Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/12/1860 | 112 | BYERS, Elias* | 30 | IL | IL: Henry Co.: Pink Prairie (d Jun 16th age 30y, 10m, 27d); bur next day. Minister: J. DINGER | |||
07/26/1860 | 120 | SUTTON, Daniel* | 64 | PA | PA: York Co.: Pinetown area (d Mar 2, 1860 age 64y, 7m, 20d); converted many yrs ago; wife, chren remain; dropsy of the chest | |||
07/26/1860 | 120 | STEWARD, Isaac* | ca 66 | IN | IN: Noble Co.: Washington Tp. (d Jul 9, 1860); memb Evan. Assn. quite a number of yrs; wife, 1 son remain; inflammation of throat & lungs | |||
07/26/1860 | 120 | CLARK, Joseph G.* | 21 | VA | VA: Martinsburg area (d Jun 23, 1860); converted ca 6 mos ago at Pleasant Grove chapel; bur Park Head church-yard; while traveling on foot along Balt. & Ohio R.R., came in contact w/ trains running east & west | |||
07/26/1860 | 120 | LANDIS, Isaiah* | 20 | PA | PA: Allentown (d the 17th inst. age 20y, 6m, 19d at res of his father); son of Benjamin & Eliza; galloping consumption, bedridden ca 5 wks; at times bled profusely; had no desire to be restored; galloping consumption | |||
08/09/1860 | 128 | LEBER, Peter | PA | PA: York Co.: Margaretta P.O. Peter LEBER, father, wants info on son Peter who left PA Apr 3, 1859; last known to be in or nr Fremont, Clarke Co., OH; not heard of him for nearly 8 mos; letters sent but unanswered [WANTED--not an obit] | ||||
08/09/1860 | 128 | GUTBRODT, David* | 57 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d 24th ult while att prayer meeting at res of Mr. ERHART); he & wife among 1st membs Evan. Assn. in Philadelphia, poss in 1835; wife, son remain | |||
08/09/1860 | 128 | GELLESPIE [sic], Hestie* | 26 | MASSER | IL | IL: McClain Co. (d the 28th ult. age 26y, 5m, 5d); dau of Adam & Sarah; converted age 16 at Somerset Co., PA; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Lexington churchyard; convulsions during confinement | ||
08/09/1860 | 128 | MASSER, Hestie* | 26 | GELLESPIE, ----- | IL | IL: McClain Co. (d the 28th ult. age 26y, 5m, 5d); dau of Adam & Sarah; converted age 16 at Somerset Co., PA; husb, 2 chren remain; bur Lexington churchyard; convulsions during confinement | ||
08/09/1860 | 128 | HOVER, Leonhard A.* | 6 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: West Hanover (d Jul 4th age 6y, 3m, 3d); son of Christian & Mary; putrid sore throat. Minister: E. B. MILLER | |||
08/09/1860 | 128 | ILGENFRITZ, Mary* | 39 | EBERSOLE | ILGENFRITZ, Fred. | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d Jun 27, 1860 age 39y, 2m); "a consistent follower of the Lamb for 25 years"; affection of the throat | |
08/09/1860 | 128 | EBERSOLE, Mary* | 39 | ILGENFRITZ, Fred. | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d Jun 27, 1860 age 39y, 2m); "a consistent follower of the Lamb for 25 years"; affection of the throat | ||
08/09/1860 | 128 | ILGENFRITZ, Fred. | EBERSOLE, Mary* | |||||
08/09/1860 | 128 | FLISHER, Daniel (Rev.)* | 48 | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Summit (d Jun 16, 1860 age 48y, 6m); converted age 16; wife, 4 chren remain; bur "Old Church Yard" nr Mosier-town; appeared to be deranged at times, which disqualified him for discharge of Christian duties; consumption | |||
08/09/1860 | 128 | SIMPSON, Enoch* | ca 75 | PA | ENGLAND (b) | PA: Adams Co.: Petersburg area (d Jul 21, 1860); to AMER ca 42 yrs ago; converted & joined Evan. Assn. ca 7 yrs ago; paralysis of brain dispossessed him of his reason for ca 4 yrs | ||
08/23/1860 | 136 | SHINDLER, Sarah Ann* | 36 | SHINDLER, Jonathan | PA | PA: York Co.: Stony Run (d Jul 26, 1860 age 36y, 3m, 27d); husb remains; consumption | ||
08/23/1860 | 136 | SHINDLER, Jonathan | -----, Sarah Ann* | |||||
08/23/1860 | 136 | EGOLF, Lusetta* | 24 | IN | IN: Whitly [sic] Co.: Thorn Creek Tp. (d Jul 4 last, age 24y, 3m, 10d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption ca 3 wks | |||
08/23/1860 | 136 | CHAMBERLAIN, Maria* | 18 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Jul 26, 1860 age 18y, 17d); converted ca 17 mos ago; billious fever 2 wks | |||
