Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/02/1874 | 211 | STEPHENSON, Mary* | 53 | IA | KY (b) | IA: Marion Co.: Dallas area (d Jun 11, 1874 age 53y, 8[?]m, 7d); joined M. E. Ch. 1885; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
07/02/1874 | 211 | HESS, Susan* | 82 | HESS, Michael | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Brush Valley (d Mar 2, 1874 age 82y, 2m, 21d); she & husb early settlers to this co.; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; husb d "upwards" of 39 yrs ago | ||
07/02/1874 | 211 | HESS, Michael | -----, Susan* | |||||
07/02/1874 | 211 | SHETTERLY, Benjamin* | 68 | MI | MI: Bertrand (d Jun 8, 1874 age 68y, 8m, 20d); widow, 11 chren remain; lung disease | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | DROWBAUGH, Hiram* | 45 | PA | PA: York Co.: Bald Hill area (d Jun 6, 1874 age 45y, 11m, 27d); class-leader a number of yrs | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | SECRIST, Geo. W.* | 30 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Worthing [sic] Tp. (d Jun 15, 1874 age 30y, 1m, 22d at res of father); embraced religion ca 6 yrs ago; res Westerville, OH, the last yr; wife, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | CLARK, Vincent* | 59 | IL | IL: Loran (d [no date] age 59y, 10m, 24d); 2 chren remain; wife dead | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | MOSHOLDER, Jacob* | 23 | IL | IL: Dixon area (d Jun 3, 1874 age 23y, 10m, 12d); son of Jacob & Susannah; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | BALL, Caroline* | 24 | OH | OH: Carey (d May 31, 1874 age 24y, 9m, 4d) | |||
07/02/1874 | 211 | STRICKLER, Samuel* | 75 | IA | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: Sharon Tp. (d Jun 20, 1874 age 75y, 6m, 25d); widow, 6 chren remain | ||
07/02/1874 | 211 | WILTROUT, Maria* | 70 | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d Jun 16, 1874 age 70y, 11m, 18d); dau & son & his family remain; husb, 3 sons dead [descriptive obit] | |||
07/09/1874 | 219 | KALBACH, Valeria Rebecca* | 25 | PA | PA: Wommelsdorf [sic] (b) | PA: Tamaqua (d Jun 17, 1874 age 25y, 9m, 15d); bur Lutheran Cem., Wommelsdorf [sic], "her native place"; typhoid fever 17 days | ||
07/09/1874 | 219 | HOFFMAN, Henry* | 55 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Locus Dale (d May 6, 1874 age 55y, 1m, 24d); widow, 7 chren remain; consumption | |||
07/09/1874 | 219 | CLINE, John W.* | 38 | IA | IN: Park Co. (b) | IA: Iowa Center area (d Apr 24, 1874 age 38y, 3m, 13d); to IA 1855; converted 15 yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain | ||
07/09/1874 | 219 | REITZ, Elizabeth Anna* | 21 | REITZ, Simeon | PA | PA: Belleview area (d Jun 13, 1874 age 21y, 1m, 6d); converted 3 yrs ago; consumption | ||
07/09/1874 | 219 | REITZ, Simeon | -----, Elizabeth Anna* | |||||
07/09/1874 | 219 | GEISTWEIT, Flora Louisa* | 12 | PA | PA: Allentown (d Jun 19, 1874 age 12y, 5m, 14d); dau of George S. & Sarah A.; heart disease / dropsy | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | SPANGLER, Jacob* | -- | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Churchill (d Jul 1, 1874); memb Evan. Assn. 40+ yrs; chren remain; wife d ca 15 mos ago | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | SCHADBURN, Harriet* | 44 | SCHADBURN, Colonel | IA | ME: Machias (b) | IA: Benton Co.: Vinton (d Jun 30, 1874 age 44y, 10m). "She was a lady of fine culture and brilliant talents." Husb, chren, 84-yr-old mother, 2 bros, 3 sis remain [mentions conversation with her little boy]; 2 chren dead | |
07/16/1874 | 227 | SCHADBURN, Colonel | -----, Harriet* | |||||
07/16/1874 | 227 | GRIMM, Anna* | 62 | RISLEY | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Freeburg area (d Jun 29, 1874 age 62y, 1m, 5d); had 9 chren, 3 of whom died; two sons entered ministry, one is now dead & was memb of IN Conf.; the other is presiding elder Pittsburg Conf.; husb d 9y, 1m, 4d before her | ||
07/16/1874 | 227 | RISLEY, Anna* | 62 | GRIMM, ----- | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Freeburg area (d Jun 29, 1874 age 62y, 1m, 5d); had 9 chren, 3 of whom died; two sons entered ministry, one is now dead & was memb of IN Conf.; the other is presiding elder Pittsburg Conf.; husb d 9y, 1m, 4d before her | ||
07/16/1874 | 227 | EXAMPLE, exact date of husb's death working backwards | see GRIMM, Anna*, Jul 16, 1874 p 227 | |||||
07/16/1874 | 227 | BASSETT, Emma* | -- | IL | IL: El Paso (d Jul 3, 1874); husb, 1 son remain; consumption 8 yrs [corr. TO Susanna, Aug 6, p 251] | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | BASSETT, Susanna* | -- | IL | IL: El Paso (d Jul 3, 1874); husb, 1 son remain; consumption 8 yrs [corr. FROM Emma, Aug 6, p 251--obit heading is Emma] | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | ROBASSON, Rebecca* | 18 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Sheridan (d Jun 4, 1874 age 18y, 2m, 18d); sought & found the Saviour last Winter | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | ILGINFRITZ, Elizabeth E.* | 26 | ILGINFRITZ, Henry | PA | PA: Frystown near York (d Jun 27, 1874 age 26y, 1m, 1d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
07/16/1874 | 227 | ILGINFRITZ, Henry | -----, Elizabeth E.* | |||||
07/16/1874 | 227 | SMITH, Geo.* | -- | -- | --: Minister: MELL, E. F.; d Jun 19, 1874 at home of son-in-law; aged companion, 6 chren remain; had stroke on Jun 14th | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | BITTLE, Henry* | 80 | IA | IA: Cedar Co.: Lisbon area (d Jun 19, 1874 age 80y, 5m); 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | SHEFFER, Susan* | 63 | PA | PA: York Co.: York area (d Jun 28, 1874 age 63y, 7m, 10d); joined Evan. Assn. 49 yrs ago; son remains; cancer ca 12 yrs | |||
07/16/1874 | 227 | HALDERMAN, John C.* | 59 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Mahoning Tp. (d May 25, 1874 age 59y, 21d); widow, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | SHAEFER, Martha Elizabeth* | 10 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Jul 7, 1874 age 10y, 7m, 28d); dau of George A. & Susanna; heart disease | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | LICHTY, Daniel J.* | 69 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Somerset Town area (d Jun 25, 1874 age 69y, 6m, 12d) | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | SALSBERY, -----* [female] | 44 | MI | MI: Tulenaw [sic] Co. (d Jun 29, 1874; husb, 6 chren remain. Minister: J. SMOUS [?] | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | GREATHOUSE, John* | 64 | WV | WV: Preston Co.: Valley Dist. (d May 10, 1874); prev memb Meth. Ch. | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | FARBER, J. W.* | 35 | WV | WV: Portland (d Jul 1, 1874); bronchitis | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | BARCLAY, Mary E.* | 23 | BARCLAY, Dan. B. | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Jul 7, 1874 age 22y, 9m, 22d); joined Evan. English mission 3 yrs ago; husb remains [Her age may be 23y.] | ||
07/23/1874 | 235 | BARCLAY, Dan. B. | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
07/23/1874 | 235 | KUNTZELMAN, Jacob* | 19 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: New Bethlehem area (d Jul 7, 1874 age 19y, 6m, 21d); pars, brothers, sister remain; rheumatism / heart dropsy | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | PARKER, Sarah* | 42 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d [no date] nearly 43y]; husb, 5 chren remain; husb. "She had the painful news of the imprisonment of her eldest son only a few days before her death, as well as other family troubles to reflect upon." | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | EXAMPLE, imprisonment of eldest son | see Sarah PARKER, Jul 23, 1874 p 235 | |||||
07/23/1874 | 235 | FEICHTNER, Mary S.* | 24 | WV | WV: Cransville [sic] (d Jun 22, 1874 age 24y, 6m, 10d); bro, sister remain. "Her home had been for years with our much esteemed brother, Dr. D. FEICHTNER." ["brother" refers to brother in the church, not a blood brother] | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | GROSSMAN, Hannah* | 20 | NY | NY: Lee (d Jun 24, 1874 age 20y, 9m, 12d); dau of John & Magdalena GROSSMAN; pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain | |||
