Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/06/1880 | 7 | FISHER, Henry Lans (Rev.)* | 52 | SCHNEIDER, Angeline | IL | PA: Lebanon Co.: Lebanon area (b Mar 8, 1828) | IL: Richland Co.: Olney (d); md 1849; to IN 1861; mentions his only son John. "They had 3 sons and 3 daughters, of whom 2 preceded the father into the spirit world." [lengthy obit] | |
07/06/1880 | 7 | SCHNEIDER, Angeline | FISHER, Henry Lans (Rev.)* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | FISHER, Angeline | FISHER, Henry Lans (Rev.)* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | REBER, Wm. L. (Rev.)* | 69 | BOYER, Mary M. | PA | PA: Reading (d at home of son-in-law, Dr. J. E. SIEGEL); md 1832; member East PA Conf.; wife, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead; apoplexy; lists pastorates, other details | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | BOYER, Mary M. | REBER, Wm. L. (Rev.)* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | REBER, Mary M. | REBER, Wm. L. (Rev.)* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | NEVEL, Magdalena* | 83 | PA | PA: Berks Co. (b Jan 8, 1797) | PA: Carlisle (d; res w/ dau); before res w/ dau, att Letort Spring Church; later joined Evan. Assn.; 3 chren remain; husb, 10 chren dead | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | WEIDNER, Gilbert* | 18 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); oldest son of Rev. Wm. H. of East PA Conf; fell from 2nd story window of an office | |||
07/06/1880 | 7 | GAY, Caroline* | -- | MONISMITH | IA | IA: Belle Plaine (d); husb, 3 little daus, widowed mother, siblings remain; sis of Rev. T. of Des Moines Conf.; consumption | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | MONISMITH, Caroline* | -- | GAY, ----- | IA | IA: Belle Plaine (d); husb, 3 little daus, widowed mother, siblings remain; sis of Rev. T. of Des Moines Conf.; consumption | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | ESER, Mary* | 45 | KITMAN | ESER, Marx | PA | PA: Norristown (d); to AMER 1853; to Norristown 1854; husb, other relatives remain; cholera morbus | |
07/06/1880 | 7 | KITMAN, Mary* | 45 | ESER, Marx | PA | PA: Norristown (d); to AMER 1853; to Norristown 1854; husb, other relatives remain; cholera morbus | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | ESER, Marx | KITMAN, Mary* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | FAIR, Mary* | 71 | FAIR, John | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: New Pittsburgh (d); md 55 yrs; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; heart disease | ||
07/06/1880 | 7 | FAIR, John | -----, Mary* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | SECRIST, Emma* | 24 | OH | OH: Hastings area (d); dau of Samuel & Sophia; pars, brother, sisters remain. Minister: G. W. MIESSE | |||
07/06/1880 | 7 | MAUK, Annie Mary* | 29 | BRUSMAN | MAUK, James H. | IN | OH: Stark Co. (b Jan 24, 1857) | IN: Vigo Co.: Pimento area (d); dau of Isaac A. & Nancy; husb, 2 chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 3 chren dead |
07/06/1880 | 7 | BRUSMAN, Annie Mary* | 29 | MAUK, James H. | ||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | MAUK, James H. | BRUSMAN, Annie Mary* | |||||
07/06/1880 | 7 | GROSS, Carrie Rebecca* | 27 | PA | PA: Warren (d); dau of Daniel & Philippine; pars, 5 bros, 4 sis remain; diphtheria | |||
07/06/1880 | 7 | SNYDER, Sarah* | 64 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Adrian (d); husb was a local Evan. Assn. preacher, who died a few yrs ago; 3 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
07/06/1880 | 7 | WESTHAEFER, Susan* | 35 | OH | OH: Minister: VANDERSALL, A. | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | BREITHAUPT, L. (Hon.)* | 52 | HAILER, Cath. | ONT | GERMANY: Allendorf an der Werra (b Nov 8, 1827) | ONT: Berlin (d); age 16 w/ pars to AMER to Buffalo, NY; to Berlin 1861; estab large business; Mayor of town; md 1853; 7 sons, 3 daus, mother, an only sis remain; 1 son dead; liver disease | |
07/13/1880 | 7 | HAILER, Cath. | BREITHAUPT, L. (Hon.)* | |||||
07/13/1880 | 7 | BREITHAUPT, Cath. | BREITHAUPT, L. (Hon.)* | |||||
07/13/1880 | 7 | RIECHART, William* | 70 | PA | PA: York Co.: Longstown (d) widow, 1 son, 2 daus remain; dropsy | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | EWALD, Daniel, Sr.* | 68 | ONT | Prussia; Prov. Of Brandenburg: Ringenwalde (b Feb 7, 1812) | ONT: Co. of Bruce: Craig Farm, Saugeen (d); w/ fam to CANADA 1852 to Co. of Waterloo; to Co. Bruce 1856; had fair share of prosperity & comforts; widow, 9 chren remain | ||
07/13/1880 | 7 | JACKSON, William S.* | 49 | ONT | ONT: Puslinch (d); wife, 2 sons remain; lung disease | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | WEIMER, S. A.* ["Sister"] | 36 | WELLER | IL | IL: Henry Co.: Loraine Tp. (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d); husb, 8 chren remain, of which the youngest was only a few hrs old when she died; pars, siblings also remain | |
07/13/1880 | 7 | WELLER, S. A.* ["Sister"] | 36 | WEIMER, ----- | IL | IL: Henry Co.: Loraine Tp. (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Geneseo (d); husb, 8 chren remain, of which the youngest was only a few hrs old when she died; pars, siblings also remain | |
07/13/1880 | 7 | VENNS, Frederick* | 90 | PA | PA: Logansville (d Jun 26, 1880 age 90y, 5m, 14d); joined Evan. Assn. ca 53 yrs ago; 2 chren remain; 6 chren dead; wife d 3 yrs ago | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | BRUCH, Christian* | 45 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Penargil [sic] (d); widow, 8 chren remain | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | RABER, Rosetta May* | 11 | IN | IN: Wolcottville (d); only ch of J. D. & Caroline; inflammatory rheumatism | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | LEWIS, James* | 5 | -- | --: son of J. D. & Anna M. | |||
07/13/1880 | 7 | ECKI, Daisy* | 2mo | -- | --: dau of John & Josephine | |||
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Philip* | 65 | BUND, Anna M. (wife #1; md 41 yrs; had 12 chren, 5 died) | PA | GERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt (b Oct 25, 1811) | PA: Lancaster (res); to AMER 1844 to Lancaster, where wife #1 died; he & wife crossing PA R. R. track at Salunga, express train struck carriage | |
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Philip* | 65 | KOCH, Anna Margaretta (wife #2; md 1yr after death of wife #1) | PA | GERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt (b Oct 25, 1811) | PA: Lancaster (res); to AMER 1844 to Lancaster, where wife #1 died; he & wife crossing PA R. R. track at Salunga, express train struck carriage | |
07/20/1880 | 6 | BUND, Anna M. | SCHUM, Philip* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Anna M. | SCHUM, Philip* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 6 | KOCH, Anna Margaretta | SCHUM, Philip* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Anna Margaretta | SCHUM, Philip* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Anna Margaretta* | 46 | KOCH | SCHUM, Philip | PA | PA: Lancaster (res); she & husb crossing PA R. R. track at Salunga, express train struck carriage | |
07/20/1880 | 6 | KOCH, Anna Margaretta* | 46 | SCHUM, Philip | PA | PA: Lancaster (res); she & husb crossing PA R. R. track at Salunga, express train struck carriage | ||
07/20/1880 | 6 | SCHUM, Philip | KOCH, Anna Margaretta* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 6 | KELLY, Mary Ann* | 28 | KELLY, M. | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Bendersville; confinement | ||
07/20/1880 | 6 | KELLY, M. | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
07/20/1880 | 7 | MESSERLY, Leroy* | 20 | OH | OH: Circleville (d); widowed mother, bro, sisters remain; ill 5 yrs, blind the last 6 yrs | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | LAYMAN, Sarah* | 67 | PA | PA: Carlisle (d); dropsy | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | HARDY, Sarah E.* | 22 | RICE | PA | PA: Bendersville area (d); dau of Daniel; carried her from the same room where she was md not a yr ago; husb, little babe, pars, 1 bro remain | ||
07/20/1880 | 7 | RICE, Sarah E.* | 22 | HARDY, ----- | PA | PA: Bendersville area (d); dau of Daniel; carried her from the same room where she was md not a yr ago; husb, little babe, pars, 1 bro remain | ||
07/20/1880 | 7 | WEANER, Louisa* | 34 | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Bendersville area (d); memb Lutheran church; confinement | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | CRAUL, Henry* | 43 | PA | PA: York Co.: Rossville area (d) | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | FOX, Aaron E.* | 18 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d); only ch of Emanuel (deceased) & Elmira; consumption | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | WILHELM, Elizabeth* | 80 | FISHER | PA | PA: Lebanon ( Jul 11, 1880, age 80y, 10m, 2d); dau of John & Christian; converted 52 yrs ago | ||
07/20/1880 | 7 | FISHER, Elizabeth* | 80 | WILHELM, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon ( Jul 11, 1880, age 80y, 10m, 2d); dau of John & Christian; converted 52 yrs ago | ||
07/20/1880 | 7 | GOCHENAUER, Minnia A.* | 5 | PA | PA: York Co.: Bower's Church area (d) | |||
07/20/1880 | 7 | URICH, Franklin Rudolf* | 1 mo | IL | IL: Whiteside Co.: Spring Hill (d); inf son of Andrew; whooping cough | |||
07/27/1880 | 6 | GILBERT, Emanuel* | 38 | SNYDER, Catherine (wife #1; wife d 4 yrs ago) | MI | OH (b) | MI: Isabella Co. (d); to East Gilead, Branch Co., MI, 19-20 yrs ago; to Isabella Co. last yr; wife, 2 chren dead. "He leaves a wife, one orphan girl and a step-son, the only child of the late Rev. T. N. Davis." | |
07/27/1880 | 6 | GILBERT, Emanuel* | 38 | DAVIS, Anna, widow of Rev. T. N. of MI Conf. (wife #2) | MI | OH (b) | MI: Isabella Co. (d); to East Gilead, Branch Co., MI, 19-20 yrs ago; to Isabella Co. last yr; wife, 2 chren dead. "He leaves a wife, one orphan girl and a step-son, the only child of the late Rev. T. N. Davis." | |
07/27/1880 | 6 | SNYDER, Catherine | GILBERT, Emanuel* | |||||
07/27/1880 | 6 | GILBERT, Catherine | GILBERT, Emanuel* | |||||
07/27/1880 | 6 | DAVIS, Anna | GILBERT, Emanuel* | |||||
07/27/1880 | 6 | GILBERT, Anna | GILBERT, Emanuel* | |||||
07/27/1880 | 6 | BASTAIN, Addie* | 23 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: New Columbus area (d); lung disease 3 yrs | |||
07/27/1880 | 6 | RECTOR, Tillman* | 61 | -- | --: Minister: DICKEY, E. F.; wife, 2 sons, 1 dau remain | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MILLER, Rebeca* | 50 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | HIGHT, Eve* | 80 | IN | PA: Bedford Co. (b) | IN: Pulaski Co.: Winnamac area (d Apr 17, 1880, age 80y, 1m, 6d); well acquainted w/ Jacob ALBRIGHT, founder of Evan. Assn. Sis to wife of Rev. John RICKEL, who d nr West Salem, OH, Sep 10, 1879 | ||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MILLER, Mary* | 75 | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); 1 bro, 1 sis remain; stomach cancer | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MONNETT, Amelia Louisa* | 23 | OH | OH: Licking Co. (d); husb, child remain | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MARTIN, Susanna* | 25 | -- | OH: Mahoning Co. (b) | --: BAUMGARDNER, S. M.; pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | ||
07/27/1880 | 7 | OWEN, Sally* | 78 | OH | OH: Licking Co.: Wagram (d Jul 15, 1880, age 78y, 3m, 2d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; husb dead | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | RORICK, Chas. C.* | 26 | IL | IL: Lee Co.: Eldena (d); wife, a one-yr-old son remain; consumption | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | RASELY, Clarence N.* | 21 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: East Bangor (d); oldest son of Hiram & Susan; dropsy | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | AMEND, Catharine* | 80 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Cresswell (d Jul 12, 1880, age 80y, 4m, 6d) | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | STEED, John W.* | 54 | -- | VA: Parkersburg (b) | --: Lancaster (d); wife, 2 step-sons remain. Minister: W. W. SHERRICK | ||
