DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/08/18528McFARREN, Adam*53OHOH: Stark Co. (d Dec 3, 1851 age 53y, 6m, 26d); converted ca 14 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 6 chren remain; consumption some yrs. Minister: J. KANAGY
01/08/18528BALSBAUGH, Valentine (Rev.)*96PAPA: Dauphin Co.: South Hanover Tp. (d Nov 26th last, aged 96y, 9m, 12d); preacher of Ger. Baptist denomination 46 yrs; 3 wks before death exhorted at a meeting ca 15 min.; oldest in co.; had 11 chren, 79 grchren, 169 gt-grchren
01/21/185216EISENHART, I. H.*25PAPA: Montgomery Co. (d Nov 8th ult., aged 25y, 5m, 11d); small-pox
01/21/185216OBERHOLSER, Isaac*51PAPA: Montgomery Co. (d Nov 30th age 31y, 6m, 20d); converted ca 12 yrs ago, joined our [Evan. Assn.] church; small-pox
01/21/185216BISHOP, J.*65PAPA: Franklin Co.: Fayetteville area (d [no date] age 65y, 6m, 28d); memb Evan. Assn. 36 yrs, first Evan. in Adams Co. where he resided; gave ministers a hearty welcome to comforts of his house
01/21/185216LIND, Ellen + dau*32LIND, DanielPAPA: Somerset Co. (d Oct 10th last, age 32y, 3m, 28d); converted 12 yrs ago; husb, 6 chren remain; dysentery--one dau has since died, age 12y, 6m, some days
01/21/185216LIND, Daniel-----, Ellen*
02/04/185224MENDELL, Belinda + child*23GIESEYMENDELL, -----OHOH: Cincinnati (d Nov 28th last); dau of John; moved there w/ husb & child 6 wks before death; had res NY during the summer; converted ca age 15; child died 7 days before her [poem]
02/04/185224GIESEY, Belinda*23MENDELL, -----OHOH: Cincinnati (d Nov 28th last); dau of John; moved there w/ husb & child 6 wks before death; had res NY during the summer; converted ca age 15; child died 7 days before her [poem]
02/04/185224MENDELL, -----GIESEY, Belinda*
02/04/185224GLOSS, Barbara*78PAPA: Bedford Co. (d Jan 9th last, supposed to be age 78); converted ca 18 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. 2 yrs later
02/18/185232WERTZ, Mary*78WERTZ, HenryPAPA: Lancaster Co. (d Dec 23, 1851 age 78y, 8m, 11d); md nearly 60 yrs; not a memb of the church, but housed many early preachers of the Gospel; husb, 7 sons, 4 daus, 78 grchren, 2 gt-grchren remain; affection of lungs
02/18/185232WERTZ, Henry-----, Mary*
02/18/185232FULTON, Elizabeth*76CREMERFULTON, JamesPAPA: Fayette Co. (d Jan 13th age 76y, 11m, 19d); dau of Adam; husb dead; has 7 chren, all are converted except one; 2 of her sons are preachers. [Unclear if she d Jan 13th or 14th]
02/18/185232CREMER, Elizabeth*76FULTON, JamesPAPA: Fayette Co. (d Jan 13th age 76y, 11m, 19d); dau of Adam; husb dead; has 7 chren, all are converted except one; 2 of her sons are preachers. [Unclear if she d Jan 13th or 14th]
02/18/185232FULTON, JamesCREMER, Elizabeth*