07/23/1874 | 235 | SEITZER, David* | 19 | PA | PA: Williamsport area (d [supposedly] Jul 4, 1874 age ca 19y); he had spoken about going to see an uncle, so absence was no cause for alarm; left for purpose of shooting game, was struck by bullet into head; body found 3 days later | |||
07/30/1874 | 243 | LOEHNER, Joseph Edward* | 21 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (b Apr 18, 1853) | OH: Akron (d Jul 12, 1874 age 21y, 2m, 23d); son of Rev. A.; he w/ pars to Blairstown, IA, 1868; mother d when he age 17; bro Noah brought him to Akron; worked for the Beacon; fam originally from Lancaster area, Fairfield Co., OH | ||
07/30/1874 | 243 | BIRGMAN, John* | 79 | OH | OH: Findlay area (d Jun 24, 1874 age 79y, 1m, 1d); wife, 10 chren remain; 3 chren dead. Religious Telescope please copy | |||
07/30/1874 | 243 | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | 70 | NEWCOMER, Anna (wife #1; md 1830, wife d 1842; had 7 chren, 2 of whom died) | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: Wayne Co.: Dublin area (d Jun 27, 1874 age 70y, 6m, 5d); to Wayne Co., IN 1846; joined Evan. Assn. 42 yrs ago; class-leader, exhorter, local preacher; palsy 3 yrs ago | |
07/30/1874 | 243 | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | 70 | KLINE, Margaret (wife #2; md 1843) | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: Wayne Co.: Dublin area (d Jun 27, 1874 age 70y, 6m, 5d); to Wayne Co., IN 1846; joined Evan. Assn. 42 yrs ago; class-leader, exhorter, local preacher; palsy 3 yrs ago | |
07/30/1874 | 243 | NEWCOMER, Anna | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | |||||
07/30/1874 | 243 | RUMMEL, Anna | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | |||||
07/30/1874 | 243 | KLINE, Margaret | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | |||||
07/30/1874 | 243 | RUMMEL, Margaret | RUMMEL, Adam [Rev.]* | |||||
07/30/1874 | 243 | KEIM, Maria* | 60 | KEIM, Leopold | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Allentown (d Jul 14, 1874 age 60y, 1m, 3d); husb, 1 son, 8 brothers and sisters remain | ||
07/30/1874 | 243 | KEIM, Leopold | -----, Maria* | |||||
07/30/1874 | 243 | HELTMAN, Joseph* | 82 | OH | OH: Ashland area (d 12 Sep 1873); converted 1833 on Center circuit, Center Co, PA. "He was a regular subscriber to the Botschafterfrom its 1st issue." Widow, 8 chren remain [bur Ashland Cem w/ wife Catherine, who d 5 Apr 1888 age 95y] [note death date] | |||
07/30/1874 | 243 | MENTZER, Frederick* | 60 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Blaserville (d Jul 7, 1874 age 60y, 10m, 6d); mentions having chren | |||
07/30/1874 | 243 | McQUILLIN, Ira* | 32 | OH | OH: Lucas Co.: Monclova (d Jun 2, 1874 age 32y, 9m, 23d); son of John & A.; lost his health during the late war; wife, 2 chren remain; consumption 10 yrs | |||
08/06/1874 | 251 | AGER, Daniel J.* | 36 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d [no date] at res of father, 14 Granger St., Cleveland; wife, dau, pars, an only sis remain; consumption | |||
08/06/1874 | 251 | MOSSHOLDER, Jacob* | 60 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: South Dixon (d Jun 28, 1874 age 60y, 10m, 18d); suffered 2 yrs, mostly confined to bed. He & his fam gave $1,000 two yrs ago for erection of an Evan. Ch. on his farm | |||
08/06/1874 | 251 | MILLER, John Wesley* | 30 | PA | PA: Lykenstown (d Jul 20, 1874 age 30y, 9m, 27d); fireman at stationary engine, a boiler had a break, too much cold water let in, causing it to explode; he d shortly after | |||
08/06/1874 | 251 | YOUNG, Susanna S.* | 34 | YOUNG, D. B. | KS | KS: Rice Co.: Golden City area (d Jul 15, 1874 age 34y, 4m, 7d); memb Evan. Assn. 14+ yrs; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
08/06/1874 | 251 | YOUNG, D. B. | -----, Susanna S.* | |||||
08/06/1874 | 251 | HELMS, Daniel* | 50 | -- | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | --: Minister: SHULER, W. W.; d Jul 4, 1874 age 50y, 4m, 17d); wife, 2 sons remain | ||
08/06/1874 | 251 | DINIES, Priscilla* | 35 | SALISBURY | DINIES, Andrew | OH | OH: Fulton Co. (d Jul 19, 1874 age 35y, 5m, 13d); had moved West, doctor said go back to OH; husb, 6 chren, aged pars, 2 sis remain. "She died in her father's, Joseph Salisbury's house, and her remains rest in the old cemetery on her father's farm." | |
08/06/1874 | 251 | SALISBURY, Priscilla* | 35 | DINIES, Andrew | OH | OH: Fulton Co. (d Jul 19, 1874 age 35y, 5m, 13d); had moved West, doctor said go back to OH; husb, 6 chren, aged pars, 2 sis remain. "She died in her father's, Joseph Salisbury's house, and her remains rest in the old cemetery on her father's farm." | ||
08/06/1874 | 251 | DINIES, Andrew | SALISBURY, Priscilla* | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ashland area (d Jul 1, 1874 age 81y, 2m, 28d); 40+ yrs the Gospel preached in his house, which is still standing; new church built last yr; md ca 52 yrs; wife, 6 sons, 1 dau remain | |||
08/06/1874 | 251 | YARNALL, Jonathan* | 81 | |||||
08/13/1874 | 259 | HARE, Anna Mary* | 79 | SPANGLER | HARE, Conrad (Rev.) | OH | PA: Centre Co.: Brush Valley (b Dec 21, 1794) | OH: Carey area (d Jul 28, 1874 age 79y, 7m, 7d at home of dau, Mrs. SMITH); dau of Rev. Christopher SPANGLER; joined Evan. Assn. 1806; to OH 51 yrs ago to [now] Ashland Co.; 10 yrs later to Wyandot Co.; husb d 27+ yrs ago; 3 sons, 4 daus remain [lengthy] |
08/13/1874 | 259 | SPANGLER, Anna Mary* | 79 | HARE, Conrad (Rev.) | OH | PA: Centre Co.: Brush Valley (b Dec 21, 1794) | OH: Carey area (d Jul 28, 1874 age 79y, 7m, 7d at home of dau, Mrs. SMITH); dau of Rev. Christopher SPANGLER; joined Evan. Assn. 1806; to OH 51 yrs ago to [now] Ashland Co.; 10 yrs later to Wyandot Co.; husb d 27+ yrs ago; 3 sons, 4 daus remain [lengthy] | |
08/13/1874 | 259 | HARE, Conrad (Rev.) | SPANGLER, Anna Mary* | |||||
08/13/1874 | 259 | CLIME, Anna* | 49 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (d Jul 15, 1874 age 49y, 3m, 15d) | |||
08/13/1874 | 259 | HISKY, Emma E.* | 19 | POLAND | HISKY, Geo., Jr. | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d Jun 11, 1874 age 19y, 8m 20d); dau of Thomas & Mary; husb, pars, siblings remain; consumption 6 mos | |
08/13/1874 | 259 | POLAND, Emma E.* | 19 | HISKY, Geo., Jr. | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d Jun 11, 1874 age 19y, 8m 20d); dau of Thomas & Mary; husb, pars, siblings remain; consumption 6 mos | ||
08/13/1874 | 259 | HISKY, Geo., Jr. | POLAND, Emma E.* | |||||
08/13/1874 | 259 | FANTZ, Elizabeth* | 50 | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: McLean Co.: Drygrove Tp. (d Jul 20, 1874 age 50y, 3m, 10d); w/ husb to McLean Co. 1865; 6 sons, 5 daus remain; status of husb not given; consumption | ||
08/13/1874 | 259 | PINKERTON, Mary* | 30 | HART | PINKERTON, John | OH | OH: Hicksville (d Jul 28, 1874 age 30y, 2m, 5d); dau of Henry & Barbara (deceased); husb, 2 sm chren, 3 sis remain | |
08/13/1874 | 259 | HART, Mary* | 30 | PINKERTON, John | OH | OH: Hicksville (d Jul 28, 1874 age 30y, 2m, 5d); dau of Henry & Barbara (deceased); husb, 2 sm chren, 3 sis remain | ||
08/13/1874 | 259 | PINKERTON, John | HART, Mary* | |||||
08/13/1874 | 259 | MANTZ, Gottlieb Frederick* | 43 | OH | OH: Zanesville area (d Jul 26, 1874 age 43y, 11m, 21d); widow, 7 chren, aged mother, siblings remain; stroke of palsy | |||
08/13/1874 | 259 | FOUSER, Sarah* | 67 | FOUSER, Jacob | IL | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield(d Jul 23, 1874 age 67y, 10m, 15d); from OH to IL ca 18 yrs ago; husb, 10 chren remain; consumption | ||
08/13/1874 | 259 | FOUSER, Jacob | -----, Sarah* | |||||
08/20/1874 | 259 | MILLER, John Henry* | 16 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Bellville area (d Jul 23, 1874 age 16y, 4m, 4d); son of Christopher & Mary Ann; father, stepmother, 3 bros, 1 little sis remain [page number is marked 259, but should be 267] | |||
