Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/05/1887 | 427 | LEWIS, Mary* | -- | HART | LEWIS, ----- | IA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | IA: La Porte city (d); joined Evan. Ch. 1837, one yr before her mge |
07/05/1887 | 427 | HART, Mary* | -- | LEWIS, ----- | IA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | IA: La Porte city (d); joined Evan. Ch. 1837, one yr before her mge | |
07/05/1887 | 427 | LEWIS, ----- | HART, Mary* | |||||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SECRIST, Samuel* | 60 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d); widow, 4 chren remain | |||
07/05/1887 | 427 | FYKE, Solomon* | 37 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring (d); converted North Freedom camp-meeting ca 5 yrs ago; wife, 3 chren remain | |||
07/05/1887 | 427 | KURTZ, Annie M.* | 21 | FISS | KURTZ, Morris | PA | PA: Pottstown (d); husb, one child, Ralph, remain; consumption | |
07/05/1887 | 427 | FISS, Annie M.* | 21 | KURTZ, Morris | PA | PA: Pottstown (d); husb, one child, Ralph, remain; consumption | ||
07/05/1887 | 427 | KURTZ, Morris | FISS, Annie M.* | |||||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SENN, Margaret* | 43 | SENN, Frederick | NY | NY: Oneida Co.: Canrod (res); husb, 2 daus remain | ||
07/05/1887 | 427 | -----, Margaret* | 43 | SENN, Frederick | NY | NY: Oneida Co.: Canrod (res); husb, 2 daus remain | ||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SENN, Frederick | -----, Margaret* [she his 2nd wife] | |||||
07/05/1887 | 427 | ZACHMAN, Martha Ann* | 43 | SMITH | ZACHMAN, ----- | MO | MO: Holt Co.: Nickel's Grove (d); md 4 yrs ago; husb, 1 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |
07/05/1887 | 427 | SMITH, Martha Ann* | 43 | ZACHMAN, ----- | MO | MO: Holt Co.: Nickel's Grove (d); md 4 yrs ago; husb, 1 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | ||
07/05/1887 | 427 | ZACHMAN, ----- | SMITH, Martha Ann* | |||||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SLICHEMAIER, Maria E.* | 37 | DORNEY | SLICHEMAIER, Jacob | IL | IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); bur cem nr Lancaster; husb, 3 chren remain | |
07/05/1887 | 427 | DORNEY, Maria E.* | 37 | SLICHEMAIER, Jacob | IL | IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); bur cem nr Lancaster; husb, 3 chren remain | ||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SLICHEMAIER, Jacob | DORNEY, Maria E.* | |||||
07/05/1887 | 427 | FEHR, Benjamin C.* | 44 | IA | IA: Wakler [sic] (d); funeral & interment at Afolkey, Stephenson Co., IL; wife, 1 child, aged mother, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
07/05/1887 | 427 | JUNKER, Frank N.* | 23 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Florence (d); son of Nicholas & Anna A.; kicked by horse, died next day; pars, 1 bro, 4 sis remain | |||
07/05/1887 | 427 | SCHNEEBERGER, J. Adam* | 69 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); one of 1st converts in Weissport, PA; remaining is an only dau, wife of Rev. W. C. WEISS of East PA Conf. | |||
07/05/1887 | 427 | GOSS, Maggie* | 24 | MD | MD: Hebbville area (d); mother, 3 sis, 1 bro remain; mentions having an aunt & uncle; father, 1 sis dead; consumption | |||
07/12/1887 | 443 | MARQUARDT, John George (Rev.)* | 71 | BRUTER, Catharine Elizabeth | PA | WURTEMBERG: Nufringen (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); pastorates in PA, CA, NJ, NY; bur Mt. Moriah Cem., Philadeophia wife, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; child dead; funeral proceedings published | |
07/12/1887 | 443 | BRUTER, Catharine Elizabeth | MARQUARDT, John George (Rev.) | |||||
07/12/1887 | 443 | MARQUARDT, Catharine Elizabeth | MARQUARDT, John George (Rev.) | |||||
07/12/1887 | 443 | ROUGH, Geo. H.* | 48 | MI | PA: Perry Co. (b) | MI: Portage Prairie nr Buchanan (d); wife, 3 chren, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 1st brick intended for new church he wanted was used to arch his tomb; cholera morbus & uremic poisoning | ||
07/12/1887 | 443 | STOCK, Josiah* | 52 | PA | PA: Bangor (d); wife, 7 sons remain; wife, 2 of the 7 sons are church members | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ANDREWS, Mollie* | 28 | ANDREWS, John | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Stauffers (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | -----, Mollie* | 28 | ANDREWS, John | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Stauffers (d); husb, 3 chren remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ANDREWS, John | -----, Mollie* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | PAEFFLY, Margaret R.* | 69 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d) | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ANSCHUTZ, Emma* | 14 | MO | MO: Kansas City (d); dau of August & Caroline; pars, brothers remain | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | MAURER, John W.* | 75 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo (d); children, siblings remain | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | HEPLER, Maria* | 67 | BOLECH | HEPLER, Daniel | PA | PA: Upper Mahantongo (d); husb, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; dropsy | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | BOLECH, Maria* | 67 | HEPLER, Daniel | PA | PA: Upper Mahantongo (d); husb, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; dropsy | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | HEPLER, Daniel | BOLECH, Maria* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | BERLIN, Wm.* | 67 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Pennsville (d); 3 chren remain | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | VORE, Mazie* | 18 | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); consumption | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | BOHER, Hannah* | 77 | WV | WV: Morgan Co.: Oakland area (d); church member 50+ yrs; 11 chren remain; husb dead | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | RHOTES, Agnes E.* | 17 | MI | MI: Buchanan area (d); dau of Peter & Eunice; pars, brothers, 1 sis remain; stomach inflammation | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ZUMSTEIN, Lillie* | 15 | NY | NY: Buffalo (d); dau of Samuel & Sophie; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | BILLING, Margarette* | 74 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Kanton Zurich: Uhrviesen (b) | OH: White House (d); to AMER 1849; 1 son, 3 daus remain; husb, 8 chren dead | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | GUTHRIE, George Willis* | 32 | IA | OH: Adams Co. (b) | IA: Zearing (d); pars, siblings remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | LAIGNE, Joshua* | 75 | WV | WV: Morgan Co.: Zion's Cross Roads area (died at home of Joseph MAGBY). "One has gone to be with Jesus and six remain to mourn their loss." [NOTE: no mention of family, only friends] | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | SHOWERS, Mary M.* | 50 | HARTLEY | SHOWERS, Jacob S. | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Wayne Tp. (d). "She leaves a husband, one son, and several children that she raisedÉ." Asthma | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | HARTLEY, Mary M.* | 50 | SHOWERS, Jacob S. | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Wayne Tp. (d). "She leaves a husband, one son, and several children that she raisedÉ." Asthma | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | SHOWERS, Jacob S. | HARTLEY, Mary M.* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | RITTER, Phoebe Allen* | 32 | DeHAVEN | RITTER, P. P. (Dr.) | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Myersdale (d); husb, pars, 2 sis remain | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | DeHAVEN, Phoebe Allen* | 32 | RITTER, P. P. (Dr.) | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Myersdale (d); husb, pars, 2 sis remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | RITTER, P. P. (Dr.) | DeHAVEN, Phoebe Allen* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ANTHES, -----* | 70 | NE | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | NE: Clay Center area (d); to Pecon, IL, 1856; to Clay Co., NE, 1874; wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | DUSS, Catharine* | 51 | NEFF | DUSS, ----- | IN | PA: Lacommit [sic] Co. (b) | IN: Adams Co. (d); to Crawford Co., OH, w/ mother in 1856; to Adams Co., IN, 1877; husb, 1 son remain |
07/19/1887 | 459 | NEFF, Catharine* | 51 | DUSS, ----- | IN | PA: Lacommit [sic] Co. (b) | IN: Adams Co. (d); to Crawford Co., OH, w/ mother in 1856; to Adams Co., IN, 1877; husb, 1 son remain | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | DUSS, ----- | NEFF, Catharine* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ARMBRUSTER, Christian* | 78 | PA | GERMANY: Wittenberg (res prev) | PA: Centre Co.: Penn's Cave (d); to AMER 1849; converted 1854; 4 chren remain; blood cancer | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | HEINTZELMAN, Sovira S.* | 40 | IN | PA: Schneider [sic] Co. (b) | IN: Ft. Wayne (res); to Ft Wayne 1878, md Aug 25 that yr; wife, 3 chren remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | LINT, Louisa Cath.* | 82 | BOEBEON | LINT, ----- | ONT | PRUSSIA: Neiderlingsweiler (b) | ONT: Haldimond Co.: North Cayuga (d); md Feb 1825; to CANADA 1834; 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead; husb died 32+ yrs ago |
07/19/1887 | 459 | BOEBEON, Louisa Cath.* | 82 | LINT, ----- | ONT | PRUSSIA: Neiderlingsweiler (b) | ONT: Haldimond Co.: North Cayuga (d); md Feb 1825; to CANADA 1834; 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead; husb died 32+ yrs ago | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | LINT, ----- | BOEBEON, Louisa Cath.* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | NEAGLEY, Elizabeth* | 63 | MURRAY | NEAGLEY, John | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); husb, 3 sis remain | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | MURRAY, Elizabeth* | 63 | NEAGLEY, John | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); husb, 3 sis remain | ||
07/19/1887 | 459 | NEAGLEY, John | MURRAY, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | JOHNSTON, Florence* | 18 | OH | OH: Circleville (d); dau of Wm. & Susan; pars, 2 bros remain | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | MITCHELL, Rebecca A.* | 85 | SHOWERS | MITCHELL, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co. (b) | PA: Kossuth area (died at home of son-in-law, J. W. WEAVER); to Venango Co., PA, ca 49 yrs ago; 10 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead. "Her father built and owned our second publishing house, which was then her home." |
07/19/1887 | 459 | SHOWERS, Rebecca A.* | 85 | MITCHELL, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co. (b) | PA: Kossuth area (died at home of son-in-law, J. W. WEAVER); to Venango Co., PA, ca 49 yrs ago; 10 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead. "Her father built and owned our second publishing house, which was then her home." | |
07/19/1887 | 459 | MITCHELL, ----- | SHOWERS, Rebecca A.* | |||||
07/19/1887 | 459 | TETER, Mamie A.* | 7 | PA | PA Tamaqua (died at home of uncle, W. H. HEISSLER, who had taken her to raise); dau of J. R. & Sue E. TETER; diphtheria | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | WINK, Clara May* | 3 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); dau of Franklin & Elizabeth; scarlet fever | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | WARD, Jacob* | 3 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Hoggs (d) | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | BERTALET, Irene Stella* | 5 mos | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Wm. H. & Emily | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | MEDLAR, James Henry* | 11 mo | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of D. A. & Maria L. | |||
07/19/1887 | 459 | ROHLMAN, Alma Grace* | infan | -- | --: Minister: WONDER, D. H.; dau of "Bro. and Sister Libbie ROHLMAN" | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | SHULTZ, Mary Margaret* | 67 | LAPE | SHULTZ, ----- | -- | PA: Lebanon Co.: Newmanstown (b) | --: Minister: KEMBEL, D. Z.; md Nov 9, 1839 husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 1 son dead; one son is Rev. H. D. of East PA Conf. [also spelled SCHULTZ] |
07/26/1887 | 475 | LAPE, Mary Margaret* | 67 | SHULTZ, ----- | -- | PA: Lebanon Co.: Newmanstown (b) | --: Minister: KEMBEL, D. Z.; md Nov 9, 1839; husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 1 son dead; one son is Rev. H. D. of East PA Conf. [also spelled SCHULTZ] | |
07/26/1887 | 475 | SHULTZ, ----- | LAPE, Mary Margaret* | |||||
07/26/1887 | 475 | BAEHRENS, Charles Frederick Rudolph* | 82 | OH | GERMANY: Hanover (b) | OH: Canton (d); to AMER 1854 to Cincinnati, OH; to Canton, 1874; 1 son, F. C., & dau-in-law remain; wife, 6 chren dead | ||
07/26/1887 | 475 | WESSLER, John Frederick* | 77 | HARTMAN, Margaret | IN | HANOVER: Amt Osnabrueck: Kirchziel-Schbedehauaus (b) | IN: Dubois (res); to AMER 1836; to Dubois Co. Spring 1836; md 1837; widow, 1 son, 4 daus remain; cared for by son Daniel & wife | |
07/26/1887 | 475 | HARTMAN, Margaret | WESSLER, John Frederick* | |||||
07/26/1887 | 475 | WESSLER, Margaret | WESSLER, John Frederick* | |||||
07/26/1887 | 475 | MILLER, Sarah* | 63 | MILLER, John | MI | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
07/26/1887 | 475 | -----, Sarah* | 63 | MILLER, John | MI | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
07/26/1887 | 475 | MILLER, John | -----, Sarah* | |||||
07/26/1887 | 475 | MEYER, -----* | 77 | IL | ALSACE: Sundhausen (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Yorktown (d); to AMER 1839 to Deerfield, Lake Co., IL; to Yorktown, IL, 1856; 1 dau, 5 sons remain; wife, 1 dau dead; cancer | ||
07/26/1887 | 475 | FOSSELMAN, Susan* | 72 | -- | --: Minister: RHOADS, W. W.; had 14 chren; Rev. M. F. of Central PA Conf. is one of the 5 sons remaining; [4 daus remain, apparently] husb, 5 chren dead | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | FISH, Sarah* | 30 | HOUPT | FISH, ----- | IL | IL: Chicago (b) | IL: Lockport (d); husb, pars, brother remain; 2 chren dead; cholera morbus |
07/26/1887 | 475 | HOUPT, Sarah* | 30 | FISH, ----- | IL | IL: Chicago (b) | IL: Lockport (d); husb, pars, brother remain; 2 chren dead; cholera morbus | |
07/26/1887 | 475 | FISH, ----- | HOUPT, Sarah* | |||||
07/26/1887 | 475 | GREENHO, Margaret* | 67 | IL | IL: Joliet (d); bur Plainfield, IL; husb, 1 son remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | HEINBACH, Sarah* | 68 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Rock Station area (d) | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | SCHMUS, Charles Edward* | 9 | IL | IL: Peoria (d); son of Rev. Wm.; malaria, typhoid fever & brain congestion | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | KING, Lilly* | 4 mos | -- | --: Minister: PEEK, F. M.; dau of Joseph & Mary; cholera infantum | |||
07/26/1887 | 475 | MENGEL, Werti Andrews* | 1 | PA | PA: Hamburg area (d); son of Ellwood & Emma | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GRISSINGER, Elizabeth* | 79 | GRISSINGER, David (Rev.) | IL | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Buena Vista (d); 5 chren remain; husb dead; stroke | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | -----, Elizabeth* | 79 | GRISSINGER, David (Rev.) | IL | PA: Lancaster Co.: Mt. Joy (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: Buena Vista (d); 5 chren remain; husb dead; stroke | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | GRISSINGER, David (Rev.) | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | HEMINGER, Catharine* | 68 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Freeport area (d) | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | HENCH, Catharine* | 23 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Blain (d); husb, 10 chren remain [NOTE: believe age is incorrect for the number of children she had] | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | BRIDIGUM, Emma W.* | 18 | SHOEMAKER | BRIDIGUM, Calvin | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (died at home of parents); husb, infant, pars remain | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | SHOEMAKER, Emma W.* | 18 | BRIDIGUM, Calvin | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (died at home of parents); husb, infant, pars remain | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | BRIDIGUM, Calvin | SHOEMAKER, Emma W.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | DE LONG, Jairus* | 29 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Toledo (died on railroad track); taken to Wauseon, OH; bur beside pars: John & Sarah (KELLER) DE LONG; wife, 2 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis, 1 half-sis remain | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | EXAMPLE:, much info given | see DE LONG, Jairus, Aug 2, 1887, p. 491 | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | RIECHENMEYER, Henrietta* | 58 | RICHTER | RIECHENMEYER, Henry | IN | LIPPE-DETMOLD: Oberamt Lindenhausen (b) | IN: Indianapolis (d); md Jan 14, 1855; husb, 4 daus remain; 2 sons, 1 dau dead |
08/02/1887 | 491 | RICHTER, Henrietta* | 58 | RIECHENMEYER, Henry | IN | LIPPE-DETMOLD: Oberamt Lindenhausen (b) | IN: Indianapolis (d); md Jan 14, 1855; husb, 4 daus remain; 2 sons, 1 dau dead | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | RIECHENMEYER, Henry | RICHTER, Henrietta* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | SCHMIDT, Emma S.* | 23 | HETCHE | SCHMIDT, ----- | PA | PA: Rochester (d); husb, 3 little chren, pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; consumption | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | HETCHE, Emma S.* | 23 | SCHMIDT, ----- | PA | PA: Rochester (d); husb, 3 little chren, pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; consumption | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | SCHMIDT, ----- | HETCHE, Emma S.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | KROMMES, Mary Matilda* | 21 | KROMMES, William | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ashland (d) | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | WAGNER, Daniel* | 66 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Shenandoah (d); wife, 7 chren remain | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | HELVERING, John* | 86 | OH | PA: Franklin Co. (b) | OH: Circleville area (died at home of nephew, V. F. HELVERING); never md, but lived among his friends in OH for many yrs | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | STETLER, Mary A.* | 35 | REICHLEY | STETLER, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield area (d) | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | REICHLEY, Mary A.* | 35 | STETLER, ----- | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield area (d) | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | STETLER, ----- | REICHLEY, Mary A.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | YOUNG, Samuel* | 37 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Shenandoah (d); widow, 3 chren remain; typhoid malaria | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | ALLEN, Benjamin* | 73 | MO | NY: Amsterdam (b) | MO: Oregon (res); res Steuben Co., NY, until 1865 when moved to MO; 5 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | FOSNAUGH, Sarah* | 47 | FOSNAUGH, Harrison | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Cedar Hill area (d); husb, 1 bro, 1 sis remain | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | -----, Sarah* | 47 | FOSNAUGH, Harrison | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Cedar Hill area (d); husb, 1 bro, 1 sis remain | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | FOSNAUGH, Harrison | -----, Sarah* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | LUDWICK, Rachel A.* | 35 | LUDWICK, John H. | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d); consumption | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | -----, Rachel A.* | 35 | LUDWICK, John H. | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d); consumption | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | LUDWICK, John H. | -----, Rachel A.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | STROUP, Charles* | 51 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Williamsport area (d); member GAR; widow, 3 sons remain | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | MARBURGER, Mary E.* | 45 | MARBURGER, John | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Cedar Hill area (d); husb, 9 daus, 2 sons, mother, 2 sis, 5 bros remain; 4 sons dead | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | -----, Mary E.* | 45 | MARBURGER, John | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Cedar Hill area (d); husb, 9 daus, 2 sons, mother, 2 sis, 5 bros remain; 4 sons dead | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | MARBURGER, John | -----, Mary E.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | BAUMGARDNER, Wilhelmina* | 66 | HANING | BAUMGARDNER, Christopher | PA | GERMANY: Lippe Detmold (b) | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emmaus (died on visit to son at Emmaus); to AMER 1850; md 1852; res Monroe Co., PA; husb, 5 chren, 4 bros remain; fell on a scythe |
08/02/1887 | 491 | HANING, Wilhelmina* | 66 | BAUMGARDNER, Christopher | PA | GERMANY: Lippe Detmold (b) | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emmaus (died on visit to son at Emmaus); to AMER 1850; md 1852; res Monroe Co., PA; husb, 5 chren, 4 bros remain; fell on a scythe | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | BAUMGARDNER, Christopher | HANING, Wilhelmina* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GRIFFITH, Harriet* | 72 | EMERT | GRIFFITH, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BARLETT, F. W.; invalid last 4 yrs; her only son remains; husb, an only dau dead; converted 50+ yrs ago; her connection with our church dates back to our primitive history in this country; bur Lichty Cem. | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | EMERT, Harriet* | 72 | GRIFFITH, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BARLETT, F. W.; invalid last 4 yrs; her only son remains; husb, an only dau dead; converted 50+ yrs ago; her connection with our church dates back to our primitive history in this country; bur Lichty Cem. | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GRIFFITH, ----- | EMERT, Harriet* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GRAVER, Walter C.* | 23 | PA | PA: Pennsylvania Hosp. (d); father, 7 bros, 3 sis remain; funeral at Limerick, PA | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | STUMP, Amanda L.* | -- | STUMP, Charles E. | OH | IN: Pulaski Co. (b) | OH: Circleville (d); husb, 3 chren remain; infant child dead | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | STUMP, Charles E. | -----, Amanda L.* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | KREBS, Christ.* | 20 | MO | SWITZERLAND: Canton Bern: Bueggenberg (b) | MO: Henry Co.: Windsor (d). "His bereaved parents and seven brothers and sisters, living in Switzerland, Europe, remain." | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | EXAMPLE:, residence in Switz. of pars/siblings | see KREBS, Christ., Aug 2, 1887, p 491 | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | PHELPS, Melinda* | 69 | PHELPS, Maxson | IL | IL: Warren (d); worker in the temperance cause; husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; consumption of the bowels | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | -----, Melinda* | 69 | PHELPS, Maxson | IL | IL: Warren (d); worker in the temperance cause; husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; consumption of the bowels | ||
08/02/1887 | 491 | PHELPS, Maxson | -----, Melinda* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | WETHERHOLD, Matilda* | 47 | ARNOLD | WETHERHOLD, Wm. H. | PA | PA: Coopersburg (b) | PA: Reading (d); husb, chren remain |
