The cemetery information found here was gathered and compiled by Dawn C. Stricklin, MA, of Southern Illinois University's Department of Anthropology in Carbondale, Illinois. She has generously provided the data to The Genealogy Center so that it could be available for researchers to use. This cemetery was photographed in June 2012 and 21 January 2013.
Allen, Georg S.
Anthony, Elizabeth
Aubuchon, Charles L.
Bannon, Sidney S.O. Beck, John Beck, Minnie Belken, Jasper Belkin, Gertrude Boehle, Bernard
Boos, Henry B. Boos, Johanna Ba---- Boos, Mary E. Brown, Louisa C. Brown, Zeno Bruce, F.E.
Bruce, Minnie Bruiger, Julia B. Buckner, Marie A. Buckner, Robert J. Budenholzer, Annie M.
Cahoon, Mlle. LeCompte Compton, Theodosha Cooper, Thomas B. Cox, Caleb
Cox, Elizabeth Ann Cox, George W. Cox, J. Barton and Catherine E. Brown Cox, Lieut. George W.
Cox, Louisa C. Cox, W.H.H. Cunningham, John S.
Deguire, Sarah N.
Duchouquette, Euphemia
Duchouquette, John B.
Ferry, Daniel Fox, Beauvais
Fox, Eliza P. Fox, Henry J.
Fox, Johanna Fox, Michael
Gamma, Pauline Ganes, Marye B. Gherman, Edward T.
Gherman, Ignatz Gherman, Maggie Greegan, John L.
Green, Mercelete Nalle Gregoire, Augustus Gregory, Juliet
Hahn, Louise E. Hahn, Mary T.
Hellake, Johannes Herzinger, Francisca
Hunt, Mary
Illegible, Anna O. Illegible, Broken Stone Illegible, Joseph H. and John A. Illegible, Robert Illegible 001,
Illegible 002, Illegible 003, Illegible 007, Illegible 008, Illegible 009,
Illegible 010, Illegible 011, Illegible 012, Illegible 013, Illegible 014, Isom, Mary
Killday, Bridget and Barbey Killday, Isabelle
Killday, Isibell Killday, Thomas
Krois, Chas.
Lachance, Elizabeth
Lowe, Col. Adin
Mathews, Philomenia Matthews, Jeremiah McCarron, Bridget McCarron, James
McCarron, Mary S. McCarron, Michael McGee, Maggie Mounce, James A.
Muellersman, Louise A. Muellersmann, Anna K. Muellersmann, Frank A. Mullersmann, Mary
Nalle, Charles A.
Nalle, David M.
Newcum, Bennett d. 1872 Newcum, Bennett d. 1901
O Connor, Bernard
Owens, John M.
Phillips, Boyd Phillips, Maggie
Phillips, Richard M. Priggel, Everhard
Priggel, Wilhelmina
Ramey, Lenore
Ramey, Mary H.
Rhines, Maggie F. Rider, Theresa
Sandman, Philipena, Josephine I., Floyd W., and Edward Sanford, Lizzie Schulte, Anton and Antonette Willeke Schulte, Clara L. Schulte, Frank Schulte, Frederick Schulte, John
Schulte, Joseph Schulte, Lawrence Schulte, Marie A. Schulte, Mary Schulte, Phillip J. Seitz, Henry J. Smith, Frank
Smith, Illegible Smith, Sittie Sonderman, Mary C. Specht, Therese Spickerman, Helena St.-Gemme, Lucile P.
Tesreau, Bernard
Thompson, Charles P.
Trousdale, Charles Tucker, Janie E.
Underriner, M.
Villars, Eleonor
Villars, Julia
Voegile, August Voss, Rossina F.
Wengler, Mary C. Wengler, Mary J. Werneck, Henry Werneck, William
White, Bessie E. Whitworth, Annie N. Whitworth, Rebecca J. Wimer, Bennett M.
Winebarger, Samuel P. Wingler, F. Antoine Wingo, Sarah A. Cooper Leclere Witt, Isabella H.
_--ers, Cussie V.E.