DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/08/18483BELL, Ellen*18OHPA: Schuylkill Co. (res prev)OH: Fairfield Co. (d Nov 23d age 18y, 2m); pars followed her "to the West," arriving 24 hrs before she died; billious fever 3 mos + inflammation of lungs. Minister: J. KANAGY
01/08/18483WALTER, Susanna*27EYERWALTER, JessePAPA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (d Dec 20th); dau of Abraham; not a memb of Evan. Assn., but lived under the influence of religious principles; relied on Christ as her Savior
01/08/18483EYER, Susanna*27WALTER, JessePAPA: Union Co.: Dry Valley (d Dec 20th); dau of Abraham; not a memb of Evan. Assn., but lived under the influence of religious principles; relied on Christ as her Savior
01/08/18483WALTER, JesseEYER, Susanna*
02/08/184811STEEL, James (Rev.)*58OHOH: Richland Co. (d Dec 18, 1847 age 58y, 6m, 3d); exhorter / class leader 16 yrs, a minister the last 4; wife, 8 chren remain; A. E. DREISBACH visited at his house, stayed up Wed. conversing; struck w/ palsy before day, depriving him of speech; died Sat.
02/08/184811LANTZ, Mary Ann*10----: Minister: EBERHART, U.; d the 15th ult., age 10y, 2m, 1d [NOTE: EBERHART of Cumberland Co., PA, at this time per another submitted obit]
02/22/184815SMITH, Catharine*46SMITH, RobertPAPA: Centre Co. (d Jan 11th age 46y, 1m, 18d); converted ca 6 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; consumption several yrs then dropsy
02/22/184815SMITH, Robert-----, Catharine*
03/08/184819UNGER, Elizabeth*47UNGER, J.PAPA: Lycoming Co.: Franklin Tp. (d Jan 22d); embraced religion ca 16 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 6 chren remain; a bodily disease, connected w/ rheumatism nearly 3 yrs
03/08/184819UNGER, J.-----, Elizabeth*
03/22/184823RISINGER, Elizabeth*64RISINGER, JohnPAPA: Indiana Co.: Brush Valley (d Jan 6, 1848); a consistent Christian, worthy memb of Evan. Ch.; "cancer in the head" nearly 2 yrs
03/22/184823RISINGER, John-----, Elizabeth*
03/22/184823STRAW, Margaret Ann*29STRAW, BenjaminPAPA: Dauphin Co.: Halifax area (d Feb 15th age 29y, 2m, 26d); converted ca 5 yrs ago, joined our church; husb, 2 chren remain; inflammation of lungs ca 12 mos, bedridden last 6 wks. Submitted by J. STRAW
03/22/184823STRAW, Benjamin-----, Margaret Ann*
03/22/184823HOLT, Martha*33HOLT, ThomasPAPA: York Co. (d Feb 20th age 33y, 4m); converted 3+ yrs ago, joined the Evan. Assn.; husb, 6 chren remain; consumption ca a yr
03/22/184823HOLT, Thomas-----, Martha*
03/22/184823BOWMAN, Sarah Catharine*2PAPA: Somerset Co. (d Feb 26th age 2y, 4m, 2d); dau of Joseph & Sarah; pars, bros, sisters remain. "Her disease was short but very severe." [poem]
03/22/184823M'COY, Sarah*ca 45PAPA: Cumberland Co. (d Mar 7th at her res; converted when quite young; many yrs a memb of our church; husb, 3 chren remain; consumption. Minister: U. EBERHART
03/22/184823CABLE, Matilda*16PAPA: Somerset Co. (d Mar 4th); dau of Tobias & Sarah; converted a few yrs ago at camp-meeting, joined the Evan. Assn.; pars remain; at her request bur at Evan. Assn. burying-ground, Berlin [PA]
04/22/184831REED, Anna Maria*15----: Buffalo Valley (d the 12th inst., age 15y, 3d); dau of Martin D. & A. E.; a virtuous & studious child; chronic disease of 4 yrs + palpitation of heart [possibly PA]
