DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
07/02/1868206ROBERTS, Barbara*19ININ: Hamilton Co. (d May 24, 1868 age 19y, 3m, 6d); dau of Ralph & Elizabeth; pars, bros, sisters remain; consumption 1 yr
07/02/1868206RIEMENSNIDER, -----* [female]79ININ: Fulton area (d Jun 20, 1868 age 79y, 6m); 1 dau remains; husb dead; funeral at the Plank Evan. Assn. meeting house
07/02/1868206BOWMAN, Eledora*3mosPAPA: Quemohoning [sic] (d May 29, 1868 age 3m, 13d); dau of William & Sarah
07/02/1868206HASTING, Nora Etta*8mos----: Minister: WELLER, J.Q.A.; d Jun 10, 1868 age 8m, 13d); dau of Levi & Savilla
07/09/1868213KIMMEL, Samuel*66PAPA: Orwigsburg (d Jun 20, 1868 age 66y, 2m, 14d); converted 16 yrs ago; widow, 5 sons remain; bur Lutheran burying-ground
07/09/1868213MISSEMER, Catharine*25PAPA: Bernville (d Jun 22, 1868 age 25y, 9m, 20d); converted ca 5 yrs ago; husb, 1 child remain
07/09/1868213MILLER, Hannah*12----: Minister: KUENZLI, Chr.; d [no date] age 12y, 8d); dau of Isaac & Eliza; spinal affection 14 wks
07/09/1868213OVERMYER, Samanca*4ININ: Plymouth area (d Jun 23, 1868 age 4y, 7m, 27d)
07/16/1868222COOK, Martha*74OHGERMANY (b)OH: Mansfield area [8 mi north] d Jun 22, 1868 age 74y, 10m, 29d); age 13 w/ pars to AMER; converted ca 33 yrs ago; husb, sons, daus remain; intermittent fever. Minister: J. FELGER of OH Conf.
07/16/1868222GLATFELDER, George*80PAPA: York Co.: Warrington (d Jun 25, 1868 age 80y, 5m, 20d); converted ca 48 yrs ago; widow, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; consumption / dropsy
07/16/1868222NEFF, M. J.* [male]29NYBADEN: Michelsfeld (b)NY: Niagara City (d Jun 18, 1868 age 29y, 2m, 24d); age 7 w/ pars to AMER; mother, bros, sisters remain
07/16/1868222DALE, Matilda*21OHOH: Huron area (d Jun 23, 1868 " É lacking only five days of completing the 22nd year of her age."); dau of Jacob & Elizabeth; mother, sis remain; father, sisters dead
07/16/1868222POE, Adam (Rev. Dr.)*------: d Jun 26, 1868; lately senior agent of the Western Methodist Book Concern
07/23/1868230EYER, Isaac, Jr.*45PAPA: Union Co.: Winfield area (d Jul 9, 1868 age 45y, 5m); wife, 4 chren remain
07/23/1868230HERTZ, Martha Jane*27PAPA: Snyder Co.: Perry Tp. (d Jul 9, 1868 age 27y, 5m, 6d); consumption
07/23/1868230BAUDERS, Mary*38OHOH: Stark Co.: Wilmot area (d Jun 26, 1868 age 38y, 4m, 4d); husb, 5 chren remain; cancer
07/23/1868230ANDERSON, M. E.*13OHOH: Stark Co.: Wilmot Area (d Jul 7, 1868 age 13y, 7m, 20d); a sudden death
07/23/1868230LINDENMUTH, Joseph*--PAPA: Mahanoy City (d Jul [no date], 1868); May 23d, while working on R.R., run over by locomotive; one foot amputated; bur Pottsville
07/23/1868230BOWMAN, Henry*68PAPA: Lebanon (d Jul 2, 1868 age 68y, 5m, 14d); converted 44+ yrs ago; was one of 12 organized into a class [church] at this place by Bishop SEYBERT; wife d 14 yrs ago; dropsy on chest / heart disease
07/30/1868238BAUMAN, Maria Catherine*90PAPA: Freemansburg (d Jul 15, 1868 age 90y less 15d at res of son-in-law G. SPERR, where she lived many yrs); converted ca 16 yrs ago
07/30/1868238RIGEL, Mary Ann*82RIGEL, GeorgeOHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Darke Co. (d Jul 13, 1868 age 82y, 8m, 23d); md 64 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 4 chren dead; old age / dropsy
07/30/1868238RIGEL, George-----, Mary Ann*
07/30/1868238FREDERICK, Henry*45MDMD: Hartford [sic] Co. (d Jun 18, 1868 age 45y, 5m, 8d); converted ca 11 yrs ago in York Co., PA; widow, 1 dau remain; walling up a well, large stone fell off the bucket, knocking him to bottom of well; d 5 days later
07/30/1868238TRAUTMAN, Moses*43PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Uniontown area (d [no date] age 43y, 9m, 5d); widow, 7 chren, mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; liver complaint / dropsy
07/30/1868238MOYER, Nancy Jane*22MOYER, JohnIAIA: Clark Co. (d Jun 22, 1868 age 22y, 8m, 11d); brain disease a few wks
07/30/1868238MOYER, John-----, Nancy Jane*
07/30/1868238GILBERT, Maria*16INOH: Richland Co. (b)IN: Noble Co.: Indian Village area (d Jul 3, 1868 age 16y, 1m, 8d); dau of George & Barbara; father, bros, sisters remain; mother dead; inflammatory rheumatism w/ cramp
07/30/1868238PHEIFER, Elias*29PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Herndon (d Jul 15, 1868 age 29y, 10m); widow, 4 sm chren remain; typhoid fever 6 wks
08/06/1868246DERR, John*65OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence (d Jul 19, 1868 age 65y, 5m, 18d); converted ca 40 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch.; memb Evan. Assn. 7 yrs; wife #2 & 3 sm chren remain; also 5 adult chren of wife #1 remain [md twice, wives not named here]
