Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/09/1856 | 112 | TRUBY, Joseph (Rev.)* | 36 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co. (b 1819) | PA: Venango Co. (d Apr 25, 1856 age 36y, 8m, 26d); converted Brush Valley, Indiana Co., PA; memb W. PA Conf., + OH & PA Confs.; had arrived ill at res of mother-in-law, Mrs. KING, the prev day by steamboat; wife, 2 little sons remain [very lengthy] | ||
07/23/1856 | 120 | THURSBY, Mary* | 30 | REIFSNYDER | THURSBY, ----- | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Jun 13, 1856 age 30y, 8m, 17d); dau of Daniel; converted in her youth; husb, 5 chren, pars remain | |
07/23/1856 | 120 | REIFSNYDER, Mary* | 30 | THURSBY, ----- | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Jun 13, 1856 age 30y, 8m, 17d); dau of Daniel; converted in her youth; husb, 5 chren, pars remain | ||
07/23/1856 | 120 | THURSBY, ----- | REIFSNYDER, Mary* | |||||
07/23/1856 | 120 | HORTING, Christian* | 77 | PA | PA: Berks Co. (d Jul 4th age 77y, 10m, 28d); embraced religion in early life; dropsy | |||
07/23/1856 | 120 | SEITZ, John (Rev.)* | 78 | PA | PA: York Co.: Springfield Tp. (d Jul 4, 1856 age 78y, 3m, 12d); active memb Evan. Assn. ca 40 yrs; served "a long time" in capacity as local preacher; widow, 11 chren, 56 grchren, 6 gt-grchren remain | |||
08/06/1856 | 128 | SHISSLER, Harriet* | 32 | SHISSLER, Samuel | IN | IN: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Jul 9, 1856 age 32y, 20d); converted ca 4 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren, pars, number of bros remain; canker morus [sic] ca 3 wks | ||
08/06/1856 | 128 | SHISSLER, Samuel | -----, Harriet* | |||||
08/06/1856 | 128 | GOODHEART, Matilda* | 44+ | GOODHEART, Henry | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol area (d Jun 22, 1856); delicate health a number of yrs; husb, several chren remain. Minister: P. W. HAHN [not stated, but Bristol is in Wayne Co., OH, per Hahn's assignment at this time] | ||
08/06/1856 | 128 | GOODHEART, Henry | -----, Matilda* | |||||
08/06/1856 | 128 | STATLER, Anne Catharine* | 29 | STATLER, Wm. J. (Rev.) | VA | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | VA: Shenandoah Co. (d Mar 14, 1856 age 29y, 26d); w/ husb to Preston Co., VA, ca 3 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch.; he then sent to Shenandoah Circuit; husb, 4 or 5 chren remain | |
08/06/1856 | 128 | STATLER, Wm. J. (Rev.) | -----, Anne Catharine* | |||||
08/06/1856 | 128 | LIGHT, David* | 41 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d May 27, 1856 age 41y, 6m); son of Felix; converted ca 3 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 9 chren remain; virulent stomach ulcer. Minister: H. T. STRAUCH | |||
08/20/1856 | 136 | WATERMAN, Isaac* | -- | -- | --: Minister: BECK, Sam'l; d the 18th inst. of a long & painful disease--cancer in the face | |||
09/03/1856 | 144 | GEBERT, Anna* | 46 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d [no date] age 46y, 9m, 13d); follower of God ca 20 yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; consumption | |||
09/03/1856 | 144 | LIGHT, Anna* | 74 | LIGHT, John | OH | PA: Dauphin Co. (res prev) | OH: Richland Co. (d Aug 11th age 74y, 5m); converted ca 30 yrs ago; not a member of any particular branch of the church, but welcomed Evan. Assn. ministers & let her house for preaching; husb, a number of chren remain; consumption. Minister: C. IDLEMAN | |
09/03/1856 | 144 | LIGHT, John | -----, Anna* | |||||
09/03/1856 | 144 | RISMAN, David* | 37 | PA | PA: Clinton Co. (d Mar 2d last, age 37y, 10m, 23d); embraced religion shortly before his departure | |||
09/17/1856 | 152 | WALTER, Michael (Rev.)* | 62 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co. (d Aug 29th last, age 62y, 6m, 27d); converted ca age 19, was traveling minister 7 yrs until ill health set in; d the last day of a camp-meeting held in sight of his house; had funeral there; widow, 4 chren remain | |||
10/01/1856 | 160 | BOAS, Sarah* | 31 | BOWMAN | BOAS, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Sep 8th age 31y, 11m, 26d); dau of Henry; converted age 4 at an 1828 revival in Lebanon; husb, 4 chren remain, the youngest being age 3 wks [earlier in obit it states she was the mother of 5 chren] | |