08/20/1874 | 259 | BERKEY, Catharine* | 36 | BERKEY, Aaron | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Conemaugh Tp. (d [no date] age 36y, 9m, 20d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption [page number is marked 259, but should be 267] | ||
08/20/1874 | 259 | BERKEY, Aaron | -----, Catharine* | |||||
08/20/1874 | 259 | BURKHARDT, Tobias* | 80 | KIESS, Christina | PA | WUERTEMBERG: Oberichen (b Apr 13, 1794) | PA: Lycoming Co. (res); d [no date] age 80y, 3m, 18d); w/ pars to AMER 1804 to Lycoming Co.; md 1825; wife, 6 chren remain; eldest child dead [page number is marked 259, but should be 267] | |
08/20/1874 | 259 | KIESS, Christina | BURKHARDT, Tobias* | |||||
08/20/1874 | 259 | BURKHARDT, Christina | BURKHARDT, Tobias* | |||||
08/20/1874 | 259 | GEYER, Mary* | 91 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Rothsville (d Aug 3, 1874 age 91y, 1m, 10d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; old age [page number is marked 259, but should be 267] | |||
08/20/1874 | 259 | ECKINSTEIN, Augustus* | 48 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d Jul 31, 1874 age 48y, 9m, 15d); widow, 3 chren remain; while at work fell a great distance, breaking his neck, died 9 days later [page number is marked 259, but should be 267] | |||
08/27/1874 | 275 | WAIDLY, Rebecca* | 83 | WAIDLY, Richard | PA | PA: Erie Co.: McKan [sic] (d Aug 10, 1874 age 83y, 11m, 25d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
08/27/1874 | 275 | WAIDLY, Richard | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
08/27/1874 | 275 | DAVIS, Frank* | 24 | IA | IA: Story Co.: Iowa Center area (d Jul 2, 1874 age 24y, 2m, 8d); widowed mother remains, "as also the rest of the family." | |||
08/27/1874 | 275 | CLARK, Susan* | 52 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Airy area (d Jul 26, 1874 age 52y, 11m, 3d); husb, chren remain; dropsy | |||
08/27/1874 | 275 | DEVITT, Mary Ann* | 29 | HOFFMAN | DEVITT, Jos. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Berlin (d Jul 1, 1874 age 29y, 4m, 18d); dau of Jacob & Veronika; husb, 4 young chren, aged mother, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |
08/27/1874 | 275 | HOFFMAN, Mary Ann* | 29 | DEVITT, Jos. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Berlin (d Jul 1, 1874 age 29y, 4m, 18d); dau of Jacob & Veronika; husb, 4 young chren, aged mother, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
08/27/1874 | 275 | DEVITT, Jos. | HOFFMAN, Mary Ann* | |||||
09/03/1874 | 283 | LAMAN, Henry* | 59 | IN | PA (b) | IN: Tippecanoe Co. (d Jul 25, 1874 age 59y, 6m, 25d); memb Evan. Luth. Ch. ca 17 yrs; wife, a son & dau remain | ||
09/03/1874 | 283 | SPEAKMAN, Mary* | 36 | OH | OH: Chillicothe area (d Aug 9, 1874 age 36y, 11m, 4d); husb, several chren remain | |||
09/03/1874 | 283 | BARKLOW, Mary Ann* | 36 | BARKLOW, Philip | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Salem Tp. (d Aug 9, 1874); husb, 8 chren, aged father, siblings remain; consumption | ||
09/03/1874 | 283 | BARKLOW, Philip | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
09/03/1874 | 283 | OLPP, Anna C.* | 20 | DIEFFENDERFER | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d Aug 19, 1874 age 20y, 7m, 1d); dau of Henry & Sarah; husb, pars remain; consumption | ||
09/03/1874 | 283 | DIEFFENDERFER, Anna C.* | 20 | OLPP, ----- | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d Aug 19, 1874 age 20y, 7m, 1d); dau of Henry & Sarah; husb, pars remain; consumption | ||
09/03/1874 | 283 | YEAKEL, Jacob* | 61 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weatherly (d Aug 13, 1874 age 61y, 5m, 10d); he the son of Rev. Andrew; his son is minister at Ashland, PA; his cousin is Bishop R. YEAKEL; widow, 3 sons, 2 daus, a bro, a sis remain; bur Fairview Cem., Allentown | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | UNBENHOUR, John* | 60 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d Aug 21, 1874 age 60y, 5m, 8d); wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | MYERS, Anna* | 19 | IL | IL: Carmi (d Aug 23, 1874 age 19y, 5m, 9d while visiting her sisters); dau of Sarah BROYTON (former widow of Dr. Joseph MYERS, of Carey, OH); bur at Carey | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | YEAGER, -----* [female] | 39 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Logansville (d Aug 24, 1874 age 39y, 10m, 11d); husb, 4 chren, pars, bro, sisters remain | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | HELM, Leonard* | 77 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Leesburg area (d Aug 17, 1874); memb Evan. Assn. ca 35 yrs; bequeathed money to missions; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | WHETSEL, Felix* | 67 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: McCutchensville area (d Aug 31, 1874 age 67y, 10m, 14d); donated acre of land + $100 for new Evan. Ch. in that neighborhood; found dead in bed; heart disease | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | TROUB, Gottlieb* | 54 | MI | WURTEMBERG: Egenhausen (b) | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d Aug 13, 1874 age 54y, 1m, 4d); widow, 4 sm chren, 2 bros in AMER, 2 sis in Europe remain; he & hired man carrying stick, other end dropped, causing his end to jar against him, causing internal injury, d following day | ||
09/10/1874 | 291 | KALBACH, Mary Elizabeth* | 23 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d Aug 24, 1874 age 23y, 10m, 16d); bur beside sis Valeria in Luth. Cem. at Wommelsdorf [sic], PA; typhoid fever | |||
09/10/1874 | 291 | HOOT, Mary* | 78 | HOOT, Abraham | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b Jun 29, 1796) | OH: Fremont (d Aug 24, 1874 at home of her son); converted 1810 when Evan. Assn. had 7 itinerant ministers [now 737] & 528 membs [now 90,000+]; to Wayne Co., OH, 1831 for a number of yrs; 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead; husb d 33 yrs ago | |
09/10/1874 | 291 | HOOT, Abraham | -----, Mary* | |||||
09/17/1874 | 299 | COOPER, Edmund S.* | 42 | PA | PA: Akron (d Sep 1, 1874 age 42y, 11m, 1d); son of Armstrong & Maria; wife, 4 chren remain; paralysis | |||
09/17/1874 | 299 | GULDEN, Annie Marie* | 35 | GULDEN, C. | IA | IA: Boone Co. (d Jul 20, 1874 age 35y, 9m, 7d); husb, 9 chren remain; fell from load of hay while helping her boys prepare for harvesting | ||
09/17/1874 | 299 | GULDEN, C. | -----, Annie Marie* | |||||
09/17/1874 | 299 | ANDERSON, S. D. (Mrs.)* | 22 | IA | IA: Afton mission: Sand Creek (d Sep 5, 1874 age 22y, 1m, 2d); to KS Spring 1873; this summer back to their old home; husb, 1 child, pars remain; took sick on trip, d shortly after arrival | |||
09/17/1874 | 299 | ANGLEMIRE, John* | 69 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Roxburg area (d Aug 12, 1874 age 69y, 18d); class-leader in church 14 yrs; church lost one of its first, oldest and most useful members; children remain | |||
09/17/1874 | 299 | FARNER, Susanna* | 91 | FARNER, John | PA | PA: Somerset Town area (d Jul 24, 1874 age 91y, 6m, 13d); memb of Zion ca 40 yrs; 6th Gen. Conf. of Evan. Assn. held at home of John, her husb, nr where parsonage is now; 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
09/17/1874 | 299 | FARNER, John | -----, Susanna* | |||||
09/17/1874 | 299 | SHOENER, -----* [female] | 73 | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d Aug 1, 1874 age 73y, 11m, 26d); 8 chren remain | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | GLATFELTER, Eve* | 97 | PA | PA: New Freedom (d Sep 5, 1874 age 97y, 10m, 16d); memb Evan. Assn. 60 yrs; res last 6 yrs w/ G. BLASER & wife; of late yrs suffered in body & mind | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | BAKER, Barbara* | 79 | BAKER, John | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Mill Hollow (d Sep 2, 1874 age 79y, 3m, 11d); converted ca 30 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; | ||
09/24/1874 | 307 | BAKER, John | -----, Barbara* | |||||
