Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/02/1862 | 214 | ROHLAND, -----* | 2mos | -- | --: Minister: WELLER, J. Q. A.; d Jun 14; son of L. & Sarah | |||
07/02/1862 | 214 | MEYERS, Mary Magdalena* | 6 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Congress Tp. (d Jun 17 age 6y, 7m, 16d); dau of George & Anna; scarlet fever | |||
07/02/1862 | 214 | COOK, Catherine* | 69 | COOK, George | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Southampton (d Jun 6 age 69y, 1m, 12d); husb, 1 dau remain; dropsy | ||
07/02/1862 | 214 | COOK, George | -----, Catherine* | |||||
07/02/1862 | 214 | SILVUS, Anna M.* | 20 | SILVUS, Amos | PA | PA: Clarion Co. (d Jun 17 age 20y, 6m); converted several yrs ago; husb, pars, bro, sisters remain; suffered 4 mos | ||
07/02/1862 | 214 | SILVUS, Amos | -----, Anna M.* | |||||
07/02/1862 | 214 | SCHREFFLER, Mary* | 82 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield area (d Jun 15 age 82y, 8m, 1d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 30 yrs; 11 chren, 91 grchren, 30 gt-gt-grchren remain; consumption + infirmities of age | |||
07/02/1862 | 214 | NICKOLAS, Peter* | 24 | MD | MD: U.S. Hosp. in the Cumberland (d Apr 19 age 24y, 3m, 24d); son of Joseph & Otilla of Medina Co., OH; memb 29th OH Regt.; after enlistment was sent to VA where took sick & died; widow, widowed mother, bros, sisters remain [unclear if d VA or MD] | |||
07/09/1862 | 222 | KLEINKNECHT, Flora Ellen* | 5 | -- | --: Minister: KLEINKNECHT, J. G.; "our little daughter" d Jun 28 age 5y, 8m, 22d; croup or dyptheria [sic]. "Our home seems desolate without her." | |||
07/09/1862 | 222 | PLOTNER, George* | 21 | VA | VA: Killed in Battle of Seven Pines [May 31st & Jun 1]: d age 21y, 10m; son of John & Elizabeth; memb 105 PA Regt; shot on the field. Minister A. R. TEATS | |||
07/09/1862 | 222 | GLIDEWELL, Thomas* | 28 | PA | PA: Sullivan Co.: Georgeton area (d Jun 18 age 28y, 8m, 6d); memb 84th PA Regt.; became ill just prior to Battle at Winchester; hospitalized, then sent home to recover; aged mother remains; [unclear if father is dead] | |||
07/09/1862 | 222 | GEISS, Sarah* | 52 | GEISS, Henry | PA | PA: Pottsville (d Jun 22 age 52y, 2m, 21d); husb, 3 chren remain; dyspepsia terminated in consumption | ||
07/09/1862 | 222 | GEISS, Henry | -----, Sarah* | |||||
07/16/1862 | 230 | HAMMER, Joseph* | 61 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d Jul 6 age 61y, 5m, 2d); converted 30+ yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn; family remains; consumption 20+ yrs, dropsy 3 wks [corr. Aug 6 p 254: not consumption, but dropsy of the chest per his physician] | |||
07/16/1862 | 230 | HULWICK, Mary* | -- | ALTMAN | HULWICK, Jonathan | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Ozneburg [sic] (d May 31); dau of Jacob & Christima; among 1st settlers Stark Co.; md 46 yrs; memb prev Lutheran Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Ozneburg graveyard | |
07/16/1862 | 230 | ALTMAN, Mary* | -- | HULWICK, Jonathan | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Ozneburg [sic] (d May 31); dau of Jacob & Christima; among 1st settlers Stark Co.; md 46 yrs; memb prev Lutheran Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Ozneburg graveyard | ||
07/16/1862 | 230 | HULWICK, Jonathan | ALTMAN, Mary* | |||||
07/16/1862 | 230 | WARNER, Addison* | 4 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Ozneburg [sic] (d Jun 24 age 4y, 11d); son of Michael & Julia Ann; lung fever | |||
07/16/1862 | 230 | SUMMERS, John Mowry* | 2 | PA | PA: Mont. Co.: Spruce Creek (d Apr 25 age 2y, 5m, 27d); son of N. B. & Elizabeth; inflammation of brain | |||
07/16/1862 | 230 | APGAR, Mary Ellen* | -- | PA | PA: Reading (d Jun 26); dau of Rev. J. A.; J. P. LEIB preached funeral in Miss. Ch. of which her father is pastor; bur in the "so called" Evan's Cem.; scarlet fever | |||
07/16/1862 | 230 | HARTER, Eve Elizabeth* | 39 | HARTER, Andrew | PA | PA: Center Co. (d Jun 28 age 39y, 5m, 26d); converted ca 20 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; bur Jacksonville | ||
