Evangelical Messenger Obituary Index
- Results
Key to Abbreviations:
- * = name of deceased
- ae = age
- assn = association
- asst = assistant
- b = born
- bapt = baptized
- bro = brother
- bur = buried
- ca = circa
- cem = cemetery
- ch = child
- ch = church
- Ch = church
- chren = children
- co = county
- conf = conference
- corr = corrected/correction
- CW = Civil War
- d = died
- dau = daughter
- ds = days
- Evan. = Evangelical
- grfa = grandfather
- grmo = grandmother
- hosp = hospital
- husb = husband
- inf = infantry
- Luth. = Lutheran
- md = married
- memb = member
- Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
- mge = marriage
- mi = miles
- MIA = missing in action
- min = minister
- mo = month
- mos = months
- Msngr = Messenger
- nr = near
- obit = obituary
- pars = parents
- poss = possibly
- prev = previously
- Prov. = Province
- recd = received
- Ref. = Reformed
- regt = regiment
- res = resides/resided
- res prev = resided previously
- ret = returned
- Rev. = Reverend
- S.S. = Sunday School
- sic = exactly as printed
- sis = sister
- tp = township
- vol = volunteers
- w/ = with
- wk/wks = week/weeks
- yrs = years
- -- in the PLACE or AGE column indicates information not given
and could not be determined - ----- = surname not stated
The word "converted" denotes the act of a person who agreed to accept and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It does not mean a move from a Protestant to a Roman Catholic church.
Standard postal codes are used for state names.
Canadian provinces and foreign countries are designated by the first three or four letters of the name.
When place of death is not stated, an effort was made to locate the residence of the minister who officiated for the funeral
and submitted the obituary, giving some indication where the deceased might have resided at time of death or where funeral occurred.
Date | Page | Decedent or Spouse | Age | Maiden Name | Spouse or Decedent | Locale | Location (Event) | Place of Death or Last Known Residence/Notes |
01/04/1854 | 6 | BOMGARDNER, Daniel* | ca 43 | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d Oct 16th); embraced religion in his youth; memb Evan. Assn.; wife, several chren remain | |||
01/04/1854 | 6 | KRING, Madalene* | 82 | PA | PA: Cambria Co. (d Nov 26th age 82y, 10m, 18d); oldest memb of the church on this circuit | |||
01/04/1854 | 6 | MAURER, Catharine* | 71 | MAURER, Daniel | -- | --: Minister: HAMBRIGHT, Davis; d Dec 1, 1853 age 71y, 2m, 4d; faithful memb Evan. Assn. a number of yrs [in later issue, HAMBRIGHT is of Dauphin Co., PA] | ||
01/04/1854 | 6 | MAURER, Daniel | -----, Catharine* | |||||
01/18/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
02/01/1854 | 20 | FISHER, Henry (Rev.)* | 53 | PA | PA: New Berlin (d 20th ult, age 53y 4m 27d); traveling preacher 1831, located due to feeble health the same yr; Presiding Elder, 1842; Chief Book Steward 1847, ed. of Messenger 2.5 yrs; at wife's request, bur Lebanon, PA, Evan. Assn. buryingground | |||
02/01/1854 | 24 | OVERMILLER, Charles* | 23 | PA | PA: York Co.: Loganville (d Dec 9th); converted at camp-meeting on Shrewsbury Circuit; consistent memb of Evan. Assn. | |||
02/15/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
03/01/1854 | 40 | GORGAS, William* | ca 50 | IL | PA: Schuylkill Co.: Pinegrove (res prev) | IL: Lee Co.: Dixon (d Dec 25, 1853 [also says he d Christmas Eve]); to Dixon last spring; respected by new neighbors; wife, 3 chren remain; lung fever 1 wk | ||
03/15/1854 | 48 | STALLTER, Abraham* | 37 | OH | OH: Wyandott [sic] Co. (d Dec 31st last, age 37y, 6m, 25d); converted ca 14 yrs ago, worthy memb & class-leader of Evan. Assn.; widow, 6 chren remain. Minister: C. M. REINHOLD | |||
03/15/1854 | 48 | JACOBY, Peter* | 80+ | HOUSER, Elizabeth | PA | PA: Lehigh Co. (b) | PA: Cumberland Co.: Mifflin Tp. (d Feb 1, 1854); md 59 yrs, had 11 chren, of whom 8 plus wife, remain; lists early preachers who knew him; his a house of prayer for 35 yrs; remained steadfast in midst of persecution | |
03/15/1854 | 48 | HOUSER, Elizabeth | JACOBY, Peter* | |||||
03/15/1854 | 48 | JACOBY, Elizabeth | JACOBY, Peter* | |||||
