DatePageDecedent or
AgeMaiden NameSpouse or DecedentLocaleLocation
Place of Death or
Last Known Residence/Notes
01/04/18546BOMGARDNER, Daniel*ca 43PAPA: Cambria Co. (d Oct 16th); embraced religion in his youth; memb Evan. Assn.; wife, several chren remain
01/04/18546KRING, Madalene*82PAPA: Cambria Co. (d Nov 26th age 82y, 10m, 18d); oldest memb of the church on this circuit
01/04/18546MAURER, Catharine*71MAURER, Daniel----: Minister: HAMBRIGHT, Davis; d Dec 1, 1853 age 71y, 2m, 4d; faithful memb Evan. Assn. a number of yrs [in later issue, HAMBRIGHT is of Dauphin Co., PA]
01/04/18546MAURER, Daniel-----, Catharine*
02/01/185420FISHER, Henry (Rev.)*53PAPA: New Berlin (d 20th ult, age 53y 4m 27d); traveling preacher 1831, located due to feeble health the same yr; Presiding Elder, 1842; Chief Book Steward 1847, ed. of Messenger 2.5 yrs; at wife's request, bur Lebanon, PA, Evan. Assn. buryingground
02/01/185424OVERMILLER, Charles*23PAPA: York Co.: Loganville (d Dec 9th); converted at camp-meeting on Shrewsbury Circuit; consistent memb of Evan. Assn.
03/01/185440GORGAS, William*ca 50ILPA: Schuylkill Co.: Pinegrove (res prev)IL: Lee Co.: Dixon (d Dec 25, 1853 [also says he d Christmas Eve]); to Dixon last spring; respected by new neighbors; wife, 3 chren remain; lung fever 1 wk
03/15/185448STALLTER, Abraham*37OHOH: Wyandott [sic] Co. (d Dec 31st last, age 37y, 6m, 25d); converted ca 14 yrs ago, worthy memb & class-leader of Evan. Assn.; widow, 6 chren remain. Minister: C. M. REINHOLD
03/15/185448JACOBY, Peter*80+HOUSER, ElizabethPAPA: Lehigh Co. (b)PA: Cumberland Co.: Mifflin Tp. (d Feb 1, 1854); md 59 yrs, had 11 chren, of whom 8 plus wife, remain; lists early preachers who knew him; his a house of prayer for 35 yrs; remained steadfast in midst of persecution
03/15/185448HOUSER, ElizabethJACOBY, Peter*
03/15/185448JACOBY, ElizabethJACOBY, Peter*
03/29/185452, Next number of Evan. Msngr. to be issued at Cleveland [prev pub New Berlin, PA]; may be delayed a week or two
03/29/185456POUNDER, Eliza M.*68POUNDER, J. (Dr.)PAPA: Berks Co.: Morgantown area (d the 1st inst.); converted 1807, joined M. E. Church; husb remains [bio to follow in a subsequent issue]
03/29/185456POUNDER, J. (Dr.)-----, Eliza M.*
03/29/185456HIPPENSTEEL, Barbara Ann*25PAPA: Cumberland Co.: Southampton Tp. (d Feb 24, 1854 age 25y, 6m, 29d); dau of Henry & Catherine HIPPENSTEEL; pars, 3 bros remain; rheumatic pains a number of yrs
04/12/1854, NO EVAN. MSNGR. issued this date; next number to be issued at Cleveland; may be delayed a week or two [see note Mar 29, p 52]
04/26/185458POUNDER, Eliza M.*POUNDER, Jonathan (Dr.)PA--: (b 1785)PA: Berks Co.: Morgantown area (d); converted 1807, memb M. E. Ch.; mentions her chren. Submitted by J. POUNDER [obit 2 columns in length]
04/26/185458POUNDER, Jonathan (Dr.)-----, Eliza M.*
04/26/185460, ACCOUNT OF MOVING of Evan. Assn. printing establishment from PA to Cleveland, OH, 400 mi
04/26/185464SHAFFER, Nancy Ann*17SHAFFER, EnochNYNY: Steuben Co. (d Feb 11th age 17y, 9m, 23d); worthy memb of Evan. Assn.
