Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/06/1885 | 11 | WESSLER, Olive* | 4 | IN | IN: Evansville (d); dau of Christian & Julia; diphtheria | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | FOLK, Amelia* | 21 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown (d); consumption/heart disease | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | McKENZIE, Eliza* | 67 | HERITAGE | McKENZIE, ----- | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Newporrt (d); dropsy | |
01/06/1885 | 11 | HERITAGE, Eliza* | 67 | McKENZIE, ----- | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Newport (d); dropsy | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | McKENZIE, ----- | HERITAGE, Eliza* | |||||
01/06/1885 | 11 | KLOTZ, Joel* | 75 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); wife, 2 sons remain; rheumatism | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | WOLF, Daniel* | 74 | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Pierceville (d); came West in later yrs; wife, 1 dau remain | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | FOSTER, Jonathan* | 55 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburgh (d); widow, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | SCHICK, Washington* | 38 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: East Point (d); son of Wm. & Anna; converted 18 yrs ago | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | STIRK, M. O. [male]* | 56 | PA | PA: Lancaster (d). "Many loved ones bade him welcome yonder." | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | KRUMLAUF, Sarah* | 66 | KRUMLAUF, John | -- | --: Minister: BROWN, G. W.; husb, chren remain | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | -----, Sarah* | 66 | KRUMLAUF, John | -- | --: Minister: BROWN, G. W.; husb, chren remain | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | KRUMLAUF, John | -----, Sarah* | |||||
01/06/1885 | 11 | EHRHEART, Catherine* | 80 | SHULL | EHRHEART, ----- | IN | MD (born 1804) | IN: Wayne Co. (res); went there in 1835; 2 sons, 3 daus remain |
01/06/1885 | 11 | SHULL, Catherine* | 80 | EHRHEART, ----- | IN | MD (born 1804) | IN: Wayne Co. (res); went there in 1835; 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |
01/06/1885 | 11 | EHRHEART, ----- | SHULL, Catherine* | |||||
01/06/1885 | 11 | STALL, Catharine* | 43 | OH | OH: Akron (d); 6 chren remain; husb dead | |||
01/06/1885 | 11 | BRUMER, Margaret* | 54 | BRUMER, Alfred | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); converted at Norristown; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | -----, Margaret* | 54 | BRUMER, Alfred | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); converted at Norristown; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain | ||
01/06/1885 | 11 | BRUMER, Alfred | -----, Margaret* | |||||
01/06/1885 | 11 | SEITZ, Elizabeth* | 69 | SEITZ, Christian | IL | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Crumbach: Franklach (b) | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 1 son, 6 daus remain | |
01/06/1885 | 11 | -----, Elizabeth* | 69 | SEITZ, Christian | IL | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Crumbach: Franklach (b) | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 1 son, 6 daus remain | |
01/06/1885 | 11 | SEITZ, Christian | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/06/1885 | 11 | SCHWEITZER, Anna Sibylla* | 86 | RASCH | SCHWEITZER, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt: Holzmuehl (b) | OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847. "Many souls have been converted at her home." 2 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead |
01/06/1885 | 11 | RASCH, Anna Sibylla* | 86 | SCHWEITZER, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt: Holzmuehl (b) | OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847. "Many souls have been converted at her home." 2 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | |
01/06/1885 | 11 | SCHWEITZER, ----- | RASCH, Anna Sibylla* | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | SMITH, Sallie Lizzie* | 9 | OH | OH: Flat Rock (died at Orphan Home) | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | WHITE, Arthur W.* | 6mos | PA | PA: Allentown (d); son of Geo. B. & Alley [sic] | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | HONACHER, Edwin T.* | 5mos | PA | PA: Allentown (d); son of Wesley & Ida | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | McCORD, Maud Anita* | 4 | -- | --: dau of Abram & Lizzie; brain fever; no location or minister given | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | WESSLER, Emma Laura* | 3 | IN | IN: Evansville (d); dau of Christian & Julia; died 7 days after her sister Olive; diphtheria | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | McNEALL, Nathaniel* | 58 | PA | PA: Burlington (d); 5 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | SHAUFNER, Susan* | 64 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d); member Ev. Church 48 yrs | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | GEHR, Baltzer* | 102 | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); left 70 direct lineal descendants | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | EXAMPLE:, age 102 | see GEHR, Baltzer, Jan 13, 1885, p 27 | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | GABLE, Mary* | 71 | GABLE, John | PA | PA: York (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | -----, Mary* | 71 | GABLE, John | PA | PA: York (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | GABLE, John | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | SCHOBERT, Elizabeth* | 31 | ISSLER | SCHOBERT, ----- | MI | MI: San. Co.: Richmondville area (d); husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; confinement | |
01/13/1885 | 27 | ISSLER, Elizabeth* | 31 | SCHOBERT, ----- | MI | MI: San. Co.: Richmondville area (d); husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; confinement | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | SCHOBERT, ----- | ISSLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | YOST, Reuben* | 68 | OR | PA: Montgomery Co. (b) | OR: Kings Valley (died at res of son Thomas); res Jefferson Co. until 2 yrs ago when he went to OR; wife, 8 chren remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | STROUSE, Sophia H.* | 57 | STROUSE, William | OH | OH: West Salem area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | -----, Sophia H.* | 57 | STROUSE, William | OH | OH: West Salem area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | STROUSE, William | -----, Sophia H.* | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | DUTH, Caroline* | 70 | BOYER | DUTH, ----- | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); son, 2 daus remain; husb, 9 chren dead |
01/13/1885 | 27 | BOYER, Caroline* | 70 | DUTH, ----- | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); son, 2 daus remain; husb, 9 chren dead | |
01/13/1885 | 27 | DUTH, ----- | BOYER, Caroline* | |||||
01/13/1885 | 27 | FLORAN, Eva Anna* | 17 | IN | IN: St. Joseph Co. (d); dau of Jacob & Rebecca; pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; 4 sis dead | |||
01/13/1885 | 27 | CHRISTOPHEL, Abraham* | 53 | IL | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Alsheim (b) | IL: Kankakee Co.: Herscher area (d); to AMER 1852; widow, 7 chren remain | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | EWALD, Christiana* | -- | SHELL | EWALD, A. | ONT | ONT: Bruce Co.: Sangeen (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
01/13/1885 | 27 | SHELL, Christiana* | -- | EWALD, A. | ONT | ONT: Bruce Co.: Sangeen (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 5 chren dead | ||
01/13/1885 | 27 | EWALD, A. | SHELL, Christiana* | |||||
01/20/1885 | 43 | BOTSFORD, Charles* | 5 | PA | PA: Unityville (d) | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | VOUGHT, Harry Ray* | 2 | -- | --: son of Isaiah & Fannie; no location or minister stated | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | LIMBAUGH, John A.* | 5 | -- | --: diphtheria & croup; no location or minister stated | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | SCHOBERT, Wm. Frederick* | 3 | -- | --: youngest son of Mrs. W. R. | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | HINCKEL, Harry Weldy* | 3 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Henry & Alexina | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | KAUFFMAN, William Henry* | 7mos | PA | PA: Yorkana area (d); croup/lung-disease | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | BOOREM, Elizabeth* | 85 | PA | PA: Paradise Valley (d); husb died 40 yrs ago | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | KOEHLER, C. G.* | 58 | NY | SAXONY: Kitzer (b) | NY: Beaver Falls area (d); to AMER 1853; wife, step-son remain | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | FRANKENFIELD, Cornelius* | 36 | KNERR, ----- | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); wife is dau of Rev. George KNERR of Atlantic Conf.; she remains along w/ 1 child, pars, siblings | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | KNERR, ----- | FRANKENFIELD, Cornelius* | |||||
01/20/1885 | 43 | ROPP, David* | 77 | IL | VA: London [sic] Co. (b) | IL: Kappa area (d); res prev OH, then to IL 1843 | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | BORGNER, Susanna* | 71 | BORGNER, George | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | -----, Susanna* | 71 | BORGNER, George | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | BORGNER, George | -----, Susanna* | |||||
01/20/1885 | 43 | SAGER, Mary* | 33 | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Centre (d); husb, 3 sm chren remain; 4 chren dead | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | WILES, ----- ("Father")* | 71 | PA | PA: Columbia Co. (d) | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | DAVIS, Kate V.* | 28 | DAVIS, Francis T. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d) | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | -----, Kate V.* | 28 | DAVIS, Francis T. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d) | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | DAVIS, Francis T. | -----, Kate V.* | |||||
01/20/1885 | 43 | HARPSTER, Geo.* | 65 | MI | PA: Union Co.: Beaver Tp. (b) | MI: Colon (d); wife, dau remain | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | DREHMER, J. Henry* | 31 | IL | IL: Geneseo (d); md 8 yrs; wife, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; typhoid & brain fever | |||
01/20/1885 | 43 | GRUMBEIN, Benj.* | 70 | IL | PA: Lebanon Co.: Heidelberg Tp. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); to Naperville w/ his family 1845; wife, 9 chren remain; cancer | ||
01/20/1885 | 43 | ASHOFF, Henry* | 57 | MI | MI: Royalton (d). "The church edifice was erected on his farm." He was class-leader, steward, trustee, S.S. supt; wife, 6 chren remain; consumption | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | THILKE, Mary* | 67 | THILKE, John (Rev.) | WI | WI: Prairie du Sac (d); 3 daus remain, one md Rev. C. SCHNEIDER; husb dead | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | -----, Mary* | 67 | THILKE, John (Rev.) | WI | WI: Prairie du Sac (d); 3 daus remain, one md Rev. C. SCHNEIDER; husb dead | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | THILKE, John (Rev.) | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BLOUSE, Harry Schleh* | 3mos | PA | PA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); son of Melvin | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | LIEPHART, Arvilla* | 2 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); dau of Milton; [d Jan 3] | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | LIEPHART, Alice* | 6 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); sis of Arvilla; died on the morning fixed for the burial of her little sister; [d Jan 5] | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | DETWILER, Mary S.* | 5 | PA | PA: York Co.: Long Level (d); dau of D. W.; niece of Rev. W. E., P.E.; diphtheria | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | FERREE, Mary E.* | 10 | PA | PA: York Co.: E. Prospect (d); dau of David; [d Dec 8] | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | FERREE, D. Roy* | 8 | PA | PA: York Co.: E. Prospect (d); son of David; bro of Mary E.; [d Jan 7] | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | WOLF, Peter* | 68 | OH | OH: Dalton area (d); lung fever | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | GARDNER, Blanche Myrtle* | 4wks | -- | --: Howard area (d); dau of Jos. L. & Amanda H.; dysentery; minister: J. H. WELCH | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BOYER, Carrie Etta* | 9 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Ringgold Tp. (d); dau of Michael; lung fever | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MAYHEW, Mary* | 76 | MAYHEW, G. W. | IA | IA: Union Co.: Afton area (d) | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | -----, Mary* | 76 | MAYHEW, G. W. | IA | IA: Union Co.: Afton area (d) | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MAYHEW, G. W. | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | SCHULER, Calvin C.* | 13 | PA | PA: Upper Milford (d); son of Edwin & Sarah | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | STAHL, William T.* | 70 | PA | PA: Berwick area (d) | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | STEVEN, Lorena* | 27 | STEVEN, F. | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Greenbsch (d); husb, 1 child, father, bro remain; quick consumption | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | -----, Lorena* | 27 | STEVEN, F. | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Greenbush (d); husb, 1 child, father, bro remain; quick consumption | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | STEVEN, F. | -----, Lorena* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | SMITH, Sallie M.* | 8 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Rev. F. & Maria K.; pars, 4 little sis remain; diphtheria | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | SMITH, Barbara E.* | 29 | SMITH, Adolphus | PA | PA: Bangor (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | -----, Barbara E.* | 29 | SMITH, Adolphus | PA | PA: Bangor (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | SMITH, Adolphus | -----, Barbara E.* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MINCHION, Ina A.* | 20 | IA | WI: Oshkosh (b) | IA: Hardin Co.: Eldora rea (d); to IA w/ pars a few mos ago; typhoid fever | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BENSINGER, Henry Newton* | 23 | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); son of Benevill & Caroline; peritonitis | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | LUTZ, Margaret Catharine* | 21 | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Simon & Margaret; consumption | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | KLINE, Sarah* | 78 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Elliottsburg area (d); 12 chren, 80 grchren, 25 gt-grchren remain; husb, 6 chren dead | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | KING, Barbara* | 43 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Elton area (d); husb, chren remain | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | DAVIS, Thomas P.* | 23 | OH | OH: West Salem (d); pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | WORTHINGTON, Rosa* | 22 | LLOYD | WORTHINGTON, Oliver | -- | --: Rabbit Town (d); dau of James LLOYD; husb, 2 little chren remain; typhoid fever; minister: LOHR, J. J. | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | LLOYD, Rosa* | 22 | WORTHINGTON, Oliver | -- | --: Rabbit Town (d); dau of James LLOYD; husb, 2 little chren remain; typhoid fever; minister: LOHR, J. J. | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | WORTHINGTON, Oliver | LLOYD, Rosa* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | DORMYER, Jonathan* | 58 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J.; enlisted Aug 6, 1863, wounded Cedar Creek, VA, Oct. 26, 1863, by which he lost a limb; was also a soldier for Jesus | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | GERRMAN, Louisa A.* | 68 | KOPF | GERRMAN, Max | NY | GERMANY: Rheinbeiern: Zweibrucken (b) | NY: Greenpoint (d); husb, 5 chren remain [this obit submitted by J. STELTZER] |
01/27/1885 | 59 | KOPF, Louisa A.* | 68 | GERRMAN, Max | NY | GERMANY: Rheinbeiern: Zweibrucken (b) | NY: Greenpoint (d); husb, 5 chren remain [this obit submitted by J. STELTZER] | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | GERRMAN, Max | KOPF, Louisa A.* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | YUMMS, Sarah A.* | 51 | OTTO | YUMMS, ----- | IL | PA: Centre Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott (d); to Steph. Co. as child |
