Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/04/1866 | 214 | CABLE, Sarah* | 56 | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: Livingston Co. (d [no date] age 56y, 2m); 5 chren remain; husb dead; heart disease | ||
07/04/1866 | 214 | THOMPSON, Nancy J.* | 43 | IA | IA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d Jun 8, 1866 age 43y, 9d); memb prev Lutheran Ch., now Evan. Assn.; husb, 7 chren remain; consumption 15 yrs | |||
07/04/1866 | 214 | FILSINGER, Christina* | 21 | MOOK | OH | OH (d Jun 23, 1866 age 21y, 10m, 16d); dau of Henry & Catharine; memb Evan. Assn. ca 3 yrs; husb, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; bur Jun 24 at Free Chapel grave-yard. Minister: D. H. WONDER, of Hancock Co., OH, at this time | ||
07/04/1866 | 214 | MOOK, Christina* | 21 | FILSINGER, ----- | ||||
07/11/1866 | 222 | ZEIGLER, Daniel* | 43 | PA | PA: Halifax (d Apr 2, 1866 age 43y, 8m, 8d) | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | ENGLE, Simon P.* | 37 | OH | OH (d Jun 22, 1866 age 37y, 7m, 22d at res of bro Henry); bro, sis remain; suffered number of yrs from impaired mind; pulmonary disease caused death. Minister: D. H. WONDER, of Hancock Co., OH, at this time | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | LEAPER, Clara* | 29 | IN | IN: Steuben Co.: Salem Tp. (d Jun 13, 1866); husb, 1 child remain | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | LEAPER, Elmy* [twin] | -- | IN | IN: Steuben Co.: Salem Tp. (d Mar 31, 1866); child of Clara & husb | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | LEAPER, Elmyra* [twin] | -- | IN | IN: Steuben Co.: Salem Tp. (d Apr 3, 1866); child of Clara & husb | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | DRORBACH, Abraham* | 64 | PA | PA: York Co.: Newberry Tp. (d Jun 19, 1866 age 64y, 3m, 19d); wife, 7 chren remain; dropsy of heart 1 yr | |||
07/11/1866 | 222 | BOYER, Catharine* | 61 | BOYER, John | PA | PA: Sandusky [sic] Co.: Washington Tp. (d Jul 1, 1866 age 61y, 1m, 29d); aged husb, 8 chren remain; yellow jaundice ca 10 wks [NOTE: There is no Sandusky Co. in PA] | ||
07/11/1866 | 222 | BOYER, John | -----, Catharine* | |||||
07/18/1866 | 230 | BOWER, Sarah M.* | 2 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Centre Tp. (d Jun 26, 1866 age 2y, 1m, 23d); dau of William & Sarah; pars, bros, sisters remain; congestion of brain | |||
07/18/1866 | 230 | HOLDAMAN, Adam* | 71 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Harris Tp. (d [no date] age 71y, 7m, 10d); converted ca 40 yrs ago, joined United Brethren Ch., later Evan. Assn.; bur Houser's grave yard | |||
07/18/1866 | 230 | NUESSEL, Dorethea* | 72 | NUESSEL, George | MD | MD: Baltimore area (d Jul 2, 1866 age 72y, 2m, 29d); husb, 8 chren remain; gravel 10-12 yrs, last 4 wks indescribable sufferings | ||
07/18/1866 | 230 | NUESSEL, George | -----, Dorethea* | |||||
07/18/1866 | 230 | WEIST, John Henry* | 25 | IN | IN: Jay Co.: New Corydon area (d May 30, 1866 age 25y, 9m, 5d); son of John & Mary; pars, 4 bros, 7 sis remain; inflammation of bowels 60 hrs | |||
07/18/1866 | 230 | GILES, Eliza* | 24 | GILES, George | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: Mercer area (d May 11, 1866); memb Evan. Assn. ca 8 yrs; husb, 5 sm chren remain; dropsy; confined to room 18 mos, greater part of time compelled to sit on a chair day and night | ||
07/18/1866 | 230 | GILES, George | -----, Eliza* | |||||
07/18/1866 | 230 | ROLAND, David* | 71 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Burnside Tp. (d Jun 26, 1866 age 71y, 10m, 20d); converted ca 44 yrs ago; joined Evan. Assn. 12-14 yrs later; wife, 9 chren remain; 6 chren dead; stroke of palsy | |||
07/18/1866 | 230 | LOSCH, Elizabeth* | 54 | GATES | OH | OH: Darke Co. (d May 18, 1866 age 54y, 9m, 2d at house of bro); she a sis of Rev. P. GATES [unclear if she d at Gates' house, or another bro]; mentions 2 bros; cancer | ||
