DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
07/03/1888427LEH, Stephen*68SCHMIDT, Eliza AnnaPAPA: Coplay (d); md 1852; widow, 1 dau, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; pneumonia
07/03/1888427SCHMIDT, Eliza AnnaLEH, Stephen*
07/03/1888427LEH, Eliza AnnaLEH, Stephen*
07/03/1888427WIZZER, Susan*58WIZZER, IsaiahPAPA: Allentown (d); 1 dau remains; husb dead; catarrhal dyspepsia
07/03/1888427-----, Susan*58WIZZER, IsaiahPAPA: Allentown (d); 1 dau remains; husb dead; catarrhal dyspepsia
07/03/1888427WIZZER, Isaiah-----, Susan*
07/03/1888427HEGEL, Flora Ella*9----: Minister: BAUMGARTNER, S. A.; dau of Jacob & Mary; erysipelas
07/03/1888427HARTUNG, Richard*78KLICK, MariaINPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IN: Elkhart Co.: Dunlap area (d); to Stark Co., OH, 1812; md 1830, wife of Stark Co.; to Noble Co., IN, 1854; to Elkhart Co., 1864; widow, 2 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 7 chren dead
07/03/1888427EXAMPLE:, see HARTUNG, Richard, Jul 3, 1888, p 427numerous residences
07/03/1888427KLICK, MariaHARTUNG, Richard*
07/03/1888427HARTUNG, MariaHARTUNG, Richard*
07/03/1888427PLATT, Mary A.*77
07/03/1888427BARGER, Samual [sic]*75BARBIN, HarrietINPA: Northumberland Co.: Derry Tp. (b Nov 9, 1812)IN: Elkhart (d); son of George & Margaret; md May 16, 1841; widow, 1 son, 2 daus, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; died suddenly
07/03/1888427BARBIN, HarrietBARGER, Samual [sic]*
07/03/1888427BARGER, HarrietBARGER, Samual [sic]*
07/03/1888427EXAMPLE:, see BARGER, Samual [sic], Jul 3, 1888, p 427parents' names of one b 1812
07/03/1888427FORTNER, Laura Eders [?]*14PAPA: Wind Gap (d); dau of Josiah & Elizabeth; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption
07/03/1888427RISMILLER, Daniel*82PAPA: Berks Co.: Richmond Tp. (b)PA: Nazareth (d); 3 sons, 7 daus remain; wife, 1 son dead; dropsy
07/03/1888427FREDRICK, Robert F.*27ININ: Goshen (place of bur & home of pars); place of death not given; fireman on Santa Fe R.R., struck by bridge timber while crossing bridge; body to Newton [no state named, but perhaps KS] where bro G. W. resides; body then to Goshen
07/03/1888427SLAGENWHITE, Frederick*85PAGERMANY (res prev)PA: Lycoming Co.: Salladasburg area (d); 3 chren remain; wife, 6 chren dead
07/03/1888427WEBER, Charlotte C.*39NENE: Red Cloud area (d); dau of Louis & Catharine; niece of Rev. C. LINDEMAN of IL Conf.; mother, 4 bros remain
07/03/1888427EXAMPLE:, see WEBER, Charlotte C., Jul 3, 1888, p 427clue for mother's maiden name
07/03/1888427TAVENNER, Orrey A.*3OHOH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; son of Jonah & Amelia; has twin brother
07/03/1888427WEAVER, Ida Louisa*19FORTNERWEAVER, EmoryPAPA: Wind Gap (d); husb, 1 dau remain
07/03/1888427FORTNER, Ida Louisa*19WEAVER, EmoryPAPA: Wind Gap (d); husb, 1 dau remain
07/03/1888427WEAVER, EmoryFORTNER, Ida Louisa*
07/10/1888443SARBER, Michael Maize*63OHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Richland Co. (d); joined Evan. Ch. in Berlin, PA at age 18; wife, 9 chren, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; 1 child dead [corr to BARBER, Jul 24, p 475]
07/10/1888443RICHARDS, Lillie Vilera*16----: Minister: KRUPP, B. C.; dau of Reuben C. & Sarah; hasty consumption
07/10/1888443CLINKER, Elizabeth*93CLINKER, IsaacOHPA (b Oct 1794)OH: North Lima area (d); to OH 1804; md Apr 1816; was widow 54 yrs; had 11 chren
07/10/1888443-----, Elizabeth*93CLINKER, IsaacOHPA (b Oct 1794)OH: North Lima area (d); to OH 1804; md Apr 1816, was widow 54 yrs; had 11 chren
07/10/1888443CLINKER, Isaac-----, Elizabeth*
07/10/1888443HAMER, George L.*20----: Minister: FLOTO, C. F.; son of John & Leah; att Cent. State Normal School, Lock Haven, PA; pars, 2 sis remain; drowned
07/10/1888443MENNEWISCH, Catharine*68HELMIGMENNEWISCH, Fr.PAPRUSSIA: WestereuppelnPA: Pittsburg area (d); md 1846; to AMER same yr to Pittsburg; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead. [NOTE: there is a Westerkappeln in former Prussian prov. in Westphalia]
07/10/1888443HELMIG, Catharine*68MENNEWISCH, Fr.PAPRUSSIA: WestereuppelnPA: Pittsburg area (d); md 1846; to AMER same yr to Pittsburg; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead. [NOTE: there is a Westerkappeln in former Prussian prov. in Westphalia]
07/10/1888443MENNEWISCH, Fr.HELMIG, Catharine*
07/10/1888443GIBBS, Lizzie A.*26MICHAELGIBBS, -----ILIL: Carroll Co. (b)IL: Elkhorn (d); md Dec 3, 1885; husb, pars, siblings remain; 1 bro dead
07/10/1888443MICHAEL, Lizzie A.*26GIBBS, -----ILIL: Carroll Co. (b)IL: Elkhorn (d); md Dec 3, 1885; husb, pars, siblings remain; 1 bro dead
07/10/1888443GIBBS, -----MICHAEL, Lizzie*
07/10/1888443SHOWALTER, Margaret Jane*15PAPA: Terre Hill area (d); dau of Curtis & Anne; taught S.S. 25 yrs; aged mother, 1 sis, 2 bros remain
07/10/1888443SCHWARTZ, Catherine*42SCHWARTZ, JacobONTONT: Strasburg (b)ONT: Hesleper (d); husb, 9 chren remain
07/10/1888443-----, Catherine*42SCHWARTZ, JacobONTONT: Strasburg (b)ONT: Hesleper (d); husb, 9 chren remain
07/10/1888443SCHWARTZ, Jacob-----, Catherine*
07/10/1888443ALBRIGHT, -----*70MYERSALBRIGHT, -----IAIA: Johnson Co.: Penn Tp. (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 3 chren dead
07/10/1888443MYERS, -----*70ALBRIGHT, -----IAIA: Johnson Co.: Penn Tp. (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 3 chren dead
07/10/1888443ALBRIGHT, -----MYERS, -----*
07/10/1888443JAMES, Mary*63WELLSJAMES, JesseOHOH: submitting minister of Sulphus Springs, OH, at this time; dau of Wm. & Rebecca; md Sep 23, 1847; had 4 sons, 3 daus; husb & 2 of the chren dead
07/10/1888443WELLS, Mary*63JAMES, JesseOHOH: submitting minister of Sulphus Springs, OH, at this time; dau of Wm. & Rebecca; md Sep 23, 1847; had 4 sons, 3 daus; husb & 2 of the chren dead
07/10/1888443JAMES, JesseWELLS, Mary*
07/10/1888443MICKLEY, Susan*40NYNY: Fayette (d); husb, widowed mother, bro, 2 sis remain
07/10/1888443WIDMEYER, John*71MIGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)MI Conf.: Whiteford circuit: Whiteford Centre (d); to AMER 34 yrs ago; 1of 6 to organize So. Whiteford Class [Church]; widow remains
07/10/1888443SIMON, Heller*66ILPA: Lehigh Co. (b)IL: Loraine Co. (d); to IL 1844; widow, 10 chren remain; 1st wife, 3 chren dead; carbuncle led to blood poisoning [md twice, wives not named here]
07/10/1888443BLOSSER, Frankie*7NYNY: Niag. Co.: Raymond (d); dau of Chauncey & Caroline; bur Chestnut Ridge Cem.; scarlet fever/dropsy
07/10/1888443PFEIFFER, Charles*30MIMI: Adrian area (d); pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; measles
07/17/1888459TROUTMAN, Catharine*64TROUTMAN, Sam'lPAPA: Herndon (d); husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain
07/17/1888459-----, Catharine*64TROUTMAN, Sam'lPAPA: Herndon (d); husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain
07/17/1888459TROUTMAN, Sam'l-----, Catharine*
07/17/1888459BOWER, Michael*77KLICK, RebeccaMIPA (b)MI: Saginaw Co.: Chesaning area (d); as a boy to Greensburg, Stark Co. [now (2009) Summit Co.], OH; md age 24; res Noble Co., IN 1849-1867, to MI in bounds of Owosso Circuit, 1867; wife, 4 sons remain; 5 chren dead
07/17/1888459KLICK, RebeccaBOWER, Michael*
07/17/1888459BOWER, RebeccaBOWER, Michael*
07/17/1888459KNOX, James*60IAIRELAND (b)IA: Marysville area (d). "In 1880, having changed his locationÉ."; widow, 4 chren, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
07/17/1888459WEIKEL, Margarett*60LONGWEIKEL, ----- [Joseph]OHOH: Ashland Co.: Red Haw area (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead. [Ash. Co. Cem. Recs, p 234: Marguerite d Jul 31, 1888 [obit says d Jul 3] ae 60y 3m 20ds; Joseph d Apr 1, 1886 ae 77y 1m 6d (gravestone poss misread since obit says he remains)]
07/17/1888459LONG, Margarett*60WEIKEL, -----OHOH: Ashland Co.: Red Haw area (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead. [Ash. Co. Cem. Recs, p 234: Marguerite d Jul 31, 1888 [obit says d Jul 3] ae 60y 3m 20ds; Joseph d Apr 1, 1886 ae 77y 1m 6d (gravestone poss misread since obit says he remains)]
07/17/1888459WEIKEL, ----- [Joseph]LONG, Margarett*
07/17/1888459EXAMPLE:, see WEIKEL, Margarett, Jul 17, 1888, p 459gravestone death date possibly misread + husb is living
07/17/1888459SLEGEL, Joel E. (Dr.)*55PAPA: Reading (d); wife, 3 chren, mother, 1 bro remain; lung affection
07/17/1888459KOHR, Mary E.*--MYGRANTSKOHR, -----ININ: Markel area (d); husb, 2 chren, one a babe, remain. Procession half mile long in spite of rain
07/17/1888459MYGRANTS, Mary E.*--KOHR, -----ININ: Markel area (d); husb, 2 chren, one a babe, remain. Procession half mile long in spite of rain
07/17/1888459KOHR, -----MYGRANTS, Mary E.*
07/17/1888459ECHTERNACHT, Jacob*47PAPA: Philadelphia (d); widow, one little son, 5 sis remain; fell in a tank of boiling liquid; suffered several hrs of excruciating pain
07/17/1888459DAVIS, W. H.*38IAIA: Plymouth Co.: Kingsley area (d); widow remains
07/17/1888459YELCH, Mary*69HUGEYELCH, Geo.ILATLANTIC OCEAN (b)IL: Olney (d); md ca 35 yrs; husb d 15 yrs ago; had 10 chren, of whom 7 survive and 4 are members of Evan. Assn.
07/17/1888459EXAMPLE:, see YELCH, Mary, Jul 17, 1888 p 459]born on Atlantic Ocean
07/17/1888459HUGE, Mary*69YELCH, Geo.ILATLANTIC OCEAN (b)IL: Olney (d); md ca 35 yrs; husb d 15 yrs ago; had 10 chren, of whom 7 survive and 4 are members of Evan. Assn.
07/17/1888459YELCH, Geo.HUGE, Mary*
07/17/1888459WEAVER, Hannah*72WEAVER, Joseph (husb #2; now deceased)PAPA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d)
07/17/1888459-----, Hannah*72MULL, ----- (husb #1; had 6 sons, 3 daus)PAPA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d)
07/17/1888459MULL, Hannah*72WEAVER, Joseph (husb #2; now deceased)PAPA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d)
07/17/1888459WEAVER, JosephMULL, Hannah*
07/17/1888459MULL, ----------, Hannah*
07/17/1888459GECKLE, Anna Mary*68PAPA: Westmoreland Co. (d); aged husb, 2 daus remain
07/17/1888459CLAUSER, Elizabeth*77CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.)PAPA: Steelstown area (d)
07/17/1888459-----, Elizabeth*77CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.)PAPA: Steelstown area (d)
07/17/1888459CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.)-----, Elizabeth*
07/17/1888459FREDERICK, Susan*86FREDERICK, Jos.PAPA: Trevorton (d); 4 sons remain. "She led a quiet and peaceful lifeÉ."
07/17/1888459-----, Susan*86FREDERICK, Jos.PAPA: Trevorton (d); 4 sons remain. "She led a quiet and peaceful lifeÉ."
07/17/1888459FREDERICK, Jos.-----, Susan*
07/17/1888459MYERS, Martin*39OHOH: submitting minister of Ashland, OH, at this time; wife, 4 chren remain
07/17/1888459BONE, F. (Rev.)officiated at MYERS, Martin funeral, Jul 17, 1888 p 459
07/17/1888459HERMAN, Elizabeth*80ILIL: Cedarville (d); paralysis. "Her bereaved husband is afflicted with dropsy, and has to sit in a chair all the time."
07/24/1888475YAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)*79HUFFER, SarahOHPA: Berks Co. (b)OH: Wyandot Co.: McCutcheonville area (d); son of John H. & Sabylla (GLICK); to Seneca Co., OH, w/ pars, 1831; licensed 1832; md Feb 10, 1839, Pickaway Co., OH; 9 chren remain; wife, 4 chren dead
07/24/1888475HUFFER, SarahYAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)*
07/24/1888475YAMBERT, SarahYAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)*
07/24/1888475GLASSBURN, David*76----: Minister: WOODHULL; number of chren remain
07/24/1888475SCHWARTZ, Malvina*24KNITTERSCHWARTZ, HenryKSKS: Onaga (d); husb, 2 chren, father, 4 sis, 5 bros remain
07/24/1888475KNITTER, Malvina*24SCHWARTZ, HenryKSKS: Onaga (d); husb, 2 chren, father, 4 sis, 5 bros remain
07/24/1888475SCHWARTZ, HenryKNITTEr, Malvina*
07/24/1888475SMITH, John B.*78KSPA: Lehigh Co. (b May 2, 1810)KS: Jewell City (d); to Stevenson Co., IL, 1847; to Jewell City May 9, 1888 to res w/ son L. P.; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain
07/24/1888475RICHARD, Sybilla R.*80HERRINGRICHARD, -----IAPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IA: Benton Co.: Belle Plain (d); several chren remain; both husbs dead; dropsy [md twice, husbs not named here]
07/24/1888475HERRING, Sybilla R.*80RICHARD, -----IAPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IA: Benton Co.: Belle Plain (d); several chren remain; both husbs dead; dropsy
07/24/1888475RICHARD, -----HERRING, Sybilla R.*
07/24/1888475McCRACKEN, Catharine Ann*52McCRACKEN, SamuelMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); physically afflicted husb, sorrowing dau remain
07/24/1888475-----, Catharine Ann*52McCRACKEN, SamuelMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); physically afflicted husb, sorrowing dau remain
07/24/1888475McCRACKEN, Samuel-----, Catharine Ann*
07/24/1888475KEFFER, Leah J.*30MERTZKEFFER, WellingtonONTPA: Allentown (b)ONT: Hespeler (d); dau of William MERTZ (deceased) & Sarah AUNIE [is this a middle or surname?]; md Oct 2, 1883; husb, mother, 5 bros, 1 sis; had 3 chren, 2 are dead [does not mention a surviving child]
07/24/1888475MERTZ, Leah J.*30KEFFER, WellingtonONTPA: Allentown (b)ONT: Hespeler (d); dau of William MERTZ (deceased) & Sarah AUNIE; md Oct 2, 1883; husb, mother, 5 bros, 1 sis; had 3 chren, 2 are dead [does not mention a surviving child]. There is confusion about surnames of parents.
