Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
07/07/1891 | 427 | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | 75 | HILLIARD, Katharine (wife #1; md 1838, she d Jan 31, 1882; 2 sons, 4 daus remain; 2 chren dead) | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (funeral); to IL 1847; officiated for wedding of 1st grch, baptized 1st gt-grch; wife, 6 chren, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; very detailed obit | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | 75 | ANDRE, Priscilla nd LEIBENGUT (wife #2; md Jan 27, 1883) | IL | PA: Northampton Co. (b) | IL: Naperville (funeral); to IL 1847; officiated for wedding of 1st grch, baptized 1st gt-grch; wife, 6 chren, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; very detailed obit | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | HILLIARD, Katharine | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | MUSSELMAN, Katharine | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | ANDRE, Priscilla | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | LEIBENGUT, Priscilla | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | MUSSELMAN, Priscilla | MUSSELMAN, Elias (Rev.)* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | MERTZ, Wm.* | 70 | ENGLER, Anna | IN | WURTEMBERG: Thieringen (b) | IN: Vera Cruz (d); to AMER 1849; md Aug 3, 1849; wife, 1 son, 1 dau-in-law remain; 2 chren dead | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | ENGLER, Anna | MERTZ, Wm.* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | MERTZ, Anna | MERTZ, Wm.* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | ESPENSHADE, Sarah* | 74 | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); 2 sons, 6 daus remain; husb, 1 son, 1 dau dead | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | ROLEY, Maggie* | 28 | CORFMAN | ROLEY, J. D. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d at home of pars); md Feb 20, 1889; husb, ch, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | CORFMAN, Maggie* | 28 | ROLEY, J. D. | OH | OH: Tiffin (d at home of pars); md Feb 20, 1889; husb, ch, pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | ||
07/07/1891 | 427 | ROLEY, J. D. | CORFMAN, Maggie* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | EISS, Christian* | 81 | DANACKER, Catharine | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Eldenger (b) | NY: Erie Co.: Boston (d); to AMER 1830; md 1847; widow, 3 sons, 1 dau, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | DANACKER, Catharine | EISS, Christian* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | EISS, Catharine | EISS, Christian* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | SCHWANZ, Conrad* | 66 | LINK, Agatha | ONT | GERMANY: Baden: Efflingen (b) | ONT: South Cayuga (d); wife d 3 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus, 2 sis remain | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | LINK, Agatha | SCHWANZ, Conrad* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | SCHWANZ, Agatha | SCHWANZ, Conrad* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | BEAL, Willie* | 7 | MI | MI: Maple Grove area schoolhouse, buggy accident (d); only son of John & Katie | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | FOWL, Barbara* | 31 | STANG | FOWL, ----- | OH | OH: North Amherst area (d); husb, 1 dau, mother, bro remain; consumption | |
07/07/1891 | 427 | STANG, Barbara* | 31 | FOWL, ----- | OH | OH: North Amherst area (d); husb, 1 dau, mother, bro remain; consumption | ||
07/07/1891 | 427 | FOWL, ----- | STANG, Barbara* | |||||
07/07/1891 | 427 | ROHN, Charles* | 33 | IN | IN: Buna [sic] Vista (d); mother, bro, sis remain; consumption | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | HAFFLEY, Christian* | 83 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | PA: Aaronsburg (d); widow, 2 sons remain | ||
07/07/1891 | 427 | SHEETS, Anna M.* | 65 | IN | IN: Huntington area (d); 12 chren remain | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | STARKEL, John* | 21 | KS | KS: Lost Springs (d); cancer | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | GOODMAN, Laura* | 4 mos | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); dau of Levi & Florence; convulsions | |||
07/07/1891 | 427 | DREFKE, Albert Ernest* | 2 | MI | MI: Riga (d); son of Charles & Caroline; spinal fever | |||
07/14/1891 | 443 | HELLER, Christiana* | 85 | TROUTMAN | HELLER, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: Loganton area (d); md Aug 1, 1826; 1 son, 3 daus remain; 4 sons, 4 daus dead |
07/14/1891 | 443 | TROUTMAN, Christina* | 85 | HELLER, John (Rev.) | PA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | PA: Clinton Co.: Loganton area (d); md Aug 1, 1826; 1 son, 3 daus remain; 4 sons, 4 daus dead | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | HELLER, John (Rev.) | TROUTMAN, Christiana* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | EXAMPLE, | see HELLER, Christiana * Jul 14, 1891, p. 443 | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | SEIP, Mattheis* | 82 | MI | HESSEN-DARMSTADT: Odernheim (b) | MI: Monroe Co. (d); to AMER 1842 to Cleveland, OH, for 21 yrs, then Fremont, OH, then to MI | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | FRANK, Minnie* | 26 | KOEHN | FRANK, William | KS | KS: Pottawatomie Co.: Rock Creek Tp. (d); husb, 2 chren, mother, sis & bro remain; consumption for 8 mos | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | KOEHN, Minnie* | 26 | FRANK, William | KS | KS: Pottawatomie Co.: Rock Creek Tp. (d); husb, 2 chren, mother, sis & bro remain; consumption for 8 mos | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | FRANK, William | KOEHN, Minnie* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | SCHAFER, John Z.* | 66 | HOLZINGER, Jacobine | OH | OH: Fairfield Co. (b) | OH: Dayton (d); md 1848; had 5 sons, 3 daus; widow, 2 sons, 3 daus, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; 3 sons died infancy | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | HOLZINGER, Jacobine | SCHAFER, John Z.* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | SCHAFER, Jacobine | SCHAFER, John Z.* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | ARMBRUST, Mahlon* | 30 | ONT | ONT: Welland Co.: Pelham (b) | ONT: Berlin (d); wife, 3 chren, mother, 2 bros, 5 sis remain; typhoid | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | PARMANN, John* | 64 | SIEWERT, Louise | -- | MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN: Marin (b) | --: Minister: BEST, H.; md 1853; to AMER 1853; wife, 2 sons, 3 daus, bro, sis remain; 3 sons, 1 dau dead | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | SIEWERT, Louise | PARMANN, John* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | PARMANN, Louise | PARMANN, John* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | SPANGLER, Margareth* | 56 | BECKER | SPANGLER, Jacob | IN | GERMANY: Hamburg: Grosbendenbach (b) | IN: Adams Co. (d); to AMER 1849; md 1858; husb, 7 chren remain; one son is Rev. D. D. of IN Conf. |
07/14/1891 | 443 | BECKER, Margareth* | 56 | SPANGLER, Jacob | IN | GERMANY: Hamburg: Grosbendenbach (b) | IN: Adams Co. (d); to AMER 1849; md 1858; husb, 7 chren remain; one son is Rev. D. D. of IN Conf. | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | SPANGLER, Jacob | BECKER, Margareth* | |||||
07/14/1891 | 443 | FREY, Mary* | 88 | NY | PA: Northampton Co.: Benn Tp. (b) | NY: Dalton (d); son, 2 daus, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; husb, son, 2 bros, 3 sis dead | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | ZINSER, William H.* | 16 | IL | IL: Washington (d); son of J. J. & Malinda; aged grmo, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; parents dead | |||
07/14/1891 | 443 | HARNER, Annie Catharine* | 9 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Loyalton (d); dau of Charles & Ellen; pars, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; typhoid | |||
07/14/1891 | 443 | BAER, Elemeda* | 47 | OR | IL: Stephenson Co. (b) | OR: East Portland (d); son, siblings remain | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | STELTZ, Sarah* | 70 | TROUTMAN | STELTZ, Ruben | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 1 dau dead; bur Pottstown, PA, Cem. | |
07/14/1891 | 443 | TROUTMAN, Sarah* | 70 | STELTZ, Ruben | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 1 dau dead; bur Pottstown, PA, Cem. | ||
07/14/1891 | 443 | STELTZ, Ruben | TROUTMAN, Sarah* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | BREYFOGEL, Sarah* | 60 | ELY | BREYFOGLE, Seneca (Rev.) | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Richmond Tp. (b) | PA: Reading (d); md Jul 20, 1849; son Rev. S. C. of E. PA Conf. & dau Mrs. James H. MILLER remain; also sis Mrs. Esther SLEGEL & bros Rev. Solomon & David ELY. Mentions bros Revs. Ephraim & Solomon.; bur Charles Evans Cem.; [very detailed obit] |
07/21/1891 | 459 | ELY, Sarah* | 60 | BREYFOGLE, Seneca (Rev.) | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Richmond Tp. (b) | PA: Reading (d); md Jul 20, 1849; son Rev. S. C. of E. PA Conf. & dau Mrs. James H. MILLER remain; also sis Mrs. Esther SLEGEL & bros Rev. Solomon & David ELY. Mentions bros Revs. Ephraim & Solomon.; bur Charles Evans Cem.; [very detailed obit] | |
07/21/1891 | 459 | BREYFOGLE, Seneca (Rev.) | ELY, Sarah* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | RUBY, Elizabeth* | 61 | WING | RUBY, David | ONT | ONT: Dashwood (d); md 1852; 10 chren remain (several in the far West); husb, 2 chren dead | |
07/21/1891 | 459 | WING, Elizabeth* | 61 | RUBY, David | ONT | ONT: Dashwood (d); md 1852; 10 chren remain (several in the far West); husb, 2 chren dead | ||
07/21/1891 | 459 | RUBY, David | WING, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | SMITH, Harrison W.* | 61 | PA | PA: Reading (d); widow, chren remain; deep spirituality & strict integrity | |||
07/21/1891 | 459 | SANDROCK, Matilda Jane* | 23 | SIGWORTH | SANDROCK, Martin | -- | --: Lickingville res prev; dau of Solomon & Elizabeth A.; husb, 6-day-old child, mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; father died few wks prev | |
07/21/1891 | 459 | SIGWORTH, Matilda Jane* | 23 | SANDROCK, Martin | -- | --: Lickingville res prev; dau of Solomon & Elizabeth A.; husb, 6-day-old child, mother, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; father died few wks prev | ||
07/21/1891 | 459 | SANDROCK, Martin | SIGWORTH, Matilda Jane* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | LANTZ, Isaac V.* | 50 | STEADLY, Lena | KS | PA: Erie Co. (b) | KS; Abilene (d); 2 sons, 2 daus remain; wife d 15 yrs ago; 4 chren dead | |
07/21/1891 | 459 | STEADLY, Lena | LANTZ, Isaac V.* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | LANTZ, Lena | LANTZ, Isaac V.* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | LEH, Caroline* | 53 | HOLLENBACH | LEH, Henry | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Laury's area (d); dau of John & Mary; md 1856; 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead | |
07/21/1891 | 459 | HOLLENBACH, Caroline* | 53 | LEH, Henry | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Laury's area (d); dau of John & Mary; md 1856; 9 chren remain; 2 chren dead | ||
07/21/1891 | 459 | LEH, Henry | HOLLENBACH, Caroline* | |||||
07/21/1891 | 459 | BRIDIGAM, Joseph* | 77 | OH | PA: Berks Co. (b) | OH: Vanlue (d); wife, 7 chren remain | ||
07/21/1891 | 459 | FRECHT, John* | 81 | PA | PA: Terre Hill (d); wife died 1+ yrs ago; 2 sons, 8 daus remain; 1 dau md Rev. T. P. LEHR, one of oldest active ministers of E. PA Conf. | |||
07/21/1891 | 459 | SHAFFER, Sarah* | 74 | PA | PA: Newberry (d) | |||
07/21/1891 | 459 | BURKETT, Catharine* | 64 | OH | OH: Gibsonburg area (d); 3 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 6 chren dead; funeral at Washington Chapel | |||
07/21/1891 | 459 | ANDREAS, Alina Rosina* | 16 mo | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); dau of Henry & Louisa; summer complaint | |||
07/21/1891 | 459 | WEIDLEIN, Louie May* | -- | MO | MO: Carthage (d); only dau of J. L.; whooping cough & cholera infantum | |||
07/28/1891 | 475 | TROESTER, Friedrich Ch.* | 41 | EBERT, Emilie | IL | GERMANY: Pommern: Kreis Anklam: Rosin (b) | IL: Oak Park (d) to AMER 1856 to Chicago; md 1874; widow, 6 chren, father, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; liver cancer | |
07/28/1891 | 475 | EBERT, Emilie | TROESTER, Friedrich Ch.* | |||||
07/28/1891 | 475 | TROESTER, Emilie | TROESTER, Friedrich Ch.* | |||||
07/28/1891 | 475 | LAYTON, Elvina* | 66 | PA | PA: Allentown (d); husb, 5 sons, 4 daus remain | |||
07/28/1891 | 475 | NEELY, Laura B.* | 31 | NEELY, Paul | -- | --: Minister: BOOZER, J. H.; husb, 4 little girls, pars, siblings remain | ||
07/28/1891 | 475 | -----, Laura B.* | 31 | NEELY, Paul | -- | --: Minister: BOOZER, J. H.; husb, 4 little girls, pars, siblings remain | ||
07/28/1891 | 475 | NEELY, Paul | -----, Laura B.* | |||||
07/28/1891 | 475 | NAGEL, Elizabeth* | 66 | DIETZEL | NAGEL, John | MI | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Weisenborn (b) | OH: Monroe Co.; La Salle (d); md 1857; husb, 1 son, 4 bros, 1 sis remain |
07/28/1891 | 475 | DIETZEL, Elizabeth* | 66 | NAGEL, John | MI | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Weisenborn (b) | OH: Monroe Co.; La Salle (d); md 1857; husb, 1 son, 4 bros, 1 sis remain | |
07/28/1891 | 475 | NAGEL, John | DIETZEL, Elizabeth* | |||||
