Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/03/1888 | 427 | LEH, Stephen* | 68 | SCHMIDT, Eliza Anna | PA | PA: Coplay (d); md 1852; widow, 1 dau, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; pneumonia | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | SCHMIDT, Eliza Anna | LEH, Stephen* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | LEH, Eliza Anna | LEH, Stephen* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | WIZZER, Susan* | 58 | WIZZER, Isaiah | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 1 dau remains; husb dead; catarrhal dyspepsia | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | -----, Susan* | 58 | WIZZER, Isaiah | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 1 dau remains; husb dead; catarrhal dyspepsia | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | WIZZER, Isaiah | -----, Susan* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | HEGEL, Flora Ella* | 9 | -- | --: Minister: BAUMGARTNER, S. A.; dau of Jacob & Mary; erysipelas | |||
07/03/1888 | 427 | HARTUNG, Richard* | 78 | KLICK, Maria | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: Elkhart Co.: Dunlap area (d); to Stark Co., OH, 1812; md 1830, wife of Stark Co.; to Noble Co., IN, 1854; to Elkhart Co., 1864; widow, 2 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; 7 chren dead | |
07/03/1888 | 427 | EXAMPLE:, see HARTUNG, Richard, Jul 3, 1888, p 427 | numerous residences | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | KLICK, Maria | HARTUNG, Richard* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | HARTUNG, Maria | HARTUNG, Richard* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | PLATT, Mary A.* | 77 | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | BARGER, Samual [sic]* | 75 | BARBIN, Harriet | IN | PA: Northumberland Co.: Derry Tp. (b Nov 9, 1812) | IN: Elkhart (d); son of George & Margaret; md May 16, 1841; widow, 1 son, 2 daus, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; died suddenly | |
07/03/1888 | 427 | BARBIN, Harriet | BARGER, Samual [sic]* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | BARGER, Harriet | BARGER, Samual [sic]* | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | EXAMPLE:, see BARGER, Samual [sic], Jul 3, 1888, p 427 | parents' names of one b 1812 | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | FORTNER, Laura Eders [?]* | 14 | PA | PA: Wind Gap (d); dau of Josiah & Elizabeth; pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; consumption | |||
07/03/1888 | 427 | RISMILLER, Daniel* | 82 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Richmond Tp. (b) | PA: Nazareth (d); 3 sons, 7 daus remain; wife, 1 son dead; dropsy | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | FREDRICK, Robert F.* | 27 | IN | IN: Goshen (place of bur & home of pars); place of death not given; fireman on Santa Fe R.R., struck by bridge timber while crossing bridge; body to Newton [no state named, but perhaps KS] where bro G. W. resides; body then to Goshen | |||
07/03/1888 | 427 | SLAGENWHITE, Frederick* | 85 | PA | GERMANY (res prev) | PA: Lycoming Co.: Salladasburg area (d); 3 chren remain; wife, 6 chren dead | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | WEBER, Charlotte C.* | 39 | NE | NE: Red Cloud area (d); dau of Louis & Catharine; niece of Rev. C. LINDEMAN of IL Conf.; mother, 4 bros remain | |||
07/03/1888 | 427 | EXAMPLE:, see WEBER, Charlotte C., Jul 3, 1888, p 427 | clue for mother's maiden name | |||||
07/03/1888 | 427 | TAVENNER, Orrey A.* | 3 | OH | OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; son of Jonah & Amelia; has twin brother | |||
07/03/1888 | 427 | WEAVER, Ida Louisa* | 19 | FORTNER | WEAVER, Emory | PA | PA: Wind Gap (d); husb, 1 dau remain | |
07/03/1888 | 427 | FORTNER, Ida Louisa* | 19 | WEAVER, Emory | PA | PA: Wind Gap (d); husb, 1 dau remain | ||
07/03/1888 | 427 | WEAVER, Emory | FORTNER, Ida Louisa* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | SARBER, Michael Maize* | 63 | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Richland Co. (d); joined Evan. Ch. in Berlin, PA at age 18; wife, 9 chren, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; 1 child dead [corr to BARBER, Jul 24, p 475] | ||
07/10/1888 | 443 | RICHARDS, Lillie Vilera* | 16 | -- | --: Minister: KRUPP, B. C.; dau of Reuben C. & Sarah; hasty consumption | |||
07/10/1888 | 443 | CLINKER, Elizabeth* | 93 | CLINKER, Isaac | OH | PA (b Oct 1794) | OH: North Lima area (d); to OH 1804; md Apr 1816; was widow 54 yrs; had 11 chren | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | -----, Elizabeth* | 93 | CLINKER, Isaac | OH | PA (b Oct 1794) | OH: North Lima area (d); to OH 1804; md Apr 1816, was widow 54 yrs; had 11 chren | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | CLINKER, Isaac | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | HAMER, George L.* | 20 | -- | --: Minister: FLOTO, C. F.; son of John & Leah; att Cent. State Normal School, Lock Haven, PA; pars, 2 sis remain; drowned | |||
07/10/1888 | 443 | MENNEWISCH, Catharine* | 68 | HELMIG | MENNEWISCH, Fr. | PA | PRUSSIA: Westereuppeln | PA: Pittsburg area (d); md 1846; to AMER same yr to Pittsburg; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead. [NOTE: there is a Westerkappeln in former Prussian prov. in Westphalia] |
07/10/1888 | 443 | HELMIG, Catharine* | 68 | MENNEWISCH, Fr. | PA | PRUSSIA: Westereuppeln | PA: Pittsburg area (d); md 1846; to AMER same yr to Pittsburg; husb, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead. [NOTE: there is a Westerkappeln in former Prussian prov. in Westphalia] | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | MENNEWISCH, Fr. | HELMIG, Catharine* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | GIBBS, Lizzie A.* | 26 | MICHAEL | GIBBS, ----- | IL | IL: Carroll Co. (b) | IL: Elkhorn (d); md Dec 3, 1885; husb, pars, siblings remain; 1 bro dead |
07/10/1888 | 443 | MICHAEL, Lizzie A.* | 26 | GIBBS, ----- | IL | IL: Carroll Co. (b) | IL: Elkhorn (d); md Dec 3, 1885; husb, pars, siblings remain; 1 bro dead | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | GIBBS, ----- | MICHAEL, Lizzie* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | SHOWALTER, Margaret Jane* | 15 | PA | PA: Terre Hill area (d); dau of Curtis & Anne; taught S.S. 25 yrs; aged mother, 1 sis, 2 bros remain | |||
07/10/1888 | 443 | SCHWARTZ, Catherine* | 42 | SCHWARTZ, Jacob | ONT | ONT: Strasburg (b) | ONT: Hesleper (d); husb, 9 chren remain | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | -----, Catherine* | 42 | SCHWARTZ, Jacob | ONT | ONT: Strasburg (b) | ONT: Hesleper (d); husb, 9 chren remain | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | SCHWARTZ, Jacob | -----, Catherine* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | ALBRIGHT, -----* | 70 | MYERS | ALBRIGHT, ----- | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: Penn Tp. (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | MYERS, -----* | 70 | ALBRIGHT, ----- | IA | IA: Johnson Co.: Penn Tp. (d); husb, 11 chren remain; 3 chren dead | ||
07/10/1888 | 443 | ALBRIGHT, ----- | MYERS, -----* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | JAMES, Mary* | 63 | WELLS | JAMES, Jesse | OH | OH: submitting minister of Sulphus Springs, OH, at this time; dau of Wm. & Rebecca; md Sep 23, 1847; had 4 sons, 3 daus; husb & 2 of the chren dead | |
07/10/1888 | 443 | WELLS, Mary* | 63 | JAMES, Jesse | OH | OH: submitting minister of Sulphus Springs, OH, at this time; dau of Wm. & Rebecca; md Sep 23, 1847; had 4 sons, 3 daus; husb & 2 of the chren dead | ||
07/10/1888 | 443 | JAMES, Jesse | WELLS, Mary* | |||||
07/10/1888 | 443 | MICKLEY, Susan* | 40 | NY | NY: Fayette (d); husb, widowed mother, bro, 2 sis remain | |||
07/10/1888 | 443 | WIDMEYER, John* | 71 | MI | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | MI Conf.: Whiteford circuit: Whiteford Centre (d); to AMER 34 yrs ago; 1of 6 to organize So. Whiteford Class [Church]; widow remains | ||
07/10/1888 | 443 | SIMON, Heller* | 66 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Loraine Co. (d); to IL 1844; widow, 10 chren remain; 1st wife, 3 chren dead; carbuncle led to blood poisoning [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
07/10/1888 | 443 | BLOSSER, Frankie* | 7 | NY | NY: Niag. Co.: Raymond (d); dau of Chauncey & Caroline; bur Chestnut Ridge Cem.; scarlet fever/dropsy | |||
07/10/1888 | 443 | PFEIFFER, Charles* | 30 | MI | MI: Adrian area (d); pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; measles | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | TROUTMAN, Catharine* | 64 | TROUTMAN, Sam'l | PA | PA: Herndon (d); husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | -----, Catharine* | 64 | TROUTMAN, Sam'l | PA | PA: Herndon (d); husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | TROUTMAN, Sam'l | -----, Catharine* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | BOWER, Michael* | 77 | KLICK, Rebecca | MI | PA (b) | MI: Saginaw Co.: Chesaning area (d); as a boy to Greensburg, Stark Co. [now (2009) Summit Co.], OH; md age 24; res Noble Co., IN 1849-1867, to MI in bounds of Owosso Circuit, 1867; wife, 4 sons remain; 5 chren dead | |
07/17/1888 | 459 | KLICK, Rebecca | BOWER, Michael* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | BOWER, Rebecca | BOWER, Michael* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | KNOX, James* | 60 | IA | IRELAND (b) | IA: Marysville area (d). "In 1880, having changed his locationÉ."; widow, 4 chren, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | WEIKEL, Margarett* | 60 | LONG | WEIKEL, ----- [Joseph] | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Red Haw area (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead. [Ash. Co. Cem. Recs, p 234: Marguerite d Jul 31, 1888 [obit says d Jul 3] ae 60y 3m 20ds; Joseph d Apr 1, 1886 ae 77y 1m 6d (gravestone poss misread since obit says he remains)] | |
07/17/1888 | 459 | LONG, Margarett* | 60 | WEIKEL, ----- | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Red Haw area (d); husb, 4 chren remain; 5 chren dead. [Ash. Co. Cem. Recs, p 234: Marguerite d Jul 31, 1888 [obit says d Jul 3] ae 60y 3m 20ds; Joseph d Apr 1, 1886 ae 77y 1m 6d (gravestone poss misread since obit says he remains)] | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | WEIKEL, ----- [Joseph] | LONG, Margarett* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | EXAMPLE:, see WEIKEL, Margarett, Jul 17, 1888, p 459 | gravestone death date possibly misread + husb is living | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | SLEGEL, Joel E. (Dr.)* | 55 | PA | PA: Reading (d); wife, 3 chren, mother, 1 bro remain; lung affection | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | KOHR, Mary E.* | -- | MYGRANTS | KOHR, ----- | IN | IN: Markel area (d); husb, 2 chren, one a babe, remain. Procession half mile long in spite of rain | |
07/17/1888 | 459 | MYGRANTS, Mary E.* | -- | KOHR, ----- | IN | IN: Markel area (d); husb, 2 chren, one a babe, remain. Procession half mile long in spite of rain | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | KOHR, ----- | MYGRANTS, Mary E.* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | ECHTERNACHT, Jacob* | 47 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); widow, one little son, 5 sis remain; fell in a tank of boiling liquid; suffered several hrs of excruciating pain | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | DAVIS, W. H.* | 38 | IA | IA: Plymouth Co.: Kingsley area (d); widow remains | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | YELCH, Mary* | 69 | HUGE | YELCH, Geo. | IL | ATLANTIC OCEAN (b) | IL: Olney (d); md ca 35 yrs; husb d 15 yrs ago; had 10 chren, of whom 7 survive and 4 are members of Evan. Assn. |
07/17/1888 | 459 | EXAMPLE:, see YELCH, Mary, Jul 17, 1888 p 459] | born on Atlantic Ocean | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | HUGE, Mary* | 69 | YELCH, Geo. | IL | ATLANTIC OCEAN (b) | IL: Olney (d); md ca 35 yrs; husb d 15 yrs ago; had 10 chren, of whom 7 survive and 4 are members of Evan. Assn. | |
07/17/1888 | 459 | YELCH, Geo. | HUGE, Mary* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | WEAVER, Hannah* | 72 | WEAVER, Joseph (husb #2; now deceased) | PA | PA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d) | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | -----, Hannah* | 72 | MULL, ----- (husb #1; had 6 sons, 3 daus) | PA | PA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d) | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | MULL, Hannah* | 72 | WEAVER, Joseph (husb #2; now deceased) | PA | PA: Venango Co. Zion Church area (d) | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | WEAVER, Joseph | MULL, Hannah* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | MULL, ----- | -----, Hannah* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | GECKLE, Anna Mary* | 68 | PA | PA: Westmoreland Co. (d); aged husb, 2 daus remain | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | CLAUSER, Elizabeth* | 77 | CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.) | PA | PA: Steelstown area (d) | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | -----, Elizabeth* | 77 | CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.) | PA | PA: Steelstown area (d) | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | CLAUSER, Daniel (Rev.) | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | FREDERICK, Susan* | 86 | FREDERICK, Jos. | PA | PA: Trevorton (d); 4 sons remain. "She led a quiet and peaceful lifeÉ." | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | -----, Susan* | 86 | FREDERICK, Jos. | PA | PA: Trevorton (d); 4 sons remain. "She led a quiet and peaceful lifeÉ." | ||
07/17/1888 | 459 | FREDERICK, Jos. | -----, Susan* | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | MYERS, Martin* | 39 | OH | OH: submitting minister of Ashland, OH, at this time; wife, 4 chren remain | |||
07/17/1888 | 459 | BONE, F. (Rev.) | officiated at MYERS, Martin funeral, Jul 17, 1888 p 459 | |||||
07/17/1888 | 459 | HERMAN, Elizabeth* | 80 | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); paralysis. "Her bereaved husband is afflicted with dropsy, and has to sit in a chair all the time." | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | YAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)* | 79 | HUFFER, Sarah | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Wyandot Co.: McCutcheonville area (d); son of John H. & Sabylla (GLICK); to Seneca Co., OH, w/ pars, 1831; licensed 1832; md Feb 10, 1839, Pickaway Co., OH; 9 chren remain; wife, 4 chren dead | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | HUFFER, Sarah | YAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | YAMBERT, Sarah | YAMBERT, Aaron (Rev.)* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | GLASSBURN, David* | 76 | -- | --: Minister: WOODHULL; number of chren remain | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | SCHWARTZ, Malvina* | 24 | KNITTER | SCHWARTZ, Henry | KS | KS: Onaga (d); husb, 2 chren, father, 4 sis, 5 bros remain | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | KNITTER, Malvina* | 24 | SCHWARTZ, Henry | KS | KS: Onaga (d); husb, 2 chren, father, 4 sis, 5 bros remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | SCHWARTZ, Henry | KNITTEr, Malvina* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | SMITH, John B.* | 78 | KS | PA: Lehigh Co. (b May 2, 1810) | KS: Jewell City (d); to Stevenson Co., IL, 1847; to Jewell City May 9, 1888 to res w/ son L. P.; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | RICHARD, Sybilla R.* | 80 | HERRING | RICHARD, ----- | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IA: Benton Co.: Belle Plain (d); several chren remain; both husbs dead; dropsy [md twice, husbs not named here] |
07/24/1888 | 475 | HERRING, Sybilla R.* | 80 | RICHARD, ----- | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IA: Benton Co.: Belle Plain (d); several chren remain; both husbs dead; dropsy | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | RICHARD, ----- | HERRING, Sybilla R.* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | McCRACKEN, Catharine Ann* | 52 | McCRACKEN, Samuel | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); physically afflicted husb, sorrowing dau remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | -----, Catharine Ann* | 52 | McCRACKEN, Samuel | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); physically afflicted husb, sorrowing dau remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | McCRACKEN, Samuel | -----, Catharine Ann* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | KEFFER, Leah J.* | 30 | MERTZ | KEFFER, Wellington | ONT | PA: Allentown (b) | ONT: Hespeler (d); dau of William MERTZ (deceased) & Sarah AUNIE [is this a middle or surname?]; md Oct 2, 1883; husb, mother, 5 bros, 1 sis; had 3 chren, 2 are dead [does not mention a surviving child] |
07/24/1888 | 475 | MERTZ, Leah J.* | 30 | KEFFER, Wellington | ONT | PA: Allentown (b) | ONT: Hespeler (d); dau of William MERTZ (deceased) & Sarah AUNIE; md Oct 2, 1883; husb, mother, 5 bros, 1 sis; had 3 chren, 2 are dead [does not mention a surviving child]. There is confusion about surnames of parents. | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | KEFFER, Wellington | MERTZ, Leah J.* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | HEILMAN, Mary Elizabeth* | 57 | FISCHER | HEILMAN, George | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Hackenheim (b) | IL: Ridott (d); md Aug 3, 1854; husb, 3 daus, 3 sons, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; bur State Rd. Ch. of Evan. Assn. |
