DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
07/01/1869204LONG, Joseph (Bishop)*68ILPA: York Co.: Strasburg (b "as nearly as we can ascertain" Oct 21, 1800)IL: Foreston (d Jun 23, 1869). CONTINUED Jul 8, 1869 p 212
07/01/1869206THOMPSON, Alexander*40NENE: Cuming Co.: West Point (d Jun 15, 1869 age 40y, 9m, 10d); not a memb of our church, but a true Christian, a warm friend & supporter of the cause of his Master
07/01/1869206HARBAUGH, George*28ILIL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d Jun 7, 1869 age 28y, 5m, 20d); son of John & Eliza; he & wife converted last winter in new Pink Prairie Ch., nr Geneseo; wife, pars, bros, sisters remain; only child d 4 wks before him; consumption
07/01/1869206HUBER, Hannah*83PAPA: Snyder (d Jun 15, 1869 age 83y, 5m, 11d); husb, 6 chren dead; apoplexy
07/01/1869206VOGELGESANG, Maria Jane*22VOGELGESANG, JacobOHOH: Canton (d Jun 16, 1869 age 22y, 7m, 9d); husb, 2 chren remain, the youngest child 10 days old
07/01/1869206VOGELGESANG, Jacob-----, Maria Jane*
07/01/1869206ALTMAN, George*68OHOH: Williams Co.: West Unity area (d Jun 13, 1869 age 68y, 6m, 2d); memb prev German Meth. Ch.; widow, 2 daus, 1 son remain; typhoid pneumonia
07/01/1869206GABLE, Anna Mary*5mosPAPA: Logansville (d May 21, 1869 age 5m, 21d); dau of Samuel & Amanda
07/01/1869206FULTON, Robert B.*27----: Minister: BOYER, L. M.; d Jun 8, 1869 age 25y, 5m, 9d; consumption
07/08/1869212LONG, Joseph (Bishop)*212ILIL: Foreston (d Jun 23, 1869 age 68y, 8m, 2d at res of dau & son-in-law, Rev. & Mrs. A. STAHLY); bur cem 1/5 mi west of Foreston [obit lengthy / detailed in these 2 accounts] [Cont. from prev issue]
07/08/1869214MURPHY, John*ca47PAPA: Union Co. (Lewisburg (d Jun 22, 1869); widow, 5 chren remain
07/08/1869214STAHL, Benjamin*43MIMI: Lincoln [sic] Co (d 10 Jun 1869 ag 43y 11m 18d); to OH 1851; one of 1st memb of Akron OH mission & 1st class leaders; served in CW; to MI last fall; wife #2, 8 chrn remain; wife #1, 3 chrn dead; dropsy. Minister; H.F.S. SICHLEY [wives not named here]
07/08/1869214EXAMPLE, Akron (OH) Calvary minutesBenjamin Stahl listed among first members. Budd has typescript of early records of that church
07/08/1869214STERN, Nancy*20----: Minister: GRIMM, J. A.; d May 16, 1869 age 20y, 5m, 16d; dau of Wm. & Susan; mother, bros, sisters remain; consumption 6-8 mos
07/08/1869214HENERY, Levi Jerome*7ILIL: Will Co.: Plainfield area (d Jun 28, 1869 age 7y, 8m, 2d); pars remain; drowned
07/15/1869220WALTER, Moses (Rev.)*33PAPA: Union Co. (b May 20, 1836)PA: York Co.: Millersville (d Jul 1, 1869 age 33y, 1m, 11d); memb Central PA Conf.; wife, 5 chren, pars remain; consumption
07/15/1869222MOYER, Solomon*22ILIL: Washington (d Jul 3, 1869 age 22y, 4m, 25d); son of Solomon & Maria, formerly of Pickaway Co., OH; accidentally shot through the heart by customer buying ammunition for pistol to celebrate the 4th of July; wife remains
07/15/1869222TOBIAS, Richard Sager*16ILIL: Mendota (d Jul 3, 1869 age 16y, 10m, 26d); son of Rev. S. A. & Leanna; pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid fever 3 wks; bur Jul 4 Freeport Cem.
07/15/1869222THOMAS, Catharine*82THOMAS, John (Rev.)OHOH: Wayne Co.: Chester Tp. (d Jun 12, 1869); 6 chren remain; husb dead. Funeral services by Rev. D. STULL; obit submitted by H. T. STRAUCH
07/15/1869222THOMAS, John (Rev.)-----, Catharine*
07/15/1869222HAMMER, Lewis*20PAPA: Port Carbon (d Jun 15, 1869 age 20y, 7m, 19d); relatives remain
07/15/1869222FOLTZ, Elizabeth*50FOLTZ, SamuelPAPA: Lancaster Co.: Brecknock Tp. (d Jun 5, 1869 age 50y, 2m, 18d); consumption
07/15/1869222FOLTZ, Samuel-----, Elizabeth*
07/15/1869222ZOOG, -----* [male]60PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Voganville (d Jun 20, 1869 age 60y, 5d); widow, 4 chren remain; dyspepsia
07/15/1869222HESS, Cyrus Newton*8mosOHOH: Sandusky Co. (d Jul 4, 1869 age 8m, 18d); son of Conrad & Catharine
07/15/1869222CLEVER, -----*4OHOH: Richland Co. (d May 21, 1869 age 4y, 4m, 4d). Minister: J. F. WONDER [No given name stated]
07/22/1869230RAN, Nelson*35NYNY: Livingston Co.: Danville (d May 31, 1869 age 35y, 3m, 22d); wife, 3 sm chren, pars, 13 bros & sisters remain. He is the 3rd son to die from a family of 16 chren
07/22/1869230MILLER, Lucinda*22PAPA: Clarion Co.: Red Bank T. (d Jul 5, 1869 age 22y, 8m, 15d); dau of Gabriel & Catharine MILLER; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; bronchitis / consumption
07/22/1869230GOOD, Rachel*45GOOD, JohnPAPA: Northampton Co. (d Jul 7, 1869 age 45y, 2m, 7d); fell from cherry tree 2 yrs ago; bone removed from back; disease went into her legs & could not move them, dead from the knees down. " É her legs burst so that the matter flew up against the ceiling."
