Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/01/1875 | 203 | BECK, Myra R.* | 15 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Tylersville (d Jun 12, 1875 age 15y, 2m, 19d); dau of Henry & Catharine; spinal fever 22 wks | |||
07/01/1875 | 203 | KECK, Uriah* | 43 | LONG, ----- [dau of Bishop Long] (wife #1; md ca 21 yrs ago; d 14 yrs ago) | IA | IA: Vinton (d Jun 10, 1875 age 43y, 10d); last summer to KS & built a mill, ret last fall to Vinton, due to exposure in KS & IA contracted quick consumption; ill 4 mos; widow, young child remain | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | KECK, Uriah* | 43 | MENTZER, Catharine (wife #2; of Mahoning Co., OH; md ca 8 yrs ago) | IA | IA: Vinton (d Jun 10, 1875 age 43y, 10d); last summer to KS & built a mill, ret last fall to Vinton, due to exposure in KS & IA contracted quick consumption; ill 4 mos; widow, young child remain | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | LONG, ----- | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/01/1875 | 203 | MENTZER, Catharine | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/01/1875 | 203 | KECK, Catharine | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/01/1875 | 203 | HIME, David* | 45 | -- | PA: Clarion Co. (b) | --: Minister; SHANNON, M. H.; d May 27, 1875 age 45y, 10m; memb Luth. Ch.; wife, 6 chren remain | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | SMITH, Margaret* | 59 | OH | OH: Napoleon area (d Mar 26, 1875 age 59y, 8m, 16d); memb Evan. Ch. 30-32 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain | |||
07/01/1875 | 203 | HARVEY, Isaac* | 73 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d Apr 27, 1875 age 73y, 5m, 11d); widow, 11 chren, 89 grchren, 19 gr-grchren remain | |||
07/01/1875 | 203 | FOX, Ellen* | 32 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d May 6, 1875 age 32y, 3m, 13d); feeble health a number of yrs; widowed mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
07/01/1875 | 203 | KUTZ, Sarah A.* | 22 | MILLER | KUTZ, Charles | PA | PA: Carlisle area (d Jun 15, 1875 age 22y, 28d); husb, 3 little chren remain; sickness lasted ca 36 hrs | |
07/01/1875 | 203 | MILLER, Sarah A.* | 22 | KUTZ, Charles | PA | PA: Carlisle area (d Jun 15, 1875 age 22y, 28d); husb, 3 little chren remain; sickness lasted ca 36 hrs | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | KUTZ, Charles | MILLER, Sarah A.* | |||||
07/01/1875 | 203 | WIEDEMANN, Catharine* | 71 | OH | GERMANY: Schweighausen (b) | OH: Wayne Co. (res); d Jun 3, 1875 age 71y, 7m, 4d; to AMER 1853 to Wayne Co.; son & his wife, 6 grchren remain. Minister: A. FREY | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | DREISBACH, Henry* | 80 | STOUFER, Mary | OH | OH: Stoutsville area (d Jun 9, 1875 age 80y, 7m, 17d); to OH 1811; md Mar 30, 1817; prev memb of United Brethren in Christ Ch.; 1 son, 4 daus remain; 5 chren dead. [Religious] Telescope, please copy. | ||
07/01/1875 | 203 | STOUFER, Mary | DREISBACH, Henry* | |||||
07/01/1875 | 203 | DREISBACH, Mary | DREISBACH, Henry* | |||||
07/08/1875 | 211 | HEACOCK, William G.* | 22 | IL | IL: Fair Haven (d Jun 20, 1875 age 22y, 2m, 15d); wife, 1 child, pars, sisters remain | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | COVER, Jacob* | 43 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d [no date] age 43y, 11m, 3d); wife, 3 chren, aged pars, 2 brothers and sisters remain; funeral in Reformed Ch. at Beams. | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | ZINK, Albert* | 23 | OH | OH: Helmick (d Jun 10, 1875 age 23y, 5m, 22d); son of Leonard & Rachel; wife, mother, bro, sisters remain; Minister: Elisha PEER | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | KEIPER, Christianna* | 51 | KEIPER, Abraham | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Shamokin (d May 25, 1875 age 51 yrs); husb, 2 chren remain; apoplexy | ||
07/08/1875 | 211 | KEIPER, Abraham | -----, Christianna* | |||||
07/08/1875 | 211 | ZINK, Leonard* | 79 | OH | PA: Chester Co. (b) | OH: Coshocton Co.: Bethlehem Tp. (d May 8, 1875 age 79y, 9m, 6d); converted ca 40 yrs ago while living in PA; wife, 1 son, 4 daus remain; "(one son died since his death)" | ||
07/08/1875 | 211 | DOLL, C. (Mrs.)* | 69 | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Mill Creek (d Jun 13, 1875 age 69y, 11m, 10d); memb Evan. Assn. 37 yrs; 4 chren remain; husb d 7 yrs ago, he gave $50 to home mission fund; also $50 to be paid after decease of wife | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | YUENGLING, Catharine* | 39 | YUENGLING, Henry | PA | PA: Allegheny City (d Jun 23, 1875 age 39y, 8m); husb, 7 chren, mother, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption, bed-ridden 9 wks | ||
07/08/1875 | 211 | YUENGLING, Henry | -----, Catharine* | |||||
07/08/1875 | 211 | DOSTER, Henry* | 35 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Litiz [sic] (d Jun 1, 1875 age 35y, 6m, 21d); moved to Litiz this Spring; wife, 3 sm chren remain; scrofula | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | OVERHOLSER, Daniel* | 64 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (b) | PA: Millersville area (d Jun 15, 1875 age 64y, 4m, 2d); embraced religion 30 yrs ago in M. E. Ch.; wife #2 remains; also 2 chren by wife #1; 4 sons & 3 daus of wife #2; 1 bro, 1 sis; bur Fairville [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
07/08/1875 | 211 | RAILING, Elizabeth* | 72 | IN | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IN: Decatur area (d Jun 18, 1875 age 72y, 2m, 23d); joined Evan. Assn. 1843; to Crawford Co., OH, 1849; to Adams Co., IN, 1854; 7 chren remain | ||
07/08/1875 | 211 | SPOHN, G.* [male] | 28 | NY | NY: Montgomery Co.: Stone Arabia (d [no date] age 28y, 1m, 21d); widowed mother remains; bur Gloversville Cem. | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | YOUNG, John W.* | 28 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Rose Valley (d Jun 20, 1875 age 28y, 9m, 2d); consumption; death came quickly | |||
07/08/1875 | 211 | KOENIG, Barbara* | 46 | PAUL | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: Woodford Co.: Secar [sic] area (d Jun 5, 1875 age 46y, 5m, 5d); w/ pars to Washington, IL; md there; husb, 5 chren remain; liver complaint | |
07/08/1875 | 211 | PAUL, Barbara* | KOENIG, ----- | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: Woodford Co.: Secar [sic] area (d Jun 5, 1875 age 46y, 5m, 5d); w/ pars to Washington, IL; md there; husb, 5 chren remain; liver complaint | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | ARNTZ, Ida J.* | 15 | PA | PA: Thompsontown area (d Jun 23, 1875 age 15y, 8m, 14d); pars, siblings remain | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | LANGHAM, Mary C.* | 33 | NY | NY: Montgomery Co.: Stone Arabia (d Jun 16, 1875); husb, 5 little chren remain; sick 8 days, death unexpected | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | GARBER, Mary A.* | 41 | GARBER, Thomas | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d Jun 11, 1875); consumption; bur Evan. Cem. at Trappe, Montgomery Co., PA | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | GARBER, Thomas | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | RIFFERT, John* | 88 | PA | PA: Reading (d Jun 25, 1875 age 83y, 8m, 2d); joined Evan. Assn. at founding of Chestnut St. English Ch. some 15 yrs ago; 6 chren remain | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | SHAFER, Susan* | 70 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mount Joy (d May 29, 1875 age 70y, 1m); husb, 6 chren remain; paralysis | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | SITLER, Levi* | 47 | PA | PA: Evansville area (d Jun 26, 1875 age 47y, 8m); family has lost a kind, devoted husband & father | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | SCHNEIDER, Annie Elizabeth* | 56 | BOLAND | PA | GERMANY: Bavaria: Papenhagen (b) | PA: Beaver Co.: Unionville area (d Jun 4, 1875 age 56y, 9m, 2d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; liver complaint 3 mos | |
07/15/1875 | 219 | BOLAND, Annie Elizabeth* | 56 | SCHNEIDER, ----- | PA | GERMANY: Bavaria: Papenhagen (b) | PA: Beaver Co.: Unionville area (d Jun 4, 1875 age 56y, 9m, 2d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; liver complaint 3 mos | |
07/15/1875 | 219 | LOHR, John* | 75 | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Mt. Olivet Ch. area (d Jun 22, 1875 age 75y, 5m, 21d); his home was ever open to our itinerant ministers; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; dropsy of chest for 2 wks & 3 ds | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | KRING, Conrad* | 51 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Jun 16, 1875 age 51y, 2d); widow, 3 chren, 1 bro, 2 sis, stepmother remain; his bro is presiding elder on Canton dist., Pittsburgh Conf.; lung fever | |||
07/15/1875 | 219 | KECK, Uriah* | 44 | LONG, Mary A. (wife #1; dau of Bishop LONG; md ca 21 yrs ago; she d ca 14 yrs ago) | IA | IA: Vinton (d Jun 10, 1875 age 44y, 10d); last summer to KS to build a mill, ret in fall to Vinton; due to exposure in KS & IA, caught quick consumption; widow, dau by wife #1 remain | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | KECK, Uriah* | 44 | MENTZNER, Catharine (wife #2; she of Mahoning Co., OH; md 6 yrs after wife #1 died) | IA | IA: Vinton (d Jun 10, 1875 age 44y, 10d); last summer to KS to build a mill, ret in fall to Vinton; due to exposure in KS & IA, caught quick consumption; widow, dau by wife #1 remain | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | LONG, Mary A. | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | KECK, Mary A. | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | MENTZNER, Catharine | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | KECK, Catharine | KECK, Uriah* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | GROSE, Sophia* | 82 | OH | GERMANY: Ingwiler (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Plain Tp. (d May 11, 1875 age 82y, 9m at home of son Jacob); memb Luth. Ch., res w/ son until she d; son, dau remain | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | MOATS, John* | 81 | BITINGER, Elizabeth | OH | NC (b 1794) | OH: Ashland Co.: Lake Tp. (d Jun 22, 1875 age 81y, 3m, 8d); md 1823 in Franklin Co., PA; to OH 1825; joined Evan. Assn. ca 27 yrs ago; widow, 2 chren remain; 3 chren dead. Minister; F. R. TOTHEROH | |