07/16/1862 | 230 | HARTER, Andrew | -----, Eve Elizabeth* | |||||
07/16/1862 | 230 | SHAVER, Sarah* | 44 | SHAVER, Henry | CW | CW: Vaughan Co. (d Jul 2, 1862 age 44y, 6m); converted 5 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; brain fever | ||
07/16/1862 | 230 | SHAVER, Henry | -----, Sarah* | |||||
07/23/1862 | 238 | McARDELL, Annie Kesie Catherine* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: WELLER, J. Q. A.; d Jul 6 age 1y, 9m; dau of J. & Sarah E. | |||
07/23/1862 | 238 | LAROSH, Annamalia* | 46 | DUNKELBERGER | LAROSCH, Jonas | IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Groveland Tp. (d Jul 10 age 46y, 15d); converted ca 26 yrs ago; joined Evan. Ch. in Lockport Tp., Niagara Co., NY; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; cancer 3 yrs | |
07/23/1862 | 238 | DUNKELBERGER, Annamalia* | 46 | LAROSCH, Jonas | IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Groveland Tp. (d Jul 10 age 46y, 15d); converted ca 26 yrs ago; joined Evan. Ch. in Lockport Tp., Niagara Co., NY; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; cancer 3 yrs | ||
07/23/1862 | 238 | LAROSCH, Jonas | DUNKELBERGER, Annamalia* | |||||
07/23/1862 | 238 | GUNTHER, Mary* | 57 | IL | IL: Chicago (d Jul 9); consumption. Minister: G. W. LECHLER | |||
07/23/1862 | 238 | DIEST, Mary* | -- | DIEST, Jacob | MI | MI: St. Jos. Co.: Sturges (d Jun 28th last); memb Evan. Assn. last 25 yrs; husb, several chren remain | ||
07/23/1862 | 238 | DIEST, Jacob | -----, Mary* | |||||
07/23/1862 | 238 | SMITH, Adam* | 40 | VA | PA: Clinton Co. (b) | VA: killed in battle nr Richmond Jun 1 age 40y, 5m, 7d; converted ca 2 yrs ago; res nr Clintonville; wife, 6 chren remain; ball passed through his head | ||
07/30/1862 | 246 | MAYER, Joseph* | 23 | OH | OH: Circleville area (d Jul 12 age 23y, 7m, 15d); wife, 1 child remain; typhoid fever | |||
07/30/1862 | 246 | STAHL, Jacob (Mrs.)* | 74 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Buffalo Tp. (d Jul 16 age 74y, 11m, 21d); prev memb Lutheran Ch., joined Evan. Assn. ca 3 yrs ago; husb, a number of chren remain | |||
07/30/1862 | 246 | SCHAFFNER, Henry* | 25 | CT | CT: New Haven (d Jul 2 age 25y, 1m, 12d); son of Henry & Sarah; res Jefferson Co., PA; memb 105th PA Regt., slightly wounded nr Richmond; taken to hosp. in New Haven, CT, recovered but contracted typhoid fever; father, step-mother remain | |||
08/06/1862 | 254 | FOREMAN, William Henry* | 8 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Jul 24 age 8y, 6m, 7d); son of Michael & Elizabeth; scarlet fever | |||
08/06/1862 | 254 | BEAL, William Benjamin* | 7 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Greenville (d Jul 16 age 7y, 1m, 16d); son of Hiram & Rachel; scarlet fever | |||
08/06/1862 | 254 | BEAL, Milton* | 2 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Greenville (d Jul 16 age 2y, 11m, 10d); son of Hiram & Rachel; scarlet fever | |||
08/06/1862 | 254 | EMERSON, Isabella* | 17 | EMERSON, Robert | CW | CW: Markham (d Jul 22, 1862 age 17y, 11m); joined Evan. Assn. last winter; husb, 1 child remain; scarlet fever | ||
08/06/1862 | 254 | EMERSON, Robert | -----, Isabella* | |||||
08/06/1862 | 254 | OVERDORF, Harvey* | 21 | VA | VA: d in battle before Richmond age 21y, 8m, 7d; funeral in M. E. church in Mechanicsburg, PA, all other churches in town being too small. Minister: J. Q. A. WELLER | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | HEISS, Elam W.* | 30 | MS | MS: Gen. Hosp. nr Corinth (d Jul 7, 1862 age 30y, 3m, 20d); son of Rev. Samuel of St. Joseph Co., IN; memb 48th IN Regt.; widowed mother, 3 little bros remain; billious fever [CORR: Sep 10 page 294: should read widow, 3 little sons remain] | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | WAHL, Royal* | 5 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co. (d Aug 3); youngest son of Jacob & Anna; diptheria [sic] | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | WELLER, William* | 31 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Beartown area (d Jul 25 age 31y, 11m, 25d); wife, child, other nr relatives remain; d working in iron mine when arch over him broke, dying instantly | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | RICHARDS, David* | 24 | PA | PA: Berks Co. (d "in the so-called 'forest,'" Jul 24 age 24y, 10m, 11d); wife, child, other relatives remain; complicated disease | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | BENSINGER, Ebenezer* | 32 | OH | OH: Medina Co.: Harrisville Tp. (d Aug 2 age 32y, 9m, 8d); widow, 3 chren remain | |||