09/24/1874 | 307 | BROTZMAN, Sarah* | 41 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d Aug 13, 1874 age 41y, 3m, 7d);6 chren remain; husb dead; bur Hay's Cem., South Easton | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | HOFFMAN, Anna* | 23 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Shoemakersville (d Aug 24, 1874); consumption | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | FEHLMAN, Mathias* | 62 | IA | IA: Iowa Co.: Marengo (d Aug 20, 1874); to AMER ca 40 yrs ago; 13 chren remain | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | ROBERTS, Jane* | 41 | FERSON | ROBERTS, S. M. | IA | OH: Delaware Co.: Orange Tp. (b Jul 24, 1833) | IA: Johnson Co. (res); d Aug 29, 1874; w/ mother & bros to Johnson Co. 1854 where md Fall of 1856; husb, 5 chren remain; dropsy of heart for 1+ yr |
09/24/1874 | 307 | FERSON, Jane* | 41 | ROBERTS, S. M. | IA | OH: Delaware Co.: Orange Tp. (b Jul 24, 1833) | IA: Johnson Co. (res); d Aug 29, 1874; w/ mother & bros to Johnson Co. 1854 where md Fall of 1856; husb, 5 chren remain; dropsy of heart for 1+ yr | |
09/24/1874 | 307 | ROBERTS, S. M. | FERSON, Jane* | |||||
09/24/1874 | 307 | HINER, Mary* | 39 | MANGES | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: New Paris area (d Sep 3, 1874 age 39y, 7m); converted age 15 at a bush meeting; husb, 9 chren remain; consumption 1 yr | ||
09/24/1874 | 307 | MANGES, Mary* | 39 | HINER, ----- | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: New Paris area (d Sep 3, 1874 age 39y, 7m); converted age 15 at a bush meeting; husb, 9 chren remain; consumption 1 yr | ||
09/24/1874 | 307 | KOCH, Anna Mary* | 82 | KOCH, Jacob (Rev.) | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Ross Co.: Adelphia (d Aug 25, 1874 age 82y, 5m, 10d at home of son); converted 1810; 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |
09/24/1874 | 307 | KOCH, Jacob (Rev.) | -----, Anna Mary* | |||||
09/24/1874 | 307 | SHAW, Ellen* | 72 | SHAW, Joseph | PA | PA: Glen Rock (d Sep 3, 1874 age 72y, 4m); converted age 18 in ENGLAND; husb, 6 chren remain | ||
09/24/1874 | 307 | SHAW, Joseph | -----, Ellen* | |||||
09/24/1874 | 307 | HANEY, Catherine* | 76 | PA | PA: Glen Rock (d Sep 10, 1874 age 76y, 7m, 26d); memb prev U. B. in Christ Ch.; moved to Glen Rock a few yrs ago; funeral at Dallastown, York Co., PA | |||
09/24/1874 | 307 | WIELAND, Adam* | 72 | OH | GERMANY: Wurtemburg (b) | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Jul 13, 1874 age 72y, 7m, 5d); age 18 joined Germ. Ref. Ch.; age 40 joined Evan. Assn.; left $100 for missionary cause in this country & Germany; wife, 2 daus, 3 sons remain | ||
10/01/1874 | 315 | HERR, Anna* | 53 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Cresswell [sic] (d Aug 27, 1874 age 53y, 6m, 19d); dau of David HERR; aged father, bros, sisters remain; disease was of a dropsical tendency 1+ yr | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | BLANKSBY, Sarah J.* | 37 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (d Aug 21, 1874 age 37y, 5m, 16d); memb prev M. E. Ch. until 2 yrs ago; husb, 6 chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption many mos | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | STOKES, Sarah* | 61 | STOKES, Samuel | MD | MD: Hartford [sic] Co.: Roger's Forge area (d Sep 5, 1874); husb, son, dau remain; bur North Bend burying ground | ||
10/01/1874 | 315 | STOKES, Samuel | -----, Sarah* | |||||
10/01/1874 | 315 | DONNEMYER, -----* [female] | 66 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Sep 12, 1874 age 66y, 1m, 23d); 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | BABER, Elizabeth J.* | 51 | BABER, G. R. | OR | OR: Albany area (d Sep 3, 1874 age 51y, 1m, 10d); husb remains; heart disease / apoplexy | ||
10/01/1874 | 315 | BABER, G. R. | -----, Elizabeth J.* | |||||
10/01/1874 | 315 | SHIFFER, Aug.* | 25 | -- | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | --: Minister: WESSLING, C.; d [no date] age 25y, 6m, 12d); when young w/ pars to AMER; wife, 4 chren, father, sister remain; typhoid fever 11 ds | ||
10/01/1874 | 315 | SNYDER, Henry (Mrs.)* | 23 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (d Aug 21, 1874 age 23y, 3m, 7d); husb, 3 chren remain; bilious fever 2 wks | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | RANCK, Nancy* | 92 | RANCK, Henry | PA | PA: Union Co.: White Deer Tp. (d Aug 9, 1874 age 92y, 3m, 29d); bur Aug 11 in White Deer burying ground | ||
10/01/1874 | 315 | RANCK, Henry | -----, Nancy* | |||||
10/01/1874 | 315 | BIXLER, Mary Ann* | 87 | PA | PA: Baldwin nr Harrisburg (d Sep 12, 1874); res formerly Mt. Rock, Cumberland Co., PA; friends remain; stomach inflammation | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | EVELAND, Daniel, Sr.* | 65 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d Sep 7, 1874 age 65y, 4m, 27d); widow, 6 chren remain; stomach cancer | |||
10/01/1874 | 315 | BRUCE, Abraham* | 62 | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Bruce's Lake (d Aug 22, 1874); memb prev Meth. Ch., joined Evan. Assn. several yrs ago; wife, 7 chren remain | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | SCHMUCK, Jacob I.* | 22 | OH | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co. (d Sep 17, 1874 age 23y, 9m, 22d); son of Henry & Elizabeth; att school in Shreve, OH, then Naperville, IL 2 yrs; ret home, preached on this & other circuits; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; bur cem nr Hope Ch.; typhoid fever | ||
10/08/1874 | 323 | PRICE, Sarah Ann* | 16 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Sugar Valley (d Sep 23, 1874 age 16y, 8m, 9d); pars, brothers, sister, grpars remain | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | METZEL, Charles* | 73 | PA | PA: York (d Sep 17 1874 age 73y, 10m, 22d); memb Evan. Assn. 30+ yrs; aged companion, chren remain | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | BEAVER, Sabina* | 71 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Mellmore [sic] area (d Sep 19, 1874 age 71y, 10m, 4d) | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | OLDS, James Lincoln* | 8 | -- | --: Reading (d [no date] age 8[?]y, 2m, 23d). Minister: Geo. B. FISHER | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | ESHELMAN, Isaac* | 27 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: West Salem area (d Sep 17, 1874 age 27y, 4m, 13d); one of most prominent membs of his church | |||
10/08/1874 | 323 | HUNT, Elizabeth* | 90 | IL | ENGLAND (res prev) | IL: Morrison (d Sep 22, 1874); 18 yrs ago to AMER, ever since staying in Morrison; husb d before she came to this country | ||
10/08/1874 | 323 | BREEMEN, Barbara Elizabeth* | 26 | HELLEM | -- | --: Minister: HETLER, G. A.; d Sep 17, 1874 age 26y, 7m, 12d); dau of Joseph & Mary; husb, 2 chren remain | ||
10/08/1874 | 323 | HELLEM, Barbara Elizabeth* | 26 | BREEMAN, ----- | ||||
10/15/1874 | 331 | BENNER, Caroline* | ca44 | BENNER, Israel | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Rawson area (d Sep 10, 1874); converted ca 26 yrs ago; bilious fever | ||
10/15/1874 | 331 | BENNER, Israel | -----, Caroline* | |||||
10/15/1874 | 331 | KEMERER, Sophronia* | 20 | FLICK | KEMERER, Henry | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Cory (d Sep 27, 1874 age 20y, 1m, 4d); dau of Jacob & Hannah; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bronchitis | |
10/15/1874 | 331 | FLICK, Sophronia* | 20 | KEMERER, Henry | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Cory Sep 27, 1874 age 20y, 1m, 4d); dau of Jacob & Hannah; husb, 2 chren, pars remain; bronchitis | ||
10/15/1874 | 331 | KEMERER, Henry | FLICK, Sophronia* | |||||
10/15/1874 | 331 | LINDSAY, Amy* | 59 | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d Sep 26, 1874 age 59y, 18d); memb M. E. Ch. 30 yrs; husb, chren remain | |||
10/15/1874 | 331 | FAUST, Clarence Alvin* | 15 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Brush Valley (d Sep 21, 1874 age 15y, 8m, 11d); fell from horse, hurt leg, causing lockjaw | |||
