Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/02/1883 | 6 | CATON, Florence E.* [& son Harry] | 28 | DODGE | CATON, William (Rev.) | IL | IL: DuPage Co.: Prospect Park (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Orangeville (d); md Mar 23, 1875; husb, 2 chren, Julia & Frankie, remain; Harry, age 5 yrs, predeceased her by 1 wk; diphtheria |
01/02/1883 | 6 | DODGE, Florence E.* [& son Harry] | 28 | CATON, William (Rev.) | IL | IL: DuPage Co.: Prospect Park (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Orangeville (d); md Mar 23, 1875; husb, 2 chren, Julia & Frankie, remain; Harry, age 5 yrs, predeceased her by 1 wk; diphtheria | |
01/02/1883 | 6 | CATON, William (Rev.) | DODGE, Florence E.* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | LINTNER, Catharine* | 65 | KNELDER | LINTNER, C. H. (Rev.) | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); md 1844; she a widow 28 yrs; had 5 chren, one son is a minister in IL Conf.; lung fever |
01/02/1883 | 7 | KNELDER, Catharine* | 65 | LINTNER, C. H. (Rev.) | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); md 1844; she a widow 28 yrs; had 5 chren, one son is a minister in IL Conf.; lung fever | |
01/02/1883 | 7 | LINTNER, C. H. (Rev.) | KNELDER, Catharine* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | SHEPHERD, Frederick* | 72 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J.; funeral in "Shepherd school house" | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | JAMESON, Regina* | 85 | NOLF | JAMESON, ----- | PA | PA: Bethleham (d); cousin of Bishop Jacob ALBRIGHT, founder of Evan. Church; heart disease / dropsy | |
01/02/1883 | 7 | NOLF, Regina* | 85 | JAMESON, ----- | PA | PA: Bethleham (d); cousin of Bishop Jacob ALBRIGHT, founder of Evan. Church; heart disease / dropsy | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | JAMESON, ----- | NOLF, Regina* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | LINDER, Elizabeth* | 85 | LINDER, Michael | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb d 1871; 5 chren remain; rheumatism / dropsy | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | -----, Elizabeth* | 85 | LINDER, Michael | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb d 1871; 5 chren remain; rheumatism / dropsy | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | LINDER, Michael | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | PACKARD, Anna Jane* | 29 | IA | IA: Windham area (d); husb, 2 little girls, father remain | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | ROMBERGER, Magdalena* | 73 | ROMBERGER, Christian | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (d); angina pectoris | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | -----, Magdalena* | 73 | ROMBERGER, Christian | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (d); angina pectoris | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | ROMBERGER, Christian | -----, Magdalena* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | CAMPBELL, Catharine* | 59 | CRALY | CAMPBELL, Samuel | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); husb, 9 chren remain | |
01/02/1883 | 7 | CRALY, Catharine* | 59 | CAMPBELL, Samuel | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | CAMPBELL, Samuel | CRALY, Catharine* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | HARTMAN, Wm.* | 67 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Bradner area (d); md 44+ yrs; wife, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | PERREL, Isabel* | 93 | -- | --: Minister: Curry, J. Q. A.; converted under Moses Bowers; mentions having a dau | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | HILL, Mary Louisa* | 10 | OH | OH: Napoleon (d); dau of J. S. & A.; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | BAHR, Celestia Ann* | 22 | -- | --: no location given, submitted by "A Friend"; dau of Daniel; she the Sunday-school librarian | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | SCHREIBER, Jacob* | 83 | -- | GERMANY (b) | --: Minister: NEITZ, Wm.; lung disease | ||
01/02/1883 | 7 | MARK, Margaret* | 7[5?] | PA | PA: Tylersburgh area (d at res of son-in-law, Alexander MEELY, where had lived 18 yrs); church memb 40+ yrs | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | SILVIS, William M.* | 20 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Charleston area (d); pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | ROTE, Catharine* | 78 | WAGNER | ROTE, ----- | IL | PA: Center Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; gravel / old age |
01/02/1883 | 7 | WAGNER, Catharine* | 78 | ROTE, ----- | IL | PA: Center Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; gravel / old age | |
01/02/1883 | 7 | ROTE, ----- | WAGNER, Catharine* | |||||
01/02/1883 | 7 | CORRELL, Benjamin* | 75 | OH | OH: Marshallville (d); att weekly prayer-meeting a few hrs before his death; gave $2,000 to missionary cause, $500 to Orphan Home; wife remains | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | GROVE, Willie Clydis* | 11mos | -- | --: son of Albert & Della | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | MIESSE, Daisy Alice* | 3 | OH | OH: Dumontville area (d); dau of Madison M. & Mary A.; diphtheria | |||
01/02/1883 | 7 | CARMONY, Ida Pearl* | 6mos | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Manchester (d); dau of G. W. & wife | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | CARL, Elias* | 62 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d); wife, chren remain; consumption | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | LOUCKS, Samuel* | 71 | PA | PA: York Co.: Salem church area (d); quiet, generous man; wife, chren remain | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | STRICKLER, John* | 80 | IA | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IA: Buchanan Co. (d); converted age 23 under Bishop SEYBERT; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; 8 chren dead | ||
01/09/1883 | 15 | CARPER, Eliza* | 63 | CARPER, J. A. | OH | OH: Circleville (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 10 chren dead | ||
01/09/1883 | 15 | -----, Eliza* | 63 | CARPER, J. A. | OH | OH: Circleville (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 10 chren dead | ||
01/09/1883 | 15 | CARPER, J. A. | -----, Eliza* | |||||
01/09/1883 | 15 | KULLMAN, Ferdinand* | 26 | NY | NY: Albany (d); pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | HELD, Christian* | 56 | NY | GERMANY: Hessen Darmstadt: Beachtelsheim (b) | NY: Albany (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; wife dead; tumor of heart | ||
01/09/1883 | 15 | SMELTZER, George* | 79 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); aged wife, chren remain | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | ZINGG, Eda [?]* | 10 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Perrysburg (d); son of Rudoph [sic] & Mary; alive in morning when pars left home, dead when they returned in evening; pars, siblings remain; paralysis of heart | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | KEINARD, Emma E.* | 10 | PA | PA: York Co.: Frysville area (d); pars, siblings remain | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | BENSON, Sarah* | 71 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); husb remains; the first to be conveyed to the new church at East Prospect | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | MULLETT, Annie Mary* | 76 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Solothurn (b) | OH: Helmick area (d); she & husb to AMER 33 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | ||
01/09/1883 | 15 | GRIM, Jane* | 3[0?] | PA | PA: Franklin (d); husb, 3 little chren, pars, 8 siblings remain; cancer | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | OVERDORF, W. H.* | 2 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d) | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | SHELLY, David* | 1 mo | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d) | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | OVERDORFF, Arminta* | 4mos | PA | PA: Millersville [sic] Co. area (d) | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | STRICKLER, John* | 1 | PA | PA: York Co.: Salems church area (d) | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | OBWILER, Horace G.* | 9mos | PA | PA: York Co.: Craleyville (d) | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | LAMISON, -----* | infan | PA | PA: Johnstown (d); son of John & Anna; croup | |||
01/09/1883 | 15 | BACH, Evelyn Mabel* | 11mos | IA | IA: Center Pont circuit, Des Moines Conf.; membraneous croup; died 1 day before 1st birthday | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SANTEE, Eunice* | 63 | SCOTT | SANTEE, ----- | IL | PA: Lycoming Co. (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Pink Prairie (d); pneumonia |
01/16/1883 | 23 | SCOTT, Eunice* | 63 | SANTEE, ----- | IL | PA: Lycoming Co. (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Pink Prairie (d); pneumonia | |
01/16/1883 | 23 | SANTEE, ----- | SCOTT, Eunice* | |||||
01/16/1883 | 23 | STRUBLE, Amie* | 62 | IL | IL: Henry Co.: Pink Prairie (d); md Sep 30, 1841; dropsy | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | VAUDRY, -----* | 29 | MI | MI: Leelenaw Co. (d); husb, 6 chren remain; inflammation of bowels | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | BOROUGH, J. (Rev.) | see VAUDRY, -----*, Jan 16, 1883, p 23 | |||||
01/16/1883 | 23 | MILLER, Henry* | 60 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Hummelstown area (d); widow, 3 sons, 7 daus remain; pneumonia | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | BUCKLEW, James K.* | 37 | WV | WV: Preston Co.: Rowlesburg area (d) | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SHRADER, Henry* | 60 | -- | --: Minister: ELLENBERGER, D. P.; mentions entire fam converted 20 yrs ago under Rev. Kleinsorge of IA Conf.; wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain | |||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SCHWEMLEIN, Margaret B.* | 78 | STAMBERGER | SCHWEMLEIN, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Leitendorf (b) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Spring Hill area (d); severe pain 7 yrs |
01/16/1883 | 23 | STAMBERGER, Margaret B.* | 78 | SCHWEMLEIN, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Leitendorf (b) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Spring Hill area (d); severe pain 7 yrs | |
01/16/1883 | 23 | SCHWEMLEIN, ----- | STAMBERGER, Margaret B.* | |||||
01/16/1883 | 23 | BURGER, Annie M.* | 21 | BURGER, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 2 chren, father, siblings remain | ||
01/16/1883 | 23 | -----, Annie M.* | 21 | BURGER, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 2 chren, father, siblings remain | ||
01/16/1883 | 23 | BURGER, George | -----, Annie M.* | |||||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SHEARRER, Anna Eliza* | 65 | LOUTENHIZER | SHEARRER, Jonathan | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Mapleton area (d); husb, 8 daus remain | |
01/16/1883 | 23 | LOUTENHIZER, Anna Eliza* | 65 | SHEARRER, Jonathan | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Mapleton area (d); husb, 8 daus remain | ||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SHEARRER, Jonathan | LOUTENHIZER, Anna Eliza* | |||||
01/16/1883 | 23 | SHOOP, Solomon* | 61 | IL | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IL: DeKalb Co.: Pierce (d); wife, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
01/16/1883 | 23 | ANSELMENT, Joseph* | 60? | MO | MO: Holt Co.: Nichols Grove (d); to AMER when young; remembered for supporting the institutions of the church; widow, 3 sons, 5[?] daus [note: numbers very difficult to read; please obtain copy to decipher yourself for your research] | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | YODER, Nathan (Rev.)* | 47 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | PA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d); lost father when young, thrown upon care of strangers for education, helped support his mother; Civil War 3 yrs; widow, 3 sons from wife #1 & 1 son, 1 dau from wife #2 remain; lists pastorates, lengthy; [md twice, wives not nam | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | BUCHEN, John* | 75 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown (d) | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | BELL, Hiram* | 73 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Stoystown (d); widow, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; 2 chren dead | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | SHAFER, Mary* | 76 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (d); chren remain | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | STERNER, Annie* | 69 | STERNER, Jacob | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted Feb 28, 1849 | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | -----, Annie* | 69 | STERNER, Jacob | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted Feb 28, 1849 | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | STERNER, Jacob | -----, Annie* | |||||
