, "of which circle she was the leading soul. She was very poor in the midst of rich relatives, but never complained about her lot." Church women helped her.
02/18/187551HILE, Elizabeth*64HARTRAUFTHILE, HenryMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Flowerfield (d Jan 27, 1875 age 64y, 2m, 29d); afflicted husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis / dropsy
02/18/187551HARTRAUFT, Elizabeth*64HILE, HenryMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Flowerfield (d Jan 27, 1875 age 64y, 2m, 29d); afflicted husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis / dropsy
02/18/187551HILE, HenryHARTRAUFT, Elizabeth*
02/18/187551SHUPP, Michael*66OHPA: Dauphin Co.: Lykens Valley (b)OH: Crawford Co.: Brokensworrd area (d Jan 9, 1875 age 66y, 3m, 20d); known as "little Michael"; w/ pars to OH when it was yet a wilderness; joined Evan. Assn. ca 35 yrs ago
02/18/187551MARKS, Hannah*43ININ: Kosciusko Co.: Webster (d Jan 21, 1875 age 43y, 8m, 29d); husb, 5 chren remain; consumption 4 yrs
02/18/187551SWEELY, Jacob*79KEIES, RosannaPAGERMANY: Wuertemburg (res prev)PA: Williamsport (d Jan 19, 1875 age 79y, 8m); age 8 w/ pars to AMER 1804; md 1818; md 55 yrs; had 12 chren; was able to attend house of God on Christmas Day
02/18/187551KEIES, RosannaSWEELY, Jacob*
02/18/187551SWEELY, RosannaSWEELY, Jacob*
02/18/187551LIEBERKNECHT, Rosina Frederica*30LIEBERKNECHT, Adam (Rev.)ILGERMANY: Wuertemberg: Oberamt Valhingen: Horrheim (b)IL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d Jan 23, 1875 age 30y, 7m, 2d) to AMER in her youth; md 1865; husb, 4 chren, pars, sisters remain; liver complaint 5 yrs
02/18/187551LIEBERKNECHT, Adam (Rev.)-----, Rosina Frederica*
02/25/187559WEARY, Andrew*22PAPA: Shamokin (d Jan 26, 1875 age 23y within a few days); widow, pars, siblings remain; killed instantly in the mines by a fall of top-slate
02/25/187559DREHER, Fietta*38PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Feb 12, 1875 age 38y, 10m, 11d); consumption
02/25/187559SMITH, Michael*83INGERMANY (b)IN: Miami Co.: Gilead (d [no date] age 83y, 22d); 3 chren remain
02/25/187559OSSMAN, Elizabeth*68PAPA: Center Co., Center Hall (d Feb 12, 1875 age 68y, 7m, 24d); husb, 9 chren remain; consumption
02/25/187559SAYLOR, A. W.*60PAPA: Cambria Co.: Mt. Holly (d Jan 17, 1875 age 60y, 10d); converted prev in Schuylkill Haven; fam 1st membs of Evan. Assn., Mt. Holly; wife, sons, daus remain
02/25/187559RIGNEL, Maria*32PAPA: Dauphin Co.: West Hanover (b Feb 4, 1875 age 32y, 9m, 24d); husb, 3 chren, pars remain; lung fever
02/25/187559HAHN, John*76MDMD: Baltimore Co. ("died, at the Whiteground" Feb 7, 1875 age 76y, 1m, 8d); trustee in church, liberal supporter of benevolent objects, esp. ministry of the church, active friend to the poor; 5 chren remain
02/25/187559OVERHOLSER, Isaac (Rev.)*67LANDIS, Mary (wife #1; md 1831; had 5 chrenPAPA: Lancaster Co.: East Earltown (b May 22, 1807)PA: Fairville (d Jan 31, 1875 age 67y, 8m, 9d); pars were Mennonites, he raised in that church; typhoid pneumonia [lengthy obit]
02/25/187559OVERHOLSER, Isaac (Rev.)*67SPATZ, Mary (wife #2; md 1850; had 2 chrenPAPA: Lancaster Co.: East Earltown (b May 22, 1807)PA: Fairville (d Jan 31, 1875 age 67y, 8m, 9d); pars were Mennonites, he raised in that church; typhoid pneumonia [lengthy obit]
02/25/187559LANDIS, MaryOVERHOLSER, Isaac (Rev.)*
02/25/187559OVERHOLSER, MaryOVERHOLSER, Isaac (Rev.)*(both wives named Mary)
02/25/187559SPATZ, MaryOVERHOLSER, Isaac (Rev.)*
03/04/187567EICHINGER, Jacob J.*23ILIL: Danville area (d Feb 15, 1875 age 23y, 3m, 6d); son of Jacob, Sr.; wife, infant child, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; bur Spring Grove burying-ground; post mortem revealed large abcess of 1 gallon of watery matter attached to stomach & liver
03/04/187567CLINE, Joseph*62OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Berlin Tp. (d Feb 18, 1875 age 62y, 4m, 26d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 18 yrs; wife, 1 son, 3 daus, 1 sis, 5 bros remain. Minister: H. B. SUMMERS
03/04/187567MILLER, Hattie A.*19MIOH: Wayne Co. (b)MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d Jan 23, 1875 age 19y, 15d); dau of Thomas & Elizabeth; pars, 3 sis remain; typhoid pneumonia
03/04/187567SCHOENER, Irvin*18PAPA: Tamaqua (d Feb 12, 1875 age 18y, 1m, 4d); son of Solomon & Maria; bur Lewistown; w/ another young man hauling logs stopped to rest at top of hill, adjust their sleds, when he suddenly died
03/04/187567STERNER, Jacob*81PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Feb 13, 1875 age 81y, 6m, 19d); palsy
03/04/187567KRESKEY, Ida*15PAPA: Wyoming Co.: Post Hill (d Feb 20, 1875 age 15y, 1m, 25d); diphtheria
03/04/187567MILLER, Margaret*53SCHIBEMILLER, RichardMIGERMANY: Alsace: Hambach (b)MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d Feb 1, 1875 age 53y, 8m, 26d); joined Evan. Assn., Buffalo, NY, 1841; husb, 5 chren, 2 sis remain; bur cem. 6 mi south of Fremont, Sandusky Co., OH
03/04/187567SCHIBE, Margaret*53MILLER, RichardMIGERMANY: Alsace: Hambach (b)MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d Feb 1, 1875 age 53y, 8m, 26d); joined Evan. Assn., Buffalo, NY, 1841; husb, 5 chren, 2 sis remain; bur cem. 6 mi south of Fremont, Sandusky Co., OH
03/04/187567MILLER, RichardSCHIBE, Margaret*
03/04/187567EXAMPLE, Monroe MI deathstwo this issue Mar 4, 1875 p 67 (both MILLER)
03/04/187567BECK, Jacob*80PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Feb 12, 1875 age 80y, 1m, 17d); early pioneer of the Blockhouse settlement, memb Luth Ch. 62 yrs; md 60+ yrs; widow, 6 chren remain
03/04/187567RACE, Mary Jane*21FIKERACE, ElliottMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d Feb 12, 1875 age 21y, 8m, 26d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; mortification
03/04/187567FIKE, Mary Jane*21RACE, ElliottMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d Feb 12, 1875 age 21y, 8m, 26d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; mortification
03/04/187567RACE, ElliottFIKE, Mary Jane*
03/04/187567GLECKLER, Catherine*66PAGERMANY (b)PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Feb 7, 1875 age 66y, 6m); w/ pars to AMER 1824; converted under Bishop SEYBERT; husb, 10 chren remain; consumption
03/04/187567PHILLIPS, Susan*73IAIA: Adams Co. (d Feb 13, 1875 age 73y, 10m, 4d at home of son); memb Church of God a number of yrs; funeral at 1st Baptist Ch.; chren remain
03/04/187567KIPLINGER, Elizabeth*80OHOH: Ashland Co.: Layfaette [sic] (d Feb 12, 1875 age 80y, 14d); w/ husb to OH 1826; joined Evan. Assn. 1833; her house used for worship services, her home an oasis for weary itinerant; 10 chren remain; husb d 3 1/2 yrs ago; lung fever
03/04/187567ALBRIGHT, Margaret*67ALBRIGHT, DanielPAPA: Bucks Co.: Hilltown (d Feb 14, 1875 age 67y, 10m, 26d); morth of Rev. B. D. of the East PA Conf.; husb also remains; dropsy of heart
03/04/187567ALBRIGHT, Daniel-----, Margaret*
03/04/187567SCHNITZ, John G.*82INWEURTEMBERG [sic] (b)IN: Huntington Co.: Antioch area (res); d Feb 15, 1875 age 82y, 11d; to AMER 1831 to Greensburg area, OH; converted there; to IN 1846; his house a welcome home for the itinerant; 6 chren remain; wife, 7 chren dead
03/11/187575FREYBERGER, Lucinda*28SHRACKOHOH: Fulton Co.: Fulton Tp. (d Feb 25, 1875 age 28y, 10m, 23d); husb, 1 child remain. Minister: J. PAULIN
03/11/187575SHRACK, Lucinda*28FREYBERGER, -----OHOH: Fulton Co.: Fulton Tp. (d Feb 25, 1875 age 28y, 10m, 23d); husb, 1 child remain. Minister: J. PAULIN
03/11/187575CROPP, Caroline*27CROPP, WilliamPAPA: Forest Co.: Duch Hill (d Feb 25, 1875 age 27y, 15d); husb, 4 chren, pars, 4 sis remain
03/11/187575CROPP, William-----, Caroline*
03/11/187575KESSER, Rebecca B.*27ILIL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Feb 25, 1875 age 27y, 6m, 10d); dau of Casamire & Susan Kesser. " É she was the principle stay of an invalid father and an aged mother whom she supported with great credit to herself." Widowed mother remains
03/11/187575HERBEST [sic], -----*--PAPA: Union Co.: Buffalo Valley (d Feb 17, 1875); embraced religion ca 16 yrs ago. "The Church has lost a good man, the family a good father, and the neighborhood a useful citizenÉ."