08/13/1868254SMITH, Mary*78SMITH, HarmanOHOH: Crawford Co.: Summit Tp. (d Jul 6, 1868); one of 1st membs of Summit class, Crawford circuit; numerous friends remain; inflammatory rheumatism
08/13/1868254SMITH, Harman-----, Mary*
08/13/1868254McCUEN, Mary Jane*16IAIA: Jasper Co.: Monroe (d Jun 6, 1868 age 16y, 7m, 6d); dau of G. & Sarah J.; pars, bros, sisters remain
08/13/1868254GROSS, William*7mosMDMD: Baltimore Co. (d Jul 22, 1868); son of Rev. George & Elizabeth; dysentery
08/13/1868254HENDRICKS, Sarah*32OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Green Tp. (d Jul 11, 1868 age 32y, 3m, 15d); numerous relatives & friends remain; consumption
08/13/1868254SMITH, Clara Ellen *3ILIL: Kane Co.: West Prairie (d Jul 20, 1868 age 3y, 4m, 5d); dau of Adolphus G. & Mary Ann; pars, bro, sis remain; scarlet fever
08/13/1868254FLORY, Jacob*61OHOH: Wayne Co.: Chester Tp. (d Mar 14, 1868 age 61y, 9d); widow, 6 chren remain; consumption. Minister: J. J. KOPP
08/13/1868254IRVIN, Mary Ann*47KANAGAIRVIN, Henry W.PAPA: Cumberland Co. (b)PA: Lock Haven (d [no date] age 47y, 3m, 14d); dau of Joseph & Annie; husb, 5 dear & tender chren, father remain; pulmonary consumpation ca 1 yr; bur Mechanicsburg Cem. [This is a "long-delayed" obit, yet death date is not stated] lengthy obit
08/13/1868254KANAGA, Mary Ann*47IRVIN, Henry W.PAPA: Cumberland Co. (b)PA: Lock Haven (d [no date] age 47y, 3m, 14d); dau of Joseph & Annie; husb, 5 dear & tender chren, father remain; pulmonary consumpation ca 1 yr; bur Mechanicsburg Cem. [This is a "long-delayed" obit, yet death date is not stated] lengthy obit
08/13/1868254IRVIN, Henry W.KANAGA, Mary Ann*
08/13/1868254IMSHAFFSTALL, Samuel*85OHPA: Dauphin Co. (b 1783)OH: Fairfield Co.: Lithopolis area (d Jun 30, 1868 age 85y, 6m, 26d); to OH spring 1838; widow, 1 son, 3 daus remain; stomach cancer
08/13/1868254FOSDICK, Moses Q.*52OHNY: Green Co.: Coxsockie (b Jan 13, 1816)OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence (d [no date] age 52y, 6m, 21d); raised under influence of Society of Friends; widow, 6 chren remain; marasmus or premature decay of nature. Minister: T. G. CLEWELL
08/13/1868254ESBENSHADE, Joseph*58PAPA: Berks Co. (d Jul 31, 1868 age 58y, 8m, 9d); embraced religion 25+ yrs ago; widow, 10 chren remain
08/20/1868262HIPPLE, John*17ONTONT: Lincoln Co.: Clinton Tp. (d Jul 28, 1868 age 17y, 8m, 23d); son of William & Susanna; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; enlargement of liver
08/20/1868262RHODES, Michael*63PAPA: Clinton Co.: Logansville (d Aug 7, 1868 age 63y, 11m, 6d); d w/out any acceptance of God; been township charge for nearly 5 yrs, while one bro is worth ca $50,000 & rest of bros are wealthy
08/20/1868262SHOUT, Leah*54AURANDSHOUT, JonathanILPA: Union Co. (res prev)IL: Lee Co.: Ashton (d [no date] age 54y, 4m, 13d); dau of Abraham; converted age 14; blind husb, 11 chren remain; peorodime neuralgia
08/20/1868262AURAND, Leah*54SHOUT, JonathanILPA: Union Co. (res prev)IL: Lee Co.: Ashton (d [no date] age 54y, 4m, 13d); dau of Abraham; converted age 14; blind husb, 11 chren remain; peorodime neuralgia
08/20/1868262SHOUT, JonathanAURAND, Leah*
08/20/1868262NITZ, Laura Alice*10 moOHOH: Stark Co. (d Aug 2, 1868 age 10m, 3d); dau of Henry & L. A. Minister: J. Q. A. WELLER in Stark Co., OH, at this time
08/20/1868262DIETZ, Isadora Elizabeth*8PAPA: Freemansburg (d Aug 6 [6th inst], 1868 age 8y, 7m, 20d); dau of David & Caroline; chlorosis
08/27/1868269HOSHOUR, Elizabeth Ann Maria*24PAPA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d Aug 13, 1868 age 24y, 10m, 20d); dau of J. V. & Magdalena HOSHOUR; minister referred to her as "Maria"
08/27/1868269STRICKLER, Leah*19IAIA: Buchanan Co.: Brandon area (d [no date] age 19y, 2m, 21d); dau of John & Cathrine [sic]; mother, 5 sis, 2 bros dead; no mention of those that remain
08/27/1868269HARTMANN, Jacob*84ILPA: Union Co. (res prev)IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville [2 mi northeast] (d Aug 16, 1868 age 84y, 2m, 9d); embraced religion ca 40 yrs ago; to this area ca 9 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead; inflammation of lungs / dropsy / old age
08/27/1868270MOODY, Mary*43PAPA: Fayette Co.: Saltlick Tp. (d Jun 10, 1868 age 43y, 22d)
08/27/1868270SHAFFER, John*44PAPA: Fayette Co.: Saltlick Tp. (d Jul 31, 1868 age 44y, 8m, 20d)
08/27/1868270SEITZ, Pirzah Blaunch*1PAPA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d Aug 17, 1868 age 1y, 8m, 21d); dau of Geogrge [sic] W. & Anna E.