08/02/1887 | 491 | ARNOLD, Matilda* | 47 | WETHERHOLD, Wm. H. | PA | PA: Coopersburg (b) | PA: Reading (d); husb, chren remain | |
08/02/1887 | 491 | WETHERHOLD, Wm. H. | ARNOLD, Matilda* | |||||
08/02/1887 | 491 | STAVER, Ida M.* | 31 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Mt. Rock (d); consumption | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | HAINES, William* | 88 | PA | PA: York Co. (d); joined church ca 66 yrs ago; bro of Rev. George of East PA Conf.; a bro-in-law of the late Thomas BUCK, and Lewis MAY, and Rev. E. KOHR of Central PA Conf.; aged wife, 8 chren remain | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | SNYDER, Elsie Caroline* | child | MI | MI: Hart (d); dau of Rev. M. W. & Ella; scarlet fever. "Ceremony at the grave onlyÉ." | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | REINHART, George Jonathan* | 2 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Coplay (d); son of Frank G. & Louisa; scarlet fever & convulsions | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | KARR, Robert Henry* | 3 mos | IL | IL: Will Co.: Manhattan (d); son of Martin & Lena; summer complaint | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | HOLLER, Calvin Oscar* | 1 | -- | --: Fossilville (d); son of Thornton & Hester | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | BACHAN, Annie Nora* | 2 | PA | PA: Madisonburg area (drowned); only dau of Charles & Caroline | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | FUNK, Lodie Ray* | 2 | PA | PA: Spring Bank (d); dau of Calvin & Alice | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GLESSNER, Charles Hamilton* | 9 | -- | --: Baltimore (d); only ch of Robert & Jennie E. | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | BRITTAN, Ollie* | 7 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon area (d); typhoid fever | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | KEMBERLING, Frank Henry* | 1 | MO | MO: Winston (d); son of S. | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | CASTOR, Harry* | 8 mos | MO | MO: Winston area (d); son of James & Sophia | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | GEHMAN, Etna* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Reading (d); dau of Edward F. & Susan S.; cholera infantum | |||
08/02/1887 | 491 | MARTIN, Rose Edith* | 11 mo | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, W. F.; only ch of W. O. | |||
08/09/1887 | 491 | HOUBOLD, Olie* | 3 mos | -- | --: Minister: MULLEN, G. W.; dau of Fred; bilious diarrhoea | |||
08/09/1887 | 506 | PONTIUS, J. K. (Rev.)* | 60 | MYERS, Caroline | MI | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | MI: Flint (d); md 1855; preached OH church 1856-1875; to MI 1876; wife, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead; one or more chren res Flint; funeral address published in its entirety | |
08/09/1887 | 506 | MYERS, Caroline | PONTIUS, J. K. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 506 | PONTIUS, Caroline | PONTIUS, J. K. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | SHREFFLER, John (Rev.)* | 80 | IL | PA (b) | IL (died northern part of IL); to OH age 16 yrs; after md, to southern IL for 8 yrs, then northern IL; wife, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | UNGER, Ida Minerva* | 19 | OH | OH: Salem area on Homeworth circuit (d); not well since 8 yrs old; pars, siblings remain; spasms [Location determined by res of minister, G. W. FINNECY of Canfield, Mahoning Co., OH] | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | LOHR, Isabella* | 61 | LOHR, Joseph J. (husb #2, d Dec 5, 1885) | PA | PA: Stoyestown (died at res of son-in-law, D. L. WITT); " É mother of 3 sons and 4 daughters, 2 of whom preceded herÉ." | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | -----, Isabella* | 61 | BELL, Hiram (husb #1, d Jan 10, 1883) | PA | PA: Stoyestown (died at res of son-in-law, D. L. WITT); " É mother of 3 sons and 4 daughters, 2 of whom preceded herÉ." | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BELL, Isabella* | 61 | LOHR, Joseph J. (husb #2, d Dec 5, 1885) | PA | PA: Stoyestown (died at res of son-in-law, D. L. WITT); " É mother of 3 sons and 4 daughters, 2 of whom preceded herÉ." | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | LOHR, Joseph J. | BELL, Isabella* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BELL, Hiram | -----, Isabella* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | ARTER, Geo. W.* | 42 | KS | KS: Ellinwood area (d); wife, 4 little chren remain | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | SMITH, John* | 73 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Salisbury (d). " É one of the first who established the work of our church in this part of the country." Several chren remain; wife dead | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | SCHWEIZER, Henry Albert* | 18 | MI | MI: Huron Co.: Kilmanagh area (d); son of Philip & Lydia; pars, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; inflammation of bowels | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | KISER, Mary Ann* | 45 | PRICE | KISER, ----- | IN | OH: Coshocton Co. (b) | IN: Marshall Co. (d); husb, 6 chren remain; funeral at Mt. Zion; stroke of paralysis |
08/09/1887 | 507 | PRICE, Mary Ann* | 45 | KISER, ----- | IN | OH: Coshocton Co. (b) | IN: Marshall Co. (d); husb, 6 chren remain; funeral at Mt. Zion; stroke of paralysis | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | KISER, ----- | PRICE, Mary Ann* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | GIESKE, Herman H.* | 63 | MI | PRUSSIA: Shale (b) | MI: Manchester area (d); wife #2, 6 sons, 1 dau, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; wife #1 dead; disease of the brain; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BARR, Samuel* | 78 | IL | PA: York Co. (b Feb 19, 1809) | IL: Naperville (d); widow, 4 chren remain | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | MOHN, Sarah Ellen* | 42 | FINK | MOHN, Philip | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon area (d); husb, 2 sons, father, 5 sis, 1 bro remain; heart disease | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | FINK, Sarah Ellen* | 42 | MOHN, Philip | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon area (d); husb, 2 sons, father, 5 sis, 1 bro remain; heart disease | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | MOHN, Philip | FINK, Sarah Ellen* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | WEBER, Susan D.* | 23 | CAPP | WEBER, ----- | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Sterling (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain |
08/09/1887 | 507 | CAPP, Susan D.* | 23 | WEBER, ----- | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IL: Sterling (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | WEBER, ----- | CAPP, Susan D.* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | WINTTER, Harry Emanuel* | 9 | PA | PA: Norristown (d); youngest son of Louisa and the late Ernest; mother, 2 sis remain; spinal meningitis | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | HUNDERTMARK, Anna Mary* | 68 | HUNDERTMARK, Christian | IL | GERMANY: Lippe Detmold (b) | IL: Adeline (d); to AMER w/ husb 1856, who remains; 6 yrs her mind affected, gradually forfeited use of her mental powers | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | -----, Anna Mary* | 68 | HUNDERTMARK, Christian | IL | GERMANY: Lippe Detmold (b) | IL: Adeline (d); to AMER w/ husb 1856, who remains; 6 yrs her mind affected, gradually forfeited use of her mental powers | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | HUNDERTMARK, Christian | -----, Anna Mary* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | CLEMENS, David M.* | 68 | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Roseville area (d); several yrs ago to Dakota where 3 sons reside; one month ago began to fail, started home alone, arrived a wk before he died; 9 sons, 3 daus remain; wife, 1 son dead | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | KURTZ, Charles Scott* | 23 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bridgeville (d); son of Jacob & Susanna | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | HOOVER, Elizabeth* | 59 | SITZLER | HOOVER, ----- | OH | OH: Bucyrus (d); aged mother remains; husb and only dau died yrs ago | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | SITZLER, Elizabeth* | 59 | HOOVER, ----- | OH | OH: Bucyrus (d); aged mother remains; husb and only dau died yrs ago | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | HOOVER, ----- | SITZLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BOSWELL, Mary* | 22 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Mt. Etna area (d); husb, 1 child remain; paralysis | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | HETRICK, Sarah Catharine* | 33 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: North Freedom (d); husb, 5 small chren remain; consumption | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BERGSTRESER, Lavina* | 60 | BIERY | BERGSTRESER, David | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; dropsy | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | BIERY, Lavina* | 60 | BERGSTRESER, David | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; dropsy | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BERGSTRESER, David | BIERY, Lavina* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | RHEAM, Susan* | 38 | HORNER | RHEAM, ----- | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); husb, 1 son, 2 daus, pars, 1 bro remain | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | HORNER, Susan* | 38 | RHEAM, ----- | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); husb, 1 son, 2 daus, pars, 1 bro remain | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | RHEAM, ----- | HORNER, Susan* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | ANTHONY, Vilghman Anthony* | 51 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: West Bethlehem (d); wife, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BECKLEY, Jacob* | 82 | IN | PA: Bedford Co. (b) | IN: Noble Co.: Avilla (d); to Richland Co., OH, ca 15 yrs old w/ pars; to Noble Co. ca 1865; widow, 1 son remain | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | RIFE, Elizabeth* | 68 | GEABLE | RIFE, ----- | OH | OH: Bloomville (d); husb, 7 sons, 1 dau remain; one son is Rev. S. E. of OH Conf.; funeral in McCutchinsville, OH | |
08/09/1887 | 507 | GEABLE, Elizabeth* | 68 | RIFE, ----- | OH | OH: Bloomville (d); husb, 7 sons, 1 dau remain; one son is Rev. S. E. of OH Conf.; funeral in McCutchinsville, OH | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | RIFE, ----- | GEABLE, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/09/1887 | 507 | HOUSER, Peter* | 67 | PA | ONT: Lebanon (b) | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (d); S. S. supt 20+ yrs; widow remains; paralysis | ||
08/09/1887 | 507 | STRICKLER, Jacob* | 57 | PA | PA: York Co.: Stony Brook area (d); wife sang "Old Ship of Zion" to him, he replied "'É yes, I am on the old ship of Zion. Hallelujah.'" 17 yrs of church, missed only two regular preaching services. Widow, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | METZ, Henry W.* | 7 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Manhattan area (d); son of Rolandus & Carrie; scarlet fever; [d Apr 7, 1887] | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | METZ, Olla Luella [?]* | 5 | IL | IL: Will Co.: Manhattan area (d); dau of Rolandus & Carrie; scarlet fever; [d Apr 7, 1887] | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | WILLSON, Carrie Louisa* | 2 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Bedford (d); dau of Samuel; cholera infantum | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | SNEARLEY, Lizzie Victoria* | 6 mos | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Bridgeport (d); dau of George & Ella | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BOWMAN, Edith E.* | 8 | PA | PA: Wilkesbarre (d); only dau of Rev. J. of East PA Conf. | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | CUSTER, Bertha Ellen* | 9 mos | NE | NE: Cambridge area (d); dau of Rev. M. Z.; cholera infantum | |||
08/09/1887 | 507 | BUPPERT, Edward Franklin* | 7 | -- | --: Minister: GRENINGER, H. N.; son of Henry; diphtheria | |||
08/16/1887 | 507 | CHRISTIAN, Ethel Ruth* | 1 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); dau of William G. & Ada A. | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | PIPER, Emma* | 30 | BUZZARD | PIPER, ----- (Rev.) | IA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bangor (b) | IA: Union Co.: Afton (d); orphaned as a child; md May 28, 1876; from PA to IA Spring 1884; husb, 3 chren remain; youngest being very sick; pars dead |
08/16/1887 | 523 | BUZZARD, Emma* | 30 | PIPER, ----- (Rev.) | IA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bangor (b) | IA: Union Co.: Afton (d); orphaned as a child; md May 28, 1876; from PA to IA Spring 1884; husb, 3 chren remain; youngest being very sick; pars dead | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | PIPER, ----- (Rev.) | BUZZARD, Emma* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | EISAMAN, Catharine* | 64 | PA | PA: Madisonburg (d) | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | DINKEL, Jacob* | 26 | MO | GERMANY: Wuertemberg (b) | MO: Kansas City (d); member Oak St. Evan. Ch.; widow, 3 small chren remain; typhoid malaria fever | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | STEETLE, Isaiah Franklin* | 21 | -- | PA: Indiana Co. (b) | --: Minister: YOUNG, J. K.; son of David R. & Susan; pars, siblings remain; typhoid malaria fever | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | SHEBEN, Jacob* | 38 | MI | OH: Stark Co. (b) | MI: Mason Co.: Summit (d); widow, 4 small chren remain; typhoid pneumonia | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | WEAVER, Libbie* | 19 | CLIME | WEAVER, Harvey | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); dau of A. M. & Emma; consumption | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | CLIME, Libbie* | 19 | WEAVER, Harvey | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); dau of A. M. & Emma; consumption | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | WEAVER, Harvey | CLIME, Libbie* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | BEAN, Mary Ann* | 46 | BUCHER | BEAN, Daniel | PA | PA: Schneider [sic] Co.: Milford (b) | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); husb, siblings remain; heart disease/dropsy |
08/16/1887 | 523 | BUCHER, Mary Ann* | 46 | BEAN, Daniel | PA | PA: Schneider [sic] Co.: Milford (b) | PA: Berks Co.: Fleetwood (d); husb, siblings remain; heart disease/dropsy | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | BEAN, Daniel | BUCHER, Mary Ann* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | QUIMBY, Angeline* | 35 | SNYDER | QUIMBY, Delbert | MI | OH: Seneca Co. (b) | MI: Branch Co.: East Gilead (d); husb, 4 chren remain |
08/16/1887 | 523 | SNYDER, Angeline* | 35 | QUIMBY, Delbert | MI | OH: Seneca Co. (b) | MI: Branch Co.: East Gilead (d); husb, 4 chren remain | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | QUIMBY, Delbert | SNYDER, Angeline* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | BERKS, Mary Mercy* | 69 | BERKS, George | PA | ENGLAND: High-Littleton (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); to AMER 1840; md 1849; husb, dau (an only child) remain | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | -----, Mary Mercy* | 69 | BERKS, George | PA | ENGLAND: High-Littleton (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Frackville (d); to AMER 1840; md 1849; husb, dau (an only child) remain | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | BERKS, George | -----, Mary Mercy* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | REBER, Annie Minerva* | 19 | PA | PA: Reading (d); youngest dau of Levi B. & Mary C.; pars, 3 sis remain; lung affection | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | ASHOPH, Martha* | 26 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Royalton (d); siblings remain; pars dead; consumption | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | MILLER, James Monroe* | 51 | PA | PA: Sch. Co.: Rockton (d); member Grand Army, sickly since returned from army; widow, 1 son, 3 daus, pars remain; 1 dau dead; consumption & asthma | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | FRY, Henry* | 90 | ONT | PA: Bedminister (b) | ONT: Lincoln Co.: Louth Tp. (d); to CANADA when a boy when country nearly a complete wilderness; located in Clinton Tp. nr where he died; served in War of 1812; wife, chren remain | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | EXAMPLE:, War of 1812 | see FRY, Henry, Aug 16, 1887, p 523 | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | REDCAY, Susannah G.* | 50 | MOHN | REDCAY, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); 1 son, aged father, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; cancer for 3 yrs | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | MOHN, Susannah G.* | 50 | REDCAY, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); 1 son, aged father, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; cancer for 3 yrs | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | REDCAY, ----- | MOHN, Susannah G.* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | DECKER, Kezia* | 43 | DECKER, Green [sic] | PA | PA: Center Co.: George's Valley (d); husb, 10 chren remain; funeral in Sprucetown Meth. E. Church | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | -----, Kezia* | 43 | DECKER, Green [sic] | PA | PA: Center Co.: George's Valley (d); husb, 10 chren remain; funeral in Sprucetown Meth. E. Church | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | DECKER, Green | -----, Kezia* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | KRECKER, Heber* | 13 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Edwin & Anna; grson of "Father" F. KRECKER; nephew of Rev. A. KRECKER of Turner St. Evan. Church, Allentown, PA [NOTE: "Father" may indicate he was a minister] | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | HEGAMASTER, Caroline* | 43 | KLINGLER | HEGAMASTER, ----- | OH | OH (d); horse frightened by cars & backed off bridge into ditch; horse fell on her; killing her instantly; husb, 1 son, 3 sis, 1 bro remain [submitting minister, Rev. H. C. BERGER, of Marion or Wood Co., OH, at this time] | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | KLINGLER, Caroline* | 43 | HEGAMASTER, ----- | OH | OH (d); horse frightened by cars & backed off bridge into ditch; horse fell on her; killing her instantly; husb, 1 son, 3 sis, 1 bro remain [submitting minister, Rev. H. C. BERGER, of Marion or Wood Co., OH, at this time] | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | HEGAMASTER, ----- | KLINGLER, Caroline* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | RIESLAND, Dorothea Friedericka* | 72 | KOEHLER | RIESLAND, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Saxony: Kreuzburg (b) | IA: Iowa Co.: Millersburg (d); to AMER 1852; 6 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead; apoplexy |
08/16/1887 | 523 | KOEHLER, Dorothea Friedericka* | 72 | RIESLAND, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Saxony: Kreuzburg (b) | IA: Iowa Co.: Millersburg (d); to AMER 1852; 6 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead; apoplexy | |
08/16/1887 | 523 | RIESLAND, ----- | KOEHLER, Dorothea Friedericka* | |||||
08/16/1887 | 523 | KILROY, Wm. E.* | 22 | MI | MI: Traverse City (drowned in Traverse Bay); remains taken to Good HARBOR, where 2nd sermon was held at parents' request; pars, 6 sis, 4 bros remain | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | SANDERS, Catherine* | 90 | IN | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IN: Elkhart (d); to Stark Co., OH, w/ pars, then to IN "many years ago"; one of few remaining who heard J. Albright, founder of Evan Ch. preach; 4 sons, 2 daus remain; husb died many yrs ago | ||
08/16/1887 | 523 | HULL, Clarence Adam.* | 8 mos | OH | OH: Brownhelm Tp. nr Vermillion (d); only son of John, Jr.; baby consumption | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | HEWS, Willie* | 2 mos | IA | IA: Iowa City area (d); son of George W. & Mary; cholera infantum | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | OVERMYER, Bessie* | 1 | -- | --: Bruce's Lake area (d); only ch of Lincoln & Linnie | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | KING, Nellie Grave | 4 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d); dau of Martin & Katie; congestion of brain | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | NYE, Donald Earl* | 1 mo | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); infant of U. G. & Emma R. | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | CUSHMAN, Bertie Lee* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: NIEBEL, B. H.; son of Byron & Margaret | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | HOUBOLD, Ollie* | 3 mos | -- | --: Minister: MULLEN, G. W.; dau of Fred, bilious diarrhoea | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | THOMAS, Martha Jane* | 4 mos | PA | PA: Frackville (d); dau of David & Mary J. | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | KURTZ, Olive Blanche* | 9 mos | PA | PA: Frackville (d); dau of Geo. & Emma; cholera infantum | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | FRIDLY, Samuel Arthur* | 1 | IA | IA: Sumner area (d); only child of Albert & Mary | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | JOHNSON, Mary* | -- | MI | MI: Monroe (d) | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | EGG, Blanchie Bell* | 1 | IA | IA: Red Oak (d) | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | PAUL, Goldie May* | 2 mos | -- | --: Minister: WILLIAMS, P. B.; dau of Emanuel & Julia | |||
08/16/1887 | 523 | CORMAN, Minerva* | 13 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d); no location given; however, submitting minister, F. BONE, res Ashland at this time | |||
08/23/1887 | 523 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | ||||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | NEWHART, Mary Jane* | 39 | MENGEL | NEWHART, J. Stewart (Rev.) | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Saylorsburg (b Feb 29, 1848 [leap yr]) | PA: Pottstown (d); md Mar 23, 1867; husb, 7 chren, & "tottering" father remain, inc. Eugene & Annie, the 2 eldest, "to help papa raise the little ones"; dau Rebecca died 4 wks before her, the 2 of them having violent form of typhoid |