01/23/1883 | 31 | LYDIC, J. M. (Dr.)* | 34 | PA | PA: Troutville (d); wife, 4 chren remain; spinal meningitis | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | BOREY, John G.* | 56 | IL | PA: Union Co. (b) | IL: Ogle Co.: Adaline (d); wife, 4 chren remain; lung fever | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | DULL, Jonathan* | 77 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Pains [sic] Tp. (d); md 47 yrs to sorrowing widow; had 7 chren; paralyzed 2 yrs | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | RIX, Elizabeth* | 30 | WEBER | RIX, ----- | NY | NY: Wyoming Co.: Dale area (d); 1 child, pars, siblings remain; husb d 2 yrs ago; consumption | |
01/23/1883 | 31 | WEBER, Elizabeth* | 30 | RIX, ----- | NY | NY: Wyoming Co.: Dale area (d); 1 child, pars, siblings remain; husb d 2 yrs ago; consumption | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | RIX, ----- | WEBER, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/23/1883 | 31 | WONDERS, Margaret* | 36 | WONDERS, Henry | OH | OH: Carey (d); husb, 2 chren, sisters remain; cancer 2 yrs | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | -----, Margaret* | 36 | WONDERS, Henry | OH | OH: Carey (d); husb, 2 chren, sisters remain; cancer 2 yrs | ||
01/23/1883 | 31 | WONDERS, Henry | -----, Margaret* | |||||
01/23/1883 | 31 | RUFF, Rosa C.* | 40 | MD | MD: Baltimore (d); member Green St. church; mother, 2 bros remain | |||
01/23/1883 | 31 | BRADY, Alice Amanda* | 25 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: McDonaldsville area (d); father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | DeHAVEN, Chauncey (Rev.)* | 57 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (ordained at Salisbury); wife, chren remain; cancer on lip; very detailed obit re oratory style. Minister: VANMETER, R. P. | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | WOODS, Susanna* | 56 | PA | PA: Wrightsville area (d) | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | DOUGLAS, Alcey* | 90 | -- | --: Quincy (d). Minister: A. Y CUPP | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | WALKER, Jemmina A.* | 48 | PA | PA: York Furnace area (d); mentions her sorrowing family | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | SHENBERGER, John* | 48 | PA | PA: Wrightsville area (d) | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | GROH, Anna* | -- | OH | CANADA (b) | OH: Columbus (d); former employee at Orphan Home, Flat Rock, OH | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | SUTTER, Jacob* | 52 | IN | IN: Wells Co.: Reiffsburg (d); lung fever | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | HOUSE, Mary* | 78 | HOUSE, Ephraim (husb #2) | MI | MI: Portage Prairie (d); converted ca 30 yrs ago in PA; 7 chren remain; both husbs, 7 chren dead | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | -----, Mary* | 78 | SANDERS, Joseph (husb #1) | MI | MI: Portage Prairie (d); converted ca 30 yrs ago in PA; 7 chren remain; both husbs, 7 chren dead | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | SANDERS, Mary* | 78 | HOUSE, Ephraim (husb #2) | MI | MI: Portage Prairie (d); converted ca 30 yrs ago in PA; 7 chren remain; both husbs, 7 chren dead | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | HOUSE, Ephraim | SANDERS, Mary* | |||||
01/30/1883 | 39 | SANDERS, Joseph | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/30/1883 | 39 | GRISEMER, Benjamin* | 56 | IL | IL: Lancaster area (d); wife, 7 chren remain | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | BAUGHMAN, Mary A.* | 63 | BAUGHMAN, Samuel P. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); chren remain; consumption | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | -----, Mary A.* | 63 | BAUGHMAN, Samuel P. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); chren remain; consumption | ||
01/30/1883 | 39 | BAUGHMAN, Samuel P. | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
01/30/1883 | 39 | HUBER, Lulu B.* | 23 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); consumption / heart disease | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | POSEY, David Carr* | 48 | PA | PA: York Co.: York Furnace (d); prominent business man of Bear & Posey; mentions many weeping relatives who mourn | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | MACKLIN, Mary Ann* | 66 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: New Springfield (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | DAWSON, Sarah E.* | 50 | WV | WV: Hampshire circuit (d at Evan. parsonage) converted late 1876 in Pittsburgh at English mission under Rev. L. M. Boyer; could not talk some time before her death; heart disease / paralysis | |||
01/30/1883 | 39 | JACOBS, Katie J.* | 15 | PA | PA: East Prospect (d); brain fever | |||
02/06/1883 | 46 | CORNELIUS, Jennie B.* | 10 | OH | OH: Fremont (d); dau of Benjamin F. & Mahala | |||
02/06/1883 | 46 | BEITELMAN, Susannah H.* | 82 | BEITELMAN, Samuel | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption | ||
02/06/1883 | 46 | -----, Susannah H.* | 82 | BEITELMAN, Samuel | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption | ||
02/06/1883 | 46 | BEITELMAN, Samuel | -----, Susannah H.* | |||||
02/06/1883 | 46 | KRAMER, Salome* | 71 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; dropsy | |||
02/06/1883 | 46 | SHEETZ, Elizabeth* | 69 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead; heart disease / dropsy | |||
02/06/1883 | 46 | JACKSON, Raswell* | 83 | IA | NY: Onondaga Co. (b) | IA: Tama Co.: Spring Creek Tp. (d); res IA since 1861; had 7 chren, 3 OF WHOM KILLED IN THE ARMY | ||
02/06/1883 | 46 | EXAMPLE:, 3 chren killed in army | see JACKSON, Raswell, Feb 6, 1883, p 46 | |||||
02/06/1883 | 46 | SOUDER, Angie* | 19 | MO | MO: Johnson Co.: Holden area (d); mother, siblings remain; father dead | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | SHAAK, John Adam* | 16 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Kleinfeltersville area (d); son of Henry & Christiana, gt-grson of Rev. John WALTER | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | KINNEER, Joseph* | 69 | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Saltlick Tp. (d); wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; afflicted 3 mos | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | BAUER, Louisa* | 21 | NY | NY: Albany (b) | NY: Albany (d); dau of William & Eva R.; aged father, 2 bros remain; mother dead; hemorrhage of brain | ||
02/06/1883 | 47 | SEBRING, David* | 59 | ONT | ONT: Stratford (d); one of first members of Evan. Ch.in Sebringville | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | LEHNER, Sophia* | 69 | SAYLOR | LEHNER, George | MD | EUROPE: Bavaria (b) | MD: Annapolis Junction (d); to AMER 1839; md soon thereafter; husb, 1 son, 3 daus remain; 2 chren dead |
02/06/1883 | 47 | SAYLOR, Sophia* | 69 | LEHNER, George | MD | EUROPE: Bavaria (b) | MD: Annapolis Junction (d); to AMER 1839; md soon thereafter; husb, 1 son, 3 daus remain; 2 chren dead | |
02/06/1883 | 47 | LEHNER, George | SAYLOR, Sophia* | |||||
02/06/1883 | 47 | PAUL, Rachel* | 74 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: New Kingston (d); husb d 1880[?]; she ill at same time | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | WAGNER, Ella B.* | 13 | MI | MI: Litchfield (d); dau of Adam & Leah; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HAVILAND, Charles C.* | 16 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: West Houtzdale (d); mentions pars, 3 sis; internal injuries from accident while coasting Dec 29, 1882; [d Dec 31, 1882] | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | SECHRIST, Jacob* | 83 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: McKees Falls area (b) | PA: Dondore [sic] area (d); converted 1836; cared for by dau Catharine & youngest son Henry; 11 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead | ||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HERTZ, Mary F.* | 74 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Richfield (d); church member 55 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain, one son being in ministry in Central PA Conf.; 2 chren dead. [Age approximate: "Her records being lost."] | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HAZELTON, Sidney* | 34 | -----, Amelia | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Dreher (d); 2 infant sons died a few days earlier [their obits say his name was Sidney]; wife, siblings remain; the two infant sons were their only chren; diphtheria [Could one child have been a dau?] | ||
02/06/1883 | 47 | -----, Amelia | HAZELTON, Sidney* | |||||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HAZELTON, Amelia | HAZELTON, Sidney* | |||||
02/06/1883 | 47 | REPP, Homer M.* | 1 | -- | --: son of Woods & Lydia | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | FRIES, Nutle C.* | 1 | PA | PA: Milton (d); child of Michael & Linda | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | SHISLER, Linda Estelle* | 3wks | OH | OH: Stoutsville, dau of Rev. W. A. of OH Conf. | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | WORMAN, Elsie Martha* | 2 | PA | PA: Birdsboro (d); dau of Rev. & Mrs. L. N.; paralysis of lungs per scarletina | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HOY, Mary Anna* | 9 | OH | OH: Lithopolis area (d); dau of Peter & Annice | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | KIPLINGER, Marvin Earl* | 2 | -- | --: son of Cornelius & Nancy; membraneous croup | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HAZELTON, Dora* | 2 | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Dreher (d); son of Sidney & Amelia; diphtheria [Should this be a dau not a son?] [d Dec 27, 1882] | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | HAZLETON, Albert H.* | 1 | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Dreher (d); son of Sidney & Amelia; diphtheria; [d Jan 1, 1883] | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | WEIDEMEYER, Charles Scherman* | 1 mo | PA | PA: Aaronsburg (d); son of Rev. P. C. & Cath. B. | |||
02/06/1883 | 47 | SWARTZ, Oscar* | 4 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Grove (d); son of Uriah & Sarah; membraneous croup | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | ARICK, Amanda E.* | 25 | IN | IN: Roanoke area (d); husb, 3 chren remain | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | KOCH, Mary* | 46 | DEREICH | KOCH, Frederick | NY | NY: Rochester (d); husb, 9 chren, mother, siblings remain | |
02/13/1883 | 55 | DEREICH, Mary* | 46 | KOCH, Frederick | NY | NY: Rochester (d); husb, 9 chren, mother, siblings remain | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | KOCH, Frederick | DEREICH, Mary* | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | LOHR, Adaline* | 54? | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Shade Tp. (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 5 chren dead; congestion of bowels [age may be 64] | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | SAUERBRUN, Henry* | 37 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Johnsville area (d); leaves sorrowing family; consumption | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | ESHLEMAN, Susanna* | 76 | PA | PA: Millersville (d) | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | BELLES, Daniel* | -- | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Williams Tp. (d); converted 1870; 3 sm chren mourn; wife, 4 chren dead; miner's consumption | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | HOESLY, Edwin Stanton* | 15 | OR | WI: New Glarus (b) | OR: Milwaukee (d); pars, brothers, sister remain | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | HALL, Eliza A.* | 71 | IA | IA: Maxwell area (d); 6 chren remain; husb d nearly 4 yrs ago | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | BEAN, Henry L.* | 54 | KS | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | KS: Parsons (d); wife, 7 chren remain; consumption | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | OBERLY, Samuel H.* | 47 | NY | NY: Lewis Co.: Beaver Falls (d); served Civil War 3 yrs, 1 mo; fought in 11 battles; wife, 1 dau, mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; father, 3 bros dead; paralysis | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | BARB, Wolf. M.* [female] | 54 | WENDLING | BARB, ----- | WI | ALSACE (b) | WI: Jefferson (d); husb, 4 sons, aged mother, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; 2 chren dead; bur Wheeling [should WOLF be the surname?] |
02/13/1883 | 55 | WENDLING, Wolf M.* [female] | 54 | BARB, ----- | WI | ALSACE (b) | WI: Jefferson (d); husb, 4 sons, aged mother, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; 2 chren dead; bur Wheeling [should WOLF be the surname?] | |
02/13/1883 | 55 | BARB, ----- | WENDLING, Wolf. M.* [female] | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | WOLF, ----- | see BARB, Wolf. M.* [female], Feb 13, 1883, p 55 | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | FRAZER, Mary* | 56 | KELLIE | FRAZER, William | IL | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; inflammation of bowels |
02/13/1883 | 55 | KELLIE, Mary* | 56 | FRAZER, William | IL | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; inflammation of bowels | |
02/13/1883 | 55 | FRAZER, William | KELLIE, Mary* | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | IKE, Edward S.* | 23 | -- | --: Minister: ROMBERGER, H. B.; son of Herbert & Catharine; breaking ice for cattle to drink, had spileptic seizure, drowned | |||