07/24/1888 | 475 | FISCHER, Mary Elizabeth* | 57 | HEILMAN, George | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Hackenheim (b) | IL: Ridott (d); md Aug 3, 1854; husb, 3 daus, 3 sons, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; bur State Rd. Ch. of Evan. Assn. | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | HEILMAN, George | FISCHER, Mary Elizabeth* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | HECKATHORN, Freddie Mitchell* | 3 mos | -- | --: Minister: PEEK, F. M.; son of Joel & Mary; whooping cough & lung fever. "The mother died April 13, of sinking chills." 3 sons, 4 daus still spared to the bereaved husb & father [d Jul 10] | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | BUTZ, Johanna* | 73 | BUTZ, A. K. | IA | IA: Butler Co.: Dumont area (d); md 24 yrs. "Her step-son, Rev. H. S. Butz, was also present at the funeral." [poss md twice] | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | -----, Johanna* | 73 | BUTZ, A. K. | IA | IA: Butler Co.: Dumont area (d); md 24 yrs. "Her step-son, Rev. H. S. Butz, was also present at the funeral." [poss md twice] | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | BUTZ, A. K. | -----, Johanna* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | HENDERSON, Thomas* | 65 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d) | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | KING, Hugh* | 83 | KNIGHT, Mary M. | OH | OH: Jefferson Co. (b) | OH: Fulton Co.: Wauseon area (d); to Wayne Co., OH, w/ pars 1814; md Jun 6, 1833; wife died 17 yrs ago; to Wauseon area 1852; 1 son, 2 daus remain | |
07/24/1888 | 475 | KNIGHT, Mary M. | KING, Hugh* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | KING, Mary M. | KING, Hugh* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | FRYBARGER, Mary* | 73 | OH | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | OH: Fulton Co.: Fulton Tp. (d) went there in 1854; widow for 30+ yrs, blind the last 2-3 yrs; 11 chren remain, 1 child dead | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | DIBLER, Sarah* | 64 | MI | PA (b) | MI: Quincy (d); was a mother to the motherless, a faithful wife | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | KILIAN, John Geo.* | 84 | MD | EUROPE (b) | MD: Baltimore area (d); to AMER 1846; wife died 11 mos ago; member McElderry St. Church | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | MILLER, Susannah* | 75 | IN | IN: Huntington area (d); husb, 3 chren remain; 8 chren dead | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | REBER, Mary C.* | 51 | REBER, Levi [son of the late Rev. W.] | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 3 daus remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | -----, Mary C.* | 51 | REBER, Levi [son of the late Rev. W.] | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 3 daus remain | ||
07/24/1888 | 475 | REBER, Levi | -----, Mary C.* | |||||
07/24/1888 | 475 | ARNER, William* | 15 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Nesquehoning (d); son of William & Rebecca; worked in Weldip Coal Mines, was thrown down a 36' shute by an explosion; died next morning | |||
07/24/1888 | 475 | BARBER, Michael Maize | 63 | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Richland Co. (d); joined Evan Ch. in Berlin, PA, at age 18; wife, 9 chren, 3 sis, 2 bros remain; 1 child dead[orig. pub. under name of SARBER, Jul 10, p 443] | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | SINDLINGER, M. (Rev.)* | 77 | PA | WURTEMBERG: O. A. Herrenberg: Kupengen (b Dec 6, 1810) | PA: Philadelphia area (d); to AMER w/ pars 1819; to PA; pastorates in NY & PA; wife, 2 bros remain; funeral in church at Bridesburg [PA] | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | CROWELL, Laura K.* | 25 | GETZ | CROWELL, J. W. (Prof.) | PA | PA: Reading Immanuel Evan. Church member; died 10 ds after returning from Trinity College, NC; Crowell was former principal of Schuylkill Seminary | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | GETZ, Laura K.* | 25 | CROWELL, J. W. (Prof.) | PA | PA: Reading Immanuel Evan. Church member; died 10 ds after returning from Trinity College, NC; Crowell was former principal of Schuylkill Seminary | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | CROWELL, J. W. (Prof.) | GETZ, Laura K.* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | EBURG, Henry* | 62 | PA | HANOVER: Wachendorf (b) | PA: Pittsburg (d); to this city 1845; wife, 11 chren remain | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | KUHN, George Peter* | 82 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Wooster area (d). " É he was a good old man." | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BICKEL, John C.* | 57 | PA | PA: Womelsdorf (d); widow, 2 sons, 5 daus remain | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | SHROCK, Sarah Elizabeth* | 32 | SHROCK, John J. | OH | IN: Ligonier (b) | OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; husb, 5 chren, mother, 3 sis, 3 bros remain | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | -----, Sarah Elizabeth* | 32 | SHROCK, John J. | OH | IN: Ligonier (b) | OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; husb, 5 chren, mother, 3 sis, 3 bros remain | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | SHROCK, John J. | -----, Sarah Elizabeth* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BOLENDER, Maggie F.* | 23 | FERGUSON | BOLENDER, B. F. | OH | OH: Stoutsville (d); md Mar 10, 1885; husb, pars, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | FERGUSON, Maggie F.* | 23 | BOLENDER, B. F. | OH | OH: Stoutsville (d); md Mar 10, 1885; husb, pars, 2 sis, 2 bros remain; consumption | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BOLENDER, B. F. | FERGUSON, Maggie F.* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BEAR, John* | 78 | HETTINGER, Elizabeth | IN | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d); md Jun 24, 1838; to E. Germ. 1846; wife, 2 chren, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | HETTINGER, Elizabeth | BEAR, John* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BEAR, Elizabeth | BEAR, John* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | CASSIDY, Laura M.* | 24 | NEFF | CASSIDY, ----- | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (b) | PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (funeral held at her native place), [Note: but not necessarily the place of death]; husb, 2 small daus, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption |
07/31/1888 | 491 | NEFF, Laura M.* | 24 | CASSIDY, ----- | PA | PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (b) | PA: Clearfield Co.: Westover (funeral held at her native place), [Note: but not necessarily the place of death]; husb, 2 small daus, pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | |
07/31/1888 | 491 | CASSIDY, ----- | NEFF, Laura M.* | |||||
07/31/1888 | 491 | ANDERSON, John* | 78 | PA | PA: Delaware Co.: Glen Olden (d); converted at Shoemakersville; his home was the home of pioneer ministers. "He leaves a wife and 8 chren, (all in the ark)." bur Philadelphia, PA | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | BROTHERS, Oliver S.* | 31 | OH | PA: Fayette Co. (b) | OH:West Salem (d); consumption | ||
07/31/1888 | 491 | AXTELL, Charley M.* | 5 | NE | NE: Cambridge area (d); son of Eugene & Carrie; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | PATTERSON, Orin Grove* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: NYE, J. W.; son of Lyman V. & Emma | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | SPENCE, Ruth* | 1 | IN | IN: Wayne Co.: Cambridge City (d); dau of Adam & Nora | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | HITLER, Roy E.* | 1 | OH | OH: Circleville area (d); son of Geo. & Ida | |||
07/31/1888 | 491 | MYERS, -----* | 9 mos | ND | ND: Langdon (d); dau of Josiah; bowel inflammation [was Dakota Terr. at that time; is no Langdon in SD, so had to be in what is now ND] | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | FRALEY, Elizabeth* | 64 | HARTMAN | FRALEY, B. | IL | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); husb, 3 chren, 89-yr-old father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain |
08/07/1888 | 507 | HARTMAN, Elizabeth* | 64 | FRALEY, B. | IL | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); husb, 3 chren, 89-yr-old father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain | |
08/07/1888 | 507 | FRALEY, B. | HARTMAN, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/07/1888 | 507 | BACH, Agnes Katharine* | 71 | WALTER | BACH, John | IL | GERMANY: Wurt. (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d); to AMER 1840; to Des Plaines, Cook Co., 1843; husb, 7 chren, 1 adopted child remain; 9 chren dead |
08/07/1888 | 507 | WALTER, Agnes Katharine* | 71 | BACH, John | IL | GERMANY: Wurt. (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Northfield (d); to AMER 1840; to Des Plaines, Cook Co., 1843; husb, 7 chren, 1 adopted child remain; 9 chren dead | |
08/07/1888 | 507 | BACH, John | WALTER, Agnes Katharine* | |||||
08/07/1888 | 507 | STANGER, Mary* | 66 | ESHER | STANGER, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Wheeling (died at home of son George); converted age 13 at Warren, PA 5 sons, 2 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. S. F. ENTORF of IL Conf.; funeral at the Desplaines Church |
08/07/1888 | 507 | ESHER, Mary* | 66 | STANGER, ----- | IL | GERMANY: Alsace (b) | IL: Cook Co.: Wheeling (died at home of son George); converted age 13 at Warren, PA 5 sons, 2 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. S. F. ENTORF of IL Conf.; funeral at the Desplaines Church | |
08/07/1888 | 507 | STANGER, ----- | ESHER, Mary* | |||||
08/07/1888 | 507 | WALLICK, Emma A.* | 34 | IN | IN: Richmond (d) | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | LINK, Barbara C.* | 55 | LINK, August | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); husb, 3 sons remain | ||
08/07/1888 | 507 | -----, Barbara C.* | 55 | LINK, August | PA | PA: Cambria Co.: Jackson Tp. (d); husb, 3 sons remain | ||
08/07/1888 | 507 | LINK, August | -----, Barbara C.* | |||||
08/07/1888 | 507 | BALLOU, Della* | 31 | IA | IA: Adams Co. (d); remaining are husb & 3 little daus, two of whom became members of our church last winter | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | MILLER, Charles Fred* | 22 | IL | IL: Hampshire (d); oldest child of Jacob & Barbara; pars, 4 bros, 4 sis remain; scarlet fever for 4 days | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | RATHGE, John Henry* | 56 | IL | HANOVER: Dannenberg: Jamel (b) | IL: Will Co.: Symerton area (d); to AMER 1859; wife, 3 daus, 1 son remain | ||
08/07/1888 | 507 | PACKER, Ella (Miss)* | 22 | IA | IA: Mt. Etna (d); just closed a 9-mos' school, to get md in a few days | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | DERK, Sarah* | 74 | HAUPT | DERK, Geo. | PA | PA: Trevorton (d); unable to walk for 5 yrs; husb, 1 son remain | |
08/07/1888 | 507 | HAUPT, Sarah* | 74 | DERK, Geo. | PA | PA: Trevorton (d); unable to walk for 5 yrs; husb, 1 son remain | ||
08/07/1888 | 507 | DERK, Geo. | HAUPT, Sarah* | |||||
08/07/1888 | 507 | POWELL, Daniel* | 77 | OH | PA: Mifflin Co. (b) | OH: Carey area (d); 8 chren remain; wife, 7 grchren dead. His pastor, Rev. Powell, was a near relative. | ||
08/07/1888 | 507 | LAYTON, Mary Effa* | 7 | IN | IN: Noblesville (d); dau of Edward & Areen; typhoid fever for 8 wks. This is the 4th little one of this family to die. | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | ERNST, Daniel Lewis* | 5 mos | NE | NE: Richardson Co.: son of Charles & Ernstena; dysentery | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | KOOS, Clev Llewellen* | 6 mos | OH | OH: Delta area (d); son of Albert & Martha; heart enlargement & congestion | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | McMURAN, Flora* | 2 | IA | IA: Adams Co. (d) [d Jun 17] | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | McMURAN Johnny* [d Jun 25], | 1 | IA | IA: Adams Co. (d) | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | MILLER, David* | 7 mos | IA | IA: Sac Co. (d); son of Philip & Sarah Jane | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | McMURAN, Hattie* | 1 | IA | IA: Carbon [Adams Co.] (d) [d Jul 23] | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | COLLINS, Stella* | 2 | IA | IA: Carbon (d); widow remains | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | HUNTER, James* | 1 | IA | IA: Carbon (d); gray flux | |||
08/07/1888 | 507 | HART, Della* | 1 | IA | IA: Carbon (d); gray flux | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | MUNSCH, Philip* | 78 | GRAFF, Magdalena | IL | ALSACE: Homberg (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1826; md 1833; 3 chren remain; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus dead | |
08/14/1888 | 523 | GRAFF, Magdalena | MUNSCH, Philip* | |||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | MUNSCH, Magdalena | MUNSCH, Philip* | |||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | POWNALL, Catherine* | 63 | MYERS | POWNALL, John | IN | OH: Preble Co. (b) | IN: Fulton Co. (d); md Oct 5, 1843; to Fulton Co. 1847; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 sons, 3 daus dead |
08/14/1888 | 523 | MYERS, Catherine* | 63 | POWNALL, John | IN | OH: Preble Co. (b) | IN: Fulton Co. (d); md Oct 5, 1843; to Fulton Co. 1847; husb, 3 sons, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 sons, 3 daus dead | |
08/14/1888 | 523 | POWNALL, John | MYERS, Catherine* | |||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | WERTHWEIN, Friedericka* | 53 | WIDMEYER | WERTHWEIN, Eberhard | IL | WURTEMBERG (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1852; md 1853; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain |
08/14/1888 | 523 | WIDMEYER, Friedericka* | 53 | WERTHWEIN, Eberhard | IL | WURTEMBERG (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire (d); to AMER 1852; md 1853; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |
08/14/1888 | 523 | WERTHWEIN, Eberhard | WIDMEYER, Friedericka* | |||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | MILLER, Daniel C.* | 25 | PA | PA: Chester Co.: Warwick area (d); youngest son of Wm. & Sarah; widow, infant dau, pars, siblings remain; consumption | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | TROYER, Jacob* | 82 | IN | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IN: Howard Co. (d); res OH, before IN; aged wife, 7 chren remain, of whom 3 are Evan. Ministers: Revs. A. J. & J. K. of IN Conf. & Rev. E. R. of So. IN Conf.; 1 son dead | ||
08/14/1888 | 523 | McCLOUD, Herman* | 77 | PA | PA: West Earl (d); aged wife, 3 daus, 4 sons remain, one son being Rev. Geo. of East PA Conf.; dropsy | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | BARNES, Mary* | 21 | IN | IN: Huntington (d); taught S. S. class the week of her death; pars, siblings remain; brain fever | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | PLOCHER, Frederick* | 86 | IN | WURTEMBERG: Sultz am Neckar (b) | IN: Adams Co.: Union Tp. (died at home of only dau Mrs. Jacob AHR); to AMER 1832, res Tuscarawas Co., OH; to Adams Co., IN, 1845 | ||
08/14/1888 | 523 | DeFREHN, Elias* | 75 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | HOLTZINGER, Lillie Agnes* | 23 | HOLTZINGER, George A. | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); husb, 1 child, mother, 3 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
08/14/1888 | 523 | -----, Lillie Agnes* | 23 | HOLTZINGER, George A. | ||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | HOLTZINGER, George A. | -----, Lillie Agnes* | |||||
08/14/1888 | 523 | GARNER, Catharine* | 66 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Earlville (d); husb, chren remain; malaria/rheumatism | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | MAUK, Lillie* | 6 mos | KS | KS: Turon (d); infant twin dau of B. F. & J. P.; cholera infantum | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | DIETZ, Jacob* | 21 | MD | MD: Baltimore (d); son of John & Margaret; pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | KAUFMAN, Lydia* | 15 | KS | KS: Newton (d); youngest dau of A. | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | GARLINGER, Margaret Olive* | 8 mos | OH | OH: Mt. Cory (d); dau of Henry & Melcendra | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | DILLMAN, Isaac B.* | 2 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Roseville (d); son of John & Lizzie; scarlet fever | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | LAWRENCE, Orril Lauera* | 6 mos | IA | IA: Pottawattamie Co.: James Tp. (d); dau of James & Bell | |||
08/14/1888 | 523 | KARL, Gustav Louis* | 9 mos | NY | NY: Geneva (d); ch of Charles & Ottilie | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | DEININGER, C. F. (Rev.)* | 62 | PA | PA: York (d); pastor of Queen St. Evan. Ch; lists various PA pastorates; in 1864 was 1st missionary to Pacific coast for 3 yrs: San Francisco, CA & Salem OR; wife & chren remain [lengthy obit] | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | MANWILLER, Louisa Anna* | 31 | EDELMAN | MANWILLER, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 1 dau, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain | |
08/21/1888 | 539 | EDELMAN, Louisa Anna* | 31 | MANWILLER, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 1 dau, pars, 2 bros, 3 sis remain | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | MANWILLER, ----- | EDELMAN, Louisa Anna* | |||||
08/21/1888 | 539 | CUSTER, Allie* | 20 | IA | IA: Shelby Co.: Lincoln Tp. (d); dau of Rudy Custer; sick 1 week | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | SNYDER, Susan* | 70 | SNYDER, Simon | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb died ca 5 yrs ago; 2 sons remain | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | -----, Susan* | 70 | SNYDER, Simon | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Rockwood (d); husb died ca 5 yrs ago; 2 sons remain | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | SNYDER, Simon | -----, Susan* | |||||
