DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/07/189011YOUNG, Amelia Alwilda*38CHAMPIONYOUNG, Noah (Rev.)PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Heshbarn (b)PA: York Co.: Loganville (d); md 1870; remaining: husb, 3 sons, 5 daus (youngest being 16 mos old)
01/07/189011CHAMPION, Amelia Alwilda*38YOUNG, Noah (Rev.)PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Heshbarn (b)PA: York Co.: Loganville (d); md 1870; remaining: husb, 3 sons, 5 daus (youngest being 16 mos old)
01/07/189011YOUNG, Noah (Rev.)CHAMPION, Amelia Alwilda*
01/07/189011SHULTZ, Edward (Rev.)*65PAPA: Berks Co.: Bethesda (d); son of Jeremia [sic] & Maria; raised in Swenkfelder [sic] Ch.; widow, 5 chren remain
01/07/189011YERGER, Anna M.*54GRATERYERGER, J. F. (Rev.)IAPA: Montgomery Co. (b)IA: Story Co.: Story city (d); dau of John; md Jul 28, 1855; husb, 6 chren remain
01/07/189011GRATER, Anna M.*54YERGER, J. F. (Rev.)IAPA: Montgomery Co. (b)IA: Story Co.: Story city (d); dau of John; md Jul 28, 1855; husb, 6 chren remain
01/07/189011YERGER, J. F. (Rev.)GRATER, Anna M.*
01/07/189011CROSSLEY, Matilda*53OHOH: Findlay area (d); husb, 1 dau, 3 sis, 3 bros remain
01/07/189011FEGER, Henry A.*71PAPA: Reading (d); 2nd wife, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 1st wife, 4 chren dead [md twice, wives not named here]
01/07/189011MOLTER, Polly M.*46BARDELMOLTER, JacobILIL: Ridott area (d); dau of Jacob & Margareth; md Oct 23, 1866; husb, 4 chren, father, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; mother & son dead
01/07/189011BARDEL, Polly M.*46MOLTER, JacobILIL: Ridott area (d); dau of Jacob & Margareth; md Oct 23, 1866; husb, 4 chren, father, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; mother & son dead
01/07/189011MOLTER, JacobBARDEL, Polly M.*
01/07/189011HEFFELFINGER, Washington*53PAPA: Reading (d); Schaefferstown Church member; 2nd wife, 4 chren remain; 1st wife, 11 chren dead [md twice, wives not named here]
01/07/189011HOUSER, Jacob*55HUX, UrsulaONTEUROPE: Wurtemberg: Oberamt Tuttlingen: Trossingen (b)ONT: Elgin Co.: Aldborough (d Christmas); to AMER 1854 to Rainham, Haldimand Co., ONT; md 1864, then to Aldborough; wife, 2 sons, 5 daus remain; 3 daus dead
01/07/189011HUX, UrsulaHOUSER, Jacob*
01/07/189011HOUSER, UrsulaHOUSER, Jacob*
01/07/189011EDER, James*69LONGSDORF, -----PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Ball's Mills area (d); wife is dau of Rev. A.; widow, 5 sons, 2 daus remain
01/07/189011LONGSDORF, -----EDER, James*
01/07/189011EDER, -----EDER, James*
01/07/189011LECHLEITER, Mary Ann*61ARNERLECHLEITER, JohnPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, aged mother, 2 daus, 6 bros, 2 sis remain
01/07/189011ARNER, Mary Ann*61LECHLEITER, JohnPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, aged mother, 2 daus, 6 bros, 2 sis remain
01/07/189011LECHLEITER, JohnARNER, Mary Ann*
01/07/189011CONRAD, Rebecca*88ILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Dwight (d)
01/07/189011SENN, Sarah M.*15NYNY: Oneida Co.: Coonrod (d); dau of Frederick M. & Margaret; diphtheria
01/14/189027BRADER, J. M. (Rev.)*50PAPA: Northampton Co. (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville (d); funeral/burial at Danville; wife, 3 sons, 2 daus remain
01/14/189027DONMYER, Lewis B. (Rev.)*67ORPA: Cambria Co.: Johnstown [8 mi. east] (b)OR: Aurora area (d); to OR last April w/ wife + md dau & her family, other friends/acquaintances; dau since died; remaining are wife, son + 2 daus in the East; 1st wife, 6 chren dead; bur Oddfellow's Cem., Salem, nr to dau Lizzie GOHN [md twice, wives not
01/14/189027OVERMYER, Wm.*64WALES, LucyINNY (b)IN: Fulton Co. (d); to Sandusky Co., OH, w/ pars; to IN 1850; md Lucy, dau of Rev. Geo., 1851; wife, 5 chren, 4 bros, 5 sis remain; 5 chren dead; dropsy
01/14/189027WALES, LucyOVERMYER, Wm.*
01/14/189027OVERMYER, LucyOVERMYER, Wm.*
01/14/189027HUBER, Hugh*59PAPA: Bethlehem (d); wife, 5 chren, 2 bros remain; 3 chren dead
01/14/189027MENICK, Katie*19PAPA: died on 19th birthday in May 31, 1889 flood of Conemaugh Valley; dau of Elias & Sarah; pars, 1 bro remain; memorial service Dec. 18, 1889 at Bascom, OH; service also for her friend Benivell WEAVER. "Both rest in an unknown grave."
01/14/189027WEAVER, Benivell*--PAPA: died with Katie MENICK, in May 31, 1889 flood of Conemaugh Valley; memorial service for both Dec. 18, 1889 at Bascom, OH. "Both rest in an unknown grave." [see obit for MENICK, Katie, Jan 14, 1890, p. 27]
01/14/189027EXAMPLE: notice of death 8 mos. after the occurrence, see MENICK, Katie, Jan. 14, 1890, p. 27
01/14/189027BENSON, Mary Ann*56WILLIAMSBENSON, -----PAPA: Bucks Co.: Hilltown (d). "Here [sic] home was a 'Bethany' where the itinerant could resort to for rest and spiritual improvement."
01/14/189027WILLIAMS, Mary Ann*56BENSON, -----PAPA: Bucks Co.: Hilltown (d). "Here [sic] home was a 'Bethany' where the itinerant could resort to for rest and spiritual improvement."
01/14/189027BENSON, -----WILLIAMS, Mary Ann*
01/14/189027WOEHRLE, Anna Maria*64FOSSLERWOEHRLE, GeorgeILBADEN: Schmieheim (b)IL: Mason Co.: Forest City area (d); md 1846; to AMER 1869 to IL; husb, 9 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; pars, 1 sis dead
01/14/189027FOSSLER, Anna Maria*64WOEHRLE, GeorgeILBADEN: Schmieheim (b)IL: Mason Co.: Forest City area (d); md 1846; to AMER 1869 to IL; husb, 9 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; pars, 1 sis dead
01/14/189027WOEHRLE, GeorgeFOSSLER, Anna Maria*
01/14/189027SENNEFF, John Barnet*67FRITZ, PhoebeILPA: Fayette Co.: Saltlick (b)IL: Fair Haven (d); md Sep 11, 1845; one of 1st settlers (1855) to Carroll Co., IL; had 10 chren, 3 of whom are dead
01/14/189027FRITZ, PhoebeSENNEFF, John Barnet*
01/14/189027SENNEFF, PhoebeSENNEFF, John Barnet*
01/14/189027WAGNER, Elizabeth*68PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Plainfield area (d); 2 daus remain; husb dead for a number of yrs
01/14/189027KEPPLER, Louisa*50FISHERKEPPLER, -----PAPA: Williamsport (d); husb, chren remain
01/14/189027FISHER, Louisa*50KEPPLER, -----PAPA: Williamsport (d); husb, chren remain
01/14/189027KEPPLER, -----FISHER, Louisa*
01/14/189027BEAHM, Samuel*39OHOH: Flat Rock (d); ERROR: mid-obit refers to "she" leaves babe only few days old, she was prepared for death; leaves husb; earlier in obit says "he" leaves widow, 2 bros, 3 sis
01/14/189027OSTROTH, Anthony*43DEAN, Jane AmandaMIOH: Crawford Co. (b)MI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (died at home of pars); md Mar 17, 1870; pars, 3 sons, 1 dau 3 sis, 4 bros remain; a bro is Rev. A. of MI Conf.; wife died 2+ mos earlier
01/14/189027DEAN, Jane AmandaOSTROTH, Anthony*
01/14/189027OSTROTH, Jane AmandaOSTROTH, Anthony*
01/14/189027SCHMIDT, Clara Emelie*29GROSSSCHMIDT, RudolphSDPA: Philadelphia (b)SD: Madison area (d); to Dakota 1885 w/ father, 1 bro, 2 sis; md Jun 7, 1888; husb, 1 infant, 3 step-chren, father, 2 bros, 2 sis remain
01/14/189027GROSS, Clara Emelie*29SCHMIDT, RudolphSDPA: Philadelphia (b)SD: Madison area (d); to Dakota 1885 w/ father, 1 bro, 2 sis; md Jun 7, 1888; husb, 1 infant, 3 step-chren, father, 2 bros, 2 sis remain
01/14/189027SCHMIDT, RudolphGROSS, Clara Emelie*
01/14/189027MIESSE, Wm.*67KSKS: Peabody (d); orphan at age 3 yrs; wife, 12 chren remain; cancer
01/14/189027KERN, Rosana*64KERN, Jacob----: Ministers: Barnes & Rohland; (died on 64th birthday); saw in a trance that she would die Dec. 4th at 4:00 A.M., and she did
01/14/189027-----, Rosana*64KERN, Jacob----: Ministers: Barnes & Rohland; (died on 64th birthday); saw in a trance that she would die Dec. 4th at 4:00 A.M., and she did
01/14/189027KERN, Jacob-----, Rosana*
01/14/189027BAIRD, Martha*62HASSELTONBAIRD, Benj. F.OHOH: Circleville (b)OH: Stoutsville (funeral); 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 4 daus dead
01/14/189027HASSELTON, Martha*62BAIRD, Benj. F.OHOH: Circleville (b)OH: Stoutsville (funeral); 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 4 daus dead
01/14/189027BAIRD, Benj. F.HASSELTON, Martha*
01/14/189027BAKER, Emma*19MIOH: Lucas Co.; Richfield Center (b)MI: Bay City (d); went there to nurse bro Jacob, who had typhoid [he recovered], and which she contracted; mother, 5 sis, 3 bros remain
01/14/189027HUGHS, Sarah*67SHINDLEHUGHS, B. W.ILPA: Lebanon (b)IL: Naperville (d); md 37 yrs ago; 6 chren, 5 step-chren, 4 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead
01/14/189027SHINDLE, Sarah*67HUGHS, B. W.IlPA: Lebanon (b)IL: Naperville (d); md 37 yrs ago; 6 chren, 5 step-chren, 4 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead
01/14/189027HUGHS, B. W.SHINDLE, Sarah*
01/14/189027SENNEFF, Ella*26TILTONSENNEFF, AmosILOH: Licking Co. (b)IL: Fair Haven (d); dau of Wm.; md Dec 29, 1883; reprinted Jan. 21, p. 43 w/ no mention of REAHM/HORNBERGER connection, but does mention babe a few days old
01/14/189027TILTON, Ella*26SENNEFF, AmosILOH: Licking Co. (b)IL: Fair Haven (d); dau of Wm.; md Dec 29, 1883; reprinted Jan. 21, p. 43 w/ no mention of REAHM/HORNBERGER connection, but does mention babe a few days old
01/14/189027SENNEFF, AmosTILTON, Ella*
01/14/189027DREHER, William*77PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Drehersville (d); widow, 1 dau, 6 sis remain. "Full of faith and the Holy Sprit he went home shouting."
01/14/189027CLENDENAN, John Wesley*15ONTONT: Bismarck (d)
01/14/189027TYLER, Caroline*39GROSSMANTYLER, Geo.NYNY: Oneida Co.: Coonrod (d); husb, 7 chren, pars, sisters & bro remain
01/14/189027GROSSMAN, Caroline*39TYLER, Geo.NYNY: Oneida Co.: Coonrod (d); husb, 7 chren, pars, sisters & bro remain
01/14/189027TYLER, Geo.GROSSMAN, Caroline
01/14/189027FREED, Aaron*72PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Marietta (d); widow, 1 son, 3 daus remain; funeral & burial at Pottstown
01/14/189027FREY, Hattie Louisa*12NYNY: Alleg. Co.: Grove (b)NY: Allegany Co.: Grove (d); mentions pars, sis
01/14/189027MARQUART, Henriette*43GRABMARQUART, -----WIWI: La Crosse Co.: Burns (d); husb, 3 sons, 5 daus remain
01/14/189027GRAB, Henriette*43MARQUART, -----WIWI: La Crosse Co.: Burns (d); husb, 3 sons, 5 daus remain
01/14/189027MARQUART, -----GRAB, Henriette*
01/14/189027HOUCK, Margaret A.*67PAPA: Mt. Airy church member; palsy
01/14/189027CRITES, Alva Ray*2OHOH: Beach City (d on Christmas); son of B. F. & Amanda
01/14/189027UNDERHILL, Samuel J.*26PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); son of Samuel & Fannie
01/14/189027BARR, Isabella*4PAPA: Reading (d); dau of Francis G. & Lizzie D.; 2nd child in family to die within one month; diphtheria/blood-poisoning
01/14/189027WEISEL, Mary*61PAPA: Sellersville (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); member 4th St. Church; 1 bro, 2 sis remain
01/14/189027FOSNAUGH, Florence*5 mosOHOH: Stoutsville (d); infant "son" of Moses
01/14/189027BOWER, Bessie*4--IN: South Bend (b)--: Minister: ALBERT, S. S.
01/21/189043ORWIG, Philip S. (Rev.)*43GREEN, KatePAPA: Union Co.: Lewis "formerly Hartley Tp." (b)PA: York (d); son of Henry & Eliza; md 2 yrs after 1869 ordination; bur Prospect Hill Cem.; wife, 4 sons remain, the eldest being age 15 yrs; dau dead
01/21/189043GREEN, KateORWIG, Philip S. (Rev.)*
01/21/189043ORWIG, KateORWIG, Philip S. (Rev.)*
01/21/189043SENNEFF, Ella*26TILTONSENNEFF, AmosILOH: Licking Co. (b)IL: Fair Haven (d); dau of William; md Dec 29, 1883; leaves a babe only a few days old [reprinted w/ corrections from Jan 14, 1890]
01/21/189043TILTON, Ella*26SENNEFF, AmosILOH: Licking Co. (b)
01/21/189043SENNEFF, AmosTILTON, Ella*
01/21/189043BEEM, Ida M.*28BUTTSBEEM, -----IAIA: Marengo (d); Chicago teacher before mge; husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; bur Naperville, IL
01/21/189043BUTTS, Ida M.*28BEEM, -----IAIA: Marengo (d); Chicago teacher before mge; husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; bur Naperville, IL
01/21/189043BEEM, -----BUTTS, Ida M.*
01/21/189043PROBST. Henry*, 85PAPA: Lehigh Co. (b)PA: Mercer Co.: Greenville area (died at home of son George); wife d 29 yrs ago; 1 son, 1 dau remain; 6 chren dead
01/21/189043GEORGE, Ida*17OHOH: Belmore (d); dau of Henry
01/21/189043FEGELY, Elizabeth*76FEGELY, SolomonPAPA: Lyons (d); md Jun 14, 1840; had 11 chren; stomach cancer
01/21/189043-----, Elizabeth*76FEGELY, SolomonPAPA: Lyons (d); md Jun 14, 1840; had 11 chren; stomach cancer
01/21/189043FEGELY, Solomon-----, Elizabeth*
01/21/189043QUIGGLE, Carrie E.*29PROBSTQUIGGLE, Michael S.PAPA: Clinton Co.: Lock Haven (d); husb remains
01/21/189043PROBST, Carrie E.*29QUIGGLE, Michael S.PAPA: Clinton Co.: Lock Haven (d); husb remains
01/21/189043QUIGGLE, Michael S.PROBST, Carrie E.*
01/21/189043LESSLEY, Samuel*80PAPA: Terre Hill (d); bur Christmas morning; "In his house most of the pioneer ministers of our church preached É before churches were as numerous as now."
01/21/189043HOLIDAY, Sophia*60THORNTONHOLIDAY, SamuelIAIN: Tippecanoe Co. (b)IA: Columbus Junction (d); to IA w/ pars; md Jun 25, 1846; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead
01/21/189043THORNTON, Sophia*60HOLIDAY, SamuelIAIN: Tippecanoe Co. (b)IA: Columbus Junction (d); to IA w/ pars; md Jun 25, 1846; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead
01/21/189043HOLIDAY, SamuelTHORNTON, Sophia*
01/21/189043MACK, John*33PAPA: Warren (d); adopted son of Jacob & Elizabeth MACK; pars, 1 sis remain
01/21/189043EXAMPLE: Adoption, see MACK, John*, Jan 21, 1890, p. 43
01/21/189043REAHM, Samuel*29HORNBERGER, -----OHOH: Flat Rock (d); widow, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; wife a cousin of J. C. & Z. HORNBERGER, editors of English S.S. Lierature; Living Epistle, etc.
01/21/189043HORNBERGER, -----REAHM, Samuel*
01/21/189043REAHM, -----REAHM, Samuel*
01/21/189043GUGGENHEIM, Sophia*71PAPA: Philadelphia (d); res prev Womelsdorf, PA; 6 chren remain; peritonitis
01/21/189043SHOEMAKER, Charles C.*47PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Lavelle (d); bro of Rev. W. A. of East PA Conf.; widow, 9 chren remain
01/21/189043DOTTERER, Josephine A. R.*34RABENHOLDDOTTERER, AbrahamPAPA: Shamrock (d); dau of Sister S. Rabenhold; consumption [poss. that RABENHOLD is not deceased's maiden name, but mother's name by 2nd mge]
01/21/189043RABENHOLD, Josephine A. R.*34DOTTERER, AbrahamPAPA: Shamrock (d); dau of Sister S. Rabenhold; consumption [poss. that RABENHOLD is not deceased's maiden name, but mother's name by 2nd mge]
01/21/189043DOTTERER, AbrahamRABENHOLD, Josephine A. R.
01/21/189043CLOUSER, Rachel*63PAPA: Terre Hill (d); consumption
01/21/189043METZGER, Charles*11ININ: Miami Co.: Deer Creek Tp. (b)IN: Bunker Hill (d); son of Jacob
01/21/189043LOCH, Lillie May*3PAPA: Nesquehoning (d); dau of George A. & Emma; pneumonia
01/21/189043MILLER, Vernia Viola*--IN: South Bend (b)--: Minister: ALBERT, S. S.
01/21/189043FRANKHOUSER, Ellwood M.*6 mos----: Minister: SAYLOR, A. B.; convulsions
01/21/189043BAIR, David*8 mos----: Minister: SAYLOR, A. B.; son of Samuel & Fiana; convulsions
01/28/189059BAUMGARDNER, Barbara*65BAUMGARDNER, MichaelPAPA: Fayette Co.: Eliotsville area (d); remaining are husb, 1 dau, 3 bros, 4 sis, 1 step-dau, 6 step-sons of whom 5 are ministers: S. D., D. M., L. E. of Pittsburg Conf.; A. I. of Central PA Conf., & Nathan of WV Meth. Conf.
01/28/189059-----, Barbara*65BAUMGARDNER, MichaelPAPA: Fayette Co.: Eliotsville area (d); remaining are husb, 1 dau, 3 bros, 4 sis, 1 step-dau, 6 step-sons of whom 5 are ministers: S. D., D. M., L. E. of Pittsburgh Conf.; A. I. of Central PA Conf., & Nathan of WV Meth. Conf.
01/28/189059BAUMGARDNER, Michael-----, Barbara*
01/28/189059RICKERT, Eliza*57HOFFMANRICKERT, J. R.PAPA: Weissport (d). "Her house was an agreeable home to the itinerant preacher."
01/28/189059HOFFMAN, Eliza*57RICKERT, J. R.PAPA: Weissport (d). "Her house was an agreeable home to the itinerant preacher."
