DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/06/188511WESSLER, Olive*4ININ: Evansville (d); dau of Christian & Julia; diphtheria
01/06/188511FOLK, Amelia*21PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown (d); consumption/heart disease
01/06/188511McKENZIE, Eliza*67HERITAGEMcKENZIE, -----MIMI: Monroe Co.: Newporrt (d); dropsy
01/06/188511HERITAGE, Eliza*67McKENZIE, -----MIMI: Monroe Co.: Newport (d); dropsy
01/06/188511McKENZIE, -----HERITAGE, Eliza*
01/06/188511KLOTZ, Joel*75PAPA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); wife, 2 sons remain; rheumatism
01/06/188511WOLF, Daniel*74ILPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IL: Kane Co.: Pierceville (d); came West in later yrs; wife, 1 dau remain
01/06/188511FOSTER, Jonathan*55OHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburgh (d); widow, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead
01/06/188511SCHICK, Washington*38PAPA: Tioga Co.: East Point (d); son of Wm. & Anna; converted 18 yrs ago
01/06/188511STIRK, M. O. [male]*56PAPA: Lancaster (d). "Many loved ones bade him welcome yonder."
01/06/188511KRUMLAUF, Sarah*66KRUMLAUF, John----: Minister: BROWN, G. W.; husb, chren remain
01/06/188511-----, Sarah*66KRUMLAUF, John----: Minister: BROWN, G. W.; husb, chren remain
01/06/188511KRUMLAUF, John-----, Sarah*
01/06/188511EHRHEART, Catherine*80SHULLEHRHEART, -----INMD (born 1804)IN: Wayne Co. (res); went there in 1835; 2 sons, 3 daus remain
01/06/188511SHULL, Catherine*80EHRHEART, -----INMD (born 1804)IN: Wayne Co. (res); went there in 1835; 2 sons, 3 daus remain
01/06/188511EHRHEART, -----SHULL, Catherine*
01/06/188511STALL, Catharine*43OHOH: Akron (d); 6 chren remain; husb dead
01/06/188511BRUMER, Margaret*54BRUMER, AlfredPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); converted at Norristown; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain
01/06/188511-----, Margaret*54BRUMER, AlfredPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); converted at Norristown; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain
01/06/188511BRUMER, Alfred-----, Margaret*
01/06/188511SEITZ, Elizabeth*69SEITZ, ChristianILGERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Crumbach: Franklach (b)IL: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 1 son, 6 daus remain
01/06/188511-----, Elizabeth*69SEITZ, ChristianILGERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Crumbach: Franklach (b)IL: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 1 son, 6 daus remain
01/06/188511SEITZ, Christian-----, Elizabeth*
01/06/188511SCHWEITZER, Anna Sibylla*86RASCHSCHWEITZER, -----OHGERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt: Holzmuehl (b)OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847. "Many souls have been converted at her home." 2 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead
01/06/188511RASCH, Anna Sibylla*86SCHWEITZER, -----OHGERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt: Holzmuehl (b)OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847. "Many souls have been converted at her home." 2 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead
01/06/188511SCHWEITZER, -----RASCH, Anna Sibylla*
01/13/188527SMITH, Sallie Lizzie*9OHOH: Flat Rock (died at Orphan Home)
01/13/188527WHITE, Arthur W.*6mosPAPA: Allentown (d); son of Geo. B. & Alley [sic]
01/13/188527HONACHER, Edwin T.*5mosPAPA: Allentown (d); son of Wesley & Ida
01/13/188527McCORD, Maud Anita*4----: dau of Abram & Lizzie; brain fever; no location or minister given
01/13/188527WESSLER, Emma Laura*3ININ: Evansville (d); dau of Christian & Julia; died 7 days after her sister Olive; diphtheria
01/13/188527McNEALL, Nathaniel*58PAPA: Burlington (d); 5 sons, 3 daus remain
01/13/188527SHAUFNER, Susan*64PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Knox Tp. (d); member Ev. Church 48 yrs
01/13/188527GEHR, Baltzer*102PAPA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); left 70 direct lineal descendants
01/13/188527EXAMPLE:, age 102see GEHR, Baltzer, Jan 13, 1885, p 27
01/13/188527GABLE, Mary*71GABLE, JohnPAPA: York (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
01/13/188527-----, Mary*71GABLE, JohnPAPA: York (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
01/13/188527GABLE, John-----, Mary*
01/13/188527SCHOBERT, Elizabeth*31ISSLERSCHOBERT, -----MIMI: San. Co.: Richmondville area (d); husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; confinement
01/13/188527ISSLER, Elizabeth*31SCHOBERT, -----MIMI: San. Co.: Richmondville area (d); husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; confinement
01/13/188527SCHOBERT, -----ISSLER, Elizabeth*
01/13/188527YOST, Reuben*68ORPA: Montgomery Co. (b)OR: Kings Valley (died at res of son Thomas); res Jefferson Co. until 2 yrs ago when he went to OR; wife, 8 chren remain
01/13/188527STROUSE, Sophia H.*57STROUSE, WilliamOHOH: West Salem area (d); husb, 2 chren remain
01/13/188527-----, Sophia H.*57STROUSE, WilliamOHOH: West Salem area (d); husb, 2 chren remain
01/13/188527STROUSE, William-----, Sophia H.*
01/13/188527DUTH, Caroline*70BOYERDUTH, -----ILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); son, 2 daus remain; husb, 9 chren dead
01/13/188527BOYER, Caroline*70DUTH, -----ILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); son, 2 daus remain; husb, 9 chren dead
01/13/188527DUTH, -----BOYER, Caroline*
01/13/188527FLORAN, Eva Anna*17ININ: St. Joseph Co. (d); dau of Jacob & Rebecca; pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; 4 sis dead
01/13/188527CHRISTOPHEL, Abraham*53ILGERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Alsheim (b)IL: Kankakee Co.: Herscher area (d); to AMER 1852; widow, 7 chren remain
01/13/188527EWALD, Christiana*--SHELLEWALD, A.ONTONT: Bruce Co.: Sangeen (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 5 chren dead
01/13/188527SHELL, Christiana*--EWALD, A.ONTONT: Bruce Co.: Sangeen (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 5 chren dead
01/13/188527EWALD, A.SHELL, Christiana*
01/20/188543BOTSFORD, Charles*5PAPA: Unityville (d)
01/20/188543VOUGHT, Harry Ray*2----: son of Isaiah & Fannie; no location or minister stated
01/20/188543LIMBAUGH, John A.*5----: diphtheria & croup; no location or minister stated
01/20/188543SCHOBERT, Wm. Frederick*3----: youngest son of Mrs. W. R.
01/20/188543HINCKEL, Harry Weldy*3PAPA: Philadelphia (d); son of Henry & Alexina
01/20/188543KAUFFMAN, William Henry*7mosPAPA: Yorkana area (d); croup/lung-disease
01/20/188543BOOREM, Elizabeth*85PAPA: Paradise Valley (d); husb died 40 yrs ago
01/20/188543KOEHLER, C. G.*58NYSAXONY: Kitzer (b)NY: Beaver Falls area (d); to AMER 1853; wife, step-son remain
01/20/188543FRANKENFIELD, Cornelius*36KNERR, -----PAPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); wife is dau of Rev. George KNERR of Atlantic Conf.; she remains along w/ 1 child, pars, siblings
01/20/188543KNERR, -----FRANKENFIELD, Cornelius*
01/20/188543ROPP, David*77ILVA: London [sic] Co. (b)IL: Kappa area (d); res prev OH, then to IL 1843
01/20/188543BORGNER, Susanna*71BORGNER, GeorgePAPA: Lebanon (d)
01/20/188543-----, Susanna*71BORGNER, GeorgePAPA: Lebanon (d)
01/20/188543BORGNER, George-----, Susanna*
01/20/188543SAGER, Mary*33IAIA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Centre (d); husb, 3 sm chren remain; 4 chren dead
01/20/188543WILES, ----- ("Father")*71PAPA: Columbia Co. (d)
01/20/188543DAVIS, Kate V.*28DAVIS, Francis T.PAPA: Philadelphia (d)
01/20/188543-----, Kate V.*28DAVIS, Francis T.PAPA: Philadelphia (d)
01/20/188543DAVIS, Francis T.-----, Kate V.*
01/20/188543HARPSTER, Geo.*65MIPA: Union Co.: Beaver Tp. (b)MI: Colon (d); wife, dau remain
01/20/188543DREHMER, J. Henry*31ILIL: Geneseo (d); md 8 yrs; wife, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; typhoid & brain fever
01/20/188543GRUMBEIN, Benj.*70ILPA: Lebanon Co.: Heidelberg Tp. (b)IL: Naperville (d); to Naperville w/ his family 1845; wife, 9 chren remain; cancer
01/20/188543ASHOFF, Henry*57MIMI: Royalton (d). "The church edifice was erected on his farm." He was class-leader, steward, trustee, S.S. supt; wife, 6 chren remain; consumption
01/27/188559THILKE, Mary*67THILKE, John (Rev.)WIWI: Prairie du Sac (d); 3 daus remain, one md Rev. C. SCHNEIDER; husb dead
01/27/188559-----, Mary*67THILKE, John (Rev.)WIWI: Prairie du Sac (d); 3 daus remain, one md Rev. C. SCHNEIDER; husb dead
01/27/188559THILKE, John (Rev.)-----, Mary*
01/27/188559BLOUSE, Harry Schleh*3mosPAPA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); son of Melvin
01/27/188559LIEPHART, Arvilla*2PAPA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); dau of Milton; [d Jan 3]
01/27/188559LIEPHART, Alice*6PAPA: York Co.: East Prospect area (d); sis of Arvilla; died on the morning fixed for the burial of her little sister; [d Jan 5]
01/27/188559DETWILER, Mary S.*5PAPA: York Co.: Long Level (d); dau of D. W.; niece of Rev. W. E., P.E.; diphtheria
01/27/188559FERREE, Mary E.*10PAPA: York Co.: E. Prospect (d); dau of David; [d Dec 8]
01/27/188559FERREE, D. Roy*8PAPA: York Co.: E. Prospect (d); son of David; bro of Mary E.; [d Jan 7]
01/27/188559WOLF, Peter*68OHOH: Dalton area (d); lung fever
01/27/188559GARDNER, Blanche Myrtle*4wks----: Howard area (d); dau of Jos. L. & Amanda H.; dysentery; minister: J. H. WELCH
01/27/188559BOYER, Carrie Etta*9PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Ringgold Tp. (d); dau of Michael; lung fever
01/27/188559MAYHEW, Mary*76MAYHEW, G. W.IAIA: Union Co.: Afton area (d)
01/27/188559-----, Mary*76MAYHEW, G. W.IAIA: Union Co.: Afton area (d)
01/27/188559MAYHEW, G. W.-----, Mary*
01/27/188559SCHULER, Calvin C.*13PAPA: Upper Milford (d); son of Edwin & Sarah
01/27/188559STAHL, William T.*70PAPA: Berwick area (d)
01/27/188559STEVEN, Lorena*27STEVEN, F.MIMI: Clinton Co.: Greenbsch (d); husb, 1 child, father, bro remain; quick consumption
01/27/188559-----, Lorena*27STEVEN, F.MIMI: Clinton Co.: Greenbush (d); husb, 1 child, father, bro remain; quick consumption
01/27/188559STEVEN, F.-----, Lorena*
01/27/188559SMITH, Sallie M.*8PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Rev. F. & Maria K.; pars, 4 little sis remain; diphtheria
01/27/188559SMITH, Barbara E.*29SMITH, AdolphusPAPA: Bangor (d); husb, 3 chren remain
01/27/188559-----, Barbara E.*29SMITH, AdolphusPAPA: Bangor (d); husb, 3 chren remain
01/27/188559SMITH, Adolphus-----, Barbara E.*
01/27/188559MINCHION, Ina A.*20IAWI: Oshkosh (b)IA: Hardin Co.: Eldora rea (d); to IA w/ pars a few mos ago; typhoid fever
01/27/188559BENSINGER, Henry Newton*23PAPA: Mahanoy City (d); son of Benevill & Caroline; peritonitis
01/27/188559LUTZ, Margaret Catharine*21PAPA: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Simon & Margaret; consumption
01/27/188559KLINE, Sarah*78PAPA: Perry Co.: Elliottsburg area (d); 12 chren, 80 grchren, 25 gt-grchren remain; husb, 6 chren dead
01/27/188559KING, Barbara*43PAPA: Cambria Co.: Elton area (d); husb, chren remain
01/27/188559DAVIS, Thomas P.*23OHOH: West Salem (d); pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
01/27/188559WORTHINGTON, Rosa*22LLOYDWORTHINGTON, Oliver----: Rabbit Town (d); dau of James LLOYD; husb, 2 little chren remain; typhoid fever; minister: LOHR, J. J.
01/27/188559LLOYD, Rosa*22WORTHINGTON, Oliver----: Rabbit Town (d); dau of James LLOYD; husb, 2 little chren remain; typhoid fever; minister: LOHR, J. J.