07/22/1869230GOOD, John-----, Rachel*
07/22/1869230NEWCOMER, Susan*ca69PAPA: York Co.: Wrightsville area (d [no date]); her hands were full of good works; typhoid fever
07/22/1869230MORRIS, E.* [female]78ILIL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d Jun 28, 1869 age 78y, 10m, 4d at home of one of her sons)
07/22/1869230BAKER, Lucy Ann*13NYNY: Steuben Co.: Freemont [sic] (d); she spoke of a dress about to be made for her, but said it unnecessary as she would never wear it; pars, 1 sis, 4 bros remain; billious [sic] fever
07/22/1869230POWELL, Eve*73OHOH: Seneca (d Jul 6, 1869 age 73y, 9m, 6d at res of son); embraced religion 12 yrs ago
07/22/1869230OCHS, Jacob*69PAPA: Venango Co.: Cranberry Tp. (d Jul 6, 1869 age 69y, 4m, 6d); converted ca 11 yrs ago; widow, 3 chren remain
07/22/1869230MORGAN, Elizabeth*------: Ball Hill Ch. area (d Jun 3, 1869); nothing further. Minister: S. W. STAYMAN
07/22/1869230GRIFFETH, Robert*11 moPAPA: Northampton Co.: New Village area (d Jul 8, 1869 age 11m, 18d); son of John & Elizabeth
07/29/1869238LANDIS, David*69PAPA: Bucks Co.: Springfield (d Jul 12, 1869); a son & dau converted last winter; service at funeral house where a storm went through, barn unroofed, timber struck one of deceased's relatives, killed instantly; another hit by piece of roof, severely injured
07/29/1869238HUMPHREY, Rachel*34MIMI: Hillsdale Co.: South Wright (d Jun 28, 1869); husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren dead; heart disease
07/29/1869238RASELY, Hannah*64RASELY, JohnPAPA: Northampton Co. (d Jul 14, 1869 age 64y, 26d); converted 35 yrs ago; husb, 3 chren remain
07/29/1869238RASELY, John-----, Hannah*
07/29/1869238GABLE, Samuel Ellsworth* [twin]3mos----: Minister: SNAVELY, J.; d Jul 9, 1869 age 3m, 28d; son [twin] of John & Barbary; diarrhoea
07/29/1869238GABLE, John Wesley* [twin]4mos----: Minister: SNAVELY, J.; d Jul 12, 1869 age 4m, 1d; son [twin] of John & Barbary; diarrhoea
07/29/1869238CROCKETT, Sarah S.*--CROCKETT, SolomonILIL: Stephenson Co.: Rock Run (d Jul 13, 1869); memb M. E. Ch.; consumption
07/29/1869238CROCKETT, Solomon-----, Sarah S.*
07/29/1869238BASTIAN, Michael*19KSPA: Lehigh Co. (b Nov 22, 1849)KS: Leavenworth Co. (d Jul 2, 1869 age 19y, 7m, 10d); d 3 days after badly wounded by explosion of a steam boiler. "'Soon I am going home to meet my brothers and sister that are gone beforeÉ.'"
07/29/1869238WISMER, A.* [female]35PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Lansdale (d Jun 25, 1869 age 35y, 4m, 22d); husb, 2 chren remain; consumption
08/05/1869246HASSLER, Christina*38HASSLER, HenryININ: Marshall Co. (d Jul 3, 1869 age 38y, 5m, 15d); husb, 5 chren remain, the youngest being 4 wks old; 4 chren dead
08/05/1869246HASSLER, Henry-----, Christina*
08/05/1869246DRINE, Lydia Ann*20PAPA: Orwigsburg area (d Jul 19, 1869 age 20y, 6m, 26d); dau of Henry & Mary DRINE; converted age 12; putrid fever 8 days
08/05/1869246WERLINE, Christain [sic]*63PAPA: Tioga Co.: Liberty (d Jul 18, 1869 age 63y, 10m, 13d); robbed of her mind for many yrs, somewhat deranged. "Children, prepare to meet your mother."
08/05/1869246WOLF, John*77VAVA: Berkley [sic] Co.: Hack Creek Valley (d Jun 18, 1869 age 77y, 27d); wife remains [now WV]
08/05/1869246KILLIAN, John*58PAPA: Lancaster (d Jul 17, 1869); memb of Church of God; preachers made welcome in his home; in good health at church in the evening, d before dawn
08/05/1869246SAGER, Susan*22SAGER, Joseph (Dr.)OHOH: Hardin Co.: North Washington (d Jul 28, 1869 age 22y, 5m, 11d); she leaves a childless widower, pars, sisters; little son Lincus Horatio d 13 days before, age 2y, 2m, 26d
08/05/1869246SAGER, Joseph (Dr.)-----, Susan*
08/05/1869246MASON, Susanna*72PAPA: York Co.: Shrewsbury (d Jun 20, 1869 age 72y, 2m, 24d)
08/05/1869246KEPHART, Susannah*58KEPHART, HenryPAPA: Bedford Co.: Napier Tp. (d Apr 21, 1869 age 58y, 6m, 5d)
08/05/1869246KEPHART, Henry-----, Susannah*
08/05/1869246GILLHOUSEN, Polly*58GILLHOUSEN, John (Rev.)MIMI: Monroe Co.: Whiteford (d Jul 14, 1869 age 58y, 3m, 27d). Minister: M. J. MILLER
08/05/1869246GILLHOUSEN, John (Rev.)-----, Polly*
08/05/1869246ATHMA, Cyrus*2ILIL: Lenark [sic] area (d Jul 22, 1869 age 2y, 10m, 4d); son of William; lung fever
08/05/1869246MINER, Sylvester Melvin*6OHOH (d Jul 24, 1869 age 6y, 9m, 11d); son of G. H. & Mary. Minister: D. H. WONDER of OH Conf.
08/05/1869246BROWN, William Oscar*1IAIA: Polk City area (d Jul 22, 1869 age 1y, 4m, 24d); son of Charles & Minnie M.; inflammation. Minister: W. H. BUCKS
08/05/1869246ACKERMAN, Barbara Ellen*6mosPAPA: Northampton Co.: New Village (d Jul 26, 1869 age 6m, 12d); dau of J. Thompson & Julia
08/12/1869254SHULL, Rebecca*31OHOH: Stark Co.: Lawrence area (d Jul 26, 1869 age 31y, 8m, 1d at res of pars); dau of David & Elizabeth SHULL; afflicted 6 wks
08/12/1869254HERR, Barbara*69HERR, David, Sr.PAPA: Lancaster circuit: Manor Tp. (d Jul 28, 1869 age 69y, 29d); embraced religion 45 yrs ago; husb, 8 chren remain; 2 chren d infancy
08/12/1869254HERR, David, Sr.-----, Barbara*
08/12/1869254HACHY, Jno.*25ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d Jul 31, 1869 age 25y, 11d); young widow, 1 child remain; consumption
08/12/1869254SAYLOR, John*60PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 10, 1869 age 60y, 4m, 3d); wife, chren remain; he the oldest bro of Rev. J. M., Presiding Elder, Reading [PA] district, East PA Conf.
08/12/1869254HELMES, George*1PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 27, 1869 age 1y, 14d); son of Henry; summer disease
08/19/1869262MAIZE, Lydia*43PAPA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d [no date] age 43y, 5m, 22d); pars dead; typhoid fever
08/19/1869262LEHMAN, Sophia*29LEHMAN, JohnOHOH: Defiance (d Aug 4, 1869 age 29y, 8m, 4d); leaves a family; hemorrhage of lungs, d almost instantly
08/19/1869262LEHMAN, John-----, Sophia*
08/19/1869262BOWER, Harman*20ILIL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville (d Aug 5, 1869 age 20y, 2m, 5d); pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; helping father, a butcher, dress a beef, knife slipped, entered left breast 2" below the heart; d next morning
08/19/1869262RUPPEL, John*1PAPA: Alleghany [sic] City nr Tarentown (d Aug 3, 1869 age 1y, 4m, 22d); son of John
08/26/1869267GUNTLER, J. H. (Mrs)*63--Poem for Louisa on the death of her mother, Mrs. J. H. GUNTLER; half-column in length; the subject d Jun 29, 186[9?] age 63; sat on porch after finishing daily household duties, uttered a cry to a neighbor, died without a parting word to her family
08/26/1869270SAGER, Wm. Thomas*20OHOH: Logan Co.: Mt. Tabor Ch. area (d Jul 29, 1869 age 20y, 11m, 18d); son of Moses & Sophia; father, bros, sisters remain; mother, 2 bros dead; wagon accident in which he was beat down on ground and dragged; d 6 hrs later; bro had jumped off
08/26/1869270HALDEMAN, Sarah L.*3OHOH (d Jul 19, 1869 age 3y, 6m, 5d); consumption 7 mos. Minister: P. W. HAHN of OH Conf.