07/28/1891 | 475 | SAWYER, Samuel* | 27 | IN | IN: Domestic area (d); son of Joseph & Sarah; pars, 1 bro, 3 sis remain; quick consumption | |||
07/28/1891 | 475 | VAUBLARICOM, Samuel* | 73 | IN | OH: Ross Co. (b) | IN: Fulton Co. (d); 4 sons, 3 daus remain; wife, 3 sons, 3 daus dead | ||
07/28/1891 | 475 | KILE, Raleigh Ray* | 1 | -- | --: Minister: ZECHIEL, F. E.; son of George & Mary | |||
08/04/1891 | 491 | ZELLER, Mary* | 48 | MEINHART | ZELLER, John | NY | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Diebach (b) | NY: Brockport (d); to AMER 1856; md 1863; husb, aged pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; heart disease |
08/04/1891 | 491 | MEINHART, Mary* | 48 | ZELLER, John | NY | HESSE-DARMSTADT: Diebach (b) | NY: Brockport (d); to AMER 1856; md 1863; husb, aged pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; heart disease | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | ZELLER, John | MEINHART, Mary* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | FOX, Christian* | 76 | STEPHENS, Elizabeth | OH | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Oberamt Brackenheim: Heffnerhazlich (b) | OH: Marion Co.: Prospect area (d) | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | STEPHENS, Elizabeth | FOX, Christian* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | FOX, Elizabeth | FOX, Christian* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | DEAROLF, Elizabeth* | 53 | SHANELY | DEAROLF, Lewis | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 3 daus dead | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | SHANELY, Elizabeth* | 53 | DEAROLF, Lewis | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); husb, 3 daus remain; 3 daus dead | ||
08/04/1891 | 491 | DEAROLF, Lewis | SHANELY, Elizabeth* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | ACKER, Helen* | 34 | ACKER, Nic. | MI | NY: Elba (b) | MI: Grand Rapids (d); to Hope, Barry Co. age 14 yrs; md Feb 19, 1875; husb, "5 small children, with a baby of four days," father, siblings remain | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | -----, Helen* | 34 | ACKER, Nic. | MI | NY: Elba (b) | MI: Grand Rapids (d); to Hope, Barry Co. age 14 yrs; md Feb 19, 1875; husb, "5 small children, with a baby of four days," father, siblings remain | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | ACKER, Nic. | -----, Helen* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | KENNEL, Rosanna* | 59 | BROWN | KENNEL, John (husb #2) | IN | IN: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); [says 2nd mge was 1872 to J. KENNEL. Was this the same John as is mentioned in the obit?] husb, 1 dau, 2 sons, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; [md twice] | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | BROWN, Rosanna* | 59 | KENNEL, John (husb #2) | IN | IN: Cass Co.: Royal Center area (d); [says 2nd mge was 1872 to J. KENNEL. Was this the same John as is mentioned in the obit?] husb, 1 dau, 2 sons, 5 bros, 1 sis remain | ||
08/04/1891 | 491 | KENNEL, John | BROWN, Rosanna* [md twice] | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | PLOUGH, Wm. M.* | 48 | IN | OH: Montgomery Co. (b) | IN: Fulton Co.: Rochester (d); 2nd wife & 7 chren remain; 1st wife, 2 chren dead; (md twice; wives not named here) | ||
08/04/1891 | 491 | GUILD, Laura A.* | 63 | RITTIS | GUILD, Norman P. | WI | NY: Lewis Co. (b) | WI: La Fayette Co.: So. Wayne (d); md Feb 10, 1852; husb, 1 dau, 3 sons remain; 1 ch dead |
08/04/1891 | 491 | RITTIS, Laura A.* | 63 | GUILD, Norman P. | WI | NY: Lewis Co. (b) | WI: La Fayette Co.: So. Wayne (d); md Feb 10, 1852; husb, 1 dau, 3 sons remain; 1 ch dead | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | GUILD, Norman P. | RITTIS, Laura A.* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | GROSS, Mary* | 87 | BRAUCHER | GROSS, Charles A. | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Freemansburg (d); 4 chren remain, inc. son Rev. George W.; husb, 7 chren dead | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | BRAUCHER, Mary* | 87 | GROSS, Charles A. | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Freemansburg (d); 4 chren remain, inc. son Rev. George W.; husb, 7 chren dead | ||
08/04/1891 | 491 | GROSS, Charles A. | BRAUCHER, Mary* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | BLAISDELL, Salinda* | 34 | STECKEL | BLAISDELL, Joseph L. | WI | IL: Winslow (b) | WI: South Wayne (d); md Sep 3, 1876; husb, 4 little boys [the youngest 11 mos.], mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain |
08/04/1891 | 491 | STECKEL, Salinda* | 34 | BLAISDELL, Joseph L. | WI | IL: Winslow (b) | WI: South Wayne (d); md Sep 3, 1876; husb, 4 little boys [the youngest 11 mos.], mother, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | BLAISDELL, Joseph L. | STECKEL, Salinda* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | EXAMPLE: CHERRY TREE, | fall from, see WISE, Catharine, Aug. 4, 1891, p. 491 | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | WISE, Catharine* | 69 | WISE, Jacob | PA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | PA: Armstrong Co. (d); husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; fell from cherry tree | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | -----, Catharine* | 69 | WISE, Jacob | PA | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | PA: Armstrong Co. (d); husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; fell from cherry tree | |
08/04/1891 | 491 | WISE, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
08/04/1891 | 491 | ZIMMER, Lewis Henry* | 2 mos | PA | PA: Hazleton (d); son of John & Annie M.; cholera infantum | |||
08/11/1891 | 507 | GOMER, John Michael (Rev.)* | 58 | IL | GERMANY: Baden: Adelshofen (b) | IL: Carmi (d); to AMER 1853 to White Co., IL; 1858 joined IN Conf; 1880 to Galveston TX to found the Evan Ch. in that state; ret to Carmi from San Antonio; bur Carmi; wife remains [mentions related family of REINWALD]--lengthy obit | ||
08/11/1891 | 507 | VONADA, I. (Rev.)* | 56 | PA | PA: Center Co.: Madisonburg area (d); wife, 3 chren remain; bur East Bethesda Ch. Cem. | |||
08/11/1891 | 507 | BRENNER, George* | 43 | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Egenhausen (b) | NY: Syracuse (d); son of John & Barbara; pars, bro remain; epilepsy for 26 yrs | ||
08/11/1891 | 507 | KUNSELMAN, Eli P.* | 69 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | PA: Armstrong Co.: New Bethlehem area (d); wife, 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 dau dead | ||
08/11/1891 | 507 | RODGERS, I. Winters* | 45 | PA | PA: Allentown (d)son, dau, aged mother, 2 sis remain; wife & father, a local preacher in our Conf., dead | |||
08/11/1891 | 507 | ZWIPF, Caroline F.* | 72 | ZWIPF, Tobias | NY | GERMANY: Alsace: Froeschweiler (b) | NY: Boston (res); to AMER Mar 1831; md Nov 4, 1840, husb been dead 5 yrs; 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead; la grippe | |
08/11/1891 | 507 | -----, Caroline F.* | 72 | ZWIPF, Tobias | NY | GERMANY: Alsace: Froeschweiler (b) | NY: Boston (res); to AMER Mar 1831; md Nov 4, 1840, husb been dead 5 yrs; 8 chren remain; 4 chren dead; la grippe | |
08/11/1891 | 507 | ZWIPF, Tobias | -----, Caroline F.* | |||||
08/11/1891 | 507 | MANGOLD, Sophia* | 47 | SPANGLER | MANGOLD, Jacob | IN | IN: Adams Co. (b) | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 3 chren, siblings remain; 1 dau dead; consumption |
08/11/1891 | 507 | SPANGLER, Sophia* | 47 | MANGOLD, Jacob | IN | IN: Adams Co. (b) | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 3 chren, siblings remain; 1 dau dead; consumption | |
08/11/1891 | 507 | MANFOLD, Jacob | SPANGLER, Sophia* | |||||
08/11/1891 | 507 | ALLGAIER, Sarah* [and child] | 27 | HANSING | ALLGAIER, Adolph | -- | IL: Kankakee Co.: Salematown (b) | --: Minister: WAGNER, Adam; husb, 3 sons, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; one ch died 5 days before mother |
08/11/1891 | 507 | HANSING, Sarah* | 27 | ALLGAIER, Adolph | -- | IL: Kankakee Co.: Salematown (b) | --: Minister: WAGNER, Adam; husb, 3 sons, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; one ch died 5 days before mother | |
08/11/1891 | 507 | ALLGAIER, Adolph | HANSING, Sarah* [and child] | |||||
08/11/1891 | 507 | VARNER, Emma Eliza* | 16 | -- | --: Minister: LEISTER, J. D.; dau of Joseph & Hetty; mother died 2 yrs ago; consumption | |||
08/11/1891 | 507 | STUBBLEFIELD, Ora Belle* | 10 | MO | MO: Cass Co.: Eight Mile area (d); dau of Wm. & M. E.; pars, 1 bro, 2 sis remain | |||
08/11/1891 | 507 | SUTTER, Percy* | 5 mos | PA | PA: Reading (d); cholera infantum | |||
08/18/1891 | 523 | WISEMAN, Birdie* | 4 mos | KS | KS: Jewell area (d); ch of Frederick & Martha | |||
08/18/1891 | 523 | ISTERLE, John* | 60 | NY | WURTEMBERG: Affstedt (b) | NY: Canastota area (d); 1 bro, 3 sis remain | ||
08/18/1891 | 523 | WILEKS, Adisan* | 89 | IN | IN: Wayne Co. (d); 5 chren remain; wife, 2 chren dead | |||
08/18/1891 | 523 | HAIG, Catharine* | 44 | HAIG, Jacob | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Oberreichenbach (b) | IN: Allen Co. (d); husb, 10 chren remain; youngest is 8 days old | |
08/18/1891 | 523 | -----, Catharine* | 44 | HAIG, Jacob | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Oberreichenbach (b) | IN: Allen Co. (d); husb, 10 chren remain; youngest is 8 days old | |
08/18/1891 | 523 | HAIG, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
08/18/1891 | 523 | DODGE, Andrew* | 60 | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d) | |||
08/18/1891 | 523 | PETZHOLD, Bertha* | 67 | NY | NY: Lewis Co.: Beaver Falls (d); 5 sons remain; husb dead | |||
08/18/1891 | 523 | MORGEL, John* | 65 | GUDBERLET, Anna Mary | IN | GERMANY: Kurhessen: Gelhausen: Roth (b) | IN: Clay Co.: Brazil (d); md 1850; widow, 4 sons, 2 daus, bro, sis remain; 3 chren dead | |
08/18/1891 | 523 | GUDBERLET, Anna Mary | MORGEL, John* | |||||
08/18/1891 | 523 | MORGEL, Anna Mary | MORGEL, John* | |||||
08/18/1891 | 523 | EICHELBERGER, Adam* | 89 | OH | PA: York Co. (b) | OH: Ashland area (d); to OH abt 52 yrs ago; md abt 65 yrs; 1844-45 campmeetings held on his farm; wife, 5 sons, 2 daus remain | ||
08/18/1891 | 523 | KIME, Elizabeth* | 49 | OH | OH: Medina Co.: Homer Tp. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: West Salem area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | BRICKEL, Dollie* | 3 mos | IN | IN: Rochester (d); dau of Wm. | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | KUKUK, Herman Ray* | 2 mos | IA | IA: Madison Co.: son of Fred & F.; cholera | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | WAGNER, Wilbur Alvin* | 2 mos | PA | PA: Hazleton (d); son of Jacob & Mary; cholera | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | FRISCHE, Christopher Arthur* | 4 mos | OH | OH: Wapakoneta area (d); son of Henry & Mary | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | PARKER, Albert Dean* | 5 mos | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J. E.; son of Albert & Melvina; cholera | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | MILLER, Grace Ore Lee* | 1 | PA | PA: Reading (d); ch of Cornelius & Clara; funeral at Freemansburg; whooping cough | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | BRAYTON, Samantha Ann* | 35 | -- | PA: Crawford Co. (b) | --: Minister: CONKLIN, P.; husb, 5 chren remain | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | FIREMAN, Anna M.* | 75 | IN | HESSIA: Co. Ramholz: Hinkelh (b) | IN: Marchand area (d); to AMER 1845; husb, several chren remain | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | BURKET, Wm. H.* | 47 | OVERMIRE, Jane | IN | IN: Fulton Co. (d); md 1876, wife died abt 1 yr ago; 5 little chren remain | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | OVERMIRE, Jane | BURKET, Wm. H.* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | BURKET, Jane | BURKET, Wm. H.* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | KLEIN, Anna Mary Cath.* | 77 | SCHMIDT | KLEIN, Andrew | ONT | PRUSSIA: Niederlinxweiler (b) | ONT: Rainham (d); to AMER 1836; md 1838; 1 son, 1 son-in-law remain; husb, 1 dau dead |
08/25/1891 | 539 | SCHMIDT, Anna Mary Cath.* | 77 | KLEIN, Andrew | ONT | PRUSSIA: Niederlinxweiler (b) | ONT: Rainham (d); to AMER 1836; md 1838; 1 son, 1 son-in-law remain; husb, 1 dau dead | |
08/25/1891 | 539 | KLEIN, Andrew | SCHMIDT, Anna Mary Cath.* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | SIX, Verner* | 23 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Cicero (b) | IN: Noblesville (d); mother, step-father, bro, sis remain | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | MILLER, Christian* | 29 | CT | CT: Hartford (d); son of Henry & Cath. of South Cayuga, ONT; wife, 1 son, pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain; 4 bros dead; bur So. Cayuga; typhoid | |||
08/25/1891 | 539 | STOECKLE, Magdalena* | 84 | GROSS | STOECKLE, Jacob | NY | RHINEPFALTZ: Webenheim near Zweibruecken (b) | NY: Allegheny [sic] Co.: Grove (d); md 1832; to AMER 1833; 1 son, 3 daus remain; one son d 36 yrs ago; husb d 6 yrs later |
08/25/1891 | 539 | GROSS, Magdalena* | 84 | STOECKLE, Jacob | NY | RHINEPFALTZ: Webenheim near Zweibruecken (b) | NY: Allegheny [sic] Co.: Grove (d); md 1832; to AMER 1833; 1 son, 3 daus remain; one son d 36 yrs ago; husb d 6 yrs later | |
