Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/04/1882 | 215 | SAYLOR, Elizabeth* | 15 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d); dau of Samuel & Caroline. "At the time of her illness her death was not expected." Location determined by res of minister, W. A. REININGER; [d Apr 21, 1882] | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | SHINGLETON, Catherine* | 51 | WV | WV: Hampshire Co. (d); husb d a few yrs ago | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | BARTMESS, Flora Idall* | 21 | IL | IL: Kane Co. (b) | IL: Kane Co. (d at home of pars) | ||
07/04/1882 | 215 | SAYLOR, Samuel* | 68 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d); had 12 chren: 6 boys & 6 girls, 7 of whom are still living. One is itinerant preacher in Pittsburgh Conf., stationed at Franklin, PA. Two other bros are ministers in Pittsburgh Conf. Minister: W. A. REININGER; [d Jun 10, 1882] | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | SAYLOR, Elizabeth* | 69 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, F.; converted many years ago when and where to follow Christ was to open the flood-gates of persecution; 4 sons remain, one of whom is minister in East PA Conf.; [d May 15, 1882] | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | MONEY, Mary Magdalen* | 67 | YOST | MONEY, ----- | NY | SWITZERLAND: Canton Bern: Watenwyl (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Jackson's Summit (d); to AMER when young; 1 son, 2 bros, 2 sis remain |
07/04/1882 | 215 | YOST, Mary Magdalen* | 67 | MONEY, ----- | NY | SWITZERLAND: Canton Bern: Watenwyl (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Jackson's Summit (d); to AMER when young; 1 son, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |
07/04/1882 | 215 | MONEY, ----- | YOST, Mary Magdalen* | |||||
07/04/1882 | 215 | GOODALE, Mary May* | 18 | IN | IN: Fremont area (d); made all arrangements for her funeral: preacher, text, hymns, pall-bearers, etc.; pars, siblings remain | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | BLAUCH, Adam E.* | 34 | PA | PA: Palmyra area (d); wife, 3 chren remain | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | GRAYBILL, Susannah* | 57 | GRAYBILL, John | PA | PA: Annville area (d). "She went on a visit to one of her sisters, and died next day." 2 sons, 6 daus remain [& obviously 1 sis] | ||
07/04/1882 | 215 | -----, Susannah* | 57 | GRAYBILL, John | PA | PA: Annville area (d). "She went on a visit to one of her sisters, and died next day." 2 sons, 6 daus remain [& obviously 1 sis] | ||
07/04/1882 | 215 | GRAYBILL, John | -----, Susannah* | |||||
07/04/1882 | 215 | KNECHT, Chas.* | 75 | IN | GERMANY: Braunschweig: Dansen (b) | IN: Hagerstown area (d); to AMER 1827; joined Evan. Assn. 1837; had 8 chren w/ wife #1; 5 chren w/ wife #2; 3 of the first with their mother are dead; all the rest remain; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
07/04/1882 | 215 | MEYERS, Jacob* | 63 | PA | PA: South Bethlehem (d); widow, dau remain. "He said he was ready to die. He was buried in the dead of night."; [d Mar 17, 1882] | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | EXAMPLE:, buried in the dead of night [d Mar 17] | see MEYERS, Jacob, Jul 4, 1882, p 215 | |||||
07/04/1882 | 215 | KERN, Rubertina* | 9mos | -- | --: only child of William & May; cholera infantum | |||
07/04/1882 | 215 | SMITH, Sarah* | 9mos | PA | PA: York Co.: Millersville area (d); dau of Moses & Catharine | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | BRUKER, Rosa* | 27 | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, G. B.; she lived w/ father nr Zion Ch.; afflicted ca 15 yrs | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | GRONER, John* | 47 | PA | PA: Bangor (d); typhoid fever; delirious greater part of his suffering | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | GRADY, Sarah* | 78 | PA | PA: Johnstown (d); converted ca 30 yrs ago; number of chren remain | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | WILLET, Cora E.* | 20 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Perkasie (d); more than ordinarily gifted intellectually | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | FOGEL, William* | 67 | PA | GERMANY: Hessen Darmstadt (b) | PA: Shamokin (d); to AMER many yrs ago; soldier in Civil War, bur w/ military honors | ||
07/11/1882 | 223 | EXAMPLE:, buried w/ military honors | see FOGEL, William, Jul 11, 1882, p 223 | |||||
07/11/1882 | 223 | BOYTS, John* | 65 | IL | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IL: Carroll Co.: Fair Haven (d); of a quiet nature & kind disposition; widow, chren remain; Bright's disease | ||
07/11/1882 | 223 | LACOE, John Francis* | 68 | PA | PA: West Pittston (d; had gone for special medical assistance); home was at Newton, Lackawanna Co. w/ his bro and his father, age 102 [b ca 1770]; dyspepsia | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | EXAMPLE:, father is age 102 [b ca 1770]; | see LACOE, John Francis, Jul 11, 1882, p 223 | |||||
07/11/1882 | 223 | FISHER, Lewis* | 91 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Manheim (d Jun 1, 1882 aged 91y, 6m, 14d); blind ca 12 yrs; several chren remain | |||
07/11/1882 | 223 | KIES, Jacob* | 70 | OH | PA: Lycoming Co. (b) | OH: Crawford Co. (res); to OH 1851 to Crawford Co.; widow, 5 chren remain; crossing railroad in his buggy, struck by train, instantly killing him & horse | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | SHOWALTER, Curtis* | 75 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Fairville area (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
07/18/1882 | 230 | LESSLEY, Catharine* | 79 | PA | PA: Fairville (d); one of the oldest membs at this place | |||
07/18/1882 | 230 | BROBST, Lydia* | 75 | OH | OH: Tiffin (d); att Sunday school the previous Sabbath | |||
07/18/1882 | 230 | WATERSTREET, Samuel* | 13 | NY | NY: Glenville (b) | NY: Amsterdam (d); son of John & Mary; pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | MOYER, Sarah* | 55? | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d) | |||
07/18/1882 | 230 | YOST, -----* | 87 | NY | NY: Seneca Co.: " É was removed by death from her beautiful home on Lake CayugaÉ." | |||
07/18/1882 | 230 | WEBER, Ida May* | 12 | KS | IL: Carroll Co.: Lima (b) | KS: Mitchell Co.: Laban [?] (d); eldest dau of Philip & Susan; quick consumption | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | PAINTER, John* | 85 | OH | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co. (d); to OH 1820; joined Evan. Assn. 1833; had 6 chren by wife #1; 4 chren by wife #2; wife, sons, daus remain. Ministers: H. B. DAVIS, & J. J. KOPP; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | MORR, Sarah* | 35 | MORR, Andrew | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d); husb, 2 little daus, pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain. Place determined by ministers: W. WHITTINGTON, Pres. Elder; O. SPRENG, A. VANDERSALL, & P. ROSEBURY of the M. E. Church | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | -----, Sarah* | 35 | MORR, Andrew | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d); husb, 2 little daus, pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain. Place determined by ministers: W. WHITTINGTON, Pres. Elder; O. SPRENG, A. VANDERSALL, & P. ROSEBURY of the M. E. Church | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | MORR, Andrew | -----, Sarah* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 230 | SWEET, H. L. (Mrs.)* | 22 | SWEET, H. L. (Dr.) | IA | IA: Mt. Etna (d); husb, 2 sm chren, pars, sisters remain | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | SWEET, H. L. (Dr.) | SWEET, H. L. (Mrs.)* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 230 | GALLENTINE, Eli* | 55 | IA | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | IA: Marshall Co.: Van Cleve area (d); church memb in OH; to IA a few yrs ago | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | JARRET, Lovina* | 51 | JARRET, Daniel | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Kratzerville [?] area (d); husb, 5 sons, - daus remain; cancer | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | -----, Lovina* | 51 | JARRET, Daniel | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Kratzerville [?] area (d); husb, 5 sons, - daus remain; cancer | ||
07/18/1882 | 230 | JARRET, Daniel | -----, Lovina* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 230 | FAIRCHILD, Martin [?]* | 75 | OH | OH: Marion Co.: Richland Tp. (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; consumption | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | HAAS, Charles Henry* | 10 | IN | IN: Noblesville area (d); son of Godfry [sic] & Cordelia | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | COLLINS, Catharine* | 47 | HEYD | COLLINS, ----- | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Ball's Mills area (d); husb and a numerous family remain | |
07/18/1882 | 231 | HEYD, Catharine* | 47 | HEYD | COLLINS, ----- | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Ball's Mills area (d); husb and a numerous family remain | |
07/18/1882 | 231 | COLLINS, ----- | HEYD, Catharine* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 231 | HEINTZLEMAN, Elizabeth* | 54 | KERN | HEINTZLEMAN, David | PA | PA: Slatington (d); invalid many yrs | |
07/18/1882 | 231 | KERN, Elizbeth* | 54 | HEINTZLEMAN, David | PA | PA: Slatington (d); invalid many yrs | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | HEINTZLEMAN, David | KERN, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 231 | GRAVER, Sarah K.* | 30 | PA | PA: Freemansburg area (d); husb, 3 chren remain | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | BECHTOL, Lewis* | 47? | WV | WV: Morgan Co.: Berkly [sic] Springs (d) [NOTE: age perhaps 67] | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | FLASHER, Angeline* | 39 | FLASHER, D. | PA | PA: Dauphin (d); husb, 6 chren, father remain | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | FLASHER, D. | -----, Angeline* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 231 | FLICKINGER, Eliza* | 72 | PA | PA: Adamstown (d); one of 1st memb of our church at this place; many preachers found a comfortable home in her house | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | SHAFFNER, Henry* | 78 | PA | SWITZERLAND: Canton Basel (b) | PA: Jefferson Co. (d); memb Evan. Assn. 36 yrs; his house was for many years a home for the wandering itinerant | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | LONGGOOD, Maggie A.* | 19 | LONGGOOD, Chas. | IA | IA: Linn Co. (d); husb; pars, siblings remain | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | -----, Maggie A.* | 19 | LONGGOOD, Chas. | IA | IA: Linn Co. (d); husb; pars, siblings remain | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | LONGGOOD, Chas. | -----, Maggie A.* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 231 | POLEY, Lavina* | 31 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe area (d); dau of John & Ellen | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | SHESELY, John* | 50 | -- | --: Bockville (d); wife, 3 [?] chren remain. Minister: FISHER, G. B. [perhaps Rockville?] | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | SHISLER, Henry* | 64 | OH | PA: Washington Co. (b) | OH: Ashland Co.: Rowsburg area (d); converted 30 yrs ago; 28 yrs was class-leader & exhorter; wife, 1 dau, 3 sons remain; one son is Rev. W. A. of OH Conf. Funeral by O. SPRENG, W. WHITTINGTON, & A. VANDERSALL | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | MISHLER, Morgan R.* | 1 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Conemaugh (d); son of Levi C. & Emma | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | GALLENTINE, Charles* | 22 | IA | IA: Marshall Co. (d); son of E. Minister: L. SCHEURER; [d Jan 18, 1882] | |||
07/18/1882 | 231 | GLIDEWELL, Sarah* | 28 | GALLENTINE | GLIDEWELL, ----- | IA | IA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain. Minister: L. SCHEURER; [d Oct 18, 1881] | |
07/18/1882 | 231 | GALLENTINE, Sarah* | 28 | GLIDEWELL, ----- | IA | IA: Marshall Co. (d); husb, 2 chren remain. Minister: L. SCHEURER; [d Oct 18, 1881] | ||
07/18/1882 | 231 | GLIDEWELL, ----- | GALLENTINE, Sarah* | |||||