08/27/1868270SEITZ, Mattie Elva*1PAPA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d Aug 17, 1868 age 1y, 10m, 12d); dau of N. Z. & Elenora
08/27/1868270SEITZ, Spurgeon*1PAPA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d Aug 15, 1868 age 1y, 2m, 8d); son of Nicholas & Otilda
09/10/1868286WHISTLER, Cyrus*18OHOH: Findlay (d May 4, 1868 age 18y, 10m); son of David & Mary; pars, bros, sisters remain; typhoid fever 2 wks
09/10/1868286BURNELL, James*63PAPA: Clinton Co.: Loganville (d Aug 22, 1868); formerly of Flemington; cholera morbus 36 hrs
09/10/1868286ETTINGER, Sophia*23PAPA: York (d Aug 12, 1868 age 23y, 7m, 28d); dau of J. M.; embraced religion ca 9 yrs ago; billious congestive fever a few days
09/10/1868286STEALY, Louisa*40HELTMAN----: Minister: STEALY, A. E.; d Aug 15, 1868 age 40y, 18d at res of father); dau of Joseph & Catharine; 5 chren, pars, bros, sisters remain; heart disease, sick 1 day
09/10/1868286HELTMAN, Louisa*40STEALY, -----
09/10/1868286FOLTZ, Susanna*21FOLTZ, GeorgePAPA: Perry Co.: Elliotsburg area (d Aug 16, 1868 age 21y, 3m, 10d); husb, pars, bros, sisters remain. A few days before she died, " É her sister and child diedÉ." [QUESTION: her child or her sister's child died?]
09/10/1868286FOLTZ, George-----, Susanna*
09/10/1868286NEFF, Susanna Joanna*13OHOH: Crawford Co.: Whetstone Tp. (d Aug 30, 1868 age 13y, 9m, 22d); she the dau of Sarah & step-dau of John COOK
09/10/1868286THOMAS, John*57PAPA: Venango Co. (d Aug 3, 1868 age 57y & 3 ds less than 9 mos); memb Evan. Assn. ca 31 yrs; widow, 3 chren remain; 6 chren dead; repeated strokes of palsy over 8 wks
09/17/1868294MUSSELMAN, Samuel*75PAPA: Cumberland Co.: New Kingston (d Aug 27, 1868 age 75y, 15d); embraced religion ca 25 yrs ago under Rev. Jacob BOAS; subscribed $100.00 to erect an Evan. Ch. in Carlisle
09/17/1868294WILDERMUTH, Susannah*49WILDERMUTH, JohnPAPA: Pottsville (d Sep 5, [5th inst], 1868 age 49y, 5m, 29d); converted 35+ yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain
09/17/1868294WILDERMUTH, John-----, Susannah*
09/17/1868294BOYER, Solomon*41PAPA: Mahanoy City (d Jul 29, 1868 age 41y, 2m, 21d); converted several yrs ago; consumption
09/17/1868294FAUST, Libbie*7mosPAPA: Mahanoy City (d Jul 12, 1868 age 7m, 24d); dau of David & Sarah
09/17/1868294TRESSLER, Harly [sic] Wallace*4?ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota [3 mi west] (d Aug 30, 1868 "aged 4 and 16 days"; son of Daniel & Margaret
09/17/1868294SMITH, -----* [male]1moOHOH: Stark Co.: Canton Tp. (d Aug 31, 1868 age 1m, 4d); son of Lewis & Sarah
09/17/1868294FAUST, Anna Rebecca*4mosPAPA: Mahanoy City (d Jul 30, 1868 age 4m, 8d); dau of Daniel & Susan
09/17/1868294BEISTLINE, William Orris*11 mo----: New Kingston (d Aug 21, 1868 age 11m, 16d); son of William & Susan M. Minister: I. Y. REED
09/17/1868294EGOLP, Worthington*8mos----: New Kingston (d Aug 25, 1868 age 8m, 14d); son of Joseph & Anna. Minister: I. Y. REED
09/24/1868302KREAMER, Aaron D.*35ILIL: Naperville area (d Sep 9, 1868 age 35y, 2m, 4d); served 3 yrs in Civil War; wife, 2 infant chren, pars, bro, sister remain; consumption 8 mos [Note: word "infant" can be a child from birth to several yrs old in these obits]
09/24/1868302SEACHRIST, Catharine*22OHOH: Richland Co.: Belville [sic] area (d Aug 30, 1868 age 23 less 5 ds); dau of Rev. H. & E.; pars, 2 sis remain; bur Zion burying ground; consumption ca 17 mos
09/24/1868302STEWART, Homer*4OHOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square area (d Sep 7, 1868 age 4y, 10m, 9d); son of Josiah & Sarah
09/24/1868302GLENN, William S.*51OHOH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Sep 7, 1868 age 51y, 27d)
09/24/1868302TRESSLER, Norton Sylvester*2ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota [3 mi southwest] (d Sep 8, 1868 age 2y, 8d); son of Daniel & Margaret; bro Harly d 10 days prev; the two were the only chren of their pars; dysentery
10/01/1868310WOOLMAN, Hannah*72ONTONT: Ontario Co.: Uxbridge Tp. (d Sep 9, 1868 age 72y, 6m, 23d at res of only son); memb prev Primitive Meth.; joined Evan. Assn. 12 yrs ago; 4 chren remain; husb dead ca 35 yrs; scroffula [sic]
10/01/1868310HARLACHER, Eliza*63OTTHARLACHER, DavidPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Sancon [sic] Valley (d Sep 2, 1868 age 63y, 9m); dau of the late Jacob & Mary M. of Pleasant Valley, Bucks Co., PA; breast cancer
10/01/1868310OTT, Eliza*63HARLACHER, DavidPAPA: Lehigh Co.: Sancon [sic] Valley (d Sep 2, 1868 age 63y, 9m); dau of the late Jacob & Mary M. of Pleasant Valley, Bucks Co., PA; breast cancer
10/01/1868310HARLACHER, DavidOTT, Eliza*
10/08/1868318ANGELMOYER, Julia Ann*58ANGELMOYER, JohnPAPA: Northampton Co.: Upper Mount Bethel (d Sep 15, 1868 age 58y, 1m, 1d); husb, 4 chren remain; dyspepsia / dropsy / stroke of palsy on birthday
10/08/1868318ANGELMOYER, John-----, Julia Ann*
10/08/1868318SMITH, John H.*40OHOH: Stark Co.: Uniontown area (d Sep 18, 1868 age 40y, 10m, 7d) memb U. B. Ch.; wife, 6 chren remain; consumption. Religious Telescope please copy.
