DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
07/03/1867214STULL, Charlie*12OHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d Jun 21, 1867 age 12y, 1m, 30d); son of William & Mary A.; funeral in church at Greentown. Minister: J. Q. A. WELLER
07/03/1867214ELMER, David*3ILIL: Lee Co.: Franklin Grove area (d Jun 16, 1867 age 3y, 29d); son of Solomon & Eve; typhoid fever
07/03/1867214ZIMMER, George*20ININ: Kosciusko Co. (d May 12, 1867 age 20y, 1m, 20d); converted last winter at revival in New Paris; served in Civil War, contracted camp diarrhoe [sic], never fully recovered; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
07/03/1867214OTT, Viola*1ININ: Elkhart Co. (d Jun 9, 1867 age 1y, 8m, 20d); dau of Daniel & Emma
07/03/1867214GEBHART, Henry*65PAPA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d Jun 14, 1867 age 65y, 3m, 6d while visiting relatives); res nr Zion, Centre Co., PA; remains brought home for burial
07/03/1867214GIESEY, Elizabeth*67PAPA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier (d Mar 7, 1867 age 67y, 2m, 24d); friends & acquaintances mourn
07/10/1867223BUSKIRK, Mary*43PAPA: Luzerne Co.: Abington (d Jun 27, 1867 age 43y, 4m, 16d); church memb 15 yrs in Monroe Co., PA; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever
07/10/1867223BENNER, Elizabeth*27BENNER, Abraham*PAPA: Northampton Co.; Bethlehem (d Jun 28, 1867 age 27y, 8m, 15d); converted ca 8 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren remain
07/10/1867223BENNER, Abraham-----, Elizabeth*
07/10/1867223MORR, Daniel*65OHPA: Centre Co. (b)OH: Ashland Co. (d Jun 19, 1867 age 65y, 24d); to OH 40 yrs ago to Ashland Co.; converted ca 14 yrs ago; 13 chren remain; stomach cancer. Funeral by Revs. G. F. SPRENG in German; H. T. STRAUCH in English
07/10/1867223FREE, Luelle J. C.* ["Luly"]9PAPA: York Co.: New Freedom (d Jun 25, 1867 age 9y, 4m, 16d); only dau of Dr. E. W. & Jennie
07/17/1867231SOMMERS, Peter*54PABADEN: Schreisheim (b)PA: Warren area (d Jun 22, 1867 age 54y, 12d); to AMER 1832; memb Evan. Assn. ca 27 yrs; left $400.00 for various benevolent purposes; widow, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead
07/17/1867231FINK, Sophia*61IAIA: Linn Co.: Mt. Vernon area (d Jun 25, 1867 age 61y, 5m, 9d); converted ca 15 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch.; 5 yrs ago joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead; died suddenly of palsy
07/17/1867231KASNER, Benjamin*17MICANADA (b Jun 18, 1850)MI: Macosta Co. (d Jun 22, 1867 age 17y, 5m, 5d); eldest son of Matthias & Magdalena; killed by accidental discharging of rifle [details given in the obit]
07/24/1867239BERRICK, George*24ILIL: Chatsworth mission: Beesed Grove (d Jun 28, 1867 age 24y, 3m, 9d); widow, 1 child, mother, 3 sis remain; inflammation of brain
07/24/1867239LOWRY, Susannah*50LOWRY, Saml. (Rev.)PAPA: Somerset Co.: Alleghany [sic] Tp. (d Jun 27, 1867 age 50y, 6m, 4d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 16 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; 7 chren dead; stoppage of bowels 10 days
07/24/1867239LOWRY, Saml. (Rev.)-----, Susannah*
07/24/1867239HANZE, -----*3ILIL: Amboy (d Jul 7, 1867 age 3y, 2m, 1d); son of Charles & Mary
07/24/1867239LOCHBAUM, Florence White*2MDMD: Washing. Co. (d Jun 22, 1867 age 2y, 1m, 4d); dau of Samuel & Sarah LOCHBAUM