01/28/189059RICKERT, J. R.HOFFMAN, Eliza*
01/28/189059LANG, Hannah*62RICKERTLANG, W.MNPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)MN: Minneapolis (d at home of son Alexander w/ whom she res 8 yrs); md 42 yrs; son, father, 2 bros remain; apparently 1 ch dead; bur Naperviller, IL, beside husb
01/28/189059RICKERT, Hannah*62LANG, W.MNPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)MN: Minneapolis (d at home of son Alexander w/ whom she res 8 yrs); md 42 yrs; son, father, 2 bros remain; apparently 1 ch dead; bur Naperviller, IL, beside husb
01/28/189059LANG, W.RICKERT, Hannah*
01/28/189059LOSCH, Jacob*71HARTMAN, Elizabeth (wife #1; md Jun 7, 1842, she d Jun 17, 1864; had 4 sons, 6 daus)PAGERMANY: Wurtemburg: Pfullingen (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Salladasburg (d); to AMER age 12 yrs; one dau md Rev. H. W. BUCK, P.E. of Williamsport Dist., Central PA Conf.; wife #2 survives
01/28/189059LOSCH, Jacob*71CUPP, Mary (Mrs.) (wife #2; md 1866)PAGERMANY: Wurtemburg: Pfullingen (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Salladasburg (d); to AMER age 12 yrs; one dau md Rev. H. W. BUCK, P.E. of Williamsport Dist., Central PA Conf.; wife #2 survives
01/28/189059HARTMAN, ElizabethLOSCH, Jacob*
01/28/189059LOSCH, ElizabethLOSCH, Jacob*
01/28/189059CUPP, Mary (Mrs.)LOSCH, Jacob*
01/28/189059LOSCH, MaryLOSCH, Jacob*
01/28/189059BURK, Christopher M.*25PAPA: York Co.: Yorkana (d); widowed mother, 1 bro, 1 sis remain
01/28/189059HAWK, John*64RITTER, SarahPAPA: Berlinsville (d); md Jul 2, 1843; wife, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead
01/28/189059RITTER, SarahHAWK, John*
01/28/189059HAWK, SarahHAWK, John*
01/28/189059BROWN, Frederica*65KRONMILLERBROWN, HenryOHGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Waldrems (b)OH: Rossville area (d). " É came to America, and was married to Henry Brown in 1846." [This is confusing: both events occur 1846?--ABudd]; husb, 2 chren remain
01/28/189059KRONMILLER, Frederica*65BROWN, HenryOHGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Waldrems (b)OH: Rossville area (d). " É came to America, and was married to Henry Brown in 1846." [This is confusing: both events occur 1846?--ABudd]; husb, 2 chren remain
01/28/189059BROWN, HenryKRONMILLER, Frederica*
01/28/189059KINARD, Annie*28PAPA: York Co.: Fryesville area (died at home of pars); pars, 2 bros, and minister thinks 5 sis remain
01/28/189059GERBER, Christian P.*53MDMD: Baltimore (d); asthma
01/28/189059TROUT, Sarah*81KULPTROUT, JosephPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); md 56 yrs; husb, 3 daus, 1 son remain; 1 dau, 1 son dead
01/28/189059KULP, Sarah*81TROUT, JosephPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); md 56 yrs; husb, 3 daus, 1 son remain; 1 dau, 1 son dead
01/28/189059TROUT, JosephKULP, Sarah*
01/28/189059VETTER, Charles*41ILIL: Sterling (d); was treated for cancer at Monroe, WI, went home to die; wife, father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
01/28/189059STANGER, Margaret*71TRIERSTANGER, ChristianIAGERMANY: Palatinate (b)IA: Hopkinton area (d); to PA 1832; to IL 1836; one of 1st members of church at Des Plaines, IL; husb, 5 sons, 2 sis remain
01/28/189059TRIER, Margaret*71STANGER, ChristianIAGERMANY: Palatinate (b)IA: Hopkinton area (d); to PA 1832; to IL 1836; one of 1st members of church at Des Plaines, IL; husb, 5 sons, 2 sis remain
01/28/189059STANGER, ChristianTRIER, Margaret*
01/28/189059SEYBERT, Franklin*41PAPA: Easton (d); widow, 4 chren, mother, 3 sis remain; consumption
01/28/189059CALLEN, Lydia*59ININ (res). "She came to Indiana some years agoÉ." husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; heart disease
01/28/189059SPATZ, John H. (Dr.)*75PAPA: Berks Co.: Centerport (d); widow, 5 chren remain; had an extensive practice
01/28/189059FEES, Zeno*30PAPA: Beavertown (d)
01/28/189059MOYER, Kate*45MOYER, Geo. D. [Co. Commissioner]PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; heart disease, died suddenly
01/28/189059-----, Kate*45MOYER, Geo. D. [Co. Commissioner]PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; heart disease, died suddenly
01/28/189059MOYER, Geo. D.-----, Kate[Co. Commissioner]
01/28/189059BURGET, John Conrad*79PAGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); wife, 5 sons remain
01/28/189059NAFFE, Jonah*73OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Austintown (d); wife, 3 sons, 6 daus remain; 4 daus dead
01/28/189059MINICH, Henry*75PAPA: Jefferson Co.: North Freedom area (d); had 21 chren, 83 grchren; wife remains
01/28/189059SCHWARTZ, Henry George*15ILIL: Tazewell Co.: Groveland (d); pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; influenza
01/28/189059MILLER, Ira P.*25OHOH: Lancaster area (d); accident
01/28/189059SCHOENER, Charles*23PAPA: Tamaqua (res); railroad accident bet Reading & Philadelphia; bur Mt. Carmel; widow, 2 chren pars, siblings remain
01/28/189059MILLER, Anna May*11mosPAPA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier (d); dau of Rev. C. H.
01/28/189059ROHLAND, John Herbert*1PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); son of John A. & Laura S.; little sis died 9 mos earlier; pars remain; convulsions
01/28/189059HARTMAN, Louisa*60HARTMAN, EphraimPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain
01/28/189059-----, Louisa*60HARTMAN, EphraimPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain
01/28/189059HARTMAN, Ephraim-----, Louisa*
01/28/189059STEVENS, Hezekiah M.*39INOH: Montgomery Co.: Germantown (b)IN: Rochester area (d); wife, 6 chren, mother, siblings remain
01/28/189059BARTO, William D.*36PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Jersey shore area (d)
01/28/189059ROSE, Mead*5 mosMIMI: Washtenaw Co.: Whitaker area (d); son of Chester & A.
01/28/189059SHELL, William*24----: Minister: De LONG, A. A.; son of Rev. John & Amelia; sis remains; parents' status not given
01/28/189059BAKER, Olive Luella*1MIMI: Bay City (d); dau of Conrad & Mary; typhoid
02/04/189075HENNE, Julia*53HILLHENNE, S. (Rev.)MIGERMANY: Baden: Weingarten (b)MI: Oscela [sic] Co.: Hersey (d); to AMER 1854; md 1863; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, aged mother, 3 sis, 1 bro remain
02/04/189075HILL, Julia*53HENNE, S. (Rev.)MIGERMANY: Baden: Weingarten (b)MI: Oscela [sic] Co.: Hersey (d); to AMER 1854; md 1863; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, aged mother, 3 sis, 1 bro remain
02/04/189075HENNE, S. (Rev.)HILL, Julia*
02/04/189075POWELL, Levi*74OHOH: Columbiana Co.: Homeworth area (died at home of one of his daus, Mrs. Wm. SHAFFER); converted 1838 campmeeting at Greensburg, OH; res prev Franklin Square. [md twice, wives not named here]
02/04/189075BARR, Rebecca*47GRIFFETHBARR, HenryIAOH: Clinton Co. (b)IA: near Elliott at the Barr Class (d); dau of Eathen; from OH to WI 1845; to IA 1867; husb, 2 adult chren remain
02/04/189075GRIFFETH, Rebecca*47BARR, HenryIAOH: Clinton Co. (b)IA: near Elliott at the Barr Class (d); dau of Eathen; from OH to WI 1845; to IA 1867; husb, 2 adult chren remain
02/04/189075BARR, HenryGRIFFETH, Rebecca*
02/04/189075LAUT, Margaretta H.*--LAUT, PhillipPAGERMANY: Anspach (b)PA: Norristown (res of one of the submitting ministers) (d); md Mar 1, 1828; grad medical coll. in Frankfurt-on-the-Main as midwife; attended 5,000 cases of childbirth GER & US, only 1 mother died under her care; 2 chren remain; 3 dead
02/04/189075-----, Margaretta H.*--LAUT, PhillipPAGERMANY: Anspach (b)PA: Norristown (res of one of the submitting ministers) (d); md Mar 1, 1828; grad medical coll. in Frankfurt-on-the-Main as midwife; attended 5,000 cases of childbirth GER & US, only 1 mother died under her care; 2 chren remain; 3 dead
02/04/189075LAUT, Phillip-----, Margaretta H.*
02/04/189075EXAMPLE: MIDWIFE, see LAUT, Margaretta H., Feb. 4, 1890, p. 75
02/04/189075KAHLER, John Geo.*78REENER, LucindaPAPA: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (b)PA: Trevorton (d); md 1836; wife, 1 son remain; 1 son dead
02/04/189075REENER, LucindaKAHLER, John Geo.*
02/04/189075KAHLER, LucindaKAHLER, John Geo.*
02/04/189075KECK, Jacob*65MILLER, Rebecca (wife #1; md Sep 1, 1850, d 6 yrs later; 2 chren: dau d age 18; son now Meth. Minister)OHOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square (b)OH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square (d); died on farm where born; near neighbor/friend of Bishop Joseph LONG; wife remains; consumption
02/04/189075KECK, Jacob*65FRANCE, Matilda P. (wife #2; md Feb 22, 1876)OHOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square (b)OH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square (d); died on farm where born; near neighbor/friend of Bishop Joseph LONG; wife remains; consumption
02/04/189075MILLER, RebeccaKECK, Jacob*
02/04/189075KECK, RebeccaKECK, Jacob*
02/04/189075FRANCE, Matilda P.KECK, Jacob*
02/04/189075KECK, Matilda P.KECK, Jacob*
02/04/189075CROUSE, Sarah Eliabeth*23GEISTWITECROUSE, J. H.PAPA: Center Co.: Woodward (died at home of pars); res Lock Haven, PA; husb, adopted child, pars, sister & bros remain; consumption
02/04/189075GEISTWITE, Sarah Elizabeth*23CROUSE, J. H.PAPA: Center Co.: Woodward (died at home of pars); res Lock Haven, PA; husb, adopted child, pars, sister & bros remain; consumption
02/04/189075CROUSE, J. H.GEISTWITE, Sarah Elizabeth*
02/04/189075McCULLOUGH, E. M.* [female]44McCULLOUGH, J. T.IAOH: Jefferson Co. (b)IA: Des Moines Conf.: Westfall Class member; md Jan 13, 1870; to Coshocton Co., OH, 1863; to IA 1873; had 5 girls, 1 boy; of whom one ch dead; husb, 5 chren remain
02/04/189075-----, E. M.* [female]44McCULLOUGH, J. T.IAOH: Jefferson Co. (b)IA: Des Moines Conf.: Westfall Class member; md Jan 13, 1870; to Coshocton Co., OH, 1863; to IA 1873; had 5 girls, 1 boy; of whom one ch dead; husb, 5 chren remain
02/04/189075McCULLOUGH, J. T.-----, E. M.* [female]
02/04/189075WAGAMAN, Mary*82PAPA: Bedford Co.: Camp Run Church area (d); 9 chren remain; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau dead
02/04/189075NEHS, Jesse B.*82JACOBY, ----- (wife #1; d 7 yrs ago)WIPA: Bucks Co. (b)WI: Menomonee Falls (d); from PA to WI 1849; wife, 2 sis remain [mentions 2nd wife in present tense, so assume she is living]
02/04/189075NEHS, Jesse B.*82OSTRANDER, ----- (wife #2; md 5 yrs agoWIPA: Bucks Co. (b)WI: Menomonee Falls (d); from PA to WI 1849; wife, 2 sis remain [mentions 2nd wife in present tense, so assume she is living]
02/04/189075JACOBY, -----NEHS, Jesse B.*
02/04/189075OSTRANDER, -----NEHS, Jesse B.*
02/04/189075GEIST, William*59SNYDER, MaryKSPA: Northumberland Co. (b)KS: Sterling area (d); converted at house of Isaac MOCK, Jefferson Co, PA; md 1843; wife, 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead
02/04/189075SNYDER, MaryGEIST, William*
02/04/189075GEIST, MaryGEIST, William*
02/04/189075INGERSOLL, Mary Anna*49ILIL: Chicago (d); husb, 3 sons remain; bur Graceland Cem., Chicago; heart failure
02/04/189075DEETER, Lura Irena*14ILOH: Ashland Co. (b)IL: Dixon area (d); dau of Henry; pars, 1 sis, 8 bros remain
02/04/189075LINK, Agnes*32FLUHRERLINK, JohnMIONT: South Cayuga (b)MI: Huron Co.: Kilmanah [sic] area (d); bur South Cayuga, ONT; husb, 3 sons, mother, 3 bros, sister remain; pneumonia
02/04/189075FLUHRER, Agnes*32LINK, JohnMIONT: South Cayuga (b)MI: Huron Co.: Kilmanah [sic] area (d); bur South Cayuga, ONT; husb, 3 sons, mother, 3 bros, sister remain; pneumonia
02/04/189075LINK, JohnFLUHRER, Agnes*
02/04/189075LASH, Mary Ann*60LASH, FrederickPAPA: Lewistown area (d); funeral at Lauver Church
02/04/189075-----, Mary Ann*60LASH, FrederickPAPA: Lewistown area (d); funeral at Lauver Church
02/04/189075LASH, Frederick-----, Mary Ann*
02/04/189075DRISSLER, Abigail*78OSMANDRISSLER, -----ILPA: Lehigh Co.: White Hall (b)IL: Naperville (d); to Naperville 22 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
02/04/189075OSMAN, Abigail*78DRISSLER, -----ILPA: Lehigh Co.: White Hall (b)IL: Naperville (d); to Naperville 22 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
02/04/189075DRISSLER, -----OSMAN, Abigail*
02/04/189075BROWN, Elizabeth*76CLIMSONBROWN, -----ILIL: Naperville (d); to Naperville, 1844; res many yrs on farm at Copenhagen; 10 chren remain; husb, 1 ch dead
02/04/189075CLIMSON, Elizabeth*76BROWN, -----ILIL: Naperville (d); to Naperville, 1844; res many yrs on farm at Copenhagen; 10 chren remain; husb, 1 ch dead
02/04/189075BROWN, -----CLIMSON, Elizabeth*
02/04/189075HOFMASTER, John*60PAGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Rothenberg (b)PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); widow, 2 chren remain
02/04/189075BAUMGARDNER, Ida May*16PAPA: Cambria Co.; Scalp Level (d); dau of Michael; father, siblings remain; consumption
02/04/189075SHUPP, Martha E.*50WILSONSHUPP, Wm.OHOH: Coshocton Co. (b)OH: Defiance Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/04/189075WILSON, Martha E.*50SHUPP, Wm.OHOH: Coshocton Co. (b)OH: Defiance Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/04/189075SHUPP, Wm.WILSON, Martha E.*
02/04/189075FISHER, Elda*24CABELFISHER, A. DelosPAPA: Jersey Shore area (died at home of pars); md Christmas Eve 1888
02/04/189075CABEL, Elda*24FISHER, A. DelosPAPA: Jersey Shore area (died at home of pars); md Christmas Eve 1888
02/04/189075FISHER, A. DelosCABEL, Elda*
02/04/189075SCHUYHING, Christina*61OHWURTEMBERG: Sersheim (b)OH: Preble Co. (died at home of bro, John SCHEYHING); to AMER 1832 to PA; to Preble Co. 1 yr later; 1 bro, 1 sis remain
02/04/189075NEUMEYER, Mary K.*68NEUMEYER, FrederickMDMD: Baltimore (d); husb, 3 chren remain; pneumonia
02/04/189075-----, Mary K.*68NEUMEYER, FrederickMDMD: Baltimore (d); husb, 3 chren remain; pneumonia
02/04/189075NEUMEYER, Frederick-----, Mary K.*
02/04/189075LUTZ, John Z.*77PAPA: Reading; bur Charles Evans Cem.; widow, an only dau remain
02/04/189075DISLER, John H.*40OHOH: Johnsville area (d); wife, 6 little chren remain; bur Emlington, PA; his sister Hattie DISLER bore all expenses of the funeral
02/04/189075MILLER, John B.*73PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Joy (b)PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); 1 dau remains; wife, 2 chren dead
02/04/189075HAND, Eliza*47BELFORDHAND, Geo.PAPA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d); dau of Charles & Anna; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, pars, 1 sis remain; consumption
02/04/189075BELFORD, Eliza*47HAND, Geo.PAPA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d); dau of Charles & Anna; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, pars, 1 sis remain; consumption
02/04/189075HAND, Geo.BELFORD, Eliza*
02/04/189075BRENNAMAN, Elizabeth*77BRENNAMAN, BenjaminOHOH: Johnsville area (d); mother of 14 chren, one of whom is Rev. H. of OH Conf.
02/04/189075-----, Elizabeth*77BRENNAMAN, BenjaminOHOH: Johnsville area (d); mother of 14 chren, one of whom is Rev. H. of OH Conf.