08/21/1888 | 539 | FREHAFER, John* | 76 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); member St. Peter's Evan Ch. 46 yrs, known for his promptness; widow, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; typhoid pneumonia | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | WILLIAMS, Orlanda [sic] A.* | 45 | OH | OH: Chillicothe area (d); wife, 4 sm chren remain | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | STORMER, John* | 58 | PA | PA: Jeff. Co.: Worthville area (d); wife, 9 chren, 4 bros remain; asthma | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | HANNAHS, Barbara* | 67 | NY | NY: Oneida C.: South Trenton (d); husb, 5 sons remain; 1 dau dead; heart disease | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | LEIBENGUTH, Reuben* | 74 | PA | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | PA: Allentown (d); 4 chren, 2 sis remain; wife dead; affection of the liver | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | SEESE, Savilla* | 32 | PA | PA: Scalplevel area (d) | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | HUBLER, John* | 96 | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d); joined Evan. Ch. ca 60 yrs ago | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | BENDER, Elizabeth* | 52 | BENDER, Jerome | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | -----, Elizabeth* | 52 | BENDER, Jerome | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Valley area (d); husb, chren remain | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | BENDER, Jerome | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/21/1888 | 539 | LONG, Catharine E.* | 46 | SHERRER | LONG, ----- | OH | OH: Belmore (d); bur Lima the following day | |
08/21/1888 | 539 | SHERRER, Catharine E.* | 46 | LONG, ----- | OH | OH: Belmore (d); bur Lima the following day | ||
08/21/1888 | 539 | LONG, ----- | SHERRER, Catharine E.* | |||||
08/21/1888 | 539 | WORLEY, Clarence* | 1 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of Wm. & Lizzie; cholera infantum | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | TAUNEY, Robert J. * | 1 | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J. W.; son of Benj. & E. | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | McLANE, Harrison M.* | 1 mo | OH | OH: submitting minister of Marion, OH, at this time; adopted child of Mr. & Mrs. McLANE | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | MYERS, Lucy* | 1 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Old Fort (d); dau of Winfield & Ella MEYERS | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | HONECKER, Margaret* | baby | PA | PA: Erie (d); dau of Henry & Lydia | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | BEERY, Onie Bell* | 1 mo | IL | IL: Yantisville (d); dau of John | |||
08/21/1888 | 539 | FINFROCK, Nellie* | 4 mos | KS | KS: Newton (d); dau of Alfred & Catharine | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | MAYER, M. (Rev.)* | 73 | HOSTERMANN, Anna Cornelia | IL | GERMANY: Bavaria: Germersheim: Westheim Co. (b) | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1851 to Spencer Co., IN; md 1845; wife, 2 chren remain; 4 chren dead; many & varied pastorates, all described herein | |
08/28/1888 | 555 | HOSTERMANN, Anna Cornelia | MAYER, M. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | MAYER, Anna Cornelia | MAYER, M. (Rev.)* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | SHEARER, Jonathan* | 69 | OH | OH: Stark Co.: Mapleton (d); member Evan Ch. 27 yrs; his home abounded in hospitality for Evan. preachers; wife #1 dead; he md wife #2 ca 4 yrs ago; 8 daus remain; died unexpectedly [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | KRAEMER, Henry* | 80 | IL | PRUSSIA: Saarbrucken (b) | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1833; res PA; to Wabash Co., IL, 1836; widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; 6 chren dead | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | KIHLBOM, Otto* | 46 | IA | IA: Des Moines (d); asst chief of city fire dept; funeral one of largest in Des Moines; police/fire attended in a body; wife, 3 chren remain | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | MANEVAL, Elizabeth* | 68 | MANEVAL, David | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (died at home of son-in-law, T. COWDEN, on Elm St.); 7 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | -----, Elizabeth* | 68 | MANEVAL, David | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: Newberry (died at home of son-in-law, T. COWDEN, on Elm St.); 7 sons, 3 daus remain; husb dead | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | MANEVAL, David | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | HETZEL, Sophia A.* | 70 | WEIBEL | HETZEL, ----- | IA | PA: Reading (b) | IA: Johnson Co.; Hardin Tp. (d); md 1841; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead |
08/28/1888 | 555 | WEIBEL, Sophia A.* | 70 | HETZEL, ----- | IA | PA: Reading (b) | IA: Johnson Co.; Hardin Tp. (d); md 1841; husb, 8 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
08/28/1888 | 555 | HETZEL, ----- | WEIBEL, Sophia A.* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | BELGER, Otto F.* | 25 | IL | IN: Laporte (b) | IL: Grand Crossing (d); pars, 1 sis, 3 bros remain; had pleurisy pneumona 9 mos | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | LANGS, George* | 73 | MI | PA: Northumberland (b) | MI: Monroe Co.: Port Creek (d); to Flat Rock area ca 35 yrs ago; converted under J. Borough; wife, 6 chren remain | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | BOROUGH, J. (Rev.), | mentioned in obit of LANGS, George, Aug 28, 1888, p 555 | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | SECRIST, Elizabeth* | 74 | SECRIST, Henry | OH | OH: submitting minister of Butler, Richland Co., OH; md Sep 18, 1836; husb remains; all chren dead (1 son, 4 daus) | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | -----, Elizabeth* | 74 | SECRIST, Henry | OH | OH: submitting minister of Butler, Richland Co., OH; md Sep 18, 1836; husb remains; all chren dead (1 son, 4 daus) | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | SECRIST, Henry | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | NEWMARKER, Catharine* | -- | SEABALD | NEWMARKER, ----- | IA | IA: Council Bluffs (d); last 3 mos w/ pars at Council Bluffs; husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 5 sis remain; consumption | |
08/28/1888 | 555 | SEABALD, Catharine* | -- | NEWMARKER, ----- | IA | IA: Council Bluffs (d); last 3 mos w/ pars at Council Bluffs; husb, 5 chren, pars, 1 bro, 5 sis remain; consumption | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | NEWMARKER, ----- | SEABALD, Catharine* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | PEPPERMAN, Letitia* | 26 | IL | IL: Cedarville (d); pars, siblings remain; pleuro-pneumonia | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | EBERSOL, Mary* | 40 | MI | MI: Buchanan area (d); dau of Henry & Elizabeth EBERSOL; pars, brothers remain; typhoid malarial fever | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | BRYAN, Maggie* | 48 | NEWMAN | BRYAN, ----- | NE | NE: Omaha (died while visiting); sis of Rev. Wm. NEWMAN of NE; funeral at Des Moines; husb remains [NOTE: says died July 9, 1886; maiden name may not be NEWMAN if she & bro had different fathers] | |
08/28/1888 | 555 | NEWMAN, Maggie* | 48 | BRYAN, ----- | NE | NE: Omaha (died while visiting); sis of Rev. Wm. NEWMAN of NE; funeral at Des Moines; husb remains [NOTE: says died July 9, 1886; maiden name may not be NEWMAN if she & bro had different fathers] | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | BRYAN, ----- | NEWMAN, Maggie* | |||||
08/28/1888 | 555 | KLING, William* | 55 | MD | BADEN: Karlsruhe (b) | MD: Baltimore (d); widow, 6 chren remain; spinal disease | ||
08/28/1888 | 555 | WALKER, William J.* | 2 | MI | MI: Coleman area (d); son of John & Julia | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | SMITH, Rosella* | 1 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); dau of Simon; cholera infantum | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | GARIS, Clara Elizabeth* | 8 mos | PA | PA: Sandy Run (d); dau of Rev. Ed; cholera infantum | |||
08/28/1888 | 555 | KNORR, William* | 1 | PA | PA: White Haven (d) | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | FREEHAFER, Augustus* | 73 | IN | IN: Huntington area (died while visiting); res South Bend, IN; former Lutheran; wife, 6 chren remain; one son is Rev. G. W. of IN Conf.; bur South Bend | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | CRAUN, Abigail* | 61 | OH | OH: Seneca Co.: Kansas (d); last 31 yrs spent in mental derangement caused by sickness; shortly before death, mind was clear; 3 bros, 7 sis remain; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis dead | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | OVERHOLT, John, Sr.* | 60 | IN | IN: Huntington (d); a public officer for 15 yrs; people en masseat funeral; wife, 5 chren, siblings remain | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | HENNEY, Mary* | 86 | HENNEY, Phillip | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Flat Rock area (d); md May 13, 1827; 5 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | -----, Mary* | 86 | HENNEY, Phillip | OH | PA: Union Co. (b) | OH: Flat Rock area (d); md May 13, 1827; 5 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son dead | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | HENNEY, Phillip | -----, Mary* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | WEISE, Catherine* | 65 | WEISE, Wm., Sr. | IL | PA: Berks Co.: Maxadona (b) | IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); md Mar 17, 1850; husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | -----, Catherine* | 65 | WEISE, Wm., Sr. | IL | PA: Berks Co.: Maxadona (b) | IL: Wabash Co.: Lancaster area (d); md Mar 17, 1850; husb, 4 chren remain; 3 chren dead | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | WEISE, Wm., Sr. | -----, Catherine* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | KERN, Esther* | 9 | -- | --: Minister: BUCK, J. W.; dau of G. W. & Rosina; croupel diphtheria | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | BARTON, Jamima* | 84 | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); to La Salle in 1836; taught school there; lists 2 daus, husb, 1 son, then 2 daus dead. [NOTE: Difficult to tell if husb & 1 son are living or dead; punctuation blurred] | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | DARSHEM, Samuel* | 60 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: West Salem area (d); Bright's disease | ||
09/04/1888 | 571 | AFFLERBAUGH, Joseph* | 78 | WISE, Elizabeth | IA | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IA: Rock Run (d); md 53 yrs; wife, 1 chren remain | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | WISE, Elizabeth | AFFLERBAUGH, Joseph* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | AFFLERBAUGH, Elizabeth | AFFLERBAUGH, Joseph* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | SCOTT, Wm. Harrison* | 75 | IA | IA: Fayette Co.: Dover Tp. (d) | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | HALSTEAD, Mary E.* | 34 | RUSSELL | HALSTEAD, ----- | PA | PA: Warren Co.: Davie Hill (d); husb, 4 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; remains brought to home of father for funeral | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | RUSSELL, Mary E.* | 34 | HALSTEAD, ----- | PA | PA: Warren Co.: Davie Hill (d); husb, 4 sm chren, pars, siblings remain; remains brought to home of father for funeral | ||
09/04/1888 | 571 | HALSTEAD, ----- | RUSSELL, Mary E.* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | BARBER, Michael Maize* | 63 | OH | OH: Shelby (d); age 14 to Evan. Pub. House, New Berlin, PA to learn printer's trade; member Shelby church though lived 18-20 mi away; wife, 9 chren remain; 1 ch dead [S. Cocklin, minister] | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | PANTONEY, Michael* | 69 | CAW, Elizabeth | WV | WV: Morgan Co. (d); md 1844; aged wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; mother, 5 chren members of our church | ||
09/04/1888 | 571 | CAW, Elizabeth | PANTONEY, Michael* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | PANTONEY, Elizabeth | PANTONEY, Michael* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | MOHNEY, Sarah A.* | 53 | MILLER | MOHNEY, ----- | PA | PA: West Millville area (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau wife of Rev. C. H [?]. MILLER of Pittsburgh Conf.; consumption | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | MILLER, Sarah A.* | 53 | MOHNEY, ----- | PA | PA: West Millville area (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; the dau wife of Rev. C. H [?]. MILLER of Pittsburgh Conf.; consumption | ||
09/04/1888 | 571 | MOHNEY, ----- | MILLER, Sarah A.* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | BOWERS, Matilda* | 69 | SAWITZ | BOWERS, Charles Harrison | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); md 42 yrs; husb, 1son, 1 dau remain | |
09/04/1888 | 571 | SAWITZ, Matilda* | 69 | BOWERS, Charles Harrison | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); md 42 yrs; husb, 1son, 1 dau remain | ||
09/04/1888 | 571 | BOWERS, Charles Harrison | SAWITZ, Matilda* | |||||
09/04/1888 | 571 | CLICK, Geo. M.* | 1 | IN | IN: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); son of Wm. & Hannah; cholera infantum | |||
09/04/1888 | 571 | HENRY, Emma Viola* | 1 | IN | IN: Huntington (d) | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | VITE, Mary Alice* | 30 | SEIDER | VITE, ----- | MI | MI: Buchanan area (d); husb, an infant remain | |
09/11/1888 | 587 | SEIDER, Mary Alice* | 30 | VITE, ----- | MI | MI: Buchanan area (d); husb, an infant remain | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | VITE, ----- | SEIDER, Mary Alice* | |||||
09/11/1888 | 587 | WILCOX, David D.* | 78 | OH | OH: Wagram (d); former Meth. 59 yrs; joined Evan. Assn. 1 yr ago | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | RIEGEL, George* | 75 | MI | PA: Snyder Co. (b) | MI: St. Joseph Co. (d); siblings remain | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | DOLL, Sarah Elizabeth* | 29 | DOLL, George | PA | PA: East Mauch Chunk (d); Zion member 5 yrs; remains taken to White Haven, PA | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | -----, Sarah Elizabeth* | 29 | DOLL, George | PA | PA: East Mauch Chunk (d); Zion member 5 yrs; remains taken to White Haven, PA | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | DOLL, George | -----, Sarah Elizabeth* | |||||
09/11/1888 | 587 | REED, Eli* | 57 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Reedsville (d); wife, 8 chren,, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; Bright's disease | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | KEIL, Eliza* | 65 | KEIL, Jacob F. | PA | PA: Reading (d); aged husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 sis remain | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | -----, Eliza* | 65 | KEIL, Jacob F. | PA | PA: Reading (d); aged husb, 2 sons, 2 daus, 1 sis remain | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | KEIL, Jacob | -----, Eliza* | |||||
09/11/1888 | 587 | BOWMAN, Milton (Mrs.) | 44 | HOFFMAN | BOWMAN, Milton | PA | PA: Reading (died at home of father); dau of Rev. Francis & Rebecca; husb, an only son, aged pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain | |
09/11/1888 | 587 | HOFFMAN, -----* | 44 | BOWMAN, Milton | PA | PA: Reading (died at home of father); dau of Rev. Francis & Rebecca; husb, an only son, aged pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain | ||
09/11/1888 | 587 | BOWMAN, Milton | HOFFMAN, -----* | |||||
09/11/1888 | 587 | JOHNSON, Thomas Walter* | 1 | WA | WA Territory: Spokane Falls (d); son of Rev. A. R. & Bertha E.; cholera infantum | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | KNECHT, William Oscar* | 11 | IN | IN: Kendallville area (drowned in Bixler Lake); son of Charles & Mary | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | SORBER, Vance Mervin* | 7 mos | -- | --: Minister: ALLSHOUSE, I. M.; son of G. W. & Ellen | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | WOODRING, James Claud* | 5 mos | PA | PA: Allentown area (d); son of Wilson & Carrie | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | SHEMBERGER, Bessie Vida* | 2 | -- | --: Rock City (d); dau of Adam | |||
09/11/1888 | 587 | MERLEY, Guy Elbert* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: NEFF, H. E. | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | KEGEREIS, Daniel* | 73 | PA | PA: Adamstown area (d); widow remains | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | ACKER, Frances Reb.* | 27 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Adamstown (d); dau of Henry & Maria; consumption | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | WILLOUR, Martha* | 83 | BREIDENSTEIN | WILLOUR, ----- | OH | OH: Ashland; one of pioneer members of Evan. Assn. in OH; husb and part of her family are dead | |
09/18/1888 | 603 | BREIDENSTEIN, Martha* | 83 | WILLOUR, ----- | OH | OH: Ashland; one of pioneer members of Evan. Assn. in OH; husb and part of her family are dead | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | WILLOUR, ----- | BREIDENSTEIN, Martha* | |||||
09/18/1888 | 603 | WONDER, Frederick H.* | 47 | OH | OH: Bellevue area (b) | OH: Carey area (d); wife, 3 sons, 2 daus, mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; one bro is Rev. D. H. of OH Conf.; father, 1 sis dead | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | LUTHER, Geo. Peter* | 70 | MILLER, Mary | IL | GERMANY: Rhenish-Bavaria: Linbach (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Yorktown (d); md 1839; widow, 9 chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; 4 chren dead | |
09/18/1888 | 603 | MILLER, Mary | LUTHER, Geo. Peter* | |||||
09/18/1888 | 603 | LUTHER, Mary | LUTHER, Geo. Peter* | |||||
09/18/1888 | 603 | SNADER, Malinda* | 37 | MORR | SNADER, Lemon | OH | OH: Ashland (d); husb, dau, pars, siblings remain | |
09/18/1888 | 603 | MORR, Malinda* | 37 | SNADER, Lemon | OH | OH: Ashland (d); husb, dau, pars, siblings remain | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | SNADER, Lemon | MORR, Malinda* | |||||