02/13/1883 | 55 | REICHARD, Elizabeth* | 76 | REICHARD, Joseph | PA | PA: Upper Mt. Bethel (d); 4 daus, 1 son remain; husb, 2 daus dead; asthma / dropsy | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | -----, Elizabeth* | 76 | REICHARD, Joseph | PA | PA: Upper Mt. Bethel (d); 4 daus, 1 son remain; husb, 2 daus dead; asthma / dropsy | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | REICHARD, Joseph | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | CHAMPION, A. Mary* | 49 | KURTZ | CHAMPION, ----- | NY | WURTTEMBERG: Ochsenwang (b) | NY: Brooklyn (d while visiting at res of bro, Rev. F. KURTZ); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; remains to her late res in Warrensville |
02/13/1883 | 55 | KURTZ, A. Mary* | 49 | CHAMPION, ----- | NY | WURTTEMBERG: Ochsenwang (b) | NY: Brooklyn (d while visiting at res of bro, Rev. F. KURTZ); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; remains to her late res in Warrensville | |
02/13/1883 | 55 | CHAMPION, ----- | KURTZ, A. Mary* | |||||
02/13/1883 | 55 | ROYER, Laura* | 19 | ROYER, Benjamin | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Rothville (d); husb remains | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | SHERICK, Amy B.* | 50 | BYERS | SHERICK, D. | OH | OH: Ashland (d); dau of A. & L. BYERS of York, PA;; smallpox | |
02/13/1883 | 55 | BYERS, Amy B.* | 50 | SHERICK, D. | OH | OH: Ashland (d); dau of A. & L. BYERS of York, PA;; smallpox | ||
02/13/1883 | 55 | SHERICK, D. | BYERS, Amy B.* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | DANFELD, Dorothea* | 76 | NY | NY: Fulton Co.: West Galway area (d); 1 son remains | |||
02/20/1883 | 63 | WEISS, Salome* | 65 | SCHLEICHER | WEISS, William | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slate Dale (d); palsy for 3 wks | |
02/20/1883 | 63 | SCHLEICHER, Salome* | 65 | WEISS, William | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slate Dale (d); palsy for 3 wks | ||
02/20/1883 | 63 | WEISS, William | SCHLEICHER, Salome* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | DUNAHUGH, Lydia* | -- | MD | MD: Washington Co.: Hagerstown area (d) | |||
02/20/1883 | 63 | STUMP, Catharine B.* | 63 | OH | GERMANY: Prov. of Wurtemberg (b) | OH: Flat Rock (d); afflicted husb, 4 daus remain; 6 chren dead; asthma / dropsy | ||
02/20/1883 | 63 | LONG, -----* | 68 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown area (d); Evan. Assn. member 30+ yrs; a kind & affectionate mother | |||
02/20/1883 | 63 | KIEFFER, Michael* | 74 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); to AMER from Germany 1845; aged widow, 6 chren remain | |||
02/20/1883 | 63 | SMITH, Lucy A.* | 68 | WEAVER | SMITH, ----- | IN | PA: Snider [sic] Co. (b) | IN: St. Joseph Co. (d); husb, 9 chren remain; 4 chren dead; dropsy |
02/20/1883 | 63 | WEAVER, Lucy A.* | 68 | SMITH, ----- | IN | PA: Snider [sic] Co. (b) | IN: St. Joseph Co. (d); husb, 9 chren remain; 4 chren dead; dropsy | |
02/20/1883 | 63 | SMITH, ----- | WEAVER, Lucy A.* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | KUHN, Henry* | 61 | RECH, Caroline | NY | RHEINBAIERN: Hundheim (b) | NY: Syracuse (d); md 1848; to AMER 35 yrs ago; 7 sons, 1 dau, siblings remain; wife d 8 yrs ago; consumption [number of chren illegible, possibly more than 12] | |
02/20/1883 | 63 | RECH, Caroline | KUHN, Henry* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | KUHN, Caroline | KUHN, Henry* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | WITTERS, Catharine* | 72 | WALTER | WITTERS, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Klinefeltersville area (d); dau of Rev. John WALTER; 3 chren, 1 bro remain | |
02/20/1883 | 63 | WALTER, Catharine* | 72 | WITTERS, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Klinefeltersville area (d); dau of Rev. John WALTER; 3 chren, 1 bro remain | ||
02/20/1883 | 63 | WITTERS, ----- | WALTER, Catharine* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | CHESSMAN, Jacob Alfred* | 30 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springfield (d); son of Abraham & Anna; bur Pleasant Valley Cem.; consumption 5 yrs | |||
02/20/1883 | 63 | GUYER, Susan* | 68 | BRESSLER | GUYER, Frederick | KS | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | KS: Nemaha Co.: Sabeths area (d); husb, 5 chren remain |
02/20/1883 | 63 | BRESSLER, Susan* | 68 | GUYER, Frederick | KS | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | KS: Nemaha Co.: Sabeths area (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |
02/20/1883 | 63 | GUYER, Frederick | BRESSLER, Susan* | |||||
02/20/1883 | 63 | STRICKLER, John* | 80 | IA | IA: Buchanan Co.: Brandon (d); converted nr Carlisle, PA, 1827; to Buchanan Co. 1850; widow, 3 chren remain, one of whom is a dau who md Rev. C. MANWELL of Des Moines Conf.; 8 chren are dead, one being the eldest son, a minister in IN Conf. | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | SCHNEIDER, George (Rev.)* | 78 | PA | PA: York Co.: Winterstown (d); began ministry Jun 7, 1825, the Lancaster circuit; died member of Rock River Conf. United Brethren Church; surv by 1 child: Dr. George Schneider, physician of Boston; wife, 7 chren dead; bur Winterstown Cem. | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | RYMAN, William* | 51? | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); wife, chren remain; consumption [age may be 61] | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | ECKROTH, Sarah* | -- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Drehersville area (d); husb, chren remain; bad cold w/ heart rheumatism; [printed age cannot be determined--perhaps her 42d year] | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | PIFER, Emanuel S. (Rev.).* | 68 | MI | MI: Lenawee Co.: Ogden (d); local preacher in M. E. Church; aged widow, 3 chren, 2 bros remain | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | NEEB, Mary* | 80 | NEEB, Martin | PA | GERMANY: Heepershain [sic] (b) | PA: Mauch Chunk (d); to AMER 1847 | |
02/27/1883 | 71 | -----, Mary* | 80 | NEEB, Martin | PA | GERMANY: Heepershain [sic] (b) | PA: Mauch Chunk (d); to AMER 1847 | |
02/27/1883 | 71 | NEEB, Martin | -----, Mary* | |||||
02/27/1883 | 71 | LIPPERT, Anna E.* | 19 | ETTINGER | LIPPERT, John P. | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Stamton [sic] (d); was a happy bride last Christmas day; husb of Allentown | |
02/27/1883 | 71 | ETTINGER, Anna E.* | 19 | LIPPERT, John P. | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Stamton [sic] (d); was a happy bride last Christmas day; husb of Allentown | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | LIPPERT, John P. | ETTINGER, Anna E.* | |||||
02/27/1883 | 71 | FAUS, Henry* | 73 | OH | OH: Ashland (d); md 52 yrs; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; dropsy | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | DAVIS, Indiana* | 68 | IL | IN: Harrison Co. (b) | IL: Livingston Co. (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | MARKER, Susan* | 75 | -- | --: Altoona (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead. Minister: C. C. POLING | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | MINSKER, Henrietta K.* | 74 | -- | GERMANY: Saxony (res prev) | --: Minister: FISHER, G. B. | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | FAIRBANKS, Alvira* | 19 | MI | MI: Lenawee Co.: Ogden (d); pars, siblings remain; quick consumption | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | PALMER, Sarah Ellen* | 31 | PALMER, Daniel | MI | MI: Lenawee Co.: Blissfield (d); husb, 6 chren, pars, 3 sis remain | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | -----, Sarah Ellen* | 31 | PALMER, Daniel | MI | MI: Lenawee Co.: Blissfield (d); husb, 6 chren, pars, 3 sis remain | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | PALMER, Daniel | -----, Sarah Ellen* | |||||
02/27/1883 | 71 | KREGER, Nancy* | -- | LANDIS | KREGER, Jonathan | -- | --: Minister: PRICE, J. M.; husb, 6 chren remain [age dificult to read; perhaps 53] | |
02/27/1883 | 71 | LANDIS, Nancy* | -- | KREGER, Jonathan | -- | --: Minister: PRICE, J. M.; husb, 6 chren remain [age dificult to read; perhaps 53] | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | KREGER, Jonathan | LANDIS, Nancy* | |||||
02/27/1883 | 71 | WOLFE, John* | 75 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Boyertown area (d) | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | WAGNER, Samuel* | 63 | -- | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | --: WALKEY, J. W.; widow, 3 sons, 1 dau, 1 bro remain | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | SHIPPERT, Jennie* | 9 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: Eidena [?] (d); dau of F. W. & Cath.; ehrumatism / dropsy | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | HAUERT, Lydia J.* | 30 | OR | IL: Stephenson Co. (b) | OR: Benton Co. (d); dau of Rev. Matthias & Lydia; to WI 1853; to Benton Co. 1878; 1 sis, 3 bros remain; pars, 2 sis dead | ||
02/27/1883 | 71 | BACH, Mary Alice* | 9 | -- | --; diphtheria | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | SCHUST, Mary Sophia* | 2 | MI | MI: Cass City (d); dau of Henry & Sophia | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | LEHR, John A.* | 15 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Zion church area (d); son of Andrew & Mary; inflammation of lungs | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | RITTER, Edith* | 3mos | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); dau of Thomas H. & Dora | |||
02/27/1883 | 71 | SNYDER, Harry E.* | 6 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bath (d); son of Henry F. & Catherine A.; scarlet fever | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | DELCAMP, Henry* | 82 | IN | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IN: Mishawaka area (d at home of son, Henry) | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | GRESSLEY, Rosa D.* | 10 | IA | IA: Colo (d); dau of J. C. & Sophia. Last words: "'I am crossing a little brook of water.'"; palpitation of heart | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | KNOWER, Adam Freddie* | 15 | IN | IN: Cicero area (d); oldest son of his pars; catarrh | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | WRIGHT, Lizzie (Miss)* | 20 | IN | IN: Noblesville area (d); "She was a poor orphan, and had few relatives, but found, no doubt, a happy home in heaven." Scrofula | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | DUM, Elizabeth* | 73 | DUM, Martin | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Saville Tp. (d); converted under Jacob Boas; aged husb, 1 dau remain | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | -----, Elizabeth* | 73 | DUM, Martin | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Saville Tp. (d); converted under Jacob Boas; aged husb, 1 dau remain | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | DUM, Martin | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/06/1883 | 79 | LEVAN, Lucy* | 75 | IA | PA: Center Co. (b) | IA: Guthrie Centre (d Feb 14, 1883, on 75th birthday; 4 sons, 4 daus remain | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | SCHABACKER, Christina Mary* | 70 | NY | GERMANY: Hessia: Albungen (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Bleecker (d); to AMER 1855; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | MOTTER, John* | 82 | PA | SWITZERLAND: Canton of Arrans [?] (b) [perhaps Aargau?] | PA: Clinton Co.: Lockhaven area (d); to AMER 1834 | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | KEFFER, Sarah* | 72 | DYER | KEFFER, ----- | OH | PA: Manheim (b) | OH: Ashland Co.: Petersburg [now (2010) Mifflin] (d); husb, 7 chren remain; cancer |
03/06/1883 | 79 | DYER, Sarah* | 72 | KEFFER, ----- | OH | PA: Manheim (b) | OH: Ashland Co.: Petersburg [now (2010) Mifflin] (d); husb, 7 chren remain; cancer | |
03/06/1883 | 79 | KEFFER, ----- | DYER, Sarah* | |||||
03/06/1883 | 79 | OCHS, Judith* | 84 | OCHS, Jacob | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Centerville area (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | -----, Judith* | 84 | OCHS, Jacob | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Centerville area (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
03/06/1883 | 79 | OCHS, Jacob | -----, Judith* | |||||
03/06/1883 | 79 | ZERBY, Reuben S.* | 31? | PA | PA: Millheim area (d); age perhaps 34? | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | SWABB, John* | 19 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Locust Run (d); "a kind and obedient boy to his widowed mother" | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | BRAUER, John Daniel* | 85 | NY | NY: Niagara Co. (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; wife, 2 chren dead; old age | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | KIPLINGER, Andrew* | 57 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Manchester (d); wife, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; bro-in-law of Rev. John CUPP of OH Conf. | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | BETER, Ruthie Naomi* | -- | IL | IL: Chicago (d); dau of Jacob & Elizabeth; catarrh | |||