10/01/1856 | 160 | BOWMAN, Sarah* | 31 | BOAS, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Sep 8th age 31y, 11m, 26d); dau of Henry; converted age 4 at an 1828 revival in Lebanon; husb, 4 chren remain, the youngest being age 3 wks [earlier in obit it states she was the mother of 5 chren] | ||
10/01/1856 | 160 | BOAS, Jeremiah | BOWMAN, Sarah* | |||||
10/01/1856 | 160 | STRICKLER, Henry (Rev.)* | 28 | IN | IN: Marion Co. (d Sep 6th age 28y, 6m, 3d); converted age 11y, 7m & joined Evan. Assn. served last 8 yrs as preacher, the latter 4 yrs as an itinerant; widow, 2 chren remain; cramp-colic | |||
10/15/1856 | 168 | BARDNER, Leah* | 39 | OH | OH: Wood Co. (d Aug 27th age 39y, 8m, 26d); husb, 8 chren remain; died of a diseased stomach | |||
10/15/1856 | 168 | DINGES, Wayne* | 10 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d the 16th ult., age 10y, 4m, 4d); son of Jacob & Caroline; consumption | |||
10/15/1856 | 168 | JOHNSON, Susannah* | 19 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Tp. (d Sep 25th age 19y, 9m, 25d); converted 3 wks earlier at a campmeeting held by United Brethren; a few days later developed dysentery & suffered 2 wks | |||
10/29/1856 | 176 | BOWMAN, Elizabeth* | 52 | BOWMAN, David | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d Oct 9, 1856 age 52y, 1m, 23d); converted ca 25 yrs ago; husb #1 d, leaving her w/ 6 young chren; as widow, to this place ca 18 yrs ago; md 2) after 13 yrs of widowhood; husb, 1 son, 5 daus remain; poorly + typhoid fever [lengthy] | |
10/29/1856 | 176 | BOWMAN, David | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/29/1856 | 176 | DUSTMAN, Anna Christina* | 48 | DUSTMAN, John | OH | OH: Mahoning Co. (d Mar 10th age 48y, 4m, 11d); converted ca 14 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 2 chren remain; consumption, bedridden 7 mos | ||
10/29/1856 | 176 | DUSTMAN, John | -----, Anna Christina* | |||||
10/29/1856 | 176 | RUSH, Jacob* | 58 | CW | CW: York Co.: tp. of Vaughn (d Sep 14, 1856 age 58y, 2m, 8d); wife, 6 chren remain | |||
10/29/1856 | 176 | NIEBEL, Salome* | 35 | NIEBEL, Abr. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Erie Co. (d Sep 24th last, age 35y, 9m, 29d); husb, 2 chren, mother remain; sickly for yrs, then consumption | ||
10/29/1856 | 176 | NIEBEL, Abr. (Rev.) | -----, Salome* | |||||
10/29/1856 | 176 | HARPER, Adam* | 33 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co. (d Sep 17th last age 33y, 1m, 7d); converted 8 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. 3 yrs ago; widow, 1 child remain; bronchitis | |||
11/12/1856 | 184 | McCAULEY, Maria* | 14 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Sept 25th age 14y, 2m, 4d); dau of Solomon & Catharine; converted ca 2 yrs ago; scarlet fever 8 days | |||
11/26/1856 | 192 | WEINBERG, Susannah* | 62 | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Three Rivers area (d Oct 2d last); 7 chren remain | |||
11/26/1856 | 192 | GEISER, Sarah* | 17 | IA | PA: Allentown (b) | IA: Black Hawk Co.: Barclay (d Nov 5, 1856 age 17y, 1m, 6d); dau of Adam & Nancy; pars, 3 sis remain; violent disease [not named] 5 days | ||
11/26/1856 | 192 | BUZZARD, Samuel* | 35 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Lower Mt. Bethel Tp. (d Nov 5th age 35y, 6m, 5d); converted ca 11 yrs ago, 9 yrs an exhorter in the church; "he led a single life"; exhorted his pars & brethren to meet him in heaven; ill 5 days. Submitted by Joseph BUZZARD | |||
12/10/1856 | 200 | DECKER, George* | 62 | PA | PA: York Co. (res); d May 14, 1856 age 62y, 8m, 20d; converted ca 15 yrs ago, became prominent & exemplary memb Evan. Assn.; wife, 10 chren remain | |||
12/10/1856 | 200 | SEITZ, Eve* | 71 | SEITZ, Jno. (Rev.) | PA | PA: York Co.: Springfield Tp. (d Oct 3, 1856 age 71y, 6m, 15d); converted ca 43 yrs ago; 11 chren, 56 grchren, 6 gt-grchren remain; a "lingering affliction" | ||
12/10/1856 | 200 | SEITZ, Jno. (Rev.) | -----, Eve* | |||||
12/10/1856 | 200 | MILLER, Susannah* | 70 | MILLER, Christian | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Nov 12th age 70y, 1m); converted ca 36 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 1 son remain; consumption ca 9 mos | ||
12/10/1856 | 200 | MILLER, Christian | -----, Susannah* | |||||
12/24/1856 | 206 | HIGH, Nancy* | 32 | PA | PA: Union Co.: White Deer Tp. (d Dec 1st age 32y, 3m, 17d); converted age 13; an old mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; consumption ca 2 yrs |
Number of items that your search found: 44