Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/07/1859 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
07/21/1859 | 120 | FISHER, Rachel* | 48 | FISHER, Jacob (Rev.) | MI | MI: Cross* Co. (d Jul 8, 1859 age 48y, 4m, 15d); res prev Likens [sic] Valley, Dauphin Co., PA; converted ca 16 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy [*CORR to Cass Co., MI, Aug 18, 1859 p 136] | ||
07/21/1859 | 120 | FISHER, Jacob (Rev.) | -----, Rachel* | |||||
07/21/1859 | 120 | WILLIAMS, Phebe Ann* | 21 | WILLIAMS, J. B. (Dr.) | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Fryburg (d May 29, 1859); memb Evan. Assn. 7+ yrs; consumption. Minister: G. S. DOMER | ||
07/21/1859 | 120 | WILLIAMS, J. B. (Dr.) | -----, Phebe Ann* | |||||
07/21/1859 | 120 | TRESSLER, Mary* | 41 | TRESSLER, John | PA | PA: Perry Co. (d the 13th inst., age 41y, 1m, 11d); converted ca 15 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 10 chren remain; an unseasonable cold terminated in her death | ||
07/21/1859 | 120 | TRESSLER, John | -----, Mary* | |||||
07/21/1859 | 120 | HIRSCH, Conrad* | 51 | MD | MD: Howard Co.: Old Ridge Landing area (d May 19th last, age 51y, 3m, 17d); converted ca 20 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn., a classleader the last 9 yrs; wife, 7 chren, mother, bros, sisters remain | |||
07/21/1859 | 120 | STONG, George* | 62 | CW | CW: York Co.: York Tp. (d Jun 8, 1859); widow remains; heart disease some wks, sometimes slightly deranged during illness | |||
07/21/1859 | 120 | HOLLINGER, Barbara* | 38 | HOLLINGER, Jacob | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Manchester area (d Jun 8, 1859 age 38y, 2m, 13d); husb, 8 chren remain, the youngest being nearly 2 mos in age; 1 child dead. J. STULL preached in German, E. B. CROUSE in English | ||
07/21/1859 | 120 | HOLLINGER, Jacob | -----, Barbara* | |||||
07/21/1859 | 120 | BERSHINGER, Elizabeth* | 47 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Freeport (d Jun 12, 1859 age 47y, 10m, 3d); converted ca 13 yrs ago; mentions her friends in PA; husb, 1 dau, 1 son remain; liver affection [obit quite lengthy for this time period] | |||
08/04/1859 | 128 | SCHMUCK, Sarah* | 31 | WELTMER | SCHMUCK, Emanuel | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Chester Tp. (d Jun 17, 1859 age 31y, 10m, 12d); dau of Jacob & Hannah converted age 13; husb, 1 child remain; dropsy in head + typhoid fever | |
08/04/1859 | 128 | WELTMER, Sarah* | 31 | SCHMUCK, Emanuel | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Chester Tp. (d Jun 17, 1859 age 31y, 10m, 12d); dau of Jacob & Hannah converted age 13; husb, 1 child remain; dropsy in head + typhoid fever | ||
08/04/1859 | 128 | SCHMUCK, Emanuel | WELTMER, Sarah* | |||||
08/04/1859 | 128 | TRUMBAUER, Lewis Jacob* | -- | PA | PA: Lehigh Co. (res prev); d Jul 7th last; son of Rev. Jacob; embraced religion last winter; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; typhoid fever ca 6 wks. Minister: Christian HUMMEL | |||
08/18/1859 | 136 | VREELAND, Julianna* | 46 | VREELAND, J. B. C. | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette Tp. (d Jul 7, 1859 age 46y, 7m, 3d); converted ca 25 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn. husb, 2 chren remain; consumption | ||
08/18/1859 | 136 | VREELAND, J. B. C. | -----, Julianna* | |||||
08/18/1859 | 136 | RITCHEY, Thomas H.* | 28 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Oakland Tp. (d Jul 28, 1859); joined Evan. Assn. last fall; wife, 4 chren, mother, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption 1+ yr | |||