08/13/1862 | 261 | FREUND, Wm.* | 25 | VA | VA: d in battle before Richmond on Jun 27 age 25y, 6m; from Easton, PA; memb Co. C, US 5th Artillery; mother, step-father, 2 bros remain, one of whom is in army under Gen. BURNSIDE | |||
08/13/1862 | 262 | LEVENGOOD, Margaret* | 18 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Jul 22 age 18y, 1m, 16d); brain fever | |||
08/13/1862 | 262 | CAMPBELL, Jacob* | 27 | -----, Elizabeth | MD | MD: Hosp. at Annapolis (d Jul 7 of wound received before battle of Richmond on Jun 30 age 27y, 10m, 2d); wife, 1 child remain | ||
08/13/1862 | 262 | CAMPBELL, Elizabeth | CAMPBELL, Jacob* | |||||
08/20/1862 | 269 | VANDERSALL, D. (Rev.)* | 36 | DILLMAN, Margaretta | IL | OH: Stark Co.: New Lebanon area (b Oct 5, 1825) | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Jul 31); son of Rev. Jacob; md Apr 6, 1848; to Plainfield 1849; bur Plainfield Cem Aug 1st "by the side of a dear little son who had gone before." Religious Telescope please copy | |
08/20/1862 | 269 | DILLMAN, Margaretta | VANDERSALL, D. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/20/1862 | 269 | VANDERSALL, Margaretta | VANDERSALL, D. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/20/1862 | 269 | LEAS, Christina* | 74 | LEAS, John | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Juniata (d Jul 29 age 74y, 6m, 15d); converted ca 25 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; 7 chren remain,"two of whom are watchmen at Zion's walls." | ||
08/20/1862 | 269 | LEAS, John | -----, Christina* | |||||
08/20/1862 | 269 | SCHAEFFER, Levi H.* | 19 | MS | MS: U.S. Hosp. nr Corinth (d [no date]); in forced march to Corinth over-exerted himself to bleed at nose, which medical aid could not cause to cease | |||
08/20/1862 | 270 | WAHL, Malinda Ann* | 7 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co. (d Aug 7, 1862 age 7y, 5m, 7d); dau of Jacob & Anna; little bro Royal Henry died shortly before her; diptheria [sic] | |||
08/20/1862 | 270 | WAHL, Royal* | -- | IN | IN: Elkhart Co. (d before his sis Malinda Ann); mentioned in her obit [obit heading is WAHL, Malinda Ann] | |||
08/20/1862 | 270 | MILLER, Emma Savilla* | 11 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Jul 26 age 11y, 10m, 28d); dau of George & Resia [sic]; diptheria [sic] | |||
08/20/1862 | 270 | LOWRY, John W.* | 9 | -- | --: Hagerstown (d [no date] age 9y, 7m, 21d); son of W. J. & Mary M. Minister: M. W. HARRIS | |||
08/27/1862 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
09/03/1862 | 286 | FRAILEY, Amelia R.* | 25 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d Aug 19 age 25y, 4m, 27d); husb, 1 child, pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; consumption ca 16 mos | |||
09/03/1862 | 286 | SHANNON, James Irvine* | 20 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Red Bank Town (d Aug 9 age 20y, 3m, 3d); Pvt. in 78th Regt P V; returned home to "recruit his health"; camp fever | |||
09/10/1862 | 294 | DALYALS, Wm.* | 65 | CW | SCOTLAND (b) | CW: York Co.: Vaughn (d Aug 30 age 65y, 9m); to AMER 1828 to CW; prev memb Presbyterian Ch; joined Evan. Assn. 5 yrs ago; mother, 3 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
09/10/1862 | 294 | KIND, William* | ca 53 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: New Castle (d Aug 2); memb 96th Regt. P.V., Col. CAKE; contracted diarrhea in camp, d at his res | |||
09/10/1862 | 294 | THOMAS, -----* [female] | 9mo | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Aug 19 age 9m, 17d); dau of Wm. & Lucy Ann | |||