03/06/1883 | 79 | REIMKIE, Mary A.* | 3mos | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Ida area (d); dau of Allen & Louisa | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | 79 | ROHLAND, Anna (wife #1; md 1825; she d Jun 29, 1849; 9 chren remai) | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Jul 3, 1803) | IN: Elkhart (d); converted Jan 12, 1833 in Erie Co., PA, under Rev. J. Seybert; licensed 1839 conf held in Green Tp., Stark Co., OH where he moved 1853; to St. Joseph Co., IN, 1854; widow, 6 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain [printed age of 70 is incorrect] | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | 79 | WISE, Susanna (wife #2; md 1862) | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Jul 3, 1803) | IN: Elkhart (d); converted Jan 12, 1833 in Erie Co., PA, under Rev. J. Seybert; licensed 1839 conf held in Green Tp., Stark Co., OH where he moved 1853; to St. Joseph Co., IN, 1854; widow, 6 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain [printed age of 70 is incorrect] | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | ROHLAND, Anna | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | HEISS, Anna | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | WISE, Susanna | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | HEISS, Susanna | HEISS, Samuel (Rev.)* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | ISHAM, Sina E.* | 31 | OR | OR: Wheatland (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | BORAUGHF, Sarah* | 69 | BETTS | BORAUGHF, ----- | OH | OH: Minister: STROHMAN, D.; husb, chren remain; quick consumption | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | BETTS, Sarah* | 69 | BORAUGHF, ----- | OH | OH: Minister: STROHMAN, D.; husb, chren remain; quick consumption | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | BORAUGHF, ----- | BETTS, Sarah* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | SWAGGART, Hannah* | 61 | PA | PA: Forest Co. (d); husb, 4 chren remain | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | REAM, Joseph* | 67 | OH | PA: Union Co.: East Buffalo (b) | OH: Gibsonburg area (d); wife, chren remain | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | EITELBUSH, Dora* | 23 | EITELBUSH, John | WI | WI: Sheboygan Co.: Town Scott (d); she the 2nd wife of husb; left him w/ 6 chren to mourn; consumption | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | -----, Dora* | 23 | EITELBUSH, John | WI | WI: Sheboygan Co.: Town Scott (d); she the 2nd wife of husb; left him w/ 6 chren to mourn; consumption | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | EITELBUSH, John | -----, Dora* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | SHIRE, Lydia Ann* | 36 | MYERS | SHIRE, ----- | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Fort Seneca area (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, bro, sisters remain; she an invalid | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | MYERS, Lydia Ann* | 36 | SHIRE, ----- | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Fort Seneca area (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, bro, sisters remain; she an invalid | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | SHIRE, ----- | MYERS, Lydia Ann* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | LAW, Adaline* | 23 | OH | OH: Knox Co.: North Liberty area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | KREIGHBAUM, Harriett* | 49 | KREIGHBAUM, Abram | OH | OH: Stark Co. (b) | OH: Uniontown (d); husb, 7 chren remain | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | -----, Harriett* | 49 | KREIGHBAUM, Abram | OH | OH: Stark Co. (b) | OH: Uniontown (d); husb, 7 chren remain | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | KREIGHBAUM, Abram | -----, Harriett* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | BUTZ, Reuben* | 74 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 3 daus remain; wife, 2 chren dead; apoplexy | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | KUNTZ, Frances* | 34 | BORDNER | KUNTZ, ----- | IL | NY: Seneca Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead |
03/20/1883 | 95 | BORDNER, Frances* | 34 | KUNTZ, ----- | IL | NY: Seneca Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | KUNTZ, ----- | BORDNER, Frances* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | CAPP, Caroline* | 61 | BOWMAN | CAPP, Jacob | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); mother of Rev. H. M. of East PA Conf. | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | BOWMAN, Caroline* | 61 | CAPP, Jacob | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); mother of Rev. H. M. of East PA Conf. | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | CAPP, Jacob | BOWMAN, Caroline* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | FREER, Rachel* | 51 | PA | PA: Franklin (d); 1 son, 2 daus remain; consumption | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | BRENHOLTZ, Henry* | 78 | PA | PA: Chester Co. (b) | PA: Hughesville (d); to this area ca 50 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus remain; wife d some yrs ago | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | WOODRING, Cain* | 80 | OH | OH: Fulton Co.: Delta area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead. "His house was the preaching place for our ministers for some years." | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | WEILMAN, Abigail* | 73 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Dimville (d); former Methodist; 8 chren remain; 1 child dead | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | KRISSINGER, Esther* | 41 | KRISSINGER, Benj. | PA | PA: Shamokin (d); husb & an only, helpless son remain; stricken w/ paralysis on way home from church | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | -----, Esther* | 41 | KRISSINGER, Benj. | PA | PA: Shamokin (d); husb & an only, helpless son remain; stricken w/ paralysis on way home from church | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | KRISSINGER, Benj. | -----, Esther* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | FOSTER, Lissa K.* | 27 | KERN | FOSTER, W. C. | OH | OH: Greensburg (d); dau of J.; 1 child, father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; husb dead | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | KERN, Lissa K.* | 27 | FOSTER, W. C. | OH | OH: Greensburg (d); dau of J.; 1 child, father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; husb dead | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | FOSTER, W. C. | KERN, Lissa K.* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | SNADER, Irvin J.* | 24 | FL | FL: Gainsville (d); son of Irvin J. of Reading, PA; pars, 1 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | NEUSCHWANDER, Mary* | 26 | WINDECKER | NEUSCHWANDER, ----- | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d); husb remains; 1 child dead | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | WINDECKER, Mary* | 26 | NEUSCHWANDER, ----- | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d); husb remains; 1 child dead | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | NEUSCHWANDER, ----- | WINDECKER, Mary* | |||||
03/20/1883 | 95 | BARLEY, John G.* | 76 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d); one of oldest Evan. church membs in co., converted in Lancaster circuit 50+ yrs ago; 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | ZARTMAN, Daniel* | 74 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain; joined Evan. Assn. 1836; widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain; abcess of spine caused by typhoid fever | |||
03/20/1883 | 95 | DUNKEL, Elizabeth* | 84 | DREISBACH | DUNKEL, ----- | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); memb Evan. Assn. 77 yrs; saw denomination grow from 120 in 1806, to 220 in 1807, to 120,000; she a sis of Rev. John DREISBACH, an early Evan. Minister | |
03/20/1883 | 95 | DREISBACH, Elizabeth* | 84 | DUNKEL, ----- | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); memb Evan. Assn. 77 yrs; saw denomination grow from 120 in 1806, to 220 in 1807, to 120,000; she a sis of Rev. John DREISBACH, an early Evan. Minister | ||
03/20/1883 | 95 | DUNKEL, ----- | DREISBACH, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/27/1883 | 103 | COLLINS, Philip* | 63 | PA | PA: Bangor (d) | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | BIELER, Alivesta* | 21? | BIELER, Chas. | PA | PA: Bangor (d); age may be 24, difficult to read | ||
03/27/1883 | 103 | -----, Alivesta* | 21? | BIELER, Chas. | PA | PA: Bangor (d); age may be 24, difficult to read | ||
03/27/1883 | 103 | BIELER, Chas. | -----, Alivesta* | |||||
03/27/1883 | 103 | SNYDER, Matilda* | 51 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); husb, 8 chren remain | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | SUBBEN, Mary* | -- | IA | IA: Baldwin (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth; pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | ROSIER, William Thomas* | 38 | PA | MD: Baltimore (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); widow, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
03/27/1883 | 103 | GRAU, John A.* | 60 | IN | IN: Howard Co. (d); to AMER 1849 to Darke Co., OH, to Howard Co. 1875; widow, 10 chren remain | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | MILLER, John W.* | 31 | REA, Rintha | IN | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IN: Marshall Co. (d); son of Joseph & Rachel; md 1880, res Owaneco, Christian Co., IL, until ca 4 wks ago; wife, 1 child remain; consumption | |
03/27/1883 | 103 | REA, Rintha | MILLER, John W.* | |||||
03/27/1883 | 103 | MILLER, Rintha | MILLER, John W.* | |||||
03/27/1883 | 103 | HOKE, Mamie* | 5mos | -- | --: dau of Jas. C. & Mattie A. | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | NICHOLAS, Mabel Florence* | 1 | PA | PA: Johnstown (d); dau of C. E. & Ida | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | SCHMUCKER, Maud* | 2 | IL | IL: Franklin Grove (d); dau of Alexander & Hannah; malarial fever | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | BAUMGARDNER, Rudolph Cook* | 1 | -- | --: son of Rev. L. I. & Rebecca; congestion of lungs | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | BETER, Clarence Eugene* | 3 | IL | IL: Chicago (d); son of Samuel & Minnie; scarlet fever | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | BROWN, Ida Osa* | 10mos | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knoxdale (d); | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | HOPKINS, Roy McCann* | 1 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knoxville area (d); son of Robert & Phoebe | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | GEAR, Walter Brown* | 1 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring area (d); son of N. L. | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | STRAYER, Ralph Waldo Emerson* | 1 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh Conference area (d); son of Rev. F. P. & Mary; lung fever | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | ALLISON, William Ambrose* | 10 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh Conf.: Cherry Tree circuit (d); son of Tate & Matilda | |||
03/27/1883 | 103 | SCHMUCKER, Luelia* | 5 | IL | IL: Franklin Grove (d); dau of Alexander & Hannah; malarial fever | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | MURRAY, Thomas (Rev.)* | 33 | IL | NY: New York (b) | IL: Kankakee (d); Thomas as young orphan, place in N.Y. Juvenile Asylum; age 11 apprentice to J.M. Hertz, nr Kankakee until age 21; att N.W. College; recd appointment to preach 1880; bur Kankakee. Supposedly leaves 1 bro & 1 sister, both in New York. | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | BAKER, Rosanna* | 85 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (b); 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | FRY, Louisa* | 51 | PA | PA: Waterford (d) | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | PROCIOUS, Sophia Hallie* | 18 | -- | --: Ministers: GARNER, J. & DONER, J. D.; dau of William & Catharine; pars, 4 full & 3 half bros, 7 full & 2 half sis; inflammatory rheumatism | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | CUSHMAN, Sarah Jane* | 22 | KIRKE | CUSHMAN, ----- | -- | IL: Winnebago Co. (b) | --: Center Point area (d); husb, 2 little boys, father, 5 bros remain; mother dead. Minister: J. WAGONER |
04/03/1883 | 111 | KIRKE, Sarah Jane* | 22 | CUSHMAN, ----- | -- | IL: Winnebago Co. (b) | --: Center Point area (d); husb, 2 little boys, father, 5 bros remain; mother dead. Minister: J. WAGONER | |
04/03/1883 | 111 | CUSHMAN, ----- | KIRKE, Sarah Jane* | |||||
04/03/1883 | 111 | FRYBARGER, Sarah Ann* | 36 | COOK | FRYBARGER, ----- | MI | ENGLAND (b) | MI: Lenawee Co. (d); to AMER w/ pars 1849; husb, chren, pars, 1 bro remain |
04/03/1883 | 111 | COOK, Sarah Ann* | 36 | FRYBARGER, ----- | MI | ENGLAND (b) | MI: Lenawee Co (d); to AMER w/ pars 1849; husb, chren, pars, 1 bro remain | |
04/03/1883 | 111 | FRYBARGER, ----- | COOK, Sarah Ann* | |||||
04/03/1883 | 111 | HOLLIGER, Catherine* [and child] | 35 | NEITZ | HOLLIGER, Herman | OH | PA: Snyder Co.: Chapman Tp. (b) | OH: Toledo (d); md Feb 9, 1868; 9 chren remain; youngest child d 4 days earlier |
04/03/1883 | 111 | NEITZ, Catherine* | 35 | HOLLIGER, Herman | OH | PA: Snyder Co.: Chapman Tp. (b) | OH: Toledo (d); md Feb 9, 1868; 9 chren remain; youngest child d 4 days earlier | |
04/03/1883 | 111 | HOLLIGER, Herman | NEITZ, Catherine* | |||||
04/03/1883 | 111 | MANHARTZ, John* | -- | PA | GERMANY: Minseaheim [?] (b) [perhaps Meisenheim?] | PA: Phoenixville (d); to AMER 1852 | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | KIMBLE, Mary* | 25 | WOERTZ | KIMBLE, ----- | IN | IN: Jay Co.: Noble Tp. (d); husb, pars, siblings remain | |
04/03/1883 | 111 | WOERTZ, Mary* | 25 | KIMBLE, ----- | IN | IN: Jay Co.: Noble Tp. (d); husb, pars, siblings remain | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | KIMBLE, ----- | WOERTZ, Mary* | |||||