08/23/1860 | 136 | STROUP, Elias* | 42 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co.: Southington (d [no date] age 42y, 5 or 6m, 21d); class-leader in the West Southington class; wife, 6 chren remain; d ca an hr after being kicked by horse | |||
08/23/1860 | 136 | STAHLY, Catherine Ann* | 12 | IA | IA: Grand View area (d Aug 7th age 12y, 8m, 4d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth | |||
09/06/1860 | 144 | GORDNER, Sophia E.* | 33 | ZANER | GORDNER, Jonathan | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Brier Creek Tp. (d Aug 17, 1860 age 33y, 8m, 4d); dau of George & Anna; husb, 2 sm chren remain; 3 sm chren dead; consumption / bronchitis | |
09/06/1860 | 144 | ZANER, Sophia E.* | 33 | GORDNER, Jonathan | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Brier Creek Tp. (d Aug 17, 1860 age 33y, 8m, 4d); dau of George & Anna; husb, 2 sm chren remain; 3 sm chren dead; consumption / bronchitis | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | GORDNER, Jonathan | ZANER, Sophia E.* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | BENDER, Maria* | ca 27 | KLINE | BENDER, Cornelius | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, S. W.; d the 29th ult.; dau of Daniel & Rachael; husb, pars remain; peritonitis | |
09/06/1860 | 144 | KLINE, Maria* | ca 27 | BENDER, Cornelius | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, S. W.; d the 29th ult.; dau of Daniel & Rachel; husb, pars remain; peritonitis | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | BENDER, Cornelius | KLINE, Maria* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | DIEFENBACHER, Dorlisca* | 26 | HARTSOCK | DIEFENBACHER, S. R. | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Jul 2nd at res of father); converted ca 8 yrs ago; memb M. E. Ch.; husb, child remain; she a sis of Rev. S. M. HARTSOCK of M. E. Ch., East Baltimore Conf.; became ill in church, got as far as father's house where died | |
09/06/1860 | 144 | HARTCOCK, Dorlisca* | 26 | DIEFENBACHER, S. R. | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Jul 2nd at res of father); converted ca 8 yrs ago; memb M. E. Ch.; husb, child remain; she a sis of Rev. S. M. HARTSOCK of M. E. Ch., East Baltimore Conf.; became ill in church, got as far as father's house where died | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | DIEFENBACHER, S. R. | HARTSOCK, Dorlisca* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | IMEL, Anne* | 62 | FULTON | IMEL, Henry | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Springfield Tp. (d May 1, 1860 age 62y, 7m, 29d); dau of James & Elizabeth; husb, 12 chren, 39 grchren remain; deprived of speech nr end of life | |
09/06/1860 | 144 | FULTON, Anne* | 62 | IMEL, Henry | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Springfield Tp. (d May 1, 1860 age 62y, 7m, 29d); dau of James & Elizabeth; husb, 12 chren, 39 grchren remain; deprived of speech nr end of life | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | IMEL, Henry | FULTON, Anne* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | TOBIAS, Sarah* | 28 | MOYER | TOBIAS, Elijah | OH | OH: Pickaway Co. (d Aug 20th aged 28y, 11m, 2d); dau of George MOYER; converted ca age 14 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain; typhoid fever 2 wks [unclear if she and/or her father George were formerly of Schuylkill Co., PA] | |
09/06/1860 | 144 | MOYER, Sarah* | 28 | TOBIAS, Elijah | OH | OH: Pickaway Co. (d Aug 20th aged 28y, 11m, 2d); dau of George MOYER; converted ca age 14 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain; typhoid fever 2 wks [unclear if she and/or her father George were formerly of Schuylkill Co., PA] | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | TOBIAS, Elijah | MOYER, Sarah* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | DEISHER, Ursula C.* | 6 | PA | PA: Reading (d Jul 31st age 6y, 2m, 28d); dau of Rev. Reuben & Rebecca; scarlet fever / putrid sore throat. Minister: Isaac HESS [per another obit, he of Reading, PA, at this time] | |||