10/15/1874 | 331 | RUPPEL, John* | 48 | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Alleghany [sic] City (d Oct 2, 1874 age 48y, 3m, 1d); to AMER ca 25 yrs ago; wife, 2 chren remain; erysipelas 6 days | ||
10/15/1874 | 331 | HARPSTER, Frederick* | 74 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Flat Rock (d Oct 3, 1874 age 74y, 2m, 12d); converted nearly 55 yrs ago; served many yrs as class leader; mind weakened by paralysis in his last yrs | |||
10/15/1874 | 331 | CLICK, Charles* | 71 | HOY, Mary | OH | PA: Northampton Co. (b Aug 31, 1803) | OH: Franklin Co. (d Sep 22, 1874 age 71y, 21d); age 10 w/ pars to Fairfield Co., OH; md 1828; widow, 5 chren remain; heart disease 5 yrs | |
10/15/1874 | 331 | HOY, Mary | CLICK, Charles* | |||||
10/15/1874 | 331 | CLICK, Mary | CLICK, Charles* | |||||
10/22/1874 | 339 | WATKINS, Seneca* [male] | 66 | OH | OH: Independence (d Oct 6, 1874 age 66y, 6m, 21d); converted 48 yrs ago; leader of the Centre class at Independence; departure deeply felt in the family, church, neighborhood | |||
10/22/1874 | 339 | SAGER, Gussie* | 22 | OH | OH Stark Co.: Wilmot (b) | OH: Wilmot area (d Sep 28, 1874 age 22y, 9m, 28d); dau of Rev. Geo. & Mary; memb M. E. Ch.; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; lung fever 8 mos. Minister: J. J. KANAGY of Wilmot circuit [age appears to be 23 on photocopy; is 22 on actual film] | ||
10/22/1874 | 339 | WAGNER, -----* [female] | 69 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Milton (d Sep 23, 1874); memb M. E. Church; husb, adopted dau remain; feeble & almost helpless 16 yrs | |||
10/22/1874 | 339 | WAGONER, Jacob S.* | 53 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Sep 27, 1874 age 53y, 9m, 11d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 20 yrs; widow, 7 chren remain; w/ son were drawing sawlogs; he sitting on an insecure log which moved & struck him on back & head, killing him instantly | |||
10/22/1874 | 339 | WENGERD, Margaret* | 22 | NICHOLS | WENGERD, Emanuel (Rev.) | OH | OH: McComb (d Oct 1, 1874 age 22y, 11m, 12d); dau of Peter & Sarah of Sandusky Co., OH; husb, 2 chren, pars, several siblings remain; husb an itinerant preacher ca 1 1/2 yrs; typhoid fever [age appears to be 23 on photocopy; film shows it to be 22) | |
10/22/1874 | 339 | NICHOLS, Margaret* | 22 | WENGERD, Emanuel (Rev.) | ||||
10/22/1874 | 339 | WENGERD, Emanuel (Rev.) | NICHOLS, Margaret* | |||||
10/29/1874 | 347 | STRUBY, Catharine* | 31 | STRUBY, Henry | IN | IN: Adams Co. (d Sep 28, 1874 age 31y, 6m, 24d); husb, 4 chren, pars, 6 siblings remain | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | STRUBY, Henry | -----, Catharine* | |||||
10/29/1874 | 347 | DEISE, Mary Jane* | 57 | DEISE, Adam | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Wayne (d Oct 9, 1874 age 57y, 11m, 8d); memb M. E. Ch. last 31 yrs | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | DEISE, Adam | -----, Mary Jane* | |||||
10/29/1874 | 347 | HENNEY, Susannah* | 45 | BENTZ | HENNEY, Jacob | IL | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (b) | IL: Freeport (d while visiting friends Oct 8, 1874 age 45y, 1m, 8d); bur Newton, Jasper Co., IA, beside husb, who was killed ca 8 yrs ago "by a wicked hand"; 7 chren remain |
10/29/1874 | 347 | BENTZ, Susannah* | 45 | HENNEY, Jacob | IL | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (b) | IL: Freeport (d while visiting friends Oct 8, 1874 age 45y, 1m, 8d); bur Newton, Jasper Co., IA, beside husb, who was killed ca 8 yrs ago "by a wicked hand"; 7 chren remain | |
10/29/1874 | 347 | HENNEY, Jacob | BENTZ, Susannah* | |||||
10/29/1874 | 347 | KAUFFMAN, Caroline* | 31 | GODSHALK | MI | MI: Park (d Oct 11, 1874 age 31y, 1m, 15d); husb also suffering from typhoid fever remains; only child d 3 wks ago; she had bilious fever 2 wks which changed to typhoid fever | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | GODSHALK, Caroline* | 31 | KAUFFMAN, ----- | MI | MI: Park (d Oct 11, 1874 age 31y, 1m, 15d); husb also suffering from typhoid fever remains; only child d 3 wks ago; she had bilious fever 2 wks which changed to typhoid fever | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | SCHMUCK, Jacob L.* | -- | IL | IL: resolution re his death by Cleosophic Soc. Of Northwestern College, Naperville | |||
10/29/1874 | 347 | GRAFT, David* | 57 | IL | IL: El Paso (d Oct 12, 1874 age 57y, 1m, 16d); widow, 5 chren remain; stroke of palsy one yr | |||
10/29/1874 | 347 | MYERS, Henrietta* | 30 | IN | IN: Huntington Co. (d Oct 7, 1874 age 30y, 11m, 7d); memb prev United Brethren Ch.; husb, 3 chren remain | |||
10/29/1874 | 347 | STRAYER, John W.* | 21 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | OH: Athens Asylum (d Oct 10, 1874 age 21y, 11m, 21d); son of John & Elemor; age 16 sent to Dayton Lunatic Asylum for several mos, taken home by pars to Franklin Co., OH; to Athens Jun 1874 | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | RHEINHART, Alma Jane* | 18 | IN | IN: East Germantown (d Oct 3, 1874 age 18y, 8m, 4d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 3 yrs ago; pars, bro dead; consumption for yrs | |||
10/29/1874 | 347 | DAY, Alda* | 22 | GILBERT | DAY, Noah | PA | PA: Millersburg (d Aug 28, 1874 age 22y, 2m, 18d); dau of F. R.. "The Gilbert and Day families have suffered a great loss." [age appears to be 23y on photocopy; film shows it to be 22] | |
10/29/1874 | 347 | GILBERT, Alda* | 22 | DAY, Noah | PA | PA: Millersburg (d Aug 28, 1874 age 22y, 2m, 18d); dau of F. R.. "The Gilbert and Day families have suffered a great loss." [age appears to be 23y on photocopy; film shows it to be 22] | ||
10/29/1874 | 347 | DAY, Noah | GILBERT, Alda* | |||||
11/05/1874 | 355 | WAGGNER, John* | 56 | PA | PA: Cumberland valley nr Carlisle (d Sep 25, 1874 age 56y, 2m, 28d); converted 25 yrs ago, class-leader many yrs; wife, 2 chren, "2 brothers and sisters" remain | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | HERRING, Catharine* | 74 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d Oct 10, 1874); Sept 22d was her birthday; mentions a sister being her only survivor; bur Tremont Schuylkill Co., PA; bodily weakness 4 yrs | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | LONG, Sarah* | 53 | KYGER | LONG, Wm. | IN | IN: Indianapolis (d Oct 17, 1874 age 53y, 11m, 20d); formerly of East Germantown, IN; husb, 8 chren remain | |
11/05/1874 | 355 | KYGER, Sarah* | 53 | LONG, Wm. | IN: Indianapolis (d Oct 17, 1874 age 53y, 11m, 20d); formerly of East Germantown, IN; husb, 8 chren remain | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | LONG, Wm. | KYGER, Sarah* | |||||
11/05/1874 | 355 | CASSLER, Thomas* | 74 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Wind Gap (d Oct 6, 1874 age 74y, 10m, 15d); wife, 10 chren remain; palsy | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | GIPE, Jacob* | 77 | IN | IN: East Germantown (d Oct 18, 1874 age 77y, 4m, 15d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 45 yrs; from PA to IN Aug 14, 1837; widow, daughters, bro, sisters remain | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | GOOD, Sallie Ann* | 23 | GOOD, Aaron | PA | PA: Reading (res); d Oct 14, 1874 age 23y, 4m, 11d); of very mild & quiet temperament; husb, 3 little chren remain; | ||
11/05/1874 | 355 | GOOD, Aaron | -----, Sallie Ann* | |||||
11/05/1874 | 355 | SCHREFFLER, Elizabeth* | 30 | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d Oct 20, 1874 age 20y, 2m, 17d); dau of John & Mary SCHREFFLER; pars, siblings remain; consumption ca 8 mos | |||
11/05/1874 | 355 | MEYER, Barbara* | 32 | WEIDEMAYER | OH | OH: Sandusky city (d Oct 17, 1874 age 32y, 2d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 11 yrs ago; husb, 5 sm chren, aged father remain; dropsy | ||
11/05/1874 | 355 | WEIDEMAYER, Barbara* | 32 | MEYER, Barbara* | OH | OH: Sandusky city (d Oct 17, 1874 age 32y, 2d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 11 yrs ago; husb, 5 sm chren, aged father remain; dropsy | ||