04/03/1883 | 111 | SMITH, John* | 60 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); heart disease | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | ROW, Eliza B.* | 65 | IA | GERMANY: Richenusch [?] (b) [perhaps Richenbach] | IA: Louisa Co.: Grandview area (d); in 1852 one of 1st memb of Grandview Church | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | CARPENTER, Sarah* | 63 | CARPENTER, David | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Joy (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 1 child dead; died suddenly | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | -----, Sarah* | 63 | CARPENTER, David | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Joy (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 1 child dead; died suddenly | ||
04/03/1883 | 111 | CARPENTER, David | -----, Sarah* | |||||
04/03/1883 | 111 | YEISLY, Daniel* | 62 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield Tp. (d); wife, 4 sons, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; Bright's disease | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | TELMAN, Catherine* | 68 | -- | --: Creswell (d); several chren remain; husb d 30+ yrs ago. Minister: KANTNER, W. C.; perhaps PA location | |||
04/03/1883 | 111 | KRAUSE, Lena* | 79 | HEINTZ | KRAUSE, Christoph | NY | GERMANY: Baden (b) | NY: Oneida Co.: State Bridge (d); to AMER & in 1845 md. "Nearly all of her worldly possessions she willed to benevolent purposesÉ." |
04/03/1883 | 111 | HEINTZ, Lena* | 79 | KRAUSE, Christoph | NY | GERMANY: Baden (b) | NY: Oneida Co.: State Bridge (d); to AMER & in 1845 md. "Nearly all of her worldly possessions she willed to benevolent purposesÉ." | |
04/03/1883 | 111 | KRAUSE, Christoph | HEINTZ, Lena* | |||||
04/10/1883 | 119 | DEHART, Amos* | 68 | PA | PA: Myerstown (d); widow, 2 sons remain; state determined by res of minister, E. J. MILLER | |||
04/10/1883 | 119 | RYANS, Mathilda* | 47 | WALKER | RYANS, ----- | IA | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IA: Louisa Co.: Grandview area (d); husb, 3 chren remain |
04/10/1883 | 119 | WALKER, Mathilda* | 47 | RYANS, ----- | IA | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IA: Louisa Co.: Grandview area (d); husb, 3 chren remain | |
04/10/1883 | 119 | RYANS, ----- | WALKER, Mathilda* | |||||
04/10/1883 | 119 | MOYER, Magdalena* | 72 | PA | PA: Myerstown (d); 1 dau, 6 sons remain; husb, 1 son, 3 daus dead; converted ca 40 yrs ago, was strongly opposed & persecuted; state determined by res of minister, E. J. MILLER | |||
04/10/1883 | 119 | WISE, Henry* | 87 | -- | --: Sugar Valley (d); one of 1st Evan. membs in Center Co., PA; large family remains. Minister: SWENGLE, J.G.M. | |||
04/10/1883 | 119 | AULT, Wm. Henry* | 25 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); son of Wm. & Mary; greater part of natural life an invalid sufferer | |||
04/10/1883 | 119 | McDIVITT, Margaret* | 58 | McDIVITT, Hugh | MI | MI: Eaton Co. (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
04/10/1883 | 119 | -----, Margaret* | 58 | McDIVITT, Hugh | MI | MI: Eaton Co. (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
04/10/1883 | 119 | McDIVITT, Hugh | -----, Margaret* | |||||
04/10/1883 | 119 | MOHN, John* | 85 | PA | PA: Mohnsville (d); memb Evan. Assn. 48 yrs; useful in the church & the community | |||
04/10/1883 | 119 | LAMEY, -----* | 83 | -- | PA: Center Co. (b) | --: Minister: BEATTY, E.; embraced religion ca 42 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain | ||
04/10/1883 | 119 | GRIMM, John* | 64 | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b) | OH: Wayne Co. (d); w/ pars to Wayne Co. from GER; converted 1840; good man, highly respected, generous, pious, beloved; mentions having a family | ||
04/10/1883 | 119 | SCHOENEBERGER, Amanda L.* | 3 | PA | PA: Freemansburg (d); youngest ch of Christian & Emma; convulsions | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | ZOEGER, Jacob* | 16 | PA | PA: York Co. (d) | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | BRETH, Samuel* | 14 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh Conf.: Cherry Tree circuit (d); son of Samuel & Eliza; cerebro spinal meningitis | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | HUMPHREYS, E.* | 70 | HUMPHREYS, Charles (Dr.) | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Cherryville area (d); bur Presbyterian Cem. nr Weaversville | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | -----, E.* | 70 | HUMPHREYS, Charles (Dr.) | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Cherryville area (d); bur Presbyterian Cem. nr Weaversville | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | HUMPHREYS, Charles (Dr.) | -----, E.* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | YOHN, Lovina J.* | 22 | OH | OH: Perry Co.: McCluney area (d); pars, 5 bros, 1 sis remain [NOTE: perhaps McCuneville is place of death] | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | BERRY, Margaret Virginia* | 44 | OH | OH: Belmore area (d); husb, chren remain | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | DeFREHN, Elizabeth* | 69? | DIEHL | DeFREHN, J. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); member Evan. Assn. 47 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain | |
04/17/1883 | 127 | DIEHL, Elizabeth* | 69? | DeFREHN, J. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); member Evan. Assn. 47 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | DeFREHN, J. | DIEHL, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | CLINE, Mary C.* | 46 | BURY | CLINE, ----- | OH | OH: Baltimore area (d); 10 chren, aged father, siblings remain; husb d 1877; pleuro-pneumonia | |
04/17/1883 | 127 | BURY, Mary C.* | 46 | CLINE, ----- | OH | OH: Baltimore area (d); 10 chren, aged father, siblings remain; husb d 1877; pleuro-pneumonia | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | CLINE, ----- | BURY, Mary C.* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | ANSTINE, Wm. Henry* | 28 | IA | IA: Plymouth Co.: Elgin Tp. (d); unable to attend church several yrs | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | HARRIS, Linta* | 16 | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Greenwood (d) | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | WIDMAIER, John F.* | 74 | NY | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg: Kuppingen (b) | NY: Lewis Co.: Beaver Falls (d); wife, 2 sons remain; bronchitis 1 wk | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | KIESS, Mary E.* | 32 | KIESS, David | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, 1 dau remain | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | -----, Mary E.* | 32 | KIESS, David | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, 1 dau remain | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | KIESS, David | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | DREHER, Philip* | 77 | PA | PA: Drehersville (d); dropsy / heart trouble | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | HINDERLEIDER, John L.* | -- | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: New Petersburg (d); son of John | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | SHALE, Mary* | 70 | SHALE, John | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Bettsville area (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | -----, Mary* | 70 | SHALE, John | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Bettsville area (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | SHALE, John | -----, Mary* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | RIDENBAUGH, Emma* | 27 | MUNK | RIDENBAUGH, ----- | IN | IN: Noble Co.: Bimfield [sic: Brimfield?] area (d); husb, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; father dead | |
04/17/1883 | 127 | MUNK, Emma* | 27 | RIDENBAUGH, ----- | IN | IN: Noble Co.: Bimfield [sic: Brimfield?] area (d); husb, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; father dead | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | RIDENBAUGH, ----- | MUNK, Emma* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | MEILY, Magdalene* | 84 | MEILY, Martin | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Mount Nebo (d); house was home for traveling preachers for last 30 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | -----, Magdalene* | 84 | MEILY, Martin | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Mount Nebo (d); house was home for traveling preachers for last 30 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | MEILY, Martin | -----, Magdalene* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | SCHROEDER, Anna Mary* | -- | SCHROEDER, J. F. | PA | GERMANY: Hanover: Venne (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (d); to AMER 1840; md 1841; husb, 5 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; typhoid pneumonia [incorrect birthdate (Sep 1, 1880) published] | |
04/17/1883 | 127 | -----, Anna Mary* | -- | SCHROEDER, J. F. | PA | GERMANY: Hanover: Venne (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (d); to AMER 1840; md 1841; husb, 5 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; typhoid pneumonia [incorrect birthdate (Sep 1, 1880) published] | |
04/17/1883 | 127 | SCHROEDER, J. F. | -----, Anna Mary* | |||||
04/17/1883 | 127 | SNYDER, Adam* | 73 | PA | PA: York Co.: Adamsville (d); wife, 7 chren remain | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | HAHN, Samuel E. E.* | 21 | -- | --: Williams Tp. (d); son of William & Maria; public schoolteacher; pars, bro, 5 sis remain. Minister: STAUFFER, W. H. | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | LINTNER, Frances* | 82 | IL | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IL: DeKalb Co.: Pierce (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead. "One of her sons (Christian) was a minister in our Church, and one of her grandsons, J. J. Lintner, is pastor of the Rochelle charge, Illinois Conference." | ||
04/17/1883 | 127 | MOHLER, Samuel* | 53 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Middlesex area (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | ROUZER, John Henry* | 1 | PA | PA: South Fork (d); son of Alexander & Susan | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | PETERS, -----* | 6mos | PA | PA: Bendersville (d); dau of Rev. John H. & Ella | |||
04/17/1883 | 127 | ADAMS, Charles* | 8 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Leesport area (d); son of Charles & Mary; typhoid-pneumonia | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | LONGBRAKE, Solomon* | 66 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Basil area (d); wife, 7 chren remain | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | GEORGE, Elizabeth* | 30? | FRETZ | GEORGE, F. | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Upper Hilltown (d); dau of Wm. & Hettie [age perhaps 39] | |
05/01/1883 | 143 | FRETZ, Elizabeth* | 30? | GEORGE, F. | PA | PA: Bucks Co: Upper Hilltown (d); dau of Wm. & Hattie [age perhaps 30] | ||
05/01/1883 | 143 | GEORGE, F. | FRETZ, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/01/1883 | 143 | RAWLAND, Sarah A.* | 34 | NIEBLE | RAWLAND, Thomas | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: McCutchensville area (b) | OH: Henry Co. (d); dau of Enos |
05/01/1883 | 143 | NIEBLE, Sarah A.* | 34 | RAWLAND, Thomas | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: McCutchensville area (b) | OH: Henry Co. (d); dau of Enos | |
05/01/1883 | 143 | RAWLAND, Thomas | NIEBLE, Sarah A.* | |||||
05/01/1883 | 143 | PRESTON, Louisa* | 14 | MI | MI: Greenbush mission, MI Conf. area (d) | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | GROFF, Esther* | 15 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d); dau of David & Maria; consumption | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | GUTSHALL, Gideon* | 59 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Balls Mills area (d); wife, 5 chren remain; dropsy / heart trouble | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | GATES, Hannah* | 46 | HARRIS | GATES, ----- | PA | PA: Bradford Co. (b) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; consumption |
05/01/1883 | 143 | HARRIS, Hannah* | 46 | GATES, ----- | PA | PA: Bradford Co. (b) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; consumption | |
05/01/1883 | 143 | GATES, ----- | HARRIS, Hannah* | |||||
05/01/1883 | 143 | SELTZER, Leah* | 76 | SELTZER, William | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: McKeansburg area (d); husb, 7 chren, siblings remain; rheumatism / dropsy | ||
05/01/1883 | 143 | -----, Leah* | 76 | SELTZER, William | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: McKeansburg area (d); husb, 7 chren, siblings remain; rheumatism / dropsy | ||
05/01/1883 | 143 | SELTZER, Willilam | -----, Leah* | |||||
05/01/1883 | 143 | BELTZ, John Carson* | 5mos | -- | --: son of Emanuel & Martha; scarlet fever | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | ALBER, Pauline Louisa* | 6 | OH | OH: Independence (d); dau of Charles & Christine [at this time was an Independence both in Cuyahoga Co. & Richland Co., OH--this is likely Richland Co.] | |||