07/15/1875 | 219 | BITINGER, Elizabeth | MOATS, John* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | MOATS, Elizabeth | MOATS, John* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | MATTER, Sarah* | 76 | CRUM | MATTER, Michael | PA | PA: Berrysburg (d Jun 10, 1875 age 76y, 3m, 6d); md 59 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; bur Berrysburg Cem. | |
07/15/1875 | 219 | CRUM, Sarah* | 76 | MATTER, Michael | PA | PA: Berrysburg (d Jun 10, 1875 age 76y, 3m, 6d); md 59 yrs ago; husb, 11 chren remain; bur Berrysburg Cem. | ||
07/15/1875 | 219 | MATTER, Michael | CRUM, Sarah* | |||||
07/15/1875 | 219 | REINOEHL, George* | 79 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Jun 18, 1875 age 79y, 1m, 9d); one of the first 12 who joined Evan. Ch. in Lebanon area; 4 chren remain, one being Rev. S. P. of the East PA Conf.; bur Evan. Cem. adjoining the Lebanon Ch.; d of old age | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | WALTER, John George* | 61 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (b Jul 5, 1875 age 61y, 8m, 23d); converted ca 32 yrs ago in Pittsburgh; wife, 2 sons by his first wife remain [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | KUTZ, Gideon* | 77 | PA | PA: Carlisle (d Feb 25, 1875 age 77y, 7m, 4d); class-leader many yrs at Wagner's Ch.; wife, 11 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | WILLASON, Riley* | 46 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Lithopolis area (d Jul 5, 1875 age 46y, 1d); wife, 4 sis, 1 bro remain; paralysis | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | JONES, Franklin L.* | 17 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Birdsborough (d Jun 24, 1875 age 17y, 6m, 14d); lived & died w/ his pars; typhoid pneumonia [NOTE: believe he res w/ & d at home of pars, not that they also died] | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | YOUTZ, Fanny | 72 | BRAND | OH | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d Jun 1, 1875 age 72y, 8m, 3d); w/ husb to OH 36 yrs ago; md 50 yrs; 8 chren remain; intermittent fever | |
07/22/1875 | 227 | BRAND, Fanny* | 72 | YOUTZ, ----- | OH | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d Jun 1, 1875 age 72y, 8m, 3d); w/ husb to OH 36 yrs ago; md 50 yrs; 8 chren remain; intermittent fever | |
07/22/1875 | 227 | DECKER, Juliana* | 85 | OH | OH: Flat Rock area (d Jun 27, 1875 age 85y, 9m, 1d); funeral in Reformed Ch., Bellevue. Minister: C. HAMMER | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | KRAFT, Thomas F.* | 70 | OH | PA: Union Co.: Youngmanstown (b) | OH: Pickaway Co.: Circleville (d Jun 29, 1875 age 70y, 9m, 27d); wife, 6 chren remain; diseased knee joint. "When I have most pain in my body, I have most comfort in my soul. What is all I have gone through compared with what Christ suffered for me." | ||
07/22/1875 | 227 | WESSLING, Henry* | 62 | GEHRS, Catherine E. | IL | HANNOVER: Gehrde (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Jul 4, 1875 age 62y, 8m, 1d); m to AMER 1837; md Nov 5 same yr; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of wife not given | |
07/22/1875 | 227 | GEHRS, Catherine E. | WESSLING, Henry* | |||||
07/22/1875 | 227 | WESSLING, Catherine E. | WESSLING, Henry* | |||||
07/22/1875 | 227 | MILLER, John* | 58 | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Pleasant Hill Ch. area (d Jun 28, 1875 age 58y, 2m, 22d); wife, siblings remain; stomach cancer | |||
07/22/1875 | 227 | WHITE, Susanna* | 71 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Boonesville area (d Jun 21, 1875 age 71y, 9m, 17d); 6 chren remain | |||
07/29/1875 | 235 | HEIMBACH, Wm.* | 42 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Millerstown area (d Jul 17, 1875 age 42y, 8m, 15d). "Deceased leaves a family." | |||
07/29/1875 | 235 | SMITH, Elizabeth* | 49 | WILLI | IA | PA: Liverpool (b) | IA: Oroco (d Jul 2, 1875 age 49y, 1m, 27d); memb United Brethren Ch.; 3 chren, 1 sis, 3 bros remain. Minister: S. S. CONDO | |
07/29/1875 | 235 | WILLI, Elizabeth* | 49 | SMITH, ----- | IA | PA: Liverpool (b) | IA: Oroco (d Jul 2, 1875 age 49y, 1m, 27d); memb United Brethren Ch.; 3 chren, 1 sis, 3 bros remain. Minister: S. S. CONDO | |
07/29/1875 | 235 | STRESSING, Dora* | 19 | -- | GERMANY (b) | --: Bucksville (d Jul 9, 1875 at res of father); when young w/ father to AMER to Buffalo, later Bucksville; memb Presbyterian Ch.; bur Bucksville Cem. Minister: I. McK. PITTENGER | ||
07/29/1875 | 235 | RAKESTRAW, Dora* | 21 | -- | --: Minister: STANFORD, W. M.; d Jun 10, 1875 age 21y, 2m, 23d; dau of Levi & Elizabeth; pars, several sisters remain; inflammatory rheumatism / typhoid fever combined | |||
07/29/1875 | 235 | WALTER, Gabriel* | 62 | OH | PA: Snyder Co. (b Mar 26, 1813) | OH: Sandusky Co. (d Jul 18, 1875); early settler in "Black Swamp" area; memb Obenmyer [sic] Church; widow, 5 chren remain; he a bro of Rev. Michael WALTER of sacred memory; bur nr Lindsey | ||
08/05/1875 | 243 | FRITCHMAN, Elizabeth* | 86 | FRITCHMAN, Jacob | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Freemansburg (d Jun 6, 1875 "between 86 and 87 years") | ||
08/05/1875 | 243 | FRITCHMAN, Jacob | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/05/1875 | 243 | GRUVER, Abraham* | 69 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Mt. Bethel Tp. (d Jul 18, 1875 age 69y, 13d); memb Evan Assn. ca 15 yrs; widow, 6 chren remain | |||
08/05/1875 | 243 | ROBACKER, Eve* | 48 | PA | PA: Pike Co.: Greene ( Jun 23, 1875 age 43y, 5m, 4d); husb, 8 chren, mother, sisters remain | |||
08/05/1875 | 243 | SNYDER, Wm. (Rev.)* | 65 | OH | OH: Seneca Co. (d Jul 25, 1875 age 65y, 3m, 9d); att quarterly meeting at Carey one wk before; a local preacher; widow, a number of chren remain. Minister: E. B. CROUSE | |||
08/05/1875 | 243 | JONES, Z. D.* | 38 | KS | OH: Hancock Co. (b) | KS: Osborne Co.: Killcreek (d Jul 17, 1875 age 38y, 9m, 21d); to MO ca 7 yrs ago; to Osborne Co. 4 yrs since; widow, 4 chren remain; struck by lightning in wheat field. Had read Psalm 30 that morning in family worship | ||
08/12/1875 | 251 | DUTCHER, Kate* | 25 | IL | IL: Clyde (d Jun 28, 1875); memb M. E. Ch. | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | GENTZ, Christopher* | 75 | NY | NY: Fulton Co.: Pearth [sic] (d) | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | NEFF, Jacob* | 26 | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Whetstone Tp. (d Jul 19, 1875 age 26y, 6m, 28d); ca 4 yrs ago joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 1 child, pars, siblings remain; consumption | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | FRY, Abraham* | 58 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Boyertown (d Jul 22, 1875 age 58y, 8m, 3d); wife, 4 daus, 1 son remain | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | HIESTAND, -----* [female] | 75 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Stoutesville [sic] area (d Jul 25, 1875 age 75y, 10m, 28d); memb Dunkers ca 40 yrs; 6 chren remain; dropsy | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | BAILEY, Barbary* | 47 | BAILEY, Eli | PA | PA: Armstrong Co. (d Jul 10, 1875 age 47y, 10m, 9d); husb, 6 chren remain; scrofulous cancer | ||
08/12/1875 | 251 | BAILEY, Eli | -----, Barbary* | |||||
08/12/1875 | 251 | ROMIG, Benjamin* | 63 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d Jul 4, 1875 age 63y, 2m, 25d); bodily infirmities prevented him from frequently att public worship; widow, several chren remain | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | HERR, Christian O.* | 55 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Cresswell (d Jul 23, 1875 age 55y, 11m, 19d); prev memb M. E. Ch.; wife, 11 chren remain | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | DRAPER, Meda* | 14 | OR | OR: Salem (d Jul 7, 1875 age 14y, 8m, 29d); pars, bro, 2 sis remain; consumption; friend of Emma A. CATTERLIN, who d same wk from same disease | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | CATTERLIN, Emma A.* | 14 | OR | OR: Salem (d Jul 14, 1875 age 14y, 10m, 18d); father, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption; friend of Meda DRAPER, who d same wk from same disease | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | GILMER, Catharine* | 70 | GILMER, George | PA | PA: Chester Co.: Calvary Chapel area (d [no date] age 70y, 1m, 1d); husb, 5 chren remain; as death neared, she gave directions concerning her burial; old age | ||
08/12/1875 | 251 | GILMER, George | -----, Catharine* | |||||
08/12/1875 | 251 | BROWN, Henry* | 47 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Bethel Church (d Jul 13, 1875); wife, 9 chren remain; d unexpectedly | |||