07/31/1867246SPRENG, Christian*47MIGERMANY (b)MI: Hillsdale Co.: Amboy Tp. (d Jul 20, 1867 age 47y, 6m, 20d); to AMER a number of yrs ago; step-child, bros, sisters remain. Minister: S. COPLY
07/31/1867246EVANS, Christina*66SPANGLEREVANS, LewisMIMI: Berrien (d Jul 10, 1867 age 66y, 4m, 19d); converted age 15; husb, 6 chren remain; heart disease
07/31/1867246SPANGLER, Christina*66EVANS, LewisMIMI: Berrien (d Jul 10, 1867 age 66y, 4m, 19d); converted age 15; husb, 6 chren remain; heart disease
07/31/1867246EVANS, LewisSPANGLER, Christina*
07/31/1867246WEIMER, Oliver H.*24SHOEMAKER, ----- [dau of Thomas of Greensburg, OH]OHOH: Stark Co.: Milton (d May 7, 1867 age 24y, 2m, 27d); prof of vocal & instrumental music at Greensburg Seminary; wife, 1 child remain
07/31/1867246SHOEMAKER, -----WEIMER, Oliver H.*
07/31/1867246FULTON, Lucinda*5ILIL: Carroll Co.: Blackoak Grove (d Jun 15, 1867 age 5y, 2m, 21d); dau of L.; mother, one sibling d a few mos earlier; father, 2 siblings remain
07/31/1867246FULTON, Mary E.*3ILIL: Carroll Co.: Blackoak Grove (d Jul 1, 1867 age 3y, 8m, 6d); dau of L.; mother, one sibling d a few mos earlier; 1 sis d 2 wks ago; father, 1 sibling remain
07/31/1867246HORNBERGER, Willie*1PAPA: Adams Co.: Bendersville (d Jul 20, 1867 age 1y, 2m, 7d); son of Rev. Z. & Minerva; hydrocephalus
08/21/1867270SUTTON, Daniel L. (Rev.)*48PAPA: York Co.: Warrington (d Jul 24, 1867 age 48y, 11m, 17d); converted ca age 15 yrs; held local license 10+ yrs, preaching frequently; he a husb, father, bro, friend
08/21/1867270MORGAN, Sarah M.*37KINGMORGAN, John K. L.PAPA: Northumberland Co. (b Apr 28, 1830)PA: Venango City (d Aug 2, 1867 age 37y, 3m, 4d); md Nov 23, 1858; memb of well known King family of Venango circuit; converted age 13; husb, 4 sm chren remain; bur Zion's Ch., Venango circuit; palpitation of heart
08/21/1867270KING, Sarah M.*37MORGAN, John K. L.PAPA: Northumberland Co. (b Apr 28, 1830)PA: Venango City (d Aug 2, 1867 age 37y, 3m, 4d); md Nov 23, 1858; memb of well known King family of Venango circuit; converted age 13; husb, 4 sm chren remain; bur Zion's Ch., Venango circuit; palpitation of heart
08/21/1867270MORGAN, John K. L.KING, Sarah M.*
08/21/1867270GROSS, Elizabeth*57OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Berlin Tp. (d Aug 4, 1867); 2 sons, 4 daus remain; cancer
08/21/1867270KRENINGER, Juliana*16MILLERKRENINGER, Henry N.PAPA: Clinton Co.: Logan Tp. (d Mar 5, 1867 age 16y, 9m, 28d); dau of Jacob; husb, child remain; heart dropsy
08/21/1867270MILLER, Juliana*16KRENINGER, Henry N.PAPA: Clinton Co.: Logan Tp. (d Mar 5, 1867 age 16y, 9m, 28d); dau of Jacob; husb, child remain; heart dropsy
08/21/1867270KRENINGER, Henry N.MILLER, Juliana*
08/21/1867270BRANDT, Rachael*72PAPA: York Co.: Dillsburg area (d Jun 21, 1867 age 72y, 2m, 21d); died in great peace
08/21/1867270FREDERIC, Nancy*73FREDERIC, GeorgePAPA: Northampton Co.: Bushkill (d Jul 29, 1867 age 73y, 7m, 9d); embraced religion ca 35 yrs ago; husb dead
08/21/1867270FREDERIC, George-----, Nancy*
08/21/1867270FEGER, Jacob*75PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Aug 10, 1867 age 75y, 9m, 12d); 10 chren remain
08/21/1867270DICKOVER, Elizabeth*34DICKOVER, AmosININ: Hamilton Co.: Arcadia (d Jun 23, 1867 age 34y, 4m, 9d); husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead; confinement
08/21/1867270DICKOVER, Amos-----, Elizabeth*
08/21/1867270McKIM, Elizabeth*72TEAOHOH: Bellevue (d Jun 30, 1867); memb Evan. Assn. ca 30 yrs