07/18/1882 | 231 | FRECH, Freddie* | 7 | -- | --: son of Frederick & M. A.; grson of Rev. Frederick FRECH, formerly of OH Conf.; fell in cistern | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | GAGENBACH, David* | 62 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Allentown (d); widow, 6 chren remain | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | LBRIGHT, William* | 72 | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Riverton (d); 3 sons remain; wife, 2 sons dead | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | STEVENS, Sarah* | 55 | IN | IN: Marshall Co. (d) | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | BAUMGAERTNER, Simon Peter* | 10 | IN | IN: Clay Co.: Clay City area (d); son of Christian & Elizabeth; erysipelas | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | HATFIELD, Mary* | -- | CASWELL | HATFIELD, Richard | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Pere (d); dau of Burr [?] CASWELL, the 1st white settler of this tp; md Nov 5, 1854; loving wife and a kind mother | |
07/25/1882 | 239 | CASWELL, Mary* | -- | HATFIELD, Richard | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Pere (d); dau of Burr [?] CASWELL, the 1st white settler of this tp; md Nov 5, 1854; loving wife and a kind mother | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | HATFIELD, Richard | CASWELL, Mary* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | OBERDORF, Lydia* | 86 | OBERDORF, Daniel | PA | PA: York Co.: Red Line [sic: Lion] area (d); 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | -----, Lydia* | 86 | OBERDORF, Daniel | PA | PA: York Co.: Red Line [sic: Lion] area (d); 7 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | OBERDORF, Daniel | -----, Lydia* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | SCHEIDT, Sarah* | 37 | SCHEIDT, Adrian | PA | PA: Fleetwood (d); husb, 2 chren remain; consumption | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | SCHEIDT, Adrian | -----, Sarah* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | WINSBORO, Lizzie* | -- | PA | PA: Bangor (d); malarial fever; died unexpectedly. Minister: Wm. F. HEIL | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | ZEIBACH, Jacob* | 86 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Boyertown area (d); father-in-law of Rev. S. SMITH of Central PA Conf.; 8 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead; dropsy / old age | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | GUTZLER, Phil.* | 52 | IL | IL: Cook Co.: Deerfield area (d); widow, 5 chren remain | |||
07/25/1882 | 239 | RENTSCHLER, Anna Mary* | 52 | KOENIG | RENTSCHLER, ----- | OH | BADEN: Hochdorf (b) | OH: Darke Co.: Greenville (d); to AMER 1853; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb d 1870; consumption / rheumatism |
07/25/1882 | 239 | KOENIG, Anna Mary* | 52 | RENTSCHLER, ----- | OH | BADEN: Hochdorf (b) | OH: Darke Co.: Greenville (d); to AMER 1853; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb d 1870; consumption / rheumatism | |
07/25/1882 | 239 | RENTSCHLER, ----- | KOENIG, Anna Mary* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | GERHART, Anna Margreta* | 77 | WARNER | GERHART, John | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); one of 1st membs in Lebanon Co.; our preachers always welcome at her home; husb dead | |
07/25/1882 | 239 | WARNER, Anna Margreta* | 77 | GERHART, John | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); one of 1st membs in Lebanon Co.; our preachers always welcome at her home; husb dead | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | GERHART, John | WARNER, Anna Margreta* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | WITMAN, Catharine Ann* | 42 | ANDREWS | WITMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Bernville (d); husb, 3 chren, aged mother; dropsy | |
07/25/1882 | 239 | ANDREWS, Catharine Ann* | 42 | WITMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Bernville (d); husb, 3 chren, aged mother; dropsy | ||
07/25/1882 | 239 | WITMAN, ----- | ANDREWS, Catharine Ann* | |||||
07/25/1882 | 239 | HESSER, Charles Enos* | 4 | PA | PA: Germantown (d at mother's home, No. 70 Church St.); only son of the late Enos F. & Julia; scarlet fever | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | BOWER, Pierce W.* | 26 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Burwick (d) | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | COCHRANE, -----* | 91 | DE | DE (d); res many yrs Lewisburg area, PA; one 1st membs of Evan. Assn. in Buffalo Valley; her home used to be a preaching place | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | SELLERS, John* | 70 | PA | PA: Dauphin area (d); wife, 10 chren remain; palsy | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | SHILY, William H.* | 31 | PA | PA: Warren (d); aged father, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | SCHNEIDER, Joseph* | 69 | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Point Grove Tp. (b) | IL: Maple Park (d); wife, 7 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
08/01/1882 | 247 | SEIP, Charles* | 40 | PA | PA: Berlinsville (d); wife, pars remain; killed instantly by fall of slate in a quarry | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | ORTH, Jacob* | 41 | IL | GERMANY: Hessen-Darmstadt: Eich (b) | IL: Davis (d); converted ca 22 yrs ago; Sunday-school supt ca 10 yrs; seemed not to have a single enemy; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
08/01/1882 | 247 | BOONE, Florence V.* | 8 | PA | PA: Birdsboro Circuit, East PA Conf. (d); only child of Samuel & Sallie Ann; little sis Eliza is dead; Florence had scarlet fever | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | YOUNG, David* | 65 | PA | PA: Union Co.: East Buffalo Tp. (d); widow, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; stomach cancer | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | BOWERS, James* | 60 | OH | OH: Flat Rock area (d); 4 daus remain; wife, son dead; liver trouble / heart disease / dropsy | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | CARE, Nathan Mitchner* | 1 | PA | PA: Birdsboro Circuit, East PA Conf. (d); son of David & Elizabeth; dropsy caused by scarlet fever | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | ENOS, Ethaline* | 1 | NY | NY: Lewis Co.: Beaver Falls (d); dau of George & Janette | |||
08/01/1882 | 247 | DISHONG, Gomer Francis* | 7mos | PA | PA: Johnstown (d); son of Paul & Louisa | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | STEWART, Margaret* | 71 | STEWART, D. | IN | IN: Elkhart area (d) | ||
08/08/1882 | 255 | STEWART, D. | STEWART, Margaret* | |||||
08/08/1882 | 255 | GRATE, Benjamin F.* | 20 | IN | IN: La Grange Co.: South Milford area (d); son of L. W. & Jane; pars, brothers remain; scarlet fever 3 days | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | SCHOBERT, Robert* | 43 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Hellertown (d); wife, 4 chren, aged mother, 8 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | BAKER, Mary Ann* | 25 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Milford Station (d); husb, 4 chren remain | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | YEASTING, Elnora* | 75 | OH | OH: Gibsonburg area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; breast cancer | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | SEITZER, Elizabeth* | 59 | PA | PA: Williamsport area (d); her delight was to do the will of God | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | BELFORD, Geo. Archibald* | 2 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Berwick area (d) | |||
08/08/1882 | 255 | KEISER, Charles* | child | PA | PA: Salladasburg area (d); son of George & Catharine | |||
08/15/1882 | 263 | HAZELTON, M.* [male] | 70 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Quincy (d); esteemed citizen of Quincy; memb of church 45 yrs; leaves survivors | |||
08/15/1882 | 263 | HOFFHINE, Mary* | 46 | IL | IL: Brookville area (d); dau of David | |||
08/15/1882 | 263 | BIERIE, Anna* | 54 | SUTTER | BIERIE, Christian | IN | IN: Adams Co.: Buena Vista area (d); converted ca 27 yrs ago under Rev. John FOX; husb, 9 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |
08/15/1882 | 263 | SUTTER, Anna* | 54 | BIERIE, Christian | IN | IN: Adams Co.: Buena Vista area (d); converted ca 27 yrs ago under Rev. John FOX; husb, 9 chren remain; 6 chren dead | ||
08/15/1882 | 263 | BIERIE, Christian | SUTTER, Anna* | |||||
08/15/1882 | 263 | MILLER, Catherine* | 54 | MILLER, John | OH | OH: Summit Circuit [H. B. SUMMERS, pastor] (d); husb, 3 daus, siblings remain. "She was her pastor's friend, under the most trying circumstances, and strictly loyal to her Church." | ||
08/15/1882 | 263 | -----, Catherine* | 54 | MILLER, John | OH | OH: Summit Circuit [H. B. SUMMERS, pastor] (d); husb, 3 daus, siblings remain. "She was her pastor's friend, under the most trying circumstances, and strictly loyal to her Church." | ||
08/15/1882 | 263 | MILLER, John | -----, Catherine* | |||||
08/15/1882 | 263 | WITMER, Rudolph* | 66 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Canton Berne: Bargdorf (b) | OH: Fulton Co.: Delta area (d); w/ pars to Fulton Co. in 1834, living in a bark shanty; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain | ||
08/15/1882 | 263 | EXAMPLE, res bark shanty 1834 | see WITMER, Rudolph, Aug 15, 1882, p 263 | |||||
08/22/1882 | 271 | LAUTZ, Elizabeth* | 52 | FEHR | LAUTZ, ----- | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Fountain Creek (d); md 32 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; bilious remittent fever |
08/22/1882 | 271 | FEHR, Elizabeth* | 52 | LAUTZ, ----- | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Fountain Creek (d); md 32 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; bilious remittent fever | |
08/22/1882 | 271 | LAUTZ, ----- | FEHR, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/22/1882 | 271 | MEDLAR, Susanna* | 62 | MEDLAR, Samuel (Rev.) | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Drehersville area (d); converted 1843; mother of Rev. Daniel A., traveling preacher in the East PA Conf. | ||
08/22/1882 | 271 | -----, Susanna* | 62 | MEDLAR, Samuel (Rev.) | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Drehersville area (d); converted 1843; mother of Rev. Daniel A., traveling preacher in the East PA Conf. | ||
08/22/1882 | 271 | MEDLAR, Samuel (Rev.) | -----, Susanna* | |||||
08/22/1882 | 271 | CLEMONS, Keziah* | 37 | CLEMONS, Jonathan | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Pine Swamp (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 5 chren dead | ||
08/22/1882 | 271 | -----, Keziah* | 37 | CLEMONS, Jonathan | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Pine Swamp (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 5 chren dead | ||
08/22/1882 | 271 | CLEMONS, Jonathan | -----, Keziah* | |||||
08/22/1882 | 271 | ROHRER, Martin* | 69 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburgh (d); wife, 2 sons remain; typhoid fever | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | CRUM, George R. | 32 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Wilmore area (d); aged mother, siblings remain; consumption | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | YARIAN, Josiah* | 48 | IN | IN: Miami Co.: Gilead area (d); wife, 4 chren remain | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | JAMESON, Lizzie* | 17 | IA | IA: Vinton (d); dau of G. N. | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | KLINEFELTER, Katy Belle* | 7mos | IA | IA: Afton (d); twin dau of Rev. William & wife | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | COVERT, Vernon Stanford* | 1 | PA | PA: Indiana Co.: Mechanicsburg (d); son of Rev. W. M. & Eleanora; dysentery | |||
08/22/1882 | 271 | HILLERY, Sarah Antoinette* | 1 | IL | IL: Yates Tp.: Weston Mission (d); dau of Henry & Mary | |||
08/28/1882 | 279 | SHERIDAN, John* | 32 | PA | PA: Mt. Carmel area: Alaska colliery (d); wife, 5 chren remain; killed instantly | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | RAMSEY, Joseph* | 13 | PA | PA: Mt. Carmel (d); son of Cyrus & Elizabeth; injured in coal mines | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SILLS, Mattie* | 63 | KRING | SILLS, Isaac | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Adamsburg (d); husb remains; palsy | |