09/06/1860 | 144 | TOBIAS, Lydia* | 61 | TOBIAS, Benjamin (husb #2) | OH | OH: Circleville (d the 28th ult. age 61y, 11m, 12d); she & 1st husb converted Upper Milford, Lehigh Co., PA; then to Pickaway Co.; when he d, she was left w/ a goodly number of sm chren; bur by 2 husbs 6 mi from Circleville in cem nr Emanuel Ch. | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | -----, Lydia* | 61 | HITTEL, John (husb #1); converted Upper Milford, PA; then to Pickaway Co.; d ca 30 yrs ago | OH | OH: Circleville (d the 28th ult. age 61y, 11m, 12d); she & 1st husb converted Upper Milford, Lehigh Co., PA; then to Pickaway Co.; when he d, she was left w/ a goodly number of sm chren; bur by 2 husbs 6 mi from Circleville in cem nr Emanuel Ch. | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | HITTEL, Lydia* | 61 | TOBIAS, Benjamin (husb #2); | OH | OH: Circleville (d the 28th ult. age 61y, 11m, 12d); she & 1st husb converted Upper Milford, Lehigh Co., PA; then to Pickaway Co.; when he d, she was left w/ a goodly number of sm chren; bur by 2 husbs 6 mi from Circleville in cem nr Emanuel Ch. | ||
09/06/1860 | 144 | TOBIAS, Benjamin | HITTEL, Lydia* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | HITTEL, John | -----, Lydia* | |||||
09/06/1860 | 144 | ROULETHER, Michael* | 67 | MI | WURTEMBERG: Munechuigen (res prev) | MI: Barry Co.: Woodland (d Aug 3, 1860 age 67y, 1m, 27d); converted in GERMANY; to AMER 1830; joined Evan. Assn. in Herkimer Co., NY; widow, 8 chren remain; old age | ||
09/20/1860 | 152 | SILL, Daniel* | 18 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d Aug 28, 1860 age 18y, 5m, 8d); son of Rev. Jacob & Catharine; funeral at Zion's Ch.; typhoid fever ca 3 wks | |||
09/20/1860 | 152 | SCHMECK, Charles Franklin* | 6 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Sep 9, 1860 age 6y, 6m, 1d); son of Adam & Leah; putrid sore throat | |||
09/20/1860 | 152 | SMITH, Susannah* | 23 | FRESSLER | SMITH, Peter | PA | PA: Perry Co. (d Aug 14, 1860 age 23y, 5d); dau of John & Mary; converted ca 5 yrs ago; husb, 2 sm chren remain; cholera morbus [account given of her last days] | |
09/20/1860 | 152 | FRESSLER, Susannah* | 23 | SMITH, Peter | PA | PA: Perry Co. (d Aug 14, 1860 age 23y, 5d); dau of John & Mary; converted ca 5 yrs ago; husb, 2 sm chren remain; cholera morbus [account given of her last days] | ||
09/20/1860 | 152 | SMITH, Peter | FRESSLER, Susannah* | |||||
09/20/1860 | 152 | EBERT, Joseph B.* | 27 | IA | OH: Ashland Co. (res prev) | IA: Tama Co.: Toledo (d Sep 6, 1860 age 27y, 11m, 20d); joined Evan. Assn. 1852; to IA 1857; wife, child remain; typhoid fever. Minister: J. S. MORR | ||
10/04/1860 | 160 | SPIGLER, Nancy* | 59 | MILLER | SPIGLER, Samuel | MD | MD: Hagerstown area (d Aug 5th age 59y, 5m, 25d) [obit heading is MILLER] | |
10/04/1860 | 160 | MILLER, Nancy* | 59 | SPIGLER, Samuel | MD | MD: Hagerstown area (d Aug 5th age 59y, 5m, 25d) | ||
10/04/1860 | 160 | SPIGLER, Samuel | MILLER, Nancy* | |||||
10/04/1860 | 160 | WATTS, Samuel* | 71 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Sep 16th, age 71y, 5m, 1d); converted 22 yrs ago; 8 chren remain; wife d ca one yr ago; bur Fairville Evan. burying-ground; consumption for some yrs | |||
10/04/1860 | 160 | LOOS, Daniel* | 76 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Bern Tp. (d the 23d ult.); converted ca 36 yrs ago; two of his sons are Evan. ministers | |||
10/04/1860 | 160 | ANDRI, John J.* | 62 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co.: Catasauqua (res prev) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); widow, number of chren remain; gravel for 2 wks. Minister: Benjamin HESS | ||
10/18/1860 | 168 | KNAPP, John M.* | 25 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Trevorton (d Sep 23, 1860 age 25y, 4m, 13d); converted ca 8 yrs ago; wife, 1 sm child remain; typhoid fever ca 10 days | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | HARRIS, Mary Magdalene* | 50 | HARRIS, Jeremiah | PA | PA: Columbia Co. (d Sep 20, 1860 age 50y, 5m, 2d); embraced religion many yrs ago | ||
10/18/1860 | 168 | HARRIS, Jeremiah | -----, Mary Magdalene* | |||||