09/18/1888 | 603 | SMITH, Delilah* | 71 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Centerville (died at home of son-in-law, Mr. MILLER); 3 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; husb died 14 yrs ago; bur Centerville Cem. | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | KEMMERER, David* | 55 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: West Penn Tp. (b) | PA: Mahonoy City (d); 1 son, 8 daus remain; 2 wives, 5 chren dead; consumption [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | BRECHEISEN, Philip* | 15 | MI | OH: Henry Co. (b) | MI: Bear Lake (d); pars, siblings remain; brain abcess | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | MARQUARDT, Cath. E.* | 64 | MI | MI: Mendon (d); husb, 1 son remain; neuralgia of the heart | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | HAAK, Barbara* | 38 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | PA: Reading (d); to AMER as a child w/ mother; 2 sis, 1 bro remain | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | FERREE, Mary* | 54 | SEILER | FERREE, John | PA | PA: York Co.: Loganville area (d); md 34 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
09/18/1888 | 603 | SEILER, Mary* | 54 | FERREE, John | PA | PA: York Co.: Loganville area (d); md 34 yrs; husb, 9 chren remain; 1 child dead | ||
09/18/1888 | 603 | FERREE, John | SEILER, Mary* | |||||
09/18/1888 | 603 | CONNER, Thomas* | 70 | OH | OH: DeGraff (d); md 1844; soon after to Logan Co., OH; last few yrs in DeGraff | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | MOYER, Susie May* | 10 | PA | PA: Lykens (d); dau of Chas. & Ellen | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | GOOD, Edger Walton* | 5 mos | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville (d); son of Walton & Sevilla; cholera infantum | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | BRUCH, Mary Louisa* | 1 | PA | PA: Pen Argyl area (d); dau of John & Christiana; cholera infantum | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | BRENISER, Jacob* | 62 | -- | --: Minister: ESENWEIN, J. Berg | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | WRIGHT, Lewis Vinson* | 9 mos | -- | --: Minister: Shideler, M. L.; son of Lewis & Mildred; cholera infantum | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | COUGHANOUR, Freddy* | 3 mos | OH | OH: Hicksville (d); son of Frank & Clara [location not given, but minister is of Hicksville at this time] | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | PARKS, Samuel* | 32 | KS | KS: Phillips Co.: Woodruff (died at res of sister) | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | HOFFMAN, Stanley Edward ["Eddy"]* | 6 | -- | --: Minister: NEFF, H. E. | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | SMITH, Geo. W.* | 3 | PA | PA: Somerset Co.: Salisbury area (d); son of M. B. & Elizabeth | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | DIEHL, Cyrus Leland | 10mos | OH | OH: Hicksville (d); son of Corwiss & Margaret | |||
09/18/1888 | 603 | HETRICK, Charlie Irvin* | 4 | PA | PA: Jeff. Co.: Heathville (d); son of Philip & Malinda | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)* | 67 | SHARPENSTIEN, Ann C. | IA | OH: Licking Co. (b) | IA: Des Moines Conf.: Dallas Circuit (res); had 9 chren | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | SHARPENSTIEN, Ann C. | CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | CARPENTER, Ann C. | CARPENTER, J. A. (Rev.)* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | MOSHOLDER, Gertie Bell* | 9 | IL | IL: Dixon (d); dau of Isaiah | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | WESSNER, Sarah C.* | 24 | WESSNER, Samuel | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Locust Valley (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 2 little sons remain; pleura-pneumonia for 1 week | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | -----, Sarah C.* | 24 | WESSNER, Samuel | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Locust Valley (b) | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Mahanoy City (d); husb, 2 little sons remain; pleura-pneumonia for 1 week | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | WESSNER, Samuel | -----, Sarah C.* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | ITTERLY, Mary Elizabeth* | 19 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Plainfield Tp. (d); dau of Josiah & Emma; pars, 4 sis, 5 bros remain; congestion of the brain | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | ROOT, Henry* | 66 | PA | PA: Tioga Co.: Nauvoo area (d); catarrh of stomach for 2 yrs | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | POLEY, Lizzie* | 14 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); dau of Emanuel | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | KRATT, Mary* | 25 | PA | PA: Pittsburgh (d); mother, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; father, 1 bro, 2 sis dead | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BUCHER, Mary H.* | 27 | BUCHER, Enoch | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | -----, Mary H.* | 27 | BUCHER, Enoch | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Limerick Square (d); husb, 2 chren remain | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BUCHER, Enoch | -----, Mary H.* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | SEIVERLING, Salinda Elizabeth* | 19 | PA | PA: Terre Hill (died on 19th birhday); dau of George & Christiana; pars, 6 sis remain; cerebro spinal meningitis | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | REIFSNYDER, Francis L.* | 14 | -- | --: Minister: OVERHOLSER, J. S.; pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; first death in the family & he the youngest child; sick 1 wk | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | HERB, Aaron Clinton* | 27 | CO | IL: Ogle Co.: Brookville (b) | CO: Elbert Co.: Elbert (died at res of A. BORDEN); left father's home in Brookville 3 yrs ago seeking better climate for health; father, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; mother, 1 sis died 15+ yrs ago; bur Elbert Cem. | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BRAUN, John* | 69 | FEES, Maria | ONT | WURTEMBERG: Kreis Schwarzwald: Baiersbronn (b) | ONT: Crediton (d); to CANADA 1848; md 1856; wife, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; 2 chren dead | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | FEES, Maria | BRAUN, John* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BRAUN, Maria | BRAUN, John* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | ROLLER, J. G.* | 63 | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemburg: Kuppingen (b) | NY: Newark (d); wife, 2 chren, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; stomach cancer | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BUFFINGTON, Lydia* | 80 | TROUTMAN | BUFFINGTON, ----- | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierse area (d); 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | TROUTMAN, Lydia* | 80 | BUFFINGTON, ----- | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierse area (d); 9 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BUFFINGTON, ----- | TROUTMAN, Lydia* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | RANCK, Sarah* | 65 | RANCK, Josiah | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); md 45 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | -----, Sarah* | 65 | RANCK, Josiah | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: Park (d); md 45 yrs; husb, 6 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | RANCK, Josiah | -----, Sarah* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BLOCKSOM, Emma Belle* | 15 | OR | OR: East Portland (d); mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | KESSEL, Catharine* | 23 | IA | GERMANY: Hessen: Swabsburg (b) | IA: Laporte City area (d); to AMER age 14 w/ aunt, Elizabeth FRANK, & was adopted by Jacob & Elizabeth FRANK; att Germ. Evan. S.S. 6 mi away | ||
09/25/1888 | 619 | FRANK, Jacob & Elizabeth, | adoptive pars of KESSEL, Catharine, Sep 25, 1888, p 619 | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | SUTTER, Nicholas* | 37 | WICHEY, Elizabeth | PA | SWITZERLAND: Berne (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: German settlement (d); to AMER 1824; md fall of same year; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of wife not given | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | WICHEY, Elizabeth | SUTTER, Nicholas* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | SUTTER, Elizabeth | SUTTER, Nicholas* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | HANSBERGER, Elizabeth* | 62 | HANSBERGER, Joel | OH | GERMANY: Prussia: Bingen on the Rhine (b) | OH: Carroll (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 2nd wife of Joel, who died a few yrs ago; funeral in Baltimore Church [Fairfield Co., OH]; Rev. J. A. BURKETT assisted at funeral | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | -----, Elizabeth* | 62 | HANSBERGER, Joel | OH | GERMANY: Prussia: Bingen on the Rhine (b) | OH: Carroll (d); to AMER many yrs ago; 2nd wife of Joel, who died a few yrs ago; funeral in Baltimore Church [Fairfield Co., OH]; Rev. J. A. BURKETT assisted at funeral | |
09/25/1888 | 619 | HANSBERGER, Joel | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/25/1888 | 619 | LANKERT, Mary Lucetta* | 31 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co. (d); husb, 5 sm chren, father, 3 bros remain; mother & sis dead | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | GOULD, Anaretta* | 15 | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Cool Spring (d); dau of David B. & Amelia | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | JIMISON, Alvin D.* | 1 | IN | IN: Huntington (d); son of Wm.; cholera infantum | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | KLINE, Ida May* | 3 | IN | IN: Marshall Co.: Maxinkuckee area (d); dau of Theodore & Sarah; membranous croup | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | FOWLES, Elma* | 4 day | PA | PA: Alum Rock (d); dau of R. M. & Orpha | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | BUFFINGTON, Boid* | 3 day | -- | --: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; son of R. D. & Mary | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | LANKERT, Charles Ray* | 6 mos | -- | --: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; son of Daniel & Carrie | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | HULBEN, Cora Lovina* | 4 mos | -- | --: Minister: MILLIRON, S.; dau of Samuel & Sarah J. | |||
09/25/1888 | 619 | SNYDER, Chester* | 1 | -- | --: Milliron, S.; son of Christian | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | YOST, H. R. (Rev.)* | 38 | SPANG, Mary | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Womelsdorf (b) | PA: Mauch Chunk (res); md Mar 25, 1871; pastorates all in PA; widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; bur Union Cem., Womelsdorf; 30 ministers attended; consumption | |
10/02/1888 | 635 | SPANG, Mary | YOST, H. R. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/02/1888 | 635 | YOST, Mary | YOST, H. R. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/02/1888 | 635 | CULP, Sarah J.* | 52 | WEST | CULP, John Henry (Rev.) | IA | OH: Wood Co. (b) | IA: West Des Moines (died at home of dau, Mary BENKERT); husb died Oct 19, 1878; as girl w/ pars to Otter Creek, Linn Co., IA; md there Mar 11, 1855; funeral @ Bethel Evan Ch., Des Moines |
10/02/1888 | 635 | WEST, Sarah J.* | 52 | CULP, John Henry (Rev.) | IA | OH: Wood Co. (b) | IA: West Des Moines (died at home of dau, Mary BENKERT); husb died Oct 19, 1878; as girl w/ pars to Otter Creek, Linn Co., IA; md there Mar 11, 1855; funeral @ Bethel Evan Ch., Des Moines | |
10/02/1888 | 635 | CULP, John Henry (Rev.) | WEST, Sarah J.* | |||||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HUNSICKER, Susan R.* | 75 | RITTENHOUSE | HUNSICKER, Henry C. | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur Freelands, in the cem. of the Mennonite Ch. | |
10/02/1888 | 635 | RITTENHOUSE, Susan R.* | 75 | HUNSICKER, Henry C. | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Trappe area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; 3 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; bur Freelands, in the cem. of the Mennonite Ch. | ||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HUNSICKER, Henry C.* | RITTENHOUSE, Susan R.* | |||||
10/02/1888 | 635 | NEDROW, Callie A.* | 14 | WV | WV: Preston Co.: Clifton Mills area (d); pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; sick few days of inflamm. rheumatism, which reached the brain | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HAUPT, Andrew* | 70 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); widow remains; heart failure--appeared in unusual good health 2 hrs before death | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HARTZEL, Sallie A.* | 18 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; ill health for 4 yrs | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | FRAUST, Frederick Andrew* | 58 | WI | PRUSSIA: Prov. Saxony: Ditfurth (b) | WI: Sauk Co.: Town Honey Creek (d); to AMER 1867; widow, 1 son, 2 sis remain | ||
10/02/1888 | 635 | SNIDER, Jane* | 41 | IA | IA: Union Co. (d); husb, 5 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | SOUDER, Elizabeth* | 76 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Mier's Point area (d); 6 chren remain; husb, 2 chren dead | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | SMITH, Jane R.* | 27 | SMITH [nee] | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Lemert area (d); husb remains; consumption | ||
10/02/1888 | 635 | BUCKLEY, Mary E. * | 45 | IA | IA: Pottawattamie Co.: Belknap (d); husb, 6 chren remain; 6 chren dead | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | ZABST, Pearl Assalia* | 7 | IN | IN: Fulton area (d); dau of John & Sophia | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | TRAIL, Thomas* | 72 | OH | OH: Sandusky Co.: Ballville (d); widow, 2 sons, 1 dau remain; his pastor absent; funeral by Rev. P. SCHEURER of Ida, MI | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | PAUL, Sallie T.* | 11mos | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Spring Mount (d); dau of Samuel & Hannah; bur Trappe Cem. | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HAAS, Daisy Almeda* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: SPITLER, H.; dau of Levi & Lusina; cholera infantum | |||
10/02/1888 | 635 | HOFFENBERT, Harvey Delbert* | 1 | IN | IN: South Bend (d) | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | WIEAND, Lydia* | 82 | SHULTZ | WIEAND, George | PA | PA: Reading (d); res prev Milford Circuit; to Reading 19 yrs ago; member 8th St. church; broke leg from fall while walking across room; 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead | |
10/09/1888 | 651 | SHULTZ, Lydia* | 82 | WIEAND, George | PA | PA: Reading (d); res prev Milford Circuit; to Reading 19 yrs ago; member 8th St. church; broke leg from fall while walking across room; 4 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; husb dead | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | WIEAND, George | SHULTZ, Lydia* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | BAUMGARTNER, Mary Ann* | 45 | SHOEMAKER | BAUMGARTNER, ----- | IN | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | IN: Wells Co.: Vera Cruz; husb, 1 dau, 1 son, 8 bros, 1 sis remain |
10/09/1888 | 651 | SHOEMAKER, Mary Ann* | 45 | BAUMGARTNER, ----- | IN | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | IN: Wells Co.: Vera Cruz; husb, 1 dau, 1 son, 8 bros, 1 sis remain | |
10/09/1888 | 651 | BAUMGARTNER, ----- | SHOEMAKER, Mary Ann* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | GRAY, Parley P.* | -- | PA | NY (b) | PA: Clarian [sic] Co. (d) | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | ORRIS, Elizabeth* | 61 | PA | PA: Bloserville area (d); aged husb remains | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | SOWERS, David* | 78 | SMITH, Catherine | OH | OH: Summit Co. (d); md ca 45 yrs; widow, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; funeral in East Liberty Evan. Church | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | SMITH, Catherine | SOWERS, David* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | SOWERS, Catherine | SOWERS, David* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | REININGER, Christian* | 75 | HARING, Rachel | OH | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (d); md age 25; 7 chren remain; wife, 6 chren dead; funeral in East Liberty Evan. Church | |
10/09/1888 | 651 | HARING, Rachel | REININGER, Christian* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | REININGER, Rachel | REININGER, Christian* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | EMRICK, Catharine* | -- | EMRICK, Geo. | -- | --: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; husb remains; has been afflicted 14+ yrs; she died of dysentery & heart disease | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | -----, Catharine* | -- | EMRICK, Geo. | -- | --: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; husb remains; has been afflicted 14+ yrs; she died of dysentery & heart disease | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | EMRICK, Geo. | -----, Catharine* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | INGLE, Thomas C.* | 42 | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: McCutchenville area (d); wife, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; his bro is Rev. W. H. of the OH Conf.; pars, 2 sis, 2 bros dead; stomach abscess | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | KRAMER, A. C.* | 33 | KRAMER, Wm. | WI | WI: Jeff. Co.: Rome (died on 33d birthday at home of pars); md 8+ yrs; res 8 yrs in NE; 8 mos ago to CA for her health, came back to die; husb, 3-mos-old baby remain | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | -----, A. C.* | 33 | KRAMER, Wm. | WI | WI: Jeff. Co.: Rome (died on 33d birthday at home of pars); md 8+ yrs; res 8 yrs in NE; 8 mos ago to CA for her health, came back to die; husb, 3-mos-old baby remain | ||