07/18/1866 | 230 | GATES, Elizabeth* | 54 | LOSCH, ----- | ||||
07/25/1866 | 238 | DETWILER, John Edwin* | 1 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 11 [11th inst], 1866 age 1y, 6m, 24d); son of Peter C. & Rebecca A. | |||
07/25/1866 | 238 | NISWENDER, Elmor* | 23 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield area (d [no date] age 23y, 4m, 8d); son of Joseph & Elizabeth; consumption | |||
07/25/1866 | 238 | HANNY, Philip* | 66 | OH | OH: Huron Co. (d Jul 13, 1866 age 66y, 13d); converted ca 35 yrs ago; wife, 9 chren remain; ailing ca 3 yrs; dropsy of liver 8 wks. Minister: D. H. WONDER | |||
08/01/1866 | 246 | RINKER, Jairus* | 10 mo | -- | --: Minister: GINGRICH, C.; d Jul 13, 1866 age 10m, 26d); son of John W. & Lucinda; scarlet fever | |||
08/01/1866 | 246 | WAGNER, Mary Ann* | 11 | -- | --: Minister: KIPLINGER, S.; d Jul 8, 1866 age 11y, 10m, 21d); dau of John & Mary | |||
08/01/1866 | 246 | BAKER, Harriet* | 28 | BAKER, P. J. | IN | IN: Whitly [sic] Co. (d May 19, 1866 age 28y, 4m, 27d); converted ca 16 yrs ago, joined United Berthren Ch., later Evan. Assn.; husb, 1 child remain; 2 chren dead; consumption | ||
08/01/1866 | 246 | BAKER, P. J. | -----, Harriet* | |||||
08/01/1866 | 246 | WALTER, H. M.* | 23 | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: Bremen area (d [no date] age 23y, 1m, 12d); md 4 mos; killed by accidental firing of shot gun [detailed account] | |||
08/01/1866 | 246 | NICELY, Catharine* | 31 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d May 23, 1866 age 31y, 4m, 18d); converted 16 yrs ago; fever + diphtheria | |||
08/01/1866 | 246 | NICELY, Philip* | 25 | -----, Catharine | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d May 29, 1866 age 25y, 11m, 17d); husb of Catharine; memb Evan. Assn. ca 14 yrs; husb & wife died, leaving 5 little orphans; fever + diphtheria | ||
08/08/1866 | 254 | STROME, Samuel (Rev.)* | 62 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Bellville area (d Jul 19, 1866 age 62y, 5m, 24d); local preacher for a number of yrs; heart disease, d w/in 5 minutes of becoming sick | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | HUNT, Roxana Matilda* | 38 | HUNT, Thomas | OH | OH: Wood Co. (d Mar 11, 1866 age 38y, 11m, 7d); house always open for the weary itinerant; husb, 4 chren remain; typhoid fever + nervous rheumatism | ||
08/08/1866 | 254 | HUNT, Thomas | -----, Rosana Matilda* | |||||
08/08/1866 | 254 | DOUP, Elizabeth* | 68 | DOUP, Henry | OH | OH: Sandusky Co. (d Jun 27, 1866 age 68y, 3m, 21d); converted ca 22 yrs ago; husb, 5 chren remain; hemorrage [sic] | ||
08/08/1866 | 254 | DOUP, Henry | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/08/1866 | 254 | M'LANE, Enos* | 49 | IL | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg area (b) | IL: Kankakee City (d Jul 23, 1866 age 49y, 4m, 13d); converted age 15; last Apr moved w/ fam to IL; widow, 7 chren, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; drowned while crossing the Kankakee River on horseback instead of taking the bridge | ||
08/08/1866 | 254 | STRUEBEL, Louisa* | -- | IL | IL: Napierville [sic] area (d Jul 15, 1866); remaining are husb, 3 chren, the youngest being 10 ds old; confinement aggravated by fever | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | FRITZ, J.* [male] | 69 | -- | --: Rocktown nr Williamsport (d Jul 22, 1866 age 69y, 6m, 5d); converted ca 30 yrs ago; one of first fruits of Evan. Assn. in this place; bed-ridden 8 wks: cut in knee + typhoid pneumonia. Minister: J. YOUNG | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | KRIEGER, W. H.