03/11/187575SECRIST, Elizabeth*57BAKERSECRIST, MichaelOHMD (b)OH: Richland Co.: Independence (d Feb 28, 1875 age 57y, 7m, 13d); md in Richland Co. ca 37 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain; liver complain / spinal disease 13 wks
03/11/187575BAKER, Elizabeth*57SECRIST, MichaelOHMD (b)OH: Richland Co.: Independence (d Feb 28, 1875 age 57y, 7m, 13d); md in Richland Co. ca 37 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain; liver complain / spinal disease 13 wks
03/11/187575SECRIST, MichaelBAKER, Elizabeth*
03/11/187575HILL, Margaret*46HILL, PeterPAPA: Indiana Co.: Strongston [sic] area (d Dec 6, 1874 age 46y, 6m, 15d); husb, 6 chren, mother, 3 sis remain; consumption
03/11/187575HILL, Peter-----, Margaret*
03/11/187575COMBS, Benjamin F.*67SMITH, AmeliaOHOH: Belmont Co. (b)OH: Williams Co.: West Unity area (d Feb 1875 age 67y, 5d); pars Orthodox Quakers; w/ father's family to Richland Co. 1829; md 1832; wife, 6 chren remain [good description of his character]
03/11/187575SMITH, AmeliaCOMBS, Benjamin F.*
03/11/187575COMBS, AmeliaCOMBS, Benjamin F.*
03/11/187575RUSTERHOLTZ, Catharine*69RUSTERHOLTZ, John J.PAGERMANY: Wurtemburg: Weibley (res prev)PA: Erie Co.: McKean (d Feb 24, 1875 age 69y, 4m, 28d); 9 chren remain
03/11/187575RUSTERHOLTZ, John J.-----, Catharine*
03/11/187575RUSTERHOLTZ, Henry*--PAPA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d Sep 8, 1874); wife, chren remain; fell into a 60-foot well [notice date of death]
03/11/187575REMALY, Mary M.*67PAPA: Columbia Co. (d Feb 18, 1875 age 67y, 4m, 9d). "She was a pattern of plainness, that would be well to imitate." Husb, 5 daus, 2 sons remain; pleurisy / general prostration
03/18/187583WOLF, David (Rev.)*76SWARTZ, LydiaOHPA: Dauphin Co. (b Oct 25, 1797)OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay area (res); d Oct 2, 1874 age 76y, 11m, 7d); served Lancaster circuits; md 1823; wife, 2 daus, 3 sons remain, one being M. E. minister; 6 chren died, including 4 sons who d Civil War. Minister: C. M. REINHOLD [note date of death]
03/18/187583SWARTZ, LydiaWOLF, David (Rev.)*
03/18/187583WOLF, LydiaWOLF, David (Rev.)*
03/18/187583GOODMAN, Anna*29PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Joy (d Feb 22, 1875 age 29y, 6m, 22d); husb, 4 sm chren remain
03/18/187583SWARTZ, Mary*62OHOH: Hancock Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Feb 26, 1875 age 62y, 6m, 2d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; typhoid pneumonia. Minister: W. A. SHISLER
03/18/187583GEIST, Susannah*26YOUNGGEIST, AndrewPAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d Feb 23, 1875 age 26y, 3m, 23d); dau of Michael; husb, 3 chren [one 5 days old], pars, siblings remain
03/18/187583YOUNG, Susannah*26GEIST, AndrewPAPA: Jefferson Co.: Beaver Tp. (d Feb 23, 1875 age 26y, 3m, 23d); dau of Michael; husb, 3 chren [one 5 days old], pars, siblings remain
03/18/187583GEIST, AndrewYOUNG, Susannah*
03/18/187583FLOHR, Aurilla Elizabeth*28RADERFLOHR, OliverOHPA: Northumberland Co. (b Jun 6, 1846)OH: Crawford Co. (d Mar 3, 1875 age 28y, 8m, 27d); dau of Henry A. & Elizabeth; husb, 4 dear little ones remain
03/18/187583RADER, Aurilla Elizabeth*28FLOHR, OliverOHPA: Northumberland Co. (b Jun 6, 1846)OH: Crawford Co. (d Mar 3, 1875 age 28y, 8m, 27d); dau of Henry A. & Elizabeth; husb, 4 dear little ones remain
03/18/187583FLOHR, OliverRADER, Aurilla Elizabeth*
03/18/187583HARTMAN, Catharine*29OHOH: Fulton Co. (d Feb 28, 1875 age 29y, 6m, 28d); converted 6 yrs ago; siblings remain; bur in little cem at Immanuel's Church, Clinton Tp., Fulton Co.
03/18/187583FLISHER, Juliana*84SWABFLISHER, John (husb #2; husb of Armstrong Co., PA; md for 18 yrs when he died)IAPA: Berks Co. (b Jul 1, 1790)IA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d Feb 18, 1875 age 84y, 7m, 17d); a widow for 10 yrs between mges. "The balance of her life, ten years, she lived with her son-in-law, D. MOSIER [or MOSLER], with whom she moved to IowaÉ."
03/18/187583SWAB, Juliana*84MATTER, Christian (husb #1; md 1814; husb of Lyken's Valley, Dauphin Co; md 22 yrs; had 5 sons, 1 dau)IAPA: Berks Co. (b Jul 1, 1790)IA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d Feb 18, 1875 age 84y, 7m, 17d); a widow for 10 yrs between mges. "The balance of her life, ten years, she lived with her son-in-law, D. MOSIER [or MOSLER], with whom she moved to IowaÉ."
03/18/187583MATTER, Juliana*84SWABFLISHER, John (husb #2; husb of Armstrong Co., PA; md for 18 yrs when he died)IAPA: Berks Co. (b Jul 1, 1790)IA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d Feb 18, 1875 age 84y, 7m, 17d); a widow for 10 yrs between mges. "The balance of her life, ten years, she lived with her son-in-law, D. MOSIER [or MOSLER], with whom she moved to IowaÉ."
03/18/187583FLISHER, JohnMATTER, Juliana SWAB*
03/18/187583MATTER, ChristianSWAB, Juliana*
03/18/187583STERNER, E. O.*36PAPA: Creston (d Feb 25, 1875 age 36y, 9m); wife, 4 chren remain; ulceration of stomach
03/18/187583MASON, Laura E.*24PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Toledo (d Feb 28, 1875 age 24y, 2m, 5d); husb, 3 little chren remain
03/18/187583SLIFER, Esther*66SCHOLLSLIFER, SamuelWIPA: Montgomery Co. (b)WI: Portage City (d Feb 20, 1875 age 66y, 4m, 16d); md Feb 10, 1827; to Philadelphia, PA, 1838; to Portage City 1849; a widow for 22 yrs; res 20yrs w/ oldest dau, Mrs. HERI-EL [?]; 2 sons, 4 daus remain
03/18/187583SCHOLL, Esther*66SLIFER, SamuelWIPA: Montgomery Co. (b)WI: Portage City (d Feb 20, 1875 age 66y, 4m, 16d); md Feb 10, 1827; to Philadelphia, PA, 1838; to Portage City 1849; a widow for 22 yrs; res 20yrs w/ oldest dau, Mrs. Herizel; 2 sons, 4 daus remain
03/18/187583SLIFER, SamuelSCHOLL, Esther*
03/18/187583HOOVER, John Jonathan*56PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Mt. Carmel (d Mar 4, 1875 age 56y, 11m, 5d; 3 sons, 5 daus remain; rheuymatism / heart congestion
03/18/187583MUSSELMAN, Sadie Isabella*18PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Mt. Carmel (d Feb 27, 1875 age 18y, 7m, 17d); widowed mother, sisters remain; consumption ca 8 mos
03/18/187583LOOS, William*21OHOH: Tiffin area (d Mar 5, 1875 age 21y, 6m, 29d); kicked in head by colt as he & nephew, Franklin Rosenberger, age 12, were driving to woods w/ a team hitched to a mud boat; wife of 2+ yrs, pars, brothers, 1 sis remain
03/25/187591MILES, Sarah*23SMIDTMILES, WilliamONTONT: Waterloo Co.: Hespeler (d Mar 5, 1875 age 23y, 5m); eldest dau of Adolph & Rachel; husb, 2 chren, pars, "3 brothers and sisters," aged grpars remain; inflammation / typhoid fever
03/25/187591SMIDT, Sarah*23MILES, WilliamONTONT: Waterloo Co.: Hespeler (d Mar 5, 1875 age 23y, 5m); eldest dau of Adolph & Rachel; husb, 2 chren, pars, "3 brothers and sisters," aged grpars remain; inflammation / typhoid fever
03/25/187591MILES, WilliamSMIDT, Sarah*
03/25/187591EGGERT, Sophia W.*63JUNGBLUTEGGERT, Fred.IAGERMANY: Lippe-Detmold: Brackelsick (b)IA: Ackley (d Feb 27, 1875 age 63y, 5m, 19d); w/ husb to AMER to Milwaukee, then a wilderness; walked 70 mi to ch meeting in Wheeling, IL; res prev Stephenson Co., IL before IA; husb, 7 chren remain
03/25/187591JUNGBLUT, Sophia W.*63EGGERT, Fred.IAGERMANY: Lippe-Detmold: Brackelsick (b)IA: Ackley (d Feb 27, 1875 age 63y, 5m, 19d); w/ husb to AMER to Milwaukee, then a wilderness; walked 70 mi to ch meeting in Wheeling, IL; res prev Stephenson Co., IL before IA; husb, 7 chren remain
03/25/187591EGGERT, Fred.JUNGBLUT, Sophia W.*
03/25/187591EXAMPLE, walked 70 mi to church mtgsee Sophia W. EGGERT, Mar 25, 1875 p 91
03/25/187591DRENNAN, Ursula*43DRENNAN, JohnOHOH: Trumbull Co.: Southington Tp. (d Mar 10, 1875); memb Evan. Assn. Pleasant Hill Ch; husb, 3 chren [one a few days old], several bros remain. "She was É her pastor's unwavering friend." Many attributes listed
03/25/187591DRENNAN, John-----, Ursula*
03/25/187591KIDWILL, William R.*54INMD (b)IN: Tippecanoe Co. (d Mar 2, 1875 age 54y, 5m, 17d); w/ pars to Pickaway Co., OH, then to IN; wife, 7 chren remain
03/25/187591COBLE, Rebecca*46PAPA: York (d Mar 1, 1875 age 46y, 11m, 18d). "She was an affectionate wife, and the mother of four children. Sister C. leaves a deeply afflicted husband, one child and one adopted childÉ." Bur Prospect Hill Cem.