07/27/1880 | 7 | ESHLEMAN, Elizabeth* | 54 | ESHLEMAN, David | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manor (d); husb, 7 chren remain; cancer | ||
07/27/1880 | 7 | ESHLEMAN, David | -----, Elizabeth* | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manor (d); husb, 7 chren remain; cancer | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | KAUFMAN, Emanuel* | 35 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); wife, 1 child remain | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | FOUTS, George L.* | 16 | OH | OH: Morgan Co.: Eagleport area (d); son of George & Phebe; sick from infancy | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MARK, Sadie E.* | 8 | -- | --: dau of Henry & Amanda; diphtheria | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | SCHLEH, Arthur E.* | 1 | -- | --: son of G. H. & M. Allee | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | SEITZ, Edwin Morris* | 9 | PA | PA: York Co.: Glen Rock area (d); son of Eli & Mary Ann | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | KLINEFELTER, Ollie* | 10 | OH | OH: Marion area (d); dau of Jacob & Elizabeth; consumption | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | MARK, Sarah Ellen* | 8 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Penn Hall area (d); dau of Henry & Amanda; diphtheria | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | HOUSE, Mary S.* | 14 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Bertrand Tp. (d); dau of John & Elizabeth; diphtheria | |||
07/27/1880 | 7 | HOUSE, Sarah E.* | 5 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Bertrand Tp. (d); dau of John & Elizabeth; diphtheria | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | MESSNER, Hannah* | 51? | HOFFMAN | MESSNER, Geo. (Rev.) | IL | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (b) | IL: Batavia (d); md 1841, then to IL. No chren of her own, adopted two orphans; husb, 1 adopted dau remain; rheumatism / quick consumption [age may be 54] |
08/03/1880 | 7 | HOFFMAN, Hannah* | 51? | MESSNER, Geo. (Rev.) | IL | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (b) | IL: Batavia (d); md 1841, then to IL. No chren of her own, adopted two orphans; husb, 1 adopted dau remain; rheumatism / quick consumption [age may be 54] | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | MESSNER, Geo. (Rev.) | HOFFMAN, Hannah* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | FITZGERALD, Mary M.* | 50 | FITZGERALD, George | IA | KY: Paducah (b Sep 12, 1829) | IA: Linn Co. (d); age 12 to White Co., IL; then to Sangamon Co., where md Sep 26, 1850; then to Linn Co.; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; heart disease | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | FITZGERALD, George | -----, Mary M.* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | STROME, Angeline* | 21 | MEGARNEY | NE | OH: Richland Co. (res prev) | NE: Harlan Co.: Bainbridge (d); few yrs ago w/ husb & father-in-law, Rev. Jonas STROME from Richland Co., OH; husb, 2-yr-old son remain; spasms during confinement [age may be 24] | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | MEGARNEY, Angeline* | 21 | STROME, ----- | NE | OH: Richland Co. (res prev) | NE: Harlan Co.: Bainbridge (d); few yrs ago w/ husb & father-in-law, Rev. Jonas STROME from Richland Co., OH; husb, 2-yr-old son remain; spasms during confinement [age may be 24] | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | YADER, Samuel* | 46 | PA | PA: Clarion Co. (d); wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead; consumption | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | STAMM, Elizabeth* | 77 | LONG | STAMM, David | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Logansville area (d); md Jan 1, 1825; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 4 chren are staunch pillar in Evan. Assn. Found Jesus, but made shipwreck of faith in Him until afflicted w/ paralysis 7 mos ago | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | LONG, Elizabeth* | 77 | STAMM, David | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Logansville area (d); md Jan 1, 1825; 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 4 chren are staunch pillars in Evan. Assn. Found Jesus, but made shipwreck of faith in Him until afflicted w/ paralysis 7 mos ago | ||
08/03/1880 | 7 | STAMM, David | LONG, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | EXAMPLE:, shipwrecked her faith in Jesus | see STAMM, Elizabeth, Aug 3, 1880, p 7 | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | HAAG, John George* | 57 | SORG, Barbara | IL | GERMANY (b) | IL: Kendall Co.: Oswego (d); to AMER 1841; md 1848; wife, 6 grown chren, mother remain; fell from a wagon | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | SORG, Barbara | HAAG, John George* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | HAAG, Barbara | HAAG, John George* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | FULTON, Susanna Elizabeth* | 33 | FULTON, Wesley | IA | IA: Lucas Co.: Shoer's Mill area (d); husb, 3 sm chren remain; consumption | ||
08/03/1880 | 7 | FULTON, Wesley | -----, Susanna Elizabeth* | IA | IA: Lucas Co.: Shoer's Mill area (d); husb, 3 sm chren remain; consumption | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | GRAMBLING, Susannah* | 23 | PA | PA: Cambria (converted at camp-meeting); consumption 5 mos. Minister: M. H. SHANNON | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | WINKELBLECH, Catherine* | 43 | BRAUSE | WINKELBLECH, Elias | PA | PA: Union Co.: Laurelton (d); husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, mother, bro, sisters remain; typhoid fever | |
08/03/1880 | 7 | BRAUSE, Catherine* | 43 | WINKELBLECH, Elias | PA | PA: Union Co.: Laurelton (d); husb, 2 sons, 1 dau, mother, bro, sisters remain; typhoid fever | ||
08/03/1880 | 7 | WINKELBLECH, Elias | BRAUSE, Catherine* | |||||
08/03/1880 | 7 | IRWIN, John* | 74 | OH | OH: Ashland area (d); joined Evan Assn. ca 5 yrs ago under D. H. Rosenberg; aged wife, 5 chren remain. Minister: A. VANDERSALL | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | NASH, Eliza* | 22 | -- | --: Prescott area (d); consumption. Minister: A. Y. CUPP [possibly IA] | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | STARK, Willie T.* | 4 | OH | OH: Ashland (d) | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | GRIFFITH, -----* | 3mo | -- | --: infant dau of Jos. & Lovina | |||
08/03/1880 | 7 | WOLF, Anna Eve* | 1 | PA | PA: Buffalo Valley (d); only child of Martin & Ada | |||
08/10/1880 | 7 | DRUM, Peter* | FISHER, Catharine, of Bubs Mountain | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria: Olmet (res prev) | OH: West Unity (d); to AMER 1836; md 1839; former memb Freden's class, Evan. Assn.; had 4 sons, 3 dau, 2 of sons are dead; fell from cherry tree, was paralyzed; suffered 25 days | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | FISHER, Catharine | DRUM, Peter* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | DRUM, Catharine | DRUM, Peter* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | FISHBAUGH, Mary* | 33 | FISHBAUGH, George | OH | OH: Toledo (d); res Tiffin, OH; husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | FISHBAUGH, George | -----, Mary* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | NICHOLS, Mary* | 39 | SANFORD | NICHOLS, Daniel | IA | NY: Herkimer Co. (b) | IA: Louisa Co.: Morning Sun (d); w/ pars to IL 1858; to Morning Sun w/ husb 1878; husb, 6 chren, mother, 3 sis, 4 bros remain; mammillary cancer |
08/10/1880 | 7 | SANFORD, Mary* | 39 | NICHOLS, Daniel | IA | NY: Herkimer Co. (b) | IA: Louisa Co.: Morning Sun (d); w/ pars to IL 1858; to Morning Sun w/ husb 1878; husb, 6 chren, mother, 3 sis, 4 bros remain; mammillary cancer | |
08/10/1880 | 7 | NICHOLS, Daniel | SANFORD, Mary* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | TOMBLER, Mary Ann* | 46 | MOHRY | PA | PA: Slatinton [sic] (d at house of sis); dau of John & Magdalena; pars, only sis remain; bur Berlinsville; internal cancer | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | MOHRY, Mary Ann* | 46 | TOMBLER, ----- | PA | PA: Slatinton [sic] (d at house of sis); dau of John & Magdalena; pars, only sis remain; bur Berlinsville; internal cancer | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | TROMETER, Christiana* | 76 | KERNER | TROMETER, J. (Rev.) | MI | MI: Calhoun Co.: Marshall (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; obliged to sit in her chair the last 4 mos; dropsy of heart | |
08/10/1880 | 7 | KERNER, Christiana* | 76 | TROMETER, J. (Rev.) | MI | MI: Calhoun Co.: Marshall (d); husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; obliged to sit in her chair the last 4 mos; dropsy of heart | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | TROMETER, J. (Rev.) | KERNER, Christiana* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | STUMPNER, Elizabeth* | 29 | STUMPNER, John | -- | --: Ministers: G. S. DOMER & G. W. CUPP; dyspepsia | ||
08/10/1880 | 7 | STUMPNER, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/10/1880 | 7 | EGG, Christian Ross* | 1 | IA | IA: Coburg area (d); infant son of William H. & Eliza J. | |||
08/10/1880 | 7 | SCHLEH, Arthur E.* | 1 | PA | PA: Adams Co.: East Berlin (d); infant son of Rev. G. H. & Alice | |||
08/17/1880 | 6 | EBERHART, Abraham* | 82 | AMEND, Esther | IL | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | IL: Chicago Lawn (d Aug 7, 1880 age 82y, 7m, 10d); md Aug 22, 1820; res prev Mercer Co., PA; 7 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son, 2 daus dead; has 88 descendants; 5 sons in ministry; bur Rose Hill Cem. [lengthy obit] | |
08/17/1880 | 6 | AMEND, Esther | EBERHART, Abraham* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 6 | EBERHART, Esther | EBERHART, Abraham* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 6 | RIGEL, Samuel* | 73 | HOY, Sarah (wife #1; dau of Daniel; sis to wife of late Bishop LONG; had 2 sons, 3 daus) | OH | PA (b) | OH: Franklin Co.: Westerville (d); age 7 to OH to Fairfield Co.; md wife #2, 1865; bought house in Westerville, had neat little brick church erected 1876; widow, 3 daus, 2 sis remain; bur in Plain Cem. nr his old home [wife #2 not named here] | |
08/17/1880 | 6 | HOY, Sarah | RIGEL, Samuel* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 6 | RIGEL, Sarah | RIGEL, Samuel* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 6 | EXAMPLE:, Westerville [OH]neat little brick church built 1876 | see RIGEL, Samuel, Aug 17, 1880, p 6--Rev. J. Ralphael Dallas's church? | |||||
08/17/1880 | 6 | THOMPSON, Elizabeth Alice* | 19 | IA | IA: Union Co.: Afton area (d); pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; on way home from att Co. Teachers' Normal, horse apparently frightened, threw & dragged her, her hand being wrapped in the rein; found next morning | |||
08/17/1880 | 6 | KISE, Frederick* | 44 | OH | OH: Marion Co. (b) | OH: Marion area (res 2 yrs w/ bro-in-law, Jacob KLINEFELTER); 1st Lieut. in Civil War; funeral at Canaan Church nr Marion; consumption | ||
08/17/1880 | 6 | BILLINGS, Kitty Maria* | 22 | NE | NE: Harlan Co.: Alma (d); husb, 2-yr-old son, father, 1 bro remain. "She leaves a heartless, ungodly husband É in his hardness to rejoice in her death. She leaves also one bright little boy É motherless, and worse than fatherless." | |||
08/17/1880 | 6 | AUBLE, Mary* | 92 | OH | PA: Philadelphia area (b Jun 1788) | OH: Medina Co.: Spencer (d); w/ husb 62 yrs ago to Stark Co., OH, then to Wadsworth, and to Spencer in 1862; 6 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 2 sons, 1 dau dead | ||