01/27/188559WORTHINGTON, OliverLLOYD, Rosa*
01/27/188559DORMYER, Jonathan*58----: Minister: SMITH, J.; enlisted Aug 6, 1863, wounded Cedar Creek, VA, Oct. 26, 1863, by which he lost a limb; was also a soldier for Jesus
01/27/188559GERRMAN, Louisa A.*68KOPFGERRMAN, MaxNYGERMANY: Rheinbeiern: Zweibrucken (b)NY: Greenpoint (d); husb, 5 chren remain [this obit submitted by J. STELTZER]
01/27/188559KOPF, Louisa A.*68GERRMAN, MaxNYGERMANY: Rheinbeiern: Zweibrucken (b)NY: Greenpoint (d); husb, 5 chren remain [this obit submitted by J. STELTZER]
01/27/188559GERRMAN, MaxKOPF, Louisa A.*
01/27/188559YUMMS, Sarah A.*51OTTOYUMMS, -----ILPA: Centre Co. (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott (d); to Steph. Co. as child
01/27/188559OTTO, Sarah A.*51YUMMS, -----ILPA: Centre Co. (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott (d); to Steph. Co. as child
01/27/188559YUMMS, -----OTTO, Sarah A.*
01/27/188559MOSSHOLDER, Mary Anne*73FLAMMMOSSHOLDER, -----ILIL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); 3 daus, 2 sons remain; husb, 3 sons dead
01/27/188559FLAMM, Mary Anne*73MOSSHOLDER, -----ILIL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); 3 daus, 2 sons remain; husb, 3 sons dead
01/27/188559MOSSHOLDER, -----FLAMM, Mary Anne*
01/27/188559MUNDIS, Mary*60MUNDIS, J. J.PAPA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); husb, son, dau remain
01/27/188559-----, Mary*60MUNDIS, J. J.PAPA: York Co.: Long Level area (d); husb, son, dau remain
01/27/188559MUNDIS, J. J.-----, Mary*
01/27/188559BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*57BUTZ, Mary A. (wife #1; had 4 chren)OHPA: Lehigh Co. (b)OH: Tiffin area (d); 1 child dead
01/27/188559BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*57RAMALY, Anna M. (wife #; had 12 chren)OHPA: Lehigh Co. (b)OH: Tiffin area (d); 1 child dead
01/27/188559BUTZ, Mary A.BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*
01/27/188559BIDLEMAN, Mary A.BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*
01/27/188559RAMALY, Anna M.BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*
01/27/188559BIDLEMAN, Anna M.BIDLEMAN, Wm. Jonas*
01/27/188559WEBER, Catharine*58PAPA: Clarion Co.: Ashland Tp. (d); embraced religion age 10; husb, 2 [?] chren remain
01/27/188559ZUMSTEIN, A. E. A.*20OHSWITZERLAND: Bern (b)OH: Wood Co.: Moline area (d); to AMER age 5 w/ pars; mother, 1 bro remain;
01/27/188559WARNER, Ida Celesta*17OHOH: Summit Co.: East Liberty area (d); dau of J. J. & Sarah; afflicted for 8 yrs
01/27/188559GOURLY, Ella*20HOFFMASTERGOURLY, W. ScottPAPA: Philadelphia (died at her husband's res); md less than 1 yr. "She was fondly attached to her beautiful homeÉ." Husb, infant dau, pars, brother & sister remain; typhoid fever
01/27/188559HOFFMASTER, Ella*20GOURLY, W. ScottPAPA: Philadelphia (died at her husband's res); md less than 1 yr. "She was fondly attached to her beautiful homeÉ." Husb, infant dau, pars, brother & sister remain; typhoid fever
01/27/188559GOURLY, W. ScottHOFFMASTER, Ella*
02/03/188575SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)*83DIFFENDOERFER, Rebecca (wife #1; md 1834)INWURTEMBERG: Prusigen (b 1801)IN: Lagrange Co.: Lima (res); detailed acct of pastorates in PA, OH, IN; wife #2, 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead; no mention of chren by wife #1; chronic stomach disease [lengthy obit]
02/03/188575SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)*83LONG, ----- (wife #2, widow of Rev. Jacob; md 1845; had 5 chren w/ SCHWILLY)INWURTEMBERG: Prusigen (b 1801)IN: Lagrange Co.: Lima (res); detailed acct of pastorates in PA, OH, IN; wife #2, 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead; no mention of chren by wife #1; chronic stomach disease [lengthy obit]
02/03/188575DIFFENDOERFER, RebeccaSCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)*
02/03/188575SCHWILLY, RebeccaSCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)*
02/03/188575LONG, ----- *SCHWILLY, Philip (Rev.)*(Widow of Rev. Jacob)
02/03/188575EBERT, Joseph*77OHOH: Ashland Co.: bur Red Haw Cem.: Joseph EBERT, June 10, 1807 - Jan. 23, 1885 age 77y 7m 7d; converted age 14; aged wife, 2 sons, 1 dau remain. Minister: F. BONE
02/03/188575BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of Rev. Joseph EBERT
02/03/188575REUTTER, Mary*29----: Minister: GROSS, H. W.; she taught infant S.S. class
02/03/188575SMITH, John Herman*------: Highland (d); son of Calvin & Rebecca; bronchial affection; minister: GOODLING, E. B.[?]
02/03/188575WOODMAN, Floyd*15ds----: Minister: SCHEURER, P.; son of George P. & Mary E.; lung fever
02/03/188575BAKER, Jessie M.*1 moIAIA: Cedar Rapids (d); dau of E. J. & M.
02/03/188575WALDSCHMIDT, Charley Samuel*1ILIL: Roberts (d); son of Daniel & Catharine; cramps
02/03/188575SMITH, Lizzie Annie*4PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Rev. F. & Maria K.; diphtheria
02/03/188575SWAB, Maggie*3PAPA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown (d); dau of Henry; scarlet fever
02/03/188575HOUCK, Henry Walter*3PAPA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); son of Lafayette & Ellen; fatally burned. "His last words were, 'Mamma, I can't see any more.'"
02/03/188575SCHWINLY, Adam*74--GERMANY: Wittenberg (b)--: Minister: Kemberling, I. W.; wife, 5 chren remain
02/03/188575TEUFEL, Frederick Wm.*26PAPA: West Mill Creek (d); pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; kicked by horse
02/03/188575VARNER, Cyrus*29PAPA: Cambria Co.: Elton area (d); 2 chren, father, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption
02/03/188575YOH, Mary Ann*37PAPA: Harrisburg (d); Sept. 10 became insane; brought from Asylum at Harrisburg to her home at Shoemakersville; husb, 1 child remain
02/03/188575KOCHER, Abraham*26PAPA: Luzerne Co.: White Haven (d); brakeman on L. V. R.R., fell down high embankment from moving box-car, crushed his skull; wife, 1 child remain
02/03/188575YEARICK, Peter*87OHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Hancock Co.: North Findlay (d); md 66+ yrs; wife died ca a yr ago; reared 14 chren, 12 of whom remain
02/03/188575MADEIRA, Samuel*5 - [PAPA: Berks Co.: Shoemakersville area (d); wife, 3 sons, 5 daus remain; pneumonia/dropsy [age cannot be deciphered--the first digit appears to be a "5"]
02/03/188575SAYLOR, William*75PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); bro of Rev. J. M. of East PA Conf.; converted 52 yrs ago under Rev. W. W. Orwig; blind 15 yrs; aged widow, 4 chren, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; heart disease
02/03/188575CASEBEER, Frany*74CASEBEER, DavidPAPA: Somerset area (d); member of church since 1840; bur Emanuel's or Lichty's graveyard, Somerset Circuit; 7 chren remain; 4 chren, 5 grchren dead
02/03/188575GERMANN, Louisa A.*--NYNY: member 94th St. Church, New York City for 28 yrs; died in her sleep [this obit submitted by L. T. HERRMANN]]
02/10/188591BOYD, Frances Arabella*37BOYD, A. G. (Rev.)ORENGLAND (b)OR: Dayton Cem. (bur); w/ pars to New Zealand, where md, he a Presbyterian minister; to OR 1882; husb, 9 chren remain, inc. babe of a few days old
02/10/188591-----, Frances Arabella*37BOYD, A. G. (Rev.)ORENGLAND (b)OR: Dayton Cem. (bur); w/ pars to New Zealand, where md, he a Presbyterian minister; to OR 1882; husb, 9 chren remain, inc. babe of a few days old
02/10/188591BOYD, A. G. (Rev.)-----, Frances Arabella*
02/10/188591ZEYER, Anna*3PAPA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Lewis & Lizzie; inflammation of brain
02/10/188591SCHULER, Olivia M.*16PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Upper Milford (d); dau of Edwin & Sarah; scarlet fever
02/10/188591JEFFERYES [sic], Samuel*59MIMI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; quick consumption
02/10/188591TROTT, A. R.*35IAIA: Union Co.: Creston (bur); brakeman on C. B. & Q. R.R.; widow, 4 chren remain
02/10/188591HUGHS, Tacy Ann*64HUGHS, OwenPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Kulpsville (d); consumption
02/10/188591-----, Tacy Ann*64HUGHS, OwenPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Kulpsville (d); consumption
02/10/188591HUGHS, Owen-----, Tacy Ann*
02/10/188591SHOWP, Lucretia J.*27OHOH: Ashland Co. (b); member Ev. Church 10 yrs; minister: BONE, F., who was at Red Haw, Ashland Co. at this time
02/10/188591BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of Lucretia J. SHOWP
02/10/188591MILLER, Jacob*82IAPA: York Co. (b)IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Center area (d)
02/10/188591SENSENICH, Elizabeth*64PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Beartown (d); "blessings on the family in their sudden bereavement"
02/10/188591WILL, David*21OHOH: Carey (d); son of Peter & Susan; after scripture & prayer, remains taken to Flat Rock, Seneca Co., OH, for burial at Flat Rock Church Cem.
02/10/188591HAFNER, Maggie Elizabeth*17----: Minister: SCHUKNECHT, H.; dau of Joseph
02/10/188591PLAPP, Jacob F.*68--WUERTEMBERG (b)--: Pierceville (d); to AMER many yrs ago; experienced religion in PA; wife, 6 chren remain. Minister: SHULTZ, J. K.
02/10/188591LININGER, Louie C.40OHOH: Trumbull Co.: Orangeville area (d); her son, mother, 4 sis remain
02/10/188591STICKEL, Catharine*84PAPA: Cumberland Co. (born Sep 29, 1800)PA: Carlisle (d); joined Ev. Church nearly 50yrs ago; funeral nr Carlisle
02/10/188591MICHAEL, Nettie Minerva*16IAIA: Waterloo (d); dau of Henry & Henrietta [nee TRUMBOWER] MICHAEL; God comfort the lonesome parents
02/10/188591TRUMBOWER, Henrietta[not an obit, but gives her maiden name in the obit of her dau, Nettie Michael, Feb 10, 1885, p 91]
02/10/188591WOLLENHAUPT, Gertrude*75ILIL: Kankakee Co.: Salina (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/10/188591SNYDER, Henry*73PAPA: Carlisle (d); born Jul 16, 1812; wife, 2 chren remain. " É died in peace, after two years of wonderful endurance in sufferingÉ."
02/10/188591HARLACHER, Alice S.*27HARLACHER, N. W.ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d); husb, 2 chren remain
02/10/188591-----, Alice S.*27HARLACHER, N. W.ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d); husb, 2 chren remain
02/10/188591HARLACHER, N. W.-----, Alice S.*
02/10/188591ACKERMAN, Minnie*18ILIL: Kappa area (d); quick consumption
02/10/188591YEARICK, Adam*67OHOH: Summit Co.: East Liberty area (d); widow, 6 sons, 2 daus remain
02/10/188591SCHIELD, Charles*62PAPA: Montg. Co.: Worcester (d); widow, 3 sons remain; 1 dau dead
02/10/188591ACKERMAN, Mary Jane*50FURGESONACKERMAN, -----ILOH: Wayne Co. (b)IL: Kappa area (d); she died unexpectedly the day after her daughter's funeral; husb, chren remain
02/10/188591FURGESON, Mary Jane*50ACKERMAN, -----ILOH: Wayne Co. (b)IL: Kappa area (d); she died unexpectedly the day after her daughter's funeral; husb, chren remain
02/10/188591ACKERMAN, -----FURGESON, Mary Jane*
02/10/188591PARKER, William*80MIMI: Three Rivers area (d); converted 34 yrs ago nr Bellevue, OH; to Three Rivers, ca 32 yrs ago; md nearly 57 yrs; 82-yr-old wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead
02/10/188591WILE, Louisa*62WILE, JonasPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Worcester (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau is md to Rev. M. L. CUSTER of Platte River Conf; lingering consumption & effects of a broken limb
02/10/188591-----, Louisa*62WILE, JonasPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Worcester (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau is md to Rev. M. L. CUSTER of Platte River Conf; lingering consumption & effects of a broken limb
02/10/188591WILE, Jonas-----, Louisa*
02/10/188591MASON, Anna*71BONEBRAKEMASON, -----NENE: Alma (d); 6 yrs ago when on moving to NE, she joined the Ev. Church; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
02/10/188591BONEBRAKE, Anna*71MASON, -----NENE: Alma (d); 6 yrs ago when on moving to NE, she joined the Ev. Church; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
02/10/188591MASON, -----BONEBRAKE, Anna*
02/10/188591HAKE, Daniel*64WIPA: York Co. (b)WI: Jefferson area (d); his pars to Warren, OH, soon after his birth; to WI 1843; widow, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 3 chren dead
02/17/1885109SNAVELY, Sarah*74LEFFLERSNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.)PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Yorkana (d); converted 1827; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 son dead; chronic rheumatism
02/17/1885109LEFFLER, Sarah*74SNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.)PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Yorkana (d); converted 1827; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 son dead; chronic rheumatism
02/17/1885109SNAVELY, Joseph (Rev.)LEFFLER, Sarah*
02/17/1885109RANK, Jane*55RANK, R. D. (Rev.)IAIA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, large family of chren remain; died unexpectedly from stomach hemorrhage
02/17/1885109-----, Jane*55RANK, R. D. (Rev.)IAIA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, large family of chren remain; died unexpectedly from stomach hemorrhage
02/17/1885109RANK, R. D. (Rev.)-----, Jane*
02/17/1885109MEYER, Lydia*57LINTNERMEYER, John (Rev.)SDPA: Dauphin Co. (b)SD: Hamlin Co.: Kellerton area (d); dau of Jacob & Fronica; to Crawford Co., OH, w/ pars 1828; md Apr 1844; from IL to Jefferson, WI 1850; to Hamlin Co., 1883; husb, an adopted dau, 1 stepson, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; bur Jefferson, WI; dropsy
02/17/1885109LINTNER, Lydia*57MEYER, John (Rev.)SDPA: Dauphin Co. (b)SD: Hamlin Co.: Kellerton area (d); dau of Jacob & Fronica; to Crawford Co., OH, w/ pars 1828; md Apr 1844; from IL to Jefferson, WI 1850; to Hamlin Co., 1883; husb, an adopted dau, 1 stepson, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; bur Jefferson, WI; dropsy
02/17/1885109MEYER, John (Rev.)LINTNER, Lydia*
02/17/1885109ALBRIGHT, Kate*50ALBRIGHT, ReubenPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Akron area (d); husb, chren, an only sis remain
02/17/1885109-----, Kate*50ALBRIGHT, ReubenPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Akron area (d); husb, chren, an only sis remain
02/17/1885109ALBRIGHT, Reuben-----, Kate*
02/17/1885109METZGER, Theodore J.*30ININ: Miami Co.: Bunker Hill area (d); 2 bros, 1 sis remain; pars, 5 siblings dead; consumption
02/17/1885109COOPER, Isaac*71PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; [also COPPER in body of obit]
02/17/1885109COPPER, Isaac*71PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; [also COPPER in body of obit]
02/17/1885109SWITZER, Elizabeth*74OHOH: Polk area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead; heart affection/pneumonia
02/17/1885109FELGER, J. S.