* | 23 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Shamokin (d Jul 26, 1866 age 23y, 7m, 23d); served 4 yrs in 9th PA Cavalry, Civil War; mother, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; struck by rock in the mine, killed instantly | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | MATTER, Isaac* | 71 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Jul 23, 1866 age 71, 10m, 4d); converted 38 yrs ago, joined United Brethren Ch.; moved w/ his fam to Jefferson Co., PA, 1833; moved fam to this place 1845; widow, 11 chren remain; 4 chren dead; gravel | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | SMITH, Wm. Clewell* | -- | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Salisbury (d Jul 22, 1866); son of William & Caroline; dysentery | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | SNIDER, Rachel* | 8 | -- | --: Minister: WALKER, J. W.; d Jul 3, 1866 age 8y, 3m, 15d; dau of Rudolph & Elizabeth | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | SNIDER, Joseph Elmer* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: J. W. W. [WALKEY?, see above]; d May 4, 1866 age 2y, 10m, 18d; son of Noah & Rosina | |||
08/08/1866 | 254 | FISHER, William Wesley* | 6mos | PA | PA: Shamokin (d Jul 26, 1866 age 6m, 3d); son of David & Maria | |||
08/15/1866 | 262 | DETTERMAN, Catherine M.* | 60 | OH | PRUSSIA: West Coblentz (b) | OH: Seneca Co. (d Aug 1, 1866 age 60y, 5m, 29d); converted ca 26 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons remain; 3 chren dead; consumption + dropsy | ||
08/15/1866 | 262 | ROSIER, Amelia* | 22 | FOCHT | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Seneca Tp. (d Jul 13, 1866 age 22y, 3m, 20d); dau of David & Frances; husb, pars remain; consumption 2 yrs. Minister: Jacob FRANKHOUSER | ||
08/15/1866 | 262 | FOCHT, Amelia* | 22 | ROSIER, ----- | ||||
08/15/1866 | 262 | BERNHART, Harriet A.* | 31 | BERNHART, J. J. (Rev.) | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d Jul 28, 1866 age 31y, 7m, 3d); husb a minister nearly 6 yrs; bur Jul 30 Greensburg graveyard | ||
08/15/1866 | 262 | BERNHART, J. J. (Rev.) | -----, Harriet A.* | |||||
08/15/1866 | 262 | GANGWARE, Barbara E.* | 90 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Milton area (d Jul 15, 1866 age 90y, 4m, 10d); converted 30 yrs ago, joined New Lutheran Ch.; mother of 9 chren, 70 grchren, 92 gt-grchren | |||
08/15/1866 | 262 | WALES, -----* [female] | 9mos | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester area (d Aug 4, 1866 age 9m, 23d); dau of William & Matilda; dysentery | |||
08/15/1866 | 262 | PINES, Morris J.* | -- | PA | PA: Montour Co. (d Aug 2, 1866 at home of grpars); infant son of Rev. Isaiah M. & Susan M.; his mother, Susan M., d 4 mos ago; cholera infantum | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | ROETHER, William* | 73 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Mercer Co.: Mendon area (d Aug 8, 1866 age 73y, 4m, 27d); converted ca 20 yrs of age; ill one yr; old age | ||
08/22/1866 | 270 | CULP, Maria* | -- | CULP, Nicholas | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Linglestown (d Jul 9, 1866); converted 32 yrs ago; husb dead; consumption; "a pattern of piety" | ||
08/22/1866 | 270 | CULP, Nicholas | -----, Maria* | |||||
08/22/1866 | 270 | KELLY, Lovina* | 29 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Aug 7, 1866 age 29y, 8m, 25d); converted ca 15 yrs ago; consumption 1 yr | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | SNIDER, Noah* | 33 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Jul 30, 1866 age 33y, 6m, 29d); joined church ca 3 mos ago; wife, 1 child, pars, 7 bros remain; 2 chren dead; consumption | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | FREDERICK, Jacob* | 13 | IL | IL: Wabash Co.: Mount Carmel (d Jul 26, 1866 age 13y, 13d); stepson of Henry POOLE; pars, bros, sister remain; at sawmill was standing on track, wagon of timber came down from the mill, dragged him; d 2 days later | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | COLER, Samuel S.* | 2 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Aug 6, 1866 age 2y, 13d); son of Solomon & Sarah; grch of Gabriel & Mary ERB; dysentery; 2 siblings remain; 3 siblings dead | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | COLER, Mary M.* | 8mos | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Aug 7, 1866 age 8m, 26d); dau of Solomon & Sarah; grch of Gabriel & Mary ERB; dysentery; 2 siblings remain; 3 siblings dead | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | ERB, Gabriel & Mary | [not an obit], grpars of COLER chren, see Aug 22, 1866 p 270 | |||||