02/04/189075BRENNAMAN, Benjamin-----, Elizabeth*
02/04/189075BETZ, Catharine*77SCHRODBETZ, -----NYHESSE-DARMSTADT: Egelsbach (b)NY: Jefferson Co.: Redwood area (d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 dau dead
02/04/189075SCHROD, Catharine*77BETZ, -----NYHESSE-DARMSTADT: Egelsbach (b)NY: Jefferson Co.: Redwood area (d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 dau dead
02/04/189075BETZ, -----SCHROD, Catharine*
02/04/189075DECKENBACH, Elizabeth*67NYNY: New York (d); 1 dau remains
02/04/189075STALL, Rachel*55MACKEYSTALL, GeorgeOHOH: Stark Co.: Freeburgh area (d); husb, 1 dau remain; 1 dau died 8 yrs ago
02/04/189075MACKEY, Rachel*55STALL, GeorgeOHOH: Stark Co.: Freeburgh area (d); husb, 1 dau remain; 1 dau died 8 yrs ago
02/04/189075STALL, GeorgeMACKEY, Rachel*
02/04/189075DOTTERER, Thomas Wesley*4----: Minister: BAUMGARTNER, S. H.; son of Thomas & Barbara; brain-fever
02/04/189075LEED, Annie*71SCHWILLYLEED, -----PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Akron (d); 2 sons, 3 daus remain
02/04/189075SCHWILLY, Annie*71LEED, -----PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Akron (d); 2 sons, 3 daus remain
02/04/189075LEED, -----SCHWILLY, Annie*
02/04/189075REED, William Adam*3PAPA: Mantz (d); son of Wm. M. & Elizabeth
02/04/189075FREHAFER, Daniel*74PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); wife, 1 dau, 1 bro remain; typhoid
02/04/189075HOWER, Floyd A.*2 mosOHOH: Stark Co.: Freeburgh area (d); husb, 1 dau remain; 1 dau died 8 yrs ago
02/04/189075FEIGLEY, Gracy*1OHOH: Ibera [sic] (d); only dau of Daniel & wife; diphtheria
02/04/189075WILLIAMSON, Carrie Edna*1OHOH: Blissfield (d); dau of J. M. & Martha
02/04/189075HOWARD, -----*1 moILIL: Eldena (d); son of Edward; pneumonia
02/04/189075KELLEY, William H.*2NYNY: Syracuse (d); convulsions
02/11/189091ROWLAND, Elvira*58WHEELERROWLAND, P. L. (Rev.)IACANADA EAST: Lacolle (b)IA: Fayette Co.: Dover Tp. (d); to Lowell, MA, 1851; to Fayette Co., IA, 1856; md Jun 18, 1857; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/11/189091WHEELER, Elvira*58ROWLAND, P. L. (Rev.)IACANADA EAST: Lacolle (b)IA: Fayette Co.: Dover Tp. (d); to Lowell, MA, 1851; to Fayette Co., IA, 1856; md Jun 18, 1857; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead
02/11/189091ROWLAND, P. L. (Rev.)WHEELER, Elvira*
02/11/189091BECK, Margaret*82KOCHBECK, -----OHGERMANY (b)OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER 1838; converted at Baltimore, MD; res Cleveland 40 yrs; 3 sons, 6 daus remain; one dau md S. P. SPRENG, ed. of Evan Msngr; husb, 2 chren dead
02/11/189091KOCH, Margaret*82BECK, -----OHGERMANY (b)OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER 1838; converted at Baltimore, MD; res Cleveland 40 yrs; 3 sons, 6 daus remain; one dau md S. P. SPRENG, ed. of Evan Msngr; husb, 2 chren dead
02/11/189091BECK, -----KOCH, Margaret*
02/11/189091SPRENG, S. P., wife of,see obit for her mother, Margaret BECK, Feb. 11, 1890, p. 91
02/11/189091HOFFSOMMER, Mary*63HOFFSOMMER, JohnKSGERMANY: Kurhesse: Kreis-Eschwege: Stadthosbach (b)KS: Battle Hill (d); converted at Hazleton, PA, 1863; husb, 6 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 dau dead
02/11/189091-----, Mary*63HOFFSOMMER, JohnKSGERMANY: Kurhesse: Kreis-Eschwege: Stadthosbach (b)KS: Battle Hill (d); converted at Hazleton, PA, 1863; husb, 6 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 dau dead
02/11/189091HOFFSOMMER, John-----, Mary*
02/11/189091DIETSCH, George*17OHOH: Marion area (d); son of George & Caroline; member Canaan class; pars, 6 sis, 3 bros remain
02/11/189091KEEL, Mary*79OHPA: Westmoreland Co. (b)OH: Benton Ridge area (d); md May 10, 1838; aged husb, 7 chren remain; res not stated, but officiating minister, W. H. MUNK, is of Benton Ridge at this time
02/11/189091DERMYER, Christian*59IANY: Erie Co.: Amherst (b)IA: Lewis area (d); res 26 yrs ago at Perkins Grove, IL; wife, 5 chren remain
02/11/189091HEIZERMAN, Jane*69ELWARDHEIZERMAN, John (husb #2; md 1868)IAENGLAND: London (b)IA: Fayette Co.: Clermont Tp. (d); to AMER 1832 to NY; to Fayette Co., IA, 1854; husb, 4 chren remain
02/11/189091ELWARD, Jane*69SMITH, Willard (husb #1; md 1843, he died soon after the war)IAENGLAND: London (b)IA: Fayette Co.: Clermont Tp. (d); to AMER 1832 to NY; to Fayette Co., IA, 1854; husb, 4 chren remain
02/11/189091SMITH, Jane*69ELWARDHEIZERMAN, John (husb #2; md 1868)IAENGLAND: London (b)IA: Fayette Co.: Clermont Tp. (d); to AMER 1832 to NY; to Fayette Co., IA, 1854; husb, 4 chren remain
02/11/189091HEIZERMAN, JohnSMITH, Jane ELWARD*
02/11/189091SMITH, WillardELWARD, Jane*
02/11/189091MEINHOEFER, Agnes*35SHIFERTMEINHOEFER, CharlesPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 1 son, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; cancer
02/11/189091SHIFERT, Agnes*35MEINHOEFER, CharlesPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 1 son, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; cancer
02/11/189091MEINHOEFER, CharlesSHIFERT, Agnes*
02/11/189091SNIDER, Joseph*70OHOH: Basil area (d)
02/11/189091PLATZ, Amanda M.*29ILIN: East Germantown (b)IL: Marshall area (died at home of pars); dau of Rev. Geo. G. & Sarah; remaining: pars, 1 sis, 5 bros, of whom 3 are ministers; quick consumption
02/11/189091BISHOP, Emma*31WALLICKBISHOP, -----ININ: Cambridge City (b)IN: East Germantown (converted in Jan 1889); husb, 3 sis, 3 bros remain
02/11/189091WALLICK, Emma*31BISHOP, -----ININ: Cambridge City (b)IN: East Germantown (converted in Jan 1889); husb, 3 sis, 3 bros remain
02/11/189091BISHOP, -----WALLICK, Emma*
02/11/189091SOMMER, Barbara E.*51NEETINGSOMMER, ChristianILGERMANY: Niederania (b)IL: Sibley area (d); md 1867; one yr later to AMER to Chatsworth, IL; husb, 1 son, 3 sis, 1 bro remain; 3 chren dead
02/11/189091NEETING, Barbara E.*51SOMMER, ChristianILGERMANY: Niederania (b)IL: Sibley area (d); md 1867; one yr later to AMER to Chatsworth, IL; husb, 1 son, 3 sis, 1 bro remain; 3 chren dead
02/11/189091SOMMER, ChristianNEETING, Barbara E.*
02/11/189091WALTER, George*68HEBERLIN, SalomeWIALSACE: Munsenheim (b)WI: Monroe Co.: Little Falls (d); to AMER 1850 to Chicago, where md; to WI 1856; widow, 2 sons, 4 daus remain
02/11/189091HEBERLIN, SalomeWALTER, George*
02/11/189091WALTER, SalomeWALTER, George*
02/11/189091NEFF, Ellen*33HECKLERNEFF, JohnPAPA: Bucks Co.; Bridgetown (d); husb, pars, siblings remain
02/11/189091HECKLER, Ellen*33NEFF, JohnPAPA: Bucks Co.; Bridgetown (d); husb, pars, siblings remain
02/11/189091NEFF, JohnHECKLER, Ellen*
02/11/189091WEBER, Phil.*77----: Minister: FINKBEINER, C. S.; wife died abt 10 mos ago; 8 chren, 1 sis remain
02/11/189091GARN, Abraham*79GARN, SusannaININ: Burr Oak area (d); md 1832; Bishop Seybert often visited him and preached in his house
02/11/189091GARN, SusannaGARN, Abraham*
02/11/189091KUNSMAN, John Victor*37PAPA: Bucks Co.: Springtown (d); widow, son, bro, sisters remain; pneumonia
02/11/189091REICHARD, Sarah Jane*40REICHARD, GeorgePAPA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain
02/11/189091-----, Sarah Jane*40REICHARD, GeorgePAPA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain
02/11/189091REICHARD, George-----, Sarah Jane*
02/11/189091SODMAN, Elsie*9 mosILIL: Chicago (d); dau of Wm. & Carrie
02/11/189091REDINGER, Mary E.*51OHOH: Marshallville area (d); 4 sons, 1 dau remain
02/11/189091McCAULEY, Ella May*3KSKS: Brown Co.: Belview (d); dau of George & Dianna
02/11/189091JUNE, Edna Nora*8 mosILIL: Eldena (d); a twin of Edgar Noble JUNE; pneumonia [d. Jan 18, 1890]
02/11/189091JUNE, Edgar Noble*8 mosILIL: Eldena (d); a twin of Edna Nora JUNE [d. Jan 21, 1890]
02/11/189091ESHER, Edward Benjamin*7 mosILIL: Chicago (d); son of E. B. & Lillie [nee BOWMAN]; consumption of bowels
02/11/189091BOAS, Herbert Hendel*4 mosPAPA: Reading (d); son of Walter A. & Mary A.; heart disease [d. Jan. 16, 1890]
02/11/189091BOAS, Helen Hendel*4PAPA: Reading (d); dau of Walter A. & Mary A.; diphtheria [Jan. 18, 1890]
02/11/189091DIMMICK, Augustus Julius*1 moPAPA: Monroe Co.: Neola area (d)
02/18/1890107LAWRENCE, Peter*73PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown area (b)PA: Phoenixville (d); railroad accident w/ grson nearby; md Aug 4, 1839; converted Schuylkill Haven abt 48 yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead
02/18/1890107HUDGENS, Alma E.*37CROCKHUDGENS, HoraceILPA: Clinton Co. (b)IL: Davis area (died at home of pars, Reuben CROCK); moved West w/ pars 1864; md May 12, 1883; husb, 3 chren, pars, bro, 4 sis remain; consumption
02/18/1890107CROCK, Alma E.*37HUDGENS, HoraceILPA: Clinton Co. (b)IL: Davis area (died at home of pars, Reuben CROCK); moved West w/ pars 1864; md May 12, 1883; husb, 3 chren, pars, bro, 4 sis remain; consumption
02/18/1890107HUDGENS, HoraceCROCK, Alma E.*
02/18/1890107BOWER, Michael*77DEPPEN, LeahPAPA: Northumberland Co.: Upper Mahanoy (d); md 1837, wife d 15 yrs ago; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 ch apparently dead
02/18/1890107DEPPEN, LeahBOWER, Michael*
02/18/1890107BOWER, LeahBOWER, Michael*
02/18/1890107DUBS, Henrietta*77DUBS, Jacob (husb #2; md 1856; he the father of Bishop R. of Cleveland, OH & Jacob of Cleveland, TN)ILGERMANY (b)IL: Rock Grove area (d); to AMER 1855 w/ her 4 chren; 1 son, 1 dau remain; member Reformed Ch.
02/18/1890107-----, Henrietta*77POTTHAST, Henry (husb #1, died Germany)ILGERMANY (b)IL: Rock Grove area (d); to AMER 1855 w/ her 4 chren; 1 son, 1 dau remain; member Reformed Ch.
02/18/1890107POTTHAST, Henrietta*77DUBS, Jacob (husb #2; md 1856; he the father of Bishop R. of Cleveland, OH & Jacob of Cleveland, TN)ILGERMANY (b)IL: Rock Grove area (d); to AMER 1855 w/ her 4 chren; 1 son, 1 dau remain; member Reformed Ch.
02/18/1890107DUBS, JacobPOTTHAST, Henrietta*
02/18/1890107POTTHAST, Henry-----, Henrietta*
02/18/1890107ZEKIEL, Sarah Jane*32ZEKIEL, J. G.ININ: Fulton Co.: Bruce Lake area (b)IN: Marmont area (d); md 12 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption
02/18/1890107-----, Sarah Jane*32ZEKIEL, J. G.ININ: Fulton Co.: Bruce Lake area (b)IN: Marmont area (d); md 12 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption
02/18/1890107ZEKIEL, J. G.-----, Sarah Jane*
02/18/1890107HAAS, Mary Magdalen*77ILIL: Rush Creek (d); to AMER 1845; husb, 1 son, 3 daus remain
02/18/1890107MICHAEL, Henry*56TRUMBAUER, Henrietta L.IAPA: Northumberland Co. (b)IA: Hardin Co.: Ackley (d); md Sep 28, 1856; wife, 1 dau, aged mother, siblings remain; 2 chren dead
02/18/1890107TRUMBAUER, Henrietta L.MICHAEL, Henry*
02/18/1890107MICHAEL, Henrietta L.MICHAEL, Henry*
02/18/1890107BARKER, Joseph L.*82ROBERTS, Phebe T.IANY: Oneida Co. (b)IA: Cass Co.: Westfall area (d); md 1846; to IA 1873; wife, 1 son, 1 dau remain; oldest child dead
02/18/1890107ROBERTS, Phebe T.BARKER, Joseph L.*
02/18/1890107BARKER, Phebe T.BARKER, Joseph L.*
02/18/1890107BENTON, Sophia*69WATTSBENTON, -------ENGLAND: Sussex Co.: Petworth (b)--: Rush Evan. Church: funeral; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 dau died infancy; 1 son killed Civil War
02/18/1890107WATTS, Sophia*69BENTON, -------ENGLAND: Sussex Co.: Petworth (b)--: Rush Evan. Church: funeral; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 dau died infancy; 1 son killed Civil War
02/18/1890107BENTON, -----WATTS, Sophia*
02/18/1890107ZOELLNER, Mary*--WITENBURGHTOELLNER, ----- [obit heading is ZOELLNER--corr. Mar 4, 1890, p. 139]KSGERMANY: Mecklenburg (b)KS: Woodson Co.: Yates Center area (d); md for 33 yrs; husb, 1 child remain; 3 chren dead [corr. to TOELLNER, Mar 4, 1890, p. 139]
02/18/1890107TOELLNER, Mary*--WITENBURGHTOELLNER, ----- [obit heading is ZOELLNER--corr. Mar 4, 1890, p. 139]KSGERMANY: Mecklenburg (b)KS: Woodson Co.: Yates Center area (d); md for 33 yrs; husb, 1 child remain; 3 chren dead [corr. from ZOELLNER, Mar 4, 1890, p. 139]
02/18/1890107WITENBURGH, Mary*--TOELLNER, ----- [obit heading is ZOELLNER--corr. Mar 4, 1890, p. 139]KSGERMANY: Mecklenburg (b)KS: Woodson Co.: Yates Center area (d); md for 33 yrs; husb, 1 child remain; 3 chren dead
02/18/1890107TOELLNER, -----WITENBURGH, Mary*[obit heading is ZOELLNER, which is incorrect]
02/18/1890107KNEBES, Margaret*70KNEBES, PeterMIMI: Bainbridge (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain
02/18/1890107-----, Margaret*70KNEBES, PeterMIMI: Bainbridge (d); 4 sons, 6 daus remain
02/18/1890107KNEBES, Peter-----, Margaret*
02/18/1890107SCHEUFELE, Jacob*35MIMI: Allegan Co.: Leighton (d); wife, 4 sm chren remain; influenza
02/18/1890107CLOR, Margaret*74NYNY: Attica area (d); 7 chren, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. Wm. J. MERLE, of NY Conf.; husb, 2 chren dead
02/18/1890107RICKEL, Levi*58OHOH: West Salem area (d); widow, 4 sons, 1 dau, siblings remain
02/18/1890107MILLER, Samuel*77--OH: Fairfield Co. (b)--: Minister: LAMB, J. H.
02/18/1890107BARKLEY, Margaret Ann*59BARKLEY, FrancisPAPA: Beartown (d); husb, 4 daus, 1 son remain; cancer/consumption
02/18/1890107-----, Margaret Ann*59BARKLEY, Francis
02/18/1890107BARKLEY, Francis-----, Margaret Ann*
02/18/1890107DUNHAM, Estalona*26DUNHAM, WesleyMINY: Wayne Co. (b)MI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (d); md Jul 4, 1879; had 3 chren
02/18/1890107-----, Estalona*26DUNHAM, WesleyMINY: Wayne Co. (b)MI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (d); md Jul 4, 1879; had 3 chren
02/18/1890107DUNHAM, Wesley-----, Estalona*
02/18/1890107GRAHAM, George (Mrs.)*33IAIA: Windham (d); husb, 4 chren remain
02/18/1890107NICHOLAS, Mary Alice*24NICHOLAS, George W.PAPA: Catasaqua (d); funeral at Cherryville
02/18/1890107-----, Mary Alice*24NICHOLAS, George W.PAPA: Catasaqua (d); funeral at Cherryville
02/18/1890107NICHOLAS, George W.-----, Mary Alice*
02/18/1890107LEWIS, Elizabeth*86PAPA: Berwick (d); 1 dau remains
02/18/1890107SPEICHER, David E.*14ININ: Urbana area (d); son of John & Sarah; heart trouble & influenza
02/25/1890123BACHMAN, William H. (Rev.)*67DOLL, LucindaTXPA: Northampton Co.: Freemansburg area (b)TX: Archer Co.: Holiday (d); son of George & Sarah; md Jun 3, 1852; member E. PA Conf.; to TX 1877; oldest son George is TX state S. S. Supt.; wife, 3 sons, 3 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
02/25/1890123DOLL, LucindaBACHMAN, William H. (Rev.)*TX
02/25/1890123BACHMAN, LucindaBACHMAN, William H. (Rev.)*
02/25/1890123FISHER, David (Rev.)*75JENKENS, MaryNYPA: Northumberland Co.: Minersville (b)NY: Buffalo (d); md Jun 13, 1843, wife died 10 yrs ago; lengthy list of his pastorates in East PA Conf.; 3 sons, 2 daus, 3 daus-in-law, 1 son-in-law remain; 2 chren dead; bur Lyons, NY, next to wife
02/25/1890123JENKENS, MaryFISHER, David (Rev.)*
02/25/1890123FISHER, MaryFISHER, David (Rev.)*
02/25/1890123RICKERT, Samuel (Rev.)*86ILPA: Berks (now [1890] Schuylkill) Co.: Manheim (b)IL: Naperville (d in presence of son, Richard); md Berks (now [1890] Schuylkill) Co.; moved West 1844; 2 sons, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; wife, 4 chren dead. Converted Jan 1824 at his father Richard Rickert's house, Orwigsburg, PA.
02/25/1890123MICK, Benjamin*67BROWN, SusanILIL: Freeport (d); md Dec. 24, 1844 in Canton, OH; 2 chren res Freeport: Joseph & Vianna, wife of J. W. BUCKS; to Plainfield, IL, 1851; to Waterloo, IA 1867; to Freeport, 1874; wife, above 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead
02/25/1890123BROWN, SusanMICK, Benjamin*
02/25/1890123MICK, SusanMICK, Benjamin*
02/25/1890123NICHOLS, Minnie Caroline*22LUTMANNICHOLS, -----COCO: Denver (d); to Denver Mar 1889; res prev Creston, IA; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bur Afton, IA
02/25/1890123LUTMAN, Minnie Caroline*22NICHOLS, -----COCO: Denver (d); to Denver Mar 1889; res prev Creston, IA; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bur Afton, IA
02/25/1890123NICHOLS, -----LUTMAN, Minnie Caroline*
02/25/1890123RAPP, Phillip*78ILGERMANY: Alsace: Sundhausen (b)IL: Geneseo (d); to AMER 1833 to Warren, PA; to Lorain area, Henry Co., IL, 1837; to Geneseo abt 13 yrs ago; wife, 6 sons, 5 daus remain
02/25/1890123STANGER, Mary U.*50HARTZELSTANGER, Martin E.ILPA: Warren (b)IL: Downer's Grove (d); to IL 1863; md 1864; husb, 1 son, 1 dau, 4 bros remain; the dau md. Rev. Wm. FORKEL of IL Conf.
02/25/1890123HARTZEL, Mary U.*50STANGER, Martin E.ILPA: Warren (b)IL: Downer's Grove (d); to IL 1863; md 1864; husb, 1 son, 1 dau, 4 bros remain; the dau md. Rev. Wm. FORKEL of IL Conf.