07/24/1888475KEFFER, WellingtonMERTZ, Leah J.*
07/24/1888475HEILMAN, Mary Elizabeth*57FISCHERHEILMAN, GeorgeILGERMANY: Baden: Hackenheim (b)IL: Ridott (d); md Aug 3, 1854; husb, 3 daus, 3 sons, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; bur State Rd. Ch. of Evan. Assn.
07/24/1888475FISCHER, Mary Elizabeth*57HEILMAN, GeorgeILGERMANY: Baden: Hackenheim (b)IL: Ridott (d); md Aug 3, 1854; husb, 3 daus, 3 sons, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; bur State Rd. Ch. of Evan. Assn.
07/24/1888475HEILMAN, GeorgeFISCHER, Mary Elizabeth*
07/24/1888475HECKATHORN, Freddie Mitchell*3 mos----: Minister: PEEK, F. M.; son of Joel & Mary; whooping cough & lung fever. "The mother died April 13, of sinking chills." 3 sons, 4 daus still spared to the bereaved husb & father [d Jul 10]
07/24/1888475BUTZ, Johanna*73BUTZ, A. K.IAIA: Butler Co.: Dumont area (d); md 24 yrs. "Her step-son, Rev. H. S. Butz, was also present at the funeral." [poss md twice]
07/24/1888475-----, Johanna*73BUTZ, A. K.IAIA: Butler Co.: Dumont area (d); md 24 yrs. "Her step-son, Rev. H. S. Butz, was also present at the funeral." [poss md twice]
07/24/1888475BUTZ, A. K.-----, Johanna*
07/24/1888475HENDERSON, Thomas*65OHOH: Cleveland (d)
07/24/1888475KING, Hugh*83KNIGHT, Mary M.OHOH: Jefferson Co. (b)OH: Fulton Co.: Wauseon area (d); to Wayne Co., OH, w/ pars 1814; md Jun 6, 1833; wife died 17 yrs ago; to Wauseon area 1852; 1 son, 2 daus remain
07/24/1888475KNIGHT, Mary M.KING, Hugh*
07/24/1888475KING, Mary M.KING, Hugh*
07/24/1888475FRYBARGER, Mary*73OHPA: Somerset Co. (b)OH: Fulton Co.: Fulton Tp. (d) went there in 1854; widow for 30+ yrs, blind the last 2-3 yrs; 11 chren remain, 1 child dead
07/24/1888475DIBLER, Sarah*64MIPA (b)MI: Quincy (d); was a mother to the motherless, a faithful wife
07/24/1888475KILIAN, John Geo.*84MDEUROPE (b)MD: Baltimore area (d); to AMER 1846; wife died 11 mos ago; member McElderry St. Church
07/24/1888475MILLER, Susannah*75ININ: Huntington area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 8 chren dead
07/24/1888475REBER, Mary C.*51REBER, Levi [son of the late Rev. W.]PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 3 daus remain
07/24/1888475-----, Mary C.*51REBER, Levi [son of the late Rev. W.]PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 3 daus remain
07/24/1888475REBER, Levi-----, Mary C.*
07/24/1888475ARNER, William*15PAPA: Carbon Co.: Nesquehoning (d); son of William & Rebecca; worked in Weldip Coal Mines, was thrown down a 36' shute by an explosion; died next morning
07/24/1888475BARBER, Michael Maize63OHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Richland Co. (d); joined Evan Ch. in Berlin, PA, at age 18; wife, 9 chren, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; 1 child dead[orig. pub. under name of SARBER, Jul 10, p 443]
07/31/1888491SINDLINGER, M. (Rev.)*77PAWURTEMBERG: O. A. Herrenberg: Kupengen (b Dec 6, 1810)PA: Philadelphia area (d); to AMER w/ pars 1819; to PA; pastorates in NY & PA; wife, 2 bros remain; funeral in church at Bridesburg [PA]
07/31/1888491CROWELL, Laura K.*25GETZCROWELL, J. W. (Prof.)PAPA: Reading Immanuel Evan. Church member; died 10 ds after returning from Trinity College, NC; Crowell was former principal of Schuylkill Seminary
07/31/1888491GETZ, Laura K.*25CROWELL, J. W. (Prof.)PAPA: Reading Immanuel Evan. Church member; died 10 ds after returning from Trinity College, NC; Crowell was former principal of Schuylkill Seminary
07/31/1888491CROWELL, J. W. (Prof.)GETZ, Laura K.*
07/31/1888491EBURG, Henry*62PAHANOVER: Wachendorf (b)PA: Pittsburg (d); to this city 1845; wife, 11 chren remain
07/31/1888491KUHN, George Peter*82OHOH: Wayne Co.: Wooster area (d). " É he was a good old man."
07/31/1888491BICKEL, John C.*57PAPA: Womelsdorf (d); widow, 2 sons, 5 daus remain
07/31/1888491SHROCK, Sarah Elizabeth*32SHROCK, John J.OHIN: Ligonier (b)OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; husb, 5 chren, mother, 3 sis, 3 bros remain
07/31/1888491-----, Sarah Elizabeth*32SHROCK, John J.OHIN: Ligonier (b)OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; husb, 5 chren, mother, 3 sis, 3 bros remain
07/31/1888491SHROCK, John J.-----, Sarah Elizabeth*
07/31/1888491BOLENDER, Maggie F.*23FERGUSONBOLENDER, B. F.OHOH: Stoutsville (d); md Mar 10, 1885; husb, pars, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption
07/31/1888491FERGUSON, Maggie F.*23BOLENDER, B. F.OHOH: Stoutsville (d); md Mar 10, 1885; husb, pars, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption
07/31/1888491BOLENDER, B. F.FERGUSON, Maggie F.*
07/31/1888491BEAR, John*78HETTINGER, ElizabethINPA: Schuylkill Co. (b)IN: East Germantown (d); md Jun 24, 1838; to E. Germ. 1846; wife, 2 chren, 1 bro, 2 sis remain
07/31/1888491HETTINGER, ElizabethBEAR, John*
07/31/1888491BEAR, ElizabethBEAR, John*
07/31/1888491CASSIDY, Laura M.*24NEFFCASSIDY, -----PAPA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (b)PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (funeral held at her native place), [Note: but not necessarily the place of death]; husb, 2 small daus, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption
07/31/1888491NEFF, Laura M.*24CASSIDY, -----PAPA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (b)PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (funeral held at her native place), [Note: but not necessarily the place of death]; husb, 2 small daus, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption
07/31/1888491CASSIDY, -----NEFF, Laura M.*
07/31/1888491ANDERSON, John*78PAPA: Delaware Co.: Glen Olden (d); converted at Shoemakersville; his home was the home of pioneer ministers. "He leaves a wife and 8 chren, (all in the ark)." bur Philadelphia, PA
07/31/1888491BROTHERS, Oliver S.*31OHPA: Fayette Co. (b)OH:West Salem (d); consumption
07/31/1888491AXTELL, Charley M.*5NENE: Cambridge area (d); son of Eugene & Carrie; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain
07/31/1888491PATTERSON, Orin Grove*1----: Minister: NYE, J. W.; son of Lyman V. & Emma
07/31/1888491SPENCE, Ruth*1ININ: Wayne Co.: Cambridge City (d); dau of Adam & Nora
07/31/1888491HITLER, Roy E.*1OHOH: Circleville area (d); son of Geo. & Ida
07/31/1888491MYERS, -----*9 mosNDND: Langdon (d); dau of Josiah; bowel inflammation [was Dakota Terr. at that time; is no Langdon in SD, so had to be in what is now ND]
08/07/1888507FRALEY, Elizabeth*64HARTMANFRALEY, B.ILPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IL: Naperville (d); husb, 3 chren, 89-yr-old father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
08/07/1888507HARTMAN, Elizabeth*64FRALEY, B.ILPA: Lancaster Co. (b)IL: Naperville (d); husb, 3 chren, 89-yr-old father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain
08/07/1888507FRALEY, B.HARTMAN, Elizabeth*
08/07/1888507BACH, Agnes Katharine*71WALTERBACH, JohnILGERMANY: Wurt. (b)IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d); to AMER 1840; to Des Plaines, Cook Co., 1843; husb, 7 chren, 1 adopted child remain; 9 chren dead
08/07/1888507WALTER, Agnes Katharine*71BACH, JohnILGERMANY: Wurt. (b)IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d); to AMER 1840; to Des Plaines, Cook Co., 1843; husb, 7 chren, 1 adopted child remain; 9 chren dead
08/07/1888507BACH, JohnWALTER, Agnes Katharine*
08/07/1888507STANGER, Mary*66ESHERSTANGER, -----ILGERMANY: Alsace (b)IL: Cook Co.: Wheeling (died at home of son George); converted age 13 at Warren, PA 5 sons, 2 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. S. F. ENTORF of IL Conf.; funeral at the Desplaines Church
08/07/1888507ESHER, Mary*66STANGER, -----ILGERMANY: Alsace (b)IL: Cook Co.: Wheeling (died at home of son George); converted age 13 at Warren, PA 5 sons, 2 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. S. F. ENTORF of IL Conf.; funeral at the Desplaines Church
08/07/1888507STANGER, -----ESHER, Mary*
08/07/1888507WALLICK, Emma A.*34ININ: Richmond (d)
08/07/1888507LINK, Barbara C.*55LINK, AugustPAPA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); husb, 3 sons remain
08/07/1888507-----, Barbara C.*55LINK, AugustPAPA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); husb, 3 sons remain
08/07/1888507LINK, August-----, Barbara C.*
08/07/1888507BALLOU, Della*31IAIA: Adams Co. (d); remaining are husb & 3 little daus, two of whom became members of our church last winter
08/07/1888507MILLER, Charles Fred*22ILIL: Hampshire (d); oldest child of Jacob & Barbara; pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; scarlet fever for 4 days
08/07/1888507RATHGE, John Henry*56ILHANOVER: Dannenberg: Jamel (b)IL: Will Co.: Symerton area (d); to AMER 1859; wife, 3 daus, 1 son remain
08/07/1888507PACKER, Ella (Miss)*22IAIA: Mt. Etna (d); just closed a 9-mos' school, to get md in a few days
08/07/1888507DERK, Sarah*74HAUPTDERK, Geo.PAPA: Trevorton (d); unable to walk for 5 yrs; husb, 1 son remain
08/07/1888507HAUPT, Sarah*74DERK, Geo.PAPA: Trevorton (d); unable to walk for 5 yrs; husb, 1 son remain
08/07/1888507DERK, Geo.HAUPT, Sarah*
08/07/1888507POWELL, Daniel*77OHPA: Mifflin Co. (b)OH: Carey area (d); 8 chren remain; wife, 7 grchren dead. His pastor, Rev. Powell, was a near relative.
08/07/1888507LAYTON, Mary Effa*7ININ: Noblesville (d); dau of Edward & Areen; typhoid fever for 8 wks. This is the 4th little one of this family to die.
08/07/1888507ERNST, Daniel Lewis*5 mosNENE: Richardson Co.: son of Charles & Ernstena; dysentery
08/07/1888507KOOS, Clev Llewellen*6 mosOHOH: Delta area (d); son of Albert & Martha; heart enlargement & congestion
08/07/1888507McMURAN, Flora*2IAIA: Adams Co. (d) [d Jun 17]
08/07/1888507McMURAN Johnny* [d Jun 25], 1IAIA: Adams Co. (d)
08/07/1888507MILLER, David*7 mosIAIA: Sac Co. (d); son of Philip & Sarah Jane
08/07/1888507McMURAN, Hattie*1IAIA: Carbon [Adams Co.] (d) [d Jul 23]
08/07/1888507COLLINS, Stella*2IAIA: Carbon (d); widow remains
08/07/1888507HUNTER, James*1IAIA: Carbon (d); gray flux
08/07/1888507HART, Della*1IAIA: Carbon (d); gray flux
08/14/1888523MUNSCH, Philip*78GRAFF, MagdalenaILALSACE: Homberg (b)IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1826; md 1833; 3 chren remain; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus dead
08/14/1888523GRAFF, MagdalenaMUNSCH, Philip*
08/14/1888523MUNSCH, MagdalenaMUNSCH, Philip*
08/14/1888523POWNALL, Catherine*63MYERSPOWNALL, JohnINOH: Preble Co. (b)IN: Fulton Co. (d); md Oct 5, 1843; to Fulton Co. 1847; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 sons, 3 daus dead
08/14/1888523MYERS, Catherine*63POWNALL, JohnINOH: Preble Co. (b)IN: Fulton Co. (d); md Oct 5, 1843; to Fulton Co. 1847; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 sons, 3 daus dead
08/14/1888523POWNALL, JohnMYERS, Catherine*
08/14/1888523WERTHWEIN, Friedericka*53WIDMEYERWERTHWEIN, EberhardILWURTEMBERG (b)IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1852; md 1853; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
08/14/1888523WIDMEYER, Friedericka*53WERTHWEIN, EberhardILWURTEMBERG (b)IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1852; md 1853; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
08/14/1888523WERTHWEIN, EberhardWIDMEYER, Friedericka*
08/14/1888523MILLER, Daniel C.*25PAPA: Chester Co.: Warwick area (d); youngest son of Wm. & Sarah; widow, infant dau, pars, siblings remain; consumption
08/14/1888523TROYER, Jacob*82INPA: Somerset Co. (b)IN: Howard Co. (d); res OH, before IN; aged wife, 7 chren remain, of whom 3 are Evan. Ministers: Revs. A. J. & J. K. of IN Conf. & Rev. E. R. of So. IN Conf.; 1 son dead
08/14/1888523McCLOUD, Herman*77PAPA: West Earl (d); aged wife, 3 daus, 4 sons remain, one son being Rev. Geo. of East PA Conf.; dropsy
08/14/1888523BARNES, Mary*21ININ: Huntington (d); taught S. S. class the week of her death; pars, siblings remain; brain fever
08/14/1888523PLOCHER, Frederick*86INWURTEMBERG: Sultz am Neckar (b)IN: Adams Co.: Union Tp. (died at home of only dau Mrs. Jacob AHR); to AMER 1832, res Tuscarawas Co., OH; to Adams Co., IN, 1845
08/14/1888523DeFREHN, Elias*75PAPA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain
08/14/1888523HOLTZINGER, Lillie Agnes*23HOLTZINGER, George A.PAPA: Bethlehem (d); husb, 1 child, mother, 3 bros, 4 sis remain
08/14/1888523-----, Lillie Agnes*23HOLTZINGER, George A.
08/14/1888523HOLTZINGER, George A.-----, Lillie Agnes*
08/14/1888523GARNER, Catharine*66PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Earlville (d); husb, chren remain; malaria/rheumatism
08/14/1888523MAUK, Lillie*6 mosKSKS: Turon (d); infant twin dau of B. F. & J. P.; cholera infantum
08/14/1888523DIETZ, Jacob*21MDMD: Baltimore (d); son of John & Margaret; pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain
08/14/1888523KAUFMAN, Lydia*15KSKS: Newton (d); youngest dau of A.