08/29/1882 | 279 | KRING, Mattie* | 63 | SILLS, Isaac | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Adamsburg (d); husb remains; palsy | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SILLS, Isaac | KRING, Mattie* | |||||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SAGER, Elizabeth* | 76 | PA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | PA: Luzerne Co.: Black Creek area (d); an only dau remains; ill 12 yrs | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | KIDNER, Mary* | 24 | OH | OH: Franklin Co. (d) | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SCHNEIDER, Catharine Magdalena* | 20 | OH | OH: Dark [sic] Co. (b) | OH: Dayton (d); only child of John & Johanna; typhoid fever | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | WALTER, Mary* | 60 | WALTER, Moses | MI | MI: [St.] Joseph Co. (d); husb, 4 chren remain | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | -----, Mary* | 60 | WALTER, Moses | MI | MI: [St.] Joseph Co. (d); husb, 4 chren remain | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | WALTER, Moses | -----, Mary* | |||||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SCHOENHER, Christina* | 62 | FRIED | SCHOENHER, Michael | OH | EUROPE: K. Wurttemberg: Kleinsachsenheim (b) | OH: Dayton (d); lived as a consistent Christian for 28 yrs in Dayton; husb, 3 daus remain |
08/29/1882 | 279 | FRIED, Christina* | 62 | SCHOENHER, Michael | OH | EUROPE: K. Wurttemberg: Kleinsachsenheim (b) | OH: Dayton (d); lived as a consistent Christian for 28 yrs in Dayton; husb, 3 daus remain | |
08/29/1882 | 279 | SCHOENHER, Michael | FRIED, Christina* | |||||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SIECHRIST, Sarah* [& child] | 25 | HAHN | SIECHRIST, Harvey | OH | OH: Dayton (d); dau of Henry & Margareta; md Apr 16, 1876; husb, 1 child remain; oldest child shortly preceded her in death; dropsy. Place determined by res of minister, M. W. STEFFEY | |
08/29/1882 | 279 | HAHN, Sarah* [& child] | 25 | SIECHRIST, Harvey | OH | OH: Dayton (d); dau of Henry & Margareta; md Apr 16, 1876; husb, 1 child remain; oldest child shortly preceded her in death; dropsy. Place determined by res of minister, M. W. STEFFEY | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SIECHRIST, Harvey | HAHN, Sarah* | |||||
08/29/1882 | 279 | NEARHOOD, John* | 68 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Locust Run (d); Sunday before death att quarterly meeting | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | MILLER, Jemimah* | 69 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co. (d); her house was always a home for the minister; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | BECK, Martin* | 64 | IL | BADEN: Nassing (b) | IL: Carmi (d); to AMER w/ pars, 1831; widow, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever | ||
08/29/1882 | 279 | ROMBERGER, Daniel* | 66 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Berrysburg (d); son of Adam; widow, 7 sons remain, one being Rev. H. H. of East PA Conf.; after family worship, retired as usual, and in 15 min. died; angina pectoris | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | BURGSTAHLER, Minnie* | 29 | IL | IL: Plainfield (d); dau of Frederick & Malina [?]; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | KAUFMANN, Gideon* | 20 | IL | IL: Vinsor, 10 mi. west of Matoon [sic] (d); son of Rev. J. of Olney Dist., So. IN Conf.; was bridge builder, began work 3 wks earlier on Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Alton & St. Louis R.R.; bodily remains to home of pars in Marshall, IL | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | REED, Willie Lester* | child | PA | PA: Dempseytown Circuit, Pittsburgh Conf. (d); son of Rev. R. | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | KRECKER, Maribel* | 2 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); child of Edwin & Annie | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | NITTINGER, Samuel* | 7mos | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Samuel & Lizzie C.; diphtheria | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | KLINE, Laura Emily* | 2 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); child of Cornelius S. & Emma L. | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | SCHLICHTER, Mabel Florence* | 11mo | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); child of Ephraim & Regina | |||
08/29/1882 | 279 | DILL, Manda* | 1 | -- | --: an only child, fell into the mill race and drowned | |||
09/12/1882 | 294 | LONGBRAKE, Mary* | 69 | ROLY | LONGBRAKE, Henry (Rev.) | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co. (d at home of dau); md Feb 3, 1831; 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead; husb d Jun 24, 1857; inflammation of bowels | |
09/12/1882 | 294 | ROLY, Mary* | 69 | LONGBRAKE, Henry (Rev.) | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co. (d at home of dau); md Feb 3, 1831; 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead; husb d Jun 24, 1857; inflammation of bowels | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | LONGBRAKE, Henry (Rev.) | ROLY, Mary* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | RANCK, Barbara* | 81 | MAIZE | RANCK, John (Rev.) (husb #2; md 10 yrs after husb #1 died); he of White Deer; he d 4 yrs ago in his 85th [or 95th] yr | PA | PA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (b Sep 27, 1800) | PA: Minister: HENGST, Benj.; w/ own hands rolled & loaded logs for first Evan. Assn. church; also helped clear ground for first camp meeting. Exact place of residence & death not stated; detailed obit |
09/12/1882 | 294 | MAIZE, Barbara* | 81 | EYER, Jacob (husb #1; had 4 chren; husb d young) | PA | PA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (b Sep 27, 1800) | PA: Minister: HENGST, Benj.; w/ own hands rolled & loaded logs for first Evan. Assn. church; also helped clear ground for first camp meeting. Exact place of residence & death not stated; detailed obit | |
09/12/1882 | 294 | EYER, Barbara* | 81 | MAIZE | RANCK, John (Rev.) (husb #2; md 10 yrs after husb #1 died); he of White Deer) | PA | PA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (b Sep 27, 1800) | PA: Minister: HENGST, Benj.; w/ own hands rolled & loaded logs for first Evan. Assn. church; also helped clear ground for first camp meeting. Exact place of residence & death not stated; detailed obit |
09/12/1882 | 294 | RANCK, John (Rev.) | EYER, Barbara MAIZE* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | EYER, Jacob | MAIZE, Barbara* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | HOUCK, Albert* | 28? | IA | IA: Eureka (d); perhaps age 38; very difficult to read | |||
09/12/1882 | 294 | THOMAS, Mary L.* | 18 | IA | IA: Marshall Co.: Marion Tp. (d); dau of John & Lydia; pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
09/12/1882 | 294 | REED, Francis* | 16 | -- | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Wayne Tp. (b) | --: son of Wesley & Ellen; seized w/ cramp and died while swimming w/ friends | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | MARK, Mary* | 66 | KEEN | MARK, ----- | -- | --: Millheim (d); rheumatism for 7 yrs | |
09/12/1882 | 294 | KEEN, Mary* | 66 | MARK, ----- | -- | --: Millheim (d); rheumatism for 7 yrs | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | MARK, ---- | KEEN, Mary* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | WALTZ, Alice* | 26 | WALTZ, Ed. | MI | MI: Three River area (d); husb, mother, siblings remain; dropsy | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | -----, Alice* | 26 | WALTZ, Ed. | MI | MI: Three River area (d); husb, mother, siblings remain; dropsy | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | WALTZ, Ed. | -----, Alice* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | REAM, Elizabeth* | 73 | MARK | REAM, Michael | -- | --: Minister: WEIDEMEYER, P. C.; husb, 3 chren remain | |
09/12/1882 | 294 | MARK, Elizabeth* | 73 | REAM, Michael | -- | --: Minister: WEIDEMEYER, P. C.; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | REAM, Michael | MARK, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | RHOADS, Aaron* | 61? | IN | IN: Wrights Corners (d); wife, 6 [?] chren remain; age may be 51--impossible to tell | |||
09/12/1882 | 294 | LAWVER, John* | 79 | PA | PA: Mifflin Co.: Decatur Tp. (d); 6 chren remain; wife & 1 child died ca 26 yrs ago | |||
09/12/1882 | 294 | WEIK, Amanda Matilda* | 33 | WEIK, Isahe [?] B. | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Sheridan (d); husb, son remain; spine disease | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | -----, Amanda Matilda* | 33 | WEIK, Isahe [?] B. | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Sheridan (d); husb, son remain; spine disease | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | WEIK, Isahe [?] B. | -----, Amanda Matilda* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | COURTER, Harriet [G. or C.]* | 30 | LYNN | COURTER, Jacob | IA | IA: Adair Co. (d); husb, 3 chren remain | |
09/12/1882 | 294 | LYNN, Harriet [G. or C.]* | 30 | COURTER, Jacob | IA | IA: Adair Co. (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | COURTER, Jacob | LYNN, Harriet [G. or C.]* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 294 | RINSINGER, Mary* & daus | 28 | RINSINGER, D. O. | MO | MO: Jasper Co. (d); dau Fanny preceded her one month and Dora May 3 days; husb, 1 dau remain; | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | -----, Mary* | 28 | RINSINGER, D. O. | MO | MO: Jasper Co. (d); dau Fanny preceded her one month and Dora May 3 days; husb, 1 dau remain; | ||
09/12/1882 | 294 | RINSINGER, D. O. | -----, Mary* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | BRETZ, Catharine* | 42 | ISENHOWER | BRETZ, ----- | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Steuben Co.: Fremont area (d) |
09/12/1882 | 295 | ISENHOWER, Catharine* | 42 | BRETZ, ----- | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Steuben Co.: Fremont area (d) | |
09/12/1882 | 295 | BRETZ, ----- | ISENHOWER, Catharine* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | BOHNER, George* | 53 | -- | PA (b) | --: Mt. Morris area (d); widow, 6 [?] chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | KEMMERER, Elizabeth* | 42 | OLDT or OLDS | KEMMERER, David | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Charles & Maria | |
09/12/1882 | 295 | OLDT [or OLDS], Elizabeth* | 42 | KEMMERER, David | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Charles & Maria | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | OLDS [or OLDT], Elizabeth* | 42 | KEMMERER, David | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); dau of Charles & Maria | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | KEMMERER, David | OLDT or OLDS, Elizabeth* | IL | IL: Geneseo (d); wife, 4 chren remain; paralyzed 1 1/2 yrs | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | RASER, Solomon S.* | 73 | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | URBAN, Elizabeth* | 83 | -- | --: Conestoga Centre (d) | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | HARTMAN, Sarah R. | 40 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); aged father, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; cancer | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | ELSMORE, Thomas* | 71 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); widow remains | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | RUTH, Annie* | 60 [? | MI | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); converted 1845; she & fam to MI 1853; husb, 4 chren remain; 2 chren dead [age may be 69] | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | FRITZ, Eliza* | 77 | PA | PA: Dauphin area (d); dropsy; death was a welcome visitor | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | DOUGLASS, Zachariah* | 48 | PA | PA: Dauphin (d). One morning while holding family woship he fell speechless and lifeless | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | BIXLER, Anna* | 60 [? | BIXLER, David | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Fredericksburg area (d); husb, 6 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. D. W. of East PA Conf | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | -----, Anna* | 60 [? | BIXLER, David | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Fredericksburg area (d); husb, 6 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. D. W. of East PA Conf | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | BIXLER, David | -----, Anna* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | WOLFE, George* | 83 | PA | PA: Lewisburg area (d); 5 sons, 3 daus remain. "He lived a man of this world to within a year of his demise, when he was deeply awakened to a sense of his sins, turned to God for pardonÉ." | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | TRESLAR, Margaret* | 44 | TRESLAR, Henry | PA | PA: Wayne Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; diabetes | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | -----, Margaret* | 44 | TRESLAR, Henry | PA | PA: Wayne Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; diabetes | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | TRESLAR, Henry | -----, Margaret* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | GARDNER, Henrietta* | 66 | GARDNER, Martin | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); md 44 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain, 4 chren dead; husb has cancer at his eye; paralysis of the heart | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | -----, Henrietta* | 66 | GARDNER, Martin | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); md 44 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain, 4 chren dead; husb has cancer at his eye; paralysis of the heart | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | GARDNER, Martin | -----, Henrietta* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | NUERNBERG, Caroline* | 32 | MARKMANN | NUERNBURG, ----- | NY | PRUSSIA: Luehnow [?] (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: West Galway (d); to Amer 1862; husb, 4 chren, pars, 3 bros remain; 1 child dead; consumption |