08/23/1887 | 539 | MENGEL, Mary Jane* | 39 | NEWHART, J. Stewart (Rev.) | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Saylorsburg (b Feb 29, 1848 [leap yr]) | PA: Pottstown (d); md Mar 23, 1867; husb, 7 chren, & "tottering" father remain, inc. Eugene & Annie, the 2 eldest, "to help papa raise the little ones"; dau Rebecca died 4 wks before her, the 2 of them having violent form of typhoid | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | NEWHART, J. Stewart (Rev.) | MENGEL, Mary Jane* | |||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | LUCAS, Anna Barbara* | 45 | RANCK | LUCAS, John C. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Kelley Point area (d); dau of Urbanus & Leah; at camp-meeting, left chren overnight in their tent, pars home to return in morning; she died in the night; husb, 7 chren, father, siblings remain | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | RANCK, Anna Barbara* | 45 | LUCAS, John C. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Kelley Point area (d); dau of Urbanus & Leah; at camp-meeting, left chren overnight in their tent, pars home to return in morning; she died in the night; husb, 7 chren, father, siblings remain | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | LUCAS, John C. | RANCK, Anna Barbara* | |||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | DORR, Eva May* | 69 | DORR, Jno. | NY | HESSEN-DARMSTADT: co. Dieborgh: Riche (b) | NY: Lafargeville area (d); to AMER age 17; md 1840; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; apoplexy | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | -----, Eva May* | 69 | DORR, Jno. | NY | HESSEN-DARMSTADT: co. Dieborgh: Riche (b) | NY: Lafargeville area (d); to AMER age 17; md 1840; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; apoplexy | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | DORR, Jno. | -----, Eva May* | |||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | McDILL, Belle* | 28 | OH | OH: Ross Co. (b) | OH: Pickaway Co. (d); youngest dau of James & Nancy; member Yellow Bud Church; bade friends good-bye, requested pastor be told she died happy in the Lord, gave directions re her funeral | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | PATTERSON, Alfred* | 31 | ONT | ONT: Oxford Co.: South Norwich (d); pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; running sore in side for 7 yrs, then bleeding of lungs & consumption | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | LONG, Elizabeth* | 41 | KS | GERMANY: Rhenish Bavaria: Eisenberg (b) | KS: Douglas Co.: Willow Spring area (d); husb, 10 chren, aged mother, 1 bro remain | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | HEMPHILL, James Jacob* | 23 | IA | IA: Center Point area (d); son of Johnston; pars remain; Bright's disease 2 yrs + consumption this summer | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | BUSTERINE, Albertine* | 54 | BUSTERINE, Wm. | MO | PRUSSIA: Cormine Domene: Rafine (b) | MO: Maple Grove area (d); md 24 yrs; husb been md prev, had 4 chren, one md Rev. C. SNYDER of KS Conf.; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; [she wife #2] | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | -----, Albertine* | 54 | BUSTERINE, Wm. | MO | PRUSSIA: Cormine Domene: Rafine (b) | MO: Maple Grove area (d); md 24 yrs; husb been md prev, had 4 chren, one md Rev. C. SNYDER of KS Conf.; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
08/23/1887 | 539 | BUSTERINE, Wm. | -----, Albertine* [she his 2nd wife] | |||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | CHUBB, Enos* | 57 | OH | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | OH: New Princeton area (d); wife, 5 chren remain; church member 40 yrs; dropsy of heart | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | HAMAKER, Isaac* | 59 | -- | --: Minister: SHULTZ, H. D.; widow, 4 chren remain | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | FULTZ, Milliam [sic] H.* | 69 | IA | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | IA: Story Co.: Nevada area (d); to IA 23 yrs ago; wife #2, 6 chren remain; wife #1 + 4 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | KINSEY, Christina* | 65 | IA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IA: Jackson Co.: Baldwin (d); to AMER 1841; several chren remain; husb dead; cnsumption, bed-ridden 3 mos | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | SEEGER, Henry* | 26 | MI | MI: Calhoun Co.: Fredonia (d); son of Michael; pars remain | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | TAYLOR, F. Asbury* | 39 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Leesburg (d); church member 18 mos; wife, 2 chren remain | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | BOWERS, Ambrose Sheridan* | 21 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Derry Station (died attempting to board a moving train); bur Mt. Airy, Lancaster Co., PA | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | SMITH, Margaret* | 48 | SMITH, John | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | -----, Margaret* | 48 | SMITH, John | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
08/23/1887 | 539 | SMITH, John | -----, Margaret* [she his 2nd wife] | |||||
08/23/1887 | 539 | ANDERSON, James* | 74 | NE | NE: Kearney area (d); father of Wm. | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | KINAY, Freddie* | 10 mo | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: Panama area (d); cholera infantum | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | MELCHER, Clyda H.* | 11 mo | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: --rton [?] area (d); dau of Joseph & Emma; cholera infantum | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | BENETHUM, Clark* | 1 | IA | IA: Iowa Center (d); son of George & Sarah | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | WALTZ, Emma May* | 3 | PA | PA: Lackawanna Co.: Jefferson (d); dau of David & Sophia | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | VOEKEL, Ella* | 8 mos | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Lansdale (d); only dau of John & Sarah | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | STENINGER, Jennie Augusta* | 1 | OH | OH: Findlay (d); dau of G. S. & Della | |||
08/23/1887 | 539 | GRENNINGER, Frances Juliana* | 9 mos | -- | --: Minister: HARRIS, M. W.; dau of Aquilla & Martha | |||
08/30/1887 | 539 | ADAMS, Caroline Grace* | 7 mos | -- | --: Minister: NIEBEL, B. H.; dau of Fannie | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | WINGARD, Samuel* | 73 | -- | --: Minister: GEPHART, C. F.; stroke | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | KAUFFMAN, Fannie* | 41 | KAUFFMAN, Isaac | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Pittsburgh [sic] (d) [NOTE: Pittsburgh is in Allegheny Co., PA] | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | -----, Fannie* | 41 | KAUFFMAN, Isaac | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Pittsburgh [sic] (d) [NOTE: Pittsburgh is in Allegheny Co., PA] | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | KAUFFMAN, Isaac | -----, Fannie* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | GOODMAN, Margaret* | 81 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Conestoga Center area (d) | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | HARRIS, Rebecca* | 40 | HARRIS, Hiram | PA | PA: York (d); husb, 4 chren remain; ill 4 wks | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | -----, Rebecca* | 40 | HARRIS, Hiram | PA | PA: York (d); husb, 4 chren remain; ill 4 wks | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | HARRIS, Hiram | ----, Rebecca* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | MULLEN, Lizzie J.* | 37 | DELLINGER | MULLEN, Amaziah | IL | IL: Forreston (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 bro & sister remain | |
08/30/1887 | 555 | DELLINGER, Lizzie J.* | 37 | MULLEN, Amaziah | IL | IL: Forreston (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 bro & sister remain | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | MULLEN, Amaziah | DELLINGER, Lizzie J.* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | EVANS, Rebecca* | 51 | PA | PA: Lanc. Co.: Bridgeville (d) | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | KLOTZ, Julia* | 74 | PA | PA: Weissport (d) | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BLIMLEY, Margaret* [and dau] | -- | BLIMLEY, Christian | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Bobst Mountain (died on); mother-in-law of Rev. Emanuel BEAVER. "Only a short time before, her daughter Catharine also departed this life." | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | -----, Margaret* | -- | BLIMLEY, Christian | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Bobst Mountain (died on);; mother-in-law of Rev. Emanuel BEAVER. "Only a short time before, her daughter Catharine also departed this life." | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BLIMLEY, Christian | -----, Margaret* [she his 2nd wife] | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BEAVER, Catharine | ||||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | McNARY, Nancy Eliza* | 25 | OR | OR: Marion Co.: Salem (d); 4 sis, 2 bros remain; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro dead; heart disease | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BROST, Eli Wesley* | 20 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: East Raisinville (d); son of Jacob & Catharine; pars, siblings remain; cerebro spinal meningitis | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BRUNNER, Daniel* | 64 | OH | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | OH: Defiance Co.: Hicksville (d); to OH from PA 1864; widow, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; jaundice | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | WISMER, H. E.* | 36 | KS | CANADA: Waterloo area (b) | KS: Canada (d); to KS 10 yrs ago; wife, 6 chren, father, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 chren dead; typhoid pneumonia | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | TICHENELL, M. S.* | 48 | WV | WV: Preston Co.: Portland (d); his home a place for church services & ministers to stay; wife, 1 dau remain; had disease contracted in the army | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | EPLEY, Annie M.* | 38 | SNYDER | EPLEY, John (husb #2; md 1877) | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); husb, 5 chren remain, the youngest age 2 weeks | |
08/30/1887 | 555 | SNYDER, Annie M.* | 38 | DEPPEN, Wm. (husb #1) | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); husb, 5 chren remain, the youngest age 2 weeks | ||
08/30/1887 | 555 | DEPPEN, Annie M.* | 38 | SNYDER | EPLEY, John (husb #2; md 1877) | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Cedarville area (d); husb, 5 chren remain, the youngest age 2 weeks | |
08/30/1887 | 555 | EPLEY, John | DEPPEN, Annie M. SNYDER* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | DEPPEN, Wm. | SNYDER, Annie M.* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | LANG, Ellen* | 40 | WAGNER | LANG, Henry | IA | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IA: Muscatine Co.: Wilton Junction area (d); husb, 8 chren (2 are only 3 wks old), pars, 3 sis, 2 bros remain |
08/30/1887 | 555 | WAGNER, Ellen* | 40 | LANG, Henry | IA | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IA: Muscatine Co.: Wilton Junction area (d); husb, 8 chren (2 are only 3 wks old), pars, 3 sis, 2 bros remain | |
08/30/1887 | 555 | LANG, Henry | WAGNER, Ellen* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | KOFER, Anna Mary* | 74 | ULRICH | KAFER, Christian | IA | GERMANY: Wurtemburg (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d); md 1830; to AMER 1859 to Linn Co.; 4 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead [NOTE: surname spelled KOFER and KAFER] |
08/30/1887 | 555 | ULRICH, Anna Mary* | 74 | KAFER, Christian | IA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d); md 1830; to AMER 1859 to Linn Co.; 4 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead [NOTE: surname spelled KOFER and KAFER] | |
08/30/1887 | 555 | KAFER, Christian | ULRICH, Anna Mary* | |||||
08/30/1887 | 555 | NEWCOMMER, Anna* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Cresswell (d). "Only a few weeks ago we buried her mother." | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | SHAFER, Arthur Cleveland* | 2 | IN | IN: Waterloo area (d); only son of Oliver & Vesta; diphtheria | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | WILLSON, James W.* | 5 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); son of James & Hannah; accidentally shot by a playmate | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | BRUMBLE, Emma Isabel* | 5 mos | MD | MD: Baltimore (d); dau of William & Inez | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | ANDREWS, Geo. M.* | 2 | PA | PA: Bridgeport (d); son of John & Mollie | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | REX, William Abner* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: CORFMAN, A. C.; son of Rev. Aaron & Elizabeth | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | DILLMAN, Elmer O.* | 1 mo | IL | IL: Shelby Co.: Mowcaqua area (d); son of Samuel & Martha | |||
08/30/1887 | 555 | HUGHS, Rufus* | 11 mo | IL | IL: Shelby Co.: Moweaqua area (d); son of James & Annie; summer complaint | |||
09/06/1887 | 555 | HARKINS, John Frederick* | 8 mos | PA | PA: York (d); only son of Daniel & Annie | |||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SAUER, William H. (Rev.)* | 72 | SCHAUB, Mary | ONT | GERMANY: Rhenish Bavaria: Diermstein (b) | ONT: Welland Co.: Willoughby Tp. nr Niagara River (d); to AMER age 19; md 1841; licensed Jun 19, 1841, the 1st license by Evan. Church in this country; also served NY; wife, 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
09/06/1887 | 571 | SCHAUB, Mary | SAUER, William H. (Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SAUER, Mary | SAUER, William H. (Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | ZIMMER, Michael (Rev.)* | 73 | HELMLINGER, Sophia | IN | ALSACE: Rothbach (b) | IN: Mishawaka (res prev); remains taken by B&O R.R. & bur at Bremen, IN; wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain [exact location of place of death not stated] lengthy obit | |
09/06/1887 | 571 | HELMLINGER, Sophia | ZIMMER, Michael Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | ZIMMER, Sophia | ZIMMER, Michael Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SCHAFER, David (Rev.)* | 82 | FULTON, Elizabeth | WV | WV: Monongahela Co.: Morgantown area (b) | WV: Preston Co. (res); md Dec 3, 1837; an early settler; licensed to preach 15 yrs ago; wife, 2 sons, 6 daus remain | |
09/06/1887 | 571 | FULTON, Elizabeth | SCHAFER, David (Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SCHAFER, Elizabeth | SCHAFER, David (Rev.)* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | BILLIG, Aaron* | 76 | REITZ, Mary | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Forreston (d); md 53 yrs; converted West Grove, IL, 1847; wife, 9 sons remain; 2 chren dead | |
09/06/1887 | 571 | REITZ, Mary | BILLIG, Aaron* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | BILLIG, Mary | BILLIG, Aaron* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | WINGERD, Damuel* | 73 | PA | PA: Franklin Co.: Antrim Tp. (b) | PA: Franklin Co.: Antrim Tp. (d); an uncle of Rev. WINGERT of IL Conf. "His remains were interred in the family graveyard, on the old homestead." | ||
09/06/1887 | 571 | MILLER, Elizabeth* | 75 | MILLER, John | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion area (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
09/06/1887 | 571 | -----, Elizabeth* | 75 | MILLER, John | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion area (d); husb, 5 chren remain | ||
09/06/1887 | 571 | MILLER, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/06/1887 | 571 | MILLER, Louisa* | 15 | PA | PA: Maple Hill, 10 mi from Williamsport (d); remains taken to Williamsport & bur Washington Cem.; inflammation of bowels | |||
09/06/1887 | 571 | TIBBETTS, Gideon* | 77 | OR | ME: Corinth (b Sep 2, 1809) | OR: East Portland (d); wife, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 4 sons, 3 daus dead | ||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SNYDER, Alice Rebecca* | 23 | YEAHL | SNYDER, ----- | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatington (d); consumption | |
09/06/1887 | 571 | YEAHL, Alice Rebecca* | 23 | SNYDER, ----- | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatington (d); consumption | ||
09/06/1887 | 571 | SNYDER, ----- | YEAHL, Alice Rebecca* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 571 | MOHR, Benjamin Franklin* | OH | OH: Van Wert [5 mi north] (d); son of Gottlieb & Sarah; cholera infantum | ||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | AALTMAN, Lewis* | 94 | BARE, Catharine | MI | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | MI: Van Buren Co.: West Bangor (d); to Columbiana Co., OH, age 7; to MI 21 yrs ago; wife died 18 yrs ago; since that time res w/ son-in-law, Henry H. ALBRIGHT; 4 sons, 3 daus remain; 4 chren dead | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | BARE, Catharine | AALTMAN, Lewis* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | AALTMAN, Catharine | AALTMAN, Lewis* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | WITTERS, Laura May* | 16 | NE | IN: Tippacanoe [sic] Co. (b) | NE: Waco (d); pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; typhoid fever | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | GRUETTER, Anna Barbara* | 61 | GRUETTER, L. F. | MD | GERMANY (res prev) | MD: Baltimore (d); to AMER 1828; md 1845; husb, 1 dau, aged father, 1 bro remain; 3 chren dead; softening of brain | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | -----, Anna Barbara* | 61 | GRUETTER, L. F. | MD | GERMANY (res prev) | MD: Baltimore (d); to AMER 1828; md 1845; husb, 1 dau, aged father, 1 bro remain; 3 chren dead; softening of brain | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | GRUETTER, L. F. | -----, Anna Barbara* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | WIRT, Lucinda* | 50 | WIRT, Levi | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Hatton area (d) | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | -----, Lucinda* | 50 | WIRT, Levi | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Hatton area (d) | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | WIRT, Levi | -----, Lucinda* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | STELZER, Julia Sophia* | 24 | NY | NY: Brooklyn (d); dau of Rev. Joseph & Elizabeth; completely paralyzed 15 yrs; pars, 7 siblings remain [NOTE: also spelled STELTZER] | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | RHODERMEL, Joseph* | 69 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Hamburg (b) | PA: Lebanon Co.: Myerstown (died at home of son-in-law, David SNYDER; wife & an only dau remain; rheumatic heart trouble | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | HART, Elizabeth* | 73 | SWITZER | HART, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co. (b) | OH: Findlay (d); aged husb, 9 chren remain |
09/13/1887 | 587 | SWITZER, Elizabeth* | 73 | HART, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co. (b) | OH: Findlay (d); aged husb, 9 chren remain | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | HART, ----- | SWITZER, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | COPLY, Almira* | 38 | SHERRICK | COPLY, ----- | OH | OH: West Salem area (d); sis to Rev. W. W. SHERICK of OH Conf.; husb, father, siblings remain | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | SHERRICK, Almira* | 38 | COPLY, ----- | OH | OH: West Salem area (d); sis to Rev. W. W. SHERICK of OH Conf.; husb, father, siblings remain | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | COPLY, ----- | SHERRICK, Almira* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | KELLY, Wesley* | 30 | ONT | ONT: Huron Co.: Dashwood area (d); pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption of lungs | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | HAWK, Cornelius A.* | 37 | PA | PA: Bradford Co.: Grover area (died from sawmill accident); wife, 5 small chren remain | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | MASON, Elizabeth* | 47 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Pickerington area (d); read Bible 26 times; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | ARTMAN, Catharine* | 52 | HAINES | ARTMAN, D. B. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Alvira (d); husb, 5 daus, 1 son remain; 4 daus, 2 sons dead | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | HAINES, Catharine* | 52 | ARTMAN, D. B. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Alvira (d); husb, 5 daus, 1 son remain; 4 daus, 2 sons dead | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | ARTMAN, D. B. | HAINES, Catharine* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | ESHLEMAN, Jacob B.* | 79 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Creswell (d); wife #2, son and 6 daus remain; wife #1, 3 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | NONNAMAKER, Anna* | 68 | SOLODAY | NONNAMAKER, Ami | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburgh area (d); 4 chren, 8 stepchren remain; one stepchild is Rev. J. J. of OH Conf; husb dead | |
09/13/1887 | 587 | SOLODAY, Anna* | 68 | NONNAMAKER, Ami | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburgh area (d); 4 chren, 8 stepchren remain; one stepchild is Rev. J. J. of OH Conf; husb dead | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | NONNAMAKER, Ami | SOLODAY, Anna* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | BELL, David* | 68 | PA | IRELAND: Antrim Co. (b) | PA: Frackville (d); to AMER 1854; widow, 4 chren remain; miner's consumption | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | EXAMPLE:, cause of death: miner's consumption | see BELL, David, Sep 13, 1887, p 587 | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | RADER, Joseph* | 79 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Coganhouse Tp. (d); aged wife, chren remain; sudden death | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | KROMMERS, Wm. H.* | 34 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); wife, 3 chren, mother, 3 bros, 6 sis remain; diabetes [NOTE: also spelled KROMMER] | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | BOND, Catherine* | 53 | BOND, Jacob | PA | PA: Tunkhannock area (res); husb, chren remain | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | -----, Catherine* | 53 | BOND, Jacob | PA | PA: Tunkhannock area (res); husb, chren remain | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | BOND, Jacob | -----, Catherine* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | MILLER, Catharine* | 52 | MILLER, James | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Macungie (d); husb, 1 son remain | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | -----, Catharine* | 52 | MILLER, James | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Macungie (d); husb, 1 son remain | ||
09/13/1887 | 587 | MILLER, James | -----, Catharine* | |||||
09/13/1887 | 587 | CHAMBERS, Nancy* | 90 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Mt. Etna area (d) | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | CLEMENS, Adam* | 67 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pine Grove (d); widow, 4 chren remain | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | HERMAN, Abraham L.* | 22 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Shenandoah (d); mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption | |||
09/13/1887 | 587 | MILLER, Richard B.* | 21 | PA | PA: Rouch Creek (d); son of Edward & Mary A.; died from injuries received in mines at Mt. Carmel, PA; bur Evan. Cem. at Pine Grove, PA | |||
09/20/1887 | 587 | JUNYST, Minnie* | 7 | IA | IA: Afton (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth | |||
09/20/1887 | 602 | HEYL, Michael (Rev.)* | 47 | SCHROTT, ----- | IL | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Kleestadt (b) | IL: Chicago (d); to AMER 1847 to Springfield, OH; to Groveland, IL, 1851; md 1864; numerous pastorates in IL; wife, 3 daus, 4 sons remain; bur Evan. Cem. nr Des Plaines Ch., Northfield, IL [lengthy] | |
09/20/1887 | 602 | SCHROTT, ----- | HEYL, Michael (Rev.)* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | HUTTENLOCHER, Frederick* | 51 | IA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Hegensberg (b) | IA: Des Moines (d); funeral at YMCA, the place of worship of the West Side Mission; has a family; mother dead | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | WENGERT, Nancy* | 72 | HERR | WENGERT, Martin | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (b) | PA: Lebanon Co.: Mt. Nebo area (d); 6 sons, 5 daus, remain; husb, 1 son, 1 dau dead; had stroke 14 yrs ago; blind last 3 yrs |