09/02/1869278THOMAS, Abigail*35KETNERTHOMAS, Samuel A.----: Minister: CROASMAN, James; converted 1854 under Rev. N. W. THOMAS; husb, "interesting" chren remain
09/02/1869278KETNER, Abigail*35THOMAS, Samuel A.----: Minister: CROASMAN, James; converted 1854 under Rev. N. W. THOMAS; husb, "interesting" chren remain
09/02/1869278THOMAS, Samuel A.KETNER, Abigail*
09/02/1869278SCHILD, Franklin*21IAIA: Belle Plaine area (d Aug 23, 1869 age 21y, 21d); son of Conrad & Louisa; on horseback, drowned when trying to cross a stream above its banks; horse sank & stream took him off; he led family prayer meeting that morning; pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
09/02/1869278WITHERSTINE, Abraham*66OHPA: Northampton Co. (b Aug 18, 1802)OH: Medina Co. (d Jul 17, 1869 age 66y, 11m); memb Evan. Germ. Ref. Ch.; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain
09/02/1869278YANEY, Mary M.*66OHOH: Sandusky Co.: Thompson Tp. (d Jul 11, 1869 age 66y, 5m, 17d); memb Evan. Assn. 28 yrs; 2 daus, 3 sons remain
09/02/1869278HEDRICK, Ella*9mosOHOH: Summit Co.: Copley (d Aug 6, 1869 age 9m, 23d); dau of Henry & Sarah
09/02/1869278MARTIN, Minnie Bell*4mosOHOH: Summit Co.: Akron (d Aug 7, 1869); dau of Matthias & Eliza
09/02/1869278PURSELL, Lizzie Anna*10 moOHOH: Summit Co.: Peninsula (d Aug 9, 1869); dau of Austin & Sarah; funeral in New Portage; congestion of brain
09/02/1869278KECK, Sophia Catharine*18OHOH: Columbiana Co.: Franklinsquare area (d Aug 19, 1869 age 18y, 3m, 3d); only dau of Jacob; father, 1 bro, aged grmo; old aunt remain; mother d ca 13 yrs ago; typhoid fever 3 wks
09/02/1869278BARBER, Joseph L.*24PAPA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Aug 18 [18th inst.], 1869); youngest son of Rev. James, deceased; mother remains; typhoid fever
09/02/1869278MAUK, Crispen Clinton*1IAIA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d Aug 15, 1869 age 1y, 5m, 7d); fever
09/09/1869286HARTER, Adam*71NYNY: Dansville circuit (d Aug 20, 1869 age 71y, 4m, 17d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 32 yrs ago in what then was called Howard; inflammation of bowels
09/09/1869286HENNY, Libbie*2OHOH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d Aug 21, 1869 age 2y, 4m, 18d); dau of Noah & Mary A.
09/16/1869294GARRET, Henry*56PAPA: Lebanon (d Aug 23, 1869 age 56y, 11m, 16d); retired in ordinary good health, found dead in bed in morning; memb Evan. Assn. 25 yrs; chren remain; wife d 4 yrs ago; palsy
09/16/1869294MOLSON, Richard*36PAPA: Port Clinton (d Sep 2, 1869 age 36y, 5m, 25d); wife, 5 chren remain; cramp colic
09/16/1869294SCHERIFF, Elizabeth*78ENGELSCHERIFF, JacobPAPA: Cressona (d Sep 4, 1869 age 78y, 7m, 12d; b Jan 23, 1791); dau of John & Rebecca; joined Evan. Assn. Ch, Mahontongo Valley, Schuylkill Co. Aug 1831; dyspepsia
09/16/1869294ENGEL, Elizabeth*78SCHERIFF, JacobPAPA: Cressona (d Sep 4, 1869 age 78y, 7m, 12d; b Jan 23, 1791); dau of John & Rebecca; joined Evan. Assn. Ch, Mahontongo [sic] Valley, Schuylkill Co. Aug 1831; dyspepsia
09/16/1869294SCHERIFF, JacobENGEL, Elizabeth*
09/16/1869294OVERMEYER, William*74OHOH: Sandusky Co.: Washington Station area (d Aug 14, 1869 age 74y, 4m, 3d); to OH 36 yrs ago; wife #2 & 13 chren remain; wife #1 & 6 chren dead; liver disease [md twice, wives not named here]
09/16/1869294BRYNER, John H.*39PAPA: Perry Co.: Blain (d [no date] age 39y, 8m, 9d); memb prev Lutheran Ch., now Evan. Assn.; widow, 2 chren remain; bilious fever
09/16/1869294DOLLARHIDE, Mary C.*1moIAIA: Des Moines (d Aug 31, 1869 age 1m, 1d); dau of Rev. Dollarhide
09/16/1869294HAAS, Peter Daniel*10PAPA: Reading (d Aug 23, 1869 age 10y, 7m, 7d); only child of Nathan & Mary Magdalena; 1st memb of Sunday school to die in 8 yrs, when it was established
09/16/1869294BOWER, Mary Ann*--OHOH: Cleveland (d Aug 29, 1869); dau of Frank G. & Mary Ellen
09/23/1869302MAIZE, Sallie*49PAPA: Union Co.: New Berlin (d Aug 30, 1869 age 49y, 8m, 4d); dead are pars & sis Lydia, who d a few wks ago; typhoid fever
09/23/1869302McPHERSON, -----* [female]88PAPA: Union Co.: Winfield (d Sep 6, 1869 age 88y, 23d); memb M. E. Ch. 50 yrs; memb Evan. Assn. 25 yrs
09/23/1869302BETZ, Leonhart*57OHOH: Canton (d Sep 7, 1869 age 57y, 8m, 9d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 28 yrs ago; widow, 6 chren remain; oldest dau dead; bronchitis
09/23/1869302BOWER, Ida Minerva*17OHOH: Flat Rock area (d Aug 29 [29 ult.], 1869 age 17y, 1m, 1d); dau of Cyrus; pars, bros, sisters remain; consumption. Mentions she, 4 sis, 1 bro at altar of prayer last winter
09/23/1869302BROOKER, John*91PAPA: Germantown (d Sep 7, 1869 age 91, 2m, 2d); memb Evan. Assn. last 12 yrs; 1 son, 1 grson, 2 grdaus, 1 sis remain; old age
09/23/1869302MARK, John*69PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Bellview (d Sep 8, 1869 age 69y, 3m, 9d); joined M. E. Ch. ca 50 yrs ago; family remains; typhoid fever
09/23/1869302RICHART, John F.*63PAPA: Union Co.: New Columbia area (d Aug 17, 1869 age 63y, 6m, 27d); embraced religion nearly 35 yrs ago; widow, 2 sons remain
09/23/1869302FOX, Samuel*64PAPA: Pinegrove (d Sep 6, 1869 age 64y, 5m, 3d); widow, 4 chren remain; kidney disease / dropsy
09/23/1869302FLICH, Sarah Caroline*22----: Minister: KREAMER, A. W.; d Aug 21, 1869 age 22y, 3m, 21d); consumption. "She died, asking the unconverted grand-father with whom she lived, to meet her in heaven."
09/23/1869302ACKERMAN, Rosina*56----: Minister: MOTT, R.; d Sep 11, 1869 age 56y, 3m, 15d; md 35+ yrs; converted ca 26 yrs ago; held prayer meetings in their house; husb, dau remain; ulcerated liver
09/23/1869302WELT, Lizzie*3ILIL: Kingston (d Aug 31, 1869 age 3y, 6m, 25d); youngest dau of Rev. H. W. & S. A.