08/21/1867270TEA, Elizabeth*72McKIM, -----OHOH: Bellevue (d Jun 30, 1867); memb Evan. Assn. ca 30 yrs
08/21/1867270FEHR, Abraham*--PAPA: Northampton Co.: Hellertown area (d Jul 23, 1867); memb Evan. Assn. 21 yrs; tranquility [sic] was his leading trait; 14 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. C. K. of the East PA Conf.; 5 chren dead
08/21/1867270EMMERT, Susannah*71EMMERT, JohnPAPA: Somerset Co.: Somerset Tp. (d Jul 23, 1867 age 71y, 8m, 29d); md 1813; joined the church in 1818; husb, 9 chren remain; she the mother-in-law of Rev. B. T. MILLER; 1 child dead; paralysis for 10 yrs
08/21/1867270EMMERT, John-----, Susannah*
08/28/1867278STROHM, Henry, Sr.87OHOH: Tiffin area (d Aug 9, 1867 age 87y, 5m, 29d at res of son-in-law, Rev. A. E. DREISBACH); 6 chren remain, 3 in PA, 3 in OH, one dau being named Elizabeth; 5 chren dead; 69 grchren, one being Rev. Jonas; bur beside wife nr Lexington, Richland Co., OH
08/28/1867278MILLER, John*58OHOH: Richland Co. (d Jul 8, 1867 age 58y, 10m); memb Evan. Assn. ca 18y; widow, number of chren remain. Funeral by John SECRIST; obit submitted by J. FELGER
08/28/1867278FELGER, J. (Rev.)submitted obit for John MILLER, Aug 28, 1867 p 278
08/28/1867278FELGER, Joseph (Rev.)officiated for funeral of Henry STROHM, Sr., nr Lexington, Richland Co., OH, Aug 28, 1867 p 278
08/28/1867278VALET, J. Willie*5IAIA: Muscatine Co.: Moscow area (d Aug 16, 1867 age 5y, 3m, 17d); son of G. & Sophia; when playing w/ gun, was accidentally shot by his cousin
08/28/1867278BAKER, Michael S.*10 moPAPA: Montoursville area (d Aug 11, 1867 age 10m, 10d); son of John & Jane
08/28/1867278FUCHS, Edward*3ININ: Indianapolis (d Aug 16, 1867 age 3y, 3d); son of Rev. John & Marie
09/04/1867286HAUN, Margaret*91HAUN, GeorgePAMD: Hagerstown area (b & raised)PA: Mercer Co.: Clarksville area (d Jun 2, 1867 age 91y, 11m, 5d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 25 yrs ago, prev Lutheran; 6 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead; bur cem nr Clarksville
09/04/1867286HAUN, George-----, Margaret*
09/04/1867286MILLER, Catherine*16PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d Aug 19, 1867 age 16y, 11m, 20d); dau of Henry & Eliza; typhoid fever
09/04/1867286CRUMLICK, Josephene [sic]*16OHOH: Pickaway Co.: East Riggold (d [no date] age 16y, 5m, 7d); 3 sis dead; cholera morbus + congestive chills
09/04/1867286REINOEHL, Catherine*80REINOEHL, MichaelINPA: Lebanon Co. (b Jul 9, 1787)IN: De Kalb Co.: Fairfield (d Aug 16, 1867 age 80y, 1m, 7d); w/ husb to Stark Co., OH, 1828; md 52 yrs; memb Luth. Ch. ca 22 yrs; after death husb, she to IN to res w/ chren; 8 chren remain; dropsy + palsy 3 mos. Minister: Michael KRUEGER
09/04/1867286REINOEHL, Michael-----, Catherine*
09/04/1867286ROCKEY, James B.*15----: Minister: GRAHAM, Philip; d Aug 9, 1867 age 15y, 3m, 11d); youngest son of Lydia, a widow; fell from tree [RACKEY once in body of obit]
09/11/1867294AUGSTADT, Mary*58GUILEYAUGSTADT, DavidOHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d Aug 18, 1867 age 58y, 9m, 5d); res prev Berks Co., PA; memb German Reformed Ch.; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead
09/11/1867294GUILEY, Mary*58AUGSTADT, DavidOHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d Aug 18, 1867 age 58y, 9m, 5d); res prev Berks Co., PA; memb German Reformed Ch.; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead
09/11/1867294AUGSTADT, DavidGUILEY, Mary*