09/20/1887 | 603 | HERR, Nancy* | 72 | WENGERT, Martin | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Annville (b) | PA: Lebanon Co.: Mt. Nebo area (d); 6 sons, 5 daus, remain; husb, 1 son, 1 dau dead; had stroke 14 yrs ago; blind last 3 yrs | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | WENGERT, Martin | HERR, Nancy* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | BRANDT, William J.* | 55 | PA | PA: Reading (d); member Immanuel Church; wife, 8 chren remain; left home for work, had stroke at 9 A.M., died 2 P.M. | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SMILEY, Mary G.* | 41 | PA | PA: Perry Co. Shermansdale (d); mentions talking to her sister, Lizzie; also 2 little brothers who died; bur old burial ground at Pisgah | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | YOST, John* | 91 | PA | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Kleestadt (b) | PA: Berks Co.: Womelsdorf (d); to AMER 1823; attended camp-meeting in grove of Rev. Isaac Deppen, dec'd, nr Womelsdorf in 1830; 4 chren remain, one of whom is Rev. W., Jr. Publisher | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MUSSER, Harriet* | 34 | RAUCH | MUSSER, Wm. B. | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Troxelville area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars remain; consumption | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | RAUCH, Harriet* | 34 | MUSSER, Wm. B. | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Troxelville area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars remain; consumption | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MUSSER, Wm. B. | RAUCH, Harriet* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SWANK, Cyrus* | 40 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d); wife, son remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | REAMS, David Lester* | 20 | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Weston area (d); son of Abraham & Susanna; pars, 4 younger bros remain; ill 1 yr; few hrs before death said, "Glory hallelujah, I am almost home!" | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KOCHER, Henrietta Elizabeth* | 26 | HOLLENBACH | KOCHER, ----- | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Danielsville area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; typhoid fever + pneumonia | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | HOLLENBACH, Henrietta Elizabeth* | 26 | KOCHER, ----- | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Danielsville area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; typhoid fever + pneumonia | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KOCHER, ----- | HOLLENBACH, Henrietta Elizabeth* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SNIVELY, Jacob* | 66 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Fern area (d); widow, 3 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | HERB, -----* | 34 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo (d); wife, 6 chren remain, "3 of whom are deaf and dumb" | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | HINTERLITER, Elizabeth* | 79 | PA | PA: Center Co. (b) | PA: Jefferson Co.: Ringgold (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SHAFFER, Catherine* | 87 | WESTOVER | SHAFFER, ----- | OH | OH: Ashland area (d Aug 24, 1887); member Evan. Assn. 60+ yrs; husb dead [Trinity Evan. Cem., Perry Tp.: SHAFFER, Henry, Sr. d Jan 1, 1875 age 75y, 9m, 29d; Catherine, wf of H. d Aug 25, 1887 age 86y, 9m, 9d] | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | WESTOVER, Catherine* | 87 | SHAFFER, ----- | OH | OH: Ashland area (d Aug 24, 1887); member Evan. Assn. 60+ yrs; husb dead [Trinity Evan. Cem., Perry Tp.: SHAFFER, Henry, Sr. d Jan 1, 1875 age 75y, 9m, 29d; Catherine, wf of H. d Aug 25, 1887 age 86y, 9m, 9d] | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SHAFFER, ----- | WESTOVER, Catherine* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | YOUNG, Salome* | 93 | YOUNG, Nicholas | -- | FRANCE (b) | --: Minister: FISHER, J. B.; to AMER w/ husb 1840; dau remains | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | -----, Salome* | 93 | YOUNG, Nicholas | -- | FRANCE (b) | --: Minister: FISHER, J. B.; to AMER w/ husb 1840; dau remains | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | YOUNG, Nicholas | -----, Salome* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | ORR, Mary R.* | 53 | McMILLEN | ORR, John L. | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co.: North Webster area (d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | McMILLEN, Mary R.* | 53 | ORR, John L. | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co.: North Webster area (d); husb, 7 chren remain; consumption | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | ORR, John L. | McMILLEN, Mary R.* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | STINE, G. Z.* | 69 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Emaus (d); widow, 1 dau remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KAISER, Frederick August* | -- | NY | NY: Lyons (d); "His funeral is said to have been one of the largest ever held in our church here." Pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | LAZELLE, Mary F.* | 27 | LAZELLE, John | PA | PA: Stauffer (d); husb, 1 son remain | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | -----, Mary F.* | 27 | LAZELLE, John | PA | PA: Stauffer (d); husb, 1 son remain | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | LAZELLE, John | -----, Mary F.* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MARTIN, John R.* | 64 | MI | MI: St. Clair (d); res Ida, Monroe Co., MI; on way to conduct business, taken sick, died; wife, 2 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 sons dead | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | CLARK, Charles* | 26 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); wife, mother, 2 bros, 6 sis remain; cancerous tumors. "His father preceded him a few years since." | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | FORD, Mary S.* | 41 | ABEL | FORD, E. D. | IA | OH: Portage Co.: Rootstown (b) | IA: Center Point area (d); husb, 8 chren remain |
09/20/1887 | 603 | ABEL, Mary S.* | 41 | FORD, E. D. | IA | OH: Portage Co.: Rootstown (b) | IA: Center Point area (d); husb, 8 chren remain | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | FORD, E. D. | ABEL, Mary S.* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SCHNEIDER, Sophia Catherine* | 81 | KUSSLER | SCHNEIDER, ----- | ONT | PRUSSIA: Niederlinkxweiler (b) | ONT: Haldimond Co.: Rainham (d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; husb, 2 chren dead; old age |
09/20/1887 | 603 | KUSSLER, Sophia Catherine* | 81 | SCHNEIDER, ----- | ONT | PRUSSIA: Niederlinkxweiler (b) | ONT: Haldimond Co.: Rainham (d); 1 son, 1 dau remain; husb, 2 chren dead; old age | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | SCHNEIDER, ----- | KUSSLER, Sophia Catherine* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MOLL, -----* | 38 | PA | PA: Reading (d); widow, 3 chren, 5 sis remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | LESHER, Agnes E.* | 16 | PA | PA: Schuykill [sic] Co.: Upper Mahantongo (d) | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SEEGER, Amanda* | 27 | -- | --: Marshall City (d); mother, siblings remain. Last words: "I see Jesus." Consumption | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | CROCKET, Clarence H.* | 30 | OH | OH: Napoleon area (d); mentions wife | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | FINFROCK, Ella Frances* | 5 | KS | KS: Newton (d); only dau of Albert & Catherine; pars, younger bro remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | LUKE, Charity* | 88 | -- | --: Minister: RICKENBRODE, E. C. | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MENGEL, Adam* | 88 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: West Brunswick Tp. (d); old age | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SOUSLEY, Emma Errilla* | 14 | IN | IN: St. Joseph Co. (d); dau of Isaac & Leah; funeral at Sumption Prairie Church; diphtheria | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KOCHER, Helena* | 66 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Danielsville area (d); 1 dau, 3 sons, one of whom is Rev. A. DILABAR of East PA Conf.; apoplexy [NOTE: mother & son do not have same surname] | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | WOODS, Harriet E.* | 36 | PA | PA: Cumb. Co.: Jacksonville (d) | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | STRICKLER, Mary Frances* | 56 | STRICKLER, W. R. | PA | PA: Stauffer (run over by a trip of coal wagons at the A. C. Cochran works); husb dead | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | -----, Mary Frances* | 56 | STRICKLER, W. R. | PA | PA: Stauffer (run over by a trip of coal wagons at the A. C. Cochran works); husb dead | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | STRICKLER, W. R. | -----, Mary Frances* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | EXAMPLE:, hard work: 56-yr-old female in coal mine | see STRICKLER, Mary Frances, Sep 20, 1887, p 603 | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | CHURCH, Ethel Lucinda* | 4 mos | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d);dau of Jos. & Lizzie; twin of May Ellen; [d Aug 23] | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | CHURCH, May Ellen* | 4 mos | PA | PA: Catasauqua (d);dau of Jos. & Lizzie; twin of Ethel Lucinda; [d Aug 27] | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | PFENNING, Wilard* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: WAGNER, W. H.; son of Charles & Addie; cholera infantum | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | BEARER, Margaret Lizzie Sebelle* | 10 | NE | NE: Clay Center area (d); only dau of M. & Henry | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | ENGART, Pearl A.* | 1 | NE | NE: Cambridge area (died at Peter MUNSE'S); dau of William & Ida ENGART; inflammation of bowels | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | WEAVER, Mark Clemens* | 1 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Mt. Pleasant (d); son of R. C. & Francis; summer complaint | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | MULL, Willis N. K.* | 10 | PA | PA: Venango Co.: Mariasville (d) | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | PIPER, Sadie* | 2 | IA | IA: Afton (d); dau of Rev. Walter; her mother died a week earlier; brain fever | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | YEAGLEY, Iva Grace* | 1 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburg area (d); dau of Day & Orintha; cholera infantum | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SMITH, James L. D.* | 36 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Howertown (d); wife, 2 sons remain | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | DUVALL, Loren Eugene* | 8 mos | OR | OR: Polk Co.: Lewisville area (d); son of David & Mary | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | ROUCH, Savilla Edith* | 2 | IN | IN: Fulton area (d); dau of William & Rebecca | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | LANG, -----* | 1 mo | -- | --: Minister: NOLTE, E.; child of H.; mother died Aug 15; [d Aug 31] | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | PELTON, Leah Hilda* | 10 mo | PA | PA: Frackville (d); dau of Martin W. & Elizabeth | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | REINHART, Harry Albert* | 2 mos | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Coplay (d); son of Frank G. & Louisa | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | GASTON, Annie* | 1 | PA | PA: Mt. Pleasant area (d); dau of John & Sarah | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KRUSE, Sophia* | 23 | KOHN | KRUSE, ----- | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d) | |
09/20/1887 | 603 | KOHN, Sophia* | 23 | KRUSE, ----- | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d) | ||
09/20/1887 | 603 | KRUSE, ----- | KOHN, Sophia* | |||||
09/20/1887 | 603 | BUCK, Horace F.* | 5 mos | PA | PA: West Earl (d); son of Morris | |||
09/20/1887 | 603 | SWARTZ, John* | 51 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Hegins area (d) | |||
09/27/1887 | 603 | FRY, Harvey F.* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Ephrata (d); son of David | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | RISINGER, G. W. (Rev.)* | 60 | WV | PA: Indiana Co.: Brush Valley (b) | WV: Preston Co.: Albrightsville (d); served in OH/PA/WV; wife, aged mother, 3 sons remain; bur Kingwood Cem. [lengthy, descriptive obit] | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KILCHER, Anna Maria* | 27 | DIETEL | KILCHER, C. | IA | IA: Fayette Co.: Hawkeye area (d); dau of N. J.; md Oct 18, 1880; husb, 1 child, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; one sis md Rev. L. REEP of IA Conf.; 1 child dead; consumption | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | DIETEL, Anna Maria* | 27 | KILCHER, C. | IA | IA: Fayette Co.: Hawkeye area (d); dau of N. J.; md Oct 18, 1880; husb, 1 child, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; one sis md Rev. L. REEP of IA Conf.; 1 child dead; consumption | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KILCHER, C. | DIETEL, Anna Maria* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | RAUBENHOLD, Michael* | 53 | KS | PA: Lehigh Co.: Linnville area (b) | KS: Salem Co.: Galena (d); wife, 6 chren remain; accident at work 4 yrs prev caused leg to be amputated; died from malarial & typhoid fever | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | WAGNER, Daniel* | 51 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); wife, 8 chren remain; a train hand & former conductor, he fell from train house car; spinal injuries proved fatal the following day. "He was a next door neigher [sic] to Mr. Krommes, who died a few weeks ago." | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KROMMES, -----* | [mentioned in obit of WAGNER, Daniel, Sep 27, 1887, p 619; KROMMES & WAGNER were neighbors | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | ECHER, Martha Sophia* | 74 | RIESLAND | ECHER, John [corr. to ESHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] | IA | EUROPE: Saxony (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d); to AMER 1853 to Reading, PA; to IA 1865; [corr. to ESHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] |
09/27/1887 | 619 | RIESLAND, Martha Sophia* | 74 | ECHER, John [corr. to ESHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] | IA | EUROPE: Saxony (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d); to AMER 1853 to Reading, PA; to IA 1865 | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | ECHER, John | RIESLAND, Martha Sophia* | [corr. to ESHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667) | ||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | ESHER, John | RIESLAND, Martha Sophia* | [corr. from ECHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] | ||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | ESHER, Martha Sophia* | 74 | RIESLAND | ESHER, John [corr. from ECHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] | IA | EUROPE: Saxony (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Lisbon (d); to AMER 1853 to Reading, PA; to IA 1865; [corr. from ECHER, Oct 18, 1887, p 667] |
09/27/1887 | 619 | TROUP, Martha Ellen* | 21 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Cocolamus area (d); pars, siblings remain; consumption | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KERN, Eliza* | 56 | REX | KERN, ----- | PA | PA: Lehigh Co. Hosp. (d); partly lost her reason through disease was reason for hospitalization; bur Slatington, location of her home; husb, 3 sons remain | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | REX, Eliza* | 56 | KERN, ----- | ||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KERN, ----- | REX, Eliza* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | MYER, Magdalene* | 83 | IN | GERMANY: Baden: Winegarden (b) | IN: Marshall Co.: Maxinkuckee area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1834; he died 21 yrs ago; 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead. "She went three miles to church until just a few weeks before her departure." | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | NOLL, Annie Gertrude* | 81 | PA | GERMANY: Hessen-Nassau: Regierungs-Besirk: Kreis Frankenberg: Friederichshausen (b) | PA: Philadelphia-Germantown (d); 5 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead [NOTE: place of death determined from another obit on same page submitted by same minister] | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | BOCHER, Sarah* | 63 | PA | GERMANY: Wuertemberg (b) | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); 2 daus remain; "majority of her family" is dead | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | WEST, Annie* | 21 | ANDREWS | WEST, ----- | PA | PA: Monroe Co. (d). "When married she moved away and was marked as such in the class-bookÉ." | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | ANDREWS, Annie* | 21 | WEST, ----- | PA | PA: Monroe Co. (d). "When married she moved away and was marked as such in the class-bookÉ." | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | WEST, ----- | ANDREWS, Annie* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | BLEEDNER, Clara Emma Retta* | 18 | IA | IA: Buffalo, 5 mi north of Cedar Rapids (d); dau of Herman & Priscilla; consumption | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KAYSER, Catharine* | 59 | KAYSER, C. | IN | GERMANY: Weinheim (b) | IN: Winchester (d); to AMER 1856; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | -----, Catharine* | 59 | KAYSER, C. | IN | GERMANY: Weinheim (b) | IN: Winchester (d); to AMER 1856; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | KAYSER, C. | -----, Catharine* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | CLAUSER, Lizzie L.* | 33 | CLAUSER, Samuel | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Harrisburg (d); husb, 4 chren remain; heart disease | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | -----, Lizzie L.* | 33 | CLAUSER, Samuel | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Harrisburg (d); husb, 4 chren remain; heart disease | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | CLAUSER, Samuel | -----, Lizzie L.* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | HAYES, Susan* | 28 | PA | PA: Bangor (d); husb, child, mother, brother, sisters remain; consumption | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | HASSLER, Frederick* | 69 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Schuylkill Haven (d); widow, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; apoplexy | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | ULRY, Michael* | 55 | IN | OH: Franklin Co. (b) | IN: Starke Co. (d); 4 chren remain | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | ROCKEY, John Cyrus* | 2 | OH | OH: Edom (d); only son of George & Rebecca | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | GASSER, George* | 63 | PA | PA: Reading (d). "The erection of our commodious church edifice on 9th st. is largely due to his indefatigable efforts." Widow, 1 son, 2 daus remain; bowel inflammation | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KIEHLOW, Aug. (Mrs.)* | 50 | KIEHLOW, ----- | ND | GERMANY: Prov. Brandenburg: Tauer near Peitz (b) | ND: New Rockford (d); to Pembroke, CANADA 1864 for 4 yrs; Collo, Story Co., IA for 5 yrs; Shawano, WI for 11 yrs; New Rockford since 1884. "Her third husband, a son, Martin Jacobs, from the first, and a daughter from the second husband, survive her." | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | EXAMPLE: best for info, see KIEHLOW | ||||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | JACOBS, ----- | -----, -----* [she md 3d Aug. KIEHLOW, see obit for KIEHLOW, Aug. (Mrs.*) | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | SHIFFER, Lizzie* | 28 | BOWMAN | SHIFFER, D. B. | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bowmansville (d); husb, 5 infant [young] chren remain; died of "blood clodding caused by diphtheria" | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | BOWMAN, Lizzie* | 28 | SHIFFER, D. B. | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bowmansville (d); husb, 5 infant [young] chren remain; died of "blood clodding caused by diphtheria" | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | SHIFFER, D. B. | BOWMAN, Lizzie* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | MILLER, Alice* | 18 | -- | --: York (d); pars, 2 sis remain [minister: FAGER, J. W.] | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | MIER, Nellie Myrtle* | 9 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Salisbury (d) | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | SMITH, Lilly Elizabeth* | 21 | ELMIGER | SMITH, James | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Middle Creek area (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, stepfather, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever | |
09/27/1887 | 619 | ELMIGER, Lilly Elizabeth* | 21 | SMITH, James | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Middle Creek area (d); husb, 3 chren, mother, stepfather, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | SMITH, James | ELMIGER, Lilly Elizabeth* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | GRASSLEY, Lydia Ann* | 17 | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, I. B. | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | BURRUS, Minnie* | 15 | IA | IA: Mt. Etna area (d) | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KAUFFMAN, Anna* | 41 | KAUFFMAN, Alexander | IL | IL: Freeport (d); husb, 1 son, 4 daus, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid pneumonia | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | -----, Anna* | 41 | KAUFFMAN, Alexander | IL | IL: Freeport (d); husb, 1 son, 4 daus, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid pneumonia | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | KAUFFMAN, Alexander | -----, Anna* | |||||
09/27/1887 | 619 | WADE, Amos | 61 | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Fremont (d); typhoid fever | ||
09/27/1887 | 619 | BUPPERT, Mabel Abilene* | 2 | MD | MD: Baltimore Co.: Hebbville (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth; diphtheria | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | DAY, Charles Henry* | 18 | KS | KS: Republic Co.: Wayne area (d); typhoid fever | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | PRUTZMAN, Claud Edwin* | 1 | PA | PA: Lehigh Gap (d); son of Milton & Ida; cholera infantum | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | NAUMAN, Alvin Herbert* | 9 mos | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley (d); son of James & Elizabeth | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | SINGER, Jeremiah* | 50 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d) | |||
09/27/1887 | 619 | WERNER, Harry* | 9 mos | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of John H. & Kate H.; summer complaint | |||
10/04/1887 | 619 | BROWN, Harry* | 3 | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: Marmont (d) | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | DRESS, Catharine* | 82 | ACHIE | DRESS, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); 6 chren remain | |
10/04/1887 | 635 | ACHIE, Catharine* | 82 | DRESS, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); 6 chren remain | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | DRESS, ----- | ACHIE, Catharine* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | HALLEY, Anna Mary* | 13 | -- | IN: Ft. Wayne (b) | --: Minister: MYGRANT, W. H.; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | MILLER, Catharine* | 78 | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d); 6 chren remain | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | WALBORN, Reuben* | 33 | IL | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | IL: Mount Carmel (d); aged pars, 6 siblings reside in Lebanon Co.; wife, 2 chren remain | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | ACKERT, Anna* | 74 | IL | SWITZERLAND: Canton Thurgau: Sirnach (b) | IL: Mount Carmel area (d); dau, brother, sister remain; husb, 5 chren dead; old age | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SPAYDE, Catharine* | 53 | SECRIST | SPAYDE, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Belleville [sic] area (d); husb, 4 sons remain | |