08/14/1888523GARLINGER, Margaret Olive*8 mosOHOH: Mt. Cory (d); dau of Henry & Melcendra
08/14/1888523DILLMAN, Isaac B.*2PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Roseville (d); son of John & Lizzie; scarlet fever
08/14/1888523LAWRENCE, Orril Lauera*6 mosIAIA: Pottawattamie Co.: James Tp. (d); dau of James & Bell
08/14/1888523KARL, Gustav Louis*9 mosNYNY: Geneva (d); ch of Charles & Ottilie
08/21/1888539DEININGER, C. F. (Rev.)*62PAPA: York (d); pastor of Queen St. Evan. Ch; lists various PA pastorates; in 1864 was 1st missionary to Pacific coast for 3 yrs: San Francisco, CA & Salem OR; wife & chren remain [lengthy obit]
08/21/1888539MANWILLER, Louisa Anna*31EDELMANMANWILLER, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 1 dau, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
08/21/1888539EDELMAN, Louisa Anna*31MANWILLER, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 1 dau, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
08/21/1888539MANWILLER, -----EDELMAN, Louisa Anna*
08/21/1888539CUSTER, Allie*20IAIA: Shelby Co.: Lincoln Tp. (d); dau of Rudy Custer; sick 1 week
08/21/1888539SNYDER, Susan*70SNYDER, SimonPAPA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb died ca 5 yrs ago; 2 sons remain
08/21/1888539-----, Susan*70SNYDER, SimonPAPA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb died ca 5 yrs ago; 2 sons remain
08/21/1888539SNYDER, Simon-----, Susan*
08/21/1888539FREHAFER, John*76PAPA: Schuylkill Haven (d); member St. Peter's Evan Ch. 46 yrs, known for his promptness; widow, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; typhoid pneumonia
08/21/1888539WILLIAMS, Orlanda [sic] A.*45OHOH: Chillicothe area (d); wife, 4 sm chren remain
08/21/1888539STORMER, John*58PAPA: Jeff. Co.: Worthville area (d); wife, 9 chren, 4 bros remain; asthma
08/21/1888539HANNAHS, Barbara*67NYNY: Oneida C.: South Trenton (d); husb, 5 sons remain; 1 dau dead; heart disease
08/21/1888539LEIBENGUTH, Reuben*74PAPA: Northampton Co. (b)PA: Allentown (d); 4 chren, 2 sis remain; wife dead; affection of the liver
08/21/1888539SEESE, Savilla*32PAPA: Scalplevel area (d)
08/21/1888539HUBLER, John*96PAPA: Pine Grove (d); joined Evan. Ch. ca 60 yrs ago
08/21/1888539BENDER, Elizabeth*52BENDER, JeromePAPA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d); husb, chren remain
08/21/1888539-----, Elizabeth*52BENDER, JeromePAPA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d); husb, chren remain
08/21/1888539BENDER, Jerome-----, Elizabeth*
08/21/1888539LONG, Catharine E.*46SHERRERLONG, -----OHOH: Belmore (d); bur Lima the following day
08/21/1888539SHERRER, Catharine E.*46LONG, -----OHOH: Belmore (d); bur Lima the following day
08/21/1888539LONG, -----SHERRER, Catharine E.*
08/21/1888539WORLEY, Clarence*1PAPA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of Wm. & Lizzie; cholera infantum
08/21/1888539TAUNEY, Robert J. *1----: Minister: SMITH, J. W.; son of Benj. & E.
08/21/1888539McLANE, Harrison M.*1 moOHOH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; adopted child of Mr. & Mrs. McLANE
08/21/1888539MYERS, Lucy*1OHOH: Seneca Co.: Old Fort (d); dau of Winfield & Ella MEYERS
08/21/1888539HONECKER, Margaret*babyPAPA: Erie (d); dau of Henry & Lydia
08/21/1888539BEERY, Onie Bell*1 moILIL: Yantisville (d); dau of John
08/21/1888539FINFROCK, Nellie*4 mosKSKS: Newton (d); dau of Alfred & Catharine
08/28/1888555MAYER, M. (Rev.)*73HOSTERMANN, Anna CorneliaILGERMANY: Bavaria: Germersheim: Westheim Co. (b)IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1851 to Spencer Co., IN; md 1845; wife, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead; many & varied pastorates, all described herein
08/28/1888555HOSTERMANN, Anna CorneliaMAYER, M. (Rev.)*
08/28/1888555MAYER, Anna CorneliaMAYER, M. (Rev.)*
08/28/1888555SHEARER, Jonathan*69OHOH: Stark Co.: Mapleton (d); member Evan Ch. 27 yrs; his home abounded in hospitality for Evan. preachers; wife #1 dead; he md wife #2 ca 4 yrs ago; 8 daus remain; died unexpectedly [md twice, wives not named here]
08/28/1888555KRAEMER, Henry*80ILPRUSSIA: Saarbrucken (b)IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1833; res PA; to Wabash Co., IL, 1836; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; 6 chren dead
08/28/1888555KIHLBOM, Otto*46IAIA: Des Moines (d); asst chief of city fire dept; funeral one of largest in Des Moines; police/fire attended in a body; wife, 3 chren remain
08/28/1888555MANEVAL, Elizabeth*68MANEVAL, DavidPAPA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (died at home of son-in-law, T. COWDEN, on Elm St.); 7 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead
08/28/1888555-----, Elizabeth*68MANEVAL, DavidPAPA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (died at home of son-in-law, T. COWDEN, on Elm St.); 7 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead
08/28/1888555MANEVAL, David-----, Elizabeth*
08/28/1888555HETZEL, Sophia A.*70WEIBELHETZEL, -----IAPA: Reading (b)IA: Johnson Co.; Hardin Tp. (d); md 1841; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead
08/28/1888555WEIBEL, Sophia A.*70HETZEL, -----IAPA: Reading (b)IA: Johnson Co.; Hardin Tp. (d); md 1841; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead
08/28/1888555HETZEL, -----WEIBEL, Sophia A.*
08/28/1888555BELGER, Otto F.*25ILIN: Laporte (b)IL: Grand Crossing (d); pars, 1 sis, 3 bros remain; had pleurisy pneumona 9 mos
08/28/1888555LANGS, George*73MIPA: Northumberland (b)MI: Monroe Co.: Port Creek (d); to Flat Rock area ca 35 yrs ago; converted under J. Borough; wife, 6 chren remain
08/28/1888555BOROUGH, J. (Rev.),mentioned in obit of LANGS, George, Aug 28, 1888, p 555
08/28/1888555SECRIST, Elizabeth*74SECRIST, HenryOHOH: submitting minister of Butler, Richland Co., OH; md Sep 18, 1836; husb remains; all chren dead (1 son, 4 daus)
08/28/1888555-----, Elizabeth*74SECRIST, HenryOHOH: submitting minister of Butler, Richland Co., OH; md Sep 18, 1836; husb remains; all chren dead (1 son, 4 daus)
08/28/1888555SECRIST, Henry-----, Elizabeth*
08/28/1888555NEWMARKER, Catharine*--SEABALDNEWMARKER, -----IAIA: Council Bluffs (d); last 3 mos w/ pars at Council Bluffs; husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 5 sis remain; consumption
08/28/1888555SEABALD, Catharine*--NEWMARKER, -----IAIA: Council Bluffs (d); last 3 mos w/ pars at Council Bluffs; husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 5 sis remain; consumption
08/28/1888555NEWMARKER, -----SEABALD, Catharine*
08/28/1888555PEPPERMAN, Letitia*26ILIL: Cedarville (d); pars, siblings remain; pleuro-pneumonia
08/28/1888555EBERSOL, Mary*40MIMI: Buchanan area (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth EBERSOL; pars, brothers remain; typhoid malarial fever
08/28/1888555BRYAN, Maggie*48NEWMANBRYAN, -----NENE: Omaha (died while visiting); sis of Rev. Wm. NEWMAN of NE; funeral at Des Moines; husb remains [NOTE: says died July 9, 1886; maiden name may not be NEWMAN if she & bro had different fathers]
08/28/1888555NEWMAN, Maggie*48BRYAN, -----NENE: Omaha (died while visiting); sis of Rev. Wm. NEWMAN of NE; funeral at Des Moines; husb remains [NOTE: says died July 9, 1886; maiden name may not be NEWMAN if she & bro had different fathers]
08/28/1888555BRYAN, -----NEWMAN, Maggie*
08/28/1888555KLING, William*55MDBADEN: Karlsruhe (b)MD: Baltimore (d); widow, 6 chren remain; spinal disease
08/28/1888555WALKER, William J.*2MIMI: Coleman area (d); son of John & Julia
08/28/1888555SMITH, Rosella*1MIMI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); dau of Simon; cholera infantum
08/28/1888555GARIS, Clara Elizabeth*8 mosPAPA: Sandy Run (d); dau of Rev. Ed; cholera infantum
08/28/1888555KNORR, William*1PAPA: White Haven (d)
09/04/1888571FREEHAFER, Augustus*73ININ: Huntington area (died while visiting); res South Bend, IN; former Lutheran; wife, 6 chren remain; one son is Rev. G. W. of IN Conf.; bur South Bend
09/04/1888571CRAUN, Abigail*61OHOH: Seneca Co.: Kansas (d); last 31 yrs spent in mental derangement caused by sickness; shortly before death, mind was clear; 3 bros, 7 sis remain; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis dead
09/04/1888571OVERHOLT, John, Sr.*60ININ: Huntington (d); a public officer for 15 yrs; people en masseat funeral; wife, 5 chren, siblings remain
09/04/1888571HENNEY, Mary*86HENNEY, PhillipOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Flat Rock area (d); md May 13, 1827; 5 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead
09/04/1888571-----, Mary*86HENNEY, PhillipOHPA: Union Co. (b)OH: Flat Rock area (d); md May 13, 1827; 5 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead
09/04/1888571HENNEY, Phillip-----, Mary*
09/04/1888571WEISE, Catherine*65WEISE, Wm., Sr.ILPA: Berks Co.: Maxadona (b)IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); md Mar 17, 1850; husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead
09/04/1888571-----, Catherine*65WEISE, Wm., Sr.ILPA: Berks Co.: Maxadona (b)IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); md Mar 17, 1850; husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead
09/04/1888571WEISE, Wm., Sr.-----, Catherine*
09/04/1888571KERN, Esther*9----: Minister: BUCK, J. W.; dau of G. W. & Rosina; croupel diphtheria
09/04/1888571BARTON, Jamima*84MIMI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); to La Salle in 1836; taught school there; lists 2 daus, husb, 1 son, then 2 daus dead. [NOTE: Difficult to tell if husb & 1 son are living or dead; punctuation blurred]
09/04/1888571DARSHEM, Samuel*60OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: West Salem area (d); Bright's disease
09/04/1888571AFFLERBAUGH, Joseph*78WISE, ElizabethIAPA: Berks Co. (b)IA: Rock Run (d); md 53 yrs; wife, 1 chren remain
09/04/1888571WISE, ElizabethAFFLERBAUGH, Joseph*
09/04/1888571AFFLERBAUGH, ElizabethAFFLERBAUGH, Joseph*
09/04/1888571SCOTT, Wm. Harrison*75IAIA: Fayette Co.: Dover Tp. (d)
09/04/1888571HALSTEAD, Mary E.*34RUSSELLHALSTEAD, -----PAPA: Warren Co.: Davie Hill (d); husb, 4 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; remains brought to home of father for funeral
09/04/1888571RUSSELL, Mary E.*34HALSTEAD, -----PAPA: Warren Co.: Davie Hill (d); husb, 4 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; remains brought to home of father for funeral
09/04/1888571HALSTEAD, -----RUSSELL, Mary E.*
09/04/1888571BARBER, Michael Maize*63OHOH: Shelby (d); age 14 to Evan. Pub. House, New Berlin, PA to learn printer's trade; member Shelby church though lived 18-20 mi away; wife, 9 chren remain; 1 ch dead [S. Cocklin, minister]
09/04/1888571PANTONEY, Michael*69CAW, ElizabethWVWV: Morgan Co. (d); md 1844; aged wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; mother, 5 chren members of our church
09/04/1888571CAW, ElizabethPANTONEY, Michael*
09/04/1888571PANTONEY, ElizabethPANTONEY, Michael*
09/04/1888571MOHNEY, Sarah A.*53MILLERMOHNEY, -----PAPA: West Millville area (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau wife of Rev. C. H [?]. MILLER of Pittsburgh Conf.; consumption
09/04/1888571MILLER, Sarah A.*53MOHNEY, -----PAPA: West Millville area (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau wife of Rev. C. H [?]. MILLER of Pittsburgh Conf.; consumption
09/04/1888571MOHNEY, -----MILLER, Sarah A.*
09/04/1888571BOWERS, Matilda*69SAWITZBOWERS, Charles HarrisonPAPA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); md 42 yrs; husb, 1son, 1 dau remain
09/04/1888571SAWITZ, Matilda*69BOWERS, Charles HarrisonPAPA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); md 42 yrs; husb, 1son, 1 dau remain
09/04/1888571BOWERS, Charles HarrisonSAWITZ, Matilda*
09/04/1888571CLICK, Geo. M.*1ININ: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); son of Wm. & Hannah; cholera infantum
09/04/1888571HENRY, Emma Viola*1ININ: Huntington (d)
09/11/1888587VITE, Mary Alice*30SEIDERVITE, -----MIMI: Buchanan area (d); husb, an infant remain
09/11/1888587SEIDER, Mary Alice*30VITE, -----MIMI: Buchanan area (d); husb, an infant remain
09/11/1888587VITE, -----SEIDER, Mary Alice*
09/11/1888587WILCOX, David D.*78OHOH: Wagram (d); former Meth. 59 yrs; joined Evan. Assn. 1 yr ago
09/11/1888587RIEGEL, George*75MIPA: Snyder Co. (b)MI: St. Joseph Co. (d); siblings remain
09/11/1888587DOLL, Sarah Elizabeth*29DOLL, GeorgePAPA: East Mauch Chunk (d); Zion member 5 yrs; remains taken to White Haven, PA
09/11/1888587-----, Sarah Elizabeth*29DOLL, GeorgePAPA: East Mauch Chunk (d); Zion member 5 yrs; remains taken to White Haven, PA
09/11/1888587DOLL, George-----, Sarah Elizabeth*
09/11/1888587REED, Eli*57PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Reedsville (d); wife, 8 chren,, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; Bright's disease
09/11/1888587KEIL, Eliza*65KEIL, Jacob F.PAPA: Reading (d); aged husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 sis remain
09/11/1888587-----, Eliza*65KEIL, Jacob F.PAPA: Reading (d); aged husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 sis remain
09/11/1888587KEIL, Jacob-----, Eliza*
09/11/1888587BOWMAN, Milton (Mrs.)44HOFFMANBOWMAN, MiltonPAPA: Reading (died at home of father); dau of Rev. Francis & Rebecca; husb, an only son, aged pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain
09/11/1888587HOFFMAN, -----*44BOWMAN, MiltonPAPA: Reading (died at home of father); dau of Rev. Francis & Rebecca; husb, an only son, aged pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain
09/11/1888587BOWMAN, MiltonHOFFMAN, -----*
09/11/1888587JOHNSON, Thomas Walter*1WAWA Territory: Spokane Falls (d); son of Rev. A. R. & Bertha E.; cholera infantum
09/11/1888587KNECHT, William Oscar*11ININ: Kendallville area (drowned in Bixler Lake); son of Charles & Mary
09/11/1888587SORBER, Vance Mervin*7 mos----: Minister: ALLSHOUSE, I. M.; son of G. W. & Ellen
09/11/1888587WOODRING, James Claud*5 mosPAPA: Allentown area (d); son of Wilson & Carrie
09/11/1888587SHEMBERGER, Bessie Vida*2----: Rock City (d); dau of Adam
09/11/1888587MERLEY, Guy Elbert*1----: Minister: NEFF, H. E.