02/17/1885109GREBINGER, Magdalene*73PAPA: Millersville (d); 9 chren remain; paralysis/neuralgia
02/17/1885109DIEHL, Margaret*84ILGERMANY (b)IL: Ogle Co.: Foreston area (died at home of son John; 3 sons remain
02/17/1885109KLEPFER, Levi*81----: Paradise (d); he was one of 10 sons & 2 daus of whom only one remains. "He sleeps in the church-yard he donated to the church at Paradise." [I believe this is PA--ABudd]
02/24/1885125FISHER, Anna*39FISHER, G. W. (Rev.)PAPA: Allegheny Co.: Dorseyville (d); consumption
02/24/1885125-----, Anna*39FISHER, G. W. (Rev.)PAPA: Allegheny Co.: Dorseyville (d); consumption
02/24/1885125FISHER, G. W. (Rev.)-----, Anna*
02/24/1885125BLASER, Rosena*48KUENZLEBLASER, G. (Rev.)OHOH: Holmes Co. (b)OH: Wyandot Co. (d); md Mar 8, 1856; husb, 5 son, 4 daus, 5 bros (one being Rev. Chr. Kuenzle of OH Conf.), 2 sis remain; oldest son, Rev. J. H. on Beaver Creek circuit, OH Conf.; 4 daus dead. Temp -18, fierce winds, yet church filled; mute last 3 mos
02/24/1885125KUENZLE, Rosena*48BLASER, G. (Rev.)OHOH: Holmes Co. (b)OH: Wyandot Co. (d); md Mar 8, 1856; husb, 5 son, 4 daus, 5 bros (one being Rev. Chr. Kuenzle of OH Conf.), 2 sis remain; oldest son, Rev. J. H. On Beaver Creek circuit, OH Conf.; 4 daus dead. Temp -18, fierce winds, yet church filled; mute last 3 mos
02/24/1885125BLASER, G. (Rev.)KUENZLE, Rosena*
02/24/1885125SWAISGOOD, William*20OHOH: Ashland Co.: Polk area (died at res of mother); converted 6 hrs before death; mother remains, father dead; typhoid pneumonia; [heading is SAISGOOD]
02/24/1885125FELGER, J. S.
02/24/1885125LEKER, Mary Magdalena*100PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; bur beside husb in Hilltown, Bucks Co., PA
02/24/1885125SCHAEFER, Susan*67BARTSSCHAEFER, -----PAPA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain; 1 son dead; nervous debility
02/24/1885125BARTS, Susan*67SCHAEFER, -----PAPA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain; 1 son dead; nervous debility
02/24/1885125SCHAEFER, -----BARTS, Susan*
02/24/1885125MYERS, Joseph*60OROR: Mahama area (d); wife, chren remain; congestion for 15 hrs
02/24/1885125SCHAEFER, C.*50SCHAUER, SavinaWIWI: Madison area (d); wife, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead; carbuncle ulcer 7 wks
02/24/1885125SCHAUER, SavinaSCHAEFER, C.*
02/24/1885125SCHAEFER, SavinaSCHAEFER, C.*
02/24/1885125BIVANS, Clara Elva*11 moPAPA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); dau of Daniel & Carrie; catarrh on the breast
02/24/1885125SMITH, Minnie*13OHOH: Mahoning Co.: New Springfield (d); dau of Wm. & Caroline
02/24/1885125HIMMELRICH, Susan*73PAPA: Fleetwood (d); 5 sons, 6 daus remain
02/24/1885125MARINE, Mary*46MARINE, F.PAPA: Lebanon (d)
02/24/1885125-----, Mary*46MARINE, F.PAPA: Lebanon (d)
02/24/1885125MARINE, F.-----, Mary*
02/24/1885125BLOUSE, Jay Loloyd [sic]*1PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Millersville (d)
02/24/1885125LIPP, Mary Cora*7PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Willow St. (d)
03/03/1885139ERB, Joseph (Rev.)*53BAMBERGER, Francis [sic]PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b Nov 8, 1831)PA: South Fork (d in caboose, demolished by engine behind it); md Mar 1853; converted Stark Co., OH; to IL ca 31 yrs ago to Steph./Carroll Cos.; res nr Lanark last 9 yrs; wife, 2 sons, 5 daus remain [1 dau md Rev. Geo. HARRIS of IL Conf.]; 1 child dead
03/03/1885139BAMBERGER, Francis [sic]ERB, Joseph (Rev.)*
03/03/1885139ERB, Francis [sic]ERB, Joseph (Rev.)*
03/03/1885139CLINE, Bell*20OHOH: Huntsville area (d); consumption
03/03/1885139KUNSMAN, Amanda*29FRANKENFIELDKUNSMAN, John VictorPAPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); dau of David & Mary; husb, 1 small child, pars remain; inflammation of brain
03/03/1885139FRANKENFIELD, Amanda*29KUNSMAN, John VictorPAPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield Tp. (d); dau of David & Mary; husb, 1 small child, pars remain; inflammation of brain
03/03/1885139KUNSMAN, John VictorFRANKENFIELD, Amanda*
03/03/1885139WURSTER, Christian*63PAGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Linden area (d); widow, 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead
03/03/1885139DICKOVER, Eugene Samuel*1SDSD: Custer City (d); son of Caleb & Emma
03/03/1885139GEARHART, Ruth L.*16OHOH (d); dau of Henry & Francis [sic]; consumption. Minister, W. H. BUCKS, member of OH Conf.
03/03/1885139SCHMACHTENBURGER, Margaret*91OHOH: Mapleton area (d); joined our church ca 6 yrs ago
03/03/1885139NEAST, Maria*59PAMECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN: Maeko[?] (b)PA: Maunch [sic] Chunk (d); 2 sons remain
03/03/1885139WINGATE, Caroline*71OHOH (d); minister, M. B. MOHN of OH Conf. at this time
03/03/1885139GUTZEL, Mary*73PAPA: Harrisburg (d); confined to house some yrs by stroke of palsy
03/03/1885139McCASLIN, Mary Agnes*22PAPA: Sycamore [sic] Co.: Warrensville area (d); husb, infant child, pars, siblings remain [NOTE: there is no Sycamore Co., PA]
03/03/1885139MARTZ, Catharine*74PAPA: Venango Co.: Mariasville area (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain
03/03/1885139SCHNIVELY, Adam*74IAGERMANY: Wittenberg (b)IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Center (d); wife, 5 chren remain, one son is Rev. A. of U. B. Church; 3 chren dead; heart disease
03/03/1885139DIETZ, Lena Kate*15PAPA: Bucks Co.: Quakertown (d); only dau of W. G.; pars, 10 bros remain; spinal meningitis 8 days
03/03/1885139YOH, Jacob*36OHOH: Van Wert Co. (d); wife, 4 chren, 5 bros remain; tumor on side of neck terminating in "soft cancer"
03/03/1885139PHELPS, Robert H.*25IAPA: Crawford Co. (b)IA: Marshall Co. (res); son of Benjamin & Arminda; his system supposed to have poisoned from drinking alkali water
03/03/1885139BEST, Jacob N.*86ILPA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (b)IL: Davis area (d); w/ family to Winnebago Co., IL,1855; md nearly 65 yrs; wife, 10 chren remain
03/10/1885157KLINEFELTER, Susan*62KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.)PAPA: Shrewsbury (d); husb, 5 chren remain
03/10/1885157-----, Susan*62KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.)PAPA: Shrewsbury (d); husb, 5 chren remain
03/10/1885157KLINEFELTER, E. (Rev.)-----, Susan*
03/10/1885157HARDRANFT, Mary*17OHOH: Trumbull Co.: Delightful area (d); pars remain; quick consumption
03/10/1885157SHOOP, Sarah*69SHULTZSHOOP, -----ILPA: Columbia Co. (b)IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); md in OH; husb, 5 chren remain
03/10/1885157SHULTZ, Sarah*69SHOOP, -----ILPA: Columbia Co. (b)IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); md in OH; husb, 5 chren remain
03/10/1885157SHOOP, -----SHULTZ, Sarah*
03/10/1885157WARFEL, Catharine*65BROWNWARFEL, -----INPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IN: East Germantown (d); to IN 1865; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain
03/10/1885157BROWN, Catharine*65WARFEL, -----INPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IN: East Germantown (d); to IN 1865; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain
03/10/1885157WARFEL, -----BROWN, Catharine*
03/10/1885157PAYNE, Susanna*46HABICHPAYNE, -----ININ: Randolph Co.: Stone station (d); member our church 6 yrs; husb, 6 chren, 6 step-chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 3 chren dead; consumption
03/10/1885157HABICH, Susanna*46PAYNE, -----ININ: Randolph Co.: Stone station (d); member our church 6 yrs; husb, 6 chren, 6 step-chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 3 chren dead; consumption
03/10/1885157PAYNE, -----HABICH, Susanna*
03/10/1885157BOSMAN, Alice E.*25MATTERBOSMAN, ---- [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain; [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]
03/10/1885157MATTER, Alice E.*25BOSMAN, ----- [corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain
03/10/1885157BOSMAN, -----MATTER, Alice E.*[corr to ROSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]
03/10/1885157ROSMAN, Alice E.*25MATTERROSMAN, ----- [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain; [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]
03/10/1885157MATTER, Alice E.*25ROSMAN, ----- [corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; pain in head & brain
03/10/1885157ROSMAN, -----MATTER, Alice E.*[corr from BOSMAN, Mar 24, p 190]
03/10/1885157NOLAND, Wm. W.*85OHMD: Baltimore (b)OH: Akron (d); father of 13 chren; lung fever
03/10/1885157SCHLAGEL, Mary*71MOEUROPE (res)MO: Bethel (d); to AMER 1865 to OH; to MO 1882. "Her last years were spent with her step-child, L. KRAFT, where she had a pleasant home."
03/10/1885157KRAFT, L. [male]of Bethel, MO, mentioned in obit of Mary SCHLAGEL, Mar 10, 1885, p 157
03/10/1885157MORSE, Clara L.*27KEELYMORSE, -----PAPA: Franklin area (d); husb, 1 child, pars, 4 sis remain; brain disease
03/10/1885157KEELY, Clara L.*27MORSE, -----PAPA: Franklin area (d); husb, 1 child, pars, 4 sis remain; brain disease
03/10/1885157MORSE, -----KEELY, Clara L.*
03/10/1885157FALK, Mary*68FALK, David----: Mt. Cory (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead. Minister: ZELLER, Fred
03/10/1885157-----, Mary*68FALK, David----: Mt. Cory (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead. Minister: ZELLER, Fred
03/10/1885157FALK, David-----, Mary*
03/10/1885157BESSLER, Mariah*81----: Minister: BENTZ, J. W.; great Bible reader to the last
03/10/1885157HERZIG, Rosa*70NYSWITZERLAND: Bern: Mumenthal (b)NY: Croghan (d); to AMER 1871; 5 chren remain
03/10/1885157ROWLEY, Arthur*3MIMI: Portage Prairie (d); son of Frank; membraneous croup
03/10/1885157HESS, Oscar*13PAPA: Philadelphia area (d); twin son of Jacob & Julia; stomach disorder
03/10/1885157GILGER, Beulah Jeannette*10 mo----: Minister: F. P. S. [nothing further]; dau of Chas. W. & Malinda
03/10/1885157MARTIN, Ezra*9OHOH: Tiffin (d)
03/17/1885173IRVINE, Lucinda*42IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.)PAPA: York Co. (b)PA: York (d); ill one week from pneumonia; called wife & mother, but no mention of chren, though lengthy obit, much about funeral; [see obit of her mother, SPANGLER, Sarah, same page]
03/17/1885173-----, Lucinda*42IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.)PAPA: York Co. (b)PA: York (d); ill one week from pneumonia; called wife & mother, but no mention of chren, though lengthy obit, much about funeral
03/17/1885173IRVINE, A. H. (Rev.)-----, Lucinda*
03/17/1885173HESS, ----- ("Mother")*86INPA: York (b)IN: Wabash (d); to OH 1836; to Wabash 1849; 1 son, 3 daus remain; husb dead
03/17/1885173POWELL, John*78OHPA: Mifflin Co. (b)OH: Findlay (d); to Fairfield Co., OH, many yrs ago, then Hancock Co. Widow, 3 chren remain
03/17/1885173SPANGLER, Sarah*66PAPA: York Co.: Mt. Royal (d); 2 daus remain, one being the lately deceased wife of Rev. A. H. IRVINE of Central PA Conf.; husb, 1 son dead; [see obit of her dau, IRVINE, Lucinda, same page]
03/17/1885173LUCKEY, Drusilla*--LUCKEY, G. W.ININ: Decatur (d); husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis
03/17/1885173-----, Drusilla*--LUCKEY, G. W.ININ: Decatur (d); husb, 7 chren remain; paralysis
03/17/1885173LUCKEY, G. W.-----, Drusilla*
03/17/1885173SHARPE, Sarah M.*47SHARPE, RobertPAPA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 chren remain; heart disease/dropsy
03/17/1885173-----, Sarah*47SHARPE, RobertPAPA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 chren remain; heart disease/dropsy
03/17/1885173SHARPE, Robert-----, Sarah*
03/17/1885173DUNKELBERGER, Magdalena*8KSPA: Pine Grove area (b)KS: Harvey Co.: Halstead area (d); pars, 6 bros, 6 sis remain
03/17/1885173COCKLIN, Martha*32OHOH: Ashland Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain. Place determined by res of minister, F. BONE
03/17/1885173BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of Martha COCKLIN, Mar 17, 1885, p 173
03/17/1885173SILVERS, Henrietta*66MIMI: Greeneburt nr Eureka (d); 4 sons, 3 bros remain; lung inflammation
03/17/1885173WHISLER, Nora*6mosPAPA: York Co.: Newberry (d); dau of A. K. & Lizzie
03/17/1885173ANCONA, Sidnia*5ININ: Evansville (d); son of Astey & Kate; diphtheria
03/17/1885174YOUNG, John*1KSKS: Ellsworth Co.: Prosper (d); son of John & Sue; pneumonia
03/17/1885174KEGG, Korah*20----: Minister: DICKEY, E. F.; pars, 4 bros remain
03/17/1885174CALAHAN, Ami*66----: Minister: SNYDER, John; one of first settlers in neighborhood; an honest man, kind, good to the poor, willing to support a good cause
03/17/1885174SPADE, Wm.*77OHPA: Cumberland Co. (b)OH: Belleville [sic] (d); member our church 40 yrs
03/17/1885174HAISH, Lydia*58KUTERHAISH, -----ILPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IL: Pierceville (d); md 1853, had 5 chren; husb [& possibly all chren] remain; stomach cancer
03/17/1885174KUTER, Lydia*58HAISH, -----ILPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IL: Pierceville (d); md 1853, had 5 chren; husb [& possibly all chren] remain; stomach cancer
03/17/1885174HAISH, -----KUTER, Lydia*
03/17/1885174McCARTY, Amanda*27KEPNERMcCARTY, Thomas----: Penn T. (d); dau of Valentine & Katie; husb, 2 little chren remain. Minister: LOHR, J. J.