09/23/1869302MAGARGEL, Ladie Ellen*1----: Minister: KREAMER, A. W.; d Aug 23, 1869 age 1y, 2m, 2d); dau of John & Martha
09/23/1869302GEORGE, W.*21----: North Mountain (d Sep 10 [10th inst.], 1869 age 21y, 8m, 14d); was rolling logs for Bro. BIGGER, struck by a cant hook, suffered but a few days
09/23/1869302BOWEN, Sarah*75PAPA: Pottsville (d Aug 28, 1869)
09/23/1869302STEPHENSON, Luella Jane*1IAIA: Des Moines (d Sep 7, 1869 age 1y, 2m, 1d); dau of George W. & Sarah E.
09/30/1869310WELT, Susanna*67OHOH: Mahoning Co.: New Middletown (d Sep 1, 1869 age 67y, 4m, 24d); 6 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead
09/30/1869310HUDSON, William G.*68OHOH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Sep 11, 1869 age 68y, 10m, 14d at res of dau, Mrs. GLENN); 1 son, 1 dau, 1 sis remain; 4 chren dead; wife d ca 4 yrs ago. "His son, who is an express agent at Lock Haven, Pa., É [arrived] too late to see his father."
09/30/1869310BUZZARD, Mary*47HAHNBUZZARD, GeorgeOHOH: Columbiana (d Aug 26, 1869 age 47y, 7m, 1d); husb, 2 boys, 2 girls remain; joined M. E. Ch. ca 24 yrs ago
09/30/1869310HAHN, Mary*47BUZZARD, GeorgeOHOH: Columbiana (d Aug 26, 1869 age 47y, 7m, 1d); husb, 2 boys, 2 girls remain; joined M. E. Ch. ca 24 yrs ago
09/30/1869310BUZZARD, GeorgeHAHN, Mary*
09/30/1869310MOYER, Aaron G.*19PAPA: Lebanon (d Sep 10, 1869 age 19y, 1m, 10d at res of father); pars, bros, sisters remain; consumption
09/30/1869310VOLK, Esther*52PAPA: Harrisburg (d Sep 13, 1869 age 52y, 6m, 11d); 6 chren remain; consumption ca 6 mos
09/30/1869310MOSS, Sarah*27MOSS, GeorgePAPA: Northampton Co.: New Village area (d Sep 14, 1869); husb, 3 chren remain; consumption 1 yr
09/30/1869310MOSS, George-----, Sarah*
09/30/1869310MANAWELL, Wilson*23PAPA: Tioga Co.: Block House (d Sep 12, 1869 age 23y, 6m, 12d; son of Charles & Catharine; had been visiting pars, walked a short distance, sat down on a log, accidentally shot himself. [obit gives details of shooting]
09/30/1869310SHONBOCHER, Leonard*63PAPA: Tioga Co.: Block House (d Sep 9, 1869 age 63y, 8m, 25d); one of Bishop SEYBERT's spiritual chren; in his house the 1st sermon was preached by an Ev. Minister in this settlement; wife, 15 chren remain; cancer of tongue É "his death was awful."
09/30/1869310SAMPSEL, Zephaniah*18OHOH: Sandusky Co.: Fremont circuit (d Sep 18, 1869 age 18y, 28d); mother, a bro, 2 sis remain; father dead; typhoid fever
09/30/1869310CARREY, Edward*56PAPA: Columbia Co.: Centreville (d Aug 30, 1869); converted last winter
09/30/1869310WHELAND, Rosa Mary Lizzie*1OHOH: Youngstown (d Sep 11, 1869 age 1y, 6m, 12d); dau of Daniel & Magdalena; pars remain
09/30/1869310BOON, Cora Eada*2PAPA: Columbia Co.: Centreville (d Aug 25, 1869 age 2y, 8m, 7d); dau of Hezekiah & Hanna
09/30/1869310PRITCHERT, Mary Elizabeth*5mos----: Minister: ZIMMERMAN, Isa; d Sep 19, 1869 age 5m, 29d); dau of Hugh & Ellen
10/07/1869318POWELL, M.* [female]64POWELL, HenryOHOH: Hancock Co. (d Sep 18, 1869 age 64y, 2m); memb Evan. Assn. nearly 45 yrs; husb, 3 chren remain; consumpion 2 yrs
10/07/1869318POWELL, Henry-----, M.*
10/07/1869318KNOLL, Catherine*20KNOLL, A. B.OHOH: Stark Co. (d Sep 23, 1869 age 20y, 3m, 12d); husb, tender babe, pars, bros, sisters remain; puerperal fever 4+ mos
10/07/1869318KNOLL, A. B.-----, Catherine*
10/07/1869318ROTHERMEL, Asa Ellis*2ILIL: West Grove (d Sep 25, 1869 age 2y, 2m, 22d); son of Amos M. & Eliza; fell into pail of hot water, scalding himself, d next day at 6:00 P.M.
10/07/1869318FOLTZ, Elizabeth*1PAPA: Northampton Co.: Lower Mount Bethel (d Sep 25, 1869 age 1y, 1m, 29d); dau of David & Amanda; had something in her hand, put it in her mouth when mother came to take it away, choked in a short time
10/07/1869318ROUGH, Charles Edmund*5mosMIMI: Portage Prairie (d Sep 27, 1869 age 5m, 2d); son of G. W. & Melinda
10/14/1869326HEISS, Maria Sybil*25KLINEHEISS, EliasMIMI: Sturgis area (d Sep 24, 1869 age 25y, 4m, 21d); dau of J. G. & Anna; converted age 12; remaining are her husb who is ill w/ same disease, 5-mo-old child, pars, bros, sisters; typhoid fever. Minister: P. SWILLE
10/14/1869326KLINE, Maria Sybil*25HEISS, EliasMIMI: Sturgis area (d Sep 24, 1869 age 25y, 4m, 21d); dau of J. G. & Anna; converted age 12; remaining are her husb who is ill w/ same disease, 5-mo-old child, pars, bros, sisters; typhoid fever
10/14/1869326HEISS, EliasKLINE, Maria Sybil*
10/14/1869326OTT, Adam*26ILIL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d Oct 2, 1869 age 26y, 8m, 6d); son of Casper & Elizabeth;; converted 8 yrs ago; wife, child, pars, bros, sisters remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever 2 wks
10/14/1869326HARTZLER, Catherine*29ROBERTSININ: Ciecro [sic] area (d Aug 30, 1869 age 29y, 3m, 10d); dau of Alpheus & Eliza Roberts; consumption. "She leaves many friends, among which is an infant daughter."