03/29/1854 | 52 | , | Next number of Evan. Msngr. to be issued at Cleveland [prev pub New Berlin, PA]; may be delayed a week or two | |||||
03/29/1854 | 56 | POUNDER, Eliza M.* | 68 | POUNDER, J. (Dr.) | PA | PA: Berks Co.: Morgantown area (d the 1st inst.); converted 1807, joined M. E. Church; husb remains [bio to follow in a subsequent issue] | ||
03/29/1854 | 56 | POUNDER, J. (Dr.) | -----, Eliza M.* | |||||
03/29/1854 | 56 | HIPPENSTEEL, Barbara Ann* | 25 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: Southampton Tp. (d Feb 24, 1854 age 25y, 6m, 29d); dau of Henry & Catherine HIPPENSTEEL; pars, 3 bros remain; rheumatic pains a number of yrs | |||
04/12/1854 | , | NO EVAN. MSNGR. issued this date; next number to be issued at Cleveland; may be delayed a week or two [see note Mar 29, p 52] | ||||||
04/26/1854 | 58 | POUNDER, Eliza M.* | POUNDER, Jonathan (Dr.) | PA | --: (b 1785) | PA: Berks Co.: Morgantown area (d); converted 1807, memb M. E. Ch.; mentions her chren. Submitted by J. POUNDER [obit 2 columns in length] | ||
04/26/1854 | 58 | POUNDER, Jonathan (Dr.) | -----, Eliza M.* | |||||
04/26/1854 | 60 | , | ACCOUNT OF MOVING of Evan. Assn. printing establishment from PA to Cleveland, OH, 400 mi | |||||
04/26/1854 | 64 | SHAFFER, Nancy Ann* | 17 | SHAFFER, Enoch | NY | NY: Steuben Co. (d Feb 11th age 17y, 9m, 23d); worthy memb of Evan. Assn. | ||
04/26/1854 | 64 | SHAFFER, Enoch | -----, Nancy Ann* | |||||
04/26/1854 | 64 | MIESE, Benjamin (Dr.)* | 43 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Middletown (d Feb 19th age 43y, 8m, 3d). Submitted by D. HAMBRIGHT | |||
04/26/1854 | 64 | GIFFIN, Albert* | 27 | PA | PA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d 11th inst.); memb of Evan. Assn. | |||
04/26/1854 | 64 | MILLER, Sarah* | 78 | IL | IL: Kane Co.: Geneva (d Feb 16th age 78y, 3m); worthy memb of Evan. Assn. 30 yrs | |||
05/10/1854 | 72 | NAILOR, George (Rev.)* | 76 | PA | PA: Cumberland Co.: West Pennsborough Tp. (d Apr 20th ult. age 76y, 3m, 10d); local preacher 50 yrs: 10 in M. E. Ch. & 40 in Evan. Assn.; wife, 11 chren remain. "He died sitting in his chair without a struggle." | |||
05/10/1854 | 72 | GROSS, Jacob (Rev.)* | 33 | PA | PA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d Apr 12, 1854 at res of Lewis Ott); 10 yrs in itinerancy, Leikens [sic] Circuit; strong constitution, powerful / penetrating voice; wife, 2 chren remain; bur Allentown, PA. Submitted by L. OTT | |||
05/24/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
06/07/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
06/21/1854 | 96 | EILER, Philip* | 68 | OH | OH: Montgomery Co. (d Apr 17th last, age 68y, 10m, 28d); attended prayermeeting the prev evening, died unexpectedly | |||
07/05/1854 | 104 | FISHER, Lydia* | 48 | FISHER, Samuel | PA | PA: Lebanon Co. (d Apr last [no date given]); experienced religion many yrs ago | ||
07/05/1854 | 104 | FISHER, Samuel | -----, Lydia* | |||||
07/05/1854 | 104 | McDONNOUGH, Frances* | 40 | McDONNOUGH, James | PA | PA: Lebanon Co. (d Jun 16th last, age 40y, 8d) | ||
07/05/1854 | 104 | McDONNOUGH, James | -----, Frances* | |||||
07/05/1854 | 104 | ANDREWS, Elizabeth* | 73 | PA | PA: Ind. Co. (d May 19th last); memb Evan. Assn. 42 yrs | |||
07/05/1854 | 104 | MILLER, Joseph* | -- | VA | VA: Shenandoah Co. (d Jun 16th last [no age stated]); widow, 9 chren remain | |||
07/19/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
08/02/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
08/16/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
08/30/1854 | 136 | WEYAND, Henry (Rev.)* | 71 | -----, Margaret | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Jul 4th); converted this place 35-40 yrs ago by John DREISBACH; md ca 48 yrs; had 12 chren; derangement of stomach. Submitted by D. N. LONG, to whom he loaned a horse ca 20 yrs ago when Long traveled the Somerset Circuit | ||
08/30/1854 | 136 | -----, Margaret | WEYAND, Henry (Rev.)* | |||||
08/30/1854 | 136 | WEYAND, Margaret* | WEYAND, Henry (Rev.)* | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Jul 12th); converted this place 35-40 yrs ago; md ca 48 yrs; had 12 chren; dropsy | |||