09/10/1862 | 294 | SWITZER, David* | 20 | MS | MS: Corinth area (d [no date] age 20y, 7m, 19d); son of Samuel & Catherine; memb Co. F, 48th Regt IN Vol; chaplain & physician told pars he d in triumph of faith; camp-fever / typhoid fever | |||
09/10/1862 | 294 | FLUCK, Jacob* | 42 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Larry's Creek (d Jul 22 age 42y, 4m, 27d); son of Peter & Catherine; wife, 5 chren remain; palsy | |||
09/17/1862 | 302 | BRUNNER, Mary Elizabeth* | 7 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Worcester (d Sep 5 age 7y, 5m, 15d); 2nd dau of Frederick & Anna M.; diptheria [sic | |||
09/24/1862 | 309 | MOHN, David (Rev.)* | 38 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Reedsburg (d Sep 6, 1862 age 38y, 5m, 18d); prev memb Germ. Reformed Ch., memb Evan. Assn. 9 yrs; licensed ca 1857; widow, 6 chren remain; bur Reedsburg; liver complaint, dyspepsia. Minister: E. B. CROUSE | |||
09/24/1862 | 309 | SEDER, ----- (Rev.)* | -- | MN | HANOVER (b) | MN: Fort Ridgley [20 mi northwest] (d Aug 18); had preached there day before; to AMER 1846 to Columbia Co, WI; converted 1856; always had heavy fields of labor (New Ulm mission); wife, 3 chren remain; starting for home, shot by Indian [see also p 308] | ||
09/24/1862 | 309 | NERENZ, A. (Rev.)* | -- | MN | MN: New Ulm [6 mi east] (d 2 Sep 1862); to AMER 1852; recd on probation 1859 at Racine, WI; served New Ulm mission; widow, 2 chren remain; escaped from Indians in their 1st madness, ret home the 1st, 3 shots fell upon him next morning [see also p 308] | |||
09/24/1862 | 310 | McLANE, Mary* | 23 | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Brokensword (d Sep 7, 1862 age 23y, 7m, 10d); dau of Daniel & Elizabeth McLANE. "This was the last of eleven children that her parents have been called upon to follow to the grave." | |||
09/24/1862 | 310 | EXAMPLE, familial mortality | familial mortality of 11 chren see Sep 24, 1862 p 310 | |||||
10/01/1862 | 318 | PAUL, Catharine* | ca 61 | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d Aug 28, 1862); res w/ one of her sons, went for water across the railroad, overtaken by train which struck her right leg, threw head against engine, breaking back part of head; child/chren remain; husb dead | |||
10/01/1862 | 318 | ECKHARDT, Lydia* | 60 | ECKHARDT, Abraham | CW | CW: York Co.: Markham Tp. (d Sep 11 age 60y, 11m, 12d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 17 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; dropsy | ||
10/01/1862 | 318 | ECKHARDT, Abraham | -----, Lydia* | |||||
10/01/1862 | 318 | KLINGEMAN, Mary* | 19 | UTT | IA | IA: Louisa Co.: Spring Run (d [no date] age 19y, ca 5 mos); converted last winter in her husband's shop, where she & husb "found the pearl of great price." Husb, little girl remain; ill less than 1 wk | ||
10/01/1862 | 318 | UTT, Mary* | 19 | KLINGEMAN, ----- | IA | IA: Louisa Co.: Spring Run (d [no date] age 19y, ca 5 mos); converted last winter in her husband's shop, where she & husb "found the pearl of great price." Husb, little girl remain; ill less than 1 wk | ||
10/01/1862 | 318 | UNDERWOOD, Mary E.* | 15 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Perrysville area (d Sep 8 age 15y, 11m, 4d); dau of Jas. & Mary; converted last March; erysipelas 11 wks | |||
10/01/1862 | 318 | REED, Lizzie E.* | 22 | PA | PA: Buffalo Valley (d Sep 21 age 22y, 11m, 14d); dau of Martin D. & Anna Eliza REED; student at Union Seminary | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | WORKMAN, Geo. P.* | 57 | -----, Anna E. | WI | WI: Green Co. (d Sep 9 age 57y, 7m); to AMER 24 yrs ago to Jefferson Co., NY; converted ca 16 yrs ago; 7 chren remain; on way to revival, horses made sudden start, tipped over, they fell backwards out of conveyance, injured fatally | ||
10/08/1862 | 326 | WORKMAN, Anna E.* | 50 | WORKMAN, Geo. P. | WI | WI: Green Co. (d Sep 10 age 50y, 1m, 2d); to AMER 24 yrs ago to Jefferson Co., NY; converted ca 16 yrs ago; 7 chren remain; on way to revival, horses made sudden start, tipped over, they fell backwards out of conveyance, injured fatally | ||