02/25/1890123STANGER, Martin E.HARTZEL, Mary U.*
02/25/1890123RUFF, Elizabeth*43RUFF, Wm.KSGERMANY (b)KS: Ness City area (d); to AMER as infant; md in OH 22 yrs ago; to KS 5 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; 4 chren dead
02/25/1890123-----, Elizabeth*43RUFF, Wm.KSGERMANY (b)KS: Ness City area (d); to AMER as infant; md in OH 22 yrs ago; to KS 5 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; 4 chren dead
02/25/1890123RUFF, Wm.-----, Elizabeth*
02/25/1890123TYLER, William*88NENE: Blue Springs (d); to NE Mar 1859; widow, 4 chren remain
02/25/1890123KISTLER, Stephen M.*68PAPA: Monroe Co.: Bartonsville (d); widow, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; funeral at M.E. church, East Stroudsburg, PA
02/25/1890123STREIB, Martin*74MUELLER, ElizabethPAGERMANY: Baden: Aglasterhausen (b)PA: Pittsburgh (d); md 1841; to AMER 1854 to Pittsburgh; member of Evan. Mission church on 52nd St. at its founding; widow, 1 son, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
02/25/1890123MUELLER, ElizabethSTREIB, Martin*
02/25/1890123STREIB, ElizabethSTREIB, Martin*
02/25/1890123GOOD, Joseph*83WOERLINE, JuliaILPA: Somerset Co. (b)IL: Washington (d); md May 17, 1827; to Washington, IL, 1864; widow, 10 chren remain; 5 chren dead
02/25/1890123WOERLINE, JuliaGOOD, Joseph*
02/25/1890123GOOD, JuliaGOOD, Joseph*
02/25/1890123SENSENBACH, Sarah*78SENSENBACH, IsraelPAPA: Allentown (d); 1 dau, 5 sons remain; husb, 4 chren dead; pneumonia
02/25/1890123-----, Sarah*78SENSENBACH, IsraelPAPA: Allentown (d); 1 dau, 5 sons remain; husb, 4 chren dead; pneumonia
02/25/1890123SENSENBACH, Israel-----, Sarah*
02/25/1890123SCHUBERT, George W.24PAPA: Catasauqua (b)PA: Allentown (res); son of Charles & Lena; father, 2 sis remain; mother, 3 sis, 1 bro dead; consumption
02/25/1890123MATHEWS, John C. F.*20MIMI: Monroe Co.: Oakville (d); son of Christian & Minnie; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption
02/25/1890123WEATHERWAX, Catharine*82SICKELSWEATHERWAX, -----OHNJ: Monmouth Co. (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Blissfield (d)
02/25/1890123SICKELS, Catharine*82WEATHERWAX, -----OHNJ: Monmouth Co. (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Blissfield (d)
02/25/1890123WEATHERWAX, -----SICKELS, Catharine*
02/25/1890123WOOD, Josephine V.*--WOOD, B. F.KSKS: Athelstane area (d); husb, 2 chren remain; asthma & consumption
02/25/1890123-----, Josephine V.*--WOOD, B. F.KSKS: Athelstane area (d); husb, 2 chren remain; asthma & consumption
02/25/1890123WOOD, B. F.-----, Josephine V.*
02/25/1890123DUNKELBERGER, Emma Jane*34DUNKELBERGER, Edwin W.PAPA: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 5 chren, mother, 5 bros, 3 sis remain; confinement
02/25/1890123-----, Emma Jane*34DUNKELBERGER, Edwin W.PAPA: Mt. Carmel (d); husb, 5 chren, mother, 5 bros, 3 sis remain; confinement
02/25/1890123DUNKELBERGER, Edwin W.-----, Emma Jane*
02/25/1890123HAMILTON, Jacob Edwin*25PAPA: Old Chester (d); wife, child, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; typhoid
02/25/1890123HOFFMAN, Carl E. A.*6----: submitted by "A Friend"; son of John; services by Rev. BLUE of Presby. Church; diphtheria
02/25/1890123CLEMSON, Rebecca*94PAPA: Pequea (d); chren remain
02/25/1890123GINKINGER, George Henry*2--PA: Allentown (b)--: Minister: KRECKER, A. [poss. PA]; son of Harvey & Emma E.; menengitis [sic]
02/25/1890123LEITZKE, -----*2 wks----: Minister: FEHNEL, B. J.; dau of Henry & Sophronia
02/25/1890123SWARTZ, Daniel Clement*17OHOH: Stoutsville area (d); son of Noah & Jennie
03/04/1890139BACH, J.*79WALTEN, Agnes Cath.IALOWER ALSACE: Herbitzheim (b)IA: Linn Co.: Otter Creek (died at home of son); res Northfield, Cook Co., IL; md Feb. 11, 1843; one of 1st members at Des Plaines, IL; went to the barn and died there on his knees, speechless
03/04/1890139WALTEN, Agnes Cath.BACH, J.*
03/04/1890139BACH, Agnes Cath.BACH, J.*
03/04/1890139MORR, Mary*59MYERSMORR, SamuelOHOH: Ashland (d); Ashland Cem.: Samuel D. Morr Feb 15, 1829 - Jan. 1, 1914; Mary Myers, wife of S. Dec 25, 1830 - Feb 11, 1890; md Feb 11, 1843; husb, 3 daus, 2 sons, 1 sis remain
03/04/1890139MYERS, Mary*59MORR, SamuelOHOH: Ashland (d); Ashland Cem.: Samuel D. Morr Feb 15, 1829 - Jan. 1, 1914; Mary Myers, wife of S. Dec 25, 1830 - Feb 11, 1890; md Feb 11, 1843; husb, 3 daus, 2 sons, 1 sis remain
03/04/1890139MORR, SamuelMYERS, Mary*
03/04/1890139ROBINSON, Martha*44McFADDENROBINSON, CharlesINONT: Middlesex Co.: Oxford Tp. (b)IN: Elkhart Co.: Middleport (d); md Jul 15, 1867 at Middlesex Co., ONT; to Henry Co., IL, 1871; then Niles, MI; then Middleport; husb, 1 son, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; 1 child dead
03/04/1890139McFADDEN, Martha*44ROBINSON, CharlesINONT: Middlesex Co.: Oxford Tp. (b)IN: Elkhart Co.: Middleport (d); md Jul 15, 1867 at Middlesex Co., ONT; to Henry Co., IL, 1871; then Niles, MI; then Middleport; husb, 1 son, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; 1 child dead
03/04/1890139ROBINSON, CharlesMcFADDEN, Martha*
03/04/1890139LINK, Paul*56LINK, MariaONTWURTEMBERG: Drosingen (b)ONT: Crediton (d); to Rainham, ONT, 1853; md 1861 to Maria LINK, widow of his bro, John; wife, 8 chren, aged father, 3 bros, 1 sis remain
03/04/1890139LINK, MariaLINK, Paul*[widow of his bro, John]
03/04/1890139OBERLIN, William*33WAGNER, ----- [dau of Rev. Adam]ILIL: Groveland (b)IL: Kankakee Co.: Salina (d); md 1881, the dau of Rev. Adam WAGNER [no given name stated]; widow, 2 sm chren, father, step-mother, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; eldest child dead
03/04/1890139WAGNER, -----OBERLIN, William*[dau of Rev. Adam]
03/04/1890139OBERLIN, -----OBERLIN, William*
03/04/1890139STETZEL, Dorothea*80REIFSTECKSTETZEL, Geo.INGERMANY: Alsace: Dept. of Weisenburgh: Hatten (b)IN: Huntington (d); to AMER 1830; md same yr, husb the bro of the late Rev. Henry of PA; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead
03/04/1890139REIFSTECK, Dorothea*80STETZEL, Geo.INGERMANY: Alsace: Dept. of Weisenburgh: Hatten (b)IN: Huntington (d); to AMER 1830; md same yr, husb the bro of the late Rev. Henry of PA; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead
03/04/1890139STETZEL, Geo.REIFSTECK, Dorothea*
03/04/1890139HORNBERGER, Annie*65HORNBERGER, Caspar----: Minister: STOVER, J. D.
03/04/1890139-----, Annie*65HORNBERGER, Caspar----: Minister: STOVER, J. D.
03/04/1890139HORNBERGER, Caspar-----, Annie*
03/04/1890139AUKRIM, Lillie*18AUKRIM, IsaacIAIA: Hardin Co. (b)IA: Marshalltown (d); md Dec 25, 1888; child died Dec. 12, 1889; she d Feb 15, 1890
03/04/1890139-----, Lillie*18AUKRIM, IsaacIAIA: Hardin Co. (b)IA: Marshalltown (d); md Dec 25, 1888; child died Dec. 12, 1889; she d Feb 15, 1890
03/04/1890139AUKRIM, Isaac-----, Lillie*
03/04/1890139KANTNER, Anna Elizabeth*72STERNERKANTNER, WilliamPAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Jacob & Sophia; husb, 3 chren remain; 6 chren dead
03/04/1890139STERNER, Anna Elizabeth*72KANTNER, WilliamPAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); dau of Jacob & Sophia; husb, 3 chren remain; 6 chren dead
03/04/1890139KANTNER, WilliamSTERNER, Anna Elizabeth*
03/04/1890139BRAUNSCHWEIG, Philip, Sr.*56EICHHORN, CarolineNYPRUSSIA: Ottweiler (b)NY: Steuben Co.: South Dansville (d); to AMER 1846; md May 21, 1859; widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead
03/04/1890139EICHHORN, CarolineBRAUNSCHWEIG, Philip, Sr.*
03/04/1890139BRAUNSCHWEIG, CarolineBRAUNSCHWEIG, Philip, Sr.*
03/04/1890139HELMICK, Henry*81OHPRUSSIA: Westphalia: Westkilver (b)OH: Defiance area (d); to AMER 1846; 5 chren remain; 2 wives, 7 chren dead [md twice, wives not named here]
03/04/1890139HILL, Bethena A.*--OROR: Clackamas Co. (d); husb, 2 sons remain; dau died 5+ mos ago; was forcibly thrown from wagon,, suffered a 2nd amputation of the right lower limb
03/04/1890139MIESSE, Rachel*77MIESSE, AbrahamPAPA: Pottsville (d); an only dau, + step-son & dau remain [this a little unclear]
03/04/1890139-----, Rachel*77MIESSE, AbrahamPAPA: Pottsville (d); an only dau, + step-son & dau remain [this a little unclear]
03/04/1890139MIESSE, Abraham-----, Rachel*
03/04/1890139TAYLOR, Warren C.*24ININ: Rochester (d); pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; consumption
03/04/1890139HOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*56CLOSE, Mary (wife #1; md 1857, she died 6 yrs ago, survived by 6 chren)OHGERMANY: Baden (res prev)OH: Fremont area (d); to AMER age 19; wife, 7 sons & daus remain
03/04/1890139HOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*56HILL, Maggie (Mrs.) (wife #2; md 1885)OHGERMANY: Baden (res prev)OH: Fremont area (d); to AMER age 19; wife, 7 sons & daus remain
03/04/1890139CLOSE, MaryHOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*
03/04/1890139HOEFFLINGER, MaryHOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*
03/04/1890139HILL, Maggie (Mrs.)HOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*
03/04/1890139HOEFFLINGER, MaggieHOEFFLINGER, George Jacob*
03/04/1890139HENNINGER, Saloma*63FITZETHALERHENNINGER, -----ILGERMANY: Tebsheim (b)IL: Hampshire area (d); md Dec. 25, 1855; to AMER 1866; converted nr Des Plaines, IL 1867; husb, 3 chren remain
03/04/1890139FITZETHALER, Saloma*63HENNINGER, -----ILGERMANY: Tebsheim (b)IL: Hampshire area (d); md Dec. 25, 1855; to AMER 1866; converted nr Des Plaines, IL 1867; husb, 3 chren remain
03/04/1890139HENNINGER -----, FITZETHALER, Saloma*
03/04/1890139KUNKEL, Magdalene*81MOPA: York Co.: Shrewsbury (b)MO: Oregon (d); converted in OH age 15 yrs; res w/ bro Daniel since 1852
03/04/1890139MILLER, Catharine*74MILLER, PhilipPAPA: Birdsboro Circuit: Pine Swamp Church area (d); husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain
03/04/1890139-----, Catharine*74MILLER, PhilipPAPA: Birdsboro Circuit: Pine Swamp Church area (d); husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain
03/04/1890139MILLER, Philip-----, Catharine*
03/04/1890139MULLET, Elizabeth*80MULLET, JacobOHSWITZERLAND (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Bloomfield area (d); one of 1st members Salem German class [church]; 1 son, 1 dau remain
03/04/1890139-----, Elizabeth*80MULLET, JacobOHSWITZERLAND (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Bloomfield area (d); one of 1st members Salem German class [church]; 1 son, 1 dau remain
03/04/1890139MULLET, Jacob-----, Elizabeth*
03/04/1890139SCHNECKENBURGER, Eliz.*78KSGERMANY: Baden: Gernsbach (b)KS: Lincoln Co. (d); husb, 1 child remains
03/04/1890139BAST, Esther*67BAST, HenryPAPA: Pottsville (d); md 50 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; one dau md Rev. ACORNLY of Primitive Meth. Church
03/04/1890139-----, Esther*67BAST, HenryPAPA: Pottsville (d); md 50 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; one dau md Rev. ACORNLY of Primitive Meth. Church
03/04/1890139BAST, Henry-----, Esther*
03/04/1890139RHODES, Mary Viola*33CARPENTERRHODES, Frank J.----: Minister: HARTMAN, C. H.; dau of James & Elizabeth; md Apr 26, 1879; husb, 3 chren remain
03/04/1890139CARPENTER, Mary Viola*33RHODES, Frank J.----: Minister: HARTMAN, C. H.; dau of James & Elizabeth; md Apr 26, 1879; husb, 3 chren remain
03/04/1890139RHODES, Frank J.CARPENTER, Mary Viola*
03/04/1890139HEIL, Nathan (Rev.)*65PAPA: Berlinsville (d); father of Rev. W. F. of East PA Conf.; Bright's disease
03/04/1890139HINKEL, Jacob H.*25NYNY: Montg. Co.: Stone Arabia (b)NY: Binghamton (d); son of Phil. & Henrietta; was in printing business; bur Stone Arabia; bilious fever caused by relapse of the grippe
03/04/1890139WAGNER, Elizabeth*80INPA: Franklin Co. (b)IN: Vanburen area (d); 7 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead
03/04/1890139PAULIN, Esher Elmer*8 mosOHOH: Wayne Co.: Burbank (b)OH: Medina Co. (d); whooping cough
03/04/1890139SWARTZ, John*63----: Minister; STOVER, J. D.
03/04/1890139LINDENMUTH, Howard*18PAPA: Pottsville (d); son of Chas.; pars, sis remain; consumption
03/04/1890139FOOS, Louisa*38FOOS, CurtisMOMO: Newpoint (d); an invalid, la grippe caused her death
03/04/1890139-----, Louisa*38FOOS, CurtisMOMO: Newpoint (d); an invalid, la grippe caused her death
03/04/1890139FOOS, Curtis-----, Louisa*
03/04/1890139GROVE, Ambrose Quincy*33ININ: Burr Oak (d); converted 8 days prior; wife, 2-yr-old dau, father, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption
03/04/1890139LEE, Johnny D.*20PAPA: Monroe Co.: Henryville area (d); pars, 4 bros remain; la grippe/pneumonia
03/04/1890139SWENK, Maria*81PAPA: Cressona (d)
03/04/1890139NICHOLAS, Mary A.*24NICHOLAS, G. W.PAPA: Catasauqua (d); bur Cherryville; la grippe/convulsions
03/04/1890139-----, Mary A.*24NICHOLAS, G. W.PAPA: Catasauqua (d); bur Cherryville; la grippe/convulsions
03/04/1890139NICHOLAS, G. W.-----, Mary A.*
03/04/1890139SHELDEN, Christina C.*------: Minister: McCRACKEN, G. W.; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain
03/04/1890139SCHUMACHER, Mamie Elizabeth*1TNTN: Cleveland (d); dau of L. F. & Mary; influenza
03/04/1890139COFFIN, Elizabeth*54COFFIN, Wm.PAPA: Danielsville (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain
03/04/1890139-----, Elizabeth*54COFFIN, Wm.PAPA: Danielsville (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain
03/04/1890139COFFIN, Wm.-----, Elizabeth*
03/04/1890139HUTSON, Alice*1IAIA: Shueyville (d); dau of James R. & Mary L.; whooping cough
03/04/1890139LEPPERT, Elizabeth Christina*36LEPPERT, MichaelILIL: Mason Co.: Easten area (d); husb, 7 chren, mother, 1 sis, 1 step-bro remain
03/04/1890139-----, Elizabeth Christina*36LEPPERT, MichaelILIL: Mason Co.: Easten area (d); husb, 7 chren, mother, 1 sis, 1 step-bro remain
03/04/1890139LEPPERT, Michael-----, Elizabeth Christina*
03/04/1890139EXAMPLE: STEP-BRO, see LEPPERT, Elizabeth Christina, Mar 4, 1890, p. 139
03/04/1890139NOLAND, Bessie Buehla*4MOMO: Oregon (d); dau of Charles & Fanny; pneumonia
03/04/1890139STEVENS, Orwill*8 mos----: Minister: HADDIX, A. M.; son of Truman & Susan; influenza
03/11/1890155LONG, Daniel N. (Rev.)*76FLICKINGER, Susanna (wife #1; md Nov 4, 1841, wife d Oct 14, 1882, Blairstown; had 3 sons, 3 daus)IAPA: Somerset Co. (b)IA: Blairstown (d); does not list survivors, though had 6 chren; member E. PA Conf . 1835; member Des Moines Conf. since it began; pneumonia
03/11/1890155LONG, Daniel N. (Rev.)*76STIEGLEMYER, Hannah S. (wife #2; md Feb 9, 1887)IAPA: Somerset Co. (b)IA: Blairstown (d); does not list survivors, though had 6 chren; member E. PA Conf . 1835; member Des Moines Conf. since it began; pneumonia
03/11/1890155FLICKINGER, SusannaLONG Daniel N. (Rev.)*
03/11/1890155LONG, SusannaLONG Daniel N. (Rev.)*
03/11/1890155STIEGLEMYER, Hannah S.LONG Daniel N. (Rev.)*
03/11/1890155LONG, Hannah S.LONG Daniel N. (Rev.)*
03/11/1890155COX, Mary*83PAPA: Montour Co.: White Hall area (died at home of son David A.); converted at Muncy ca 60 yrs ago; pneumonia
03/11/1890155LAUCK, Caroline*37HUMMELLAUCK, David--IL: Orangeville (b)--: Rock City (d); dau of Isaac; md Dec 22, 1875; husb, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain
03/11/1890155HUMMEL, Caroline*37LAUCK, David--IL: Orangeville (b)--: Rock City (d); dau of Isaac; md Dec 22, 1875; husb, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain
03/11/1890155LAUCK, DavidHUMMEL, Caroline*
03/11/1890155BOWERS, Levi J.*53GOOD, Nancy M.ILPA: Union Co. (b)IL: Forreston (d); md Apr 25, 1861, wife of Mt. Carroll, IL; wife, 2 daus, 1 son, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 1 son; pars, siblings dead
03/11/1890155GOOD, Nancy M.BOWERS, Levi J.*
03/11/1890155BOWERS, Nancy M.BOWERS, Levi J.*
03/11/1890155BAKER, Mary*72GREENWALDBAKER, SamuelOHPA: Ashland Co. [sic: there is no Ashland Co. in PA] (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock area (d); to Wayne Co., OH, age 13; md at age 18, husb died 1865. "She was the mother of 9 children, 3 sons and 5 daughters, 1 son and 1 daughter preceded her."
03/11/1890155GREENWALD, Mary*72BAKER, SamuelOHPA: Ashland Co. [sic: there is no Ashland Co. in PA] (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock area (d); to Wayne Co., OH, age 13; md at age 18, husb died 1865. "She was the mother of 9 children, 3 sons and 5 daughters, 1 son and 1 daughter preceded her."
03/11/1890155BAKER, SamuelGREENWALD, Mary*
03/11/1890155KARCHER, Ida Ellen*21ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott Tp. (d); dau of John & Elizabeth KARCHER; lung fever
03/11/1890155SINGLE, Peter*72ILPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IL: Mason Co.: Manito area (d); 2nd wife, 6 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 1st wife, 7 chren dead [md twice, wives not named here]
03/11/1890155DAVIS, George A.*61MIMI: Exeter (d); wife, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 son dead. "His remains were laid to rest in the garden of his home for the present."
03/11/1890155EXAMPLE: remains laid to rest in his garden for the present, see DAVIS, George A.* Mar 11, 1890, p. 155
03/11/1890155LAMBRIGHT, Nancy*47LAMBRIGHT, S. W.OHOH: Akron (d); bur Canal Fulton, OH, her prev residence; husb, 1 son, 3 daughters remain
03/11/1890155-----, Nancy*47LAMBRIGHT, S. W.OHOH: Akron (d); bur Canal Fulton, OH, her prev residence; husb, 1 son, 3 daughters remain
03/11/1890155LAMBRIGHT, S. W.-----, Nancy*
03/11/1890155DAUFEL, Margaretta*73INGERMANY (b)IN: Miami Co.: Bunker Hill area (d); to AMER 1852 to res w/ bro, Geo. DAUFEL; 2 bros, 1 sis remain
03/11/1890155HARTMAN, Joseph*87PAPA: Allentown (d); 5 chren remain
03/11/1890155HARRIS, Eliza*81PEACHHARRIS, T.OHVA (b)OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead
03/11/1890155PEACH, Eliza*81HARRIS, T.OHVA (b)OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead
03/11/1890155HARRIS, T.PEACH, Eliza*
03/11/1890155HARPSTER, Catherine*75HEETERHARPSTER, Wm.INPA: Union Co. (b)IN: Leiter's Ford area (d); to Seneca Co., OH, 1828, where md 1839; to Pulaski Co., IN, 1848; to Leiter's Ford, 1861; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; status of husb not given
03/11/1890155HEETER, Catherine*75HARPSTER, Wm.INPA: Union Co. (b)IN: Leiter's Ford area (d); to Seneca Co., OH, 1828, where md 1839; to Pulaski Co., IN, 1848; to Leiter's Ford, 1861; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; status of husb not given
03/11/1890155HARPSTER, Wm.HEETER, Catherine*
03/11/1890155FELTON, Wm. R.*29OHOH: Akron (d); md 2 months before death; widow, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; pneumonia
03/11/1890155LEPPERT, Elizabeth Christina*36SCHUNDELMEIERLEPPERT, MichaelILIL: Mason Co.: Easten area (d); md 1877; husb, 7 chren, mother, 1 sis, 1 step-bro remain
03/11/1890155SCHUNDELMEIER, Elizabeth Christina*36LEPPERT, MichaelILIL: Mason Co.: Easten area (d); md 1877; husb, 7 chren, mother, 1 sis, 1 step-bro remain
03/11/1890155LEPPERT, MichaelSCHUNDELMEIER, Elizabeth Christina*
03/11/1890155EXAMPLE: OBIT published twice, 2nd time w/ maiden name, see LEPPERT, Elizabeth Christina, Mar 11, 1890, p. 155
03/11/1890155PICKARD, Anna*54IAIA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d)
03/11/1890155SHELHORN, Philippine*63ILIL: Wabash Co.: Mt. Carmel (d); 3 sons, 1 sis remain
03/11/1890155GACKENBACH, Mary Ann*67ROMIGGACKENBACH, DavidPAPA: Allentown (d); 6 sons, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead [she a relict of David]
03/11/1890155ROMIG, Mary Ann*67GACKENBACH, DavidPAPA: Allentown (d); 6 sons, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead [she a relict of David]
03/11/1890155GACKENBACH, DavidROMIG, Mary Ann*
03/11/1890155THEIS, Gertrude Emma*18ININ: Elkhart (b)IN: Elkhart (d); dau of Christian & Susan E.