08/22/1866 | 270 | YUTTER, Jane* | 22 | YUTTER, Nathan | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; d Apr 15, 1866 age 22y, 7m, 15d); puerperal fever 8 days | ||
08/22/1866 | 270 | YUTTER, Nathan | -----, Jane* | |||||
08/22/1866 | 270 | MOHNEY, Mary Elizabeth* | 21 | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, M. W.; d Feb 25, 1866 age 21y, 4m, 1d; converted 9 yrs ago; husb, 1 child remain; typhoid fever [see also Polly DOVENSPIKE, same issue] | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | DOVENSPIKE, Polly* | 9mos | -- | --: Minister: Shannon, M. H.; d Mar 24, 1866 age 9m, 10d; dau of William & Lydia; sis to Mary Elizabeth MOHNEY [obit same issue] | |||
08/22/1866 | 270 | BOWMAN, Mary Louisa* | 3mos | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Dauphin (d Aug 3, 1866 age 3m, 14d); dau of William | |||
08/29/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
09/05/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | [report of Gen. Conf.] | ||||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | GENGHER, Elizabeth* | 43 | GENGHER, Solomon | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: Hickory Tp. (d Aug 16, 1866 age 43y, 11m); memb Evan. Assn. 25 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; 6 chren dead; out in secret prayer until midnight, pleading in behalf of her chren | ||
09/12/1866 | 294 | GENGHER, Solomon | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | HARROFF, Samuel* | 48 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Ostentown [sic] (d Feb 11, 1866 age 48y, 11m, 5d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 23 yrs; wife, 4 chren remain; lung cancer / decay of blood [note delay in reporting this death] | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | MILLER, Susannah* | 72 | MILLER, John | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Ellsworth (d Aug 23, 1866 age 72y, 8m); md 55 yrs; memb Evan. Assn. ca 35 yrs; husb remains; had 7 sons, 4 daus, one of each is dead; palsy | ||
09/12/1866 | 294 | MILLER, John | -----, Susannah* | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | HOWENSTINE, Malinda* | 22 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Lawrence Tp. (d Jul 8, 1866); dau of John & Lydia; pars, bros, sisters remain; bronchitis 6 mos | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | BULL, Jemima* | 68 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Elliottsburg area (d Aug 8, [8th ult.], 1866 age 68y, 9m, 17d). "Books and papers were her delight." | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | EXAMPLE, Books & papers her delight | see Jemima BULL, Sep 12, 1866 p 294 | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | SHADE, Anna Mary* | 55 | SHADE, John | PA | PA: Fishing Creek Valley (d Sep 1, 1866 age 55y, 4m, 10d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 30 yrs; husb dead; dropsy 1 yr. Minister: S. AURAND, of Perry Co., PA, at this time [per preceding obit] | ||