04/26/185464SHAFFER, Enoch-----, Nancy Ann*
04/26/185464MIESE, Benjamin (Dr.)*43PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Middletown (d Feb 19th age 43y, 8m, 3d). Submitted by D. HAMBRIGHT
04/26/185464GIFFIN, Albert*27PAPA: Dauphin Co.: Millersburg (d 11th inst.); memb of Evan. Assn.
04/26/185464MILLER, Sarah*78ILIL: Kane Co.: Geneva (d Feb 16th age 78y, 3m); worthy memb of Evan. Assn. 30 yrs
05/10/185472NAILOR, George (Rev.)*76PAPA: Cumberland Co.: West Pennsborough Tp. (d Apr 20th ult. age 76y, 3m, 10d); local preacher 50 yrs: 10 in M. E. Ch. & 40 in Evan. Assn.; wife, 11 chren remain. "He died sitting in his chair without a struggle."
05/10/185472GROSS, Jacob (Rev.)*33PAPA: Bucks Co.: Pleasant Valley (d Apr 12, 1854 at res of Lewis Ott); 10 yrs in itinerancy, Leikens [sic] Circuit; strong constitution, powerful / penetrating voice; wife, 2 chren remain; bur Allentown, PA. Submitted by L. OTT
06/21/185496EILER, Philip*68OHOH: Montgomery Co. (d Apr 17th last, age 68y, 10m, 28d); attended prayermeeting the prev evening, died unexpectedly
07/05/1854104FISHER, Lydia*48FISHER, SamuelPAPA: Lebanon Co. (d Apr last [no date given]); experienced religion many yrs ago
07/05/1854104FISHER, Samuel-----, Lydia*
07/05/1854104McDONNOUGH, Frances*40McDONNOUGH, JamesPAPA: Lebanon Co. (d Jun 16th last, age 40y, 8d)
07/05/1854104McDONNOUGH, James-----, Frances*
07/05/1854104ANDREWS, Elizabeth*73PAPA: Ind. Co. (d May 19th last); memb Evan. Assn. 42 yrs
07/05/1854104MILLER, Joseph*--VAVA: Shenandoah Co. (d Jun 16th last [no age stated]); widow, 9 chren remain
08/30/1854136WEYAND, Henry (Rev.)*71-----, MargaretPAPA: Somerset Co. (d Jul 4th); converted this place 35-40 yrs ago by John DREISBACH; md ca 48 yrs; had 12 chren; derangement of stomach. Submitted by D. N. LONG, to whom he loaned a horse ca 20 yrs ago when Long traveled the Somerset Circuit
08/30/1854136-----, MargaretWEYAND, Henry (Rev.)*
08/30/1854136WEYAND, Margaret*WEYAND, Henry (Rev.)*PAPA: Somerset Co. (d Jul 12th); converted this place 35-40 yrs ago; md ca 48 yrs; had 12 chren; dropsy
08/30/1854136HAAS, Jonathan*ca 46VAVA: Shenan. Co.: Narrow Passage Creek area (d Aug 9th); widow, 4 chren remain, the widow & oldest son bedfast w/ fever, all sick. He died from getting overheated when hauling grain home
09/13/1854144HESS, Effie Jane*5OHOH: Cleveland (d the 5th inst., age 5y, 1m, 2d); dau of Charles & Matilda; a severe illness [poem]
09/27/1854152KELLER, Elizabeth*--SEIVER----: d Sep 7th [no place or age stated]; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead. Funeral by Rev. Levi KELLER, a new school Lutheran preacher [poem]. Submitted by "Her Brother" [not named here]
09/27/1854152SEIVER, Elizabeth*--KELLER, ---------: d Sep 7th [no place or age stated]; 3 sons, 1 dau remain; husb dead. Funeral by Rev. Levi KELLER, a new school Lutheran preacher [poem]. Submitted by "Her Brother" [not named here]
09/27/1854152SEYBERT, Eve*84PAPA: Luzerne Co.: Salem (d Aug 20th); converted ca 50 yrs ago, poss under Jacob ALBRIGHT; while husb living, they provided for itinerant preachers in their home; since husb died, she res w/ her chren. Minister: B. F. HALL
10/11/1854160FOY, G. J. (Rev.)*--PAPA: Johnstown (d Sept [date not given]); was traveling preacher in West PA Conf. of Evan. Assn., then joined Germ. Ref. Ch., lastly the Prot. Meth. Ch.; had gone to Pittsburg on Sep 12th, had an attack of cholera there, d a few days after arriving home
10/11/1854160DAVIS, Solomon*28PAPA: Fayette Co. (d Sep 18th age 28y, 5m, 17d); wife, 2 chren remain; fell backward from apple tree, injuring the spine in his neck, died 4 days later
10/11/1854160MERTZ, William*45PAPA: Somerset Co. (d Sep 29th); wife, 3 chren remain. "He died as he lived--a Christian."