09/11/1867294SHAEFER, Elenora*77SHMIDTININ: Fulton Co.: Rochester (d Aug 2, 1867 age 77y, 5m, 11d); converted age 12 in PA; res prev Germantown, OH; 4 chren remain
09/11/1867294SHMIDT, Elenora*77SHAEFER, -----IN`IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester (d Aug 2, 1867 age 77y, 5m, 11d); converted age 12 in PA; res prev Germantown, OH; 4 chren remain
09/11/1867295HURST, James F.*3PAPA: York Co.: Shrewsberry Tp. (d [no date] age 3y, 8m, 17d); son of Levi & Elizabeth
09/11/1867295OVERHOLSER, Emma Lydia*1PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville area (d Aug 19, 1867 age 1y, 16d); dau of Amos & Mary A.
09/18/1867302BAST, Benneville*41PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Sep 9, 1867 age 41y, 11m, 12d); converted 20+ yrs ago; requested "Meines Lebens beste Freude" be sung at bedside; one person lined in out, he helped sing; d that night; wife remains; consumption
09/18/1867302DUSTMAN, Mary*40PITTSDUSTMAN, JohnOHOH: Mahoning: Boardman Tp. (d Sep 8, 1867 age 40y, 5m, 14d); had tent at campmeeting one week ago; husb, pars, bros, sisters remain. Obit submitted by Martha BERNHART
09/18/1867302PITTS, Mary*40DUSTMAN, JohnOHOH: Mahoning: Boardman Tp. (d Sep 8, 1867 age 40y, 5m, 14d); att campmeeting one week ago; husb, pars, bros, sisters remain. Obit submitted by Martha BERNHART
09/18/1867302DUSTMAN, JohnPITTS, Mary*
09/18/1867302BIERBOWER, Isaiah*34PAPA: York Co.: Warrington Tp. (d Aug 20, 1867 age 34y, 5m, 17d); aged pars remain; stomach cancer ca 2 yrs; confined to bed re 6 wks
09/18/1867302STAYMAN, Rachel R.*1----: Minister: REED, J. Y.; d Aug 26, 1867 age 1y, 29d); dau of Samuel
09/18/1867302LIGHT, Leander*10 moPAPA: Lebanon Co.: New Market Forge (d Sep 3, 1867 age 10m, 28d); son of Cyrus & Martha; diarrhoea. Minister: H. A. NEITZ
09/25/1867311YOUTZ, Esther*57OHOH: Stark Co.: Mapleton (d Sep 6, 1867 age 57y, 8m); joined Evan. Assn. ca 30 yrs ago under Rev. Samuel VON GUNDY; she & husb among 1st membs Good Hope Ch.; husb remains; paralysis nearly 3 yrs. Minister: J. D. HOLLINGER
09/25/1867311GLATTFELTER, Elizabeth*56GLATTFELTER, Issaac [sic]PAPA: York Co.: Loganville (d Sep 8, 1867 age 56y, 1m, 28d)
09/25/1867311GLATTFELTER, Issaac [sic]-----, Elizabeth*
09/25/1867311METZGER, Andrew*24OHOH: Seneca Co. (d Sep 2, 1867 age 24y, 9m, 7d); son of Adam & Mary; sang hymn 5 hrs before he died; wife, 1 child, bros, sisters remain; quick consumption ca 3 mos. Minister: D. H. WONDER
09/25/1867311YOUNG, Allen Arthur*7mosPAPA: Williamsport (d Sep 13, 1867 age 7m, 13d); son of Rev. G. W. A. & Lydia; placed in half recumbent position, alone for underr 0 min, found lying w/ face on pillow, dead from suffocation or apoplexy
10/09/1867326ARNET, Lewis*54NYLOWER ELSACE: Ruschwag (b)NY: Steuben Co.: Hornelsville (funeral Sep 17 [17th ult], 1867 age 54y, 11m, 14d); when young to AMER to Warren Co., PA; converted ca 33 yrs ago; class-leader, exhorter; wife, chren, pars remain; inflammation of stomach / bowels + typhoid fever
10/09/1867326OVERHOLT, Mary J.*34OVERHOLT, A. H. (Rev)PAPA: Philadelphia (d Sep 19, 1867; went there to be healed); res Millersburg station, East PA Conf.; husb, 3 chren remain; bur Doylestown Cem.; liver complaint
10/09/1867326OVERHOLT, A. H. (Rev.)-----, Mary J.*
10/09/1867327ZEIBACH, Ann V.*67ZEIBACH, JacobPAPA: Union Co.: Buffalo Tp. (d Sep 3, 1867 age 67y, 10m, 14d); husb, several chren remain; a son-in-law is Rev. S. SMITH of the Central PA Conf.