09/12/1866 | 294 | SHADE, John | -----, Anna Mary* | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | SHIRK, Hetzol [?]* | 71 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Aug 24, 1866 age 71y, 5m, 28d); converted 29 yrs ago; widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; heart disease | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | MYERS, Elizabeth* | 57 | PA | PA: York Co. (d Sep 2, 1866 age 57y, 11m, 19d); converted 40 yrs ago; husb, 9 chren remain; mother-in-law of Rev. H. ALTHOUSE of Central PA Conf.; heart / lung disease | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | SNYDER, Harriet* | 52 | GARMAN | SNYDER, Philip | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Jul 9, 1866 age 52y, 10m, 12d); dau of George; memb Evan. Luth Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 ch dead | |
09/12/1866 | 294 | GARMAN, Harriet* | 52 | SNYDER, Philip | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d Jul 9, 1866 age 52y, 10m, 12d); dau of George; memb Evan. Luth Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 ch dead | ||
09/12/1866 | 294 | SNYDER, Philip | GARMAN, Harriet* | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | WICKEL, John* | 66 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: New Berlin (d Jul 20, 1866); widow, 7 chren remain; various diseases 3 yrs | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | KLEINFELDER, Anna* | 27 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Kleinfeldersville [sic] (d Aug 21, 1866 age 27y, 1m, 18d); dau of Rev. John & Catharine; memb Evan. Assn. ca 10 yrs; mother, several sis remain | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | DAVIS, Hannah Catherine* | 66 | DAVIS, Elias | IL | PA: Reading (b) | IL: Foreston (d Aug 22, 1866 age 66y, 11m); embraced religion 40 yrs ago; 2 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. A.; husb dead; dropsy 6 mos | |
09/12/1866 | 294 | DAVIS, Elias | -----, Hannah Catherine* | |||||
09/12/1866 | 294 | LOUMASTER, George (Rev.)* | 78 | PA | PA: Indiana Co. (d Jul 28, 1866 age 78y, 28d); prev memb U. B. in Christ [perhaps licensed by that denomination]; joined Evan. Assn. 1858; widow, chren remain; funeral at campmeeting on Mahoning circuit by Rev. C. W. DAVIS | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | BUCKS, Flora Amanda* | 2 | IL | IL: Plainfield (d Aug 11, 1866 age 2y, 5m, 20d); dau of Rev. H.; dysentery. Obit submitted by her father. | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | MINER, Florence Delight* | 1 | IL | IL: Franklin Frove [sic] (d Aug 13, 1866 age 1y, 5m, 12d); dau of David & Sina | |||
09/12/1866 | 294 | ABRAMS, George Benjamin* | 1 | IN | IN: Indianapolis (d Aug 20, 1866 age 1y, 3m, 24d); son of John & Magdalena; dysentery | |||
09/19/1866 | 302 | BROUSE, Christiana* | 88 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d Sep 2, 1866 age 88y, 11m, 17d); converted ca 60 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; she could tell about Revs. Albright, Walter, Miller; could converse ca old veterans of the cross in our church; dau is ----- BAIR; dysentery | |||
09/19/1866 | 302 | FERNER, Barbara* | 80 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Tiffin area (d Jul 6, 1866); converted in Somerset Co., PA, ca 36 yrs ago; 4 chren remain, one dau is wife of Rev. J. G. ZINSER; 4 chren dead; stroke of palsy | |||
09/19/1866 | 302 | BRUMM, Willie* | 8 | NY | NY: Wayne Co.: Galen (d Sep 5, 1866 age 8y, 2m, 21d); oldest son of George & Elizabeth; inflammation of bowels | |||
09/19/1866 | 302 | WALLHEISER, Albert* | 5mos | NY | NY: Wayne Co. (d Sep 6, 1866 age 5m, 16d); son of Peter & Christina | |||
09/26/1866 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
10/03/1866 | 318 | KNERR, William H.* | 19 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Parryville (d Sep 2, 1866 age 19y, 8m, 24d); son of Rev. Geo. of East PA Conf.; pars, bros remain; 2 of the 5 bros are itinerant preachers; typhoid fever 2 wks | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | GUSSLER, Jennie* | 24 | PA | PA: Lewisburg (d Aug 30, 1866 age 24y, 11m, 23d); converted ca 18 mos ago; bur Lewisburg Cem.; pars, bros, sisters remain | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | HAHN, Catharine* | 57 | HAHN, Nathan (Dr.) | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Aug 29, 1866 age 57y, 3m, 27d); memb Ger. Ref. Ch.; cancer of breast and side | ||