08/12/1875 | 251 | WORTHINGTON, Jefferson* | 68 | PA | PA: Chester Co.: West Chester (b) | PA: Cumberland Co.: Carlisle (d Jul 31, 1875 age 68y, 8m, 12d); to Cumberland. Co. ca 48 yrs ago; heart disease | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | FUNK, Fanny* | 69 | IL | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Dec 25, 1805) | IL: Danville (d Jul 8, 1875); converted 1853. "She was truly a mother in Israel, her house was the preacher's home." | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | SHONE, Barbara* | 74 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Bloominggrove (d Aug 1, 1875 age 74y, 4m, 24d) | |||
08/19/1875 | 259 | HESS, Sophrona* | 26 | BORDNER | IL | NY: Seneca Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Aug 2, 1875 age 26y, 7m, 16d); dau of Gov. & Mena BORDNER; md ca 4 yrs; husb, 1 child, pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | |
08/19/1875 | 259 | BORDNER, Sophrona* | 26 | HESS, ----- | IL | NY: Seneca Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d Aug 2, 1875 age 26y, 7m, 16d); dau of Gov. & Mena BORDNER; md ca 4 yrs; husb, 1 child, pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | |
08/19/1875 | 259 | SHEPHERD, Elizabeth* | 55 | BRETH | PA | PA: Clearfield Co. (d Jul 25, 1875 age 55y, 5m, 18d); to AMER 1822; husb, 10 chren remain | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | BRETH, Elizabeth* | 55 | SHEPHERD, ----- | PA | PA: Clearfield Co. (d Jul 25, 1875 age 55y, 5m, 18d); to AMER 1822; husb, 10 chren remain | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | GROSS, Maria* | 81 | IA | IA: Story Co.: Colo (d Aug 3, 1875 age 81y, 3m, 28d); several sons, 1 dau remain | |||
08/19/1875 | 259 | GRIFFITH, Mary C.* | 20 | ZIMMERMAN | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d Jun 10, 1875 age 20y, 6m, 6d at home of father); md Mar 24, 1874; husb, an infant son, pars, siblings remain; an adopted bro d a few days before her, see Riley YONG | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | ZIMMERMAN, Mary C.* | 20 | GRIFFITH, ----- | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Ligonier Valley (d Jun 10, 1875 age 20y, 6m, 6d at home of father); md Mar 24, 1874; husb, an infant son, pars, siblings remain; an adopted bro d a few days before her, see Riley YONG | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | YONG, Riley* | -- | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co: Ligonier Valley (d ca 1 Jun 1875); see obit of Mary C. GRIFFITH; few days before Mary died, this adopted bro of hers died; young in yrs; insisted on family prayer before he retired [see obit of GRIFFITH, Mary C., Aug 19, 1875 p 259] | |||
08/19/1875 | 259 | WHITE, Wesley J.* | 28 | IN | IN: Peru (b) | IN: Noble Co.: Avilla (d Jul 30, 1875 age 28y, 6m, 11d); md 2+ yrs; wife, mother, 3 bros remain; worked all day in his shoe shop, died that night of heart disease | ||
08/19/1875 | 259 | STOVER, Michael* | 80 | LAITSHAW, Elizabeth | IL | PA: York Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d Aug 2, 1875 age 4 score yrs, 26d); md 1819; res Naperville 17 yrs; md 53 yrs; 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |
08/19/1875 | 259 | LAITSHAW, Elizabeth | STOVER, Michael* | |||||
08/19/1875 | 259 | STOVER, Elizabeth | STOVER, Michael* | |||||
08/26/1875 | 267 | METZNER, George* | 62 | OH | GERMANY (b) | OH: Belmore area (d Jun 19, 1875 age 62y, 2m, 17d); to AMER ca age 28; widow, 6 chren remain. "His house was ever open to the weary itinerant while traveling through the forests of the north west." | ||
08/26/1875 | 267 | HOLDEMAN, Katherine* | 71 | HOLDEMAN, Abraham | PA | PA: Center Co.: Harris Tp. (d Jul 28, 1875 age 71y, 5m, 7d); converted 1820 in United Brethren in Christ; joined Evan. Church when it was in its infancy, to her & fam no sacrifice too great or self-denial too arduous | ||
08/26/1875 | 267 | HOLDEMAN, Abraham | -----, Katherine* | |||||
08/26/1875 | 267 | BLAIR, Edwin J.* | 16 | IA | IA: Tama Co.: Clark (d Aug 7, 1875 age 16y, 10m, 21d); pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | KLINGMAN, Wm.* | 40 | PA | PA: Union Co. (d Feb 26, 1875 age 40y, 17 [?] ds); sick ca 3 mos, but on morning he died, was sitting up in a chair; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau, father remain | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | SIMMONS, Lewis Curtis* | 19 | MI | MI: Jackson (d Aug 14, 1875 age 19y, 11m); son of C. B. & Melinda; consumption 6 mos | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | ROGERS, Jane B.* | 23 | IA | IA: Jasper Co. (d Jul 6, 1875 age 23y, 3 mos at res of father); consumption | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | CHISHOLM, Maggie* | 14 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Columbia (d Aug 5, 1875 age 14y, 8m, 24d); dau of David & Sarah; sick several mos | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | BRESSLER, Rebecca Jane* | 23 | IL | PA: Center Co.: Miles Tp. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Orangeville area (d Jul 30, 1875 age 23y, 8d); pars, 3 sis remain; she the youngest of the family | ||
08/26/1875 | 267 | HEISS, Elias* | 20 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville area (d Aug 7, 1875 age 20 y, 8m, 3d); son of Rev. Jacob; father, 1 sis remain; dropsy of heart | |||
08/26/1875 | 267 | JACOBS, Amelia M.* | 24 | SHULTZ | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Riley Tp. (d Aug 8, 1875 age 24y, 10m, 1d); md ca 6 mos; husb, pars, 4 sis, 2 bros remain | ||
08/26/1875 | 267 | SHULTZ, Amelia M.* | 24 | JACOBS, ----- | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Riley Tp. (d Aug 8, 1875 age 24y, 10m, 1d); md ca 6 mos; husb, pars, 4 sis, 2 bros remain | ||
08/26/1875 | 267 | STEVICK, William* | 38 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Jefferson [one mi west] (d Aug 8, 1875 age 38y, 11m, 21d); widow, 4 chren, pars remain; d suddenly of heart disease. Minister: F. R. TOTHEROH | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | SENNEFF, William* | 80 | IL | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | IL: Fair Haven (d Aug 15, 1875 age 80y, 1m, 22d); few yrs ago to this place where most of chren reside; last wife d 5 yrs ago [md 3 times, wives not named here] | ||
09/02/1875 | 275 | RICHARD, -----* [female] | -- | IL | IL: Fair Haven (d); dau of William & Elizabeth. [Her death notice at end of Wm. SENNEFF obit, Sep 2, 1875 p 275 | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | DUTCHEY, Catherine* | -- | IL | IL: Fair Haven (d from cancer). [Her death notice at end of Wm. SENNEFF obit, Sep 2, 1875 p 275 | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | BERK, John (Rev.) (Hon.)* | 53 | MI | GERMANY (b Jan 28, 1822) | MI: St. Clair Co. (rep to State Legislature from 3d dist.); died May 24, 1875; res Berlin Tp.; to AMER 1836 to Lorain Co., OH; to Washtenaw Co., MI 1866; to Berlin, 1870; wife, 2 sons, 2 md daus remain; very detailed obit | ||
09/02/1875 | 275 | BARTO, Magdalene* | 51 | PA | PA: Chester Tp. (d Jul 26, 1875); husb remains; tumor | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | MOOK, Jacob (Mrs.)* | 84 | OH | OH: Bellevue area (d Aug 19, 1875 age 84y, 6m, 26d); memb United Brethren in Christ; formerly memb Evan. Assn. [Religious] Telescope, please copy. | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | EASTRICKER, Margaret* | 52 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Burnside Tp. (d Aug 3, 1875 age 52y, 11m); husb, chren remain; dropsy compelled her to sit up in bed or in a chair for ca 6 mos | |||
09/02/1875 | 275 | CONVER, Elizabeth* | 38 | CONVER, Samuel | IL | IL: Knox Co.: Yates City area (d Jul 14, 1875 age 38y, 8m); 4 chren remain; poor health for 5 yrs, part time suffered from depression; a stroke 1 yr before death | ||
09/02/1875 | 275 | CONVER, Samuel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/09/1875 | 283 | KNORR, David* | 33 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Eldred Tp. (d Aug 6, 1875 age 33y, 2m); wife, 1 child remain; typhoid fever 11 wks | |||
09/09/1875 | 283 | SHIPTON, Mary Jane* | 22 | BOBB | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Orangeville area (d Aug 19, 1875 age 22y, 3m, 28d); husb, 2 little girls, pars, siblings remain [age may be 23y] | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | BOBB, Mary Jane* | 22 | SHIPTON, ----- | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Orangeville area (d Aug 19, 1875 age 22y, 3m, 28d); husb, 2 little girls, pars, siblings remain [age may be 23y] | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | DREIBELBIS, Winona E.* | 18 | STAIZ [?] | WI | WI: Green Co.: Shuey's Mills area (d Aug 24, 1875 age 18y, 2m); husb, mother, siblings remain | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | STAIZ [?], Winona E.* | 18 | DREIBELBIS, ----- | ||||
09/09/1875 | 283 | DOTROW, John* | 73 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Bloomville area (d Aug 17, 1875 age 73y, 11m, 27d); memb Evan. Assn. 40-50 yrs; wife, 3 chren remain; dropsy / heart disease | |||
09/09/1875 | 283 | BECKER, Mary* | 28 | BROWN | IA | OH: Stark Co. (b) | IA: Black Hawk Co.: Laporte City area (d Aug 18, 1875 age 28y, 6m, 23d); husb remains; d during cancer surgery | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | BROWN, Mary* | 28 | BECKER, ----- | IA | OH: Stark Co. (b) | IA: Black Hawk Co.: Laporte City area (d Aug 18, 1875 age 28y, 6m, 23d); husb remains; d during cancer surgery | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | LIGHT, Martha* | 40 | TRAFFORD | LIGHT, Cyrus | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Aug 11, 1875 age 40y, 8m, 6d); dau of Edward & Sarah; husb, 4 chren, pars, 1 sis, 4 bros remain; 5 chren dead; failing health 3 yrs | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | TRAFFORD, Martha* | 40 | LIGHT, Cyrus | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Aug 11, 1875 age 40y, 8m, 6d); dau of Edward & Sarah; husb, 4 chren, pars, 1 sis, 4 bros remain; 5 chren dead; failing health 3 yrs | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | LIGHT, Cyrus | TRAFFORD, Martha* | |||||