10/09/1867327ZEIBACH, Jacob-----, Ann V.*
10/09/1867327DICK, Isabella*41FRANTZDICK, Joseph (Rev.)OHOH: Wayne Co.: Lattasburg area (d Aug 29, 1867 age 41y, 4m, 24d); dau of Jacob; husb itinerant preacher 16 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Lafayette [Red Haw] Evan. Cem., Ashland Co.; typhoid fever ca 3 wks
10/09/1867327FRANTZ, Isabella*41DICK, Joseph (Rev.)OHOH: Wayne Co.: Lattasburg area (d Aug 29, 1867 age 41y, 4m, 24d); dau of Jacob; husb itinerant preacher 16 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead; bur Lafayette [Red Haw] Evan. Cem., Ashland Co.; typhoid fever ca 3 wks
10/09/1867327DICK, Joseph (Rev.)FRANTZ, Isabella*
10/09/1867327FROST, Elizabeth*ca31FROST, HarrisonOHOH: Hancock Co.: McComb area (d Sep 6, 1857); converted ca 8 yrs ago; husb, 1 child remain; congestion of lungs
10/09/1867327FROST, Harrison-----, Elizabeth*
10/09/1867327WILDERMUTH, Daniel*80OHOH: Fairfield (d Sep 22, 1867 age 80y, 3m); memb U. B. Ch., warm friend of Evan. Assn.; widow, 4 chren remain; 7 chren dead; "salt rheum" on his leg many yrs + old age
10/09/1867327BAUGHMAN, Hannah*56OHOH: Summit Co.: Millheim (d Sep 21, 1867 age 56y, 2m, 28d). "Funeral services in English by Rev. Michael Miller, at presentof the German Reformed Church," and in German by J.Q.A. WELLER
10/09/1867327WINKLEMAN, Mary*18OHOH: Summit Co.: (d Sep 20, 1867 age 18y, 6m, 1d); dau of C. & Susan; family loses an obedient child & loving sister; consumption
10/09/1867327SMITH, David Ambros [sic]*15PAPA: Perry Co.: Newport (d Sep 19 [19th ult.], 1867 age 15y, 2m, 1d); son of Henry & Lydia Ann; father, moher, sis remain; typhoid fever
10/09/1867327MIESSE, Sallie Jane*24PAPA: Reading (d Sep 20, 1867 age 24y, 6m, 11d); dau of Jacob & Sarah
10/09/1867327SPARE, Wesley*23dsPAPA: Philadelphia (d Oct 1 [1st inst.], 1867; only child of B. F. & Fannie
10/23/1867342KEPNER, Emanuel*43PAPA: Lycoming Co. (d Sep 10, 1867 age 43y, 4d); church memb several yrs, a class-leader; wife, 5 chren remain
10/23/1867342HERADER, -----* [female]40CUPPHERADER, C. (Rev.)IAIA: Adams Co. (d Sep 12, 1867 age 40y, 28d); husb connected to the Dunkard Ch.; husb, 7 chren remain; she a sis of Rev. G. W. CUPP of Pittsburg Conf.