03/25/187591DELCAMP, Sarah*61WILDERMUTHPAPA: Dauphin Co.: Wicinisco [sic] (d Mar 5, 1875 age 61y, 1m, 1d); remains brought to Schuylkill Haven, where she lived; 10 of her chren remain; heart disease
03/25/187591WILDERMUTH, Sarah*61DELCAMP, -----PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Wicinisco [sic] (d Mar 5, 1875 age 61y, 1m, 1d); remains brought to Schuylkill Haven, where she lived; 10 of her chren remain; heart disease
03/25/187591JONES, -----* [female]73----: Cherrytree area (d Mar 2, 1875 at home of son-in-law, John NOTLEYS); mind impaired for some time past. Minister: D. K. LAVAN
03/25/187591MILLER, Mary Catharine*83PAPA: Bedford Co.: Bridgeport (d Jan 20, 1875); one of oldest membs; 5 chren remain
03/25/187591FRESHOWER, Daniel*46MIMI: Alligan [sic] Co.: at the Junction (d Feb 27, 1875); wife, 3 chren remain
03/25/187591ISBELL, Sarah*29RARERISBELL, JohnININ: Noble Co.: Avilla (d Mar 13, 1875 age 29y, 3m, 4d); husb, 3 chren, pars remain; consumption 6 mos
03/25/187591RARER, Sarah*29ISBELL, JohnININ: Noble Co.: Avilla (d Mar 13, 1875 age 29y, 3m, 4d); husb, 3 chren, pars remain; consumption 6 mos
03/25/187591ISBELL, JohnRARER, Sarah*
04/01/187599PENTICO, Willie*17IAIA: Prairie City area (d Jan 30, 1875 age 18y, 1m, 15d); son of Philip & Mary
04/01/187599GYER, Israel*53PAPA: Union Co.: White Deer Tp. (d Mar 10, 1875) widow, number of chren remain
04/01/187599BOWERS, Clara Jane*19OHOH: Sandusky Co.: Lindsay (d Mar 16, 1875 age 19y, 1m, 28d); youngest dau of Cyrus & Catherine; pars, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; bur Flat Rock Cem.
04/01/187599BEED, Mary Louisa*20HACKENBEED, WalterIAWI (b)IA: Franklin Co.: Hampton area (d Mar 10, 1875 age 20y, 7m, 15d); dau of Henry; md a short time; husb, infant child remain
04/01/187599HACKEN, Mary Louisa*20BEED, WalterIAWI (b)IA: Franklin Co.: Hampton area (d Mar 10, 1875 age 20y, 7m, 15d); dau of Henry; md a short time; husb, infant child remain
04/01/187599BEED, WalterHACKEN, Mary Louisa*
04/01/187599BAKER, Alice Ann*21BAKER, William B.*PAPA: Allentown (d Mar 6, 1875 age 21y, 3m, 9d)
04/01/187599BAKER, William B.*-----, Alice Ann*PAPA: Allentown (d Mar 6, 1875 age 21y, 3m, 9d)
04/01/187599SCHOCH, -----* [male]50ININ: Elkhart (d Mar 16, 1875 age 50y, 9m, 20d); widow, 3 sons, bro, sis remain; inflammation of lungs
04/01/187599SHAUFLER, Mary*23PAPA: Dauphin Co.: West Hanover (d Mar 9, 1875 age 23y, 2m, 15d); husb, 3 chren remain; erysipelas
04/01/187599FATSINGER, Harvey*25PAPA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d Mar 10, 1875 age 25y, 7d); widow, 2 sm chren remain; consumption
04/01/187599ROHREY, William Robert*53ILIL: Freeport (d Mar 19, 1875 age 53y, 1m, 21d); wife, 6 chren remain; lung & typhoid fever
04/01/187599REESE, Sallie*ca57PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Leesburg (d Mar 2, 1875). "Her place in the church was always occupied, when health permitted."
04/01/187599ERB, Frederick*77PAPA: Snyder Co.: Middleburg area (d Mar 17, 1875 age 77y, 7m, 8d); wife, 3 chren remain; palsy
04/01/187599KAUFMAN, Henry*61PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Mt. Carmel (d Mar 18, 1875 age 61y, 11m, 7d); converted ca 27 yrs ago in Luth. Ch. in Irish Valley. " ... he took his cane and traveled to the church when he was scarcely ableÉ." Wife, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
04/01/187599ZERKLE, Sabina*52ZERKLE, JonathanINVA: Shenandoah Co. (b)IN: De Kalb Co.: Waterloo (d [no date] age 52y, 9m, 5d); embraced religion age 16 in Fairfield Co., OH; md 1841; to Champagne [sic] Co., OH; to IN 1864; husb, 5 chren, pars remain; dropsy
04/01/187599ZERKLE, Jonathan-----, Sabina*
04/01/187599HOUSER, S. Melissa*23ININ: Adams Co. (d Mar 13, 1875 age 23y, 15d); converted 3 yrs ago at the Jerusalem Ch.; md ca 1 yr ago; husb remains
04/01/187599WASS, Lizzie D.*34WASS, W. I. B.INOH: Carroll Co. (b Sep 16, 1875 [sic])IN: Adams Co. (d Mar 6, 1875 age 34y, 5m, 12d); husb, 6 chren; pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain [birthdate incorrect]
04/01/187599WASS, W. I. B.-----, Lizzie D.*
04/01/187599MC KENZIE, Mary E.*22KUMMERERMC KENZIE, DonaldILPA: Allentown (b)IL: Freeport (d Mar 14, 1875 age 23y less 3m, 6d at home of pars); dau of Jonas B. & Lovina H.; md 3 yrs ago, they to Polo; last Fall to Sterling, IL; bur in wedding dress; husb, infant dau one wk old, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain
04/01/187599KUMMERER, Mary E.*22MC KENZIE, DonaldILPA: Allentown (b)IL: Freeport (d Mar 14, 1875 age 23y less 3m, 6d at home of pars); dau of Jonas B. & Lovina H.; md 3 yrs ago, they to Polo; last Fall to Sterling, IL; bur in wedding dress; husb, infant dau one wk old, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain
04/01/187599MC KENZIE, DonaldKUMMERER, Mary E.*
04/08/1875107SITTLER, -----* [female]91MDGERMANY (b)MD: Baltimore (d Mar 19, 1875 age 91y, 3m, 15d); at ca 10 yrs w/ pars to AMER; both pars d on voyage; landed a lone orphan; joined Otterbein Ch., Baltimore; res Aged Woman's Home ca 23 yrs; thanked God for kindly care in her old age
04/08/1875107EXAMPLE, orphaned on voyage to AMERsee ----- SITTLER, Apr 8, 1875 p 107
04/08/1875107MIESSE, Samantha*19OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Dumontsville area (d Feb 15, 1875); dau of Joseph & Esther; pars, siblings remain; consumption ca 7 mos
04/08/1875107BAUGHMAN, Rebecca Catharine*21OHOH: Hocking Co.: Millville (d Feb 15, 1875); dau of J. G. & Phoebe; consumption
04/08/1875107RIEDLINGER, Christian*66REDLINGER, ElizabethILALSACE: Gerstheim (b)IL: Lake Co.: Vernon Tp. (d Mar 26, 1875 age 66y, 5m, 18d); md 1839; to AMER 1841 to IL; widow, chren remain; asthma
04/08/1875107REDLINGER, ElizabethRIEDLINGER, Christian*
04/08/1875107GEORGE, Sarah A.*28GEORGE, StephenOHOH: Hancock Co.: Benton (d Mar 21, 1875); husb, 2 sm chren remain [this may be Benton Ridge]
04/08/1875107GEORGE, Stephen-----, Sarah A.*
04/08/1875107HORNING, Mary M.*49PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Schwenksville area (d Mar 5, 1875 age 49y, 6m, 6d); husb, 3 chren remain
04/08/1875107DRENNEN, John*63OHOH: Trumbull Co.: Pleasant Hill area (d Mar 16, 1875); died 6 days after his wife, Ursula; 5 chren remain
04/08/1875107DRENNEN, Ursula*--DRENNEN, JohnOHOH: Trumbull Co.: Pleasant Hill area (d Mar 10, 1875); died 6 days before husb, John; 5 chren remain
04/08/1875107DRENNEN, John-----, Ursula*
04/08/1875107DENMAN, John*72OHOH: Shanesville (d [no date] age 72y, 11m, 22d). "He leaves three children and his wife with whom he lived in holy wedlock some five weeksÉ." [md twice, wives not named here]
04/08/1875107FOX, Elizabeth*83ILIL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d Mar 10, 1875 age 83y, 1m, 26d); confined to bed ca 4 wks; chren remain