08/18/1859 | 136 | FRITTS, Louisa* | -- | NJ | NJ (d Jun 1, 1859); memb Bethel class when 1st organized; aged pars remain. Minister: Jacob A. APGER | |||
08/18/1859 | 136 | MOCK, Lydia S.* | 37 | PA | PA: Union Co.: White Deer Tp. (d Aug 23, 1859) | |||
09/01/1859 | 144 | TOOMEY, Isaac* | 20 | PA | PA: Perry Co. (d Jul 23, 1859 age 20y, 10m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. 1+ yrs; bur Jul 24th | |||
09/01/1859 | 144 | BROWN, Jeremiah C.* | 22 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d [no date] age 22y, 5d); son of Cyrus & Elizabeth; liver complaint + typhoid fever | |||
09/15/1859 | 152 | WORICK, Mary* | 43 | BROWN | WORICK, Charles | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Aug 14, 1859 age 43y, 10m, 10d); dau of Jacob & Elizabeth; husb, 11 chren remain | |
09/15/1859 | 152 | BROWN, Mary* | 43 | WORICK, Charles | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Aug 14, 1859 age 43y, 10m, 10d); dau of Jacob & Elizabeth; husb, 11 chren remain | ||
09/15/1859 | 152 | WORICK, Charles | BROWN, Mary* | |||||
09/15/1859 | 152 | LEAS, John* | 71 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Juniata Tp. (d Aug 9, 1859 age 71y, 6m, 14d); memb Evan. Assn. 20+ yrs; mentions wife & chren | |||
09/15/1859 | 152 | MUSSELMAN, Henry* | -- | PA | PA: New Kingston area (no date or age stated); son of John; riding on turnpike Sat. evening, horse threw him forward on head, dragging him ca 1 mile; died in one hr [MUSSLEMAN in body of obit] | |||
09/29/1859 | 160 | MUSSELMAN, Henry* | 22 | -- | --: Minister: YOUNG, J. M.; an active teacher in Sunday School; d Aug 20, 1859 age 22y, 2m, 5d | |||
09/29/1859 | 160 | BOYER, Susannah* | 69 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Easton (d Sep 10, 1859 age 69y, 10m, 5d); converted ca 36 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch.; memb Reading Evan. Assn ca 23 yrs, preferring it for the German language used; an only dau remains, she the wife of Rev.W. L. REBER; bur Reading, PA | |||
09/29/1859 | 160 | WALKER, Reuben Ira* | 18 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Clintonville area (d Aug 1 last, age 18y, 11m); converted ca 3 yrs ago; pars, bros, sisters remain | |||
10/13/1859 | 168 | MILLER, Lydia* | 17 | IN | IN: Huntington Co. (d Jun 26th last, age 17y, 11m); converted 1 yr ago; typhoid fever 9 days | |||
10/13/1859 | 168 | BENDER, Eve Catharine* | 68 | BENDER, Jacob | PA | PA: Bendersville (d the 26th ult. age 68y, 7m, 2d); memb Evan. Assn. 39+ yrs; husb, 8 chren remain; paralysis 7+ yrs | ||
10/13/1859 | 168 | BENDER, Jacob | -----, Eve Catharine* | |||||
10/27/1859 | 176 | WALN, George* | 47 | PA | PA: York Co.: Lewisberry area (d Sep 23d last, age 47y, 10m, 11d); converted ca 20 yrs ago, was class-leader / exhorter in Evan. Assn.; wife, an only son remain; dropsy + pulmonary consumption | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | FLEISHMAN, George* | 47 | OH | OH: Marion Co.: Decatur area (d Oct 7th last, age 47y, 25d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 8 yrs; apoplexy | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | BOWMAN, Louisa Ann* | 16 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co.: Southington (d Oct 3, 1856 [sic] age 16y, 4m, 12d); dau of John C. & Sophia; typhoid fever 12 days; funeral by Rev. Wm. Kincaid of M. E. Ch. [CORR: death date should be Oct 3, 1859, see Dec 8, 1859 issue, p 200] | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | BOCH, Sarah* | 5 | -- | --: Minister: SWARTZ, Andrew; d Sep 29, 1859 age 5y, 9m, 9d; dau of John & Mary Ann | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | DOWNEY, S.