10/04/1887 | 635 | SECRIST, Catharine* | 53 | SPAYDE, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co.: Belleville [sic] area (d); husb, 4 sons remain | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SPAYDE, ----- | SECRIST, Catharine* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | KIEFER, Amanda* | 50 | KIEFER, George, Jr. | IA | IA: Hazleton (d); 4 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead; had attended church that day, died in night | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | -----, Amanda* | 50 | KIEFER, George, Jr. | IA | IA: Hazleton (d); 4 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead; had attended church that day, died in night | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | KIEFER, George | -----, Amanda* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | RAVER, Nora Jane* | 17 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Danielsville area (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth; blood poisoning | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | KRAFT, Frederick* | 59 | HAIST, Mary [possibly wife #1] | -- | --: Hamilton (d); md 1854; to Winstown 1869, where buried. "He leaves a sorrowing wife, of second marriage, and 8 children, 6 of the first union and 2 of the second." [Submitted by "A Friend."]; [md twice, only one wife named here] | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | HAIST, Mary | KRAFT, Frederick* [md twice, only one wife named here] | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | KRAFT, Mary | KRAFT, Frederick* [md twice, only one wife named here] | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | MOYER, Lizzie* | 27 | PA | PA (d); converted at Johnstown; submitting minister: SMITH, I. A. of Clarion Co., PA, at this time; asst. pastor of Venango Co. at this time | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | BAUGHER, Clara Elizabeth* | 25 | GROSS | BAUGHER, ----- | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co.: North Webster area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption | |
10/04/1887 | 635 | GROSS, Clara Elizabeth* | 25 | BAUGHER, ----- | IN | IN: Kosciusko Co.: North Webster area (d); husb, 3 chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | BAUGHER, ----- | GROSS, Clara Elizabeth* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | GOELER, Barbara* | 58 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Avery (d); res prev Tiffin, OH, until 3 yrs ago; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SNYDER, Susanna* | 62 | HOCHSTETTER | SNYDER, Jonas | OH | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d); md Mar 12, 1849, to Tusc. Co. same yr; husb, 6 daus remain; 1 dau dead |
10/04/1887 | 635 | HOCHSTETTER, Susanna* | 62 | SNYDER, Jonas | OH | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (d); md Mar 12, 1849, to Tusc. Co. same yr; husb, 6 daus remain; 1 dau dead | |
10/04/1887 | 635 | SNYDER, Jonas | HOCHSTETTER, Susanna* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | DITLOW, Susan* | 74 | DITLOW, Henry | MD | MD: Cearfoss area (d); husb died 2 1/2 yrs ago; 8 chren remain; services at Zion Church, where she buried | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | -----, Susan* | 74 | DITLOW, Henry | MD | MD: Cearfoss area (d); husb died 2 1/2 yrs ago; 8 chren remain; services at Zion Church, where she buried | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | DITLOW, Henry | -----, Susan* | |||||
10/04/1887 | 635 | HUGHES, Geo. W.* | 34 | IA | IA: Iowa City area (d); widow, 3 chren, father, 1 bro, 7 sis remain; infant son died 8 wks earlier; typhoid malaria | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | WITTERS, Geo. M.* | 41 | NE | OH: Pickaway Co. (b) | NE: Waco (d); 15 yrs ago he a church member near La Fayette, IN; to NE 4 yrs ago; wife, 3 chren, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain. "Three children, (one but a few days ago) preceded him to the spirit land." | ||
10/04/1887 | 635 | BEERS, Mabel Olive* | 3 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Coplay (d); dau of Clinton & Cassanda [sic]; croup | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | MARKS, Katie Alice* | 6 mos | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); dau of Richard H. & Sarah Ellen; influenza | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | RUNKLE, Loverna Gertrude* | 1 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburg area (d); dau of Amos & Emma; cholera infantum | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | OLSON, Althea Marion* | 6 mos | IA | IA: Fayette Co.: Lover Tp. (d) | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | DEIBERT, Edward Daniel* | 10 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); son of Daniel & Emma | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | WALTER, Lewis* | 2 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatington (d); son of Lewis & Lydian; diphtheria | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SCHAFER, Ernst* | 3 mos | IL | IL: Woodford Co.: Washborn area (d); son of John & Emma | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SIMMONS, Allie* | 2 | IL | IL: Howardsville (d); dau of Frank | |||
10/04/1887 | 635 | SCHROEDER, Nellie* | 18 mo | NY | NY: Geneva (d); dau of H. & M. | |||
10/11/1887 | 635 | BREED, -----* | -- | IL | IL: Rush (d); infant dau of E. E. | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | KEISER, Joseph (Rev.)* | 71 | HARMON, ----- | MI | OH: Stark Co. (b) | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka area (d); md 1839; reader of Der Christliche Botschafterfor 40 yrs; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; bur Eureka Cem. | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | HARMON, ----- | KEISER, Joseph (Rev.)* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | KEISER, ----- | KEISER, Joseph (Rev.)* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | DICK, Joseph (Rev.)* | 64 | FL | PA: York Co. (b) | FL (d); resided Erie, PA; to FL spring 1887 for health reasons; wife, 3 sons, 5 daus remain; intussusception [very detailed obit] | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | HARRIS, M. W. (Rev.)* | 50 | SAUGER, Carrie [or SANGER] | MO | PA: Sullivan Co.: Dushore (b) | MO: Carthage (d); md Feb 22, 1858; had 4 sons, 2 daus; one dau died; all chren res PA except youngest who went to MO w/ pars; mentions son, W. S. to carry on his preaching until spring | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | SAUGER, Carrie [or SANGER] | HARRIS, M. W. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | SANGER, Carrie [or SAUGER] | HARRIS, M. W. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | HARRIS, Carrie | HARRIS, M. W. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | McALLISTER, Barbara* | 100 | SNAVELY | McALLISTER, ----- | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Cornwall area (b) | PA: Lancaster Co.: Conestoga Centre (d); a member M. E. Church called Boehm's Chapel until 40 yrs ago, when joined Evan. Assn.; bedridden 5 yrs due to leg fracture; 1 son, 4 daus remain; husb died 30 yrs ago |
10/11/1887 | 651 | SNAVELY, Barbara* | 100 | McALLISTER, ----- | ||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | McALLISTER, ----- | SNAVELY, Barbara* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | INTERMILLS, Eliza Ann* | 18 | KS | KS: Jewell Co.: Harrison (d); res this place 7 yrs. " É typhoid fever É [took] hold upon the parents and 5 out of several of their dear children." | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | WEBER, Magdalena* | 77 | KLEB | WEBER, ----- | PA | BADEN: Gundelfingen (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (d); husb died 31 yrs ago; she to AMER a few yrs later; 1 son, 2 daus, remain; husb, 1 son dead |
10/11/1887 | 651 | KLEB, Magdalena* | 77 | WEBER, ----- | PA | BADEN: Gundelfingen (b) | PA: Pittsburgh (d); husb died 31 yrs ago; she to AMER a few yrs later; 1 son, 2 daus, remain; husb, 1 son dead | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | WEBER, ----- | KLEB, Magdalena* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | GREIFF, Conrad* | 80 | PA | HESSEN: Frankenberg (b) | PA: Union Co.: Kelly X Roads area (d); to AMER 1835; md 50+ yrs; widow, 2 daus remain | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BOCKMAN, Susanna Fredericka* | 78 | BOCKMAN, William (Rev.) | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IN: Kosciusko Co.: Syracuse (d); she & husb both helpless last 4-5 yrs; husb, 2 daus & Rev. J. F. BOOKMAN [son?] remain | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Susanna Fredericka* | 78 | BOCKMAN, William (Rev.) | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IN: Kosciusko Co.: Syracuse (d); she & husb both helpless last 4-5 yrs; husb, 2 daus & Rev. J. F. BOOKMAN [son?] remain | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | BOCKMAN, William (Rev.) | -----, Susanna Fredericka* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | KOEHL, Sylvania H.* | 34 | CADWELL | KOEHL, J. (Dr.) | MN | PA: Philadelphia (b) | MN: Minneapolis (d); dau of E. J.; husb was son of Rev. J. of Atlantic Conf.; had one son, who lived 2 months; to MN from Pottsville, PA, 1878; bur Allentown, PA from residence of bro-in-law, Daniel L. KISTLER; typhoid fever |
10/11/1887 | 651 | CADWELL, Sylvania H.* | 34 | KOEHL, J. (Dr.) | MN | PA: Philadelphia (b) | MN: Minneapolis (d); dau of E. J.; husb was son of Rev. J. of Atlantic Conf.; had one son, who lived 2 months; to MN from Pottsville, PA, 1878; bur Allentown, PA from residence of bro-in-law, Daniel L. KISTLER; typhoid fever | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | KOEHL, J. (Dr.) | CADWELL, Sylvania H.* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | EXAMPLE: sister's md name given in obit of KOEHL, Sylvania H. | ||||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | NEIDIG, David* | 59 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Mifflin Tp. (d); wife, 3 sons remain | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MAUERER, Maria* | 68 | MAUERER, Felix | PA | PA: Treverton (d); 2 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Maria* | 68 | MAUERER, Felix | PA | PA: Treverton (d); 2 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MAUERER, Felix | -----, Maria* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | SOLT, Margaret A.* | 24 | PA | PA: Lemont area (d); husb, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; brain fever | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | LUTTMANN, Johannah* | 80 | LUTTMANN, John Christoph | IL | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Schwaigen (b) | IL: Naperville (d); md 1833; to AMER 1852 to Dupage Co., IL; husb d 1874; 1 dau, 2 sons, remain; 4 sons dead | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Johannah* | 80 | LUTTMANN, John Christoph | IL | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Schwaigen (b) | IL: Naperville (d); md 1833; to AMER 1852 to Dupage Co., IL; husb d 1874; 1 dau, 2 sons, remain; 4 sons dead | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | LUTTMANN, John Christoph | -----, Johannah* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | ALEXANDER, Wm. Henry* | 28 | IL | IL: Carroll Co. (b) | IL: Thompson area (d); siblings remain; pars dead | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | HARSCH, Mabel* | 6 | OH | OH: Bellevue (d); dau of S. O.; scarlatina | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MILUM, Christine* | 39 | LANG | MILUM, ----- | NY | NY: Wayne Co.: Rose (d); dau of Philip; husb, 9 chren, aged father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | |
10/11/1887 | 651 | LANG, Christine* | 39 | MILUM, ----- | NY | NY: Wayne Co.: Rose (d); dau of Philip; husb, 9 chren, aged father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MILUM, ----- | LANG, Christine* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MUSSER, Louisa* | 57 | MUSSER, Noah | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Fillmore area (died shouting "glory"); husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; cancer | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Louisa* | 57 | MUSSER, Noah | PA | PA: Centre Co.: Fillmore area (died shouting "glory"); husb, 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; cancer | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | MUSSER, Noah | -----, Louisa* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | SHAFFER, Benjamin* | 82 | PA | PA: Ringgold area (d); wife, several chren remain | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BORMUTH, Catharine* | 71 | BORMUTH, Philip | PA | PA: Berks Co. (d); 5 sons, 2 daus remain; an equal number of chren are dead, also husb [place of death determined by res of submitting minister, B. H. Miller] | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Catharine* | 71 | BORMUTH, Philip | PA | PA: Berks Co. (d); 5 sons, 2 daus remain; an equal number of chren are dead, also husb [place of death determined by res of submitting minister, B. H. Miller] | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BORMUTH, Philip | -----, Catharine* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | SOLADA, William* | 33 | PA | PA: Shamokin (d); widow, 2 [?] chren remain | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BLISS, Annie E.* | 69 | BLISS, Jno. | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Stauffer (d); husb, 2 daus, 3 sons remain | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | -----, Annie E.* | 69 | BLISS, Jno. | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co.: Stauffer (d); husb, 2 daus, 3 sons remain | ||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BLISS, Jno. | -----, Annie E.* | |||||
10/11/1887 | 651 | BEEMER, William* | 60 | IA | IA: Marshalltown (d) | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | SCHMIDT, Wm. | 23 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (d); pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | LORAH, Annie Mary* | 2 mos | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Spring Tp. (d); dau of Benj. H. & Mary | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | WYANT, Lizzie Blanche* | 2 mos | PA | PA: Fayette Co.: Bridgeport (d); dau of John | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | STULL, Wm. Efflo* | 2 | -- | --: Minister: COCKLIN, Peter | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | FISHER, Henry David* | 1 | IN | IN: Hudson area (d); son of Alfred & Mary | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | WEISUNG, Carlos* | 7 mos | IN | IN: Hudson area (d); son of J. C. | |||
10/11/1887 | 651 | DOTTERER, Charles* | 25 | IN | IN: Howard Co. (d); consumption | |||
10/18/1887 | 651 | REESE, Francis Ray* | 1 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); son of Louis & Maria | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | KLETZING, Henry (Rev.)* | 69 | IA | GERMANY (b) | IA: Belle Plaine (d); to AMER w/ widowed mother, brothers, sis to east PA; md Sep 28, 1842; to IA spring 1859; widow, 6 sons, 5 daus remain; 2 sons ministers: one Platte River Conf., other IL Conf./teacher in N.W. College; dau md Rev. M. L. WING of Can. | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BREININGER, Wm.* | -- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); brakeman on train, coupling broke, fell on track, 60 cars passed over right arm on Sept 23; died Sept 27; widow, 3 chren 5 sis remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | COOK, George* | 69 | JACOBS, ----- | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Richland Co. (d); age 6 w/ pars to Richland Co.; to Mansfield 1 yr ago last May; wife, 5 chren remain; bur old family cemetery at Franklin M. E. Church, north of Mansfield; stroke 3 yrs ago | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | JACOBS, ----- | COOK, George* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | TIMBY, Mary A.* | 58 | TIMBY,Wm. | IL | ENGLAND: Norfolk Co.: St. Andrews (b) | IL: Chicago (died returning from a trip w/ husb to native land); bur Mt. Ayr, IA | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | -----, Mary A.* | 58 | TIMBY,Wm. | IL | ENGLAND: Norfolk Co.: St. Andrews (b) | IL: Chicago (died returning from a trip w/ husb to native land); bur Mt. Ayr, IA | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | TIMBY, Wm. | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BERRY, Jennie S. (Miss)* | 25 | -- | OH: Crawford Co. (b) | --: submitted by "A Friend"; dau of Rev. B. & Mary A.; officiating minister: SHUPP, Samuel | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | POWEL, Hannah* | 72 | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); 3 daus, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; bur Dauphin, PA; stroke of paralysis | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BLEW, Sarah Ann* | 53 | BLEW, Chas. | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barnsville (d); 6 chren remain; 7 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | -----, Sarah Ann* | 53 | BLEW, Chas. | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Barnsville (d); 6 chren remain; 7 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BLEW, Chas. | -----, Sarah Ann* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | PRICHARD, -----* [also PRICHAKD] | -- | IA | IA: Roon area (struck by lightning while sitting on lower doorstep, little boy had head on her lap [he had hair singed, but survived]); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | PRICHAKD, -----* [PRICHARD in body of obit] | -- | IA | IA: Roon area (struck by lightning while sitting on lower doorstep, little boy had head on her lap [he had hair singed, but survived]); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | KOONS, Lucinda Matilda* | 27 | LERCH | KOONS, Frank | -- | PA: Northampton Co.: Lower Saucon Tp. (b) | --: Minister: EGGE, C. H.; dau of Henry & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain |
10/18/1887 | 667 | LERCH, Lucinda Matilda* | 27 | KOONS, Frank | -- | PA: Northampton Co.: Lower Saucon Tp. (b) | --: Minister: EGGE, C. H.; dau of Henry & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | KOONS, Frank | LERCH, Lucinda Matilda* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | MILLER, David P.* | 78 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Wilmore area (d); aged companion, chren remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | ZEIDERS, Margaret A.* | 75 | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Patterson (d) | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | DOLCH, Lenora Louisa* | 33 | LETZ | DOLCH, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | IA: Cass Co.: Noble (d); to AMER as infant; husb, 6 chren remain |
10/18/1887 | 667 | LETZ, Lenora Louisa* | 33 | DOLCH, ----- | IA | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | IA: Cass Co.: Noble (d); to AMER as infant; husb, 6 chren remain | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | DOLCH, ----- | LETZ, Lenora Louisa* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SHEESLEY, Florence* | 49 | DECKARD | SHEESLEY, George | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); funeral at Liverpool, Perry Co., PA | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | DECKARD, Florence* | 49 | SHEESLEY, George | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); funeral at Liverpool, Perry Co., PA | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SHEESLEY, George | DECKARD, Florence* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SHICK, Jacob* | 67 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce area (d); wife, 8 chren remain; consumption | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | FLESER, Ruben* | 75 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Wescosville area (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; heart disease | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | MARSH, Alice M.* | 23 | OH | MI: Lenawee Co.: Ogden (b) | OH: Lucas Co.: Sylvania (d); consumption | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | REINHART, Hattie Rebecca* | 21 | HAAS | REINHART, Alfred | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Copley [sic] (d); dau of John & Kate; husb, pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid fever | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | HAAS, Hattie Rebecca* | 21 | REINHART, Alfred | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Copley [sic] (d); dau of John & Kate; husb, pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid fever | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | REINHART, Alfred | HAAS, Hattie Rebecca* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | MORGAN, Samuel R.* | 29 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Cressona (d); wife, 1 child, mother, 6 bros, 3 sis remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | KAUFMAN, Elizabeth Agnes* | 14 | IL | IL: Freeport (d); dau of Alexander & Ann; typhoid. "Her mother died a victim to the same terrible disease less than three weeks before." | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BRADER, Catharine* | 80 | BOOREM | BRADER, ----- | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Wilkesbarre (d); 1 dau, 6 sons remain, one is Rev. J. M. of Central PA Conf.; husb, 4 chren dead; bedridden nearly 2 yrs from a fall | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | BOOREM, Catharine* | 80 | BRADER, ----- | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Wilkesbarre (d); 1 dau, 6 sons remain, one is Rev. J. M. of Central PA Conf.; husb, 4 chren dead; bedridden nearly 2 yrs from a fall | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BRADER, ----- | BOOREM, Catharine* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BERGER, Mary Magdalena* | 76 | SIEGER | BERGER, ----- | -- | PA: Berks Co. (b) | --: Minister: OVERHOLSER, J. S.; 9 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain |
10/18/1887 | 667 | SIEGER, Mary Magdalena* | 76 | BERGER, ----- | -- | PA: Berks Co. (b) | --: Minister: OVERHOLSER, J. S.; 9 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |
10/18/1887 | 667 | BERGER, ----- | SIEGER, Mary Magdalena* | |||||
10/18/1887 | 667 | HESSER, Louisa* | 28 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: New Ringgold (d); adopted dau of Frank & Hannah HESSER; typhoid | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | DIETSCHE, Nettie May* | 10 | NY | NY: New London (d); dau of Henry; typhoid | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BURRUCKER, Urben [sic]* | 13 | IL | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); brain-fever & spinal disease. "His father, John Burrucker, preceded him about 3 and his mother about 14 months ago." | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | MOYER, Clara Maud* | 1 | IL | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); dau of Chas. & Emma; flux & brain disease | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | BARNES, Virginia* | 17 | NE | NE: Dawson Co. (d); confinement | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | CAFFREY, Henry* | 75 | PA | PA: Terre Hill area (d) | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SCHRACK, Susanna* | 64 | PA | PA: Sugar Valley (d); bur at Miller Church; consumption | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | CURANS, Ephraim* | -- | NE | NE: Fronters [sic] Co. (d); wife, 3 chren remain | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | HEPLER, George Adam* | 1 | PA | PA: Mt. Carmel (d); son of George K. & Priscilla; catarrh & convulsions | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SMITH, Burton Leroy* | 8 mos | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: California (d);son of Jacob & Lillie; funeral at White Haven, PA | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | SMITH, Lina Floy* | 5 mos | -- | OH: Crawford Co. (b) | --: Minister: SHUPP, N.; dau of John & Malinda; cholera infantum | ||
10/18/1887 | 667 | GIFFIN, Sarah A.* | 10 mo | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); dau of Mahlen & Sophia | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | HUFF, George F.* | 1 | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); son of F. P. & Sarah | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | MORRIS, Florence C.* | 1 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Longansville [sic] (d); dau of Elmer & Ida | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | LEECH, Earlie* | 19 da | OH | OH: Bellevue (d); son of David & Rebecca; heart disease | |||