10/14/1869326ROBERTS, Catherine*29HARTZLER, -----
10/14/1869326HARBSTER, Susanna*88OHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock area (d Sep 18, 1869 age 88y, 8m, 20d); to OH 1835; house used as her dwelling & for public worship; 7 chren remain; had 171 living descendants; husb dead 51 yrs; she bur cem nr Flat Rock
10/14/1869326HOUPT, Catherine*40LANKERDHOUPT, JonathanMOPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)MO: Callao area (d Sep 17, 1869 age 40y, 15d); dau of Joseph; when young w/ fam to Armstrong Co.; converted 1849; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child, Johnny, dead; typhoid fever
10/14/1869326LANKERD, Catherine*40HOUPT, JonathanMOPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)MO: Callao area (d Sep 17, 1869 age 40y, 15d); dau of Joseph; when young w/ fam to Armstrong Co.; converted 1849; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child, Johnny, dead; typhoid fever
10/14/1869326HOUPT, JonathanLANKERD, Catherine*
10/14/1869326KISE, Elizabeth*63OHPA: York Co. (b)OH: Marion (d Oct 1, 1869 age 63y, 5m, 24d); converted age 18; husb, chren, aged mother remain; cholera morbus only a few days
10/14/1869326FRITCHMAN, Agnes*32SHIERMEYERFRITCHMAN, EliasPAWUERTEMBERG: Herbrazhofen (b)PA: Freemansburg (d Sep 29, 1869 age 32y, 5m, 16d); remaining are husb & bro, the Rev. T. J. SHIERMEYER of WI Conf, Evan. Assn.; bur Evan. Cem., Freemansburg
10/14/1869326SHIERMEYER, Agnes*32FRITCHMAN, EliasPAWUERTEMBERG: Herbrazhofen (b)PA: Freemansburg (d Sep 29, 1869 age 32y, 5m, 16d); remaining are husb & bro, the Rev. T. J. SHIERMEYER of WI Conf, Evan. Assn.; bur Evan. Cem., Freemansburg
10/14/1869326FRITCHMAN, EliasSHIERMEYER, Agnes*
10/14/1869326KESSLER, Juliana*21ILIL: Lee Co.: Perkin's Grove area (d Sep 17, 1869 age 24y, [6 or 8]m, 16d); erysipelas 2-3 wks
10/14/1869326FOLTZ, Catherine*50PAPA: Butler Co. (d Sep 27, 1869 age 50y, 7m, 16d); husb, 10 chren remain
10/14/1869326TOGER, -----* [female]73----: Minister: HAMPE, H. W.; d 26 Sep 1869 age 73y 5m 7d); converted 1833 by Bishop SEYBERT when he formed the old Erie circuit; had 11 chren, 6 dead. "She leaves an aged É consort, besides 31 other descendants" [Corr. to LOYER 28 Oct 1869 p 342]
10/14/1869326LOYER, -----* [female]73----: Minister: HAMPE, H. W.; d Sep 26, 1869 age 73y 5m 7d); converted 1833 by Bishop SEYBERT when he formed the old Erie circuit; had 11 chren, 6 are dead. "She leaves an aged É consort, besides 31 other descendants" [Corr. from TOGER Oct 28, 1869 p 342]
10/14/1869326SCHULTZ, Joseph Frederick*14 moIAIA: Ackley (d Oct 1, 1869 age 15m less on [sic] day); son of Rev. E. J. & Catherine
10/21/1869334STAVER, Rebecca*56McKISSONSTAVER, FrederickWIPA: Clinton Co.: Sugar Valley (b)WI: Green Co. (d Oct 8, 1869 age 56y, 9m, 20d); md 1832; church memb 36+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain. Minister: L. B. TOBIAS
10/21/1869334McKISSON, Rebecca*56STAVER, FrederickWIPA: Clinton Co.: Sugar Valley (b)WI: Green Co. (d Oct 8, 1869 age 56y, 9m, 20d); md 1832; church memb 36+ yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; consumption. Minister: L. B. TOBIAS
10/21/1869334STAVER, FrederickMcKISSON, Rebecca*
10/21/1869334SPANGLER, Dorethea*58ININ: St. Mary circuit (d Oct 13, 1869 age 58y, 7m, 28d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 20 yrs ago; broke one of her limbs when feel from horse 18 mos ago; husb, 8 chren remain; inflammation of bowels
10/21/1869334HELMS, Eliza*19HELMS, John S.PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: St. Nicklous [sic] (d Oct 8, 1869 age 19y, 5m, 24d); husb, pars remain
10/21/1869334HELMS, John S.-----, Eliza*
10/21/1869334GUNDERMAN, John Austin*2----: Minister: SUMMERS, H. B.; d Oct 5, 1869 age 2y, 4m, a few days
10/21/1869334HEISS, Maria Syvilla*25KLINEHEISS, EliasMIMI: Sturges [sic] area (d Sep 24, 1869 age 25y, 4m, 21d); dau of I. G. [Name of submitting minister not stated.]
10/21/1869334KLINE, Maria Syvilla*25HEISS, EliasMIMI: Sturges [sic] area (d Sep 24, 1869 age 25y, 4m, 21d); dau of I. G. [Name of submitting minister not stated.]
10/21/1869334HEISS, EliasKLINE, Maria Syvilla*
10/28/1869342BODIN, Catharine Elizabeth*12PAPA: New Berlin (d Oct 12, 1869 age 12y, 10m, 23d); adopted dau of Bro. & Sister BODIN; embraced religion last winter; typhoid fever. "May the Lord bless the foster parents."
10/28/1869342DOEBLER, Charles Oliver*17PAPA: Snyder Co.: Selins Grove area (d Oct 14, 1869 age 17y, 2m, 2d); son of Rev. Noah & Catharine; student of Union Seminary; pars, sisters remain; typhoid fever
10/28/1869342HOY, Margaret Ann*31HOY, PeterOHOH: Fairfield Co.: Bloom Tp. (d Oct 4, 1869 age 31y, 11m, 19d); respected for generosity & cheerfulness; husb, 2 little chren remain; paralysis ca 2 wks
10/28/1869342HOY, Peter-----, Margaret Ann*
10/28/1869342BEERY, Frederick*47----: Minister: SWARTZ, A.; d Oct 8, 1869 age 47y, 5m, 18d); w/ chren was gathering chestnuts after dinner, fell 35-40 ft from tree, d instantly; widow, 8 chren, father, bro, sister remain; 3 chren dead, he bur beside them
10/28/1869342ERISMAN, Samuel*41ININ: Elkhart (d Oct 2, 1869); served in Civil War; been church steward / trustee; wife, 5 chren remain
10/28/1869342MESSNER, Catharine*82ILIL: Ogle Co.: Monroe Tp. (d Oct 16, 1869 age 72y [see CORR], 8m); converted ca 27 yrs ago in Dauphin Co., PA; leaves a large circle of friends; old age [CORR: age is 82y, 8m. Nov 11, 1869 p 358]
10/28/1869342MULLEN, Ameriah [sic]*56IAIA: Story Co.: Iowa Center circuit (d Oct 19, 1869 age 56y, 2m, 18[?]d); converted 40+ yrs ago, memb M. E. Ch. until 6 yrs ago when joined Evan. Assn.; wife, 7 chren remain; typhoid fever
10/28/1869342STEINMAN, Margaret*ca59IAHESSE-DARMSTADT: Borbach (b)IA: Louisa Co.: Grand View area (d Oct 11, 1869); to AMER 1830 to PA, then OH, thence to IA; 8 chren, 8 grchren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
11/04/1869350FRABLE, F.*78FRABLE, DanielPAPA: Northampton Co.: Ackamantown [sic] (d Oct 14, 1869 age 78y, 11m); 2 daus, 2 sons remain; husb, 6 daus, 3 sons dead; palsy ca 1 wk
11/04/1869350FRABLE, Daniel-----, F.*
11/04/1869350STRAYER, Elias*37PAPA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Oct 18, 1869 age 37y, 1m, 28d); converted ca 15 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; att Ev. Luth Ch.; widow remains; fever 2 mos [given name provided in corr. Nov 25, 1869 p 374]
11/04/1869350SMITH, Catherine*25SMITH, John A.----: Minister: BOYER, L. M.; d Oct 18, 1869 age 25y, 1m, 18d; embraced religion last yr under M. H. SHANNON & J. A. GRIMM; was visiting at house of neighbor, preparing to go home, fell to the floor dead; husb, 3 chren remain
11/04/1869350SMITH, John A.-----, Catherine*
11/04/1869350TRUCKSES, Harry George*1OHOH: Mahoning Co.: New Middletown (d Oct 5, 1869 age 1y, 10m, 22d); eldest son of Williard [sic] & Elmira
11/04/1869350CUSTER, Martha*2----: Minister: DONMYER, L. B.; d Oct 16, 1869 age 2y, 11m, 13d); dau of John & Lucy
11/11/1869358BUNNELL, Nettie*20ININ: Marshall Co.: Plymouth area (d Oct 21, 1869 age 20y, 7m, 7d); mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; father d several yrs ago; hemorrhage of lungs
11/11/1869358LOYER, Martha*--LOYER, John----: Minister: HAMPE, H. W.; d Sep 26, 1869; converted 1833 under Bishop SEYBERT when he formed old Erie circuit; preaching held at her house; husb, 5 chren remain; 6 chren dead; paralysis ca 9 mos, affecting her mind, unable to gather thoughts
11/11/1869358LOYER, John-----, Martha*
11/11/1869358HEISS, Eliza*63HEISS, H. (Rev.)OHOH: Summit circuit, Pittsburgh Conf. (d Oct 28, 1868 [sic] age 63y, 9m, 16d); husb, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever 1 wk. Minister: J. J. BERNHART
11/11/1869358HEISS, H. (Rev.)-----, Eliza*
11/11/1869358MARTIN, Sarah Anna*--MARTIN, Gorge [sic]WIWI: Menomonee Falls area (d Aug 31, 1869); husb, chren remain; suffered many yrs of mental disease
11/11/1869358MARTIN, Gorge [sic]-----, Sarah Anna*
11/11/1869358ROETHER, Irvin Wilson*1OHOH: Hancock Co.: Pleasant Tp. (d Oct 15, 1869 age 1y, 1m, 10d); son of Abrrham [sic] & Mary; bilious remittant fever / congestive chills
11/11/1869358FELGER, Lucy Ann*9OHOH: (d Cct [sic] 25, 1869 age 9y, 9m, 16d); only dau of Philip & Elizabeth. Minister: D. H. WONDER of OH Conf.