03/17/1885174KEPNER, Amanda*27McCARTY, Thomas----: Penn T. (d); dau of Valentine & Katie; husb, 2 little chren remain. Minister: LOHR, J. J.
03/17/1885174McCARTY, ThomasKEPNER, Amanda*
03/17/1885174JOHNS, Elizabeth*64----: Bridgeport mentioned. Minister: CURRY, J.Q.A.
03/17/1885174KINAMON, C. H.*17ILIL: Eldena (died at home of grpars, David SMITH; mother, bro remain; consumption
03/17/1885174KRANT, Ephraim*52PAPA: York Co.: New Paradise (d); wife, 3 chren remain [Correction says obit orig. pub Apr 17; was actually Mar 17]; [corr to KRAUT, Apr 21, 1885, p 253]
03/17/1885174KRAUT, Ephraim*52PAPA: York Co.: New Paradise (d); wife, 3 chren remain [Correction says obit orig. pub Apr 17; was actually Mar 17]; [corr from KRANT, Apr 21, 1885, p 253]
03/17/1885174SHAFFER, Frederick*73OHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: Greensburgh (d); 6 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead
03/17/1885174SHONE, John*51PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Lycoming Co. (d); wife, 9 chren remain; cutting trees, 1 fell on him, instant death
03/17/1885174STORY, Anna C.*32STULLSTORY, -----PAPA: Cambria Co.: South Fork area (d); dau of Rev. Wm. of Pittsburgh Conf.; husb, mother, siblings remain; 1 child, father dead; consumption
03/17/1885174STULL, Anna C.*32STORY, -----PAPA: Cambria Co.: South Fork area (d); dau of Rev. Wm. of Pittsburgh Conf.; husb, mother, siblings remain; 1 child, father dead; consumption
03/17/1885174STORY, -----STULL, Anna C.*
03/17/1885174WILLIAMS, I. B.*63OHOH: Westerville (d); widow, 10 chren remain; died very suddenly
03/17/1885174SKILES, Robert H.*59KSPA: Lancaster Co. (b)KS: Lincoln Co. (d); w/ team, overturned into swollen stream, got to land, frozen stiff, did not reach home until rescued, did not survive; leaves large family
03/24/1885190TOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)*62BROWN, LouisaOHPA: Reading (b)OH: Wayne Co.: Marshallville (d); md Apr 13, 1847, wife of Kutztown, PA; numerous pastorates in OH; 6 chren remain, one of whom is in CA; 4 chren dead [lengthy obit] [NOTE: surname in German is DOTTERER; his given name was Franklin--ABudd]
03/24/1885190BROWN, LouisaTOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)*
03/24/1885190TOTHEROH, LouisaTOTHEROH, F. R. (Rev.)*
03/24/1885190BURROWS, Luta A.*7MIMI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); dau of Seymore
03/24/1885190WITHRELL, Sarah Jane*28FAWCETTWITHRELL, James----: Minister: JOHNSON, Geo.; husb, 4 chren remain
03/24/1885190FAWCETT, Sarah Jane*28WITHRELL, James----: Minister: JOHNSON, Geo.; husb, 4 chren remain
03/24/1885190WITHRELL, JamesFAWCETT, Sarah Jane*
03/24/1885190TROYER, Hermen [sic]*11ILIL: Clark Co.: Marshall (d); son of Rev. E. R. & Mary; spotted fever, sick 4 days
03/24/1885190BILLIG, James*69ILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston area (d); wife, 7 chren remain; stomach complaint
03/24/1885190FASER, Barbara C.*87PAGERMANY: Wurttemberg: Maulbronn (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); member our church 43 yrs; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 3 chren dead
03/24/1885190BRENSINGER, Ellen F.*22PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Slate Dale (b)PA: Slatington (d); dau of Thomas & Sarah Ann; consumption
03/31/1885205WOODRING, Ella J.*29GLICKWOODRING, J. B. (Rev.)PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Cedar Creek (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); md Oct 10, 1878; husb, 2 chren, father, bros remain; her mother had died exactly 16 yrs before; funeral/burial at Allentown, PA
03/31/1885205GLICK, Ella J.*29WOODRING, J. B. (Rev.)PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Cedar Creek (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); md Oct 10, 1878; husb, 2 chren, father, bros remain; her mother had died exactly 16 yrs before; funeral/burial at Allentown, PA
03/31/1885205WOODRING, J. B. (Rev.)GLICK, Ella J.*
03/31/1885205BROWN, Benjamin*20IACANADA: Wihford Tp. (b)IA: Adams Co.: Carl Tp. (d); aged pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; fell from a wagon
03/31/1885205WOLFE, Anna Rebecca*2mosKSKS: Jewell Co. (d); dau of D. S. A.
03/31/1885205SCHAUPP, Elizabeth*46SCHAUPP, J.--OH: Wayne Co. (b)--: Minister: BEYRER, C. C.; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead
03/31/1885205-----, Elizabeth*46SCHAUPP, J.--OH: Wayne Co. (b)--: Minister: BEYRER, C. C.; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead
03/31/1885205SCHAUPP, J.-----, Elizabeth*
03/31/1885205WAGGONER, Henry*56PANY: Sohare [sic] Co. (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Steam Valley (d). "He was a good man."
03/31/1885205WELSH, Ella*33HEINBACHWELSH, -----PAPA: Philadelphia (d); bur Schuylkill Haven, PA; consumption
03/31/1885205HEINBACH, Ella*33WELSH, -----PAPA: Philadelphia (d); bur Schuylkill Haven, PA; consumption
03/31/1885205WELSH, -----HEINBACH, Ella*
03/31/1885205MYERS, Salome*37PAPA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead; consumption
03/31/1885205NEITZ, Eli*57ILPA: Lehigh Co. (b)IL: Naperville (d); wife, 1 child, 5 siblings remain
03/31/1885205WELLS, Edith*70OHOH: Belmore (d); stomach cancer
03/31/1885205KIEFER, George46IAIA: Independence area (d); widow, 5 chren, pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain (2 of these sis res in IN). "It is not known that he had a single enemy."
03/31/1885205KITZMILLER, Emma Jane*17PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d); dau of Alexander & Catharine
03/31/1885205KNARR, Laura*21DAUBERMANKNARR, -----PAPA: Centre Hill (d); only dau of John & Mary; md Nov 7, 1883; husb, babe, pars, 1 bro remain
03/31/1885205DAUBERMAN, Laura*21KNARR, -----PAPA: Centre Hill (d); only dau of John & Mary; md Nov 7, 1883; husb, babe, pars, 1 bro remain
03/31/1885205KNARR, -----DAUBERMAN, Laura*
03/31/1885205BIDDLE, William (Dr.)*82OROR: Corvallis (d); paralyzed & later blind several yrs; wife remains. " É one of the first to join our church there, under the labors of J. Croasman in 1867."
03/31/1885205HANNE, Frederick*73NYNY: Dansville (d); md 45+ yrs; after decease of wife, the church will be legal heir of their estate
03/31/1885205BERTOLET, Elena*54KNIPEBERTOLET, -----PAPA: Philadelphia (d); member 8th St. Church; husb, 4 sons remain
03/31/1885205KNIPE, Elena*54BERTOLET, -----PAPA: Philadelphia (d); member 8th St. Church; husb, 4 sons remain
03/31/1885205BERTOLET, -----KNIPE, Elena*
03/31/1885205BOYER, Eva*1TNTN: Chattanooga (d); youngest dau of C. & M. E.; stomach inflammation
03/31/1885205DIXON, Robert A.*5ILIL: Koppa area (d); paralysis
03/31/1885205PAUL, Melville May*5mos----: Minister: MILLER, J. P.; son of Levi & Rosa
04/07/1885221GEYER, Louisa*55HULLGEYER, -----ILEUROPE: Wurtemburg (b)IL: Whiteside Co.: Malvern area (d); husb, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 chren dead
04/07/1885221HULL, Louisa*55GEYER, -----ILEUROPE: Wurtemburg (b)IL: Whiteside Co.: Malvern area (d); husb, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 chren dead
04/07/1885221GEYER, -----HULL, Louisa*
04/07/1885221MIESSE, Abraham*87PAPA: Berks Co.: Bern (b)PA: Pottsville (d); joined Evan. Assn. 47 yrs ago; aged companion, 1 son, 2 daus remain
04/07/1885221HUNZINGER, William*81PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); widow, dau, 3 bros remain
04/07/1885221HECKMAN, Carrie B.*17ILIL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d); pars, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; scarlet fever
04/07/1885221KEITH, Athalina*7mosKEITH, PeterIAIA: Des Moines (d) converted 11 yrs ago at Colo, IA; husb, chren remain; consumption [NOTE: age given is obviously incorrect]
04/07/1885221-----, Athalina*7mosKEITH, PeterIAIA: Des Moines (d) converted 11 yrs ago at Colo, IA; husb, chren remain; consumption [NOTE: age given is obviously incorrect]
04/07/1885221KEITH, Peter-----, Athalina*
04/07/1885221SCHULER, Samuel*61PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Shamokin (d); wife, 7 chren remain; one son is Rev. W. of East PA Conf.
04/07/1885221KLINE, Elizabeth*50HOYKLINE, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted at Orwigsburg when young; husb, 3 chren remain
04/07/1885221HOY, Elizabeth*50KLINE, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); converted at Orwigsburg when young; husb, 3 chren remain
04/07/1885221KLINE, -----HOY, Elizabeth*
04/07/1885221MILLARD, Augustus*49PAPA: Berks Co.: Birdsboro (d); widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain; consumption
04/07/1885221BOWERSOX, Pharas*33OHOH: Mt. Cory area (d); widow, 4 sm chren remain
04/07/1885221YEAKEL, Uriah*24PAPA: Philadelphia (d); son of Rev. Jesse; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; brain disease depressed him mentally, later lung disease which caused his death
04/07/1885221GRENZEBACH, Henry*20----: Minister: SCHWARTZ, G. F.; gone to forest w/ bro to fell trees, was struck by one in such manner to cause instant death
04/07/1885221LAUNER, Herbert Elies*3ILIL: West Salem (d); son of Rev. F. & Maria; pars, 9 siblings remain; inflammation of brain
04/07/1885221STROME, David*69OHOH: Richland Co. (d); widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain
04/07/1885221YOUNG, Wm.*64NEKY (b)NE: Kenesau area (d); to NE several yrs ago. "Funeral service was held in the church recently erected on his land."
04/07/1885221ORT, ----- ("Mother")*76HAISTORT, -----ONTWUERTEMBERG: Beyersbrun (b)ONT: Oxford Co.: Blenheim (d); to AMER 1832; 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
04/07/1885221HAIST, -----*ORT, -----ONTWUERTEMBERG: Beyersbrun (b)ONT: Oxford Co.: Blenheim (d); to AMER 1832; 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
04/07/1885221SOHL, Lorenzo*76OHGERMANY: Nikurk (b)OH: Wood Co.: Jerry City area (d); widow, several chren remain
04/07/1885221ETZWEILER, Mary*74ETZWEILER, GeorgeKSKS: Ellsworth Co.: Terra Cotta (d); mother-in-law of Rev. J. C. HORNBERGER of East PA Conf.
04/07/1885221-----, Mary*74ETZWEILER, GeorgeKSKS: Ellsworth Co.: Terra Cotta (d); mother-in-law of Rev. J. C. HORNBERGER of East PA Conf.
04/07/1885221ETZWEILER, George-----, Mary*
04/07/1885221DREHR, Fred.*50MOBADEN: Angen (b)MO: Holt Co. (d); church member 18 yrs; wife, 7 chren remain
04/07/1885221DISLER, Joseph*72PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Mariasville area (d); father of 8 chrenj
04/07/1885221BECK, Amelia E.*42BECK, PeterPAPA: Cherry Tree area (d); husb, 9 chren remain
04/07/1885221-----, Amelia E.*42BECK, PeterPAPA: Cherry Tree area (d); husb, 9 chren remain
04/07/1885221BECK, Peter-----, Amelia E.*
04/07/1885221SHOWERS, Mary M.*37PAPA: Mercer Co.: Shenango area (died at home of bro-in-law, C. GOUCHER)
04/07/1885221WRESTLER, David*60PAPA: Berks Co.; New Berlin area (d); consumption
04/07/1885221HENDRICKS, Catherine*72REINHEIMERHENDRICKS, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); husb, 4 chren remain
04/07/1885221REINHEIMER, Catherine*72HENDRICKS, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); husb, 4 chren remain
04/07/1885221HENDRICKS, -----REINHEIMER, Catherine*
04/07/1885221HOOD, Lizzie*25BREHMHOOD, J. A.PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (d); husb, pars remain
04/07/1885221BREHM, Lizzie*25HOOD, J. A.PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (d); husb, pars remain
04/07/1885221HOOD, J. A.BREHM, Lizzie*
04/07/1885221WAGONER, Annie Mary*33WAGONER, NelsonPAPA: East Ridge area (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption
04/07/1885221-----, Annie Mary*33WAGONER, NelsonPAPA: East Ridge area (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption
04/07/1885221WAGONER, Nelson-----, Annie Mary*
04/07/1885221NITTINGER, Walter Enoch*2PAPA: Philadelphia (d); only son of Samuel & Lizzie C.; diphtheria
04/07/1885221MARKLEY, Carrie May*3PAPA: Snyder Co.: Aline area (d); dau of A. B. & Alice; pneumonia
04/07/1885221ESCH, Charles Webster*7mosPAPA: Indiana Co. (d); son of Edward & Engeline
04/07/1885221BACKUS, Willie E.*7+ moILIL: Jo Daviess Co.: Rush (d); son of Jay & Sarah E.