10/09/1888 | 651 | KRAMER, Wm. | -----, A. C.* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | OSWALD, Edward* | 22 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Lincoln (d); son of Rev. OSWALD & Catharine RAGATZ; pars, 8 siblings remain; kidney inflammation | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | NEFF, Elizabeth* | 69 | STEFFY | NEFF, Adam | IN | PA: York Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d); md Oct 11, 1835; husb died Mar 1868; from OH to E. Germantown 1862; 2 sons, 6 daus, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 8 chren dead |
10/09/1888 | 651 | STEFFY, Elizabeth* | 69 | NEFF, Adam | IN | PA: York Co. (b) | IN: East Germantown (d); md Oct 11, 1835; husb died Mar 1868; from OH to E. Germantown 1862; 2 sons, 6 daus, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; 8 chren dead | |
10/09/1888 | 651 | NEFF, Adam | STEFFY, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/09/1888 | 651 | JONES, Ruby May* | 1 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d); only dau of pars | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | BEATTY, Nellie May* | 1 | IN | IN: Marshall Co: Burr Oak (d); dau of Henry M. & Rebecca | |||
10/09/1888 | 651 | COURSON, Daniel Roy* | 1 | IA | IA: Carbon Co. (d); minister, A. Y. CUPP, of Carbon Co. at this time | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | ISCH, John (Rev.)* | 65 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Canton Solothurn (b) | OH: Wood Co.: Moline area (d); to AMER 1845; converted in Perrysburg 1856; licensed to preach in OH Conf., 1874; unexpected death | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | PALM, Lilly May* | 16 | OH | OH: Lancaster (d); mentions mother & step-father; consumption | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | SMITH, Olive Ann* | 26 | IA | IA: Linn Co.: Union (d); mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | THOMPSON, Kate Y.* | 21 | LANDIS | THOMPSON, John | NE | NE: West Point (d); dau of H. G. & Mary Y.; husb, infant babe, pars, siblings remain; bur at Reading, PA | |
10/16/1888 | 667 | LANDIS, Kate Y.* | 21 | THOMPSON, John | NE | NE: West Point (d); dau of H. G. & Mary Y.; husb, infant babe, pars, siblings remain; bur at Reading, PA | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | THOMPSON, John | LANDIS, Kate Y.* | |||||
10/16/1888 | 667 | BROWN, John G.* | 78 | MI | GERMANY (b) | MI: White Ford circuit (d); member Providence class [church]; had cancer in face so did not attend divine service | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | SHICK, Henry* | 85 | PA | PA: Wilkesbarre (died at home of son-in-law, Rev. J. G. SANDS); "of" Reading, PA; his Christian career covered a period of 55 yrs | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | BRICKER, Cyrus* | 54 | ONT | ONT: Waterloo (res); 2nd son of Abram; [incorrect birthdate in obit]; 1st wife died; 2nd wife, 3 chren remain; bur Manheim, ONT [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | HUBER, Mary Savilla* | 41 | HUBER, Henry C. | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Saucon Tp. (b) | PA: Allentown (d); invalid 20 yrs; husb, son, sister, 2 bros remain; spine disease/dropsy | |
10/16/1888 | 667 | -----, Mary Savilla* | 41 | HUBER, Henry C. | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Saucon Tp. (b) | PA: Allentown (d); invalid 20 yrs; husb, son, sister, 2 bros remain; spine disease/dropsy | |
10/16/1888 | 667 | HUBER, Henry C. | -----, Mary Savilla* | |||||
10/16/1888 | 667 | HORNING, Hannah* | 37 | KOOKER | HORNING, ----- | FL | PA (b) | FL: Greenland (d); sis of Rev. D. H. HOOKER; "The writer [of the obit] when he came to Florida as first missionary of the Ev. Association, received a warm welcome to her home." Husb, 4 chren [youngest 10 mos], mother aged 78, remain; yellow fever |
10/16/1888 | 667 | KOOKER, Hannah* | 37 | HORNING, ----- | FL | PA (b) | FL: Greenland (d); sis of Rev. D. H. HOOKER; "The writer [of the obit] when he came to Florida as first missionary of the Ev. Association, received a warm welcome to her home." Husb, 4 chren [youngest 10 mos], mother aged 78, remain; yellow fever | |
10/16/1888 | 667 | HORNING, ----- | KOOKER, Hannah* | |||||
10/16/1888 | 667 | WOOD, J. Alvin* | 18 | FL | PA (b) | FL: Greenland (d); ca 2 yrs ago to Jacksonville, joined a sister church; had 1 sis (Sister BOOTHBY) res Oriole, FL; pars res PA; yellow fever | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | ROSIGNOL, Adam* | 65 | IL | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Rossdorf (b) | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); to AMER 1846 to Mt. Carmel; widow, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 6 chren dead | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | FISHPAUGH, Charles F.* | 27 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: McMichaels area (d); son of Nathan & Sarah; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; typhoid fever | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | RIEGEL, Louisa* | 29 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ringgold area (d); dau of John & Catherine RIEGEL; bur w/ her father John [his obit same issue] | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | RUTH, Sallie* | 13 | PA | PA: Reading (d); dau of Jonathan & Anna; aged father, 1 bro remain; brain fever | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | RIEGEL, John* | 74 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Ringgold area (d); he & dau Louisa bur together. "A sad widowed mother mourns their departure." [Poss his wife, her mother] | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | HOCKSTETLER, Mary Elizabeth* | 30 | DOTTERER | HOCKSTETLER, Jacob | IN | IN: Miami Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever | |
10/16/1888 | 667 | DOTTERER, Mary Elizabeth* | 30 | HOCKSTETLER, Jacob | IN | IN: Miami Co. (d); husb, 5 chren remain; 1 child dead; typhoid fever | ||
10/16/1888 | 667 | HOCKSTETLER, Jacob | DOTTERER, Mary Elizabeth* | |||||
10/16/1888 | 667 | RISHEL, Edward* | 32 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Port Clinton area (d); son of Benoville & Elizabeth; inflammation of bowels | |||
10/16/1888 | 667 | HOLDEMAN, Christina* | 1 | PA | PA: Centre Co. area (d); dau of Daniel D. & Mary S.; cholera infantum | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | STUBER, Lydia* | 80 | PA | PA: Sidersville (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; typhoid fever | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | HOEHN, Margaret* | 70 | OR | GERMANY: Wuertemberg (b) | OR: Blackamas [sic] Co. (d); to AMER 1849; aged husb, 2 daus remain; 5 chren dead | ||
10/23/1888 | 683 | WEBER, Zadoc* | 75 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Bernville (d); wife, 9 chren, 1 bro remain; infirmities incident to old age | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | RIPPLE, Louisa* | 62 | ASSMAN | RIPPLE, ----- | PA | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Markers-Hausen (b) | PA: Hazleton church member; 6 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead |
10/23/1888 | 683 | ASSMAN, Louisa* | 62 | RIPPLE, ----- | PA | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Markers-Hausen (b) | PA: Hazleton church member; 6 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | RIPPLE, ----- | ASSMAN, Louisa* | |||||
10/23/1888 | 683 | MOLTER, Anna Elizabeth* | 80 | GERST/GHARST | MOLTER, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808) | OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain |
10/23/1888 | 683 | GERST, Anna Elizabeth* | 80 | MOLTER, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808) | OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | GHARST, Anna Elizabeth* | 80 | GERST/GHARST | MOLTER, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808) | OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain |
10/23/1888 | 683 | MOLTER, ----- | GERST/GHARST, Anna Elizabeth | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b Aug 9, 1808) | OH: McZena area (d); known for liberality & cheerful support of the church; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | ||
10/23/1888 | 683 | ESPENSCHEID, John* | 75 | NY | GERMANY: Seibersheim (b) | NY: Lyons (d); widow, 3 sons, 3 daus, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; one dau md Rev. WEIER of NY Conf. | ||
10/23/1888 | 683 | WOOD, Elnora* | 54 | WOOD, Nelson | OH | NJ: Warren Co. (b) | OH: Bellevernon area (d); 1 dau (wife of Emery PAULIN), mother, 1 sis remain; husb, 4 chren dead | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | -----, Elnora* | 54 | WOOD, Nelson | OH | NJ: Warren Co. (b) | OH: Bellevernon area (d); 1 dau (wife of Emery PAULIN), mother, 1 sis remain; husb, 4 chren dead | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | WOOD, Nelson | -----, Elnora* | |||||
10/23/1888 | 683 | HOWER, Leah* | 72 | SMOOK | HOWER, ----- | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Morrow Co. (d); husb, son, dau remain |
10/23/1888 | 683 | SMOOK, Leah* | 72 | HOWER, ----- | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Morrow Co. (d); husb, son, dau remain | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | HOWER, ----- | SMOOK, Leah* | |||||
10/23/1888 | 683 | KRUM, Peter* | 74 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Franklin Tp. (d); wife, 7 chren remain; 3 chren dead; kidney disease | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | KRAH, Elizabeth* | 41 | SMOKE | KRAH, John | PA | GERMANY: KurHessia (b) | PA: Sch. Co.: Huntersville (d); to AMER w/ pars 1857; husb, 9 chren, old father remain |
10/23/1888 | 683 | SMOKE, Elizabeth* | 41 | KRAH, John | PA | GERMANY: KurHessia (b) | PA: Sch. Co.: Huntersville (d); to AMER w/ pars 1857; husb, 9 chren, old father remain | |
10/23/1888 | 683 | KRAH, John | SMOKE, Elizabeth* | |||||
10/23/1888 | 683 | KOLLMER, F. E.* | 81 | OH | WURTEMBERG: Ellhofen (b) | OH: Upper Sandusky area (d) [Cannot determine if these initials are hers or her husb's] | ||
10/23/1888 | 683 | HARTER, Samuel* | 21 | PA | PA: Mauch Chunk (d); son of Elizabeth S.; injured on railroad prev day | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | BELZER, Evan Guy* | 4 mos | IA | IA: Shelby Co.: Defiance (d); son of Peter & Lucinda E.; cholera infantum | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | KISTLER, Stephen Wentz* | 9 mos | PA | PA: East Stroudsburg (d); only child of A. W. & Jennette E.; cholera infantum | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | SCHULTZ, Carrie N.* | 10mos | IL | IL: Kappa area (died at res of grpars, Rev. Wm. NORTH); dau of Rev. W. A. & Carrie | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | EXAMPLE:, see SCHULTZ, Carrie N., Oct 23, 1888, p 1683 | mother's maiden name from infant obit giving grfa's name | |||||
10/23/1888 | 683 | MOULTON, Lenna E.* | infan | KS | KS: Canada area (d); dau of A. L. & Nannie [b Sep 29, 1888] | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | HESS, Rosalie Mary* | 8+ mo | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Spreingfield (d); dau of David F. & Sarah; cholera infantum | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | BROCEUS, Florence Edith* | 4 | MI | MI: Buchanan area (d); dau of Henry & Lydia M.; membraneous croup | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | KOHLER, Jacob William* | 1 | ONT | ONT: North Cayugo [sic] (d); son of Jacob & Sarah Jane | |||
10/23/1888 | 683 | BAUSMAN, Charlie Eddie* | 6 mos | KS | KS: Newton area (d); son of David & Sarah | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KAUFFMAN, Samuel* | 67 | OH | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | OH: Fairfield C.: Dumontsville area (d); former member Winebrennarian Ch.; to Fairfield Co. 1870; widow, 6 sons, 2 daus remain; 2 sons, 2 daus dead | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | McCLOUD, Nannie E.* | 41 | MILLER | McCLOUD, ----- | OH | OH: Circleville (d); dau of John & Susan MILLER; aged mother, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; no mention of husb | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | MILLER, Nannie E.* | 41 | McCLOUD, ----- | OH | OH: Circleville (d); dau of John & Susan MILLER; aged mother, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; no mention of husb | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | McCLOUD, ----- | MILLER, Nannie E.* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | PIETZ, Carl August* | 68 | IN | PRUSSIA: Posen (b) | IN: Wanatah area (d); to AMER 1858; aged widow, 3 chren, 1 bro remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | STEPHENS, Jacob* | 64 | RADER, Bethany | -- | OH: Dayton area (b) | --: Minister: NEFF, H. E.; [possibly d Dayton]; md Oct 31, 1844; wife, 9 chren, 2 sis remain; 2 sons, 4 sis, 1 bro dead | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | RADER, Bethany | STEPHENS, Jacob* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | STEPHENS, Bethany | STEPHENS, Jacob* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | DOVERSPIKE, Wm. D.* | 17 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce (d); son of Wesley & Catharine; pars, bro, sisters remain; pneumonia | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | RATZ, Clara Melissa* | 25 | STROME | RATZ, Simon H. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Elmira (d); ADOPTED dau of Abraham & Esther STROME; husb ill w/ same disease, could not attend funeral; youngest child dead; malaria fever | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | STROME, Clara Melissa* | 25 | RATZ, Simon H. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Elmira (d); ADOPTED dau of Abraham & Esther STROME; husb ill w/ same disease, could not attend funeral; youngest child dead; malaria fever | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | RATZ, Simon H. | STROME, Clara Melissa* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | LEHR, Alice Mary* | 28 | PA | PA: Lancaster (b) | PA: Allentown (d); dau of Rev. James O. & Catharine LEHR; pars, bro, sister remain; 10 ministers att funeral; typhoid fever | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | WALKER, Elizabeth* | -- | PA | PA: West Philadelphia (died in Old Lady's Home on Chestnut St.). "She was delighted with the new magnificent home so kindly provided by consecrated wealth." | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | BINNEY, William H.* | 25 | IN | IN: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); former Baptist, wife Evan.; wife, 4 bros remain | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | ERNST, C. F.* | 38 | KS | BADEN: Spoeck (b) | KS: Osborne Co.: Downs area (d); wife, 7 chren remain; bro is minister in KS Conf.; 1 child dead; typhoid | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | HAEBERLIN, Gertie May* | 9 | IL | IL: Ottawa (d); dau of John & Mary; typhoid | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | ARNDT, Henry* | 31 | MI | MI: Osceola Co.: Evart area (d); son of J. J.; wife, 1 child, father, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; mother, 2 sis dead; quick consumption | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KILIAN, Mary* | 31 | KILIAN, Geo. | MD | MD: Baltimore area (d); husb, 3 chren mother, siblings remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | -----, Mary* | 31 | KILIAN, Geo. | MD | MD: Baltimore area (d); husb, 3 chren mother, siblings remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KILIAN, Geo. | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KULEY, Lydia E.* | 26 | CORKHILL | KULEY, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BALLENGER, Walter; husb, 2 sm chren, mother, 5 bros remain | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | CORKHILL, Lydia E.* | 26 | KULEY, ----- | -- | --: Minister: BALLENGER, Walter; husb, 2 sm chren, mother, 5 bros remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KULEY, ----- | CORKHILL, Lydia E.* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | MIESSE, Emma S.* | 19 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Dumontsville area (d); dau of Solomon & Mary; pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | CHRIST, Catharin [sic]* | 64 | CHRIST, Lewis | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | -----, Catharin [sic]* | 64 | CHRIST, Lewis | PA | PA: Pine Grove (d); husb, 6 chren remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | CHRIST, Lewis | -----, Catharin [sic]* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | THRESHER, Theresa* | 62 | MOSIER/MOSLER [?] | THRESHER, John | -- | GERMANY: Dishinger (b) | --: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given |
10/30/1888 | 699 | MOSIER, Theresa* | 62 | THRESHER, John | -- | GERMANY: Dishinger (b) | --: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | MOSLER, Theresa* | 62 | THRESHER, John | -- | GERMANY: Dishinger (b) | --: Minister: GROSS, Wm.; to AMER Mar 1854; md Oct 10, 1855; 4 chren remain; 1 child dead; status of husb not given | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | THRESHER, John | MOSIER/MOSLER, Theresa* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | ZERBEL, John* | 85 | WI | PRUSSIA: Pommerania: Gramenz (b) | WI: Sauk Co.: town of Honey Creek (d); to AMER 1866; 7 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | KEINERT, Maria* | 75 | KEINERT, Samuel | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.; Hanover Tp. (b) | PA: Reading (d); to Reading 1842; aged husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 4 chren dead | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | -----, Maria* | 75 | KEINERT, Samuel | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.; Hanover Tp. (b) | PA: Reading (d); to Reading 1842; aged husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 4 chren dead | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | KEINERT, Samuel | -----, Maria* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | BARKER, John* | 26 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon (d); wife, child remain | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | BLETT, Susan* | 61 | BLETT, George | MI | PA: Union Co. (b) | MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); came West some yrs ago; husb, chren remain | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | -----, Susan* | 61 | BLETT, George | MI | PA: Union Co. (b) | MI: Cass Co.: Marcellus (d); came West some yrs ago; husb, chren remain | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | BLETT, George | -----, Susan* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | GARNER, Welling Z.* | 19 | PA | PA: West Earl (d); son of John; consumption | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | HARMON, Catharine* | 80 | KECHER | HARMON, ----- | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce area (d); came from eastern part of state 50+ yrs ago. "Of late years she was poor as to to [sic] this world's goods, but rich in faithÉ." | |