08/25/1891 | 539 | STOECKLE, Jacob | GROSS, Magdalena* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | HARMON, Henry* | 70 | HARMON, Saloma | OH | OH: Williams Co.: Bryan area (d); md Jul 29, 1840; to Wms. Co from Holmes Co., OH, 1852; had 11 chren, 3 of whom are dead | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | HARMON, Saloma | HARMON, Henry* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | PARKER, Melvina* | 26 | HERTELL | PARKER, Albert | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J. E.; md Sep 16, 1883; husb, 2 little chren remain ; 1 ch dead | |
08/25/1891 | 539 | HERTELL, Melvina* | 26 | PARKER, Albert | -- | --: Minister: SMITH, J. E.; md Sep 16, 1883; husb, 2 little chren remain ; 1 ch dead | ||
08/25/1891 | 539 | PARKER, Albert | HERTELL, Melvina* | |||||
08/25/1891 | 539 | KRAFT, Lovina* | 34 | FRIED | KRAFT, Wm. | ND | ONT: Dashwood (b) | ND: Pembina Co.: Cavalier area (d); husb, 9 chren, step-son, aged mother, siblings remain |
08/25/1891 | 539 | FRIED, Lovina* | 34 | KRAFT, Wm. | ND | ONT: Dashwood (b) | ND: Pembina Co.: Cavalier area (d); husb, 9 chren, step-son, aged mother, siblings remain | |
08/25/1891 | 539 | KRAFT, Wm. | FRIED, Lovina* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | YOUNG, Elmer* | 30 | -- | --: Carbon (d) [poss. Carbon Co., PA] | |||
09/01/1891 | 555 | MALCHOW, Theodore Walter* | 3 mos | MN | MN: Lakefield area (d); son of Chas. | |||
09/01/1891 | 555 | HOLLOWAY, Earnest S.* | 8 mos | OH | OH: Akron (d); son of O. S. & Mary | |||
09/01/1891 | 555 | HEINRICH, George S.* | 22 | MI | MI: Deerfield (d); son of George & Louise; pars, 3 bros, 6 sis remain; typhoid | |||
09/01/1891 | 555 | SAYLOR, Jennie* | 20 | OH | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | OH: Flat Rock (d) | ||
09/01/1891 | 555 | HOEFER, Eva K.* | 79 | KS | PRUSSIA: Nassau: Herzogthum (b) | KS: Hillsboro area (d at home of son Jacob); 4 sons, 3 daus remain; husb, 2 chren dead | ||
09/01/1891 | 555 | BIRCHFIELD, Maria A.* | 55 | BUCHMAN | BIRCHFIELD, ----- | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d); 3 daus, aged pars remain; husb, 1 ch dead | |
09/01/1891 | 555 | BUCHMAN, Maria A.* | 55 | BIRCHFIELD, ----- | IN | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d); 3 daus, aged pars remain; husb, 1 ch dead | ||
09/01/1891 | 555 | BIRCHFIELD, ----- | BUCHMAN, Maria A.* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | DILGARD, Lovina* | 67 | SHAFFER | DILGARD, Reuben | IN | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d); eldest dau of Simon & Margaret; to Ashland Co., OH, 1834; md Mar 10, 1846; to Dekalb Co. 13 yrs later; son Simon, only living ch, church member Waterloo, IN |
09/01/1891 | 555 | SHAFFER, Lovina* | 67 | DILGARD, Reuben | IN | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | IN: Elkhart Co.: New Paris (d); eldest dau of Simon & Margaret; to Ashland Co., OH, 1834; md Mar 10, 1846; to Dekalb Co. 13 yrs later; son Simon, only living ch, church member Waterloo, IN | |
09/01/1891 | 555 | DILGARD, Reuben | SHAFFER, Lovina* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | GOEDDE, Caroline* | 27 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); husb, 1 ch, mother, 2 sis remain; father, 2 sis dead | |||
09/01/1891 | 555 | GERSTLAUER, Andrew* | 71 | HECHMAN, Elizabeth | PA | GERMANY: Baden (b) | PA: Easton (d); to AMER 1841; md 1843; had 7 chren; widow, 5 chren remain | |
09/01/1891 | 555 | HECHMAN, Elizabeth | GERSTLAUER, Andrew* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | GERSTLAUER, Elizabeth | GERSTLAUER, Andrew* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | WINDELSCHAFER, Jennie* | 18 | KS | MN: New Sweden (b) | KS: Hartland (d); pars, 4 bros, 5 sis remain | ||
09/01/1891 | 555 | MILLER, Warner* | 74 | IL | GERMANY (res prev) | IL: Shannon (d); to AMER 1846; res Chicago, Freeport, Mt. Morris, Lima Tp., & Shannon; md 45 yrs; had 8 chren | ||
09/01/1891 | 555 | STARK, Elizabeth* | 88 | KOLLER | STARK, Wm. | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Naperville area (d); md Apr 18, 1824; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; blind 20 yrs |
09/01/1891 | 555 | KOLLER, Elizabeth* | 88 | STARK, Wm. | IL | PA: Berks Co. (b) | IL: Naperville area (d); md Apr 18, 1824; husb, 5 sons, 2 daus remain; 3 chren dead; blind 20 yrs | |
09/01/1891 | 555 | STARK, Wm. | KOLLER, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | BAUMBACH, J. Fred.* | 29 | ALLES, A. Regina | MI | NY: Utica (b) | MI: Detroit (d); to MI 7 yrs ago to Detroit, then Grand Rapids; back to Detroit Mar 1891; wife dau of Rev. P. of Reed City MI; wife, 2 sis remain | |
09/01/1891 | 555 | ALLES, A. Regina | BAUMBACH, J. Fred.* | |||||
09/01/1891 | 555 | BAUMBACH, A. Regina | BAUMBACH, J. Fred.* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | LEUSSLER, John (Rev.)* | 84 | LONG, Catharine | KS | GERMANY: Hesse Darmstadt (b) | KS: Linn (funeral); md 1822; to AMER 1831 to Doylestown, PA; wife b Lehigh Co., PA; to Medina & Lorain Cos., OH, 1852; to Wash. Co., KS, 1869; bur Brownhelm, Lorain Co., OH, beside wife, who d 1869; 10 chren | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | LONG, Catharine | LEUSSLER, John (Rev.)* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | LEUSSLER, Catharine | LEUSSLER, John (Rev.)* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | HAAS, Edward Byron* | 31 | PETERS, Clara | OH | OH: Pickaway Co.: Walnut Tp. (b) | OH: Pickaway Co.: Walnut Tp. (d); only son of John G. & Harriet; md Nov 24, 1887; wife of Fairfield Co.; wife, 2 baby boys remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | PETERS, Clara | HAAS, Edward Byron* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | HAAS, Clara | HAAS, Edward Byron* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | LUESCHER, Verona* | 70 | LUESCHER, Rudolf | NY | SWITZERLAND: Canton Argau: Koelliken (b) | NY: Rochester area (d); md 1844; to AMER 1851; mother of Rev. A. of NY Conf.; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | -----, Verona* | 70 | LUESCHER, Rudolf | NY | SWITZERLAND: Canton Argau: Koelliken (b) | NY: Rochester area (d); md 1844; to AMER 1851; mother of Rev. A. of NY Conf.; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 chren dead | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | LUESCHER, Rudolf | -----, Verona* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | MILLER, Martha Elizabeth* | 30 | MILLER, E. W. Scott | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Reading (md there Nov 26, 1882); husb, 1 dau remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | -----, Martha Elizabeth* | 30 | MILLER, E. W. Scott | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: Reading (md there Nov 26, 1882); husb, 1 dau remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | MILLER, E. W. Scott | -----, Martha Elizabeth* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | SOMMER, Francis* | 72 | ARNOLD, Philippina (wife #1; md 1842; had 1 dau) | KS | GERMANY: Baden (b) | KS: Offerle (d); to Warren, PA, 1831; to Whiteside Co., IL, 1837; md 3d wife [not named here] 1853; had 5 chren; only 7 chren remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | SOMMER, Francis* | 72 | BARKER, Mary (wife #2; md 1845; had 4 chren) | KS | GERMANY: Baden (b) | KS: Offerle (d); to Warren, PA, 1831; to Whiteside Co., IL, 1837; md 3d wife [not named here] 1853; had 5 chren; only 7 chren remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | ARNOLD, Philippina | SOMMER, Francis* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | SOMMER, Philippina | SOMMER, Francis* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BARKER, Mary | SOMMER, Francis* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | SOMMER, Mary | SOMMER, Francis* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BRAUN, Matthias* | 79 | SCHOELLES, Barbara | NY | HESSEN-DARMSTADT: Offenheim (b) | NY: Rapids (d); md 1835; to AMER 1867; wife d 33 yrs ago; 2 sons, 2 daus remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | SCHOELLES, Barbara | BRAUN, Matthias* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BRAUN, Barbara | BRAUN, Matthias* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | WEISER, Benjamin F.* | 42 | PA | PA: Millheim area (d); thrown from hand car on L. & T. R.R.; widow, 6 chren remain | |||
09/08/1891 | 571 | CARBINER, Catharine* | 69 | VOLLMER | CARBINER, John | IN | EUROPE: Wurtemberg: Rottenburg (b) | IN: St. Joseph Co.: Bremen area (d); md Oct 25, 1856; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 sons dead |
09/08/1891 | 571 | VOLLMER, Catharine* | 69 | CARBINER, John | IN | EUROPE: Wurtemberg: Rottenburg (b) | IN: St. Joseph Co.: Bremen area (d); md Oct 25, 1856; 4 sons, 1 dau remain; 2 sons dead | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | CARBINER, John | VOLLMER, Catharine* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | GUGEL, Frances A.* | 53 | GUGEL, Geo. | -- | --: Minister: BUEHLER, Ph.; husb, 1 dau, 1 bro, 1 sis remain | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | -----, Frances A.* | 53 | GUGEL, Geo. | -- | --: Minister: BUEHLER, Ph.; husb, 1 dau, 1 bro, 1 sis remain | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | GUGEL, Geo. | -----, Frances A.* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BEYRER, Mary A.* | 54 | BEYRER, J. D. | NE | NE: McCook (d); husb died 15 yrs ago, was bur South Bend, IN, & was a bro of Rev. C. of IN Conf.; she bur McCook Cem.; mentions chren | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | -----, Mary A.* | 54 | BEYRER, J. D. | NE | NE: McCook (d); husb died 15 yrs ago, was bur South Bend, IN, & was a bro of Rev. C. of IN Conf.; she bur McCook Cem.; mentions chren | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BEYRER, J. D. | -----, Mary A.* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | EXAMPLE, | see BEYRER, Mary A.*, Sep 8, 1891, p. 571 | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | HAWK, Rebecca* | 74 | WAGNER | HAWK, Jacob | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bushkill (d); md Oct 17, 1834; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau, 1 sis remain; 3 daus dead; cholera | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | WAGNER, Rebecca* | 74 | HAWK, Jacob | PA | PA: Northampton Co.: Bushkill (d); md Oct 17, 1834; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau, 1 sis remain; 3 daus dead; cholera | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | HAWK, Jacob | WAGNER, Rebecca* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | SHEPARD, Mary E.* | 27 | MILLER | SHEPARD, ----- | MI | OH: Seneca Co.: Bloomville (b) | MI: Albion (d); sis of Rev. W. H.; 1 dau, father, 1 bro remain; bur Bloomville, OH |
09/08/1891 | 571 | MILLER, Mary E.* | 27 | SHEPARD, ----- | MI | OH: Seneca Co.: Bloomville (b) | MI: Albion (d); sis of Rev. W. H.; 1 dau, father, 1 bro remain; bur Bloomville, OH | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | SHEPARD, ----- | MILLER, Mary E.* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | STODDARD, Emma* | 28 | JACKSON | STODDARD, ----- | MI | MI: South Rockwood (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, 5 sis remain | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | JACKSON, Emma* | 28 | STODDARD, ----- | MI | MI: South Rockwood (d); husb, 2 small chren, pars, 5 sis remain | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | STODDARD, ----- | JACKSON, Emma* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | KLINGBEIL, Harrison Edwin* | 11mos | IA | IA: Belmont (d); son of W.; dropsy/summer complaint | |||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BECKER, Susan* | 59 | CRUM | BECKER, ----- | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lingelstown area (d) | |
09/08/1891 | 571 | CRUM, Susan* | 59 | BECKER, ----- | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Lingelstown area (d) | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BECKER, ----- | CRUM, Susan* | |||||
09/08/1891 | 571 | HUNSICKER, Homer C.* | 29 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | PA: Reading (d); wife & both chren dead | ||
09/08/1891 | 571 | RATZ, Le Roy Henry* | 1 | -- | --: Elmira (d); only son of George & Clara; sick 2 days | |||
09/08/1891 | 571 | RICHARD, Daniel Frederick* | 11mos | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); son of Wm & Mary | |||
09/08/1891 | 571 | BRAYTON, Gilbert S.* | 7 mos | -- | --: Minister: CONKLIN, P. | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | FISCHER, Wilhelm Albert* | 6 mos | -- | --: Minister: TIEDT, J. A.; son of Fred & Alwiene; cholera infantum | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | CAMBEL, Alice May* | 23 | HARPER | CAMBEL, Isaiah | -- | --: Berlinsville (d); dau of Henry & Mary | |
09/15/1891 | 587 | HARPER, Alice May* | 23 | CAMBEL, Isaiah | -- | --: Berlinsville (d); dau of Henry & Mary | ||
09/15/1891 | 587 | CAMBEL, Isaiah | HARPER, Alice May* | |||||
09/15/1891 | 587 | SCHMITT, Daniel Christian* | 4 | IL | IL: Metamora area (d); father, step-mo, siblings remain; mother dead | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | BOLLIGER, Mary* | 6 mos | KS | KS: Ellsworth Co.: Wilson area (d); dau of Henry & Anna; cholera infantum | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | WESTHAFER, Henry (Rev.)* | 89 | OH | OH: Ashland area (d); wife + other relatives remain | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | DITZEL, Bessie Savilla* | 11 | -- | --: Minister: SCHEIDLER, M. L.; dau of John & Katie; pars, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; diphtheria | |||