10/18/1860 | 168 | WILLIAMS, Magdalena* | 72 | WILLIAMS, David | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Fair View (d Sep 30, 1860 age 73 yrs less 4 days); memb Evan. Assn. ca 50 yrs, one of first membs in Lancaster Co., PA; emigrated w/ her fam to Erie Co., PA, one of first membs there | ||
10/18/1860 | 168 | WILLIAMS, David | -----, Magdalena* | |||||
10/18/1860 | 168 | ROCKEY, Jacob* | 27 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d [no date]; bur the 3rd at Zion's Ch.); converted ca 3 yrs ago; wife, friends remain | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | MAY, Sarah Ellen* | 5 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Sep 23, 1860 age 5y, 5m, 21d); child of David; putrid sore throat | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | MAY, Benjamin* | 19 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Sep 28, 1860 age 19y, 6m, 4d); child of David; putrid sore throat | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | MAY, Jane* | 9 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Oct 1st, age 9y, 6d); child of David; putrid sore throat [bur in one grave w/ Delilah] | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | MAY, Delilah* | 2 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Oct 1st, age 2y, 8m, 3d); child of David; putrid sore throat [bur in one grave w/ Jane] | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | ELICKER, John* | 53 | PA | PA: York Co.: Rossville area (d Sep 20, 1860 age 53y, 3m, 1d); converted ca 27 yrs ago at camp-meeting; class-leader / exhorter in the church; wife, 5 chren remain; dysentery 3 wks [lengthy obit]. Minister: S. W. SEIBERT | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | SECRIST, H.* | 72 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Sep 18, 1860); converted in Washington Co., PA, ca 43 yrs ago; to Richland Co. ca 30 yrs ago; church is in sight of his dwelling; 9 chren, 39 grchren, 4 gt-grchren remain; old age + diarrhea. Minister: C. IDLEMAN | |||
10/18/1860 | 168 | MARK, Phebe Ann* | 18 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek (d Sep 23, 1860 age 18y, 4m, 10d at res of father); dau of Henry & Rebecca; converted at Cedarville last winter; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; bur at Cedarville Cem.; typhoid fever | |||
11/01/1860 | 176 | ELICKER, Lucinda* | 27 | ELICKER | ELICKER, Jacob | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, S. W.: d Oct 15, 1860 age 27y, 7m, 1d; dau of the late John & Rebecca ELICKER; converted ca 12 yrs ago; husb, 2 bros, 2 sis, "a tender mother" remain; dysentery ca 5 wks | |
11/01/1860 | 176 | ELICKER, Jacob | ELICKER, Lucinda* | |||||
11/01/1860 | 176 | GILHOUSEN, Elizabeth* | 68 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co. (d May 9, 1860 age 68y, 9m, 23d); converted ca 18 yrs ago, when joined Evan. Assn.; dropsy of the chest. "Peace to her mouldering dust." | |||
11/01/1860 | 176 | ALFORD, Elizabeth* | 45 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Pope's mountain (d Oct 12th age 45y, 10m, 7d); husb, 3 chren nearly grown remain; 3 wks before death, fell through rail-way bridge, broke leg; after 3 wks agreed to have it amputated; died next day | |||
11/01/1860 | 176 | ZEHRING, George* | 70 | OH | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Jefferson area (d Oct 3rd age 70y, 5m); led a godly life ca 46 yrs. Minister: C. HAMMER | ||
11/15/1860 | 184 | PARKER, Mary* | 71 | PA | PA: Reading (d Nov 1, 1860 age 71y, 13d); children remain. Favorite hymn: "Lasz mich gehen, Ja, lasz mich gehen" | |||
11/15/1860 | 184 | EXAMPLE:, Favorite hymn (German title) | see Mary PARKER, Nov 15, 1860 p 184 | |||||
11/15/1860 | 184 | BIETZ, Catharine* | 78 | BIETZ, George | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manor Tp.: Washington (d Oct 14, 1860 age 78y, 9m, 4d); converted ca 17 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. 3 yrs later; husb dead; palsy ca 2 wks | ||
11/15/1860 | 184 | BIETZ, George | -----, Catharine* | |||||