09/09/1875 | 283 | FUNK, Henry* | 63 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Conestogo Center (d Aug 20, 1875 age 63y, 1m, 8d); wife, 15 chren remain; consumption / dropsy | |||
09/09/1875 | 283 | CRITES, Elizabeth* | 59 | LIGHTNER | IN | PA (b) | IN: Pulaski Co. (d Jul 25, 1875 age 59y, 10m, 25d); to OH after PA; husb, chren remain | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | LIGHTNER, Elizabeth* | 59 | CRITES, ----- | IN | PA (b) | IN: Pulaski Co. (d Jul 25, 1875 age 59y, 10m, 25d); to OH after PA; husb, chren remain | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | SEIDER, John* | 39 | IN | GERMANY (b) | IN: Marshall Co.: Pretty Lake area (d Aug 22, 1875 age 39y, 5m, 5d); when young w/ pars to AMER; widow, 8 chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; suffered 2 yrs, last 16 mos used crutches; confined to bed since March | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | SNYDER, Lydia* | 69 | SNYDER, Peter | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Centralia (d Aug 26, 1875 age 69y, 15d); bur Luth. Cem., New Media; dropsy | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | SNYDER, Peter | -----, Lydia* | |||||
09/09/1875 | 283 | HUNSBERGER, Barbara* | 74 | HUNSBERGER, Wm. | PA | PA: Butler Co.: Harmony (d Aug 24, 1875 age 74y, 9m, 13d); husb, 5 chren remain; heart disease / cholera morbus | ||
09/09/1875 | 283 | HUNSBERGER, Wm. | -----, Barbara* | |||||
09/09/1875 | 283 | DIEMER, Mary* | 65 | McFALL | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Freeport (d Aug 13, 1875 age 65y, 1m, 11d); to West many yrs ago; md 48 yrs, husb being 10 yrs older than she; husb, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead; stomach tumor. Minister: D. B. BYERS | |
09/09/1875 | 283 | McFALL, Mary* | 65 | DIEMER, ----- | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Freeport (d Aug 13, 1875 age 65y, 1m, 11d); to West many yrs ago; md 48 yrs, husb being 10 yrs older than she; husb, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead; stomach tumor. Minister: D. B. BYERS | |
09/16/1875 | 291 | HOCKMAN, Mary* | 84 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Ashland Tp. (d Sep 8, 1875 age 84y, 9m, 8d); w/ husb to Clarion Co. many yrs ago; chren remain; dropsy | |||
09/16/1875 | 291 | WILKINSON, Joseph* | 21 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Mendon area (d Aug 21, 1875 age 21y, 2m, 3d at father's res); son of Thomas & Deborah; engaged in an agency of selling Bibles; father, stepmother, siblings remain | |||
09/16/1875 | 291 | MAHARG, Clarissa J.* | 36 | MAHARG, William J. | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Berrien Run (d Aug 27, 1875 age 36y, 4m, 27d); husb, 8 chren remain | ||
09/16/1875 | 291 | MAHARG, William J. | -----, Clarissa J.* | |||||
09/16/1875 | 291 | SHEESLEY, Sarah Jane* | 29 | BOWMAN | SHEESLEY, Wm. | PA | PA: Fisherville (d Aug 21, 1875 age 29y, 8m, 3d); dau of Philip; remarkable for her fondness of music; husb, 2 chren remain | |
09/16/1875 | 291 | BOWMAN, Sarah Jane* | 29 | SHEESLEY, Wm. | PA | PA: Fisherville (d Aug 21, 1875 age 29y, 8m, 3d); dau of Philip; remarkable for her fondness of music; husb, 2 chren remain | ||
09/16/1875 | 291 | SHEESLEY, Wm. | BOWMAN, Sarah Jane* | |||||
09/16/1875 | 291 | SCHNABLY, John Henry* | 75 | PA | PA: Bedford Co. (d Sep 1, 1875 age 75y, 5m, 15d); well acquainted w/ Rev. John DREISBACH; wife, several chren remain; ate breakfast, d unexpectedly within an hr | |||
09/16/1875 | 291 | MESNER, William* | 53 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Summit Co. (d Aug 27, 1875 age 53y, 11m, 19d); memb Ref. Ch. many yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; just before death, he saw his deceased chren, called them by name & went to them | ||
09/16/1875 | 291 | HERR, Dilia [sic] Jane* | 12 | OH | OH: West Salem (d [no date] age 12y, 9m, 6d); dau of David & Susanna; heart disease 5 wks | |||
09/16/1875 | 291 | WEAVER, Mary E.* | 29 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Burnside Tp. (d Aug 11, 1875 age 29y, 4m, 8d); memb prev M. E. Ch.; husb, little boy, mother, siblings remain; consumption | |||
09/16/1875 | 291 | DOLL, George Washington* | 32 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Barnesville (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Donaldson (d Aug 22, 1875); res prev Tremont; memb Church of God; widow, 2 sm chren, mother remain | ||
09/16/1875 | 291 | STIRK, Anna* | 86 | OVERHOLSER | STIRK, He-zel [?] | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (b Aug 28, 1875 age 86y, 10m, 13d); converted ca 40 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro remain; summer complaint / old age weakness [3d letter of husb's given name indistinguishable; perhaps an "f"] | |
09/16/1875 | 291 | OVERHOLSER, Anna* | 86 | STIRK, He-zel [?] | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville (b Aug 28, 1875 age 86y, 10m, 13d); converted ca 40 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 bro remain; summer complaint / old age weakness [3d letter of husb's given name indistinguishable, perhaps an "f"] | ||
09/16/1875 | 291 | STIRK, He-zel [?] | OVERHOLSER, Anna | |||||
09/16/1875 | 292 | LEIB, J. P. (Rev.)* | 72 | PA: Phoenixville (d Sep 6, 1875); to be bur Orwigsburg, PA, Friday, the 9th | ||||
09/23/1875 | 299 | CUSTER, Elizabeth* | 37 | -- | --: Minister; ESCH, J.; d Jul 18, 1875 age 37y, 2m, 3d; consumption | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | CLAY, Wm.* | 66 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Womelsdorf area (d Sep 5, 1875 age 66y, 1m, 14d); 3 sons & their fams remain; diarrhoea | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | OSMAN, John L.* | 30 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratztown area (d Jul 31, 1875 age 30y, 11m, 4d); widow, 3 sons remain; consumption 6 mos | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | SUTER, Daniel* | 71 | PA | GERMANY: Bavaria (b) | PA: Indiana Co.: North Mahoning Tp. (d Aug 1, 1875 age 71y, 9m, 11d); to AMER 1836 to Schuylkill Co., PA; 4 chren remain | ||
09/23/1875 | 299 | KETNER, Wm.* | 76 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Cherrytree Tp. (d Aug 30, 1875 age 76y, 6m, 9d); wife, 9 chren remain; stroke of palsy 3 yrs ago | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | EICHOLTZ, Rachel* | 11 | IN | IN: Tippecanoe Co. (d Aug 26[?], 1875 age 11y, 1m, 3d); dau of Frederick & Catharine; typhoid fever 16 ds | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | CLINE, Elizabeth* | 42 | OH | OH: Adrian (d Sep 10, 1875 age 42y, 3m, 2d); husb, 6 chren remain; cholera morbus | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | EISENHANS, Gottlieb* | 4? | LAUFER, Susanna | PA | WUERTTEMBERG: Oberamt Boeblingen: Darmshaine (b) | PA: Norristown (d Sep 1, 1875 age 46[?]y, 11m, 20d); md at Eglisaus [sic], Zurich, Switzerland; to AMER 1854 [?]; widow, 3 chren remain. "He was well, and in less than an hour cold in death." Brain congestion caused by heat | |
09/23/1875 | 299 | LAUFER, Susanna | EISENHANS, Gottlieb* | |||||
09/23/1875 | 299 | EISENHANS, Susanna | EISENHANS, Gottlieb* | |||||
09/23/1875 | 299 | WOMMER, Jacob* | 83 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Wayne Tp. (d [no date] age 83y, 6m, 17d); class leader / exhorter nearly 40 yrs; widow remains; son who res in IN arr after father buried; he was raised again for the son, a heart-moving scene; dysentery / old age | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | EXAMPLE, body raised after burial so son could see | see Jacob WOMER, Sep 23, 1875 p 299 | |||||
09/23/1875 | 299 | ROTEBAUGH, Chas.* | 54 | IL | IL: Cedarville area (d Sep 6, 1875 age 54y, 7m, 16d); wife, 6 chren remain; paralysis of brain | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | ROBERTS, Hattie* | 16 | IA | IA: Agency City (d Aug 30, 1875); dau of Archibald & Mary; converted last winter on a visit to Eldena, IL; pars, sisters remain | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | SHEARER, John* | 51 | PA | PA: Carlisle (d Sep 14, 1875 age 51y, 23d); widow, 8 chren remain. Minister: I. M. PINES | |||
09/23/1875 | 299 | DAUBERMAN, John* | 76 | PA | PA: Centre Hall area (d Aug 28, 1875 age 76y, 17d); in sickness visited by the aged & chren also; wife, chren remain | |||
09/23/1875 | 301 | STEWART, Jennie* | 37 | STEWART, J. E. (Rev.) | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Millbury (d Sep 9, 1875 age 37y, 11d); to OH 1856; suffered greatly 3 yrs; husb remains | ||
09/23/1875 | 300 | LEIB, John P. (Rev.)* | PA: Lebanon Co.: Cornwall Furnace (b Dec 30, 1802) | PA: Phoenixville (d Sep 7, 1875 age 72y, 8m, 7d); md 1826; 1 son, 2 daus remain; wife, 1 son, 2 daus dead; funeral took place at house of dau Lizzie; then at church; bur Evan. Assn. burying ground, Orwigsburg, PA [2-column obit] | ||||
09/30/1875 | 307 | PARRISH, Adella* | 14 | OR | OR: Linn Co.: Albany (d Aug 30, 1875 age 14y, 6m) | |||
09/30/1875 | 307 | ETZWEILER, George* | 68 | PA | PA: Millersburg (d Sep 8, 1875 age 68y, 2m, 28d); converted Jan 1, 1844; saw all his children converted except one; consumption | |||
09/30/1875 | 307 | SEELIG, Valentine* | 41 | KS | KURHESSEN: Herschfeld (b) | KS: Washington Co.: Butler area (d Sep 9, 1875 age 41y, 5m, 13d); age 18 to AMER to Brownhelm, Lorain Co., OH; to Butler area ca 5 yrs ago; wife, 5 chren, father remain | ||