10/08/1868318BARTH, Harriet*27MILLERININ: Posey Co.: Stuartsville area (d Sep 18, 1868); husb, 2 chren, pars, bros, sisters remain; inflammation
10/08/1868318MILLER, Harriet*27BARTH, -----ININ: Posey Co.: Stuartsville area (d Sep 18, 1868); husb, 2 chren, pars, bros, sisters remain; inflammation
10/08/1868318DUNLAP, Stelly*8mos----: d Sep 27, 1868 age 8m, 22d; only dau of Rev. J. A. & A. M.; funeral by Rev. J. F. FALHELM
10/08/1868318CASTETTER, Wm. Leroy*3mosININ: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d [no date] age 3m, 22d); son of Daniel M. & Sarah F.
10/08/1868318DOMER, Margaret Jane*5PAPA: Westmoreland Co. (d Sep 13, 1868 age 5y, 5m, 18d at res of uncle); dau of Rev. J. D.; internal scrofula 2+ yrs. Funeral by Rev. WOODBURN; submitting minister: H. LONGBRAKE
10/08/1868318KOEHLER, Richard*9mosPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo (d Sep 3, 1868 age 9m, 30d); son of Franklin & Lydia
10/15/1868326COOK, George, Sr.*79OHOH: Richland Co.: Mansfield [8 mi north] (d [no date]); wife d a few wks earlier; diarrhoea, sick but a few hrs. Minister: J. FELGER
10/15/1868326EBY, Emanuel*23PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Miflin [sic] Tp. (d Sep 27, 1868 age 23y, 6m, 13d); widow, chren remain; bilious fever
10/15/1868326CUNY, Daniel*69ILPA: Perry Co. (b Jan 10, 1799)IL: Kendall Co.: Oswego Tp. (d Sep 5, 1868 age 69y, 2m, 24d); repeated strokes of palsy, then dropsy
10/15/1868326SNYDER, Wm. H.*33ILIL: Orangeville (d Sep 25, 1868 age 33y, 9m, 12d); wife remains; consumption ca 3 mos
10/15/1868326KUNTZ, Elizabeth*36HAASKUNTZ, JacobIAIA: Dubuque (d Oct 3, 1868 age 36y, 5m, 5d); md 14 yrs; remaining are husb & 5 chren, the youngest being age 5 mos; 2 chren dead; measles 6 days
10/15/1868326HAAS, Elizabeth*36KUNTZ, JacobIAIA: Dubuque (d Oct 3, 1868 age 36y, 5m, 5d); md 14 yrs; remaining are husb & 5 chren, the youngest being age 5 mos; 2 chren dead; measles 6 days
10/15/1868326KUNTZ, JacobHAAS, Elizabeth*
10/15/1868326BASSLER, Gottlieb*--PAPA: Pittsburgh (d Oct 3, 1868); Principal of Farm School at Zelienople; also Pres. Of Gen. Council. Taken from the Luth. Observer
10/22/1868334RANCK, Joel*72PAPA: Union Co.: New Columbia (d Oct 1, 1868 age 72y, 17d); 11 chren remain; dropsy
10/22/1868334RUMMEL, Mary Ann*38MDMD: Washington Co. (d Oct 3 [3d inst], 1868 age 38y, 9m, 16d); mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; bur Zion burying ground
10/22/1868334LANDIS, Elizabeth* ["Aunt Betsy"]56PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Oct 2, 1868 age 56y, 11m, 10d); embraced religion ca 40 yrs ago; dropsy
10/22/1868334McCARTNEY, Sarah Ann*22BAKERIAIA: Iowa Centre area (d Oct 5, 1868 age 22y, 4m, 9d); a small child (a cripple), pars, sis remain; husb dead; consumption since Spring
10/22/1868334BAKER, Sarah Ann*22McCARTNEY, -----
10/22/1868334OVERHOLZER, Caroline*16PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairfield (d Oct 1, 1868 age 16y, 11m, 5d); dau of Rev. Isaac & Mary; typhoid fever
10/22/1868334STRUBLER, George*70ILFRANCE: Elsace (res prev)IL: Napoleon (d Sep 28, 1868); to AMER 1832 to Warren, PA; converted 1834 under Bishop SEYBERT; to Napierville [sic], 1837, one of 1st membs there; widow, 4 chren remain; asthma
10/22/1868334WAGNER, Jacob*75OHOH: Hancock Co.: Liberty (d Oct 13, 1868 age 75y, 4m, 3d); wife, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead; inflammatory rheumatism & fever / affections of kidneys
10/22/1868334BOUCHER, Solomon*53OHOH: Lucas Co.: Montclova [sic] Tp. (d Oct 8, 1868 age 53y, 2m, 2d); converted age 18; wife, 5 chren remain; congestive chills & fever 18 days
10/22/1868334HUSTON, William*69----: New Kingston (d Oct 8, 1868 age 69y, 6m, 7d). Minister: Isaac Y. Reed
10/22/1868334FREDERICK, William J.*20WIWI: Wayne Co.: Winslow area (d Oct 8, 1868 age 20y, 7m, 2d); son of Ira & Catherine; served nearly 3 yrs in 4th WI Cavalry, Civil War; wound caused his death
10/22/1868334PAULIN, Keturah*2OHOH: Mahoning Co.: Green Tp. (d Sep 15, 1868 age 2y, 10m, 21d); dau of Jonas & Hannah; cholera morbus
10/22/1868334COOK, Olvira*9mos----: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; d Sep 16, 1868 age 9m, 21d; dau of Andrew & Rachel