11/05/1874 | 355 | WECKMAN, Margaret* | 31 | OH | OH: Canton (d Oct 26, 1874 age 31y, 11m, 14d); memb prev U. B. in Christ Ch., later Evan. Assn.; husb, 4 sm chren remain | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | STILES, Eliza* | 20 | STILES, W. D. | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Oct 25, 1874 age 20y, 3m, 26d); converted, joined Evan. Assn. 1869; husb, 1 child remain; consumption | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | STILES, W. D. | -----, Eliza* | |||||
11/12/1874 | 363 | WISE, George W.* | 23 | IN | IN: Elkhart Co. (d Oct 26, 1874 age 23y, 10m, 14d); wife, 1 child, aged mother remain; consumption | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | HAINES, Sarah* | 65 | HAINES, Daniel | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Antioch Ch. area (d Sep 17, 1874 age 65y, 9m, 5d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | HAINES, Daniel | -----, Sarah* | |||||
11/12/1874 | 363 | STRICKLER, Benjamin* | 74 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Herndon (d Oct 20, 1874 age 74y, 11m, 16d); dropsy | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | McLEHN, Lydia* | 18 | IL | IL: Kankakee City (d Oct 27, 1874 age 18y, 2m, 23d); converted age 13; mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever 18 days | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | PARKS, Rebecca* | 68 | PARKS, John S. | IA | GERMANY: Hanover (b) | IA: La Porte City (d Oct 18, 1874 age 68y, 6m, 27d); she & husb to AMER ca 25 yrs ago to Stevenson Co., IL; to 2 mi east of La Porte City, IA, 1854; joined U. B. Church 1856; memb Evan. Assn. last 13 yrs; husb, several chren remain | |
11/12/1874 | 363 | PARKS, John S. | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
11/12/1874 | 363 | PONTIUS, Barbara Elizabeth* | 19 | IN | IN: Wolcottville area (d Oct 30, 1874 age 19y, 7m, 22d); pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain; bilious intermittent fever, then consumption | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | RUFFCORN, William* | 87 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Sep 6, 1874 age 87y, 9m, 17d); espoused the cause of Christ 34 yrs ago; md 63 yrs; wife remains; had 10 chren, 38 grchren, 40 gt-grchren | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | SCHROEDER, Henry F.* | 32 | PA | GERMANY: Hanover (b) | PA: Mauch Chunk (d Oct 19, 1874 age 32y, 11m, 19d); son of John W. F.; to AMER 1865; converted ca 7 yrs ago; wife, 2 chren, father, 2 sis remain; consumption several yrs | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | WEISER, Sophia Jane* | 25 | WEISER, Benjamin F. | PA | PA: Center Co.: Millheim area (d Oct 26, 1874 age 25y, 5m, 21d); d suddenly | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | WEISER, Benjamin F. | -----, Sophia Jane* | |||||
11/12/1874 | 363 | RICHARD, -----* [male] | 77 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Spring Mills area (d Oct 27, 1874 age ca 77y); had 7 chren; ailing health ca 10 yrs | |||
11/12/1874 | 363 | STULL, Jacob* | 55 | OH | PA: Clarion Co. (b) | OH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corners area (d Oct 1, 1874 age 55y, 11m, 17d); to OH ca 20 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | OBERMOYER, Catharine* | 71 | OBERMOYER, Jacob | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Lindsey area (d Oct 14, 1874 age 71y, 10m, 11d); converted ca 31 yrs ago; 11 chren remain; husb dead | ||
11/12/1874 | 363 | OBERMOYER, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
11/12/1874 | 363 | PROBST, Amanda* | -- | -- | --: Minister: BAUMGARDNER, D. M.; d Aug 9, 1874 | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | SCHELLY, Eli* | 11 | PA | PA: Butler Co.: Adams Tp. (d Oct 29, 1874 age 11y, 5m); son of Abraham & Caroline; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; diphtheria | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | HUTTENSTEIN, Elizabeth* | ca40 | HUTTENSTEIN, Peter | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Centerville (d Nov 5, 1874); joined Evan. Assn. ca 19 yrs ago | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | HUTTENSTEIN, Peter | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/19/1874 | 371 | CUMMINGS, Rebecca* | 42 | CUMMINGS, James | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d Oct 29, 1874 age 42y, 11m, 7d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | CUMMINGS, James | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
11/19/1874 | 371 | WONDERS, Henrietta* | 28 | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d Oct 31, 1874 age 28y, 5m, 20d); husb, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; consumption | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | LETTUR, Mary* | 64 | LETTUR, Cleopas | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Evansville area (d Nov 7, 1874 age 64y, 10m, 18d); brought a letter of transfer from her former Evan. Assn. | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | LETTUR, Cleopas | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/19/1874 | 371 | EBERLY, George* | 82 | IL | PA: Dauphin Co.: Middletown (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierce (d Oct 23, 1874 age 82y, 10m, 4d); converted ca 60 yrs ago, a very active church memb; wife #2 & 8 chren remain; wife #1 & 4 chren dead [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | YEOMAN, Susanna* | 53 | YEOMAN, Thos. | IL | IL: Joe Davis [sic] Co. (d [no date] age 53y, 1m, 12d); memb M. E. Ch. a number of yrs; husb, chren remain | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | YEOMAN, Thos. | -----, Susanna* | |||||
11/19/1874 | 371 | YOUNG, Rachel* | 57 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Rose Valley (d Nov 1, 1874 age 57y, 5m); memb Baptist Ch.; failing health several yrs | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | BISHOP, -----* [male] | 83 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Liberty Tp. (d Nov 4, 1874 age 83y, 8m, 22d); a faithful Christian ca 60 yrs; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 son, 4 daus dead | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | YARNALL, Elizabeth* | 73 | WEAVER | YARNALL, Jonathan | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ashland area (d Oct 8, 1874 age 73y, 1m, 1d); converted ca 50 yrs ago; 6 sons,1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; husb dead; dropsy / palsy ca 9 mos | |
11/19/1874 | 371 | WEAVER, Elizabeth* | 73 | YARNALL, Jonathan | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ashland area (d Oct 8, 1874 age 73y, 1m, 1d); converted ca 50 yrs ago; 6 sons,1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; husb dead; dropsy / palsy ca 9 mos | ||
11/19/1874 | 371 | YARNALL, Jonathan | WEAVER, Elizabeth* | OH | OH: Putnam Co.: Bellmore [sic] area (d Nov 4, 1874 age 63y, 8m, 29d); memb Evan. Assn. 40+ yrs; palsy 2+ mos | |||
11/19/1874 | 371 | CLINEFELTER, Leah S.* | 63 | |||||
11/26/1874 | 379 | BUNGE, Wilhelmina* | 39 | SCHLIEDER | BUNGE, Lewis | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Locust Tp.: Roaring Creek (d Nov 1, 1874 age 39y, 4m, 20d); dau of Godfrey; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, 2 adopted chren remain; funeral [& perhaps burial] in Luth. Ch., New Media, PA: rheumatism / consumption ca 4 yrs | |
11/26/1874 | 379 | SCHLIEDER, Wilhelmina* | 39 | BUNGE, Lewis | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Locust Tp.: Roaring Creek (d Nov 1, 1874 age 39y, 4m, 20d); dau of Godfrey; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, 2 adopted chren remain; funeral [& perhaps burial] in Luth. Ch., New Media, PA: rheumatism / consumption ca 4 yrs | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | BUNGE, Lewis | SCHLIEDER, Wilhelmina* | |||||
11/26/1874 | 379 | HEIMBACH, Elias* | 52 | IL | PA: Luzerne Co. (b) | IL: Lee Co.: Eldina area (d Oct 6, 1874 age 52y, 1m, 18d); to IL Summer of 1847; converted 13 yrs ago; widow, 1 son, 2 daus remain; consumption / typhoid fever | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | BERGER, Sarah* | 38 | BERGER, John | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Nov 6, 1874 age 38y, 27d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; cholera cramps | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | BERGER, John | -----, Sarah* | |||||