10/23/1867342CUPP, -----* [female]40HERADER, C. (Rev.)IAIA: Adams Co. (d Sep 12, 1867 age 40y, 28d); husb connected to the Dunkard Ch.; husb, 7 chren remain; she a sis of Rev. G. W. CUPP of Pittsburg Conf.
10/23/1867342HERADER, C. (Rev.)CUPP, -----*
10/23/1867342WIDMYRE, Jacob*24WVWV: Morgan Co. (d Aug 28, 1867 age 24y, 10m); ulcerated throat
10/23/1867342ZARTMAN, Abagail [sic] Jane*38PAPA: Northumberland Co. (d Sep 28, 1867 age 38y, 13d); converted 12 yrs ago at a camp-meeting; mentions having a sister; consumption ca 7 mos
10/23/1867342STEWART, Joseph*78OHOH: Columbiana Co. (d Aug 20, 1867 age 78y, 2m, 12d); memb Evan. Assn. 30+ yrs; 6 chren remain; cancer ca 3 yrs
10/23/1867342DUSTMAN, John*65OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Boardman Tp. (d Sep 15, 1867 age 65y, 1m); 1 son, 1 dau remain; palsy
10/23/1867342BENDER, Burton Monroe*1PAPA: Adams Co.: Bendersville area (d Sep 18, 1867 age 1y, 8m, 28d); son of Cornelius & Anna; drowned in tub of water
10/23/1867342BRITTON, G. L.*57PAPA: Wyoming Co.: Falls area (d Oct 8, 1867 age 57y, 11m, 3d); consistent, useful ch memb; widow, 8 chren remain; became partly deranged through loss, trouble, sickness; suicide by hanging
10/23/1867342DAVIS, Jehu*44PAPA: Fayette Co.: Saltlick (d Sep 16, 1867 age 44y, 10m, 10d); wife, 4 chren remain; erysipelas
10/23/1867342DEETS, Mary*77DEETS, JacobPAPA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier (d Oct 4, 1867 age 77y, 10m, 29d); husb, chren remain
10/23/1867342DEETS, Jacob-----, Mary*
10/23/1867342YEAGER, John*49IAIA: Polk Co.: Corey Grove (d Aug 29, 1867 age 49y, 8m, 26d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 8 yrs; widow, 3 chren remain; cholera morbus
10/30/1867351DAVIS, Jefferson
11/06/1867358WIEST, Henry*49PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Uniontown (d Oct 26, 1867 age 49y, 11m, 4d); memb Evan. Assn. 17 yrs; widow, 3 sons remain; stomach cancer. "In his last moments an angelic light broke over his countenanceÉ."
11/06/1867358FISHER, Elizabeth*34FISHER, AdamIAIA: Jasper Co.: Green Castle (d Sep 21, 1867 age 34y, 1m, 8d); converted under R. J. MILLER; husb, 2 chren remain; consumption
11/06/1867358FISHER, Adam-----, Elizabeth*
11/06/1867358WEAVER, Elizabeth*50WEAVER, Andrew (Rev.)PAPA: Venango Co. (d Oct 7, 1867 age 50y, 2m, 2d); husb dead; bur Weaver Ch., Venango circuit; jaundice w/ a complication of diseases. Ministers: C. W. DAVIS & G. W. CUPP; obit submitted by Etta K. DAVIS
11/06/1867358WEAVER, Andrew (Rev.)-----, Elizabeth*
11/06/1867358BENSINGER, Catharine*39OHOH: Medina Co.: Crawford's Corners area (d Sep 24, 1867 age 39y, 11m, 7d); husb, 5 chren, pars remain; consumption
11/06/1867358HENKEY, John (Rev.)*53OHOH: Medina Co.: Homerville area (d Sep 25, 1867 age 53y, 5m, 27d); served his church as local preacher & class leader; wife, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead; typhoid fever
11/06/1867358RHOADS, Caroline*33/34DOPPSTADTRHOADS, DanielMOPA (b 1833)MO: Boone Co. (d Sep 21, 1867); dau of J. & C.; w/ husb to MO 1866; husb, 5 chren remain; consumption
11/06/1867358DOPPSTADT, Caroline*33/34RHOADS, DanielMOPA (b 1833)MO: Boone Co. (d Sep 21, 1867); dau of J. & C.; w/ husb to MO 1866; husb, 5 chren remain; consumption
11/06/1867358RHOADS, DanielDOPPSTADT, Caroline*