04/14/1885235OVER, E. L. (Rev.)*43SHERICK, Catharine B.OHOH: Ashland Co.: Lafayette [Red Haw] area (b)OH: Helmick (d); member 16th Regt OVI; md May 25, 1865; member of OH Conf.; wife, dau remain; consumption of bowels, lung, throat; lengthy obit listing pastorates
04/14/1885235SHERICK, Catharine B.OVER, E. L. (Rev.)*
04/14/1885235OVER, Catharine B.OVER, E. L. (Rev.)*
04/14/1885235RUMMEL, Rebecca*55IAIA: Shelby Co.: Kirkman (d); husb, 6 chren remain
04/14/1885235LAW, Sarah*68IAVT (b)IA: Muscatine Island (d); 6 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead
04/14/1885235HECKMAN, Mamie C.*--ILIL: South Dixon (d); pars, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; scarlet fever
04/14/1885235MATHIAS, Elizabeth*20ININ: Fulton area (d); dau of John & Magdalena; pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; remains taken to the old Salem church
04/14/1885235HARTUNG, Kath.*80HONINHARTUNG, Michael--KURH.: Kreis Schluchtern: Oberrahmholz (b)--: Minister: MECKEL, T. C.; md 1827; to AMER 1831; 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
04/14/1885235HONIN, Kath.*80HARTUNG, Michael--KURH.: Kreis Schluchtern: Oberrahmholz (b)--: Minister: MECKEL, T. C.; md 1827; to AMER 1831; 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
04/14/1885235HARTUNG, MichaelHONIN, Kath.*
04/14/1885235FERNER, Mary M.*41SMITHFERNER, G. W.ILIL: Plainfield area (d); husb, 2 chren, aged pars, 1 sis, 7 bros remain; erysipelas
04/14/1885235SMITH, Mary M.*41FERNER, G. W.ILIL: Plainfield area (d); husb, 2 chren, aged pars, 1 sis, 7 bros remain; erysipelas
04/14/1885235FERNER, G. W.SMITH, Mary M.*
04/14/1885235BARTOLET, Mary A.*61WEBERBARTOLET, -----PAPA: Cressona (d); husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain
04/14/1885235WEBER, Mary A.*61BARTOLET, -----PAPA: Cressona (d); husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain
04/14/1885235BARTOLET, -----WEBER, Mary A.*
04/14/1885235PLYLER, Joseph*58PAPA: Heathville (d); pd $50 to new church in Heathville; served nearly 4 yrs in army; wife, 3 chren remain; consumption contracted in army
04/14/1885235CHUBB, Catharine*78PAPA: Perry Co.: Liverpool area (d); 2 daus, 1 son, the Rev. S. of East PA Conf., remain; husb, 1 son dead
04/14/1885235ARNT, Jacob (Rev.)*76PAPA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); licensed and was a local preacher for some time; apoplexy
04/14/1885235STRINE, Salome*71PAPA: Yocumtown (d); converted age 15; 3 sons, 4 daus remain
04/14/1885235BRYAN, Lottie*29PAPA: York Co.: Bryansville (d); husb, 2 sons, infant dau remain; confinement
04/14/1885235SCHNEIDER, Caroline*68SCHNEIDER, Philip--GERMANY: Elsace: Peters Creek (b)--: Minister: HOLDEMAN, Geo. B.; to AMER w/ pars; md 1840; converted on Newville circuit under labors of Uphaus & Nicolai; husb, 7 chren, mother remain
04/14/1885235-----, Caroline*68SCHNEIDER, Philip--GERMANY: Elsace: Peters Creek (b)--: Minister: HOLDEMAN, Geo. B.; to AMER w/ pars; md 1840; converted on Newville circuit under labors of Uphaus & Nicolai; husb, 7 chren, mother remain
04/14/1885235SCHNEIDER, Philip-----, Caroline*
04/14/1885235DORN, John*63PAPA: Snyder Co.: Middleburg (d); wife, 6 chren remain; pneumonia
04/14/1885235DECKER, Catharine*96PAPA: York Co.: Loganville (d) converted 66 yrs ago; one of our first members in this section; acquainted w/ Walter, Dreisbach, other old preachers
04/14/1885235JEFFERS, Louisa Ann*40JEFFERS, Wm.WVWV: Cranesville area (d); husb, 2 chren remain
04/14/1885235-----, Louisa Ann*40JEFFERS, Wm.WVWV: Cranesville area (d); husb, 2 chren remain
04/14/1885235JEFFERS, Wm.-----, Louisa Ann*
04/14/1885235HESS, George*30PAPA: Philadelphia (d); son of Jacob & Julia; he is the 3d son of this couple to die in 7 mos; consumption
04/14/1885235FRITZ, Catharine*81PAPA: Columbia Co.: Sugarloaf Tp. (d)
04/14/1885235REED, Abraham*75PAPA: Tower City (d); Evan. church member 12 yrs
04/14/1885235LOWERY, John*70----: Minister; BARLETT, F. W.; wife, 9 chren remain
04/14/1885235MEYERS, Sebina*70MYERS, George P.PAPA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield (d); husb, 2 sons remain; 1 son dead; cancer; [MYERS in body of obit]
04/14/1885235-----, Sebina*70MYERS, George P.PAPA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield (d); husb, 2 sons remain; 1 son dead; cancer
04/14/1885235MYERS, George P.-----, Sebina*
04/14/1885235WELKER, Charles John*19NYNY: Varysburgh nr Attica (d); son of S. Mary WELKER nee CLOR. "From the time of his father's death he was the only earthly maintainer of his mother." Mother, 2 sis remain
04/14/1885235REAM, Salome L.*15OHOH: Summit Co.: Millheim area (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain
04/14/1885235SHARP, Christianna*77SHARP, SolomonPAPA: Manheim (d)
04/14/1885235-----, Christianna*77SHARP, SolomonPAPA: Manheim (d)
04/14/1885235SHARP, Solomon-----, Christianna*
04/14/1885235GREEN, Elizabeth*26LIPPERTGREEN, WilliamININ: Fulton Co.: Rochester area (d); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro remain
04/14/1885235LIPPERT, Elizabeth*26GREEN, WilliamININ: Fulton Co.: Rochester area (d); husb, 2 chren, 1 bro remain
04/14/1885235GREEN, WilliamLIPPERT, Elizabeth*
04/14/1885235FIKE, Valentine*75MIMI: Brady (d); wife, 5 chren remain
04/14/1885235McCAULEY, Wm.*39ONTONT: Wauhaushene (d); wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; called "my dear Bro. Wm." by J. McCAULEY, who submitted the obit
04/14/1885235FORDNER, William H.*21PAPA: Northampton Co.: Wind Gap (d); son of Isaiah & Elizabeth; consumption
04/14/1885235PEIFER, Sophia*25LUTTMANPEIFER, JonathanPAPA: Manheim area (d); dau of John
04/14/1885235LUTTMAN, Sophia*25PEIFER, JonathanPAPA: Manheim area (d); dau of John
04/14/1885235PEIFER, JonathanLUTTMAN, Sophia*
04/14/1885235BARR, Willie A.*5PAPA: Shamokin (d); son of Peter & Sarah
04/14/1885235FLICK, Elizabeth Lenora*5OHOH: Mt. Cory area (d); dau of Aaron & Dora
04/14/1885235SWAB, George Edward*6PAPA: Juniata Co.: Thompsontown (d); son of Henry
04/21/1885253DETTMER, Geo. W.*77ILGERMANY: Hesse (b)IL: Dekalb Co.: South Grove Tp. (d); to NY 1850; converted 1854; to IL 1859; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; wife, 3 chren dead
04/21/1885253RANSOM, Eliza*64RANSOM, Wm.OHOH: Columbiana Co. (b)OH: Lykens area (d); husb, 6 chren remain
04/21/1885253-----, Eliza*64RANSOM, Wm.OHOH: Columbiana Co. (b)OH: Lykens area (d); husb, 6 chren remain
04/21/1885253RANSOM, Wm.-----, Eliza*
04/21/1885253EVANS, Daniel*68IAENGLAND (b)IA: near Lee P.O., north of Creston (d); to AMER "in early life"; wife, 4 chren remain; 1st wife, 4 chren dead; heart disease; [md twice, wives not named here]
04/21/1885253PETER, John*85PAPA: Allentown (d). "Sister SWARTZ, a devoted daughter, and her children watched faithfully at his bedsideÉ."
04/21/1885253HEIM, Sarah Jane*15PAPA: Upper Mahantongo (d); dau of Isaac & Catharine; pars remain; 2 bros, 1 sis died since Feb 15, 1885; she d from diphtheria; [d Mar 19, 1885]
04/21/1885253FULLMER, Samuel*74PAPA: Bucks Co.: Springtown (d)
04/21/1885253LIPPERT, William*39MAGEL, ElizabethMIGERMANY: Lingelbach (b)MI: Pulaksi area (d); to CANADA when a child; md 13+ yrs ago; wife, 7 chren, 3 bros, 6 sis remain; lung fever
04/21/1885253MAGEL, ElizabethLIPPERT, William*
04/21/1885253LIPPERT, ElizabethLIPPERT, William*
04/21/1885253REIN, Elizabeth*60MILLERREIN, -----PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Swatava [sic] Tp. (b)PA: Hanover (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; consumption & dropsy
04/21/1885253MILLER, Elizabeth*60REIN, -----PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Swatava [sic] Tp. (b)PA: Hanover (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; consumption & dropsy
04/21/1885253REIN, -----MILLER, Elizabeth*
04/21/1885253DIBLER, Jacob*64MIMI: Litchfield area (d); converted ca 32 yrs ago in PA; number of yrs ago to OH, later MI; wife, chren remain; heart disease
04/21/1885253SHIVELY, Sadie E.*26PAPA: Sugar Valley (d); taught Sunday School, willed a Bible to each member of her class
04/21/1885253KEHLER, Thomas M.*19PAPA: Upper Mahantongo (d); son of Charles & Sarah; pars, siblings remain
04/21/1885253JACOBS, Catharine*74PAPA: York Co.: Kralltown area (d); chren remain; husb dead
04/21/1885253GEHR, David F.*61PAPA: Gehrton (d); "son of Father Baltzer Gehr, the late 'centenarian'"; cancer
04/21/1885253FIRESTONE, Mary E.*33FIRESTONE, SamuelPAPA: York Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain
04/21/1885253-----, Mary E.*33FIRESTONE, SamuelPAPA: York Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain
04/21/1885253FIRESTONE, Samuel-----, Mary E.*
04/21/1885253BAST, Catharine*66BAST, AaronPAPA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 daus, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 3 chren dead; erysipelas
04/21/1885253-----, Catharine*66BAST, AaronPAPA: Catasauqua (d); husb, 2 daus, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 3 chren dead; erysipelas
04/21/1885253BAST, Aaron-----, Catharine*
04/21/1885253ALBERT, Annie D.*28DIEFENDERFERALBERT, -----PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Brownstown or Ephrata (d); dau of Martin & Catharine; consumption [location determined from res of minister,AZ. ZIEGENFUS]
04/21/1885253DIEFENDERFER, Annie D.*28ALBERT, -----PAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)PA: Brownstown or Ephrata (d); dau of Martin & Catharine; consumption [location determined from res of minister,AZ. ZIEGENFUS]
04/21/1885253ALBERT, -----DIEFENDERFER, Annie D.*
04/21/1885253HOMSHER, Wilhelmina*24MAYTROTTHOMSHER, -----PAPA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); husb, son, mother, sis, bro remain; consumption
04/21/1885253MAYTROTT, Wilhelmina*24HOMSHER, -----PAPA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); husb, son, mother, sis, bro remain; consumption
04/21/1885253HOMSHER, -----MAYTROTT, Wilhelmina*
04/21/1885253BYXBE, Eliza J.*67BYXBE, ----- (husb #2)MIMI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d)
04/21/1885253-----, Eliza J.*67LACY, ----- (husb #1)MIMI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d)
04/21/1885253LACY, Eliza J.*67BYXBE, ----- (husb #2)MIMI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d)
04/21/1885253BYXBE, -----LACY, Eliza J.*
04/21/1885253LACY, ----------, Eliza J.*
04/21/1885253BERRY, James F.*60PAPA: Logansville, Sugar Valley (d)
04/21/1885253BENSINGER, Salome*61BENSINGER, GeorgePAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); paralysis
04/21/1885253-----, Salome*61BENSINGER, GeorgePAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); paralysis
04/21/1885253BENSINGER, George-----, Salome*
04/21/1885253BRUBAKER, W. Harry*34PAPA: Loysville area (d)
04/21/1885253SUTTON, Betsey*88----: Springville church member 70+ yrs. Minister: BURSON, G. L.
04/21/1885253ECKEL, Oliver*32--Minister: MORRIS, T. M.
