Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/08/1857 | 112 | SCHULER, Edward T.* | 24 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jun 14, 1857 age 24y, 7m, 6d); was converted from his "wild career"; his widow, and possibly his mother remain; consumption | |||
07/22/1857 | 120 | LONGBRECHT, Henry (Rev.)* | 47 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Jun 24, 1857 age 47y, 8m, 29d); converted 1835, was rec'd into the OH Conf. itinerancy 2 yrs later; widow, 7 chren remain, some of whom are young; affected liver / spleen + dropsy [lengthy, detailed obit] | |||
07/22/1857 | 120 | CAMPBELL, Elisabeth* | 26 | PA | PA: Lancaster (d Jun 22, 1857 age 26y, 2m, 13d); joined Evan. Assn. after conversion ca 7 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain | |||
07/22/1857 | 120 | JACOBS, David* | 60 | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Congress Tp. (d Jun 20th last, age 60y, 8m, 17d); his house a place for public worship; would let his harvest workers hear sermons, then pay them their wages; widow, 9 chren remain; erysipelas 5 days | ||
07/22/1857 | 120 | NUNAMAKER, Jacob* | 78 | OH | PA: York Co. (res prev) | OH: Mahoning Co. (d Jun 25th last, age 78y, 8m, 6d) | ||
07/22/1857 | 120 | FRITZ, Edwin G.* | 33 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 1st, 1857 age 33y, 4m, 17d); consumption; bur Jul 3d in graveyard at Friedensburg, Berks Co., PA | |||
08/05/1857 | 128 | SPRING, J. (Rev.)* | OH | OH: Flat Rock (death date not stated, nor age); converted & preached some in Flat Rock, unclear if he d there; d 2 hrs after his name was given at Conf. as a candidate for the itineracy; wife, 4 chren remain. Lengthy obit by J. KANAGY of Greensburg | ||||
08/05/1857 | 128 | SAYLOR, Sarah Elizabeth* | 15 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 13 last, age 15y, 2m, 18d); typhoid fever 1 wk | |||
08/05/1857 | 128 | WISSLER, Rebecca* | 58 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: Salt-creek Tp. (d Jun 29th last); converted 30+ yrs ago; husb, 7 chren remain | |||
08/19/1857 | 136 | WALKER, Henrietta* | 42 | PA | PA: York (d Jul 14, 1857 age 42y, 1m, 12d); converted and 11 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; consumption 8 mos | |||
08/19/1857 | 136 | STRAW, Josiah* | 20 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Jul 24, 1857 age 20y, 7m, 15d); consumption 7 mos [bro of Isaac] | |||
08/19/1857 | 136 | STRAW, Isaac* | 18 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d the 2nd inst., age 18y, 1m, 19d); converted 6 mos ago [bro of Josiah] | |||
09/16/1857 | 152 | MILLER, Adam* | -- | MI | MI: St. Joseph's Co. (d Aug 24, 1857 [no age stated]); converted 3+ yrs ago & been serving God since then | |||
09/30/1857 | 160 | SCHARKER, Levi* | 29 | PA | PA: Lancaster: Manheim (d May 31, 1857); joined Evan. Assn. 1 yr ago; wife, 4 chren remain; fever relapse brought on his death | |||
10/14/1857 | 168 | TINSLER, Mary R.* | 37 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol area (d Sep 16, 1857 age 37y, 7m, 14d); converted & joined Evan. Assn. 1+ yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain. Minister: J. STULL | |||
10/14/1857 | 168 | SHAEFER, Henry* | 67 | PA | PA: York Co.: Warrington (d Aug 28, 1857 age 67y, 6m, 6d); embraced religion ca 10 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, an only son remain; boot or shoe caused soreness in foot creating fever, killing him in 5 days. Minister: S. W. SEIBERT | |||
10/28/1857 | 176 | SCHUEGERS, Margaret* | 55 | -- | --: Minister: LEHR, James O.; d Sep 17, 1857 age 55y, 3m; husb, 7 chren remain; consumption 20 yrs | |||
10/28/1857 | 176 | WITMORE, Hannah* | 27 | WITMORE, Henry | CW | CW: York Tp. (d Sep 30th last); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption | ||
10/28/1857 | 176 | WITMORE, Henry | -----, Hannah* | |||||
10/28/1857 | 176 | CLARK, Diana* | 29 | CLARK, George (Rev.) | CW | ENGLAND: Yorkshire (b) | CW: Wilmot Tp. (d Sep 25, 1857); converted in England 1848; w/ husb to Canada West 1853; husb joined NY Conf.; husb, 2 little chren remain; liver complaint | |
10/28/1857 | 176 | CLARK, George (Rev.) | -----, Diana* | |||||
10/28/1857 | 176 | ENGLE, Nancy* | 33 | OH | OH: Seneca Co. (d Sep 1, 1857 age 34y, less 17d); converted 5 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, an infant child remain | |||
10/28/1857 | 176 | GHEAR, Catharine* | 38 | PA | PA: Crawford Co. (d Aug 19, 1857); converted 15+ yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.; many yrs welcomed preachers into her house; husb, 7 chren remain | |||
10/28/1857 | 176 | KECK, Elisabeth* | 17 | PA | PA: Mercer Co. (d Oct 2, 1857 age 17y, 1m, 26d); converted 4 yrs ago; pars remaintyphoid fever 3 wks | |||
11/11/1857 | 184 | WOLF, Jacob* | 20 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Oct 19, 1857); converted 3 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. ca 5 wks before death; mother, step-father, a bro remain; consumption | |||
11/11/1857 | 184 | KAEGEL, Mary* | 87 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Oct 2, 1857); converted ca 40 yrs ago when Bro. SEYBERT preached in Blockhouse settlement; old age | |||
11/25/1857 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
12/09/1857 | 200 | GARBER, Sarah C.* | -- | GARBER, Thomas | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe (d Sep 30th last); memb Evan Assn. ca 5 yrs; on Mon., the 28th, her clothes caught fire as she was doing the washing in the oven-house | ||
12/09/1857 | 200 | GARBER, Thomas | -----, Sarah C.* | |||||
12/09/1857 | 200 | BOERCH, Elizabeth* | 17 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d the 15th inst.); dau of Henry & Mary; converted at campmeeting on John SCHWARTZ land last summer; funeral in Emanuel Ch; bur in German Ref. & Luth. graveyard | |||
12/09/1857 | 200 | DETWEILER, Mary Ann* | 18 | PA | PA: York Co. (d Sep 22, 1857 age 18y, 11m, 12d); dau of John & Susan; converted 4 yrs earlier; enlargement of heart + other diseases | |||
12/23/1857 | 207 | OTT, Jacob* | 79 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d the 20th inst., aged 79y, 8m, 11d) |
Number of items that your search found: 32