09/15/1891 | 587 | LIPPERT, Cath.* | 83 | KRAMER | LIPPERT, Henry | NY | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Bleeker (d); to AMER w/ husb; 1 son, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son, 3 daus dead |
09/15/1891 | 587 | KRAMER, Cath.* | 83 | LIPPERT, Henry | NY | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Bleeker (d); to AMER w/ husb; 1 son, 3 daus remain; husb, 1 son, 3 daus dead | |
09/15/1891 | 587 | LIPPERT, Henry | KRAMER, Cath.* | |||||
09/15/1891 | 587 | SOMMERS, Catharine* | 56 | WIRTH | SOMMERS, George | IL | PA: Warren (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Loraine (d); to IL as child; md Aug 11, 1851, husb died 4 mos ago; 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead |
09/15/1891 | 587 | WIRTH, Catharine* | 56 | SOMMERS, George | IL | PA: Warren (b) | IL: Henry Co.: Loraine (d); to IL as child; md Aug 11, 1851, husb died 4 mos ago; 8 chren remain; 1 ch dead | |
09/15/1891 | 587 | SOMMERS, George | WIRTH, Catharine* | |||||
09/15/1891 | 587 | RICKERT, Amelia* | 76 | HAMMER | RICKERT, George | -- | --: Minister: KRAUSE, J. C.; bro is Rev. Charles HAMMER; bros-in-law are Jacob SCHNERR & Solomon NEITZ | |
09/15/1891 | 587 | HAMMER, Amelia* | 76 | RICKERT, George | -- | --: Minister: KRAUSE, J. C.; bro is Rev. Charles HAMMER; bros-in-law are Jacob SCHNERR & Solomon NEITZ | ||
09/15/1891 | 587 | RICKERT, George | HAMMER, Amelia* | |||||
09/15/1891 | 587 | STUMP, Lizzie* | 22 | KALB | STUMP, John | KS | PA: Montgomery Co. (b) | KS: Elsworth Co.: Wilson area (d); md Jun 1890; husb, father, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; inf dau died 4 hrs after mother; bur together, Orbitello graveyard;[and dau age 5 mos] |
09/15/1891 | 587 | KALB, Lizzie* | 22 | STUMP, John | KS | PA: Montgomery Co. (b) | KS: Elsworth Co.: Wilson area (d); md Jun 1890; husb, father, 3 bros, 2 sis remain; inf dau died 4 hrs after mother; bur together, Orbitello graveyard; [and dau age 5 mos] | |
09/15/1891 | 587 | STUMP, John | KALB, Lizzie* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | WEAVER, Victoria* | 7 mos | IN | IN: Noblesville (d); dau of Jackson & Saluta | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | BOWERS, William Ferdinand* | 2 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); son of Henry & Ellen | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | MAAS, Edwine Caroline Eliese* | 5 mos | WI | WI: Cooperstown (d); dau of Gerhard & Caroline | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | KREIN, Lea* | 2 mos | NE | ND: Cavalier Co.: Osnabrook area (d); ch of John & Anna | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | WALZ, Susanna* | 27 | -- | --: Minister: GRUVER, P. A.; dau of John & Christiana; pars, bros remain; consumption | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | BRAENDLE, Solomon* | 33 | MI | ONT: Waterloo Co. (b) | MI: Detroit (d); mother, 4 sis, 1 bro remain; bur Bloomingdale, Waterloo Co., ONT | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | SWINGLE, Louis* | 43 | IA | NY (b) | IA: Potta. Co. (d); funeral in partly erected Evan. Ch, he on bldg comm; bite from rabid dog | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | SHABO, Ida* | 26 | ZIMMERMAN | SHABO, Paul | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); dau of Reuben & Mary; husb, only son dead | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | ZIMMERMAN, Ida* | 26 | SHABO, Paul | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Weissport (d); dau of Reuben & Mary; husb, only son dead | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | SHABO, Paul | ZIMMERMAN, Ida* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | SOMERS, Isaac* | 81 | KS | VA: Luray (b) | KS: Newton (d); to OH, IN, then KS; has chren | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | HALLER, Salome* | 56 | PANDEL | HALLER, Christian | NY | BADEN: Rhein Bishopsheim (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); to AMER 1854; md 1857, husb d 10 yrs ago; 1 dau, 2 bros remain |
09/22/1891 | 603 | PANDEL, Salome* | 56 | HALLER, Christian | NY | BADEN: Rhein Bishopsheim (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); to AMER 1854; md 1857, husb d 10 yrs ago; 1 dau, 2 bros remain | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | HALLER, Christian | PANDEL, Salome* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | ROESSLER, Georg [sic] B.* | 83 | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); to AMER 1833; widow, 4 sons, 2 daus remain; liver complaint | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | HEIL, Dora* | 52 | KYES | HEIL, Daniel | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IN: Royal Center area (d); to AMER 1849; husb, 5 sons, 4 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain |
09/22/1891 | 603 | KYES, Dora* | 52 | HEIL, Daniel | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | IN: Royal Center area (d); to AMER 1849; husb, 5 sons, 4 daus, 4 bros, 1 sis remain | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | HEIL, Daniel | KYES, Dora* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | ROEMER, Christina Amanda* | 22 | IA | IA: Cedar Falls (b) | IA: Hampton area (d); church organist; pars, siblings remain; cholera | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | LUTMAN, Rebecca Jane* | 51 | NACE | LUTMAN, F. B. | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Logansport (d); md 1866; husb, 4 sons remain; 1 son dead |
09/22/1891 | 603 | NACE, Rebecca Jane* | 51 | LUTMAN, F. B. | IN | PA: Dauphin Co. (b) | IN: Logansport (d); md 1866; husb, 4 sons remain; 1 son dead | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | LUTMAN, F. B. | NACE, Rebecca Jane* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | HORTON, Ella May* | 24 | SCHMUCKER | HORTON, Henry C. | IL | IL: Dixon (d); dau of Henry C.; husb, 1 dau, pars, 1 bro remain; peritonitis; mentions uncle, Rev. C. SCHMUCKER of Plainfield | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | SCHMUCKER, Ella May* | 24 | HORTON, Henry C. | IL | IL: Dixon (d); dau of Henry C.; husb, 1 dau, pars, 1 bro remain; peritonitis; mentions uncle, Rev. C. SCHMUCKER of Plainfield | ||
09/22/1891 | 603 | HORTON, Henry C. | SCHMUCKER, Ella May* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | STAUBLIN, Elizabeth* | 68 | MEYER | STAUBLIN, Geo. Jacob | WI | SWITZERLAND: Berne (b) | WI: Trem. Co.: Trem (died visiting dau, Mrs. Joel NASH); to AMER 1833 to Philadelphia,, PA; md Apr 29, 1843; husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 1 son dead |
09/22/1891 | 603 | MEYER, Elizabeth* | 68 | STAUBLIN, Geo. Jacob | WI | SWITZERLAND: Berne (b) | WI: Trem. Co.: Trem (died visiting dau, Mrs. Joel NASH); to AMER 1833 to Philadelphia,, PA; md Apr 29, 1843; husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 1 son dead | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | STAUBLIN, Geo. Jacob | MEYER, Elizabeth* | |||||
09/22/1891 | 603 | HARPEL, Sarah Louise* | 31 | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Towamensing Tp. (d); dau of Josiah & Maria; aged pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
09/22/1891 | 603 | ROUGH, Mary Ann* | 58 | ROUGH, Wm. R. | MI | PA: Juniatta [sic] Co. (b) | MI: Buchanan area (died at campmeeting); husb remains; 2 infants died; gave $1000 to Buchanan church | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | -----, Mary Ann* | 58 | ROUGH, Wm. R. | MI | PA: Juniatta [sic] Co. (b) | MI: Buchanan area (died at campmeeting); husb remains; 2 infants died; gave $1000 to Buchanan church | |
09/22/1891 | 603 | ROUGH, Wm. R. | -----, Mary Ann* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MILLER, Sarah Edna* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Reading; ch of James H. & Ellen E. | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | BALLHEIM, Floyd Ralph* | 3 | IA | IA: La Porte (d); son of Henry & Maggie | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | PUCKETT, Florence E.* | 1 | IN | IN: Farmland (b) | IN: Maxville (funeral); dau of Willard W. & Lucia C.; found dead in bed | ||
09/29/1891 | 619 | CUMMINS, Franklin Perry* | 13 | KS | KS: McPherson Co.: Battle Hill (d); thrown from a horse & dragged | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | KOPLIN, Elsie Emily* | 1 | KS | KS: McPherson Co.: Battle Hill (d); dau of O. B. & Mary | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | BUCHER, William* | 1 | PA | PA: Reading (d); son of Frank & Rebecca; cholera | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MILLER, John* | 76 | OH | PA (b) | OH: Celina area (d); Mercer Co. pioneer; 4 sons, 3 daus, bro, 2 sis remain; liver trouble | ||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MIESSE, Iacc* | 30 | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Dumentville [sic] area (d); son of Solomon & May; wife, little boy Leroy, pars, 2 bros, 4 sis remain; 1 bro, 2 sis dead | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | WARNER, Henry* | 19 | ONT | ENGLAND (b) | ONT: South Cayuga (d at home of Rev. Isaac WISMER). " É with a number of other homeless boys was brought to this country to find a home among strangers." 1 bro, 1 sis remain; consumption | ||
09/29/1891 | 619 | ORPHANS TO AMERICA, | see WARNER, Henry* Sep 29, 1891, p. 619 | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MISTELE, Mary* | 32 | MILLER | MISTELE, David | ONT | ONT: Rodney (d); dau of L. & S.; husb, 2 sons, pars, 5 bros remain; died in sleep | |
09/29/1891 | 619 | MILLER, Mary* | 32 | MISTELE, David | ONT | ONT: Rodney (d); dau of L. & S.; husb, 2 sons, pars, 5 bros remain; died in sleep | ||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MISTELE, David | MILLER, Mary* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | ROOKSTOOL, David* | 34 | IN | IN: Miami Co. (b) | IN: Rochester (d); wife, 3 chren, 4 half-bros, 1 half-sis remain; railroad accident | ||
09/29/1891 | 619 | NEIS, William Frederick* | 20 | IL | IL: Naperville (d); son of Frederick & Lena; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | WENDLER, Emma Louisa* | 21 | OH | OH: Gibsonsburg [sic] (d); dau of John & Mary; pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain; 2 sis dead; typhoid | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | IMMEL, Rosella* | 19 | -- | --: Minister: ZECHIEL, F. E.; dau of Thomas & Martha; attacks of paralysis | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | WALTER, John* | 65 | BOYER, Barbara | OH | PA: Snyder Co. (b) | OH: Sandusky Co.: Lindsey (b); to OH when young; md Oct 21, 1849; widow, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |
09/29/1891 | 619 | BOYER, Barbara | WALTER, John* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | WALTER, Barbara | WALTER, John* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | SCHMOLL, David* | 41 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); 1 child dead; consumption | |||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MILLER, John Michael* | 77 | GOTTSCHALK, Anna Mary | IN | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: O. A. Calw: Unterhang Stadt (b) | IN: Vera Cruz (d); md 1840; to AMER w/ companion 1840; wife, 1 son, 2 daus remain; 6 chren dead; deaf 5 yrs | |
09/29/1891 | 619 | GOTTSCHALK, Anna Mary | MILLER, John Michael* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | MILLER, Anna Mary | MILLER, John Michael* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | GENSHEIMER, Joseph* | 75 | BROWN, Mary Magdalena | PA | RHENISH BAVARIA: Hayna (b) | PA: Erie Co.: Fairview (d); to AMER 1835; md 1839; remaining are 1 son, 5 daus [one dau md Rev. R. MOTT]; 1 bro, 1 sis; wife, 4 chren dead | |
09/29/1891 | 619 | BROWN, Mary Magdalena | GENSHEIMER, Joseph* | |||||
09/29/1891 | 619 | GENSHEIMER, Mary Magdalena | GENSHEIMER, Joseph* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | EAGLE, Caroline* | 5 mos | ONT | ONT: Lincoln Co.: Attercliff station (d); ch of Horald & Rosina | |||
10/06/1891 | 635 | CAMP, Floyd* | 2 mos | OH | OH: Edgerton (d) [place of death not stated, but minister (John REES) subnmitted another obit on same page & location was Edgerton] | |||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HUSER, Samuel F.* | 9 | IL | IL: Groveland area (d); son of Charles & Elizabeth | |||
10/06/1891 | 635 | URBAN, George* | 73 | IA | GERMANY: Bavaria (b) | IA: Black Hawk Co.: La Porte (d) | ||
10/06/1891 | 635 | FOX, Sophia* | 44 | OH | OH: Gibsonburg area (d); 2 sons, 2 sis, 3 bros remain; husb died 1 yr ago | |||
10/06/1891 | 635 | PFISTERER, Susanna Margaret* | 82 | PFISTERER, David | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Detingen (b) | PA: Northumberland Co.: Trevorton (d); to AMER "many years ago"; husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | -----, Susanna Margaret* | 82 | PFISTERER, David | PA | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Detingen (b) | PA: Northumberland Co.: Trevorton (d); to AMER "many years ago"; husb, 2 daus, 1 son remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | PFISTERER, David | -----, Susanna Margaret* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HABLITZEL, Mary Rosetta* | 30 | HABLITZEL, C. H. | -- | PA: Monroe Co. (b) | --: Minister: LIEBHART, H. L.; heart paralysis | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | -----, Mary Rosetta* | 30 | HABLITZEL, C. H. | -- | PA: Monroe Co. (b) | --: Minister: LIEBHART, H. L.; heart paralysis | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | HABLITZEL, C. H. | -----, Mary Rosetta* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HABLITZEL, Golden Rosetta* | 1 mo | -- | --: Minister: LIEBHART, H. L.; died few days after mother, Mary Rosetta; [see obit of mother, Mary Rosetta, Oct 6, 1891, p. 635] | |||