11/18/1869366HAHN, Sarah*70IAPA: Northampton Co. (b)IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d Oct 30, 1869 age 70y, 11m, 18d); 6 chren remain; inflammation of bowels
11/18/1869366CORMANY, William*1ININ: Whitty [sic] Co.: Jefferson Tp. (d Sep 4, 1869 age 1y, 2m, 8d); son of William & Roseana
11/18/1869366SIGNER, Charles*3mosOHOH: North Lima (d Nov 4, 1869 age 3m, 14d); son of John & Hannah; services in Mennonite Ch., Beaver
11/18/1869366ELSER, Mariah*64ROATELSER, GeorgeOHOH: Mahoning Co.: Springfield Tp. (d Oct 29, 1869 age 64y, 11m, 16d); dau of Henry & Catharine; memb Reformed Ch.; had 5 sons, 7 daus, of them 3 sons, 2 daus are dead; husb remains
11/18/1869366ROAT, Mariah*64ELSER, GeorgeOHOH: Mahoning Co.: Springfield Tp. (d Oct 29, 1869 age 64y, 11m, 16d); dau of Henry & Catharine; memb Reformed Ch.; had 5 sons, 7 daus, of them 3 sons, 2 daus are dead; husb remains
11/18/1869366ELSER, GeorgeROAT, Mariah*
11/18/1869366WENTZ, William*48OHOH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Sep 8, 1869 age 48y, 8m, 22d); wife, 2 chren remain; enlargement of liver; services at Reformed Ch., N.L. [North Lima?]
11/18/1869366ALTMAN, Catharine*60ALTMAN, AndrewOHOH: Stark Co. (d Oct 25, 1869 age 60y, 2m, 10d); aged husb, 4 chren remain; stroke #1 ca 11 yrs ago, stroke #2 ca 4 yrs ago; last 7 yrs sat in chair day & night; last few mos could not speak audibly & distinctly. Minister: J. D. DOMER
11/18/1869366ALTMAN, Andrew-----, Catharine*
11/18/1869366DAWSON, Cyrus*35IAIA: Des Moines (d Sep 4, 1869 age 35y, 2m, 2d); widow, 5 chren remain; red scurvey several wks
11/18/1869366PLOTNER, -----* [male]65PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Oct 23, 1869); class-leader / exhorter of Evan. Assn.; widow, 9 chren remain; in usual health got a boy to help dig coal, became ill, was taken home & died the next morning; palsy
11/18/1869366LONG, Anna*43HEISSLONG, ChristianOHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Nov 7, 1869 age 43y, 16d); husb, 3 sons, 1 little dau remain; took sick day after bur of her mother, Eliza HEISS; was ill ca 1 wk; lung fever
11/18/1869366HEISS, Anna*43LONG, ChristianOHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg area (d Nov 7, 1869 age 43y, 16d); husb, 3 sons, 1 little dau remain; took sick day after bur of her mother, Eliza HEISS; was ill ca 1 wk; lung fever. Minister: J. J. BERNHART
11/18/1869366LONG, ChristianHEISS, Anna*
11/18/1869366NETCHER, Lucinda*23NETCHER, JohnOHOH: Sandusky Co.: Fremont circuit (d Nov 6, 1869 age 23y, 1m, 22d); husb, 1 child remain; 2 chren dead; consumption
11/18/1869366NETCHER, John-----, Lucinda*
11/18/1869366FRABUSH, John M.*49ILIL: Livingston (d Oct 29, 1869); wife, 10 chren remain; cancer 3 yrs, last 3 mos suffered intensely
11/18/1869366MILLER, Michael*87PAPA: Northampton Co.: Lower Mount Bethel (d the 8th of this month [depends on when obit was written], 1869 age 87y, 9m, 2d); converted 25 yrs ago; some yrs past gave $100 annually to missionary cause; willed all his property to our missionary soc.