10/08/1862 | 326 | DITTMAN, Rebbecca [sic]* | 20 | GEBHARD | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Sep 11 age 20y, 5m; husb, mother, bros, sisters remain; lingering consumption | ||
10/08/1862 | 326 | GEBHARD, Rebbecca [sic]* | 20 | DITTMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Sep 11 age 20y, 5m; husb, mother, bros, sisters remain; lingering consumption | ||
10/08/1862 | 326 | COOPER, Leah Jane* | 3 | -- | --: Minister: McGAW, J. M.; d Sep 18 age 3y, 8m, 2d; dau of Samuel & Rachel; diptheria [sic] | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | YOUNG, Christianna Elizabeth* | 4 | PA | PA: York Co.: Warington (d Sep 24 age 4y, 5m, 10d at home of grfa ----- LENTZ); only dau of Rev. Jacob & Mary YOUNG; a most lovely little singer | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | MANN, John W.* | 9 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Mill Hall (d Sep 2 age 9y, 6m, 11d; ch of Robert & Christina; dysentary [sic] | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | MANN, Carrie Emma* | 1 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Mill Hall (d Sep 4 age 1y, 4m, 9d); ch of Robert & Christina; dysentary [sic] | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | MANN, Harris J.* | 11 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Mill Hall (d Sep 15 age 11y, 6m, 7d); ch of Robert & Christina; dysentary [sic] | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | HOUENSTEIN, Magdalena* | 67 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Chippewa Tp. (d Sep 4, 1862 age 67y, 7m, 1d); converted ca 20 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 11 chren, 43 grchren remain; chronic stomach inflammation | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | KLINE, Mary* | 54 | PA | PA: York Co.: Pinetown area (d the 18th age 54y, 6m, 24d); converted 18+ yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, chren remain, 2 sons of whom are in Federal army; she was very much concerned about them | |||
10/08/1862 | 326 | MUSTERSON, William* | 75 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Oakland Tp. (d Sep 5 age 75y, 8d); converted ca 20 yrs ago; memb Evan. Assn. 16 yrs; 1 son remains; cancer | |||
10/15/1862 | 335 | DERHAMMER, George K.* | 22 | MD | MD (d on Antietam battlefield Sep 17 age 22y, 2m, 18d); son of Geo. & Lovina of Weissport, Carbon Co., PA; bur Evan. Assn. Cem., Weissport; bullet through throat [in 10-11 battles: Drainsville, Fair Oaks, before Richmond, Bull Run, etc.] | |||
10/15/1862 | 335 | HARPSTER, Sarah* | 24 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: York Tp. (d Sep 13 age 24y, 10m, 2d); converted age 12; joined U. B. Ch.; husb, little boy remain | |||
10/15/1862 | 335 | ALBRIGHT, Susanna* | 78 | ALBRIGHT, Samuel | -- | --: Minister: DICK, J.; d Sep 26 age 78y, 2m, 11d; memb Evan. Assn. 44 yrs; exhibited high degree of zeal & piety; husb remains | ||
10/15/1862 | 335 | ALBRIGHT, Samuel | -----, Susanna* | |||||
10/22/1862 | 342 | KUHNS, Susanah [sic]* | 26 | HARTMAN | KUHNS, Henry | IL | IL: Dupage Co. (d Oct 4 age 26y, 6m, 21d); dau of Adam & Susanah; re-converted ca 8 yrs ago in OH; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead. "She died suddenly, under her own door, as she returned from the barn." | |
10/22/1862 | 342 | HARTMAN, Susanah [sic]* | 26 | KUHNS, Henry | IL | IL: Dupage Co. (d Oct 4 age 26y, 6m, 21d); dau of Adam & Susanah; re-converted ca 8 yrs ago in OH; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead. "She died suddenly, under her own door, as she returned from the barn." | ||
10/22/1862 | 342 | KUHNS, Henry | HARTMAN, Susanah [sic]* | |||||
10/22/1862 | 342 | NUGENT, Elizabeth* | 22 | NUGENT, Hugh | PA | PA: Pottsville area (d Sep 21 age 22y, 3m, 3d); consumption. Husb, Hugh NUGENT, d a short time before her on battlefield nr Richmond. | ||
10/22/1862 | 342 | NUGENT, Hugh | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/22/1862 | 342 | NUGENT, Hugh* | [d in CW; mentioned in obit of wife, Elizabeth, Oct 22, 1862 p 342] | |||||
