DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
07/08/1857112SCHULER, Edward T.*24PAPA: Lebanon (d Jun 14, 1857 age 24y, 7m, 6d); was converted from his "wild career"; his widow, and possibly his mother remain; consumption
07/22/1857120LONGBRECHT, Henry (Rev.)*47OHOH: Hancock Co. (d Jun 24, 1857 age 47y, 8m, 29d); converted 1835, was rec'd into the OH Conf. itinerancy 2 yrs later; widow, 7 chren remain, some of whom are young; affected liver / spleen + dropsy [lengthy, detailed obit]
07/22/1857120CAMPBELL, Elisabeth*26PAPA: Lancaster (d Jun 22, 1857 age 26y, 2m, 13d); joined Evan. Assn. after conversion ca 7 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain
07/22/1857120JACOBS, David*60OHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Wayne Co.: Congress Tp. (d Jun 20th last, age 60y, 8m, 17d); his house a place for public worship; would let his harvest workers hear sermons, then pay them their wages; widow, 9 chren remain; erysipelas 5 days
07/22/1857120NUNAMAKER, Jacob*78OHPA: York Co. (res prev)OH: Mahoning Co. (d Jun 25th last, age 78y, 8m, 6d)
07/22/1857120FRITZ, Edwin G.*33PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 1st, 1857 age 33y, 4m, 17d); consumption; bur Jul 3d in graveyard at Friedensburg, Berks Co., PA
08/05/1857128SPRING, J. (Rev.)*OHOH: Flat Rock (death date not stated, nor age); converted & preached some in Flat Rock, unclear if he d there; d 2 hrs after his name was given at Conf. as a candidate for the itineracy; wife, 4 chren remain. Lengthy obit by J. KANAGY of Greensburg
08/05/1857128SAYLOR, Sarah Elizabeth*15PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 13 last, age 15y, 2m, 18d); typhoid fever 1 wk
08/05/1857128WISSLER, Rebecca*58OHOH: Pickaway Co.: Salt-creek Tp. (d Jun 29th last); converted 30+ yrs ago; husb, 7 chren remain
08/19/1857136WALKER, Henrietta*42PAPA: York (d Jul 14, 1857 age 42y, 1m, 12d); converted and 11 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; consumption 8 mos
08/19/1857136STRAW, Josiah*20PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Jul 24, 1857 age 20y, 7m, 15d); consumption 7 mos [bro of Isaac]
08/19/1857136STRAW, Isaac*18PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d the 2nd inst., age 18y, 1m, 19d); converted 6 mos ago [bro of Josiah]
09/16/1857152MILLER, Adam*--MIMI: St. Joseph's Co. (d Aug 24, 1857 [no age stated]); converted 3+ yrs ago & been serving God since then
09/30/1857160SCHARKER, Levi*29PAPA: Lancaster: Manheim (d May 31, 1857); joined Evan. Assn. 1 yr ago; wife, 4 chren remain; fever relapse brought on his death
10/14/1857168TINSLER, Mary R.*37OHOH: Wayne Co.: Bristol area (d Sep 16, 1857 age 37y, 7m, 14d); converted & joined Evan. Assn. 1+ yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain. Minister: J. STULL
10/14/1857168SHAEFER, Henry*67PAPA: York Co.: Warrington (d Aug 28, 1857 age 67y, 6m, 6d); embraced religion ca 10 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, an only son remain; boot or shoe caused soreness in foot creating fever, killing him in 5 days. Minister: S. W. SEIBERT
10/28/1857176SCHUEGERS, Margaret*55----: Minister: LEHR, James O.; d Sep 17, 1857 age 55y, 3m; husb, 7 chren remain; consumption 20 yrs
10/28/1857176WITMORE, Hannah*27WITMORE, HenryCWCW: York Tp. (d Sep 30th last); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption
10/28/1857176WITMORE, Henry-----, Hannah*
10/28/1857176CLARK, Diana*29CLARK, George (Rev.)CWENGLAND: Yorkshire (b)CW: Wilmot Tp. (d Sep 25, 1857); converted in England 1848; w/ husb to Canada West 1853; husb joined NY Conf.; husb, 2 little chren remain; liver complaint
10/28/1857176CLARK, George (Rev.)-----, Diana*
10/28/1857176ENGLE, Nancy*33OHOH: Seneca Co. (d Sep 1, 1857 age 34y, less 17d); converted 5 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, an infant child remain
10/28/1857176GHEAR, Catharine*38PAPA: Crawford Co. (d Aug 19, 1857); converted 15+ yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.; many yrs welcomed preachers into her house; husb, 7 chren remain
10/28/1857176KECK, Elisabeth*17PAPA: Mercer Co. (d Oct 2, 1857 age 17y, 1m, 26d); converted 4 yrs ago; pars remaintyphoid fever 3 wks
11/11/1857184WOLF, Jacob*20NYNY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Oct 19, 1857); converted 3 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. ca 5 wks before death; mother, step-father, a bro remain; consumption
11/11/1857184KAEGEL, Mary*87PAPA: Lycoming Co. (d Oct 2, 1857); converted ca 40 yrs ago when Bro. SEYBERT preached in Blockhouse settlement; old age
12/09/1857200GARBER, Sarah C.*--GARBER, ThomasPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe (d Sep 30th last); memb Evan Assn. ca 5 yrs; on Mon., the 28th, her clothes caught fire as she was doing the washing in the oven-house
12/09/1857200GARBER, Thomas-----, Sarah C.*
12/09/1857200BOERCH, Elizabeth*17OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d the 15th inst.); dau of Henry & Mary; converted at campmeeting on John SCHWARTZ land last summer; funeral in Emanuel Ch; bur in German Ref. & Luth. graveyard
12/09/1857200DETWEILER, Mary Ann*18PAPA: York Co. (d Sep 22, 1857 age 18y, 11m, 12d); dau of John & Susan; converted 4 yrs earlier; enlargement of heart + other diseases
12/23/1857207OTT, Jacob*79PAPA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d the 20th inst., aged 79y, 8m, 11d)

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