08/17/1880 | 6 | FREES, Angelne [sic]* | 28 | OH | OH: Longley Station area (d); converted at Rev. E. WENGERD's revival last winter; husb remains; consumption after a confinement of six months | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | RICHARDS, Isaac R.* | 76 | CHRISTINE, Hannah | IL | IL: Rock Grove area (d); md May 19, 1827; from PA to IL, 1859; widow, 10 chren remain; 2 sons dead; strained himself, resulting in an abscess | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | CHRISTINE, Hannah | RICHARDS, Isaac R.* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | RICHARDS, Hannah | RICHARDS, Isaac R.* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | FRIES, George* | 82 | IL | PA: Lancaster Co. (b May 3, 1798) | IL: Henry Co.: Pink Prairie (d); md 1821; wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; suffered ca 30 yrs | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | VOEGLER, Frederick* | 51 | OH | OH: Lorain Co.: Amherst Tp. (South Bridge [sic] (d); he & mother to AMER from Germany, 1857, to Amherst; widow, 7 chren, mother, bro, sisters remain; cholera morbus / inflammation of stomach 4 days | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | BEAMER, Jacob* | 40 | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Wenksville (d); master mechanic of the co.; using a hand spike to remove sawdust close to the saw, one end struck him on breast, killing him almost instantly | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | GOODSPEED, Rosa L.* | 23 | IA | IA: Cass Co.: McDill area (d); consumption | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | YETLEY, William* | 19 | IA | IA: Marshall Co.: (d); son of John & Elizabeth; after laboring in harvest field, fell from horse, found speechless; d 3 days later. Bur in graveyard in Pennsylvania settlement where his grandparents rest | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | EXAMPLE:, grpars bur place given | see YETLEY, Wm., Aug 17, 1870, p 7 | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | DERR, Hannah* | 62 | REESE | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Canton (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | REESE, Hannah* | 62 | DERR, ----- | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Canton (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | BARBIN, James* | 56 | SNYDER, Christina | IN | IN: Elkhart (d); md Feb 1847; widow, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead; quick consumption. Minister: M. W. STEFFEY | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | SNYDER, Christina | BARBIN, James* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | BARBIN, Christina | BARBIN, James* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | KRAUS, Libby A.* | 25 | SCHNEIDER | OH | OH: Erie Co.: Birmingham area (d); husb, pars, siblings remain; her only child died; spasms during confinement | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | SCHNEIDER, Libby A.* | 25 | KRAUS, ----- | OH | OH: Erie Co.: Birmingham area (d); husb, pars, siblings remain; her only child died; spasms during confinement | ||
08/17/1880 | 7 | STINGEL, Fanny S.* | 20 | MI | MI: Saginaw City (d); dau of Jacob & Christine; pars, siblings remain. Minister: J. K. PONTIUS | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | SCHAFER, Rosina* | 84 | OH | OH: Lorain Co.: Sheffield area (d Jul 27, 1880, age 84y, 7m); converted in Germany; to AMER w/ 4 daus ca 30 yrs ago; widow 30+ yrs. Memb Meth. Ch. Minister: Philip J. FOWL | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | SHOEPLIN, Caroline* | 33 | DENGEL | SHOEPLIN, Wm. | KS | NY: Albany (b) | KS: Willow Springs (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain |
08/17/1880 | 7 | DENGEL, Caroline* | 33 | SHOEPLIN, Wm. | KS | NY: Albany (b) | KS: Willow Springs (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
08/17/1880 | 7 | SHOEPLIN, Wm. | DENGEL, Caroline* | |||||
08/17/1880 | 7 | McFRITZ, Mary* | 22 | IA | IA: Creston (d); brought home to Adams Co. for burial; memb U. B. Church. Minister: A. Y CUPP | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | NAGLE, Daniel* | 81 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Liverpool (d Jul 24, 1880, age 81y, 9m, 24d); apoplexy | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | COOPER, Mary Virginia* | 14 | PA | PA: York Co.: Peach Bottom Tp. (d); dau of Martha A. & the late Henry C.; diphtheria | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | PAINTER, Henry R.* | 10 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown (d); son of Jacob & Rebecca [also called Harry] | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | MOLLEN, Carrie A.* | 13 | KS | KS: Rooks Co. (d); dau of S. & Zemira; quick consumption | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | SHORE, Charley* | 11mo | KS | KS: Rooks Co. (d) | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | KIME, Charles Henry* | 11mo | -- | --: son of Wistor & Lena | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | KIME, Frankie* | -- | -- | --: son of Wistor & Lena [mentioned in obit of Charles Henry KIME | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | KIME, Mary* | -- | -- | --: dau of Wistor & Lena [mentioned in obit of Charles Henry KIME | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | ENO, Jennie* | 8mo | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carl area (d) | |||
08/17/1880 | 7 | ZERBY, Joseph Adam* | 5 | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Green Briar area (d); son of Aaron P. & Eliz.; croup | |||
08/24/1880 | 7 | SHEAFFER, Christina* | 77 | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Allegheny Co.: Deer Creek (d); 5 chren remain; 8 chren dead | ||
08/24/1880 | 7 | WEIS, M.* | 61 | WI | ALSACE: Mathern on the Rhine (b) | WI: Walworth Co.: Sharon area (d); to AMER 1846 to Sharon area; wife, 4 bros remain; palsy | ||
08/24/1880 | 7 | STAUFFER, Emma L.* | 21 | PA | PA: Goodville (d) | |||
08/24/1880 | 7 | MOYER, Samuel H.* | 40 | HOSTERMAN, Paulina | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Millheim (d); md Feb 12, 1863; converted 10 yrs ago at Woodward, PA; wife, 2 sons remain; pulmonary consumption | ||
08/24/1880 | 7 | HOSTERMAN, Paulina | MOYER, Samuel H.* | |||||
08/24/1880 | 7 | MOYER, Paulina | MOYER, Samuel H.* | |||||
08/24/1880 | 7 | TOBIAS, Sarah* | 75 | TOBIAS, John | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Maple Park (d at home of dau); 8 chren remain, one son being Rev. L. R. of IL Conf.; bur beside husb in Cedarville Cem.; dropsy | |
08/24/1880 | 7 | TOBIAS, John | -----, Sarah* | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Maple Park (d at home of dau); 8 chren remain, one son being Rev. L. R. of IL Conf.; bur beside husb in Cedarville Cem.; dropsy | ||
08/24/1880 | 7 | SHUTT, Mary* | 73 | MO | MD (b) | MO: Cameron (d); when quite young to Greensburg, later to Cameron; 1 dau, 7 sons remain; husb, 5 chren dead. Minister: S. H. DUNKELBERGER | ||
08/24/1880 | 7 | PELL, Julius* | 5mo | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Prescott area (d) | |||
08/24/1880 | 7 | PROVOST, Lillie May* | 2 | MI | MI: Cahoun [sic] Co.: Ceresco (d); dau of Rev. Geo. & C.; dysentery | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | LOYD, Catharine* | 70 | PA | PA: Pottsville (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 1 child dead | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | BERREL, Elizabeth* | 69 | BERREL, Casper H. | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Easton (d); memb church 6 yrs; fractured hip when sitting down, missed the chair | ||
08/31/1880 | 7 | BERREL, Casper H. | -----, Elizabeth* | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Easton (d); memb church 6 yrs; fractured hip when sitting down, missed the chair | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | SHOEMAKER, Emma* | 23 | -- | --: Dumontville area (d at res of father); consumption. Ministers: W. W. SHERICK, J. A. BURKETT [possibly OH] | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | KLINE, Mary* | 76 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Zieglersville area (d); 8 chren remain; funeral in German by Moses GODSHALK of Evan. Mennonite Ch.; in English by J. N. METZGER; dropsy of heart | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | YORGEY, Mary Jane* | 27 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown area (d); husb, 2 chren remain; consumption. Minister: J. N. METZGER | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | BOHRER, Barbara* | 43 | KUHN | OH | GERMANY (b) | OH: Defiance Co. (d); husb, 7 chren, aged father remain; died during confinement | |
08/31/1880 | 7 | KUHN, Barbara* | 43 | BOHRER, ----- | OH | GERMANY (b) | OH: Defiance Co. (d); husb, 7 chren, aged father remain; died during confinement | |
08/31/1880 | 7 | CASEBEER, Mary Magdalena* | 74 | NE | PA: Mifflin Co. (b) | NE: Blue Springs (d Jul 31, 1880, age 74y, 9m, 29d) | ||
08/31/1880 | 7 | FISHER, Henry D.* | 55 | -- | --: Hummel's Wharf (d); wife, 1 son remain. Submitted by a friend. [There is a Hummel's Whart in Snyder Co., PA] | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | PLYLER, Lydia E.* | 14 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Heathville area (d); pars, siblings remain | |||
08/31/1880 | 7 | LESH, Lydia* | 63 | HENINGER | OH | OH: Stark Co. (d); husb, 3 sons remain | ||
08/31/1880 | 7 | HENINGER, Lydia* | 63 | LESH, ----- | OH | OH: Stark Co. (d); husb, 3 sons remain | ||
08/31/1880 | 7 | HERBST, Franklin* | -- | PA: York Co. (b Feb 25, 1850) | --: Ministers: ROHLAND, I. A. & KRING, S. B.; wife, pars, 2 sis, 3 bros remain; typhoid fever for 4 wks | |||
09/07/1880 | 6 | WINGERT, Sarah* | 21 | SCHULER | WINGERT, Adam | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lower Towamensing Tp. (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Samuel; md Dec 18, 1879; inflammation of brain. Minister: S. T. LEOPOLD |
09/07/1880 | 6 | SCHULER, Sarah* | 21 | WINGERT, Adam | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lower Towamensing Tp. (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Samuel; md Dec 18, 1879; inflammation of brain. Minister: S. T. LEOPOLD | |
09/07/1880 | 6 | WINGERT, Adam | SCHULER, Sarah* | |||||
09/07/1880 | 6 | WILSON, Comford [sic]* | 53 | WILSON, Thomas | PA | MD: Baltimore (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Trackville area (d); to Trackville ca 11 yrs ago; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain; 3 chren dead; tumorous cancer 3 yrs | |
09/07/1880 | 6 | WILSON, Thomas | -----, Comford [sic]* | PA | MD: Baltimore (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Trackville area (d); to Trackville ca 11 yrs ago; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus remain; 3 chren dead; tumorous cancer 3 yrs | ||
09/07/1880 | 7 | MEDLAR, Mary A.* | 25 | BUTZ | MEDLAR, D. A. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Cedarville area (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pine Grove (d); prev memb Turner St. Ch., Allentown, PA; md Aug 20, 1874; husb, dau Beulah, aged father, 3 sis remain; typhoid fever 2 yrs earlier; bur Allentown |
09/07/1880 | 7 | BUTZ, Mary A.* | 25 | MEDLAR, D. A. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Cedarville area (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pine Grove (d); prev memb Turner St. Ch., Allentown, PA; md Aug 20, 1874; husb, dau Beulah, aged father, 3 sis remain; typhoid fever 2 yrs earlier; bur Allentown | |
09/07/1880 | 7 | MEDLAR, D. A. (Rev.) | BUTZ, Mary A.* | |||||
09/07/1880 | 7 | AURAND, Abraham* | 55 | PA | PA: Union Co. (b) | PA: Union Co.: East Buffalo (d); held offices of profit and trust; joined Salem Ch in 1855; wife, dau remain; organic derangement of stomach | ||
09/07/1880 | 7 | FRIESNER, Levi* | 55 | OH | OH: Lancaster (d); bur English Luth. Cem.; funeral at Trinity Evan. Ch., Lancaster; wife, only child (dau) remain. Funeral by S. E. RIFE & W. W. SHERICK | |||
09/07/1880 | 7 | SMOYER, Sarah* | 76 | SMOYER, John | PA | PA: Emaus (d at home of dau); 1 dau, 1 son remain, the son is Rev. B. J. of East PA Conf.; internal inflammation / dropsy | ||
09/07/1880 | 7 | SMOYER, John | -----, Sarah* | PA | PA: Emaus (d at home of dau); 1 dau, 1 son remain, the son is Rev. B. J. of East PA Conf.; internal inflammation / dropsy | |||