09/18/1888603KEGEREIS, Daniel*73PAPA: Adamstown area (d); widow remains
09/18/1888603ACKER, Frances Reb.*27PAPA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); dau of Henry & Maria; consumption
09/18/1888603WILLOUR, Martha*83BREIDENSTEINWILLOUR, -----OHOH: Ashland; one of pioneer members of Evan. Assn. in OH; husb and part of her family are dead
09/18/1888603BREIDENSTEIN, Martha*83WILLOUR, -----OHOH: Ashland; one of pioneer members of Evan. Assn. in OH; husb and part of her family are dead
09/18/1888603WILLOUR, -----BREIDENSTEIN, Martha*
09/18/1888603WONDER, Frederick H.*47OHOH: Bellevue area (b)OH: Carey area (d); wife, 3 sons, 2 daus, mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; one bro is Rev. D. H. of OH Conf.; father, 1 sis dead
09/18/1888603LUTHER, Geo. Peter*70MILLER, MaryILGERMANY: Rhenish-Bavaria: Linbach (b)IL: Henry Co.: Yorktown (d); md 1839; widow, 9 chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 4 chren dead
09/18/1888603MILLER, MaryLUTHER, Geo. Peter*
09/18/1888603LUTHER, MaryLUTHER, Geo. Peter*
09/18/1888603SNADER, Malinda*37MORRSNADER, LemonOHOH: Ashland (d); husb, dau, pars, siblings remain
09/18/1888603MORR, Malinda*37SNADER, LemonOHOH: Ashland (d); husb, dau, pars, siblings remain
09/18/1888603SNADER, LemonMORR, Malinda*
09/18/1888603SMITH, Delilah*71PAPA: Somerset Co.: Centerville (died at home of son-in-law, Mr. MILLER); 3 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; husb died 14 yrs ago; bur Centerville Cem.
09/18/1888603KEMMERER, David*55PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: West Penn Tp. (b)PA: Mahonoy City (d); 1 son, 8 daus remain; 2 wives, 5 chren dead; consumption [md twice, wives not named here]
09/18/1888603BRECHEISEN, Philip*15MIOH: Henry Co. (b)MI: Bear Lake (d); pars, siblings remain; brain abcess
09/18/1888603MARQUARDT, Cath. E.*64MIMI: Mendon (d); husb, 1 son remain; neuralgia of the heart
09/18/1888603HAAK, Barbara*38PAGERMANY: Wurtemberg (b)PA: Reading (d); to AMER as a child w/ mother; 2 sis, 1 bro remain
09/18/1888603FERREE, Mary*54SEILERFERREE, JohnPAPA: York Co.: Loganville area (d); md 34 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead
09/18/1888603SEILER, Mary*54FERREE, JohnPAPA: York Co.: Loganville area (d); md 34 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead
09/18/1888603FERREE, JohnSEILER, Mary*
09/18/1888603CONNER, Thomas*70OHOH: DeGraff (d); md 1844; soon after to Logan Co., OH; last few yrs in DeGraff
09/18/1888603MOYER, Susie May*10PAPA: Lykens (d); dau of Chas. & Ellen
09/18/1888603GOOD, Edger Walton*5 mosPAPA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of Walton & Sevilla; cholera infantum
09/18/1888603BRUCH, Mary Louisa*1PAPA: Pen Argyl area (d); dau of John & Christiana; cholera infantum
09/18/1888603BRENISER, Jacob*62----: Minister: ESENWEIN, J. Berg
09/18/1888603WRIGHT, Lewis Vinson*9 mos----: Minister: Shideler, M. L.; son of Lewis & Mildred; cholera infantum
09/18/1888603COUGHANOUR, Freddy*3 mosOHOH: Hicksville (d); son of Frank & Clara [location not given, but minister is of Hicksville at this time]
09/18/1888603PARKS, Samuel*32KSKS: Phillips Co.: Woodruff (died at res of sister)
09/18/1888603HOFFMAN, Stanley Edward ["Eddy"]*6----: Minister: NEFF, H. E.
09/18/1888603SMITH, Geo. W.*3PAPA: Somerset Co.: Salisbury area (d); son of M. B. & Elizabeth
09/18/1888603DIEHL, Cyrus Leland10mosOHOH: Hicksville (d); son of Corwiss & Margaret
09/18/1888603HETRICK, Charlie Irvin*4PAPA: Jeff. Co.: Heathville (d); son of Philip & Malinda
09/25/1888619CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)*67SHARPENSTIEN, Ann C.IAOH: Licking Co. (b)IA: Des Moines Conf.: Dallas Circuit (res); had 9 chren
09/25/1888619SHARPENSTIEN, Ann C.CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)*
09/25/1888619CARPENTER, Ann C.CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)*
09/25/1888619MOSHOLDER, Gertie Bell*9ILIL: Dixon (d); dau of Isaiah
09/25/1888619WESSNER, Sarah C.*24WESSNER, SamuelPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Locust Valley (b)PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 2 little sons remain; pleura-pneumonia for 1 week
09/25/1888619-----, Sarah C.*24WESSNER, SamuelPAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Locust Valley (b)PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 2 little sons remain; pleura-pneumonia for 1 week
09/25/1888619WESSNER, Samuel-----, Sarah C.*
09/25/1888619ITTERLY, Mary Elizabeth*19PAPA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield Tp. (d); dau of Josiah & Emma; pars, 4 sis, 5 bros remain; congestion of the brain
09/25/1888619ROOT, Henry*66PAPA: Tioga Co.: Nauvoo area (d); catarrh of stomach for 2 yrs
09/25/1888619POLEY, Lizzie*14PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); dau of Emanuel
09/25/1888619KRATT, Mary*25PAPA: Pittsburgh (d); mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; father, 1 bro, 2 sis dead
09/25/1888619BUCHER, Mary H.*27BUCHER, EnochPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); husb, 2 chren remain
09/25/1888619-----, Mary H.*27BUCHER, EnochPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); husb, 2 chren remain
09/25/1888619BUCHER, Enoch-----, Mary H.*
09/25/1888619SEIVERLING, Salinda Elizabeth*19PAPA: Terre Hill (died on 19th birhday); dau of George & Christiana; pars, 6 sis remain; cerebro spinal meningitis
09/25/1888619REIFSNYDER, Francis L.*14----: Minister: OVERHOLSER, J. S.; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; first death in the family & he the youngest child; sick 1 wk
09/25/1888619HERB, Aaron Clinton*27COIL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (b)CO: Elbert Co.: Elbert (died at res of A. BORDEN); left father's home in Brookville 3 yrs ago seeking better climate for health; father, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; mother, 1 sis died 15+ yrs ago; bur Elbert Cem.
09/25/1888619BRAUN, John*69FEES, MariaONTWURTEMBERG: Kreis Schwarzwald: Baiersbronn (b)ONT: Crediton (d); to CANADA 1848; md 1856; wife, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; 2 chren dead
09/25/1888619FEES, MariaBRAUN, John*
09/25/1888619BRAUN, MariaBRAUN, John*
09/25/1888619ROLLER, J. G.*63NYGERMANY: Wurtemburg: Kuppingen (b)NY: Newark (d); wife, 2 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; stomach cancer
09/25/1888619BUFFINGTON, Lydia*80TROUTMANBUFFINGTON, -----PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Pierse area (d); 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
09/25/1888619TROUTMAN, Lydia*80BUFFINGTON, -----PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Pierse area (d); 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
09/25/1888619BUFFINGTON, -----TROUTMAN, Lydia*
09/25/1888619RANCK, Sarah*65RANCK, JosiahMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); md 45 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead
09/25/1888619-----, Sarah*65RANCK, JosiahMIMI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); md 45 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead
09/25/1888619RANCK, Josiah-----, Sarah*
09/25/1888619BLOCKSOM, Emma Belle*15OROR: East Portland (d); mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
09/25/1888619KESSEL, Catharine*23IAGERMANY: Hessen: Swabsburg (b)IA: Laporte City area (d); to AMER age 14 w/ aunt, Elizabeth FRANK, & was adopted by Jacob & Elizabeth FRANK; att Germ. Evan. S.S. 6 mi away
09/25/1888619FRANK, Jacob & Elizabeth,adoptive pars of KESSEL, Catharine, Sep 25, 1888, p 619
09/25/1888619SUTTER, Nicholas*37WICHEY, ElizabethPASWITZERLAND: Berne (b)PA: Clinton Co.: German settlement (d); to AMER 1824; md fall of same year; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of wife not given
09/25/1888619WICHEY, ElizabethSUTTER, Nicholas*
09/25/1888619SUTTER, ElizabethSUTTER, Nicholas*
09/25/1888619HANSBERGER, Elizabeth*62HANSBERGER, JoelOHGERMANY: Prussia: Bingen on the Rhine (b)OH: Carroll (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 2nd wife of Joel, who died a few yrs ago; funeral in Baltimore Church [Fairfield Co., OH]; Rev. J. A. BURKETT assisted at funeral
09/25/1888619-----, Elizabeth*62HANSBERGER, JoelOHGERMANY: Prussia: Bingen on the Rhine (b)OH: Carroll (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 2nd wife of Joel, who died a few yrs ago; funeral in Baltimore Church [Fairfield Co., OH]; Rev. J. A. BURKETT assisted at funeral
09/25/1888619HANSBERGER, Joel-----, Elizabeth*
09/25/1888619LANKERT, Mary Lucetta*31PAPA: Armstrong Co. (d); husb, 5 sm chren, father, 3 bros remain; mother & sis dead
09/25/1888619GOULD, Anaretta*15PAPA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring (d); dau of David B. & Amelia
09/25/1888619JIMISON, Alvin D.*1ININ: Huntington (d); son of Wm.; cholera infantum
09/25/1888619KLINE, Ida May*3ININ: Marshall Co.: Maxinkuckee area (d); dau of Theodore & Sarah; membranous croup
09/25/1888619FOWLES, Elma*4 dayPAPA: Alum Rock (d); dau of R. M. & Orpha
09/25/1888619BUFFINGTON, Boid*3 day----: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; son of R. D. & Mary
09/25/1888619LANKERT, Charles Ray*6 mos----: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; son of Daniel & Carrie
09/25/1888619HULBEN, Cora Lovina*4 mos----: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; dau of Samuel & Sarah J.
09/25/1888619SNYDER, Chester*1----: Milliron, S.; son of Christian
10/02/1888635YOST, H. R. (Rev.)*38SPANG, MaryPAPA: Berks Co.: Womelsdorf (b)PA: Mauch Chunk (res); md Mar 25, 1871; pastorates all in PA; widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; bur Union Cem., Womelsdorf; 30 ministers attended; consumption
10/02/1888635SPANG, MaryYOST, H. R. (Rev.)*
10/02/1888635YOST, MaryYOST, H. R. (Rev.)*
10/02/1888635CULP, Sarah J.*52WESTCULP, John Henry (Rev.)IAOH: Wood Co. (b)IA: West Des Moines (died at home of dau, Mary BENKERT); husb died Oct 19, 1878; as girl w/ pars to Otter Creek, Linn Co., IA; md there Mar 11, 1855; funeral @ Bethel Evan Ch., Des Moines
10/02/1888635WEST, Sarah J.*52CULP, John Henry (Rev.)IAOH: Wood Co. (b)IA: West Des Moines (died at home of dau, Mary BENKERT); husb died Oct 19, 1878; as girl w/ pars to Otter Creek, Linn Co., IA; md there Mar 11, 1855; funeral @ Bethel Evan Ch., Des Moines
10/02/1888635CULP, John Henry (Rev.)WEST, Sarah J.*
10/02/1888635HUNSICKER, Susan R.*75RITTENHOUSEHUNSICKER, Henry C.PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur Freelands, in the cem. of the Mennonite Ch.
10/02/1888635RITTENHOUSE, Susan R.*75HUNSICKER, Henry C.PAPA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur Freelands, in the cem. of the Mennonite Ch.
10/02/1888635HUNSICKER, Henry C.*RITTENHOUSE, Susan R.*
10/02/1888635NEDROW, Callie A.*14WVWV: Preston Co.: Clifton Mills area (d); pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; sick few days of inflamm. rheumatism, which reached the brain
10/02/1888635HAUPT, Andrew*70PAPA: Tamaqua (d); widow remains; heart failure--appeared in unusual good health 2 hrs before death
10/02/1888635HARTZEL, Sallie A.*18PAPA: Allentown (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; ill health for 4 yrs
10/02/1888635FRAUST, Frederick Andrew*58WIPRUSSIA: Prov. Saxony: Ditfurth (b)WI: Sauk Co.: Town Honey Creek (d); to AMER 1867; widow, 1 son, 2 sis remain
10/02/1888635SNIDER, Jane*41IAIA: Union Co. (d); husb, 5 sons, 4 daus remain
10/02/1888635SOUDER, Elizabeth*76PAPA: Perry Co.: Mier's Point area (d); 6 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead
10/02/1888635SMITH, Jane R.*27SMITH [nee]OHOH: Crawford Co.: Lemert area (d); husb remains; consumption
10/02/1888635BUCKLEY, Mary E. *45IAIA: Pottawattamie Co.: Belknap (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead
10/02/1888635ZABST, Pearl Assalia*7ININ: Fulton area (d); dau of John & Sophia
10/02/1888635TRAIL, Thomas*72OHOH: Sandusky Co.: Ballville (d); widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; his pastor absent; funeral by Rev. P. SCHEURER of Ida, MI
10/02/1888635PAUL, Sallie T.*11mosPAPA: Montgomery Co.: Spring Mount (d); dau of Samuel & Hannah; bur Trappe Cem.
