West Branch Monthly Meeting, Miami County, Ohio

NOTE: West Branch Monthly Meeting is also known as Center Friends.
Table of Contents:
Center Friends Church, Directory, 1962-1963
Center Friends Church, Minutes, 2009
Center Friends Church, Minutes, 2010-2011
Center Friends Church, Minutes, 2011-2014
Center Friends Church, Minutes, 2015-2018
Finance Committee, 1945-1970
Guest Book, 1964 and 1965
Ministry & Oversight, 1993-1995
Ministry & Oversight, 2009-2013
Minutes, 2005
Minutes, 2006
Minutes, 2007
Minutes, 2008
Records, 1990-1992
Records, 1993-1996
Records, 1997-1999
Records, 2000-2002
Records, 2002-2005
Records, 2002-2011
Records, 2005-2011
Sabbath School, 1890-1896
Sabbath School, 1902-1905
Sabbath School, 1905-1906
Sabbath School, 1914-1918
Sabbath School, 1915-1919
Sunday School, 1934-1938
Treasurer's Book, 1941-1957
USFW Minutes, 1983-2005
Women's Missionary Society, 1967-1982