09/07/1880 | 7 | BROWN, Susanna* | 70 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Brownstown (d); converted 44 yrs ago; husb, 5 chren dead | |||
09/07/1880 | 7 | STUCK, -----* | 70 | KELLY, Catharine | MI | NY: Seneca Co. (b Aug 24, 1800) | MI: Gratiot Co.: Washington Tp. (d); md 1832; wife, 2 daus remain | |
09/07/1880 | 7 | KELLY, Catharine | STUCK, -----* | |||||
09/07/1880 | 7 | WINGERT, Herbert John* | 5mo | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); son of I. B. & Ella W.; cholera infantum | |||
09/07/1880 | 7 | FERSON, Edith Annette* | 1 | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: Windham area (d); dau of Bradford & Elisabeth | |||
09/14/1880 | 6 | ECKERT, Anna C.* | 43 | IDLEMAN | ECKERT, David | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Fostoria (d); d at home of pars, the only dau of Rev. C. & S.; to KS 8 yrs ago; husb & 2 cousins in KS, pars remain; dau Lydia & bro Silas dead; bur family cem south of Marion, OH; consumption [father called her Catharine] | |
09/14/1880 | 6 | IDLEMAN, Anna C.* | 43 | ECKERT, David | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Fostoria (d); d at home of pars, the only dau of Rev. C. & S.; to KS 8 yrs ago; husb & 2 cousins in KS, pars remain; dau Lydia & bro Silas dead; bur family cem south of Marion, OH; consumption [father called her Catharine] | ||
09/14/1880 | 6 | ECKERT, David | IDLEMAN, Anna C.* | |||||
09/14/1880 | 6 | KESSLER, George* | 55 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Shenandoah (d); widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 8 chren dead; fell ca 50 ft into breach caused by caving in of coal mine | |||
09/14/1880 | 6 | McGRAIL, Alice* | 27 | -- | --: Wenksville area (d); Minister: P. F. JARRETT | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | SHAFFER, Andrew* | 87 | IA | PA: (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Round Grove area (d Aug 13, 1880, age 87y, 5m, 18d); res last few yrs & d at home of dau, ----- LYONS | ||
09/14/1880 | 7 | ENGLE, Annie* | 23 | MD | MD: Elysville (d); consumption. Annie is 11th child who died, 10 of whom died within ca 3 yrs | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | EXAMPLE:, 10 chren d in 3 yrs | see ENGLE, Annie, Sep 14, 1880, p 7 | |||||
09/14/1880 | 7 | GUYOT, Mary* | 38 | GUYOT, Herm. | IL | KY (res prev) | IL: Edwards Co.: West Salem (d 9 mi from); w/ pars from KY; md 23 yrs; 7 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
09/14/1880 | 7 | GUYOT, Herm. | -----, Mary* | IL | KY (res prev) | IL: Edwards Co.: West Salem (d 9 mi from); w/ pars from KY; md 23 yrs; 7 chren remain; 5 chren dead | ||
09/14/1880 | 7 | KOOS, F.* | 36 | OH | OH: Delta (d); wife, 7 chren remain; railroad accident | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | FARRIS, Nancy* | 19 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Mt. Erna area (d); husb, 1 child, pars, bro, 2 sis remain; consumption. Minister: A. Y. CUPP | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | BALL, Olive* | 25 | OH | OH: Independence (d); husb remains; 2 chren dead; consumption. Minister: G. W. MIESSE | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | ELDEN, Elmira P.* | 42 | ELDEN, Geo. | PA | PA: Bendersville area (d); memb Zion Church | ||
09/14/1880 | 7 | ELDEN, Geo. | -----, Elmira P.* | |||||
09/14/1880 | 7 | CUSHMAN, Sheriden Douglas* | 10 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Center Point [?] area (d); heart disease | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | HUMFREY, Charles Edward* | 4 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Center Point area (d); step-son of Thos. H. PRICE; diphtheria | |||
09/14/1880 | 7 | PRICE, Thos. H. | mentioned in obit of stepson, HUMFREY, Charles Edward, Sep 16, 1880, p 7 | |||||
09/14/1880 | 7 | MILLER, Carrie Ella* | 1 | OH | OH: Wauseon (d) | |||
09/21/1880 | 7 | JACOBY, Levi S. (Rev.)* | 53 | YOUNG, Margaret | NY | PA: Bucks Co.: Springtown area (b Oct 20, 1826) | NY: Wayne Co.: Newark (bur); md 1850 at Lyons, NY. Preached every evening, 3 times on Sun.; traveled 30 mi some days, preached in crowded schools, slept in cold beds. Salary $20 / yr. Wife, son, dau, 3 bros, 2 sis remain [lengthy obit] | |
09/21/1880 | 7 | YOUNG, Margaret | JACOBY, Levi S. (Rev.) | |||||
09/21/1880 | 7 | JACOBY, Margaret | JACOBY, Levi S. (Rev.) | |||||
09/21/1880 | 7 | EXAMPLE:, circuit rider conditions | see JACOBY, Levi S. (Rev.), Sep 21, 1880, p 7 | |||||
09/21/1880 | 7 | ROBINSON, Irwin (Rev.)* | 61 | OR | OR: Philomath (d); res prev WI; served as local preacher ret from Corvallis, when leaving stable, kicked by horse, brok leg, mortification set it; funeral in college chapel of Philomath | |||
09/21/1880 | 7 | WITMER, Christian M.* | 23 | ONT | ONT: Wellington Co.: Hespeler area (d at home of pars); pars, 3 bros remain | |||
09/21/1880 | 7 | STEINHILBER, Bernhard* | 68 | HEIL, Maria | NY | WUERTTEMBERG (b 1811) | NY: Jefferson Co.: Evan's Mills (d); w/ pars to AMER ca 50 yrs ago; md 43 yrs; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son dead; 4 strokes since Jul 1877 | |
09/21/1880 | 7 | HEIL, Maria | STEINHILBER, Bernhard* | |||||
09/21/1880 | 7 | STEINHILBER, Maria | STEINHILBER, Bernhard* | |||||
09/21/1880 | 7 | MYERS, Amanda* | 33 | MYERS, John | OH | OH: Spring Mountain area (d); husb, 2 little daus, mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | ||
09/21/1880 | 7 | MYERS, John | -----, Amanda* | OH | OH: Spring Mountain area (d); husb, 2 little daus, mother, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | |||
09/21/1880 | 7 | HARPSTER, Elizabeth* | 29 | PLANTZ | -- | --: Minister: PRECHTEL, H.; husb, 1 child, pars remain; typhoid fever | ||
09/21/1880 | 7 | PLANTZ, Elizabeth* | 29 | HARPSTER, ----- | -- | --: Minister: PREACHTEL, H.; husb, 1 child, pars remain; typhoid fever | ||
09/21/1880 | 7 | UHL, Laney* | 38 | -- | --: Minister: PREACHTEL, H.; husb, 3 chren remain; consumption | |||
09/28/1880 | 6 | RAINEY, Elizabeth* | 38 | OH | OH: Bettsville area (d); 1 dau, father, siblings remain; husb d a few yrs after mge; funeral at Liberty Church w/ Rev. D. STULL | |||
09/28/1880 | 6 | BYERS, Amanda* | 34 | BASSAMAN | BYERS, J. B. | PA | PA: York Co.: Bower's Church (d) | |
09/28/1880 | 6 | BASSAMAN, Amanda* | 34 | BYERS, J. B. | PA | PA: York Co.: Bower's Church (d) | ||
09/28/1880 | 6 | BYERS, J. B. | BASSAMAN, Amanda* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 6 | EXAMPLE:, quote | the dead leave behind them their memory, their example, & the effects of their actions, see BYERS, Amanda, Sep 28, 1880, p 7 | |||||
09/28/1880 | 6 | WITMAN, Isaac* | 71? | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Caenarvon Tp. (d); class leader / exhorter; wife, several chren remain [age perhaps 74?] | |||
09/28/1880 | 6 | MOORE, Eliza* | 47 | MOORE, Samuel | OH | NY: Buffalo (b) | OH: Bettsville (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |
09/28/1880 | 6 | MOORE, Samuel | -----, Eliza* | OH | NY: Buffalo (b) | OH: Bettsville (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
09/28/1880 | 6 | SPIELMAN, Christina* | 94 | PA | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg (b Jul 22, 1796) | PA: Bucks Co.: Hilltown Tp. (d Aug 29, 1880); to AMER 1819; converted under Bishop Seybert at Hatfield, Montgomery Co., PA; had 1 dau who d infancy; bur Hatfield graveyard | ||
09/28/1880 | 6 | STINEMAN, Milton Emory* | 10 | PA | PA: South Fork (d); mentions his father; diphtheria | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | WEILER, Mary Barb.* | 86 | PA | FRANCE: Alsace (b) | PA Warren area (d Aug 8, 1880, age 86y, 5m, 27d); ca 45 yrs ago converted under Bishop Seybert at Warren; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; husb d 24 yrs earlier; stroke of palsy | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | GROVE, Catharine* | 87 | HENNEY, ----- (husb #1 | IL | IL: Cedarville (d Aug 25, 1880, age 87y, 1m, 24d); had 3 chren by husb #1 and 2 chren by husb #2; 1 son, bro remain; 4 chren dead [husb #2 not named here] | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HENNEY, ----- | -----, Catharine* | IL | IL: Cedarville (d Aug 25, 1880, age 87y, 1m, 24d); had 3 chren by husb #1 and 2 chren by husb #2; 1 son, bro remain; 4 chren dead | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HENNEY, Catharine* | 87 | GROVE, ----- | IL | IL: Cedarville (d Aug 25, 1880, age 87y, 1m, 24d); had 3 chren by husb #1 and 2 chren by husb #2; 1 son, bro remain; 4 chren dead | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | NELL, Matilda* | 28 | PA | PA: York Co.: Bower's Church area (d); gives description of her conversion | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | ZOOK, Anna M.* | 30 | KRAUSKOP | ZOOK, Joseph | PA | PA: Lancaster (d); husb, child, aged pars remain; consumption | |
09/28/1880 | 7 | KRAUSKOP, Anna M.* | 30 | ZOOK, Joseph | PA | PA: Lancaster (d); husb, child, aged pars remain; consumption | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | ZOOK, Joseph | KRAUSKOP, Anna M.* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | SHREFFLER, William* | 40 | PA | PA: Rocklana [sic] (d); converted 18 yrs ago; wife, a number of chren remain. Ministers: G. S. DOMER, G. W. CUPP | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HASLETT, W. V.* | 27 | WEBER, Hattie, dau of Jonas & Hannah | PA | PA: Dempseytown (d); b Aug 1, 1853; md 3 yrs; wife remains; consumption | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | WEBER, Hattie | HASLETT, W. V.* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HASLETT, Hattie | HASLETT, W. V.* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | MIESSE, Sarah* | -- | BOAS | MIESSE, Jacob | PA | PA: Reading (d); mentions Sister F. G. BOAS [possibly her mother]; Sarah a sister of Rev. Jacob BOAS of Central PA Conf. | |
09/28/1880 | 7 | BOAS, Sarah* | -- | MIESSE, Jacob | PA | PA: Reading (d); mentions Sister F. G. BOAS [possibly her mother]; Sarah a sister of Rev. Jacob BOAS of Central PA Conf. | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | MIESSE, Jacob | BOAS, Sarah* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | RITCHEY, Dora E.* | 21 | HASLETT | PA | PA: Dempseytown area (d); husb remains; consumption; funeral in Bethel M. E. Church by L. H. HETRICK | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HASLETT, Dora E.* | 21 | RITCHEY, ----- | PA | PA: Dempseytown area (d); husb remains; consumption; funeral in Bethel M. E. Church by L. H. HETRICK | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | COCHLEY, Lydia* | 53 | COCHLEY, Joseph | IN | IN: Pulaski Co.: Monterey area (d); md Nov 22, 1849; to Wabash Co., IN, 1 yr later; to Pulaski Co. 8 yrs later; prev memb U. B. Ch. & M. E. Ch.; husb, 3 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | COCHLEY, Joseph | -----, Lydia* | IN | IN: Pulaski Co.: Monterey area (d); md Nov 22, 1849; to Wabash Co., IN, 1 yr later; to Pulaski Co. 8 yrs later; prev memb U. B. Ch. & M. E. Ch.; husb, 3 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | LAWE, Mary Ellen* | 26 | BUCKLEW | LAWE, Wm. | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (d); husb, 2 chren remain | |
09/28/1880 | 7 | BUCKLEW, Mary Ellen* | 26 | LAWE, Wm. | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | LAWE, Wm. | BUCKLEW, Mary Ellen* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | HART, Andrew J.* | 37 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bainbridge (d); wife, 1 bro remain; consumption 3 yrs | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | SMITH, Dorothea (Miss)* | 36 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Ballville (d); dau of Peter & Martha; aged mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; unable to walk last 5 yrs | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | ROSENBERG, Mary Ann* | 51 | ROSENBERG, J. H. (Dr.) | IL | IL: Ottawa (d); md 33 yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren d infancy; enteric typhoid fever / hypertrophy of heart | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | ROSENBERG, J. H. (Dr.) | -----, Mary Ann* | IL | IL: Ottawa (d); md 33 yrs; husb, 2 chren remain; 2 chren d infancy; enteric typhoid fever / hypertrophy of heart | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | McNEAL, Mary Jane* | 34 | CLARK | McNEAL, S. | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (d); husb, pars remain; typhoid fever | |