02/18/185232HOFFMAN, Mary*57HOFFMAN, JohnPAPA: Union Co.: New Columbia area (d Jan 20th last, age 57y, 3m, 5d); memb Evan. Assn. ca 14 yrs; 2 chren remain; husb, 1 child dead; consumption
02/18/185232HOFFMAN, John-----, Mary*
03/03/185240DETWEILER, David*18PAPA: York Co. (d the 7th inst., age 18y, 5m, 22d); son of John & Sus. [sic], who remain; converted ca 2 yrs ago; consumption w/ the "white-swelling"
03/03/185240HUGHES, Anna Maria*27HUGHES, B. W.----: Minister: BUSSE, Henry A.; d Jan 28th last, age 27y, 20d; dau of J. & Margaret; w/ husb left home to visit friends in Northumberland Co. for health reasons; taken ill at Petersburg; died [exact place of death unclear]
03/03/185240HUGHES, B. W.-----, Anna Maria*
03/03/185240HARDENSTINE, Sarah*26HARDENSTINE, Nathan----: Minister: BUSSE, Henry A.; d Feb 1st age 26y, 9m, 18d); converted 12 yrs ago; consistent church memb
03/03/185240HARDENSTINE, Nathan-----, Sarah*
03/17/185248HEUCH, Elizabeth*31HALLHEUCH, ConradPAPA: Perry Co. (d Feb 18th age 31y, 7m, 15d); converted when young; a sis to B. F. HALL, who submitted the obit [poem]
03/17/185248HALL, Elizabeth*31HEUCH, ConradPAPA: Perry Co. (d Feb 18th age 31y, 7m, 15d); converted when young; a sis to B. F. HALL, who submitted the obit [poem]
03/17/185248HEUCH, ConradHALL, Elizabeth*
03/17/185248HERING, Solomon*27OHOH: Trumbull Co. (d Feb 7th last, age 27y, 21d); consumption, being confined ca 3 mos
03/17/185248DEININGER, Azima Lindemay* [male]1----: Minister: LEAS, Isaac; d Feb 22nd age 1y, 8m, 11d; son of Rev. C. F.; scarlet fever / croup
04/14/185264KETNER, Elizabeth*--KETNER, Wm.PAPA: Union Co. (res prev)PA: Venango Co. (d Jan 24, 1852); joined Evan. Assn. ca 23 yrs ago; husb, 1 son, 8 daus remain; her sufferings in life were great
04/14/185264KETNER, Wm.-----, Elizabeth*
04/14/185264WEAVER, Charles*33PAPA: Venango Co. (d Feb 26, 1852 age 33y, 27d); converted & joined Evan. Assn. ca 14 yrs ago; widow, 4 chren remain
04/14/185264MILLIRON, Abraham*63PAPA: Jefferson Co. (d Feb 3rd last); memb Evan. Assn. 17-18 yrs; first camp-meeting in this area in 1835 was held on his land; a pillar of the church, lived an exemplary life of piety
04/14/185264M'COY, Benj.*45OHPA: Cumberland Co. (b)OH: Morrow Co. (d Mar 19th last, age 45y, 8m, 19d); converted age 18, joined Evan. Assn.; class-leader a number of yrs; to OH ca 3 yrs prior to his death; widow, 6 chren remain; consumption
04/28/185272ORWIG, George*71OHOH: Sandusky Co.: York (d Feb 1, 1852 age 71y, 14d); memb Evan. Assn. 25+ yrs; aged widow, 7 chren remain [mentions a son]; fever of lungs + old age [poem]
05/12/185280LONG, Nathan*61PAPA: Fayette Co. (d the 22nd inst.); housed Evan. preachers ca 24-25 yrs ago, when res in Somerset Co., PA; wife remains; fever + disease of lungs "The Bible was the man of his counsel."