03/11/1890155FAUSNAUGH, Matilda*47TOBIASFAUSNAUGH, -----OHOH: Pickaway Co. (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Green Springs area (d); husb, 3 sons remain, one having gone before; la grippe
03/11/1890155TOBIAS, Matilda*47FAUSNAUGH, -----OHOH: Pickaway Co. (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Green Springs area (d); husb, 3 sons remain, one having gone before; la grippe
03/11/1890155FAUSNAUGH, -----TOBIAS, Matilda*
03/11/1890155GEYMAN, Emma Esther Rachel*5 mosSDSD: Centerville (d); spasms caused by teething
03/11/1890155MAU, August*8MIMI: Saginaw (d); son & youngest ch.; diphtheria
03/18/1890171KNEDLER, Ann*68KNEDLER, Harrison (husb #2; md 1852)ILPA: Nittany Valley (b)IL: Lake Co.: Prarie [sic] View (d); to Stephenson Co., IL w/ pars, 1841; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; pneumonia
03/18/1890171-----, Ann*68RUTH, Reuben (husb #1; md 1843, he died 1850)ILPA: Nittany Valley (b)IL: Lake Co.: Prarie [sic] View (d); to Stephenson Co., IL w/ pars, 1841; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; pneumonia
03/18/1890171RUTH, Ann*68KNEDLER, Harrison (husb #2; md 1852)ILPA: Nittany Valley (b)IL: Lake Co.: Prarie [sic] View (d); to Stephenson Co., IL w/ pars, 1841; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; pneumonia
03/18/1890171KNEDLER, HarrisonRUTH, Ann*
03/18/1890171RUTH, Reuben-----, Ann*
03/18/1890171GASS, John*72PAHESSEN: Allendorf (b)PA: Tarentum (d); to AMER 1848; md 1850; wife, 13 chren remain; 1 child dead
03/18/1890171HOFFMAN, Susanna*55HOFFMAN, CharlesINOH: Stark Co. (b)IN: Salem area (d); husb, 3 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; bur Salem Cem.
03/18/1890171-----, Susanna*55HOFFMAN, CharlesINOH: Stark Co. (b)IN: Salem area (d); husb, 3 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; bur Salem Cem.
03/18/1890171HOFFMAN, Charles-----, Susanna*
03/18/1890171BRINKMAN, Regina*73MEYERBRINKMAN, -----NEGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Lauffer (b)NE: Yutan (d); dau Paulina md Rev. F. HULLHORST, M.D., minister in German Ref. Ch.; also bros Christopher & Gottlieb MEYER, both of Stephenson Co., IL; bur Freeport [IL]
03/18/1890171EXAMPLE: NAMES chren/bros, see BRINKMAN, Regina*, Mar 18 1890, p. 171
03/18/1890171MEYER, Regina*73BRINKMAN, -----NEGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Lauffer (b)NE: Yutan (d); dau Paulina md Rev. F. HULLHORST, M.D., minister in German Ref. Ch.; also bros Christopher & Gottlieb MEYER, both of Stephenson Co., IL; bur Freeport [IL]
03/18/1890171BRINKMAN, -----MEYER, Regina*
03/18/1890171BRENNER, Susan*81JORDYBRENNER, AdamIAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IA: Beloit (d); md abt 45 yrs; 9 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
03/18/1890171JORDY, Susan*81BRENNER, AdamIAPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IA: Beloit (d); md abt 45 yrs; 9 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
03/18/1890171BRENNER, AdamJORDY, Susan*
03/18/1890171KERNS, Rachel E.*51LOGANKERNS, AbrahamOHOH: Pickaway Co. (b)--: Minister: COCKLIN, P. [poss. De Graff area, OH]; md Oct 14, 1858; 4 chren remain 1 child dead; husb status not given
03/18/1890171LOGAN, Rachel E.*51KERNS, AbrahamOHOH: Pickaway Co. (b)--: Minister: COCKLIN, P. [poss. De Graff area, OH]; md Oct 14, 1858; 4 chren remain 1 child dead; husb status not given
03/18/1890171KERNS, AbrahamLOGAN, Rachel E.
03/18/1890171PIFER, J. W.*39PAPA: Indiana Co.: Marchand area (d); son of Rev. John & Eva; wife, 3 daus, mother, bro, 5 sis remain
03/18/1890171FERTIG, Catherine*51FERTIG, JohnPAPA: Pottsville (d); husb, 7 chren remain
03/18/1890171-----, Catherine*51FERTIG, JohnPAPA: Pottsville (d); husb, 7 chren remain
03/18/1890171FERTIG, John-----, Catherine*
03/18/1890171HAUG, Jacob F.*74INGERMANY: Wurtemburg: Lochgan (b)IN: Wells Co.: Newville (d); to AMER age 31; to IN age 38
03/18/1890171GUBSER, Joseph*83ORSWITZERLAND (b)OR: Newberg area (d); to OR 1852; raised Roman Catholic, converted 1857; influenza
03/18/1890171BORK, Adaline*32GROSSMANBORK, -----NYNY: Rome (d); dau of David & Magdalena; pars, siblings remain; husb dead
03/18/1890171GROSSMAN, Adaline*32BORK, -----NYNY: Rome (d); dau of David & Magdalena; pars, siblings remain; husb dead
03/18/1890171BORK, -----GROSSMAN, Adaline*
03/18/1890171BARRETT, Flora (Miss)*27----: Minister: NEFF, H. E.
03/18/1890171NORTON, James Luther*43OHOH: Minister: COCKLIN, P. of DeGraff at this time; wife, 4 chren remain
03/18/1890171CATLOW, Mary*38TRIBELCATLOW, -----ILIL: Barrington (d); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption
03/18/1890171TRIBEL, Mary*38CATLOW, -----ILIL: Barrington (d); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption
03/18/1890171CATLOW, -----TRIBEL, Mary*
03/18/1890171PAINTER, John C.*19PAPA: Indiana Co.: Cano [sic] Tp. (d); mother, several siblings remain
03/18/1890171CARDER, Daisy Bell*1OHOH: Minister: COCKLIN, P. of DeGraff at this time; dau of John F.
03/25/1890187KNERR, G. (Rev.)*71ZIEGLER, ElizabethPAPA: Northumberland Co. (d)PA: Easton (funeral); md Feb. 6, 1836, wife d Oct 20, 1889; 4 daus, 2 sons remain, one son is Rev. J. K.; 5 chren dead, one being Rev. I. E. of E. PA Conf.; the son of I.E. is Rev. George, Jr. of E. PA Conf.; bur Allentown, PA,; lengthy obit
03/25/1890187ZIEGLER, ElizabethKNERR, G. (Rev.)*
03/25/1890187KNERR, ElizabethKNERR, G. (Rev.)*
03/25/1890187WORMAN, Sarah Lydia*42WORMAN, L. N. (Rev.)PAPA: Trevorton (d); md Oct 1876; husb, son 5+ yrs, aged mother, siblings remain; eldest son & dau dead; bur Bethlem [sic], PA; consumption
03/25/1890187-----, Sarah Lydia*42WORMAN, L. N. (Rev.)PAPA: Trevorton (d); md Oct 1876; husb, son 5+ yrs, aged mother, siblings remain; eldest son & dau dead; bur Bethlem [sic], PA; consumption
03/25/1890187WORMAN, L. N. (Rev.)-----, Sarah Lydia*
03/25/1890187HAGEMAN, Elizabeth*80ROUCHHAGEMAN, JesseILOH: Stark Co. (b)IL: M'Donough Co.: Bushnell area (d); to west of Wooster, OH, age 13 yrs; she & husb to IL 1860; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
03/25/1890187ROUCH, Elizabeth*80HAGEMAN, JesseILOH: Stark Co. (b)IL: M'Donough Co.: Bushnell area (d); to west of Wooster, OH, age 13 yrs; she & husb to IL 1860; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
03/25/1890187HAGEMAN, JesseROUCH, Elizabeth*
03/25/1890187FARINGER, Ida Jane*20ILIL: Freeport (d); dau of John & Mary
03/25/1890187WINDECKER, William H.*42ILIL: Rock Grove area (d); wife, 3 chren, father, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; mother, sis dead
03/25/1890187SNELLENBERGER, Nanne*23REDDINGSNELLENBERGER, Wm.ININ: Elkhart (b)IN: Elkhart (d); husb, parents remain
03/25/1890187REDDING, Nanne*23SNELLENBERGER, Wm.ININ: Elkhart (b)IN: Elkhart (d); husb, parents remain
03/25/1890187SNELLENBERGER, Wm.REDDING, Nanne*
03/25/1890187NEHS, Elizabeth*83OSMANNEHS, Frederick (husb #2; he of WI)ILNJ: Mansfield (b)IL: Jackson (died at home of dau); 6 chren remain, one of whom is md to Rev. B. C. WAGNER, of IL Conf.; husbs & 2 chren dead
03/25/1890187OSMAN, Elizabeth*83RHODES, Joseph (husb #1, he of PA)ILNJ: Mansfield (b)IL: Jackson (died at home of dau); 6 chren remain, one of whom is md to Rev. B. C. WAGNER, of IL Conf.; husbs & 2 chren dead
03/25/1890187RHODES, Elizabeth*83OSMANNEHS, Frederick (husb #2; he of WI)ILNJ: Mansfield (b)IL: Jackson (died at home of dau); 6 chren remain, one of whom is md to Rev. B. C. WAGNER, of IL Conf.; husbs & 2 chren dead
03/25/1890187NEHS, FrederickRHODES, Elizabeth OSMAN*
03/25/1890187RHODES, JosephOSMAN, Elizabeth*
03/25/1890187FULTON, Lydia A.*34FULTON, DavidILOH: Tuscarawas Co. (b)IL: Carroll Co.: York (d); to Carroll Co. Apr 1872; md Sep 5, 1872; husb, 4 daus, father, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
03/25/1890187-----, Lydia A.*34FULTON, DavidILOH: Tuscarawas Co. (b)IL: Carroll Co.: York (d); to Carroll Co. Apr 1872; md Sep 5, 1872; husb, 4 daus, father, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
03/25/1890187FULTON, David-----, Lydia A.*
03/25/1890187EBERHART, Esther*88AURANDEBERHART, Abraham--PA: Westmoreland Co. (b)--: submitted by "A Friend"; 5 sons are ministers: 1 is an Evangelical; 3 are Methodists, 1 a Universalist; 1 son, 2 daus dead; bur Rose Hill Cem. by husb
03/25/1890187AURAND, Esther*88EBERHART, Abraham--PA: Westmoreland Co. (b)--: submitted by "A Friend"; 5 sons are ministers: 1 is an Evangelical; 3 are Methodists, 1 a Universalist; 1 son, 2 daus dead; bur Rose Hill Cem. by husb
03/25/1890187EBERHART, AbrahamAURAND, Esther*
03/25/1890187HOPPES, Susan*62MOSERHOPPES, AndrewPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 6 sons, 4 daus remain
03/25/1890187MOSER, Susan*62HOPPES, AndrewPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 6 sons, 4 daus remain
03/25/1890187HOPPES, AndrewMOSER, Susan*
03/25/1890187REESMAN, Elizabeth*86ZERGERSTINE, Isaac (husb #1; d abt 40 yrs before Elizabeth)PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Lebanon (b)PA: Centre Co.: Millheim (d)
03/25/1890187ZERGER, Elizabeth*86REESMAN, ----- (husb #2; not named here, he deceased)PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Lebanon (b)PA: Centre Co.: Millheim (d)
03/25/1890187STINE, Elizabeth*86ZERGERREESMAN, ----- (husb #2; not named here, he deceased)PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Lebanon (b)PA: Centre Co.: Millheim (d)
03/25/1890187REESMAN, -----STINE, Elizabeth ZERGER*
03/25/1890187STINE, IsaacZERGER, Elizabeth*
03/25/1890187HERMAN, Eva Mary*36SCHMIDTHERMAN, Martin W.PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d); husb, 5 chren remain; youngest is age 6 mos
03/25/1890187SCHMIDT, Eva Mary*36HERMAN, Martin W.PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d); husb, 5 chren remain; youngest is age 6 mos
03/25/1890187HERMAN, Martin W.SCHMIDT, Eva Mary*
03/25/1890187ARMSTRONG, Lydia Ann*29ABELARMSTRONG, JohnIAIA: Union Co.: (died at old homestead); dau of Chas. & Martha; md Feb 20, 1889
03/25/1890187ABEL, Lydia Ann*29ARMSTRONG, JohnIAIA: Union Co.: (died at old homestead); dau of Chas. & Martha; md Feb 20, 1889
03/25/1890187ARMSTRONG, JohnABEL, Lydia Ann*
03/25/1890187HINGSTON, Sarah C.*60HASTERMANHINGSTON, -----PAPA: Centre Co.: Woodward area (d)
03/25/1890187HASTERMAN, Sarah C.*60HINGSTON, -----PAPA: Centre Co.: Woodward area (d)
03/25/1890187HINGSTON, -----HASTERMAN, Sarah C.*
03/25/1890187RUFF, Robert*1IAIA: Humboldt Co.: Grove Tp. (b)IA: Dakota City (d); son of Jacob & Emilie; lung fever
03/25/1890187SMITH, William Franklin*2PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: West Penn (d); son of C. J. & Elisabeth; brain inflammation
03/25/1890187HESS, Daniel Lewis*3OROH: Wood Co. (b)OR: Albina (d); youngest ch of David & Martha
04/01/1890203MOYER, George (Rev.)*70AUCONA, Caroline LouisaILPA: Berks Co.: Reading area (b)IL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d); md Dec 25, 1845; res prev Cedarville, Stephenson Co., IL; wife, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead
04/01/1890203AUCONA, Caroline LouisaMOYER, George (Rev.)*
04/01/1890203MOYER, Caroline LouisaMOYER, George (Rev.)*
04/01/1890203CLEMENS, Catharine*78OTTCLEMENS, JacobPAPA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (b)PA: South Bethlehem (d); dau of Jacob; md 1834; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son, 3 daus dead
04/01/1890203OTT, Catharine*78CLEMENS, JacobPAPA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (b)PA: South Bethlehem (d); dau of Jacob; md 1834; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son, 3 daus dead
04/01/1890203CLEMENS, JacobOTT, Catharine*
04/01/1890203REBER, Elizabeth*74KLEINFIELDS, George (husb #2)PAPA: Reading (died at home of son); 4 sons, 3 daus remain
04/01/1890203KLEIN, Elizabeth*74REBER, Joseph (husb #1)PAPA: Reading (died at home of son); 4 sons, 3 daus remain [obit heading is REBER]
04/01/1890203FIELDS, Elizabeth*74KLEINFIELDS, George (husb #2)PAPA: Reading (died at home of son); 4 sons, 3 daus remain [obit heading is REBER]
04/01/1890203FIELDS, GeorgeREBER, Elizabeth KLEIN*
04/01/1890203REBER, JosephKLEIN, Elizabeth*
04/01/1890203BACHMAN, Catharine M.*55RAISLEYBACHMAN, OwenPAPA: Northampton Co.: Mt. Pleasant area (d); husb, 5 step-chren, 1 sis remain
04/01/1890203RAISLEY, Catharine M.*55BACHMAN, OwenPAPA: Northampton Co.: Mt. Pleasant area (d); husb, 5 step-chren, 1 sis remain
04/01/1890203BACHMAN, OwenRAISLEY, Catharine M.*
04/01/1890203KNOTT, Gottfried*74ILGER: Saxe-Meiningen: Frauenbreitungen (b)IL: Ogle Co.: Holcomb (d); to AMER 1861; to Ogle Co. 1864; 1 son, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; wife, 2 chren dead; funeral at Morningstar Church
04/01/1890203KECK, Daniel*70KERN, Levinah, of North Lima, OHIAOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square (b)IA: Cherokee Co.: Grand Meadow Tp. (d); md Jan 25, 1844; wife, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead
04/01/1890203KERN, LevinahKECK, Daniel*
04/01/1890203KECK, LevinahKECK, Daniel*
04/01/1890203YETTER, John George*82ILGERMANY: Bavaria: Rheinpfalz (b)IL: Lee Co.: Willow Creek (died at home of son John); to AMER 1854, wife died 1857; 1 son, 6 daus remain; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus dead
04/01/1890203LINK, Samuel*27EILBER, DoraMIMI: Detroit (d); "of " Crediton, ONT; md for 2 yrs, wife of Crediton; had 1 dau; mentions relatives/friends in Canada & MI
04/01/1890203EILBER, DoraLINK, Samuel*
04/01/1890203LINK, DoraLINK, Samuel*
04/01/1890203HARREM, Gerhadina Louisa*80EWEGENHARREM, -----ILEAST FRIESLAND (b)IL: Peoria (died 9 miles southwest); to AMER 1849; to Peoria, 1850; md 50+ yrs; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain
04/01/1890203EWEGEN, Gerhadina Louisa*80HARREM, -----ILEAST FRIESLAND (b)IL: Peoria (died 9 miles southwest); to AMER 1849; to Peoria, 1850; md 50+ yrs; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain
04/01/1890203HARREM, -----EWEGEN, Gerhadina Louisa*
04/01/1890203GRIM, Abraham*77GUISE, MariaIAPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IA: Jones Co. (d); md May 21, 1831; had 5 sons, 7 daus; wife, 9 chren remain
04/01/1890203GUISE, MariaGRIM, Abraham*
04/01/1890203GRIM, MariaGRIM, Abraham*
04/01/1890203HEGEL, Louisa Emma*20ININ: Huntington Co.: Belden area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; abcess in her side
04/01/1890203BAMFORD, Austin B.*18IAIA: Potta. Co.: Washington Tp. (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; blood-poisoning
04/01/1890203RITZ, Angeline*52RITZ, LewisPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Wescosville (d); la grippe
04/01/1890203-----, Angeline*52RITZ, LewisPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Wescosville (d); la grippe
04/01/1890203RITZ, Lewis-----, Angeline*
04/08/1890219SCHNUERER, Johanna*70SCHWARTZSCHNUERER, Frederic G.OHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER w/ pars age 14; md 1839; from Buffalo, NY, to Cleveland 1840; husb predeceased her 3 wks; 8 chren remain; 2 dead; funeral in the Heights Church [died Apr 1, 1890]
04/08/1890219SCHWARTZ, Johanna*70SCHNUERER, Frederic G.OHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER w/ pars age 14; md 1839; from Buffalo, NY, to Cleveland 1840; husb predeceased her 3 wks; 8 chren remain; 2 dead; funeral in the Heights Church
04/08/1890219SCHNUERER, Frederic G.SCHWARTZ, Johanna*
04/08/1890219MAYR, John George*17--IL: Ogle Co.: Maryland Tp. (b)--: Minister: YEAKEL, E. K.; only son of John B. & Christina; loaded gun went off while he helping neighbors move; sister died 2+ yrs ago; pars, 8 sis remain
04/08/1890219MYERS, Michael*76MASON, Anna (wife #1; md Mar 3, 1835, she d spring 1848, 7 sm chren remain, 1 dead)OHGERMANY (b)OH: Ashland area (d); to AMER 1822
04/08/1890219MYERS, Michael*76SHICK, Mary* (wife #2; md Oct 25, 1848; 8 chren born, 2 of whom dead)OHGERMANY (b)OH: Ashland area (d); to AMER 1822
04/08/1890219MASON, AnnaMYERS, Michael*
04/08/1890219MYERS, AnnaMYERS, Michael*
04/08/1890219SHICK, MaryMYERS, Michael*
04/08/1890219MYERS, MaryMYERS, Michael*
04/08/1890219HARSCH, Sol. O.*44COOH: Carroll Co. (b)CO: Colorado Springs (d); Bellevue, OH, church member; from names of ministers, it appears the funeral was in Bellevue
04/08/1890219SLOTTERER, Jonas*57PAPA: Hendricks (d); wife, 1 son, 1 dau, aged mother, 1 bro remain
04/08/1890219ZEISS, Margaretha*40ZAHNZEISS, FerdinandMIMI: Detroit (d); "of Cohoctah, Livingston Co., Mich."; md Jul 4, 1871, husb died nearly 2 yrs ago; leaves 5 chren ages 6 to 17, to be taken care of by her bro, Adam ZAHN; 1 sis also remains
04/08/1890219ZAHN, Margaretha*40ZEISS, FerdinandMIMI: Detroit (d); "of Cohoctah, Livingston Co., Mich."; md Jul 4, 1871, husb died nearly 2 yrs ago; leaves 5 chren ages 6 to 17, to be taken care of by her bro, Adam ZAHN; 1 sis also remains
04/08/1890219ZEISS, FerdinandZAHN, Margaretha*
04/08/1890219HELLER, Catharine*81HOYHELLER, JacobOHOH: Sulphur Springs area (d); to AMER 50+ yrs ago w/ her husband, who is now deceased, along w/ her dau Mrs. Elizabeth CHAMBERS; 1 bro, 2 sis remain
04/08/1890219HOY, Catharine*81HELLER, JacobOHOH: Sulphur Springs area (d); to AMER 50+ yrs ago w/ her husband, who is now deceased, along w/ her dau Mrs. Elizabeth CHAMBERS; 1 bro, 2 sis remain
04/08/1890219HELLER, JacobHOY, Catharine*
04/08/1890219SCHNUERER, Frederic G.*73SWARTZ, JohannaOHGERMANY: Baden (b)OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER 1835; md 1839; from Buffalo, NY, to Cleveland, OH, 1840; widow, 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead [d. Mar 10, 1890]
04/08/1890219SWARTZ, JohannaSCHNUERER, Frederic G.*
04/08/1890219SCHNUERER, JohannaSCHNUERER, Frederic G.*
04/08/1890219MEDLAR, Sarah Katie*18PAPA: Pottsville (d); youngest dau of Lewis T. & Sybilla; niece of Revs. D. A. & W. H. MEDLAR; consumption
04/08/1890219SCHOENBERGER, Joseph (Mrs.)*24WALPSCHOENBERGER, JosephPAPA: Northampton Co.: Walnutport (d); husb, 1 son remain; 1 son dead
04/08/1890219WALP, -----*24SCHOENBERGER, JosephPAPA: Northampton Co.: Walnutport (d); husb, 1 son remain; 1 son dead
04/08/1890219SCHOENBERGER, JosephWALP, -----*
04/08/1890219GRIM, Abraham*77GUISE, MariaIAPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IA: Jones Co. (d); md May 21, 1831; wife, 9 chren remain; 1 ch dead [d Feb 24, 1890]
04/08/1890219GUISE, MariaGRIM, Abraham*
04/08/1890219GRIM, MariaGRIM, Abraham*
04/08/1890219ORTH, Peter*75ONTALSACE: Rott (b)ONT: Rainham (d); to AMER as youth w/ pars; to Rainham 40 yrs ago; 2 sons, 1 dau, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; asthma
04/08/1890219HOFFMAN, Annie*46HOFFMAN, JacobPAPA: Berks Co. (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption for 10 yrs
04/08/1890219-----, Annie*46HOFFMAN, JacobPAPA: Berks Co. (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption for 10 yrs
04/08/1890219HOFFMAN, Jacob-----, Annie*
04/08/1890219SCHOENBERGER, Catharine*64STRAUBSCHOENBERGER, MonroePAPA: Northampton Co.: Walnutport (d); 7 chren, 1 bro, 4 sis remain; husb, 2 chren dead
04/08/1890219STRAUB, Catharine*64SCHOENBERGER, MonroePAPA: Northampton Co.: Walnutport (d); 7 chren, 1 bro, 4 sis remain; husb, 2 chren dead
04/08/1890219SCHOENBERGER, MonroeSTRAUB, Catharine*
04/08/1890219SCHLEMMER, Catharine*31SCHILLINGSCHLEMMER, -----ININ: Wabash (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; tumor
04/08/1890219SCHILLING, Catharine*31SCHLEMMER, -----ININ: Wabash (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; tumor
04/08/1890219SCHLEMMER, -----SCHILLING, Catharine*
04/08/1890219MUNSTERMAN, Chr.*67ILGERMANY: Hanover: Eimke (b)IL: Cook Co.: Austin (d); to AMER ca 25 yrs ago; wife, 1 sis remain
04/08/1890219GEIST, John*69KESSLER, CarolineNENE: Beaver Crossing area (d); from Bay Tp., Schuylkill Co., PA, to NE 5 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead. "He was united in marriage to Caroline Kessler 48 y. and 9 m." [The meaning of this is unclear, unless this is length of time md.]