11/18/1869366EMERT, Christian*85PAPA: Somerset Co. (d Oct 29, 1869 age 85y, 6m, 25d); converted ca 55 yrs ago at first camp-meeting on Somerset circuit; well the day before he died, taken sick in night, d next morning; 8 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead
11/18/1869366WALTER, Sarah*71WALTER, HenryPAPA: Union Co.: New Berlin area (d Aug 18, 1869 age 71y, 8m, 3d at res of son-in-law); 7 chren remain; bur Winfield graveyard, where husb, 1 dau, pars are bur; dropsy / rheumatism / heart disease
11/18/1869366WALTER, Henry-----, Sarah*
11/18/1869366FIGHT, Ulysses Grant*2IAIA: Lucus Co. (d Oct 28, 1869 age 2y, 1m, 28d); son of Adam & Lovina; funeral by Rev. DAVIS of United Brethren Ch.; brain disease
11/18/1869366HILDEBRAND, Susan*1OHOH: North Woodberry [sic] (d Sep 27, 1869 age 1y, 27d); dau of Artemus & Leah. "This is a sore bereavement, to Bro Hildebrand, for these were the only children they had." [See the entry for Ida HILDEBRAND]
11/18/1869366ELLIOT, Nancy*59MIMI: Monroe Co. (d Nov 4, 1869 age 59y, 23d); large number of friends mourn. Minister: J. BOROUGHF
11/18/1869366SUTTER, Robert*7mos----: Minister: RHODES, H.; d Oct 19, 1869 age 7m, 20d); son of Philip & Barbara
11/18/1869366LUSE, -----* [female]69MIMI: Monroe Co. (d Oct 13, 1869 age 69y, 9m)
11/18/1869366HILDEBRAND, Ida*2OHOH: North Woodberry [sic] (d Sep 20, 1868 age 2y, 11m, 2d); dau of Artemus & Lea. [See the entry for Susan HILDEBRAND]
11/18/1869366HORNER, Sarah Virginia*7mosOHOH: Flat Rock (d Oct 8 [8th ult.], 1869 age 7 mos); dau of Hezekiah & Hannah
11/25/1869374CRAMER, Polly*77PAPA: Somerset Co.: Somerset Tp. (d Nov 12, 1869); 7 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead; breast cancer
11/25/1869374BLACK, John*73ININ: Elkhart Co.: Benton area (d Oct 13, 1869 age 73y, 5m, 15d); Evan. Assn. memb 24 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead; cut knee
11/25/1869374HESS, Jonathan*38PAPA: Reading (d Nov 5, 1869 age 38y, 8m, 26d); converted 8-9 yrs ago; wife #2 & 5 chren remain; wife #1 dead [md twice, wives not named here]
11/25/1869374HOUPT, Willie Franklin*2mos----: Minister: RISINGER, G. W.; d Nov 5, 1869 age 2m, 28d); son of Rev. W. & Christina
11/25/1869374WALTER, Catharine Elizabeth*5mosPAPA: York Co.: Millersville (d Nov 14, 1869 age 5m, 16d); dau of Rev. M. (deceased) & Elizabeth
11/25/1869374DUNMYER, Mary Ann*11PAPA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Nov 14, 1869 age 11y, 5m, 12d); dau of Henry & Catharine; scarlet fever
11/25/1869374BESSLER, John*73PAGERMANY (res prev)PA: Perry Co.: Tuscarora (d Nov 10, 1869 age 73y, 10m, 29d); to AMER ca 15 yrs ago; converted 7 yrs; wife, 1 son remain. Minister: D. W. MILLER
12/02/1869382BEAVER, George*69OHVA: New Market area (b)OH: Seneca Co.: Melmore area (d Sep 26, 1869 age 69y, 6m); to OH 1823, converted 1826, joined U. B. Ch., later the Evan. Assn.; fam consists of "widow, three sons and four daughters, (four having preceded him to the spirit land"; palsy
12/02/1869382HECKMAN, Julia Rosetta*26HECKMAN, JohnOHOH: Seneca Co.: Bettsville area (d Nov 16, 1869 age 26y, 9m, 19d); husb, 1 child, mother, bros, sisters remain; typhoid fever
12/02/1869382HECKMAN, John-----, Julia Rosetta*
12/02/1869382WEEKS, Jerome Hollan*3OHOH: Logansville area (d Oct 17, 1869 age 3y, 4m, 7d); son of James & Samantha; congestive chills
12/02/1869382GOOD, Joseph Marion*12----; d Nov 11, 1869 age 12y, 24d; son of Sarah; typhoid fever [no location / minister stated]
12/09/1869390ALLISON, Jonathan*49PAPA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d Nov 11, 1869 age 49y, 11m, 24d); wife, 7 chren remain; typhoid fever
12/09/1869390FEGER, Anna*30FEGER, WilliamPAPA: Ashland (d Nov 23, 1869 age 30y, 8m, 6d); left an orphan when quite young, cared for by her religious friends; committed New Testament to memory; 1 child remains; husb dead; bur new graveyard at Schuylkill Haven, PA; consumption
12/09/1869390FEGER, William-----, Anna*
12/09/1869390MILLER, Henry*83PAPA: Jacksonville (d Nov 21, 1869 age 83y, 9m, 21d); widow, 5 chren remain; bed-ridden 11 wks
12/09/1869390HORN, John*74MDGERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt: Heubach nr Ulmstadt (b)MD: Jarrettsville area (d Nov 14, 1869 age 74y, 5m, 27d); to AMER 1840 to above place; donated land on which to erect church & cem, where he bur; 3 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead; inflammation of bowels
12/09/1869390WITMAN, Catharine Ann*17PAPA: Reading (d Nov 19, 1869 age 17y, 4m, 3d); dau of Benjamin & Catharine; dropsy
12/09/1869390HETTMAN, Jacob Frederick*61WIEUROPE: Baden: Untervewisheim (b Jan 25, 1808)WI: Monroe Co.: Moor's Creek (d Nov 4, 1869 age 61y, 9m, 9d); to NY to Collins, Erie Co., where joined Evan. Assn.; w/ fam to WI 1857 to Monroe Co.; wife, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead; consumption / throat inflammation
12/09/1869390COUP, Sarah Ann*28ILOH: Seneca Co. (b)IL: Fayette Co. (d Nov 14, 1869 age 28y, 7m, 6d); dau of Levi & Margaret; "bleeding at the lung"
12/09/1869390HELM, Abi*39PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d Oct 30, 1869 age 39y, 8m, 18d); husb, 4 chren, mother, 3 bros, 6 sis remain; consumption
12/09/1869390EMERICK, George*37PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Landingville (d Oct 25, 1869 age 37y, 9m, 21d); wife, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption
12/09/1869390HEISLER, Lewis*33PAPA: Bower's Station, East PA Railroad (d Oct 26, 1869 age 33y, 1m, 20d); res prev Schuylkill Haven, where bur Spring Garden Cem.; wife, chren remain; consumption
12/09/1869390DONMYER, Sarah Jane*13PAPA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Nov 20, 1869 age 13y, 3m, 4d); dau of Henry & Catharine; scarlet fever 4 days; at camp-meeting last Sept Sarah Jane, Willie, & Mary were converted. Submitted by Rev. L. B. DONMYER
12/09/1869390NEWMAN, Clara*20NEWMAN, DavidPAPA: Scranton (d Nov 9, 1869 age 20y, 4m, 15d); funeral in Bernville, Berks Co., PA
12/09/1869390NEWMAN, David-----, Clara*
12/09/1869390GILL, Benjamin W.*25PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d Nov 19, 1869 age 25y, 6m, 6d); wife, child remain
12/09/1869390STOUT, Anna*79PAPA: Freemansburg (d Nov 21, 1869 age 79y, 28d); 2 sons, 1 dau remain; consumption / old age
12/09/1869390HANSBERGER, Elizabeth*50HANSBERGER, JoelOHOH: Fairfield Co.: Basil area (d Nov 16, 1869 age 50y, 8m, 29d); converted ca 36 yrs ago husb, 10 chren remain; dropsy
12/09/1869390HANSBERGER, Joel-----, Elizabeth*
12/09/1869390HOY, Alice Alma*1----: Grove settlement (d Aug [no date], 1869 age 1y, 6m, 27d); dau of Geo. D. & Patience; malignant fever. "Alice A's pa was hundreds of miles from home in the mountains when the angels came to bear her awayÉ."
12/09/1869390HESS, Charles Griffen*3PAPA: Columbia Co.: Fishingcreek Tp. (d Nov 19, 1869 age 3y, 7m, 1d); son of Herman J. & Sarah J.