09/12/1882 | 295 | MARKMANN, Caroline* | 32 | NUERNBURG, ----- | NY | PRUSSIA: Luehnow [?] (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: West Galway (d); to Amer 1862; husb, 4 chren, pars, 3 bros remain; 1 child dead; consumption | |
09/12/1882 | 295 | NUERNBURG, ----- | MARKMANN, Caroline* | |||||
09/12/1882 | 295 | HARTIN, Edmond* | 76 | PA | PA: Dauphin area (b) | PA: Dauphin area (d); wife, 3 [?] chren remain | ||
09/12/1882 | 295 | BISHOP, Alva* | 1 | PA | PA: Wayne Co. (d); son of Sanford & Alice | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | PAULIN, Sarah* | 7 | OH | OH: Upper Sandusky (d); dau of J. J. & J. F. | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | WENGERD, Howard E. | 2 mo | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (d); son of Rev. E. & wife | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | HARRIS, Della* | 10mo | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay (d); dau of Hiram & Rebecca | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | EMENHEISER, Lydia* | 2 | PA | PA: York Co.: East Prospect (d); dau of Benjamin | |||
09/12/1882 | 295 | HETRICK, Olive B. [?] | 7 | PA | PA: DuBois (d); adopted child of Rev. L. H.; stomach inflammation | |||
09/19/1882 | 303 | STEVENS, Anna E.* | 37 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); consumption | |||
09/19/1882 | 303 | CHEESEMAN, Mary* | 30 | BECK | CHEESEMAN, George W. | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Lima (d); dau of George & Ella | |
09/19/1882 | 303 | BECK, Mary* | 30 | CHEESEMAN, George W. | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Lima (d); dau of George & Ella | ||
09/19/1882 | 303 | CHEESEMAN, George W. | BECK, Mary* | |||||
09/19/1882 | 303 | McCULLOUGH, Martha E.* | 68 | McCULLOUGH, Charles | IL | IL: Brookville (d); joined Meth. E. Ch. ca 40 yrs ago; joined Evan. Assn. 5 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead | ||
09/19/1882 | 303 | -----, Martha E.* | 68 | McCULLOUGH, Charles | IL | IL: Brookville (d); joined Meth. E. Ch. ca 40 yrs ago; joined Evan. Assn. 5 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead | ||
09/19/1882 | 303 | McCULLOUGH, Charles | -----, Martha E.* | |||||
09/19/1882 | 303 | CAMPBELL, Salome* | 85 | KERN | CAMPBELL, John | IN | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IN: Adams Co.: Decatur (d); md Feb 5, 1824 |
09/19/1882 | 303 | KERN, Salome* | 85 | CAMPBELL, John | IN | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IN: Adams Co.: Decatur (d); md Feb 5, 1824 | |
09/19/1882 | 303 | CAMPBELL, John | KERN, Salome* | |||||
09/19/1882 | 303 | McCLELLAND, Mary* | 26 | McWILLIAMS | McCLELLAND, James | MI | MI: Carson City area (d); converted under Rev. J. S. HAWKS on the Woodberry Circuit; husb, pars, siblings remain | |
09/19/1882 | 303 | McWILLIAMS, Mary* | 26 | McCLELLAND, James | MI | MI: Carson City area (d); converted under Rev. J. S. HAWKS on the Woodberry Circuit; husb, pars, siblings remain | ||
09/19/1882 | 303 | McCLELLAND, James | McWILLIAMS, Mary* | |||||
09/19/1882 | 303 | SCHLUCHTER, Cora Belle* | 20 | HENSLEY | SCHLUCHTER, J. G. | TX | MN: Mankato (b) | TX: Austin (d); dau of C. B. & Elizabeth; at early age, her father having died, she w/ mother & 3 sis to Bloomington, IN, where most of family still reside |
09/19/1882 | 303 | HENSLEY, Cora Belle* | 20 | SCHLUCHTER, J. G. | TX | MN: Mankato (b) | TX: Austin (d); dau of C. B. & Elizabeth; at early age, her father having died, she w/ mother & 3 sis to Bloomington, IN, where most of family still reside | |
09/19/1882 | 303 | SCHLUCHTER, J. G. | HENSLEY, Cora Belle* | |||||
09/26/1882 | 311 | EBRIGHT, Fanny* | 58 | COOK | EBRIGHT, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BENTZ, J. W.; husb, 5 chren remain; stomach cancer | |
09/26/1882 | 311 | COOK, Fanny* | 58 | EBRIGHT, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BENTZ, J. W.; husb, 5 chren remain; stomach cancer | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | EBRIGHT, ----- | COOK, Fanny* | |||||
09/26/1882 | 311 | SCHANBACHER, Mary* | 60 | SCHANBACHER, Leonard | PA | PA: East Point (d); husb dead; consumption | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | -----, Mary* | 60 | SCHANBACHER, Leonard | PA | PA: East Point (d); husb dead; consumption | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | SCHANBACHER, Leonard | -----, Mary* | |||||
09/26/1882 | 311 | O'CONNOR, Richard* | -- | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (d); remains taken to Youngstown, OH; typhoid fever in the family | |||
09/26/1882 | 311 | HOLDAMAN, Franklin* | 33 | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Mt. Nebo (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; consumption. "He was led again to the great Saviour of souls, from whose service he had for some years been estanged." | |||
09/26/1882 | 311 | HAINES, George* | 75 | IN | IN: Noble Co.: Avilla (d); member Evan. Assn. the last 7 yrs; wife #1 & 2 chren dead; wife #2 & 7 chren remain [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
09/26/1882 | 311 | BRADLEY, Elizabeth* | 57 | HOGENDOBLER | BRADLEY, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Dallastown area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; cancer | |
09/26/1882 | 311 | HOGENDOBLER, Elizabeth* | 57 | BRADLEY, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Dallastown area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; cancer | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | BRADLEY, ----- | HOGENDOBLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/26/1882 | 311 | SHAUMAN, Oliver* | 57? | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Stoyestown area (d); wife, several chren remain; dyspepsia / liver disease | |||
09/26/1882 | 311 | GOLLER, Dora* | 27 | NY | HOLLAND (b) | NY: Brooklyn (d); as a child to AMER; converted in Baltimore; dysentery. "She died in the house of Rev. F. Kurtz, of Brooklyn, where her home has been since her mother's death." | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | CRESSMAN, Anna Catherine* | 66 | CRESSMAN, Abraham | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; apoplexy | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | ----, Anna Catherine* | 66 | CRESSMAN, Abraham | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; apoplexy | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | CRESSMAN, Abraham | -----, Anna Catherine* | |||||
09/26/1882 | 311 | SCHNEIDER, Mary* | 55 | SCHNEIDER, Solomon | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb, a number of children remain | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | -----, Mary* | 55 | SCHNEIDER, Solomon | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb, a number of children remain | ||
09/26/1882 | 311 | SCHNEIDER, Solomon | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | MIESSE, Samuel K. (Rev.)* | 66 | BONER, Phoebe | IN | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IN: Hamilton Co. (d); md Nov 1837; had 6 chren, 4 remain; one son, Abraham, d in Civil War. Rev. Miesse from PA to Fairfield Co., OH, 1830; to Hamilton Co. ca 20 yrs ago; he was one of 16 chren, 9 remain, each age 60+ yrs [detailed obit] | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | BONER, Phoebe | MIESSE, Samuel K. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | MIESSE, Phoebe | MIESSE, Samuel K. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | KLEIN, William S.* | 30 | STAHL, Emma | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Upper Milford (d); son of Charles & Mar; widow, 3 infant chren, mother remain | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | STAHL, Emma | KLEIN, William S.* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | KLEIN, Emma | KLEIN, William S.* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | CARSON, E.* | 30 | IA | IA: Cass Co.: Atlantic (d); wife, 4 sm chren remain; funeral at Center S. H.; apoplexy | |||
10/03/1882 | 319 | SEIVARD, Catharine* | 74 | PA | PA: Chester Co.: St. Mary's (d); 7 chren remain | |||
10/03/1882 | 319 | NEHS, Sarah* | 79 | NEHS, J. B. | WI | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | WI: Menomonee Falls (d); md 1837; had 2 chren, both are dead; husb remains | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | -----, Sarah* | 79 | NEHS, J. B. | WI | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | WI: Menomonee Falls (d); md 1837; had 2 chren, both are dead; husb remains | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | NEHS, J. B. | -----, Sarah* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | STUDEBAKER, Catharine* | 57 | BLACKBURN | STUDEBAKER, Peter H. | PA | PA: Bedford Co. (d); md 1844; 2 daus, 3 sons remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead. [NOTE: place determined by res of minister, M. H. SHANNON] | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | BLACKBURN, Catharine* | 57 | STUDEBAKER, Peter H. | PA | PA: Bedford Co. (d); md 1844; 2 daus, 3 sons remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead. [NOTE: place determined by res of minister, M. H. SHANNON] | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | STUDEBAKER, Peter H. | BLACKBURN, Catharine* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | BROWN, Laura A.* | 14 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Seminary student (d); dau of Rev. S. B. of East PA Conf.; little sis predeceased her | |||
10/03/1882 | 319 | BOWERS, Mary* | 28 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Flat Rock (d); dau of James & Mary BOWERS. "She is now in the home of 'many mansions' with father, mother, and brother, who recently preceded her." Consumption | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | WISSINGER, Elizabeth* | 51? | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d); 1 son, 2 daus remain; husb dead; consumption | |||
10/03/1882 | 319 | LONG, Catharine* | 48 | LONG, Jacob | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston area (d); husb, son, dau remain; son, dau dead | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | -----, Catharine* | 48 | LONG, Jacob | IL | IL: Ogle Co.: Forreston area (d); husb, son, dau remain; son, dau dead | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | LONG, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | LAWVER, Mary* | 76 | PA | PA: Mifflin Co.: Decatur Tp. (d) | |||
10/03/1882 | 319 | HAUPT, Wilhelmine* | 31? | PFEIFER | HAUPT, ----- | MO | MO: Mason Co.: Bloomington area (d); dau of Rev. J. G.; husb, adopted child, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; cholera morbus [age may be 34] | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | PFEIFER, Wilhelmine* | 31? | HAUPT, ----- | MO | MO: Mason Co.: Bloomington area (d); dau of Rev. J. G.; husb, adopted child, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; cholera morbus [age may be 34] | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | HAUPT, ----- | PFEIFER, Wilhelmine* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | BLACKBURN, Sarah Margaret* | 27 | EMERICK | BLACKBURN, ----- | PA | PA: Bedford Co. (d); husb, infant son, aged father, 5 bros, 5 sis remain | |