05/01/1883 | 143 | BELTZ, Delta Elnora* | 2 | -- | --: child of Emanuel; scarlet fever | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | COURTRIGHT, G. W.* | 41 | OH | OH: Belmore area (d); widow, 9 chren remain | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | YOST, Louisa* | -- | YOST, John | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); memb our church since conversion 22 yrs ago | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | -----, Louisa* | -- | YOST, John | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); memb our church since conversion 22 yrs ago | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | YOST, John | -----, Louisa* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | GLOVER, Alice* | 16 | -- | --: Haneyville area (d); mother, other relatives remain. Minister: MILLER, D. W. | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | MILLER, Susan* | 68? | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Macungie (d); husb dead | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | FISHER, Benjamin* | 80 | IA | IA: Colfax (d); 13 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | KEMMERER, John George* | 81? | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); converted 1836; predicted his own death in 3 days & he was correct; dropsy / old age | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | KNOBLESDORF, Adolph* | 47 | PA | PA: East Stroudsburg (d); widow, 4 chren remain; dyspepsia | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | NICHOLAS, Ida B.* | 20 | SWANK | NICHOLAS, ----- | PA | PA: Hooversville area (d); husb, pars, a bro & sis remain | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | SWANK, Ida B.* | 20 | NICHOLAS, ----- | PA | PA: Hooversville area (d); husb, pars, a bro & sis remain | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | NICHOLAS, ----- | SWANK, Ida B.* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | RUMBERGER, Charlotte* | 75 | SPRUNG | RUMBERGER, ----- | PA | MD: Baltimore (b) | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lykens (d); husb, 3 sons, 5 daus remain |
05/08/1883 | 151 | SPRUNG, Charlotte* | 75 | RUMBERGER, ----- | PA | MD: Baltimore (b) | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lykens (d); husb, 3 sons, 5 daus remain | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | RUMBERGER, ----- | SPRUNG, Charlotte* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | SUTTON, Washington G.* | 40 | PA | PA: York Co.: Alpine area (d); wife, 4 chren, mother, siblings remain | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | SNYDER, Jacob R.* | 70 | PA | PA: Reading (d); converted 42 yrs ago in Orwigsburg, where buried; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | BLUMENSHINE, Mary* | 21 | IL | IL: Woodford Co.: Cruger (d); dau of Philip & Barbara; pars, 6 siblings remain; measles / heart disease | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | MILLER, Mary* | 70 | MILLS | MILLER, Jacob | OH | PA: Bucks Co. (b) | OH: Bloomville (d); to OH ca 30 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons remain |
05/08/1883 | 151 | MILLS, Mary* | 70 | MILLER, Jacob | OH | PA: Bucks Co. (b) | OH: Bloomville (d); to OH ca 30 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons remain | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | MILLER, Jacob | MILLS, Mary* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | BORTZ, Peter A.* | 21 | KS | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | KS: Harvy [sic] Co.: Halsted (d); pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; diphtheria / bronchitis | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | LARASH, Sophianna* | 71 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 7 chren remain; heart disease | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | HAGENBUCH, Benjamin L.* | 41 | PA | PA: Drehersville (d); wife, 1 son remain; consumption | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | CHAMPION, Elizabeth* | 84 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville (d); 3 chren remain; pneumonia | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | WITMAN, Sarah E.* | 11 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Red Hill School House area (d); dau of Daniel & Mary J.; affection of lungs & heart | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | CREEK, Daniel Franklin* | 11 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Reiner City (d); son of Daniel & Catherine E.; typhoid fever | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | WERSTLER, Jonas* | 74 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: New Berlin (d); "a faithful father to his family"; 1 son, 3 daus remain; typhoid pneumonia | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | CAINE, Adie* | 43 | HARPER | CAINE, Fredrico | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); dau of Rev. Thomas & Barbara; husb, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | HARPER, Adie* | 43 | CAINE, Fredrico | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); dau of Rev. Thomas & Barbara; husb, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | CAINE, Fredrico | HARPER, Adie* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | GRUNEWALD, Elizabeth* | 53 | GRUNEWALD, Carl | WI | WI: West Bend (d). "A husband, two sons, and one daughter, children of her first husband, mourn their loss; 3 sons and 1 daughter preceded her." [md previously] | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | -----, Elizabeth* | 53 | GRUNEWALD, Carl | WI | WI: West Bend (d). "A husband, two sons, and one daughter, children of her first husband, mourn their loss; 3 sons and 1 daughter preceded her." | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | GRUNEWALD, Carl | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | BUTTERWECK, Elizabeth* | -- | LIESER | BUTTERWECK, Joseph | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Hereford (d); dau of Samuel, one of 1st class leaders) ; 3 sons, 4 daus remain. [Age impossible to read: d on ?3th birthday; if dau of Samuel LIESER, she would likely be elderly] | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | LIESER, Elizabeth* | -- | BUTTERWECK, Joseph | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Hereford (d); dau of Samuel, one of 1st class leaders) ; 3 sons, 4 daus remain. [Age impossible to read: d on ?3th birthday; if dau of Samuel LIESER, she would likely be elderly] | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | BUTTERWECK, Joseph | LIESER, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | REIGLE, William* | 78 | NY | NY: Seneca Falls area (d); invalid many yrs | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | SNYDER, Jacob* | 70 | PA | PA: Reading (d); wife, 3 chren remain; bur Orwigsburg, PA; pneumonia | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | CLODFELTER, Philip M.* | 37 | IL | IL: Little Wabash area (d); wife, 4 chren remain; consumption | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | STRAYER, Lydian* | 32 | JACKSON | STRAYER, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Shrewsbury area (d); consumption | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | JACKSON, Lydian* | 32 | STRAYER, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Shrewsbury area (d); consumption | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | STRAYER, ----- | JACKSON, Lydian* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | BYERS, David* | 45 | PA | PA: Indiana Co. (d); wife, 7 chren remain. Minister: HUMMEL, F. P. | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | RUPP, Lena* | 38 | OCHSNER | RUPP, J | CO | SWITZERLAND: Ober-Hallau (b) | CO: Denver (d); to AMER w/ pars 1853; bur Syracuse, NY; husb, 2 little sons, aged mother, 1 bro, 3 sis remain |
05/08/1883 | 151 | OCHSNER, Lena* | 38 | RUPP, J | CO | SWITZERLAND: Ober-Hallau (b) | CO: Denver (d); to AMER w/ pars 1853; bur Syracuse, NY;husb, 2 little sons, aged mother, 1 bro, 3 sis remain | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | RUPP, J. | OCHSNER, Lena* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | SEIP, Elizabeth* | 34 | MOYER | SEIP, Geo. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d); bur Union Cem., Allentown, PA; liver complaint | |
05/08/1883 | 151 | MOYER, Elizabeth* | 34 | SEIP, Geo. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d); bur Union Cem., Allentown, PA; liver complaint | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | SEIP, Geo. | MOYER, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | MILLER, Mary* | 47 | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (d); husb, 5 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
05/08/1883 | 151 | YOUG, Salome* | 56 | YOUG, Conrad | NY | NY: Lyons area (d); husb, 8 chren, father, 4 bros, sis remain | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | -----, Salome* | 56 | YOUG, Conrad | NY | NY: Lyons area (d); husb, 8 chren, father, 4 bros, sis remain | ||
05/08/1883 | 151 | YOUG, Conrad | -----, Salome* | |||||
05/08/1883 | 151 | YEAGER, Hattie* | 22 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Longville (d); pars, siblings remain | |||
05/15/1883 | 158 | COLE, J. B. (Rev.)* | 50 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); licensed as a local preacher in 1874; also worked for Cole & Hellman, boiler mfrs, who att funeral in body; also "a company of soldiers vied" to express their sympathy; indicates wife remains & perhaps chren | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | McCOY, John* | 75 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); funeral at Frysville Lutheran & German Reformed Church | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | BIXLER, John* | 25 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Johnsville area (d); wife, 1 child, pars, bro, sisters remain | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | LUTZ, Mary* | 71 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); well in forenoon, a corpse at nightfall | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | JOHNSON, Jessie* | 17 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d); dau of M. S. & Mary A.; pars, siblings remain | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | McCOY, Jonathan | 63 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); justice of peace for yrs; " ... did not seek Christ until death was in view. He sought and found peace on his death bedÉ." | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | KNAUS, Rebecca* | 62 | KNAUS, Charles | PA | PA: Allentown (d); sick & sorely afflicted husb, 4 sons remain | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | -----, Rebecca* | 62 | KNAUS, Charles | PA | PA: Allentown (d); sick & sorely afflicted husb, 4 sons remain | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | KNAUS, Charles | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
05/15/1883 | 159 | SANDS, Mary* | 61 | PA | PA: Reading (d); paralysis attack 3 yrs ago, never fully recovered; 1 son remains; meningitis | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | BERLIN, Samuel* | 67 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springtown (d); converted 17 yrs ago; paralysis | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | KNISELY, James* | 31 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); body brought to home of James KELLY, then to East Prospect Church for funeral; pars "have long since died" | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | FINK, Oliver F.* | 26 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Williamsport (d); highly respected, a school teacher; bur Jersey Shore [PA] | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | SWEIGART, Fietta* | 34 | SCHAEFFER | SWEIGART, ----- | -- | --: Fairville (d). Minister: KANTNER, W. C. [perhaps PA] | |
05/15/1883 | 159 | SCHAEFFER, Fietta* | 34 | SWEIGART, ----- | -- | --: Fairville (d). Minister: KANTNER, W. C. [perhaps PA] | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | SWEIGART, ----- | SCHAEFFER, Fietta* | |||||
05/15/1883 | 159 | GARLACH, Sabilla* | 87 | IL | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); to IL 1840 [?]; 8 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | MILLER, Belshazzar* | 61 | PA | GERMANY: Hessia (b) | PA: Butler Co.: Valencia area (d); memb Mt. Olive Church; family remains; pneumonia of lungs | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | HENNEY, Adam K.* | 58 | NY | OH: Wayne Co.: Congresstown [sic] (b) | NY: New York City (d); son of Rev. A.; att school at Berea, OH. "In Illinois he held positions of honor and trust." Was seeking medical aid in NYC; wife, 2 sons, 3 bros, 5 sis remain | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | MAUCH, Mary* | 64 | PA | PA: Lewisburg (d at res of son-in-law, Rev. W.E. DETWILER of Central PA Conf.); she formerly of New Berlin, PA; inflammatory rheumatism | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | HELMBRECHT, Hannah Mary Charlotte* | 79 | HAMPA | HELMBRECHT, ----- | PA | HANOVER: Hildry Province (b) | PA: Crawford Co.: Mosiertown area (d); to AMER w/ husb May, 1836; 1 son remains; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given [number of yrs md is illegible]; funeral by Rev. STEADMAN of the M. E. Church; [d May 2, 1883] |
05/15/1883 | 159 | HAMPA, Hannah Mary Charlotte* | 79 | HELMBRECHT, ----- | PA | HANOVER: Hildry Province (b) | PA: Crawford Co.: Mosiertown area (d); to AMER w/ husb May, 1836; 1 son remains; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given [number of yrs md illegible] | |
05/15/1883 | 159 | HELMBRECHT, ----- | HAMPA, Hannah Mary Charlotte* | |||||