04/08/1875107FOX, Allie*--ILIL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d Mar 4, 1875); dau of Henry & Sarah; she was a bright & faithful S.S. scholar; lung fever
04/08/1875107FLICK, Lydia*56ININ: Fort Wayne area (d Mar 25, 1875 age 56y, 11m, 18d at home of son-in-law, Dr. A. J. RAUCH); converted 20 yrs ago in Hancock Co., OH; 7 chren remain; rheumatism / heart clot caused almost instant death
04/08/1875107METZGER, -----* [female]73PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d Mar 16, 1875 age 75y, 2m, 23d); 9 chren remain, one son is Rev. J. N. of East PA Conf.; apoplectic attacks
04/08/1875107ALLDRITT, Orrilla*46ALLDRITT, RichardILIL: Clyde (d Mar 21, 1875 age 46y, 11m, 12d); always in good cheer, a kind word for everyone. "All the children have been sick. The eldest daughter is seriously ill." Lung fever
04/08/1875107ALLDRITT, Richard-----, Orrilla*
04/08/1875107BRASEFIELD, Ruth Ann*56BRASEFIELD, EmanuelPAPA: Cressona (d Mar 18, 1875 age 56y, 4m, 18d); husb, 5 chren remain; bur Pottsville Cem.; dropsy 15 yrs
04/08/1875107BRASEFIELD, Emanuel-----, Ruth Ann*
04/08/1875107KNEISLEY, Michael*71PAPA: Millersville area (d Mar 8, 1875 age 71y, 19d); widow, 3 chren remain; bur Millersville Cem.; apoplexy
04/08/1875107SMITH, Eve*58PAPA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown area (d Mar 20, 1875 age 58y, 7m, 29d); husb, 9 chren, aged father remain; in usual health in the evening, died in the night; "heart disease or apoplexy"
04/08/1875107REED, Martha*49HILL?REED, WilliamOHOH: Pickaway Co.: Nebraska area (d Mar 16, 1875 age 49y, 3m, 28d); md ca 27 yrs ago; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Circleville Cem.; consumption
04/08/1875107HILL [?], Martha*49REED, WilliamOHOH: Pickaway Co.: Nebraska area (d Mar 16, 1875 age 49y, 3m, 28d); md ca 27 yrs ago; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Circleville Cem.; consumption
04/08/1875107REED, WilliamHILL [?], Martha*
04/08/1875107WALTER, -----*--PAPA: Union Co.: Buffalo Valley (d Mar 18, 1875); husb, 5 chren remain
04/08/1875107DREHMER, John*39NYNY: Rochester (b)NY: Fremont (d Mar 11, 1875 age 39y, 2m, 28d); first born of George C. & Anna Sophia; his closing days filled w/ much bodily pain & anguish
04/08/1875107GOSS, John*66?OHOH: Hocking Co.: Millville area (d Mar 6, 1875 age 66 [?]y, 11m, 1d); wife, 5 chren remain; 8 chren dead; asthma
04/08/1875107ROULS, Phoebe*41ROULS, WilliamININ: Buena Vista area (d Mar 25, 1875 age 41y, 2m, 10d); husb, chren [one being only a few days old] remain
04/08/1875107ROULS, William-----, Phoebe*
04/08/1875107VANDYKE, E. B. (Rev.)*29SHAFFNER, SusannahPAPA: Clarion Co. (b Mar 3, 1846)PA: Ligonier circuit, junior preacher; md 1865; natural ability in singing; wife remains; bur Paradise Cem.; consumption. Ministers: J. J. BERNHART, M. H. SHANNON
04/08/1875107SHAFFNER, SusannahVANDYKE, E. B. (Rev.)*
04/08/1875107VANDYKE, SusannahVANDYKE, E. B. (Rev.)*
04/15/1875115ROEDER, Mary*27PAPA: Bethlehem (d Mar 18, 1875 age 27y, 6m, 25d); husb, infant child, aged pars remain; consumption
04/15/1875115HOWLAND, Mary Amanda*20DICKHOWLAND, WarrenPAPA: Erie (d Mar 20, 1875 age 20y, 7m, 21d); dau of Rev. J. DICK; husb to whom she was md 7 mos remains; hysteria mania
04/15/1875115DICK, Mary Amanda*20HOWLAND, WarrenPAPA: Erie (d Mar 20, 1875 age 20y, 7m, 21d); dau of Rev. J. DICK; husb to whom she was md 7 mos remains; hysteria mania
04/15/1875115HOWLAND, WarrenDICK, Mary Amanda*
04/15/1875115GUENTHER, Maria*47PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Ashland area (d Mar 19, 1875 age 47y, 2d); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption
04/15/1875115BEST, Simon*63----: Loran (d Mar 30, 1875 age 63y, 8m, 3d); widow, 6 chren remain. Minister: H. F. LASHELL
04/15/1875115WEAVER, David*49PAPA: Clarion Co.: Richland (d Mar 20, 1875 age 49y, 4m, 24d); wife, chren, mother [upwards of 90 yrs old] remain; erysipelas 6 wks
04/15/1875115GRENEWALD, A. M.* [female]16PAPA: Drehersville area (d Mar 27, 1875 age 16y, 1m, 28d); consumption 9 wks
04/15/1875115DONELSON, Ruhamah* [and babe]ca34PAPA: Venango Co.: Clinton Tp. (d Mar 26, 1875); husb, 3 chren remain. "She was buried on the 28th with her babe in her arms."
04/15/1875115BAKER, Mary Jane*35----: Minister: CARMANY, J. J.; d Feb 17, 1875 age 35y, 10m, 23d); cancer / pneumonia
04/15/1875115SHOFFNER, John*81ILIL: Will Co.: Joliet area, ca 5 mi southeast (d Mar 31, 1875 age 81y, 13d); widow, 7 chren remain; bleeding of lungs
04/15/1875115DUNKELBERGER, Jacob*72MAURER, CatharinePAPA: Northumberland Co.: Little Mahanoy Tp. (b)PA: Schuylkill Co. (d Mar 21, 1875 age 72y, 11m, 20d); md 1827; 9 chren remain [status of wife unclear to the reader]; stroke of palsy
04/15/1875115MAURER, CatharineDUNKELBERGER, Jacob*
04/15/1875115DUNKELBERGER, CatharineDUNKELBERGER, Jacob*
04/15/1875115BRUCH, Melinda*27YOUNGBRUCH, GeorgePAPA: Northampton Co.: Bangor (d Mar 26, 1875 age 27y, 10m, 22d); dau of Henry; husb, 4 chren [one a week old], father, siblings remain; bur Bangor
04/15/1875115YOUNG, Melinda*27BRUCH, GeorgePAPA: Northampton Co.: Bangor (d Mar 26, 1875 age 27y, 10m, 22d); dau of Henry; husb, 4 chren [one a week old], father, siblings remain; bur Bangor
04/15/1875115BRUCH, GeorgeYOUNG, Melinda*
04/15/1875115KREISHER, Charles*42OHOH: Ashland (d Mar 15, 1875 age 42y, 8m, 22d); to AMER age 15 to Bristol, OH; in carriage business in Ashland; to barn to fix a support for overhead lumber when upper floor gave way, crushing him, breaking his neck, mashing his head; wife, 7 chren remain
04/15/1875115KERN, John*71ININ: Adams Co.: Decatur area (d Mar 31, 1875 age 71y, 3m, 27d); class leader 23 yrs, steward for 10; wife, 6 chren remain; bur in graveyard nr his residence; lung fever
04/15/1875115FLICKINGER, Samuel*77ILPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IL: Rock Island Co.: Port Byron area (d Feb 22, 1875); in PA res 7-8 mi east of Carlisle; camp-meetings held on his land; to IL 1849; wife, 10 chren remain. Minister: D. N. LONG, his son-in-law
04/15/1875115HIGH, Rachel*30HUSTONHIGH, John (Rev.), of East PA Conf.PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d Mar 27, 1875 age 30y, 5m, 5d); dau of James & Aletha; md 8+ yrs ago; mentions chren; remains removed to former home nr Hopewell Furnace, then bur in graveyard of Ebenezer M.E. Ch. nr St. Mary's, Chester Co., PA
04/15/1875115HUSTON, Rachel*30HIGH, John (Rev.), of East PA Conf.PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d Mar 27, 1875 age 30y, 5m, 5d); dau of James & Aletha; md 8+ yrs ago; mentions chren; remains removed to former home nr Hopewell Furnace, then bur in graveyard of Ebenezer M.E. Ch. nr St. Mary's, Chester Co., PA
04/15/1875115HIGH, John (Rev.)HUSTON, Rachel*of East PA Conf.