04/21/1885253DUNKLE, John Norman*3KSKS: Hiawatha (d); son of Wm. DUNKLE, recently from PA; while at play was kicked by horse; [heading is NORMAN]
04/21/1885253FISHER, George*67PAPA: Norristown (d); good husb, kind father, industrious moral citizen; heart disease
04/21/1885253HENDRICKS, Gertrude*4PAPA: Norristown (d); only dau of Jas. B. & Ella
04/28/1885269ROSS, Daniel (Rev.)*83PAPA: Lackawanna Co.: Falls Tp. (d); local preacher many yrs; aged widow, chren remain; dropsy/old age
04/28/1885269LAROSH, Christine*40RAMIGELAROSH, -----ILIL: Groveland (d); husb, 8 chren, aged pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain
04/28/1885269RAMIGE, Christine*40LAROSH, -----ILIL: Groveland (d); husb, 8 chren, aged pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain
04/28/1885269LAROSH, -----RAMIGE, Christine*
04/28/1885269COCKLIN, Mary*68FLORYCOCKLIN, -----OHPA: Manheim area (b)OH: Jefferson (d); 4 sons remain, 2 of whom are ministers in OH Conf.; husb, dau are dead. [This is Jefferson, Wayne Co., OH, determined by res of F. BONE, minister]
04/28/1885269FLORY, Mary*68COCKLIN, -----OHPA: Manheim area (b)OH: Jefferson (d); 4 sons remain, 2 of whom are ministers in OH Conf.; husb, dau are dead. [This is Jefferson, Wayne Co., OH, determined by res of F. BONE, minister]
04/28/1885269COCKLIN, -----68FLORY, Mary*
04/28/1885269BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of FLORY, Mary, Apr 28, 1885, p 269
04/28/1885269HOLLINGSWORTH, Susan*69HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W.PAPA: Columbia (b)PA: Pittsburgh (res); husb, 1 dau remain
04/28/1885269-----, Susan*69HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W.PAPA: Columbia (b)PA: Pittsburgh (res); husb, 1 dau remain
04/28/1885269HOLLINGSWORTH, C. W.-----, Susan*
04/28/1885269BAISH, Gottlieb*48ILIL: Wheatland (d); widow, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; bronchitis
04/28/1885269LESHER, Henry E.*17PAPA: Mahantongo (d); son of Sam'l & Elizabeth; pars, siblings remain
04/28/1885269HAINES, Julia*52BUCHMANHAINES, Charles H.PAPA: Ringtown area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
04/28/1885269BUCHMAN, Julia*52HAINES, Charles H.PAPA: Ringtown area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
04/28/1885269HAINES, Charles H.BUCHMAN, Julia*
04/28/1885269STINE, Joel*58PAPA: Frystown (d); entertained 2 ministers during last session of conference; wife, chren remain
04/28/1885269HOUTZ, Edward*76PAPA: Pine Grove (b)PA: Madisonburg (d); Evan. Assn. member 36 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead
04/28/1885269SNYDER, Christopher S.*41PAPA: Luzerne Co.: Sandy Run (d); wife, 5 chren remain; sickly for yrs
04/28/1885269RAMER, Josiah*59PAPA: Pine Grove (d); wife, 3 sons remain; brain congestion
04/28/1885269FELKER, Louisa*18McCOYFELKER, CharlesPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); husb, child remain; consumption
04/28/1885269McCOY, Louisa*18FELKER, CharlesPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Barry Tp. (d); husb, child remain; consumption
04/28/1885269FELKER, CharlesMcCOY, Louisa*
04/28/1885269CLUCK, Henry*74PAPA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); wife, chren remain
04/28/1885269FAIR, John*82OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Wayne Co.: New Pittsburgh (d); number of chren remain
04/28/1885269BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated for funeral of FAIR, John, Apr 18, 1885, p 269
04/28/1885269BROWN, Lurana*--PAPA: Bradford Co.: Burlington (d)
04/28/1885269NIEBEL, Pearl*infan----: dau of Rev. B. H. & Lovena [no officiating minister mentioned]
05/05/1885285SCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)*49KLICK, SusannaILOH: Wayne Co. (b)IL: Elgin (d); son of Peter & Margaretta; md 1858; member IL Conf.; widow, 4 daus, 1 son-in-law, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption
05/05/1885285KLICK, SusannaSCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)*
05/05/1885285SCHUMAKER, SusannaSCHUMAKER, Henry (Rev.)*
05/05/1885285KERN, Ida*18OHOH: Fremont area (d); dau of Rev. Daniel KERN; drowned while temporarily insane, cause for which is not known
05/05/1885285STETZEL, John Henry*66INPRUSSIA: Ziegen (b)IN: Crown Point (d); to AMER 1850; widow, 2 chren, 3 stepchren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; stomach ulcer
05/05/1885285SHOBER, John L. (Dr.)*63PAPA: Terry [sic] Hill (d); active church worker
05/05/1885285SMITH, Priscilla*25PAPA: Brownstown (d); pars, husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; bedfast 19 wks w/ consumption
05/05/1885285SEIP, Claude Roseberry*1PAPA: Wind Gap (d); only son of Roseberry & Annie M.; pneumonia
05/05/1885285COX, Mary Ann*36PAPA: Ephrata (d); husb, 4 chren, mother remain; consumption
05/05/1885285HOYER, Mary*73HOYER, Chas.PAPA: Birdsboro (d); 5 daus, 2 sons remain; husb dead
05/05/1885285-----, Mary*73HOYER, Chas.PAPA: Birdsboro (d); 5 daus, 2 sons remain; husb dead
05/05/1885285HOYER, Chas.-----, Mary*
05/05/1885285SCHONEMAN, Margareth*57SCHONEMAN, AugustMDMD: Baltimore (d); to AMER age 7 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; husb #1 killed by some unknown hand 18 yrs ago; Margareth ate dinner w/ family, dead an hr later; [md twice, husb #1 not named here]
05/05/1885285-----, Margareth*57SCHONEMAN, AugustMDMD: Baltimore (d); to AMER age 7 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; husb #1 killed by some unknown hand 18 yrs ago; Margareth ate dinner w/ family, dead an hr later; [md twice, husb #1 not named here]
05/05/1885285SCHONEMAN, August-----, Margareth*
05/05/1885285HETSLER, Catharine*83OHPA: Center Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (d); minister: SHISLER, W. A.
05/05/1885285CRAMER, Elizabeth*79OHPA: Northampton Co. (b)OH: Independence area (died at home of son Reuben); Ev. church member 15 yrs
05/05/1885285MOHN, Nora May*17MOIA: Jones Co. (b)MO: Ray Co.: (d); dau of William & Mary; died on 17th birthday; mentioned having brothers & sisters
05/05/1885285THOLE, H. G.*54ILGERMANY: Badbergen (b)IL: Dwight (d); to AMER 1846; widow, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead
05/05/1885285BEISEL, Ephraim*66PAPA: Bedford Co.; Pleasantville area (d); wife, 10 chren remain; 3 chren dead
05/05/1885285PREYER, J. P.*70OHOH: Cleveland area (d)
05/05/1885285SCHUPP, ----- ("Bro.")*67ILIL: Kane Co.: Lodi (d); converted age 22 at Brokwn Sword, OH; md 43 yrs; blessed w/ 7 sons, 8 daus
05/05/1885285WEAVER, Sarah A.*37WEAVER, JeremiahPAPA: Curtain area (d); liver complaint
05/05/1885285-----, Sarah A.*37WEAVER, JeremiahPAPA: Curtain area (d); liver complaint
05/05/1885285WEAVER, Jeremiah-----, Sarah A.*
05/05/1885285McCAULEY, Andrew*77PAPA: Manheim area (d)
05/05/1885285KNELLER, Rebecca*65PAPA: Dushore area (d)
05/05/1885285HARTZELL, Sarah*73MESSINGERHARTZELL, -----PAPA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); dau of Michael & Elizabeth; lung congestion
05/05/1885285MESSINGER, Sarah*73HARTZELL, -----PAPA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); dau of Michael & Elizabeth; lung congestion
05/05/1885285HARTZELL, -----MESSINGER, Sarah*
05/05/1885285STACKHOUSE, George Albert*6PAPA: Northampton Co.: Washington Tp. (d); dropsy of heart
05/05/1885285PREYER, Grace Louisa*10 moOHOH: East Cleveland (d); dau of R. O. & E. J. Y.
05/05/1885285GRATER, Harry T.*6PAPA: Gratersford (d); son of Samuel L. & Lizzie
05/05/1885285EXAMPLE:, born 1812, gives pars namessee HARTZELL, Sarah, May 5, 1885, p 285
05/12/1885301RUDY, Catharine*88KIEFFERRUDY, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; congestive chill
05/12/1885301KIEFFER, Catharine*88RUDY, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; congestive chill
05/12/1885301RUDY, -----KIEFFER, Catharine*
05/12/1885301TRUMBLE, Agnes*34MIMI: Rives (d); Christian since age 14; church members say "'She was the most earnest and active of us all.'" Husb, child, pars, siblings remain
05/12/1885301BUFFINGTON, Jennie S. E.*25PAPA: Middleburg (d); husb, infant, mother, sisters, 1 bro remain; father died 4 wks earlier
05/12/1885301UNDERKAFFLER, Minnie L.*9ILIL: Brookville area (d); dau of Isaac & Hannah; pars, 3 bros remain. Died Mar 2; due to sickness in family at time of burial, funeral sermon postponed until Apr 19
05/12/1885301FORNEY, Lizzie*28WHITCOMBFORNEY, -----PAPA: New Kingston (d); quick consumption
05/12/1885301WHITCOMB, Lizzie*28FORNEY, -----PAPA: New Kingston (d); quick consumption
05/12/1885301FORNEY, -----WHITCOMB, Lizzie*
05/12/1885301WILDERMUTH, Elizabeth*78HEIMWILDERMUTH, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); one of 1st members of our church in this place; dau remains
05/12/1885301HEIM, Elizabeth*78WILDERMUTH, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); one of 1st members of our church in this place; dau remains
05/12/1885301WILDERMUTH, -----HEIM, Elizabeth*
05/12/1885301WHISELMAN, John*87OHVA: Frankfort (b)OH: Hancock Co.: Findley area (d); when young w/ pars to Fairfield Co., OH; widow, 3 chren remain
05/12/1885301BRUNNER, Conrad*60NYGERMANY: Rheinpfalz: Ilbessheim (b)NY: Binghamton (d); one of 1st to join church here when organized; wife, son remain; accident caused by run-away horse
05/12/1885301MOCK, Isaac*61PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Oliver Tp. (d); Evan. Assn. member ca 31 yrs; widow, 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead
05/12/1885301BOBST, Catharine*68PAPA: Elimsport area (d); found the Lord ca 18 yrs ago
05/12/1885301MILLER, Philip61OHOH: Flat Rock area (d)
05/12/1885301DE FREHN, John*68PAPA: Philadelphia (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; liver inflammation
05/12/1885301HOSLER, Catharine*42HEBERLIGHOSLER, -----PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d). "She was a warm friend of our ministers and spared no efforts in making them comfortable."
05/12/1885301HEBERLIG, Catharine*42HOSLER, -----PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d). "She was a warm friend of our ministers and spared no efforts in making them comfortable."
05/12/1885301HOSLER, -----HEBERLIG, Catharine*
05/12/1885301WEBER, Elizabeth*50KOLBWEBER, NoahONTONT: Strasburg (d); church member here 6 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain
05/12/1885301KOLB, Elizabeth*50WEBER, NoahONTONT: Strasburg (d); church member here 6 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain
05/12/1885301WEBER, NoahKOLB, Elizabeth*
05/12/1885301ROHLAND, Franklin J.*17PAPA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d); son of Jacob & Elizabeth; pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. Death caused by his getting under a land-roller. Lived 30 min., died praying
05/12/1885301ROSA, Henry*47NYNY: Erie Co.: Collins (d); lived a godly life; widow, 5 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; wife #1, 2 chren dead; bronchitis; [md twice, wives not named here]
05/12/1885301STUDIVAN, Leander*24OHOH: Belmore (d); sick 4 days
05/12/1885301ROBINSON, J. W. (Dr.)*46OHOH: New Princetown (d); consumption
05/12/1885301NEWMAN, Peter*44NYNJ: Newark (b)NY: Binghamton (d); wife, 5 chren remain
05/12/1885301REMLY, Stella*10PAPA: Col. Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); diphtheria
05/12/1885301MYERS, Barbara*90MYERS, HenryOHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (d). Ash Cem Bk p 237: Henry Myers d Mar 11, 1862 age 71y 11m 18d; Barbara, wife of Henry, Apr 3, 1795 to Apr 23, 1885 Red Haw Cem.; minister, F. BONE, of Ashland Co., OH, at this time
05/12/1885301BONE, F. (Rev.)submitted obit for MYERS, Barbara, age 90, bur Red Haw Cem., Ashland Co. Cem. Bk, p239
05/12/1885301-----, Barbara*90MYERS, HenryOHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (d). Ash Cem Bk, p 237: Henry Myers d Mar 11, 1862 age 71y 11m 18d; Barbara, wife of Henry, Apr 3, 1795 to Apr 23, 1885 Red Haw Cem.; minister, F. BONE, of Ashland Co., OH, at this time
05/12/1885301MYERS, Henry-----, Barbara*
05/12/1885301RIGEL, Mary*69RIGEL, SimonPAPA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 2 daus remain
05/12/1885301-----, Mary*69RIGEL, SimonPAPA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 2 daus remain
05/12/1885301RIGEL, Simon-----, Mary*
05/12/1885301McGILL, Lovie*--IAIA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 1]
05/12/1885301McGILL, Lilly*--IAIA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 2]
05/12/1885301McGILL, Louis*--IAIA: Grand View area (d); inflammation of lungs/brain fever; [d Apr 9]
05/12/1885301EYER, Michael*62PAPA: New Columbia area (d)
05/12/1885301SHULTZ, Robert Leroy Dartt*5----: Curtius appointment; only ch of Henry A. & Henrietta; dropsical affection. Minister: WELCH, J. H.
05/12/1885301MOYER, Elizabeth*43MOYER, WashingtonPAPA: Berks Co.: Pricetown (d)
05/12/1885301-----, Elizabeth*43MOYER, WashingtonPAPA: Berks Co.: Pricetown (d)
05/12/1885301MOYER, Washington-----, Elizabeth*
05/12/1885301HIPPARD, Elmina Isabel*4 wksOHOH: Whitehouse (d); dau of Rev. S. B. & Emma
05/12/1885301FINKBINDER, Lizzie Elsie*2mosPAPA: Milton (d); dau of Rev. C. W. & Lizzie C.