* | 57 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d Aug 19, 1859 age 57y, 3m, 22d); wife, chren remain; piles [mentions his "wild career"] | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | WANBAUGH, John Ambrose* | 9 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: New Kingston (d Oct 20th age 9y, 29d); son of W. W.; riding w/ bro David, both thrown from horse; brain concussions to both brought on fevers, John did not survive. "David is in a fair way of recovering." | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | IRVIN, Eve* | 70 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Kingston area (d Oct 28th, age 70y, 24d); one of first converted in this place & joined church ca 16 yrs ago | |||
11/10/1859 | 184 | HENNEY, Abner* | 25 | OH | OH: Wayne Co. (d Sep 30, 1859 age 25y, 1m, 14d); son of Rev. A. & Catharine; epilepsy 2 yrs; went squirrel-hunting & while unconscious during a seizure was attacked by old swine who tore flesh from his thigh, supposedly bled to death; aged pars remain | |||
11/22/1859 | 192 | VAN BUSKIRK, Sarah* | 64? | VAN BUSKIRK, John | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield (d Nov 9th, aged 64 [or 61] y, 5m, 7d); converted ca 50 yrs ago; md ca 39y; a kind companion, a true mother | ||
11/22/1859 | 192 | VAN BUSKIRK, John | -----, Sarah* | |||||
11/22/1859 | 192 | LONGSDORF, A. (Mrs.)* | 45 | LONGSDORF, A. (Rev.) | -- | --: Williamsport (d Aug 7th last, age 45y, 11m, 26d); converted 1836, joined Evan. Assn.; w/ husb served pastorates for 21 yrs; cholera morbus terminating in a gangrene for 7 days; husb, chren remain | ||
11/22/1859 | 192 | YEAGLE, Franklin* | 17 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d the 2nd inst., age 17y, 6m, 3d at res of pars); son of Henry & Barbara; bur Zion's Cem.; typhoid fever | |||
11/22/1859 | 192 | ROCKY, James O.* | 39 | IL | IL: Pennsylvania settlement (d Aug 16, 1859 age 39y, 5m); converted ca 3 yrs ago; widow, 5 chren remain; consumption 5 yrs | |||
11/22/1859 | 192 | BAUGHMAN, Francis W.* | 68 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Johnsville area (d Oct 17th last, age 68y, 16d); widow, 3 chren remain; palsy | |||
11/22/1859 | 192 | WAGNER, Calista Jane* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: POWELL, John; d Nov 10th age 2y, 7m, 1d); dau of Adam; croup & quincy [sic] | |||
11/22/1859 | 192 | KEEFER, Mosses [sic]* [& dau] | 35 | PA | PA: York (d Nov 3d, age 35y, 1m, 7d); widow, 1 child remain; 4 of their chren now dead, including little girl age ca 5 yrs, who d a few wks before him; he had consumption since last Spring | |||
12/08/1859 | 200 | WENTZ, Mary* | 51 | PA | PA: Perry Co. (d Nov 5, 1859 age 51y, 6m, 25d); converted ca 12 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 7 chren remain; consumption several wks | |||
12/22/1859 | 207 | PAINTER, Elmira Jane* | 10 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Woodberry [sic] (d Nov 28th last, age 10y, 3m, 8d); dau of Solomon & Catharine; inflammation of bowels | |||
12/22/1859 | 207 | NORTH, Joseph J.* | 21 | -- | --: Minister: EVANS, E.; d Sep 5, 1859 age 21y, 11m, 27d; he & father loading saw-log which fell back, crushing his chest; he survived 2 hrs | |||
12/22/1859 | 207 | HARNUNG, Richard* | 70 | NY | NY: Montgomery Co. (d Jul 10th); converted ca 30 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn., was classleader several yrs; wife, chren remain; consumption ca 2 yrs | |||
12/22/1859 | 207 | BIRER, -----* | 5 | IL | IL: Dekalb Co. (d Nov 14, 1859 age 5y, 6m, 4d); son of Gottlieb & Henriette; scarlet fever |
Number of items that your search found: 55