05/15/1883 | 159 | DOLDER, Fred.* | -- | -- | IL: Northville (b) | --: Freedom (d); wife, 4 sm chren, aged pars remain. Said he could see grpa, grma, other friends beckoning to him to come [place of death likely IL] | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | HELMBRECHT, Henry* | 74 | PA | HANOVER: Hildry Province (b) | PA: Crawford Co.: Mosiertown area (d); to AMER May 1836; funeral by Rev. STEADMAN of the M. E. Church; [d Apr 28, 1883] | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | NEAST, Annie Mary* | 28 | LOBIEN | NEAST, ----- | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Mauch Chunk (d); husb, 4 chren, pars remain | |
05/15/1883 | 159 | LOBIEN, Annie Mary* | 28 | NEAST, ----- | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Mauch Chunk (d); husb, 4 chren, pars remain | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | NEAST, ----- | LOBIEN, Annie Mary* | |||||
05/15/1883 | 159 | STEVICK, Jacob* | 80 | PA | PA: Carlisle area (d at home of dau, Sarah BUSHMAN). "For some years he had been living in the State of Indiana, where his second wife died, and only returned to his native State last December." 5 sons, 3 daus remain; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | LAMBERT, Catharine* | 67 | -- | --: Salisbury (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain. Minister: BALENTINE, M. J. | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | TREXLER, Mary A.* | 41? | WAGNER | TREXLER, O. | IA | IA: Mason City (d); sis of Rev. F. C. WAGNER of IL Conf.; memb 2nd Evan. Ch., Naperville, IL; bur Naperville | |
05/15/1883 | 159 | WAGNER, Mary A.* | 41? | TREXLER, O. | IA | IA: Mason City (d); sis of Rev. F. C. WAGNER of IL Conf.; memb 2nd Evan. Ch., Naperville, IL; bur Naperville | ||
05/15/1883 | 159 | TREXLER, O. | WAGNER, Mary A.* | |||||
05/15/1883 | 159 | KRIMMEL, Daniel George* | 1 | PA | PA: Pinegrove (d); son of J. & Lizzie; scarlatina | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | HARPER, Anna* | 2 | PA | PA: Pottstown (d); youngest ch of Hiram & Sarah; membraneous croup | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | JORDAN, Freddy* | 11wks | IN | IN: East Germantown (d); son of George & Emma | |||
05/15/1883 | 159 | HALLER, Julia May* | 1 | MI | MI: San. Co.: Richmondville (d); dau of Paul H. & Mary; lung congestion | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | UMBACH, Sarah* | 29 | SCHWEITZER | UMBACH, S. L. (Rev.) | ONT | ONT: Perth Co.: North Easthope (b) | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Berlin (d); md Apr 24, 1877; remains taken to her old home & bur in cem nr Lingelbach's Church, west of New Hamburg; husb, a 2-wk-old infant, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 1 child dead |
05/22/1883 | 167 | SCHWEITZER, Sarah* | 29 | UMBACH, S. L. (Rev.) | ONT | ONT: Perth Co.: North Easthope (b) | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Berlin (d); md Apr 24, 1877; remains taken to her old home & bur in cem nr Lingelbach's Church, west of New Hamburg; husb, a 2-wk-old infant, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 1 child dead | |
05/22/1883 | 167 | UMBACH, S. L. (Rev.) | SCHWEITZER, Sarah* | |||||
05/22/1883 | 167 | HANE, Matilda* | 75 | HANE, ----- (Rev.) | OH | OH: Canton (d); husb d Jan 1864, had been a local preacher. "They helped to build the first, and also rebuild the second Ev. Church of Canton, O." 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | HELLER, David* | 69 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Loraine (d); wife, 6 chren remain | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | HOUTS, John* | 70 | FRY, Nancy | IA | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Otter Creek (d); md Aug 4, 1840; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus remain | |
05/22/1883 | 167 | FRY, Nancy | HOUTS, John* | |||||
05/22/1883 | 167 | HOUTS, Nancy | HOUTS, John* | |||||
05/22/1883 | 167 | ARNOLD, Minnie* | 29 | RADEBAUGH | ARNOLD, Charles | OH | OH: Baltimore (d); only dau of B. & S.; husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 5 bros remain | |
05/22/1883 | 167 | RADEBAUGH, Minnie* | 29 | ARNOLD, Charles | OH | OH: Baltimore (d); only dau of B. & S.; husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 5 bros remain | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | ARNOLD, Charles | RADEBAUGH, Minnie* | |||||
05/22/1883 | 167 | TRISLER, Edward W.* | 25 | OH | OH: Coshocton Co. (d at home of father-in-law); res prev Cleveland, where a memb Calvary Church of Evan. Assn.; wife, an only sis remain | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | PITTMAN, Mary A.* | 14 | PA | PA: East Conemaugh (d); dau of Samuel; scarlet fever. Minister: BIRD, A. J. | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | LEIPERT, C.* [female] | 19 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Eureka area (d); morphine overdose. "May father, mother, brothers and sister take timely warning." | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | CONRAD, Mary A.* | 41 | FL | FL: Orange Co.: Longwood (d) | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | SLOTTERER, Mary Ann* | 49 | SLOTTERER, George | PA | PA: Norristown Evan. Church member; good wife, kind mother; husb, 7 chren remain | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | -----, Mary Ann* | 49 | SLOTTERER, George | PA | PA: Norristown Evan. Church member; good wife, kind mother; husb, 7 chren remain | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | SLOTTERER, George | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
05/22/1883 | 167 | KOHLHEPP, William* | 28 | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Marchand area (d); son of John & Margaret; pars, siblings remain; heart disease | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | CLOTZ, Sallie* | 54 | -- | OH: Franklin Co.: Jefferson Tp. (b) | --: Ministers: McBRIDE, S. A., HANKEY, L. W., EVANS, A.; husb, 4 chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 bros, 1 sis dead | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | SEITZ, Elias* | 62 | IN | IN: Wakarusa area (d); a steward in Oliver Center Church | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | FOCKLER, Charles* | 76 | IN | PA: York Co. (b) | IN: Wayne Co.: East Germanton (d); wife, 2 daus remain; 3 sons dead | ||
05/22/1883 | 167 | FICHTNER, Laura* | 4 | -- | --: dau of Rev. J. | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | CAUFFMAN, Harvey* | 3 | -- | --: son of Samuel & Barbara | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | FLORY, John F. | 4mos | PA | PA: Bangor (d); son of Samuel & Isabella | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | ZIMMERMAN, Blair* | 6mos | PA | PA: Houtzdale (d); son of B. F. & M. E. | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | HAKE, Christian* | 11 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); son of Jos. | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | KINARD, David R.* | -- | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); son of Jno. | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | GIESE, Nathan J.* | 1 | NY | NY: Montgomery Co.: Akin (d); son of F. A. & Fridericke | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | BLOUSE, Mary F.* | 11mos | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); adopted dau of William | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | ALBRIGHT, -----* | 1 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Hilltown (d); son of Phares & Tilly; measles | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | GREBINGER, Benj. F.* | 4 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d); son of Ephraim & Mary E.; diphtheria; [d Apr 29, 1883] | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | GREBINGER, Laura* | 6 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d); dau of Ephraim & Mary E.; diphtheria; [d May 4, 1883] | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | GREBINGER, Harry* | 9 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d); son of Ephraim & Mary E.; diphtheria; [d May 6, 1883] | |||
05/22/1883 | 167 | GREBINGER, Ella B.* | 11 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d); dau of Ephraim & Mary E.; diphtheria; [d May 14, 1883] | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | LOOSE, Willie L.* | 19 | MI | MI [possibly Monroe Co.]: drowned in River Raisin Mar 5th, on 19th birthday; the evening before conducted young people's meeting; funeral May 17. When obit submitted body not yet been recovered; pars, 5 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | OFFERLE, Mary* | 70 | PA | PA: Warren (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | MILLER, Elizabeth A.* | 79 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Jacksonville (d); bur Leesburg; 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | HUMMEL, John* | 36 | IL | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); wife, 5 chren remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | BROWN, Gabriel* | -- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown area (d); converted ca 50 yrs ago; 4 chren remain; wife, 9 chren dead | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | LANDIS, Ida* | 17 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty area (d); dau of Joseph & Eliz. | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | WINEBERG, Joseph Harry* | 10 | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Pine Church area (d); son of Martin; pars, siblings remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | McFEELY, John L.* | 89 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Plainfield area (d at res of Margaret J. CAROTHERS); | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | LINT, Polly* | 63 | LINT, Joseph | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (died happy); 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
05/29/1883 | 175 | -----, Polly* | 63 | LINT, Joseph | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (died happy); 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
05/29/1883 | 175 | LINT, Joseph | -----, Polly* | |||||
05/29/1883 | 175 | MARLOW, Myrtle A.* | 18 | OH | OH: Columbus (d); husb, little child, mother remain | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | SPRING, Mary C.* | 55 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Soletorn (b) [perhaps Solothum?] | OH: Canton (d); to AMER several yrs ago; 6 chren remain | ||
05/29/1883 | 175 | ORFE, -----* | 69 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon area (d); consumption | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | BARRETT, C. J.* | 59 | KS | KS: Barton Co.: Pawnee Rock (d); res prev IL; 10 chren remain; husb dead; [perhaps initials of her given names, or her husb's initials] | |||
05/29/1883 | 175 | NITTINGER, Anne E.* | 17 | -- | --: Minister: SCHNATZ, J. P.; dau of August & Hannah; pars, 7 siblings remain | |||
06/05/1883 | 183 | YOUNT, J. A. (Rev.)* | 28 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co. (b) | PA: Armstrong Co.: North Freedom (d); licensed 1874; served in Erie & Pittsburgh Confs., inc. Canton, OH; wife, 3 little chren, pars, siblings remain; bur in cem. at Mt. Tabor Church on New Salem charge | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SCHAFER, Eliza* | 32 | SCHAFER, R. | NY | NY: Steuben Co.: Wayland area (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | -----, Eliza* | 32 | SCHAFER, R. | NY | NY: Steuben Co.: Wayland area (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SCHAFER, R. | -----, Eliza* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | THOMPSON, Oliver Oakley* | 11 | IA | IA: Blairstown area (d); son of W. W. & Sarah | |||
06/05/1883 | 183 | MEYERS, Martha* | 92 | ALLGEIER | MEYERS, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Steinach (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); 4 chren remain; husb d 47 yrs ago; 8 chren dead |
06/05/1883 | 183 | ALLGEIER, Martha* | 92 | MEYERS, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Steinach (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); 4 chren remain; husb d 47 yrs ago; 8 chren dead | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | MEYERS, ----- | ALLGEIER, Martha* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | ALLEM, Hannah* | 76 | ALLEM, Jacob | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d); chren remain; husb dead; suffered few hrs from heart disease | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | -----, Hannah* | 76 | ALLEM, Jacob | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d); chren remain; husb dead; suffered few hrs from heart disease | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | ALLEM, Jacob | -----, Hannah* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SWARTZ, Joseph* | 70 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (d); 4 chren remain; apoplexy | |||
06/05/1883 | 183 | HEBERLING, John W.* | 47 | PA | PA: Lehighton (d); served in Civil War; widow, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | |||