10/22/1862 | 342 | VIEL, Henry C.* | 25 | VA | VA: Harrison's Landing (d Aug 13 age 25y, 7m, 18d); res Liberty Tp., Tioga Co., PA; son of C. F.; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain (Quarter Master Sergeant) | |||
10/22/1862 | 342 | NASH, Rebecca* | 23 | CW | CW: Haldimand Co.: South Cayuga (d Sep 24 age 23y, 8m, 9d); 3rd dau of Joseph & Mary NASH; converted age 12; dropsy of brain | |||
10/22/1862 | 342 | HEIPLE, John* | 67 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Sep 19 age 67y, 7m, 17d); memb Evan. Assn. last 15 yrs; " É subject to almost daily fits of epilepsy for nearly 30 yearsÉ." | |||
10/29/1862 | 349 | HELMS, Jeremiah* | 16 | MD | MD (d on battlefield of Antietam 17th ult.); youngest son of Peter of Schuylkill Haven PA; memb Co. C, 50th Regt PA Vol.; bur Meyerstown, PA; 2 other bros (ages 18 & 20) in army, one being James, of 48th Regt. P.V. [lists battles] | |||
10/29/1862 | 351 | STULL, Jacob S.* | 21 | -- | --: Minister: BERNHART, J. J.; d Sep 16, 1862 age 21y, 10m, 5d; son of Rev. John & Barbara; bro-in-law of S.B. KRING, P.E.; att Greensburg Sem; ret home the 13th somewhat indisposed, but att church; overcome on ret from Johnstown | |||
10/29/1862 | 351 | MILLER, Jacob* | 73 | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Mill Creek Tp. (d Oct 10 age 73y, 9m); converted in his youth; memb Ev. Assn. 50+ yrs; widow, chren, grchren remain; bilious colic | |||
10/29/1862 | 351 | HYDE, Angelina* | 38 | IN | IN: Posey Co.: New Harmony (d [no date]); formerly of Schuylkill Co., PA; husb, 2 little chren remain; bilious fever | |||
11/05/1862 | 358 | EATON, Hannibal V.* | 19 | VA | VA: Fairfax Hosp. nr Alexandria (d Oct 7th); youngest son of B. G. of Hollidaysburg; memb Co. M, 62d Regt PA Vols; in 7 days battles before Richmond; then to Upton's Hill, VA; to hosp. Sep 12 | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | McFADDEN, James (Capt.)* | 27 | MS | MS: Corinth (d Oct 22 age 27y, 6m, 14d); Capt. in one co. of 63d Regt., OVI; remains taken from Corinth by former preceptor, Dr. J.F. CRANE, Div. Surgeon Army of MS; bur Tattisburg [sic: Lattisburg], Wayne Co., OH | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | CARVER, John* | 23 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Bath (d Oct 4, age 23y, 16d); son of C.; enlisted this fall, to camp at Massillon, OH, contracted typhoid fever, pars took him home where he died | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | ALBRIGHT, Isaac* | 22 | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: North Liberty area (d [no date] age 22y, 9m, 25d); son of Matthias & Anna; enlisted, went to Camp Pope, ca 8 mi from father's at Iowa City; went home w/ flux, d 2 wks later; pars, bros, sisters, grpars remain | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | KISER, John* | 20 | MD | MD (d on battlefield of South Mountain Sep 14 age 20y, 11m, 22d); son of Matt. & Mary of Green Tp., Ashland Co., OH; memb 23d Regt. O.V.; memb Shaffer Class [aka Bethesda]; funeral Oct. 19; shot in head, soon expired | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | MOWERY, Mary* | 19 | -- | --: Minister: BAUGHMAN, J. G.; d Oct 24th; many friends mourn; typhoid fever 3 wks. Religious Telescope please copy [MOWRY in body of obit] | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | MOWRY, Mary* | 19 | -- | --: Minister: BAUGHMAN, J. G.; d Oct 24th; many friends mourn; typhoid fever 3 wks. Religious Telescope please copy [MOWERY in obit heading] | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | KNUCHEL, Rosina* | 26 | -- | --: Minister: BAUGHMAN, J. G.; d Oct 23 age 26y, 3m, 2d; converted ca 3 yrs ago; husb remains; consumption 7 yrs | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | BITTNER, Jonathan* | 24 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Oct 9 age 24y, 6m, 7d); son of John & Elizabeth; church memb 3 yrs; diptheria [sic] / quinsey | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | STRAWHECKER, William H.* | 1 | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: Polk Tp. (d Oct 19 age 1y, 10d); son of Samuel & Lovina | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | MYERS, Frederick William* | 5wks | IL | IL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d Oct 22 age 5wks, 1d); son of P. & E. | |||