10/02/1888635HAAS, Daisy Almeda*1----: Minister: SPITLER, H.; dau of Levi & Lusina; cholera infantum
10/02/1888635HOFFENBERT, Harvey Delbert*1ININ: South Bend (d)
10/09/1888651WIEAND, Lydia*82SHULTZWIEAND, GeorgePAPA: Reading (d); res prev Milford Circuit; to Reading 19 yrs ago; member 8th St. church; broke leg from fall while walking across room; 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead
10/09/1888651SHULTZ, Lydia*82WIEAND, GeorgePAPA: Reading (d); res prev Milford Circuit; to Reading 19 yrs ago; member 8th St. church; broke leg from fall while walking across room; 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead
10/09/1888651WIEAND, GeorgeSHULTZ, Lydia*
10/09/1888651BAUMGARTNER, Mary Ann*45SHOEMAKERBAUMGARTNER, -----INOH: Fairfield Co. (b)IN: Wells Co.: Vera Cruz; husb, 1 dau, 1 son, 8 bros, 1 sis remain
10/09/1888651SHOEMAKER, Mary Ann*45BAUMGARTNER, -----INOH: Fairfield Co. (b)IN: Wells Co.: Vera Cruz; husb, 1 dau, 1 son, 8 bros, 1 sis remain
10/09/1888651BAUMGARTNER, -----SHOEMAKER, Mary Ann*
10/09/1888651GRAY, Parley P.*--PANY (b)PA: Clarian [sic] Co. (d)
10/09/1888651ORRIS, Elizabeth*61PAPA: Bloserville area (d); aged husb remains
10/09/1888651SOWERS, David*78SMITH, CatherineOHOH: Summit Co. (d); md ca 45 yrs; widow, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; funeral in East Liberty Evan. Church
10/09/1888651SMITH, CatherineSOWERS, David*
10/09/1888651SOWERS, CatherineSOWERS, David*
10/09/1888651REININGER, Christian*75HARING, RachelOHGERMANY: Wittenberg (b)OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); md age 25; 7 chren remain; wife, 6 chren dead; funeral in East Liberty Evan. Church
10/09/1888651HARING, RachelREININGER, Christian*
10/09/1888651REININGER, RachelREININGER, Christian*
10/09/1888651EMRICK, Catharine*--EMRICK, Geo.----: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; husb remains; has been afflicted 14+ yrs; she died of dysentery & heart disease
10/09/1888651-----, Catharine*--EMRICK, Geo.----: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; husb remains; has been afflicted 14+ yrs; she died of dysentery & heart disease
10/09/1888651EMRICK, Geo.-----, Catharine*
10/09/1888651INGLE, Thomas C.*42OHOH: Wyandot Co.: McCutchenville area (d); wife, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; his bro is Rev. W. H. of the OH Conf.; pars, 2 sis, 2 bros dead; stomach abscess
10/09/1888651KRAMER, A. C.*33KRAMER, Wm.WIWI: Jeff. Co.: Rome (died on 33d birthday at home of pars); md 8+ yrs; res 8 yrs in NE; 8 mos ago to CA for her health, came back to die; husb, 3-mos-old baby remain
10/09/1888651-----, A. C.*33KRAMER, Wm.WIWI: Jeff. Co.: Rome (died on 33d birthday at home of pars); md 8+ yrs; res 8 yrs in NE; 8 mos ago to CA for her health, came back to die; husb, 3-mos-old baby remain
10/09/1888651KRAMER, Wm.-----, A. C.*
10/09/1888651OSWALD, Edward*22MIMI: Berrien Co.: Lincoln (d); son of Rev. OSWALD & Catharine RAGATZ; pars, 8 siblings remain; kidney inflammation
10/09/1888651NEFF, Elizabeth*69STEFFYNEFF, AdamINPA: York Co. (b)IN: East Germantown (d); md Oct 11, 1835; husb died Mar 1868; from OH to E. Germantown 1862; 2 sons, 6 daus, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 8 chren dead
10/09/1888651STEFFY, Elizabeth*69NEFF, AdamINPA: York Co. (b)IN: East Germantown (d); md Oct 11, 1835; husb died Mar 1868; from OH to E. Germantown 1862; 2 sons, 6 daus, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 8 chren dead
10/09/1888651NEFF, AdamSTEFFY, Elizabeth*
10/09/1888651JONES, Ruby May*1IAIA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d); only dau of pars
10/09/1888651BEATTY, Nellie May*1ININ: Marshall Co: Burr Oak (d); dau of Henry M. & Rebecca
10/09/1888651COURSON, Daniel Roy*1IAIA: Carbon Co. (d); minister, A. Y. CUPP, of Carbon Co. at this time
10/16/1888667ISCH, John (Rev.)*65OHSWITZERLAND: Canton Solothurn (b)OH: Wood Co.: Moline area (d); to AMER 1845; converted in Perrysburg 1856; licensed to preach in OH Conf., 1874; unexpected death
10/16/1888667PALM, Lilly May*16OHOH: Lancaster (d); mentions mother & step-father; consumption
10/16/1888667SMITH, Olive Ann*26IAIA: Linn Co.: Union (d); mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain
10/16/1888667THOMPSON, Kate Y.*21LANDISTHOMPSON, JohnNENE: West Point (d); dau of H. G. & Mary Y.; husb, infant babe, pars, siblings remain; bur at Reading, PA
10/16/1888667LANDIS, Kate Y.*21THOMPSON, JohnNENE: West Point (d); dau of H. G. & Mary Y.; husb, infant babe, pars, siblings remain; bur at Reading, PA
10/16/1888667THOMPSON, JohnLANDIS, Kate Y.*
10/16/1888667BROWN, John G.*78MIGERMANY (b)MI: White Ford circuit (d); member Providence class [church]; had cancer in face so did not attend divine service
10/16/1888667SHICK, Henry*85PAPA: Wilkesbarre (died at home of son-in-law, Rev. J. G. SANDS); "of" Reading, PA; his Christian career covered a period of 55 yrs
10/16/1888667BRICKER, Cyrus*54ONTONT: Waterloo (res); 2nd son of Abram; [incorrect birthdate in obit]; 1st wife died; 2nd wife, 3 chren remain; bur Manheim, ONT [md twice, wives not named here]
10/16/1888667HUBER, Mary Savilla*41HUBER, Henry C.PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Saucon Tp. (b)PA: Allentown (d); invalid 20 yrs; husb, son, sister, 2 bros remain; spine disease/dropsy
10/16/1888667-----, Mary Savilla*41HUBER, Henry C.PAPA: Lehigh Co.: Saucon Tp. (b)PA: Allentown (d); invalid 20 yrs; husb, son, sister, 2 bros remain; spine disease/dropsy
10/16/1888667HUBER, Henry C.-----, Mary Savilla*
10/16/1888667HORNING, Hannah*37KOOKERHORNING, -----FLPA (b)FL: Greenland (d); sis of Rev. D. H. HOOKER; "The writer [of the obit] when he came to Florida as first missionary of the Ev. Association, received a warm welcome to her home." Husb, 4 chren [youngest 10 mos], mother aged 78, remain; yellow fever
10/16/1888667KOOKER, Hannah*37HORNING, -----FLPA (b)FL: Greenland (d); sis of Rev. D. H. HOOKER; "The writer [of the obit] when he came to Florida as first missionary of the Ev. Association, received a warm welcome to her home." Husb, 4 chren [youngest 10 mos], mother aged 78, remain; yellow fever
10/16/1888667HORNING, -----KOOKER, Hannah*
10/16/1888667WOOD, J. Alvin*18FLPA (b)FL: Greenland (d); ca 2 yrs ago to Jacksonville, joined a sister church; had 1 sis (Sister BOOTHBY) res Oriole, FL; pars res PA; yellow fever
10/16/1888667ROSIGNOL, Adam*65ILHESSE-DARMSTADT: Rossdorf (b)IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1846 to Mt. Carmel; widow, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 6 chren dead
10/16/1888667FISHPAUGH, Charles F.*27PAPA: Monroe Co.: McMichaels area (d); son of Nathan & Sarah; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever
10/16/1888667RIEGEL, Louisa*29PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Ringgold area (d); dau of John & Catherine RIEGEL; bur w/ her father John [his obit same issue]
10/16/1888667RUTH, Sallie*13PAPA: Reading (d); dau of Jonathan & Anna; aged father, 1 bro remain; brain fever
10/16/1888667RIEGEL, John*74PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Ringgold area (d); he & dau Louisa bur together. "A sad widowed mother mourns their departure." [Poss his wife, her mother]
10/16/1888667HOCKSTETLER, Mary Elizabeth*30DOTTERERHOCKSTETLER, JacobININ: Miami Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever
10/16/1888667DOTTERER, Mary Elizabeth*30HOCKSTETLER, JacobININ: Miami Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever
10/16/1888667HOCKSTETLER, JacobDOTTERER, Mary Elizabeth*
10/16/1888667RISHEL, Edward*32PAPA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton area (d); son of Benoville & Elizabeth; inflammation of bowels
10/16/1888667HOLDEMAN, Christina*1PAPA: Centre Co. area (d); dau of Daniel D. & Mary S.; cholera infantum
10/23/1888683STUBER, Lydia*80PAPA: Sidersville (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; typhoid fever
10/23/1888683HOEHN, Margaret*70ORGERMANY: Wuertemberg (b)OR: Blackamas [sic] Co. (d); to AMER 1849; aged husb, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead
10/23/1888683WEBER, Zadoc*75PAPA: Berks Co.: Bernville (d); wife, 9 chren, 1 bro remain; infirmities incident to old age
10/23/1888683RIPPLE, Louisa*62ASSMANRIPPLE, -----PAGERMANY: Kurhessen: Markers-Hausen (b)PA: Hazleton church member; 6 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
10/23/1888683ASSMAN, Louisa*62RIPPLE, -----PAGERMANY: Kurhessen: Markers-Hausen (b)PA: Hazleton church member; 6 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead
10/23/1888683RIPPLE, -----ASSMAN, Louisa*
10/23/1888683MOLTER, Anna Elizabeth*80GERST/GHARSTMOLTER, -----OHGERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808)OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
10/23/1888683GERST, Anna Elizabeth*80MOLTER, -----OHGERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808)OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
10/23/1888683GHARST, Anna Elizabeth*80GERST/GHARSTMOLTER, -----OHGERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808)OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
10/23/1888683MOLTER, -----GERST/GHARST, Anna ElizabethOHGERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808)OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain
10/23/1888683ESPENSCHEID, John*75NYGERMANY: Seibersheim (b)NY: Lyons (d); widow, 3 sons, 3 daus, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. WEIER of NY Conf.
10/23/1888683WOOD, Elnora*54WOOD, NelsonOHNJ: Warren Co. (b)OH: Bellevernon area (d); 1 dau (wife of Emery PAULIN), mother, 1 sis remain; husb, 4 chren dead
10/23/1888683-----, Elnora*54WOOD, NelsonOHNJ: Warren Co. (b)OH: Bellevernon area (d); 1 dau (wife of Emery PAULIN), mother, 1 sis remain; husb, 4 chren dead
10/23/1888683WOOD, Nelson-----, Elnora*
10/23/1888683HOWER, Leah*72SMOOKHOWER, -----OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Morrow Co. (d); husb, son, dau remain
10/23/1888683SMOOK, Leah*72HOWER, -----OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Morrow Co. (d); husb, son, dau remain
10/23/1888683HOWER, -----SMOOK, Leah*
10/23/1888683KRUM, Peter*74PAPA: Carbon Co.: Franklin Tp. (d); wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; kidney disease
10/23/1888683KRAH, Elizabeth*41SMOKEKRAH, JohnPAGERMANY: KurHessia (b)PA: Sch. Co.: Huntersville (d); to AMER w/ pars 1857; husb, 9 chren, old father remain
10/23/1888683SMOKE, Elizabeth*41KRAH, JohnPAGERMANY: KurHessia (b)PA: Sch. Co.: Huntersville (d); to AMER w/ pars 1857; husb, 9 chren, old father remain
10/23/1888683KRAH, JohnSMOKE, Elizabeth*
10/23/1888683KOLLMER, F. E.*81OHWURTEMBERG: Ellhofen (b)OH: Upper Sandusky area (d) [Cannot determine if these initials are hers or her husb's]
10/23/1888683HARTER, Samuel*21PAPA: Mauch Chunk (d); son of Elizabeth S.; injured on railroad prev day
10/23/1888683BELZER, Evan Guy*4 mosIAIA: Shelby Co.: Defiance (d); son of Peter & Lucinda E.; cholera infantum
10/23/1888683KISTLER, Stephen Wentz*9 mosPAPA: East Stroudsburg (d); only child of A. W. & Jennette E.; cholera infantum
10/23/1888683SCHULTZ, Carrie N.*10mosILIL: Kappa area (died at res of grpars, Rev. Wm. NORTH); dau of Rev. W. A. & Carrie
10/23/1888683EXAMPLE:, see SCHULTZ, Carrie N., Oct 23, 1888, p 1683mother's maiden name from infant obit giving grfa's name
10/23/1888683MOULTON, Lenna E.*infanKSKS: Canada area (d); dau of A. L. & Nannie [b Sep 29, 1888]
10/23/1888683HESS, Rosalie Mary*8+ moPAPA: Bucks Co.: Spreingfield (d); dau of David F. & Sarah; cholera infantum
10/23/1888683BROCEUS, Florence Edith*4MIMI: Buchanan area (d); dau of Henry & Lydia M.; membraneous croup
10/23/1888683KOHLER, Jacob William*1ONTONT: North Cayugo [sic] (d); son of Jacob & Sarah Jane
10/23/1888683BAUSMAN, Charlie Eddie*6 mosKSKS: Newton area (d); son of David & Sarah
10/30/1888699KAUFFMAN, Samuel*67OHPA: Lancaster Co. (b)OH: Fairfield C.: Dumontsville area (d); former member Winebrennarian Ch.; to Fairfield Co. 1870; widow, 6 sons, 2 daus remain; 2 sons, 2 daus dead
10/30/1888699McCLOUD, Nannie E.*41MILLERMcCLOUD, -----OHOH: Circleville (d); dau of John & Susan MILLER; aged mother, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; no mention of husb
10/30/1888699MILLER, Nannie E.*41McCLOUD, -----OHOH: Circleville (d); dau of John & Susan MILLER; aged mother, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; no mention of husb
10/30/1888699McCLOUD, -----MILLER, Nannie E.*
10/30/1888699PIETZ, Carl August*68INPRUSSIA: Posen (b)IN: Wanatah area (d); to AMER 1858; aged widow, 3 chren, 1 bro remain
10/30/1888699STEPHENS, Jacob*64RADER, Bethany--OH: Dayton area (b)--: Minister: NEFF, H. E.; [possibly d Dayton]; md Oct 31, 1844; wife, 9 chren, 2 sis remain; 2 sons, 4 sis, 1 bro dead
10/30/1888699RADER, BethanySTEPHENS, Jacob*
10/30/1888699STEPHENS, BethanySTEPHENS, Jacob*
10/30/1888699DOVERSPIKE, Wm. D.*17PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce (d); son of Wesley & Catharine; pars, bro, sisters remain; pneumonia
10/30/1888699RATZ, Clara Melissa*25STROMERATZ, Simon H.ONTONT: Waterloo Co.: Elmira (d); ADOPTED dau of Abraham & Esther STROME; husb ill w/ same disease, could not attend funeral; youngest child dead; malaria fever
10/30/1888699STROME, Clara Melissa*25RATZ, Simon H.ONTONT: Waterloo Co.: Elmira (d); ADOPTED dau of Abraham & Esther STROME; husb ill w/ same disease, could not attend funeral; youngest child dead; malaria fever
10/30/1888699RATZ, Simon H.STROME, Clara Melissa*
10/30/1888699LEHR, Alice Mary*28PAPA: Lancaster (b)PA: Allentown (d); dau of Rev. James O. & Catharine LEHR; pars, bro, sister remain; 10 ministers att funeral; typhoid fever
10/30/1888699WALKER, Elizabeth*--PAPA: West Philadelphia (died in Old Lady's Home on Chestnut St.). "She was delighted with the new magnificent home so kindly provided by consecrated wealth."
10/30/1888699BINNEY, William H.*25ININ: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); former Baptist, wife Evan.; wife, 4 bros remain
10/30/1888699ERNST, C. F.*38KSBADEN: Spoeck (b)KS: Osborne Co.: Downs area (d); wife, 7 chren remain; bro is minister in KS Conf.; 1 child dead; typhoid
10/30/1888699HAEBERLIN, Gertie May*9ILIL: Ottawa (d); dau of John & Mary; typhoid
10/30/1888699ARNDT, Henry*31MIMI: Osceola Co.: Evart area (d); son of J. J.; wife, 1 child, father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; mother, 2 sis dead; quick consumption
10/30/1888699KILIAN, Mary*31KILIAN, Geo.MDMD: Baltimore area (d); husb, 3 chren mother, siblings remain
10/30/1888699-----, Mary*31KILIAN, Geo.MDMD: Baltimore area (d); husb, 3 chren mother, siblings remain
10/30/1888699KILIAN, Geo.-----, Mary*
10/30/1888699KULEY, Lydia E.*26CORKHILLKULEY, ---------: Minister: BALLENGER, Walter; husb, 2 sm chren, mother, 5 bros remain
10/30/1888699CORKHILL, Lydia E.*26KULEY, ---------: Minister: BALLENGER, Walter; husb, 2 sm chren, mother, 5 bros remain
10/30/1888699KULEY, -----CORKHILL, Lydia E.*
10/30/1888699MIESSE, Emma S.*19OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Dumontsville area (d); dau of Solomon & Mary; pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain
10/30/1888699CHRIST, Catharin [sic]*64CHRIST, LewisPAPA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 6 chren remain
10/30/1888699-----, Catharin [sic]*64CHRIST, LewisPAPA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 6 chren remain
10/30/1888699CHRIST, Lewis-----, Catharin [sic]*
10/30/1888699THRESHER, Theresa*62MOSIER/MOSLER [?]THRESHER, John--GERMANY: Dishinger (b)--: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given
10/30/1888699MOSIER, Theresa*62THRESHER, John--GERMANY: Dishinger (b)--: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given
10/30/1888699MOSLER, Theresa*62THRESHER, John--GERMANY: Dishinger (b)--: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given
10/30/1888699THRESHER, JohnMOSIER/MOSLER, Theresa*
10/30/1888699ZERBEL, John*85WIPRUSSIA: Pommerania: Gramenz (b)WI: Sauk Co.: town of Honey Creek (d); to AMER 1866; 7 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead
10/30/1888699KEINERT, Maria*75KEINERT, SamuelPAPA: Montgomery Co.; Hanover Tp. (b)PA: Reading (d); to Reading 1842; aged husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 4 chren dead
10/30/1888699-----, Maria*75KEINERT, SamuelPAPA: Montgomery Co.; Hanover Tp. (b)PA: Reading (d); to Reading 1842; aged husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 4 chren dead
10/30/1888699KEINERT, Samuel-----, Maria*
10/30/1888699BARKER, John*26IAIA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d); wife, child remain
10/30/1888699BLETT, Susan*61BLETT, GeorgeMIPA: Union Co. (b)MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); came West some yrs ago; husb, chren remain
10/30/1888699-----, Susan*61BLETT, GeorgeMIPA: Union Co. (b)MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); came West some yrs ago; husb, chren remain
10/30/1888699BLETT, George-----, Susan*
10/30/1888699GARNER, Welling Z.*19PAPA: West Earl (d); son of John; consumption
10/30/1888699HARMON, Catharine*80KECHERHARMON, -----PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce area (d); came from eastern part of state 50+ yrs ago. "Of late years she was poor as to to [sic] this world's goods, but rich in faithÉ."