10/06/1891 | 635 | LOEFFLER, Anna Maria* | 61 | KUGEL | LOEFFLER, Martin | PA | WURTEMBERG: Komelsbach (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md age 24; to Philadelphia 1871; husb, 5 chren, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; pars, 1 child, 1 sis dead |
10/06/1891 | 635 | KUGEL, Anna Maria* | 61 | LOEFFLER, Martin | PA | WURTEMBERG: Komelsbach (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md age 24; to Philadelphia 1871; husb, 5 chren, 5 bros, 1 sis remain; pars, 1 child, 1 sis dead | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | LOEFFLER, Martin | KUGEL, Anna Maria* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HOLM, Margaret* | 67 | SHELTON, Joseph | OH | OH: Edgerton (d); md Mar 26, 1846; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead; [this obit heading is her maiden name] | ||
10/06/1891 | 635 | SHELTON, Margaret* | 67 | HOLM | SHELTON, Joseph | OH | OH: Edgerton (d); md Mar 26, 1846; husb, 7 chren remain; 2 chren dead; [obit heading is HOLM, Margaret*] | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | SHELTON, Joseph | HOLM, Margaret* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | STOUT, Henry, Sr.* | 73 | -- | HESSEN-DARMSTADT: Haibach (b) | --: Minister: EBERT, D. J.; to AMER ca 1852; son, dau remain; wife died 10 yrs ago | ||
10/06/1891 | 635 | EGER, Anna Mary* | 70 | HEGEL | EGER, ----- | IN | WURTEMBERG: Ehningen near Reutlingen (b) | IN: Wabash Co.: Belden area (d); md 1846; to AMER 1856; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus, 2 bros remain |
10/06/1891 | 635 | HEGEL, Anna Mary* | 70 | EGER, ----- | IN | WURTEMBERG: Ehningen near Reutlingen (b) | IN: Wabash Co.: Belden area (d); md 1846; to AMER 1856; husb, 2 sons, 5 daus, 2 bros remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | EGER, ----- | HEGEL, Anna Mary* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | ROSENBERGER, Elizabeth* | 73 | SCHLIETER | ROSENBERGER, C. D. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Waterloo Tp. (b) | ONT: Berlin (d); md Oct 23, 1838; husb, son, 6 daus remain; 4 daus, 1 son dead |
10/06/1891 | 635 | SCHLIETER, Elizabeth* | 73 | ROSENBERGER, C. D. | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Waterloo Tp. (b) | ONT: Berlin (d); md Oct 23, 1838; husb, son, 6 daus remain; 4 daus, 1 son dead | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | ROSENBERGER, C. D. | SCHLIETER, Elizaeth* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HOSBACH, Emma C.* | 24 | HAMMER | HOSBACH, Benjamin | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Sterrittania (d); md Nov 14, 1889; husb, father, bro, 2 sis remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | HAMMER, Emma C.* | 24 | HOSBACH, Benjamin | PA | PA: Erie Co.: Sterrittania (d); md Nov 14, 1889; husb, father, bro, 2 sis remain | ||
10/06/1891 | 635 | HOSBACH, Benjamin | HAMMER, Emma C.* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | COOK, Mary C.* | 36 | BARKLEY | COOK, J. A. | IN | OH: Ashland Co. (b) | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 6 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain |
10/06/1891 | 635 | BARKLEY, Mary C.* | 36 | COOK, J. A. | IN | OH: Ashland Co. (b) | IN: Decatur (d); husb, 6 chren, pars, 2 bros, 1 sis remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | COOK, J. A. | BARKLEY, Mary C.* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | SNYDER, Leah* | 51 | FOUGHT | SNYDER, Moses | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d); md Aug 3, 1856; husb, 10 chren remain | |
10/06/1891 | 635 | FOUGHT, Leah* | 51 | SNYDER, Moses | OH | OH: Edgerton area (d); md Aug 3, 1856; husb, 10 chren remain | ||
10/06/1891 | 635 | SNYDER, Moses | FOUGHT, Leah* | |||||
10/06/1891 | 635 | KRAMER, Jacob (Rev.)* | 75 | -- | PA: Center Co. (b) | --: Minister: ASH, J. P.; oldest of 8 chren; 2 bros: Revs. John (deceased) of KS; & Daniel, of IL; son Rev. Wm. is in Platte River Conf.; wife, 5 chren remain | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | MEIER, Ira Dennis* | 3 | IL | IL: Davis Circuit near State Line Church (d); son of Chas. & Sarah | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | SNIDER, Mabel Sarah* | 10mos | ONT | ONT: South Cayuga (d); dau of Henry & Barbara; cholera | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | YARK, Arthur Ramon* | 1 | -- | --: Twin Lakes (d); son of Amos & Lizzie; drowned | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | SCHMUCK, Elizabeth E.* | 13 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: funeral at Fairview Church; dau of Wm.; father, bro, sis remain; typhoid | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | SCHOLL, Christian* | 69 | ONT | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | ONT: Berlin (d); bur Roseville; wife, son, dau remain; dropsy | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | YOCKEY, John* | 67 | IN | PA: Westmoreland Co. (b) | IN: Bremen (d); to IN 57 yrs ago; widow, 10 chren remain | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | MILLER, Wells* | 30 | NY | NY: Wayne Co.: Rose (b) | NY: Lyons (d); wife, 2 daus, mother, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; father, 2 bros dead; typhoid | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | GOODING, Arthur* | 10 | MI | MI: Marcellus (d); son of William & Regina; pars, grpars, bro remain; kicked in head by horse | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | LAZARUS, Mary* | 81 | LAZARUS, Peter | MI | PA (b) | MI: Calhoun Co.: Eckford (died at home of dau, Mrs. Wm. HARTRANFT); md Jan 28, 1828, husb d 10 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | -----, Mary* | 81 | LAZARUS, Peter | MI | PA (b) | MI: Calhoun Co.: Eckford (died at home of dau, Mrs. Wm. HARTRANFT); md Jan 28, 1828, husb d 10 yrs ago; 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | LAZARUS, Peter | -----, Mary* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | DUBRE, Amanda* | 82 | HAWK | DUBRE, ----- | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Bell[e] Vernon (d); husb d abt 6 yrs ago; only child, Mrs. MITCHELL, also dead | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | HAWK, Amanda* | 82 | DUBRE, ----- | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Bell[e] Vernon (d); husb d abt 6 yrs ago; only child, Mrs. MITCHELL, also dead | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | DUBRE, ----- | HAWK, Amanda | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | MITCHELL, ----- (Mrs.)* | death mentioned in obit of mother, DUBRE, Amanda, Oct 20, 1891, p. 667 | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | DENK, F. J.* | 72 | BRAUN, Johanna (wife #2; md 1854) | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Dieffenbach (b) | NY: Norwich Corners (d); md to 1st wife 6 yrs before she died; wife, 8 chren, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; thrown from wagon | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | BRAUN, Johanna | DENK, F. J.* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | DENK, Johanna | DENK, F. J.* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | OFFERLE, Sabrina* | 47 | -- | PA: Warren (b) | --: Minister: Christian Smith; dau of Geo.; father, age 81, 3 bros, 1 sis; overworked/pneumonia from caring for father | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | MOHR, George* | 72 | HEIL, Cath. | IL | GERMANY: Hesse: Schlitz (b) | IL: Dekalb Co.: Lee area (res); md 1842; to AMER 1862 w/ family of 6 sons; widow, 5 sons, 1 sis remain; 1 son dead | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | HEIL, Cath. | MOHR, George* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | MOHR, Cath. | MOHR, George* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | BALTZ, Andrew* | 81 | DOERR, Clara | NY | GERMANY: Hesse-Darmstadt: Reinheim: Kriesrath: Biberau (b) | NY: Jefferson Co.: La Fargeville (d); to AMER as youth; wife died almost 40 yrs ago; 3 sons, 3 daus remain | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | DOERR, Clara | BALTZ, Andrew* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | BALTZ, Clara | BALTZ, Andrew* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | ROUGH, Margaret* | 66 | WILT | ROUGH, S. | IN | PA: Union Co. (b) | IN: Bristol (d); md Oct 26, 1845; husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 4 chren dead; gangrene |
10/20/1891 | 667 | WILT, Margaret* | 66 | ROUGH, S. | IN | PA: Union Co. (b) | IN: Bristol (d); md Oct 26, 1845; husb, 4 sons, 5 daus remain; 4 chren dead; gangrene | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | ROUGH, S. | WILT, Margaret* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | KOEHL, George J.* | 42 | IA | IA: Des Moines (d); son of Rev. M. of IA Conf.; wife, 6 chren pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
10/20/1891 | 667 | WOLF, George* | 65 | FICHENBERGER, Maria M. | WI | BADEN (b) | WI: Dodge Co.: Brownsville (d); to AMER 1846; res 1 1/2 yrs NY, then WI; md 1848; wife, 5 chren remain; 1 ch dead | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | FICHENBERGER, Maria M. | WOLF, George* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | WOLF, Maria M. | WOLF, George* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | SCHLUTT, Mary Ann* | 57 | AULT | SCHLUTT, ----- | -- | --: Minister: HANKEY, L. W.; husb, 3 daus, 9 siblings remain | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | AULT, Mary Ann* | 57 | SCHLUTT, ----- | -- | --: Minister: HANKEY, L. W.; husb, 3 daus, 9 siblings remain | ||
10/20/1891 | 667 | SCHLUTT, ----- | AULT, Mary Ann* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | PFEIFER, J. G. (Rev.)* | 69 | MITCHEL, Susan | MO | HESSE: Hinkelhof (b) | MO: Bloomington area (d); father d when J.G. age 15 yrs, helped support mother & 3 younger chren; 4 older ones in AMER; to AMER 1839 w/ rest of family; md 1845; to MO 1866; wife, 4 chren remain; 1 ch dead [lengthy, detailed] | |
10/20/1891 | 667 | MITCHEL, Susan | PFEIFER, J. G. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/20/1891 | 667 | PFEIFER, Susan | PFEIFER, J. G. (Rev.)* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | CORNELIUS, -----* | 4 mos | -- | --: Minister: MYERS, E. E.; dau of David & Dora | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | RAUCK, Margaret* | 6 mos | MI | MI: Three Rivers (d); dau of Josiah & Caroline | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | NEIN, Jno.* | 50 | OH | GERMANY: Bavaria (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); wife, 4 chren remain | ||
10/27/1891 | 683 | DUNDORE, Margaret* | 56 | DUNDORE, Henry* | OH | OH: Bascom area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; dropsy | ||
10/27/1891 | 683 | -----, Margaret* | 56 | DUNDORE, Henry* | OH | OH: Bascom area (d); husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain; dropsy | ||
10/27/1891 | 683 | DUNDORE, Henry | -----, Margaret* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | LOHR, Maggie* | 14 | MI | MI: Blissfield area (d); dau of Henry; father, step-mother, 2 bros, grmo remain; mother dead; intermittent fever | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | SCOTT, Milton* | 16 | MI | MI: St. Joseph Co.: West Mendon (b) | MI: St. Joseph Co.: West Mendon (d); son of Chas.; consumption | ||
10/27/1891 | 683 | ILLYES, Levi* | 63 | RUSSELL, Eliza | IN | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | IN: Tipton Co. (d); md Oct 13, 1853; wife, 4 sons, 2 daus, 3 bros remain; 3 sons died [this count uncertain; says had 6 sons total] | |
10/27/1891 | 683 | RUSSELL, Eliza | ILLYES, Levi* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | ILLYES, Eliza | ILLYES, Levi* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | SNOWBERGER, Lydia* | 21 | IN | IN: Hamilton Co.: Atlanta area (d); dau of John & Eliza; pars, 1 bro, 8 half-sis, 2 half-bros remain | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | LENNINGTON, Susan* | 77 | COVERDALE | LENNINGTON, James | IN | DE (b) | IN: Hamilton Co.: Clarksville (d); md Apr 1836; 5 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 1 son, 2 daus dead |
10/27/1891 | 683 | COVERDALE, Susan* | 77 | LENNINGTON, James | IN | DE (b) | IN: Hamilton Co.: Clarksville (d); md Apr 1836; 5 sons, 1 dau remain; husb, 1 son, 2 daus dead | |
10/27/1891 | 683 | LENNINGTON, James | COVERDALE, Susan* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | SPAULDING, Erie* | 19 | MI | MI: Berrien Co.: Royalton Tp. (b) | MI: Berrie Co.: Royalton Tp. (d); dau of Oliver & Magdalena; pars, 4 bros, 2 sis remain | ||
10/27/1891 | 683 | SHAIBLEY, Amanda* | 13 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Safe Harbor (d); first-born of her pars; funeral at Pittsburgh Church | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | PFLUGFELDER, Susan Victoria* | 30 | HANS | PFLUGFELDER, Charles | -- | PA: Berks Co.: Alsace Tp. (b) | --: Minister: SPECHT, Joseph; md Nov 4, 1882; husb, 4 chren, pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; tumor of heart |
10/27/1891 | 683 | HANS, Susan Victoria* | 30 | PFLUGFELDER, Charles | -- | PA: Berks Co.: Alsace Tp. (b) | --: Minister: SPECHT, Joseph; md Nov 4, 1882; husb, 4 chren, pars, 6 bros, 2 sis remain; tumor of heart | |