11/05/1862 | 359 | OVERDORFF, Jacob Ralph* | 1 | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Brush Valley (d [no date] age 1y, 10m, 17d); son of Simon & Catharina; diptheria [sic] | |||
11/12/1862 | 366 | MYER, Laura Wllen* | 3 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: West Salem (d Nov 3 age 3y, 3m, 18d); only dau of John & Catharine; diptheria [sic]. "She was a little girl of peculiar talents." | |||
11/12/1862 | 366 | DONMYER, Lorenzo L.* | 1 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland (d Oct 29 age 1y, 10m, 27d); only son of Samuel & Sarah; inflammation of head. "He was a little boy peculiarly attractive." | |||
11/19/1862 | 374 | HARPEL, James* | 18 | -- | --: d Oct 8 age 18y, 3m, 4d from wounds recd on cars while on way from Camp Dennison to Bolivar, TN; riding on top of freigh train, struck by overhanging stoop roof; son of Joseph & Emeline of Jackson, Wood Co., OH. Minister: Joseph FELGER | |||
11/19/1862 | 374 | FISHPAW, Rebecca* | 16 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Oct 9 age 16y, 8m); converted last Feb; pars, bros, sisters remain; diptheria [sic] | |||
11/19/1862 | 374 | KANE, Catharine Selena* | 12 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Nov 5 age 12y, 9m, 16d); dau of Freeman & Rachel; diptheria [sic] | |||
11/26/1862 | 383 | OTT, Mary* | 81 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Hill (d Oct 19); converted ca 20 yrs ago; 4 chren remain | |||
11/26/1862 | 383 | MANBECK, Louisa Jane* | 24 | MANBECK, Lewis | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Beaver Tp. (d Nov 11 age 24y, 7m, 22d); husb, 2 chren remain; diptheria 5+ days | ||
11/26/1862 | 383 | MANBECK, Lewis | -----, Louisa Jane* | |||||
11/26/1862 | 383 | OYSTER, Mary Jane* | 16 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Nov 4th age 16y, 1m, 1d); dau of John & Savilla; diptheria [sic]. "May the Lord comfort the bereaved parents and children [siblings]." | |||
11/26/1862 | 383 | HARPSTER, Lucy H.* | -- | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d Nov 12, 1862); memb Evan. Assn. ca 11 yrs; mother d a few months before her; father remains; Lucy "afflicted many years" | |||
11/26/1862 | 383 | HOLLAND, Isaac* | 25 | MD | MD: death-wound recd at Battle of Antietam Sep 19; d Sep 24 age 25y, 7m, 18d; participated in 7 battles; son of Wm. of Richland Co., OH; funeral by J. W. WALKEY at Ebenezer Ch. | |||
12/03/1862 | 390 | REYNOLDS, Martha Alice* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: MORSE, L. C.; d Oct 12, 1862 age 1y, 1m, 21d; protracted fever [per another obit, minister was of Seneca Co., OH, at this time] | |||
12/03/1862 | 390 | MONTGOMERY, Matty Viola Octavia* | 4mos | -- | --: Minister: MORSE, L. C.; d Sep 17, 1862 age 4m, 10d); dau of Dr. MONTGOMERY [per another obit, minister was of Seneca Co., OH, at this time] | |||
12/03/1862 | 390 | CLINE, Effy Luella* | 1 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Adrian (d Nov 26, age 1y, 10m, 19d); dau of Geo. & Elizabeth; chronic diarrhea | |||
12/03/1862 | 391 | HECK, Elizabeth* | 80 | -- | --: Minister: DOMER, G. S.; d Nov 16 age 80y, 4m, 4d; converted ca 10 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; funeral in English & German at U. B. Church | |||
12/03/1862 | 391 | BOWLES, Emeline Elizabeth* | 5 | -- | --: Minister; BOWLES, J. T.; d Nov 7 age 5y, 4m, 7d; dau of John T.; diptheria [sic] | |||
12/03/1862 | 391 | DUNDORE, Adam* | 18 | KY | KY: Hosp. at Danville (d Nov 7, 1862 age 18y, 10m, 5d); of Seneca Co., OH; youngest son of Bennevell & Mary; memb 101st Regt OVI; bur Danville Cem.; pars, bros, sisters remain; typhoid fever | |||
12/10/1862 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