10/03/1866 | 318 | HAHN, Nathan (Dr.) | -----, Catharine* | |||||
10/03/1866 | 318 | SCHAFER, Christina* | SCHAFER, David | IL | IL: Dupage Co.: Downees [sic] Grove area (d Sep 16, 1866 age 52y, 5m, 27d); husb, 4 chren remain; dysentery | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | SCHAFER, David | -----, Christina* | |||||
10/03/1866 | 318 | SAVIDS, John* | 1 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bushkill (d Sep 12, [12th ult.], 1866 age 1y, 5m, 22d) | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | DARR, Albert Wesley* | -- | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Wooster (d Aug 16, 1866); son of Henry | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | HARE, Moses B.* | 14 | VA | VA: Hampshire Co.: Romney area (d Jun 23, 1866 age 14y, 2m, 11d) | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | HARE, Wm. B. P.* | 9 | VA | VA: Hampshire Co.: Romney area (d Jun 27, 1866 age 9y, 5m, 6d) | |||
10/03/1866 | 318 | HARE, Geo. L.* | 7 | VA | VA: Hampshire Co.: Romney area (d Jul 1, 1866 age 7y, 3m, 26d) | |||
10/10/1866 | 326 | SWARTZ, John* | 56 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Sep 10, 1866 age 56y, 9m, 3d); one of most prominent men b on Lancaster circuit; widow, 5 daus, 4 sons, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; 3 chren dead; diarrhea 4 days | |||
10/10/1866 | 326 | BELL, Mary* | 52 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon area (d [no date] age 52y, 7m, 3d); converted age 10; gave friendly reception & kind entertainment to weary itinerant preachers | |||
10/17/1866 | 334 | SAYLOR, Mary A.* | 21 | SAYLOR, Jacob R. | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Oct 6 [6th inst.], 1866 age 21y, 11m, 13d); dau-in-law of Rev. J. M. SAYLOR | ||
10/17/1866 | 334 | SAYLOR, Jacob R. | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
10/17/1866 | 334 | SCHAFFSTALL, Jonas* | 56 | IL | PA (b) | IL: Ogle Co.: West Grove (d Sep 15, 1866 age 56y, 8m, 27d); to IL upwards of 20 yrs ago; classleader / exhorter; widow, 5 chren remain; paralytic stroke caused instantaneous death | ||
10/17/1866 | 334 | REBER, Eliza A.* | -- | PA | PA: Reading (d Sep 4, 1866); dau of Rev. George H. REBER, a former local preacher in the Evan. Assn. | |||
10/17/1866 | 334 | ENKLER, Henry* | 19 | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Millcreek Tp. (d Sep 9, 1866 age 19y, 1m, 10d); son of Philip & Catharine; typhoid fever 3 wks | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | HESS, Conrad* | 84 | MD | HESSE DARMSTADT (b) | MD: Harford Co.: Jarrettsville area (d Oct 6, 1866); to AMER 1838 to Harford Co.; converted 1860; widow, 3 chren remain; 1 ch dead; dropsy which settled on his heart | ||
10/24/1866 | 342 | DEIS, John* | 91 | PA | PA: York Co.: Springfield (d Sep 27, 1866 age 91y, 8m, 7d); converted 1815; had 5 sons, 5 daus, 37 grchren, 64 gt-grchren | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | RENNER, Frederick* | 46 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Buffalo Tp. (d Oct 3, 1866 age 46y, 3m, 13d); no professor of religion but lived peaceably & quietly, a highly-respected citizen; typhoid fever | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | MILLER, Susannah* | 49 | MILLER, Philip | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Rockville (d Sep 11, 1866); converted ca 32 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, chren remain; typhoid fever | ||
10/24/1866 | 342 | MILLER, Philip | -----, Susannah* | |||||