10/18/1887 | 667 | CHRIST, Charilla Augusta* | 5 | -- | --: Pine Grove (d); dau of Uriah & Ada | |||
10/25/1887 | 667 | MOYER, Stella* | 6 | -- | --: Pine Grove (d); dau of Samuel & Alice | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | WALLACE, E. C. (Rev.)* | 37 | IA | NH: Dalton (b) | IA: Madison Co.: Winterset Circuit parsonage (d); wife, 2 chren, aged father, 1 sis remain; mother died when he a little boy [descriptive obit] | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | HUMMER, Mary* | 65 | HUMMER, Joseph | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Rush Tp. (d); md ca 43 yrs; husb, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; tumor | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | -----, Mary* | 65 | HUMMER, Joseph | PA | PA: Northumberland Co.: Rush Tp. (d); md ca 43 yrs; husb, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; tumor | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | HUMMER, Joseph | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | REUTER, Annie L.* | 22 | YOUNG | REUTER, Geo. P. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Henry F. & Ellen; 15-mo-old child, pars, brother & sister remain; husb died 6 mos ago; consumption | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | YOUNG, Annie L.* | 22 | REUTER, Geo. P. | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Henry F. & Ellen; 15-mo-old child, pars, brother & sister remain; husb died 6 mos ago; consumption | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | REUTER, Geo. P. | YOUNG, Annie L.* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | VARNER, Eliza J.* | 26 | BELL | VARNER, H. W. | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Cocolamus area (d); husb, 2 sm chren, father, siblings remain; 1 child dead; consumption | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | BELL, Eliza J.* | 26 | VARNER, H. W. | PA | PA: Juniata Co.: Cocolamus area (d); husb, 2 sm chren, father, siblings remain; 1 child dead; consumption | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | VARNER, H. W. | BELL, Eliza J.* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | ENGELBRECHT, Margaret M.* | 19 | OH | OH: Vermillion (d); mother, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; consumption | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | BROWN, Irwin M.* | 9 | IL | IL: Naperville (d); youngest son of M.; scarlet fever | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | KEAGLE, Catharine* | 85 | BRADY | KEAGLE, David | IL | PA: York Co. (born Oct 8, 1801) | IL: Rock City area (d); md 1826; to IL 1847; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead |
10/25/1887 | 683 | BRADY, Catharine* | 85 | KEAGLE, David | IL | PA: York Co. (born Oct 8, 1801) | IL: Rock City area (d); md 1826; to IL 1847; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | KEAGLE, David | BRADY, Catharine* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | BRINTON, Jacob G.* | 28 | PA | PA: Newberrytown area (d); wife, 3 sons, 3 daus remain; good singer & exhorter | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | PAULIN, Nathan* | 72 | HAHN, Polly | OH | OH: Upper Sandusky area (d); md Dec 11, 1834; wife, 3 daus, 1 son, 1 sis, 5 bros, 1 of whom a minister of IN Conf. remain; 1 son dead | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | HAHN, Polly | PAULIN, Nathan* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | PAULIN, Polly | PAULIN, Nathan* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | WALTER, Mary A.* | 75 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (born May 9, 1812) | PA: Philadelphia: Germantown (d); does have family that remains; bur Ivy Hill Cem. | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | WECKESSER, Frank* | 61 | GRIMM, Susanna | -- | GERMANY: Baden: Schatthausen (b) | --: Minister: EBERT, D. J.; to AMER 1853; md 1855; 3 sons remain; wife died 1 yr ago; heart disease | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | GRIMM, Susanna | WECKESSER, Frank* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | WECKESSER, Susanna | WECKESSER, Frank* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | FRANK, Margaret* | 52 | RUDY | FRANK, Chas. | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Michelfeld (b) | IL: Cedarville area (d); to AMER 1853; md 1854; husb died 16 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; nervous disease & dropsy of heart |
10/25/1887 | 683 | RUDY, Margaret* | 52 | FRANK, Chas. | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Michelfeld (b) | IL: Cedarville area (d); to AMER 1853; md 1854; husb died 16 yrs ago; 9 chren remain; nervous disease & dropsy of heart | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | FRANK, Chas. | RUDY, Margaret* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | BEAR, Wm.* | 65 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Cedarville (d); md 45 yrs; wife, 5 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | FICHTHORN, Cyrus* | 62 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); 1 bro, 1 sis remain | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | BASTIAN, Amanda Jane* | 32 | KOCH | BASTIAN, Thomas Llewellen | PA | PA: Emaus (d); husb, 1 son, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 1 dau dead; consumption | |
10/25/1887 | 683 | KOCH, Amanda Jane* | 32 | BASTIAN, Thomas Llewellen | PA | PA: Emaus (d); husb, 1 son, pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 1 dau dead; consumption | ||
10/25/1887 | 683 | BASTIAN, Thomas Llewellen | KOCH, Amanda Jane* | |||||
10/25/1887 | 683 | PANDEL, Mary Jane* | 15 | PA | PA: York Co.: Alpine (d); youngest dau of Rev. F. C. & Tillie M.; pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | RINGER, Mary Ann* | 63 | PA | PA: York Co.: Alpine area (d); husb, 1 son, 2 daus, aged father remain | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | MORRIS, Florence Catharine* | 1 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Loganville (d); dau of Elmer & Ida | |||
10/25/1887 | 683 | LICHTENWALNER, John K.* | 2 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of A. B. & Dora; grandson of Rev. R. M. Lichtenwalner | |||
11/01/1887 | 683 | BEAR, Isaac* | 32 | CO | CO: Granada area (d); son of Rev. J. S. & Annie of Juniata Co., PA; pars, 6 bros, 1 sis; bowel trouble | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | Link, Etta A.* | 20 | IN | IN: Elkhart (d); consumption | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | STORY, Irene* | 18 | NE | NE: Stanley (d); typhoid pneumonia | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | WALTER, Mary C.* | 35 | WALTER, Joseph | IL | IL: Nora area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | -----, Mary C.* | 35 | WALTER, Joseph | IL | IL: Nora area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | WALTER, Joseph | -----, Mary C.* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | UNDERHILL, Joseph W.* | 83 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton (d); wife, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; dropsy & asthma | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | FLUHRER, John Andrew* | 72 | MOYER, Sarah | ONT | WURTEMBERG (b) | ONT: Haldimond Co.: South Cayuga (d); to AMER 1849; md 1854; wife, 6 chren remain; lung inflammation | |
11/01/1887 | 699 | MOYER, Sarah | FLUHRER, John Andrew* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | FLUHRER, Sarah | FLUHRER, John Andrew* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | WOLF, Ida Florence* | 21 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Bloserville area (d); consumption | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | KLINGENSMITH, Mollie P.* | 33 | PA | PA: Clearfield Co. (d); husb, 3 chren remain. "The funeral took place at the home of her father near Shannondale, Clarion Co., Pa., conducted by J. W. Domer." | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | MILLER, Frances A.* | 48 | -- | --: Minister: BIRD, A. J.; little daughter, aged mother, sisters and a bro remain | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | BOYER, Nora* | 12 | IN | IN: Elkhart area (d); typhoid fever. "Sister Nora was left without father or mother, but found a Christian home in the family of Bro. Jessse [sic] RUSH for ten years. They loved her as their own." | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | NORRICK, George* | 67 | OH | OH: Harrison Co. (b) | OH: Defiance Co. (d); widow, 1 son remain; 3 sons dead | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | SCHEER, Conrad* | 29 | HEINS, Mary | NY | GERMANY: Lauterbach (b) | NY: Brooklyn (d); to AMER age 15 yrs; joined Evan. Church 1881; wife, 2 little chren remain + 3 bros in Germany | |
11/01/1887 | 699 | HEINS, Mary | SCHEER, Conrad* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | SCHEER, Mary | SCHEER, Conrad* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | BLOOM, George* | 50 | OH | OH: Tuscarawas Co. (b) | OH: Defiance (d); wife, 1 son, 3 stepchren remain | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | SHAMP, Orra Barbara* | 28 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Cowan area (d); 4 small chren remain; status of husb not given | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | STEIDTMAN, Caroline E.* | 59 | STEUBER | STEIDTMAN, ----- | WI | GERMANY: Waldeck: Strohda (b) | WI: Sauk Co.: Sumpter (d); to AMER 1845; husb, 6 chren remain |
11/01/1887 | 699 | STEUBER, Caroline E.* | 59 | STEIDTMAN, ----- | WI | GERMANY: Waldeck: Strohda (b) | WI: Sauk Co.: Sumpter (d); to AMER 1845; husb, 6 chren remain | |
11/01/1887 | 699 | STEIDTMAN, ----- | STEUBER, Caroline E.* | |||||
11/01/1887 | 699 | RICHARD, James E.* | 52 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co. (b) | PA: Jefferson Co.: Worthville (d); former Lutheran, joined Evan. Ch. 3 yrs ago; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; death result of wound in knee made by a broad axe | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | MILLER, John A.* | 68 | MI | MI: Hillsdale Co.: Litchfield area (d); 9 chren remain; wife died 3 mos before; ill 3 yrs | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | VARNER, Minnie May* | 5 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: South Fork (d); dau of Martin L. & Mary | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | VARNER, Oliver Roscoe* | 2 | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: South Fork (d); son of Martin L. & Mary | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | STITZ, Nellie Idora* | 2 | -- | OH: Van Wert (b) | --: Minister: EVANS, J. H. | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | GOOD, Baxter Siews* | 5 mos | IL | IL: Fulton Co.: Farmers Tp. (b) | IL: Naperville (d) | ||
11/01/1887 | 699 | RANDAL, Amos Alonzo* | 13 | KS | KS: Phillipi Co.: Woodruff area (d); son of Milford & Tabitha | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | METZLER, Paul Leopold* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: LEOPOLD, S. T.; croup | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | GRAMLEY, Eliza Minerva* | 19 | PA | PA: Rebersburg (d) | |||
11/01/1887 | 699 | STONEBREAKER, Roy Milton* | 9 mos | PA | PA: Coburn (d); son of John & Emma | |||
11/08/1887 | 699 | LINK, -----* | infan | IN | IN: Elkhart (d); infant of A. | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | FRYE, Eliza Ellen* | 29 | FRYE, Noah (Rev.) | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); husb, 4 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 1 child dead; quick consumption; body taken to Litchfield, MI, funeral @ res of P. STEININGER | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | -----, Eliza Ellen* | 29 | FRYE, Noah (Rev.) | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); husb, 4 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 1 child dead; quick consumption; body taken to Litchfield, MI, funeral @ res of P. STEININGER | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | FRYE, Noah (Rev.) | -----, Eliza Ellen* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | BASLER, Rickey* | 83 | OH | OH: Morrow Co. (died at home of her dau, Mrs. Jacob MARTIN); 2 chren remain; invalid some yrs | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | KEINER, Hannetta* | 85 | NY | NY: Stone Arabia (res); husb d ca 25 yrs ago; 2 sons, 3 daus remain | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | REED, Benjamin* | 67 | OH | OH: Stoutsville (d); one of most devoted members of church; aged companion, 3 chren remain | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | ROBINSON, Mary A.* | 18 | -- | --: no location given, submitted by "A. Friend"; pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption; converted under Rev. J. WENGERT | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | MYERS, Anna* | 83 | DISE | MYERS, Henry (husb #2) | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); one dau (deceased) md Rev. A. L. REESER of Central PA Conf. | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | DISE, Anna* | 83 | SEITZ, Daniel (husb #1; had 4 chren) | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); one dau (deceased) md Rev. A. L. REESER of Central PA Conf. | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | SEITZ, Anna* | 83 | DISE | MYERS, Henry (husb #2) | PA | PA: York Co.: Mt. Zion (d); one dau (deceased) md Rev. A. L. REESER of Central PA Conf. | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | MYERS, Henry | SEITZ, Anna DISE* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | SEITZ, Daniel | DISE, Anna* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | EICKHOFF, Katie May* | 11 | MI | NY: Allegheny [sic] Co.: East Granger area (b) | MI: Kalkaska Co.: Fletcher (d); dau of Chas. & Fannie; bur near her home where she often played. "As no minister could be had to preach a sermon, one of the neighbors read the burial form in our Discipline, and offered the Lord's prayer." | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | EXAMPLE:, no minister could be found for funeral | see EICKHOFF, Katie May, Nov 8, 1887, p 715 | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | RUEDE, Jacob F.* | 78 | KLINE, Kathrine M. | IN | GERMANY: Baden (b) | IN: South Bend (d); to AMER as young man; md 1835, res Greenville area, OH; wife d 1864; res South Bend 20+ yrs; 4 chren remain, 4 chren dead. NOTE: corr. Nov 22, p 747: called Jacob F. BUEDE, there is confusion re number of chren | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | BUEDE, Jacob F.* | 78 | KLINE, Kathrine M. | IN | GERMANY: Baden (b) | IN: South Bend (d); to AMER as young man; md 1835, res Greenville area, OH; wife d 1864; res South Bend 20+ yrs; 4 chren remain, 4 chren dead. NOTE: corr. Nov 22, p 747: called Jacob F. BUEDE, there is confusion re number of chren | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | KLINE, Kathrine M.* | RUEDE or BUEDE, Jacob F.* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | BUEDE, Kathrine M.* | BUEDE or RUEDE, Jacob F.* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | RUEDE, Kathrine M.* | RUEDE or BUEDE, Jacob F.* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | BOEHM, John Peter* | 87 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Lower Saucon Town (born Oct 13, 1800) | PA: Bethlehem (d); son of Philip & Elizabeth; had 12 chren, 2 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | WENGERT, Matilda* | 50 | WENGERT, Samuel | -- | --: Minister: SAMPSEL, A. M.; husb, 6 chren, aged mother remain | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | -----, Matilda* | 50 | WENGERT, Samuel | -- | --: Minister: SAMPSEL, A. M.; husb, 6 chren, aged mother remain | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | WENGERT, Samuel | -----, Matilda* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | GEORGE, Gertrude* | 72 | IL | HESSEN: Rotenburg (b) | IL: Livingston Co.: Long Point area (d); to AMER 1853 w/ husb, 2 chren; settled in Peru, IL; husb, 5 chren dead | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | SMITH, Mary* | 33 | BAKER | SMITH, Julius | NE | NE: Blue Springs area (d); husb, 2 chren, mother remain; typhoid malaria + stroke | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | BAKER, Mary* | 33 | SMITH, Julius | NE | NE: Blue Springs area (d); husb, 2 chren, mother remain; typhoid malaria + stroke | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | SMITH, Julius | BAKER, Mary* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | ALEXANDER, Margaret* | 77 | BEAK | ALEXANDER, John | IA | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | IA (res); md 1830; to OH 1846; to IA 1855; 8 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead |
11/08/1887 | 715 | BEAK, Margaret* | 77 | ALEXANDER, John | IA | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | IA (res); md 1830; to OH 1846; to IA 1855; 8 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead | |
11/08/1887 | 715 | ALEXANDER, John | BEAK, Margaret* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | MANSPEAKER, Sarah Ellen* | 27 | MANSPEAKER, Jas. | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (d); husb, 3 chren remain; quick consumption | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | -----, Sarah Ellen* | 27 | MANSPEAKER, Jas. | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (d); husb, 3 chren remain; quick consumption | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | MANSPEAKER, Jas. | -----, Sarah Ellen* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | LIGHT, Diana* | 42 | LIGHT, John | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | -----, Diana* | 42 | LIGHT, John | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Hyndman (d); husb, 6 chren remain; consumption | ||
11/08/1887 | 715 | LIGHT, John | -----, Diana* | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | LITTLE, Mary* | 78 | MI | MI: Jackson area (d). "The last years of her life were spent in the home of her niece, Sister L. W. DISBROWÉ." | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | PROSE, Ida L.* | 8 | PA | PA: Scranton (died on visit to her brothers); dau of Jacob & Mary | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | HOLLISTER, Sarah* | 78 | IL | IL: Eldena (d) | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | MONSTEIN, Havian [male]* | 21 | KS | KS: Osborne Co.: Downs area (d); pars, 1 sister remain | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | MEYER, Minnie Louisa* | 7 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); dau of Emil & Sarah MEYER; adopted dau of Cyrus & Susan WASSER | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | EXAMPLE:, birth & adoptive parents named | see MEYER, Minnie Louisa*, Nov 8, 1887, p 715 | |||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | WASSER, Cyrus & Susan | ||||||
11/08/1887 | 715 | PARKS, Frank* | 7 mos | NE | NE: Harlan Co. (d); son of James & Rebecca; mother died 7 mos earlier | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | YOUNG, Charles* | 1 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of Henry D. & Margaret; summer complaint | |||
11/08/1887 | 715 | LEIMROTH, -----* | 9 | IL | IL: Ashton (d); son of Carl & Anna | |||
11/15/1887 | 715 | WRIGHT, Earle* | -- | IA | IA: Pottawattamie Co.: James Tp. (d); son of W. F. & Jeannette; brain fever | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | FISHER, Maria* | 88 | SCHMIT | FISHER, Henry (Rev.) | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lebanon Tp. (b) | PA: Lebanon (d); husb died 1854 in New Berlin, PA; next 33 yrs res in house she moved to after he died |
11/15/1887 | 731 | SCHMIT, Maria* | 88 | FISHER, Henry (Rev.) | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lebanon Tp. (b) | PA: Lebanon (d); husb died 1854 in New Berlin, PA; next 33 yrs res in house she moved to after he died | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | FISHER, Henry (Rev.) | SCHMIT, Maria* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | WACKER, ----- [male]* | 26 | IL | IL: Mt. Carmel area (d); wife, pars, siblings remain; frontal bone over right eye crushed by kick of horse | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | STIRK, Mary Elizabeth* | 73 | PA | PA: Schuykill [sic] Co.: Tamaqua (d) | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | RUTT, Sarah* | 69 | PA | PA: Bangor (d); 1 son, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; stroke | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | ELLIS, Nancy R.* | 64 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (d); husb, 4 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | ZIEGLER, Samuel* | 34 | MO | MO: Carthage area (d); joined church in PA ca 10 yrs ago; to MO 5 yrs later; wife, 2 sm chren remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | EVANS, Juliana* | 75 | EVANS, Henry | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Macomb (d); md 50+ yrs; husb remains; had 3 sons, 3 daus. "Two children preceded her: one of her sons died verry [sic] suddenly but a few weeks before her: another of her sons is the Rev. Amos Evans of the Ohio Conference." | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | -----, Juliana* | 75 | EVANS, Henry | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Macomb (d); md 50+ yrs; husb remains; had 3 sons, 3 daus. "Two children preceded her: one of her sons died verry [sic] suddenly but a few weeks before her: another of her sons is the Rev. Amos Evans of the Ohio Conference." | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | EVANS, Henry | -----, Juliana* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HARLACHER, Sarah* | 84 | KLINE | HARLACHER, Michael | PA | PA: Allentown (d); had 9 chren, all of whom remain, along w/ 1 bro; husb dead | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | KLINE, Sarah* | 84 | HARLACHER, Michael | PA | PA: Allentown (d); had 9 chren, all of whom remain, along w/ 1 bro; husb dead | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HARLACHER, Michael | KLINE, Sarah* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HECKERT, Peter* | 74 | WALKERON, Elizabeth | IL | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IL: Ashton (d); to Somerset Co., PA, Jun 1842; md Oct. 15, 1843; to Ashton 1855; formerly of Winebrenner Church; blind last 16 yrs ago; wife, 2 sons remain; 1 son dead | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | WALKERON, Elizabeth | HECKERT, Peter* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HECKERT, Eliabeth | HECKERT, Peter* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | WARD, James R.* | 26 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d); "newly made" bride, mother, 2 sis, 2 bros remain. "About the hour when he was to have taken the train for the East, to bring home his newly made bride, he diedÉ." | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | PONTUS, Leah* | 71 | KLINEFELDER | PONTUS, ----- | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Marion (d); widow 42 yrs; 3 daus remain; 2 chren dead |
11/15/1887 | 731 | KLINEFELDER, Leah* | 71 | PONTUS, ----- | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Marion (d); widow 42 yrs; 3 daus remain; 2 chren dead | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | PONTUS, ----- | KLINEFELDER, Leah* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HOSTETTER, Mary* | 69 | HOSTETTER, Jacob | OH | OH: Marshallville (d); husb remain. "An only child, a son, preceded the mother about 29 years ago." | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | -----, Mary* | 69 | HOSTETTER, Jacob | OH | OH: Marshallville (d); husb remain. "An only child, a son, preceded the mother about 29 years ago." | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | HOSTETTER, Jacob | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | KEGLER, Catharine* | 54 | SCHEMEL | KEGLER, John K. | MN | LORRAINE: Lomingen (b) | MN: Red Wing (d); md 1854 in NY; to Arlington, Col. Co., WI; d Red Wing after visiting oldest son, Peter, in Dakota; husb, 8 sons, 2 daus remain |