08/30/1854 | 136 | HAAS, Jonathan* | ca 46 | VA | VA: Shenan. Co.: Narrow Passage Creek area (d Aug 9th); widow, 4 chren remain, the widow & oldest son bedfast w/ fever, all sick. He died from getting overheated when hauling grain home | |||
09/13/1854 | 144 | HESS, Effie Jane* | 5 | OH | OH: Cleveland (d the 5th inst., age 5y, 1m, 2d); dau of Charles & Matilda; a severe illness [poem] | |||
09/27/1854 | 152 | KELLER, Elizabeth* | -- | SEIVER | -- | --: d Sep 7th [no place or age stated]; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead. Funeral by Rev. Levi KELLER, a new school Lutheran preacher [poem]. Submitted by "Her Brother" [not named here] | ||
09/27/1854 | 152 | SEIVER, Elizabeth* | -- | KELLER, ----- | -- | --: d Sep 7th [no place or age stated]; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead. Funeral by Rev. Levi KELLER, a new school Lutheran preacher [poem]. Submitted by "Her Brother" [not named here] | ||
09/27/1854 | 152 | SEYBERT, Eve* | 84 | PA | PA: Luzerne Co.: Salem (d Aug 20th); converted ca 50 yrs ago, poss under Jacob ALBRIGHT; while husb living, they provided for itinerant preachers in their home; since husb died, she res w/ her chren. Minister: B. F. HALL | |||
10/11/1854 | 160 | FOY, G. J. (Rev.)* | -- | PA | PA: Johnstown (d Sept [date not given]); was traveling preacher in West PA Conf. of Evan. Assn., then joined Germ. Ref. Ch., lastly the Prot. Meth. Ch.; had gone to Pittsburg on Sep 12th, had an attack of cholera there, d a few days after arriving home | |||
10/11/1854 | 160 | DAVIS, Solomon* | 28 | PA | PA: Fayette Co. (d Sep 18th age 28y, 5m, 17d); wife, 2 chren remain; fell backward from apple tree, injuring the spine in his neck, died 4 days later | |||
10/11/1854 | 160 | MERTZ, William* | 45 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d Sep 29th); wife, 3 chren remain. "He died as he lived--a Christian." | |||
10/11/1854 | 160 | HERING, Wm.* | 39 | OH | OH: Trumbull Co. (d Sep 16th age 39y, 6m, 9d); converted ca age 13; a self-educated man, possessed a remarkable degree of intelligence; widow, 3 chren remain | |||
10/25/1854 | 168 | VALLERCHAMP, Azima (Rev.)* | 49 | PA | PA: New Berlin (d the 7th inst., age 49y, 1m, 27d); converted ca 32 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch., served as a local preacher; joined Evan. Assn. ca 8 yrs ago, preached ca 5 yrs, located 3 yrs ago; ill 3 wks [poem] | |||
10/25/1854 | 168 | BULL, Barbara* | 76 | BULL, Thomas | -- | --: Minister: GRAHAM, P.; d Aug 14, 1854 age 76y, 8m, 16d); converted ca 8 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn. | ||
10/25/1854 | 168 | BULL, Thomas | -----, Barbara* | |||||
11/08/1854 | NO OBITUARIES THIS ISSUE, | |||||||
11/22/1854 | 184 | FRY, Elizabeth "(W.)" * | 28 | -- | --: Minister: KANAGY, J.; d Sep 4, 1854 age 28y, 7m, 28d; baptized last Aug at campmeeting; 5 days later died; 3 orphan chren remain [NOTE: Could the "W." in the heading signify "Widow"?] [KANAGY on Mansfield, OH, Circuit at this time] | |||
12/06/1854 | 192 | HERING, Wm.* | "An Acrostic in Memory of Wm. Hering, and his Daughter Mary Ann, deceased." | |||||
12/06/1854 | 192 | HERING, Mary Ann* | "An Acrostic in Memory of Wm. Hering, and his Daughter Mary Ann, deceased." | |||||
12/06/1854 | 192 | KELLER, George, Sr. (Mrs.)* | ca 55 | OH | OH: Ross Co. (d ca Sep 29th); member Evan. Assn. a number of yrs; small-pox | |||
12/06/1854 | 192 | KELLER, Lovina* + 2 chren | ca 30 | KELLER, G., Jr. | OH | OH: Ross Co. (d Oct 2nd); 2 chren also died; small-pox | ||
12/06/1854 | 192 | KELLER, G., Jr. | -----, Lovina* | |||||
12/06/1854 | 192 | SNYDER, David* | 13 | PA | PA: Somerset Co. (d the 28th ult., age 13y, 4m, 28d); son of Simon & Susannah; pars, little bros remain; inflammation of bowels 8 days; ca 4 hrs before death, he was singing & praying | |||
12/06/1854 | 192 | WILKEY, Harriet* | 28 | WILKEY, Henry | PA | PA: Wellersburg (d Nov 19th); worthy memb Evan. Assn. a number of yrs; typhoid fever 4 wks [poem] | ||
12/06/1854 | 192 | WILKEY, Henry | -----, Harriet* | |||||
12/20/1854 | 199 | CORFMAN, Joseph* | 50 | OH | OH: Wyandott [sic] Co. (d Nov 8, 1854 age 50y, 7m); converted 17 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever; saw angels around his bed, ready to escort him to paradise |
Number of items that your search found: 66