10/22/1868334SHOBER, Samuel Watts*11 moPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairfield (d Sep 4, 1868 age 11m, 22d); son of John L. & Caroline
10/29/1868342WOODRING, Elizabeth*55ILPA: Northampton Co. (b)IL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota area (d Sep 18, 1868 age 55y, 3m, 19d); converted ca 27 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; husb d 3 mos earlier; dysentery
10/29/1868342KEIS, Samuel Andrew*14OHOH: Crawford Co.: Whetstone Tp. (d Oct 14, 1868 age 31y, 2m, 10d); pars, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; diabetes
10/29/1868342COPLY, Martha Ann*46COPLY, JohnOHOH: West Salem area (d Oct 7, 1868 age 47 less 1 day); husb, 1 son aged 8y, mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; bur West Salem Cem.; caries of the spine 2y, 9m
10/29/1868342COPLY, John-----, Martha Ann*
10/29/1868342BEARINGER, Mary*72OHOH: Richland Co.: Shelby (d Aug 19, 1868 age 72y, 5m, 4d age at res of son-in-law, Rev. D. W. DOWNEY); she res prev West Independence; mentions "her youngest daughter"
10/29/1868342McACHREN, Mary*56PAPA: Juniata Co.: Caladonia Valley (d Oct 2, 1868 age 56y, 9m, 5d); converted ca 5 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren remain; inflammation of bowels 4 days
10/29/1868342ROESER, G. W.*30ILIL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d Apr 21, 1868 age 30y, 4m, 4d); converted in Pink Prairie, 1857; consumption
10/29/1868342ZINSER, Elizabeth*58ZINSER, JacobILIL: Henry Co.: Yorktown (d Sep 15, 1868 age 58y, 5m); served her Master ca 30 yrs; husb, 11 chren remain; 1 child dead; heart dropsy
10/29/1868342ZINSER, Jacob-----, Elizabeth*
10/29/1868342GALLOWAY, Abiather Sherman*2mosOHOH: Ashland Co.: Lafayette [now Red Haw] (d Oct 12, 1868 age 2m, 5d); son of John & Sarah
11/05/1868350STEWART, Sarah*39STEWART, JosiahOHOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklin Square area (d Sep 26, 1868 age 39y, 11m, 26d); husb, 4 chren remain; typhoid fever, which husb has had nearly all summer, caused her death
11/05/1868350STEWART, Josiah-----, Sarah*
11/05/1868350ROST, Anna*41IA--: Surtzertown (b)IA: Clinton Co. (d Oct 24 [24th ult], 1868 age 41y, 1m, 26d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption [NOTE: perhaps d Sep, depending on when obit was written]
11/05/1868350LONG, Catharine*36EHRHEARTLONG, HenryIAPA (b)IA: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Oct 19, 1868 age 36y, 7m, 8d); dau of Henry & Catharine
11/05/1868350EHRHEART, Catharine*36LONG, HenryIAPA (b)IA: Wayne Co.: East Germantown (d Oct 19, 1868 age 36y, 7m, 8d); dau of Henry & Catharine
11/05/1868350LONG, HenryEHRHEART, Catharine*
11/05/1868350WILLER, Julian*31WILLER, SamuelPAPA: York Co.: Hopewell Tp.: Winterstown area (d Oct 20, 1868 age 31y, 7m, 27d); husb, 2 chren remain; 5 chren dead [corr to MILLER, Nov 19, 1868 p 366]
11/05/1868350WILLER, Samuel-----, Julian*[corr to MILLER, Nov 19, 1868 p 366]
11/05/1868350MILLER, Julian*31MILLER, SamuelPAPA: York Co.: Hopewell Tp.: Winterstown area (d Oct 20, 1868 age 31y, 7m, 27d); husb, 2 chren remain; 5 chren dead [corr from WILLER, Nov 19, 1868 p 366]
11/05/1868350MILLER, Samuel-----, Julian*[corr from WILLER, Nov 19, 1868 p 366]
11/05/1868350HUFFORD, Jesse*40IAIA: Mt. Vernon area (d Oct 17, 1868 age 40y, 2d); memb & exhorter of Ev. Assn.; md 19 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain
11/05/1868350LUTZ, Elizabeth*75OHOH: Summit Co.: Bath Tp. (d Oct 10, 1868 age 75y, 5m, 24d at res of A. SEELEY); 4 sons, 4 daus remain; husb, 2 chren dead; consumption
11/05/1868350HILLER, Albert*12IAIA: Benton Co.: Shellsbury area (d Oct 18, 1868 age 12y, 7m, 12d); son of Michael & Joanah [sic]
11/05/1868350CLINE, George*77OHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Oct 17, 1868). Minister: J. Q. A. WELLER
11/05/1868350MOOR, Orrison Emory*5OHOH: Uniontown (d Oct 24, 1868 age 5y, 15d); son of G. W. & Matilda
11/05/1868350WINKLEMAN, Walter Scott*2OHOH: Summit Co.: Manchester area (d Oct 24, 1868 age 2y, 5m, 10d); son of John
11/05/1868350GIBSON, Ephraim Witman*1NJNJ: Salem (d Oct 20, 1868 age 1y, 11m, 2d); son of William S. & Mary A. S.