10/30/1888 | 699 | KECHER, Catharine* | 80 | HARMON, ----- | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: Pierce area (d); came from eastern part of state 50+ yrs ago. "Of late years she was poor as to to [sic] this world's goods, but rich in faithÉ." | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | HARMON, ----- | KECHER, Catharine* | |||||
10/30/1888 | 699 | MILLER, Elizabeth* | 92 | OH | GERMANY: Hessia-Cassel (b) | OH: Greenville (d); to AMER 60 yrs ago; 4 chren remain, 3 husbands & 6 chren dead [md 3 times, husbs not named here] | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | SHIREY, Charlie* | 25 | PA | PA: Shamrock (d); mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | ROVOLDT, Lorrilla M.* | 4 mos | NY | NY: Niagara Co.: Gasport area (d); dau of Louis & Maggie | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | GRAVES, Joanna* | 42 | -- | IN: Kosiosko [sic] Co. (b) | --: Minister: NEFF, H. E.; widow several years; 4 daus, 1 son, father remain | ||
10/30/1888 | 699 | BENDER, Charles M.* | 4 mos | -- | --: Ceresco (d); son of Franklin & Lydia | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | BROWN, James Lewis* | 3 | PA | PA: West Earl (d); son of Lemen B. & Ellen C.; congestion of brain | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | GRAVES, Alida* | 3 | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); dau of J. & J. | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | WRIGHT, Murcett Wordon* | 1 | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); son of J. & Jane | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | GRAVES, Ella* | 1 | MI | MI: Mason Co.: Scottville area (d); dau of J. & I. | |||
10/30/1888 | 699 | WILTROUT, Milo* | 4 mos | IN | IN: Corunna area (d); son of F. & Mariah E. | |||
11/06/1888 | 715 | CONLEY, Harrison* | 75 | OH | PA: Beaver Co. (b) | OH: Crawford Co.: Sulphur Springs area (d); to this farm 61 yrs ago; never married; 1 sis, 2 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Henry CONLEY of North NE Meth. Conf. | ||
11/06/1888 | 715 | EXAMPLE:, see CONLEY, Harrison, Nov 6, 1888, p 175 | obit subject not md,but names bro & his res, | |||||
11/06/1888 | 715 | MILLER, Joseph* | 62 | SHOE, Rachel | IN | OH: Wayne Co. (b) | IN: Marshall Co. (res); md 1849; wife d 1881 of consumption; had 10 chren: 2 dead. "On the 15th of March, 1888, he ended his pilgrimage and joined his companion and 2 children É whither another child has lately followed him." | |
11/06/1888 | 715 | EXAMPLE: delayed reporting, see MILLER, Joseph, Nov 6, 1888, p 715 | ||||||
11/06/1888 | 715 | SHOE, Rachel | MILLER, Joseph* | |||||
11/06/1888 | 715 | MILLER, Rachel | MILLER, Joseph* | |||||
11/06/1888 | 715 | KUTZ, Fanny M.* | 20 | ILGENFRITZ | KUTZ, ----- | PA | PA: Carlisle area (b) | PA: Letort Springs Cem. (bur); husb, infant babe, pars remain |
11/06/1888 | 715 | ILGENFRITZ, Fanny M.* | 20 | KUTZ, ----- | PA | PA: Carlisle area (b) | PA: Letort Springs Cem. (bur); husb, infant babe, pars remain | |
11/06/1888 | 715 | KUTZ, ----- | ILGENFRITZ, Fanny M.* | |||||
11/06/1888 | 715 | ALLEN, Grace Eugenie* | 16 | PA | PA: Mt. Holly (d); mother, siblings remain | |||
11/06/1888 | 715 | ERB, Aaron* | 73 | PA | PA: Norristown (d); md Dec 4, 1836; widow, 3 chren remain; 4 chren dead; bur Norris City Cem. | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | CARMICHEAL [sic], Caroline* | 43 | CARMICHEAL, G. W. | MI | MI: Washtenaw Co.: Augusta (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; consumption | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Caroline* | 43 | CARMICHEAL, G. W. | MI | MI: Washtenaw Co.: Augusta (d); husb, 3 sons, 2 daus remain; consumption | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | CARMICHEAL [sic], G. W. | -----, Caroline* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | HESS, Jacob* | 68 | PA | SWITZERLAND, Canton Berne (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); to AMER ca age 18 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain; 4 chren dead | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | BRADFORD, Laura* | 37 | BRADFORD, Cyrus | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, siblings remain. "One child preceded her and one lies in the arms of her mother." | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Laura* | 37 | BRADFORD, Cyrus | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Erie (d); husb, 1 son, 5 daus, siblings remain. "One child preceded her and one lies in the arms of her mother." | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | BRADFORD, Cyrus | -----, Laura* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | KENT, Harriet* | 30 | KIMMEL | KENT, Augustus | IN | IN: La Grange Co.: South Milford (d); md May 30, 1878; husb, 2 chren, mother, siblings remain | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | KIMMEL, Harriet* | 30 | KENT, Augustus | IN | IN: La Grange Co.: South Milford (d); md May 30, 1878; husb, 2 chren, mother, siblings remain | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | KENT, Augustus | KIMMEL, Harriet* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | DORN, Elizabeth* | 66 | DORN, Henry* | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Marchand (d); to AMER w/ husb 1848; husb remains | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Elizabeth* | 66 | DORN, Henry* | PA | GERMANY (b) | PA: Marchand (d); to AMER w/ husb 1848; husb remains | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | DORN, Henry | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | SHARP, Martha A.* | 59 | BRIMS | SHARP, ----- | OH | OH: Yellow Bud area (d); 2 sons, 1 dau, 3 bros, 1 sis remain | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | BRIMS, Martha A.* | 59 | SHARP, ----- | OH | OH: Yellow Bud area (d); 2 sons, 1 dau, 3 bros, 1 sis remain | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | SHARP, ----- | BRIMS, Martha A.* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | GUITHER, Barbara* | 58 | GUITHER, Henry | IL | GERMANY: Saxe-Coburg: Hofstaden (b) | IL: Walnut (d); to AMER 1848; md 1849; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis dead; 1st sermons preached in neighborhood preached in their house | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Barbara* | 58 | GUITHER, Henry | IL | GERMANY: Saxe-Coburg: Hofstaden (b) | IL: Walnut (d); to AMER 1848; md 1849; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren, 1 bro, 3 sis dead; 1st sermons preached in neighborhood preached in their house | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | GUITHER, Henry | -----, Barbara* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | HOOVER, Louisa* | 67 | ZANTHNER | HOOVER, J. B. | IN | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | IN: De Kalb Co.: Waterloo (d); to AMER age 6; to PA; md Stark Co., OH, Oct. 23, 1839; to Waterloo 1849 |
11/13/1888 | 731 | ZANTHNER, Louisa* | 67 | HOOVER, J. B. | IN | GERMANY: Wittenberg (b) | IN: De Kalb Co.: Waterloo (d); to AMER age 6; to PA; md Stark Co., OH, Oct. 23, 1839; to Waterloo 1849 | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | HOOVER, J. B. | ZANTHNER, Louisa* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | GUINTHER, Charles Wesley* | 24 | ONT | ONT: Bismark (d); son of Michael & Charlotta. "Six of the family are now lying at rest side by side; and only the parents, one son and one daughter are remainingÉ." Consumption | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | FARNSWORTH, James Haven * | 52 | OR | OR: East Portland (d); 1st class-leader of E. Portland Ch. in 1884; widow, 2 sons, 2 daus, aged pars, 3 sis remain | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | KEIM, Alida* | 15 | PA | PA: Reading (d); pars remain; typhoid for 5 wks | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | KLIPPEL, Charlotte Christina* | 56 | RODENBACK | KLIPPEL, John | NY | GERMANY: Willstein (b) | NY: Wayne Center (d); to AMER age 3 yrs; md Mar 11, 1852; husb, 5 daus, 3 sons, aged mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 chren dead [poss sons] |
11/13/1888 | 731 | RODENBACK, Charlotte Christina* | 56 | KLIPPEL, John | NY | GERMANY: Willstein (b) | NY: Wayne Center (d); to AMER age 3 yrs; md Mar 11, 1852; husb, 5 daus, 3 sons, aged mother, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; 2 chren dead [poss sons] | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | KLIPPEL, John | RODENBACK, Charlotte Christina* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | WILDER, Matilda* | 26 | IN | IN: Fulton Co.: Fulton area (d); dau of Solomon & Emily; pars, 4 sis, 4 bros remain, one bro being Rev. Wm. of IN Conf. | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | SWOBE, Ellen Maria* | 30 | MILLER | SWOBE, A. | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Heilmansdale (d); husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; malaria fever [NOTE: not clear if she died at Heilmansdale, PA or Willow Spring, KS, place of funeral] | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | MILLER, Ellen Maria* | 30 | SWOBE, A. | PA | PA: Lebanon Co.: Heilmansdale (d); husb, 3 sm chren, pars, 2 sis, 1 bro remain; malaria fever [NOTE: not clear if she died at Heilmansdale, PA or Willow Spring, KS, place of funeral] | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | SWOBE, A. | MILLER, Ellen Maria* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | SPIES, Charles Louis* | 68 | ONT | PRUSSIA: Meissen (b) | ONT: Rainham (d); to AMER as youth w/ pars; widow, 6 chren, 6 siblings remain; one bro is Rev. C. A. of Canada Conf.; 4 chren dead; blood cancer 12 yrs + bowel inflammation 8 days | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | GEIB, Mamie* | 12 | PA | PA: Reading (d); dau of Daniel & Lizzie; typhoid fever; mother died 5 wks earlier; father confined to bed by leg amputation | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | STIPE, Harrison* | 63 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Green Tp. (res); wife, 2 sons remain | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | GILL, Susan M.* | 62 | BURNS | GILL, ----- | NE | PA: Snyder Co.: Beaverdam (b) | NE: Clay Co. (d at home of son-in-law, J. EPLEY); to Stevenson Co., IL, 32 yrs ago; to Clay Co. 16 yrs ago; husb, 1 dau remain |
11/13/1888 | 731 | BURNS, Susan M.* | 62 | GILL, ----- | NE | PA: Snyder Co.: Beaverdam (b) | NE: Clay Co. (d at home of son-in-law, J. EPLEY); to Stevenson Co., IL, 32 yrs ago; to Clay Co. 16 yrs ago; husb, 1 dau remain | |
11/13/1888 | 731 | GILL, ----- | BURNS, Susan M.* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | ANTON, Helena* | 61 | ANTON, Philip | IA | IA: Laporte City (d). "She was a wife and mother in her family in every sense of the wordÉ." | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Helena* | 61 | ANTON, Philip | IA | IA: Laporte City (d). "She was a wife and mother in her family in every sense of the wordÉ." | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | ANTON, Philip | -----, Helena* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | NEISWINDER, Salind* | 55 | NEISWINDER, Henry | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; heart disease | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Salind* | 55 | NEISWINDER, Henry | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: La Salle (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; heart disease | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | NEISWINDER, Henry | -----, Salind* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | PAULIN, Alice* | 25 | PAULIN, Emery (Rev.) | OH | OH: Bellevernon area (d); husb & 4-wk-old babe remain; husb recd preacher's license at last OH Conf. | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | -----, Alice* | 25 | PAULIN, Emery (Rev.) | OH | OH: Bellevernon area (d); husb & 4-wk-old babe remain; husb recd preacher's license at last OH Conf. | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | PAULIN, Emery (Rev.) | -----, Alice* | |||||
11/13/1888 | 731 | JIMISON, Adelbert V.* | 15 | IN | IN: Huntington (d); pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; sick a number of wks | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | HILE, John (Mrs.)* | 75 | IN | --: Minister: DOUTY, H. H.; member of Salem congregation from its organization; husb, 3 daus remain | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | MILLER, Emma* | 23 | MO | IN: Marshall Co. (b) | MO: Vichy area (d); dau of Joseph; consumption | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | BOBZIN, Johanna M.* | 64 | NY | NY: Niagara Co.: Newfane (d); husb, 1 son dead | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | McGREGOR, Alvista LeClare* | 11 | KS | KS: Gove Co.: Jerome (d); youngest son of C. A. & S. J.; bur Gove City, KS | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | MILLER, Ida Maria* | 17 | MO | IN: Marshall Co. (b) | MO: Vichy area (d); youngest dau of Joseph; consumption | ||
11/13/1888 | 731 | HESS, Nellie May* | 5 | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka area (d); dau of Joseph & Amanda; diphtheria | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | KARL, Eliza Ottilie* | 2 | NY | NY: Geneva (d); dau of Charles & Ottilie | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | ANDERSON, Jennie* | 8 mos | NE | NE: Aurora area (d); only dau of David & Viola | |||
11/13/1888 | 731 | HESS, Arthur Henry* | 8 | MI | MI: Clinton Co.: Eureka (d); son of Joseph & Amanda; diphtheria | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | ECK, Isabella S.* | 38 | HOY | ECK, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 bros, 3 sis remain | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | HOY, Isabella S.* | 38 | ECK, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 bros, 3 sis remain | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | ECK, ----- | HOY, Isabella S.* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BAIR, Sarah* | 71 | FIRESTINE | BAIR, George | PA | PA: Annville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy of heart | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | FIRESTINE, Sarah* | 71 | BAIR, George | PA | PA: Annville (d); husb, 8 chren remain; dropsy of heart | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BAIR, George | FIRESTINE, Sarah* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | POPP, Elmer E.* | 26 | PA | PA: Lickingville (d); wife, 2 chren, mother remain | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | HENDRICKS, Rebecca* | 88 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; 1 son, 1 dau dead; husb died 49 yrs ago | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BISH, Noah* | 61 | OH | OH: Hancock Co.: Washington Tp. (d); loving husb & father; died of heart disease suddenly while on the fair ground | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | MOUNTZ, Elizabeth* | 77 | PA | PA: Middlesex area (died at home of Emanuel MOUNTZ); 7 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | LAMPERT, Barbara* | 84 | SMITH | LAMPERT, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Alsace: Harden (b) | OH: Fremont area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 5 chren dead; heart disease |
11/20/1888 | 747 | SMITH, Barbara* | 84 | LAMPERT, ----- | OH | GERMANY: Alsace: Harden (b) | OH: Fremont area (d); husb, 1 son, 1 dau remain; 5 chren dead; heart disease | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | LAMPERT, ----- | SMITH, Barbara* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | REITZ, Caroline* | 54 | RAYBUCK | REITZ, Amos | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Bellview area (d); husb, 7 chren, 6 step-chren remain | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | RAYBUCK, Caroline* | 54 | REITZ, Amos | PA | PA: Jefferson Co.: Bellview area (d); husb, 7 chren, 6 step-chren remain | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | REITZ, Amos | RAYBUCK, Caroline* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | HINKLE, Louisa* | 76 | NY | GERMANY: Prussia: Eringshausen (b) | NY: Montg. Co.: Stone Arabia (d); to AMER 1849; 6 chren remain; 3 chren dead; old age | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | EYER, Mary* | 62 | WOLF | EYER, Isaac, Jr. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d); husb dead; no mention of chren | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | WOLF, Mary* | 62 | EYER, Isaac, Jr. | PA | PA: Union Co.: Lewisburg (d); husb dead; no mention of chren | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | EYER, Isaac, Jr. | WOLF, Mary* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | KECK, Christina* | 42 | RININGER | KECK, Henry | OH | OH: Summit Co. (d); husb, 1 child remain; collapsed in cornfield husking corn, sank away, never uttered a word, d in 24 hrs; funeral at East Liberty | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | RININGER, Christina* | 42 | KECK, Henry | OH | OH: Summit Co. (d); husb, 1 child remain; collapsed in cornfield husking corn, sank away, never uttered a word, d in 24 hrs; funeral at East Liberty | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | KECK, Henry | RININGER, Christina* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | FRETZ, Maria* | 63 | FRETZ, Jonathan | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Allen Tp. (b) | PA: Bucks Co.: Zion Hill (d); aged husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; died in sleep | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | -----, Maria* | 63 | FRETZ, Jonathan | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Allen Tp. (b) | PA: Bucks Co.: Zion Hill (d); aged husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; died in sleep | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | FRETZ, Jonathan | -----, Maria* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | DINGES, John William* | 18 | PA | PA: Centre Hall (d); joined church 2+ yrs ago on eve of departure for US Naval Academy | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | DOANE, Mary Ellen* | 31 | FISHLEY | DOANE, James | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (b) | IN: Cass Co.: Jefferson Tp. (d); dau of Susannah & John; md Sep 1876; husb, 4 sm chren remain; funeral at Shiloh Ch., nr Logansport; consumption |