09/28/1880 | 7 | CLARK, Mary Jane* | 34 | McNEAL, S. | OH | OH: Coshocton Co.: Clark Tp. (d); husb, pars remain; typhoid fever | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | McNEAL, S. | CLARK, Mary Jane* | |||||
09/28/1880 | 7 | SMITH, John T.* | 65 | ORWIG, ----- | IL | IL: Kankakee (d); memb M. E. Church 24+ yrs; remaining are 3 sons & his wife, who is a sis of Rev. W. W. ORWIG | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | ORWIG, ----- | SMITH, John T.* | IL | IL: Kankakee (d); memb M. E. Church 24+ yrs; remaining are 3 sons & his wife, who is a sis of Rev. W. W. ORWIG | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | BELLES, F.* | 34 | BELLES, Daniel | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Dayton (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
09/28/1880 | 7 | BELLES, Daniel | -----, F.* | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Dayton (d); husb, 3 chren remain | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | WILSON, Harriet Ellen* | 2 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); dau of Rev. Joshua & Harriet J.; congestion of brain | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | PENTICO, Benjamin Franklin* | 8 | NE | NE: Cass Co.: Weeping Water area (d); son of Matthew & Mary; diphtheria | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | KLOCK, Isaac Franklin* | 10mo | PA | PA: Ashland area (d); son of Isaac Franklin & Sarah | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | LONG, Anna May* | 7 | -- | --: dau of W. J. & Maggie; diphtheria | |||
09/28/1880 | 7 | SAYLOR, Alice Mamie* | 13 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Wm. H. & Kate | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | SHOFFNER, John* | 74 | PA | GERMANY (b Jan 20, 1806) | PA: Jefferson Co. (d); to AMER age 12; 8 chren remain; wife, 5 chren dead | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | CAMPBELL, John* | 78 | IN | IN: Adams Co.: Decatur (d); wife remains; suffered long & much, confined to his chair | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | MACKEY, Thomas W.* | 25 | HAINES, Mary | OR | MO (b) | OR: Newberg (d at res of bro-in-law, Wm. CLEMENS); to OR May 1874; md 2 1/2 yrs; remaining are widow, sis in OR; pars, relatives in MO | |
10/05/1880 | 7 | HAINES, Mary | MACKEY, Thomas W.* | |||||
10/05/1880 | 7 | MACKEY, Mary | MACKEY, Thomas W.* | |||||
10/05/1880 | 7 | GARMAN, Samuel* | 23 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d at home of pars); pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; scrofula 2 yrs | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | STAUFFER, J. J.* | 37 | PA | PA: Goodville (d); widow, chren remain | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | BARTEMES, John* | 78 | IL | PA (b Oct 20, 1801) | IL: Lodi (crushed by freight train on Chicago & North-Western R.R.); in youth to Fairfield Co., OH; res Lodi area since 1845; widow, 6 chren remain | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | BLINN, Louisa* | 43 | BLINN, Henry | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Brokensword area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; stomach cancer | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | BLINN, Henry | -----, Louisa* | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Brokensword area (d); husb, 5 chren remain; stomach cancer | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | MILLER, Anna* | 34 | MILLER, Richard | MI | SWITZERLAND: Canton Zurich: Bachenbuelach (b Mar 9, 1846) | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d) Sep 18, 1880; to AMER 1868; md Dec 30, 1875; husb, 2 step-sons, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. Minister: J. A. FRYE | |
10/05/1880 | 7 | MILLER, Richard | -----, Anna* | MI | SWITZERLAND: Canton Zurich: Bachenbuelach (b Mar 9, 1846) | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d) Sep 18, 1880; to AMER 1868; md Dec 30, 1875; husb, 2 step-sons, 4 bros, 1 sis remain. Minister: J. A. FRYE | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | DITZLER, Jonathan* | 67 | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); w/ fam to Naperville, 1844; widow, 4 chren remain | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | BELTZ, Geo.* | 73 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Harrisburg area (d); his home opened for prayer meeting & preaching; chren / grchren remain | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | SEIDELL, John* | 71 | IL | IL: Orangeville (d); wife #2 & a number of chren remain [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | TOBIAS, Sarah* | 25 | IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Washington (d); dau of F. L. & Margaret TOBIAS; pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; thrown from buggy Sep 1878, never fully recovered | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | GLESSNER, Ida E.* | 16 | OH | OH: Ashland area (d); attended camp-meeting nr West Salem a few wks before she died. Minister: A. VANDERSALL | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | BICKEL, -----* ["Mother"] | 84 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Rehrersburg (d at res of son John); 6 chren remain; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau dead | |||
10/05/1880 | 7 | LONGAKER, Sarah Emma* | 31 | HAUCK | LONGAKER, Hiram C. | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Zieglersville area (d); stepped on a nail which caused her death 10 days later | |
10/05/1880 | 7 | HAUCK, Sarah Emma* | 31 | LONGAKER, Hiram C. | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Zieglersville area (d); stepped on a nail which caused her death 10 days later | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | LONGAKER, Hiram C. | HAUCK, Sarah Emma* | |||||
10/05/1880 | 7 | RUHLMAN, Margaret* | 81 | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Mahoning Co. (d Sep 13, 1880, age 81y, 4m, 25d); to OH ca 50 yrs ago; md for 63 yrs; husb, 9 chren, one 92-yr-old sis remain; 1 child died | ||
10/05/1880 | 7 | ALDRITT, Lavinia* | 39 | HEACOCK | ALDRITT, Thomas | IL | CANADA: Toronto area (b Nov 19, 1840) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Clyde Tp. (d); age 16 w/ pars from Canada to IL; md Jan 13, 1858; husb, 5 chren remain |
10/05/1880 | 7 | HEACOCK, Lavinia* | 39 | ALDRITT, Thomas | IL | CANADA: Toronto area (b Nov 19, 1840) | IL: Whiteside Co.: Clyde Tp. (d); age 16 w/ pars from Canada to IL; md Jan 13, 1858; husb, 5 chren remain | |
10/05/1880 | 7 | ALDRITT, Thomas | HEACOCK, Lavinia* | |||||
10/12/1880 | 6 | HUELSTER, Carrie* | 33 | HESSE | HUELSTER, Anton (Rev.) | IL | GERMANY: Mecklenburg-Schwerin (b) | IL: Freeport (d); age 4 w/ pars to AMER to Neenah, WI; there until mge 1870; husb a prof at North-Western College, Naperville; husb, 3 chren, mother, bro, sisters remain; one sis md Wm. HUELSTER; bur Naperville Cem. w/ 2 chren who d prev; peritonitis |
10/12/1880 | 6 | HESSE, Carrie* | 33 | HUELSTER, Anton (Rev.) | IL | GERMANY: Mecklenburg-Schwerin (b) | IL: Freeport (d); age 4 w/ pars to AMER to Neenah, WI; there until mge 1870; husb a prof at North-Western College, Naperville; husb, 3 chren, mother, bro, sisters remain; one sis md Wm. HUELSTER; bur Naperville Cem. w/ 2 chren who d prev; peritonitis | |
10/12/1880 | 6 | HUELSTER, Anton (Rev.) | HESSE, Carrie* | |||||
10/12/1880 | 6 | WEISS, Amelia* | 41 | WEISS, Frederick W. | PA | PA: Shamokin (d). "Her life was spotless." Husb, 7 chren remain. Minister: W. A. SHOEMAKER | ||
10/12/1880 | 6 | WEISS, Frederick | -----, Amelia* | PA | PA: Shamokin (d). "Her life was spotless." Husb, 7 chren remain. Minister: W. A. SHOEMAKER | |||
10/12/1880 | 6 | WINEMILLER, Maria* | 45 | PA | PA: Shrewsberry area (d) | |||
10/12/1880 | 6 | PENTICO, Dora May* | 14 | -- | --: Weeping Water area (d); dau of Matthew & Mary; diphtheria. Minister: Virgil URBINO | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | WITMAN, Philip* | 64 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Robeson Tp. (d); church class-leader & exhorter; held family worship in evening, died sometime in night | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | SNELL, Esther Savilla* | 19 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); pars, 1 sis remain; consumption | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | GREENWALT, J. Calvin* | 23 | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d at res of father, Philip); working on cupola fell from barn roof, being paralyzed 9 wks before death; apparently pars, siblings remain | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | RUTH, Matilda* | 20 | GEISLER | RUTH, Wm. | PA | PA: Beaver Falls (d); husb, mother, 3 sis remain | |
10/12/1880 | 7 | GEISLER, Matilda* | 20 | RUTH, Wm. | PA | PA: Beaver Falls (d); husb, mother, 3 sis remain | ||
10/12/1880 | 7 | RUTH, Wm. | GEISLER, Matilda* | |||||
10/12/1880 | 7 | VARNER, Malissa* | 8 | PA | PA: South Fork (d); diphtheria | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | SLONECKER, Nancy* | 67 | PA | PA: Fayette Co. (d); chren remain | |||
10/12/1880 | 7 | PAULIN, John Henry* | 9 | OH | OH: Upper Sandusky area (d); son of Jesse & Regina; congestive chill | |||
10/19/1880 | 7 | KIME, Carrie May* | 12 | KS | KS: Lincon Co.: Cedron (d); dau of Wister. "The was the last one of a large family of childrenÉ." Mentions her sis who d 1 yr ago; bilious fever | |||
10/19/1880 | 7 | KUNTZ, Caroline* | 60 | PETER | KUNTZ, Tilghman | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Franklin (d); the 1st of 12 chren to die; all met at the Saegersville camp-meeting for the last time; bur Flatington; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus, 2 bros, 9 sis remain | |
10/19/1880 | 7 | PETER, Caroline* | 60 | KUNTZ, Tilghman | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Franklin (d); the 1st of 12 chren to die; all met at the Saegersville camp-meeting for the last time; bur Flatington; husb, 3 sons, 3 daus, 2 bros, 9 sis remain | ||
10/19/1880 | 7 | KUNTZ, Tilghman | PETER, Caroline* | |||||
10/19/1880 | 7 | PRICE, John F.* | 58 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Logansville area (d); class-leader of East Sugar Valley; bur in ground he donated last fall for a cem & the erection of a church, now nearly complete; widow, 8 chren remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | BARR, H.* | 61 | -- | --: Minister: T. [sic] BONE; memb Evan. Assn. 41 yrs | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | BONE, F. | officiated for funeral of J. BARR, Oct 26, 1880, p 6 [incorrectly printed as T. BONE] | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | LEFLER, Mary* | 70 | OH | OH: Rollersville area (d); husb, chren remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | PLANTZ, Alice Louisa* | 16 | OH | OH: Rollersville area (d); pars, 3 sis, 1 bro remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | LUTZ, Fanny* | 42 | LUTZ, Abraham | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); md 24+ yrs; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus, mother remain | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | LUTZ, Abraham | -----, Fanny* | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); md 24+ yrs; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus, mother remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | GESSLER, Abraham* | 72 | PA | PA: Shamokin (d). "In his family the preachers always found a warm welcome." Wife, 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead; cancer | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | SMITH, Anna Elizabeth* | 60 | SMITH, Michael | OH | OH: Henry Co.: Napoleon area (d); funeral at Evan. Ch. in the Hoy settlement; a faithful wife & mother, chren deeply feel their loss; typhoid fever | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | SMITH, Michael | -----, Anna Elizabeth* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | SHAUB, Christian* | 76 | PA | PA: Lancaster (d); wife, 5 chren remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | MIESSE, Daniel K. (Rev.)* | 72 | LOOS, Catharine | PA | PA: Berks Co. (b Aug 21, 1808) | PA: Lancaster (d); md 1831; recd as preacher on probation 1833, located the next yr, due to infirmities; wife, 3 chren remain, eldest dau is md to Rev. J. O. LEHR, P.E. of Pottsville dist.; 3 chren died | |