10/30/1888699KECHER, Catharine*80HARMON, -----PAPA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce area (d); came from eastern part of state 50+ yrs ago. "Of late years she was poor as to to [sic] this world's goods, but rich in faithÉ."
10/30/1888699HARMON, -----KECHER, Catharine*
10/30/1888699MILLER, Elizabeth*92OHGERMANY: Hessia-Cassel (b)OH: Greenville (d); to AMER 60 yrs ago; 4 chren remain, 3 husbands & 6 chren dead [md 3 times, husbs not named here]
10/30/1888699SHIREY, Charlie*25PAPA: Shamrock (d); mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain
10/30/1888699ROVOLDT, Lorrilla M.*4 mosNYNY: Niagara Co.: Gasport area (d); dau of Louis & Maggie
10/30/1888699GRAVES, Joanna*42--IN: Kosiosko [sic] Co. (b)--: Minister: NEFF, H. E.; widow several years; 4 daus, 1 son, father remain
10/30/1888699BENDER, Charles M.*4 mos----: Ceresco (d); son of Franklin & Lydia
10/30/1888699BROWN, James Lewis*3PAPA: West Earl (d); son of Lemen B. & Ellen C.; congestion of brain
10/30/1888699GRAVES, Alida*3MIMI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); dau of J. & J.
10/30/1888699WRIGHT, Murcett Wordon*1MIMI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); son of J. & Jane
10/30/1888699GRAVES, Ella*1MIMI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); dau of J. & I.
10/30/1888699WILTROUT, Milo*4 mosININ: Corunna area (d); son of F. & Mariah E.
11/06/1888715CONLEY, Harrison*75OHPA: Beaver Co. (b)OH: Crawford Co.: Sulphur Springs area (d); to this farm 61 yrs ago; never married; 1 sis, 2 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Henry CONLEY of North NE Meth. Conf.
11/06/1888715EXAMPLE:, see CONLEY, Harrison, Nov 6, 1888, p 175obit subject not md,but names bro & his res,
11/06/1888715MILLER, Joseph*62SHOE, RachelINOH: Wayne Co. (b)IN: Marshall Co. (res); md 1849; wife d 1881 of consumption; had 10 chren: 2 dead. "On the 15th of March, 1888, he ended his pilgrimage and joined his companion and 2 children É whither another child has lately followed him."
11/06/1888715EXAMPLE: delayed reporting, see MILLER, Joseph, Nov 6, 1888, p 715
11/06/1888715SHOE, RachelMILLER, Joseph*
11/06/1888715MILLER, RachelMILLER, Joseph*
11/06/1888715KUTZ, Fanny M.*20ILGENFRITZKUTZ, -----PAPA: Carlisle area (b)PA: Letort Springs Cem. (bur); husb, infant babe, pars remain
11/06/1888715ILGENFRITZ, Fanny M.*20KUTZ, -----PAPA: Carlisle area (b)PA: Letort Springs Cem. (bur); husb, infant babe, pars remain
11/06/1888715KUTZ, -----ILGENFRITZ, Fanny M.*
11/06/1888715ALLEN, Grace Eugenie*16PAPA: Mt. Holly (d); mother, siblings remain
11/06/1888715ERB, Aaron*73PAPA: Norristown (d); md Dec 4, 1836; widow, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead; bur Norris City Cem.
11/13/1888731CARMICHEAL [sic], Caroline*43CARMICHEAL, G. W.MIMI: Washtenaw Co.: Augusta (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; consumption
11/13/1888731-----, Caroline*43CARMICHEAL, G. W.MIMI: Washtenaw Co.: Augusta (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; consumption
11/13/1888731CARMICHEAL [sic], G. W.-----, Caroline*
11/13/1888731HESS, Jacob*68PASWITZERLAND, Canton Berne (b)PA: Philadelphia (d); to AMER ca age 18 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead
11/13/1888731BRADFORD, Laura*37BRADFORD, CyrusMIMI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, siblings remain. "One child preceded her and one lies in the arms of her mother."
11/13/1888731-----, Laura*37BRADFORD, CyrusMIMI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, siblings remain. "One child preceded her and one lies in the arms of her mother."
11/13/1888731BRADFORD, Cyrus-----, Laura*
11/13/1888731KENT, Harriet*30KIMMELKENT, AugustusININ: La Grange Co.: South Milford (d); md May 30, 1878; husb, 2 chren, mother, siblings remain
11/13/1888731KIMMEL, Harriet*30KENT, AugustusININ: La Grange Co.: South Milford (d); md May 30, 1878; husb, 2 chren, mother, siblings remain
11/13/1888731KENT, AugustusKIMMEL, Harriet*
11/13/1888731DORN, Elizabeth*66DORN, Henry*PAGERMANY (b)PA: Marchand (d); to AMER w/ husb 1848; husb remains
11/13/1888731-----, Elizabeth*66DORN, Henry*PAGERMANY (b)PA: Marchand (d); to AMER w/ husb 1848; husb remains
11/13/1888731DORN, Henry-----, Elizabeth*
11/13/1888731SHARP, Martha A.*59BRIMSSHARP, -----OHOH: Yellow Bud area (d); 2 sons, 1 dau, 3 bros, 1 sis remain
11/13/1888731BRIMS, Martha A.*59SHARP, -----OHOH: Yellow Bud area (d); 2 sons, 1 dau, 3 bros, 1 sis remain
11/13/1888731SHARP, -----BRIMS, Martha A.*
11/13/1888731GUITHER, Barbara*58GUITHER, HenryILGERMANY: Saxe-Coburg: Hofstaden (b)IL: Walnut (d); to AMER 1848; md 1849; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis dead; 1st sermons preached in neighborhood preached in their house
11/13/1888731-----, Barbara*58GUITHER, HenryILGERMANY: Saxe-Coburg: Hofstaden (b)IL: Walnut (d); to AMER 1848; md 1849; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis dead; 1st sermons preached in neighborhood preached in their house
11/13/1888731GUITHER, Henry-----, Barbara*
11/13/1888731HOOVER, Louisa*67ZANTHNERHOOVER, J. B.INGERMANY: Wittenberg (b)IN: De Kalb Co.: Waterloo (d); to AMER age 6; to PA; md Stark Co., OH, Oct. 23, 1839; to Waterloo 1849
11/13/1888731ZANTHNER, Louisa*67HOOVER, J. B.INGERMANY: Wittenberg (b)IN: De Kalb Co.: Waterloo (d); to AMER age 6; to PA; md Stark Co., OH, Oct. 23, 1839; to Waterloo 1849
11/13/1888731HOOVER, J. B.ZANTHNER, Louisa*
11/13/1888731GUINTHER, Charles Wesley*24ONTONT: Bismark (d); son of Michael & Charlotta. "Six of the family are now lying at rest side by side; and only the parents, one son and one daughter are remainingÉ." Consumption
11/13/1888731FARNSWORTH, James Haven *52OROR: East Portland (d); 1st class-leader of E. Portland Ch. in 1884; widow, 2 sons, 2 daus, aged pars, 3 sis remain
11/13/1888731KEIM, Alida*15PAPA: Reading (d); pars remain; typhoid for 5 wks
11/13/1888731KLIPPEL, Charlotte Christina*56RODENBACKKLIPPEL, JohnNYGERMANY: Willstein (b)NY: Wayne Center (d); to AMER age 3 yrs; md Mar 11, 1852; husb, 5 daus, 3 sons, aged mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 chren dead [poss sons]
11/13/1888731RODENBACK, Charlotte Christina*56KLIPPEL, JohnNYGERMANY: Willstein (b)NY: Wayne Center (d); to AMER age 3 yrs; md Mar 11, 1852; husb, 5 daus, 3 sons, aged mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 chren dead [poss sons]
11/13/1888731KLIPPEL, JohnRODENBACK, Charlotte Christina*
11/13/1888731WILDER, Matilda*26ININ: Fulton Co.: Fulton area (d); dau of Solomon & Emily; pars, 4 sis, 4 bros remain, one bro being Rev. Wm. of IN Conf.
11/13/1888731SWOBE, Ellen Maria*30MILLERSWOBE, A.PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Heilmansdale (d); husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; malaria fever [NOTE: not clear if she died at Heilmansdale, PA or Willow Spring, KS, place of funeral]
11/13/1888731MILLER, Ellen Maria*30SWOBE, A.PAPA: Lebanon Co.: Heilmansdale (d); husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; malaria fever [NOTE: not clear if she died at Heilmansdale, PA or Willow Spring, KS, place of funeral]
11/13/1888731SWOBE, A.MILLER, Ellen Maria*
11/13/1888731SPIES, Charles Louis*68ONTPRUSSIA: Meissen (b)ONT: Rainham (d); to AMER as youth w/ pars; widow, 6 chren, 6 siblings remain; one bro is Rev. C. A. of Canada Conf.; 4 chren dead; blood cancer 12 yrs + bowel inflammation 8 days
11/13/1888731GEIB, Mamie*12PAPA: Reading (d); dau of Daniel & Lizzie; typhoid fever; mother died 5 wks earlier; father confined to bed by leg amputation
11/13/1888731STIPE, Harrison*63OHOH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (res); wife, 2 sons remain
11/13/1888731GILL, Susan M.*62BURNSGILL, -----NEPA: Snyder Co.: Beaverdam (b)NE: Clay Co. (d at home of son-in-law, J. EPLEY); to Stevenson Co., IL, 32 yrs ago; to Clay Co. 16 yrs ago; husb, 1 dau remain
11/13/1888731BURNS, Susan M.*62GILL, -----NEPA: Snyder Co.: Beaverdam (b)NE: Clay Co. (d at home of son-in-law, J. EPLEY); to Stevenson Co., IL, 32 yrs ago; to Clay Co. 16 yrs ago; husb, 1 dau remain
11/13/1888731GILL, -----BURNS, Susan M.*
11/13/1888731ANTON, Helena*61ANTON, PhilipIAIA: Laporte City (d). "She was a wife and mother in her family in every sense of the wordÉ."
11/13/1888731-----, Helena*61ANTON, PhilipIAIA: Laporte City (d). "She was a wife and mother in her family in every sense of the wordÉ."
11/13/1888731ANTON, Philip-----, Helena*
11/13/1888731NEISWINDER, Salind*55NEISWINDER, HenryMIMI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; heart disease
11/13/1888731-----, Salind*55NEISWINDER, HenryMIMI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; heart disease
11/13/1888731NEISWINDER, Henry-----, Salind*
11/13/1888731PAULIN, Alice*25PAULIN, Emery (Rev.)OHOH: Bellevernon area (d); husb & 4-wk-old babe remain; husb recd preacher's license at last OH Conf.
11/13/1888731-----, Alice*25PAULIN, Emery (Rev.)OHOH: Bellevernon area (d); husb & 4-wk-old babe remain; husb recd preacher's license at last OH Conf.