01/27/1885 | 59 | OTTO, Sarah A.* | 51 | YUMMS, ----- | IL | PA: Centre Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott (d); to Steph. Co. as child | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | YUMMS, ----- | OTTO, Sarah A.* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MOSSHOLDER, Mary Anne* | 73 | FLAMM | MOSSHOLDER, ----- | IL | IL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); 3 daus, 2 sons remain; husb, 3 sons dead | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | FLAMM, Mary Anne* | 73 | MOSSHOLDER, ----- | IL | IL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); 3 daus, 2 sons remain; husb, 3 sons dead | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MOSSHOLDER, ----- | FLAMM, Mary Anne* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MUNDIS, Mary* | 60 | MUNDIS, J. J. | PA | PA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); husb, son, dau remain | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | -----, Mary* | 60 | MUNDIS, J. J. | PA | PA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); husb, son, dau remain | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | MUNDIS, J. J. | -----, Mary* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | 57 | BUTZ, Mary A. (wife #1; had 4 chren) | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | OH: Tiffin area (d); 1 child dead | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | 57 | RAMALY, Anna M. (wife #; had 12 chren) | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | OH: Tiffin area (d); 1 child dead | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | BUTZ, Mary A. | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BIDLEMAN, Mary A. | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | RAMALY, Anna M. | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | BIDLEMAN, Anna M. | BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas* | |||||
01/27/1885 | 59 | WEBER, Catharine* | 58 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Ashland Tp. (d); embraced religion age 10; husb, 2 [?] chren remain | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | ZUMSTEIN, A. E. A.* | 20 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Bern (b) | OH: Wood Co.: Moline area (d); to AMER age 5 w/ pars; mother, 1 bro remain; | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | WARNER, Ida Celesta* | 17 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: East Liberty area (d); dau of J. J. & Sarah; afflicted for 8 yrs | |||
01/27/1885 | 59 | GOURLY, Ella* | 20 | HOFFMASTER | GOURLY, W. Scott | PA | PA: Philadelphia (died at her husband's res); md less than 1 yr. "She was fondly attached to her beautiful homeÉ." Husb, infant dau, pars, brother & sister remain; typhoid fever | |
01/27/1885 | 59 | HOFFMASTER, Ella* | 20 | GOURLY, W. Scott | PA | PA: Philadelphia (died at her husband's res); md less than 1 yr. "She was fondly attached to her beautiful homeÉ." Husb, infant dau, pars, brother & sister remain; typhoid fever | ||
01/27/1885 | 59 | GOURLY, W. Scott | HOFFMASTER, Ella* | |||||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)* | 83 | DIFFENDOERFER, Rebecca (wife #1; md 1834) | IN | WURTEMBERG: Prusigen (b 1801) | IN: Lagrange Co.: Lima (res); detailed acct of pastorates in PA, OH, IN; wife #2, 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead; no mention of chren by wife #1; chronic stomach disease [lengthy obit] | |
02/03/1885 | 75 | SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)* | 83 | LONG, ----- (wife #2, widow of Rev. Jacob; md 1845; had 5 chren w/ SCHWILLY) | IN | WURTEMBERG: Prusigen (b 1801) | IN: Lagrange Co.: Lima (res); detailed acct of pastorates in PA, OH, IN; wife #2, 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead; no mention of chren by wife #1; chronic stomach disease [lengthy obit] | |
02/03/1885 | 75 | DIFFENDOERFER, Rebecca | SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)* | |||||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SCHWILLY, Rebecca | SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)* | |||||
02/03/1885 | 75 | LONG, ----- * | SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)* | (Widow of Rev. Jacob) | ||||
02/03/1885 | 75 | EBERT, Joseph* | 77 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: bur Red Haw Cem.: Joseph EBERT, June 10, 1807 - Jan. 23, 1885 age 77y 7m 7d; converted age 14; aged wife, 2 sons, 1 dau remain. Minister: F. BONE | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of Rev. Joseph EBERT | |||||
02/03/1885 | 75 | REUTTER, Mary* | 29 | -- | --: Minister: GROSS, H. W.; she taught infant S.S. class | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SMITH, John Herman* | -- | -- | --: Highland (d); son of Calvin & Rebecca; bronchial affection; minister: GOODLING, E. B.[?] | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | WOODMAN, Floyd* | 15ds | -- | --: Minister: SCHEURER, P.; son of George P. & Mary E.; lung fever | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | BAKER, Jessie M.* | 1 mo | IA | IA: Cedar Rapids (d); dau of E. J. & M. | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | WALDSCHMIDT, Charley Samuel* | 1 | IL | IL: Roberts (d); son of Daniel & Catharine; cramps | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SMITH, Lizzie Annie* | 4 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Rev. F. & Maria K.; diphtheria | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SWAB, Maggie* | 3 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown (d); dau of Henry; scarlet fever | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | HOUCK, Henry Walter* | 3 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); son of Lafayette & Ellen; fatally burned. "His last words were, 'Mamma, I can't see any more.'" | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SCHWINLY, Adam* | 74 | -- | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | --: Minister: Kemberling, I. W.; wife, 5 chren remain | ||
02/03/1885 | 75 | TEUFEL, Frederick Wm.* | 26 | PA | PA: West Mill Creek (d); pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; kicked by horse | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | VARNER, Cyrus* | 29 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Elton area (d); 2 chren, father, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | YOH, Mary Ann* | 37 | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d); Sept. 10 became insane; brought from Asylum at Harrisburg to her home at Shoemakersville; husb, 1 child remain | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | KOCHER, Abraham* | 26 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: White Haven (d); brakeman on L. V. R.R., fell down high embankment from moving box-car, crushed his skull; wife, 1 child remain | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | YEARICK, Peter* | 87 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Hancock Co.: North Findlay (d); md 66+ yrs; wife died ca a yr ago; reared 14 chren, 12 of whom remain | ||
02/03/1885 | 75 | MADEIRA, Samuel* | 5 - [ | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Shoemakersville area (d); wife, 3 sons, 5 daus remain; pneumonia/dropsy [age cannot be deciphered--the first digit appears to be a "5"] | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | SAYLOR, William* | 75 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); bro of Rev. J. M. of East PA Conf.; converted 52 yrs ago under Rev. W. W. Orwig; blind 15 yrs; aged widow, 4 chren, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; heart disease | |||
02/03/1885 | 75 | CASEBEER, Frany* | 74 | CASEBEER, David | PA | PA: Somerset area (d); member of church since 1840; bur Emanuel's or Lichty's graveyard, Somerset Circuit; 7 chren remain; 4 chren, 5 grchren dead | ||
02/03/1885 | 75 | GERMANN, Louisa A.* | -- | NY | NY: member 94th St. Church, New York City for 28 yrs; died in her sleep [this obit submitted by L. T. HERRMANN]] | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | BOYD, Frances Arabella* | 37 | BOYD, A. G. (Rev.) | OR | ENGLAND (b) | OR: Dayton Cem. (bur); w/ pars to New Zealand, where md, he a Presbyterian minister; to OR 1882; husb, 9 chren remain, inc. babe of a few days old | |
02/10/1885 | 91 | -----, Frances Arabella* | 37 | BOYD, A. G. (Rev.) | OR | ENGLAND (b) | OR: Dayton Cem. (bur); w/ pars to New Zealand, where md, he a Presbyterian minister; to OR 1882; husb, 9 chren remain, inc. babe of a few days old | |
02/10/1885 | 91 | BOYD, A. G. (Rev.) | -----, Frances Arabella* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | ZEYER, Anna* | 3 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Lewis & Lizzie; inflammation of brain | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | SCHULER, Olivia M.* | 16 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Upper Milford (d); dau of Edwin & Sarah; scarlet fever | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | JEFFERYES [sic], Samuel* | 59 | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; quick consumption | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | TROTT, A. R.* | 35 | IA | IA: Union Co.: Creston (bur); brakeman on C. B. & Q. R.R.; widow, 4 chren remain | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HUGHS, Tacy Ann* | 64 | HUGHS, Owen | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Kulpsville (d); consumption | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | -----, Tacy Ann* | 64 | HUGHS, Owen | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Kulpsville (d); consumption | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HUGHS, Owen | -----, Tacy Ann* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | SHOWP, Lucretia J.* | 27 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (b); member Ev. Church 10 yrs; minister: BONE, F., who was at Red Haw, Ashland Co. at this time | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of Lucretia J. SHOWP | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | MILLER, Jacob* | 82 | IA | PA: York Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Center area (d) | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | SENSENICH, Elizabeth* | 64 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Beartown (d); "blessings on the family in their sudden bereavement" | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | WILL, David* | 21 | OH | OH: Carey (d); son of Peter & Susan; after scripture & prayer, remains taken to Flat Rock, Seneca Co., OH, for burial at Flat Rock Church Cem. | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HAFNER, Maggie Elizabeth* | 17 | -- | --: Minister: SCHUKNECHT, H.; dau of Joseph | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | PLAPP, Jacob F.* | 68 | -- | WUERTEMBERG (b) | --: Pierceville (d); to AMER many yrs ago; experienced religion in PA; wife, 6 chren remain. Minister: SHULTZ, J. K. | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | LININGER, Louie C. | 40 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co.: Orangeville area (d); her son, mother, 4 sis remain | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | STICKEL, Catharine* | 84 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (born Sep 29, 1800) | PA: Carlisle (d); joined Ev. Church nearly 50yrs ago; funeral nr Carlisle | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | MICHAEL, Nettie Minerva* | 16 | IA | IA: Waterloo (d); dau of Henry & Henrietta [nee TRUMBOWER] MICHAEL; God comfort the lonesome parents | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | TRUMBOWER, Henrietta | [not an obit, but gives her maiden name in the obit of her dau, Nettie Michael, Feb 10, 1885, p 91] | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | WOLLENHAUPT, Gertrude* | 75 | IL | IL: Kankakee Co.: Salina (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | SNYDER, Henry* | 73 | PA | PA: Carlisle (d); born Jul 16, 1812; wife, 2 chren remain. " É died in peace, after two years of wonderful endurance in sufferingÉ." | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HARLACHER, Alice S.* | 27 | HARLACHER, N. W. | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | -----, Alice S.* | 27 | HARLACHER, N. W. | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HARLACHER, N. W. | -----, Alice S.* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | ACKERMAN, Minnie* | 18 | IL | IL: Kappa area (d); quick consumption | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | YEARICK, Adam* | 67 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: East Liberty area (d); widow, 6 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | SCHIELD, Charles* | 62 | PA | PA: Montg. Co.: Worcester (d); widow, 3 sons remain; 1 dau dead | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | ACKERMAN, Mary Jane* | 50 | FURGESON | ACKERMAN, ----- | IL | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IL: Kappa area (d); she died unexpectedly the day after her daughter's funeral; husb, chren remain |
02/10/1885 | 91 | FURGESON, Mary Jane* | 50 | ACKERMAN, ----- | IL | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IL: Kappa area (d); she died unexpectedly the day after her daughter's funeral; husb, chren remain | |
02/10/1885 | 91 | ACKERMAN, ----- | FURGESON, Mary Jane* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | PARKER, William* | 80 | MI | MI: Three Rivers area (d); converted 34 yrs ago nr Bellevue, OH; to Three Rivers, ca 32 yrs ago; md nearly 57 yrs; 82-yr-old wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead | |||
02/10/1885 | 91 | WILE, Louisa* | 62 | WILE, Jonas | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Worcester (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau is md to Rev. M. L. CUSTER of Platte River Conf; lingering consumption & effects of a broken limb | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | -----, Louisa* | 62 | WILE, Jonas | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Worcester (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau is md to Rev. M. L. CUSTER of Platte River Conf; lingering consumption & effects of a broken limb | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | WILE, Jonas | -----, Louisa* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | MASON, Anna* | 71 | BONEBRAKE | MASON, ----- | NE | NE: Alma (d); 6 yrs ago when on moving to NE, she joined the Ev. Church; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
02/10/1885 | 91 | BONEBRAKE, Anna* | 71 | MASON, ----- | NE | NE: Alma (d); 6 yrs ago when on moving to NE, she joined the Ev. Church; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
02/10/1885 | 91 | MASON, ----- | BONEBRAKE, Anna* | |||||
02/10/1885 | 91 | HAKE, Daniel* | 64 | WI | PA: York Co. (b) | WI: Jefferson area (d); his pars to Warren, OH, soon after his birth; to WI 1843; widow, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 3 chren dead | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | SNAVELY, Sarah* | 74 | LEFFLER | SNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Yorkana (d); converted 1827; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 son dead; chronic rheumatism |
02/17/1885 | 109 | LEFFLER, Sarah* | 74 | SNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Yorkana (d); converted 1827; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 son dead; chronic rheumatism | |
02/17/1885 | 109 | SNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.) | LEFFLER, Sarah* | |||||
02/17/1885 | 109 | RANK, Jane* | 55 | RANK, R. D. (Rev.) | IA | IA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, large family of chren remain; died unexpectedly from stomach hemorrhage | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | -----, Jane* | 55 | RANK, R. D. (Rev.) | IA | IA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, large family of chren remain; died unexpectedly from stomach hemorrhage | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | RANK, R. D. (Rev.) | -----, Jane* | |||||
02/17/1885 | 109 | MEYER, Lydia* | 57 | LINTNER | MEYER, John (Rev.) | SD | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | SD: Hamlin Co.: Kellerton area (d); dau of Jacob & Fronica; to Crawford Co., OH, w/ pars 1828; md Apr 1844; from IL to Jefferson, WI 1850; to Hamlin Co., 1883; husb, an adopted dau, 1 stepson, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; bur Jefferson, WI; dropsy |
02/17/1885 | 109 | LINTNER, Lydia* | 57 | MEYER, John (Rev.) | SD | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | SD: Hamlin Co.: Kellerton area (d); dau of Jacob & Fronica; to Crawford Co., OH, w/ pars 1828; md Apr 1844; from IL to Jefferson, WI 1850; to Hamlin Co., 1883; husb, an adopted dau, 1 stepson, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; bur Jefferson, WI; dropsy | |
02/17/1885 | 109 | MEYER, John (Rev.) | LINTNER, Lydia* | |||||
02/17/1885 | 109 | ALBRIGHT, Kate* | 50 | ALBRIGHT, Reuben | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Akron area (d); husb, chren, an only sis remain | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | -----, Kate* | 50 | ALBRIGHT, Reuben | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Akron area (d); husb, chren, an only sis remain | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | ALBRIGHT, Reuben | -----, Kate* | |||||