10/26/1880 | 6 | LOOS, Catharine | MIESSE, Daniel K. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | MIESSE, Catharine | MIESSE, Daniel K. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | HERRING, Samuel Carey Evins* | 13 | -- | --: Minister: MIESSE, G. W.; mother, 3 sis remain; diphtheria | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | HOFFMAN, -----* | 67 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Newmanstown (d); remaining are 3 sons from husb #1 + husb #2 & 3 chren [md twice, husbs not named here] | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | STUMP, Theresa* | 40 | KERN | STUMP, C. | OH | BADEN (b) | OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER 1853; md 1859; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead |
10/26/1880 | 6 | KERN, Theresa* | 40 | STUMP, C. | OH | BADEN (b) | OH: Darke Co. (d); to AMER 1853; md 1859; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
10/26/1880 | 6 | STUMP, C. | KERN, Theresa* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | PAUL, Daniel* | 52 | IN | PA: Cambria Co. (b) | IN: Miami Co. (d); to OH 1858, to IN 1862; wife, 6 chren, siblings remain; kicked by a horse | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | GUGLE, Elizabeth* | 39 | GUGLE, George | IN | OH: Fremont (b Oct 3, 1840) | IN: Cass Co.: Fulton circuit: Ridge class (d); to IN w/ sis 1851; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; lung fever | |
10/26/1880 | 6 | GUGLE, George | -----, Elizabeth* | I | OH: Fremont (b Oct 3, 1840) | IN: Cass Co.: Fulton circuit: Ridge class (d); to IN w/ sis 1851; md 1856; husb, 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; lung fever | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | HORNING, Lewis G.* | 57 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Schwenksville (d); wif #2, 4 chren remain, inc a son, Martin; wife #1, 2 chren dead; malarial fever [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | MUSSER, Barbara Anna* | 31 | HENNIGH | MUSSER, William | PA | PA: Center Co.: Center Hill area (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, father remain; mentions 2nd dau, Ella; typhid fever [d Oct 4] | |
10/26/1880 | 6 | HENNIGH, Barbara Anna* | 31 | MUSSER, William | PA | PA: Center Co.: Center Hill area (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, father remain; mentions 2nd dau, Ella; typhid fever [d Oct 4] | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | MUSSER, William | HENNIGH, Barbara Anna* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 6 | MUSSER, Ella* | 9 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Center Hill area (d); gone to join her mother; typhoid fever [d Oct 11; mentioned in obit of mother, Barbara Anna MUSSER] | |||
10/26/1880 | 6 | ROCKEY, Margaret* | 62 | FOLGATE | ROCKEY, John | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); md 38 yrs; had 5 sons, 1 dau; 1 infant son died; cancer | |
10/26/1880 | 6 | FOLGATE, Margaret* | 62 | ROCKEY, John | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); md 38 yrs; had 5 sons, 1 dau; 1 infant son died; cancer | ||
10/26/1880 | 6 | ROCKEY, John | FOLGATE, Margaret* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 7 | FREY, Mary E.* | 63 | MD | BADEN (b) | MD: Baltimore (d); to AMER 51 [?] yrs ago; converted Green St. Evan. Assn. church under Jacob BOAS; only dau remains; husb dead | ||
10/26/1880 | 7 | CRAMER, Anton F.* | 23 | OH | OH: Bellevue area (d); wife, father, 2 bros remain; funeral at York Centre Evan. Church; consumption | |||
10/26/1880 | 7 | NEUSCHWENDER, William* | 62 | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b Jan 17, 1818) | IL: Henry Co. (d); md Feb 23, 1840; wife, 8 chren remain; 3 chren dead; consumption | ||
10/26/1880 | 7 | WOLFORD, Susan Elizabeth* | 23 | COUGHENOUR | WOLFORD, John H. | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Fossilville (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; 1 son dead; fever | |
10/26/1880 | 7 | COUGHENOUR, Susan Elizabeth* | 23 | WOLFORD, John H. | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Fossilville (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; 1 son dead; fever | ||
10/26/1880 | 7 | WOLFORD, John H. | COUGHENOUR, Susan Elizabeth* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 7 | METZLER, Rachel* | 72 | ROSS | METZLER, John | WV | WV: Preston Co. (d); converted at camp-mtg in Bedford Co., PA; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; funeral at Centenary M. E [or P.]. Church | |
10/26/1880 | 7 | ROSS, Rachel* | 72 | METZLER, John | WV | WV: Preston Co. (d); converted at camp-mtg in Bedford Co., PA; husb, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; funeral at Centenary M. E [or P.]. Church | ||
10/26/1880 | 7 | METZLER, John | ROSS, Rachel* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 7 | COPLEY, Rebecca* | 36 | OH | OH: West Salem area (d); typhoid pneumonia | |||
10/26/1880 | 7 | CLEVER, Nora Frances* | 13 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Independence (d); pars, 1 sis remain | |||
10/26/1880 | 7 | ENGEL, John* | 65 | KILLEN, Isabella | IA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IA: Ringgold City (d); md Jan 23, 1840, to IL 1848, to Ringgold City 1871; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 daus dead | |
10/26/1880 | 7 | KILLEN, Isabella | ENGEL, John* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 7 | ENGEL, Isabella | ENGEL, John* | |||||
10/26/1880 | 7 | HAAG, Ella* | 2mo | IL | IL: Ford Co.: Kempton (d); dau of August & Sophia | |||
10/26/1880 | 7 | OBERMOYER, Annie* | 9 | OH | OH: Lindsey area (d); dau of Aaron & Mary; diphtheria [d Oct 6] | |||
10/26/1880 | 7 | OBERMOYER, Harvey Adam* | 3 | OH | OH: Lindsey area (d); son of Aaron & Mary; diphtheria [his death in obit of Annie Obermoyer] [d Oct 6] | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | FRYE, Mary Ellen* | 26 | FRYE, J. A. (Rev.) | MI | MI: Monroe (d). "I had no idea it would be so easy to die." A husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain | ||
11/02/1880 | 7 | FRYE, J. A. (Rev.) | -----, Mary Ellen* | MI | MI: Monroe (d). "I had no idea it would be so easy to die." A husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | OSWALT, Henry* | 70 | OH | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | OH: Bettsville area (d); age 15 w/ pars to AMER to Buffalo, NY; 9 yrs later to Sandusky Co., OH;; 1 son, 2 daus remain; wife, 2 chren dead; pulmonary consumption | ||
11/02/1880 | 7 | KNABE, Anna E.* | 68 | OH | OH: Lorain Co.: Henrietta Centre area (d); husb, several chren remain | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | WITTMEIER, Mary Ann* | 47 | YUCKEL | -- | --: Minister: KURTZ, F.; husb, 5 chren remain | ||
11/02/1880 | 7 | YUCKEL, Mary Ann* | 47 | WITTMEIER, ----- | -- | --: Minister: KURTZ, F.; husb, 5 chren remain | ||
11/02/1880 | 7 | CLAUSER, Mary A.* | 50 | CLAUSER, Abraham | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (d). "She leaves an unconverted family of husband and children." | ||
11/02/1880 | 7 | CLAUSER, Abraham | -----, Mary A.* | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (d). "She leaves an unconverted family of husband and children." | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | HICKS, David* | 72 | -- | --: Minister: LONGSDORF, J. M.; converted under M. J. CAROTHERS ca 30 yrs ago; class-leader / exhorter of Zion Class, where he oldest member; wife, chren remain | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | FIERBACH, Lena C.* | 3 | -- | --: A101511/09/1880youngest dau of August & Eliza | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | MANEVAL, Myra Adeline* | 3 | -- | --: dau of Peter & Catharine; diphtheria | |||
11/02/1880 | 7 | WADE, Efla [?] May* | 4 | MI | MI: Marshall (d); dau of Rev. B. F. & A.; diphtheria | |||
11/09/1880 | 6 | REICHELDERFER, William* | 16 | OH | OH: Stoutsville area (d); son of John; pars, sisters, bro remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/09/1880 | 6 | KLINGAMAN, Susanna* | 58 | KLINGAMAN, Henry | OH | OH: Starke [sic] Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
11/09/1880 | 6 | KLINGAMAN, Henry | -----, Susanna* | OH | OH: Starke [sic] Co. (d); husb, 7 chren remain | |||
11/09/1880 | 6 | KLINE, Mary* | 57 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d) | |||
11/09/1880 | 6 | DEISCHER, Mary Alice* | 20 | IA` | IA: Jones Co. (d); dau of Daniel & Sarah | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | LUTZ, Isaac Newton* | 21 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); son of Abraham; mother d 3 weeks prev | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | UTHE, Sarah Ann* | 37 | FRY | UTHE, Frederick | IA | PA: Lehigh Co. (b 1842) | IA: Benton Co. (d); w/ pars to Jackson Co., IA, 1858; md 16 yrs; husb of Buchanan Co.; they to Benton Co. 6 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren, pars, siblings remain |
11/09/1880 | 7 | FRY, Sarah Ann* | 37 | UTHE, Frederick | IA | PA: Lehigh Co. (b 1842) | IA: Benton Co. (d); w/ pars to Jackson Co., IA, 1858; md 16 yrs; husb of Buchanan Co.; they to Benton Co. 6 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren, pars, siblings remain | |
11/09/1880 | 7 | UTHE, Frederick | FRY, Sarah Ann* | |||||
11/09/1880 | 7 | RHODES, Emma* | 25 | IN | IN: Wolcottville area (d at home of pars); dau of Aaron & Anna. Minister: D. S. OAKES | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | CLOUSE, John* | 18 | IN | IN: Wells Co.: Newville (d); son of Rev. C., formerly of IN Conf.; mother remains | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | WUNDERLING, Elizabeth* | 61 | PLYLER | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Langville area (d); converted 1848; husb remains | ||
11/09/1880 | 7 | PLYLER, Elizabeth* | 61 | WUNDERLING, ----- | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Langville area (d); converted 1848; husb remains | ||
11/09/1880 | 7 | LIGHT, John* | 29 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Ridott (d); wife, 2 chren remain; consumption | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | BUCK, John* | 46 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Harrisburg (d); wife, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead; remains taken to his home in Pottsville, PA, the res of his family | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | YOUNG, Nicholaus* | 67 | IA | GERMANY (b) | IA: Louisa Co. (d); 25 yrs in GERMANY, 19 in OH, 23 in Grandview area, Louisa Co.; wife, 7 chren remain; paralysis. "He lingered yet four days after receiving the shock, utterly helpless, yet conscious to the lastÉ." | ||
11/09/1880 | 7 | REICHARD, John W.* | 33 | PA | PA: York Co.: Salem Church area (d); fought in Civil War, sacrificing his health; wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | SMITH, Ellen C.* | 34 | SMITH, Daniel K. | OH | OH: Bethlehem (d); husb, pars, siblings remain; near kitchen stove clothes caught fire, d next day | ||