10/03/1882 | 319 | EMERICK, Sarah Margaret* | 27 | BLACKBURN, ----- | PA | PA: Bedford Co. (d); husb, infant son, aged father, 5 bros, 5 sis remain | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | BLACKBURN, ----- | EMERICK, Sarah Margaret* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | ROTZEL, Catherine* | 48 | ROTZEL, Jacob | PA | PA: Bangor (res); husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | ROTZEL, Jacob | -----, Catherine* | |||||
10/03/1882 | 319 | -----, Catherine* | 48 | ROTZEL, Jacob | PA | PA: Bangor (res); husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
10/03/1882 | 319 | BAST, Carl August* | 54? | WI | PRUSSIA: Hohen Walden (b) | WI: Green Co.: Cadiz Tp. (d); md 1853; to AMER 1856; wife, 7 chren remain [age may be 51] | ||
10/10/1882 | 326 | WEAVER, Geo. W. (Rev.)* | 26 | MI | PA: Clearfield Co. (b) | MI: Manistee (d); son of Henry L. & Elizabeth; bro of Rev. M. L. of Pittsburgh Conf.; pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; body taken to & bur at Troutville, PA; typhoid fever. Letter to mother published here; description of his life and conditions | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | WOODS, Susanna* | 73? | PA | PA: York Co.: Wrightsville area (d); typhoid fever [the first digit of her age nearly impossible to decipher] | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | YOUNG, Emma* | 19 | BRUMBAUGH | YOUNG, Deforest N. | MI | OH: Stark Co.: Lake Tp. (b) | MI: Branch Co.: Hall's Corners (d); dau of Conrad & Rebecca |
10/10/1882 | 327 | BRUMBAUGH, Emma* | 19 | YOUNG, Deforest N. | MI | OH: Stark Co.: Lake Tp. (b) | MI: Branch Co.: Hall's Corners (d); dau of Conrad & Rebecca | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | YOUNG, Deforest N. | BRUMBAUGH, Emma* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | FERSON, Eliza* | 77 | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: Windham area (d) | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | DILLOW, Samuel* | 25 | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Downer's tannery explosion (killed Aug 4, 1882); b Jan 11, 1857; wife, 1 child remain | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | MEADE, Eunice* | 62? | MEADE, David | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Highlands (d); husb, 2 sons, 6 daus remain [age impossible to decipher accurately w/ assurance] | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | -----, Eunice* | 62? | MEADE, David | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Highlands (d); husb, 2 sons, 6 daus remain [age impossible to decipher accurately w/ assurance] | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | MEADE, David | -----, Eunice* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | GOTTSHALK, Christina Elizabeth* | 61? | WALTHER | GOTTSHALK, ----- | IN | IN: Adams Co.: Buena Vista area (d); converted 24 yrs ago at Bunker Hill, Miami Co., IN; number of chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | WALTHER, Christina Elizabeth* | 61? | GOTTSHALK, ----- | IN | IN: Adams Co.: Buena Vista area (d); converted 24 yrs ago at Bunker Hill, Miami Co., IN; number of chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | GOTTSHALK, ----- | WALTHER, Christina Elizabeth* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | STABLEY, Magdalena* | 75 | --ENIER | STABLEY, ----- | -- | PA: York Co. (b) | --: Minister: MILLER, D. W. |
10/10/1882 | 327 | --ENIER, Magdalena* | 75 | STABLEY, ----- | -- | PA: York Co. (b) | --: Minister: MILLER, D. W. | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | SMITH, Emma C.* | 23 | POHLAND | SMITH, Adam K. | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); dau of W. & Amelia; husb, a babe, pars, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; sister, Sadie R., age 11, d 7 mos previously; inflammation of bowels | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | POHLAND, Emma C.* | 23 | SMITH, Adam K. | IL | IL: Plainfield area (d); dau of W. & Amelia; husb, a babe, pars, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; sister, Sadie R., age 11, d 7 mos previously; inflammation of bowels | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | SMITH, Adam K. | POHLAND, Emma C.* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | BRUCE, Aaron B.* | 19 | -- | IN: Pulaski Co. (b) | --: Minister: LEWIS [?], Allen; son of Daniel; not only is a son and brother taken, but hopes are blasted as father was taking great pains w/ his education & was planning to send him to N. W. College at Naperville, IL | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | MELL, Michael* | 74 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (d); ; converted under Bishop Long ca 43 yrs ago; wife, age 86, 1 son (Rev. E. F. of Des Moines Conf.), 1 dau remain; funeral by S. B. KRING, asst by Savilla A. KRING | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | MAURER, John* | ?7 | IL | PA: Union Co. (res prev, perhaps born) | IL: Brookville (d); to WI 1849; to Brookville 17 yrs ago; 2 sons, 4 daus remain; wife, 1 son & dau dead | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | GARRISON, Harriet* | 46 | GARRISON, B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Burlington area (d); husb a local preacher of Central PA Conf.; husb, 4 chren remain | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | -----, Harriet* | 46 | GARRISON, B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Burlington area (d); husb a local preacher of Central PA Conf.; husb, 4 chren remain | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | GARRISON, B. (Rev.) | -----, Harriet* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PORTER, Maggie* | 17 | IL | IL: Brookville area (d); dau of William & Lucy; pars, siblings remain | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | CLARK, Lydia* | 27 | CLARK, George | IA | IA: Marian [sic] Co.: Dallas area (d); husb, 1 child, mother remain | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | -----, Lydia* | 27 | CLARK, George | IA | IA: Marian [sic] Co.: Dallas area (d); husb, 1 child, mother remain | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | CLARK, George | -----, Lydia* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | WORICK, Mary* | 65 | WORICK, Charles | IL | PA: Union Co. (b) | IL: Davis (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | -----, Mary* | 65 | WORICK, Charles | IL | PA: Union Co. (b) | IL: Davis (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead; dropsy | |
10/10/1882 | 327 | WORICK, Charles | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PUTZ, Francis* | 73 | PERSHING, Margaret | OH | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d); md 1831; wife, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead; paralysis. "Father P. lived nearly all his life in said county."; [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PUTT, Francis* | 73 | PERSHING, Margaret | OH | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d); md 1831; wife, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead; paralysis. "Father P. lived nearly all his life in said county."; [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PERSHING, Margaret | PUTT, Francis* | [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PERSHING, Margaret | PUTT, Francis* | [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PUTT, Margaret | PUTT, Francis* | [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PUTZ, Margaret | PUTT, Francis* | [obit heading is PUTT; body of obit is PUTZ] | ||||
10/10/1882 | 327 | HEILAND, Katie Mary* | 3mo | PA | PA: York Co.: Fairmount (d) | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | NUFFER, Freddie Alvin* | 3mo | NY | NY: Lewis Co.: Croghan (d); son of Jacob & Jennie | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | SHIERY, Raymond* | 6mo | PA | PA: Lebanon English mission, East PA Conf.; only child of Rev. J. H. & Sallie | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | PIFER, Stella Loretta* | 3mo | IA | IA: Tama Co.: Gladbrook area (d); only child of Charles & Lucy | |||
10/10/1882 | 327 | BIEKER, Orry K.* | 5 | PA | PA: parents members of Lamy class, Dempseytown circuit, Pittsburgh Conf. | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | HILL, Nicklis S.* | 21 | IN | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IN: Adams Co.: Buena Vista (d); mother d 6 mos earlier; he typhoid fever | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | RIDLEY, George* | 34 | PA | OH: Batesville area (b) | PA: Franklin Co. (b); wife, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | MYRER, George* | 69 | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Mercer Co.: Greenville circuit (d); to AMER 1837; prev memb High St. congregation in Pittsburgh; aged wife, 6 chren remain | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | YOUNG, Mary A.* | 56 | PA | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); apoplexy | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | PARSONS, Susanna* | 26 | PARSONS, Jerome, Jr. | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Grover area (d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Susanna* | 26 | PARSONS, Jerome, Jr. | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Grover area (d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | PARSONS, Jerome | -----, Susanna* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | McHENRY, Robert J.* | 37 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Troutville (d); mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | SHATTO, Mary A.* | 31 | SHATTO, Benj. L. | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: McClure's Gap area (d); husb, 3 sm chren, widowed mother, siblings remain | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Mary A.* | 31 | SHATTO, Benj. L. | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: McClure's Gap area (d); husb, 3 sm chren, widowed mother, siblings remain | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | SHATTO, Benj. L. | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | RENINGER, Daniel* | 72 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: McClure (d); wife #1 & 10 chren dead; wife #2 & 8 chren remain; dropsy; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | RUTT, Sabina* | 26 | RUTT, Thomas | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Ackermantown (d); husb, 2 chren, pars remain; typhoid fever 3 wks | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Sabina* | 26 | RUTT, Thomas | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Ackermantown (d); husb, 2 chren, pars remain; typhoid fever 3 wks | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | RUTT, Thomas | -----, Sabina* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | WAGGONER, John E.* | 18 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: North Middleton Tp. (d); son of David & Maria; leaves one parent, one bro; typhoid fever / lung congestion | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | LANARD, Elizabeth* | 79 | LANARD, Daniel | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); memb of 4th St. Evan. Ch.; d from injuries from a wagon. "Nearly 80 descendants, scattered through Pennsylvania, Ohio and California mourn her sudden departure." Husb dead | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Elizabeth* | 79 | LANARD, Daniel | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); memb of 4th St. Evan. Ch.; d from injuries from a wagon. "Nearly 80 descendants, scattered through Pennsylvania, Ohio and California mourn her sudden departure." Husb dead | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | LANARD, Daniel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | BOWERS, Delcenia* | 24 | HUTCHINS | BOWERS, F. B. | IN | IN: South Milford area (d); dau of Roscoe & Susan; husb, 2 chren, pars, brothers and sister remain; consumption | |