02/17/1885 | 109 | METZGER, Theodore J.* | 30 | IN | IN: Miami Co.: Bunker Hill area (d); 2 bros, 1 sis remain; pars, 5 siblings dead; consumption | |||
02/17/1885 | 109 | COOPER, Isaac* | 71 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; [also COPPER in body of obit] | |||
02/17/1885 | 109 | COPPER, Isaac* | 71 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; [also COPPER in body of obit] | |||
02/17/1885 | 109 | SWITZER, Elizabeth* | 74 | OH | OH: Polk area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead; heart affection/pneumonia | |||
02/17/1885 | 109 | FELGER, J. S. | ||||||
02/17/1885 | 109 | GREBINGER, Magdalene* | 73 | PA | PA: Millersville (d); 9 chren remain; paralysis/neuralgia | |||
02/17/1885 | 109 | DIEHL, Margaret* | 84 | IL | GERMANY (b) | IL: Ogle Co.: Foreston area (died at home of son John; 3 sons remain | ||
02/17/1885 | 109 | KLEPFER, Levi* | 81 | -- | --: Paradise (d); he was one of 10 sons & 2 daus of whom only one remains. "He sleeps in the church-yard he donated to the church at Paradise." [I believe this is PA--ABudd] | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | FISHER, Anna* | 39 | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Allegheny Co.: Dorseyville (d); consumption | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | -----, Anna* | 39 | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Allegheny Co.: Dorseyville (d); consumption | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | -----, Anna* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | BLASER, Rosena* | 48 | KUENZLE | BLASER, G. (Rev.) | OH | OH: Holmes Co. (b) | OH: Wyandot Co. (d); md Mar 8, 1856; husb, 5 son, 4 daus, 5 bros (one being Rev. Chr. Kuenzle of OH Conf.), 2 sis remain; oldest son, Rev. J. H. on Beaver Creek circuit, OH Conf.; 4 daus dead. Temp -18, fierce winds, yet church filled; mute last 3 mos |
02/24/1885 | 125 | KUENZLE, Rosena* | 48 | BLASER, G. (Rev.) | OH | OH: Holmes Co. (b) | OH: Wyandot Co. (d); md Mar 8, 1856; husb, 5 son, 4 daus, 5 bros (one being Rev. Chr. Kuenzle of OH Conf.), 2 sis remain; oldest son, Rev. J. H. On Beaver Creek circuit, OH Conf.; 4 daus dead. Temp -18, fierce winds, yet church filled; mute last 3 mos | |
02/24/1885 | 125 | BLASER, G. (Rev.) | KUENZLE, Rosena* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SWAISGOOD, William* | 20 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Polk area (died at res of mother); converted 6 hrs before death; mother remains, father dead; typhoid pneumonia; [heading is SAISGOOD] | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | FELGER, J. S. | ||||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | LEKER, Mary Magdalena* | 100 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; bur beside husb in Hilltown, Bucks Co., PA | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SCHAEFER, Susan* | 67 | BARTS | SCHAEFER, ----- | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain; 1 son dead; nervous debility | |
02/24/1885 | 125 | BARTS, Susan* | 67 | SCHAEFER, ----- | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain; 1 son dead; nervous debility | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SCHAEFER, ----- | BARTS, Susan* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | MYERS, Joseph* | 60 | OR | OR: Mahama area (d); wife, chren remain; congestion for 15 hrs | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SCHAEFER, C.* | 50 | SCHAUER, Savina | WI | WI: Madison area (d); wife, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead; carbuncle ulcer 7 wks | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SCHAUER, Savina | SCHAEFER, C.* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SCHAEFER, Savina | SCHAEFER, C.* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | BIVANS, Clara Elva* | 11 mo | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); dau of Daniel & Carrie; catarrh on the breast | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | SMITH, Minnie* | 13 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: New Springfield (d); dau of Wm. & Caroline | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | HIMMELRICH, Susan* | 73 | PA | PA: Fleetwood (d); 5 sons, 6 daus remain | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | MARINE, Mary* | 46 | MARINE, F. | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | -----, Mary* | 46 | MARINE, F. | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | ||
02/24/1885 | 125 | MARINE, F. | -----, Mary* | |||||
02/24/1885 | 125 | BLOUSE, Jay Loloyd [sic]* | 1 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d) | |||
02/24/1885 | 125 | LIPP, Mary Cora* | 7 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Willow St. (d) | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | ERB, Joseph (Rev.)* | 53 | BAMBERGER, Francis [sic] | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Nov 8, 1831) | PA: South Fork (d in caboose, demolished by engine behind it); md Mar 1853; converted Stark Co., OH; to IL ca 31 yrs ago to Steph./Carroll Cos.; res nr Lanark last 9 yrs; wife, 2 sons, 5 daus remain [1 dau md Rev. Geo. HARRIS of IL Conf.]; 1 child dead | |
03/03/1885 | 139 | BAMBERGER, Francis [sic] | ERB, Joseph (Rev.)* | |||||
03/03/1885 | 139 | ERB, Francis [sic] | ERB, Joseph (Rev.)* | |||||
03/03/1885 | 139 | CLINE, Bell* | 20 | OH | OH: Huntsville area (d); consumption | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | KUNSMAN, Amanda* | 29 | FRANKENFIELD | KUNSMAN, John Victor | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); dau of David & Mary; husb, 1 small child, pars remain; inflammation of brain | |
03/03/1885 | 139 | FRANKENFIELD, Amanda* | 29 | KUNSMAN, John Victor | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); dau of David & Mary; husb, 1 small child, pars remain; inflammation of brain | ||
03/03/1885 | 139 | KUNSMAN, John Victor | FRANKENFIELD, Amanda* | |||||
03/03/1885 | 139 | WURSTER, Christian* | 63 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Linden area (d); widow, 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
03/03/1885 | 139 | DICKOVER, Eugene Samuel* | 1 | SD | SD: Custer City (d); son of Caleb & Emma | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | GEARHART, Ruth L.* | 16 | OH | OH (d); dau of Henry & Francis [sic]; consumption. Minister, W. H. BUCKS, member of OH Conf. | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | SCHMACHTENBURGER, Margaret* | 91 | OH | OH: Mapleton area (d); joined our church ca 6 yrs ago | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | NEAST, Maria* | 59 | PA | MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN: Maeko[?] (b) | PA: Maunch [sic] Chunk (d); 2 sons remain | ||
03/03/1885 | 139 | WINGATE, Caroline* | 71 | OH | OH (d); minister, M. B. MOHN of OH Conf. at this time | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | GUTZEL, Mary* | 73 | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d); confined to house some yrs by stroke of palsy | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | McCASLIN, Mary Agnes* | 22 | PA | PA: Sycamore [sic] Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, infant child, pars, siblings remain [NOTE: there is no Sycamore Co., PA] | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | MARTZ, Catharine* | 74 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Mariasville area (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | SCHNIVELY, Adam* | 74 | IA | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Center (d); wife, 5 chren remain, one son is Rev. A. of U. B. Church; 3 chren dead; heart disease | ||
03/03/1885 | 139 | DIETZ, Lena Kate* | 15 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Quakertown (d); only dau of W. G.; pars, 10 bros remain; spinal meningitis 8 days | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | YOH, Jacob* | 36 | OH | OH: Van Wert Co. (d); wife, 4 chren, 5 bros remain; tumor on side of neck terminating in "soft cancer" | |||
03/03/1885 | 139 | PHELPS, Robert H.* | 25 | IA | PA: Crawford Co. (b) | IA: Marshall Co. (res); son of Benjamin & Arminda; his system supposed to have poisoned from drinking alkali water | ||
03/03/1885 | 139 | BEST, Jacob N.* | 86 | IL | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (b) | IL: Davis area (d); w/ family to Winnebago Co., IL,1855; md nearly 65 yrs; wife, 10 chren remain | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | KLINEFELTER, Susan* | 62 | KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Shrewsbury (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | -----, Susan* | 62 | KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Shrewsbury (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.) | -----, Susan* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | HARDRANFT, Mary* | 17 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co.: Delightful area (d); pars remain; quick consumption | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | SHOOP, Sarah* | 69 | SHULTZ | SHOOP, ----- | IL | PA: Columbia Co. (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); md in OH; husb, 5 chren remain |
03/10/1885 | 157 | SHULTZ, Sarah* | 69 | SHOOP, ----- | IL | PA: Columbia Co. (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); md in OH; husb, 5 chren remain | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | SHOOP, ----- | SHULTZ, Sarah* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | WARFEL, Catharine* | 65 | BROWN | WARFEL, ----- | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d); to IN 1865; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain |
03/10/1885 | 157 | BROWN, Catharine* | 65 | WARFEL, ----- | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d); to IN 1865; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | WARFEL, ----- | BROWN, Catharine* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | PAYNE, Susanna* | 46 | HABICH | PAYNE, ----- | IN | IN: Randolph Co.: Stone station (d); member our church 6 yrs; husb, 6 chren, 6 step-chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 3 chren dead; consumption | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | HABICH, Susanna* | 46 | PAYNE, ----- | IN | IN: Randolph Co.: Stone station (d); member our church 6 yrs; husb, 6 chren, 6 step-chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 3 chren dead; consumption | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | PAYNE, ----- | HABICH, Susanna* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | BOSMAN, Alice E.* | 25 | MATTER | BOSMAN, ---- [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain; [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | MATTER, Alice E.* | 25 | BOSMAN, ----- [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | BOSMAN, ----- | MATTER, Alice E.* | [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | ||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | ROSMAN, Alice E.* | 25 | MATTER | ROSMAN, ----- [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain; [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | MATTER, Alice E.* | 25 | ROSMAN, ----- [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | ROSMAN, ----- | MATTER, Alice E.* | [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190] | ||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | NOLAND, Wm. W.* | 85 | OH | MD: Baltimore (b) | OH: Akron (d); father of 13 chren; lung fever | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | SCHLAGEL, Mary* | 71 | MO | EUROPE (res) | MO: Bethel (d); to AMER 1865 to OH; to MO 1882. "Her last years were spent with her step-child, L. KRAFT, where she had a pleasant home." | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | KRAFT, L. [male] | of Bethel, MO, mentioned in obit of Mary SCHLAGEL, Mar 10, 1885, p 157 | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | MORSE, Clara L.* | 27 | KEELY | MORSE, ----- | PA | PA: Franklin area (d); husb, 1 child, pars, 4 sis remain; brain disease | |
03/10/1885 | 157 | KEELY, Clara L.* | 27 | MORSE, ----- | PA | PA: Franklin area (d); husb, 1 child, pars, 4 sis remain; brain disease | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | MORSE, ----- | KEELY, Clara L.* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | FALK, Mary* | 68 | FALK, David | -- | --: Mt. Cory (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead. Minister: ZELLER, Fred | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | -----, Mary* | 68 | FALK, David | -- | --: Mt. Cory (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead. Minister: ZELLER, Fred | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | FALK, David | -----, Mary* | |||||
03/10/1885 | 157 | BESSLER, Mariah* | 81 | -- | --: Minister: BENTZ, J. W.; great Bible reader to the last | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | HERZIG, Rosa* | 70 | NY | SWITZERLAND: Bern: Mumenthal (b) | NY: Croghan (d); to AMER 1871; 5 chren remain | ||
03/10/1885 | 157 | ROWLEY, Arthur* | 3 | MI | MI: Portage Prairie (d); son of Frank; membraneous croup | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | HESS, Oscar* | 13 | PA | PA: Philadelphia area (d); twin son of Jacob & Julia; stomach disorder | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | GILGER, Beulah Jeannette* | 10 mo | -- | --: Minister: F. P. S. [nothing further]; dau of Chas. W. & Malinda | |||
03/10/1885 | 157 | MARTIN, Ezra* | 9 | OH | OH: Tiffin (d) | |||
03/17/1885 | 173 | IRVINE, Lucinda* | 42 | IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.) | PA | PA: York Co. (b) | PA: York (d); ill one week from pneumonia; called wife & mother, but no mention of chren, though lengthy obit, much about funeral; [see obit of her mother, SPANGLER, Sarah, same page] | |
03/17/1885 | 173 | -----, Lucinda* | 42 | IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.) | PA | PA: York Co. (b) | PA: York (d); ill one week from pneumonia; called wife & mother, but no mention of chren, though lengthy obit, much about funeral | |
03/17/1885 | 173 | IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.) | -----, Lucinda* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 173 | HESS, ----- ("Mother")* | 86 | IN | PA: York (b) | IN: Wabash (d); to OH 1836; to Wabash 1849; 1 son, 3 daus remain; husb dead | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | POWELL, John* | 78 | OH | PA: Mifflin Co. (b) | OH: Findlay (d); to Fairfield Co., OH, many yrs ago, then Hancock Co. Widow, 3 chren remain | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | SPANGLER, Sarah* | 66 | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Royal (d); 2 daus remain, one being the lately deceased wife of Rev. A. H. IRVINE of Central PA Conf.; husb, 1 son dead; [see obit of her dau, IRVINE, Lucinda, same page] | |||
03/17/1885 | 173 | LUCKEY, Drusilla* | -- | LUCKEY, G. W. | IN | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | -----, Drusilla* | -- | LUCKEY, G. W. | IN | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | LUCKEY, G. W. | -----, Drusilla* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 173 | SHARPE, Sarah M.* | 47 | SHARPE, Robert | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 chren remain; heart disease/dropsy | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | -----, Sarah* | 47 | SHARPE, Robert | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 chren remain; heart disease/dropsy | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | SHARPE, Robert | -----, Sarah* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 173 | DUNKELBERGER, Magdalena* | 8 | KS | PA: Pine Grove area (b) | KS: Harvey Co.: Halstead area (d); pars, 6 bros, 6 sis remain | ||
03/17/1885 | 173 | COCKLIN, Martha* | 32 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain. Place determined by res of minister, F. BONE | |||
03/17/1885 | 173 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of Martha COCKLIN, Mar 17, 1885, p 173 | |||||
03/17/1885 | 173 | SILVERS, Henrietta* | 66 | MI | MI: Greeneburt nr Eureka (d); 4 sons, 3 bros remain; lung inflammation | |||
03/17/1885 | 173 | WHISLER, Nora* | 6mos | PA | PA: York Co.: Newberry (d); dau of A. K. & Lizzie | |||
03/17/1885 | 173 | ANCONA, Sidnia* | 5 | IN | IN: Evansville (d); son of Astey & Kate; diphtheria | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | YOUNG, John* | 1 | KS | KS: Ellsworth Co.: Prosper (d); son of John & Sue; pneumonia | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | KEGG, Korah* | 20 | -- | --: Minister: DICKEY, E. F.; pars, 4 bros remain | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | CALAHAN, Ami* | 66 | -- | --: Minister: SNYDER, John; one of first settlers in neighborhood; an honest man, kind, good to the poor, willing to support a good cause | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | SPADE, Wm.* | 77 | OH | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | OH: Belleville [sic] (d); member our church 40 yrs | ||