12/09/1869390MYERS, Joseph*1----: Minister: HOFFMAN, F.; d Nov 19, 1869 age 1y, 5m, 15d); son of Jacob & Sarah
12/16/1869398KRUMLOF, Sarah*78OHOH: Independence [Richland Co.] area (d Nov 30, 1869 age 78y, 11m, 10d); happy in her old age. Minister: J. STROME
12/16/1869398HERRMAN, Gottfried*14NYNY: Erie Co.: Collins (d Nov 17, 1869 age 14y, 3m, 19d); pars remain; consumption 6 mos
12/16/1869398BALZ, Mary*21NYNY: Jefferson Co.: Naperville area (d Nov 29, 1869 age 21y, 6m, 18d); dau of Philip & Elizabeth; mother, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; father, 1 sis dead; putrid sore throat 4 days
12/16/1869398MIZENER, David W.*20PAPA: Clinton Co.: Mt. Zion (d [no date] age 20y, 8m, 7d); at J. W. MIZENER's, was returning a borrowed gun from deer hunting, hammer caught, was sprung, ball entered his left side, killed him almost instantly; his sister there at the time
12/16/1869398MURPHEY, Estilla Witt*2----: Minister: TURNER, E. C.; d Aug 17, 1869 age 2y, 4m, 24d); dau of Benjamin & Hannah
12/16/1869398RODFON, Michael*61PAPA: Northumberland Co.: Lower Mahanoy Tp. (d Nov 30, 1869 age 61y, 10m, 21d); wife, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead; consumption
12/23/1869406BACHMAN, George*69PAPA: Freemansburg (d Dec 7, 1869 age 69y, 6m, 29d); in mercantile pursuit 30 yrs; 2 terms in PA legislature; widow, 4 chren remain; one son is Rev. Wm. of the East PA Conf. [lengthy obit]
12/23/1869406SHINER, Catharine*65SHINER, JessePAPA: Freemansburg (d Dec 5, 1869 age 65y, 28d); an only dau remains; consumption 30 yrs [obit is under heading of George BACHMAN]
12/23/1869406SHINER, Jesse-----, Catharine*
12/23/1869406NORTHAMMER, George W.*63PAPA: Reading (d Dec 9 [9th inst.], 1869); prev memb Methodist Ch., 2-yr memb Evan. Assn.
12/23/1869406CORNER, Joseph*55OHOH: Flat Rock (d Dec 6, 1869 age 55y, 4m, 14d); widow, 1 son remain; 3 chren dead; in ordinary health, after dinner went to do some work on road, set foot on spade, fell over dead, as witnessed by several school boys
12/23/1869406AMBROSE, Mary*34AMBROSE, DavidOHOH: Wayne Co.: West Salem area (d Dec 6, 1869 age 34y, 8m, 2d); embraced religion 1852, joined Luth Ch. 5 yrs, then Evan. Assn.; husb, 1 child remain; 2 infant chren dead; typhoid / pneumonia. Minister: D. H. WONDER
12/23/1869406AMBROSE, David-----, Mary*
12/23/1869406WORICK, Polly*66WIWI: Green Co. (d [no date] age 66y, 10m, 28d); memb Evan. Assn. 30+ yrs; bros, sisters remain
12/23/1869406MILLER, Michael*43PAPA: Northampton Co.: Lower Mount Bethel (d Dec 8, 1869 age 43y, 11m, 15d); converted 3 wks before death; typhoid fever
12/23/1869406SMETHERS, Catharine*70SMETHERS, Christopher (husb #2; d ca 5 yrs ago)PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Dec 6, 1869 age 70y, 2m, 26d); from the East ca 40 yrs ago to Clarion Co., then to Jeff. Co.; "leaves large circle of friends and a numerous posterity." Minister: E. BEATTY
12/23/1869406-----, Catharine*70RHODS, Samuel (husb #1; d ca 18 yrs ago)PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Dec 6, 1869 age 70y, 2m, 26d); from the East ca 40 yrs ago to Clarion Co., then to Jeff. Co.; "leaves large circle of friends and a numerous posterity." Minister: E. BEATTY
12/23/1869406RHODS, Catharine*70SMETHERS, Christopher (husb #2; d ca 5 yrs ago)PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Dec 6, 1869 age 70y, 2m, 26d); from the East ca 40 yrs ago to Clarion Co., then to Jeff. Co.; "leaves large circle of friends and a numerous posterity." Minister: E. BEATTY
12/23/1869406SMETHERS, ChristopherRHODS, Catharine*
12/23/1869406RHODS, Samuel-----, Catharine*
12/23/1869406SNYDER, Virginia Ildegerte*4PAPA: Perry Co.: Elliottsburg (d Dec 3, 1869 age 4y, 2m, 7d); dau of William S. & Jane F.; brain fever
12/30/1869414McLANE, Noah (Rev.)*47ILPA: Dauphin Co. (b Aug 5, 1822)IL: Kankakee (d Nov 20, 1869 age 47y, 3m, 15d); prev pastorates in PA; to IL 1852; widow, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; lists pastorates [lengthy]
12/30/1869414MILLER, Mary Ann*30SECHRISTMILLER, ChristopherOHOH: Richland Co.: Ebenezer Class (d Dec 13, 1869 age 30y, 9m, 21d); dau of Rev. Henry & Eliza; husb, 4 chren, pars, 1 sis remain; one sis d a short time ago; bur at Zion Ch. w/ sis; consumption
12/30/1869414SECHRIST, Mary Ann*30MILLER, ChristopherOHOH: Richland Co.: Ebenezer Class (d Dec 13, 1869 age 30y, 9m, 21d); dau of Rev. Henry & Eliza; husb, 4 chren, pars, 1 sis remain; one sis d a short time ago; bur at Zion Ch. w/ sis; consumption
12/30/1869414MILLER, ChristopherSECHRIST, Mary Ann*
12/30/1869414GURDNER, Mary Leanna*21PHIFFERGURDNER, JohnILIL: Fayette Co. (d Dec 7, 1869 age 21y, 9m, 9d); dau of Conrad & Margaret; embraced religion ca 5 yrs ago
12/30/1869414PHIFFER, Mary Leanna*21GURDNER, JohnILIL: Fayette Co. (d Dec 7, 1869 age 21y, 9m, 9d); dau of Conrad & Margaret; embraced religion ca 5 yrs ago
12/30/1869414GURDNER, JohnPHIFFER, Mary Leanna*
12/30/1869414RAPP, Martha*30OHOH: Marion Co.: Pleasant Tp. (d Dec 15, 1869 age 30y, 1m, 12d); husb, 1 child remain; youngest child d a few days earlier; consumption ca 1 yr
12/30/1869414BIXLER, Louisa*21HOOVERBIXLER, Wm.OHOH: Stark Co.: Hartville area (d Nov 12, 1869 age 21y, 8m, 1d); former student of Greensburg Seminary; husb, 1 little son, pars, bros, sisters remain; consumption
12/30/1869414HOOVER, Louisa*21BIXLER, Wm.OHOH: Stark Co.: Hartville area (d Nov 12, 1869 age 21y, 8m, 1d); former student of Greensburg Seminary; husb, 1 little son, pars, bros, sisters remain; consumption
12/30/1869414BIXLER, Wm.HOOVER, Louisa*
12/30/1869414NEITZ, Catharine A.*51NEITZ, HenryOHOH: Summit Co.: East Liberty area (d Dec 17, 1869 age 51y, 7m, 3d); memb Evan. Assn. 30+ yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; service in our new Trinity Ch.; consumption
12/30/1869414NEITZ, Henry-----, Catharine A.*
12/30/1869414STIGER, Wm.*56PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Warrensville area (d Dec 7, 1869 age 56y, 5m, 24d); widow, 9 chren remain; lung fever
12/30/1869414RICE, Henry*37PAPA: Perry Co.: Spring Tp. (d Dec 19, 1869 age 37y, 1m, 3d); son of Benjamin & Susan; liver / kidney disease
12/30/1869414KING, Barbara E.*18PAPA: Clarion Co.: Richland (d Dec 7, 1869 age 18y, 7m, 4d); dau of Adam & Elizabeth; converted ca 4 yrs ago at Venango camp-meeting; father, bro, sis remain; mother dead
12/30/1869414COLEMAN, Sample*4mosPAPA: Elliottsburg (d Dec 14, 1869 age 4m, 1d); son of Samuel & Margaret. Minister: U. F. SWENGEL, of Perry Co., PA, at this time

Number of items that your search found: 293