11/15/1887 | 731 | SCHEMEL, Catharine* | 54 | KEGLER, John K. | MN | LORRAINE: Lomingen (b) | MN: Red Wing (d); md 1854 in NY; to Arlington, Col. Co., WI; died Red Wing after visiting oldest son, Peter, in Dakota; husb, 8 sons, 2 daus remain | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | KEGLER, John K. | SCHEMEL, Catharine* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | KUHLEMEIER, Simon* | 80 | IL | LIPPE-DETMOLD: Meinburg (b) | IL: Stephenson Co.: town of Lorain (d); to AMER 1854 to Freeport, IL, then Lorain Tp.; wife, 9 chren remain; stomach cancer. NOTE: corr. to Loran Tp., Dec 13, 1887, p 795 | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | ROUGH, George G.* | 74 | -- | PA: Mifflin Co. (b Nov 12, 1812) | --: Portage Prairie (d); from PA 1850; amassed a large fortune, a noble contributor; wife #2 & 7 chren remain; wife #1 & 2 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
11/15/1887 | 731 | BOWLZER, -----* | 77 | STEAD, Ann | OH | ENGLAND: Nottinghamshire: Beeston (b Feb 11, 1810) | OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence (d); md Jun 3, 1838; she died 8 yrs ago; to AMER ca 40 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |
11/15/1887 | 731 | STEAD, Ann | BOWLZER, -----* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | BOWLZER, Ann | BOWLZER, -----* | |||||
11/15/1887 | 731 | STINE, Mary A.* | 71 | -- | --: Minister: BRADER, J. M.; husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | SHIRES, Obidiah [sic] Henry* | 8 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); son of George & Annie; bro of George Irwin; diphtheria; [d Nov 5, 1887] | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | SHIRES, George Irwin* | 4 | PA | PA: Lebanon (d); son of George & Annie; bro of Obidiah Henry; diphtheria; [d Nov 7, 1887] | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | TROY, Raymond Aurther [sic]* | 2 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Beaver Meadows (d); son of W. S. & Susan; measles | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | BROOKHART, Robert Clark* | 1 | NE | NE: Nelson area (d); son of Frank & Atella; whooping cough | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | DENTON, Nellie May* | 10 | IA | IA: Pottwattamee [sic] Co.: Bellville Tp. (d); dau of E. J. & M. L.; typhoid fever | |||
11/15/1887 | 731 | LESCHER, Oscar Franklin* | 3 | IL | IL: Naperville (d) | |||
11/22/1887 | 731 | HITE, Morris T.* | 4 | PA | PA: Curtins (d); son of John P. & Phoebe A.; quinsy | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SWENK, Sarah* | 24 | MINICH | SWENK, J. A. (Rev.) | MI | PA: Snyder Co.: Chapman Tp. (b) | MI: Cass Co. (res); Berrien Co.: Royalton Cem. (bur); to MI age 6 yrs; good singer; md Apr 8, 1886; husb, pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption, "May others ... take warning and learn to warm up their beds that have not been used ... for months...." |
11/22/1887 | 747 | MINICH, Sarah* | 24 | SWENK, J. A. (Rev.) | MI | PA: Snyder Co.: Chapman Tp. (b) | MI: Cass Co. (res); Berrien Co.: Royalton Cem. (bur); to MI age 6 yrs; good singer; md Apr 8, 1886; husb, pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption, "May others ... take warning and learn to warm up their beds that have not been used ... for months...." | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | SWENK, J. A. (Rev.) | MINICH, Sarah* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | EXAMPLE: warm beds to avoid consumption, see SWENK | ||||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HARLOS, ----- [female]* | 66 | -- | --: submitted by Rev. J. M. BRADER; paralysis | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SMITH, Sarah* | 79 | COMPTON | SMITH, ----- | -- | --: submitted by Rev. J. M. BRADER; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; paralysis | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | COMPTON, Sarah* | 79 | SMITH, ----- | -- | --: submitted by Rev. J. M. BRADER; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; paralysis | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SMITH, ----- | COMPTON, Sarah* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | CLOCK, Henry* | 25 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); son of Haron & Mary; pars, 7 bros, 4 sis remain; typhoid fever | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | LOVE, Elizabeth* | 62 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Rocktown (d); four chren remain; 5 chren dead;[md twice, husbands not named here] | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KIPER, Amanda* | 25 | WENDELL | KIPER, Adam | PA | PA: Hebron Church (funeral); husb, 2 chren remain, 1 child being age 2 wks. NOTE: D. S. POLING, submitting minister was of Cambria Co., PA, at this time | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | WENDELL, Amanda* | 25 | KIPER, Adam | PA | PA: Hebron Church (funeral); husb, 2 chren remain, 1 child being age 2 wks. NOTE: D. S. POLING, submitting minister was of Cambria Co., PA, at this time | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KIPER, Adam | WENDELL, Amanda* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | WALBORN, Mary L.* | 46 | TAYLOR | WALBORN, George W. | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | TAYLOR, Mary L.* | 46 | WALBORN, George W. | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | WALBORN, George W. | TAYLOR, Mary L.* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | GIFFIN, John* | 86 | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); 1 son, 1 dau remain. "Five years ago Father G. entered the room in which he died, not once leaving it." | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HAWK, Wm. M.* | 41 | PA | PA: Monroe Co. (b) | PA: Wilkesbarre (d); son of Michael & Catharine; 3 yrs in Civil War; wife, 2 daus, 1 son, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; Bright's disease | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | WITMAN, Cyrus* | 67 | -- | --: Minister: BARR, N. A.; son of Philip; 1 bro, 1 sis remain | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | MILLER, Chas.* | 51 | PA | PA: Easton (d); member of German church; wife, 2 adopted chren remain | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | AULENBACHER, John C.* | 19 | PA | PA: Galloway near Franklin (d); son of Ludwig & Caroline; consumption | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SENSENICH, Christian* | 76 | PA | PA: Lanc. Co.: Bridgeville (d) | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KISTLER, Hiram* | 23 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Wesnersville (d); son of William D. & Judia [sic]; he was studying medicine; chronic pneumonia | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | McCALLICHER, Mary* | 87 | McCALLICHER, Alexander | -- | --: Minister: BARR, N. A.; born July 4, 1800; 4 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | -----, Mary* | 87 | McCALLICHER, Alexander | -- | --: Minister: BARR, N. A.; born July 4, 1800; 4 sons, 2 daus remain; husb dead | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | McCALLICHER, Alexander | -----, Mary* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KECK, Anna* | 62 | IA | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | IA: Benton Co. (died at home of Bro. & Sister MANK); dau of Michael & Margaret KECK; to IA w/ bro Uriah in 1867 | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HOOBER, Henry* | 29 | NE | NE: Adams Co.: Kenesaw area (d); wife, 2 little daus, pars, siblings remain; abscess in head since a child | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | GORSUCH, W. J.* | 41 | IA | IA: Carbon Co. area (d); heart disease | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HOLLEN, Thomas* | 64 | PA | PA: Snyder Co.: Paxtonville (d); paralysis + dropsy | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | GEORGE, Henry* | 40 | MI | MI: Wayne Co.: Taylor Tp. (d); he and wife both deaf mutes; wife, 4 chren, aged mother, siblings remain; run over by Wabash R. R. train near Hand Station | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | EXAMPLE, deaf/mutes | GEORGE, Henry* & wife, see Nov 22, 1887, p 747 | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | MOYER, William* | 56 | PA | PA: Lykens (d); wife, 5 chren, mother aged 78 yrs old remain; consumption | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KRING, Annie* | 85 | HEMEG | KRING, Daniel | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Buffalo Mills area (d); aged husb, 3 step-chren remain | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | HEMEG, Annie* | 85 | KRING, Daniel | PA | PA: Bedford Co.: Buffalo Mills area (d); aged husb, 3 step-chren remain | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | KRING, Daniel | HEMEG, Annie* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | JOHNSON, Julia A.* | 55 | HUNSBERGER | JOHNSON, ----- | PA | PA: Pittsburg (d); bur at Harmony, PA, her childhood home; 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | HUNSBERGER, Julia A.* | 55 | JOHNSON, ----- | PA | PA: Pittsburg (d); bur at Harmony, PA, her childhood home; 2 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | JOHNSON, ----- | HUNSBERGER, Julia A.* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | BRUNNER, Elizabeth* | 79 | BRUNNER, Abram | -- | --: Minister: SWENGEL, E.; md age 22 yrs; husb died Feb 25, 1879; 8 chren remain; 1 child dead; heart disease + shock from falling down stairs & braking collar bone in 2 places | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | -----, Elizabeth* | 79 | BRUNNER, Abram | -- | --: Minister: SWENGEL, E.; md age 22 yrs; husb died Feb 25, 1879; 8 chren remain; 1 child dead; heart disease + shock from falling down stairs & braking collar bone in 2 places | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | BRUNNER, Abram | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HARTENSTINE, Susan* | 69 | HOUCK | HARTENSTINE, Henry | PA | PA: Chester Co.: Pine Swamp Church area (d); husb & chren remain; suffered stroke 2 yrs prev | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | HOUCK, Susan* | 69 | HARTENSTINE, Henry | PA | PA: Chester Co.: Pine Swamp Church area (d); husb & chren remain; suffered stroke 2 yrs prev | ||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HARTENSTINE, Henry | HOUCK, Susan* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HARTUNG, John* | 80 | SCHRAMM, Margaret Salome | NE | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Hinkelhoff (b) | NE: West Point (d); to AMER 1829; md Jun 7, 1831; converted campmeeting Harmony, PA, 1841; 9 chren remain; wife, 3 chren dead; one son is Rev. C. F. of Pittsburgh Conf. | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | SCHRAMM, Margaret Salome | HARTUNG, John* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HARTUNG, Margaret Salome | HARTUNG, John* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HUBER, Charles* | 62 | VOVO, Katie | IL | GERMANY: Baden (born Apr 2, 1824) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1843 to NJ; md 1845; to IL 1855; widow, 1 son, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; 4 chren dead; softening of brain, last 10 dayls "out of his mind" | |
11/22/1887 | 747 | VOVO, Katie | HUBER, Charles* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | HUBER, Katie | HUBER, Charles* | |||||
11/22/1887 | 747 | FIKE, Helen Lucretia* | 4 | -- | --: submitted by S. E. W. [nothing further] | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | REICHARD, John* | 51 | PA | PA: Locust Dale area (d); miner's asthma + heart disease | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SIMMARS, Jennie Clair* | infan | PA | PA: Millersburg (d); dau of A. D. & Mary A.; brain fever | |||
11/22/1887 | 747 | SOUERWINE, Jennie Arabella* | 4 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatington (d); dau of Elias & Levina; pneumonia & croup | |||
11/29/1887 | 747 | FITZGERALD, Elsie Maria* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, Scott W.; dau of James & Anna [regular minister was Bro. MANWELL] | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | STOCK, Lawrence (Rev.)* | 67 | BALSLE, Sophia | IN | BAVARIA: Wirthheim (b) | IN: Bremen area (d); to AMER 1848; md 1850; wife, 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; inflammation of bowels | |
11/29/1887 | 763 | BALSLE, Sophia | STOCK, Lawrence (Rev.)* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | STOCK, Sophia | STOCK, Lawrence (Rev.)* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | REIMENSCHNEIDER, Mary B.* | 37 | KLINGERT | REIMENSCHNEIDER, A. (Rev.) | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Keuzbrun (born Sep 14, 1850) | IL: Roberts (d); to AMER 1866 w/ 2 bros to Kankakee, IL; md 1868; to Roberts 1886; husb, 5 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead |
11/29/1887 | 763 | KLINGERT, Mary B.* | 37 | REIMENSCHNEIDER, A. (Rev.) | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Keuzbrun (born Sep 14, 1850) | IL: Roberts (d); to AMER 1866 w/ 2 bros to Kankakee, IL; md 1868; to Roberts 1886; husb, 5 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead | |
11/29/1887 | 763 | REIMENSCHNEIDER, A. (Rev.) | KLINGERT, Mary B.* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | CRUMP, Geo. L.* | 28 | IL | IL: Freeport area (d); res prev near Morrison, IL | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | HOWARD, ----- [female]* | 86 | IL | IL: Howardsville (d); 1 son, 3 sis remain; husb, 1 dau dead | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | YEAKLE, Catharine* | 44 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Hatfield (d); aged mother, 2 bros remain; she the last of 8 sisters to die | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | OVERHOLSER, Elizabeth Mary* | 20 | RANK | OVERHOLSER, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb remains | |
11/29/1887 | 763 | RANK, Elizabeth Mary* | 20 | OVERHOLSER, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb remains | ||
11/29/1887 | 763 | OVERHOLSER, ----- | RANK, Elizabeth Mary* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | HAMLER, Emma* | -- | KS | KS: Brown Co.: Hiawatha area (d); typhoid fever | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | SCHECHTERLY, Elizabeth* | 57 | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Summer Hill (d); husb, 1 dau remain; bur Summer Hill Cem.; dropsy of heart | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | SLEEK, Annie* | 26 | PA | PA: Cambria: South Fork (d); husb, little son Eddie remain; funeral at Johnstown | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | GRAFF, Polly* | 87 | PA | PA: Crawford Co.: Linesville area (d); 2 sons, 3 daus remain; died in her sleep | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | GUNDRUM, Ida A.* | 21 | COVER | GUNDRUM, Abner | OH | OH: Ghent (d); husb, pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain | |
11/29/1887 | 763 | COVER, Ida A.* | 21 | GUNDRUM, Abner | OH | OH: Ghent (d); husb, pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain | ||
11/29/1887 | 763 | GUNDRUM, Abner | COVER, Ida A.* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | PETERSON, -----* | -- | IA | DENMARK (b) | IA: Madison Co.: Monroe Tp. (d); converted at Des Moines, IA; wife, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; died in his sleep | ||
11/29/1887 | 763 | MILLER, Henry* | 83 | HUMBERT, Maria Eve | NY | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | NY: Lock Berlin (d); md Mar 11, 1823; 2 sons, 3 daus remain; wife, 5 chren dead | |
11/29/1887 | 763 | HUMBERT, Maria Eve | MILLER, Henry* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | MILLER, Maria Eve | MILLER, Henry* | |||||
11/29/1887 | 763 | SHANK, Jacob* | 80 | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: Fremont (d); had 6 chren by wife #1, 4 chren by wife #2; wife #2 + 10 chren remain; wife #1 + 1 child dead; congestion of brain; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
11/29/1887 | 763 | GOBBLE, Paul Seibert* | 1 | PA | PA: New Berlin (d); only son of Prof. A. E. & Kate; spinal meningitis | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | CARTER, Clifford John* | 4 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Port Creek (d); son and only child of John & Katie; spinal fever | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | MAURER, Della May* | 2 | PA | PA: Mount Carmel (d); dau of Felix & Catharine; funeral at Mahantongo; hemorrhagic diathesis | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | BAUMGARTNER, Harry Walter* | 3 | KS | KS: Abilene (d); son of J. W. & Clara | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | WALDEN, Harry Worth* | 6 | MO | MO: Carthage area (d); son of Horace | |||
11/29/1887 | 763 | FELIX, Lucinda Catharine* | 7 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, I. A., of Clarion Co., PA, in 1886] | |||
12/06/1887 | 763 | SNOOK, Cora May* | 3 | PA | PA: Lewistown area (d); dau of Moses & Sarah; diphtheria | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | RENNER, Howard* | 41 | -- | --: Minister: JOSEPHS, G.; wife, 3 chren remain | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | WAGNER, Rebecca* | 65 | WAGNER, William | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | -----, Rebecca* | 65 | WAGNER, William | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | WAGNER, William | -----, Rebecca* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | HOUSER, Margaret* | 81 | MERKLING | HOUSER, David | OH | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | OH: Lindsey (d); to AMER 1828; after mge settled in Wayne Co., OH; 5 chren remain: one dau md Rev. D. STROHMAN of Flat Rock Orphan Home; one grsons is Rev. I. M. Houser of OH Conf.; husb, 3 chren dead |
12/06/1887 | 779 | MERKLING, Margaret* | 81 | HOUSER, David | OH | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | OH: Lindsey (d); to AMER 1828; after mge settled in Wayne Co., OH; 5 chren remain: one dau md Rev. D. STROHMAN of Flat Rock Orphan Home; one grson is Rev. I. M. HOUSER of OH Conf.; husb, 3 chren dead | |
12/06/1887 | 779 | HOUSER, David | MERKLING, Margaret* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | DERR, Miria [sic]* | 69 | DERR, Nathan | PA | PA: Fairmont area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | -----, Miria [sic]* | 69 | DERR, Nathan | PA | PA: Fairmont area (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | DERR, Nathan | -----, Miria [sic]* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | RICE, Ida Savilla* | 15 | PA | PA: Reigelsville (d); dau of Lewis & Sarah; pars, 9 siblings remain | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | STRAUSER, Fanny* | 66 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Heathville (d); 6 chren remain | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | KELLY, Dennis* | 37 | GINGRICH, ----- | FL | FL (d); son-in-law, of Rev. C. GINGRICH; wife, 1 son remain; invalid a number of yrs | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | GINGRICH, ----- | KELLY, Dennis* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | COPE, Peter* | 40 | PA | PA: Leesburg area (d); wife, 3 chren remain | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | BURKHART, Harriet* | 36 | MOWORY [sic] | BURKHART, Jacob | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d); dau of Daniel & Hannah; husb, 4 chren, mother remain | |
12/06/1887 | 779 | MOWORY [sic], Harriet* | 36 | BURKHART, Jacob | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d); dau of Daniel & Hannah; husb, 4 chren, mother remain | ||
12/06/1887 | 779 | BURKHART, Jacob | MOWORY [sic], Harriet* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | GODSHALK, Carrie* | 21 | MI | MI: Joseph Co.: Park (d); husb remains [NOTE: given name corr TO Cassie, Dec 20, 1887, p 811] | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | GODSHALK, Cassie* | 21 | MI | MI: Joseph Co.: Park (d); husb remains [NOTE: given name corr FROM Carrie, Dec 20, 1887, p 811] | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | DEARING, Annie* | 75 | -- | --: Minister: BALLANTYNE, M. J.; died at home of Rev. R. D. DALZELL | |||
12/06/1887 | 779 | EINSEL, Sarah* | 74 | KELLER | EINSEL, Henry | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | OH: Seneca Co. (d); she + pars pioneer of co.; md Feb 26, 1835; 4 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead |
12/06/1887 | 779 | KELLER, Sarah* | 74 | EINSEL, Henry | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | OH: Seneca Co. (d); she + pars pioneer of co.; md Feb 26, 1835; 4 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |
12/06/1887 | 779 | EINSEL, Henry | KELLER, Sarah* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | AUBLE, Susan* | 81 | ORWIG | AUBLE, ----- | OH | PA: Orwigsburg (b) | OH: Akron (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur in Wadsworth beside husband |
12/06/1887 | 779 | ORWIG, Susan* | 81 | AUBLE, ----- | OH | PA: Orwigsburg (b) | OH: Akron (d); 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur in Wadsworth beside husband | |
12/06/1887 | 779 | AUBLE, ----- | ORWIG, Susan* | |||||
12/06/1887 | 779 | FOSSLER, Elizabeth* | 64 | SCHOFSTALL | FOSSLER, ----- | IL | PA (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); 3 chren, sister, brother remain; husb, 2 chren dead; stroke |
12/06/1887 | 779 | SCHOFSTALL, Elizabeth* | 64 | FOSSLER, ----- | IL | PA (b) | IL: Stephenson Co. (d); 3 chren, sister, brother remain; husb, 2 chren dead; stroke | |
12/13/1887 | 779 | FOSSLER, ----- | SCHOFSTALL, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | WIPPERMAN, Catharine* | 85 | HAUERBRUCH | WIPPERMAN, ----- | NY | NY: Erie Co.: Rapids area (d); 1 dau remains; bur Spring Brook Cem., Buffalo, NY | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | HAUERBRUCH, Catharine* | 85 | WIPPERMAN, ----- | NY | NY: Erie Co.: Rapids area (d); 1 dau remains; bur Spring Brook Cem., Buffalo, NY | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | WIPPERMAN, -----* | HAUERBRUCH, Catharine* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | HENKER, Jennie* | 16 | HETTLER | HENKER, Charles | IN | IN: Fort Wayne (d age 16y, 9m, 11d); md one month; husb, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; blood poisoning | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | HETTLER, Jennie* | 16 | HENKER, Charles | IN | IN: Fort Wayne (d age 16y, 9m, 11d); md one month; husb, pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; blood poisoning | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | HENKER, Charles | HETTLER, Jennie* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | ROSS, George R.* | 38 | NE | NE: Wood River area (died at home of bro, Joseph T.); hemorrhage of lungs | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | GELSER, Anna Mary* | 64 | GELSER, Simon | NY | LOWER CANADA (b) | NY: Grove (d); 1 son remains; husb dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | -----, Anna Mary* | 64 | GELSER, Simon | NY | LOWER CANADA (b) | NY: Grove (d); 1 son remains; husb dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | GELSER, Simon | -----, Anna Mary* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | DUVALL, Clarinda H.* | 52 | -- | --: Minister: BITTNER, H. I.; husb, 5 chren remain | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | RICHLAND, Sarah* | 18 | -- | --: Minister: SCHMUCKER, C.; dau of James & Sarah; died suddenly | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | REINHART, Maria* | 85 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: West Penn Tp. (d); widow for nearly 41 yrs; 7 chren remain | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | TEETER, Sarah A.* | 39 | SELBY | TEETER, John | IN | IN: Lagrange Co.: Wright's Corners area (d). "She was the first of a family of 11 children, all grown, to pass to the eternal shores." No status of husb, chren given. | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | SELBY, Sarah A.* | 39 | TEETER, John | IN | IN: Lagrange Co.: Wright's Corners area (d). "She was the first of a family of 11 children, all grown, to pass to the eternal shores." No status of husb, chren given. | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | TEETER, John | SELBY, Sarah A.* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | MOYER, Freeman M.* | 37 | ONT | ONT: Lincoln Co.: Campden (d); wife, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; stomach congestion | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | COUELS, Fannie Bell* | 20 | LAMPHAIR | COUELS, William | KS | KS: Jaquay (d); md Dec 15, 1886, same day left pars' home in Rush, IL, for KS; bur Rush, IL; 7-day-old babe remains, possibly also husb | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | LAMPHAIR, Fannie Bell* | 20 | COUELS, William | KS | KS: Jaquay (d); md Dec 15, 1886, same day left pars' home in Rush, IL, for KS; bur Rush, IL; 7-day-old babe remains, possibly also husb | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | COUELS, William | LAMPHAIR, Fannie Bell* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | GARL, Chloe* | 1 | KS | KS: Kingman Co.: Spivy area (d); dau of Isaac & Rebecca; strangled on substance in windpipe | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | WEAVER, George* | 76 | MI | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka area (d); attended Gratiot class (church); wife, 4 chren remain | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | SMITH, Elizabeth* | 85 | VARNER | SMITH, Jacob | OH | GERMANY: Baden (b) | OH: Marion Co.: Richland Tp. (d); consort of Jacob; 4 chren remain; 6 chren dead |