11/26/1874 | 379 | HENDERSON, Mary E.* | 28 | HENDERSON, H. M. | OH | OH: West Salem: 3.5 mi east (d Sep 14, 1874 age 28y, 11m, 10d); husb, 1 child remain. Minister: J. FELGER | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | HENDERSON, H. M. | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
11/26/1874 | 379 | RIEB, Geo. F.* | 69 | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Alleghany [sic] City (d Nov 12, 1874 age 69y, 4m, 17d); to AMER 1846; converted ca 18 yrs ago; wife, 4 chren, 3 step-chren remain. Minister: B. L. MILLER | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | HARTZ, Adam* | 37 | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Kankakee Co.: Salina (d Nov 8, 1874 age 37y, 4m, 14d); wife, chren, mother, siblings remain; typhoid fever 2 wks | ||
11/26/1874 | 379 | SHAFFER, Eliza* | 67 | SWEINHART | SHAFFER, Frederick | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d Nov 10, 1874 age 65y, 11m, 27d); to Stark Co. in early life; memb Evan. Assn. ca 32 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 4 daus remain; 3 chren dead; d unexpectedly from a stroke of palsy |
11/26/1874 | 379 | SWEINHART, Eliza* | 67 | SHAFFER, Frederick | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d Nov 10, 1874 age 65y, 11m, 27d); to Stark Co. in early life; memb Evan. Assn. ca 32 yrs; husb, 2 sons, 4 daus remain; 3 chren dead; d unexpectedly from a stroke of palsy | |
11/26/1874 | 379 | SHAFFER, Frederick | SWEINHART, Eliza* | |||||
11/26/1874 | 379 | HOMBERGER, Joseph* | 61 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Shenandoah area (d Nov 12, 1874 age 61y, 3m, 20d); memb Evan. Assn. 15 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/26/1874 | 379 | TARR, George* | 59 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Oakland Tp. (d Sep 25, 1874 age 59y, 11m, 7d); widow, 7 chren remain; stroke of palsy ca 2 wks before death | |||
11/26/1874 | 379 | SNYDER, Jacob* | 67 | PA | PA: Sullivan Co.: Cherry Tp. (d Oct 24, 1874 age 67y, 11m, 4d); widow & chren remain; was well in AM, d 12 hrs later | |||
11/26/1874 | 379 | BROWN, David A.* | 44 | NY | NY: Oneida Co.: Spencer settlement (d Oct 28, 1874 age 44y, 4d); wife, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; was building house for family, scaffold gave way, he fell 20 ft from the roof, fractured skull | |||
11/26/1874 | 379 | LESER, Rosanna Catharine* | 78 | NJ | NJ: Fulton Co.: Bleecker (d Oct 23, 1874 age 78y, 1m, 6d); 7 chren remain; a widow for 32 yrs; stomach cramps 24 hrs | |||
11/26/1874 | 379 | ERNST, Sarah A.* | 39 | -- | --: West Leyden (d Oct 20, 1874 age 39y, 8d); husb, 6 sm chren [youngest being 3 wks old], pars, siblings remain. Minister: H. GRAVES | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | MUENCH, Annie* | 20 | MUENCH, Isaac D. | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d Oct 17, 1874 age 20y, 4m, 12d); bur Uniontown Cem. | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | MUENCH, Isaac D. | -----, Annie* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | OHLIEGER, Jacob* | 67 | OH | OH: Defiance Co.: Brunersburg (d Nov 15, 1874 age 67y, 9m, 14d); widow, 9 chren remain; consumption many mos | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | GUIDDINGTON, Charlotte* | 72 | PA | PA: Lewisburg (d Nov 13, 1874 age 72y, 9m, 21d) | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | DANELS, Susannah* | 26 | TOBIAS | KS | KS: Bourbon Co. (d Oct 29, 1874 age 26y, 5m, 28d); dau of David & Rebecca; to this place from Washington, IL, 4 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren, pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever 9 days | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | TOBIAS, Susannah* | 26 | DANELS, ----- | KS | KS: Bourbon Co. (d Oct 29, 1874 age 26y, 5m, 28d); dau of David & Rebecca; to this place from Washington, IL, 4 yrs ago; husb, 4 chren, pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever 9 days | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | ENGELMAN, Oliver E.* | 34 | PA | PA: Reading (d Nov 9, 1874 age 34y, 3m, 20d); widow, 1 child, pars, sisters remain; consumption ca 3 yrs | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | CRIST, John* | 77 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Markelville (d Nov 15, 1874 age 77y, 5m, 3d). "His house was a regular preaching place, before we had any church in this neighborhood." 1 son, 5 daus remain; sick 8 days | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | WENGERT, Catherine* | 88 | WENGERT, Abraham (husb #3) | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Jonestown area (d Nov 11, 1874 age 88y, 6m, 9d); was memb of church before it was regularly organized | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | BLUMGARDNER, Catherine* | 88 | GETLTE, Peter (husb #2) | PA | it | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | -----, Catherine* | 88 | BLUMGARDNER, Philip (husb #1) | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Jonestown area (d Nov 11, 1874 age 88y, 6m, 9d); was memb of church before I was regularly organized | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | WENGERT, Abraham | GETLTE, Catherine* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | GETLTE, Peter | BLUMGARDNER, Catherine* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | BLUMGARDNER, Philip | -----, Catherine* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | BOSS, Della* | 12 | PA | PA: Warren (d Nov 21, 1874 age 12y, 2m, 26d); she an only daughter; diphtheria | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | FALK, David* | 68 | OH | PA (b) | OH: Hancock Co.: Cory (d Oct 7, 1874 age 68y, 11m, 7d); to Hancock Co. ca 30 yrs ago; widow, 6 chren remain [d Oct 7] | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | FALK, Jacob* | 26 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Oct 7, 1874 age 26y, 11m, 7d); son of David [d Oct 7] | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | FALK, Catharine* | 21 | OH | OH: Hancock Co. (d Oct 6, 1874 age 21y, 3m, 13d); wife of Jacob [d Oct 6] | |||
12/03/1874 | 387 | KLINGLER, J. G.* | 77 | PETERS, Sarah | OH | GERMANY: Wuertemberg (b) | OH: Wayne Co. (d Nov 16, 1874 age 77y, 1m, 22d); w/ father's fam to AMER 1817 to PA; md 1824; md 40y, 1m when wife died; exhorter in Jefferson class, Wayne Co., 1837; 5 chren remain; bur Sichley Ch. grave-yard | |
12/03/1874 | 387 | PETERS, Sarah | KLINGLER, J. G.* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | KLINGLER, Sarah | KLINGLER, J. G.* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | RUHLMAN, Elizzie* | 25 | RUHLMAN, Wm. H. | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima (d Nov 5, 1874 age 25y, 1m, 16d); joined Germ. Ref. Ch. 1866; organist in Evan. Assn. Ch.; husb, pars remain; consumption ca 3 yrs | ||
12/03/1874 | 387 | RUHLMAN, Wm. H. | -----, Elizzie* | |||||
12/03/1874 | 387 | SPAULDING, Richard Borden* | 25 | MN | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Fabius (b Mar 25, 1849) | MN: Rice Co.: Richland Tp. (d Jul 6, 1874); w/ pars to MN Jun 1863 | ||
12/10/1874 | 395 | ROUGH, Fianna* | 32 | SHETTERLY | ROUGH, George H. | MI | MI: Berrien Co. (d Nov 18, 1874 age 32y, 1m, 3d); dau of Benjamin & Catharine; husb, 3 chren, aged mother, siblings remain; typhoid fever 2 wks; funeral by Rev. Joseph FISHER of Elkhart, IN in German & Rev. Jacob YOUNG in English | |
12/10/1874 | 395 | SHETTERLY, Fianna* | 32 | ROUGH, George H. | MI | MI: Berrien Co. (d Nov 18, 1874 age 32y, 1m, 3d); dau of Benjamin & Catharine; husb, 3 chren, aged mother, siblings remain; typhoid fever 2 wks; funeral by Rev. Joseph FISHER of Elkhart, IN in German & Rev. Jacob YOUNG in English | ||
12/10/1874 | 395 | ROUGH, George H. | SHETTERLY, Fianna* | |||||