11/19/1868366COUNTRYMAN, John*79NYNY: Oneida Co.: West Branch area (d Oct 21, 1868 age 79y, 9m, 25d); converted 50+ yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; wife, 8 chren remain
11/19/1868366CHRIST, Elizabeth*67PAPA: Perry Co.: Tuscarora (d Nov 5, 1868 age 67y, 5m, 5d); embraced religion ca 27 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain
11/19/1868366ALTMAN, Levi*28OHOH: Williams Co. (d [no date] age 28y, 7d); son of George & Mary; wife, 1 child, pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever. Minister: J. BOROUGHF
11/19/1868366SNAVELY, Sarah*30GNEISLYSNAVELY, AmosPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Conestoga Center area (d Oct 20, 1868 age 30y, 6m, 6d); dau of Rev. Benjamin & Rebecca; husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 sis remain. Minister: Jacob ZERN [NOTE: it may be her pars who res Conestoga Center, not she]
11/19/1868366GNEISLY, Sarah*30SNAVELY, AmosPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Conestoga Center area (d Oct 20, 1868 age 30y, 6m, 6d); dau of Rev. Benjamin & Rebecca; husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 sis remain. Minister: Jacob ZERN [NOTE: it may be her pars who res Conestoga Center, not she]
11/19/1868366SNAVELY, AmosGNEISLY, Sarah*
11/19/1868366OHL, Mary*48OHL, SamuelOHOH: Mahoning Co.: Austintown (d Oct 24, 1868 age 48y, 7m, 7d); md 31 yrs; husb, 3 sons remain; 1 son dead; bur Ebenezer burying ground; heart dropsy 6 mos
11/19/1868366OHL, Samuel-----, Mary*
11/19/1868366FURTHMILLER, Mary Agnes*60FURTHMILLER, J. J.INWUERTEMBERG: Eitlingen (b)IN: Allen Co.: New Haven nr Fort Wayne (d Oct 31, 1868 age 60y, 10m, 8d); husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; lung congestion 3 days
11/19/1868366FURTHMILLER, J. J.-----, Mary Agnes*
11/19/1868366HOFFERT, Mary Ellen*17----: Minister: MELL, E. F.; d Oct 30, 1868 age 18y, 9m, 30d; dau of Jesse & Mary Ann; mother, sisters remain; father d less than 2 wks earlier; typhus fever
11/19/1868366GRIM, Eli (Rev.)*44ININ: De Kalb Co. (d Nov 5, 1868 age 44y, 8m, 22d); joined U. B. in Christ in OH ca 25 yrs ago; to De Kalb Co. 1864, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 2 chren remain; lung fever
11/19/1868366BRODENBAUGH, John Casper*82PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Wayne Tp. (d Oct 20, 1868); to AMER 15 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. 2 yrs later; wife, chren remain; bed-ridden 2 yrs
11/19/1868366EDWARDS, Jane*ca84PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Beartown area (d Jul 22, 1868); converted & joined Evan. Assn. ca 17 yrs ago; number of chren remain
11/19/1868366NAGEL, David S.*17PAPA: Northampton Co.: Bath (d Oct 23, 1868 age 17y, 7m, 2d); son of Stephen & Henrietta; typhoid fever
11/19/1868366COCHENOUR, Michael*17OHOH: Wyandot Co. (d Oct 29, 1868 age 17y, 1m, 18d); inflammation of bowels for a few days. Minister: E. B. CROUSE
11/19/1868366DILL, John*67LENNORT, RebeccaINPA: Berks Co.: Schuylkill Tp. (b Dec 21, 1800)IN: Wayne Co. (d Oct 30, 1868); to IN 1822; md 1824; wife, 15 chren remain; 4 chren dead; willed $1,000 to IN Conf.; also money to Germany Mission & Orphan Institute; concretion in kidneys ca 20 yrs
11/19/1868366LENNORT, RebeccaDILL, John*
11/19/1868366DILL, RebeccaDILL, John*
11/19/1868366POWELL, Samuel*68OHOH: Hancock Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Oct 1, 1868 age 68y, 6m, 7d); memb Evan. Assn. 30+ yrs; large number of friends mourn
11/19/1868366LIGHT, Sarah Ann*9mosPAPA: Lebanon Co.: New Market Forge nr Annville (d Aug 27, 1868 age 9m, 12d); dau of Cyrus & Martha
11/19/1868366ORM, Elthel [sic] Ernest*1ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d Nov 7, 1868 age 1y, 5m, 18d); son of Robert & Filinda; dysentery
11/26/1868374BADER, Nicholas*40OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Basil (d Oct 21, 1868); joined German Ref. Ch.; widow, aged father, 6 bros, 6 sis remain; "pining consumption" several mos. Minister: Wm. WHITTINGTON
11/26/1868374BOWERS, John G.*74PAPA: New Paris (bur); d Nov 8, 1868 age 74y, 6m, 24d; in youth to AMER, a pioneer memb of Evan. Assn. on Bedford circuit. Minister: J. A. DUNLAP
11/26/1868374CHANDLER, Josiah*67IAIA: Cambridge area (d Nov 10, 1868); walked 2 mi to church to hear the preaching, for his seat was always occupied; ate hearty meal on Tues. as usual, d at 2:00; an affectionate husb, a good father
11/26/1868374BERGE, Louisa*14----: Polk City area (d Oct 20, 1868); her disease so complicated it baffled the skill of the physician. Minister: D. H. KOOKER
11/26/1868374JURY, Samuel*44----: Minister: OVERHOLT, A. H.; d Nov 13, 1868 age 44y, 2m; converted ca 20 yrs ago; widow, 7 chren remain; consumption
11/26/1868374PETERS, Lydia*47PETERS, Daniel G.PAPA: Adams Co.: Bendersville (d Nov 4, 1868 age 47y, 6m, 22d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption 1+ yr
11/26/1868374PETERS, Daniel G.-----, Lydia*
11/26/1868374DOLDER, Elizabeth*85DOLDER, ValentineILEUROPE: ALSACE: Hochwald (b Jun 11, 1781)IL: Lasalle Co.: Fox River Settlement (d Nov 11, 1868 age 85y, 5m); md 61.5 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; old age & palsy. At funeral Henry BUCKS preached in German; a Lutheran minister preached in French [descriptive obit]
11/26/1868374DOLDER, Valentine-----, Elizabeth*
11/26/1868374EXAMPLE:, FRENCH lang. for funeralFRENCH lang. for funeral, along w/ one in ENGLISH, see DOLDER, Elizabeth, Nov 26, 1868 p 374
11/26/1868374HAMAN, John George*4PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Pinegrove (d Nov 1 [1st inst], 1868 age 4y, 9m, 29d); son of Rev. C. S. & Catharine A.