10/24/1866 | 342 | POWEL, Philip* | 57 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Aug 30, 1866 age 57y, 2m); converted ca 30 yrs ago; dropsy / flux. Minister: Wm. WONDER | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | BISH, Ella Jane* | 11 mo | -- | --: Minister: W. W. [Wm. WONDER?]; d Sep 2, 1866 age 11m, 8d [WONDER of Hancock Co., OH, at this time] | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | EVANANS [sic], Harrison Franklin* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: W. W. [Wm. WONDER?]; d Sep 30, 1866 age 1y, 1m, 9d [WONDER of Hancock Co., OH, at this time] | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | PORTER, Wm. S.* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: W. W. [Wm. WONDER?]; d Sep 14, 1866 age 1y, 7m, 5d [WONDER of Hancock Co., OH, at this time] | |||
10/24/1866 | 342 | ROW, Catharine Susanna* | 2+ mo | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Wiconisco Tp. (d Oct 13, 1866 age 1 day less than 3 mos); dau of Tobias & Louisa | |||
10/31/1866 | 350 | BYERS, Elizabeth Jane* | 21 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Bridgeport area (d Oct 3, 1866 age 21y, 7m, 24d); dau of John & Elizabeth; converted 3 yrs ago; consumption | |||
10/31/1866 | 350 | BRECHT, Godfrey* | 48 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Tylersburg (d Oct 8, 1866 age 48y, 8m, 23d); wife, 8 chren remain; pneumonia | |||
10/31/1866 | 350 | BIEMER, Delila* | 54 | OH | OH: Van Wert area (d Sep 28, 1866 age 54y, 9m, 15d); converted ca 7 yrs ago; mentions her husb & chren; suffered ca6 mos | |||
11/07/1866 | 358 | BRODE, Barbara* | 26 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Mount Bethel (d 18th inst., age 26y, 1m, 12d); converted ca age 14, then gradually lost her religion; details of her seeking pardon [NOTE: month of death determined by when obit was written / published] | |||
11/07/1866 | 358 | PONTIUS, Samuel* | 81 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: Fayette (d Sep 28, 1866 age 81y, 8m, 17d); converted 38 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; mentions chren | |||
11/07/1866 | 358 | ALTHOF, Catharine* | 75 | PA | PA: Erie City (d Oct 24, 1866 age 75y, 4m, 19d); ch memb ca 13 yrs. "Five children one great grand child, and 35 grand children--15 having preceeded her-- É mournÉ." Husb dead 35 yrs | |||
11/07/1866 | 358 | GEHR, Maria A.* | 58 | PA | PA: Crawford Co. (d Sep 23, 1866 age 58y, 9m, 3d); converted ca 4 yrs ago. " É husband and most of her children are professed infidels." | |||
11/07/1866 | 358 | KRONMILLER, Daniel* | 15 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Otter Creek (d Sep 22, 1866 age 15y, 7m, 1d); son of Rev. J.; pars, bros, sisters remain; wound inflicted by a pitch fork, to which convulsive fits united, in short time life ended | |||
11/14/1866 | 366 | BOCK, Mary Ann* | 51 | KOCH | OH | PA: Schulkill [sic] Co. (b) | OH: Pickaway Co.: Bloomfield (d Oct 23, 1866 age 51y, 23d); dau of Rev. Jacob & Anna Maria; w/ pars to Adelphia, Ross Co., OH, 1831; husb, 7 chren, mother remain; confined to bed nearly 8 yrs; consumption | |
11/14/1866 | 366 | KOCH, Mary Ann* | 51 | BOCK, ----- | OH | PA: Schulkill [sic] Co. (b) | OH: Pickaway Co.: Bloomfield (d Oct 23, 1866 age 51y, 23d); dau of Rev. Jacob & Anna Maria; w/ pars to Adelphia, Ross Co., OH, 1831; husb, 7 chren, mother remain; confined to bed nearly 8 yrs; consumption | |
11/14/1866 | 366 | KELLY, Rebecca Ann* | 33 | KOCH | KY | KY: Covington (d Sep 3, 1866 age 33y, 8m, 3d); dau of the late Rev. Jacob KOCH; husb, 1 child remain; 2 chren dead; typhoid dysentary [sic] | ||
11/14/1866 | 366 | KOCH, Rebecca Ann* | 33 | KELLY, ----- | KY | KY: Covington (d Sep 3, 1866 age 33y, 8m, 3d); dau of the late Rev. Jacob KOCH; husb, 1 child remain; 2 chren dead; typhoid dysentary [sic] | ||
11/14/1866 | 366 | MILLIRON, George* | -- | PA | PA: Jefferson Co. (d Oct 7, 1866); converted ca 30 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 8 chren remain; dysentery 6 wks | |||