12/10/1874 | 395 | SCHUGAR, Mary* | 29 | SCHUGAR, Jacob | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d Nov 25, 1874 age 74y, 11m); 7 chren, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; husb dead for 29 yrs; consumption | ||
12/10/1874 | 395 | SCHUGAR, Jacob | -----, Mary* | |||||
12/10/1874 | 395 | HELLEM, Joseph* | 59 | -- | PA (b) | --: Minister: RUSSELL, A.; d Oct 24, 1874 age 59y, 10m, 25d); wife, 6 chren remain | ||
12/10/1874 | 395 | GEIST, Elizabeth* | 77 | FETTEROLF | GEIST, Joseph | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Upper Mahantongo [sic] Tp. (d Nov 25, 1874 age 77y, 6d); converted ca 27 yrs ago; 6 sons, 4 daus remain; status of husb not given | |
12/10/1874 | 395 | FETTEROLF, Elizabeth* | 77 | GEIST, Joseph | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Upper Mahantongo [sic] Tp. (d Nov 25, 1874 age 77y, 6d); converted ca 27 yrs ago; 6 sons, 4 daus remain; status of husb not given | ||
12/10/1874 | 395 | GEIST, Joseph | FETTEROLF, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/10/1874 | 395 | BITTLE, Henry Webster* | 12 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon area (d Nov 17, 1874 age 12y, 11m, 23d); son of Andrew & Catharine | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | RUNKEL, Lorane* | 21 | STEIN | RUNKEL, J. L. (Rev.) | WI | OH: Medina Co.: Homer Tp. (b) | WI: Prairie Du Chien (d Nov 21, 1874 age 21y, 3d); md Jan 1871; pars came nearly 250 mi to care for dau in her sickness; husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever |
12/17/1874 | 403 | STEIN, Lorane* | 21 | RUNKEL, J. L. (Rev.) | WI | OH: Medina Co.: Homer Tp. (b) | WI: Prairie Du Chien (d Nov 21, 1874 age 21y, 3d); md Jan 1871; pars came nearly 250 mi to care for dau in her sickness; husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever | |
12/17/1874 | 403 | RUNKEL, J. L. (Rev.) | STEIN, Lorane* | |||||
12/17/1874 | 403 | REAGARD, Esther* | 74 | BOYER | REAGARD, Samuel | PA | PA: Reading (b) | PA: Adamstown (d [no date] age 74y, 10m, 26d); 11 chren remain; erysipelas 2 wks |
12/17/1874 | 403 | BOYER, Esther* | 74 | REAGARD, Samuel | PA | PA: Reading (b) | PA: Adamstown (d [no date] age 74y, 10m, 26d); 11 chren remain; erysipelas 2 wks | |
12/17/1874 | 403 | REAGARD, Samuel | BOYER, Esther* | |||||
12/17/1874 | 403 | PETRI, Eli* | 60 | NY | NY: Jefferson Co.: Omdes [sic] area (d Nov 17, 1874 age 60y, 6m, 25d); widow, 1 son, 1 dau remain; inflammation. Minister: F. LOHMEYER | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | DUNDORE, Ellen* | 21 | VANDERSALL | DUNDORE, Noah | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Dec 4, 1874 age 21y, 9m, 7d); dau of John & Susan; husb, pars, 5 bros remain; consumption / heart disease | |
12/17/1874 | 403 | VANDERSALL, Ellen* | 21 | DUNDORE, Noah | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Jackson Tp. (d Dec 4, 1874 age 21y, 9m, 7d); dau of John & Susan; husb, pars, 5 bros remain; consumption / heart disease | ||
12/17/1874 | 403 | DUNDORE, Noah | VANDERSALL, Ellen* | |||||
12/17/1874 | 403 | BOEHRER, Gottlieb* | 61 | GERLACH, Henrietta | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Ottoschwanden (b) | IL: De Kalb Co.: Pierce (d Nov 21, 1874 age 61y, 8m, 2d); to AMER ca 30 yrs ago; md 20 yrs ago; had 9 chren, 8 of whom remain; consumption | |
12/17/1874 | 403 | GERLACH, Henrietta | BOEHRER, Gottlieb* | |||||
12/17/1874 | 403 | BOEHRER, Henrietta | BOEHRER, Gottlieb* | |||||
12/17/1874 | 403 | ZIMMERMAN, Henry (Rev.)* | 82 | OH | PA: Center Co. (b) | OH: Ashland Co.: Lafayette [Red Haw] area (d Nov 20, 1874 age 82y, 4m, 3d); converted age 19; local preacher for 35 yrs; 8 chren remain. Minister: A. C. STULL | ||
12/17/1874 | 403 | KAHLER, Henry C.* | 35 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Canastoga Center area (d [no date] age 35y, 1m, 17d); son of Henry of Millersville; widow, 3 chren remain; bur Millersville Cem.; typhoid fever 6 wks | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | OWENS, Maria* | 24 | IA | IA: Jasper Co.: Prairie City area (d Nov 9, 1874 age 24y, 5m, 1d) | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | GODSHALK, Lucetta* | 39 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d [no date] age 39y, 2m, 25d); converted Reamstown ca 6 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain; bronchitis | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | GEARHART, M. C.* [female] | 33 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Perrysville area (d Nov 4, 1874 age 33y, 5m, 20d); converted 2 yrs ago; husb, 3 chren remain | |||
12/17/1874 | 403 | LINDENFELSER, Mary* | 25 | OH | OH: Lucas Co.: Whitehouse (d Nov 12, 1874 age 25y, 6m, 7d); typhoid fever 8 days. Minister: J. BOROUGH | |||
12/24/1874 | 411 | REINHART, -----* [male] | 39 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Drehersville area (d Nov 18, 1874 age 39y, 4m); widow, 4 chren, pars, 8 bros remain; kidney disease 13 wks | |||
12/24/1874 | 411 | DOCK, Emanuel* | 62 | PA | PA: Brownstown (d Nov 28, 1874 age 62y, 5m, 22d); wife, 7 chren remain; 4 chren dead; consumption 5 mos | |||
12/24/1874 | 411 | ONETH, John* | 59 | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (d Dec 6, 1874 age 59y, 10m, 24d); widow, 9 chren remain; consumption several yrs, bedfast only ca 2 days | |||
12/24/1874 | 411 | COOK, John A.* | 52 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | OH: Mercer Co. (d Dec 9, 1874); to Mercer Co. 5 yrs ago; class-leader / exhorter at church; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
12/24/1874 | 411 | HEISLEY, J. C.* | -- | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (d Dec 2, 1874); widow, 2 chren remain; consumption ca 2 yrs | |||
12/24/1874 | 411 | BAUMAN, Elizabeth* | 58 | STAYMAN | OH | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Smithville (d Nov 15, 1874 age 58y, 10m, 5d); md 40 yrs; husb, 5 daus remain; d from injuries received from a runaway horse | |
12/24/1874 | 411 | STAYMAN, Elizabeth* | 58 | BAUMAN, ----- | OH | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Smithville (d Nov 15, 1874 age 58y, 10m, 5d); md 40 yrs; husb, 5 daus remain; d from injuries received from a runaway horse | |
12/24/1874 | 411 | WHITSON, Emma Magdalene* | 39 | KNOPF | WHITSON, Levi H. | IL | PA: Warren Co. (b Oct 3, 1835) | IL: Lockport (d Dec 1, 1874 age 39y, 2m, 28d); w/ pars to Naperville area, IL; husb, 4 chren, mother, 5 siblings remain; bur Naperville; consumption ca 1 yr |
12/24/1874 | 411 | KNOPF, Emma Magdalene* | 39 | WHITSON, Levi H. | IL | PA: Warren Co. (b Oct 3, 1835) | IL: Lockport (d Dec 1, 1874 age 39y, 2m, 28d); w/ pars to Naperville area, IL; husb, 4 chren, mother, 5 siblings remain; bur Naperville; consumption ca 1 yr | |
12/24/1874 | 411 | WHITSON, Levi H. | KNOPF, Emma Magdalene* | |||||
12/24/1874 | 411 | JACOBS, Barbara* | 76 | BYERS | JACOBS, David | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Mansfield area (d Dec 3, 1874 age 76y, 11m, 28d at home of dau, Matilda COOK, while on a visit); res Congress Tp., Wayne Co., OH; md 1817; to Wayne Co. from York Co., PA, 1835; bur West Salem Cem.; 8 chren remain; husb dead 17+ yrs |
12/24/1874 | 411 | BYERS, Barbara* | 76 | JACOBS, David | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Mansfield area (d Dec 3, 1874 age 76y, 11m, 28d at home of dau, Matilda COOK, while on a visit); res Congress Tp., Wayne Co., OH; md 1817; to Wayne Co. from York Co., PA, 1835; bur West Salem Cem.; 8 chren remain; husb dead 17+ yrs | |
12/24/1874 | 411 | JACOBS, David | BYERS, Barbara* | |||||
12/24/1874 | 412 | HUELSTER, William (Rev.)* | 70 | SHULTE, Theresia | WI | PRUSSIA: Westphalia: Fredeburg (b Sep 29, 1804) | WI: Hartford (d Dec 11, 1874 age 70y, 2m, 22d); raised Roman Catholic; md Dec 17, 1825; to AMER 1847 to NYC; 3 yrs later to WI; wife, sons are Henry, Frederic, August, William & Anthony, all remain; 3 chren d infancy [lengthy obit] | |
12/24/1874 | 412 | SHULTE, Theresia | HUELSTER, William (Rev.)* | |||||
12/24/1874 | 412 | HUELSTER, Theresia | HUELSTER, William (Rev.)* |
Number of items that your search found: 334