04/22/1875123KILLINGER, John*50OHPA: Franklin Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Apr 7, 1875 age 50y, 11m, 29); early manhood to OH; widow, 5 chren remain; lingering disease
04/22/1875123STOKES, John*58OHOH: Marion Co. (d Apr 1, 1874 [sic] age 58y, 11m, 7d); wife, son, dau remain [notice death date]
04/22/1875123MILLER, Mary Jane*33MILLER, AnthonyPAPA: Cambria Co. (d Mar 25, 1875 age 33y, 2m, 21d); husb, 2 chren remain
04/22/1875123MILLER, Anthony-----, Mary Jane*
04/22/1875123DREHNER, Elizabeth*36DREHNER, HarrisonPAPA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d Mar 25, 1875 age 36y, 3m); husb, 4 chren remain
04/22/1875123DREHNER, Harrison-----, Elizabeth*
04/22/1875123LONG, William*55INPA: Lancaster Co. (b 1818)IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Nov 10, 1874); 8 chren remain; returning from Indianapolis to E. Germantown, while exiting at the latter place, fell between the cars onto the track, was instantly killed. Minister: S. S. ALBERT
04/22/1875123BEAR, Mary*32SHISSLERBEAR, AmosININ: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (b)IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Mar 18, 1875 age 32y, 3m, 23d); age 13 joined Disciple Church; md Dec 31, 1865; 2 yrs ago joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: S. S. ALBERT [obit heading is BEER]
04/22/1875123SHISSLER, Mary*32BEAR, AmosIN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Mar 18, 1875 age 32y, 3m, 23d); age 13 joined Disciple Church; md Dec 31, 1865; 2 yrs ago joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: S. S. ALBERT
04/22/1875123BEAR, AmosSHISSLER, Mary*[obit heading is BEER]
04/22/1875123EBERHART, Louisa*18PAPA: Allegheny City (d Apr 8, 1875 age 18y, 6m, 8d); father, step-mother, siblings remain; inflammation
04/22/1875123SWIMLER, -----* [male]60PAPA: JuniataCo.: McAlesterville area (d Apr 9, 1875 age 60y, 5d); wife, 2 chren remain
04/22/1875123HEISEY, Susannah*40HEISEY, HenryIAIA: Jones Co.: Pararie [sic] Hill (d Mar 29 age 40y, 6m, 24d); husb, 9 chren remain
04/22/1875123HEISEY, Henry-----, Susannah*
04/22/1875123SHAFER, Augusta C.*28FLYTESHAFER, FrederickPAPA: Northampton Co.: Nazareth area (d Jan 28, 1875 age 28y, 8m); dau of Samuel & Elizabeth; husb, 5 chren remain
04/22/1875123FLYTE, Augusta C.*28SHAFER, FrederickPAPA: Northampton Co.: Nazareth area (d Jan 28, 1875 age 28y, 8m); dau of Samuel & Elizabeth; husb, 5 chren remain
04/22/1875123SHAFER, FrederickFLYTE, Augusta C.*
04/22/1875123STAUFFER, Sarah E.*33PAPA: York Co.: Millersville area (d Mar 21, 1875 age 33y, 7m, 11d)
04/22/1875123GRIM, Sarah*67GRIM, MichaelPAPA: York Co.: Adamsville area (d Apr 8, 1875 age 67y, ca 4m); husb, 12 chren remain
04/22/1875123GRIM, Michael-----, Sarah *
04/22/1875123BECK, Juliana*79OHPA: Centre Co. (res prev)OH: Flat Rock (d Apr 6, 1875 age 80 yrs less 2 ds; paralytic stroke deprived her of speech
04/22/1875123REIFSNIDER, Mary*77REIFSNIDER, DanielOHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Stark Co.: Greentown (d [no date] age 77y, 3m, 22d); converted Orwigsburg, PA, ca 51 yrs ago; 5 chren remain
04/22/1875123REIFSNIDER, Daniel-----, Mary*
04/22/1875123DENGLER, Isaac*66PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Mar 20, 1875 age 66y, 2m, 12d); widow, 2 sons, 3 daus remain
04/22/1875123KEEBAUCH, David*64PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg area (d [no date] age 64y, 7m, 20d); wife, 8 chren remain
04/22/1875123WISE, Sarah*30PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg area (d Mar 29, 1875). "She leaves parent and brethren to mourn their loss."
04/22/1875123BACHER, Mary Magdalene*61STHAREILPA: Luzerne Co.: Black Creek Valley (b)IL: Lee Co.: Eldena area (d Apr 4, 1875 age 61y, 1m, 2d); dau of Peter & Mary; joined Evan. Assn. 1861; prev memb Lutheran Ch.; the night before she died, her youngest son was converted; husb, 2 sons, 6 daus remain
04/22/1875123STHARE, Mary Magdalene*61BACHER, -----ILPA: Luzerne Co.: Black Creek Valley (b)IL: Lee Co.: Eldena area (d Apr 4, 1875 age 61y, 1m, 2d); dau of Peter & Mary; joined Evan. Assn. 1861; prev memb Lutheran Ch.; the night before she died, her youngest son was converted; husb, 2 sons, 6 daus remain
04/29/1875131KOONS, Augusta*10MIMI: Clinton Co.: Greenbush (d Mar 10, 1875 age 10y, 11m, 12d); dau of Moses & Elizabeth; sleeps in same grave w/ sis Clara Ann; measles / sore throat 8 days
04/29/1875131KOONS, Clara Ann*5MIMI: Clinton Co.: Greenbush (d Mar 12, 1875 age 5y, 5m, 24d); dau of Moses & Elizabeth; sleeps in same grave w/ sis Augusta; measles / sore throat 8 days
04/29/1875131KOONS, -----* [Moses' dau-in-law + her infant]--MIMI: Clinton Co. (d [no date]); she & infant d from measles / sore throat; she the wife of Moses KOONS' son [no given names stated]; see obit for Augusta & Clara Ann KOONS
04/29/1875131MYERS, Eliza*30SCHROCKMYERS, C.OHOH: Marion Co.: Clariden [sic] Tp. (d Apr 6, 1875 age 30y, 6d); dau of John & Barbara; husb, 6 chren remain
04/29/1875131SCHROCK, Eliza*30MYERS, C.OHOH: Marion Co.: Clariden [sic] Tp. (d Apr 6, 1875 age 30y, 6d); dau of John & Barbara; husb, 6 chren remain
04/29/1875131MYERS, C.SCHROCK, Eliza*
04/29/1875131BUTTS, -----* [male]61ILIL: Naperville (d Mar 30, 1875 age 61y, 10m, 4d); widow, 4 chren remain
04/29/1875131DUERR, A.* [male]35ILIL: Naperville (d Apr 1, 1875 age 35y, 10m, 6d); widow, 2 chren, mother, siblings remain; a well-digger, descended to depth of 70 feet, on ascent, part of shaft above him gave way, hitting him on the head, killing him instantly
04/29/1875131SAYLOR, Jacob M.*37ILPA: Orwigsburgh (b)IL: Naperville (d Mar 24, 1875 age 37y, 8m, 28d); son of Jacob & Priscilla; pars, 6 bros, 3 sis remain; since age 3 suffered from a nervous affection, which entirely disabled him; inflammation of lungs
04/29/1875131LONG, Isaac H.*45BAUMGAERTNER, BarbaraNEOH: Columbiana Co. (b)NE: Hamilton Co. (d Feb 26, 1875 age 45y, 10m, 23? d); son of the sainted Bishop J. LONG; md Jul 1852; wife, 3 chren remain [son of Bishop J. LONG]
04/29/1875131BAUMGAERTNER, BarbaraLONG, Isaac H.*
04/29/1875131LONG, BarbaraLONG, Isaac H.*
04/29/1875131NEWCOMMER, John*64PAPA: Perry Co.: Loyesville [sic] (d Apr 10, 1875 age 64y, 8m, 5d); a regular "tenter" at camp-meetings; widow, 2 sons, 4 daus remain
04/29/1875131FREY, Anna Mary*33MUELLERILIL: Lake Co.: Deerfield area (d Apr 13, 1875 age 33y, 3m, 3d); husb, 4 chren, father, 5 bros, 4 sis remain
04/29/1875131MUELLER, Anna Mary*33FREY, -----ILIL: Lake Co.: Deerfield area (d Apr 13, 1875 age 33y, 3m, 3d); husb, 4 chren, father, 5 bros, 4 sis remain
04/29/1875131WESSLING, Regina*62SOETEBIERSILIL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Mar 26, 1875 age 62y, 4m, 15d at home of son); 3 chren remain
04/29/1875131SOETEBIERS, Regina*62WESSLING, -----ILIL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Mar 26, 1875 age 62y, 4m, 15d at home of son); 3 chren remain
04/29/1875131McQUILLON, Samantha*17OHOH: Fulton Co.: Delta area (d Apr 7, 1875 age 18 yrs less 2d); pars, 3 bros remain; consumption 2 mos
04/29/1875131HARTMAN, Margaret*19ININ: La Grange Co.: Van Buren Town (d Mar 17 age 19y, 16d); dau of Peter; consumption 2 yrs
04/29/1875131DREISBACH, Claresa*51EISENHARTDREISBACH, CharlesPAPA: Hatfield (d Apr 14, 1875 age 51y, 9m, 19d); dau of Henry & Catharine; husb, 2 daus remain
04/29/1875131EISENHART, Claresa*51DREISBACH, CharlesPAPA: Hatfield (d Apr 14, 1875 age 51y, 9m, 19d); dau of Henry & Catharine; husb, 2 daus remain
04/29/1875131DREISBACH, CharlesEISENHART, Claresa*
04/29/1875131BRILLHART, Sarah Catharine*14IAIA: Marion Co.: Dallas area (d Jan 3, 1875 age 14y, 11m, 7d); dau of Samuel & Mary; pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain; typhoid fever 6 wks