09/30/1875 | 307 | SMITH, Lydia L.* | 13 | PA | PA: Lock Haven (d Sep 17, 1875 age 13y, 3m, 17d); intermittent fever; better to go be with Jesus than to live here w/ sin and sorrows of this life | |||
09/30/1875 | 307 | SCHNEIDER, Sarah F.* | 29 | SHIDLER | SCHNEIDER, Henry | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Arcadia (d Sep 9, 1875 age 29y, 1m, 9d); husb, 4 chren [one only a few days old], pars 3 bros, 4 sis remain | |
09/30/1875 | 307 | SHIDLER, Sarah F.* | 29 | SCHNEIDER, Henry | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Arcadia (d Sep 9, 1875 age 29y, 1m, 9d); husb, 4 chren [one only a few days old], pars 3 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
09/30/1875 | 307 | SCHNEIDER, Henry | SHIDLER, Sarah F.* | |||||
09/30/1875 | 307 | SPERRY, A. W. * [male] | 29 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Mill Hollow (d Sep 7, 1875); fell from some timbers while erecting a shaft of a coal mine, killed instantly; remains taken to his home in Lycoming Co., PA | |||
09/30/1875 | 307 | EMERT, Christian* | 59 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Somerset Tp. (d Sep 18, 1875 age 59y, 1d); widow, 10 chren remain; poor health many yrs | |||
09/30/1875 | 307 | STOERMER, Anna E.* | 74 | ROCK | IL | GERMANY: Armesfeld (b)IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d Sep 16, 1875); w/ husb to AMER 1847 to Washington area; husb, 5 chren remain; dropsy | |
09/30/1875 | 307 | ROCK, Anna E.* | 74 | STOERMER, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Armesfeld (b)IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d Sep 16, 1875); w/ husb to AMER 1847 to Washington area; husb, 5 chren remain; dropsy | |
09/30/1875 | 307 | MYRES, John* | 77 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d Sep 1, 1875 age 77y, 3m, 19d); 1 dau [the widow of Rev. A. DECKER] & 1 son remain; bur Trinity Cem., 5 mi east of Ashland | |||
10/07/1875 | 315 | RETTEW, Samuel* | 70 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Earl Tp. (d Sep 17, 1875 age 70y, 11m, 20d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
10/07/1875 | 315 | KOPP, Sarah Etta* | 22 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d Sep 12, 1875); dau of Rev. J. J.; funeral [& burial] at Lafayette [Red Haw] church / cem in Perry Tp.; consumption | |||
10/07/1875 | 315 | BRIGHTBILL, Jacob* | 66 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Raisinville (d Sep 14, 1875 age 66y, 7m, 18d); md 46 yrs; wife, 4 sons remain | |||
10/07/1875 | 315 | TRIMMER, William* | 74 | IL | PRUSSIA: New Witt area on the River Rhine (b) | IL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d Sep 23, 1875 age 75 yrs less 6 ds); to AMER 1835 to St. Louis, MO; 2 yrs later w/ his fam to Washington; wife, 8 chren remain; found dead in bed | ||
10/07/1875 | 315 | GRAFF, George* | 72 | METZ, Christina | IL | ALSACE: Canton Truling: Eilweiler(b) | IL: Cook Co.: Wheeling (d Sep 19, 1875 age 72y, 1m, 14d); to AMER 1828 to Detroit, MI; md & moved to Cook Co., IL; widow, 2 chren remain; typhus fever | |
10/07/1875 | 315 | METZ, Christina | GRAFF, George* | |||||
10/07/1875 | 315 | GRAFF, Christina | GRAFF, George* | |||||
10/14/1875 | 323 | POWELL, Catherine* | 31 | BOYER | POWELL, Emanuel | MI | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield (d Sep 23, 1875 age 31y, 3m, 11d); husb, 2 chren remain; gastric fever |
10/14/1875 | 323 | BOYER, Catherine* | 31 | POWELL, Emanuel | MI | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield (d Sep 23, 1875 age 31y, 3m, 11d); husb, 2 chren remain; gastric fever | |
10/14/1875 | 323 | POWELL, Emanuel | BOYER, Catherine* | |||||
10/14/1875 | 323 | BAKER, Harriet Ann* | 24 | HOLLINGER | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Clinton (d Oct 1, 1875 age 24y, 10m, 8d); husb, 3 chren remain; bur Manchester Cem. to sleep w/ her father, mother, and brother (Rev. J. D. HOLLINGER). Minister: P. W. HAHN | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | HOLLINGER, Harriet Ann* | 24 | BAKER, ----- | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Clinton (d Oct 1, 1875); husb, 3 chren remain; bur Manchester Cem. to sleep w/ her father, mother, and brother (Rev. J. D. HOLLINGER). Minister: P. W. HAHN | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | HUTT, Mathias* | 82 | OH | GERMANY: Wuertemberg (b) | OH: Stark Co. (d Sep 21, 1875 age 82y, 8m, 21d); to AMER 1828; 5 chren remain | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | SELZER, Dan.* | 70 | PA | PA: York Co.: Frysville (d Sep 20, 1875 age 70y, 5m, 2d); bedridden since April | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | EINSEL, Samuel G.* | 31 | CA | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | CA: Los Angeles Co.: Campton area (d Sep 9, 1875); moved to Logansport, IN, from Fairfield Co.; he & his little fam to CA ca 18 mos ago "leaving a dear wife and one child amongst strangers in a strange land." | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | MILLER, Annetta* | 13 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (d Sep 15, 1875 age 13y, 26d); dau of Rev. E. & Susan; bur old cem at Miller's Ch., Mt. Bethel, Northampton Co., PA, the native home of her parents | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | DELLET, William L.* | 38 | PA | PA: Reading (d Sep 28, 1875 age 38y, 8m, 26d); memb Chestnut St. Evan. Ch.; wife, 3 sm chren remain; fell from 20 ft high scaffolding under half ton of stone; d 2 days later | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | BLAND, John* | 52 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty area (d Jun 7, 1875); widow, several chren remain | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | LEVEGOOD, Philena* | 29 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Liberty area (d Sep 8, 1875 age [39?]y, 8m, 26d); there are remaining membs of her family; consumption 8 yrs | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | MIESS, Jacob* | 70 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Centre Hall area (d Sep 22, 1875 age 70y, 4m, 2d); quite flowery obit w/ little personal information | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | DORR, L.* [male] | 58 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Zion Ch. Area (d Sep 11, 1875 age 58y, 4m, 23d); widow, 1 son remain; consumption | |||
10/14/1875 | 323 | BARKLEY, Mary Jane* | 32 | BARKLEY, C. H. | OH | OH: Trumbull Co.: Braceville Tp. (d Sep 27, 1875 age 32y, 8m, 24d); husb, one-wk-old babe, pars, siblings remain | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | BARKLEY, C. H. | -----, Mary Jane* | |||||
10/14/1875 | 323 | FISHER, Catherine* | 23 | WIEGAND | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Allegheny Co. (d Sep 26, 1875); md 1854; husb, 5 chren, mother remain; 4 chren dead; suffered from debility 5+ yrs | |
10/14/1875 | 323 | WIEGAND, Catherine* | 23 | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Allegheny Co. (d Sep 26, 1875); md 1854; husb, 5 chren, mother remain; 4 chren dead; suffered from debility 5+ yrs | ||
10/14/1875 | 323 | FISHER, G. W. (Rev.) | WIEGAND, Catherine* | |||||
10/14/1875 | 323 | WALTER, Sarah* | 18 | OH | OH: Lindsey (d Sep 30, 1875 age 18y, 1m, 21d); adopted dau of John J. WALTER; consumption 1 yr | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | FRY, Elizabeth* | 78 | KNECHT | FRY, Daniel | PA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | PA: Oil City (d Sep 15, 1875 age 78y, 5m, 28d); memb prev German Reformed Ch; md 57+ yrs; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 one dead |
10/21/1875 | 331 | KNECHT, Elizabeth* | 78 | FRY, Daniel | PA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | PA: Oil City (d Sep 15, 1875 age 78y, 5m, 28d); memb prev German Reformed Ch; md 57+ yrs; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son dead | |
10/21/1875 | 331 | FRY, Daniel | KNECHT, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/21/1875 | 331 | HOY, Peter* | 34 | OH | OH: Napoleon area (d Oct 5, 1875 age 34y, 1m, 1d); memb Calvary Ch., Beaver Creek circuit, in OH Conf.; wife, 6 chren, father, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; typhoid fever | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | OLIN, Lizzie* | 27 | OLIN, G. W. | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Perry Tp. (d Aug 31, 1875 age 27y, 3m, 19d); joined church ca 18 mos ago; husb remains. Submitted by "A Friend." | ||
10/21/1875 | 331 | OLIN, G. W. | -----, Lizzie* | |||||
10/21/1875 | 331 | DICKOVER, Mary Catharine* | 27 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Arcadia area (d Oct 5, 1875 age 27y, 2m, 29d); dau of Amos; having no Evan. Ch. nearby, she & father joined M. E. Ch.; consumption | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | FISHER, Catharine* | 57 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Shamokin Dam area (d Sep 24, 1875 age 57y, 17d); husb, 3 chren remain; preparing breakfast for her family & caring for her sick mother-in-law, "she sank to the floor a lifeless corpse." Minister: D. W. MILLER | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | RAAB, Katharine* | 50 | ZIMMERMANN | RAAB, Eberhard | MI | RHENISH PRUSSIA: Oberquimbah (b Dec 24, 1824) | MI: Flint (d Sep 29, 1875); md 1845; they to NY 1854 for 2 yrs, then to Flint; husb, 2 sons remain; cancer |
10/21/1875 | 331 | ZIMMERMANN, Katharine* | 50 | RAAB, Eberhard | MI | RHENISH PRUSSIA: Oberquimbah (b Dec 24, 1824) | MI: Flint (d Sep 29, 1875); md 1845; they to NY 1854 for 2 yrs, then to Flint; husb, 2 sons remain; cancer | |
10/21/1875 | 331 | RAAB, Eberhard | ZIMMERMANN, Katharine* | |||||