03/17/1885 | 174 | HAISH, Lydia* | 58 | KUTER | HAISH, ----- | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Pierceville (d); md 1853, had 5 chren; husb [& possibly all chren] remain; stomach cancer |
03/17/1885 | 174 | KUTER, Lydia* | 58 | HAISH, ----- | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Pierceville (d); md 1853, had 5 chren; husb [& possibly all chren] remain; stomach cancer | |
03/17/1885 | 174 | HAISH, ----- | KUTER, Lydia* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 174 | McCARTY, Amanda* | 27 | KEPNER | McCARTY, Thomas | -- | --: Penn T. (d); dau of Valentine & Katie; husb, 2 little chren remain. Minister: LOHR, J. J. | |
03/17/1885 | 174 | KEPNER, Amanda* | 27 | McCARTY, Thomas | -- | --: Penn T. (d); dau of Valentine & Katie; husb, 2 little chren remain. Minister: LOHR, J. J. | ||
03/17/1885 | 174 | McCARTY, Thomas | KEPNER, Amanda* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 174 | JOHNS, Elizabeth* | 64 | -- | --: Bridgeport mentioned. Minister: CURRY, J.Q.A. | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | KINAMON, C. H.* | 17 | IL | IL: Eldena (died at home of grpars, David SMITH; mother, bro remain; consumption | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | KRANT, Ephraim* | 52 | PA | PA: York Co.: New Paradise (d); wife, 3 chren remain [Correction says obit orig. pub Apr 17; was actually Mar 17]; [corr to KRAUT, Apr 21, 1885, p 253] | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | KRAUT, Ephraim* | 52 | PA | PA: York Co.: New Paradise (d); wife, 3 chren remain [Correction says obit orig. pub Apr 17; was actually Mar 17]; [corr from KRANT, Apr 21, 1885, p 253] | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | SHAFFER, Frederick* | 73 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburgh (d); 6 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead | ||
03/17/1885 | 174 | SHONE, John* | 51 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Lycoming Co. (d); wife, 9 chren remain; cutting trees, 1 fell on him, instant death | ||
03/17/1885 | 174 | STORY, Anna C.* | 32 | STULL | STORY, ----- | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: South Fork area (d); dau of Rev. Wm. of Pittsburgh Conf.; husb, mother, siblings remain; 1 child, father dead; consumption | |
03/17/1885 | 174 | STULL, Anna C.* | 32 | STORY, ----- | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: South Fork area (d); dau of Rev. Wm. of Pittsburgh Conf.; husb, mother, siblings remain; 1 child, father dead; consumption | ||
03/17/1885 | 174 | STORY, ----- | STULL, Anna C.* | |||||
03/17/1885 | 174 | WILLIAMS, I. B.* | 63 | OH | OH: Westerville (d); widow, 10 chren remain; died very suddenly | |||
03/17/1885 | 174 | SKILES, Robert H.* | 59 | KS | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | KS: Lincoln Co. (d); w/ team, overturned into swollen stream, got to land, frozen stiff, did not reach home until rescued, did not survive; leaves large family | ||
03/24/1885 | 190 | TOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)* | 62 | BROWN, Louisa | OH | PA: Reading (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Marshallville (d); md Apr 13, 1847, wife of Kutztown, PA; numerous pastorates in OH; 6 chren remain, one of whom is in CA; 4 chren dead [lengthy obit] [NOTE: surname in German is DOTTERER; his given name was Franklin--ABudd] | |
03/24/1885 | 190 | BROWN, Louisa | TOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)* | |||||
03/24/1885 | 190 | TOTHEROH, Louisa | TOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)* | |||||
03/24/1885 | 190 | BURROWS, Luta A.* | 7 | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); dau of Seymore | |||
03/24/1885 | 190 | WITHRELL, Sarah Jane* | 28 | FAWCETT | WITHRELL, James | -- | --: Minister: JOHNSON, Geo.; husb, 4 chren remain | |
03/24/1885 | 190 | FAWCETT, Sarah Jane* | 28 | WITHRELL, James | -- | --: Minister: JOHNSON, Geo.; husb, 4 chren remain | ||
03/24/1885 | 190 | WITHRELL, James | FAWCETT, Sarah Jane* | |||||
03/24/1885 | 190 | TROYER, Hermen [sic]* | 11 | IL | IL: Clark Co.: Marshall (d); son of Rev. E. R. & Mary; spotted fever, sick 4 days | |||
03/24/1885 | 190 | BILLIG, James* | 69 | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston area (d); wife, 7 chren remain; stomach complaint | ||
03/24/1885 | 190 | FASER, Barbara C.* | 87 | PA | GERMANY: Wurttemberg: Maulbronn (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); member our church 43 yrs; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 3 chren dead | ||
03/24/1885 | 190 | BRENSINGER, Ellen F.* | 22 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slate Dale (b) | PA: Slatington (d); dau of Thomas & Sarah Ann; consumption | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WOODRING, Ella J.* | 29 | GLICK | WOODRING, J. B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Cedar Creek (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md Oct 10, 1878; husb, 2 chren, father, bros remain; her mother had died exactly 16 yrs before; funeral/burial at Allentown, PA |
03/31/1885 | 205 | GLICK, Ella J.* | 29 | WOODRING, J. B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Cedar Creek (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md Oct 10, 1878; husb, 2 chren, father, bros remain; her mother had died exactly 16 yrs before; funeral/burial at Allentown, PA | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | WOODRING, J. B. (Rev.) | GLICK, Ella J.* | |||||
03/31/1885 | 205 | BROWN, Benjamin* | 20 | IA | CANADA: Wihford Tp. (b) | IA: Adams Co.: Carl Tp. (d); aged pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; fell from a wagon | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WOLFE, Anna Rebecca* | 2mos | KS | KS: Jewell Co. (d); dau of D. S. A. | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | SCHAUPP, Elizabeth* | 46 | SCHAUPP, J. | -- | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | --: Minister: BEYRER, C. C.; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | -----, Elizabeth* | 46 | SCHAUPP, J. | -- | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | --: Minister: BEYRER, C. C.; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | SCHAUPP, J. | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WAGGONER, Henry* | 56 | PA | NY: Sohare [sic] Co. (b) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Steam Valley (d). "He was a good man." | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WELSH, Ella* | 33 | HEINBACH | WELSH, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); bur Schuylkill Haven, PA; consumption | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | HEINBACH, Ella* | 33 | WELSH, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); bur Schuylkill Haven, PA; consumption | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WELSH, ----- | HEINBACH, Ella* | |||||
03/31/1885 | 205 | MYERS, Salome* | 37 | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead; consumption | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | NEITZ, Eli* | 57 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); wife, 1 child, 5 siblings remain | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | WELLS, Edith* | 70 | OH | OH: Belmore (d); stomach cancer | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | KIEFER, George | 46 | IA | IA: Independence area (d); widow, 5 chren, pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain (2 of these sis res in IN). "It is not known that he had a single enemy." | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | KITZMILLER, Emma Jane* | 17 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d); dau of Alexander & Catharine | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | KNARR, Laura* | 21 | DAUBERMAN | KNARR, ----- | PA | PA: Centre Hill (d); only dau of John & Mary; md Nov 7, 1883; husb, babe, pars, 1 bro remain | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | DAUBERMAN, Laura* | 21 | KNARR, ----- | PA | PA: Centre Hill (d); only dau of John & Mary; md Nov 7, 1883; husb, babe, pars, 1 bro remain | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | KNARR, ----- | DAUBERMAN, Laura* | |||||
03/31/1885 | 205 | BIDDLE, William (Dr.)* | 82 | OR | OR: Corvallis (d); paralyzed & later blind several yrs; wife remains. " É one of the first to join our church there, under the labors of J. Croasman in 1867." | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | HANNE, Frederick* | 73 | NY | NY: Dansville (d); md 45+ yrs; after decease of wife, the church will be legal heir of their estate | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | BERTOLET, Elena* | 54 | KNIPE | BERTOLET, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); member 8th St. Church; husb, 4 sons remain | |
03/31/1885 | 205 | KNIPE, Elena* | 54 | BERTOLET, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); member 8th St. Church; husb, 4 sons remain | ||
03/31/1885 | 205 | BERTOLET, ----- | KNIPE, Elena* | |||||
03/31/1885 | 205 | BOYER, Eva* | 1 | TN | TN: Chattanooga (d); youngest dau of C. & M. E.; stomach inflammation | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | DIXON, Robert A.* | 5 | IL | IL: Koppa area (d); paralysis | |||
03/31/1885 | 205 | PAUL, Melville May* | 5mos | -- | --: Minister: MILLER, J. P.; son of Levi & Rosa | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | GEYER, Louisa* | 55 | HULL | GEYER, ----- | IL | EUROPE: Wurtemburg (b) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Malvern area (d); husb, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 chren dead |
04/07/1885 | 221 | HULL, Louisa* | 55 | GEYER, ----- | IL | EUROPE: Wurtemburg (b) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Malvern area (d); husb, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 chren dead | |
04/07/1885 | 221 | GEYER, ----- | HULL, Louisa* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | MIESSE, Abraham* | 87 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Bern (b) | PA: Pottsville (d); joined Evan. Assn. 47 yrs ago; aged companion, 1 son, 2 daus remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HUNZINGER, William* | 81 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); widow, dau, 3 bros remain | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HECKMAN, Carrie B.* | 17 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); pars, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; scarlet fever | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | KEITH, Athalina* | 7mos | KEITH, Peter | IA | IA: Des Moines (d) converted 11 yrs ago at Colo, IA; husb, chren remain; consumption [NOTE: age given is obviously incorrect] | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | -----, Athalina* | 7mos | KEITH, Peter | IA | IA: Des Moines (d) converted 11 yrs ago at Colo, IA; husb, chren remain; consumption [NOTE: age given is obviously incorrect] | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | KEITH, Peter | -----, Athalina* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | SCHULER, Samuel* | 61 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Shamokin (d); wife, 7 chren remain; one son is Rev. W. of East PA Conf. | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | KLINE, Elizabeth* | 50 | HOY | KLINE, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted at Orwigsburg when young; husb, 3 chren remain | |
04/07/1885 | 221 | HOY, Elizabeth* | 50 | KLINE, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted at Orwigsburg when young; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | KLINE, ----- | HOY, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | MILLARD, Augustus* | 49 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain; consumption | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | BOWERSOX, Pharas* | 33 | OH | OH: Mt. Cory area (d); widow, 4 sm chren remain | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | YEAKEL, Uriah* | 24 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Rev. Jesse; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; brain disease depressed him mentally, later lung disease which caused his death | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | GRENZEBACH, Henry* | 20 | -- | --: Minister: SCHWARTZ, G. F.; gone to forest w/ bro to fell trees, was struck by one in such manner to cause instant death | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | LAUNER, Herbert Elies* | 3 | IL | IL: West Salem (d); son of Rev. F. & Maria; pars, 9 siblings remain; inflammation of brain | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | STROME, David* | 69 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d); widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | YOUNG, Wm.* | 64 | NE | KY (b) | NE: Kenesau area (d); to NE several yrs ago. "Funeral service was held in the church recently erected on his land." | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | ORT, ----- ("Mother")* | 76 | HAIST | ORT, ----- | ONT | WUERTEMBERG: Beyersbrun (b) | ONT: Oxford Co.: Blenheim (d); to AMER 1832; 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead |
04/07/1885 | 221 | HAIST, -----* | ORT, ----- | ONT | WUERTEMBERG: Beyersbrun (b) | ONT: Oxford Co.: Blenheim (d); to AMER 1832; 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | SOHL, Lorenzo* | 76 | OH | GERMANY: Nikurk (b) | OH: Wood Co.: Jerry City area (d); widow, several chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | ETZWEILER, Mary* | 74 | ETZWEILER, George | KS | KS: Ellsworth Co.: Terra Cotta (d); mother-in-law of Rev. J. C. HORNBERGER of East PA Conf. | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | -----, Mary* | 74 | ETZWEILER, George | KS | KS: Ellsworth Co.: Terra Cotta (d); mother-in-law of Rev. J. C. HORNBERGER of East PA Conf. | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | ETZWEILER, George | -----, Mary* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | DREHR, Fred.* | 50 | MO | BADEN: Angen (b) | MO: Holt Co. (d); church member 18 yrs; wife, 7 chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | DISLER, Joseph* | 72 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Mariasville area (d); father of 8 chrenj | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | BECK, Amelia E.* | 42 | BECK, Peter | PA | PA: Cherry Tree area (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | -----, Amelia E.* | 42 | BECK, Peter | PA | PA: Cherry Tree area (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | BECK, Peter | -----, Amelia E.* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | SHOWERS, Mary M.* | 37 | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: Shenango area (died at home of bro-in-law, C. GOUCHER) | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | WRESTLER, David* | 60 | PA | PA: Berks Co.; New Berlin area (d); consumption | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HENDRICKS, Catherine* | 72 | REINHEIMER | HENDRICKS, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); husb, 4 chren remain | |
04/07/1885 | 221 | REINHEIMER, Catherine* | 72 | HENDRICKS, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); husb, 4 chren remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HENDRICKS, ----- | REINHEIMER, Catherine* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HOOD, Lizzie* | 25 | BREHM | HOOD, J. A. | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (d); husb, pars remain | |
04/07/1885 | 221 | BREHM, Lizzie* | 25 | HOOD, J. A. | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (d); husb, pars remain | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | HOOD, J. A. | BREHM, Lizzie* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | WAGONER, Annie Mary* | 33 | WAGONER, Nelson | PA | PA: East Ridge area (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | -----, Annie Mary* | 33 | WAGONER, Nelson | PA | PA: East Ridge area (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
04/07/1885 | 221 | WAGONER, Nelson | -----, Annie Mary* | |||||
04/07/1885 | 221 | NITTINGER, Walter Enoch* | 2 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); only son of Samuel & Lizzie C.; diphtheria | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | MARKLEY, Carrie May* | 3 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Aline area (d); dau of A. B. & Alice; pneumonia | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | ESCH, Charles Webster* | 7mos | PA | PA: Indiana Co. (d); son of Edward & Engeline | |||