05/12/1885301BADGE, Ralph*15 moOHOH: Akron (d); son of Wm. & Sophia
05/12/1885301HOSLER, John Earl*2PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Heberlig area (d); son of Joseph & Laura
05/12/1885301GEESE, Jacob*73PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Heberlig area (d)
05/19/1885317FLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)*61HERMAN, CatharinePAGERMANY: Saxony: Mittweida (b)PA: Macungie (died at res of sin-in-law, Bro. SHULER); to AMER 1845 to Phila., PA; md 1847; pastorates in PA, NY, NJ; presviously a weaver; wife, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 dau dead; bur Emaus, PA [very detailed/lengthy obit]
05/19/1885317HERMAN, CatharineFLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)*
05/19/1885317FLIEHR, CatharineFLIEHR, C. B. (Rev.)*
05/19/1885317MENTZER, Mamie*11 moPAPA: Bloserville (d); dau of Francis & Katie
05/19/1885317RASSWEILER, Henry*77ILPRUSSIA: Sobernheim (b)IL: Freeport (d); to AMER 1841 to Allentown, PA; to Fountain Creek, IL, 1850; later to Dakota, then Freeport; md 1831; one son (Prof. C. F.), 2 daus remain; status of wife not given
05/19/1885317ULSH, Henry*62OHPA: Perry Co. (b)OH: Carey area (d); to know him was to love him; he died as only a good man can die; wife, 7 chren remain
05/19/1885317BRENEMAN, Jesse*69PAPA: York Co.: Ball Hill (d); widow, 2 sons remain; paralysis deprived him his speech; expressed his prospects for the future by pointing toward heaven
05/19/1885317FREEZE, Louis*23OHOH: Mexico area (d); son of Jacob & Elizabeth
05/19/1885317RUSSWEILER, Fredericke*57PABADEN: Wessingen (b)PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise (d); husb, son, dau remain
05/19/1885317MIER, John E.*21PAPA: Salisbury (d); son of Hon. Samuel & Harriet; pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain
05/19/1885317ROETHER, Malinda*23ROETHER, JacobOHOH: Steam Corners area (d); husb, 1 child remain
05/19/1885317-----, Malinda*23ROETHER, JacobOHOH: Steam Corners area (d); husb, 1 child remain
05/19/1885317ROETHER, Jacob-----, Malinda*
05/19/1885317THOMSON, Martha*65ILPA (b)IL: Cedarville (d); 1 dau remains; husb, 3 chren dead; dropsy
05/19/1885317GECKLE, John*37----: Minister; CURRY, J.Q.A.; consumption. "The remaining members of the family are on their way to Zion, and it will not be long until son and parents will be reunited."
05/19/1885317HOSLER, W. H.*17ININ: Columbia City area (d); son of Urias & Catharine
05/19/1885317FISHER, Catharine*83PAPA: Lebanon (d)
05/19/1885317BLASH, Mary*81PAPA: Lock Haven area (d); consistent member of our church 50 yrs
05/19/1885317BLAICH, Jacob*41NYNY: Syracuse (d); mother, 4 chren, 4 sis, 2 bros remain; wife, 5 chren dead
05/19/1885317KIEHL, Alice Catharine*12PAPA: Bloserville area (d); dau of Philip & Catharine
05/19/1885317BRODT, Albert Levwelyn [sic]*5 mosPAPA: Wind Gap (d); son of Lincoln & Emma
05/19/1885317STULL, Elizabeth (Mrs.)*66OHOH: Adrian (d)
05/26/1885333LOMILLER, Catharine*68BAKERLOMILLER, AdamPAPA: Snyder Co.: Bannerville area (d); md 49+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; suffered 12 wks
05/26/1885333BAKER, Catharine*68LOMILLER, AdamPAPA: Snyder Co.: Bannerville area (d); md 49+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; suffered 12 wks
05/26/1885333LOMILLER, AdamBAKER, Catharine*
05/26/1885333MEYER, Martha*71MEYER, Fred C.INGERMAN: Bremen (b)IN: Cedar Lake (d); she & husb Fred C. buried in one grave; chren remain; typhoid pneumonia; [d May 7]
05/26/1885333MEYER, Fred C.*64MAIGATHE, MarthaINVERDEN HANOVER: Langwedel (b)IN: Cedar Lake (d); md 1840, to AMER 1853; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; typhoid pneumonia; bur in one grave w/ wife Martha; [d May 5]
05/26/1885333MAIGATHE, MarthaMEYER, Fred C.*
05/26/1885333MEYER, MarthaMEYER, Fred C.*
05/26/1885333REED, Sarah*62HENRICHREED, DavidILPA: Mahantongo (b)IL: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
05/26/1885333HENRICH, Sarah*62REED, DavidILPA: Mahantongo (b)IL: Spring Creek area (d); 8 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
05/26/1885333REED, DavidHENRICH, Sarah*
05/26/1885333WILT, Eliza*60PAPA: Liverpool area (d); 6 chren remain
05/26/1885333BARKER, Mary Ann Eveline*16ININ: Fulton Co.: Blue Grass (d); dau of Thomas & Catharine; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; brain fever
05/26/1885333WEIER, William*25NYNY: Albany (d); widow, father, siblings remain; one bro is minister of NY Conf.; 2 chren dead
05/26/1885333AULT, Caroline*39OHPA: Lebanon area (b)OH: Wayne Co.: Marshallville (d); husb, 6 chren remain
05/26/1885333WILL, Christian*74OHOH: Cleveland (d). "His remains were brought to Ashland and taken to Mifflin for burial."
05/26/1885333EXAMPLE:, bur Mifflin, d Clevelandsee WILL, Christian, May 26, 1885, p 333--not in Ash Cem Bk
05/26/1885333MOHRY, Peter*68PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead; apoplexy for 5 days
05/26/1885333GEHR, Judy*75GEHR, BenjaminPAPA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); sons & daus remain
05/26/1885333-----, Judy*73GEHR, BenjaminPAPA: Crawford Co.: Gehrton (d); sons & daus remain
05/26/1885333GEHR, Benjamin-----, Judy*
05/26/1885333HENRY, Corie M.*14ILIL: Plainfield area (d); dau of Isaac & Sarah
05/26/1885333MARQUARDT, J. Jacob*71PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Girardville area (d); widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain. "Deceased is a brother of Rev. G. of the Atlantic Conference."
05/26/1885333YEAKEL, Franklin*28PAPA: Allentown (d); widow, 2 chren, mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain
05/26/1885333HOLLIKER, Eve*72HOLLIKER, JohnOHOH: White House (d); converted age 17; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; complication of diseases
05/26/1885333-----, Eve*72HOLLIKER, JohnOHOH: White House (d); converted age 17; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; complication of diseases
05/26/1885333HOLLIKER, John-----, Eve*
05/26/1885333SPANGLER, Mary*77INGERMANY: Wurttemberg (b)IN: La Grange Co.: Van Buren Tp. (d); last few yrs could not do much work nor come to church; chren remain
05/26/1885333DOM, Mary Jane*22LOWERYDOM, ---------: Palo Alta area (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; converted 7 yrs ago at Hyndman campmeeting [possibly PA]. Minister: BARLETT, F. W.
05/26/1885333LOWERY, Mary Jane*22DOM, ---------: Palo Alta area (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; converted 7 yrs ago at Hyndman campmeeting [possibly PA]. Minister: BARLETT, F. W.
05/26/1885333DOM, -----LOWERY, Mary Jane*
05/26/1885333PARKER, Salome*82PARKER, Wm.MIMI: Three Rivers area (d); 10 chren remain; husb died ca 3 mos earlier
05/26/1885333-----, Salome*82PARKER, Wm.MIMI: Three Rivers area (d); 10 chren remain; husb died ca 3 mos earlier
05/26/1885333PARKER, Wm.-----, Salome*
05/26/1885333HITTEL, Benjamin*72OHPA: Lehigh Co. (b)OH: Darke Co.: Lightsville area (d); widow, 12 chren remain
05/26/1885333DE VAUX, Jennie (Miss)*24OHOH: Cleveland (d); sis of Rev. M. V. of Pittsburgh Conf.; joined church at Good Hope, subsequently removed to Cleveland
05/26/1885333PATTEN, Susannah*74SMITHPATTEN, Wm.MIPA: York Co.: Manchester (b)MI: Park (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
05/26/1885333SMITH, Susannah*74PATTEN, Wm.MIPA: York Co.: Manchester (b)MI: Park (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
05/26/1885333PATTEN, Wm.SMITH, Susannah*
05/26/1885333BOLL, Michael*78PAPA: York Co.: Millersville (d); wife, 10 chren remain
05/26/1885333SHIVELY, Charles A.*2----: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria; [d Apr 20]
05/26/1885333SHIVELY, Christopher C.*8----: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria; [d Apr 23]
05/26/1885333SHIVELY, Edwin E.*5----: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of the widow of Charles Shively; diphtheria
05/26/1885333SCHEIBE, Lina*20ILIL: Lockport (d); organist at church & Sunday school; a lonely brother remains
05/26/1885333McDONALD, Mary*34--PA: Bradford Co. (b)--: Burlington (d); husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: GOODLING, E. O.
05/26/1885333WENGERT, Agnes Valeria*1PAPA: Lebanon (d); only dau of Jacob & Lizzie
05/26/1885333SHADEL, Mary Jane*22TROUTMANSHADEL, Wm. L.PAPA: New Port (d)
05/26/1885333TROUTMAN, Mary Jane*22SHADEL, Wm. L.PAPA: New Port (d)
05/26/1885333SHADEL, Wm. L.TROUTMAN, Mary Jane*
05/26/1885333TROUTMAN, Elmer B. F.*1PAPA: New Port (d); son of A. L. & Louisa
05/26/1885333GINTER, Katie R.*7PAPA: Oakdale (d); dau of John & Emma J.
05/26/1885333AFFLERBAUGH, Raymond*9mos----: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.; son of T. & J. C.
05/26/1885333FINK, Cleopas*2----: Minister: STAMBAUGH, W. D.: son of A. F. & M. A.
05/26/1885333KLINE, Earl C.*5mosOHOH: West Salem (d); son of Curtis & Dora
06/02/1885349NEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)*64HAMMER, SusanPAPA: Lehigh Co.: So. Whitehall Tp. (b)PA: perhaps d Reading; md Jan 9, 1844 at Schuylkill Haven, PA; very detailed obit, all pastorates in E. PA Conf.; biographer of Bishop Seybert; remaining are widow; children: Rev. Henry A., Ada M., Carrie V., & S. Beckie; also bro, Rev. W., of IL Conf.
06/02/1885333HAMMER, SusanNEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)*
06/02/1885349NEITZ, SusanNEITZ, Solomon (Rev.)*
06/02/1885349WOLF, Christianna*75PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Grats area (d); gangrene from a sore which lasted 6 mos
06/02/1885349WALZ, Christiana*70WALTZ, GeorgePAPA: Wayne Co. (d); converted 1846; husb, 9 chren remain
06/02/1885349-----, Christiana*70WALTZ, GeorgePAPA: Wayne Co. (d); converted 1846; husb, 9 chren remain
06/02/1885349WALTZ, George-----, Christiana*
06/02/1885349QUAYLE, Margaret A.*34WATERSONQUAYLE, John T.OHISLE OF MAN (b)OH: Cleveland (d); little boy & girl remain; husb, 2 chren dead
06/02/1885349WATERSON, Margaret A.*34QUAYLE, John T.OHISLE OF MAN (b)OH: Cleveland (d); little boy & girl remain; husb, 2 chren dead
06/02/1885349QUAYLE, John T.WATERSON, Margaret A.*
06/02/1885349MOYER, Orpha*13ONTONT: Campden area (d); dau of Tillman W. & Agnes
06/02/1885349SPRANG, Barbara*47SWIRESSPRANG, -----OHOH: Holmes Co.: Nashville area (d); husb, 6 sons, 1 dau remain
06/02/1885349SWIRES, Barbara*47SPRANG, -----OHOH: Holmes Co.: Nashville area (d); husb, 6 sons, 1 dau remain
06/02/1885349SPRANG, -----SWIRES, Barbara*
06/02/1885349HOUSER, Philip*53OHOH: Ashland Co.: McZena area (died "in his native home"); converted age 16 yrs; wife, 4 chren remain; last 6 yrs afflicted & suffered
06/02/1885349HOY, Jeremiah78PAPA: Center Co.: Madisonburg area (d); widow, 8 chren remain; confined to bed 8 mos
06/02/1885349COFFMAN, Sarah*73PAPA: Monroe Co. (d); 6 chren living; husb, 3 chren dead
06/02/1885349DUNKLEBERGER, Kate Jane*18UNDERKUFFLERDUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L.PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (d)
06/02/1885349UNDERKUFFLER, Kate Jane*18DUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L.PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (d)
06/02/1885349DUNKLEBERGER, Wm. L.UNDERKUFFLER, Kate Jane*
06/09/1885365SCHAEFER, Sarah Esther*65WALLICHSCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.)INPA (b)IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (res there w/ pars as early as 1840); the youngest of 10 chren; md 1856, husb died 1869; only sibling remaining is mother of Rev. S.S. ALBERT
06/09/1885365WALLICH, Sarah Esther*65SCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.)INPA (b)IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (res there w/ pars as early as 1840); the youngest of 10 chren; md 1856, husb died 1869; only sibling remaining is mother of Rev. S.S. ALBERT
06/09/1885365SCHAEFER, A. B. (Rev.)WALLICH, Sarah Esther*
06/09/1885365FRITZEL, Louis*51SCHAIBLE, Catharine--PRUSSIA: Bergin area (b)--: Minister: CATON, Wm.; to AMER 31 yrs ago; md Feb 22, 1863; wife, 2 daus, adopted son, aged mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
06/09/1885365SCHAIBLE, CatharineFRITZEL, Louis*
06/09/1885365FRITZEL, CatharineFRITZEL, Louis*
06/09/1885365KIESS, Catharine*69KSGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)KS: Hiawatha area (died at home of son-in-law, Rev. M. A. BUTTS); to AMER age 17 to PA, then OH; chren remain; husb dead
06/09/1885365GEPHART, Catherine*68PAPA: Kane (died at home of dau); funeral at New Berlin, where res a number of yrs
06/09/1885365STIRK, Mary*76PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb d 1853; 6 chren remain, one being Rev. A. M., Pres. Elder of Harrisburg dist., East PA Conf; 3 chren dead
06/09/1885365SPEICHER, Jacob W.*23PAPA: Berks Co.: Bernsville (d); son of John & Henrietta; bro fo Rev. C. C. of East PA Conf.; mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 3 bros, 1 sis dead; typhoid pneumonia
06/09/1885365SNOPE, Lucy*53SNOPE, WilliamPAPA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 4 chren dead; suffered 26 yrs; bur Odd Fellows' Cem., Tamaqua
06/09/1885365-----, Lucy*53SNOPE, WilliamPAPA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 4 chren dead; suffered 26 yrs; bur Odd Fellows' Cem., Tamaqua
06/09/1885365SNOPE, William-----, Lucy*
06/09/1885365HEIN, Elizabeth*81PAPA: Tamaqua (d); 6 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 2 daus dead; 4 yrs extreme suffering
06/09/1885365REDDING, Martha E.*15ININ: Elkhart (d); converted under Savilla KRING; pars, 1 sis remain; consumption
06/09/1885365SITLER, Nathan*55PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); soldier in rebellion in 12 major battles, no injuries; wife is at the verge of the grave + 1 son by former mge remain; [md twice, wives not named here]
06/09/1885365OVERMILLER, Elizabeth*49OVERMILLER, MichaelPAPA: York Co.: Glatfelter's Station (d); husb, 6 chren remain
06/09/1885365-----, Elizabeth*49OVERMILLER, MichaelPAPA: York Co.: Glatfelter's Station (d); husb, 6 chren remain
06/09/1885365OVERMILLER, Michael-----, Elizabeth*
06/09/1885365BAILEY, Ellen V.*36BOWLESBAILEY, Wm. B.WVWV: Morgan Co. (d). "She was the only remaining child of Rev. J. T. Bowles." Husb, pars, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead
06/09/1885365BOWLES, Ellen V.*36BAILEY, Wm. B.WVWV: Morgan Co. (d). "She was the only remaining child of Rev. J. T. Bowles." Husb, pars, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead
06/09/1885365BAILEY, Wm. B.BOWLES, Ellen V.*
06/09/1885365LEGLER, Anna*70DUERSTLEGLER, GeorgeWIWI: New Glarus (d); converted 1858; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; lung disease
06/09/1885365DUERST, Anna*70LEGLER, GeorgeWIWI: New Glarus (d); converted 1858; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; lung disease
06/09/1885365LEGLER, GeorgeDUERST, Anna*
06/09/1885365GLACE, Susan*75MUMMAGLACE, -----PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d); 4 daus, 2 sons remain
06/09/1885365MUMMA, Susan*75GLACE, -----PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d); 4 daus, 2 sons remain
06/09/1885365GLACE, -----MUMMA, Susan*
06/09/1885365GOLDSMITH, Theodore*19PAPA: Afton area (d); son of E. B. & Mary; pars, 3 sis remain
06/09/1885365LOWRY, Catharine*91OHOH: West Salem (d); converted in early life, joined our church 12 yrs ago
06/09/1885365EASTMAN, Sophia*76PAPA: Slatington (d); rheumatism/dropsy
06/09/1885365SCHISLER, John Henry*77MDMD: Baltimore Co.: Rockdale area (d); member Ev. Assn. ca 27 yrs; 2 sons remain; wife, 3 chren dead
06/09/1885365MILLER, John*83MIPA: Fayette Co. (b)MI: Three Rivers (died at res of son, Bro. J. W.); 4 chren remain; 2 wives, 3 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here]
06/09/1885365BOYER, Peter*74PAPA: Cressona (d); widow, 4 sons, 4 daus remain; consumption 2 yrs
06/09/1885365FRANKHOUSER, Mary*7PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown area (d); dau of Jesse & Elizabeth J.; [d Mar 2]
06/09/1885365FRANKHOUSER, Louisa*5PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown area (d); dau of Jesse & Elizabeth J.; [d Mar 9]
06/09/1885365SHEAFER, Mamie Viole*4PAPA: Lancaster Co.: West Earl (d); dau of Jacob & Mary A.