11/09/1880 | 7 | SMITH, Daniel K. | -----, Ellen C.* | OH | OH: Bethlehem (d); husb, pars, siblings remain; near kitchen stove clothes caught fire, d next day | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | FIANDT, Harvey* | 19 | IN | IN: South Milford area (d); son of David & Susan; pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever. Minister: D. S. OAKES | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | DEHOND, Abraham* | 19 | MN | MN: Crockton (d); son of Isaac & Eliz.; brakeman on C. M. & St. P. R.R., fell between cars; gone from home ca 2 yrs, but planning to visit; bur Wanwatuso [sic], WI | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | EMERY, Elizabeth Ellen* | 13 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Big Prairie area (d); dau of George & Mary; told pars to sell her sheep & use money to buy Bibles for poor chren; pars, grpars remain; malarial fever | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | RISELING, Henry* | 79 | SIVITS, Elizabeth (wife #1; md 1827; had 7 sons, 7 daus) | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d at home of dau where he res); formerly res Somerset Co., PA; 6 sons, 6 daus remain; wives dead; fell at the doorstep, became paralyzed [wife #2 not named here] | ||
11/09/1880 | 7 | SIVITS, Elizabeth | RISELING, Henry* | |||||
11/09/1880 | 7 | RISELING, Elizabeth | RISELING, Henry* | |||||
11/09/1880 | 7 | BORDNER, Jacob* | 79 | MUCK, Hannah | IL | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Dakota area (d); md 1823; to Stephenson Co. 1846; memb first org class at Spring Creek appointment; had 6 sons & 7 daus; wife, 4 of the chren are dead; 9 chren remain | |
11/09/1880 | 7 | MUCK, Hannah | BORDNER, Jacob* | |||||
11/09/1880 | 7 | BORDNER, Hannah | BORDNER, Jacob* | |||||
11/09/1880 | 7 | YEASTIRY, John Wesley* | 16 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Gibsonburg (d); son of Frederick & Margaret; neuralgia in the head [corr to YEASTING, Nov 16, p 6] | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | YEASTING, John Wesley* | 16 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Gibsonburg (d); son of Frederick & Margaret; neuralgia in the head [corr from YEASTING, Nov 16, p 6] | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | BUCK, Mary Iola* | 5 | PA | PA: Lewisburg (d); dau of Rev. S. T. & Maggie | |||
11/09/1880 | 7 | MANEVAL, Anna Clarissa* | 5 | -- | --: diphtheria | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | SHAFFER, Daniel* | 52 | IA | IA: Adair Co.: Fontanelle area (d); wife, 5 chren remain. Minister: A. Y. CUPP | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | FALK, Rachel Ellen* | 16 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Mt. Cory (d); dau of Sylvanus & Margaret; pars, siblings remain | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | KLINE, Maria* | 57 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Williams Tp. (d); dropsy for 8 mos | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | STETZEL, Philip* | 66 | -- | ALSACE: Canton Sultz: Hatten (b) | --: Minister: GEIST, A.; to AMER 1842; 3 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; lung fever | ||
11/16/1880 | 6 | HAINES, Ann Margaret* | 48 | WERT | HAINES, David | IN | IN: LaGrange Co.: Wright's Corners area (d); md 28 yrs; husb, 6 chren, pars, siblings remain; lung fever / ulcerated lungs 7 wks | |
11/16/1880 | 6 | WERT, Ann Margaret* | 48 | HAINES, David | IN | IN: LaGrange Co.: Wright's Corners area (d); md 28 yrs; husb, 6 chren, pars, siblings remain; lung fever / ulcerated lungs 7 wks | ||
11/16/1880 | 6 | HAINES, David | WERT, Ann Margaret* | |||||
11/16/1880 | 6 | GARBER, Hannah Salome* | 22 | PA | PA: Trappe (d). She was the last of her family. "Her child died a little over a year ago, the husband last Winter. All except the child died of consumption." | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | SNYDER, Mary* | 31 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Zieglerville (d); husb, chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid malarial fever | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | COOPER, Jacob* | 74 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Earlville (d); 8 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead; chronic rheumatism | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | SLEAR, Elias* | 66 | COOLER, Susan | MI | PA: Union Co. (b) | MI: Mason Co.: Ludington mission; md 43 yrs ago; widow, 4 chren remain; 4 chren dead. "Father Slear was the great-grandfather who was converted last Winter at our protracted meeting." | |
11/16/1880 | 6 | COOLER, Susan | SLEAR, Elias* | |||||
11/16/1880 | 6 | SLEAR, Susan | SLEAR, Elias* | |||||
11/16/1880 | 6 | HANNAH, Sevilla M.* | 19 | MI | MI: Genesee Co.: Richfield (d); dau of Johnson & Mary; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | MIESSE, Franz D.* | 22 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Noblesville area (d); mentions talking to his father, and to his sis Mary; has brother & sisters | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | BOYER, Edward* | 11 | IN | IN: La Fayette (d); son of Simon & Letitia; pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; diphtheria | |||
11/16/1880 | 6 | ELLENBERGER, Rudolph* | 71 | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: El Paso (d); to Tiffin, OH, later El Paso; widow, 6 chren remain; father of Revs. D. P. of Des Moines Conf. & G. W. of OH Conf. | ||
11/16/1880 | 7 | BOWERS, Sophia* | 34 | BOWERS, Thomas Y. | IL | NY: New York City (b) | IL: Freeport (d); to IL at a tender age; husb, 3 chren, mother remain; consumption | |
11/16/1880 | 7 | BOWERS, Thomas Y. | -----, Sophia* | IL | NY: New York City (b) | IL: Freeport (d); to IL at a tender age; husb, 3 chren, mother remain; consumption | ||
11/16/1880 | 7 | COONS, John* | 77 | MI | GERMANY: Kreiss Byrd: Rein (b) | MI: Homer (d); to AMER 43 yrs ago; converted 40 yrs ago; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain | ||
11/23/1880 | 7 | HILLMAN, Rebecca Louisa* | 69 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); 2 aged sis remain | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | BOLICK, Frank* | 17 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Taylorsville (d); son of William & Mary; gun fell from shoulder, discharged into leg below knee, moritifcation set in, d in a few days; mother, sis remain | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | CLIMES, Charles* | 81 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d); wife, 8 chren remain. Minister: B. L. MILLER | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | SEEBOLD, Mary Alice* | 20 | PA | PA: New Berlin area (d); consumption | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | KAWELL, Catharine* | 79 | PA | PA: Dauphin (d); 5 chren remain | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | HERBERT, Mary Alice* | 24 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Buffalo Valley (d) | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | HENDRICKS, Jacob* | 72 | IL | PA: Montgomery Co. (b) | IL: Sterling (d); a bro-in-law of Rev. L. SNYDER of KS Conf., Evan. Assn., " É whose sister he leaves a sorrowing widow, with one daughterÉ." | ||
11/23/1880 | 7 | FELGER, Mary Magdalena* | 79 | OH | GERMANY: Bern (b Feb 28, 1801) | OH: Mahoning Co. (d Nov 11, 1880); to AMER 1816; converted ca 25 yrs ago; md 60 yrs; husb, 5 sons, 5 daus remain; 3 chren dead | ||
11/23/1880 | 7 | FAIRCHILDS, Martha Jane* | 26 | WARNER | OH | OH: Cardington area (d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars remain; consumption | ||
11/23/1880 | 7 | WARNER, Martha Jane* | 26 | FAIRCHILDS, ----- | OH | OH: Cardington area (d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars remain; consumption | ||
11/23/1880 | 7 | LEWIS, Elizabeth Ann* | 12 | IL | IL: Cook Co.: Irondale (d); dau of Louis & Mary; pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | GEPHART, Wellington* | 26 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Zion area (d); converted while att Union Seminary ca 8 yrs ago; planning for the ministry | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | DELP, Michael* | 31 | OH | OH: Marshallville (d); last hour on a job, fell head-first from a roof; widow, 1 child, father, siblings remain | |||
11/23/1880 | 7 | BARTHOLOMEW, Vernie W.* | 4mo | MI | MI: Calhoun Co.: Eckford (d); son of J. & Sarah | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | BITTLE, Elizabeth* | 78 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Carbon (d); 1 son remains; palsy | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | YANER, Harriet* | 35 | YANER, Isaiah | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Albany Tp. (d); husb, 1 child remains | ||
11/30/1880 | 7 | -----, Harriet* | 35 | YANER, Isaiah | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Albany Tp. (d); husb, 1 child remains | ||
11/30/1880 | 7 | YANER, Isaiah | -----, Harriet* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | WINDOWMAKER, Nancy* | 65 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Mt. Holly (d); memb U. B. Ch., until 4 yrs ago when joined Evan. Assn. | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | EGGE, Hannah* | 64 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg (d); 2 sons, 4 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; apoplexy | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | SHELL, Barbara* | 33 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); husb, 4 chren remain; consumption | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | FELLMAN, Abraham* | 17 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d); consumption | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | LAVAN, William* | 64 | SCHLOTMAN, Elizabeth | OH | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | OH: Stoutsville (d); soon after mge, moved to Fairfield Co., OH; wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |
11/30/1880 | 7 | SCHLOTMAN, Elizabeth | LAVAN, William* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | LAVAN, Elizabeth | LAVAN, William* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | BARR, Jacob* | 59 | SHUPP, Caroline | OH | PA: Bedford Co. (b) | OH: Morrow Co.: Steam Corners (d); to Lucas, Richland Co., where md 1841; few yrs later to Steam Corners; adjusting a plank in a sawmill, thrown upon large circular saw, instantly killed | |
11/30/1880 | 7 | SHUPP, Caroline | BARR, Jacob* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | BARR, Caroline | BARR, Jacob* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | TOBIAS, Elizabeth* | 35 | IL | IL: Maple Park (d at home of sis, Mrs. R. BENNETT); dau of John & Sarah TOBIAS; sis of Rev. L. B. TOBIAS of IL Conf.; consumption nearly 2 yrs; bur Maple Park Cem.; pars dead | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | MESSNER, Lorena S.* | 23 | PA | PA: Warren (d); dau of Rev. T. S.; pars, siblings remain; consumption | |||
11/30/1880 | 7 | SEGNER, Sarah* | 72 | SEGNER, Geo. | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown (d); 2 sons, 4 daus, aged sis remain; consumption / cancer | ||
11/30/1880 | 7 | SEGNER, Geo. | -----, Sarah* | |||||
11/30/1880 | 7 | HESSLER, Rose Victoria* | 10mo | IA | IA: Sharon Center area (d); dau of J. J. & F. | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | VOGELBACH, Jacob T. (Rev.)* | 67 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d) memb East PA Conf. 1836; 1st Sec'y of Missionary Soc. of Evan Assn.; prepared simple German grammar for 1st Evan. Ministers; widow, several chren remain; palsy [detailed obit] | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | HORN, John* | 36 | PA | PA: Freemansburg (d); weigh-master of Bethlehem Iron Co. 11+ yrs; wife, 5 chren, mother, siblings remain; struck by express train | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | MACK, Michael* | 55 | PA | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg: Necker Tenzling (b) | PA: Lackawana [sic] Co.: Jefferson (d); to AMER 1852 to PA; inflammation bowels 3 wks; widow, 8 chren, father, bro, sisters remain | ||
12/07/1880 | 6 | WOLF, Anna* | 38 | OBERHOLTZER | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Akron (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead; consumption | ||