10/27/1891 | 683 | PFLUGFELDER, Charles | HANS, Susan Victoria* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | KRAUSE, Anna Louisa* | 14 | NY | NY: Syracuse (d); dau of J. E. & Rosa; typhus fever | |||
10/27/1891 | 683 | ASH, Catharine* | 77 | GARDNER, Joseph (husb #2; md Nov 4, 1849) | IN | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IN: Dekalb Co. (res); to Stark Co., OH, w/ pars 1834; to IN 1842 ; no chren of her own, but supplied home to three orphans | |
10/27/1891 | 683 | GARDNER, Catharine* | 77 | ASH | BEIDLER, Jacob (husb #1; md 1837, he d Dec 22, 1848 accidental death) | IN | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IN: Dekalb Co. (res); to Stark Co., OH, w/ pars 1834; to IN 1842 ; no chren of her own, but supplied home to three orphans;[obit heading is ASH] |
10/27/1891 | 683 | BEIDLER, Catharine* | 77 | ASH | GARDNER, Joseph (husb #2; md Nov 4, 1849) | IN | PA: Somerset Co. (b) | IN: Dekalb Co. (res); to Stark Co., OH, w/ pars 1834; to IN 1842 ; no chren of her own, but supplied home to three orphans; [obit heading is ASH] |
10/27/1891 | 683 | GARDNER, Joseph | BEIDLER, Catharine ASH* | |||||
10/27/1891 | 683 | BEIDLER, Jacob | ASH, Catharine* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | RITZ, William* | 27 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Wescoesville area (d); son of Lewis & Angeline; typhoid | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | KIPLINGER, Ralph Eli* | 2 | TN | TN: Cleveland (d); son of Rev. J. H. & Amanda | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | LAIPPLY, Larence Wilson* | 9 | OH | OH: Crawford Co.: Lykens (d); son of Levi & Louisa; funeral Greenwood Ch. | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | MISCHLER, Althea* | -- | IA | IA: Potts. Co.: James Tp. (d); dau of Lui & Ida | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | LEWIS, Hoy A.* | 16 | OH | OH: Johnsville area (d); member Woodbury Soc.; consumption | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | EBERHART, Amelia Elizabeth* | 13 | MN | MN: Houston Co.: Mound Prairie (d); dau of Philipp & Maria | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | WINCK, Jacob* | 64 | OH | OH: Emanuel Society member [ J. A. BURKETT, minister, poss. Johnsville area]; widow 3 chren remain; apoplexy | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | FISHER, Tillie Rebecca* | 11 | -- | --: Minister: WENTZ, T. L.; dau of Henry & Rebecca, members of Trinity Evan. Ch. | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | LINDSEY, Mary* | 48 | METZGER | LINDSEY, ----- | OH | OH: Circleville (d); 2 daus remain | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | METZGER, Mary* | 48 | LINDSEY, ----- | OH | OH: Circleville (d); 2 daus remain | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | LINDSEY, ----- | METZGER, Mary* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | KIESS, Sarah Matilda* | 21 | OH | OH: Bucyrus area (d at home of pars); dau of Jonathan H. & his deceased wife, Elizabeth | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | STEINMETZ, Edwin Earl* | 3 | MO | MO: Eight Mile (d); son of Rev. C. S. & Jessie; funeral at Alden, KS; croup | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | DAVIS, Enoch* | 53 | MI | OH: Washington Co. (b) | MI: Branch Co.: Gilead (res); to MI 1850; wife, 4 chren remain | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | OSWALD, Kate* | 47 | DELONG | OSWALD, Daniel | -- | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J.; md Nov 28, 1859; 3 sons remain; 3 sons, 4 daus dead; husb status not given | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | DELONG, Kate* | 47 | OSWALD, Daniel | -- | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J.; md Nov 28, 1859; 3 sons remain; 3 sons, 4 daus dead; husb status not given | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | OSWALD, Daniel | DELONG, Kate* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | SPEIDEL, J. Michael* | 94 | -- | GERMANY: Wurtemburg: Oberamt Rottenburg: Belsen (b) | --: Minister: CARMANY, S.; converted 1840 through the Pietists; to AMER w/ chren 1851; 5 chren remain | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | BRANDAL, Joseph* | 39 | OH | OH: Flat Rock area (d); wife, young son remain | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | FESSLER, Elizabeth* | 79 | LUCKENBILL | FESSLER, William | -- | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J.; husb, 6 chren remain; 8 chren dead | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | LUCKENBILL, Elizabeth* | 79 | FESSLER, William | -- | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J.; husb, 6 chren remain; 8 chren dead | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | FESSLER, William | LUCKENBILL, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | CASTON, Rosa* | 32 | ENGLE | CASTON, Louis | -- | --: Minister: HOFFERBERT, S.; husb, chren, pars remain | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | ENGLE, Rosa* | 32 | CASTON, Louis | -- | --: Minister: HOFFERBERT, S.; husb, chren, pars remain | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | CASTON, Louis | ENGLE, Rosa* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | FORSTER, Henriette* | 48 | SCHUMANN | FORSTER, Henry | WI | GERMANY: Bottendorf (b) | WI: Menomonee Falls (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain |
11/03/1891 | 699 | SCHUMANN, Henriette* | 48 | FORSTER, Henry | WI | GERMANY: Bottendorf (b) | WI: Menomonee Falls (d); husb, 4 sons, 1 dau remain | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | FORSTER, Henry | SCHUMANN, Henriette* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | MARTZ, John Jacob* | 56 | IA | SWITZERLAND: Canton Glarus (b) | IA: Hampton area (d); to WI, then IA; widow, 5 chren remain [res 5 mi east of Hampton] | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | KANTNER, Elizabeth* | 65 | SNYDER | KANTNER, Jacob | -- | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg area (b) | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J. [poss. PA]; dau of John & Ellen; md Sep 13, 1838; had 11 chren, 1 of whom is Rev. W. C., formerly of E. PA Conf., now Lafayette Seminary principal, Lafayette, OR |
11/03/1891 | 699 | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | 65 | KANTNER, Jacob | -- | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Orwigsburg area (b) | --: Minister: MILLER, E. J. [poss. PA]; dau of John & Ellen; md Sep 13, 1838; had 11 chren, 1 of whom is Rev. W. C., formerly of E. PA Conf., now Lafayette Seminary principal, Lafayette, OR | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | KANTNER, Jacob | SNYDER, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | SWARTZ, Lewis* | 61 | ENGLE, Priscilla | OH | OH: Fairfield Co.: Bern Tp. (b) | OH: Fairfield Co.: Greenfield Tp. (d); son of late Rev. Daniel; md Apr 10, 1853; wife, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; 3 chren dead | |
11/03/1891 | 699 | ENGLE, Priscilla | SWARTZ, Lewis* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | SWARTZ, Priscilla | SWARTZ, Lewis* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | GENSHEIMER, Unna* | 19 | PA | PA: Erie (d); eldest dau of J. W. & Ida; pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; diphtheria. "A hasty burial at sunset was necessary on account of the disease." | |||
11/03/1891 | 699 | GRAFF, G. M. (Rev.)* | 57 | SCHMIDT, Catharine | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Wilmot Tp. (b) | ONT: Arnprior area (d); funeral at Arnprior; bur at Berlin; md 1855, wife is eldest dau of Rev. W.; wife, 5 sons, 4 daus, 3 bros, 1 sis remain [list of pastorates held] | ||
11/03/1891 | 699 | SCHMIDT, Catharine | GRAFF, G. M. (Rev.)* | |||||
11/03/1891 | 699 | GRAFF, Catharine | GRAFF, G. M. (Rev.)* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | BARTLETT, Walter C.* | 5 | -- | --: Minister: CONKLIN, P. | |||
11/10/1891 | 715 | METZGAR, Adam* | 83 | IN | IN: Jackson Prairie (d) | |||
11/10/1891 | 715 | McENTIRE, Roert B.* | 12 | OH | OH: Ashland Co. (d); pars, 2 bros remain | |||
11/10/1891 | 715 | STEIP, Maria Anna* | 85 | OH | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | OH: West Unity area (d at home of son, Tobias); to AMER 1833 to Williamsport, PA, area, then Wms. Co.; 3 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
11/10/1891 | 715 | SWALLEY, Cath* | 86 | SCHENK | SWALLEY, Christian | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: McKean (d at home of son, Abraham); md 1823; to Erie Co. 56 yrs ago; 8 sons remain; husb & only dau dead |
11/10/1891 | 715 | SCHENK, Cath.* | 86 | SCHENK | SWALLEY, Christian | PA | PA: Lancaster Co. (b) | PA: McKean (d at home of son, Abraham); md 1823; to Erie Co. 56 yrs ago; 8 sons remain; husb & only dau dead |
11/10/1891 | 715 | SWALLEY, Christian | SCHENK, Cath.* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | BENDER, Elizabeth* | 73 | NECKLE | BENDER, Jacob | NY | GERMANY: Hessen-Darmstadt (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Johnstown (d); to AMER 1848; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; [husb status not given]; pneumonia |
11/10/1891 | 715 | NECKLE, Elizabeth* | 73 | BENDER, Jacob | NY | GERMANY: Hessen-Darmstadt (b) | NY: Fulton Co.: Johnstown (d); to AMER 1848; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; [husb status not given]; pneumonia | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | BENDER, Jacob | NECKLE, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | HAUBER, Christina* | 79 | BOYER | HAUBER, ----- | OH | OH: Marion area (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | BOYER, Christina* | 79 | HAUBER, ----- | OH | OH: Marion area (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 5 chren dead | ||
11/10/1891 | 715 | HAUBER, ----- | BOYER, Christina* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | LEFFLER, Samuel A.* | 56 | FL | PA: Orwigsburg (b) | FL: Citrus Co.: Crystal River (d); to Pottsville, PA, 1869; to FL for health Oct 9, 1885; wife, 4 sons remain | ||
11/10/1891 | 715 | BYERS, Caroline* | 61 | RAPP | BYERS, David | MI | GERMANY: Wurtembreg [sic] (b) | MI: Sturgis Tp. (d); md Aug. 28, 1849; husb, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; dau dead |
11/10/1891 | 715 | RAPP, Caroline* | 61 | BYERS, David | MI | GERMANY: Wurtembreg [sic] (b) | MI: Sturgis Tp. (d); md Aug. 28, 1849; husb, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; dau dead | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | BYERS, David | RAPP, Caroline* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | PENCE, Margaret Elizabeth* | 51 | EADOR | PENCE, ----- | -- | IL: Cass Co. (b) | --: Minister: HEILMAN, G. F.; md Sep 30, 1858; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 3 daus dead |
11/10/1891 | 715 | EADOR, Margaret Elizabeth* | 51 | PENCE, ----- | -- | IL: Cass Co. (b) | --: Minister: HEILMAN, G. F.; md Sep 30, 1858; husb, 5 sons, 1 dau remain; 3 daus dead | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | PENCE, ----- | EADOR, Margaret Elizabeth* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | WAGNER, Leah D.* | 15 | SD | SD: Frankfort (d); 2nd dau of John D. & Elizabeth; consumption | |||
11/10/1891 | 715 | HANDEL, Philip Adam* | 73 | MILLER, Catharine Elisabeth | PA | GERMANY: Metzingen (b) | PA: Norristown (d); to AMER 1842 to PA; wife, 4 chren remain; 7 chren dead; asthma | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | MILLER, Catharine Elisabeth* | HANDEL, Philip Adam* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | HANDEL, Catharine Elisabeth* | HANDEL, Philip Adam* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | OBERHOLTZER, Susanna* | 23 | ONT | ONT: Waterloo Co.: Waterloo Tp. (b) | ONT: Berlin (d); dau of John & Catherine; pars, 3 bros, 3 sis remain; consumption | ||
11/10/1891 | 715 | MEADS, John* | 69 | MILLER, Julia | IA | IA: Clarinda (died at home of dau, Mrs. HAGER, 3 mi from Shenandoah); bur Summit Cem. nr Yorktown; md 1842; to Geneseo, IL, 1861, then to Ray Co., MO, then to Page Co. IA; widow, 4 sons, 3 daus remain; 2 sons, 3 daus dead | ||
11/10/1891 | 715 | MILLER, Julia | MEADS, John* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | MEADS, Julia | MEADS, Julia | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | LINGELBACH, Anna Margaret* | 69 | SCHWEITZER | LINGELBACH, William | ONT | PA: Reading (b) | ONT: North East Hope (d); to ONT 1834; md 1839; 3 daus, 1 son remain, son is minister in Erie Conf.; husb, 3 chren dead |
11/10/1891 | 715 | SCHWEITZER, Anna Margaret* | 69 | LINGELBACH, William | ONT | PA: Reading (b) | ONT: North East Hope (d); to ONT 1834; md 1839; 3 daus, 1 son remain, son is minister in Erie Conf.; husb, 3 chren dead | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | LINGELBACH, William | SCHWEITZER, Anna Margaret* | |||||
11/10/1891 | 715 | GRAFF, Diana* | 24 | BERGEY | GRAFF, Fred | IL | MI: Lapeer Co.: Burnside (b) | IL: Chicago (d); dau of Rev. Wm & Hannah; md 1886; res Custer Co., SD, ret to Chicago; husb, father, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; mother, 1 sis dead; father is minister in MI Conf. |
11/10/1891 | 715 | BERGEY, Diana* | 24 | GRAFF, Fred | IL | MI: Lapeer Co.: Burnside (b) | IL: Chicago (d); dau of Rev. Wm & Hannah; md 1886; res Custer Co., SD, ret to Chicago; husb, father, 5 sis, 2 bros remain; mother, 1 sis dead; father is minister in MI Conf. | |