05/08/184835SCHWARTZ, Noah*19OHOH: Fairfield Co.: Pleasant Tp. (d Mar 4th); oldest son of Joseph & Catharine; a quiet youth; bereft of use of senses in last days; fever of 12 days' duration [verse]
05/08/184835LOUCK, Amanda Susanna*14PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Middle Paxton (d Jan 11th at res of pars); had Sabbath school books brought to her; wanted to go to heaven where her sisters are; urged her mother to prepare to meet her there
05/08/184835UNGER, Carolina*15PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Middle paxton (d Mar 28th age 15y, 25d at res of George ZIPPLE); dau of David & Catharine; converted 2 wks before death; concerned her mother was unconverted
07/22/184855WILLIAMS, Henry (Rev.)*26ZINN, LouisaPAPA: Cum. Co.: North Middleton Tp. (d Jul 3d age 26y, 6m, 17d); son of David & Barbara; exhorter of the Leathart Spring soc.; licensed 1846 as local preacher; md Jun 17 "last year"; wife, father, 4 sis remain; pulmonary consumption
07/22/184855ZINN, LouisaWILLIAMS, Henry (Rev.)*
07/22/184855WILLIAMS, LouisaWILLIAMS, Henry (Rev.)*
08/08/184859*DUM, Caroline*11----: Minister: CAROTHERS, M. J.; d the 14th inst age 11y, 10m at res of grfa; dau of Frederick & Susannah, deceased; violent pain in the head [*page is incorrectly numbered 55; correct number should be 59]
08/08/184859*CATON, William*17PAPA: Somerset Co.: Southhampton Tp. (d Jun 29th); son of James H.; converted ca 2 yrs ago at campmeeting nr Wellersburg, joined Evan. Assn. [*page is incorrectly numbered 55; correct number should be 59]
08/08/184859*HARRIS, Jeremiah*48PAPA: Columbia Co.: Brier Creek Tp. (res); d Jul 5th age 48y, 3m; memb Evan. Assn. 8-9 yrs; widow, number of chren remain; bur at Summerhill Meeting-House in Brier Creek Tp. nr his residence [*page is incorrectly numbered 55; correct number should be 59]
09/08/184867SOUSLEY, Dorothy*54OHOH: Hancock Co. (d Jul 21st age 54y, 4m, 6d); worthy memb of church for a number of yrs
09/08/184867HERSHBERGER, -----* [female]35OHOH: Seneca Co. (d Aug 12th); converted in her youth, worthy ch memb until death; husb, several sm chren remain
10/09/184875HOFFMAN, Susan*--HOFFMAN, JacobPAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Sep 17th); church memb ca a yr; much respected; husb, 5 chren remain; fever a short time
10/09/184875HOFFMAN, Jacob-----, Susan*
10/09/184875NEWCOMER, Lydia*11PAPA: Lycoming Co. (d [no date]); dau of John; an attentive Sabbath school scholar
10/23/184879WINGERT, Jos.*74PAPA: Franklin Co.: Green Castle area (d Sep 22nd aged 74y, 1m, 20d); his house a home of peace & plenty for Evan. Ministers for 30+ yrs. "The surviving children ... being three sisters and a brotherÉ." [Believe these to be 3 daus, 1 son of the deceased]
11/08/184883SOWERS, Sarah*35SOWERS, John (Dr.)ILIL: Napiersville [sic] (d Sep 19th age 35y, 5m, 19d); converted ca 8 yrs ago, joined our church; husb, 5 chren remain; ill 2 wks
11/08/184883SOWERS, John (Dr.)-----, Sarah*
12/08/184891PORTER, Edward*43OHOH: Crawford Co. (d Oct 26th); converted ca 12 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 8 chren remain; consumption ca 12 yrs. Funeral by A. E. DREISBACH

Number of items that your search found: 48