05/06/1875139CONDERMAN, Catharine*55CONDERMAN, DavidNYNY: Hornelsville (d Apr 1, 1875); converted ca 30 yrs ago when they came into Fremont, then known as Howard; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 son d 6 mos before her
05/06/1875139CONDERMAN, David-----, Catharine*
05/06/1875139SEIFERT, Harriet*58PAPA: Blendon (d Apr 18, 1875); husb, 1 dau remain; rheumatism / apoplexy
05/06/1875139PARKS, John S.*70IAGRMANY: Hanover (b)IA: Black Hawk Co.: Laporte (d Apr 4, 1875 age 70y, 8m, 24d at res of son); to AMER 1849 to Stephenson Co., IL; to Black Hawk Co. 1854; 2 sons, 2 daus remain
05/06/1875139EPPELY, Louisa*28EPPELY, ChristianOHOH: Muskingum Co. (d Apr 5, 1875 age 28y, 9m); husb, 6 chren remain
05/06/1875139EPPELEY, Christian-----, Louisa*
05/06/1875139RASE, Wilhelmina Rose*46PAPA: Bucks Co. (d Apr 17, 1875 age 46y, 2m, 20d); husb, 5 chren remain; cancer
05/06/1875139BECKER, James William*17PAPA: Drehersville area (d Apr 9, 1875 age 17y, 11m, 7d); consumption 1 wk. Minister: H. KEMPER
05/06/1875139BECKER, Mariah Catharine*38BECKER, WilliamPAPA: Drehersville area (d Apr 12, 1875 age 39y, 2m, 28d); husb, 5 chren remain. Minister: H. KEMPER
05/06/1875139BECKER, William-----, Mariah Catharine
05/06/1875139KLINEFELTER, Susan*89KLINEFELTER, HenryPAPA: York Co.: Shrewsbury area (d [no date] age 89y, 3m, 13d); embraced religion ca 54 yrs ago. Minister: H. CONRAD
05/06/1875139KLINEFELTER, Henry-----, Susan*
05/13/1875147ZIEGLER, Mary A.*21NANDENHYDENPAPA: Herndon (d Apr 4, 1875 age 21y, 11m, 11d); dau of Samuel & Rebecca; bur Mahanoy Cem.
05/13/1875147NANDENHYDEN, Mary A.*21ZIEGLER, -----
05/13/1875147KIEFER, Mary A.*24KIEFER, John W.ININ: Mishawaka area (d May 1, 1875 age 24y, 3m, 3d); husb, 1 sm child, pars, siblings remain
05/13/1875147KIEFER, John W.-----, Mary A.*
05/13/1875147JURY, Eman.*29PAPA: Millersburg (d Apr 6, 1875 age 20y, 4m, 12d); when dying saw angels in his room, mother shouted for joy, father was converted, brothers & sisters melted to tears
05/13/1875147HOCH, Emeline*43REGENHOCH, I. or L.PAPA: Reading (d Apr 21, 1875 age 43y, 14d); husb, 4 chren remain; typhus fever
05/13/1875147REGEN, Emeline*43HOCH, I. or L.PAPA: Reading (d Apr 21, 1875 age 43y, 14d); husb, 4 chren remain; typhus fever
05/13/1875147HOCH, I. or L.REGEN, Emeline*
05/13/1875147KERN, Samuel*64ININ: Decatur area (d Apr 8, 1875 age 64y, 11m, 14d); converted 1838; widow, 3 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 5 sis remain; lung fever
05/13/1875147WOLFE, Charles D.*33PAPA: Pike Co.: Greene Tp. (d Apr 18, 1875 age 33y, 11m, 5d); widow, 4 sm chren, aged mother, siblings remain
05/13/1875147AMBROSE, John*84OHOH: Ashland Co.: Perry Tp. (d Apr 19, 1875 age 84y, 12d); 6 chren remain; funeral at Trinity Ch. Ministesr: J. S. FELGER, R. ROSEBERRY, and MITCHEL of the M. E. Ch.
05/13/1875147HARTUNG, Michael*70PAPA: Butler Co.: Zelienople (d Apr 26, 1875 age 70y, 6m, 6d); to AMER Jul 4, 1831; widow, 7 chren remain; asthma 6 yrs
05/13/1875147PAYNE, Martin V.*43OHOH: Republic area (d May 1, 1875 age 43y, 10m, 5d); remaining are wife, 4 chren by wife #1, 2 chren by wife #2, mother, siblings; consumption nearly 2 yrs [md twice, wives not named here]
05/13/1875147ZIMMERMAN, Margaret*22PAPA: Union Co.: Hartleton area (d Apr 20, 1875 age 22y, 10m, 18d); husb, 3 sm chren remain
05/13/1875147YEISLEY, Matilda*22PAPA: Union Co.: Hartleton area (d Apr 16, 1875 age 22y, 11m, 17d); husb, 2 sm babes remain
05/13/1875147WOLF, Lorenzo*23ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota (d Apr 25, 1875 age 23y, 11m, 3d); mentions his mother; funeral at Spring Creek Evan. Ch.
05/13/1875147ZEIGLER, Mary*23ZEIGLER, WilliamPAPA: Herndon (d [no date[); sickness was a protracted one
05/13/1875147ZEIGLER, William-----, Mary*
05/13/1875147HAAS, Catharine*66TOBIASHAAS, John (husb #2; md 1860)PAPA: Bernville (d Apr 25, 1875 age 66y, 3m, 16d); dau of Jonathan & Catharine; her house always a home for preachers & ch membs; husb, 4 chren, 2 bros remain
05/13/1875147TOBIAS, Catharine*66DUNDORE, Samuel (husb #1; md 1830; had 5[?] sons, 1 dau; md for 27 yrs)PA: Bernville (d Apr 25, 1875 age 66y, 3m, 16d); dau of Jonathan & Catharine; her house always a home for preachers & ch membs; husb, 4 chren, 2 bros remain
05/13/1875147DUNDORE, Catharine*66HAAS, John (husb #2; md 1860)PA: Bernville (d Apr 25, 1875 age 66y, 3m, 16d); dau of Jonathan & Catharine; her house always a home for preachers & ch membs; husb, 4 chren, 2 bros remain
05/13/1875147HAAS, JohnDUNDORE, Catharine TOBIAS*
05/13/1875147DUNDORE, SamuelTOBIAS, Catharine*
05/13/1875147WEIDENHEIMER, Simon*56PAGERMANY: Baden (b)PA: Lehighton (d Apr 27, 1875 age 56y, 17d); to AMER 1844; bur Lehighton Cem; wife remains & possibly chren; inflammation & paralysis of lungs nearly 5 wks [md twice, wives not named here]
05/13/1875147TRUMBAUR, Sarah*61RUTHTRUMBAUR, J. (Rev.)ILPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield (b Jan 9, 1814)IL: Ogle Co.: Polo (d Apr 5, 1875); md 1831; husb, 4 chren remain; 7 chren dead, including a dau who "so recently passed to the other shore"; paralyzing stroke 5 wks prev left her without speech
05/13/1875147RUTH, Sarah*61TRUMBAUR, J. (Rev.)ILPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield (b Jan 9, 1814)IL: Ogle Co.: Polo (d Apr 5, 1875); md 1831; husb, 4 chren remain; 7 chren dead, including a dau who "so recently passed to the other shore"; paralyzing stroke 5 wks prev left her without speech
05/13/1875147TRUMBAUR, J. (Rev.)RUTH, Sarah*
05/13/1875147BYERS, Josephine*22BYERS, S. (Rev.)KSKS: Baldwin City (d Mar 22, 1875); husb, 2 tender little ones remain
05/13/1875147BYERS, S. (Rev.)-----, Josephine*
05/20/1875155DETTERLINE, Eliza*82DETTERLINE, JacobPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Vogansville (d Mar 10, 1875 age 82y, 6m, 27d); husb, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead
05/20/1875155DETTERLINE, Jacob-----, Eliza*
05/20/1875155MIESSE, Annie Maria*32MAIZEMIESSE, CharlesPAPA: Pottsville (d Apr 24, 1875 age 32y, 11m, 20d); husb, 2 sm chren, aged pars remain
05/20/1875155MAIZE, Annie Maria*32MIESSE, CharlesPAPA: Pottsville (d Apr 24, 1875 age 32y, 11m, 20d); husb, 2 sm chren, aged pars remain
05/20/1875155MIESSE, CharlesMAIZE, Annie Maria*
05/20/1875155STAEHLE, Jacob F.*45PAGERMANY (b)PA: Warren (d May 3, 1875 age 45y, 9m, 5d); to AMER 22 yrs ago; widow, 8 chren remain
05/20/1875155CRAVER, Mary M.*55CRAVER, GeorgeOHOH: Trumbull Co.: Southington Tp. (d Apr 26, 1875 age 55y, 3m, 13d); husb, chren remain; inflammatory rheumatism
05/20/1875155CRAVER, George-----, Mary M.*
05/20/1875155WALTER, Paul*15OHGERMANY: Saxony: Burgstadt (b)OH: Stark Co.: Canton area (d May 9, 1875 age 15y, 2m); to AMER 1873; pars, 7 siblings remain; typhoid pneumonia 5 days
05/20/1875155BEAR, Ephraim*59PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Conestoga Center area (d May 2, 1875 age 59y, 10m, 15d); converted 40 yrs ago; wife remains; consumption
05/20/1875155WISSLER, J.* [male]75INPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IN: Miami Co. (d Mar 31, 1875 age 75y, 5m, 14d); wife, 2 chren remain; palsy 3 yrs
05/20/1875155BENNER, Elinsworth* [male]15PAPA: Hopewell Furnace (d Apr 23, 1875 age 15y, 7m); son of Griffith & Barbara; ill a few months
05/20/1875155RANCK, William*69PAPA: Mifflinburg (d Apr 29, 1875 age 69y, 6m, 7d); widow, chren remain
05/20/1875155WEAVER, Sophia*74ININ: Fort Wayne (d Apr 27, 1875 at home of son William Ray); converted many yrs ago in PA
05/20/1875155SPANGLER, Susanna*56SPANGLER, W.PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown (d May 6, 1875 age 56y, 11m, 5d); husb, 7 chren remain
05/20/1875155SPANGLER, W.-----, Susanna*
05/20/1875155YAGER, Karl*41NYNY: Schenectady Co.: Glennville (d Apr 20, 1875); widow, an only dau remain
05/20/1875155SHAFFER, George S.*28OHOH: Stark Co: Salem class, Alliance circuit memb; d May 5, 1875 age 28y, 11m, 17d; son of Henry & Susanna; wife and dau Orpha [age 4 or 5] remain; consumption ca 6 mos
