Broady Cemetery, Adams County, Illinois
Data contributed by Jim Cox and presented here with permission.
Surname | First Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death |
Broady | Anna (Wigle) | 8-16-1818 | 10-26-1879 |
Broady | John Calvin Sr | 7-11-1812 | 3-27-1878 |
Broady | Oscar W | 4-25-1840 | 12-20-1856 |
Broady | Serrida Ann | 4-10-1842 | 10-10-1845 |
Hunsaker | Frances (Limbaugh) | 3-15-1807 | 3-4-1847 |
Hunsaker | John Brown | 7-23-1803 | 2-8-1873 |
Hunsaker | Mary Ann (Funk) | 6-12-1814 | 1890 |
Hunsaker | Serenus | 1831 | 1850 |
Lesley | John | 12-27-1794 | 12-20-1861 |
McClure | John | 4-5-1845 | |
Wigle | Benjamin Wolfe | 2-27-1821 | 11-19-1891 |
Wigle | George | 1862 | 1862 |
Wigle | Margaret (Daughterty) | 6-3-1821 | 1-28-1862 |
Wigle | Minerva Catherine | 7-17-1850 | 10-26-1867 |
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