04/08/1890219KESSLER, CarolineGEIST, John*
04/08/1890219GEIST, CarolineGEIST, John*
04/08/1890219SLAUNCE, John*------: Minister: McCRACKEN, G. W.; "only son of his widowed mother"; fits [d Mar 10, 1890]
04/08/1890219EVANS, Cyntha*61NENE: Beaver Crossing (d); husb, 5 chren remain; neuralgia of the heart
04/08/1890219BELTZ, Elizabeth*72PAPA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d); 3 sons remain; pneumonia
04/08/1890219MERKEL, Lena*9OHOH: Cuy. Co.: Independence (d); dau of Christina; pneumonia
04/08/1890219DUNN, Obediah*46IAIA: Quincy area (d); wife remains
04/08/1890219FARWELL, Frank Lester*3----: Minister: BEIGHTOL, H. L.; blood-poison/la grippe
04/08/1890219WUEST, Herman John*2ININ: Wabash (d); son of Andrew & Mary; brain fever
04/08/1890219KNAPP, George John*2 mosPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); son of Frank G. & Julia A.; strangulation
04/15/1890235TOBIAS, Samuel (Rev.)*82RICKERT, RebeccaILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Naperville (d); md 1829 {md 60 yrs, 10 mos]; widow, 3 chren, 1 bro remain; 6 chren dead; member East PA & IL Confs.
04/15/1890235RICKERT, RebeccaTOBIAS, Samuel (Rev.)*
04/15/1890235TOBIAS, RebeccaTOBIAS, Samuel (Rev.)*
04/15/1890235PERRY, William Grant*21IAIL: Burton Co. (b)IA: Shelby Co. (d); to Mahaska Co., IA, w/ pars 1874; two yrs later to Shelby Co.; he, cart, & horse fell backward from bridge, horse fell on him causing instant death
04/15/1890235WOLF, Sarah K.*31MILLERWOLF, Albert J.NYONT: Hamilton (b)NY: Buffalo (d); dau of Rev. Phil. & Mary of NY Conf.; md 5 yrs ago; husb, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption for 2 yrs
04/15/1890235MILLER, Sarah K.*31WOLF, Albert J.NYONT: Hamilton (b)NY: Buffalo (d); dau of Rev. Phil. & Mary of NY Conf.; md 5 yrs ago; husb, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption for 2 yrs
04/15/1890235WOLF, Albert J.MILLER, Sarah K.*
04/15/1890235WOLENSLAGLE, Catharine*53SHERCKWOLENSLAGLE, -----OHOH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d); widow nearly 20 yrs; 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
04/15/1890235SHERCK, Catharine*3WOLENSLAGLE, -----OHOH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d); widow nearly 20 yrs; 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
04/15/1890235WOLENSLAGLE, -----SHERCK, Catharine*
04/15/1890235SCHREIBER, Christian*80DETRICH, ElizabethILGERMANY (b)IL: Ogle Co.: Leaf River Tp. (d); son of Andrew & Jacobina; to AMER 1831 to Schuylkill Co., PA; md 1835; to IL 1868; wife, 5 sons, 4 daus, 2 bros remain; 3 sons dead
04/15/1890235DETRICH, ElizabethSCHREIBER, Christian*
04/15/1890235SCHREIBER, ElizabethSCHREIBER, Christian*
04/15/1890235BENNING, Margaretha Mary*56HUETTEMEIERBENNING, BernhardNYBAVARIA: Echingen (b)NY: Erie Co.: East Hamburg (d); to Buffalo, NY, w/ pars 1839; md May 22, 1854; husb, 4 sons, 2 sis remain; cancer
04/15/1890235HUETTEMEIER, Margaretha Mary*56BENNING, BernhardNYBAVARIA: Echingen (b)NY: Erie Co.: East Hamburg (d); to Buffalo, NY, w/ pars 1839; md May 22, 1854; husb, 4 sons, 2 sis remain; cancer
04/15/1890235BENNING, BernhardHUETTEMEIER, Margaretha Mary*
04/15/1890235LAWRENCE, Emma*29WAGONERLAWRENCE, -----IAIA: La Porte City (d); dau of Rev. John; husb, pars remain; consumption
04/15/1890235WAGONER, Emma*29LAWRENCE, -----IAIA: La Porte City (d); dau of Rev. John; husb, pars remain; consumption
04/15/1890235LAWRENCE, -----WAGONER, Emma*
04/15/1890235DETTMER, Magdalena*49MUNSCHDETTMER, Aug.ILNY: Erie Co.: North Bush (b)IL: Hampshire area (d); to IL w/ pars 1850; md 1861; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 ch dead
04/15/1890235MUNSCH, Magdalena*49DETTMER, Aug.ILNY: Erie Co.: North Bush (b)IL: Hampshire area (d); to IL w/ pars 1850; md 1861; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 ch dead
04/15/1890235DETTMER, Aug.MUNSCH, Magdalena*
04/15/1890235FRECHT, Mary*73FRECHT, JohnPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown (d); husb, 2 sons, 8 daus remain; one dau md Rev. F. P. LEHR, of East PA Conf.
04/15/1890235-----, Mary*73FRECHT, JohnPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Reamstown (d); husb, 2 sons, 8 daus remain; one dau md Rev. F. P. LEHR, of East PA Conf.
04/15/1890235FRECHT, John-----, Mary*
04/15/1890235STASER, Charley G.*57HAAS, PhoebeOHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Spring Mountain area (d); to AMER 1855; md in Holmes Co., OH
04/15/1890235HAAS, PhoebeSTASER, Charley G.*
04/15/1890235STASER, PhoebeSTASER, Charley G.*
04/15/1890235HOXWORTH, James*16OHOH: Holmes Co.: Killbuck area (d); son of Melvin & Susan; pars, 1 sis, 4 bros remain
04/15/1890235MILLHISER, H. Millie*51MILLHISER, Wm. B.IAIA: Marshalltown (d); md Apr 11, 1867; to Marshall Co., IA, Mar 1870; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
04/15/1890235-----, H. Millie*51MILLHISER, Wm. B.IAIA: Marshalltown (d); md Apr 11, 1867; to Marshall Co., IA, Mar 1870; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
04/15/1890235MILLHISER, Wm. B.-----, H. Millie*
04/15/1890235STILES, Sarah*67SUMMERSTILES, -----INPA: Millersburg (b)IN: Bunker Hill (d); converted 27 yrs ago at Winchester, IN; 5 daus, 2 sons, 1 sis remain; 1 dau dead; husb d 28 yrs ago
04/15/1890235SUMMER, Sarah*67STILES, -----INPA: Millersburg (b)IN: Bunker Hill (d); converted 27 yrs ago at Winchester, IN; 5 daus, 2 sons, 1 sis remain; 1 dau dead; husb d 28 yrs ago
04/15/1890235STILES, -----SUMMER, Sarah*
04/15/1890235BECK, Eva Jane*32CHUBBBECK, C. E.MIOH: Tuscarawas Co. (b)MI: Ashley (d); md Oct 26, 1876; husb, 6 chren, mother, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; father, 2 chren dead
04/15/1890235CHUBB, Eva Jane*32BECK, C. E.MIOH: Tuscarawas Co. (b)MI: Ashley (d); md Oct 26, 1876; husb, 6 chren, mother, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; father, 2 chren dead
04/15/1890235BECK, C. E.CHUBB, Eva Jane*
04/15/1890235HASSLER, Sarah*65PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Manheim Tp. (b)PA: Good Springs (d); bur Cressona; 10 chren remain; husb, 1 ch dead
04/15/1890235GEHRIS, Elizabeth*82GEHRIS, MatthewPAPA: Reading (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead
04/15/1890235-----, Elizabeth*82GEHRIS, MatthewPAPA: Reading (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead
04/15/1890235GEHRIS, Matthew-----, Elizabeth*
04/15/1890235LYONS, Lydia* [and baby]30CLAUERLYONS, GustavusPAPA: Mauch Chunch [sic] (d); bur Pt. Clinton, PA; husb, 12 sons, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead [perhaps these 5 dead are included in the count of 14 chren, she being only age 30 yrs]
04/15/1890235CLAUER, Lydia* [and baby]30LYONS, GustavusPAPA: Mauch Chunch [sic] (d); bur Pt. Clinton, PA; husb, 12 sons, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead [perhaps these 5 dead are included in the count of 14 chren, she being only age 30 yrs]
04/15/1890235LYONS, GustavusCLAUER, Lydia*
04/15/1890235HENRY, Julia*69OHOH: Ross Co.: Yellow Bud (d)
04/15/1890235STENCE, John Franklin15PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fisherville area (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain
04/15/1890235SPRING, Magdalena*66HEINBERGSPRING, -----ORSWITZERLAND: Bern Abawel (b)OR: Linn Co.: Sweet Home (d); to AMER 6 yrs ago, residing w/ son-in-law, John SPRING
04/15/1890235HEINBERG Magdalena*, 66SPRING, -----ORSWITZERLAND: Bern Abawel (b)OR: Linn Co.: Sweet Home (d); to AMER 6 yrs ago, residing w/ son-in-law, John SPRING
04/15/1890235SPRING, -----HEINBERG, Magdalena*
04/15/1890235BROWER, Lucetta*68HARTZOGBROWER, -----PAPA: Pine Grove (b)PA: Tremont (d); dau of Adam & Elizabeth; 2 sons remain
04/15/1890235HARTZOG, Lucetta*68BROWER, -----PAPA: Pine Grove (b)PA: Tremont (d); dau of Adam & Elizabeth; 2 sons remain
04/15/1890235BROWER, -----HARTZOG, Lucetta*
04/15/1890235WIEDER, Charles*19PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); son of Charles & Matilda; bur Evan. Cem. at Emaus
04/15/1890235TSCHOPP, George Andrew*3PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Elizabethville; son of A. M. & Mary E.
04/15/1890235NEIBERDING, Arthur Arnold*4OROR: Portland (d); only son of Henry & Bertha
04/15/1890235WERNER, Mabel Anes*--NENE: Atkinson area (d); dau of Elias & Elnora; diphtheria
04/15/1890235LONG, Royda Aldin*5 mosILIL: Rock Grove area (d); son of Geo. & Mary; bur at Chapel Cem. nr Rock Grove
04/15/1890235MILLER, Lulo [sic]*9 mosMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Flowerfield (d); dau of Frederick & Hannah; whooping cough
04/22/1890251DAUB, Jacob*66WALLAS, ElizabethOHGERMANY (b)OH: Hicksville (d at home of son Henry while on a visit); to AMER at age 8 yrs to York Co., PA; md Jan 16, 1844; to OH 1866; bur Burgoon, OH; 6 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 sons dead [status of wife not given]
04/22/1890251WALLAS, ElizabethDAUB, Jacob*
04/22/1890251DAUB, ElizabethDAUB, Jacob*
04/22/1890251HISKEY, Gertie*15PAPA: Lehighton (d); dau of Mary SUMMIT. Shot by Webster CAMPBELL of Weissport, claims it an accident; he in Mauch Chunk jail awaiting trial
04/22/1890251SUMMIT, Marymother of HISKEY, Gertie, whose obit pub Apr 22, 1890, p. 251
04/22/1890251KOCHER, Susan*48LEBERKOCHER, -----PAPA: York Co.: Wrightsville (d); husb, 3 chren, aged pars remain; consumption
04/22/1890251LEBER, Susan*48KOCHER, -----PAPA: York Co.: Wrightsville (d); husb, 3 chren, aged pars remain; consumption
04/22/1890251KOCHER, -----LEBER, Susan*
04/22/1890251PRICE, Sarah*28PRICE, Wm.OHOH: Preble Co. (d); from OH to Holt Co., MO, 1882; member Niclos Grove Ch. nr Oregon, MO; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Niclos Grove Evan. Cem., Holt Co., MO
04/22/1890251-----, Sarah*28PRICE, Wm.OHOH: Preble Co. (d); from OH to Holt Co., MO, 1882; member Niclos Grove Ch. nr Oregon, MO; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Niclos Grove Evan. Cem., Holt Co., MO
04/22/1890251PRICE, Wm.-----, Sarah*
04/22/1890251HEITZLER, Caroline (Miss)*22PAPA: Rochester (b)PA: Rochester (res); dau of George & Louisa; died at their home; Rochester Church member; typhoid
04/22/1890251WALTSMITH, Henry*78ILGERMANY (b)IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierceville (d); to AMER 1866 to LaSalle Co., IL; widow, 3 sons remain; 3 wives, 5 [?] chren dead [md 4 times, wives not named here]
04/22/1890251HEAHR, Ludwig*75PAGERMANY: Baden (b)PA: Reading (d); to AMER 1853, finally settled in Reading, PA; 4 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead; wife d 9+ mos ago; paralysis
04/22/1890251UBIL, Mary Martha*29HEFFUBIL, -----PAPA: Adamstown (b)PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 little girls remain
04/22/1890251HEFF, Mary Martha*29UBIL, -----PAPA: Adamstown (b)PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 little girls remain
04/22/1890251UBIL, -----HEFF, Mary Martha*
04/22/1890251ZIMMERMAN, Ethel R.*6 mosININ: Cicero area (d); only dau of David & Mary; spinal troubles
04/22/1890251BUCH, Mary Lida*3----: Minister: LENTZ, David; dau of John R. & Sallie C.; pneumonia
04/22/1890251MILLER, Clarence Paul*1OROR: Albina (d); son of Elias & Mary
04/29/1890267SCHUCK, Nicolaus (Rev.)*59HAMMEN, Catharine MargaretIAPRUSSIA: Argenthal (b)IA: indefinite place of death, mentions Cedar Rapids & Laporte; member WI Conf., then IA; to Wash. Co., WI, w/ pars age 13 yrs; father d when he age 6; mother & 8 chren remained, he the eldest; md Oct 14, 1854; wife, 3 sons, 4 daus remain; 3 chren dead
04/29/1890267HAMMEN, Catharine MargaretSCHUCK, Nicolaus (Rev.)*
04/29/1890267SCHUCK, Catharine MargaretSCHUCK, Nicolaus (Rev.)*
04/29/1890267PLOWMAN, Thomas Augustus*17OROR: Suver Mission, OR Conf. res w/ pars Rev. C. N. & Margaret J.; father former U. B. minister, later Evan.; pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain
04/29/1890267MILLER, Ida*20ININ: Ft. Wayne (d); dau of Isaac & Catharine; pars, 2 sis remain; struck by lightning while waiting for sis at her father's store
04/29/1890267HOFFER, Susan*43PAPA: Juniata Co.: Oriental (d); never md; pars, 7 siblings remain; dropsy
04/29/1890267BAIR, Mary M.*84BRAUSEBAIR, -----PAPA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); ministers always found an open door at her home, they called it "The Ev. Hotel"; invalid
04/29/1890267BRAUSE, Mary M.*84BAIR, -----PAPA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d); ministers always found an open door at her home, they called it "The Ev. Hotel"; invalid
04/29/1890267BAIR, -----BRAUSE, Mary M.*
04/29/1890267WARE, Laura*23OHOH: Dayton (died at home of pars); dau of Henry E. & Carrie; not md; pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; la grippe
04/29/1890267MOWRY, Hannah*74OVERMYERMOWRY, Daniel (husb #2)OHOH: Perry Co. (b)OH: Edgerton area (d); to Sandusky Co., OH, in early life; had 8 chren, of whom 1 son & 1 dau dead
04/29/1890267OVERMYER, Hannah*74VAGHT, W. (husb #1)OHOH: Perry Co. (b)OH: Edgerton area (d); to Sandusky Co., OH, in early life; had 8 chren, of whom 1 son & 1 dau dead
04/29/1890267VAGHT, Hannah*74OVERMYERMOWRY, Daniel (husb #2)OHOH: Perry Co. (b)OH: Edgerton area (d); to Sandusky Co., OH, in early life; had 8 chren, of whom 1 son & 1 dau dead
04/29/1890267MOWRY, DanielVAGHT, Hannah OVERMYER*
04/29/1890267VAGHT, W.OVERMYER, Hannah*
04/29/1890267MACK, Lilie Fredericka*13PAPA: Lackawanna Co.: Jefferson (d); dau of Michael & Louisa
04/29/1890267BOYER, Annie M.*47KELLERBOYER, F.OHOH: Fairfield Co.: south of Licking Reservoir (born on father's farm)OH: Millersport (d); 8 chren remain; little dau Alma dead; status of husb not given
04/29/1890267KELLER, Annie M.*47BOYER, F.OHOH: Fairfield Co.: south of Licking Reservoir (born on father's farm)OH: Millersport (d); 8 chren remain; little dau Alma dead; status of husb not given
04/29/1890267BOYER, F.KELLER, Annie M.*
04/29/1890267STEEN, Mary*81MIIRELAND: Sligo Co. (b)MI: Jackson (d); to Montreal, Canada, at age 16 yrs, w/ pars; to Jackson, MI, 1868; 4 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead
04/29/1890267DASCHER, Maggie*19NYNY: Albany (d); mother, 4 bros remain; father, 2 bros, 1 sis dead
04/29/1890267KOONSE, Hannah*81OHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d); 6 chren, 39 grchren, 33 gt-grchren remain
04/29/1890267CHRIST, Charles Kremer*23PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: South Manheim Tp. (b)PA: Frackville (d); unconscious for a few wks--typhoid
04/29/1890267WINAND, Carrie Catharine*12NENE: Beaver Crossing (d); sis of Cora Edith; pars, bro, sisters remain
04/29/1890267WINAND, Cora Edith*16NENE: Beaver Crossing (d); sis of Carrie Catharine
04/29/1890267EVANS, Jeremiah*62NEYORK State (b)NE: Beaver Crossing (d); 2 chren remain; wife predeceased him about 2 wks
04/29/1890267SEIBEL, Abraham*25OHOH: Montgomery Co.: Arlington area (d); son of Andrew & Catharine; widow, one-yr-old dau, father, 3 bros, 5 sis remain
04/29/1890267MAURES, Hilarry*2 mosININ: Elkhart area (b)IN: Elkhart area (likely place where died, though not so stated); dau of Wilson R. & Arpha
04/29/1890267LOOSE, Minnie L.*23PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Fairview village area (d at home of pars); Worcester Ch. member
04/29/1890267POWELL, Archie Robert*4NENE: Beaver Crossing (d); son of George
04/29/1890267SCHREIBER, Josephine*58PAPA: Williamsport (d); husb, chren remain
04/29/1890267DERR, Henry*60PAPA: Lebanon (d); funeral at Tremont Evan. Ch.