06/05/1883 | 183 | RIFE, Mariah* | 74 | EBY | RIFE, ----- | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); md 1828; to Richland Co., OH, 1829; husb, chren remain | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | EBY, Mariah* | 74 | RIFE, ----- | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); md 1828; to Richland Co., OH, 1829; husb, chren remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | RIFE, ----- | EBY, Mariah* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | NAUMAN, Jacob* | 50 | IA | PRUSSIA (b) | IA: Independence (d); to AMER 1850 to Marshallville area, OH; to IA 1860; wife, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | MINNIUM, Susan C.* | 41 | ROYER | MINNIUM, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co.: Boyertown (d); husb, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption. [There is a Boyertown in Berks Co.; could not find a Royertown or Boyertown in Union Co.] | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | ROYER, Susan C.* | 41 | MINNIUM, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co.: Boyertown (d); husb, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption. [There is a Boyertown in Berks Co.; could not find a Royertown or Boyertown in Union Co.] | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | MINNIUM, ----- | ROYER, Susan C.* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | MOREY, Magdalene* | 74 | MOREY, John | PA | PA: Berlinsville (d); husb, 1 dau, 3 sis remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | -----, Magdalene* | 74 | MOREY, John | PA | PA: Berlinsville (d); husb, 1 dau, 3 sis remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | MOREY, John | -----, Magdalene* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SHOEMAKER, Catherine* | 71 | PROBST | SHOEMAKER, ----- | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: German settlement (d); husb, 4 chren remain | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | PROBST, Catherine* | 71 | SHOEMAKER, ----- | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: German settlement (d); husb, 4 chren remain | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SHOEMAKER, ----- | PROBST, Catherine* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SHUNKWILER, Susan E.* | 35 | JONES | SHUNKWILER, Daniel | MO | MO: Holt Co.: Mound City area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | JONES, Susan E.* | 35 | SHUNKWILER, Daniel | MO | MO: Holt Co.: Mound City area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | SHUNKWILER, Daniel | JONES, Susan E.* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | LINEBERGER, Henry* | 63 | WI | WI: Lafayette Co.: Wayne Tp. (d); member Evan. Assn. ca 20 yrs | |||
06/05/1883 | 183 | CASHNER, Christina* | 81 | RIGGLE | CASHNER, ----- | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Franklin Co.: Westerville (d); converted 1833; 6 chren, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead |
06/05/1883 | 183 | RIGGLE, Christina* | 81 | CASHNER, ----- | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Franklin Co.: Westerville (d); converted 1833; 6 chren, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | CASHNER, ----- | RIGGLE, Christina* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | HARTER, Catherine* | 75 | CONDERMAN | HARTER, ----- | NY | NY: Steuben Co. (d); husb, 4 sis, 1 bro, 6 grchren remain; 2 chren dead | |
06/05/1883 | 183 | CONDERMAN, Catherine* | 75 | HARTER, ----- | NY | NY: Steuben Co. (d); husb, 4 sis, 1 bro, 6 grchren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | HARTER, ----- | CONDERMAN, Catherine* | |||||
06/05/1883 | 183 | HORN, Catharine* | 68 | HORN, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); formerly of Weissport, Carbon Co., PA; husb d 6 mos ago; bur beside husb, possibly Weissport; Bright's disease | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | -----, Catharine* | 68 | HORN, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); formerly of Weissport, Carbon Co., PA; husb d 6 mos ago; bur beside husb, possibly Weissport; Bright's disease | ||
06/05/1883 | 183 | HORN, George | -----, Catharine* | |||||
06/12/1883 | 191 | SECHRIST, John (Rev.)* | 63 | OH | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | OH: Richland Co.: Independence (d); converted age 15 at campmeeting in Wayne Co., OH wife, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; only child dead; epilepsy / Bright's disease | ||
06/12/1883 | 191 | YOST, Maria H.* | 48 | GISH | YOST, Wm. (Rev.) | OH | PA: Northampton Co.: Berlinsville (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); dau of Abraham & Elizabeth; md Mar 9, 1865; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus, aged mother, 1 bro, 4 sis remain; one sis is named Anna. Attending: mother & only bro from Slatington, PA, & sis from Blue Springs, NE; bur Lakeview Cem; consumption. |
06/12/1883 | 191 | GISH, Maria H.* | 48 | YOST, Wm. (Rev.) | OH | PA: Northampton Co.: Berlinsville (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); dau of Abraham & Elizabeth; md Mar 9, 1865; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus, aged mother, 1 bro, 4 sis remain; one sis is named Anna. Attending: mother & only bro from Slatington, PA, & sis from Blue Springs, NE; bur Lakeview Cem; consumption. | |
06/12/1883 | 191 | YOST, Wm. (Rev.) | GISH, Maria H.* | |||||
06/12/1883 | 191 | MILLER, Ira Daniel* | 14 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Richmond Tp. (d); son of Solomon & Carolin J. R.; inflammation of bowels | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | HELTMAN, Jacob* | 66 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Hamburg area (d); 8 chren remain | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | GARES [?], Isaiah* | 32 | PA | PA: Clintondale area (d); wife, 4 chren remain | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | PAXON, Carolina* | 24 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect (d at parental homestead) | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | NULL, Sallie* | 83 | BAKER | NULL, ----- | MI | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | MI: Three Rivers area (d); 5 chren remain; 4 chren dead + husb, who d ca 40 yrs ago |
06/12/1883 | 191 | BAKER, Sallie* | 83 | NULL, ----- | MI | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | MI: Three Rivers area (d); 5 chren remain; 4 chren dead + husb, who d ca 40 yrs ago | |
06/12/1883 | 191 | NULL, ----- | BAKER, Sallie* | |||||
06/12/1883 | 191 | KEMMERER, William* | 49 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); son of George, deceased; typhoid fever | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | KURTZ, Annie* | 22 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brecknock Tp. (d); consumption | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | SLOATMAN, W. A.* | 57 | PA | GERMANY: Holstein: Plon (b) | PA: Williamsport (d); to AMER 1850; widow, 7 chren remain | ||
06/12/1883 | 191 | COLLAR, Sophia* | 61 | COLLAR, Peter, Sr. | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: New Middletown (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 7 chren dead | ||
06/12/1883 | 191 | -----, Sophia* | 61 | COLLAR, Peter, Sr. | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: New Middletown (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 7 chren dead | ||
06/12/1883 | 191 | COLLAR, Peter | -----, Sophia* | |||||
06/12/1883 | 191 | COX, Isaac* | 72 | IA | IA: Cedar Rapids area (d on visit to son); res Guthra [sic] Co.; 11 chren remain; wife, 1 child dead | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | SCHUTTER, John* | 63 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Hazleton (d); converted 40 yrs ago; joined Evan Assn. 1862, former Methodist; widow, 4 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | GEHR, Wilson* | 48 | PA | PA: Gehrton (d); 3 chren, father age 101, bros remain; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | EXAMPLE, father age 101 | see GEHR, Wilson, Jun 12, 1883, p 191 | |||||
06/12/1883 | 191 | DELLINGER, Joseph* | 70 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); leaves family | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | SONDER, Lillie Jane* | 15 | PA | PA: Womelsdorf (d); dau of Thos. & Rebecca; scarlet fever | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | WALTERS, John Christian* | 50 | -- | PRUSSIA: Govt Dist. Erfurt: Kreis Schleusingen: Schwartz by Suhl (b) | --: Millersburg (d); son of Martin & Augusta; widow, 1 child remain | ||
06/12/1883 | 191 | GOTTSCHALK, Oliver River* | 4 | IN | IN: Bern (d) | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | WAGNER, Virginia Ellen* | 8mos | IL | IL: Shelby Co.: Ridge Tp. (d); youngest ch of Thos. | |||
06/12/1883 | 191 | CHESTER, James* | 2 | -- | --: son of Benjamin & Catharine; bronchitis | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | GUTHRIE, Flora* | 12 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); dau of Joseph | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | ALBERSTETT, John* | 42 | IL | GERMANY: Saxe-Weimar: Stoternheim (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Davis (d); to AMER 1854; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | RITTENHOUSE, Fianna* | 56 | RITTENHOUSE, Joseph | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Conyngham Valley (d); joined Evan. Assn. 14 yrs ago; husb, 5 chren remain | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | -----, Fianna* | 56 | RITTENHOUSE, Joseph | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Conyngham Valley (d); joined Evan. Assn. 14 yrs ago; husb, 5 chren remain | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | RITTENHOUSE, Joseph | -----, Fianna* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | SERGEL, Mary E.* | -- | MILLER | SERGEL, ----- | NY | NY: Warsaw (d); husb, 2 chren, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | MILLER, Mary E.* | -- | SERGEL, ----- | NY | NY: Warsaw (d); husb, 2 chren, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | SERGEL, ----- | MILLER, Mary E.* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | PAINTER, Jane* | 75 | BLACK | PAINTER, Christian | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Shellsville (d); 7 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead; apoplexy / old age | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | BLACK, Jane* | 75 | PAINTER, Christian | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Shellsville (d); 7 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead; apoplexy / old age | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | PAINTER, Christian | BLACK, Jane* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | HARTMAN, Esther* | 62 | HARTMAN, Wm. | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Bradner (d). "She leaves many relatives to mourn her departure." Husb dead | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | HARTMAN, Wm. | -----, Esther* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | SECHRIST, Mary Ellen* | 17 | PA | PA: York (d); dau of John & Sarah; pars remain | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | PEIFFER, Isaac* | 86 | -- | --: Williams Tp. (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; wife d ca 2 yrs ago. Minister: STAUFFER, W. H. | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | BOYER, Mary E.* | 18 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield Town (d); dau of Wm. E. & Catharine; pars remain | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | THOMAS, Anna Katharina* | 71 | ONT | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Kreis Hersfeld: Wippershein (b) | ONT: Waterloo (d); md 1834; husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 of the sons are ministers in Evan. Church; one son is Rev. C. A., ed. of Ev. Magazin; 7 chren dead | ||
06/19/1883 | 199 | WOODARD, John* | 22 | OH | OH: Morgan Co.: Deavertown area (d); mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; asthma / dropsy | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | CRAWFORD, Minnie C.* | 15 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Laurelton area (d); bur at Lincoln Chapel | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | BEYRER, Doretha* | 72 | BEYRER, Jacob | IN | WURTTENBERG: O. A. Constadt: Stettin (res prev) | IN: South Bend (d on visit w/ her dau); to AMER w/ family 1851; joined our church 1855; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | -----, Doretha* | 72 | BEYRER, Jacob | IN | WURTTENBERG: O. A. Constadt: Stettin (res prev) | IN: South Bend (d on visit w/ her dau); to AMER w/ family 1851; joined our church 1855; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | BEYRER, Jacob | -----, Doretha* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | WALZ, Ezra* | 19 | OH | OH: Independence (d); son of Rev. John & Charlotte, missionary at Stuttgart; swimming, struck head, spinal paralysis. Could not find pars, siblings except bro William, Professor at Reading, PA, stopped to bury bro on way to Japan. Minister: R. MOTT | |||
06/19/1883 | 199 | MUELLER, Elizabeth* | 88 | MUELLER, Peter | IL | GERMANY: Hessen Darmstadt: Grossherzogthum: Weinheim (b) | IL: Brookville area (d); md 62 yrs; to AMER w/ family 1832; husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead; funeral at Brookville | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | -----, Elizabeth* | 88 | MUELLER, Peter | IL | GERMANY: Hessen Darmstadt: Grossherzogthum: Weinheim (b) | IL: Brookville area (d); md 62 yrs; to AMER w/ family 1832; husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead; funeral at Brookville | |
06/19/1883 | 199 | MUELLER, Peter | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
06/19/1883 | 199 | WILL, Curt H.* | 2mos | IA | IA: Iowa Center (d); son of John & Hattie |
Number of items that your search found: 658