12/07/1880 | 6 | OBERHOLTZER, Anna* | 38 | WOLF, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Akron (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead; consumption | ||
12/07/1880 | 6 | BRENSINGER, James* | 24 | PA | PA: Slatington (d); son of Thomas & the late Anna; consumption 18 mos | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | KAMM, John* | 55 | PA | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg (b) | PA: Lancaster (d); to AMER 1854; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
12/07/1880 | 6 | BAKER, Ettie Pearl* | 9mo | IA | IA: Benton Co.: Blairstown area (d); dau of Wm. & Amanda | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | SCHROCK, Flora M.* | 15mo | OH | OH: Marion Co.: Claridon area (d); dau of J. J. & S. | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | GISE, Jane E.* | 7 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratz (d); dau of John R. & Lillie; diphtheria [d Oct 24] | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | GISE, Mary Etta* | 5 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratz (d); dau of John R. & Lillie; diphtheria [d Oct 30] | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | GISE, Sallie C.* | 7 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratz (d); dau of John R. & Lillie; diphtheria [d Oct 30] | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | SEABOLD, Martha Florence* | 2 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratz (d); dau of Joshua & Charlotta; twin of Bertha; diphtheria [d Oct 20] | |||
12/07/1880 | 6 | SEABOLD, Bertha* | 2 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Gratz (d); dau of Joshua & Charlotta; twin of Martha Florence; diphtheria [d Oct 23] | |||
12/14/1880 | 6 | HUMMEL, Maria Barbara* | 61 | DUPPER | HUMMEL, Chr. (Rev.) | IL | EUROPE: Wuerttemberg: Oberamt Herrenberg: Bohndorf (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Batavia area (d); w/ pars to AMER 1832 to Philadelphia, PA; md 1840; had 9 chren: 4 sons, 5 daus, one md Rev. H. MESSNER, P.E., Freeport Dist., IL Conf; consumption / dropsy; husb, 9 chren remain |
12/14/1880 | 6 | DUPPER, Maria Barbara* | 61 | HUMMEL, Chr. (Rev.) | IL | EUROPE: Wuerttemberg: Oberamt Herrenberg: Bohndorf (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Batavia area (d); w/ pars to AMER 1832 to Philadelphia, PA; md 1840; had 9 chren: 4 sons, 5 daus, one md Rev. H. MESSNER, P.E., Freeport Dist., IL Conf; consumption / dropsy; husb, 9 chren remain | |
12/14/1880 | 6 | HUMMEL, Chr. (Rev.) | DUPPER, Maria Barbara* | |||||
12/14/1880 | 6 | KNOCHE, Fred. H.* | 25 | IA | NY: Jefferson Co.: Evansmill (d) | IA: Cedar Falls (d); son of Adam & Mary; w/ pars to Cedar Falls Spring 1866; pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; father in Sac Mission, IA Conf.; bro Jacob memb IA Conf, now in Dubuque; oiling sawmill machinery, clothes caught in wheels | ||
12/14/1880 | 6 | SMITH, John D.* | 43 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Hartley Tp. (d); memb Zion Ch.; widow, 4 chren remain | |||
12/14/1880 | 6 | VARNER, Samuel S. [?]* | 75 | GIFFIN, Mary A. | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, M. B.; md 1828; 3 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 sons, 2 daus dead; d suddenly from dropsy of the heart | ||
12/14/1880 | 6 | GIFFIN, Mary A. | VARNER, Samuel S. [?]* | |||||
12/14/1880 | 6 | VARNER, Mary A. | VARNER, Samuel S. [?]* | |||||
12/14/1880 | 6 | KREAMER, Sarah Cornelia* | 42 | BECK | KREAMER, Geo. H. | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Fountain Creek (d); md 1860 husb, 1 son, 4 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead | |
12/14/1880 | 6 | BECK, Sarah Cornelia* | 42 | KREAMER, Geo. H. | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Fountain Creek (d); md 1860 husb, 1 son, 4 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead | ||
12/14/1880 | 6 | KREAMER, Geo. H. | BECK, Sarah Cornelia* | |||||
12/14/1880 | 6 | BOYER, Michael H.* | 43 | MI | PA: Union Co. (b) | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield (d); as child w/ pars to Pickaway Co., OH, then Hancock Co., OH; widow, 4 chren remain | ||
12/14/1880 | 6 | HYDE, Josephine* | 21 | PA | PA: dau of Amanda & the late Rev. Jacob S. HYDE, of the Pittsburgh Conf.; mother, sis, 2 bros remain. Minister: R. D. DALZELL | |||
12/14/1880 | 6 | ROOS, Flora* | 19 | OH | OH: Delta (d); pars, sibling(s) remain; typhoid fever | |||
12/14/1880 | 6 | FINK, Ida Ellen* | 12 | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); dau of Charles & Sophia; pars, bros remain; she an only dau | |||
12/14/1880 | 6 | FINK, William Wesley* | -- | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); son of Charles & Sophia; bro of Ida | |||
12/21/1880 | 6 | HEARE, Gracy A.* | 61 | HEARE, Franklin | WV | WV: Hampshire Co.: Grassy Lick (d); converted 1844 under Moses BOWERS; S. S. supt.; husb, 3 chren remain; pulmonary disease | ||
12/21/1880 | 6 | HEARE, Franklin | -----, Gracy A.* | WV | WV: Hampshire Co.: Grassy Lick (d); converted 1844 under Moses BOWERS; S. S. supt.; husb, 3 chren remain; pulmonary disease | |||
12/21/1880 | 6 | SCHATTLY, Anna Mary* | 71 | WALTZ | SCHATTLY, John George | NY | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg: Walddorf (b May 13, 1809) | NY: Syracuse (res); md 1838; to Syracuse, 1847; 4 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead |
12/21/1880 | 6 | WALTZ, Anna Mary* | 71 | SCHATTLY, John George | NY | GERMANY: Wuerttemberg: Walddorf (b May 13, 1809) | NY: Syracuse (res); md 1838; to Syracuse, 1847; 4 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead | |
12/21/1880 | 6 | SCHATTLY, John George | WALTZ, Anna Mary* | |||||
12/21/1880 | 6 | BOWMAN, William* | 65 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: North Lima area (d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 27 yrs; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead. Minister: S. M. BAUMGARDNER | |||
12/21/1880 | 6 | SPINNEY, Jeremiah* | 60? | -- | --: Houtzdale (d); age is given as "06"; perhaps should be "60" | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | HEARE, David* | -- | WV | WV: Grassy Lick (d); son of Franklin & Gracy A. | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | SMITH, Margaret E.* | 5ds | -- | --: Stirling (d); dau of James & Margaret E. | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | MATCHETT, Maybyn M. E.* | 5 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); only child of S. L. & E. I. | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | PLYLER, Laura Etta* | 11 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Heathville area (d); dau of Daniel & Elizabeth; heart disease | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | RAMSEY, Johnnie* | 7 | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Independence area (d); oldest son of Andrew & Lovina; diphtheria | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | GLACE, Charles Wesley* | 4 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); son of John & Alice; killed attempting to get on a canal swing-bridge as it was moving | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | MOHLER, Fannie* | 8 | IA | IA: Carroll area (d); dau of I. & J. J.; diphtheria | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | MOHLER, Eugenie* | 6 | IA | IA: Carroll area (d); dau of I. & J. J.; diphtheria | |||
12/21/1880 | 7 | MOHLER, Louis* | 2 | IA | IA: Carroll area (d); son of John & Aug.; diphtheria | |||
12/28/1880 | 6 | KURTZ, Jonathan (Rev.)* | 59 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Salisbury (d Dec 6, 1880);; converted at Fairville in early manhood; licensed as probationer 1854; deacon, 1871; wife, chren remain [no. of chrennot stated]; 2 chren dead | |||
12/28/1880 | 6 | BECK, Magdalena* | 63 | STETZEL | IN | ALSACE: Hattan (b) | IN: Huntington Co.: Huntington area (d); to AMER 1842; md Apr 6, 1852; husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; she a sis of Rev. Henry STETZEL; lung congestion | |
12/28/1880 | 6 | STETZEL, Magdalena* | 63 | BECK, ----- | IN | ALSACE: Hattan (b) | IN: Huntington Co.: Huntington area (d); to AMER 1842; md Apr 6, 1852; husb, 3 chren remain; 3 chren dead; she a sis of Rev. Henry STETZEL; lung congestion | |
12/28/1880 | 6 | BETZ, John George* | -- | NJ | HESSEN DARMSTADT (b) | NJ: Jefferson Co.: Alexandria (d); md 49 yrs; to AMER ca 33 yrs ago; his house used for preaching, since no church building there; wife, 6 chren remain; paralytic shock ca 5 yrs ago, epileptic fits since | ||
12/28/1880 | 6 | OCH, John Joseph* | 66 | PA | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Hanhan (b) | PA: Freemansburg (d); to AMER 1837; 1 dau remains; wife, 2 chren dead; confined to bed by rheumatism for ca 6 yrs | ||
12/28/1880 | 6 | SHEETS, John W.* | 71 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Five Points area (d); wife, chren remain | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | SMITH, Margaret Elizabeth* | 36 | STEWART | SMITH, James C. | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Sterling (d); husb, 6 chren remain | |
12/28/1880 | 7 | STEWART, Margaret Elizabeth* | 36 | SMITH, James C. | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Sterling (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | SMITH, James C. | STEWART, Margaret Elizabeth* | |||||
12/28/1880 | 7 | HARTER, Sarah* | 36 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Jacksonville area (d); husb, 6 chren, including an infant, remain. She labored "to train her family of interesting children for usefulness in the Church and for heaven." | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | MISNER, William A.* | 17 | ONT | ONT: Monck Co.: Gainsboro Tp.: Bismarck area (d); killed by falling tree when cutting w/ his bro; another young man felled his tree in the wrong direction; pars, 1 bro, 4 sis remain | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | HOMER, Joshua* | 70 | PA | PA: Mercer Co.: New Hamburg area (d); wife, 4 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | EISLE, Catharine* | 59 | EISLE, Morris | PA | PA: Wilkesbarre (d); husb remains | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | EISLE, Morris | -----, Catharine* | PA | PA: Wilkesbarre (d); husb remains | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | TURNER, Maggie* | 24 | PRENTICE | TURNER, B. C. | OH | OH: Lancaster (d); husb, infant dau remain | |
12/28/1880 | 7 | PRENTICE, Maggie* | 24 | TURNER, B. C. | OH | OH: Lancaster (d); husb, infant dau remain | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | TURNER, B. C. | PRENTICE, Maggie* | |||||
12/28/1880 | 7 | BECK, Anna Eliza* | 37 | BECK, William | IL | IL: White Co.: Carmi (d); husb, mother, bro, sisters remain; confinement | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | BECK, William | -----, Anna Eliza* | |||||
12/28/1880 | 7 | DEAL, Susanna* | 47 | DEAL, Peter | OH | OH: Melburn area (d); husb, 4 sons remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; consumption | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | DEAL, Peter | -----, Susanna* | |||||
12/28/1880 | 7 | ERB, Lydia* | 21 | THOMAS | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; husb, infant child, mother, 2 sis, 2 bro remain; diphtheria | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | THOMAS, Lydia* | 21 | ERB, ----- | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, M. H.; husb, infant child, mother, 2 sis, 2 bro remain; diphtheria | ||
12/28/1880 | 7 | HERBST, Clara M.* | 18 | PA | PA: Union Co.: East Buffalo (d); consumption | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | CHENEY, Lewis* | 23 | -- | --: Minister: HAMILTON, J. W.; pars, siblings remain | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | HARTER, Harie Alice* | 10mo | IA | IA: Atlantic area (d); child of J.; whooping cough | |||
12/28/1880 | 7 | KLINE, Della May* | 3 | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Pleasant (d); dau of John & Joanna |
Number of items that your search found: 558