10/17/1882 | 335 | HUTCHINS, Delcenia* | 24 | BOWERS, F. B. | IN | IN: South Milford area (d); dau of Roscoe & Susan; husb, 2 chren, pars, brothers and sister remain; consumption | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | BOWERS, F. B. | HUTCHINS, Delcenia* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | WELZ, Wm.* | 37 | IL | KREIS GARBELEGEN (b Jul 20, 1845) | IL: Lawrence Co.: Lancaster area (d); to AMER 1870; widow, 2 chren remain; 1 child dead; internal neuralgia | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | HUMMEL, David* | 72 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Stoyestown area (d); 8 chren remain; one is an itinerant preacher in Pittsburgh Conf.; 1 child dead | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | EVANS, Elizabeth* | 48 | EVANS, Abraham B. | PA | PA: Tower City (d); husb d same day; 2 daus, 2 sons remain; typhoid pneumonia; [d Sep 30, 1882 | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Elizabeth* | 48 | EVANS, Abraham B. | PA | PA: Tower City (d); husb d same day; 2 daus, 2 sons remain; typhoid pneumonia | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | EVANS, Abraham B. | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | EVANS, Abraham B.* | 49 | -----, Elizabeth | PA | PA: Tower City (d); wife d earlier in the same day; 2 daus, 2 sons remain; apoplexy while sitting in a chair; [d Sep 30, 1882, 4:00 P.M.] | ||
10/17/1882 | 335 | -----, Elizabeth | EVANS, Abraham B.* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | EVANS, Elizabeth | EVANS, Abraham B.* | |||||
10/17/1882 | 335 | HEIMBACH, George W. | 53 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); wife, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; dropsy | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | BLIEM, David* | 76 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Honertown (d); father of Revs. J. C. & Calvin of the East PA Conf.; 2 sons, 3 daus, 3 sis remain | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | PARSONS, William* | 3 | -- | --: son of Susanna & Jerome | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | GRUHLER, Carrie May* | -- | -- | --: only dau of Wm. J. & Dorethea L.; consumption | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | PARSONS, Susanna* | 2mo | -- | --: infant dau of Susanna & Jerome | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | ROHLAND, Theta Belle* | 2mo | -- | --: dau of I. A. & Rebecca C.; diphtheria | |||
10/17/1882 | 335 | TOPER, Chester Ernest* | 9mo | IL | IL: Weston (d); son of John & Catharine; cholera infantum | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | RHOADS, Jeremiah (Rev.)* | 72 | -----, Martha | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Hay Creek (d); father of Rev. Wesley J. of Central PA Conf. & 1 son a Meth. local preacher, Phila.; had 7 sons & 4 daus; wife, 6 chren remain; 5 chren dead. Worked reg job, walked 5-7 mi to preach, walked home, worked next day | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Martha | RHOADS, Jeremiah (Rev.)* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | RHOADS, Martha | RHOADS, Jeremiah (Rev.)* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | CLINE, Susan R.* | 43? | RAMSEY | CLINE, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Yocumtown area (d); husb, 1 child remain | |
10/24/1882 | 343 | RAMSEY, Susan R.* | 43? | CLINE, ----- | PA | PA: York Co.: Yocumtown area (d); husb, 1 child remain | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | CLINE, ----- | RAMSEY, Susan R.* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | GIBSON, R. A.* [female] | 43 | IA | IA: Minister: CUPP, A. Y.; sister-in-law of Judge BARNETT, of Carbon, Adams Co., IA; 2 chren remain | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | KISTLER, David* | 51 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Mahoning Valley (d); widow, 9 chren, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | MEASE, William* | -- | PA | PA: Dauphin area (d); wife, chren remain | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | SHIREY, Otis D.* | 17 | MO | MO: Macon Co.: La Plata area (d at home of grpars, Rev. M. ALSBACH); son of S. M. & M. M.; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; hemorrhage of head & nose | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | CRUM, Mary* | 42 | CRUM, George W. | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d) | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Mary* | 42 | CRUM, George W. | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d) | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | CRUM, George W. | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | TURNS, Wm.* | 50 | PA | PA: Rockville (res); wife, chren remain. "His derangement was not well understood; his pain and suffering increased gradually, till it ended in the dark waters of death." | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | CHUBB, Peter S.* | 42 | PA | PA: Pfoutz's Valley (d); bro of Rev. S. S. of East PA Conf.; wife remains; apoplexy | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | RAFFENSBERGER, Anna Maria* | 68? | RAFFENSBERGER, Jeremiah | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, S. W.; converted ca 40 yrs ago under Rev. James DUNLAP; husb, 10 chren remain; paralysis | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Anna Maria* | 68? | RAFFENSBERGER, Jeremiah | -- | --: Minister: SEIBERT, S. W.; converted ca 40 yrs ago under Rev. James DUNLAP; husb, 10 chren remain; paralysis | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | RAFFENSBERGER, Jeremiah | -----, Anna Maria* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | BARINGER, Christian* | 66 | OH | GERMANY: Wurttemburg (b) | OH: Marion Co.: Marion Tp. (d); wife, 9 chren remain; wife #1 & 3 chren died; typhoid fever; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | GENTZLER, Sarah Alice* | 20 | PA | PA: York Co.: Rossville area (d); dau of Frederick & Leah; pars, siblings remain | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | STIMM, Rosina Margaret* | 53 | LAINS | STIMM, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Wurttemberg: Bochingen (b) | OH: Morgan Co. (d); md Apr 12, 1882 [sic]; husb, 3 daus, 1 son remain; 4 chren dead |
10/24/1882 | 343 | LAINS, Rosina Margaret* | 53 | STIMM, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Wurttemberg: Bochingen (b) | OH: Morgan Co. (d); md Apr 12, 1882 [sic]; husb, 3 daus, 1 son remain; 4 chren dead | |
10/24/1882 | 343 | STIMM, ----- | LAINS, Rosina Margaret* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | PLANTS, Elvina* | 50 | PLANTS, John (Rev.) of OH Conference | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, Richard; husb, son, dau remain; typhoid fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Elvina* | 50 | PLANTS, John (Rev.) of OH Conference | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, Richard; husb, son, dau remain; typhoid fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | PLANTS, John (Rev.) | -----, Elvina* | of OH Conf. | ||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | HACKENBERRY, Henry D. W. A.* | 19 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Beaver Springs area (d); typhoid fever | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | SAUR, Jacob* | 67 | WI | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Sep 5, 1815) | WI: Monroe Co.: Norwalk (d); w/ pars to Berlin, CANADA, then to Monroe Co., WI; 6 sons, 2 daus remain; wife, 3 chren dead | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | DONLEY, Franklin P.* | 21 | PA | PA: Reading (d); mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; father dead; typhoid fever | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | EBY, Jacob* | 68 | PA | PA: Fishing Creek (d); wife, chren remain; lung disease. State determined by res of minister, Geo. B. FISHER, who submitted another obit on same page | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | MORLOCH, Catherine* | 28 | MORLOCH, Louis M. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d); converted from Roman Catholicism, remained true though persecuted by her relatives; husb, 2 little chren remain; supposedly had typhoid malarial fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Catherine* | 28 | MORLOCH, Louis M. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d); converted from Roman Catholicism, remained true though persecuted by her relatives; husb, 2 little chren remain; supposedly had typhoid malarial fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | MORLOCH, Louis M. | -----, Catherine* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ROBERTS, Austin* | 31 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co. (d); wife, 2 sm chren remain; bronchitis 2 yrs | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ORR, Mary* | 32 | ORR, A. | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Richland (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 1 child dead; consumption | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Mary* | 32 | ORR, A. | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Richland (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 1 child dead; consumption | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ORR, A. | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ACKERMAN, Paulina* | 49 | ACKERMAN, Charles | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Ackermantown (d); husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain; 4 chren dead; typhoid fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | -----, Paulina* | 49 | ACKERMAN, Charles | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Ackermantown (d); husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain; 4 chren dead; typhoid fever | ||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ACKERMAN, Charles | -----, Paulina* | |||||
10/24/1882 | 343 | ZERBY, John* | 60 | IN | IN: Indianapolis (d Indianapolis Insane Asylum); w/ wife to East Germantown, IN, 1856; mind became affected ca 7 yrs ago; res last 2 yrs in insane asylum; remains brought home, bur in graveyard there. Minister: D. S. OAKES | |||
10/24/1882 | 343 | PUTMAN, Oran O.* | 3 | OH | OH: Wilmot area (d); son of W. J. & Caroline | |||
10/31/1882 | 350 | LONG, Susannah* | 65 | FLICKINGER | LONG, D. N. (Rev.) | IA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Feb 3, 1817) | IA: Blairstown (d); md Nov 4, 1841; pastorates in PA, MD, VA, IA, MN; to IA 1860; husb, 3 daus remain; 3 sons all d young |
10/31/1882 | 350 | FLICKINGER, Susannah* | 65 | LONG, D. N. (Rev.) | IA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b Feb 3, 1817) | IA: Blairstown (d); md Nov 4, 1841; pastorates in PA, MD, VA, IA, MN; to IA 1860; husb, 3 daus remain; 3 sons all d young | |
10/31/1882 | 350 | LONG, D. N. (Rev.) | FLICKINGER, Susannah* | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | LEPLER, Barbara* | 67 | PA | PA: Thompsontown area (d) | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | RICE, Almira* | 20 | BULLARD | RICE, ----- | -- | IN: Steuben Co.: Jackson Tp. (b) | --: Minister: DRINKWATER, James; dau of Lyman & Lydia A. BULLARD; consumption [It is possible that RICE is her given middle name, and not her md name] |
10/31/1882 | 351 | BULLARD, Almira* | 20 | RICE, ----- | -- | IN: Steuben Co.: Jackson Tp. (b) | --: Minister: DRINKWATER, James; dau of Lyman & Lydia A. BULLARD; consumption [It is possible that RICE is her given middle name, and not her md name] | |
10/31/1882 | 351 | RICE, ----- | BULLARD, Almira* | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | HAINES, Mollie M.* | 15 | PA | PA: Locust Run area (d) | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | YOST, Magdalena* | 81 | YOST, John | -- | --: Womelsdorf (d). Minister: D. W. BICKSLER | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | -----, Magdalena* | 81 | YOST, John | -- | --: Womelsdorf (d). Minister: D. W. BICKSLER | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | YOST, John | -----, Magdalena* | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | WILLIAMS, Susan* | 45 | WILLIAMS, C. W. | -- | --: Westerville (d); husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: A. EVANS. | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | -----, Susan* | 45 | WILLIAMS, C. W. | -- | --: Westerville (d); husb, 3 chren remain. Minister: A. EVANS. | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | WILLIAMS, C. W. | -----, Susan* | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SMALLWOOD, Allen D.* | 53? | IA | IA: Cedar Rapids (d) | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | HETLER, John G.* | 6-? | KS | KS: Hiawatha area (d); wife, 9 chren remain. " É of late years he had been sorely afflicted in the loss of his mind." | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SHAW, Nanny* | 78 | PA | ENGLAND (b) | PA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d); 2 chren remain | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SWAISGOOD, John* | 61 | OH | PA: York Co. (b Sep 25, 1821) | OH: Ashland Co. (d); memb Evan. Assn. 47 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; palsy for nearly 5 yrs. Minister: O. SPRENG | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | STRAYER, John* | 79 | PA | PA: York Co.: Shrewsberry Tp. (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: Wayne Station (d); to Wayne Station ca 60 yrs ago; converted 52 yrs ago | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | POLEY, Ellen P.* | 60 | POLEY, John | PA | PA: Trappe area (d); hus, 1 son remain; 1 dau dead | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | -----, Ellen P.* | 60 | POLEY, John | PA | PA: Trappe area (d); hus, 1 son remain; 1 dau dead | ||