12/03/1868379KRING, Isaac*35----: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; d Oct 28, 1868 age 35y, 8m, 3d; memb Evan. Assn. several yrs
12/03/1868379RADEBAUGH, Mary*46DRESBACHRADEBAUGH, S. (husb #2)OHOH: Pickaway Co. (d Sep 11, 1868 age 46y, 5m, 19d); dau of Henry; after mge #2 joined M. E. Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; cancer [unclear if she or her father were of Pickaway Co., perhaps both]
12/03/1868379DRESBACH, Mary*46AUKIESSE, ----- (husb #1)OHOH: Pickaway Co. (d Sep 11, 1868 age 46y, 5m, 19d); dau of Henry; after mge #2 joined M. E. Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; cancer [unclear if she or her father were of Pickaway Co., perhaps both]
12/03/1868379AUKIESSE, Mary*46DRESBACHRADEBAUGH, S. (husb #2)OHOH: Pickaway Co. (d Sep 11, 1868 age 46y, 5m, 19d); dau of Henry; after mge #2 joined M. E. Ch.; husb, 9 chren remain; cancer [unclear if she or her father were of Pickaway Co., perhaps both]
12/03/1868379AUKIESSE, -----DRESBACH, Mary*
12/03/1868379NIESSE, Minerva C.*20OHOH: Pickaway Co. (d Sep 16, 1868 age 20y, 7m, 26d); dau of Mary RADEBAUGH, whose obit is on same page [obit heading is RADEBAUGH]
12/03/1868379HARTING, Jacob*72OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Summit Co: Greensburg (d 20 Nov 1868, 72y6m29d); converted ca38 yrs ago; not mem of Evan Assn, but was church of choice; w/wife 1, who d c27 yrs ago, had 7 sons, 5 dau, all remain, along w/wf 2 [wives not named here; in Greensburg, name is HARTUNG]
12/10/1868390COFFMAN, Elizabeth*20PAPA: Monroe Co.: Oakland area (d Nov 17, 1868 age 20y, 4m, 15d); husb, 2 chren, pars, bros, sisters remain; bur Paradise Cem. Minister: Wm. A. LEOPOLD
12/10/1868390RILEY, Ellen*19PAPA: German Settlement nr Lock Haven (d Nov 25, 1868 age 19y, 1m, 18d); converted nearly 4 yrs ago
12/10/1868390SENSENBAUGH, George*32FOUSER, SevilleILIL: Plainfield (d Oct 27, 1868 age 32y, 1m, 20d); to NE ca 2 yrs ago, grasshopper plague, so ret to Naperville, arr ca Oct 1st; typhoid fever; 1 son bur NE; 2 sons remain? pars, bro, sis of George or Seville remain
12/10/1868390FOUSER, SevilleSENSENBAUGH, George*
12/10/1868390SENSENBAUGH, SevilleSENSENBAUGH, George*
12/10/1868390SENSENBAUGH, Seville*29FOUSERSENSENBAUGH, GeorgeILIL: Plainfield (d Oct 18, 1868 age 29y, 8m, 15d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; to NE ca 2 yrs ago, grasshopper plague, so ret to Naperville, arr ca Oct 1st; typhoid fever; 1 son bur NE; 2 sons remain? pars, bro, sis of George or Seville remain
12/10/1868390FOUSER, Seville*29SENSENBAUGH, GeorgeILIL: Plainfield (d Oct 18, 1868 age 29y, 8m, 15d); dau of Jacob & Sarah; to NE ca 2 yrs ago, grasshopper plague, so ret to Naperville, arr ca Oct 1st; typhoid fever; 1 son bur NE; 2 sons remain? pars, bro, sis of George or Seville remain
12/10/1868390SENSENBAUGH, GeorgeFOUSER, Seville*
12/10/1868390SENSENBAUGH, Sylvester S.*8ILIL: Plainfield (d Nov 26, 1868 age 9y, 11m, 13d); son of George & Seville; typhoid fever; perhaps 2 bros remain; 1 bro bur NE
12/10/1868390HIPPENSTIEL, Catherine*63HIPPENSTIEL, Henry (Rev.)PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Leesburg area (d Nov 9, 1868 age 63y, 4m, 5d); w/ husb joined Evan. Assn. 26 yrs ago; 3 sons remain; husb, 9 chren dead
12/10/1868390HIPPENSTIEL, Henry (Rev.)-----, Catherine*
12/17/1868398MEYERS, Leah*54BOWERSMEYERS, Benjamin (Rev.)OHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Crawford Co. (d Nov 28, 1868 age 54y, 1m, 10d); dau of Jacob & Catharine; w/ pars to Mahoning Co., OH, 1825; md 1833; childless, but helped raise 10 orphans; husb, mother, bros, sisters remain; breast cancer
12/17/1868398BOWERS, Leah*54MEYERS, Benjamin (Rev.)OHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Crawford Co. (d Nov 28, 1868 age 54y, 1m, 10d); dau of Jacob & Catharine; w/ pars to Mahoning Co., OH, 1825; md 1833; childless, but helped raise 10 orphans; husb, mother, bros, sisters remain; breast cancer
12/17/1868398MEYERS, Benjamin (Rev.)BOWERS, Leah*
12/17/1868398FLORY, Sarah Ann*39FLORY, SolomonPAPA: Northampton Co.: Windgap area (d Nov 27, 1868 age 39y, 8m, 13d); husb, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever
12/17/1868398FLORY, Solomon-----, Sarah Ann*
12/17/1868398MECKELEY, David*63OHOH: Morrow Tp.: Richland circuit (d Nov 25, 1868 age 63y, 11m, 11d); wife, 6 chren remain; lung disease
12/17/1868398WEAVER, Rebecca*54BUCKSWEAVER, JosephIAIA: Waterloo (d Oct 27, 1868 age 54y, 3m, 9d); she [or her father] formerly of Lebanon Co., PA; typhoid fever ca 11 days
12/17/1868398BUCKS, Rebecca*54WEAVER, JosephIAIA: Waterloo (d Oct 27, 1868 age 54y, 3m, 9d); she [or her father] formerly of Lebanon Co., PA; typhoid fever ca 11 days
12/17/1868398WEAVER, JosephBUCKS, Rebecca*
12/17/1868398ROUGH, Debby*28BRESSLERROUGH, SolomonMIMI: Berrien Co.: Bertrand Tp. (d Dec 3, 1868 age 28y, 1m, 23d); dau of Daniel & Martha; joined Evan. Assn. nearly 10 yrs ago; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 4 bros, 5 sis remain; bur Evan. Cem. in the neighborhood
12/17/1868398BRESSLER, Debby*28ROUGH, SolomonMIMI: Berrien Co.: Bertrand Tp. (d Dec 3, 1868 age 28y, 1m, 23d); dau of Daniel & Martha; joined Evan. Assn. nearly 10 yrs ago; husb, 3 little chren, pars, 4 bros, 5 sis remain; bur Evan. Cem. in the neighborhood