11/20/1888 | 747 | FISHLEY, Mary Ellen* | 31 | DOANE, James | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (b) | IN: Cass Co.: Jefferson Tp. (d); dau of Susannah & John; md Sep 1876; husb, 4 sm chren remain; funeral at Shiloh Ch., nr Logansport; consumption | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | DOANE, James | FISHLEY, Mary Ellen* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | KNIES, Catharine* | 42 | HOFFSOMMER | KNIES, Wm. | PA | GERMANY: Hessen: Stadthosbach (b) | PA: Hazleton (d); to AMER age 11; md 1866; husb, 4 chren remain |
11/20/1888 | 747 | HOFFSOMMER, Catharine* | 42 | KNIES, Wm. | PA | GERMANY: Hessen: Stadthosbach (b) | PA: Hazleton (d); to AMER age 11; md 1866; husb, 4 chren remain | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | KNIES, Wm. | HOFFSOMMER, Catharine* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | KRAMER, Frederick Adam* | 75 | LIPPMAN, Christina | OH | GERMANY: Sachsen-Altenburg: Zeutsch (b) | OH: Montgomery Co.: Vandalia area (d); to AMER 1853; md same yr; wife, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | LIPPMAN, Christina | KRAMER, Frederick Adam* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | KRAMER, Christina | KRAMER, Frederick Adam* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BORGHART, Frederick* | 76 | KAUFMAN, ----- (wife #1; md 1834, died 17 yrs ago; had 3 chren, of whom 1 son remains) | IA | PRUSSIA: Kroppenstadt (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Union (d); to AMER 1847 | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | BORGHART, Frederick* | 76 | FURMEISTER, ----- (Mrs.) (wife #2; md 1873) | IA | PRUSSIA: Kroppenstadt (b) | IA: Linn Co.: Union (d); to AMER 1847 | |
11/20/1888 | 747 | KAUFMAN, ----- | BORGHART, Frederick* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | FURMEISTER, ----- (Mrs.) | BORGHART, Frederick* | |||||
11/20/1888 | 747 | SPANGLER, -----* [male] | 85 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Rebersburg area (d); made provision in will for support of preacher of his church for a number of yrs; 6 chren remain | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BENSINGER, George W.* | 30 | PA | PA: Mahanoy City (d); son of Benneville & Caroline; a few minutes before he died he sang the hymn: "My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine." Sang w/ such force was heard one square away; bur Tamaqua, PA; widow, 3 chren, pars, 2 bros, 5 sis remain | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BEAN, Percy Wilford* | 2 | -- | IA: Lyon Co.: Larchwood (b) | --: Minister: STAPF, L. S.; bro of Emery; only boys of that family; membraneous croup [d Nov 4] | ||
11/20/1888 | 747 | BEAN, Emery* [d Oct 29] | -- | -- | --: Minister: STAPF, L. S.; bro of Percy Wilford; only boys of that family; membraneous croup | |||
11/20/1888 | 747 | DIEGEL, Henry Louis* | 2 | OH | OH: Auglaize Co.: Moulton area (d); son of Henry & Eliza; lung inflammation | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | SNYDER, John (Rev.)* | 87 | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co. (born Feb 22, 1802) | IL: Bonfield area (d at home of son William); local minister 14 yrs; to Union Co., PA, 1804; to Bonfield, 1866; 7 chren remain; wife, 5 chren dead | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | SHIREY, Wm. (Rev.)* | 31 | MI | MI: Scottville (d); wife, child, pars, 2 sis remain; bur Vicksburg, MI | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | YARINGTON, Susan* | 81 | -- | --: Minister: MaCAULEY [sic], J.; died at home of son Isaac | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | WALTON, Carrie Rebecca* | 47 | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); dau of Harrison & Sarah; 2 little bros dead; dropsy [NOTE: age corrected to 7 yrs, Dec 18, p 811] [correct age is 7 yrs] | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | WILSON, Maria* | 78 | -- | --: Minister: LEONARD, E. P.; aged husb, 3 chren remain | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | MILLER, Catharine* | 67 | MILLER, Thomas | PA | PA: Steelstown (d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | -----, Catharine* | 67 | MILLER, Thomas | PA | PA: Steelstown (d); husb, 7 chren remain | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | MILLER, Thomas | -----, Catharine* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | NAGLE, Carolina* | 73 | FREY | NAGLE, Charles | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy & heart disease | |
11/27/1888 | 763 | FREY, Carolina* | 73 | NAGLE, Charles | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 7 chren remain; dropsy & heart disease | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | NAGLE, Charles | FREY, Carolina* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | BOWER, Sarah (Mrs.)* | 67 | STEVENS | BOWER, ----- | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Berwick (d); husb, 9 chren remain | |
11/27/1888 | 763 | STEVENS, Sarah* | 67 | BOWER, ----- | PA | PA: Columbia Co.: Berwick (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | BOWER, ----- | STEVENS, Sarah* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | ARNEY, Benedick [sic]* | 83 | OH | SWITZERLAND: Berne (b) | OH: Coshocton Co.: Helmick area (d); among 1st members of our church here | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | HEBERLING, Anna Mary* | 94 | PA | PA: Wiconisco (d); death from a fall; 1 dau remains | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | SMITH, John B.* | 58 | ONT | ENGLAND: Northwell (b) | ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER at age 7 yrs; wife, 6 chren remain | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | KEIPER, Benjamin* | 71 | PA | PA: Reamstown area (d); widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | BUDD, Thomas J.* | 29 | DAVIS, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co. (d); son-in-law of Rev. H. B. DAVIS; wife, child remain [wife was Alice, who md 2) Frank L. COOK; she d 1931;all bur Hayesville, OH, beside Rev. H. B. DAVIS--ABudd] | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | DAVIS, ----- | BUDD, Thomas J.* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | MOTTINGER, Joseph* | 61 | HUMBERT, Sarah A. | OH | OH: Columbiana Co.: New Lisbon area (b) | OH: Trumbull Co.: Lordstown (d); md Aug 1851; both converted ca 1853 Greensburg, Summit Co., OH; widow, 1 son, 2 daus, 7 sis, 2 bros remain; bur w/ pars in Greensburg Cem. | |
11/27/1888 | 763 | HUMBERT, Sarah A. | MOTTINGER, Joseph* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | MOTTINGER, Sarah A. | MOTTINGER, Joseph* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | STIGMAN, Ida Minerva* | 12 | CA | PA: Berks Co.: Kutztown (b) | CA: Los Angeles (d); dau of Henry & Amanda; diphtheria | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | FULMER, David R.* | 46 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); wife, 4 chren, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; killed instantly when run over by coal train | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | DORWARD, Lewis* | 46 | ROTH, Sarah | PA | PA: Slatington (d); md 1862; widow, 3 sons, 2 daus, mother, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 chren dead; consumption | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | ROTH, Sarah | DORWARD, Lewis* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | DORWARD, Sarah | DORWARD, Lewis* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | DOLL, Charlotte* | 43 | RUSTERHOLZ | DOLL, Casper | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Mc Kean Tp. (b) | PA: Erie (d); md Oct 18, 1866; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead |
11/27/1888 | 763 | RUSTERHOLZ, Charlotte* | 43 | DOLL, Casper | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Mc Kean Tp. (b) | PA: Erie (d); md Oct 18, 1866; husb, 3 chren remain; 1 child dead | |
11/27/1888 | 763 | DOLL, Casper | RUSTERHOLZ, Charlotte* | |||||
11/27/1888 | 763 | SWARTZ, Elizabeth* | 71 | MI | MI: Cass Co.: Union area (d); md nearly 50 yrs; husb, 1 dau, 4 sons remain; 1 dau dead | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | PFEFFER, Lulu* | 19 | OH | OH: Dayton (d); dau of Henry C. & Emma; mother, 2 sis, 1 bro remain | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | WOLFINGER, John* | 68 | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Freeport (d); from PA to Freeport 1854; md 41 yrs; wife, 2 daus remain | ||
11/27/1888 | 763 | FOX, Lina E.* | 14 | IA | IA: Mt. Etna (d); oldest dau of Geo.; sick 8 days | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | STELTZ, Carrie Ellen* | 3 | NY | NY: only dau; father is preacher of 2nd Church of NY | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | WOLFSKILL, Jacob Nelson* | 8 | PA | PA: Reamstown (d); son of John & Malinda; diphtheria | |||
11/27/1888 | 763 | BEAN, Emory Allen* | 4 | IA | IA: Lyon Co.: Larchwood Tp. (d); son of Jacob & Myra; membraneous croup | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | DISHER, Annie Mary M.* | 14 | PA | PA: Clarion Co.: Blair's Corners area (d); widowed mother, little bro remain | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | KELLY, John* | 39 | ONT | ONT: Huron Co.: Hay: Dashwood (d); son of Thomas & Ann; aged pars, 5 bros, 2 sis remain; bowel inflammation | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | KNUPP, Clarence Levant* | 12 | PA | PA: Warren area (d) | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | EBERHARDT, Eliza* | 23 | ONT | Ont: Stanley Tp.: Bayfield (b) | ONT: Huron Co.: Hay (d); mother, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption for 7 mos | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | WASH, ----- [male]* | 78 | -- | --: Minister: McCAULEY, M.; wife, several chren remain | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | HEFFELBOWER, William* | 36 | WADE, Clara Jane | MI | OH: Lucas Co. (b) | MI: Tuscola Co.: Cass City (d); md May 24, 1872; widow, 4 chren, pars remain; lung inflammation | |
12/04/1888 | 779 | WADE, Clara Jane | HEFFELBOWER, William* | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | HEFFELBOWER, Clara Jane | HEFFELBOWER, William* | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | YOUNG, Margaretha* | 82 | ONT | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Parkenheim (res) | ONT: New Hamburg (d); to CANADA 1842; 4 sons, 4 daus remain; one son is Rev. J. C. of South IN Conf.; husb, 2 daus dead | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | FELLER, Polly* | 75 | FELLER, Jacob | OH | OH: Findlay (d); 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | -----, Polly* | 75 | FELLER, Jacob | OH | OH: Findlay (d); 9 chren remain; 3 chren dead; status of husb not given | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | FELLER, Jacob | -----, Polly* | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | MARSHALL, George G.* | 28 | MI | OH: Seneca Co. (b) | MI: Barry Co.: Maple Grove (d); to Maple Grove age 4 yrs; wife, 3 chren, pars, 5 bros, 3 sis remain; one bro is Rev. J. J. of MI Conf.; typhoid | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | WATERS, Margaret* | 36 | OH | OH: Akron (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | PAWSEY, Hannah* | 73 | OH | IN (b) [NOTE: birthplace corrected to ENGLAND, Dec 18, 1888, p 811] | OH: Wyandot Co.: Carey (d); husb, 4 daus, 2 sons remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | FELGER, J. S. (Rev.), | mentioned in PAWSEY, Hannah obit, Dec 4, 1888, p 779 | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | HELLER, Emanuel* | 59 | PA | PA: Loganton (d); former United Brethren; widow, 7 chren, aged pars remain; stomach concer | |||
12/04/1888 | 779 | KRESS, Barbara* | 80 | KRESS, Martin | IA | EUROPE: Baden: Helmingen (b) | IA: Rowley area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847 to Buffalo NY area; to Geneva IL 1850; to Buchanan Co. IA 1856; funeral at Quasqueton Meth. Church; 6 sons remain | |
12/04/1888 | 779 | -----, Barbara* | 80 | KRESS, Martin | IA | EUROPE: Baden: Helmingen (b) | IA: Rowley area (d); to AMER w/ husb 1847 to Buffalo NY area; to Geneva IL 1850; to Buchanan Co. IA 1856; funeral at Quasqueton Meth. Church; 6 sons remain | |
12/04/1888 | 779 | KRESS, Martin | -----, Barbara* | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | SCHWAGER, Anna Mary* | 75 | REICHENBACHER | SCHWAGER, Bernhard | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Co. Durlach: Berghausen (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire area (d); md 1836; to AMER 1848; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead |
12/04/1888 | 779 | REICHENBACHER, Anna Mary* | 75 | SCHWAGER, Bernhard | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Co. Durlach: Berghausen (b) | IL: Kane Co.: Hampshire area (d); md 1836; to AMER 1848; husb, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead | |
12/04/1888 | 779 | SCHWAGER, Bernhard | REICHENBACHER, Anna Mary* | |||||
12/04/1888 | 779 | ABEL, Charles August* | 64 | IA | PRUSSIA: Damsendorf (b) | IA: Union Co.: Afton area (d); to AMER 1850; res Indianapolis, IN, 1 yr; Burlington, IA, 6 yrs; then to Union Co., IA; wife, 3 sons, 4 daus remain | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | WEAVER, Annie* | 33 | CLAIR | WEAVER, George | IL | IL: Freeport (d); husb, son age 12 yrs, 2 sis remain; Bright's disease | |
12/04/1888 | 779 | CLAIR, Annie* | 33 | WEAVER, George | IL | IL: Freeport (d); husb, son age 12 yrs, 2 sis remain; Bright's disease | ||
12/04/1888 | 779 | WEAVER, George | CLAIR, Annie* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | ZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)* | 65 | SEEFELD, Justina | MN | GERMANY: Prussia: Grienrade nr Berlin (b) | MN: St. Charles (d); learned brick-making trade; md Mar 12, 1846; to AMER 1848 to Lomira, WI; licensed to preach by WI Conf. 1857; to St. Charles 1864; wife, 11 chren, 3 bros remain; one bro is Rev. Wm. of WI Conf.; 1 child dead; multitudes at funeral | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | SEEFELD, Justina | ZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | ZICKERICK, Justina | ZICKERICK, Michael (Rev.)* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | REAMS, -----* | 60 | ARNOLD | REAMS, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: York Co. (b) | PA: Luthersburg area (d); 2nd dau of Peter & Susannah; pars to Luthersburg Apr 1837; md Sep 17, 1846; husb, 3 sons, 6 daus, 5 bros remain; 1 son, 1 dau, pars, 2 sis dead; consumption |
12/11/1888 | 795 | ARNOLD, -----* | 60 | REAMS, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: York Co. (b) | PA: Luthersburg area (d); 2nd dau of Peter & Susannah; pars to Luthersburg Apr 1837; md Sep 17, 1846; husb, 3 sons, 6 daus, 5 bros remain; 1 son, 1 dau, pars, 2 sis dead; consumption | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | REAMS, John (Rev.) | ARNOLD, -----* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | CECIL, -----* [male] | 66 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon area (d) | |||
12/11/1888 | 795 | KELLY, Andrew* | 68 | PA | PA: Warren Co.: Tidioute area (d); widow, 3 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BARTECK, Carl* | 30 | -----, Augusta | NY | NY: Geneva (died of burns from explosion of kerosene oil can used to start fire); 2 chren, aged 1 & 3 also burned, but is hope for their survival; pars, siblings also remain [husb of Augusta] | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | -----, Augusta | BARTECK, Carl* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BARTECK, Augusta* | 24 | BARTECK, Carl | NY | NY: Geneva (died of burns from explosion of kerosene oil can used to start fire); 2 chren, aged 1 & 3 also burned, but is hope for their survival; pars, siblings also remain [wife of Carl] | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | -----, Augusta* | 24 | BARTECK, Carl | ||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BARTECK, Carl | -----, Augusta* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | DANLY, Newell Ingels* | 49 | OR | NY: Jefferson Co. (b) | OR: East Portland (d); widow, 1 dau, 2 sons remain | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | KRAUS, Anna Olivia* | 84 | ALLAMAN | KRAUS, ----- | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Newfoundland (d); husb, 1 son remain; dropsy | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | ALLAMAN, Anna Olivia* | 84 | KRAUS, ----- | PA | PA: Wayne Co.: Newfoundland (d); husb, 1 son remain; dropsy | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | KRAUS, ----- | ALLAMAN, Anna Olivia* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BARRON, Margreth* | 43 | NICKLAUS | BARRON, ----- | SD | SD: Lake Co. (d); dau of Rev. George & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain [Dakota Terr.: there is no Lake Co. in ND, so is SD by default] | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | NICKLAUS, Margreth* | 43 | BARRON, ----- | SD | SD: Lake Co. (d); dau of Rev. George & Mary; husb, 5 chren remain [Dakota Terr.: there is no Lake Co. in ND, so is SD by default] | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BARRON, ----- | NICKLAUS, Margreth* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | TURNER, Minnie Alice* | 24 | McCLERRY | TURNER, Albert F. | OH | OH (d) [submitting minister of Fairfield Co., OH, at this time] | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | McCLERRY, Minnie Alice* | 24 | TURNER, Albert F. | OH | OH (d) [submitting minister of Fairfield Co., OH, at this time] | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | TURNER, Albert F. | McCLERRY, Minnie Alice* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | RAU, Eliza May* | 59 | ERB | RAU, ----- | OH | OH: North Lima (d) | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | ERB, Eliza May* | 59 | RAU, ----- | OH | OH: North Lima (d) | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | RAU, ----- | ERB, Eliza May* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | ELSMORE, Anne* | 70 | PA | ENGLAND: Bambray (b) | PA: Schuylkill Haven (d); to AMER w/ pars 1823, landed NY Sep 29; 1 dau remains | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | PARMER, Bertha Caroline* | 10 | PA | PA: Mt. Airy (d); dau of Geo.; explosion of powder in house which wrecked it; she crushed by falling timbers; father burned, 2 other chren injured; property destroyed; father since converted | |||