10/31/1882 | 351 | POLEY, John | -----, Ellen P.* | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | HAAS, Mary A.* | 73 | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Savana (d); husb, 2 sons, 6 daus remain | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | BOYER, Elizabeth* | 91 | PA | PA: Berlin area (d); joined Evan. Assn., 1839; 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SHERMER, Margie* | 7mo | PA | PA: Thompsontown (d) | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | THOMPSON, Mark Dehaven* | 7mo | -- | --: Locust Run (d); child of Orwell | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | BARNDT, Alvin V.* | 3 | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | KIMMEL, Lena C.* | 3mo | |||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SMITH, Nora Bell* | 2 | -- | --: Locust Run (d); child of Paul; [d Oct 15, 1882] | |||
10/31/1882 | 351 | SMITH, -----* | 2mo | --: Locust Run (d); child of Paul; [perhaps also d Oct 15, 1882] | ||||
10/31/1882 | 351 | MOSES, Willie H.* | 7 | -- | --: Minister: EVANS, Thos. M.; son of T. J. & M.; inflammation of bowels | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | GILSON, Levi* | 64 | OH | VT: Windham Co.: Grafton (b July 20, 1818) | OH: Sandusky Co.: Fishing Creek (d); wife, 12 chren remain | ||
11/07/1882 | 359 | HALL, Adam* | 63 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Muncy Tp. (d) | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | HAUMAN, Sophia* | 13 | NY | NY: Bridgeport area (d); pars, siblings remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | ZINK, John M.* | 56 | IA | IA: Tama Co.: Spring Creek (d); converted spring of 1875; wife, 7 chren remain | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | MARSHALL, Rosanna* | 69 | MARSHALL, Samuel | PA | PA: New Columbia (d); good neighbor & kind wife; husb remains | ||
11/07/1882 | 359 | -----, Rosanna* | 69 | MARSHALL, Samuel | PA | PA: New Columbia (d); good neighbor & kind wife; husb remains | ||
11/07/1882 | 359 | MARSHALL, Samuel | -----, Rosanna* | |||||
11/07/1882 | 359 | MEYERS, Elizabeth* | 77 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bushkill area (d); 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | FRY, Daniel* | 85 | PA | PA: Cranberry (d); converted under Rev. C. W. DAVIS; 2 sons, 2 daus remain; wife, 2 sons dead | |||
11/07/1882 | 359 | SUCOE, Anna Barbara* | 48 | NY | GERMANY: Oberfrieden (b) | NY: Albany (d); to AMER 1857; 3 daus, 2 sons, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb d 10 yrs ago; death caused by a fall, suffered intensely 4 days | ||
11/07/1882 | 359 | CUPP, Susan* | 82 | IA | IA: Adams Co: Corning (d); 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 2 sons are Revs. Geo W of Pittsburgh Conf & A.Y. of Des Moines Conf; bur Mt Etna Cem; lost eyesight & speech previously by paralysis; obit followed by tribute by son Rev A.Y.; [d Oct 20 1882 age 82y 1m 9d] | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | YODER, John W.* | 20 | PA | PA: Clarion Co. (d); apoplectic spasm; death came as a thief in the night | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | MARK, David* | 58 | MI | PA: Snyder Co. (b Jun 20, 1824) | MI: Buchanan (d Sep 28, 1882); widow, 9 chren remain; heart disease | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | DOVENSPIKE, Mary C.* | 26 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co. (d); consumption | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | DISE, Eve* | 59 | PA | PA: York Co.: Glen Rock (d); 5 grown chren remain | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | HINDERER, John B.* | 49 | IN | WURTEMBERG (b) | IN: Syracuse area (d); to AMER 1853; widow, 3 md chren remain | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | BOOKMILLER, Eve* | 39 | BOOKMILLER, John | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | -----, Eve* | 39 | BOOKMILLER, John | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | BOOKMILLER, John | -----, Eve* | |||||
11/14/1882 | 367 | LAMBERT, Josiah* | 67 | -- | --: Minister: BAUMGARDNER, A. S.; joined church 7 yrs ago; widow, 2 chren remain; heart disease / dropsy | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | RAUCH, Mary* | 81 | RAUCH, Henry | OH | VA (res prev) | OH: Fairfield Co. (d); age 4 yrs w/ pars to Fairfield Co.; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 4 daus dead | |
11/14/1882 | 367 | -----, Mary* | 81 | RAUCH, Henry | OH | VA (res prev) | OH: Fairfield Co. (d); age 4 yrs w/ pars to Fairfield Co.; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 4 daus dead | |
11/14/1882 | 367 | RAUCH, Henry | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/14/1882 | 367 | BRUNNER, Frederick* | 66 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Lansdale (d); wife, 3 sons, 5 daus remain; paralytic stroke | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | BREON, Elizabeth* | 72 | BREON, Daniel | PA | PA: Union Co.: Weistown (d at the home of a son); memb Evan. Assn. 30 yrs; 5 chren remain; husb d 1 1/2 yrs ago | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | -----, Elizabeth* | 72 | BREON, Daniel | PA | PA: Union Co.: Weistown (d at the home of a son); memb Evan. Assn. 30 yrs; 5 chren remain; husb d 1 1/2 yrs ago | ||
11/14/1882 | 367 | BREON, Daniel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/14/1882 | 367 | SMITH, George W. P.* | 3 | PA | PA: Reading (d); son of John W. & Mary J. | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | KLEIN, Sallie C.* | 5 | PA | PA: Reading (d); dau of John S. & Sallie C. | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | HAWK, Edward F.* | 2 | PA | PA: Dayton (d); son of Jonathan F. & Sarah E. | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | JYCOX, Lewis* | 5 | NY | NY: Lewis Co.: Belfort (d); son of Stephen & Martha | |||
11/14/1882 | 367 | HUNSINGER, Bertha Belle* | 5 | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); diphtheria | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | TUTTLE, Ellen* | 20 | PA | PA: Allentown (d) | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | ECKERT, Henry H.* | 43 | PA | PA: Allentown (d). "He experienced religion on his death-bed." | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | SCHULER, Tahmer* | 69 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); gave her heart to God ca 45 yrs ago; heart disease | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | ISSLER, Josephine Emilie* | 20 | MI | MI: Jackson (d at home of her sis); pars, 4 sis, 1 bro remain; bur Forrester, MI; diphtheria | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | STILLWELL, Mary Ann* | 39 | OTT | STILLWELL, John F. | IN | IN: Benton area (d); husb, 4 daus remain; 3 chren dead. "Without the least indication of anything unusual, she dropped down dead." | |
11/21/1882 | 374 | OTT, Mary Ann* | 39 | STILLWELL, John F. | IN | IN: Benton area (d); husb, 4 daus remain; 3 chren dead. "Without the least indication of anything unusual, she dropped down dead." | ||
11/21/1882 | 374 | STILLWELL, John F. | OTT, Mary Ann* | |||||
11/21/1882 | 374 | BECKER, Geo.* | 27 | MO | MO: Howard Co.: Glasgow (d); Sunday school teacher & class-leader for young folks; mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; typhoid malaria & inflammation of bowels | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | SMITH, Susanna* | 74 | SMITH, Robert | PA | ENGLAND (res prev) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead | |
11/21/1882 | 374 | -----, Susanna* | 74 | SMITH, Robert | PA | ENGLAND (res prev) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead | |
11/21/1882 | 374 | SMITH, Robert | -----, Susanna* | |||||
11/21/1882 | 374 | McHENRY, Nancy* | 64 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Troutville (d); 5 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 4 chren dead, one son d a few wks previous. When told to prepare to die, she said, "'I attended to that before. This would be a poor time to attend to that.'" | |||
11/21/1882 | 374 | BEAM, Emma* | 24 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Troutville area (d); mother, 2 bros, 5 sis remain | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | SPATZ, Rudolph (Rev.)* | 61 | MI | PA: Berks Co. (b May 17, 1821) | MI: Erie (funeral); held pastorates in OH & MI [they are listed in obit]; widow, 7 chren remain; 1 bro, 4 sis dead | ||
11/28/1882 | 382 | KILPATRICK, Andrew M.* | 50 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); widow, 6 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | FRY, Hannah C.* | 56 | FRY, J. W. | PA | PA: Clark's Valley (res); husb, 9 chren remain; heart paralysis; bur in cemetery nr Dauphin | ||
11/28/1882 | 382 | -----, Hannah C.* | 56 | FRY, J. W. | PA | PA: Clark's Valley (res); husb, 9 chren remain; heart paralysis; bur in cemetery nr Dauphin | ||
11/28/1882 | 283 | FRY, J. W. | -----, Hannah C.* | |||||
11/28/1882 | 382 | PIFER, Elias C.* | 44 | MI | VA [now WV]: Preston Co. (b) | MI: Lenawee Co.: Ogden (d); 7 chren, aged father remain | ||
11/28/1882 | 382 | BARD, William S.* | 17 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d in the State Hosp.); son of Grabill K. & Emma; cause of death was secondary hemorrhage resulting from removing a tumor | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | NUMAN, George* | 85 | OH | OH: Stark Co. (d Nov 4, 1882, aged 85y, 10m, 16d); 1 dau remains; wife, 7 chren are dead | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | SANAN, William* | 76 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Berne Tp. (d); 1 son, 1 dau remain | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | AUSBURN, David* | 51 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Prescott area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; unnamed chronic disease | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | SHENEBERGER, Mary S.* | 39 | SHENEBERGER, Levi | IA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IA: Minister: Manwell, C.; from PA to IA last Feb.; md 10 yrs, had 6 chren, of whom 4 are dead | |
11/28/1882 | 382 | -----, Mary S.* | 39 | SHENEBERGER, Levi | IA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IA: Minister: Manwell, C.; from PA to IA last Feb.; md 10 yrs, had 6 chren, of whom 4 are dead | |
11/28/1882 | 382 | SHENEBERGER, Levi | -----, Mary S.* | |||||
11/28/1882 | 382 | KNAPP, John* | 51 | PA | PA: Lenoxville area (d); class leader at the time of his death; wife, 5 chren remain; abcess on the liver | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | BREAKENRIDGE, James* | -- | IA | VT: Bennington (b) | IA: Earlham area (d); wife, 7 chren remain | ||
11/28/1882 | 382 | HORN, George* | 72 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); converted in Weissport, 1842; 1st Evan. memb in that town; Weissport class leader 28 yrs; noted for his musical talent; widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | MAY, Charles Milton* | 11mo | OH | OH: Stark Co.: son of Joseph & Margaret | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | SHAFFER, Boyd* | 5 | PA | PA: New Salem (d); son of Israel; erysipelas | |||
11/28/1882 | 382 | SHIRK, Bessie Belle* | 21mo | PA | PA: Center Co.: Potter's Mills (d); dau of W. B. & Maggie; cholera infantum | |||
12/05/1882 | 391 | HOPPLE, Jacob* | 76 | PA | PA: Locust Run area (d); made no profession of religion; died suddenly & unexpectedly | |||