11/06/1867358CASHMER, Mary Lodema*4----; d Oct 20, 1867 age 4y, 1m, 9d; only dau of William & Elizabeth
11/06/1867358FOLLMER, Mary Catharine*1ININ: St. Joseph Co.: Woodland area (d [no date] age 1y, 10m, 4d); dau of Conrad & Elizabeth
11/06/1867358SHAFFER, Niny T.*4mosILIL: Livingston Co. (d Sep 29, 1867 age 4m, 10d); dau of Thomas & Elizabeth
11/06/1867358ROLAND, Margaret*21dsPAPA: Clearfield Co.: Chess [sic] Tp. (d Sep 10, 1867 age 21d); dau of J. R. & Margaret
11/20/1867374LEFFLER, Elizabeth*58LEFFLER, SamuelPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d [no day] 1867 age 58y, 1m, 27d); husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; fibre tumor
11/20/1867374LEFFLER, Samuel-----, Elizabeth*
11/20/1867374DEWEESE, Wm. (Rev.)*64PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d Oct 28, 1867 age 64y, 9m, 25d); church twice on Sun., ate hearty breakfast Monday, d on way to school, his being a teacher; local preacher 16 yrs; 1 son remains
11/20/1867374EGGE, Thomas*20TXTX: Galveston (d Aug 31, 1867 age 20y, 10m, 15d); son of Wm. & Matilda; a bro of Rev. C. EGGE, of IA Conf.; 1866 left home nr Allentown to serve in Regular Army; yellow fever
11/20/1867374ORWIG, Carrie E.*26ORWIG, StergerPAPA: Union Co.: Lewis Tp. (d Oct 27, 1867 age 26y, 5m, 9d); converted ca 12 yrs ago; S. S. teacher; husb remains; consumption 1 yrs
11/20/1867374ORWIG, Sterger-----, Carrie E.*
11/20/1867374KRATZER, Susanna*50KOCHKRATZER, Wm.ILIL: Ogle Co.: Monroe Tp. (d Oct 31, 1867 age 50y, 2m, 26d); memb Evan. Assn. 6 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; rheumatism + inflammation of lungs, 7 days severe suffering
11/20/1867374KOCH, Susanna*50KRATZER, Wm.ILIL: Ogle Co.: Monroe Tp. (d Oct 31, 1867 age 50y, 2m, 26d); memb Evan. Assn. 6 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; rheumatism + inflammation of lungs, 7 days severe suffering
11/20/1867374KRATZER, Wm.KOCH, Susanna*
11/20/1867374FAST, Henry Winfield*19OHOH: Fairfield Co. (d Oct 18, 1867 age 19y, 4m, 28d); faithful memb Evan. Assn.; consumption ca 9 mos
11/20/1867374DREIBELBIS, Emma Elizabeth*21DREIBELBIS, D. L.PAPA: Reading (d Oct 27, 1867 age 21y, 1m, 11d); husb, 1 child, pars remain; consumption
11/20/1867374DREIBELBIS, D. L.-----, Emma Elizabeth*
11/20/1867374ITZENHEAGER, Martin*17ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Elroy (d Oct 17, 1867 age 17y, 6m, 17d at res of pars); typhoid + lung fever
11/20/1867374PFEUFFER, Thomas*13PAPA: Indiana Co.: Covode (d Oct 15, 1867); son of Andrew & Eliz.; "a species of consumption"
11/27/1867382GEIGER, Emma Rebecca*13PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d [no date] age 13y, 11m, 9d); dau of Jacob A. & deceased wife, Rebecca; devoted her youthful days to the service of God; step-mother sang a chorus [printed here in German] at her bidding
11/27/1867382HOFFMAN, Jacob*62MDMD: Baltimore (d Nov 5, 1867 age 62y, 10m, 5d); sang several hymns, left home at 7 1/2 o'clock to attend duties as city lamplighter; gone 10 minutes & died before reaching his district; aged widow remains; heart disease
11/27/1867382MAUK, Clark*21PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Oct 22, 1867 age 21y, 8m, 21d); son of John & Rachel; typhoid fever 8 wks