10/21/1875 | 331 | VETTER, Jacob* | 71 | MI | GERMANY: Cur Hessen: Hirschfeld (b) | MI: Berrien Co.: Avery (d Sep 29, 1875 age 71y, 2m, 4d); as young man to AMER; wife #2, 7 chren remain; the day before he died, apparently in good health, he attended neighbor's funeral [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
10/21/1875 | 331 | SCHNABLY, Annie L.* | 11 | -- | --: Minister: LAVAN, D. K.; d Sep 26, 1875 age 11y, 5m, 3d); 3 siblings remain; 2 dead [she making the 3d] | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | RICHART, Mary* | 69 | HOFFMAN | PA | PA: New Columbia (d Sep 17, 1875 age 69y, 25d); bed-ridden 4 yrs | ||
10/21/1875 | 331 | HOFFMAN, Mary* | 69 | RICHART, ----- | PA | PA: New Columbia (d Sep 17, 1875 age 69y, 25d); bed-ridden 4 yrs | ||
10/21/1875 | 331 | SHULER, Charles D. G.* | 10 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Oct 4, 1875 age 10y, 11m, 10d); mother, an only bro remain; typhoid fever | |||
10/21/1875 | 331 | MOSS, Elizabeth* | 84 | RHEINHART | MOSS, Jacob | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d Oct 9, 1875 age 84y, 6m, 20d at home of dau, Mrs. LEHMAN where res last 12 wks); to AMER 1802; md 1817; md for 30 yrs; res prev Powell's Valley, Dauphin Co., PA; 1 son, 1 dau remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead |
10/21/1875 | 331 | RHEINHART, Elizabeth* | 84 | MOSS, Jacob | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d Oct 9, 1875 age 84y, 6m, 20d at home of dau, Mrs. LEHMAN where res last 12 wks); to AMER 1802; md 1817; md for 30 yrs; res prev Powell's Valley, Dauphin Co., PA; 1 son, 1 dau remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead | |
10/21/1875 | 331 | MOSS, Jacob | RHEINHART, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/28/1875 | 339 | HEHN, Elizabeth* | 58 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Oct 12, 1875 age 58y, 6m, 23d); converted 7 yrs ago | |||
10/28/1875 | 339 | FORRY, Catherine* | 76 | OH | OH: Logan Co.: De Graff area (d Oct 12, 1875 age 76y, 8m); chren remain; dropsy & erysipelas | |||
10/28/1875 | 339 | MITCHEL, Anna* | 49 | OH | ENGLAND: Lincolnshire: Mill Green (b Oct 12, 1875) | OH: Summit Co. (d Oct 12, 1875 age 49y, 11m, 27d); husb, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead; had just completed large washing, eaten her dinner as usual, when had an apoplectic stroke, d 1 1/2 hr later | ||
10/28/1875 | 339 | LOOSE, John (Rev.)* | 68 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Tiffin area (d Oct 6, 1875 age 68y, 5m, 19d); age ca 25 fam to Fairfield Co., OH; 1847 to Seneca Co., OH, res ca 3 mi north; widow, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead; ate hearty breakfast, prayed in his room, died before 1:00 that afternoon | ||
10/28/1875 | 339 | LENNINGTON, James* | 61 | IN | IN: Madison Co. (d Oct 1, 1875); aged & feeble widow, several chren remain | |||
10/28/1875 | 339 | OBERDORFF, Rebecca* | 25 | GILBERT | OBERDORFF, George | PA | PA: York Co.: Low Winsor [sic] (d Sep 12, 1875 age 25y, 12d); dau of Henry; husb, little boy remain | |
10/28/1875 | 339 | GILBERT, Rebecca* | 25 | OBERDORFF, George | PA | PA: York Co.: Low Winsor [sic] (d Sep 12, 1875 age 25y, 12d); dau of Henry; husb, little boy remain | ||
10/28/1875 | 339 | OBERDORFF, George | GILBERT, Rebecca* | |||||
11/04/1875 | 347 | CROMER, Samantha* | 22 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.; Berwick (d Oct 22, 1875 age 22y, 3m, 9d); husb, 1 child remain | |||
11/04/1875 | 347 | HULSHY, Mary Ann* | 61 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Fairfield Co. (d Oct 16, 1875 age 61y, 11m, 22d); husb, 5 chren remain; 4 chren dead; dropsy 9 mos | ||
11/04/1875 | 347 | OLIN, Lizzie* | 27 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Belleville [sic] area (d Aug 31, 1875 age 27y, 3m); husb, 2 sm chren remain; consumption | |||
11/04/1875 | 347 | HUBLEY, Ann Maria* | 43 | IL | IL: Naperville (d Oct 17, 1875). "One son and three daughters are left as orphans, but they have kind friends, and good homes will be provided for them." | |||
11/04/1875 | 347 | FOX, Mary M.* | 30 | IN | IN: Tippecanoe Co.: Culver's Station area (d Oct 2, 1875 age 30y, 2m, 10d; died at res of Mother HUFFMAN); 4 bros remain; doing household duties, fell in a fit of apoplexy, supposed to have dislocated her neck | |||
11/04/1875 | 347 | WHITE, Mary* | 57 | METHENEY | WHITE, D. O. | WV | WV: Preston Co. (b) | WV: Preston Co.: Valley Dist. (d Oct 11, 1875 age 57y, 5m, 27d); md Sep 24, 1885; memb M. E. Ch.; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; one of the sons is minister of Evan. Assn. |
11/04/1875 | 347 | METHENEY, Mary* | 57 | WHITE, D. O. | WV | WV: Preston Co. (b) | WV: Preston Co.: Valley Dist. (d Oct 11, 1875 age 57y, 5m, 27d); md Sep 24, 1885; memb M. E. Ch.; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; one of the sons is minister of Evan. Assn. | |
11/04/1875 | 347 | WHITE, D. O. | METHENEY, Mary* | |||||
11/04/1875 | 347 | KRONE, Sarah M.* | 70 | PA | PA: York Co.: Newberry (d Oct 8, 1875 age 70y, 9m, 22d); consumption | |||
11/04/1875 | 347 | BIERBOWER, Catharine* | 79 | PA | PA: York Co.: Alpine (d Oct 14, 1875 age 79y, 5m, 18 [or 13] ds); clothing caught fire as she was alone in an adjacent building; conscious for 12 hrs until she died; mentions a son | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | GREBINGER, Annie* | 26 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Millesville [sic] (d Oct 23, 1875 age 26y, 5m, 25d); husb, 1 child remain | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | ERNEHIZER, Jacob* | 71 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Woodbury area (d Aug 6, 1875 age 71y, 1m, 16d); memb prev U. B. Church; joined Evan. Assn. 10 yrs ago | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | McILVAINE, Christiana* | 91 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Green Tp. (d Oct 8, 1875 age 91y, 4m, 26d at home of son William). Minister: F. R. TOTHEROH | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | KRAPE, Michael* | 52 | PA | PA: Clintondale (d Oct 25, 1875 age 52y, 2m, 18d); consumption. "Bro. K. was one of the last men on the Nittany Valley circuit." | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | HIGH, Mary* | 64 | HIGH, John | PA | PA: Elimsport area (d Oct 2-[?], 1875 age 64y, 9m, 9d) | ||
11/11/1875 | 355 | HIGH, John | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/11/1875 | 355 | STITES [?], Elizabeth* | 67 | OH | OH: Lordstown (d Oct 7, 1875). "Her last wish was to die and be at rest." | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | McINTOSH, James R.* | 20 | OH | OH: West Austintown (d Oct 25, 1875 age 20y, 4m, 22d); memb U. B. Ch.; mother, bro, step-father, 4 step-bros & sisters remain; while blasting coal in the mine, re-lit the fuse a 2nd time, explosion occurred. Religious Telescope please copy | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | OLIVER, Caroline* | ca35 | MARTH | OLIVER, Thomas | IN | IN: Lagrange Co.: Wright's Corner area (d Oct 15, 1875); husb, 7 chren remain; typhoid fever | |
11/11/1875 | 355 | MARTH, Caroline* | ca35 | OLIVER, Thomas | IN | IN: Lagrange Co.: Wright's Corner area (d Oct 15, 1875); husb, 7 chren remain; typhoid fever | ||
11/11/1875 | 355 | OLIVER, Thomas | MARTH, Caroline* | |||||
11/11/1875 | 355 | SHERK, Casper* | 60 | KS | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | KS: Clout [sic] Co. (d Oct 13, 1875 age 60y, 5m, 24d); converted ca 35 yrs ago in Jonestown; a few yrs later to IL; wife, 4 chren remain; consumption | ||
11/11/1875 | 355 | SHELLY, Elizabeth Jane* | 23 | -- | --: Minister: YEAGER, G. F.; (d Oct 7, 1875 age 23y, 8m, 29d) funeral in Luth Ch.; consumption ca 2 yrs | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | SHEILY, John H.* | 36 | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Lanark area (d Oct 29, 1876 [sic] age 36y, 1m, 28d); ate Friday noon dinner, went to Lanark, on way home killed by lightning ca 4:30 P.M.; wife, chren, aged pars, siblings remain; 400 att funeral | |||
11/11/1875 | 355 | CONDERMAN, B. M.* [female] | 32 | BELLOCK | CONDERMAN, J. R. | NY | NY: Steuben Co. (b) | NY: Fremont (d Oct 28, 1875 age 32y, 11m, 1d); dau of Caleb & Louisa; husb, 3 chren [1 of whom is a few wks old], pars, siblings remain; 3 chren died |
11/11/1875 | 355 | BELLOCK, B. M.* [female] | 32 | CONDERMAN, J. R. | NY | NY: Steuben Co. (b) | NY: Fremont (d Oct 28, 1875 age 32y, 11m, 1d); dau of Caleb & Louisa; husb, 3 chren [1 of whom is a few wks old], pars, siblings remain; 3 chren died | |
11/11/1875 | 355 | CONDERMAN, J. R. | BELLOCK, B. M.* | |||||
11/18/1875 | 363 | QUADE, Charles* | 53 | TRESELER, Anna Mary | IL | PRUSSIA: Muenden (b) | IL: Effingham Co.: Edgewood area (d Oct 16, 1875 age 53y,4m, 2d); md 1843; had 5 chren; stomach & liver complaint | |
11/18/1875 | 363 | TRESELER, Anna Mary | QUADE, Charles* | |||||
11/18/1875 | 363 | QUADE, Anna Mary | QUADE, Charles* | |||||
11/18/1875 | 363 | HEIL, Lincoln L.* | 14 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tremont (d Nov 4, 1875 age 14y, 8m, 26d); son of the late Henry; widowed mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
11/18/1875 | 363 | STERLING, Mary M.* | 26 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Ashland (d Oct 26, 1875 age 26y, 12d); husb, 3 chren, pars, sisters remain; liver complaint, confined to bed ca 15 mos | |||
11/18/1875 | 363 | OWENS, Samuel* | 27 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Burnside Tp. (d Oct 29, 1875 age 27y, 7m, 21d); died while in conversation with Bro. C. RORABAUGH ["Bro. denotes bro in the church, not a blood bro]; wife, 3 chren, father, brothers, 1 sis remain | |||