10/11/1854160HERING, Wm.*39OHOH: Trumbull Co. (d Sep 16th age 39y, 6m, 9d); converted ca age 13; a self-educated man, possessed a remarkable degree of intelligence; widow, 3 chren remain
10/25/1854168VALLERCHAMP, Azima (Rev.)*49PAPA: New Berlin (d the 7th inst., age 49y, 1m, 27d); converted ca 32 yrs ago, joined M. E. Ch., served as a local preacher; joined Evan. Assn. ca 8 yrs ago, preached ca 5 yrs, located 3 yrs ago; ill 3 wks [poem]
10/25/1854168BULL, Barbara*76BULL, Thomas----: Minister: GRAHAM, P.; d Aug 14, 1854 age 76y, 8m, 16d); converted ca 8 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.
10/25/1854168BULL, Thomas-----, Barbara*
11/22/1854184FRY, Elizabeth "(W.)" *28----: Minister: KANAGY, J.; d Sep 4, 1854 age 28y, 7m, 28d; baptized last Aug at campmeeting; 5 days later died; 3 orphan chren remain [NOTE: Could the "W." in the heading signify "Widow"?] [KANAGY on Mansfield, OH, Circuit at this time]
12/06/1854192HERING, Wm.*"An Acrostic in Memory of Wm. Hering, and his Daughter Mary Ann, deceased."
12/06/1854192HERING, Mary Ann*"An Acrostic in Memory of Wm. Hering, and his Daughter Mary Ann, deceased."
12/06/1854192KELLER, George, Sr. (Mrs.)*ca 55OHOH: Ross Co. (d ca Sep 29th); member Evan. Assn. a number of yrs; small-pox
12/06/1854192KELLER, Lovina* + 2 chrenca 30KELLER, G., Jr.OHOH: Ross Co. (d Oct 2nd); 2 chren also died; small-pox
12/06/1854192KELLER, G., Jr.-----, Lovina*
12/06/1854192SNYDER, David*13PAPA: Somerset Co. (d the 28th ult., age 13y, 4m, 28d); son of Simon & Susannah; pars, little bros remain; inflammation of bowels 8 days; ca 4 hrs before death, he was singing & praying
12/06/1854192WILKEY, Harriet*28WILKEY, HenryPAPA: Wellersburg (d Nov 19th); worthy memb Evan. Assn. a number of yrs; typhoid fever 4 wks [poem]
12/06/1854192WILKEY, Henry-----, Harriet*
12/20/1854199CORFMAN, Joseph*50OHOH: Wyandott [sic] Co. (d Nov 8, 1854 age 50y, 7m); converted 17 yrs ago, joined Evan. Assn.; widow, 8 chren remain; typhoid fever; saw angels around his bed, ready to escort him to paradise

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