11/27/1867382SEIBEL, Anna*67SEIBEL, John----: Minister: BUTZ, W.; d Nov 3, 1867 age 67y, 9m); converted 25 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain; old age & dropsy 2 yrs, last 6 mos bed-ridden
11/27/1867382SEIBEL, John-----, Anna*
11/27/1867382CABLE, -----*6----: Minister: CABLE, John K.; d Oct 26th, 1867 age 6y, 10m. "Our only daughter has left us." Short illness from brain fever
11/27/1867382MAUK, Rebecca Alice*3mosPAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Sep 16, 1867 age 3m, 4d); dau of Isaac & Catharine
12/04/1867391EMERT, Martha*44EMERT, SolomonILIL: Lee Co.: Franklin Grove area (d Nov 6, 1867 age 44y, 4d); converted 22 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever
12/04/1867391EMERT, Solomon-----, Martha*
12/11/1867399WOODS, -----* [male]22TXPA: Mercer Co. (b)TX: Galveston (d Sep 7, 1867 age 22y, 1m, 10d); son of John H. & Sarah J.; served in Civil War, wounded Battle of Wilderness, went back to the war; to Galveston to visit & clerk in a store; mother, 4 sis, 3 bros remain; father dead; yellow fever
12/11/1867399COLLAR, Margaret*20KERNCOLLAR, RoyalOHOH: Mahoning Co.: Canfield (d Nov 17, 1867 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Solomon (deceased); husb, 1 little dau remain
12/11/1867399KERN, Margaret*20COLLAR, RoyalOHOH: Mahoning Co.: Canfield (d Nov 17, 1867 age 20y, 10m, 11d); dau of Solomon (deceased); husb, 1 little dau remain
12/11/1867399COLLAR, RoyalKERN, Margaret*
12/11/1867399HAMBRIGHT, Sarah*85PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville area (d Sep 4, 1867 age 85y, 9m, 17d); mother of Rev. D. HAMBRIGHT
12/11/1867399HIPPENSTEEL, Henry (Rev.)*63PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Leasburg [sic] area (d Nov 4, 1867 age 63y, 9m, 27d); converted ca 25 yrs ago; local preacher last 15 yrs; wife, 3 chren remain; consumption several months; held family worship the morning he died
12/11/1867399GERBER, Mary*54PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d [no date] age 54y, 1m, 1d); church memb many yrs
12/11/1867399SHOWERS, Mary E.*7PAPA: Mercer Co. (d Nov 21, 1867 age 7y, 11m, 19d); dau of Jonathan & Elizabeth; diphtheria
12/18/1867406AURAND, John*38PAPA: Union Co.: East Buffalo Tp. (d Dec 12, 1867 age 38y, 8m, 12d); embraced religion ca 10 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead
12/18/1867406SICKEL, Gertrude*64SICKEL, George G.MDMD: Baltimore (d Dec 3, 1867 age 64y, 6m, 1d); to AMER 1819; converted 1833, being one of 1st membs of our church in Baltimore; husb, 5 chren remain; breast cancer 9 mos
12/18/1867406SICKEL, George-----, Gertrude*
12/18/1867406SWARTZ, Gottlieb*60PAGERMANY: Wuertemberg (b)PA: Sellersville (d Dec 6, 1867 age 60y, 9m, 4d); memb Evan. Assn., Philadelphia; to Sellersville 3 yrs ago to recover from chronic asthma; widow, 7 chren remain; bur Palmer Cem., Kensington, Philadelphia, PA
12/18/1867406MURRAY, Nancy*68MURRAY, GeorgePAPA: Centre Co. (d Nov 4, 1867 age 68y, 6m); husb, chren mourn; her affliction was severe, but she bore it patiently
12/18/1867406MURRAY, George-----, Nancy*
12/18/1867406RIFE, Salome R.*64RIFE, DavidOHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Pickaway Co.: East Ringgold (d Nov 29, 1867 age 64y, 6m, 12d); husb, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever
12/18/1867406RIFE, David-----, Salome R.*

Number of items that your search found: 170