11/18/1875 | 363 | BECK, -----* [male] | 14 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Burnside Tp. (d Oct 21, 1875 age 14y, 5m, 25d); pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; w/ another boy was driving cart w/ apples, horses ran away, throwing him into wheels, died instantly | |||
11/18/1875 | 363 | RUNKLE, John* | 74 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Steeltown (d Oct 24, 1875 age 74y, 3m, 1d); age 12 joined M. E. Ch., stayed 50 yrs; last 12 yrs memb Evan. Assn.; 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |||
11/18/1875 | 363 | SHINE, -----* [female] | 77 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Chest Tp. (d Oct 23, 1875 age 77y, 4m; consumption | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | FISHEL, Eda* | 23 | OH | OH: Green (d Sep 1, 1875 age 23y, 11m, a few days); husb, 1 child remain | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | GARRISON, Mary* | 77 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Bloomsburg (d Nov 3, 1875 age 78yrs less 14d); memb M. E. Ch. | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | GIFT, Peter M.* | 68 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Reading (d Oct 30, 1875 age 68y, 4m, 23d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 17 yrs; wife, 5 chren remain; enteritis | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | TROUTMAN, Nancy J.* | 27 | IA | IA: Blairstown area (d Nov 9, 1875 age 27y, 7m, 28d); husb, chren, father, bro, sisters remain; consumption 1+ yrs | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | MORSE, Willis W.* | 61 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Perrysburgh (d [no date] at his res on the pike, 5 mi east; age 61y, 5m, 9d); among first settlers this part of Wood Co.; here age 20 to Black Swamp; " É lived to see the wilderness blossom as the rose." | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | BOYER, Sarah Elizabeth* | 19 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Oct 4, 1875 age 19y, 8m, 25d); she had a good voice; S. S. teacher; consumption | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | HOLZWARTH, Michael* | 56 | HAUT [?], Margaret | MN | MN: Winona area (d Oct 21, 1875 age 56y, 2m, 14d); md ca 25 yrs; wife, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
11/25/1875 | 371 | HAUT [?], Margaret | HOLZWARTH, Michael* | |||||
11/25/1875 | 371 | HOLZWARTH, Margaret | HOLZWARTH, Michael* | |||||
11/25/1875 | 371 | LYLE, James* | 42 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Mount Aetna (d Oct 20, 1875); memb Baptist Ch. 8 yrs; wife, 3 sm chren, aged mother remain | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | HAIRE, Elizabeth* | 27 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Mount Aetna (d Nov 7, 1875 age 27y, 2m, 2d); memb Presbyterian Ch.; husb, 2 chren remain; heart disease, d suddenly | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | EPPELY, Wilhelmina L.* | 19 | OH | OH: Morgan Co. (d Nov 3, 1875 age 19y, 3m, 10d); dau of George & Wilhelmina; mother, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; on way home after church was thrown from her horse, found unconscious, remained so until she died | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | STRICKLAND, Susanna* | 44 | JOHNSON | STRICKLAND, Philander | PA | PA: Susquehanna Co.: Springville (d [no date] age 44y, 1m, 9d); dau of Benjamin A. & Taluma; husb, chren remain. About 11 P.M. severe pain in one of her limbs, then stomach | |
11/25/1875 | 371 | JOHNSON, Susanna* | 44 | STRICKLAND, Philander | PA | PA: Susquehanna Co.: Springville (d [no date] age 44y, 1m, 9d); dau of Benjamin A. & Taluma; husb, chren remain. About 11 P.M. severe pain in one of her limbs, then stomach | ||
11/25/1875 | 371 | STRICKLAND, Philander | JOHNSON, Susanna* | |||||
11/25/1875 | 371 | MYERS, Elvira* | 13 | IA | IA: Blairstown area (d Nov 5, 1875 age 13y, 9m, 25d); dau of L. G. & Susan; she asked for grpars to come from IN, they arrived shortly after her death; pars, sisters remain | |||
11/25/1875 | 371 | BAXMAN, Mary* | ca70 | GEHRS | IL | HANOVER: Besenbrick [?]: Gehrden (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Nov 9, 1875); w/ husb to AMER 1834 to Cook Co.; husb, 2 chren remain; dropsy | |
11/25/1875 | 371 | GEHRS, Mary* | ca70 | BAXMAN, ----- | IL | HANOVER: Besenbrick [?]: Gehrden (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Nov 9, 1875); w/ husb to AMER 1834 to Cook Co.; husb, 2 chren remain; dropsy | |
11/25/1875 | 371 | SPENGLER, John* | 75 | IL | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IL: Will Co.: Joliet (d Nov 1, 1875 age 75y, 7m, 4d); widow, 13 chren remain; bur Plainfield, IL; disease was of a complicated nature | ||
11/25/1875 | 371 | MILLER, Mary* | 44 | OH | OH: White Home area (d Oct 19, 1875 age 44y, 2m); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain [NOTE: This location perhaps is Whitehouse, Lucas Co., OH] | |||
12/02/1875 | 379 | BALDWIN, Isaac* | 74 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Somerset Tp. (d Nov 13, 1875 age 74y, 23d); experienced religion 1866; "a very hearty man all his life"; 7 chren remain | |||
12/02/1875 | 379 | HUNSBERGER, Nancy* | 65 | HUNSBERGER, Abraham | OH | OH (d Nov 11, 1875 age 65y, 8m, 10d); md 50 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead; hemorrhage of lungs / heart disease. Minister: P. W. HAHN of OH Conf. | ||
12/02/1875 | 379 | HUNSBERGER, Abraham | -----, Nancy* | |||||
12/02/1875 | 379 | POORMAN, Mary* | 65 | POORMAN, George | MI | MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d Nov 11, 1875 age 65y, 5m, 24d); 2 sons, 3 daus, 5 bros remain; husb d ca 12 yrs ago; stomach ulcers | ||
12/02/1875 | 379 | POORMAN, George | -----, Mary* | |||||
12/02/1875 | 379 | RALER, Elizabeth* | 39 | RALER, John | IN | IN: Tippecanoe Co.: Lafayette area (d Nov 8, 1875 age 39y, 4m, 11d); memb Evan. Assn. 4 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain; ill 4 days | ||
12/02/1875 | 379 | RALER, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/02/1875 | 379 | WEAVER, Richard* | 38 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d Nov 12, 1875 age 38y, 9m, 26d); an industrious man, trusted citizen, peaceful neighbor, affectionate husb & father, congenial in his nature, strictly moral in conduct; wife, 5 chren, mother remain; liver complaint 2 wks | |||
12/02/1875 | 379 | ORWIG, George* | 66 | OH | OH: Bellevue area (d Nov 13, 1875 age 66y, 11m, 30 [?] d); an old inhabitant of Sandusky Co., OH; wife, 9 chren remain | |||
12/02/1875 | 379 | HAWK, Harriet* | 26 | HAWK, J. B. | PA | PA: Albrightsville (b Feb 16, 1859) | PA: Carbon Co.: Albrightsville (d Nov 9, 1875 age 26y, 8m, 23d); rec'd catechetical teachings from Luth. Ch.; joined Evan. Assn. 3 yrs ago; husb, 5 chren remain; cancer | |
12/02/1875 | 379 | HAWK, J. B. | -----, Harriet* | |||||
12/02/1875 | 379 | ETTINGER, Catherine* | 77 | OH | OH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corners area (d Nov 1, 1875 age 77y, 14d); converted age 14 yrs; husb, 7 chren remain | |||
12/02/1875 | 379 | CREITZ, Christina* | 60 | TOBIAS | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston (d Nov 11, 1875 age 60y, 8m, 8d); 8 chren remain | ||
12/02/1875 | 379 | TOBIAS, Christina* | 60 | CREITZ, ----- | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston (d Nov 11, 1875 age 60y, 8m, 8d); 8 chren remain | ||
12/02/1875 | 379 | REIFSNIDER, Maria* | 73 | LEWIS | REIFSNIDER, Absalom | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Freeport (d Oct 25, 1875 age 73y, 3m, 13d); md age 20; moved West (IL?) 1852; md 53+ yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; one ch d infancy; another child d 6 wks before Maria, who had lung fever |
12/02/1875 | 379 | LEWIS, Maria* | 73 | REIFSNIDER, Absalom | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Freeport (d Oct 25, 1875 age 73y, 3m, 13d); md age 20; moved West (IL?) 1852; md 53+ yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; one ch d infancy; another child d 6 wks before Maria, who had lung fever | |
12/02/1875 | 379 | REIFSNIDER, Absalom | LEWIS, Maria* | |||||
12/09/1875 | 387 | POOLE, Loring D.* | 16 | IL | IL: Mt. Carmel (d Nov 24, 1875 age 16y, 2m, 16d); consumption | |||
12/09/1875 | 387 | CRUM, Mary Isabel* | 30 | RAUCK | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park Tp. (d Aug 30, 1875 age 30y, 1m, 28d); dau of Josiah & Sarah; husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain | ||
12/09/1875 | 387 | RAUCK, Mary Isabel* | 30 | CRUM, ----- | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park Tp. (d Aug 30, 1875 age 30y, 1m, 28d); dau of Josiah & Sarah; husb, 2 sm chren, pars, siblings remain | ||
12/09/1875 | 387 | WALLEASA, Rebecca Elizabeth* | 55 | WALLEASA, Simson | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d Nov 26, 1875 age 55y, 9m, 21d); general debility | ||
12/09/1875 | 387 | WALLEASA, Simson | -----, Rebecca Elizabeth* | |||||
12/09/1875 | 387 | BACHHORUS, John David* | 62 | WI | WI: Chippewa Co.: Eagle Point (d Nov 20, 1875 age 62y, 1m, 2d); wife, 6 chren remain; killed suddenly by overturning wagon which broke his neck | |||
12/09/1875 | 387 | DITZLER, Sarah* | 28 | OH | OH: Marshallville area (d Nov 23, 1875 age 28y, 2m, 9d); dau of Joseph DITZLER; memb M. E. Ch. Western Christian Advocate please copy. | |||
12/09/1875 | 387 | RISTENBATT, Cyrus* | 11 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d Nov 15, 1875 age 11y, 2m, 14d); memb English Mission S. S. of this place | |||
12/09/1875 | 387 | TOBIAS, Jemima A.* | 28 | WAGNER | TOBIAS, Charles (Rev.) | WI | PA: Center Co. (b) | WI: Monroe area (d 8 mi sw of, on Nov 2, 1875 age 28y, 6m); husb, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead; memb Meth. Ch. |