05/27/1875163MOCK, Rachel*56MOCK, John----: Minister: SHANNON, M. W.; d May 3, 1875 age 56y, 10m); md ca 36 yrs ago
05/27/1875163MOCK, John-----, Rachel*
05/27/1875163REASLAND, William*60IAIA: Linn Co.: Lisbon area (d Apr 19, 1875 age 60y, 7m, 4d); widow, 8 chren remain
05/27/1875163LUDWIG, Christian* [female]61SEITZMDPA: York Co. (b Jul 4, 1813)MD: Baltimore (d May 10, 1875); husb, 4 chren remain; became ill at night, before fam could speak to her she died; hemorrhage of lungs
05/27/1875163SEITZ, Christian* [female]LUDWIG, -----MDPA: York Co. (b Jul 4, 1813)MD: Baltimore (d May 10, 1875); husb, 4 chren remain; became ill at night, before fam could speak to her she died; hemorrhage of lungs
05/27/1875163MILLER, Catharine*48HEINBAUCHMIMI: Calhoun Co.: Marshal area (d Apr 28 1875 age 48y, 5m, 9d); husb, 5 chren, mother, siblings remain
05/27/1875163HEINBAUCH, Catharine*48MILLER, -----MIMI: Calhoun Co.: Marshal area (d Apr 28 1875 age 48y, 5m, 9d); husb, 5 chren, mother, siblings remain
05/27/1875163SPRENG, Christian*58INGERMANY: Alsace (b)IN: Allen Co.: Williamsport area (d May 14, 1875 age 58y, 9m, 16d); to AMER 1823 to Wayne Co., OH; to IN 9 yrs ago; widow, 8 chren remain
05/27/1875163FEGLEY, Lydia*65PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d May 3, 1875 age 65y, 23d). Seldom missed divine service "which to attend she had to ascend the high hill to Upper Mauch Chunk, and she did so in cold as well as hot weather." Husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy
05/27/1875163SEITZ, Nicholas*------: Minister: ARCHER, J.; d May 9, 1875; wife, large family remain. Ill 8 days. "His complaint was internal and caused fever of the brain, when he became insensible and did not speak again."
06/03/1875171REINMILLER, Sarah*24GARRETTOHOH: Huron area (d May 19, 1875 age 24y, 9m, 3d); dau of D. GARRETT; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; bleeding at lungs
06/03/1875171GARRETT, Sarah*24REINMILLER, -----OHOH: Huron area (d May 19, 1875 age 24y, 9m, 3d); dau of D. GARRETT; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; bleeding at lungs
06/03/1875171HEIPLE, Benjamin F.*43ILIL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d May 22, 1875 age 43y, 6m, 3d); wife, 3 little chren, pars, brothers remain. "He was one of the few who had no enemies, but many friends."
06/03/1875171KLEPFER, Mary*33BERGERKLEPFER, IsaiahPAPA: Clarion Co.: Shannondale area (d May 12, 1875 age 33y, 9m, 6d); memb Evan. Luth Ch.; husb, 3 chren remain; paralysis
06/03/1875171BERGER, Mary*33KLEPFER, Isaiah
06/03/1875171KLEPFER, IsaiahBERGER, Mary*
06/03/1875171YOUNG, Mary C.*19----: Minister: BUCK, S. T.; d Apr 25, 1875 age 19y, 11m, 26d); pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; consumption since last Fall
06/03/1875171STRAYER, George*18OHOH: Franklin Co.: Blendon area (d May 18, 1875 age 18y, 10m, 28d); son of John & Eleanor; mentions his father
06/03/1875171REITZ, John*38SHAFFER, Rebecca--PA: Jefferson Co.: Porter Tp. (b)--: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; d May 13, 1875 age 38y, 2m, 11d); md Mar 11, 1853; converted 1860; wife, 7 chren remain
06/03/1875171SHAFFER, RebeccaREITZ, John*
06/03/1875171REITZ, RebeccaREITZ, John*
06/03/1875171BROWN, Wm.*93PAIRELAND: Donegal Co. (b)PA: Clarion Co.: Shannondale area (d May 16, 1875 at res of one of his sons); to AMER 1832 to Clarion Co.; 10 chren remain
06/10/1875179STRAYER, Mary*82PAPA: Clinton Co.: Wayne Tp. (d May 14, 1875); converted 1843
06/10/1875179MANTZ, Ella H.*12IAIA: Blairstown (d May 29, 1875 age 12y, 7m, 11d); dau of N. H. & Priscilla; pars, brother, sisters remain; large delegation from Belle Plain attended funeral
06/10/1875179LEONARD, Lydia*51LEONARD, JosephININ: LaGrange Co.: Wright's Corners area (d May 24, 1873 age 51y, 2m, 14d); husb, 3 chren remain; stomach tumor
06/10/1875179LEONARD, Joseph-----, Lydia*
06/10/1875179BARTOLET, Sarah*19PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Apr 26, 1875 age 19y, 3m, 3d); dau of Abraham & Mary; converted 6 mos ago at United Brethren Ch.; pars remain
06/10/1875179CONVER, Sarah E.*36HAMBRIGHTCONVER, JessePAPA: Philadelphia (d May 26, 1875 age 36y, 3m, 9d); dau of Rev. Davis HAMBRIGHT; husb, 4 chren, father, bro, sister remain; bur Hatfield, Montgomery Co., PA
06/10/1875179HAMBRIGHT, Sarah E.*36CONVER, JessePAPA: Philadelphia (d May 26, 1875 age 36y, 3m, 9d); dau of Rev. Davis HAMBRIGHT; husb, 4 chren, father, bro, sister remain; bur Hatfield, Montgomery Co., PA
06/10/1875179CONVER, JesseHAMBRIGHT, Sarah E.*
06/10/1875179BISHOP, Fanny M. D.*23MORRISONPAPA: Mercer (b Mar 8, 1852);PA: Franklin (d May 26, 1875 at home of pars); md Jul 1, 1873; husb, pars, brother remain; cancer of bowels
06/10/1875179MORRISON, Fanny M. D.*23BISHOP, -----PAPA: Mercer (b Mar 8, 1852);PA: Franklin (d May 26, 1875 at home of pars); md Jul 1, 1873; husb, pars, brother remain; cancer of bowels
06/10/1875179GRESSMAN, William*37NYNY: Eden (d May 22, 1875 age 37y, 3m); md 12 yrs ago; intended to give $100 to missions & $100 to another cause, but having no will, this money is lost to the church; wife cannot now apply the money as he designated; wife, 4 little chren remain; ill 1 wk
06/10/1875179METS, Catherine*58METS, WilliamPAPA: Annville (d May 31, 1875); husb remains. Minister: E. J. MILLER
06/10/1875179METS, William-----, Catherine*
06/10/1875179HOBERMILL, Elizabeth*62WVWV: Morgan Co. (d Apr 29, 1875 age 62y, 8m, 26d). Minister: J. A. GRIMM; funeral by J. T. BOWLES
06/10/1875179SCHROEDER, George*79PAPA: Berks Co.: Oley (d May 12, 1875; age 79y, 9m); 7 chren remain; 4 chren dead
06/10/1875179SUTTON, Clarissa*56SUTTON, Josiah C.MIMI: Mason Co.: Peer Marquette (d May 5, 1875); prev memb Freewill Bapt. Ch., later joined Mason mission; husb, chren remain. Minister: E. B. MILLER
06/10/1875179SUTTON, Josiah C.-----, Clarissa*
06/10/1875179ANKNEY, Leah*23PAPA: Westmoreland Co. (d Apr 27, 1875 age 23y, 7m, 3d); husb, only child, pars, siblings remain; fell down steps with her child in her arms; injuries caused her death; child unhurt
06/10/1875179BARRON, Isaac*67PAPA: Westmoreland Co.: Mechanicsburg (d Mar 8, 1875 age 67y, 5m, 17d); prev memb German Reformed Ch.; wife, 5 chren remain
06/10/1875179BRUNDAGE, Osee*69DEPEWBRUNDAGE, T.OHOH: McCutchenville area (d May 18, 1875 age 69y, 10m, 7d); md May 5, 1825; husb remains; her disease destroyed her mind
06/10/1875179DEPEW, Osee*69BRUNDAGE, T.OHOH: McCutchenville area (d May 18, 1875 age 69y, 10m, 7d); md May 5, 1825; husb remains; her disease destroyed her mind
06/10/1875179BRUNDAGE, T.DEPEW, Osee*
06/10/1875179MILLER, Samuel W.*46PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Red Bank Tp. (d May 15, 1875 age 46y, 9m, 22d); prev memb Baptist Ch.; wife, 6 chren, aged mother, 1 bro remain; consumption 1 yr
06/10/1875179DIFFENDERFER, Amanda Emma*24KELLERDIFFENDERFER, I.OHOH: Hancock Co. (b Feb 15, 1851)OH: Ada (d May 17, 1875); md Nov 8, 1874; bur in her wedding dress
06/10/1875179KELLER, Amanda Emma*24DIFFENDERFER, I.OHOH: Hancock Co. (b Feb 15, 1851)OH: Ada (d May 17, 1875); md Nov 8, 1874; bur in her wedding dress
06/10/1875179DIFFENDERFER, I.KELLER, Amanda Emma*
06/10/1875179DUSTMAN, Anna Eliza*23DUSTMAN, J. M. (Rev.)----: Minister: WOOD, A. d May 31, 1875 age 23y, 3m, 18[?]d; husb remains [3 and 8 digits difficult to distinguish)
06/10/1875179DUSTMAN, J. M. (Rev.)-----, Anna Eliza*
06/17/1875187ISENHART, John*38ILIL: Morrison (d May 29, 1875); consumption
06/17/1875187POLLINS, Martha*20ILIL: Morrison (d May 30, 1875); dau of Williams; consumption
06/17/1875187GARDNER, Anna M.*82NYNY: Troy (d May 26, 1875); converted 32 yrs ago; 9 chren remain. "She was removed from Troy to Stone Arabia, where she is now resting from all toil in the silent grave."