12/17/1868398ROUGH, SolomonBRESSLER, Debby*
12/24/1868406HOFFMAN, Hannah*76PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Washington Gap. (d Jul 14, 1868 age 76y, 11m, 11d)
12/24/1868406KEMBEL, Lydia*51PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Augusta (d Dec 7, 1868 age 51y, 3m, 20d); converted last winter; husb, 7 chren remain
12/24/1868406BECKER, Daniel*36PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Herndon (d Nov 26, 1868 age 36y, 9m, 22d); converted ca 2 yrs ago; widow, 4 chren remain; bilious remittent fever
12/24/1868406ALSBACH, Maria*73ILIL: Kane Co.: Geneva (d Dec 11, 1868 age 73y, 5m); converted 40 yrs ago; husb, 5 daus remain
12/24/1868406FISHER, -----* [female]85INPA (b)IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville area (d Nov 29, 1868); to IN at an early day; raised a large family, some of whom are on the Gospel field; old age
12/24/1868406HILLER, Joanna*44HILLER, MichaelIAGERMANY: Saxony (b)IA: Benton Co.: Shellsburgh area (d Nov 18, 1868 age 44y, 9m, 26d); to AMER 1849 to Linn Co., IA; she & husb often walked 20-25 mi to public worship; husb, 5 chren remain
12/24/1868406HILLER, Michael-----, Joanna*
12/24/1868406EXAMPLE:, Walked 20-25 mi to public worship [often]see HILLER, Joanna, Dec 24, 1868 p 406
12/31/1868414BEAVER, John*72PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Delaware (d Dec 11, 1868 age 72y, 11d); res prev White Deer Mills; one of 1st Evan. Assn. memb at Alvira on Buffalo Circuit; widow, 4 chren remain
12/31/1868414MILLER, John R. (Rev.)*66ILIL: Kane Co.: Kaneville area (d Nov 19, 1868 age 67 less a few days); one time a traveling minister; wife, 5 chren remain
12/31/1868414ALSPAUGH, Mary*64MILLERALSPAUGH, JohnILIL: Kane Co.: Geneva (d Dec 11, 1868); sister to Rev. John R. Miller [obit preceding this one]; husb, 5 daus remain; 4 chren dead [see also, GOULD, Mary]; bur Geneva Cem.
12/31/1868414MILLER, Mary*64ALSPAUGH, JohnILIL: Kane Co.: Geneva (d Dec 11, 1868); sister to Rev. John R. Miller [obit preceding this one]; husb, 5 daus remain; 4 chren dead [see also, GOULD, Mary]; bur Geneva Cem.
12/31/1868414ALSPAUGH, JohnMILLER, Mary*
12/31/1868414GOULD, Mary*--ALSPAUGHGOULD, F.MNMN (d a few mos ago while on a visit); dau of Mary & John; husb, 2 sm chren remain [obit heading is ALSPAUGH]
12/31/1868414ALSPAUGH, Mary*--GOULD, F.MNMN (d a few mos ago while on a visit); dau of Mary & John; husb, 2 sm chren remain [obit heading is ALSPAUGH]
12/31/1868414GOULD, F.ALSPAUGH, Mary*
12/31/1868414YOUNT, John*30----: New Salem (d [no date] age 30y, 4m, 29d); converted ca 8 yrs ago; wife, 3 chren, pars, bros, sisters remain; typhoid fever. Minister: George FOCHT
12/31/1868414REHM, Christian*28ILHESSEN DARMSTADT (b)IL: Carroll Co.: Sharmon (d Sep 12, 1868 age 28y, 5m, 11d); to AMER 1864; converted 1866; he the youngest of 7 chren (6 bros, 1 sis), of whom 1 bro & the sis remain
12/31/1868414WILHELM, Lydia*57WILHELM, MichaelPAPA: York Co.: New Freedom (d Dec 15, 1868 age 57y, 11m, 20d); embraced religion in 1859; husb, 3 chren remain; 2 chren dead; pneumonia 1 wk
12/31/1868414WILHELM, Michael-----, Lydia*
12/31/1868414GEBERT, Catherine*40RAUCHGEBERT, JohnOHOH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty (d Dec 3, 1868 age 40y, 7m, 26d); pars early Evan. membs here; she a memb ca 14 yrs; husb, 3 sons, mother, 1 sis, 2 step-chren remain; father, 3 sis dead; nearly 400 attended funeral in the Snyder Ch.
12/31/1868414RAUCH, Catherine*40GEBERT, JohnOHOH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty (d Dec 3, 1868 age 40y, 7m, 26d); pars early Evan. membs here; she a memb ca 14 yrs; husb, 3 sons, mother, 1 sis, 2 step-chren remain; father, 3 sis dead; nearly 400 attended funeral in the Snyder Ch.
12/31/1868414GEBERT, JohnRAUCH, Catherine*
12/31/1868414HEISTAND, Elisha*36OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty (d [no date] age 36y, 4m, 25d at res of mother); to IN fall of 1866; left his family in IN to regain health at home of mother, d there; widow, 5 chren, mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
12/31/1868414SCHNADER, Daniel W.*29PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville area (d Nov 28, 1868 age 29y, 6m, 12d); typhoid fever
12/31/1868414GROSSMAN, Mary Agnes*26MAIZEGROSSMAN, H. C. (Rev.)PAPA: Adams Co.: New Chester area (d Sep 21, 1868 age 26y, 3m, 21d); dau of H. D.; remains to Ashland, PA, home of her father, bur temporarily in Fountain Springs Cem.; remaining are husb, 2 sm chren, one being a 9-day-old infant, who lived 20 days
12/31/1868414MAIZE, Mary Agnes*26GROSSMAN, H. C. (Rev.)PA: Adams Co.: New Chester area (d Sep 21, 1868 age 26y, 3m, 21d); dau of H. D.; remains to Ashland, PA, home of her father, bur temporarily in Fountain Springs Cem.; remaining are husb, 2 sm chren, one being a 9-day-old infant, who lived 20 days
12/31/1868414GROSSMAN, H. C. (Rev.)MAIZE, Mary Agnes*
12/31/1868414VANGUNDA, Emma Rosetta*3mos----: Polk City area (d Dec 14, 1868 age 3m, 17d). Minister: D. H. KOOKER
12/31/1868414STUBER, John*4mosMIMI: Fredona [sic] (d [no date] 1868 age 4m, 12d); only child of John & Catherine

Number of items that your search found: 240