04/07/1885 | 221 | BACKUS, Willie E.* | 7+ mo | IL | IL: Jo Daviess Co.: Rush (d); son of Jay & Sarah E. | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | OVER, E. L. (Rev.)* | 43 | SHERICK, Catharine B. | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Lafayette [Red Haw] area (b) | OH: Helmick (d); member 16th Regt OVI; md May 25, 1865; member of OH Conf.; wife, dau remain; consumption of bowels, lung, throat; lengthy obit listing pastorates | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | SHERICK, Catharine B. | OVER, E. L. (Rev.)* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | OVER, Catharine B. | OVER, E. L. (Rev.)* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | RUMMEL, Rebecca* | 55 | IA | IA: Shelby Co.: Kirkman (d); husb, 6 chren remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | LAW, Sarah* | 68 | IA | VT (b) | IA: Muscatine Island (d); 6 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | HECKMAN, Mamie C.* | -- | IL | IL: South Dixon (d); pars, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; scarlet fever | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | MATHIAS, Elizabeth* | 20 | IN | IN: Fulton area (d); dau of John & Magdalena; pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; remains taken to the old Salem church | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | HARTUNG, Kath.* | 80 | HONIN | HARTUNG, Michael | -- | KURH.: Kreis Schluchtern: Oberrahmholz (b) | --: Minister: MECKEL, T. C.; md 1827; to AMER 1831; 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead |
04/14/1885 | 235 | HONIN, Kath.* | 80 | HARTUNG, Michael | -- | KURH.: Kreis Schluchtern: Oberrahmholz (b) | --: Minister: MECKEL, T. C.; md 1827; to AMER 1831; 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | HARTUNG, Michael | HONIN, Kath.* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FERNER, Mary M.* | 41 | SMITH | FERNER, G. W. | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); husb, 2 chren, aged pars, 1 sis, 7 bros remain; erysipelas | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | SMITH, Mary M.* | 41 | FERNER, G. W. | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); husb, 2 chren, aged pars, 1 sis, 7 bros remain; erysipelas | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FERNER, G. W. | SMITH, Mary M.* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | BARTOLET, Mary A.* | 61 | WEBER | BARTOLET, ----- | PA | PA: Cressona (d); husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | WEBER, Mary A.* | 61 | BARTOLET, ----- | PA | PA: Cressona (d); husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | BARTOLET, ----- | WEBER, Mary A.* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | PLYLER, Joseph* | 58 | PA | PA: Heathville (d); pd $50 to new church in Heathville; served nearly 4 yrs in army; wife, 3 chren remain; consumption contracted in army | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | CHUBB, Catharine* | 78 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool area (d); 2 daus, 1 son, the Rev. S. of East PA Conf., remain; husb, 1 son dead | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | ARNT, Jacob (Rev.)* | 76 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); licensed and was a local preacher for some time; apoplexy | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | STRINE, Salome* | 71 | PA | PA: Yocumtown (d); converted age 15; 3 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | BRYAN, Lottie* | 29 | PA | PA: York Co.: Bryansville (d); husb, 2 sons, infant dau remain; confinement | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | SCHNEIDER, Caroline* | 68 | SCHNEIDER, Philip | -- | GERMANY: Elsace: Peters Creek (b) | --: Minister: HOLDEMAN, Geo. B.; to AMER w/ pars; md 1840; converted on Newville circuit under labors of Uphaus & Nicolai; husb, 7 chren, mother remain | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | -----, Caroline* | 68 | SCHNEIDER, Philip | -- | GERMANY: Elsace: Peters Creek (b) | --: Minister: HOLDEMAN, Geo. B.; to AMER w/ pars; md 1840; converted on Newville circuit under labors of Uphaus & Nicolai; husb, 7 chren, mother remain | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | SCHNEIDER, Philip | -----, Caroline* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | DORN, John* | 63 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Middleburg (d); wife, 6 chren remain; pneumonia | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | DECKER, Catharine* | 96 | PA | PA: York Co.: Loganville (d) converted 66 yrs ago; one of our first members in this section; acquainted w/ Walter, Dreisbach, other old preachers | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | JEFFERS, Louisa Ann* | 40 | JEFFERS, Wm. | WV | WV: Cranesville area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | -----, Louisa Ann* | 40 | JEFFERS, Wm. | WV | WV: Cranesville area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | JEFFERS, Wm. | -----, Louisa Ann* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | HESS, George* | 30 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Jacob & Julia; he is the 3d son of this couple to die in 7 mos; consumption | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FRITZ, Catharine* | 81 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Sugarloaf Tp. (d) | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | REED, Abraham* | 75 | PA | PA: Tower City (d); Evan. church member 12 yrs | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | LOWERY, John* | 70 | -- | --: Minister; BARLETT, F. W.; wife, 9 chren remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | MEYERS, Sebina* | 70 | MYERS, George P. | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield (d); husb, 2 sons remain; 1 son dead; cancer; [MYERS in body of obit] | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | -----, Sebina* | 70 | MYERS, George P. | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield (d); husb, 2 sons remain; 1 son dead; cancer | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | MYERS, George P. | -----, Sebina* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | WELKER, Charles John* | 19 | NY | NY: Varysburgh nr Attica (d); son of S. Mary WELKER nee CLOR. "From the time of his father's death he was the only earthly maintainer of his mother." Mother, 2 sis remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | REAM, Salome L.* | 15 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Millheim area (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | SHARP, Christianna* | 77 | SHARP, Solomon | PA | PA: Manheim (d) | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | -----, Christianna* | 77 | SHARP, Solomon | PA | PA: Manheim (d) | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | SHARP, Solomon | -----, Christianna* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | GREEN, Elizabeth* | 26 | LIPPERT | GREEN, William | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester area (d); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro remain | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | LIPPERT, Elizabeth* | 26 | GREEN, William | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester area (d); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro remain | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | GREEN, William | LIPPERT, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FIKE, Valentine* | 75 | MI | MI: Brady (d); wife, 5 chren remain | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | McCAULEY, Wm.* | 39 | ONT | ONT: Wauhaushene (d); wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; called "my dear Bro. Wm." by J. McCAULEY, who submitted the obit | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FORDNER, William H.* | 21 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Wind Gap (d); son of Isaiah & Elizabeth; consumption | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | PEIFER, Sophia* | 25 | LUTTMAN | PEIFER, Jonathan | PA | PA: Manheim area (d); dau of John | |
04/14/1885 | 235 | LUTTMAN, Sophia* | 25 | PEIFER, Jonathan | PA | PA: Manheim area (d); dau of John | ||
04/14/1885 | 235 | PEIFER, Jonathan | LUTTMAN, Sophia* | |||||
04/14/1885 | 235 | BARR, Willie A.* | 5 | PA | PA: Shamokin (d); son of Peter & Sarah | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | FLICK, Elizabeth Lenora* | 5 | OH | OH: Mt. Cory area (d); dau of Aaron & Dora | |||
04/14/1885 | 235 | SWAB, George Edward* | 6 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown (d); son of Henry | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | DETTMER, Geo. W.* | 77 | IL | GERMANY: Hesse (b) | IL: Dekalb Co.: South Grove Tp. (d); to NY 1850; converted 1854; to IL 1859; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; wife, 3 chren dead | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | RANSOM, Eliza* | 64 | RANSOM, Wm. | OH | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | OH: Lykens area (d); husb, 6 chren remain | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | -----, Eliza* | 64 | RANSOM, Wm. | OH | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | OH: Lykens area (d); husb, 6 chren remain | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | RANSOM, Wm. | -----, Eliza* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | EVANS, Daniel* | 68 | IA | ENGLAND (b) | IA: near Lee P.O., north of Creston (d); to AMER "in early life"; wife, 4 chren remain; 1st wife, 4 chren dead; heart disease; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | PETER, John* | 85 | PA | PA: Allentown (d). "Sister SWARTZ, a devoted daughter, and her children watched faithfully at his bedsideÉ." | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | HEIM, Sarah Jane* | 15 | PA | PA: Upper Mahantongo (d); dau of Isaac & Catharine; pars remain; 2 bros, 1 sis died since Feb 15, 1885; she d from diphtheria; [d Mar 19, 1885] | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | FULLMER, Samuel* | 74 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Springtown (d) | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | LIPPERT, William* | 39 | MAGEL, Elizabeth | MI | GERMANY: Lingelbach (b) | MI: Pulaksi area (d); to CANADA when a child; md 13+ yrs ago; wife, 7 chren, 3 bros, 6 sis remain; lung fever | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | MAGEL, Elizabeth | LIPPERT, William* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | LIPPERT, Elizabeth | LIPPERT, William* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | REIN, Elizabeth* | 60 | MILLER | REIN, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Swatava [sic] Tp. (b) | PA: Hanover (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; consumption & dropsy |
04/21/1885 | 253 | MILLER, Elizabeth* | 60 | REIN, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Swatava [sic] Tp. (b) | PA: Hanover (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; consumption & dropsy | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | REIN, ----- | MILLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | DIBLER, Jacob* | 64 | MI | MI: Litchfield area (d); converted ca 32 yrs ago in PA; number of yrs ago to OH, later MI; wife, chren remain; heart disease | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | SHIVELY, Sadie E.* | 26 | PA | PA: Sugar Valley (d); taught Sunday School, willed a Bible to each member of her class | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | KEHLER, Thomas M.* | 19 | PA | PA: Upper Mahantongo (d); son of Charles & Sarah; pars, siblings remain | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | JACOBS, Catharine* | 74 | PA | PA: York Co.: Kralltown area (d); chren remain; husb dead | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | GEHR, David F.* | 61 | PA | PA: Gehrton (d); "son of Father Baltzer Gehr, the late 'centenarian'"; cancer | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | FIRESTONE, Mary E.* | 33 | FIRESTONE, Samuel | PA | PA: York Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | -----, Mary E.* | 33 | FIRESTONE, Samuel | PA | PA: York Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | FIRESTONE, Samuel | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BAST, Catharine* | 66 | BAST, Aaron | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 daus, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 3 chren dead; erysipelas | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | -----, Catharine* | 66 | BAST, Aaron | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 daus, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 3 chren dead; erysipelas | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BAST, Aaron | -----, Catharine* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | ALBERT, Annie D.* | 28 | DIEFENDERFER | ALBERT, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Brownstown or Ephrata (d); dau of Martin & Catharine; consumption [location determined from res of minister,AZ. ZIEGENFUS] |
04/21/1885 | 253 | DIEFENDERFER, Annie D.* | 28 | ALBERT, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Brownstown or Ephrata (d); dau of Martin & Catharine; consumption [location determined from res of minister,AZ. ZIEGENFUS] | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | ALBERT, ----- | DIEFENDERFER, Annie D.* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | HOMSHER, Wilhelmina* | 24 | MAYTROTT | HOMSHER, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); husb, son, mother, sis, bro remain; consumption | |
04/21/1885 | 253 | MAYTROTT, Wilhelmina* | 24 | HOMSHER, ----- | PA | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); husb, son, mother, sis, bro remain; consumption | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | HOMSHER, ----- | MAYTROTT, Wilhelmina* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BYXBE, Eliza J.* | 67 | BYXBE, ----- (husb #2) | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d) | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | -----, Eliza J.* | 67 | LACY, ----- (husb #1) | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d) | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | LACY, Eliza J.* | 67 | BYXBE, ----- (husb #2) | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d) | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BYXBE, ----- | LACY, Eliza J.* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | LACY, ----- | -----, Eliza J.* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BERRY, James F.* | 60 | PA | PA: Logansville, Sugar Valley (d) | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BENSINGER, Salome* | 61 | BENSINGER, George | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); paralysis | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | -----, Salome* | 61 | BENSINGER, George | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); paralysis | ||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BENSINGER, George | -----, Salome* | |||||
04/21/1885 | 253 | BRUBAKER, W. Harry* | 34 | PA | PA: Loysville area (d) | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | SUTTON, Betsey* | 88 | -- | --: Springville church member 70+ yrs. Minister: BURSON, G. L. | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | ECKEL, Oliver* | 32 | -- | Minister: MORRIS, T. M. | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | DUNKLE, John Norman* | 3 | KS | KS: Hiawatha (d); son of Wm. DUNKLE, recently from PA; while at play was kicked by horse; [heading is NORMAN] | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | FISHER, George* | 67 | PA | PA: Norristown (d); good husb, kind father, industrious moral citizen; heart disease | |||
04/21/1885 | 253 | HENDRICKS, Gertrude* | 4 | PA | PA: Norristown (d); only dau of Jas. B. & Ella | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | ROSS, Daniel (Rev.)* | 83 | PA | PA: Lackawanna Co.: Falls Tp. (d); local preacher many yrs; aged widow, chren remain; dropsy/old age | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | LAROSH, Christine* | 40 | RAMIGE | LAROSH, ----- | IL | IL: Groveland (d); husb, 8 chren, aged pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | RAMIGE, Christine* | 40 | LAROSH, ----- | IL | IL: Groveland (d); husb, 8 chren, aged pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | ||
04/28/1885 | 269 | LAROSH, ----- | RAMIGE, Christine* | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | COCKLIN, Mary* | 68 | FLORY | COCKLIN, ----- | OH | PA: Manheim area (b) | OH: Jefferson (d); 4 sons remain, 2 of whom are ministers in OH Conf.; husb, dau are dead. [This is Jefferson, Wayne Co., OH, determined by res of F. BONE, minister] |
04/28/1885 | 269 | FLORY, Mary* | 68 | COCKLIN, ----- | OH | PA: Manheim area (b) | OH: Jefferson (d); 4 sons remain, 2 of whom are ministers in OH Conf.; husb, dau are dead. [This is Jefferson, Wayne Co., OH, determined by res of F. BONE, minister] | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | COCKLIN, ----- | 68 | FLORY, Mary* | ||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of FLORY, Mary, Apr 28, 1885, p 269 | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | HOLLINGSWORTH, Susan* | 69 | HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W. | PA | PA: Columbia (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (res); husb, 1 dau remain | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | -----, Susan* | 69 | HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W. | PA | PA: Columbia (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (res); husb, 1 dau remain | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W. | -----, Susan* | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | BAISH, Gottlieb* | 48 | IL | IL: Wheatland (d); widow, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; bronchitis | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | LESHER, Henry E.* | 17 | PA | PA: Mahantongo (d); son of Sam'l & Elizabeth; pars, siblings remain | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | HAINES, Julia* | 52 | BUCHMAN | HAINES, Charles H. | PA | PA: Ringtown area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | BUCHMAN, Julia* | 52 | HAINES, Charles H. | PA | PA: Ringtown area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