12/17/1862 | 407 | CLEVER, Daniel* | 1 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d Nov 23 age 1y, 1m, 8d); only child of Henry & Sarah. Minister: J. W. WALKEY | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | MIDDLEKAUFF, Flora E.* | 13 | -- | --: Minister: HARRIS, M. W.; d Dec 4th age 13y, 1m, 28d; eldest dau of Elias & Martha M. | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | MANBECK, Johanna Jane* | 2 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Beaver Tp. (d Nov 24th age 2y, 1m, 15d); dau of Louisa Jane & Lewis; diptheria [sic]. Her mother d 2 wks earlier. | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | MANBECK, Louisa Jane* | [death noted in obit of her dau, Johanna Jane MANBECK, Dec 17, 1862 p 407] | |||||
12/17/1862 | 407 | LENTZ, Catharine* | 53 | OH | OH: Stark (d Nov 27th); converted ca 8 yrs ago; 7 chren remain; pulmonary fever. Minister: A. STAHLEY | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | KEEFFER, Mary* | 67 | PA | PA: Union Co.: White Deer (d Nov 21st); 10 chren remain; husb d ca 4 mos ago | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | SUTTON, John L.* | 46 | PA | PA: York Co.: Pineton (d Nov 20 age 46y, 9m, 5d); converted ca 20 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren, aged father remain; one son is in the Federal army | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | LAZARUS, Peter* | 20 | LA | LA: Hosp. at Baton Rouge (d Jul 20th age 20y, 4m, 18d); son of P.; memb 6th MI Regt; regt from Baltimore to Ship Island, then New Orleans & Baton Rouge; typhoid fever 6 days; comrades bur him w/ military honors; pars, bros, sisters remain | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | SAGER, Samuel* | 19 | OH | OH: Logan Co. (d Nov 7); son of M.; memb 45th OH Regt, to Camp Chase, to Covington, KY, then Lexington where contracted typhoid fever; father brought remains home, bur Logansville; father, bros, sisters remain. Min.: Wm. WONDER | |||
12/17/1862 | 407 | BERMAN, William* | 17 | VA | VA: Hosp. at Harpers Ferry (d Nov 24th age 17y, 11m, 22d); memb 128th PA Regt, survived Battle of Antietam; 2 wks later attacked by camp diarrhea; body brought home to Berks Co. for burial | |||
12/24/1862 | 414 | RHOADS, Mary* | 26 | RHOADS, William O. | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: New Kingston (d [no date] age 26y, 10m, 25d); converted 10 yrs ago . May God watch over our bereaved bro [her husb] amid the denials of camp-life & the carnage of the battle field. | ||
12/24/1862 | 414 | RHOADS, William O. | -----, Mary* | |||||
12/24/1862 | 415 | MILLER, Harriet* | 42 | MILLER, Wm. | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Hamburg (d Dec 5 age 42y, 5m, 8d); converted ca 13 yrs ago; husb, chren remain; bur Hamburg graveyard | ||
12/24/1862 | 415 | MILLER, Wm. | -----, Harriet* | |||||
12/24/1862 | 415 | PAUL, Jacob S.* | 5 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Oct 17 age 5y, 10m); son of Jac. B. & Barbara; diptheria [sic] | |||
12/24/1862 | 415 | PAUL, Barbara* | 36 | KRING | PAUL, Jacob B. | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Nov 13 age 36y, 4m, 7d); dau of Henry & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain; her 1-wk-old infant d before her | |
12/24/1862 | 415 | KRING, Barbara* | 36 | PAUL, Jacob B. | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Nov 13 age 36y, 4m, 7d); dau of Henry & Mary; husb, 3 chren remain; her 1-wk-old infant d before her | ||
12/24/1862 | 415 | PAUL, Jacob B. | KRING, Barbara* | |||||
12/24/1862 | 415 | ORWIG, Thomas R.* | 22 | DC | DC: Gen. Hosp. in Washington (d Dec 1st age 22y, 7m, 17d); 2d oldest son of Rev. W.W. & Susan; converted 1860; att Union Sem., & Lewisburg Univ.; bur temp soldier's home burying-grnd nr Wash., then moved to New Berlin; kidney prob [see also p 404] | |||
12/24/1862 | 415 | BROWN, Asa* | 24 | MD | MD: U.S. Hospital at Frederick (d Oct 26 age 24y, 9m, 5d); of Elimsport, Lycoming Co., PA; memb Co. H., 51st Regt, P.V.; fought in Battle of Antietam; bur cem nr Elimsport; wife, pars mourn; chronic dysentery | |||
Number of items that your search found: 161