12/13/1887 | 795 | VARNER, Elizabeth* | 85 | SMITH, Jacob | OH | GERMANY: Baden (b) | OH: Marion Co.: Richland Tp. (d); consort of Jacob; 4 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | SMITH, Jacob | VARNER, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | KISSINGER, Richard* | 57 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Amanda area (d); wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain; pneumonia | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | MICHAEL, Mary J.* | 37 | BOWER | MICHAEL, Adam | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Summer Hill (d); dau of Geo. M.; mentions husb, chren; heart trouble | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | BOWER, Mary J.* | 37 | MICHAEL, Adam | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Summer Hill (d); dau of Geo. M.; mentions husb, chren; heart trouble | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | MICHAEL, Adam | BOWER, Mary J.* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | ROTH, Joseph K.* | 23 | IN | MI: Three Rivers (born Sep 6, 1864) | IN: South Bend (d); son of Rev. Peter & Susannah; pars, 3 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | BLOUCH, Polly* | 58 | BLOUCH, John | MI | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | MI: Monroe Co.: East Raisinville (d); md Aug 10, 1851; to MI 34 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 3 chren dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | -----, Polly* | 58 | BLOUCH, John | MI | PA: Lebanon Co. (b) | MI: Monroe Co.: East Raisinville (d); md Aug 10, 1851; to MI 34 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 3 chren dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | BLOUCH, John | -----, Polly* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | KIEFER, Daniel P.* | 17 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Upper Mahantongo (d); pars, siblings remain; typhoid malaria | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | REDCAY, Charles* | 76 | PA | PA: Reading (d); wife, 6 chren, 3 bros remain; paralysis; broke limb a yr ago | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | HEIM, Susan* | 72 | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: East Ringgold area (d); Evan. member 60 yrs | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | HALE, Joseph M.* | 53 | -- | --: Minister: BARR, N. A.; private Co. M, 1st PA Cavalry, Civil War; wife, invalid mother, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | SNYDER, Susanna* | 69 | SHULTZ | SNYDER, Jacob R. | PA | PA: Reading (d); converted 40+ yrs ago Orwigsburg, PA; 1 son, 2 daus, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; she the mother-in-law of Rev. C. H. BAKER; husb dead | |
12/13/1887 | 795 | SHULTZ, Susanna* | 69 | SNYDER, Jacob R. | PA | PA: Reading (d); converted 40+ yrs ago Orwigsburg, PA; 1 son, 2 daus, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; she the mother-in-law of Rev. C. H. BAKER; husb dead | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | SNYDER, Jacob R. | SHULTZ, Susanna* | |||||
12/13/1887 | 795 | KLINGER, Charles* | 63 | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (born Sep 15, 1824) | IN: Kosciuscko Co.: Warsaw area (d); wife, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 son dead | ||
12/13/1887 | 795 | GOODMAN, Catharina* | 79 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Salem Church Cem. @ Homeworth (bur). Corr.: Dec 20, 1887, p 811: minister's name changed from G. W. Homeworth TO G. W. FINNECY | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | WILLIAMS, Margaret* | 6 | -- | --: South Fork (d); minister: E. F. DICKEY | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | SWARTZENDRUVER, Mabel Catharine* | 6 mos | -- | --: South Fork (d); dau of Perry & Harriet; minister: E. F. DICKEY | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | VANDERSALL, Della May* | 13 | OH | OH: Akron area (d); dau of Joseph | |||
12/13/1887 | 795 | ELLENBERGER, Mercy Edna* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: HUMMEL, F. P.; dau of Rev. F. D. & S. A. | |||
12/20/1887 | 795 | GREEN, Lee Grant* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: Urbino, V.; son of William & Nancie severe scald 4 wks earlier | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SCHULTZ, Carrie* | 25 | NORTH | SCHULTZ, W. A. (Rev.) | IL | IL: Kappa (b) | IL: Eldena (d); dau of Rev. Wm. & Sarah A.; md Jan 3, 1887; husb, infant child, pars, 5 sis remain; bur Kappa, her former home |
12/20/1887 | 811 | NORTH, Carrie* | 25 | SCHULTZ, W. A. (Rev.) | IL | IL: Kappa (b) | IL: Eldena (d); dau of Rev. Wm. & Sarah A.; md Jan 3, 1887; husb, infant child, pars, 5 sis remain; bur Kappa, her former home | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | SCHULTZ, W. A. (Rev.) | NORTH, Carrie* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SWARTZ, Elizabeth A.* | 23 | IWIG | SWARTZ, F. (Rev.) | IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Hollens Grove (born Sep 21, 1864) | IL: Hampshire (d); funeral at Hampshire, burial at Washington, IL; husb, little dau, mother, 2 sis, 3 bros remain |
12/20/1887 | 811 | IWIG, Elizabeth A.* | 23 | SWARTZ, F. (Rev.) | IL | IL: Tazewell Co.: Hollens Grove (born Sep 21, 1864) | IL: Hampshire (d); funeral at Hampshire, burial at Washington, IL; husb, little dau, mother, 2 sis, 3 bros remain | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | SWARTZ, F. (Rev.) | IWIG, Elizabeth A.* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | TROSTLE, Sistella Agnes* | 19 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); dau of Henry & Sarah Trostle; submitted by "A Sister." [poss. not blood relative, but female church member] | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | MEISEL, Charles* | 35 | -- | --: Delano (d); son of John & Catharine; a devoted husb, loving father, obedient son; heart disease/kidney trouble. Minister: GROSS, G. W. | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SHINGLEDECKER, Adam* | 80 | PA | GERMANY: Baden (b) | PA: Clarion Co.: West Millville (d); to AMER w/ his family ca 50 yrs ago | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | LINGLE, John* | 48 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Spring Mills area (d); widow, 5 chren remain; while making railroad ties, cut deep gash in foot, severed artery; was carried home where he died that evening | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | GEORGE, Gertrude* | 73 | SIPPEL | GEORGE, ----- | IL | HESSIA: Rotenburg on the Fulda (b) | IL: Livingstone Co.: Long Point (d); to AMER 1853 to Peru, IL; husb, 5 chren dead; sudden paralysis while doing household duties |
12/20/1887 | 811 | SIPPEL, Gertrude* | 73 | GEORGE, ----- | IL | HESSIA: Rotenburg on the Fulda (b) | IL: Livingstone Co.: Long Point (d); to AMER 1853 to Peru, IL; husb, 5 chren dead; sudden paralysis while doing household duties | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | GEORGE, ----- | SIPPEL, Gertrude* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HUNSBERGER, Jacob* | 75 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Pickwick (died while going to visit chren in Franklin); widow remains | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SCHNEITMAN, Mary* | 47 | LOAS | SCHNEITMAN, William | -- | --: Minister: LEOPOLD, S. F.; dau of John A. & Barbara; md Oct 2, 1873; husb, 1 son, aged pars, siblings remain; 1 child dead | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | LOAS, Mary* | 47 | SCHNEITMAN, William | -- | --: Minister: LEOPOLD, S. F.; dau of John A. & Barbara; md Oct 2, 1873; husb, 1 son, aged pars, siblings remain; 1 child dead | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SCHNEITMAN, William | LOAS, Mary* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | LAVAN, Ida May* | 17 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Shannondale (bur); dau of Rev. D. K. LAVAN, P.E. of Somerset dist., Pittsburgh Conf. | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | NEWHART, Beckie* | 12 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); dau of Rev. J. S. & Mary of East PA Conf.; typhoid; bur Saylorsburg, Monroe Co., PA [NOTE: "Her dear mother soon followed her to the spirit worldÉ." | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | NEWHART, Mary* | -- | NEWHART, J. S. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); this death mentioned in obit of Beckie NEWHART. [see also MENGEL, Saml.* same page] | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | NEWHART, J. S. (Rev.) | -----, Mary* | PA | see death of Mary in the obit of Beckie NEWHART | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | McCORMICK, W. W. (Dr.)* | 79 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring area (d); born Feb 10, 1808 | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | ALBERT, Hermon* | 69 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring area (d); widow, 2 daus remain | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SUMNY, Mary A.* | 63 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Clarke's Valley (d); husb remains | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HOOVER, Frances Ellen* | 10 | KS | KS: Peabody (d); dau of Levi & Sophia K.; diphtheria | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SHAFFNER, Polly* | 75 | PA | PA: Dauphin area (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | YEAKEL, Henry* | 38 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Upper Milford (d); son of Daniel & Sarah; bro of Rev. Allen of Atlantic Conf; widow, 1 son, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; heart disease/inflammation of lungs | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HORNBERGER, William | 83 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville area (d); md 60 yrs; wife, 3 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SUNDERMAN, Rosa* | 24 | SOWERS | SUNDERMAN, Henry | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, J. B.; dau of Henry & Rebecca; md Jan 9, 1881; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | SOWERS, Rosa* | 24 | SUNDERMAN, Henry | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, J. B.; dau of Henry & Rebecca; md Jan 9, 1881; husb, 1 child, pars, siblings remain | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SUNDERMAN, Henry | SOWERS, Rosa* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | RIDER, George* | 45 | IN | OH: Starke [sic] Co. (b) | IN: Kosciusko Co.: North Webster area (d); wife, 2 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | RAUB, Daniel* | 70 | OH | OH: Orangeville (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; wife died nearly 3 yrs ago | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | NEELY, W. W.* | 24 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Alum Rock area (d); wife, 3 chren remain | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HARPSTER, Elizabeth* | 73 | HARPSTER, Jacob | OH | PA: Union Co. (born Apr 3, 1814) | OH: Bellvue [sic] area (d); md Jul 12, 1838; husb, 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; heart disease | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | -----, Elizabeth* | 73 | HARPSTER, Jacob | OH | PA: Union Co. (born Apr 3, 1814) | OH: Bellvue [sic] area (d); md Jul 12, 1838; husb, 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; heart disease | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | HARPSTER, Jacob | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HENDRICKS, Esther M.* | 61 | HENDRICKS, J. B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Wenksville (d); moved to Beaver appointment on Bendersville charge of our church 18 yrs ago; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | -----, Esther M.* | 61 | HENDRICKS, J. B. (Rev.) | PA | PA: Adams Co.: Wenksville (d); moved to Beaver appointment on Bendersville charge of our church 18 yrs ago; husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | HENDRICKS, J. B. (Rev.) | -----, Esther M.* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | LEARMAN, Caroline* | 24 | IN | IN: Elkhart (d); husb, 2 sm chren remain; consumption | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | MENGEL, Saml.* | 66 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); father-in-law of Rev. J. S. NEWHART of East PA Conf.; bur Saylorsburg, Monroe Co., PA; mentions brothers, sisters, children remaining; [see also NEWHART, Beckie obit, same page] | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SIGWORTH, Edward* | 20 | OH | OH: Mahoning Co.: Canfield (d); son of Samuel & Lizzie; was attending school in Canfield, res w/ Rev. C. D. SLAGLE; pars, 3 sis, 5 bros remain; one little bro dead | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | BIDDINGER, Mathias* | 73 | INFIELD, Sarah | IN | OH: Holmes Co. (b) | IN: Leiter's Ford area (d); struck while walking on C. & A. R.R. track, killed instantly; md 48 yrs; wife, 5 sons, 1 dau remain, the dau is wife of Rev. James WALES of Rochester Circuit, IN Conf.; youngest son killed by lightning 9 yrs ago last March | |
12/20/1887 | 811 | INFIELD, Sarah | BIDDINGER, Mathias* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | BIDDINGER, Sarah | BIDDINGER, Mathias* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | KELLER, Levi* | 63 | -----, Feyetta | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Virginsville (d); bur in coffin w/ wife at St. Peter's Reformed Church, Berks Co.; 7 chren, 1 sis remain; 1,500 attended funeral held on steps of church | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | -----, Feyetta | KELLER, Levi* | |||||
12/20/1887 | 811 | KELLER, Feyetta* | 60 | KELLER, Levi | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Virginsville (died 3 min. after husb); bur in coffin w/ husb at St. Peter's Reformed Church, Berks Co.; 7 chren, 1 sis, 2 bros remain; 1,500 attended funeral held on steps of church | ||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SNYDER, Lille May* | 5 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Tamaqua (d); dau of Rev. A. H. & Polly R.; diphtheria | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SCHULTZ, Lester C. C.* | 2 | IL | IL: Chicago (d); son of Eli & Sarah, members of Noble St. Station church; membraneous croup | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | WHITLOCK, Edgar Warren* | 2 | PA | PA: Union Co.: Winfield (d); son of Edgar W. & Maggie | |||
12/20/1887 | 811 | SHIRL, Elmer Lee* | infan | KS | KS: Woodruff area (d) | |||
12/27/1887 | 811 | FITCHTHORN, Mary Grace* | 1 | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); dau of Geo. & Lavina | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | RUNTE, Simon* | 65 | IL | IL: Stephenson Co.: Spring Creek area (died while visiting chren); his residence is nr Baileyville | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | RITTNER, S. B.* | 72 | RITTNER, Sarah (Mrs.) | OR | SWITZERLAND: Filters (born 1815) | OR: Kingsvalley area (d); to US 1840 to MO; to OR 1845; md Oct 15, 1854 | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | RITTNER, Sarah (Mrs.) | RITTNER, S. B.* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | WOLF, Mary Malinda* | 60 | PA | PA: Clinton Co.: Sugar Valley (d); husb remains; funeral at Tylersville church | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | PHELPS, Alice* | 25 | IA | IA: Worth Co.: Manly (d); husb, 2 little boys remain; erysipelas | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | BEST, Susanna* | 83 | BROTZMAN | BEST, ----- | IL | IL: Davis area (d); converted 50+ yrs ago under Bishop J. Seibert's preaching; on sick list 7 yrs | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | BROTZMAN, Susanna* | 83 | BEST, ----- | IL | IL: Davis area (d); converted 50+ yrs ago under Bishop J. Seibert's preaching; on sick list 7 yrs | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | BEST, ----- | BROTZMAN, Susanna* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | MATLEY, Bessie* | 13 | IA | IA: Manley [sic] area (d); an only child; malarial fever | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | MEYERS, Margaret Ann* | 80 | BROAD | MEYERS, Philip | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Dorrance (d); joined Evan. Ch. ca 18 yrs ago; mother of 17 chren; husb dead | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | BROAD, Margaret Ann* | 80 | MEYERS, Philip | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Dorrance (d); joined Evan. Ch. ca 18 yrs ago; mother of 17 chren; husb dead | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | MEYERS, Philip | BROAD, Margaret Ann* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | BOWMAN, Miriam* | 51 | COLBY | BOWMAN, Henry | IN | IN: Wanatah area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 2 chren dead; lung fever | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | COLBY, Miriam* | 51 | BOWMAN, Henry | IN | IN: Wanatah area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 2 chren dead; lung fever | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | BOWMAN, Henry | COLBY, Miriam* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | KOONEY, Eva A.* | 27 | LAMEY | KOONEY, ----- | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, A. S.; funeral at Miller's church; consumption | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | LAMEY, Eva A.* | 27 | KOONEY, ----- | -- | --: Minister: FISHER, A. S.; funeral at Miller's church; consumption | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | KOONEY, ----- | LAMEY, Eva A.* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | MESSNER, Leona C.* | 18 | -- | --: Minister: SHANNON, W. F.; dau of T. S. & Salome | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | POWELL, Daniel* | 72 | RAUCH, Elizabeth | OH | OH: Rawson area (d); md Dec 13, 1840, wife died 8+ yrs ago; 11 chren remain; 4 chren dead | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | RAUCH, Elizabeth | POWELL, Daniel* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | POWELL, Elizabeth | POWELL, Daniel* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | LOVE, Mary* | -- | MI | PA: Northampton Co.: Mt. Bethel (b) | MI: Park (d); 9 chren remain | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | STEVENS, Sarah* | 19 | BROWN | STEVENS, Schuyler S. | IN | IN: Rochester (d); md last Mar 10 [1887?]; husb, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | BROWN, Sarah* | 19 | STEVENS, Schuyler S. | IN | IN: Rochester (d); md last Mar 10 [1887?]; husb, pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | STEVENS, Schuyler S. | BROWN, Sarah* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | OMEN, Peter* | 77 | HEGES, Margaret | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Findlay [ca 5 mi southwest] (d); md 1834; wife, 12 chren remain | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | HEGES, Margaret | OMEN, Peter* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | OMEN, Margaret | OMEN, Peter* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | SWABB, James* | 35 | STAMBACH, ----- | PA | PA: Tusseyville (d); md Apr 11, 1872 the dau of Rev. E. STAMBACH of Central PA Conf; had 7 chren; all remain + wife; enlarged liver | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | STAMBACH, ----- | SWABB, James* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | ELLIOTT, James C.* | 55 | MILLER, Lucretia | MI | PA: Lebanon (b) | MI: Monroe Co.: Bedford (d); md 1853; wife, 12 chren, 3 bros, 1 sis remain | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | MILLER, Lucretia | ELLIOTT, James C.* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | ELLIOTT, Lucretia | ELLIOTT, James C.* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | TOBIAS, Benjamin* | 57 | PA | PA: Berks Co. (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: Hamburg (d); wife, 1 dau, 7 sons remain [NOTE: born Berks Co., no state given, but assumed to be PA] | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | HUTCHISON, Elizabeth* | 59 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Basil (d); husb, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; died in her sleep | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | BERNHARD, Joseph L.* | 70 | -- | --: Minister: BROWN, G. W. [member Pittsburgh Conf., poss. serving in eastern OH or western PA]; wife, 4 chren remain; perhaps stomach cancer | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | LIEB, George* | 25 | GOODWIN, Jessica | -- | --: Minister: BERKEY, Philsen; son of Philip & Fredrica from GER, they among 1st members Evan. Assn. at Elliotsville; wife, 1 dau, pars remain; cut knee w/ corn-cutter while topping cane several wks earlier | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | GOODWIN, Jessica | LIEB, George* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | LIEB, Jessica | LIEB, George* | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | YOUNG, D. (Mrs.)* | 63 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Tusseyville area (d); born Nov 4, 1824; md Jul 30, 1844; husb, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead; gone to care for sick dau, became ill herself, died 23 hrs later | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | CARA, Elizabeth* | 29 | ROTHENBUEHLER | CARA, ----- | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Luckey (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 5 sis, 1 bro remain; 1 child dead [NOTE: maiden name may be ROTHENBUCHLER] | |
12/27/1887 | 827 | ROTHENBUEHLER, Elizabeth* | 29 | CARA, ----- | OH | OH: Wood Co.: Luckey (d); husb, 2 chren, pars, 5 sis, 1 bro remain; 1 child dead [NOTE: maiden name may be ROTHENBUCHLER] | ||
12/27/1887 | 827 | CARA, ----- | ROTHENBUEHLER, Elizabeth* [perhaps ROTHENBUCHLER] | |||||
12/27/1887 | 827 | YOUTS, Norman* | 2 mos | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Louisville (d); son of John B. [place of death determined by res of minister, H. B. Summers]; this surname should be YOUTZ, a family name of ABudd | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | GROFF, Laura Jane* | 3 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bowmansville (d); dau of W. S. & Mary E.; croup | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | GRILL, Jannie M.* | 2 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Bowmansville (d); dau of W. D. & Ida K.; diphtheria | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | HORST, Jacob Clemson* | 2 | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); son of Joseph W. & Harriet | |||
12/27/1887 | 827 | WATTS, Lizzie* | 4 | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); dau of S. S. & Annie |
Number of items that your search found: 1120