12/05/1882 | 391 | ZIDERS, Susannah C.* | 16 | PA | PA: Locust Run (d) | |||
12/05/1882 | 391 | SCHAFSTALL, Joseph A.* | 49 | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); faithful Sunday-school worker; kind husb & father | |||
12/05/1882 | 391 | DOVENSPIKE, John* | 72 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Fairmount City (d); paralysis | |||
12/05/1882 | 391 | ROYSE, Ruth* | 24 | IA | IA: Maysville area (d); dau of Hiram & Elizabeth | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | MUMM, P. (Rev.)* | 24 | ND | SLESWICK Dukedom: Parish of Hohn: Bargstahl (b) | ND: Richland Co. (d); fam to Kankakee Co., IL, the Eaton Prairie, MN; d on journey at home of Herman STRUBEL; 3 bros got body & took to Minneapolis, where bur Lakewood Cem.; lung fever [lengthy obit] | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | MARKS, Peter* | 70 | PA | PA: White Haven (d) | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | YELCH, Jonathan Oliver* | 11 | IL | IL: Olney (d); son of Daniel & Margaretha; typhoid malaria | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | BULIG, Elizabeth* | 41 | KELLAR | BULIG, ----- | PA | PA: White Haven (d) | |
12/12/1882 | 398 | KELLAR, Elizabeth* | 41 | BULIG, ----- | PA | PA: White Haven (d) | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | FELTON, David* | 84 | -- | --: Minister: HAHN, P. W.; 4 chren remain; wife, 4 chren dead | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | HESS, Edward J.* | 49 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bath (d); mother, 3 chren remain; wife, 1 child dead | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | SEGNER, Thomas* | 79 | IN | IN: Waterloo (d); wife #2 & 2 sons from wife #1 remain; wife #1 & 4 chren dead. Had done some sewing on the machine, later standing at the stove, he sank down, led to couch, & died; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | McAFEE, Mary E.* | 28 | McAFEE, J. B. | PA | PA: South Oil City (d); inflammation of bowels | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | -----, Mary E.* | 28 | McAFEE, J. B. | PA | PA: South Oil City (d); inflammation of bowels | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | McAFEE, J. B. | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | BASLEY, Rosie* | 33 | BASLEY, David | PA | PA: Pike Co.: Greentown (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | -----, Rosie* | 33 | BASLEY, David | PA | PA: Pike Co.: Greentown (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | BASLEY, David | -----, Rosie* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | GREEN, Emma Atelia* | 28 | GREEN, William | OH | OH: Helmick area (d); husb, 1 son, mother, 2 sis remain; consumption | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | -----, | 28 | GREEN, William | OH | OH: Helmick area (d); husb, 1 son, mother, 2 sis remain; consumption | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | GREEN, William | -----, Emma Atelia* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | WESTFALLS, Orpha* | 28 | WESTFALLS, James | IA | IA: Cass Co.: Noble Tp. (d); husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | -----, Orpha* | WESTFALLS, James | IA | IA: Cass Co.: Noble Tp. (d); husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | WESTFALLS, James | -----, Orpha* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | SCHNEIDER, Henry* | 44 | HALLER, Mary Eva | NY | NY: Salina (b) | NY: Syracuse (d); md Jan 6, 1865; 3 chren, father, 2 sis remain; wife, 2 child dead; consumption | |
12/12/1882 | 398 | HALLER, Mary Eva | SCHNEIDER, Henry* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | SCHNEIDER, Mary Eva | SCHNEIDER, Henry* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | HAXTON, Richard* | 49 | OH | OH: Millersburgh [sic] area (d); son, mother, sisters, bro remain; wife d ca 7 yrs earlier; conplication of diseases | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | HERSHBERGER, Margaret* | 83 | WAGNER | HERSHBERGER, ----- | IL | PA: Center Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Oneco Tp. (d at home of son, Samuel MOYER); 2 sons remain |
12/12/1882 | 398 | WAGNER, Margaret* | 83 | HERSHBERGER, ----- | IL | PA: Center Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Oneco Tp. (d at home of son, Samuel MOYER); 2 sons remain | |
12/12/1882 | 398 | HERSHBERGER, ----- | WAGNER, Margaret* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | KERN, George W.* | -- | -- | --: Minister: McCLAY, Joseph; submitted by "A Friend." Stomach cancer | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | FELMAN, Nero* | 21 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Bridgetown (d); mother, 3 sis remain; consumption | |||
12/12/1882 | 398 | LEGESHULTE, Anna Louisa* | 30 | SHIELDS | LAGESCHULTE, Gerret | IA | IA: Belle Plaine area (d); dau of Conrad; husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 bros remain | |
12/12/1882 | 398 | SHIELDS, Anna Louisa* | 30 | LAGESCHULTE, Gerret | IA | IA: Belle Plaine area (d); dau of Conrad; husb, 2 chren, pars, 2 bros remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | LAGESCHULTE, Gerret | SHIELDS, Anna Louisa* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | DITTIG, Elisabeth* | 68 | PA | GERMANY: Dukedom Sax. of Meiningen: Steinbach (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (d); md 1838; to AMER 1852; member High St. Evan. Ch.; husb, 5 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
12/12/1882 | 398 | SHROVE, Elizabeth* | 68 | SANSEL | SHROVE, ----- | IL | PA: "San Fre" Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead |
12/12/1882 | 398 | SANSEL, Elizabeth* | 68 | SHROVE, ----- | IL | PA: "San Fre" Co. (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
12/12/1882 | 398 | SHROVE, ----- | SANSEL, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 398 | MILLER, Lizzie* | 24 | PA | PA: Union Co.: New Columbia area (d); res prev at Mt. Carmel, PA, came home to family physician; morning of Nov. 23 said she would lie down and rest; never woke up; pars, siblings remain; hemorrhage of lungs | |||
12/12/1882 | 399 | LANG, Margaret* | 25 | LANG, Barnhart | OH | OH: Helmick area (d); husb, pars, 3 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 399 | -----, Margaret* | 25 | LANG, Barnhart | OH | OH: Helmick area (d); husb, pars, 3 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
12/12/1882 | 399 | LANG, Barnhart | -----, Margaret* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 399 | RASSWEILER, Cath. Barbara* | 79 | HOFFMANN | RASSWEILER, Henry | IL | PRUSSIA: Sobernheim (b) | IL: Dakota (d); husb, 3 chren remain, one being Charles Frederick, prof. at North-Western College, Naperville, IL; 2 chren deam |
12/12/1882 | 399 | HOFFMANN, Cath. Barbara* | 79 | RASSWEILER, Henry | IL | PRUSSIA: Sobernheim (b) | IL: Dakota (d); husb, 3 chren remain, one being Charles Frederick, prof. at North-Western College, Naperville, IL; 2 chren deam | |
12/12/1882 | 399 | RASSWEILER, Henry | HOFFMANN, Cath. Barbara* | |||||
12/12/1882 | 399 | BACH, L.* [female] | 54 | IL | GERMANY: Saxony: Coburg-Gotha (b) | IL: Marshall (d); to AMER w/ husb soon after marriage; converted Weissport, PA, 1854; husb became a backslider, a great hindrance to her; husb reclaimed; mentions having chren; husb dead; heart & lung disease | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | SELTZER, Conrad* | 10 | MI | MI: Lenawee Co.: Riga (d); son of John & Sophia; pars, 3 bros, 9 sis remain; inflammation of bowels | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | STINE, Catherine* | 78 | PA | PA: Tyrone (d); Evan. Assn. her church ca 30 yrs; remains to Mifflintown, PA; funeral there by Rev. BERRY, of Luth. Church | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | MATTER, Isaac Newton* | 12 | IL | IL: Buckeye Tp. (d); only son of W. H. & Hannah; diphtheria | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | MILLER, Catherine* | 80 | MILLER, John | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Mexico (d); had kind disposition, words of reconciliation | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | -----, Catherine* | 80 | MILLER, John | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Mexico (d); had kind disposition, words of reconciliation | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | MILLER, John | -----, Catherine* | |||||
12/19/1882 | 407 | RIEGEL, Susannah* | 36 | REED | RIEGEL, Isaac | OH | OH: Cedar Hill (d); dau of Benj. & E. of Stoutsville, OH; husb, 6 sons, 3 daus remain; consumption | |
12/19/1882 | 407 | REED, Susannah* | 36 | RIEGEL, Isaac | OH | OH: Cedar Hill (d); dau of Benj. & E. of Stoutsville, OH; husb, 6 sons, 3 daus remain; consumption | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | RIEGEL, Isaac | REED, Susannah* | |||||
12/19/1882 | 407 | PUTMAN, Gabriel* | 88 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Wilmot (d); memb Evan. Assn. 66 yrs. "He was well to do, and gave liberally. I cannot give correct figures, but know that he made quite a gift to our Orphan Home." | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | GRAVER, Harriet* | 47 | YOUNG | GRAVER, Jacob | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Longswamp Tp. (d); dau of Joseph & Rebecca; husb, 4 chren, pars, 2 sis remain; bur Weissport, PA, her former home. | |
12/19/1882 | 407 | YOUNG, Harriet* | 47 | GRAVER, Jacob | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Longswamp Tp. (d); dau of Joseph & Rebecca; husb, 4 chren, pars, 2 sis remain; bur Weissport, PA, her former home. | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | GRAVER, Jacob | YOUNG, Harriet* | |||||
12/19/1882 | 407 | OTT, Mary Magdalene* | 77 | OTT, Lewis | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d); husb, an only son remain; internal inflammation | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | -----, Mary Magdalene* | 77 | OTT, Lewis | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d); husb, an only son remain; internal inflammation | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | OTT, Lewis | -----, Mary Magdalene* | |||||
12/19/1882 | 407 | BEALE, Amanda* | 29 | -- | --: Salisbury (d); husb, 2 sm chren, aged mother, siblings remain. Minister: M. J. BALENTINE | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | WELTY, Peter* | 62 | IA | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | IA: Madison Co.: Winterset area (d); wife, chren remain | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | LACKEY, Mintie M.* | 15 | MN | MN: Wabasha (b) | MN: Marshall Co.: Aygyle (d); dau of W. T. & Harriet; pars, bro, sister remain; heart disease | ||
12/19/1882 | 407 | PATCHEN, Elbert M.* | 22mo | -- | --: Cherry Tree circuit (d); son of George & Agnes; diphtheria | |||
12/19/1882 | 407 | CATON, Harry Dodge* | 5 | IL | IL: Orangeville area (b) | IL: Orangeville (d); eldest son of Rev. Wm.; membraneous croup | ||
12/26/1882 | 413 | STANFORD, Abraham* | 65 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Rockland Tp. (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; malarial fever / bronchitis / consumption | |||
12/26/1882 | 413 | MILLER, John B.* | 84 | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park Tp. (d); one of first membs Evan. Ch., Lower Mt. Bethel, Northampton Co., PA; body ret there for burial; 9 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 of the sons are Revs. M.J. of IA Conf.; E.R. of MI Conf. & E.J. of East PA Conf. | |||
12/26/1882 | 413 | KRAUS, Anna Elizabeth* | 69 | KRAUS, John D. | PA | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); church memb 40 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead; paralysis | ||
12/26/1882 | 413 | -----, Anna Elizabeth* | 69 | KRAUS, John D. | PA | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); church memb 40 yrs; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead; paralysis | ||
12/26/1882 | 413 | KRAUS, John D. | -----, Anna Elizabeth* | |||||
12/26/1882 | 413 | BEIK, Salome* | 77 | SCHNEIDER | BEIK, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Baden: Rheinblachofsheim (b) | IA: Grand View area (d); husb, chren remain |
12/26/1882 | 413 | SCHNEIDER, Salome* | 77 | BEIK, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Baden: Rheinblachofsheim (b) | IA: Grand View area (d); husb, chren remain | |
12/26/1882 | 413 | BEIK, ----- | SCHNEIDER, Salome* |
Number of items that your search found: 601