04/29/1890267COLEHASE, Dorinda*55OHOH: Logan Co.: Lewistown area (d);
04/29/1890267STAUFFER, Alfred Ira*2 mosKSKS: Woodson Co.: Center Ridge (d); son of Frederick & Mary
05/06/1890283MEYER, Mary*34HOOVERF. (Rev.)ONTONT: Haldimond Co.: Rainham (b)ONT: Renfrew Co.: Arnprior (d); md May 3, 1883; husb, 1 bro, step-father remain; bur Alsfeld, Grey Co., ONT
05/06/1890283HOOVER, Mary*34F. (Rev.)ONTONT: Haldimond Co.: Rainham (b)ONT: Renfrew Co.: Arnprior (d); md May 3, 1883; husb, 1 bro, step-father remain; bur Alsfeld, Grey Co., ONT
05/06/1890283MEYER, F. (Rev.)HOOVER, Mary*
05/06/1890283KIRST, Wm. C.*27IAIA: Mt. Vernon (b)IN: Linn Co.: Center Point area (d); pars, 3 sis remain; 1 bro, 1 sis dead; lung trouble
05/06/1890283WILKE, Elizabeth*67MEINZERWILKE, -----ILGERMANY: Baden: Karlsruh area (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Run (d); paralysis
05/06/1890283MEINZER, Elizabeth*67WILKE, -----ILGERMANY: Baden: Karlsruh area (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Run (d); paralysis
05/06/1890283WILKE, -----MEINZER, Elizabeth*
05/06/1890283JAITE, Clifford E.*10OHOH: Cleveland (d); son of Emil & Florence
05/06/1890283NIMPHIE, France Henry*70MIGERMANY: Mecklenburg: Selmensdorf (b)MI: Genesee Co.: Duffield area (d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; wife, 2 chren dead
05/06/1890283FIAND, Catharine*74FIAND, JoelOHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: Marion Co. (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead
05/06/1890283-----, Catharine*74FIAND, JoelOHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: Marion Co. (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead
05/06/1890283FIAND, Joel-----, Catharine*
05/06/1890283DRUMM, Walter*2NYNY: Syracuse (d); son of Frank & Libbie; measles
05/13/1890299LEWIS, Isaac W.*56VAVA: Hamption (died @ Nat'l. Soldiers' Home); bur Reading, PA; wife, 3 sons, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; fought at Cold Harbor, hit by bullet that first passed through body of his brother, killing him
05/13/1890299EDGAR, Ida Isabelle*28ELARTONEDGAR, Wm. HughOHOH: Henry Co. (d); md Apr 5, 1881; dau born 6 hrs before Ida died; husb, inf dau, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; dead are little dau & Ida's father who died in rebel prison, 1864 [not clear which dau is dead]
05/13/1890299ELARTON, Ida Isabelle*28EDGAR, Wm. HughOHOH: Henry Co. (d); md Apr 5, 1881; dau born 6 hrs before Ida died; husb, inf dau, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; dead are little dau & Ida's father who died in rebel prison, 1864 [not clear which dau is dead]
05/13/1890299EDGAR, Wm. HughELARTON, Ida Isabelle*
05/13/1890299MUEHLENBECKER, Elizabeth*34DRUMMUEHLENBECKER, PhillipNYNY: Steub. Co.: town of Wayland (b)NY: Steub. Co.: town of Wayland (d); md Jun 23, 1874; husb, 5 chren, pars, siblings remain; 1 ch dead
05/13/1890299DRUM, Elizabeth*34MUEHLENBECKER, PhillipNYNY: Steub. Co.: town of Wayland (b)NY: Steub. Co.: town of Wayland (d); md Jun 23, 1874; husb, 5 chren, pars, siblings remain; 1 ch dead
05/13/1890299MUEHLENBECKER, PhillipDRUM, Elizabeth*
05/13/1890299HENNIG, William R.*58PAPA: Center Co.: Haines Tp. (b)PA: Millheim (d); widow remains
05/13/1890299HOLLENBAUGH, Eliza*34GODDENHOLLENBAUGH, FrankOHOH: North Baltimore (d); md 1888 for 1 yr & 5 mos; bur Salisbury Cem., Fulton Co., OH; teacher
05/13/1890299GODDEN, Eliza*34HOLLENBAUGH, FrankOHOH: North Baltimore (d); md 1888 for 1 yr & 5 mos; bur Salisbury Cem., Fulton Co., OH; teacher
05/13/1890299HOLLENBAUGH, FrankGODDEN, Eliza*
05/13/1890299PRECHTEL, Margaret*81PRECHTEL, CasperINAUSTRIA (b)IN: Winnamac area (bur); to AMER w/ husb 1855 to Cass & Pulaski Cos., IN; he died 12+ yrs ago; had 12 chren, one was Rev. Henry formerly of IN Conf.; leaves 2 sons, 2 daus
05/13/1890299-----, Margaret*81PRECHTEL, CasperINAUSTRIA (b)IN: Winnamac area (bur); to AMER w/ husb 1855 to Cass & Pulaski Cos., IN; he died 12+ yrs ago; had 12 chren, one was Rev. Henry formerly of IN Conf.; leaves 2 sons, 2 daus
05/13/1890299PRECHTEL, Casper-----, Margaret*
05/13/1890299PORTER, Edwin F.*23----: Hutchinson area (d); pars, siblings remain; pneumonia; town of Enterprise also mentioned
05/13/1890299BURKET, Martha Jane*37BURKET, Wm. H.ININ: Fulton Co.: Richland Centre area (d); md Nov 25, 1876; husb, 5 chren, mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; father,, 3 chren dead
05/13/1890299-----, Martha Jane*37BURKET, Wm. H.ININ: Fulton Co.: Richland Centre area (d); md Nov 25, 1876; husb, 5 chren, mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; father,, 3 chren dead
05/13/1890299BURKET, Wm. H.-----, Martha Jane*
05/13/1890299GRIMM, Eliza*68WONDERGRIMM, JohnOHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (res); md 1840; converted 1835 campmeeting in Wayne (now Ashland) Co, OH; 2 chren remain; status of husb not given. Minister, F. BONE, at McZena, Ashland Co. at this time
05/13/1890299WONDER, Eliza*68GRIMM, JohnOHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (res); md 1840; converted 1835 campmeeting in Wayne (now Ashland) Co, OH; 2 chren remain; status of husb not given. Minister, F. BONE, at McZena, Ashland Co. at this time
05/13/1890299GRIMM, JohnWONDER, Eliza*
05/13/1890299BONE, F. (Rev.)conducted funeral of Eliza GRIMM, see May 13, 1890, p. 299
05/13/1890299KLIME, Jacob*89OHPA: Lebanon Co. (b)OH: Williams Co.: West Unity area (d); to Richland Co., OH, 32 yrs ago; 4 chren remain; wife, 4 chren dead
05/13/1890299PARISH, Elisabeth*76MIMI: Monroe Co.: Ash Center (d); converted nr Rochester, NY; 4 sons, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; husb, 4 daus dead
05/13/1890299MORGENSTERN, Caroline*57LOVINEMORGENSTERN, PeterILGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Schwerin (b)IL: Mason Co. (d); to AMER age 17; md 1856; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead
05/13/1890299LOVINE, Caroline*57MORGENSTERN, PeterILGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Schwerin (b)IL: Mason Co. (d); to AMER age 17; md 1856; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead
05/13/1890299MORGENSTERN, PeterLOVINE, Caroline*
05/13/1890299MARTIN, Charlotte*50GOETTELMARTIN, FredIAIA: Columbus Ridge (d); husb, 7 chren remain
05/13/1890299GOETTEL, Charlotte*50MARTIN, FredIAIA: Columbus Ridge (d); husb, 7 chren remain
05/13/1890299MARTIN, FredGOETTEL, Charlotte*
05/13/1890299CARRICO, Hannah*32STOUDESCARRICO, StephenOHOH: Kirkersville (d); dau of Joseph; husb, 2 little daus, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead; consumption
05/13/1890299STOUDES, Hannah*32CARRICO, StephenOHOH: Kirkersville (d); dau of Joseph; husb, 2 little daus, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead; consumption
05/13/1890299CARRICO, StephenSTOUDES, Hannah*
05/13/1890299SNYDER, Louisa*55WALTERSSNYDER, Daniel D.OHOH: Millbury (d); husb, 8 chren remain; cancer
05/13/1890299WALTERS, Louisa*55SNYDER, Daniel D.OHOH: Millbury (d); husb, 8 chren remain; cancer
05/13/1890299SNYDER, Daniel D.WALTERS, Louisa*
05/13/1890299SCHULER, Harvey*4PAPA: White Haven (b)PA: Beartown (d); son of Rev. Wm.
05/13/1890299CONE, John*75MIMI: South Rockwood (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; pleurisy/neuralgia of heart
05/13/1890299MYERS, Joshua*66OHOH: Ashland area (d); Trinity Ch. Member, Perry Tp.; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; wife, mother dead
05/13/1890299SMOYER, Harriet*56SMOYER, IsraelPAPA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 8 chren dead
05/13/1890299-----, Harriet*56SMOYER, IsraelPAPA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; 8 chren dead
05/13/1890299SMOYER, Israel-----, Harriet*
05/13/1890299LERCH, Samuel (Mrs.)*62PAPA: Annville (d); husb, chren remain [place of death not stated, but submitting minister was of Annville at this time]
05/13/1890299BALLOU, Mary*63ERISMANBALLOU, -----ILGERMANY: Neuhof bei Giessen (b)IL: Hooppole area (d); husb, 1 adopted son, 2 bros remain
05/13/1890299ERISMAN, Mary*63BALLOU, -----ILGERMANY: Neuhof bei Giessen (b)IL: Hooppole area (d); husb, 1 adopted son, 2 bros remain
05/13/1890299BALLOU, -----ERISMAN, Mary*
05/13/1890299VOWADA, Amelia*46HOSTERMANVOWADA, -----PAPA: Centre Co.: Haines Tp. (b)PA: Woodward area (d); mentions husb
05/13/1890299HOSTERMAN, Amelia*46VOWADA, -----PAPA: Center Co.: Haines Tp. (b)PA: Woodward area (d); mentions husb
05/13/1890299VOWADA, -----HOSTERMAN, Amelia*
05/13/1890299REINHART, Robert Henry*5 mosPAPA: Coplay (d); son of Alfred H. & Mary C.; an only child
05/13/1890299WOOD, Charles H.*17PAPA: Germantown (d); son of George & Minerva A.; pars, bro, sisters remain; bur Bridgetown Cem.; pneumonia;
05/13/1890299SMITH, Lucy Ann*29OHOH: Crawford Co. (d); Pleasant Home Ch. member, Broken Sword circuit; mother, 8 bros, 3 sis remain
05/13/1890299FOLK, Moses*46PAPA: Berks Co.: Maiden Creek Tp. (b)PA: Fleetwood (d); son of Jacob & Lydia; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 dau, 3 sons dead
05/13/1890299HISER, Emaline*78OHPA (b)OH: Moline (died at home of son, George HARPEL)
05/13/1890299EXAMPLE: mother/son have different surnames, see HISER, Emaline, May 13, 1890, p. 299
05/13/1890299LIEBHART, Caroline*42STORKLIEBHART, Geo.NENE: Aurora area (d); 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead; husb died 2+ yrs ago; typhoid
05/13/1890299STORK, Caroline*42LIEBHART, Geo.NENE: Aurora area (d); 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead; husb died 2+ yrs ago; typhoid
05/13/1890299LIEBHART, Geo.STORK, Caroline*
05/13/1890299SWAB, Addie E.*7PAPA: Gerardville (d); dau of Jeremiah & Sallie; funeral at Union Town, Dauphin Co., PA
05/13/1890299CRAIG, Clara D.27OHOH: Jeromesville area (d); husb, 3 chren, 4 sis, 1bro remain; Ashland Cem. Bo, p. 229: bur Trinity Cem., w/ Albon CRAIG 1851-1931 & Ethel CRAIG 1888-1893; bur side-by-side w/ Wm. DAVAULT[d Mar 2, 1890]
05/13/1890299DAVAULT, Wm. D.*22OHOH: Jeromesville area (d); Ashland Cem. Bk, p. 229: bur Trinity Cem., son of Hester, wife of Thomas; bur side-by-side w/ Clara CRAIG [d Apr 21, 1890]
05/13/1890299REES, Kate*28REES, JohnPAPA: Syner (d); husb, 3 chren remain
05/13/1890299-----, Kate*28REES, JohnPAPA: Syner (d); husb, 3 chren remain
05/13/1890299REES, John-----, Kate*
05/13/1890299SCHWARTZ, Edna Elsie*6----: Minister: KRUPP, B. C.; dau of John & Elizabeth; measles/croup
05/13/1890299BOHR, Barbara*76PAPA: Annville (d)
05/13/1890299OTT, Everett*7ILIL: Hooppole (d); son of Reuben; father, step-mother, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; croup
05/13/1890299YEAGER, Mary E.*40YEAGER, JosephOHOH: Mansfield (d); apoplexy
05/13/1890299-----, Mary E.*40YEAGER, JosephOHOH: Mansfield (d); apoplexy
05/13/1890299YEAGER, Joseph-----, Mary E.*
05/13/1890299HESS, Michael*82PAPA: Centre Co.: Woodward (d)
05/20/1890315LONG, Christian*67OHOH: Greensburg area (d); wife, dau, 2 sons remain, one son being Rev. Henry of Des Moines Conf.; 1 son dead
05/20/1890315DEISCHER, Daniel*63AUMAN, SarahIAPA: Berks Co. (b)IA: Jones Co.; Monticello area (d); to IL age 19; md Oct 1855; to present home 1856; wife, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead
05/20/1890315AUMAN, SarahDEISCHER, Daniel*
05/20/1890315DEISCHER Sarah, DEISCHER, Daniel*
05/20/1890315WEICHE, Charlotte Friedericke*68SCHNEIDERWEICHE, -----INPRUSSIA (b)IN: Wanatah area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1853; husb, 8 chren remain; 7 chren dead
05/20/1890315SCHNEIDER, Charlotte Friedericke*68WEICHE, -----INPRUSSIA (b)IN: Wanatah area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1853; husb, 8 chren remain; 7 chren dead
05/20/1890315WEICHE, -----SCHNEIDER, Charlotte Friedericke*
05/20/1890315BAUMANN, Mary*43GOETZBAUMANN, -----ILCANADA: Hamburg area (b)IL: Gillman area (d); to Marshall Co., IL, soon after her birth; md 1871, res Champaign area, IL, then to Gillman; husb, 7 chren, 2 bros, 2 sis, father remain; 1 child dead
05/20/1890315GOETZ, Mary*43BAUMANN, -----ILCANADA: Hamburg area (b)IL: Gillman area (d); to Marshall Co., IL, soon after her birth; md 1871, res Champaign area, IL, then to Gillman; husb, 7 chren, 2 bros, 2 sis, father remain; 1 child dead
05/20/1890315BAUMANN, -----GOETZ, Mary*
05/20/1890315FOX, Jacob*75PAPA: Montg. Co.: Pottstown (d); widow, 5 sons, 3 daus remain
05/20/1890315LITTELL, Edward*100MINJ (b)MI: Cass Co.; Marcellus area (d); was in War of 1812; to MI 1835; had 21 chren, of whom 3 living, 18 dead [md 3 times, wives not named here]
05/20/1890315SCHMALLE, Caroline*66SCHMALLE, FrederickIAIA: Belmond area (d); md 43 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain, of whom 3 sons are ministers
05/20/1890315-----, Caroline*66SCHMALLE, FrederickIAIA: Belmond area (d); md 43 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain, of whom 3 sons are ministers
05/20/1890315SCHMALLE, Frederick-----, Caroline*
05/20/1890315DUNDORE, Zenoba Jane*26OHOH: Tiffin (d); dau of Henry DUNDORE
05/20/1890315SCHNAUFER, Fredericka*69BERINGERSCHNAUFER, -----MOMO: Shelby Co.: Bethel (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption [status of husb not given]
05/20/1890315BERINGER, Fredericka*69SCHNAUFER, -----MOMO: Shelby Co.: Bethel (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption [status of husb not given]
05/20/1890315SCHNAUFER, -----BERINGER, Fredericka*
05/20/1890315LEUSSLER, Catharine*28ONTONT: Oxford Co.: Blenheim (d); father, 1 sis, 4 bros remain; mother, 1 bro, 6 sis dead
05/20/1890315WELKER, Emmet DaKosta*8ILIA: Wyoming (b)IL: Washington (d); only ch of Dr. J. W. & Nora; diphtheria
05/20/1890315REBBERT, Herbert Jonathan*1PAPA: Coplay (d); son of Francis & Amanda; scarlet fever
05/20/1890315PURRUCKER, John G.*7 mosKYKY: Davis Co.: Owensboro (d); son of George & Louisa
05/20/1890315DAUB, Lillie*5OHOH: Burgoon area (d); youngest ch of David & Lydia
05/20/1890315SUNDERLIN, Charles Lavan*7 mos----: Burnside area (d); son of William F. & Mary
05/27/1890331MORRIS, T. M. (Rev.)*52HARTMAN, ElizaPAPA: Reading (b)PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (d); had musical talent; md 1864; had 2 sons, the older being a minister; bur Loganton, Sugar Valley; body taken night before burial to home of his bro, Daniel
05/27/1890331HARTMAN, ElizaMORRIS, T. M. (Rev.)*
05/27/1890331MORRIS, ElizaMORRIS, T. M. (Rev.)*
05/27/1890331TRABAND, Conrad*74PAHESSE-DARMSTADT: Fishburn (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); to AMER ca 40 yrs ago; wife, 3 chren remain
05/27/1890331BACH, Christian Wm.*79PASAXONY: Maisensee (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); to AMER 2 yrs ago to Philadelphia; 6 chren remain; 1 child dead; also wife who died 4 yrs ago
05/27/1890331SCHOENER, W.*72PAPA: Schuylkill Co.; Lewistown (res); bur West Pen; 3 daus, 2 sons remain; wife, 1 son dead
05/27/1890331SMITH, Nannie*64RAMMELSMITH, JohnIAGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Esslingen area (b)IA: Fort Dodge (d); to AMER 1854, md soon after her arrival; 2 chren remain; husb, 3 chren, dau-in-law dead; she the mother-in-law of "our dear daughter Lulu" who died last June; minister: ABRAMS, John
05/27/1890331RAMMEL, Nannie*64SMITH, JohnIAGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Esslingen area (b)IA: Fort Dodge (d); to AMER 1854, md soon after her arrival; 2 chren remain; husb, 3 chren, dau-in-law dead; she the mother-in-law of "our dear daughter Lulu" who died last June; minister: ABRAMS, John
05/27/1890331SMITH, JohnRAMMEL, Nannie*
05/27/1890331KRESSLER, Anna Maria*59REIMELKRESSLER, JacobPAPA: Bangor (d); md 41 yrs; had 6 sons; husb remains, no. of sons remaining not stated
05/27/1890331REIMEL, Anna Maria*59KRESSLER, JacobPAPA: Bangor (d); md 41 yrs; had 6 sons; husb remains, no. of sons remaining not stated
05/27/1890331KRESSLER, JacobREIMEL, Anna Maria*
05/27/1890331DEWEES, Anna M.*30GRUHLERDEWEES, Wm. B.PAPA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); md Feb 17, 1881; husb, father, siblings remain
05/27/1890331GRUHLER, Anna M.*30DEWEES, Wm. B.PAPA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); md Feb 17, 1881; husb, father, siblings remain
05/27/1890331DEWEES, Wm. B.GRUHLER, Anna M.*
05/27/1890331LENTZ, Saloma*65BRUMMLENTZ, JacobMIGERMANY: Alsace: Petersbach (b)MI: Nashville (d); md 1844; to AMER 1846 to Newark, NY for 6 yrs; then Palmira; to Nashville 1867; husb, 3 sons, 3 sis, 3 bros remain; one bro is minister of MI Conf.; had 4 chren, so one must be dead
05/27/1890331BRUMM, Saloma*65LENTZ, JacobMIGERMANY: Alsace: Petersbach (b)MI: Nashville (d); md 1844; to AMER 1846 to Newark, NY for 6 yrs; then Palmira; to Nashville 1867; husb, 3 sons, 3 sis, 3 bros remain; one bro is minister of MI Conf.; had 4 chren, so one must be dead
05/27/1890331LENTZ, JacobBRUMM, Saloma*
05/27/1890331KAUFFMAN, Elizabeth*70KOCHENAUERKAUFFMAN, JohnOHOH: Toledo (died at home of dau); md Nov 28, 1847; 1 son, 2 daus remain; husb, 2 chren dead; bur New Paris Cem., New Paris, IN
05/27/1890331KOCHENAUER, Elizabeth*70KAUFFMAN, JohnOHOH: Toledo (died at home of dau); md Nov 28, 1847; 1 son, 2 daus remain; husb, 2 chren dead; bur New Paris Cem., New Paris, IN
05/27/1890331KAUFFMAN, JohnKOCHENAUER, Elizabeth*
05/27/1890331REINOEHL, George*71OHPA: Lebanon Co. (b)OH: Marshallville (d); widow, 1 son, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
05/27/1890331HELM, Daisy E.*14ILIL: Polo (d); 2nd dau of Henry & Louisa; pars, 2 sis remain
05/27/1890331KIRST, Katie*23IAIA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (b)IA: Center Point area (d); bro William d 2 wks earlier
05/27/1890331LEININGER, Thomas*29PAPA: Berks Co.: Mohn's Hill (d); son of Joseph & Rebecca; widow, 1 child, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
05/27/1890331KESSLER, Gilbert*4NENE: Beaver Crossing area (d); son of Simon; burned to death by clothes catching fire
05/27/1890331DOWDS, Alma E.*17OHOH: Tiffin (d); dau of W. B. & Julia; place of death not given, but submitting minister of Tiffin at this time
05/27/1890331McLAUGHLEN, Sarah A.*72MDPA: Lancaster Co. (b)MD: Harford Co.: Prospect area (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain
05/27/1890331LONG, Lydia*59NEITZLONG, IshmaelOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: East Liberty (d) md Dec 21, 1854; 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead; status of husb not given
05/27/1890331NEITZ, Lydia*59LONG, IshmaelOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Summit Co.: East Liberty (d) md Dec 21, 1854; 8 chren remain; 2 chren dead; status of husb not given
05/27/1890331LONG, IshmaelNEITZ, Lydia*
05/27/1890331ROYER, Hannah*74GRAMLYROYER, JeffersonPAPA: Centre Co.: Rebersburg (d)
05/27/1890331GRAMLY, Hannah*74ROYER, JeffersonPAPA: Centre Co.: Rebersburg (d)
05/27/1890331ROYER, JeffersonGRAMLY, Hannah*
05/27/1890331STEINHARST, ----- [Mother]*71IAIA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d)
05/27/1890331KULP, Vernon H.*7PAPA: Norristown (d); son of Charles & Kate; measles then pneumonia; bur Kulpsville
05/27/1890331GASS, Gibson George*3 mosPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); son of Frank B. & Lizzie S.; convulsions
05/27/1890331HOLLAND, Frankie*11mos----: Minister: McCURDY, J. W.; son of Creed & Rebecca
05/27/1890331ROLL, Henry L.*--NYNY: Syracuse (d); infant son of Lewis & Annie
06/03/1890347FYE, John*77OYLER, ElizabethPAPA: Cambria Co.: Adamsburg (res); md 52 yrs; wife, 5 sons, 2 daus, bro, 2 sis remain; 5 chren dead; last 3 yrs his mind was just like a child
06/03/1890347OYLER, ElizabethFYE, John*
06/03/1890347FYE, ElizabethFYE, John*
06/03/1890347MUTHARD, Rachel*75ELYMUTHARD, -----PAPA: Reading (d); step-dau, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Sol. ELY of East PA Conf.