12/11/1888 | 795 | KUMBERGER, Christina Barbara* | 76 | BECK | KUMBERGER, ----- | ONT | STUTTGART: Amtsoberamt (b) | ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER 1853; 1 dau, 1 bro remain. "Her life was one of storm and clouds, her influence sunshine, and her end peace." |
12/11/1888 | 795 | BECK, Christina Barbara* | 76 | KUMBERGER, ----- | ONT | STUTTGART: Amtsoberamt (b) | ONT: South Cayuga (d); to AMER 1853; 1 dau, 1 bro remain. "Her life was one of storm and clouds, her influence sunshine, and her end peace." | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | KUMBERGER, ----- | BECK, Christina Barbara* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | YAGGE, Elizabeth* | 73 | SCHWEITZER | YAGGE, ----- | ONT | ONT: New Hamburg area (d); left PA 54 yrs ago; 4 daus, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; husb, only son dead | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | SCHWEITZER, Elizabeth* | 73 | YAGGE, ----- | ONT | ONT: New Hamburg area (d); left PA 54 yrs ago; 4 daus, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; husb, only son dead | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | YAGGE, ----- | SCHWEITZER, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | HAWK, John* | 49 | TOPPER, Ellen A. | IA | IA: Madison Co.: Winterset area (d); md 2) Oct 10, 1869; 1st wife died prev [md twice, wife #1 not named here] | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | TOPPER, Ellen A. | HAWK, John* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | HAWK, Ellen A. | HAWK, John* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | WERST, Henrietta* | 78 | WERST, Jacob | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bethlehem (d); 3 sons, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead; stomach disease/old age | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | -----, Henrietta* | 78 | WERST, Jacob | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bethlehem (d); 3 sons, 4 bros, 3 sis remain; husb, 2 daus, 1 son dead; stomach disease/old age | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | WERST, Jacob | -----, Henrietta* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | SEYLER, Martha B.* | 32 | SEYLER, Henry B. | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 boys remain; bur Friedensburg, 10 mi southeast of Reading; consumption | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | -----, Martha B.* | 32 | SEYLER, Henry B. | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, 2 boys remain; bur Friedensburg, 10 mi southeast of Reading; consumption | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | SEYLER, Henry B. | -----, Martha B.* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | NEWPHER, Franklin* | 30 | PA | PA: Reading (d); wife, 4 chren, aged mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; died from injuries accidentally rec'd Nov 19, while lacing a belt at Boshong's Paper Mill; died on birthday | |||
12/11/1888 | 795 | FORSYTHE, Jennie M.* | 24 | STARKEY | FORSYTHE, ----- | -- | --: Minister: POLING, C. C.; father died when she small; raised by J. F. STAIGER; md Jan 1885; husb, mother, 5 sis, foster parents remain; consumption | |
12/11/1888 | 795 | STARKEY, Jennie M.* | 24 | FORSYTHE, ----- | -- | --: Minister: POLING, C. C.; father died when she small; raised by J. F. STAIGER; md Jan 1885; husb, mother, 5 sis, foster parents remain; consumption | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | FORSYTHE, ----- | STARKEY, Jennie M.* | |||||
12/11/1888 | 795 | BUTTS, Amos* | 77 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Naperville church member for 43 yrs; aged wife, 3 sons, 2 daus, siblings remain; rheumatism/bright's disease | ||
12/11/1888 | 795 | HOUSER, Reuben* | 71 | IL | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (d); wife, 2 sons, 5 daus, siblings remain; converted in PA 49 yrs ago; member Naperville church 43 yrs | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | BEERLEY, Adam* | 46 | KS | KS: Bermington area (d); wife, 2 daus, 1 son remain; bur Minneapolis Cem.; consumption [Minneapolis is in Ottawa Co., KS] | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | DEPPEN, Christina* | 78 | LANGS | DEPPEN, John | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Carlton (died at home of son Charles); husb, chren remain | |
12/18/1888 | 811 | LANGS, Christina* | 78 | DEPPEN, John | MI | MI: Monroe Co.: Carlton (died at home of son Charles); husb, chren remain | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | DEPPEN, John | LANGS, Christina* | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | REAGER, Frederick* | 80 | PA | PA: Aaronsburg (d); aged widow remains | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | KEEN, Lydia* | 77 | HAUTZ | KEEN, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 5 step-chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; husb dead; bur in cemetery nr her old home at Berlinsville, PA | |
12/18/1888 | 811 | HAUTZ, Lydia* | 77 | KEEN, George | PA | PA: Allentown (d); 5 step-chren, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; husb dead; bur in cemetery nr her old home at Berlinsville, PA | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | KEEN, George | HAUTZ, Lydia* | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | HOFFMAN, Louisa* | 29 | HEFFELFINGER | HOFFMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, infant, father, step-mo, 3 step-bros, 1 step-sis remain. "Her mother and five sisters had preceded her, and she, the last one remaining of Bro. Heffelfinger's first family, has now followed them." | |
12/18/1888 | 811 | HEFFELFINGER, Louisa* | 29 | HOFFMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Reading (d); husb, infant, father, step-mo, 3 step-bros, 1 step-sis remain. "Her mother and five sisters had preceded her, and she, the last one remaining of Bro. Heffelfinger's first family, has now followed them." | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | HOFFMAN, ----- | HEFFELFINGER, Louisa* | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | BENDER, Emma Almeda* | 19 | OH | OH: Summit Co.: Greensburg (died at Zirus Hartung's home); oldest dau of Wm. & Rebecca; body taken to pars' home at East Liberty for funeral; at church the Sunday before she died; mentions pars, siblings | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | RUPERT, Lucy Anna* | 14 | MI | MI: Ingham Co.: Holt (d); adopted dau of Lewis & Anna; pars, 1 sis remain; consumption for 2 yrs | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | PURSELL, Clare Evelyn* | 1 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Tunkhannock (d); dau of John & Lavina; bur Laurel Cem., White Haven, PA: ate pills, had spasm, died soon after | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | REEVE, William* | 58 | WI | ENGLAND: Huntingtonshire: Earith (b) | WI: Grant Co.: Fennimore area (d); widow, 1 son, 5 daus remain | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | BAHR, Amelia* | 45 | MEUN [?] | BAHR, ----- | IA | MO: St. Louis (b) | IA: Laporte City (d); husb, 7 chren remain |
12/18/1888 | 811 | MEUN [?], Amelia* | 45 | BAHR, ----- | IA | MO: St. Louis (b) | IA: Laporte City (d); husb, 7 chren remain | |
12/18/1888 | 811 | BAHR, ----- | MEUN [?], Amelia* | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | WERTMAN, Kate* | 50 | BOYER | WERTMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 1 dau, aged mother, 1 sis, 6 bros remain; cancerous tumor | |
12/18/1888 | 811 | BOYER, Kate* | 50 | WERTMAN, ----- | PA | PA: Tamaqua (d); husb, 1 dau, aged mother, 1 sis, 6 bros remain; cancerous tumor | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | WERTMAN, ----- | BOYER, Kate* | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | ENGELKING, Edward W.* | 27 | JOHNS, Louisa | IL | IL: Carroll Co.: Savannah (d); md 188[5?]; wife, 1 child, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain; 1 child dead [d May 8] | ||
12/18/1888 | 811 | JOHNS, Louisa | ENGELKING, Edward W.* [d May 8] | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | ENGELKING, Louisa | ENGELKING, Edward W.* [d May 8] | |||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | EXAMPLE: delayed reporting, see ENGELKING, Edward W., Dec 18, 1888, p 811 | ||||||
12/18/1888 | 811 | DEEDS, Henry Warner* | 77 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Mohnsville area (d); wife, 2 sons, 3 daus remain; blind 12 yrs; gangrene | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | TROUP, Clara Alice* | 9 | PA | PA: Carlisle (d); pars, 2 sis remain | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | SCHWARTZ, Lilly Rose* | 4 | WA | W. T.: Rockford area (d); eldest dau of Charles & Eliza; diphtheria | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | TRENT, Nellie Pearl* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Salisbury area (d); dau of Boze & Mary S. | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | SMITH, Daniel* | 5 | OH | OH: Mercer Co.: Celina area (d); son of Philip & Mary; spinal fever | |||
12/18/1888 | 811 | HEMIG, Lola B.* | 9 mos | IL | IL: Cedarville area (d); adopted dau of V. H. & D. S. | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | BUEHLER, Verena* | 63 | LUETSCHER | BUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.) | WI | SWITZERLAND: Haldenstein Co.: Graubuendten (b) | WI: Wenobago [sic] Co.: Black Wolf (d); md 1849, to AMER shortly after to Troy, WI; husb, adopted son, 4 siblings remain; bur Honey Creek, WI, in family burial-place |
12/25/1888 | 827 | LUETSCHER, Verena* | 63 | BUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.) | WI | SWITZERLAND: Haldenstein Co.: Graubuendten (b) | WI: Wenobago [sic] Co.: Black Wolf (d); md 1849, to AMER shortly after to Troy, WI; husb, adopted son, 4 siblings remain; bur Honey Creek, WI, in family burial-place | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | BUEHLER, Leo. (Rev.) | LUETSCHER, Verena* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | KOKEN, James* | 56 | PA | PA: Bethlehem (d); widow, 1 dau, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption/pneumonia | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SMITH, Caroline E.* | 61 | SMITH, William | PA | PA: Salisbury (d); husb,, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; mother-in-law of Rev. S. M. BAUMGARDNER | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | -----, Caroline E.* | 61 | SMITH, William | PA | PA: Salisbury (d); husb,, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; mother-in-law of Rev. S. M. BAUMGARDNER | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SMITH, William | -----, Caroline E.* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | METZGER, Thomas* | 55 | PA | PA: Lycoming Co.: State Road Church area (d); 3 sons, 1 dau remain; wife died 9 mos earlier; died before could make will, told sons to give a few hundred dollars to the missionary fund | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | REED, Mary Ursula* | 30 | MILLER | REED, J. M. | TX | TX: Wichita Falls (d); dau of Joseph & Leah of Mt. Carmel, PA; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; brought to old home for burial; left TX Wed A.M., arrived Sun. evening | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | MILLER, Mary Ursula* | 30 | REED, J. M. | TX | TX: Wichita Falls (d); dau of Joseph & Leah of Mt. Carmel, PA; husb, 2 chren, pars, siblings remain; brought to old home for burial; left TX Wed A.M., arrived Sun. evening | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | REED, J. M. | MILLER, Mary Ursula* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | NICOLAI, John V.* | 47 | NC | OH: Sandusky City (b) | NC: Asheville (d); to Cincinnati, OH, 15 yrs ago; spent last 3 winters in the South; Wife, 1 child remain; 1 child dead; funeral in Cleveland, OH; consumption | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | GODSHALK, Aaron* | 72 | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Ackermanville (d); widow, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; pneumonia | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | THIES, Sophia* | 60 | AHRNS | THIES, Frederick | NY | GERMANY (b) | NY: Laona (converted); md 1850; to AMER 1867; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain |
12/25/1888 | 827 | AHRNS, Sophia* | 60 | THIES, Frederick | NY | GERMANY (b) | NY: Laona (converted); md 1850; to AMER 1867; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | THIES, Frederick | AHRNS, Sophia* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | COMBS, James Alfred* | 69 | OH | OH: Highland Co. (b) | OH: Hancock Co.: Cannonsburg (d); widow, 1 son & dau remain; 5 chren dead | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SMITH, Alice* | 25 | FAIR | SMITH, L. | PA | PA: Fair Hope area (d); paralysis | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | FAIR, Alice* | 25 | SMITH, L. | PA | PA: Fair Hope area (d); paralysis | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SMITH, L. | FAIR, Alice* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | BROADWAY, Eliza* | 59 | NE | ENGLAND: Dorset: Blandford (b) | NE: Beaver Crossing (d); md 1852; to AMER 1865 to CANADA, where res 14 yrs; to NE 9 yrs ago; husb, 5 sons, 4 daus remain | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | ALBRIGHT, Harvey Ryan* | 5 | IA | IA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 11] | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | ALBRIGHT, Anna Rebecca* | 3 | IA | IA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 11, a few hrs after Harvey] | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | ALBRIGHT, Hattie Belle* | 1 | IA | IA: Audubon Co.: ch of Jacob & Martha; diphtheria; 3 coffins side-by-side in one grave; mother had it prev, not able to attend burial; funeral to be later [d Dec 12] | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | BOWER, Martin* | 61 | IA | PA: Union Co. (b) | IA: Monona Co.: Mapleton area (d); converted at Orangeville, IL, Feb 1881; wife, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; had stroke on way to nearby home of son Jacob | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | REPP, Verda Adeline* | 28 | BYERS | REPP, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); husb, her only bro remain. "She died of consumption, which disease victimized her parents and five brothers and sisters before her. Only a little brother is left of the family." |
12/25/1888 | 827 | BYERS, Verda Adeline* | 28 | REPP, ----- | OH | OH: Richland Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank area (d); husb, her only bro remain. "She died of consumption, which disease victimized her parents and five brothers and sisters before her. Only a little brother is left of the family." | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | REPP, ----- | BYERS, Verda Adeline* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SOUTHWICK, Asa* | 84 | OH | MA: Danby (b) | OH: Burbank (d); ancestors were Quakers; 4 grchren remain; wife, 2 sons, 1 dau dead | ||
12/25/1888 | 827 | RAUSLER, Catherine* | 65 | RAUSLER, David | NY | GERMANY: Baden: Linkenheim (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); 1 son & his wife, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead; heart failure | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | -----, Catherine* | 65 | RAUSLER, David | NY | GERMANY: Baden: Linkenheim (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); 1 son & his wife, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; husb, 3 chren dead; heart failure | |
12/25/1888 | 827 | RAUSLER, David | -----, Catherine* | |||||
12/25/1888 | 827 | SCHUKNECHT, Hermon R.* | 1 | OR | OR: Portland (d); son of Rev. H. & Wilhelmina; croup | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | KOCHER, Catharine Olive* | 21 | PA | PA: Perry Co.: Grier's Point area (d); pneumonia/hemorrhage | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | ANSEL, Sarah* | 70 | PA | PA: Reamstown (d); 4 sons, 1 dau remain; apoplexy | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | LARSEN, Hansine* | 24 | MI | MI: Livingston Co.: Marion (d); husb, 1 infant child remain | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | POUNDER, J. J.* | infan | NE | NE: Beaver Crossing area (d); son of J. J. | |||
12/25/1888 | 827 | LINDERMUTH, Katie Susan* | 6 | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Centreport area (d); dau of Daniel & Louisa; inflammation of bowels |
Number of items that your search found: 855