12/09/1875 | 387 | WAGNER, Jemima A.* | 28 | TOBIAS, Charles (Rev.) | WI | PA: Center Co. (b) | WI: Monroe area (d 8 mi sw of, on Nov 2, 1875 age 28y, 6m); husb, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead; memb Meth. Ch. | |
12/09/1875 | 387 | TOBIAS, Charles (Rev.) | WAGNER, Jemima A.* | |||||
12/09/1875 | 387 | MAURER, Hannah* | 20 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Plainfield (d Nov 1-[?], 1875 age 20y, 6m, 10d); had begun her yr at North Western College; pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever [a resolution of respect by membs of Young Ladies Christian Assn of NW College follows obit] | |||
12/09/1875 | 387 | OVERMYER, Hugh M.* | 82 | AR | OH: Sandusky Co. (b) | AR: Jacksonfort (d Oct 1, 1875 age 82y, 6m, 6d); d alone, far away from home; a bro of Rev. H. P. of the IN Conf.; memb M. E. Ch. South; unmarried; funeral at U. B. Ch., Winter's Station; mother, siblings remain. Religious Telescope please copy | ||
12/09/1875 | 387 | LEISTER, Noah* | 52 | WI | PA: Montgomery Co.: Frankgoney [sic] (b) [perhaps Franconia?] | WI: Milwaukee Co.: Grantville (d Nov 11, 1875 age 52y, 10m, 1d); widow, 3 daus, several siblings remain; apoplexy superinduced by a carbuncle | ||
12/16/1875 | 395 | RABA, Mena* | 14 | IA | IA: North Washington area (d Nov 29, 1875 age 14y, 2m, 4d) | |||
12/16/1875 | 395 | PARKS, Catharine* | 74 | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d Nov 27, 1875 age 74y, 3[?]m, 6d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 40 yrs; 1 dau remains; bur Orwigsburg | |||
12/16/1875 | 395 | MILLER, Susanna* | 72 | MILLER, Adam | PA | PA: Derry Church (d Oct 8, 1875 age 72y, 6m, 7d at res of son-in-law, Jas. H. HATTEN); at her own request, funeral by Rev. R. S. BROWNMILLER of Luth. Ch. & Rev. S. C. STONESIFER of Ch. of God | ||
12/16/1875 | 395 | MILLER, Adam | -----, Susanna* | |||||
12/16/1875 | 395 | SYFERT, Sarason* | 21 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: North Barn area (d Oct 8, 1875 age 21y, 11m, 18d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 6 yrs; wife, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; erysipelas 3 days. Minister: H. SPITLER | |||
12/16/1875 | 395 | BROSMAN, John* | 72 | ZEGERT, Sarah | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Whittle [sic] Co. (d Nov 24, 1875 age 72y, 4m, 24d); md & emig to Stark Co., OH, 184 [2?]; to Whittle [sic] Co. 1874; class leader 18 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 1 child dead; heart disease | |
12/16/1875 | 395 | ZEGERT, Sarah | BROSMAN, John* | |||||
12/16/1875 | 395 | BROSMAN, Sarah | BROSMAN, John* | |||||
12/16/1875 | 395 | DONALDSON, Lydia* | 39 | DONALDSON, Henry | PA | PA: Mercer Co. (d Oct 19, 1875 age 39y, 1m, 24d); joined M. E. Ch. ca 20 yrs ago; the Evan. Assn. 6 yrs ago | ||
12/16/1875 | 395 | DONALDSON, Henry | -----, Lydia* | |||||
12/16/1875 | 395 | STREICHER, Elizabeth* | 60 | IL | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d Nov 29, 1875 age 60y, 8m, 27d); converted 34 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead; funeral by Bishop ESHER | |||
12/16/1875 | 395 | THOMAS, Lucinda* | 62 | THOMAS, Samuel, Sr. | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Eureka (d Nov 30, 1875 age 62y, 8m, 21); memb prev Cumberland Pres. Ch., later the M. E. Ch.; husb, 7 chren remain. Pittsburgh Advocate please copy | ||
12/16/1875 | 395 | THOMAS, Samuel Sr. | -----, Lucinda* | |||||
12/16/1875 | 395 | BLACK, Jacob* | 85 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: McCutchensville [sic] area (d Nov 30, 1875 age 85y, 5m, 28d); funeral at McCutchensville [sic] Pres. Ch.; sick only a few days | |||
12/16/1875 | 395 | SALLADA, Daniel* | 61 | PA | PA: Mercer Co. (d Oct 8, 1875 age 61y, 2m); an affectionate husb & kind father | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | KEISS, John* | 60 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (d Dec 2, 1875 age 60y, 11m, 28d); leader of the German class at St. John's chapel; widow, number of chren remain; erysipelas | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | GREENLEE, James L.* | 26 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Lake Tp. (d Dec 7, 1875 age 26y, 9m, 16d at res of father); funeral at the residence. Minister: F. R. TOTHEROH | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | HAZZARD, Maria* | 65 | HAZZARD, Matthew | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bath (d Dec 3, 1875 age 65y, 3m, 21d); converted 30 yrs ago; aged husb, 3 chren remain | ||
12/23/1875 | 403 | HAZZARD, Matthew | -----, Maria* | |||||
12/23/1875 | 403 | BARGER, Jacob* | 69 | OH | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Redren (b May 21, 1806) | OH: Hancock Co.: West Independence (d Dec 8, 1875 age 69y, 6m, 17d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 35 yrs; died from injuries received from a kicking horse | ||
12/23/1875 | 403 | FORREST, James L.* | 34 | PA | PA: Easton (d Nov 21, 1875 age 34y, 4m, 2d); memb Bethel mission, current class leader; wife, 2 chren remain | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | ROLLER, -----* | 39 | ROLLER, John | IN | IN: Lafayette area (d Nov 8, 1875 age 39y, 4m, 11d); husb, 7 chren remain; sick but a few days | ||
12/23/1875 | 403 | AKIN, Patience* | 38 | SCOTT | AKIN, William | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Beloit area (d Nov 5, 1875 age 38y, 3m, 18d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 brothers & sisters remain | |
12/23/1875 | 403 | SCOTT, Patience* | 38 | AKIN, William | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Beloit area (d Nov 5, 1875 age 38y, 3m, 18d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 brothers & sisters remain | ||
12/23/1875 | 403 | AKIN, William | SCOTT, Patience* | |||||
12/23/1875 | 403 | SCHULTZ, -----* [male] | 52 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Reading (d Dec 2, 1875 age 52y, 7m, 26d); converted ca 14 yrs ago; widow remains; consumption | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | MYERS, Frank F.* | 19 | -- | --: Palo Alto (d Dec 8, 1875 age 19y, 1m, 3d); son of George; run over by engine while walking on track of Pa. & R. R.R., d 2 hrs later [there is a Palo Alto in Schuylkill Co., PA] [d Dec 8] | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | MYERS, Samuel E.* | 10 | -- | --: Palo Alto (d Sep 24, 1875 age 10y, 7m, 15d); son of George; memb of S.S. at Port Carbon, PA; diphtheria [there is a Palo Alto in Schuylkill Co., PA] [d Sep 24]; [see obit of bro, Frank F. MYERS, Dec 23, 1875 p 403] | |||
12/23/1875 | 403 | KRELL, Catherine E.* | 77 | IA | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Rodheim (b) | IA: Winterset circuit (d Nov 28, 1875 age 77y, 9m, 9d); to AMER winter of 1847; converted Ross Co. circuit, OH; large circle of friends & relatives mourn their loss | ||
12/30/1875 | 411 | HESS, Jeremiah* | 79 | PA | PA: York (d Dec 7, 1875); pioneer of our church in this place; memb 30+ yrs; left a host of friends | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | McLAUGHLIN, James* | 94 | MD | PA: Chester Co. (b) | MD: State Ridge area (d Dec 3, 1875 age 94y, 4m, 21d); to Harford Co. ca 60 yrs ago; converted age 75; aged wife, a number of sons & daus remain; paralysis | ||
12/30/1875 | 411 | WIETS, Magdalena* | 91 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Tiffin (d Dec 3, 1875). "She was a woman of great physical strength, and a few weeks before her death she walked two miles in a very short time." | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | EXAMPLE, walked 2 mi in very short time | see Magdalena WIETS, age 91, Dec 30, 1875 p 411 | |||||
12/30/1875 | 411 | PFINGSTON, Henry* | 55 | IL | HESSE CASSEL (b) | IL: Will Co. (d Nov 3, 1875 age 55y, 8m, 8d); to AMER 1845; universally esteemed; widow, 2 chren remain | ||
12/30/1875 | 411 | HOUSWERT, Mary Ann* | 39 | HOUSWERT, Henry G. | MI | MI: Portage Prairie (d [no date] age 39y, 1m, 22d); husb, pars, siblings remain [does not mention remaining chren, yet says she an affectionate wife & mother] | ||
12/30/1875 | 411 | HOUSWERT, Henry G. | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
12/30/1875 | 411 | RAMSEY, Cyrus W.* | 9 | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Mt. Carmel (d Dec 13, 1875 age 9y, 11m, 5d); son of Cyrus & Elizabeth; pars, little bros & sisters remain, one sis of whom is Violette; bro Willie is dead; trichina 3 wks | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | MILLER, John C.* | 65 | IN | IN: St. Joseph Co.: Mishawaka (d Dec 10, 1875 age 65y, 26d); wife, 10 chren remain; 2 chren dead; d suddenly of heart disease | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | HOFFER, Eliza C.* | 18 | OH | OH: Licking Co.: Pataskala area (d Dec 5, 1875 age 18y, 4m, 5d); dau of John & Anna HOFFER; diphtheria | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | ZINN, ----* [male] | 79 | PA | PA: York Co.: Manchester (d Dec 11, 1875 age 79y, 2m, 1d); one of 1st membs Evan. Assn. in York Co.; many yrs house used as house of public worship; afflicted 9 yrs, last 14 mos compelled to occupy a chair | |||
12/30/1875 | 411 | FETTER, Caroline F.* | 26 | FETTER, William | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Freedom area (d Dec 4, 1875 age 26y, 2m, 9d); husb, 3 chren remain; inflammation | ||
12/30/1875 | 411 | FETTER, William | -----, Caroline F.* | |||||
12/30/1875 | 411 | CRITES, Nancy* | 51 | MI | MI: Hillsdale Co.: South Wright area (d Dec 17, 1875 age 51y, 4m, 18d); memb Evan. Assn. 10 yrs; husb, chren remain |
Number of items that your search found: 385