04/28/1885 | 269 | HAINES, Charles H. | BUCHMAN, Julia* | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | STINE, Joel* | 58 | PA | PA: Frystown (d); entertained 2 ministers during last session of conference; wife, chren remain | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | HOUTZ, Edward* | 76 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (b) | PA: Madisonburg (d); Evan. Assn. member 36 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
04/28/1885 | 269 | SNYDER, Christopher S.* | 41 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Sandy Run (d); wife, 5 chren remain; sickly for yrs | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | RAMER, Josiah* | 59 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d); wife, 3 sons remain; brain congestion | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | FELKER, Louisa* | 18 | McCOY | FELKER, Charles | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); husb, child remain; consumption | |
04/28/1885 | 269 | McCOY, Louisa* | 18 | FELKER, Charles | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); husb, child remain; consumption | ||
04/28/1885 | 269 | FELKER, Charles | McCOY, Louisa* | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | CLUCK, Henry* | 74 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); wife, chren remain | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | FAIR, John* | 82 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: New Pittsburgh (d); number of chren remain | ||
04/28/1885 | 269 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated for funeral of FAIR, John, Apr 18, 1885, p 269 | |||||
04/28/1885 | 269 | BROWN, Lurana* | -- | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Burlington (d) | |||
04/28/1885 | 269 | NIEBEL, Pearl* | infan | -- | --: dau of Rev. B. H. & Lovena [no officiating minister mentioned] | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)* | 49 | KLICK, Susanna | IL | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IL: Elgin (d); son of Peter & Margaretta; md 1858; member IL Conf.; widow, 4 daus, 1 son-in-law, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |
05/05/1885 | 285 | KLICK, Susanna | SCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SCHUMAKER, Susanna | SCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | KERN, Ida* | 18 | OH | OH: Fremont area (d); dau of Rev. Daniel KERN; drowned while temporarily insane, cause for which is not known | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | STETZEL, John Henry* | 66 | IN | PRUSSIA: Ziegen (b) | IN: Crown Point (d); to AMER 1850; widow, 2 chren, 3 stepchren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; stomach ulcer | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SHOBER, John L. (Dr.)* | 63 | PA | PA: Terry [sic] Hill (d); active church worker | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SMITH, Priscilla* | 25 | PA | PA: Brownstown (d); pars, husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; bedfast 19 wks w/ consumption | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SEIP, Claude Roseberry* | 1 | PA | PA: Wind Gap (d); only son of Roseberry & Annie M.; pneumonia | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | COX, Mary Ann* | 36 | PA | PA: Ephrata (d); husb, 4 chren, mother remain; consumption | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | HOYER, Mary* | 73 | HOYER, Chas. | PA | PA: Birdsboro (d); 5 daus, 2 sons remain; husb dead | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | -----, Mary* | 73 | HOYER, Chas. | PA | PA: Birdsboro (d); 5 daus, 2 sons remain; husb dead | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | HOYER, Chas. | -----, Mary* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SCHONEMAN, Margareth* | 57 | SCHONEMAN, August | MD | MD: Baltimore (d); to AMER age 7 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; husb #1 killed by some unknown hand 18 yrs ago; Margareth ate dinner w/ family, dead an hr later; [md twice, husb #1 not named here] | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | -----, Margareth* | 57 | SCHONEMAN, August | MD | MD: Baltimore (d); to AMER age 7 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; husb #1 killed by some unknown hand 18 yrs ago; Margareth ate dinner w/ family, dead an hr later; [md twice, husb #1 not named here] | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SCHONEMAN, August | -----, Margareth* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | HETSLER, Catharine* | 83 | OH | PA: Center Co. (b) | OH: Ashland Co. (d); minister: SHISLER, W. A. | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | CRAMER, Elizabeth* | 79 | OH | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | OH: Independence area (died at home of son Reuben); Ev. church member 15 yrs | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | MOHN, Nora May* | 17 | MO | IA: Jones Co. (b) | MO: Ray Co.: (d); dau of William & Mary; died on 17th birthday; mentioned having brothers & sisters | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | THOLE, H. G.* | 54 | IL | GERMANY: Badbergen (b) | IL: Dwight (d); to AMER 1846; widow, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | BEISEL, Ephraim* | 66 | PA | PA: Bedford Co.; Pleasantville area (d); wife, 10 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | PREYER, J. P.* | 70 | OH | OH: Cleveland area (d) | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | SCHUPP, ----- ("Bro.")* | 67 | IL | IL: Kane Co.: Lodi (d); converted age 22 at Brokwn Sword, OH; md 43 yrs; blessed w/ 7 sons, 8 daus | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | WEAVER, Sarah A.* | 37 | WEAVER, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Curtain area (d); liver complaint | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | -----, Sarah A.* | 37 | WEAVER, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Curtain area (d); liver complaint | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | WEAVER, Jeremiah | -----, Sarah A.* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | McCAULEY, Andrew* | 77 | PA | PA: Manheim area (d) | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | KNELLER, Rebecca* | 65 | PA | PA: Dushore area (d) | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | HARTZELL, Sarah* | 73 | MESSINGER | HARTZELL, ----- | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); dau of Michael & Elizabeth; lung congestion | |
05/05/1885 | 285 | MESSINGER, Sarah* | 73 | HARTZELL, ----- | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); dau of Michael & Elizabeth; lung congestion | ||
05/05/1885 | 285 | HARTZELL, ----- | MESSINGER, Sarah* | |||||
05/05/1885 | 285 | STACKHOUSE, George Albert* | 6 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Washington Tp. (d); dropsy of heart | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | PREYER, Grace Louisa* | 10 mo | OH | OH: East Cleveland (d); dau of R. O. & E. J. Y. | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | GRATER, Harry T.* | 6 | PA | PA: Gratersford (d); son of Samuel L. & Lizzie | |||
05/05/1885 | 285 | EXAMPLE:, born 1812, gives pars names | see HARTZELL, Sarah, May 5, 1885, p 285 | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | RUDY, Catharine* | 88 | KIEFFER | RUDY, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; congestive chill | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | KIEFFER, Catharine* | 88 | RUDY, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; congestive chill | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | RUDY, ----- | KIEFFER, Catharine* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | TRUMBLE, Agnes* | 34 | MI | MI: Rives (d); Christian since age 14; church members say "'She was the most earnest and active of us all.'" Husb, child, pars, siblings remain | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | BUFFINGTON, Jennie S. E.* | 25 | PA | PA: Middleburg (d); husb, infant, mother, sisters, 1 bro remain; father died 4 wks earlier | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | UNDERKAFFLER, Minnie L.* | 9 | IL | IL: Brookville area (d); dau of Isaac & Hannah; pars, 3 bros remain. Died Mar 2; due to sickness in family at time of burial, funeral sermon postponed until Apr 19 | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | FORNEY, Lizzie* | 28 | WHITCOMB | FORNEY, ----- | PA | PA: New Kingston (d); quick consumption | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | WHITCOMB, Lizzie* | 28 | FORNEY, ----- | PA | PA: New Kingston (d); quick consumption | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | FORNEY, ----- | WHITCOMB, Lizzie* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | WILDERMUTH, Elizabeth* | 78 | HEIM | WILDERMUTH, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); one of 1st members of our church in this place; dau remains | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | HEIM, Elizabeth* | 78 | WILDERMUTH, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); one of 1st members of our church in this place; dau remains | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | WILDERMUTH, ----- | HEIM, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | WHISELMAN, John* | 87 | OH | VA: Frankfort (b) | OH: Hancock Co.: Findley area (d); when young w/ pars to Fairfield Co., OH; widow, 3 chren remain | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | BRUNNER, Conrad* | 60 | NY | GERMANY: Rheinpfalz: Ilbessheim (b) | NY: Binghamton (d); one of 1st to join church here when organized; wife, son remain; accident caused by run-away horse | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | MOCK, Isaac* | 61 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Oliver Tp. (d); Evan. Assn. member ca 31 yrs; widow, 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | BOBST, Catharine* | 68 | PA | PA: Elimsport area (d); found the Lord ca 18 yrs ago | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | MILLER, Philip | 61 | OH | OH: Flat Rock area (d) | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | DE FREHN, John* | 68 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; liver inflammation | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | HOSLER, Catharine* | 42 | HEBERLIG | HOSLER, ----- | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d). "She was a warm friend of our ministers and spared no efforts in making them comfortable." | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | HEBERLIG, Catharine* | 42 | HOSLER, ----- | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d). "She was a warm friend of our ministers and spared no efforts in making them comfortable." | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | HOSLER, ----- | HEBERLIG, Catharine* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | WEBER, Elizabeth* | 50 | KOLB | WEBER, Noah | ONT | ONT: Strasburg (d); church member here 6 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | KOLB, Elizabeth* | 50 | WEBER, Noah | ONT | ONT: Strasburg (d); church member here 6 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | WEBER, Noah | KOLB, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | ROHLAND, Franklin J.* | 17 | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d); son of Jacob & Elizabeth; pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. Death caused by his getting under a land-roller. Lived 30 min., died praying | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | ROSA, Henry* | 47 | NY | NY: Erie Co.: Collins (d); lived a godly life; widow, 5 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; wife #1, 2 chren dead; bronchitis; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | STUDIVAN, Leander* | 24 | OH | OH: Belmore (d); sick 4 days | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | ROBINSON, J. W. (Dr.)* | 46 | OH | OH: New Princetown (d); consumption | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | NEWMAN, Peter* | 44 | NY | NJ: Newark (b) | NY: Binghamton (d); wife, 5 chren remain | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | REMLY, Stella* | 10 | PA | PA: Col. Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); diphtheria | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | MYERS, Barbara* | 90 | MYERS, Henry | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Ashland Co. (d). Ash Cem Bk p 237: Henry Myers d Mar 11, 1862 age 71y 11m 18d; Barbara, wife of Henry, Apr 3, 1795 to Apr 23, 1885 Red Haw Cem.; minister, F. BONE, of Ashland Co., OH, at this time | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | submitted obit for MYERS, Barbara, age 90, bur Red Haw Cem., Ashland Co. Cem. Bk, p239 | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | -----, Barbara* | 90 | MYERS, Henry | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Ashland Co. (d). Ash Cem Bk, p 237: Henry Myers d Mar 11, 1862 age 71y 11m 18d; Barbara, wife of Henry, Apr 3, 1795 to Apr 23, 1885 Red Haw Cem.; minister, F. BONE, of Ashland Co., OH, at this time | |
05/12/1885 | 301 | MYERS, Henry | -----, Barbara* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | RIGEL, Mary* | 69 | RIGEL, Simon | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 2 daus remain | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | -----, Mary* | 69 | RIGEL, Simon | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 2 daus remain | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | RIGEL, Simon | -----, Mary* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | McGILL, Lovie* | -- | IA | IA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 1] | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | McGILL, Lilly* | -- | IA | IA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 2] | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | McGILL, Louis* | -- | IA | IA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 9] | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | EYER, Michael* | 62 | PA | PA: New Columbia area (d) | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | SHULTZ, Robert Leroy Dartt* | 5 | -- | --: Curtius appointment; only ch of Henry A. & Henrietta; dropsical affection. Minister: WELCH, J. H. | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | MOYER, Elizabeth* | 43 | MOYER, Washington | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Pricetown (d) | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | -----, Elizabeth* | 43 | MOYER, Washington | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Pricetown (d) | ||
05/12/1885 | 301 | MOYER, Washington | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
05/12/1885 | 301 | HIPPARD, Elmina Isabel* | 4 wks | OH | OH: Whitehouse (d); dau of Rev. S. B. & Emma | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | FINKBINDER, Lizzie Elsie* | 2mos | PA | PA: Milton (d); dau of Rev. C. W. & Lizzie C. | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | BADGE, Ralph* | 15 mo | OH | OH: Akron (d); son of Wm. & Sophia | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | HOSLER, John Earl* | 2 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Heberlig area (d); son of Joseph & Laura | |||
05/12/1885 | 301 | GEESE, Jacob* | 73 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Heberlig area (d) | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | FLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)* | 61 | HERMAN, Catharine | PA | GERMANY: Saxony: Mittweida (b) | PA: Macungie (died at res of sin-in-law, Bro. SHULER); to AMER 1845 to Phila., PA; md 1847; pastorates in PA, NY, NJ; presviously a weaver; wife, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 dau dead; bur Emaus, PA [very detailed/lengthy obit] | |
05/19/1885 | 317 | HERMAN, Catharine | FLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)* | |||||
05/19/1885 | 317 | FLIEHR, Catharine | FLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)* | |||||