06/17/1875187NAGLEY, -----* [female]83OHOH: Logan Co.: Mt. Tabor Ch. area (d); funeral in Baptist Ch. near Springfield, Clark Co., OH; memb Baptist Ch. 40 yrs
06/17/1875187SCHNEE, Lizzie R.*16ILIL: Deerfield Prairie (d Apr 22, 1875); dau of Rev. J. F. & Margaret; cerebro spinal meningitis 3 wks
06/17/1875187ARMOLD [sic], Magdalene*25ZNSMASTER [sic]ININ: Witley [sic] Co.: Mt. Etna area (d May 1, 1875, age 25y, 5m, 10d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain. Scripture 1 Cor. xv, 55 selected by father of deceased
06/17/1875187ZNSMASTER [sic], Magdalene*25ARMOLD [sic], -----ININ: Witley [sic] Co.: Mt. Etna area (d May 1, 1875, age 25y, 5m, 10d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain. Scripture 1 Cor. xv, 55 selected by father of deceased
06/17/1875187SANTEE, Esther*84PAPA: Allentown (d May 30, 1875 age 84y, 15d); converted 13 yrs ago; bur Bath, PA, her former residence
06/17/1875187CULP, Catherine*46CULP, HenryOHOH: Fairfield Co.: Basil area (d [no date] age 46y, 5m, 19d); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption
06/17/1875187CULP, Henry-----, Catherine*
06/17/1875187SPELKER, Christina*27URBANPAPA: Pittsburgh (d May 27, 1875); husb, 8 chren, mother, siblings remain. Minister: B. L. MILLER
06/17/1875187URBAN, Christina*27SPELKER, Christina*PAPA: Pittsburgh (d May 27, 1875); husb, 8 chren, mother, siblings remain. Minister: B. L. MILLER
06/17/1875187KUTZ, Jacob*79PAPA: Carlisle area (d May 31, 1875 age 79y, 13d); converted ca 38 yrs ago; widow, 6 sons, 1 dau remain; sickness lasted 17 days
06/17/1875187BAKER, Mary Jane*33OHOH: Napoleon (d Jun 4, 1875 age 33y, 11m, 20d); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption; funeral at Liberty Center, OH
06/17/1875187RICHARDS, Elizabeth*74SHAFERRICHARDS, DavidINPA: Bucks Co. (b Nov 16, 1800)IN: Elkhart Co.: Waterford (d Apr 28, 1875 age 74y, 5m, 12d); w/ husb to Summit Co., OH, nearly 40 yrs ago, where husb d a few yrs later; she w/ fam to Elkhart Co. 1854; 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/17/1875187SHAFER, Elizabeth*74RICHARDS, DavidINPA: Bucks Co. (b Nov 16, 1800)IN: Elkhart Co.: Waterford (d Apr 28, 1875 age 74y, 5m, 12d); w/ husb to Summit Co., OH, nearly 40 yrs ago, where husb d a few yrs later; she w/ fam to Elkhart Co. 1854; 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/17/1875187RICHARDS, DavidSHAFER, Elizabeth*
06/17/1875187RIDER, John G.*31PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Hanover Tp. (d [no date] age 31y, 8m, 18d); widow, 2 chren remain; apoplexy, a sudden death
06/17/1875187OBRECHT, Martin F.*33IAIA: Ackley (d May 25, 1875 age 33y, 11m, 19d); converted age 14 in IL; 7 yrs ago to Ackley to open a land & insurance agency; Justice of Peace & Mayor; largest funeral ever in this place; wife, 2 chren remain
06/17/1875187MYERS, Stephen*68WIGERMANY: Wuertemberg (b)WI: Shueytown (d); for yrs a consistent memb of Evan. Assn.; bur Rock Grove Cem.
06/24/1875195LEFEVER, Jacob (Prof.)*79PAPA: Carlisle area (d Apr 26, 1875 age 79y, 10m, 25d); professor of religion, good editor of a paper for many yrs. "The public has lost a good man, and the children a good father."
06/24/1875195KERNEN, Elizabeth*73PAPA: Carlisle area (d May 5, 1875 age 73y, 4m, 2d); 3 chren remain; bur at Carlisle
06/24/1875195WAGGNER, Elizabeth*67WAGGNER, HenryPAPA: Carlisle area (d Jun 4, 1875 age 67y, 11m, 21d); memb Reformed Ch.; 9 chren, 2 bros remain
06/24/1875195WAGGNER, Henry-----, Elizabeth*
06/24/1875195DICKOVER, Therressa Amanda*childILIL: Freeport (d May 13, 1875); youngest child of Joseph & Sarah; the "pet" of the family
06/24/1875195RUSH, Amanda*20PAPA: Fayette Co.: Shinbone area (d May 16, 1875 age 20y, 6d); converted 1871; husb, 1 child remain; consumption 4 mos
06/24/1875195SMITH, Adam*50PAPA: Mercer Co. (d Mar 15, 1875 age 50y, 11m, 5d); converted 8 yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain; youngest son preceded him by a few wks. Minister: D. M. BAUMGARDNER [son d few wks earlier]
06/24/1875195NEIZEL, Adalina*23NEIZEL, OliverPAPA: Reading (d Jun 3, 1875 age 23y, 6m, 11d); husb, pars, 1 bro remain
06/24/1875195NEIZEL, Oliver-----, Adalina*
06/24/1875195DOERR, H.* [male]*28ILIL: Stephenson Co. (d Jun 8, 1875 age 28y, 2m, 18d); wife, 3 chren, aged pars, 1 bro remain; bur Jun 10 in Evan. Cem., Zion's Ch.
06/24/1875195SNOOK, Lydia*45BORDNERSNOOK, SimonILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville circuit (d Jun 6, 1875 age 45y, 3m, 14d); dau of G.; md 21+ yrs; husb, 4 chren, pars, 10 siblings remain; 1 child dead
06/24/1875195BORDNER, Lydia*45SNOOK, SimonILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville circuit (d Jun 6, 1875 age 45y, 3m, 14d); dau of G.; md 21+ yrs; husb, 4 chren, pars, 10 siblings remain; 1 child dead
06/24/1875195SNOOK, SimonBORDNER, Lydia*
06/24/1875195GEISEL, Maximilian Theodor (Dr.)*36JOHNSON, MinervaINWUERTEMBERG: Oberamt Bessingheim: Friedenthal (b)IN: Wells Co.: Newville (d May 6, 1875 age 36y, 1m, 28d); w/ pars to AMER to Adams Co., IN; age 18 began study of medicine; md Sep 1, 1863; wife, adopted child, pars, 2 sis remain; stomach / kidney disease
06/24/1875195JOHNSON, MinervaGEISEL, Maximilian Theodor (Dr.)*
06/24/1875195GEISEL, MinervaGEISEL, Maximilian Theodor (Dr.)*

Number of items that your search found: 489