11/14/1866 | 366 | CLINE, Susan* | 40 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Berlin Tp. (d Oct 7, 1866 age 40y, 4d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 15 yrs; 6 bros, 2 sis remain; broken leg | |||
11/14/1866 | 366 | SMITT, Sallie* | 57 | SMITT, Peter | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Millport area (d [no date]); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption | ||
11/14/1866 | 366 | SMITT, Peter | -----, Sallie* | |||||
11/21/1866 | 374 | HERKENHINE, Henry E.* | 54 | MD | MD: Baltimore (d Oct 26, 1866); converted ca 6 yrs ago; widow, 5 chren remain; consumption | |||
11/21/1866 | 374 | BLEILER, William* | 30 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Hellertown area (d Oct 23, 1866 age 30y, 9m, 10d); son of Peter & Hannah; consumption | |||
11/21/1866 | 374 | LEIB, Nancy* | -- | LEIB, Benjamin | IA | IA: Jasper Co.: Vandalia (d Oct 19, 1866) | ||
11/21/1866 | 374 | LEIB, Benjamin | -----, Nancy* | |||||
11/28/1866 | 383 | MAIZE, John Adam* | 83 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Oct 21, 1866 age 83y, 7m, 17d); one of 1st membs at New Berlin; assisted forming 1st Evan. Assn. Discipline; chren remain, one of whom is Rev. M. F. | |||
11/28/1866 | 383 | LEIST, Catharine* | 83 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: Washington Tp. (d Nov 10, 1866 age 83y, 5m, 21d); truly a mother in Israel; remaining are 7 chren, 63 grchren, ca 70 gt-grchren; 5 chren are dead | |||
11/28/1866 | 383 | BECHTOL, Wm. E.* | 8 | WV | WV: Morgan Co.: Alipine [sic] area (d Jul 14, 1866 age 8y, 11m, 14d) | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | VANNATTAN, Nancy* | 41 | -- | --: South Danville (d Sep 24, 1866 age 41y, 6m, 22d); converted age 14; consumption | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | ERFURT, Johanna* | 66 | NY | NY: New York City (d Nov 10, 1866 age 66y, 9m, 8d); converted ca 25 yrs ago; 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead; confined to bed nearly 7 mos | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | YOUNG, Zacharia [sic]* | 42 | PA | PA: York Co.: Shrewsbury Tp. (d Nov 24, 1866); converted 12 yrs ago; widow, 1 child remain; 4 chren dead; lung disease | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | WEAVER, Catharine* | 56 | WEAVER, Jacob | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Nov 23, 1866 age 56y, 10m, 14d); converted 8 yrs ago; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain | ||
12/05/1866 | 390 | WEAVER, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
12/05/1866 | 390 | ROSENBERGER, -----* [male] | 68 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield Tp. (d Oct 19, 1866 age 68y, 25d); embraced religion ca 25 yrs ago; widow, 4 chren remain; palsy | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | KEMMERER, Wm. H. (Dr.)* | 22 | -- | --: Emmaus area (d Oct 7, 1866 age 22y, 8m, 27d); only son of Martin & Sarah; pars, sisters remain; typhoid fever 2 wks | |||
12/05/1866 | 390 | MORRISON, Sarah Jane* | 7 | IA | IA: Benton Co.: Shellsburg area (d Oct 12, 1866 age 7y, 4m, 19d); typhoid fever | |||
12/12/1866 | 398 | GREEN, William Henry* | 32 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Reading (d Nov 10, 1866 age 32y, 11m, 9d). "This is the first member that has died since our English work has been organized in this city nearly six years ago." Consumption | |||
12/12/1866 | 398 | NEWCOMMER [sic], Anna* | 56 | PA | PA: York Co.: Hall (d Nov 18, 1866 age 56y, 2m, 28d); embraced religion ca 35 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; 2 bros, 2 sisters remain | |||
12/19/1866 | 406 | ADAMS, Emma* | 4 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (d Nov 21, 1866 age 4y, 2m, 5d); dau of Rev. J. & Annie | |||
Number of items that your search found: 161