11/10/1891 | 715 | GRAFF, Fred | BERGEY, Diana* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | LOWE, Fileria* | 12 | OH | OH: Homerville (funeral); only dau of Jno. [another obit, same page, shows the minister is of this area of OH] | |||
11/17/1891 | 731 | KUNSELMAN, Mary* | 84 | PA | PA: Armstrong Co.: New Salem area (d); bur New Salem Cem.; 7 chren remain; husb, 6 chren dead | |||
11/17/1891 | 731 | WESTERHOUSE, John H.* | 63 | OH | PRUSSIA: Westercappeln (b) | OH: Republic area (d); to AMER 1849; widow, 4 sons, 1 dau remain | ||
11/17/1891 | 731 | OTT, Ranson* | 28 | -- | IN: Elkhart Co.: Jackson Tp. (b) | --: Minister: GEIST, A.; father, step-mo, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; consumption for 10 yrs | ||
11/17/1891 | 731 | RUBBY, Margaret* | 90 | RUBBY, Jacob S. | IN | SWITZERLAND (b) | IN: Steuben Co. (res); md 1829; to Mansfield area, OH, 1833; to IN 1848; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 3 chren dead | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | -----, Margaret* | 90 | RUBBY, Jacob S. | IN | SWITZERLAND (b) | IN: Steuben Co. (res); md 1829; to Mansfield area, OH, 1833; to IN 1848; 3 sons, 2 daus remain; husb, 3 chren dead | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | RUBBY, Jacob S. | -----, Margaret* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | SPADE, Ellen* | 30 | OH | OH: Wayne Co.: Rittman area (died at home of pars); dau of Israel & Pauline; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain | |||
11/17/1891 | 731 | BENSINGER, John* | 87 | NEISWANDER, Mary | OH | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | OH: Wayne Co.: Burbank (d); md Sep 20, 1827; wife, 7 daus, 2 sons remain | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | NEISWANDER, Mary | BENSINGER, John* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | BENSINGER, Mary | BENSINGER, John* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | SCHWERIN, William Frederick* | 63 | HEITKE, Wilhelmine | WI | GERMANY: Doelitz (b) | WI: Green Co.: town of Spring Grove (d); to AMER 1857; md 1859; wife, 3 sons, 5 daus remain | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | HEITKE, Wilhelmine | SCHWERIN, William Frederick* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | SCHWERIN, Wilhelmine | SCHWERIN, William Frederick* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | RIEGLER, John J.* | 84 | OH | GERMANY (b) | OH: Wood Co.: (died at home of son-in-law, Jacob ECKERT); 3 sons, 4 daus remain; bur cem. 1 mi. east of Bradner, OH | ||
11/17/1891 | 731 | DENNIS, Addie Minerva* | 22 | SALZER | DENNIS, W. O. | WI | WI: Monroe (d); dau of F. of Forreston, IL; md Jan 5, 1891; husb, babe, pars, 1 sis, 3 bros remain | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | SALZER, Addie Minerva* | 22 | DENNIS, W. O. | WI | WI: Monroe (d); dau of F. of Forreston, IL; md Jan 5, 1891; husb, babe, pars, 1 sis, 3 bros remain | ||
11/17/1891 | 731 | DENNIS, W. O. | SALZER, Addie Minerva* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | ACKERMAN, Jacob* | 69 | IN | WURTEMBERG (b) | IN: Kendallville area (d); to AMER age 4 yrs w/ pars to Stark Co., OH; widow, 9 chren remain, one son is Rev. Wm. of Huntington Mission, IN Conf. | ||
11/17/1891 | 731 | HARTWIG, William L.* | 65 | HABERMANN, Sophia | WI | PRUSSIA: Pommerania: Rebfeld (b) | WI: Green Co.: Town Sylvester (d); md 1849; to AMER 1855 w/ his family; res 2 yrs Watertown, WI; to Sylvester 1857; Juda church member; wife, 1 son, 1 dau, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; 2 sons dead; dropsy | |
11/17/1891 | 731 | HABERMANN, Sophia | HARTWIG, William L.* | |||||
11/17/1891 | 731 | HARTWIG, Sophia | HARTWIG, William L.* | |||||
11/24/1891 | 747 | COPNER, Joseph C.* | 9 | -- | IN: Fulton Co. (b) | --: Minister: BAUMGARTNER, S. H.; son of B. F. & Mary E.; pars, sis remain; diphtheria | ||
11/24/1891 | 747 | BAKER, Dinah* | 83 | BENSINGER | BAKER, ----- | OH | OH: Medina Co.; Lodi (d); dropsy | |
11/24/1891 | 747 | BENSINGER, Dinah* | 83 | BAKER, ----- | OH | OH: Medina Co.; Lodi (d); dropsy | ||
11/24/1891 | 747 | BAKER, ----- | BENSINGER, Dinah* | |||||
11/24/1891 | 747 | MOUNTZ, J.* | 68 | PA | PA: Lebanon area (d); member Breidenstein class; wife, 1 son, 3 daus remain; consumption | |||
11/24/1891 | 747 | KERN, Thomas E.* | 29 | IL | IL: Mt. Carmel (d); widow, 7 chren remain | |||
11/24/1891 | 747 | MATTHEWS, Athaliah* | 43 | OH | OH: Ashland Co.: Polk area (b) | OH: Ashland Co.: Polk area (d); pars, siblings remain | ||
11/24/1891 | 747 | GREEN, Elizabeth* | 69 | GREEN, John | IA | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: North Liberty area (d); husb, 7 chren remain; 1 ch dead | |
11/24/1891 | 747 | -----, Elizabeth* | 69 | GREEN, John | IA | PA: Cumberland Co. (b) | IA: Johnson Co.: North Liberty area (d); husb, 7 chren remain; 1 ch dead | |
11/24/1891 | 747 | GREEN, John | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
11/24/1891 | 747 | HETERICK, Margaretha* | 92 | IL | GERMANY: Wurtemberg: Malmsheim (b) | IL: El Paso (d); to AMER age 16 yrs w/ pars; to IL 1836; 1 dau remains; husb, 4 chren dead | ||
11/24/1891 | 747 | RUMMEL, Minnie A.* + child | 24 | GROGAN | RUMMEL, A. W. | IN | IN: Cambridge City area (b) | IN: Cambridge City area (d); md Sep 4, 1887; had 3 chren, youngest bur w/ her |
11/24/1891 | 747 | GROGAN, Minnie A.* | 24 | RUMMEL, A. W. | IN | IN: Cambridge City area (b) | IN: Cambridge City area (d); md Sep 4, 1887; had 3 chren, youngest bur w/ her | |
11/24/1891 | 747 | RUMMEL, A. W. | GROGAN, Minnie A.* | |||||
11/24/1891 | 747 | SONON, Samuel W.* | 19 | PA | PA: Reading; only son of widowed mother; bur "Bern" burial place beside father; mother, 2 sis remain | |||
11/24/1891 | 747 | BURKHOLDER, Rosina* | 20 | OH | OH: Luckey (d); dau of Christian & Catharine; was caring for invalid father, 2 sis, sick bro & died from typhoid | |||
11/24/1891 | 747 | BACH, Catharine* | 56 | HAIST | BACH, Valentine | ONT | ONT: Wellington Co.: Morriston (d); md 1855; husb, 5 chren, 3 sis remain; typhoid | |
11/24/1891 | 747 | HAIST, Catharine* | 56 | BACH, Valentine | ONT | ONT: Wellington Co.: Morriston (d); md 1855; husb, 5 chren, 3 sis remain; typhoid | ||
11/24/1891 | 747 | BACH, Valentine | HAIST, Catharine* | |||||
11/24/1891 | 747 | RUSSELL, A. (Rev.)* | 61 | NE | NY: Rensselaer Co. (b) | NE: Madison Co.: Tilden (d); to MI 1850; had MI pastorates; bur Cold Water, MI; fell through opening in floor | ||
12/01/1891 | 763 | FOURTHMILLER, Lillie May* | 8 | IN | IN: New Haven area (d); dau of Jacob & Mary; diphtheria & croup | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | SCHULTZ, Clara* | 13 | MI | MI: Taylor Center area (d); "infant" dau of Herman & Kassie | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | SCHMIDT, Louis John* | 5 | NE | NE: West Point (d); son of Wm. & Anna; croup | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | ROTH, Calvin Henry* | 3 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatedale (d); son of Wm. & Emma; membraneous croup | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | BRENSINGER, William Henry* | 24 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatedale (d); son of Edwin H. & Elizabeth; only mother remains; father, bro, sis dead; typhoid | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | HARDISTY, Samuel* | 74 | IA | IA: Adams Co.: Carbon area (d); oldest settler in Douglas Tp., moved there 1838 from Belmont, OH; wife, 5 chren remain; 1 son dead | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | EXAMPLE: Belmont Co., OH, to Adams Co., IA, 1838, | see HARDISTY, Samuel, Dec. 1, 1891, p 763 | |||||
12/01/1891 | 763 | PAUL, Valentine* | 73 | IL | PA: Northumberland Co. (b) | IL: Brookville (d); to IL 1845; 3 chren, 7 bros, 1 sis remain; wife, 2 chren dead | ||
12/01/1891 | 763 | HAHL, Eugene H.* | 5 | NY | NY: Buffalo (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); youngest son of August & Elizabeth; scarlet fever | ||
12/01/1891 | 763 | BOGER, William* | 15 | PA | PA: Philadelphia (d); son of Adolph & Caroline; pars, 3 bros, 1 sis remain; consumption | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | GENSHEIMER, Karl* | 17 | MI | OH: Wyandot Co. (b) | MI: Oceanna Co.: Shelby (d); to MI 1881; wife, 3 chren remain; typhoid | ||
12/01/1891 | 763 | BUCH, John R.* | 60 | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Akron (b); wife (#2) remains; wife (#1) & 5 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | UETZ, Adelina Veleria* | 55 | HOY | UETZ, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Braunschweig Tp. (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md Dec 24, 1859; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son dead; consumption for 10 yrs |
12/01/1891 | 763 | HOY, Adelina Veleria* | 55 | UETZ, ----- | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Braunschweig Tp. (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d); md Dec 24, 1859; husb, 2 sons, 2 daus remain; 1 son dead; consumption for 10 yrs | |
12/01/1891 | 763 | UETZ, ----- | HOY, Adelina Veleria* | |||||
12/01/1891 | 763 | KUKUK, Mary Dorothea* | 66 | FREISE | KUKUK, Christ (husb #2; md 1853; had 5 chren) | IL | HANOVER: Idensen (b) | IL: Kankakee Co.: Limestone Tp. (d); husb, 7 chren remain |
12/01/1891 | 763 | FREISE, Mary Dorothea* | 66 | BRANDT, H. (husb #1; d 1852; had 4 chren) | IL | HANOVER: Idensen (b) | IL: Kankakee Co.: Limestone Tp. (d); husb, 7 chren remain | |
12/01/1891 | 763 | BRANDT, Mary Dorothea* | 66 | FREISE | KUKUK, Christ (husb #2; md 1853; had 5 chren) | |||
12/01/1891 | 763 | KUKUK, Christ | BRANDT, Mary Dorothea FREISE* | |||||
12/01/1891 | 763 | BRANDT, H. | FREISE, Mary Dorothea* | |||||
12/01/1891 | 763 | YEAKEL, Deborah* | 70 | PA | PA: Montg. Co.: Upper Hannover (b) | PA: Philadelphia (d at home of bro); 2 bros remain; 2 bros, 1 sis dead | ||
12/01/1891 | 763 | HAIST, Julia Carolina* | 61 | SCHAFER | HAIST, M. | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); to AMER age 13 yrs; md 1852; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead |
12/01/1891 | 763 | SCHAFER, Julia Carolina* | 61 | HAIST, M. | NY | GERMANY: Wurtemberg (b) | NY: Buffalo (d); to AMER age 13 yrs; md 1852; husb, 5 chren remain; 5 chren dead | |
12/01/1891 | 763 | HAIST, M. | SCHAFER, Julia Carolina* | |||||
12/01/1891 | 763 | EMMERT, Albine Catharine* | 28 | SPIES | EMMERT, Philip | IA | MD: Baltimore (b) | IA: Plymouth Co.: Hinton area (d); md Mar 18, 1887; husb, little dau, pars, 3 bros remain; youngest ch died 6 wks earlier |
12/01/1891 | 763 | SPIES, Albine Catharine* | 28 | EMMERT, Philip | IA | MD: Baltimore (b) | IA: Plymouth Co.: Hinton area (d); md Mar 18, 1887; husb, little dau, pars, 3 bros remain; youngest ch died 6 wks earlier | |
12/01/1891 | 763 | EMMERT, Philip | SPIES, Albine Catharine* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | MECK, Eva Artilla* | 3 | OH | OH: Bucyrus area (d); dau of Amos & Lena | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | HOPPLE, Aaron Ulysses* | 43 | PA | PA: Harrisburg (d); wife, 4 chren, mother, 1 sis remain; paralysis | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | SHAPPELL, Catharine* | 67 | SHAPPELL, Jacob | PA | PA: North M--kine (d); a widow; bur Evan. Cem. @ Orwigsburg | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | -----, Catharine* | 67 | SHAPPELL, Jacob | PA | PA: North M--kine (d); a widow; bur Evan. Cem. @ Orwigsburg | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | SHAPPELL, Jacob | -----, Catharine* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | BROWN, Elsie May* | 4 | TX | TX: Archer Co.: Bowman area (d) | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | REED, Catharine* | 50 | REED, Solomon | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | -----, Catharine* | 50 | REED, Solomon | PA | PA: Orwigsburg (d); husb, 9 chren remain | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | REED, Solomon | -----, Catharine* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | SCHNEIDER, Nicholas* | 81 | OH | GERMANY: Constanbern: Diesbach (b) | OH: Wood Co.: Moline area (d); to AMER 1848; aged widow, 2 sons, 2 daus remain, 1 son dead | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | SETZAR, Tobias* | 71 | PA | PA: Monroe Co.: Paradise Tp. (d); widow, siblings remain | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | ROSE, Perry J.* | 20 | PA | PA: Erie (died at home of aunt, Mrs. E. ROSE [res there during high school]); youngest son of J. C. & Lena; remains to Fairview, PA, his home; pars, 2 bros, 2 sis remain; typhoid | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | RICKERT, Charles William* | 68 | HOY, Susanna | IA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Manheim (b) | IA: Waterloo (d); md 1845; to Naperville, IL, 1846; to Waterloo 1865; had 3 sons, 4 daus [one dau md Rev. W. H. BUCKS of OH Conf.; another dau, "little Rubie" died]; erysipelas | |
12/08/1891 | 779 | HOY, Susanna | RICKERT, Charles William* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | RICKERT, Susanna | RICKERT, Charles William* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | BUCKS, W. H. (Rev.), dau of, | see RICKERT, Charles Wm, Dec 8, 1891, p. 779 | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | DUDDLESON, Mary R.* | 16 | -- | IN: Marshall Co. (b) | --: Minister: OVERMYER, H. E.; dau of Irvin & Effie J. | ||