11/13/1888731PAULIN, Emery (Rev.)-----, Alice*
11/13/1888731JIMISON, Adelbert V.*15ININ: Huntington (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; sick a number of wks
11/13/1888731HILE, John (Mrs.)*75IN--: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; member of Salem congregation from its organization; husb, 3 daus remain
11/13/1888731MILLER, Emma*23MOIN: Marshall Co. (b)MO: Vichy area (d); dau of Joseph; consumption
11/13/1888731BOBZIN, Johanna M.*64NYNY: Niagara Co.: Newfane (d); husb, 1 son dead
11/13/1888731McGREGOR, Alvista LeClare*11KSKS: Gove Co.: Jerome (d); youngest son of C. A. & S. J.; bur Gove City, KS
11/13/1888731MILLER, Ida Maria*17MOIN: Marshall Co. (b)MO: Vichy area (d); youngest dau of Joseph; consumption
11/13/1888731HESS, Nellie May*5MIMI: Clinton Co.: Eureka area (d); dau of Joseph & Amanda; diphtheria
11/13/1888731KARL, Eliza Ottilie*2NYNY: Geneva (d); dau of Charles & Ottilie
11/13/1888731ANDERSON, Jennie*8 mosNENE: Aurora area (d); only dau of David & Viola
11/13/1888731HESS, Arthur Henry*8MIMI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); son of Joseph & Amanda; diphtheria
11/20/1888747ECK, Isabella S.*38HOYECK, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
11/20/1888747HOY, Isabella S.*38ECK, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 2 bros, 3 sis remain
11/20/1888747ECK, -----HOY, Isabella S.*
11/20/1888747BAIR, Sarah*71FIRESTINEBAIR, GeorgePAPA: Annville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy of heart
11/20/1888747FIRESTINE, Sarah*71BAIR, GeorgePAPA: Annville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy of heart
11/20/1888747BAIR, GeorgeFIRESTINE, Sarah*
11/20/1888747POPP, Elmer E.*26PAPA: Lickingville (d); wife, 2 chren, mother remain
11/20/1888747HENDRICKS, Rebecca*88PAPA: Tamaqua (d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; husb died 49 yrs ago
11/20/1888747BISH, Noah*61OHOH: Hancock Co.: Washington Tp. (d); loving husb & father; died of heart disease suddenly while on the fair ground
11/20/1888747MOUNTZ, Elizabeth*77PAPA: Middlesex area (died at home of Emanuel MOUNTZ); 7 sons, 4 daus remain
11/20/1888747LAMPERT, Barbara*84SMITHLAMPERT, -----OHGERMANY: Alsace: Harden (b)OH: Fremont area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 5 chren dead; heart disease
11/20/1888747SMITH, Barbara*84LAMPERT, -----OHGERMANY: Alsace: Harden (b)OH: Fremont area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 5 chren dead; heart disease
11/20/1888747LAMPERT, -----SMITH, Barbara*
11/20/1888747REITZ, Caroline*54RAYBUCKREITZ, AmosPAPA: Jefferson Co.: Bellview area (d); husb, 7 chren, 6 step-chren remain
11/20/1888747RAYBUCK, Caroline*54REITZ, AmosPAPA: Jefferson Co.: Bellview area (d); husb, 7 chren, 6 step-chren remain
11/20/1888747REITZ, AmosRAYBUCK, Caroline*
11/20/1888747HINKLE, Louisa*76NYGERMANY: Prussia: Eringshausen (b)NY: Montg. Co.: Stone Arabia (d); to AMER 1849; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; old age
11/20/1888747EYER, Mary*62WOLFEYER, Isaac, Jr.PAPA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d); husb dead; no mention of chren
11/20/1888747WOLF, Mary*62EYER, Isaac, Jr.PAPA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d); husb dead; no mention of chren
11/20/1888747EYER, Isaac, Jr.WOLF, Mary*
11/20/1888747KECK, Christina*42RININGERKECK, HenryOHOH: Summit Co. (d); husb, 1 child remain; collapsed in cornfield husking corn, sank away, never uttered a word, d in 24 hrs; funeral at East Liberty
11/20/1888747RININGER, Christina*42KECK, HenryOHOH: Summit Co. (d); husb, 1 child remain; collapsed in cornfield husking corn, sank away, never uttered a word, d in 24 hrs; funeral at East Liberty
11/20/1888747KECK, HenryRININGER, Christina*
11/20/1888747FRETZ, Maria*63FRETZ, JonathanPAPA: Northampton Co.: Allen Tp. (b)PA: Bucks Co.: Zion Hill (d); aged husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; died in sleep
11/20/1888747-----, Maria*63FRETZ, JonathanPAPA: Northampton Co.: Allen Tp. (b)PA: Bucks Co.: Zion Hill (d); aged husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; died in sleep
11/20/1888747FRETZ, Jonathan-----, Maria*
11/20/1888747DINGES, John William*18PAPA: Centre Hall (d); joined church 2+ yrs ago on eve of departure for US Naval Academy
11/20/1888747DOANE, Mary Ellen*31FISHLEYDOANE, JamesININ: Fulton Co. (b)IN: Cass Co.: Jefferson Tp. (d); dau of Susannah & John; md Sep 1876; husb, 4 sm chren remain; funeral at Shiloh Ch., nr Logansport; consumption
11/20/1888747FISHLEY, Mary Ellen*31DOANE, JamesININ: Fulton Co. (b)IN: Cass Co.: Jefferson Tp. (d); dau of Susannah & John; md Sep 1876; husb, 4 sm chren remain; funeral at Shiloh Ch., nr Logansport; consumption
11/20/1888747DOANE, JamesFISHLEY, Mary Ellen*
11/20/1888747KNIES, Catharine*42HOFFSOMMERKNIES, Wm.PAGERMANY: Hessen: Stadthosbach (b)PA: Hazleton (d); to AMER age 11; md 1866; husb, 4 chren remain
11/20/1888747HOFFSOMMER, Catharine*42KNIES, Wm.PAGERMANY: Hessen: Stadthosbach (b)PA: Hazleton (d); to AMER age 11; md 1866; husb, 4 chren remain
11/20/1888747KNIES, Wm.HOFFSOMMER, Catharine*
11/20/1888747KRAMER, Frederick Adam*75LIPPMAN, ChristinaOHGERMANY: Sachsen-Altenburg: Zeutsch (b)OH: Montgomery Co.: Vandalia area (d); to AMER 1853; md same yr; wife, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead
11/20/1888747LIPPMAN, ChristinaKRAMER, Frederick Adam*
11/20/1888747KRAMER, ChristinaKRAMER, Frederick Adam*
11/20/1888747BORGHART, Frederick*76KAUFMAN, ----- (wife #1; md 1834, died 17 yrs ago; had 3 chren, of whom 1 son remains)IAPRUSSIA: Kroppenstadt (b)IA: Linn Co.: Union (d); to AMER 1847
11/20/1888747BORGHART, Frederick*76FURMEISTER, ----- (Mrs.) (wife #2; md 1873)IAPRUSSIA: Kroppenstadt (b)IA: Linn Co.: Union (d); to AMER 1847
11/20/1888747KAUFMAN, -----BORGHART, Frederick*
11/20/1888747FURMEISTER, ----- (Mrs.)BORGHART, Frederick*
11/20/1888747SPANGLER, -----* [male]85PAPA: Center Co.: Rebersburg area (d); made provision in will for support of preacher of his church for a number of yrs; 6 chren remain
11/20/1888747BENSINGER, George W.*30PAPA: Mahanoy City (d); son of Benneville & Caroline; a few minutes before he died he sang the hymn: "My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine." Sang w/ such force was heard one square away; bur Tamaqua, PA; widow, 3 chren, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain
11/20/1888747BEAN, Percy Wilford*2--IA: Lyon Co.: Larchwood (b)--: Minister: STAPF, L. S.; bro of Emery; only boys of that family; membraneous croup [d Nov 4]
11/20/1888747BEAN, Emery* [d Oct 29]------: Minister: STAPF, L. S.; bro of Percy Wilford; only boys of that family; membraneous croup
11/20/1888747DIEGEL, Henry Louis*2OHOH: Auglaize Co.: Moulton area (d); son of Henry & Eliza; lung inflammation
11/27/1888763SNYDER, John (Rev.)*87ILPA: Schuylkill Co. (born Feb 22, 1802)IL: Bonfield area (d at home of son William); local minister 14 yrs; to Union Co., PA, 1804; to Bonfield, 1866; 7 chren remain; wife, 5 chren dead
11/27/1888763SHIREY, Wm. (Rev.)*31MIMI: Scottville (d); wife, child, pars, 2 sis remain; bur Vicksburg, MI
11/27/1888763YARINGTON, Susan*81----: Minister: MaCAULEY [sic], J.; died at home of son Isaac
11/27/1888763WALTON, Carrie Rebecca*47PAPA: Tamaqua (d); dau of Harrison & Sarah; 2 little bros dead; dropsy [NOTE: age corrected to 7 yrs, Dec 18, p 811] [correct age is 7 yrs]
11/27/1888763WILSON, Maria*78----: Minister: LEONARD, E. P.; aged husb, 3 chren remain
11/27/1888763MILLER, Catharine*67MILLER, ThomasPAPA: Steelstown (d); husb, 7 chren remain
11/27/1888763-----, Catharine*67MILLER, ThomasPAPA: Steelstown (d); husb, 7 chren remain
11/27/1888763MILLER, Thomas-----, Catharine*
11/27/1888763NAGLE, Carolina*73FREYNAGLE, CharlesPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy & heart disease
11/27/1888763FREY, Carolina*73NAGLE, CharlesPAPA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy & heart disease
11/27/1888763NAGLE, CharlesFREY, Carolina*
11/27/1888763BOWER, Sarah (Mrs.)*67STEVENSBOWER, -----PAPA: Columbia Co.: Berwick (d); husb, 9 chren remain
11/27/1888763STEVENS, Sarah*67BOWER, -----PAPA: Columbia Co.: Berwick (d); husb, 9 chren remain
11/27/1888763BOWER, -----STEVENS, Sarah*
11/27/1888763ARNEY, Benedick [sic]*83OHSWITZERLAND: Berne (b)OH: Coshocton Co.: Helmick area (d); among 1st members of our church here
11/27/1888763HEBERLING, Anna Mary*94PAPA: Wiconisco (d); death from a fall; 1 dau remains
11/27/1888763SMITH, John B.*58ONTENGLAND: Northwell (b)ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER at age 7 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain
11/27/1888763KEIPER, Benjamin*71PAPA: Reamstown area (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain
11/27/1888763BUDD, Thomas J.*29DAVIS, -----OHOH: Richland Co. (d); son-in-law of Rev. H. B. DAVIS; wife, child remain [wife was Alice, who md 2) Frank L. COOK; she d 1931;all bur Hayesville, OH, beside Rev. H. B. DAVIS--ABudd]
11/27/1888763DAVIS, -----BUDD, Thomas J.*
11/27/1888763MOTTINGER, Joseph*61HUMBERT, Sarah A.OHOH: Columbiana Co.: New Lisbon area (b)OH: Trumbull Co.: Lordstown (d); md Aug 1851; both converted ca 1853 Greensburg, Summit Co., OH; widow, 1 son, 2 daus, 7 sis, 2 bros remain; bur w/ pars in Greensburg Cem.
11/27/1888763HUMBERT, Sarah A.MOTTINGER, Joseph*
11/27/1888763MOTTINGER, Sarah A.MOTTINGER, Joseph*
11/27/1888763STIGMAN, Ida Minerva*12CAPA: Berks Co.: Kutztown (b)CA: Los Angeles (d); dau of Henry & Amanda; diphtheria
11/27/1888763FULMER, David R.*46PAPA: Bethlehem (d); wife, 4 chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; killed instantly when run over by coal train
11/27/1888763DORWARD, Lewis*46ROTH, SarahPAPA: Slatington (d); md 1862; widow, 3 sons, 2 daus, mother, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead; consumption
11/27/1888763ROTH, SarahDORWARD, Lewis*
11/27/1888763DORWARD, SarahDORWARD, Lewis*
11/27/1888763DOLL, Charlotte*43RUSTERHOLZDOLL, CasperPAPA: Erie Co.: Mc Kean Tp. (b)PA: Erie (d); md Oct 18, 1866; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead
11/27/1888763RUSTERHOLZ, Charlotte*43DOLL, CasperPAPA: Erie Co.: Mc Kean Tp. (b)PA: Erie (d); md Oct 18, 1866; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead
11/27/1888763DOLL, CasperRUSTERHOLZ, Charlotte*
11/27/1888763SWARTZ, Elizabeth*71MIMI: Cass Co.: Union area (d); md nearly 50 yrs; husb, 1 dau, 4 sons remain; 1 dau dead
11/27/1888763PFEFFER, Lulu*19OHOH: Dayton (d); dau of Henry C. & Emma; mother, 2 sis, 1 bro remain
11/27/1888763WOLFINGER, John*68ILPA: Berks Co. (b)IL: Freeport (d); from PA to Freeport 1854; md 41 yrs; wife, 2 daus remain
11/27/1888763FOX, Lina E.*14IAIA: Mt. Etna (d); oldest dau of Geo.; sick 8 days
11/27/1888763STELTZ, Carrie Ellen*3NYNY: only dau; father is preacher of 2nd Church of NY
11/27/1888763WOLFSKILL, Jacob Nelson*8PAPA: Reamstown (d); son of John & Malinda; diphtheria
11/27/1888763BEAN, Emory Allen*4IAIA: Lyon Co.: Larchwood Tp. (d); son of Jacob & Myra; membraneous croup
12/04/1888779DISHER, Annie Mary M.*14PAPA: Clarion Co.: Blair's Corners area (d); widowed mother, little bro remain
12/04/1888779KELLY, John*39ONTONT: Huron Co.: Hay: Dashwood (d); son of Thomas & Ann; aged pars, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; bowel inflammation
12/04/1888779KNUPP, Clarence Levant*12PAPA: Warren area (d)
12/04/1888779EBERHARDT, Eliza*23ONTOnt: Stanley Tp.: Bayfield (b)ONT: Huron Co.: Hay (d); mother, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption for 7 mos
12/04/1888779WASH, ----- [male]*78----: Minister: McCAULEY, M.; wife, several chren remain
12/04/1888779HEFFELBOWER, William*36WADE, Clara JaneMIOH: Lucas Co. (b)MI: Tuscola Co.: Cass City (d); md May 24, 1872; widow, 4 chren, pars remain; lung inflammation
12/04/1888779WADE, Clara JaneHEFFELBOWER, William*
12/04/1888779HEFFELBOWER, Clara JaneHEFFELBOWER, William*
12/04/1888779YOUNG, Margaretha*82ONTGERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Parkenheim (res)ONT: New Hamburg (d); to CANADA 1842; 4 sons, 4 daus remain; one son is Rev. J. C. of South IN Conf.; husb, 2 daus dead
12/04/1888779FELLER, Polly*75FELLER, JacobOHOH: Findlay (d); 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given
12/04/1888779-----, Polly*75FELLER, JacobOHOH: Findlay (d); 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given
12/04/1888779FELLER, Jacob-----, Polly*
12/04/1888779MARSHALL, George G.*28MIOH: Seneca Co. (b)MI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (d); to Maple Grove age 4 yrs; wife, 3 chren, pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain; one bro is Rev. J. J. of MI Conf.; typhoid
12/04/1888779WATERS, Margaret*36OHOH: Akron (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain
12/04/1888779PAWSEY, Hannah*73OHIN (b) [NOTE: birthplace corrected to ENGLAND, Dec 18, 1888, p 811]OH: Wyandot Co.: Carey (d); husb, 4 daus, 2 sons remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead
12/04/1888779FELGER, J. S. (Rev.),mentioned in PAWSEY, Hannah obit, Dec 4, 1888, p 779
12/04/1888779HELLER, Emanuel*59PAPA: Loganton (d); former United Brethren; widow, 7 chren, aged pars remain; stomach concer
12/04/1888779KRESS, Barbara*80KRESS, MartinIAEUROPE: Baden: Helmingen (b)IA: Rowley area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847 to Buffalo NY area; to Geneva IL 1850; to Buchanan Co. IA 1856; funeral at Quasqueton Meth. Church; 6 sons remain
12/04/1888779-----, Barbara*80KRESS, MartinIAEUROPE: Baden: Helmingen (b)IA: Rowley area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847 to Buffalo NY area; to Geneva IL 1850; to Buchanan Co. IA 1856; funeral at Quasqueton Meth. Church; 6 sons remain
12/04/1888779KRESS, Martin-----, Barbara*
12/04/1888779SCHWAGER, Anna Mary*75REICHENBACHERSCHWAGER, BernhardILGERMANY: Baden: Co. Durlach: Berghausen (b)IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire area (d); md 1836; to AMER 1848; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead
12/04/1888779REICHENBACHER, Anna Mary*75SCHWAGER, BernhardILGERMANY: Baden: Co. Durlach: Berghausen (b)IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire area (d); md 1836; to AMER 1848; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead
12/04/1888779SCHWAGER, BernhardREICHENBACHER, Anna Mary*
12/04/1888779ABEL, Charles August*64IAPRUSSIA: Damsendorf (b)IA: Union Co.: Afton area (d); to AMER 1850; res Indianapolis, IN, 1 yr; Burlington, IA, 6 yrs; then to Union Co., IA; wife, 3 sons, 4 daus remain
12/04/1888779WEAVER, Annie*33CLAIRWEAVER, GeorgeILIL: Freeport (d); husb, son age 12 yrs, 2 sis remain; Bright's disease
12/04/1888779CLAIR, Annie*33WEAVER, GeorgeILIL: Freeport (d); husb, son age 12 yrs, 2 sis remain; Bright's disease
12/04/1888779WEAVER, GeorgeCLAIR, Annie*
12/11/1888795ZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)*65SEEFELD, JustinaMNGERMANY: Prussia: Grienrade nr Berlin (b)MN: St. Charles (d); learned brick-making trade; md Mar 12, 1846; to AMER 1848 to Lomira, WI; licensed to preach by WI Conf. 1857; to St. Charles 1864; wife, 11 chren, 3 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Wm. of WI Conf.; 1 child dead; multitudes at funeral
12/11/1888795SEEFELD, JustinaZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)*
12/11/1888795ZICKERICK, JustinaZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)*
12/11/1888795REAMS, -----*60ARNOLDREAMS, John (Rev.)PAPA: York Co. (b)PA: Luthersburg area (d); 2nd dau of Peter & Susannah; pars to Luthersburg Apr 1837; md Sep 17, 1846; husb, 3 sons, 6 daus, 5 bros remain; 1 son, 1 dau, pars, 2 sis dead; consumption
12/11/1888795ARNOLD, -----*60REAMS, John (Rev.)PAPA: York Co. (b)PA: Luthersburg area (d); 2nd dau of Peter & Susannah; pars to Luthersburg Apr 1837; md Sep 17, 1846; husb, 3 sons, 6 daus, 5 bros remain; 1 son, 1 dau, pars, 2 sis dead; consumption
12/11/1888795REAMS, John (Rev.)ARNOLD, -----*
12/11/1888795CECIL, -----* [male]66IAIA: Adams Co.: Carbon area (d)
12/11/1888795KELLY, Andrew*68PAPA: Warren Co.: Tidioute area (d); widow, 3 sons, 4 daus remain
12/11/1888795BARTECK, Carl*30-----, AugustaNYNY: Geneva (died of burns from explosion of kerosene oil can used to start fire); 2 chren, aged 1 & 3 also burned, but is hope for their survival; pars, siblings also remain [husb of Augusta]
12/11/1888795-----, AugustaBARTECK, Carl*
12/11/1888795BARTECK, Augusta*24BARTECK, CarlNYNY: Geneva (died of burns from explosion of kerosene oil can used to start fire); 2 chren, aged 1 & 3 also burned, but is hope for their survival; pars, siblings also remain [wife of Carl]
12/11/1888795-----, Augusta*24BARTECK, Carl
12/11/1888795BARTECK, Carl-----, Augusta*
12/11/1888795DANLY, Newell Ingels*49ORNY: Jefferson Co. (b)OR: East Portland (d); widow, 1 dau, 2 sons remain
12/11/1888795KRAUS, Anna Olivia*84ALLAMANKRAUS, -----PAPA: Wayne Co.: Newfoundland (d); husb, 1 son remain; dropsy
12/11/1888795ALLAMAN, Anna Olivia*84KRAUS, -----PAPA: Wayne Co.: Newfoundland (d); husb, 1 son remain; dropsy
12/11/1888795KRAUS, -----ALLAMAN, Anna Olivia*
12/11/1888795BARRON, Margreth*43NICKLAUSBARRON, -----SDSD: Lake Co. (d); dau of Rev. George & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain [Dakota Terr.: there is no Lake Co. in ND, so is SD by default]
12/11/1888795NICKLAUS, Margreth*43BARRON, -----SDSD: Lake Co. (d); dau of Rev. George & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain [Dakota Terr.: there is no Lake Co. in ND, so is SD by default]
12/11/1888795BARRON, -----NICKLAUS, Margreth*
12/11/1888795TURNER, Minnie Alice*24McCLERRYTURNER, Albert F.OHOH (d) [submitting minister of Fairfield Co., OH, at this time]
12/11/1888795McCLERRY, Minnie Alice*24TURNER, Albert F.OHOH (d) [submitting minister of Fairfield Co., OH, at this time]
12/11/1888795TURNER, Albert F.McCLERRY, Minnie Alice*
12/11/1888795RAU, Eliza May*59ERBRAU, -----OHOH: North Lima (d)
12/11/1888795ERB, Eliza May*59RAU, -----OHOH: North Lima (d)
12/11/1888795RAU, -----ERB, Eliza May*
12/11/1888795ELSMORE, Anne*70PAENGLAND: Bambray (b)PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); to AMER w/ pars 1823, landed NY Sep 29; 1 dau remains
12/11/1888795PARMER, Bertha Caroline*10PAPA: Mt. Airy (d); dau of Geo.; explosion of powder in house which wrecked it; she crushed by falling timbers; father burned, 2 other chren injured; property destroyed; father since converted
12/11/1888795KUMBERGER, Christina Barbara*76BECKKUMBERGER, -----ONTSTUTTGART: Amtsoberamt (b)ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER 1853; 1 dau, 1 bro remain. "Her life was one of storm and clouds, her influence sunshine, and her end peace."