11/15/1860 | 184 | REVERT, Wm.* | 25 | OH | OH: Stark Co. (d Nov 4, 1860 age 25y, 4m, 13d); widowed mother, many relatives remain; billious fever which terminated in typhoid | |||
11/15/1860 | 184 | SCHLUTT, Sarah Ann* | 37 | SCHLUTT, Charles | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bristol (d Sep 20, 1860 age 37y, 8m, 22d); memb Evan. Assn.; husb, 3 chren remain; cancer | ||
11/15/1860 | 184 | SCHLUTT, Charles | -----, Sarah Ann* | |||||
11/29/1860 | 192 | HAMMER, Jacob* | 57 | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d Nov 3d age 57y, 10m, 20d); 3-term memb of PA legislature; legal adviser of neighborhood; over him "many a fierce storm has swept with relentless fury"; 5 chren remain | |||
11/29/1860 | 192 | FRY, Elizabeth* | 23 | SNYDER | FRY, Henry | IL | OH: Summit Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d Nov 6th age 23y, 5m, 28d); dau of George, who also moved to Naperville; converted 5 yrs ago; two chren remain,one being age 2 yrs, the other age 6 mos; husb d 6 mos since; typhoid fever / consumption |
11/29/1860 | 192 | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | 23 | FRY, Henry | IL | OH: Summit Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d Nov 6th age 23y, 5m, 28d); dau of George, who also moved to Naperville; converted 5 yrs ago; two chren remain,one being age 2 yrs, the other age 6 mos; husb d 6 mos since; typhoid fever / consumption | |
11/29/1860 | 192 | FRY, Henry | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/29/1860 | 192 | MAY, Jacob* | 16 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Oct 15th age 16y, 24d); son of David; putrid sore throat; the MAY family bur 5 chren in 3 wks | |||
11/29/1860 | 192 | EXAMPLE, Familial deaths | Familial deaths [5 chren in 3 wks], see Jacob MAY, Nov 29, 1860 p 192 | |||||
11/29/1860 | 192 | FREEMAN, Henry* | ca 56 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co. (d Nov 2nd); converted ca 8 yrs ago, joined P. E. Church; w/ wife joined Evan. Assn. 2 wks before death; wife, 4 chren remain; apoplexy ca 24 hrs | |||
11/29/1860 | 192 | HARTUNG, Mary* | 30 | HARTUNG, Jacob, Jr. | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d Nov 8th age 30y, 5m, 17d); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption ca 17 mos. Minister: J. STULL | ||
11/29/1860 | 192 | HARTUNG, Jacob, Jr. | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/29/1860 | 192 | HOUTS, Lucinda* | 33 | HOUTS, Benjamin R. | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Harris Tp. (d Nov 3rd age 33y, 8m, 24d); converted 15 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 4 helpless chren mourn her sudden departure | ||
11/29/1860 | 192 | HOUTS, Benjamin R. | -----, Lucinda* | |||||
12/13/1860 | 200 | ZOLLER, Susannah* | 36 | HESS | PA | PA: York (d Nov 10th age 36y, 2m, 24d); dau of Jeremiah & Susannah; memb Evan. Assn. | ||
12/13/1860 | 200 | HESS, Susanna* | 36 | ZOLLER, ----- | PA | PA: York (d Nov 10th age 36y, 2m, 24d); dau of Jeremiah & Susannah; memb Evan. Assn. | ||
12/13/1860 | 200 | LUMLEY, Joseph Edwin* | 9 | CW | CW: York Co.: tp. of Markham (d Sep 25, 1860 age 9y, 2m, 7d); son of John & Alice; inflammation of lungs | |||
12/13/1860 | 200 | ROBERTS, -----* [female] | 62 | PA | PA: Philadelphia [no death date]; worthy memb Evan. Assn. a number of yrs; apoplexy. Minister: J. P. LEIB | |||
12/13/1860 | 200 | LANDIS, Mary* | 57 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Allen (d Nov 15 age 57y, 11m, 18d); converted 19 yrs ago; dropsy + kind of inflammation | |||
12/13/1860 | 200 | TOBIAS, Simon* | ca 48 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co. (d Oct 15th); converted ca 8 yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain; was loading pumpkins w/ his 2 little boys & d while putting a pumpkin onto the wagon | |||
12/27/1860 | 207 | REESER, John* | 70 | PA | PA: Sullivan Co.: Cherry (d Dec 3, 1860 age 70y, 24d); converted 25 yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.; was trustee, exhorter, class-leader; palsy for nearly 5 yrs |
Number of items that your search found: 98