06/03/1890347ELY, Rachel*75MUTHARD, -----PAPA: Reading (d); step-dau, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Sol. ELY of East PA Conf.
06/03/1890347MUTHARD, -----ELY, Rachel
06/03/1890347GARNHART, Sarah K.*73CRUSE, Wm.MIPA: Northumberland Co.: Torbit Tp. (b)MI: Freedonia Tp. (d); md 1850; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead
06/03/1890347CRUSE, Sarah K.*73GARNHARTCRUSE, Wm.MIPA: Northumberland Co.: Torbit Tp. (b)MI: Freedonia Tp. (d); md 1850; husb, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead [obit heading is GARNHART]
06/03/1890347CRUSE, Wm.GARNHART, Sarah K.*
06/03/1890347SWARTZ, Leah*69--PA: Centre Co. (b)--: Dakota Tp. (d); husb, 4 sons, 3 daus remain
06/03/1890347HENSPETER, David*32MILLER, CoraWAWA: Spokane Falls area (d); md 1887; husb, mother, 4 sis, 1 bro remain; 1 son dead
06/03/1890347MILLER, CoraHENSPETER, David*
06/03/1890347HENSPETER, CoraHENSPETER, David*
06/03/1890347WENIGER, Minnie Mathilda*25--WI: Crawford Co.: Eastman (b)--: Minister: ERFFMEYER, Henry E.; mother, 4 sis, 3 bros remain; father, 1 bro dead
06/03/1890347GIPPLE, Sarah*62MINICHGIPPLE, JacobPAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fisherville (d); 4 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; status of husb not given
06/03/1890347MINICH, Sarah*62GIPPLE, JacobPAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fisherville (d); 4 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; status of husb not given
06/03/1890347GIPPLE, JacobMINICH, Sarah*
06/03/1890347BOWMAN, Bertha Capp*11PAPA: Lebanon (d); only dau of Franklin & Caroline
06/03/1890347WALTER, Matilda*63WALTER, Ephraim----: Minister: STOVER, J. D.
06/03/1890347-----, Matilda*63WALTER, Ephraim----: Minister: STOVER, J. D.
06/03/1890347WALTER, Ephraim-----, Matilda*
06/03/1890347JONES, Franklin Alfred*7 mos----: South Easton (d); son of David & Elizabeth; pneumonia
06/03/1890347DIEHL, Hazel Belle*2 mos----: Minister: SCHEIDLER, M. L.; dau of C. C. & Margaret. "Several little ones have been taken from this family fold."
06/03/1890347NAGLE, Lyman Harrison*5 mosPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); son of Wm. S. & Lavina; cause of death: Marasmas
06/03/1890347KNERR, Raymond A.*2daysPAPA: Chester Co.: Phoenixville (d); son of Rev. Geo. A. & M. Carrie of East PA Conf.
06/10/1890363AURAND, Louisa Ellen*24MYERSAURAND, Wm.--IL: Stephenson Co.: Lorain (b)--: Minister: FEHR, C. S.; dau of Wm. & Mary; md Jun 25, 1884; husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 2 sis dead
06/10/1890363MYERS, Louisa Ellen*24AURAND, Wm.--IL: Stephenson Co.: Lorain (b)--: Minister: FEHR, C. S.; dau of Wm. & Mary; md Jun 25, 1884; husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 2 sis dead
06/10/1890363AURAND, Wm.MYERS, Louisa Ellen*
06/10/1890363LANG, Sadie*28GOODACRELANG, Geo.MIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Mendon Tp. (b)MI: St. Joseph Co.: Mendon Tp. (d); md 1882; husb, 2 chren ages 4 and 7, pars, bro, 3 sis remain
06/10/1890363GOODACRE, Sadie*28LANG, Geo.MIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Mendon Tp. (b)MI: St. Joseph Co.: Mendon Tp. (d); md 1882; husb, 2 chren ages 4 and 7, pars, bro, 3 sis remain
06/10/1890363LANG, Geo.GOODACRE, Sadie*
06/10/1890363MILLER, Christina B.*78MIGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)MI: Ionia area (d); mother-in-law of Rev. C. UDE of Deerborn [sic], MI; husb dead 27 yrs; 8 chren dead
06/10/1890363KUHN, Elmer*7OHOH: Defiance area (d); youngest son of J. C. & Sarah; he their 1st child; pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain
06/10/1890363KEIM, Leopold*77STAHR, MaryPAPA: Northampton Co.: Bethlehem Tp. (b)PA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (died at home of only son, Dr. C. J. KEIM); md Nov 19, 1834, his wife of Allentown, PA; she died Jul 14, 1874; 1 son remains; 5 chren dead; bur Fair View Cem., Allentown
06/10/1890363STAHR, MaryKEIM, Leopold*
06/10/1890363KEIM, MaryKEIM, Leopold*
06/10/1890363HOFFMAN, Margaretha*89PAPA: Northampton Co.: Hellertown (d)
06/10/1890363LEIBOLD, Eliza*58--PA: Lancaster Co. (b)--: Minister: LENTZ, D.; husb remains
06/10/1890363MILEY, George*56--PA: Lancaster Co. (b)--: Minister: LENTZ, D.: widow, 1 son, 3 daus remain; liver/kidney disease
06/10/1890363KOSTENBADER, Samuel*66PAPA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); widow, 6 chren remain; apoplexy
06/10/1890363SEEGER, Hattie*1ILIL: Grand Prairie (d); dau of August & Maggie; grch of Rev. A. WAGNER
06/10/1890363EXAMPLE: maiden name [WAGNER], see SEEGER, Hattie, Jun 10, 1890, p. 363
06/10/1890363HOMRIGHAUS, Sidney*6NYNY: Herkimer Co.: Salisbury (d); son of John & Mary
06/10/1890363BATES, Pearl Margerite*6 mosNYNY: Syracuse (d); dau of John & Margerite; pneumonia
06/10/1890363NUFFER, Laura Amelia*1TXTX: Clay Co.: Henrietta area (d); dau of Jacob P. & Anna L.; pneumonia
06/17/1890379KUHNS, Albert*17MIMI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (d); son of George J. & Sophia; would have grad North-Western Business College, Naperville, IL w/ honors this mo; pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain
06/17/1890379MOHRY, Will--mina*68MILLERMOHRY, PeterPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
06/17/1890379MILLER, Will--mina*68MOHRY, PeterPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
06/17/1890379MOHRY, PeterMILLER, Will--mina*
06/17/1890379LEIDER, Sophia Wilhelmina*22ZAGERLEIDER, F.IAIA: Cerro Gordo Co.: Meservey (d); father minister IA Conf.; md 1888; md 2 yrs 4 mos; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain
06/17/1890379ZAGER, Sophia Wilhelmina*22LEIDER, F.IAIA: Cerro Gordo Co.: Meservey (d); father minister IA Conf.; md 1888; md 2 yrs 4 mos; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain
06/17/1890379LEIDER, F.ZAGER, Sophia Wilhelmina*
06/17/1890379HEIMHILGER, Marcellus*83NYBAVARIA: Neuburg on the Danube (b)NY: Lewis Co.: Beaver Falls (d); poet/writer, many poems in Botschafter & Magazin;author several books; 9 chren remain; 5 chren dead
06/17/1890379EXAMPLE: author/writer, see HEIMHILGER, Marcellus, June 17, 1890, p. 379
06/17/1890379HALLER, Lea Louise*42DUERRHALLER, JohnPAPA: Pittsburgh (b)PA: Pittsburgh (d); md 1868; husb, 5 chren, mother, 7 siblings remain; 1 child dead
06/17/1890379DUERR, Lea Louise*42HALLER, JohnPAPA: Pittsburgh (b)PA: Pittsburgh (d); md 1868; husb, 5 chren, mother, 7 siblings remain; 1 child dead
06/17/1890379HALLER, JohnDUERR, Lea Louise*
06/17/1890379HAGUE, Caroline*57OHGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)OH: West Toledo area (d); husb died 1 yr, 4 mos ago; 4 chren, 4 step-chren remain
06/17/1890379MONTGOMERY, Brice K.*32HARDING, IdaOHOH: Hancock Co.: Orange (d); md Oct 5, 1878; had 3 chren; member Liberty class [church]
06/17/1890379HARDING, IdaMONTGOMERY, Brice K.*
06/17/1890379MONTGOMERY, IdaMONTGOMERY, Brice K.*
06/17/1890379WEISER, Catherine*74MARKWEISER, ---------: Steelton Evan. Church (funeral); 4 chren remain [perhaps Dauphin Co., PA]
06/17/1890379MARK, Catherine*74WEISER, -----
06/17/1890379WEISER, -----MARK, Catherine*
06/17/1890379SCHUPP, Henry*74OHPA: Dauphin Co. (b)OH: Crawford Co. (d); one of 1st members Broken Sword Ch.; widow, 2 daus, 3 sons remain; one son is Rev. Solomon of Platte River Conf.; 1 dau dead
06/17/1890379STONDINGER, John C.*55OHGERMANY: Wimpfen (b)OH: Wood Co. (d); to AMER 1881; wife, 2 chren remain
06/17/1890379BUZZARD, Sallie* [and baby]23JENNINGSBUZZARD, I. NewtonPAPA: Bangor (d); dau of Wm. & Nancy; husb, 1 son, pars, bros remain; a babe died a few wks ago
06/17/1890379JENNINGS, Sallie*23BUZZARD, I. NewtonPAPA: Bangor (d); dau of Wm. & Nancy; husb, 1 son, pars, bros remain; a babe died a few wks ago
06/17/1890379BUZZARD, I. NewtonJENNINGS, Sallie*
06/17/1890379NEITZ, Franklin*76PAPA: Snyder Co.: Port Treverton (d); 7 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead
06/17/1890379SHAFER, Nancy A.*41IAIA: Carbon (d); husb remains
06/17/1890379SCHWALM, Charles Andrew*6MIMI: Sebewaing (d); son of William & Margaret; typhoid
06/17/1890379HOPPES, Walter Andrew*10PAPA: Mahanoy City (d); son of Dennis M. & Sarah L. [?]; dysentery
06/17/1890379ONEAL, -----*25 ds----: Minister: KNOLL, C.; dau of Chas. & Susan
06/24/1890395MOHNEY, Catharine*54HOUPTMOHNEY, Adam G.MIPA: Northampton Co. (b)MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead
06/24/1890395HOUPT, Catharine*54MOHNEY, Adam G.MIPA: Northampton Co. (b)MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead
06/24/1890395MOHNEY, Adam G.HOUPT, Catharine*
06/24/1890395GAMERTSFELDER, John J.*74OHGERMANY: Wurtemberg: Siltzbach (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Helmick area (d); wife, 4 sons, 7 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain
06/24/1890395THOMPSON, Hannah R.*26THOMPSON, Benjamin H.PAPA: Pottstown (d); husb, 2 little daus remain; bur Birdsboro, PA
06/24/1890395-----, Hannah R.*26THOMPSON, Benjamin H.PAPA: Pottstown (d); husb, 2 little daus remain; bur Birdsboro, PA
06/24/1890395THOMPSON, Benjamin H.-----, Hannah R.*
06/24/1890395KROCK, Reuben*73ROTE, ElizabethILPA: Northampton Co. (b)IL: Davis area (d); md 1850; widow, 4 daus, 1 son remain; 1 dau died a few mos ago
06/24/1890395ROTE, Elizabeth*73KROCK, Reuben*
06/24/1890395KROCK, Elizabeth*KROCK, Reuben*
06/24/1890395PLANKERTON, Harrison*51ILIL: Jo Davis [sic] Co.: Stockton Tp. (d); widow, 4 chren, mother, 1 sis remain
06/24/1890395FETTER, John William*84OHGERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Rheinheim: Wersau (b)OH: Celina area (d); to AMER 1832 to Frederictown [sic], Md; then Springfield, OH; to Mercer Co. 1837. Member Smith Society [church]; widow, 3 sons, 1 dau, 2 bros remain; 3 chren dead
06/24/1890395FETTEN, Magdalene*69FRANZEBFETTEN, -----ILGERMANY: Rhenish Bavaria: Eckenbach (b)IL: Chicago (d); to AMER 1852 to Chicago; md 1854; converted in 35th St. Church; husb, 1 dau, 3 sons remain
06/24/1890395FRANZEB, Magdalene*69FETTEN, -----ILGERMANY: Rhenish Bavaria: Eckenbach (b)IL: Chicago (d); to AMER 1852 to Chicago; md 1854; converted in 35th St. Church; husb, 1 dau, 3 sons remain
06/24/1890395FETTEN, -----FRANZEB, Magdalene*
06/24/1890395PRINCE, Libbie*21NYNY: Erie Co.: Town Lancaster (b)NY: Buffalo (d); dau of Leonard & Lena E.; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption
06/24/1890395TROXEL, Jonas C.*68PAPA: Allentown (d); converted at Orwigsburg in 1846; 1st wife died 11 yrs ago in KS; had 1 son; 2nd wife remains [md twice, wives not named here]
06/24/1890395SWINEHART, W. H. *30OHOH: West Salem (died at home of mother); mother, bro, sis remain; left money to church
06/24/1890395DORN, Ella Sarah*32FINKDORN, -----ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Run Tp. (b)IL: Orangeville area (d); husb, 4 chren remain, one of whom is a babe of but a few wks old
06/24/1890395FINK, Ella Sarah*32DORN, -----ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Run Tp. (b)IL: Orangeville area (d); husb, 4 chren remain, one of whom is a babe of but a few wks old
06/24/1890395DORN, -----FINK, Ella Sarah*
06/24/1890395SWINGLE, Christina S.*75SWINGLE, Fred.ILGERMANY: Lorraine: Diemeringen (b)IL: Bureau Co.: La Moille area (d); to AMER 1830 to Buffalo, NY, where md in 1835; to Perkins Grove area, IL, 1863; 8 chren remain; 1 dau dead
06/24/1890395-----, Christina S.*75SWINGLE, Fred.ILGERMANY: Lorraine: Diemeringen (b)IL: Bureau Co.: La Moille area (d); to AMER 1830 to Buffalo, NY, where md in 1835; to Perkins Grove area, IL, 1863; 8 chren remain; 1 dau dead
06/24/1890395SWINGLE, Fred.-----, Christina S.*
06/24/1890395HEISS, Barbara*69FENNERHEISS, -----INGERMANY (b)IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville area (d); to AMER 1852; son remains. "She paid her salary to the pastor for the first quarter of this conference year only a short time before she died."
06/24/1890395EXAMPLE: minister's salary, see HEISS, Barbara, Jun 24, 1890, p. 395
06/24/1890395FENNER, Barbara*69HEISS, -----INGERMANY (b)IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville area (d); to AMER 1852; son remains. "She paid her salary to the pastor for the first quarter of this conference year only a short time before she died."
06/24/1890395HEISS, -----FENNER, Barbara*
06/24/1890395DENGEL, William*35PAPA: Pittsburgh (b)PA: Pittsburgh (d); mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; father, 1 bro dead
06/24/1890395SPATH, Elizabeth*25SALZMANSPATH, -----ILGERMANY: Hessia: Landefeld (b)IL: Hooppole area (d); to AMER w/ pars 1883; md less than 3 yrs; husb, 2 infant chren, aged pars, 1 sis remain
06/24/1890395SALZMAN, Elizabeth*25SPATH, -----ILGERMANY: Hessia: Landefeld (b)IL: Hooppole area (d); to AMER w/ pars 1883; md less than 3 yrs; husb, 2 infant chren, aged pars, 1 sis remain
06/24/1890395SPATH, -----SALZMAN, Elizabeth*
06/24/1890395SMITH, Lucinda*55SMITH, SilasINOH: Preble Co. (b)IN: Portland (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau, 2 sis, 2 bros remain
06/24/1890395-----, Lucinda*55SMITH, SilasINOH: Preble Co. (b)IN: Portland (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau, 2 sis, 2 bros remain
06/24/1890395SMITH, Silas-----, Lucinda*
06/24/1890395KEISTER, Adam*73HAGAN, Mary Ann----: Callensburgh Cem. (bur); md Dec 5, 1839; wife, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead [there is a Callensburg in Clarion Co., PA]; [minister: BOOZER, J. H.]
06/24/1890395HAGAN, Mary AnnKEISTER, Adam*
06/24/1890395KEISTER, Mary AnnKEISTER, Adam*
06/24/1890395FRYE, Lillie*8----: Minister: BERGER, F. C.; dau of Rev A.; malaria
06/24/1890395FREEMAN, Wilmer Levi*6PAPA: Allentown (died at home of grmo); son of Richard A. & Ella; congestion of the brain
06/24/1890395AMY, Edward Talmage*5PAPA: Pen Argyl (d); son of James H. & Mary; severely burned while at play w/ companions
06/24/1890395HEITZ, Andrew George*1ILIL: Winslow area (d); son of Sohn [sic] & Katie

Number of items that your search found: 1081