12/11/1888795BECK, Christina Barbara*76KUMBERGER, -----ONTSTUTTGART: Amtsoberamt (b)ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER 1853; 1 dau, 1 bro remain. "Her life was one of storm and clouds, her influence sunshine, and her end peace."
12/11/1888795KUMBERGER, -----BECK, Christina Barbara*
12/11/1888795YAGGE, Elizabeth*73SCHWEITZERYAGGE, -----ONTONT: New Hamburg area (d); left PA 54 yrs ago; 4 daus, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; husb, only son dead
12/11/1888795SCHWEITZER, Elizabeth*73YAGGE, -----ONTONT: New Hamburg area (d); left PA 54 yrs ago; 4 daus, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; husb, only son dead
12/11/1888795YAGGE, -----SCHWEITZER, Elizabeth*
12/11/1888795HAWK, John*49TOPPER, Ellen A.IAIA: Madison Co.: Winterset area (d); md 2) Oct 10, 1869; 1st wife died prev [md twice, wife #1 not named here]
12/11/1888795TOPPER, Ellen A.HAWK, John*
12/11/1888795HAWK, Ellen A.HAWK, John*
12/11/1888795WERST, Henrietta*78WERST, JacobPAPA: Northampton Co.: Bethlehem (d); 3 sons, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead; stomach disease/old age
12/11/1888795-----, Henrietta*78WERST, JacobPAPA: Northampton Co.: Bethlehem (d); 3 sons, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead; stomach disease/old age
12/11/1888795WERST, Jacob-----, Henrietta*
12/11/1888795SEYLER, Martha B.*32SEYLER, Henry B.PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 2 boys remain; bur Friedensburg, 10 mi southeast of Reading; consumption
12/11/1888795-----, Martha B.*32SEYLER, Henry B.PAPA: Reading (d); husb, 2 boys remain; bur Friedensburg, 10 mi southeast of Reading; consumption
12/11/1888795SEYLER, Henry B.-----, Martha B.*
12/11/1888795NEWPHER, Franklin*30PAPA: Reading (d); wife, 4 chren, aged mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; died from injuries accidentally rec'd Nov 19, while lacing a belt at Boshong's Paper Mill; died on birthday
12/11/1888795FORSYTHE, Jennie M.*24STARKEYFORSYTHE, ---------: Minister: POLING, C. C.; father died when she small; raised by J. F. STAIGER; md Jan 1885; husb, mother, 5 sis, foster parents remain; consumption
12/11/1888795STARKEY, Jennie M.*24FORSYTHE, ---------: Minister: POLING, C. C.; father died when she small; raised by J. F. STAIGER; md Jan 1885; husb, mother, 5 sis, foster parents remain; consumption
12/11/1888795FORSYTHE, -----STARKEY, Jennie M.*
12/11/1888795BUTTS, Amos*77ILPA: Lehigh Co. (b)IL: Naperville church member for 43 yrs; aged wife, 3 sons, 2 daus, siblings remain; rheumatism/bright's disease
12/11/1888795HOUSER, Reuben*71ILPA: Lehigh Co. (b)IL: Naperville (d); wife, 2 sons, 5 daus, siblings remain; converted in PA 49 yrs ago; member Naperville church 43 yrs
12/18/1888811BEERLEY, Adam*46KSKS: Bermington area (d); wife, 2 daus, 1 son remain; bur Minneapolis Cem.; consumption [Minneapolis is in Ottawa Co., KS]
12/18/1888811DEPPEN, Christina*78LANGSDEPPEN, JohnMIMI: Monroe Co.: Carlton (died at home of son Charles); husb, chren remain
12/18/1888811LANGS, Christina*78DEPPEN, JohnMIMI: Monroe Co.: Carlton (died at home of son Charles); husb, chren remain
12/18/1888811DEPPEN, JohnLANGS, Christina*
12/18/1888811REAGER, Frederick*80PAPA: Aaronsburg (d); aged widow remains
12/18/1888811KEEN, Lydia*77HAUTZKEEN, GeorgePAPA: Allentown (d); 5 step-chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; husb dead; bur in cemetery nr her old home at Berlinsville, PA
12/18/1888811HAUTZ, Lydia*77KEEN, GeorgePAPA: Allentown (d); 5 step-chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; husb dead; bur in cemetery nr her old home at Berlinsville, PA
12/18/1888811KEEN, GeorgeHAUTZ, Lydia*
12/18/1888811HOFFMAN, Louisa*29HEFFELFINGERHOFFMAN, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, infant, father, step-mo, 3 step-bros, 1 step-sis remain. "Her mother and five sisters had preceded her, and she, the last one remaining of Bro. Heffelfinger's first family, has now followed them."
12/18/1888811HEFFELFINGER, Louisa*29HOFFMAN, -----PAPA: Reading (d); husb, infant, father, step-mo, 3 step-bros, 1 step-sis remain. "Her mother and five sisters had preceded her, and she, the last one remaining of Bro. Heffelfinger's first family, has now followed them."
12/18/1888811HOFFMAN, -----HEFFELFINGER, Louisa*
12/18/1888811BENDER, Emma Almeda*19OHOH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (died at Zirus Hartung's home); oldest dau of Wm. & Rebecca; body taken to pars' home at East Liberty for funeral; at church the Sunday before she died; mentions pars, siblings
12/18/1888811RUPERT, Lucy Anna*14MIMI: Ingham Co.: Holt (d); adopted dau of Lewis & Anna; pars, 1 sis remain; consumption for 2 yrs
12/18/1888811PURSELL, Clare Evelyn*1PAPA: Luzerne Co.: Tunkhannock (d); dau of John & Lavina; bur Laurel Cem., White Haven, PA: ate pills, had spasm, died soon after
12/18/1888811REEVE, William*58WIENGLAND: Huntingtonshire: Earith (b)WI: Grant Co.: Fennimore area (d); widow, 1 son, 5 daus remain
12/18/1888811BAHR, Amelia*45MEUN [?]BAHR, -----IAMO: St. Louis (b)IA: Laporte City (d); husb, 7 chren remain
12/18/1888811MEUN [?], Amelia*45BAHR, -----IAMO: St. Louis (b)IA: Laporte City (d); husb, 7 chren remain
12/18/1888811BAHR, -----MEUN [?], Amelia*
12/18/1888811WERTMAN, Kate*50BOYERWERTMAN, -----PAPA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 1 dau, aged mother, 1 sis, 6 bros remain; cancerous tumor
12/18/1888811BOYER, Kate*50WERTMAN, -----PAPA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 1 dau, aged mother, 1 sis, 6 bros remain; cancerous tumor
12/18/1888811WERTMAN, -----BOYER, Kate*
12/18/1888811ENGELKING, Edward W.*27JOHNS, LouisaILIL: Carroll Co.: Savannah (d); md 188[5?]; wife, 1 child, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 1 child dead [d May 8]
12/18/1888811JOHNS, LouisaENGELKING, Edward W.* [d May 8]
12/18/1888811ENGELKING, LouisaENGELKING, Edward W.* [d May 8]
12/18/1888811EXAMPLE: delayed reporting, see ENGELKING, Edward W., Dec 18, 1888, p 811
12/18/1888811DEEDS, Henry Warner*77PAPA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville area (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; blind 12 yrs; gangrene
12/18/1888811TROUP, Clara Alice*9PAPA: Carlisle (d); pars, 2 sis remain
12/18/1888811SCHWARTZ, Lilly Rose*4WAW. T.: Rockford area (d); eldest dau of Charles & Eliza; diphtheria
12/18/1888811TRENT, Nellie Pearl*7 mosPAPA: Salisbury area (d); dau of Boze & Mary S.
12/18/1888811SMITH, Daniel*5OHOH: Mercer Co.: Celina area (d); son of Philip & Mary; spinal fever
12/18/1888811HEMIG, Lola B.*9 mosILIL: Cedarville area (d); adopted dau of V. H. & D. S.
12/25/1888827BUEHLER, Verena*63LUETSCHERBUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.)WISWITZERLAND: Haldenstein Co.: Graubuendten (b)WI: Wenobago [sic] Co.: Black Wolf (d); md 1849, to AMER shortly after to Troy, WI; husb, adopted son, 4 siblings remain; bur Honey Creek, WI, in family burial-place
12/25/1888827LUETSCHER, Verena*63BUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.)WISWITZERLAND: Haldenstein Co.: Graubuendten (b)WI: Wenobago [sic] Co.: Black Wolf (d); md 1849, to AMER shortly after to Troy, WI; husb, adopted son, 4 siblings remain; bur Honey Creek, WI, in family burial-place
12/25/1888827BUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.)LUETSCHER, Verena*
12/25/1888827KOKEN, James*56PAPA: Bethlehem (d); widow, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption/pneumonia
12/25/1888827SMITH, Caroline E.*61SMITH, WilliamPAPA: Salisbury (d); husb,, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; mother-in-law of Rev. S. M. BAUMGARDNER
12/25/1888827-----, Caroline E.*61SMITH, WilliamPAPA: Salisbury (d); husb,, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; mother-in-law of Rev. S. M. BAUMGARDNER
12/25/1888827SMITH, William-----, Caroline E.*
12/25/1888827METZGER, Thomas*55PAPA: Lycoming Co.: State Road Church area (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; wife died 9 mos earlier; died before could make will, told sons to give a few hundred dollars to the missionary fund
12/25/1888827REED, Mary Ursula*30MILLERREED, J. M.TXTX: Wichita Falls (d); dau of Joseph & Leah of Mt. Carmel, PA; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; brought to old home for burial; left TX Wed A.M., arrived Sun. evening
12/25/1888827MILLER, Mary Ursula*30REED, J. M.TXTX: Wichita Falls (d); dau of Joseph & Leah of Mt. Carmel, PA; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; brought to old home for burial; left TX Wed A.M., arrived Sun. evening
12/25/1888827REED, J. M.MILLER, Mary Ursula*
12/25/1888827NICOLAI, John V.*47NCOH: Sandusky City (b)NC: Asheville (d); to Cincinnati, OH, 15 yrs ago; spent last 3 winters in the South; Wife, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; funeral in Cleveland, OH; consumption
12/25/1888827GODSHALK, Aaron*72PAPA: Northampton Co.: Ackermanville (d); widow, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; pneumonia
12/25/1888827THIES, Sophia*60AHRNSTHIES, FrederickNYGERMANY (b)NY: Laona (converted); md 1850; to AMER 1867; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain
12/25/1888827AHRNS, Sophia*60THIES, FrederickNYGERMANY (b)NY: Laona (converted); md 1850; to AMER 1867; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain
12/25/1888827THIES, FrederickAHRNS, Sophia*
12/25/1888827COMBS, James Alfred*69OHOH: Highland Co. (b)OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburg (d); widow, 1 son & dau remain; 5 chren dead
12/25/1888827SMITH, Alice*25FAIRSMITH, L.PAPA: Fair Hope area (d); paralysis
12/25/1888827FAIR, Alice*25SMITH, L.PAPA: Fair Hope area (d); paralysis
12/25/1888827SMITH, L.FAIR, Alice*
12/25/1888827BROADWAY, Eliza*59NEENGLAND: Dorset: Blandford (b)NE: Beaver Crossing (d); md 1852; to AMER 1865 to CANADA, where res 14 yrs; to NE 9 yrs ago; husb, 5 sons, 4 daus remain
12/25/1888827ALBRIGHT, Harvey Ryan*5IAIA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 11]
12/25/1888827ALBRIGHT, Anna Rebecca*3IAIA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 11, a few hrs after Harvey]
12/25/1888827ALBRIGHT, Hattie Belle*1IAIA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 12]
12/25/1888827BOWER, Martin*61IAPA: Union Co. (b)IA: Monona Co.: Mapleton area (d); converted at Orangeville, IL, Feb 1881; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; had stroke on way to nearby home of son Jacob
12/25/1888827REPP, Verda Adeline*28BYERSREPP, -----OHOH: Richland Co. (b)OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); husb, her only bro remain. "She died of consumption, which disease victimized her parents and five brothers and sisters before her. Only a little brother is left of the family."
12/25/1888827BYERS, Verda Adeline*28REPP, -----OHOH: Richland Co. (b)OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); husb, her only bro remain. "She died of consumption, which disease victimized her parents and five brothers and sisters before her. Only a little brother is left of the family."
12/25/1888827REPP, -----BYERS, Verda Adeline*
12/25/1888827SOUTHWICK, Asa*84OHMA: Danby (b)OH: Burbank (d); ancestors were Quakers; 4 grchren remain; wife, 2 sons, 1 dau dead
12/25/1888827RAUSLER, Catherine*65RAUSLER, DavidNYGERMANY: Baden: Linkenheim (b)NY: Buffalo (d); 1 son & his wife, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead; heart failure
12/25/1888827-----, Catherine*65RAUSLER, DavidNYGERMANY: Baden: Linkenheim (b)NY: Buffalo (d); 1 son & his wife, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead; heart failure
12/25/1888827RAUSLER, David-----, Catherine*
12/25/1888827SCHUKNECHT, Hermon R.*1OROR: Portland (d); son of Rev. H. & Wilhelmina; croup
12/25/1888827KOCHER, Catharine Olive*21PAPA: Perry Co.: Grier's Point area (d); pneumonia/hemorrhage
12/25/1888827ANSEL, Sarah*70PAPA: Reamstown (d); 4 sons, 1 dau remain; apoplexy
12/25/1888827LARSEN, Hansine*24MIMI: Livingston Co.: Marion (d); husb, 1 infant child remain
12/25/1888827POUNDER, J. J.*infanNENE: Beaver Crossing area (d); son of J. J.
12/25/1888827LINDERMUTH, Katie Susan*6PAPA: Berks Co.: Centreport area (d); dau of Daniel & Louisa; inflammation of bowels

Number of items that your search found: 855