05/19/1885 | 317 | MENTZER, Mamie* | 11 mo | PA | PA: Bloserville (d); dau of Francis & Katie | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | RASSWEILER, Henry* | 77 | IL | PRUSSIA: Sobernheim (b) | IL: Freeport (d); to AMER 1841 to Allentown, PA; to Fountain Creek, IL, 1850; later to Dakota, then Freeport; md 1831; one son (Prof. C. F.), 2 daus remain; status of wife not given | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | ULSH, Henry* | 62 | OH | PA: Perry Co. (b) | OH: Carey area (d); to know him was to love him; he died as only a good man can die; wife, 7 chren remain | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | BRENEMAN, Jesse* | 69 | PA | PA: York Co.: Ball Hill (d); widow, 2 sons remain; paralysis deprived him his speech; expressed his prospects for the future by pointing toward heaven | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | FREEZE, Louis* | 23 | OH | OH: Mexico area (d); son of Jacob & Elizabeth | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | RUSSWEILER, Fredericke* | 57 | PA | BADEN: Wessingen (b) | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise (d); husb, son, dau remain | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | MIER, John E.* | 21 | PA | PA: Salisbury (d); son of Hon. Samuel & Harriet; pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | ROETHER, Malinda* | 23 | ROETHER, Jacob | OH | OH: Steam Corners area (d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | -----, Malinda* | 23 | ROETHER, Jacob | OH | OH: Steam Corners area (d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | ROETHER, Jacob | -----, Malinda* | |||||
05/19/1885 | 317 | THOMSON, Martha* | 65 | IL | PA (b) | IL: Cedarville (d); 1 dau remains; husb, 3 chren dead; dropsy | ||
05/19/1885 | 317 | GECKLE, John* | 37 | -- | --: Minister; CURRY, J.Q.A.; consumption. "The remaining members of the family are on their way to Zion, and it will not be long until son and parents will be reunited." | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | HOSLER, W. H.* | 17 | IN | IN: Columbia City area (d); son of Urias & Catharine | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | FISHER, Catharine* | 83 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | BLASH, Mary* | 81 | PA | PA: Lock Haven area (d); consistent member of our church 50 yrs | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | BLAICH, Jacob* | 41 | NY | NY: Syracuse (d); mother, 4 chren, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; wife, 5 chren dead | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | KIEHL, Alice Catharine* | 12 | PA | PA: Bloserville area (d); dau of Philip & Catharine | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | BRODT, Albert Levwelyn [sic]* | 5 mos | PA | PA: Wind Gap (d); son of Lincoln & Emma | |||
05/19/1885 | 317 | STULL, Elizabeth (Mrs.)* | 66 | OH | OH: Adrian (d) | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | LOMILLER, Catharine* | 68 | BAKER | LOMILLER, Adam | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Bannerville area (d); md 49+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; suffered 12 wks | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | BAKER, Catharine* | 68 | LOMILLER, Adam | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Bannerville area (d); md 49+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; suffered 12 wks | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | LOMILLER, Adam | BAKER, Catharine* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | MEYER, Martha* | 71 | MEYER, Fred C. | IN | GERMAN: Bremen (b) | IN: Cedar Lake (d); she & husb Fred C. buried in one grave; chren remain; typhoid pneumonia; [d May 7] | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | MEYER, Fred C.* | 64 | MAIGATHE, Martha | IN | VERDEN HANOVER: Langwedel (b) | IN: Cedar Lake (d); md 1840, to AMER 1853; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; typhoid pneumonia; bur in one grave w/ wife Martha; [d May 5] | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | MAIGATHE, Martha | MEYER, Fred C.* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | MEYER, Martha | MEYER, Fred C.* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | REED, Sarah* | 62 | HENRICH | REED, David | IL | PA: Mahantongo (b) | IL: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead |
05/26/1885 | 333 | HENRICH, Sarah* | 62 | REED, David | IL | PA: Mahantongo (b) | IL: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | REED, David | HENRICH, Sarah* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | WILT, Eliza* | 60 | PA | PA: Liverpool area (d); 6 chren remain | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | BARKER, Mary Ann Eveline* | 16 | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Blue Grass (d); dau of Thomas & Catharine; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; brain fever | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | WEIER, William* | 25 | NY | NY: Albany (d); widow, father, siblings remain; one bro is minister of NY Conf.; 2 chren dead | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | AULT, Caroline* | 39 | OH | PA: Lebanon area (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Marshallville (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | WILL, Christian* | 74 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d). "His remains were brought to Ashland and taken to Mifflin for burial." | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | EXAMPLE:, bur Mifflin, d Cleveland | see WILL, Christian, May 26, 1885, p 333--not in Ash Cem Bk | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | MOHRY, Peter* | 68 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead; apoplexy for 5 days | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | GEHR, Judy* | 75 | GEHR, Benjamin | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); sons & daus remain | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | -----, Judy* | 73 | GEHR, Benjamin | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); sons & daus remain | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | GEHR, Benjamin | -----, Judy* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | HENRY, Corie M.* | 14 | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); dau of Isaac & Sarah | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | MARQUARDT, J. Jacob* | 71 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Girardville area (d); widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain. "Deceased is a brother of Rev. G. of the Atlantic Conference." | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | YEAKEL, Franklin* | 28 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); widow, 2 chren, mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | HOLLIKER, Eve* | 72 | HOLLIKER, John | OH | OH: White House (d); converted age 17; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; complication of diseases | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | -----, Eve* | 72 | HOLLIKER, John | OH | OH: White House (d); converted age 17; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; complication of diseases | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | HOLLIKER, John | -----, Eve* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SPANGLER, Mary* | 77 | IN | GERMANY: Wurttemberg (b) | IN: La Grange Co.: Van Buren Tp. (d); last few yrs could not do much work nor come to church; chren remain | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | DOM, Mary Jane* | 22 | LOWERY | DOM, ----- | -- | --: Palo Alta area (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; converted 7 yrs ago at Hyndman campmeeting [possibly PA]. Minister: BARLETT, F. W. | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | LOWERY, Mary Jane* | 22 | DOM, ----- | -- | --: Palo Alta area (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; converted 7 yrs ago at Hyndman campmeeting [possibly PA]. Minister: BARLETT, F. W. | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | DOM, ----- | LOWERY, Mary Jane* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | PARKER, Salome* | 82 | PARKER, Wm. | MI | MI: Three Rivers area (d); 10 chren remain; husb died ca 3 mos earlier | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | -----, Salome* | 82 | PARKER, Wm. | MI | MI: Three Rivers area (d); 10 chren remain; husb died ca 3 mos earlier | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | PARKER, Wm. | -----, Salome* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | HITTEL, Benjamin* | 72 | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | OH: Darke Co.: Lightsville area (d); widow, 12 chren remain | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | DE VAUX, Jennie (Miss)* | 24 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d); sis of Rev. M. V. of Pittsburgh Conf.; joined church at Good Hope, subsequently removed to Cleveland | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | PATTEN, Susannah* | 74 | SMITH | PATTEN, Wm. | MI | PA: York Co.: Manchester (b) | MI: Park (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead |
05/26/1885 | 333 | SMITH, Susannah* | 74 | PATTEN, Wm. | MI | PA: York Co.: Manchester (b) | MI: Park (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | PATTEN, Wm. | SMITH, Susannah* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | BOLL, Michael* | 78 | PA | PA: York Co.: Millersville (d); wife, 10 chren remain | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SHIVELY, Charles A.* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria; [d Apr 20] | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SHIVELY, Christopher C.* | 8 | -- | --: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria; [d Apr 23] | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SHIVELY, Edwin E.* | 5 | -- | --: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SCHEIBE, Lina* | 20 | IL | IL: Lockport (d); organist at church & Sunday school; a lonely brother remains | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | McDONALD, Mary* | 34 | -- | PA: Bradford Co. (b) | --: Burlington (d); husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: GOODLING, E. O. | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | WENGERT, Agnes Valeria* | 1 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); only dau of Jacob & Lizzie | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SHADEL, Mary Jane* | 22 | TROUTMAN | SHADEL, Wm. L. | PA | PA: New Port (d) | |
05/26/1885 | 333 | TROUTMAN, Mary Jane* | 22 | SHADEL, Wm. L. | PA | PA: New Port (d) | ||
05/26/1885 | 333 | SHADEL, Wm. L. | TROUTMAN, Mary Jane* | |||||
05/26/1885 | 333 | TROUTMAN, Elmer B. F.* | 1 | PA | PA: New Port (d); son of A. L. & Louisa | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | GINTER, Katie R.* | 7 | PA | PA: Oakdale (d); dau of John & Emma J. | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | AFFLERBAUGH, Raymond* | 9mos | -- | --: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of T. & J. C. | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | FINK, Cleopas* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.: son of A. F. & M. A. | |||
05/26/1885 | 333 | KLINE, Earl C.* | 5mos | OH | OH: West Salem (d); son of Curtis & Dora | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | NEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)* | 64 | HAMMER, Susan | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: So. Whitehall Tp. (b) | PA: perhaps d Reading; md Jan 9, 1844 at Schuylkill Haven, PA; very detailed obit, all pastorates in E. PA Conf.; biographer of Bishop Seybert; remaining are widow; children: Rev. Henry A., Ada M., Carrie V., & S. Beckie; also bro, Rev. W., of IL Conf. | |
06/02/1885 | 333 | HAMMER, Susan | NEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)* | |||||
06/02/1885 | 349 | NEITZ, Susan | NEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)* | |||||
06/02/1885 | 349 | WOLF, Christianna* | 75 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Grats area (d); gangrene from a sore which lasted 6 mos | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | WALZ, Christiana* | 70 | WALTZ, George | PA | PA: Wayne Co. (d); converted 1846; husb, 9 chren remain | ||
06/02/1885 | 349 | -----, Christiana* | 70 | WALTZ, George | PA | PA: Wayne Co. (d); converted 1846; husb, 9 chren remain | ||
06/02/1885 | 349 | WALTZ, George | -----, Christiana* | |||||
06/02/1885 | 349 | QUAYLE, Margaret A.* | 34 | WATERSON | QUAYLE, John T. | OH | ISLE OF MAN (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); little boy & girl remain; husb, 2 chren dead |
06/02/1885 | 349 | WATERSON, Margaret A.* | 34 | QUAYLE, John T. | OH | ISLE OF MAN (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); little boy & girl remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |
06/02/1885 | 349 | QUAYLE, John T. | WATERSON, Margaret A.* | |||||
06/02/1885 | 349 | MOYER, Orpha* | 13 | ONT | ONT: Campden area (d); dau of Tillman W. & Agnes | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | SPRANG, Barbara* | 47 | SWIRES | SPRANG, ----- | OH | OH: Holmes Co.: Nashville area (d); husb, 6 sons, 1 dau remain | |
06/02/1885 | 349 | SWIRES, Barbara* | 47 | SPRANG, ----- | OH | OH: Holmes Co.: Nashville area (d); husb, 6 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
06/02/1885 | 349 | SPRANG, ----- | SWIRES, Barbara* | |||||
06/02/1885 | 349 | HOUSER, Philip* | 53 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: McZena area (died "in his native home"); converted age 16 yrs; wife, 4 chren remain; last 6 yrs afflicted & suffered | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | HOY, Jeremiah | 78 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Madisonburg area (d); widow, 8 chren remain; confined to bed 8 mos | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | COFFMAN, Sarah* | 73 | PA | PA: Monroe Co. (d); 6 chren living; husb, 3 chren dead | |||
06/02/1885 | 349 | DUNKLEBERGER, Kate Jane* | 18 | UNDERKUFFLER | DUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L. | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (d) | |
06/02/1885 | 349 | UNDERKUFFLER, Kate Jane* | 18 | DUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L. | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (d) | ||
06/02/1885 | 349 | DUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L. | UNDERKUFFLER, Kate Jane* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SCHAEFER, Sarah Esther* | 65 | WALLICH | SCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.) | IN | PA (b) | IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (res there w/ pars as early as 1840); the youngest of 10 chren; md 1856, husb died 1869; only sibling remaining is mother of Rev. S.S. ALBERT |
06/09/1885 | 365 | WALLICH, Sarah Esther* | 65 | SCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.) | IN | PA (b) | IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (res there w/ pars as early as 1840); the youngest of 10 chren; md 1856, husb died 1869; only sibling remaining is mother of Rev. S.S. ALBERT | |
06/09/1885 | 365 | SCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.) | WALLICH, Sarah Esther* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | FRITZEL, Louis* | 51 | SCHAIBLE, Catharine | -- | PRUSSIA: Bergin area (b) | --: Minister: CATON, Wm.; to AMER 31 yrs ago; md Feb 22, 1863; wife, 2 daus, adopted son, aged mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | |
06/09/1885 | 365 | SCHAIBLE, Catharine | FRITZEL, Louis* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | FRITZEL, Catharine | FRITZEL, Louis* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | KIESS, Catharine* | 69 | KS | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | KS: Hiawatha area (died at home of son-in-law, Rev. M. A. BUTTS); to AMER age 17 to PA, then OH; chren remain; husb dead | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | GEPHART, Catherine* | 68 | PA | PA: Kane (died at home of dau); funeral at New Berlin, where res a number of yrs | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | STIRK, Mary* | 76 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb d 1853; 6 chren remain, one being Rev. A. M., Pres. Elder of Harrisburg dist., East PA Conf; 3 chren dead | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SPEICHER, Jacob W.* | 23 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Bernsville (d); son of John & Henrietta; bro fo Rev. C. C. of East PA Conf.; mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 3 bros, 1 sis dead; typhoid pneumonia | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SNOPE, Lucy* | 53 | SNOPE, William | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 4 chren dead; suffered 26 yrs; bur Odd Fellows' Cem., Tamaqua | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | -----, Lucy* | 53 | SNOPE, William | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 4 chren dead; suffered 26 yrs; bur Odd Fellows' Cem., Tamaqua | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SNOPE, William | -----, Lucy* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | HEIN, Elizabeth* | 81 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); 6 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 2 daus dead; 4 yrs extreme suffering | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | REDDING, Martha E.* | 15 | IN | IN: Elkhart (d); converted under Savilla KRING; pars, 1 sis remain; consumption | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SITLER, Nathan* | 55 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); soldier in rebellion in 12 major battles, no injuries; wife is at the verge of the grave + 1 son by former mge remain; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | OVERMILLER, Elizabeth* | 49 | OVERMILLER, Michael | PA | PA: York Co.: Glatfelter's Station (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | -----, Elizabeth* | 49 | OVERMILLER, Michael | PA | PA: York Co.: Glatfelter's Station (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | OVERMILLER, Michael | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | BAILEY, Ellen V.* | 36 | BOWLES | BAILEY, Wm. B. | WV | WV: Morgan Co. (d). "She was the only remaining child of Rev. J. T. Bowles." Husb, pars, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |
06/09/1885 | 365 | BOWLES, Ellen V.* | 36 | BAILEY, Wm. B. | WV | WV: Morgan Co. (d). "She was the only remaining child of Rev. J. T. Bowles." Husb, pars, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | BAILEY, Wm. B. | BOWLES, Ellen V.* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | LEGLER, Anna* | 70 | DUERST | LEGLER, George | WI | WI: New Glarus (d); converted 1858; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; lung disease | |
06/09/1885 | 365 | DUERST, Anna* | 70 | LEGLER, George | WI | WI: New Glarus (d); converted 1858; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; lung disease | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | LEGLER, George | DUERST, Anna* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | GLACE, Susan* | 75 | MUMMA | GLACE, ----- | PA | PA: Mauch Chunk (d); 4 daus, 2 sons remain | |
06/09/1885 | 365 | MUMMA, Susan* | 75 | GLACE, ----- | PA | PA: Mauch Chunk (d); 4 daus, 2 sons remain | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | GLACE, ----- | MUMMA, Susan* | |||||
06/09/1885 | 365 | GOLDSMITH, Theodore* | 19 | PA | PA: Afton area (d); son of E. B. & Mary; pars, 3 sis remain | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | LOWRY, Catharine* | 91 | OH | OH: West Salem (d); converted in early life, joined our church 12 yrs ago | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | EASTMAN, Sophia* | 76 | PA | PA: Slatington (d); rheumatism/dropsy | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SCHISLER, John Henry* | 77 | MD | MD: Baltimore Co.: Rockdale area (d); member Ev. Assn. ca 27 yrs; 2 sons remain; wife, 3 chren dead | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | MILLER, John* | 83 | MI | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | MI: Three Rivers (died at res of son, Bro. J. W.); 4 chren remain; 2 wives, 3 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
06/09/1885 | 365 | BOYER, Peter* | 74 | PA | PA: Cressona (d); widow, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; consumption 2 yrs | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | FRANKHOUSER, Mary* | 7 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown area (d); dau of Jesse & Elizabeth J.; [d Mar 2] | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | FRANKHOUSER, Louisa* | 5 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown area (d); dau of Jesse & Elizabeth J.; [d Mar 9] | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | SHEAFER, Mamie Viole* | 4 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: West Earl (d); dau of Jacob & Mary A. | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | DEVORE, Anna B.* | 1 | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Greenburt (d); dau of B. F. & R. A.; brain fever | |||
06/09/1885 | 365 | BROOKLY, Samuel Charles* | 1 mo | PA | PA: Phila.: Germantown (d); son of Chas. & Jane | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | GEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)* | 56 | STAUFFER, Louisa | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | OH: Burgoon (d); to Hancock Co., OH, 1848; md Feb 14, 1850 at Carey, OH; wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; cancer of bowels [detailed obit] | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | STAUFFER, Louisa | GEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | GEORGE, Louisa | GEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | LUTZ, Daniel* | 22 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Osnaburg (d). "Daniel was a deaf mute, but was educated at Columbus, O., where he married a wife, also a mute." Wife, 2 sons, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis, 2 step-bros, 4 step-sis remain | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | EXAMPLE, deaf mute, also his wife | mentions step-siblings, see LUTZ, Daniel, Jun 16, 1885, p 381 | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | GRIESINGER, Mary M.* | 17 | OH | OH: Delta area (died at home of grpars, Rev. John McQUILLEN); dau of G. W.; consumption | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | HAHN, Chester Julius* | 16 | IL | IL: South Chicago (died praying); oldest son of Julius & Salome' | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | BROWNSBERGER, John* | 85 | OH | OH: East Toledo (died at home of dau); joined Perrysburg Ev. Church ca 45 yrs ago; 6 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | WIESERMAN, F.* | 42 | KS | GERMANY: Gottingen (b) | KS: Jewell (5 mi nw) (d); husb, little dau remain; paralysis; [corr. to WESEMAN, Frederika nee SIVERT, Jun 23, p 397] | ||
06/16/1885 | 381 | WESEMAN, Frederika* | 42 | SIVERT | WESEMAN, ----- | KS | GERMANY: Gottingen (b) | KS: Jewell (5 mi nw) (d); husb, little dau remain; paralysis; [corr. from WESEMAN, F., Jun 23, p 397] |
06/16/1885 | 381 | WESEMAN, ----- | SIVERT, Frederika* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | SHUPP, Peter* | 75 | OH | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | OH: Mercer Co.: Fort Recovery area (d); to OH ca 54 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
06/16/1885 | 381 | STANG, Adam* | 56 | OH | OH: Elyria area (d); wife, 2 chren remain; great sufferer for one wk | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | GOUGLER, Mary Ann* | 69 | GOUGLER, John | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); husb, 4 chren remain [nee THORNTON--ABudd] | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | THORNTON, Mary Ann* | 69 | GOUGLER, John | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); husb, 4 chren remain [nee THORNTON--ABudd] | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | GOUGLER, John | THORNTON, Mary Ann* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | PETZOLDT, Mary Margaretha* | 27 | NUFFER | PETZOLDT, ----- | NY | NY: Beaver Falls (d); dau of Michael & Eva; 2 chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; husb, one child dead; consumption of throat | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | NUFFER, Mary Margaretha* | 27 | PETZOLDT, ----- | NY | NY: Beaver Falls (d); dau of Michael & Eva; 2 chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; husb, one child dead; consumption of throat | ||
06/16/1885 | 381 | PETZOLDT, ----- | NUFFER, Mary Margaretha* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | BOYER, Wm. K.* | 43 | MO | MO: Livingston Co. (d); bur Fulton Co., OH; widow, 3 chren remain; cancer in face | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | LENGEL, Kate* | 18 | PA | PA: Cressona area (d); dau of Daniel & Catharine; pars, brother & sisters remain; consumption | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | ELLIOTT, Sarah* | 75 | GERHARD | ELLIOTT, John | MI | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | MI: Erie (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead |
06/16/1885 | 381 | GERHARD, Sarah* | 75 | ELLIOTT, John | MI | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | MI: Erie (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | ELLIOTT, John | GERHARD, Sarah* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | RAU, Joshua* | 78 | OH | OH: North Lima (d); widow, 4 chren remain; killed by tree branch striking him on head | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | MILLER, Stephen* | 78 | WI | ENGLAND (b) | WI: Sauk Co.: Troy (died at home of son-in-law, G. WITWEN); 3 daus, 1 sis remain; wife, 2 sons dead | ||
06/16/1885 | 381 | HAMM, Juliana* | 76 | PA | PA: Slatington area (d); 4 chren remain | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | LARN, Jones H.* | 34 | IA | IA: Dover's Mill area (d) | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | HATFIELD, Mary A.* | 59 | IRANS | HATFIELD, ----- | OH | OH: Columbus (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |
06/16/1885 | 381 | IRANS, Mary A.* | 59 | HATFIELD, ----- | OH | OH: Columbus (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
06/16/1885 | 381 | HATFIELD, ----- | IRANS, Mary A.* | |||||
06/16/1885 | 381 | GIERHART, Archie* | 7 | OH | OH: Baltimore (d) | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | BECHTEL, J. (Rev. Dr.)* | 64 | ONT | ONT: Balaclava (d) | |||
06/16/1885 | 381 | FRALEY, John* | 83 | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Burlington (d) | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | ROHRER, Jacob* | 53 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris area (d); wife, 10 chren remain; neuralgia/apoplexy | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | SMITH, Mary Elizabeth* | 20 | GOODLING | SMITH, Moses | PA | PA: York Co.: Red Lion (d); dau of Danvil [sic] & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain | |
06/23/1885 | 397 | GOODLING, Mary Elizabeth* | 20 | SMITH, Moses | PA | PA: York Co.: Red Lion (d); dau of Danvil [sic] & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | SMITH, Moses | GOODLING, Mary Elizabeth* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | KAFER, Mary Ann* | 36 | HAINES | KAFER, M. | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Round Grove (d); only dau of Philip; husb, 6 chren remain | |
06/23/1885 | 397 | HAINES, Mary Ann* | 36 | KAFER, M. | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Round Grove (d); only dau of Philip; husb, 6 chren remain | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | KAFER, M. | HAINES, Mary Ann* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | FINKBINER, Sophia* | 53 | KIESS | FINKBINER, ----- | PA | PA: Warrensville (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
06/23/1885 | 397 | KIESS, Sophia* | 53 | FINKBINER, ----- | PA | PA: Warrensville (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | FINKBINER, ----- | KIESS, Sophia* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | KUNKLE, Wm.* | 45 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (possible place of death, but not so stated). Minister: SHISLER, W. A. | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | BURGSTAHLER, Katie* | 19 | IL | IL: Plainfield (d); dau of F. & M.; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | QUEST, Louise* | 73 | RICHTER | QUEST, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Schwalenberg: Lothe (b) | IL: Dakota area (d); 3 daus remain; husb died 2 yrs ago |
06/23/1885 | 397 | RICHTER, Louise* | 73 | QUEST, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Schwalenberg: Lothe (b) | IL: Dakota area (d); 3 daus remain; husb died 2 yrs ago | |
06/23/1885 | 397 | QUEST, ----- | RICHTER, Louise* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | KANTNER, William* | 66 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Landingville area (d); widow, 3 sons remain; confined to bed 13 wks | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | STECK, Aug.* | 38 | MI | MI: Huron Co.: Oliver Tp. (d); widow, 1 child remain | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | HOLLENBACK, J. S. (Dr.)* | 40 | PA | PA: Treverton (d); wife, 2 chren, aged mother remain | |||
06/23/1885 | 397 | WILLIAMS, Mary* | 73 | WILLIAMS, Daniel | PA | PA: Union Co.: White Deer Furnace area (d); great sufferer for yrs | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | SMITH, Lydia* | 37 | SMITH, John | PA | PA: Drehersville area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | -----, Lydia* | 37 | SMITH, John | PA | PA: Drehersville area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | SMITH, John | -----, Lydia* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | YODER, Rosa Ann* | 20 | WARMKESSEL | YODER, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); husb, an infant, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |
06/23/1885 | 397 | WARMKESSEL, Rosa Ann* | 20 | YODER, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); husb, an infant, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | ||
06/23/1885 | 397 | YODER, ----- | WARMKESSEL, Rosa Ann* | |||||
06/23/1885 | 397 | RINEBOALD, Calvin* | 1 | PA | PA: New Columbia (d) | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | ZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)* | 67 | TARTSCH, Friederika | IA | EUROPE: Bavaria: Ahrnsbach (b) | IA: Grand Junction (d); served 6 yrs army of his country; to AMER 1846 age 28 to Rom area, Jefferson Co., WI; md 1848; to IA 1872; wife, 9 chren remain, 3 sons being ministers; 1 child dead; kicked in abdomen by horse [lengthy] | |
06/30/1885 | 413 | TARTSCH, Friederika | ZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)* | |||||
06/30/1885 | 413 | ZELLHOEFER, Friederika | ZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)* | |||||
06/30/1885 | 413 | SEITZ, J. G.* | 26 | OH | OH: Cleveland (died at home of pars); son of Friedrich & Barbara; wife, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. "Three of the family have preceded him to the better world." Complicated disease ending w/ pneumonia | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | ENSMINGER, Anna* | 48 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (d); dau of F. & Sarah Ensminger; constant reader of the Ev. Messenger, though belonged to a sister church | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | WINEBERG, Adeline* | 36 | COPECK | WINEBERG, Martin | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Canoe Tp. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
06/30/1885 | 413 | COPECK, Adeline* | 36 | WINEBERG, Martin | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Canoe Tp. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | WINEBERG, Martin | COPECK, Adeline* | |||||
06/30/1885 | 413 | MOGLE, Daniel J.* | 39 | OH | OH: Perrysburg area (d); wife, 2 chren remain | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | PIFER, Jno.* | 67 | IA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | IA: Marshall Co. (res); to Forreston, IL, then Marshall Co.; widow, 10 chren remain | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | MATTER, Frederick* | 51 | MI | GERMANY: Sax Meining (b) | MI: Mt. Calm [sic] Co.: Maple Valley (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; killed by a falling tree; [corr. to MATTES, Jul 14, p 444] | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | MATTES, Frederick* | 51 | MI | GERMANY: Sax Meining (b) | MI: Mt. Calm [sic] Co.: Maple Valley (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; killed by a falling tree; [corr. from MATTER, Jul 14, p 444] | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | BRINTON, David G.* | 28 | PA | PA: York Co.: Newberrytown (d); wife, 1 son remain; consumption | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | NAHUM, Catherine C.* | 78 | LANGUE | NAHUM, Jacob | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Plymouth Meeting (d); husb, 1 son, 4 grchren remain, one of whom is Rev. A. E. WILLIAMS, of East PA Conf. | |
06/30/1885 | 413 | LANGUE, Catherine C.* | 78 | NAHUM, Jacob | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Plymouth Meeting (d); husb, 1 son, 4 grchren remain, one of whom is Rev. A. E. WILLIAMS, of East PA Conf. | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | NAHUM, Jacob | LANGUE, Catherine C.* | |||||
06/30/1885 | 413 | MACE, Sallie Mary A.* | 84 | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Highland area (d) | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | AMDOR, Rhoda H.* | 30 | AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.) | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Hays area (d); funeral in First Baptist Church in Carbon | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | -----, Rhoda H.* | 30 | AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.) | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Hays area (d); funeral in First Baptist Church in Carbon | ||
06/30/1885 | 413 | AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.) | -----, Rhoda H.* | |||||
06/30/1885 | 413 | REBER, Eva May* | 1 | PA | PA: Cressona (d); dau of William & Sarah; diphtheria | |||
06/30/1885 | 413 | KOHL, Mable [sic] Edith* | 7mos | IA | IA: Lisbon area (d); dau of Jonathan & Anna; lung fever |
Number of items that your search found: 849