05/12/185280KUHNEY, Saraphian* [male]70PAGERMANY (born & raised)PA: Perry Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Apr 16, 1852 age 70y, 2m, 13d); to AMER ca 35 yrs ago; converted ca 24 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; in a dream 15 mos earlier was foretold of his death; mentions chren & grchren who remain
05/26/185286PETERSON, Harriett*53CLAYTONPETERSON, H. W. (husb #2); md 1831; co. registrar for 3 cos.ONTDE: Sussx Co. (b May 6, 1798)ONT: Guelph (d the 18th inst.); funeral in Meth. Ch., att by one of largest congregations ever collected together in Guelph [a two-column obit for a very prominent woman]
05/26/185286CLAYTON, Harriett*53DOUGLAS, Walter, Esq. (husb #1), md 1813, d 1826; 1 son in US Navy, 1 dau md to attorney in DE remain; 1 child deadONTDE: Sussx Co. (b May 6, 1798)ONT: Guelph (d the 18th inst.); funeral in Meth. Ch., att by one of largest congregations ever collected together in Guelph [a two-column obit for a very prominent woman]
05/26/185286DOUGLAS, Harriet*53CLAYTONPETERSON, H. W. (husb #2); md 1831; co. registrar for 3 cos.ONTDE: Sussx Co. (b May 6, 1798)ONT: Guelph (d the 18th inst.); funeral in Meth. Ch., att by one of largest congregations ever collected together in Guelph [a two-column obit for a very prominent woman]
05/26/185286DOUGLAS, Walter, Esq.CLAYTON, Harriett*
05/26/185286PETERSON, H. W.DOUGLAS, Harriett CLAYTON*
06/09/185296YOST, Joseph*23PAPA: Lycoming Co.: White Deer Hole Valley (d May 13, 1852); converted ca 10 yrs ago "while his father was yet living in Bucks co., Pa." Parents remain; affection of the heart
06/23/1852104SOWERS, Catharine*31MILLERSOWERS, Frederick H.--PA: York Co. (b)--: Meehanicksburgh [sic] (d May 11th last, age 31y, 9m, 4d); dau of C. MILLER, who w/ his fam moved to Indiana Co.; she memb Evan. Assn. ca 17 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain, one ch age ca 4 wks
06/23/1852104MILLER, Catharine*31SOWERS, Frederick H.--PA: York Co. (b)--: Meehanicksburgh [sic] (d May 11th last, age 31y, 9m, 4d); dau of C. MILLER, who w/ his fam moved to Indiana Co.; she memb Evan. Assn. ca 17 yrs; husb, 4 chren remain, one ch age ca 4 wks
06/23/1852104SOWERS, FrederickMILLER, Catharine*
06/23/1852104MILLER, Elizabeth*6----: Minister: BROWN, L. D.; d May 11th age 6y, 6m, 23d; ch of John & Sarah Ann; scarlet fever
06/23/1852104MILLER, July Ann*10----: Minister: BROWN, L. D.; d May 13th age 10y, 6m; ch of John & Sarah Ann; scarlet fever
06/23/1852104MILLER, Jacob*------: Minister: BROWN, L. D.; d May 13th, no age stated, but "little bro" to July Ann [cause of death not stated]
06/23/1852104HERR, Barbara*20PAPA: Adams Co. (d Mar 20th last); converted ca 2 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; mentions her sis who embraced religion shen she did [poem]
07/07/1852112SCHWARZ, Salome*44SCHWARZ, HenryOHOH: Fairfield Co. (d Jun 12th age 44y, 10m, 21d); memb Evan. Assn. nearly 16 yrs; md nearly 23 yrs; husb, 12 chren remain; painful sickness lasted 8 mos
07/07/1852112SCHWARZ, Henry-----, Salome*
07/07/1852112DAVIS, Mary Ann*31PAPA: Luzerne Co.: Hollanback Tp. (d Feb 27, 1852 age 31y, 4m, 10d); converted ca 1 yr ago; husb, 6 chren remain; d in child-bed
07/07/1852112FUNK, Henry*54PAPA: Bucks Co.: Springtown area (res prev)PA: Milton area (d Jun 25th age 54y, 4m, 5d); esteemed memb of Baptist Soc.; a warm friend to the Evan. Assn.; his house a home for our preachers; wife, 6 chren remain; ill 5 mos, d of apoplexy
08/04/1852128BAKER, Elizabeth*46BAKER, JosephPAPA: York Co. (d Jul 15th last, age 46y, 9m, 3d); converted ca 8 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn; husb, 6 chren remain; infection of liver, confined 8 wks, suffered most excruciating pain
08/04/1852128BAKER, Joseph-----, Elizabeth*