12/08/1891 | 779 | KISSINGER, Emma J.* | 29 | -- | --: Minister: BRENNEMAN, H.; funeral at Trinity Church; mother, 1 bro, 1 sis remain; father dead | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | MANUEL, Ulysses G.* | 19 | PA | PA: Mont. Co.: Lansdale (d); son of Albert & Catharine; mother, 1 bro, 2 sis remain; father, 1 bro dead | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | LEWIS, Charles* | 67 | -- | --: Minister: CLEMENS, Moses; widow, 9 chren remain; bur Salem Churchyard | |||
12/08/1891 | 779 | McCAMMON, Kate* | 63 | McCAMMON, Alexander | -- | PA (b) | --: Minister: FARROW, F. A.; aged husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
12/08/1891 | 779 | -----, Kate* | 63 | McCAMMON, Alexander | -- | PA (b) | --: Minister: FARROW, F. A.; aged husb, 3 sons, 1 dau remain | |
12/08/1891 | 779 | McCAMMON, Alexander | -----, Kate* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | WEINMEISTER, Henry* | 64 | BUEK, Matilda | MI | GERMANY: Hanover: Dahlheim (b) | MI: Livingstone Co.: Genoa (res); to AMER 1855 to Livingston Co., MI; md 1859; 2 sons, 1 dau remain; 1 dau dead [status of wife not given] | |
12/08/1891 | 779 | BUEK, Matilda | WEINMEISTER, Henry* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | WEINMEISTER, Matilda | WEINMEISTER, Henry* | |||||
12/08/1891 | 779 | LINTNER, Oliver* | 18 | IL | IL: Cedarville (b) | IL: Aurora (d); pars, 10 siblings remain. His uncle, Rev.J. J. LINTNER came from Mendota IL at request of nephew. | ||
12/15/1891 | 795 | ZIRKEL, John Martin (Rev.)* | 78 | REEB, Catherine (wife #1; died 1865 without issue) | -- | GERMANY: Hesse: dist. of Schlichtern: Hinkelhof (b) | --: Minister: ZIEGLER, J. G.; to Baltimore, MD, 1829; mos. later to Harmony, Butler Co., PA, where md, then to Indiana Co; md wife #2 in 1865; had 1 dau; memb Pittsburgh & Erie Confs. | |
12/15/1891 | 795 | REEB, Catherine | ZIRKEL, John Martin (Rev.)* | |||||
12/15/1891 | 795 | ZIRKEL, Catherine | ZIRKEL, John Martin (Rev.)* | |||||
12/15/1891 | 795 | BOWERS, Lloyd M.* | 3 | OH | OH: Lindsey area (d); diphtheria; bur in same grave w/ bro, Horatio W.; [S. COCKLIN, minister] | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | SMITH, Nellie May* | 3 | OH | OH: Lindsey area (d); diphtheria [S. COCKLIN, minister] | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | RADKE, Norma Louise* | 6 wks | PA | PA: Rochester (d); dau of Reinhart & Lena; erysipelas | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | BOWERS, Horatio W.* | 5 | OH | OH: Lindsey area (d); diphtheria; bur in same grave w/ bro, Lloyd M. [S. COCKLIN, minister] | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | KNOUSE, Lillie Ruth* | 1 | PA | PA: Williamsport (d); dau of Leonard & Mary | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | KAMM, Ida Ruth* | 2 mos | IL | IL: Metamora (b) | IL: Metamora (doesn't state she died there, but highly probable); dau of Peter & Mary | ||
12/15/1891 | 795 | POWELL, Edna Irene* | 12 | -- | --: Minister: SAGER, J.; dau of John & Harriet; end of cart shaft broke her skull [was on her way to a writing school] | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | KNOX, George F.* | 30 | -- | --: submitted by "A Friend"; supposedly kicked in head by horse; wife, 2 chren, mother, 2 sis, 2 bros remain | |||
12/15/1891 | 795 | GAHN, Catharine* | 34 | SMITH | GAHN, John | OH | OH: Kings Way area (d); md Nov 19, 1874; husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; 4 chren dead | |
12/15/1891 | 795 | SMITH, Catharine* | 34 | GAHN, John | OH | OH: Kings Way area (d); md Nov 19, 1874; husb, 1 dau, 2 sons remain; 4 chren dead | ||
12/15/1891 | 795 | GAHN, John | SMITH, Catharine* | |||||
12/15/1891 | 795 | ANTHONY, Maria* | 81 | MATTS | ANTHONY, ----- | KS | PA: Bucks Co.: Richland (b) | KS: Cottonwood Falls (died at home of dau, Mrs. A. M. CLARK); eldest ch of Hon. John MATTS; converted 1842 in Parryville, Carbon Co., PA: bur La Porte City, IA |
12/15/1891 | 795 | MATTS, Maria* | 81 | ANTHONY, ----- | KS | PA: Bucks Co.: Richland (b) | KS: Cottonwood Falls (died at home of dau, Mrs. A. M. CLARK); eldest ch of Hon. John MATTS; converted 1842 in Parryville, Carbon Co., PA: bur La Porte City, IA | |
12/15/1891 | 795 | ANTHONY, ----- | MATTS, Maria* | |||||
12/15/1891 | 795 | HIPPLE, John* | 82 | ONT | ONT: Campden neighborhood (b) | ONT: Campden (d); Mennonite parentage; mentions his bro, William; 3 daus remain; 6 chren dead; [md twice, wives not named here] | ||
12/15/1891 | 795 | LANDIS, Susanna* | 73 | OHL | LANDIS, John J. (husb #2; had 3 daus, 1 of whom remains) | IN | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | IN: Rochester (d); 1st husb minister of Reformed Church |
12/15/1891 | 795 | OHL, Susanna* | 73 | MARTZ, David (Rev.) (husb #1; 2 daus., 4 sons, 1 son being Rev. D. of Rochester, IN, who remains w/ 1 dau) | IN | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | IN: Rochester (d); 1st husb minister of Reformed Church | |
12/15/1891 | 795 | MARTZ, Susanna* | 73 | OHL | LANDIS, John J. (husb #2; had 3 daus, 1 of whom remains) | IN | OH: Columbiana Co. (b) | IN: Rochester (d); 1st husb minister of Reformed Church |
12/15/1891 | 795 | LANDIS, John J. | MARTZ, Susanna OHL* | |||||
12/15/1891 | 795 | MARTZ, David (Rev.) | OHL, Susanna* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | SMITH, Augustine A. (Pres.)* | 85 | COWLES, Eliza | IL | MA: Berkshire Co.: Sandisfield (b) | IL: Naperville (d); pres. North Western College; md 1833, wife a sis of Rev. Henry COWLES; headed Greensburg [OH] Sem. 1857-62; son Prof. H.C. remains; oldest & youngest sons + dau dead [very lengthy, detailed obit] | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | COWLES, Eliza | SMITH, Augustine A. (Pres.)* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | SMITH, Eliza | SMITH, Augustine A. (Pres.)* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | KRAUSE, Hattie Sophia* | 6 | PA | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Minersville (d); bur Slatedale, Lehigh Co., PA; dau of Francis & Sarah | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | DORWARD, James* | 1 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Slatedale (d); son of John & Alavilda; diphtheria/croup | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | HILL, Alice May* | 7 mos | PA | PA: Carbon Co.: Lehighton (d); dau of Wm. L. & Emma, of Hamburg, Berks Co., PA | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | LEANARD [sic], John Edward* | 2 mos | -- | IN: Winchester (b) | --: Minister: SPEICHER, G. E. [poss. d IN]; son of G. W. | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | HUNTSBARGER, Malinda H.* | 30 | OH | OH: Ashland (d); husb, 5 chren remain | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | SCHLOTT, Emma* | 38 | LIGHT | SCHLOTT, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb, 4 chren remain; rheumatism | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | LIGHT, Emma* | 38 | SCHLOTT, ----- | PA | PA: Lancaster Co.: Terre Hill (d); husb, 4 chren remain; rheumatism | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | SCHLOTT, ----- | LIGHT, Emma* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | RANK, Addie* | 22 | SETCHEL | RANK, Joseph | OH | OH: Flat Rock (b) | OH: Flat Rock area (d); md Mar 29, 1888; husb, 2 infant chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption |
12/22/1891 | 811 | SETCHEL, Addie* | 22 | RANK, Joseph | OH | OH: Flat Rock (b) | OH: Flat Rock area (d); md Mar 29, 1888; hub, 2 infant chren, pars, siblings remain; consumption | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | RANK, Joseph | SETCHEL, Addie* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | DIAMOND, Henry* | -- | OH | OH: Flat Rock (d); unexpected death rupture of throat tumor; "a poor cripple" | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | GREEN, Christiana* | 56 | GREEN, Christian | OH | OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence (d); husb, chren remain; heart disease | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | -----, Christiana* | 56 | GREEN, Christian | OH | OH: Cuyahoga Co.: Independence (d); husb, chren remain; heart disease | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | GREEN, Christian | -----, Christiana* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | EIDT, William* | 18 | ONT | ONT: North East Hope (b) | ONT: North East Hope (d); son of Conrad & Elizabeth; pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | GUENTHER, Emma* | 41 | KIEFFER | GUENTHER, ----- | IA | OH: Cleveland (b) | IA: O'Brien Co.: Hartley (d); husb, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain |
12/22/1891 | 811 | KIEFFER, Emma* | 41 | GUENTHER, ----- | IA | OH: Cleveland (b) | IA: O'Brien Co.: Hartley (d); husb, pars, 4 bros, 1 sis remain | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | GUENTHER, ----- | KIEFFER, Emma* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | BRAUNSCHWEIG, Caroline* | 49 | EICHHORN | BRAUNSCHWEIG, Phillip | NY | GERMANY (b) | NY: Hornelsville (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead |
12/22/1891 | 811 | EICHHORN, Caroline* | 49 | BRAUNSCHWEIG, Phillip | NY | GERMANY (b) | NY: Hornelsville (d); 4 chren remain; husb, 7 chren dead | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | BRAUNSCHWEIG, Phillip | EICHHORN, Caroline* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | LYNN, Rebecca* | 63 | RUCH | LYNN, Gideon | OH | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | OH: Homerville area (d); md 1846; husb remains; son is dead |
12/22/1891 | 811 | RUCH, Rebecca* | 63 | LYNN, Gideon | OH | PA: Schuylkill Co. (b) | OH: Homerville area (d); md 1846; husb remains; son is dead | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | LYNN, Gideon | RUCH, Rebecca* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | STEENBLOCK, Wirthe (Mrs.)* | 90 | IA | HANOVER: East Friesland: Holt (b) | IA: Hampton (d); to AMER w/ husb 1851; from Stephenson Co., IL, to Hardin Co., IA, 1854; 6 chren remain; husb, 3 chren dead | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | NIEBEL, Kate* | 44 | HALDEMAN | NIEBEL, Abram | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Mexico area (d); dau of Henry & Lydia; husb, mother, 1 dau, 1 son, 2 sis, 4 bros remain; bur Niebel Cem., where Rev. Henry NIEBEL, also buried | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | HALDEMAN, Kate* | 44 | NIEBEL, Abram | OH | OH: Wyandot Co.: Mexico area (d); dau of Henry & Lydia; husb, mother, 1 dau, 1 son, 2 sis, 4 bros remain; bur Niebel Cem., where Rev. Henry NIEBEL, also buried | ||
12/22/1891 | 811 | NIEBEL, Abram | HALDEMAN, Kate* | |||||
12/22/1891 | 811 | LACK, Charley G. M.* | 10 | OH | OH: Gibsonburg (d); son of Samuel & Anna Maria; pars, 1 sis, 2 bros remain; one brother is George; mentions sis Maggie, who died 1 yr ago | |||
12/22/1891 | 811 | GEHLKE, Amalie Lucretia* | 26 | HALBRITTER | GEHLKE, Fred W. | OH | PRUSSIA: Thuringia: Muhlhausen (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER "with her friends" in 1870 to Cleveland; md May 11, 1886; husb, 1 son, pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; intermitten/typhoid fever |
12/22/1891 | 811 | HALBRITTER, Amalie Lucretia* | 26 | GEHLKE, Fred W. | OH | PRUSSIA: Thuringia: Muhlhausen (b) | OH: Cleveland (d); to AMER "with her friends" in 1870 to Cleveland; md May 11, 1886; husb, 1 son, pars, 3 bros, 4 sis remain; intermitten/typhoid fever | |
12/22/1891 | 811 | GEHLKE, Fred W. | HALBRITTER, Amalie Lucretia* | |||||
12/29/1891 | 827 | ELY, Diana* | 71 | HOCH | ELY, Ephriam (Rev.) | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Kutztown area (b) | PA: Reading (d); husb d 17 yrs ago; mentions husb's bro, Rev. Solomon, also minister of East PA Conf. |
12/29/1891 | 827 | HOCH, Diana* | 71 | ELY, Ephriam (Rev.) | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Kutztown area (b) | PA: Reading (d); husb d 17 yrs ago; mentions husb's bro, Rev. Solomon, also minister of East PA Conf. | |
12/29/1891 | 827 | ELY, Ephriam (Rev.) | HOCH, Diana* | |||||
12/29/1891 | 827 | FRANKENBERRY, Elizabeth* | 87 | FRANKENBERRY, Jacob | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); 3 sons remain | ||
12/29/1891 | 827 | -----, Elizabeth* | 87 | FRANKENBERRY, Jacob | PA | PA: Montgomery Co.: Pottstown (d); 3 sons remain | ||
12/29/1891 | 827 | FRANKENBERRY, Jacob | -----, Elizabeth* | |||||
12/29/1891 | 827 | GRUMMEL, F. May* | 23 | OH | OH: Pike Co. (b) | OH: Bellevernon (funeral); bur Pleasant View Cem., Wyandot Co., OH; husb, 1 son under age 2, father remain; quick consumption | ||
12/29/1891 | 827 | MILLER, Wm. Francis* | 60 | PA | PA: Lehigh Co.: Lynn Tp. (b) | PA: Easton (d); son of Geo. & Mary; widow, 4 daus, 3 sons remain | ||
12/29/1891 | 827 | LORENZ, John Henry* | 72 | SPENGLER, Eliza | IA | GERMANY: Geinsheim (b) | IA: Magnolia (d); to AMER 1848; md 1852 in PA; to IA 1860; had 4 daus & 4 sons, 1 of whom is Rev. H. of Maquoketa Mission, IA Conf. | |
12/29/1891 | 827 | SPENGLER, Eliza | LORENZ, John Henry* | |||||
12/29/1891 | 827 | LORENZ, Eliza | LORENZ, John Henry* | |||||
12/29/1891 | 827 | NAUMAN, Wm., Sr.* | 72 | OH | PRUSSIA: Wiebelskirchen (b) | OH: Lindsey (d); to AMER 1846; converted 1858 in WI w/ nephew Lewis, now Rev. Lewis; Wm. the youngest of 6 boys & 3 girls, all dead; never md; called "Uncle" Nauman | ||
12/29/1891 | 827 | HENNIGH, David* | 82 | -- | PA: Center Co.: Potter's Mills (b) | --: Minister: YOUNG, Jacob; son of John Adam; 1830 Gen. Conf. held in house of father; widow, 11 chren remain; 5 dead |
Number of items that your search found: 669