06/09/1885365DEVORE, Anna B.*1MIMI: Clinton Co.: Greenburt (d); dau of B. F. & R. A.; brain fever
06/09/1885365BROOKLY, Samuel Charles*1 moPAPA: Phila.: Germantown (d); son of Chas. & Jane
06/16/1885381GEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)*56STAUFFER, LouisaOHPA: Lehigh Co. (b)OH: Burgoon (d); to Hancock Co., OH, 1848; md Feb 14, 1850 at Carey, OH; wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; cancer of bowels [detailed obit]
06/16/1885381STAUFFER, LouisaGEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)*
06/16/1885381GEORGE, LouisaGEORGE, Thomas (Rev.)*
06/16/1885381LUTZ, Daniel*22OHOH: Stark Co.: Osnaburg (d). "Daniel was a deaf mute, but was educated at Columbus, O., where he married a wife, also a mute." Wife, 2 sons, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis, 2 step-bros, 4 step-sis remain
06/16/1885381EXAMPLE, deaf mute, also his wifementions step-siblings, see LUTZ, Daniel, Jun 16, 1885, p 381
06/16/1885381GRIESINGER, Mary M.*17OHOH: Delta area (died at home of grpars, Rev. John McQUILLEN); dau of G. W.; consumption
06/16/1885381HAHN, Chester Julius*16ILIL: South Chicago (died praying); oldest son of Julius & Salome'
06/16/1885381BROWNSBERGER, John*85OHOH: East Toledo (died at home of dau); joined Perrysburg Ev. Church ca 45 yrs ago; 6 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead
06/16/1885381WIESERMAN, F.*42KSGERMANY: Gottingen (b)KS: Jewell (5 mi nw) (d); husb, little dau remain; paralysis; [corr. to WESEMAN, Frederika nee SIVERT, Jun 23, p 397]
06/16/1885381WESEMAN, Frederika*42SIVERTWESEMAN, -----KSGERMANY: Gottingen (b)KS: Jewell (5 mi nw) (d); husb, little dau remain; paralysis; [corr. from WESEMAN, F., Jun 23, p 397]
06/16/1885381WESEMAN, -----SIVERT, Frederika*
06/16/1885381SHUPP, Peter*75OHPA: Dauphin Co. (b)OH: Mercer Co.: Fort Recovery area (d); to OH ca 54 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain
06/16/1885381STANG, Adam*56OHOH: Elyria area (d); wife, 2 chren remain; great sufferer for one wk
06/16/1885381GOUGLER, Mary Ann*69GOUGLER, JohnOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); husb, 4 chren remain [nee THORNTON--ABudd]
06/16/1885381THORNTON, Mary Ann*69GOUGLER, JohnOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); husb, 4 chren remain [nee THORNTON--ABudd]
06/16/1885381GOUGLER, JohnTHORNTON, Mary Ann*
06/16/1885381PETZOLDT, Mary Margaretha*27NUFFERPETZOLDT, -----NYNY: Beaver Falls (d); dau of Michael & Eva; 2 chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; husb, one child dead; consumption of throat
06/16/1885381NUFFER, Mary Margaretha*27PETZOLDT, -----NYNY: Beaver Falls (d); dau of Michael & Eva; 2 chren, pars, a bro & sis remain; husb, one child dead; consumption of throat
06/16/1885381PETZOLDT, -----NUFFER, Mary Margaretha*
06/16/1885381BOYER, Wm. K.*43MOMO: Livingston Co. (d); bur Fulton Co., OH; widow, 3 chren remain; cancer in face
06/16/1885381LENGEL, Kate*18PAPA: Cressona area (d); dau of Daniel & Catharine; pars, brother & sisters remain; consumption
06/16/1885381ELLIOTT, Sarah*75GERHARDELLIOTT, JohnMIPA: Lebanon Co. (b)MI: Erie (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead
06/16/1885381GERHARD, Sarah*75ELLIOTT, JohnMIPA: Lebanon Co. (b)MI: Erie (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead
06/16/1885381ELLIOTT, JohnGERHARD, Sarah*
06/16/1885381RAU, Joshua*78OHOH: North Lima (d); widow, 4 chren remain; killed by tree branch striking him on head
06/16/1885381MILLER, Stephen*78WIENGLAND (b)WI: Sauk Co.: Troy (died at home of son-in-law, G. WITWEN); 3 daus, 1 sis remain; wife, 2 sons dead
06/16/1885381HAMM, Juliana*76PAPA: Slatington area (d); 4 chren remain
06/16/1885381LARN, Jones H.*34IAIA: Dover's Mill area (d)
06/16/1885381HATFIELD, Mary A.*59IRANSHATFIELD, -----OHOH: Columbus (d); husb, 5 chren remain
06/16/1885381IRANS, Mary A.*59HATFIELD, -----OHOH: Columbus (d); husb, 5 chren remain
06/16/1885381HATFIELD, -----IRANS, Mary A.*
06/16/1885381GIERHART, Archie*7OHOH: Baltimore (d)
06/16/1885381BECHTEL, J. (Rev. Dr.)*64ONTONT: Balaclava (d)
06/16/1885381FRALEY, John*83PAPA: Bradford Co.: Burlington (d)
06/23/1885397ROHRER, Jacob*53ININ: Elkhart Co.: New Paris area (d); wife, 10 chren remain; neuralgia/apoplexy
06/23/1885397SMITH, Mary Elizabeth*20GOODLINGSMITH, MosesPAPA: York Co.: Red Lion (d); dau of Danvil [sic] & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain
06/23/1885397GOODLING, Mary Elizabeth*20SMITH, MosesPAPA: York Co.: Red Lion (d); dau of Danvil [sic] & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain
06/23/1885397SMITH, MosesGOODLING, Mary Elizabeth*
06/23/1885397KAFER, Mary Ann*36HAINESKAFER, M.IAIA: Linn Co.: Round Grove (d); only dau of Philip; husb, 6 chren remain
06/23/1885397HAINES, Mary Ann*36KAFER, M.IAIA: Linn Co.: Round Grove (d); only dau of Philip; husb, 6 chren remain
06/23/1885397KAFER, M.HAINES, Mary Ann*
06/23/1885397FINKBINER, Sophia*53KIESSFINKBINER, -----PAPA: Warrensville (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/23/1885397KIESS, Sophia*53FINKBINER, -----PAPA: Warrensville (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/23/1885397FINKBINER, -----KIESS, Sophia*
06/23/1885397KUNKLE, Wm.*45OHOH: Richland Co. (possible place of death, but not so stated). Minister: SHISLER, W. A.
06/23/1885397BURGSTAHLER, Katie*19ILIL: Plainfield (d); dau of F. & M.; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain
06/23/1885397QUEST, Louise*73RICHTERQUEST, -----ILGERMANY: Schwalenberg: Lothe (b)IL: Dakota area (d); 3 daus remain; husb died 2 yrs ago
06/23/1885397RICHTER, Louise*73QUEST, -----ILGERMANY: Schwalenberg: Lothe (b)IL: Dakota area (d); 3 daus remain; husb died 2 yrs ago
06/23/1885397QUEST, -----RICHTER, Louise*
06/23/1885397KANTNER, William*66PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Landingville area (d); widow, 3 sons remain; confined to bed 13 wks
06/23/1885397STECK, Aug.*38MIMI: Huron Co.: Oliver Tp. (d); widow, 1 child remain
06/23/1885397HOLLENBACK, J. S. (Dr.)*40PAPA: Treverton (d); wife, 2 chren, aged mother remain
06/23/1885397WILLIAMS, Mary*73WILLIAMS, DanielPAPA: Union Co.: White Deer Furnace area (d); great sufferer for yrs
06/23/1885397SMITH, Lydia*37SMITH, JohnPAPA: Drehersville area (d); husb, chren remain
06/23/1885397-----, Lydia*37SMITH, JohnPAPA: Drehersville area (d); husb, chren remain
06/23/1885397SMITH, John-----, Lydia*
06/23/1885397YODER, Rosa Ann*20WARMKESSELYODER, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); husb, an infant, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
06/23/1885397WARMKESSEL, Rosa Ann*20YODER, -----PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); husb, an infant, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
06/23/1885397YODER, -----WARMKESSEL, Rosa Ann*
06/23/1885397RINEBOALD, Calvin*1PAPA: New Columbia (d)
06/30/1885413ZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)*67TARTSCH, FriederikaIAEUROPE: Bavaria: Ahrnsbach (b)IA: Grand Junction (d); served 6 yrs army of his country; to AMER 1846 age 28 to Rom area, Jefferson Co., WI; md 1848; to IA 1872; wife, 9 chren remain, 3 sons being ministers; 1 child dead; kicked in abdomen by horse [lengthy]
06/30/1885413TARTSCH, FriederikaZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)*
06/30/1885413ZELLHOEFER, FriederikaZELLHOEFER, Geo. (Rev.)*
06/30/1885413SEITZ, J. G.*26OHOH: Cleveland (died at home of pars); son of Friedrich & Barbara; wife, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. "Three of the family have preceded him to the better world." Complicated disease ending w/ pneumonia
06/30/1885413ENSMINGER, Anna*48PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (d); dau of F. & Sarah Ensminger; constant reader of the Ev. Messenger, though belonged to a sister church
06/30/1885413WINEBERG, Adeline*36COPECKWINEBERG, MartinPAPA: Indiana Co.: Canoe Tp. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/30/1885413COPECK, Adeline*36WINEBERG, MartinPAPA: Indiana Co.: Canoe Tp. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead
06/30/1885413WINEBERG, MartinCOPECK, Adeline*
06/30/1885413MOGLE, Daniel J.*39OHOH: Perrysburg area (d); wife, 2 chren remain
06/30/1885413PIFER, Jno.*67IAPA: Northumberland Co. (b)IA: Marshall Co. (res); to Forreston, IL, then Marshall Co.; widow, 10 chren remain
06/30/1885413MATTER, Frederick*51MIGERMANY: Sax Meining (b)MI: Mt. Calm [sic] Co.: Maple Valley (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; killed by a falling tree; [corr. to MATTES, Jul 14, p 444]
06/30/1885413MATTES, Frederick*51MIGERMANY: Sax Meining (b)MI: Mt. Calm [sic] Co.: Maple Valley (d); widow, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; killed by a falling tree; [corr. from MATTER, Jul 14, p 444]
06/30/1885413BRINTON, David G.*28PAPA: York Co.: Newberrytown (d); wife, 1 son remain; consumption
06/30/1885413NAHUM, Catherine C.*78LANGUENAHUM, JacobPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Plymouth Meeting (d); husb, 1 son, 4 grchren remain, one of whom is Rev. A. E. WILLIAMS, of East PA Conf.
06/30/1885413LANGUE, Catherine C.*78NAHUM, JacobPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Plymouth Meeting (d); husb, 1 son, 4 grchren remain, one of whom is Rev. A. E. WILLIAMS, of East PA Conf.
06/30/1885413NAHUM, JacobLANGUE, Catherine C.*
06/30/1885413MACE, Sallie Mary A.*84PAPA: Bradford Co.: Highland area (d)
06/30/1885413AMDOR, Rhoda H.*30AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.)IAIA: Adams Co.: Hays area (d); funeral in First Baptist Church in Carbon
06/30/1885413-----, Rhoda H.*30AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.)IAIA: Adams Co.: Hays area (d); funeral in First Baptist Church in Carbon
06/30/1885413AMDOR, F. M. (Dr.)-----, Rhoda H.*
06/30/1885413REBER, Eva May*1PAPA: Cressona (d); dau of William & Sarah; diphtheria
06/30/1885413KOHL, Mable [sic] Edith*7mosIAIA: Lisbon area (d); dau of Jonathan & Anna; lung fever

Number of items that your search found: 849