08/04/1852128KUHNEY, -----* [+ husb]71PAPA: Perry Co.: Fishing Creek Valley (d Apr 26, 1852 age 71y, 6m, 13d); worthy memb Evan. Assn. ca 23 yr; husb d 11 days before her
08/04/1852128PAUL, Jacob*37PAPA: Cambria Co.: Richland Tp. (d Jul 4th age 37y, 11m, 19d); converted ca 18 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 1 child remain; typhoid fever. Minister: L. D. BROWN
08/18/1852136FISHER, M. W.*32PAPA: Perry Co.: Rye Tp. (d May 14, 1852 age 32y, 5m, 3d); converted ca 2 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 3 chren remain
08/18/1852136WALHAVER, John*45PAPA: Clearfield Co. (d Jul 12th aged 45y, 3m, 2d; embraced religion in youth, joined Evan. Assn.; wife, 4 chren remain; consumption. Minister: L. D. BROWN
09/01/1852144DERSHAM, Clarissa*25HIGHDERSHAM, JohnPAPA: Union Co. (d Aug 12th age 25y, 8m, 16d); dau of John & Elisabeth; converted ca 14 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; funeral sermon in both German & English, held on camp ground nr New-Columbia; consumption ca 6 mos
09/01/1852144HIGH, Clarissa*25DERSHAM, JohnPAPA: Union Co. (d Aug 12th age 25y, 8m, 16d); dau of John & Elisabeth; converted ca 14 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; funeral sermon in both German & English, held on camp ground nr New-Columbia; consumption ca 6 mos
09/01/1852144DERSHAM, JohnHIGH, Clarissa*
09/01/1852144POWELL, Sally*45POWELL, SamuelOHPA: Northampton Co. (b 1806)OH: Hancock Co. (d Aug 16th age 45y, 9m, 24d); md Apr 1825; md27 yrs, had 14 chren, one of whom died; converted 16 yrs ago; dropsy of heart 3 days. Submitted by J. POWELL
09/01/1852144POWELL, Samuel-----, Sally*
09/15/1852152SHIP, John T.*14VAVA: Thordy [sic] Co. (d Jun 29th last, age 14y, 11m, 23d); embraced religion ca 2 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. Minister: W. B. POLING [poem]
09/15/1852152SCHULER, Mary M.*16PAPA: Lebanon (d Aug 2, 1852 age 16y, 5m, 25d); dau of Michael & Catharine; converted ca 4 wks before death; consumption
09/29/1852157SOWERS, Isaac, Esq.*50ONTPA (b)ONT: from PA 25 yrs ago, res Galt last 19 yrs; property & money left to Meth. New Connexion; other land sold & money divided bet Wesleyan Meth., Meth. New Connexion, & Evan. Assn. all of Canada; wife remains
10/13/1852168NIEDRAUER, Caroline*31PAPA: Bucks Co. (d Sep 15th last, age 31y, 5m, 21d); a memb of the church; dysentery. Minister: H. BUCKS
10/27/1852176EMANHEISER, -----* [female]39PAPA: York Co. (d the 3d inst., age 39y, 6m, 16d); embraced religion ca 3 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; husb, 8 chren remain; liver-comnplaint
10/27/1852176KEEFER, Elizabeth*56PAPA: York (d Sep 28th last, aged 56y, 6m, 4d); blood-cancer 2 yrs
11/10/1852184RUMMEL, Immanuel*3----: Minister: HAMMER, W.; d Oct 8th age 3y, 1m, 6d; son of Jonathan H. & Elizabeth; cholera morbus [poem]
11/24/1852192RICHARDSON, Jeremiah*19PAPA: Huntingdon Co. (d Oct 9th last, age 19y, 10m, 2d); son of Alexander; converted ca 8 mos ago; some wks after, left Indiana Co., PA, & went to Huntingdon Co.; acute rheumatism which settled in his head. Minister: W. HAMMER
12/08/1852200LILLITSON, James* [colored]ca 88PAPA: York Co.: Lower Winsor [sic] Tp. (d the 3rd inst.); widow, 3 chren remain; bur at New Salem Ch. "'It is about 52 years since I set out for glory; 36 years of that time I have been under the sensible influence of the Holy Ghost.'" [detailed]
12/08/1852200WENHOLD, Charles*37PAPA: Northampton Co.: Nazareth (d Oct 27th age 37y, 11m, 24d); converted 8 yrs ago; class-leader at Nazareth; many inhabitants of Nazareth & Shoeneck (Moravian villages) att funeral; wife, 7 chren remain; typus [sic] fever 5 wks
12/08/1852200DIEHL, Joseph*36PAPA: Monture [sic] Co.: Danville (d Oct 11th age 36y, 5m, 21d); converted 8 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; wife, 1 child remain; sick 2 wks

Number of items that your search found: 78